#that hyperlink better have worked lol
acourtofthought · 5 months
Lol you're hilarious. Everything about the story and SJM's recent online activities AND the articles point towards elriel endgame but y'all will only stop when elriel is announced I guess.
Anons like this are always better than a cup of coffee because wow, do they wake my brain up in an instant.
Articles pointing to an E/riel endgame? You mean articles written by journalists who never sat down with SJM and who never even spoken to the author or Bloomsbury regarding the content? Articles that were factually incorrect, one originally claiming that SJM was the author of the Elemental series with a hyperlink to a different authors Amazon page? Journalists who definitely are not more qualified than Sarah's own best friend who is on record as saying she doesn't think E/riel is happening?
Also, if we're really claiming her posts as possible clues of which we have zero evidence they are, those clues suggest Elain more than any ship.
Bloomsbury tweeted flowers and fire (not stars or a night sky). Which actually would hint at Lucien over Az.
She had the book of flowers displayed during her live. It's cute how some tried to claim there was a black bat on the spine of the book but alas, it was a blue petal.
She wore a Bambi sweater with flowers during an IG and yes that sweater was on a black background but only because that's how the shirt is produced. I'm sorry but you can't be so ridiculous as to think that the author would want to wear that particular sweater (something she's owned for years as it was mentioned in another article from way back when) but second guess herself because the black background it was already on might have people thinking it hints at Az.
The Spring story had nothing, NOTHING to connect to Az but if you recall from the actual books, Lucien is permanently stationed in the Spring Court.
Let's break down the Az clues you're so confident in.
She was writing ACOTAR 5 in September. She was already into the process to the point that she was obsessed with the book, that it felt like having a crush, that she was so focused on it she didn't even have time to make a treat for her childs school. So that probably means she was at least a few chapters in? A third in? In February, about 5 months later, she did a fan made bracket (that did not include Lucien). and said Az was someone she'd be exploring more in the future.
She wrote the current version of HOFAS in a month. If she had already been working on ACOTAR 5 and had already spent 5/6 months writing about Az, why would Az be someone she wanted to explore more in the future? Shouldn't she have already explored him in e/riels book?
The post where SJM went up North to draft and stopped in front of a small body of water in the middle of the mountains? Guess what, Koschei's LAKE is hidden in a forest, surrounded by mountains. Illyria is not the only place in their entire world with mountains and pine trees. Also, Vallahan is surrounded by mountains on the map! Places SJM could easily have written about in this next book, places more connected to Lucien, Elain and Vassa. And as mentioned above, she said she was up north to draft. It is now 7 months since she did the Live interview talking about how she was working on ACOTAR 5. Chances are, whatever she was up North drafting is not ACOTAR but her next project.
Onto Guilty as Sin. My point mentioned above twice still stands. Why are you assuming it made her think of a book that's probably already written rather than a book she may be working on? Maybe it gave her the feels for the LoA / Helion's love story as they were forbidden lovers who were not yet lovers in their youth. Sarah has often spoken about wanting to write an ACOTAR book set in the past, maybe it's time for theirs. Mor heard rumors that the LoA waited before agreeing to Beron's proposal, after having met Helion at an Equinox the previous year. Helion claims that he heard her family wanted ties to power. At that time (before they ever had an affair), the LoA and Helion would have been forbidden because he had no real power. If you recall, he only became HL during Amarantha's reign after she killed the HL of Day and most of their family. Or maybe she is writing about the Seraphim from 500 years ago, before the first war. Where Miryam and Drakon fell in love when she was with Jurian.
Would it honestly make sense for her to be excited about a song that she just heard for the first time three days ago over a book that should be finished save for maybe final edits?
I like imagining how these things might hint at Elain and Lucien too, it's fun in this drought of ACOTAR info. But I don't have such blinders on that it makes me unable to consider other possibilities.
Stop claiming you see the whole picture when you are only selecting the puzzle pieces you like best. Trying putting the entire thing together if you want to have a chance at sounding like you know what you're talking about.
You guess we'll stop when e/riel is announced? You mean the ship that ended on Solstice, the ship Elain did not shed a single tear over the way she cried for Graysen (someone we know that she loved)? Elain returned Az's necklace and never once looked like she was struggling with moving on. What kind of Elain stan are you, having Elain daydream of being with the guy who rejected her and couldn't confirm real feelings to his own brother? Are doormats now the rage?
I think I remember the Bryce / Az shippers saying the same thing, how we'd see when CC3 was released, but guess who was victorious on that front? The people who believed Bryce was ending up with her mate.
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freesia-writes · 8 months
Hi 👋
I have a question for ya.
The guy who you requested from that does the clone voices. How does that work? Like, does he just read certain lines? And how much does it usually cost? I'm super shy and nervous about asking him 😬
Hi! Thanks so much for asking! No worries at all -- you're not the first person who has admitted feeling a lil shy about it. I commissioned him for 10 lines and he charged me $35 on PayPal. His rates may have gone up since word got out, LOL, but yeah. I've got friends who have utilized his work as well, for much longer projects (well, the longest was like 5 mins of lines), and it all sounded great.
Here is his demo reel: Clone Trooper Voices demo reel - YouTube
I made a separate email and paypal account and just asked him if he had the time/interest. Then I sent him the lines with some notes for their delivery, and he sent back one audio file with all of them in like a day or two. I didn't use all the lines yet but I suppose I can share this, if you'd like to see what I sent. Each one is hyperlinked with his work:
He does not have any limits that we have yet found as far as what he will or will not say, LOL. These are on the more tame side from what some others have commissioned, if that makes you feel any better. I'll let others chip in if they wish to reveal the beautiful work he's graced them with. ;)
I hope this was helpful and that you get some fun lines from him if you decide to pursue it! :D
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tsnbrainrot · 6 months
oop tried sending this earlier but i dont know if it went through bc it said i couldn't include hyperlinks on anon
anyway i wanted to recommend hurt locker by bvckandeddie, link ends with works/42176559
its a buck centric au where they're high school friends and buck joins the army with eddie. years worth of delicious pining and only a little bit of kid fic i promise lol
oooooooh thank you so much !! this is PERFECTLY timed!! i've tentatively started reading 911 fics this week :) mostly aus/different first meetings to avoid spoilers since ive just finished s4... altho ive seen a lot of spoilers from tumblr obvs. still, better safe than sorry haha and a bit of tommybuck too ofc since i love it. so yeah, i'm not a BIG high school au person, but it seems more like the set up than the bulk of the fic so im very 👀👀 also 'only a little bit of kid fic' anon lmao. cheers for that! i appreciate it x
if you have any more recs, im def here for it btw 👀
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anjumstar · 1 year
anjum’s bkdk recs 19
Ten more (complete) sfw bkdk fic recs. If you read any of these and enjoy them, lmk! And, more importantly, let the authors know with a comment! Plus, send me your recs, and maybe they’ll make the next list!
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hyperlinked title by author | word count
Genre warning(s): where relevant Summary/review
💚🧡 = fave
Recs are under the cut, organized by word count, low to high.
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51. Sheets by baku_bean | 2.1k
general A cute little pre-relationship fic with our boys. It’s short, sweet, and simple, but it suits them well.
52. X Marks the Spot by sobashouto (snowandfire) | 3.3k
fluff This feels like the fic that takes place just after the happy ending. And things are still happy! Bkdk have just started dating and Deku gives Baku the gift of some homemade Dynamight merch. The boys are silly and bad at this and them.
53. be loved by bonnia | 5.4k
fluff, hurt/comfort Baku has ptsd after Dabi kidnapped him in the forest training, and Deku helps him work through those struggles with physical touch. Not very angsty, yes very cute.
54. song on a policeman’s radio by ohwickedsoul | 6.6k
angst, drama warning: MCD This was an interesting mixed media fic! It’s an amalgam of article intros, tweets, and court reports. It’s a toughie, don’t miss that MCD tag (like I did, lol), but its unique style captures lots of relationships in a succinct way, and it feels very professional in terms of the court-speak, although, I’m certainly no expert!
55. What Was Missing by Randstad | 8.2k
general, fluff Bakugou gets hit with an honesty quirk, but he has some things he’s not quite ready to be honest about. Yet, being honest feels a bit better than he thought? Lovely prose and a good balance of Baku’s character. Definitely focused on him, but good moments from Deku too.
56. Not All Heroes Wear Capes by vulcanhighblood | 11k
pining, fluff Fake dating…kind of? Deku is suddenly a great subject of interest to the paparazzi and Baku intervenes in many ways and they start spending more time together. Baku is appropriately immature and selfish and selfless and Deku pushes back on and off against Baku’s behavior. It’s fluff that doesn’t just rot your teeth—there’s proper balance.
57. close but not quite by blossomshed | 13.9k
action/adventure, romance Okay, this one had extra special bonus good characterization. It had details from Katsuki that absolutely have canon basis, but that I so rarely see drawn on in fic, and I was floored. This is a classic “Deku gives Baku OFA via kissing” fic, featuring acespec!Katsuki trying to figure out what the heck kissing is about. So much explored in so little. Fantastic.
58. invincible by supercrunch | 20k
action/adventure warning: non-graphic human trafficking An interesting canon-divergence, here! The sludge villain never goes after Katsuki, so Izuku never goes to UA. And he falls into a pit of depression. With only a bit of parental nudging, Katsuki goes to help, and his idea? To start being vigilante partners together. I found it to be a compelling alternate view for them!
59. we will wait and wait in that space by roadtripwithlucifer | 22k 💚🧡
angst warning: MCD, manga spoilers ch367 Okay, only read this one if you’re ready for the real real hurt. Because know that it has an uplifting ending, it is not needless pain, but I, the robot of the bkdk fandom, cried real tears with this one. It twists the most beautiful knife and has some of the best Deku characterization to date. And such gorgeous love. It is worth the pain, but do not read in public!
60. Sink to Swim by cinnabee | 35.7k
angst warning: big torture, constant suffering for our boys. Remember what I said about the real real hurt? Yeah, that one was the big cry one, this one is the big tension, big whump one. As the warning says, this fic has very explicit, repeated torture in it, the game is basically that the boys have been teleported from UA into a torture maze that they’re trying to find their way out of. I, personally, loved the tension and the pacing, but it’s def not for everyone!
✨ Bonus! ✨
perfect by eggstasy | 2.7k
fluff No bkdk in this one, just Bakugou x 3. It’s Bakugou and his parents from when he’s born to when he develops his quirk and them just loving on him as a little baby, despite him still having some of those, hrm, lesser traits that he has as a teenager. So cute.
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more recs can be found here 💚🧡
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hiroukeimou-amv · 9 months
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale AMV | Fall In Love
(for Tumblr, I'm also hyperlinking it because I posted this 3 times & embedded doesn't work.)
Merry Christmas! And also, Happy New Year's since this'll be my last video of the year.
This video has been in the works since the cheek kiss, I swear, and it's been roughly done for a while now, which is why there's not many scenes of later episodes, because I didn't wanna redo a whole edit. It's fine, though, I have a full video in the works for these two. Obviously, it's in Shall's POV (so I guess it'll count as a 'happy birthday' video for him lol).
As an aside, I keep thinking I'll upload videos monthly; however, my health, in particular, has continuously dragged down my energy overall. And having an air conditioner which broke twice during one of the hottest summers did not help. I'll hope next year will be better. For now, I'll keep working on stuff when I have time and energy to.
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Does Heaven Even Know You're Missing by Nickelback
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Yk im so confused cuz when we switch it doesnt feel like weve switched? Were mixed origin (trauma, endo, paro and a couple more) but we still feel invalid. Were also kindaaaa new to it and were still sorta confused on how to will alters into existence sorta??? Idk help
Hey there. When it comes to willing alters into existence (or headmates, rather, since as we understand “alters” is a dissociative disorder specific word), we don’t have any experience with this. We do have a resource post for questioning systems with a section on non-complex dissociative disorder plurality, which has lots of links to resources for helping to create headmates and thoughtforms:
Also, on switching…
As far as we know, there’s no singular accepted way for switching to work or for switches to look. Switches can look and feel really different from system to system and even headmate to headmate. It’s possible for headmates to switch out while still being able to perceive the world. I (Parker) am almost always fronting to some extent, but I do say I’ve switched out if I’m not in control of my own body, even if I can still witness what’s going on.
Literally even just pretending to switch can count as switching. “Easing in” to the identities of your headmates to allow them to interact with the world can count as switching. Having two cofronters who take turns interacting with the world can count as switching. There’s no hard boundaries when it comes to switching and what switching can look like, so if you and your headmates think that you’ve switched, it’s okay to say that.
Y’all might not feel like you’ve switched successfully because one of you remains co-conscious even when not in the front. Lots of systems actually function this way. There’s a word, monoconscious, which describes a system where all headmates are aware of each other and the world all at once. In other words, they all share the same consciousness. We’ll include the Pluralpedia entry:
https://pluralpedia.org/w/Monoconscious (hyperlinked since it’s not linking normally for some reason)
If you’re feeling insecure about switching, we’d recommend having a meeting or at least opening a dialogue with your headmates about this. What about your switches makes you feel invalidated? Do your headmates agree? Are you holding any (potentially unrealistic) expectations for your system when it comes to switching? Why feel like your switches have to look or feel a certain way in order to be seen as valid? Hopefully your whole system can work together to come to a better understanding about what switching looks like for your system and how to make peace with this.
I’m sorry if we can’t really offer strong or useful advice/encouragement here. Really though, switching can look so very different for any system. So it’s okay if the way your switches work or feel isn’t how you anticipate it to work for other systems. That doesn’t invalidate your system or your plurality in any way. On the contrary, it actually reveals just how amazingly diverse and complex plurality can be, with different systems experiencing switches in many different ways.
Again, I’m sorry if we’re not super helpful here. Idk I’m not as good at Corrie or Ralsei when it comes to giving meaningful advice. And Ghost is just along for the ride lol. But we do hope things get better for y’all, we really do.
💫 Parker and 👻 Ghost
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boiwcndr · 11 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers Tag Game
stole this from @blackerinapendleton! hope you don't mind me tagging you <3
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
59,778 because I can only write/finish very very very short stories.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Currently? Detective Conan/Magic Kaito, but I've written for boku no hero academia, young justice (cartoon), tsubasa: reservoir chronicle, pokemon (anime), mcu, kuroshitsuji, d.gray-man, criminal minds, and alex rider.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
pour me a glass of vermouth { shaken and very stirred }. a detective conan/magic kaito fic that i dreamt, woke up, and wrote at 3am. it's shinichi realising that kaito (his boyfriend) is family with an assassin that he's had to fight against.
insanity { when life weighs down too hard on your shoulders and you can't close your eyes in fear for the demons. } a criminal minds fic that i wrote initially for a friend on tumblr that's luke x spencer.
disguises ( you're not as hidden as you think ). a detective conan/magic kaito fic that i honestly want to delete because it's not good but i also don't believe in deleting fics, so...
five times robin's acting skills were amazing yet terrifying. a young justice (cartoon) story where... well, exactly what it says on the tin. it was written due to the young justice prompt meme challenges or whatever back in 2012.
fantasy ( we're apart despite longing. ) a detective conan/magic kaito fic and probably the one i'm most proud of of the top five. it was initially a one-shot that i wrote for a friend on tumblr, turned into a series, and i still need to write the third one and it's been 5 years, oops.
i didn't add hyperlinks because i don't think anyone that i follow/follows me is a detective conan fan looool
5. do you respond to comments?
yeah, usually. sometimes i don't like to because it inflates the comments number, but also, i don't get many, so i don't think that really matters.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
a detective conan/magic kaito drabble where kaito dies before the story even begins and conan receives his death letters. i honestly want to rewrite it though because i feel like i have a better understanding of both characters now.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
home ( is sometimes not where the heart is but where memories lie and cannot seem to die ), a tsubasa: reservoir chronicle fanfic where tsubasa grows some measure of acceptance of himself and embraces himself a little bit more.
8. do you get hate on fics?
no. that usually requires people to get hits, and i don't usually, lol.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i did and then deleted it all.
10. do you write crossovers?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of???
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! @greenfiredragonfly and i wrote grandpappy together back in 2013. it's a kuroshitsuji crack fic. (not that you know this blog of mine, heyyyyy).
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
i can't choose, i have too many.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
hawk's eye, an alex rider and detective conan/magic kaito crossover that was based on a series of fanfics written by dblanc that they have graciously allowed me to write. i just suck at coming up with plots (i'm mainly a character-driven/analysis writer), so i'm just stuck on that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
personally, i'd say character-driven angst. i've been told that i'm quite good at writing different characters and given them their own cadence and tone that makes them sound like them despite the numerous fandoms i write across.
this is a review from a specific friend (who is really talking about my roleplaying that i do).
um. this is based entirely on my experience of writing with you but i think you're really good at setting up scenes. like laying the foundation for any interaction so the other person always has something to build on. i think your writing is also pretty evocative in the sense that if your muse is feeling something strongly, you convey it really well in a way that moves the reader. i think you interweave introspection in between dialogue and narration really well too, bc when you switch to a character's inner monologue it always blends smoothly and there's always a good flow to your writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i do it when it makes sense to, and then i add translations for it. however, sometimes i don't want to do the research and i just go "i want some bread," he said in french.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
if you count my really really shitty fanfics when i couldn't spell when i was seven, harry potter. on ao3, it's kuroshitsuji.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
even though it's a wip that i probably will never finished, i really like hawk's eye. also, i'm proud of both of my tsubasa: reservoir chronicle fanfics.
tagging: @dustorange @hood-ex
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nocturnalchord · 10 months
quick little update
Long time no see! To the few people who keep track of my AO3, I just wanted to let you guys know I haven't been uploading as much because I've been really busy with University work lately. I'm a junior year so it's a bit rough; all my writing gears are being used for essay.....after essay................ etc etc
Another thing. I will probably upload one more work so people will actually get to see this before I wipe my AO3, but I've made the choice to stop using their site due to their zionist practices. More information is in the hyperlink.
This includes all of my work both on my Non-SFW as well as my SFW accounts. Currently there is no good alternative for my works on hotlimit, as explicit content is banned on FF.net.
Instead, I will make a masterlist of all my published works with links to the Google doc I wrote them in. Yes, I know. That sounds insane and very tedious. However, I believe that morality is more important than making fictional smut more accessible.
As for my SFW works, I will be uploading those to FF.net very slowly. I literally haven't used the site since I was 14, but at this point, I don't care lol. I've been wanting off AO3 for years and now I finally have the chance to do it.
What this means is that future updates will be hosted on my Tumblr, with links to a Google docs account I will make specifically for hosting fiction. This will be a long process and not prioritized for awhile, but my works will be completely removed from AO3 by the end of December.
So! Overall, if you want to keep up with me, then you can do so by keeping tabs on this account. My askbox is still open, and, if anyone has a suggestion as to sites that better host explicit content; please let me know!
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halfagone · 1 year
hi! i forgot to mention this in the update itself, but when the underlined text was an actual link that was an actual rick roll my only thought was “FINALLY!”
i have been checking so many lines formatted to look like a link by either hovering the mouse or tapping and holding them on mobile, and it felt like winning a lottery, first “is it or is it not an actual link?” then “rickroll or not?”, and then it was BOTH
that was just another silly little moment among many great and silly and intense and heartbreaking and wholesome and so much more moments, to remember lex luthor’s ascent by, which, by the way, you have a chapter estimate for now?! congratulations! (i am so late for that)
the ask was a mess what i wanted to say is you did great! thank you!!
I gotta throw in more fandom hyperlinks now if people are gonna go be hunting for rickrolls XD Maybe every third hyperlink will be a rickroll. As a treat <3
Awww, I am super glad you could appreciate the lighthearted moment thrown in there. It can definitely be difficult to balance a chapter with humor and emotion, but every once in a while I try to throw in little stuff- not always for the story itself (although I try to make it relevant somehow)- but for the readers. Like before I used to do shorter chapters if it was a heavy subject. You might have seen it with Chapter 55: Perspective. That one I cut short because boy was that chapter depressing. But now I have so much plot I can't really do that lol
But yes! lex luthor's ascent now has a chapter estimate! I am trying to be as firm as possible on 150 chapters, because that is still a lot of chapters to get to. That's over a third of the story left to get to, so I am trying to be a good bean and not go over it.
HOWEVER! I can say that I intend to leave it open for the possibility of a sequel? I probably wouldn't work on said sequel right away, but I thought this would be better than a firm ending when the scope of this story is so big. Even if I never actually got to write the sequel, I'll know that many other people could dream up whatever comes next and continue to enjoy the world that I've tried to build with the story.
But thank you for thinking I did great, I am certainly trying lol Thank you as well! Have a lovely day ;3
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starberry-skies · 2 years
Hello! Sorry to bother you, but you are the only blog I know who makes IDs outside of their own stuff so I figured you were the best person to ask. Do you have by any chance ressources to learn how to make and practice them? I want to start using them but I'm not a native speaker and I'm kinda struggling ^^'
Thank you and have a nice day!
oh ofc!! if u want, i have some good posts in the #image descriptions tag on my blog, but i'll link some stuff here too :D
Why and how, basics
Quick tips and tricks
Describing comics
Describing videos
Image Description Guidelines
and a couple of my own tips !!
a great rule of thumb is, "the more time someone would look at an image, the longer + more detailed the description should be". This means, if it's a little doodle or a meme, u don't have to spend hoursss describing every little thing (ie, the clothes ppl are wearing, the lighting, that typa thing -- unlessss it's like,, part of the joke/meme. does that make sense ?) this post by mothfishing [hyperlinked] explains it SO much better than i ever could
on that note, a short/""bad"" id is always better than none at all!! don't worry too much abt the quality, or else you'll get stuck in a loop of fixing and editing and the description will never be published (or is that just me lol)
an absolute lifesaver for me was using a text-to-speech/screen reader to read my descriptions back to me ! especially if it were a longer piece, i would write an id, turn on the screenreader + close my eyes, then see if i missed anything important + if i needed to rephrase anything.
for practicing:
if you see an image w/ a description, try to write one yourself for that image. then just check between those ! it's bound to be different, but how? try to figure out which fits the image better, then adapt !
whenever i'm bored/have nothing to do, i try to describe things in the room. this is mostly just a fun little game to keep my brain busy, but it's also helpful in building skills !
if i can, i like to read out my description to a friend/family member if they're around. i ask them to imagine what i describe, then i show them the image to see if it matches. getting other people's input is always v v helpful... and speaking of....
the people's accessibility discord server!!!!!! i cannot emphasize enough how cool and nice everyone is there !!!!! u can ask for help describing something, ask ppl to double check ur work, or just send an image for ppl to describe!! literally everyone there is just so wonderful and helpful :3 here's an invite link!
little things that i learned:
the screenreader on my phone reads quotes without pause. so it would read "a sentence just like this" as if the quotes weren't there. so i picked up the habit of putting a comma before the quote to break the sentence up. so saying "this" sounds much more different then saying, "this".
(desktop only i think) it's much better for a screen reader to read line breaks (holding shift and enter) than just paragraph breaks (just enter). with paragraph breaks, the person using the screen reader would have to tap on each new paragraph to read it, which can be a hassle. with line breaks, the screen reader just reads the next bit automatically, but the ID is still visually broken up.
save stuff to ur drafts to look over later !
for text-heavy images, use a OCR/image-to-text extractor. just put the image in and copy the text it spits out, maybe looking over it to make sure there aren't any mistakes. this definitely removes a lot of the burden of copying text painstakingly by hand yk
i'm sure there must be more i'm forgetting, so if any of my followers want to leave any more tips in the notes i'd greatly appreciate it :D
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What's winter like at the Nest?
And this completes the Winter Trilogy lol! Winter in Pale City and Winter at the Maw found in the hyperlinks~
Winter at the Nest
If Pale City is miserable and the Maw see no changes, the Nest is the best place to experience winter, hands down
Imagine a snow globe, and that's exactly what the Nest looks like~
Due to its high altitude, the Nest is freezing but the snow fall is light. There's just enough to frost the garden and roof, but that's it
If they get a good snowfall that year, you better believe the Raincoat Girl and the Pretender are outside playing in it
Snowmen, snow angels, a small snowball fight...you name it!
The Craftsman is usually asked to keep an eye out on the girls
He doesn't move out too far since it's hard for him to maneuver his wheelchair in the snow (something he's been meaning to do, but forgets every year)
His job is usually to keep score on the snowball fight or judge which snowman looks the best
Of course, the Pretender always wins in the end, even though the Raincoat Girl was declared the winner...
Meanwhile, the Butler busies himself keeping the mansion cozy and toasty
He's also boiling milk and making hot chocolate for everyone when they come inside
Once the sun sets and the winds pick up, everyone heads towards the main fireplace in the foyer to drink and roast marshmallows
The girls fall asleep on the rugs, and both the Butler and the Craftsman have to tuck them to bed under many layers of blankets
After that, they go back to work or chat quietly for the rest of the evening
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ectomoog · 1 year
The Ecto Moog Vanilla Experience
[ Disclaimer!! this post is outdated- ill update it probably by november, or when all these mods are updated for 1.20.2 😁 ]
I'm an unwilling user of a MacBook Air, and I'm also someone with strong (picky) preferences for ✨vibes✨, and so to play Minecraft casually on my laptop, I've had to jump through several hoops to achieve what I would consider a "tailored & premium" vanilla experience. At this point though, I've put probably too much time and effort into it, and so I thought to justify that I'd make a guide to all the mods, resource packs and game options I use, as of May 2023 (1.19.4). 👇
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I will attach a hyperlink to any resources I mention :)
Ok so to start off, yes, I technically I don't actually play true vanilla Minecraft, but the mods I have installed are all client-side, and for the purpose of improving or optimising the vanilla experience. You can find me on Modrinth, but here are all the mods I use:
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Fabric & Modrinth (Intro)
To mod the game, I use Fabric, (rather than Curseforge). I know there are other modding tools, but Fabric works very well for me, and honestly the Forge website and launcher are pretty ugly, so I've stuck to Fabric up until this point. I ideally use Modrinth to download mods, as I like the design of that too.
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As part of Fabric, I do have the Fabric API in my mods folder.
Sodium, Lithium and Phosphor
In the past I've used Optifine, but in December 2022 I switched to JellySquid's, Sodium, Lithium and Phosphor. So far, they work a *lot* better, in terms of optimisation. While they don't have the dynamic lighting, zoom or other cosmetic features that Optifine does, the performance they manage to achieve on my non M1 Mac is amazing. On average, at a 15 chunk render distance in the Overworld, I averaged around 45 fps. I'm actually really exciting about that because it allows me to actually play the game properly lol.
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2. Lamb Dynamic Lights
To compensate for Sodium, I use Lamb Dynamic Lights, which is a simple but thorough dynamic lighting mod that adds light-emitting handheld items, dropped items and entities.
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3. WI Zoom
Again, to compensate for Sodium, I use the Wurst-Imperium Zoom mod, which provides the zoom from the Wurst Client as a standalone mod. This is understandably shady, but it's very useful and feels at least vanilla-adjacent.
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4. ShulkerBoxToolTip
A very minor mod, and one used by Xisumavoid, ShulkerBoxToolTip allows you to look inside a shulker box while it's in your inventory.
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5. Better F3
Better F3 does exactly what it sounds like - it improves the F3 menu. I haven't optimised mine yet, but there is the option to colour code and shift/delete parts of the menu depending on your use case, and it looks a lot better too.
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6. Mod Menu
Just in case you need to know what mods you have installed, and where to find information on them, Mod Menu provides that in game, which is super helpful.
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7. FastLoad
FastLoad removes 441 chunk generating and implements different loading screens, and allows for the world to be generated a lot quicker.
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Resource Packs
For vanilla Minecraft, I actually only use one resource pack, but if you're familiar with Vanilla Tweaks, you'll understand why this deserves its own category.
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I've picked a lot of tweaks in Vanilla Tweaks, and some of them are more obtrusive than others. Some of my favourites are:
Dark Mode UI
Lower Fire
Quieter Nether Portals
Circular Sun and Moon
Bedrock Menu Title
Gold Hemlet -> Golden Crown
And the rest are:
Don't Eat the Bowl!, Bedrock Menu Title, No Panorama Overlay, Literal Gamerule Names, Numbered Hotbar, Dark UI (1.19.3 - 1.19.4), Ping Color Indicator, Wither Hearts, Lower Fire, Borderless Glass, Lower Shield, Translucent Pumpkin Overlay, Directional Hoppers, Visible Tripwires, Visual Note Block Pitch, Quieter Nether Portals, Quieter Minecarts, Quieter Fire, Quieter Pistons, Quieter Sculk Shriekers, Variated Dirt, Variated Coarse Dirt, Variated Grass, Variated Cobblestone, Variated Moss, Variated Bricks, Variated Birch Logs, Variated Red Mushroom Blocks, Variated End Stone, Variated Gravel, Variated Mycelium, Variated Planks, Variated Bookshelves, Variated Stone, Lower Grass, Circular Sun and Moon, Twinkling Stars, Circular Log Tops, Shorter Tall Grass, Whiter Snow, Different Stems, Red Iron Golem Flowers, Vertical Nuggets, Unique Dyes, Animated Campfire Items, Splash Bottle o' Enchanting, Accurate Spyglass ,Golden Crown
In-Game Options
I'm very picky with my in-game options, but they're all quite small changes, and so probably aren't worth discussing all that much, I'm just going to drop the most important ones below:
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The end :)
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That's my complete Ecto Moog vanilla experience! I'm sure I've missed some things, but overall that's how I've customised my experience. Let me know if there's alternatives I should try...
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Ice Cream | Muke AU
Summary: Michael’s school is hosting a fundraiser for the football team, and Michael has his eye on one stall in particular, where a pretty boy in blue is selling ice cream.
Word Count: 2,453
Warnings: None
A/N: Hi I’m new here
(P.s, this is loosely based off this fic! ^-^)
“Dude, talk to him.”
Michael sucks in the smoke from his cigarette and stares at the boy across the football field.
He shakes his head.
“Michael, come on.” His best friend Calum says, rolling his eyes and blowing out a cloud of smoke from his own cigarette. “That’s Luke Hemmings.” he jabs a finger at the boy handing out ice cream. “Luke Hemmings. Who all the guys for fifty miles are drooling over, who’s face is plastered around the school because he’s a straight A student that teachers fucking adore, and who has never and will never notice you, unless you grow a pair, go over there and talk to him! Because you can, for once and only once.”
Michael watches as Luke laughs at a customer and hands them an ice cream.
He shakes his head again as his heart pounds against his ribcage. “I don’t like ice cream.”
“Oh my god, you’re such a loser.” Calum laughs, pushing himself up off the grass and stamping his cigarette out with his boot.
“What? I’m not aloud to dislike ice cream?” Michael says, glaring. He gets up too, leaning against the tree behind them.
“Look, what I’m saying is, this fundraiser shit’s only on this week, and then you won’t get a chance to talk to him again.”
Michael rolls his eyes.
“If you’re gonna be an idiot, go get me an ice cream.” Calum shoves a gold coin into Michael’s hand.
“I…Fine.” He says, stamping out his cigarette and trudging away into the crowded field.
He plays with the coin in his hand and almost drops it as he gets closer to the ice cream stall. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe he should just go get a cupcake from the niners’ stall and tell Calum to shove it.
He turns around quickly.
“H-hi.” His voice shakes as he looks into Luke’s eyes. “Um…can I…get an ice cream?”
Luke laughs and Michael melts.
“Sprinkles or no sprinkles?”
“I-um…sprinkles, please.”
Michael looks the boy up and down. He’s wearing an oversized light blue sweater with the school emblem sewn onto it. It’s obviously from the uniform shop set up a few stalls away. The sweater is paired with black skinny jeans, and Michael quickly looks down at his boots as Luke turns around.
He clears his throat and Michael looks up. “Huh?”
“What kind of cone do you want?”
“Oh…u-um…” Michael fiddles with his rings.
Luke laughs once more and grabs a waffle cone.
Michael scolds himself quietly. Just be cool, idiot. What the hell is wrong with you? He clears his throat and rolls up the sleeves of his leather jacket, showing off his inked arms.
“So, you don’t seem like the type of guy to be supporting the school. Did your parents force you to come?” Luke asks, busying himself with the ice cream.
Michael shakes his head. “N-no. I just decided to be nice, for once.”
“Oh, really? A change of heart?” Luke smiles, swirling the white ice cream perfectly.
“Uh, yeah.”
“That’s nice.” He hands Michael the ice cream, who fumbles with the coin, almost dropping it again, before placing it in Luke’s outstretched hand.
“You know,” Luke says quietly, leaning in close to Michael. “Sprinkles are actually a dollar extra. But don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
Michael smiles and turns to walk away.
“Bye, Michael.”
He stops and turns back around. “Y-you know my name?” He asks, watching the boy’s lips curl into a smile.
“Why, don’t you know mine?”
He looks down at his black boots with a smile. “Of course.” he mumbles, immediately regretting it.
Luke laughs, his nose scrunching up, making Michael’s stomach flip.
Michael nods at the grinning boy, biting his bottom lip.
“You know, I would’ve preferred chocolate syrup. I’m not really a sprinkles kind of guy.” Calum says when Michael walks over to him.
“Fuck off.” Michael pushes him away and begins to eat the ice cream.
The next day is unbearably hot, and Michael wears a plain white shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, along with his Docs.
He finishes his cigarette and makes his way to the other side of the oval where the ice cream stall is. Calum refused to come, so Michael’s stuck here, alone.
He looks down at the coin, before taking a deep breath and stepping up to the ice cream stall.
His breath catches when he sees Luke, and he instantly wants to run the other way. But it’s too late, Luke’s caught sight of him.
“Back again? Is our ice cream that good?” He smiles.
Michael tries to form a sentence, but just nods.
“Same as yesterday, then?”
He nods again.
As Luke fills up the waffle cone, Michael looks down at his hands, willing himself not to look at the boy’s bare skin where his cropped shirt doesn’t reach.
“T-that’s definitely not from the uniform shop, huh?” He says.
Luke laughs and pulls at the small shirt. “No, I got it made.” He’s wearing his skinny jeans again.
“That’ll be two dollars, please.” He smiles at Michael.
Michael puts the coin on the table.
As Luke leans out to give Michael his ice cream, he chuckles quietly. “You should really drop that smoking habit, by the way. It’s bad for you, if you didn’t know.”
Michael’s face goes red. “How-”
“I can smell it from a mile away, silly.” Luke gives Michael his ice cream and a breathtaking smile to go with it.
After an hour of nagging him, Michael finally persuaded Calum to come back to the fundraiser.
They sit under the tree like always, Calum with a cigarette between his lips, Michael spinning the gold coin in his hand nervously.
“Can you just go get your ice cream, already? I wanna leave.” Calum whines.
“Shut up.” Michael says.
Today is the same as yesterday. Hot, too hot. Michael wipes away the sweat above his lip and fans himself with his loose black tank top. Today was not a good day to wear all black.
“Just hurry up. It’s too hot here.” Calum thrusts his cigarette towards Michael, who shakes his head. He put on extra deodorant and a spray of cologne before leaving his house this morning, and forced himself not to sneak out the back and have his morning cigarette.
“Really?” Calum asks, surprised at his friend’s refusal.
“What? I don’t feel like one right now.” Michael says, pushing himself off the tree.
“Fine, whatever.” Calum sighs, watching Michael make his way to the ice cream stall.
Two days. He thinks bitterly to himself as he walks down the hill. Two days before I become invisible to Luke Hemmings once again.
Luke’s not wearing anything fancy today. A light blue cotton shirt with the emblem printed large in the centre, tucked into yet another pair of black skinny jeans.
“I didn’t think you were coming.” He says as Michael puts the coin on the table.
“You underestimate my school spirit.” Michael smiles.
“Same as yesterday?” Luke asks, walking over to the ice cream machine.
“Actually, I think I’ll just have a popsicle today.”
He grabs a blue double stick popsicle out of the cooler and pulls off the plastic before handing it to Michael.
“Share one with me?” Michael asks, pointing the ice block towards him.
Luke smiles and takes the other stick, pulling the ice block apart perfectly.
Michael notices Luke’s painted blue nails. “I like your nails.” He says.
“Thank you, I got them done on Monday.” Luke replies, taking his half of the ice block out of his mouth. “I like your tattoos.”
Michael’s skin burns as Luke runs his fingers down his arm, tracing his tattoos.
“Th-thank you.” Michael stutters.
They sit there for a few minutes, not talking, just enjoying each other’s company, until Luke sighs. “I should get back to work.”
Michael straightens up. “Well, I’ll um…I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says, placing the coin on the table.
Luke smiles as he walks away.
The weather has changed dramatically. It’s windy, dark clouds fill the sky, and the air is absolutely freezing.
Michael shivers and buries himself in his leather jacket as he makes his way down to the football field. He still hasn’t had a cigarette, and though his body aches for one, he repeats Luke’s words in his mind.
Barely anyone is at the fundraiser today.
The wind whips tents and blows styrofoam cups off tables.
Michael sprints across the field and squints against the wind, searching for Luke.
He’s there, wearing the same shirt and black skinny jeans torn at the knees.
“Don’t tell me you want ice cream in this weather.” He laughs when he sees Michael.
Michael shakes his head. “Just felt like donating.” He puts his coin on the table and Luke takes it with a playful scoff.
The wind whips his shirt up, exposing more of his chest, but Michael’s doesn’t notice. He’s too busy looking at his arms. Completely covered with goosebumps, and his entire body shakes.
Immediately, Michael takes his jacket off, exposing his arms to the cold.
“What are you doing?” Luke laughs.
“You need it more than I do.” He offers the shivering boy the jacket.
“No, it’s okay. I’ll manage.” He declines.
Michael rolls his eyes. “Luke, this weather isn’t gonna die down any time soon. Put on the jacket. I’m serious, you need it.”
“Really, I’m fine!” Luke smiles and steps back.
Suddenly, a large gust of wind comes and he wraps his arms around himself.
Michael sighs and steps around the wooden table.
He opens the jacket and Luke gives in, slipping into it gratefully.
He breathes in the scent as Michael zips the jacket all the way up. Coffee and cigarette smoke.
It’s way too big, and fits Luke like a dress, but he doesn’t care. It’s warm, and he likes Michael’s scent. The cigarette smoke doesn’t even make him sick like it usually does with his father.
“Thanks, Michael.” He grins, clutching the jacket sleeves.
Michael’s skin is covered with goosebumps from his neck down to his ankles, but he hides it as best he can from Luke and smiles back.
“I guess you’re gonna have to come back tomorrow to get this back.” Luke says.
Michael doesn’t stop grinning as he walks away.
It’s raining. Hard. Harder than it has in ages.
Michael looks down at the football field. There are no stalls set up. It’s completely empty.
He’s wearing a thin black hoodie, and is drenched to his skin.
He sighs and starts walking away. He doesn’t know where to, just around the school.
On Monday, Luke won’t talk to him again. Michael will watch him flirt with some brain-dead jock in class, and will turn away red-faced when he catches him staring at the bare chests of the other guys in the change rooms.
Michael’s gonna become a nobody to him again. Just the kid who gets in a fight with someone in the hallway every so often, or the guy who stinks like cigarettes every time he’s late for class. He knows it, he’s nothing special. He’s not on any team, he doesn’t do extracurriculars, he sucks at school in general. The football team would dunk his head in the toilet or throw him in the pool if they weren’t so afraid of him.
He ends up at the back of the school, leaning back on the brick wall. His hair’s matted and stuck to his head, but he doesn’t bother trying to fix it.
As he puts his hands in his pockets, he touches something. His box of cigarettes. The box is drenched and crushed, but the cigarettes inside are, miraculously, fine.
He searches around for his lighter, eventually finding it in the back pocket of his jeans, and, shielding the flame as best he can from the rain and wind, he lights a cigarette and breathes in the smoke.
He hasn’t had one since Tuesday, and it fills him with relief.
Halfway through the cigarette, a voice startles him.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
He looks up. Luke stands there, an umbrella over his head and Michael’s leather jacket hung neatly over his left arm.
He’s wearing a baggy white sweater with horizontal blue stripes, and a pair of light blue jeans, along with some white Docs.
“Why are you standing in the rain?” He asks. “You’re gonna get sick.”
Michael shrugs and Luke walks over to him, shielding him from the rain with the umbrella.
“You know,” he takes the cigarette from between Michael’s fingers and flicks it onto the ground. “Smoking’s really bad for you.”
“So I’ve been told.” Michael smiles.
Luke holds his hand out and Michael looks at it for a second.
He sighs. “The cigarettes, Michael.”
Slowly, Michael takes the cigarette packet out of his pocket and places it in Luke’s outstretched palm.
“Did you know that cigarettes contain tar?” The boy puts the cigarettes in his jean pocket. “And cyanide?”
Michael chuckles. “I’m not in eighth grade.”
Luke sighs and tuts, hiding his smile.
“It’s freezing out here, what are you doing at school?” He asks, looking Michael up and down. He’s completely drenched, and Luke thanks his mother for forcing him to take an umbrella before he left home.
Michael shrugs, looking down at his feet. “I could ask you the same question.”
“I came this morning with some friends to pack up the stalls, but I figured you’d be around here somewhere, so I stayed behind and they all went home.”
“How’d you know?”
“Just a hunch.” Luke smiles.
“You should probably get home. You’ll get sick if you stay out here too long.” Michael repeats Luke’s words.
“Walk me to my car?” Luke asks him, holding out his hand for Michael to take.
Michael bites his lip, trying to stop his stomach from twisting in knots.
“Come on.” Luke giggles.
Michael quickly grabs the boy’s hand and he grins, entwining their fingers as they walk together.
Luke’s hand is soft, and feels strange against Michael’s calloused palm.
He smiles at how well their hands fit together.
As they’re walking across the basketball courts, the rain picks up, and the umbrella barely shelters them.
Immediately Luke starts running, and Michael follows, not wanting to let go of his hand.
They run until they make it to the sheltered car park, where Luke’s little white Volkswagen is parked.
Both of them stop to catch their breaths, laughing and wiping the rain out of their eyes.
“Thanks for coming these past couple of days.” Luke says after a little while. “No one really bothered to show up except you.”
“I told you, you underestimate my school spirit.” Michael replies, raising his eyebrows.
Luke laughs and lets go of Michael’s hand.
“Here’s your jacket, by the way.” He says, taking the jacket off his arm.
“Oh, uh, thanks.” Michael unzips his soaking hoodie and pulls it on. It smells less like cigarettes and coffee now, though the smell lingers, and more like sweet perfume and laundry detergent.
They stand there awkwardly until Luke opens the door of the car.
Before sliding in, he leans up and kisses Michael on the cheek softly.
Michael’s face heats up and he hides his shaky hands behind his back. “I…um-”
“I’ll see you on Monday.” Luke smiles, starting up the engine.
As he drives away, Michael brushes his hand across his face, his stubble poking his fingertips.
His cheek tingles, and he tries his best to hide the large grin spreading across his face. Maybe he won’t be so invisible anymore.
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neontrender · 2 years
FANDOM LGBTA Wiki & Ezgender/Microlabel Wiki Archives
This is not an exhaustive list. Many other things from the LGBTA and other wikis were archived as well. This is just the list of things that I personally archived. I also archived the history of some images and flags, but due to the way site archivers work, those had to be in the form of screenshots, and those screenshots only exist in the MOGAI.miraheze discord server. Please do not hound the MOGAI moderators or users for access to these, they have a lot of work on their plates right now.
For any of these terms that are clearly linked to an active social media of the creator, please get their permission before posting the term somewhere else.
I wish I could have organized these better, but I just don’t have it in me anymore. I’m sorry. Best of luck to anyone who wishes to put in that work. After this posts, I will edit in links to web archives of the full post, just in case my blog ever goes down for good. Please wait to reblog it until those have been added.
Archive Links for this post:
You will need to copy+paste most of the links. I do not have it in me to go through to turn them all into hyperlinks.
If there are brackets (<>) around a link, ignore those, they are not part of the link. I originally formatted this to send the links into discord, and putting brackets around links <like this> prevents the link from giving a preview, which would have flooded the channel and made it hard to navigate.
If you are using this as reference for term archival, whether for a wiki or some other kind of archive, please keep in mind: These may not be initial coinings. Sometimes terms are re-coined by people who weren't aware of other earlier coinings. Make sure to search for other possible mentions of these terms elsewhere as well.
There will be errors in this list. I may have put erroneous bullet points where they’re not needed, or missed some. There may be irrelevant notes alongside some of the links. I may have mislabeled some things (though I really hope I didn’t). I originally planned to transfer all of these, and the links other archived, into a large and organized google doc. I can’t bring myself to do that anymore. If anybody ever does something like that, feel free to send me the info. Maybe someday I’ll log back in and be able to add a link to that to this post.
There may be triggering topics that are not warned for. I tried to include warnings next to ones relating to the more egregeous topics or common triggers, but I almost definitely missed some. Please use caution when checking links for terms you aren’t already familliar with.
Genderleaf: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121090950/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000239588
Regaliac: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121090948/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238817
Panfaepronominal, Panfaunpronominal, Panflorpronominal draft flags: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121092649/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238590
Panflorpronominal flag: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121092946/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238635
 Findemonic: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121093351/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238244 / https://web.archive.org/web/20220121093456/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238289
Emotupronounfluid / emotupronominal: <https://archive.md/C8z6Z>
Catmochigender: <https://archive.md/2LUwl>
Ladgender: <https://archive.md/R2zk3>
Nullpronomial Spectrum flag creation discussion: <https://archive.md/5TTyq>
Vestigender: <https://archive.md/xsiIr
Emojipronoun flags 🍡self, 🐝self, 🍰self, 🍡/🍰self, Pansexual 🍡self combination flag & Thundic flag: <https://archive.md/yuXI8>
Emojipronoun flags 🫐self, ✏️/📄self, 🐴self, 🎵self: <https://archive.md/eEC2R>
Emojipronoun flags 🐈‍⬛/🐈self, ❤️self, ⛓️self, 🩸self, 👼self: <https://archive.md/pyduS>
Alt. Pan flag: <https://archive.md/22R7B>
Vaguelabel: <https://archive.md/7X9cq>
owlgender, harpygender (not a proper coining, but may be useful for documentation): <https://archive.md/80Oc7>
Paraxenogender: <https://archive.md/Yhs1P>
Ladgender flag: <https://archive.md/MvsPQ>
Findemonic Flag: https://web.archive.org/save/https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Message_Wall:SoraFromSmash
Florpronominal, Panflorpronominal, Omniflorpronominal, Panflorpronominalflux/panomniflorpronominal/omnipanflorpronominal, Sylphpronominal, Pansylphpronominal, Omnisylphpronominal, Pansylphpronominalflux/panomnisylphpronominal/omnipansylphpronominal, Selkiepronominal, Panselkiepronominal, Omniselkiepronominal, Panselkiepronominalflux/panomniselkiepronominal/omnipanselkiepronominal, Satyrpronominal, Pansatyrpronominal, Omnisatyrpronominal, Pansatyrpronominalflux/panomnisatyrpronominal/omnipansatyrpronominal: https://web.archive.org/save/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238573
 Faepronominal and faunpronominal: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121094709/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000181683
Panfaepronominal, Panfaunpronominal, Omnifaepronominal, Omnifaunpronominal, Panfaepronominalflux/Omnipanfaepronominal/Panomnifaepronominal, 
Panfaunpronominalflux/Omnipanfaunpronominal/Panomnifaunpronominal: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121094617/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000231563
 ragdollcalicogender: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100336/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238385>
findemonic also: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100448/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238246>
chaosfluid: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100541/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237611> / <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100551/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237618>
chaosfluid flag: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100625/https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Chaosfluid?commentId=4400000000000237832>
gaygirl flag: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100614/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238108>
lapis/lazuliself flag: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100623/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237986>
fauxgender with flag: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100654/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237129>
spacefuneralgender flag: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100734/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237787> 
Mobpsychogender, Mobgender, Reigengender: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121102919/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237551>
TNIGMA / TNIGMAP / TENIGMA: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121102926/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237118>
Pansyic: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121102941/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237482> / <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121103049/https://pansyic.carrd.co/> / <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121103141/https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Pansyic?type=revision&diff=170160&oldid=170159>
fauxgender / neurofauxgender: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121104230/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237184>
webcomicgender / webtoongender: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121104332/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237331>
Phingagender: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121104338/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000236551>
Serilfluid / Liresfluid: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121104424/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000236933> 
Occugender, Gendersatire, Sweetener gender system, Holegender, Genderyeet, Voidyeet, Genderoff, Melatoningender, Genderfragmentspike: <https://archive.md/musuH>
non-gametes-based reproduction, gametes-based reproduction, traits related to gametes-based reproduction system, hormones related to gbrs, secondary traits related to gbrs, group of traits related to gbrs, change of traits related to gbrs (unclear to me if any of this is actually coining, or if this is just a collection of terms someone put together, i'm really kind of just skimming stuff to try and get to as much as i can): <https://archive.md/ozMv5> / <https://archive.md/39Lac>
animatigender / animationgender,  animemegender / animationmemgender: <https://archive.md/tM5zy>
xenogenderfluid/xenofluid recoin and alt flag: https://archive.md/LNimB
Libraneogirl neogirl libragender combination flag, Libraneoboy flag neoboyeogirl libragender combination flag, Paraneogirl neogirl paragender combination flag, Paraneoboy neoboy paragender combination flag: https://archive.md/MPXni
Genderqueer Lesbian, Genderqueer gay: https://archive.md/NSCnZ
Captagender: https://archive.md/rng0I
enagender recoining: <https://archive.md/TxPo9> / <https://archive.md/kdOPc> / <https://archive.md/KTOff>
axigender modality: <https://archive.md/MY8gD>
Songofachillesgender / Historygender / Rainbowloombic: <https://archive.md/0Qst0>
Toastbreadgender: <https://archive.md/f77DR>
humish: <https://archive.md/haMEy>
Interesnominal / interespronominal: <https://archive.md/5oMsz>
Gacha World / The Lunime Universe Genders Flags, Djunitgender, Shadowunitgender, Corruptionunitgender, Darkunitgender, Lightunitgender, Windunitgender, Waterunitgender, Fireunitgender, Neutralunitgender, Unknownunitgender, Gachaunitgender: <https://archive.md/AAhKw> / <https://archive.md/e81jb> / <https://archive.md/t20xf> / <https://archive.md/v8kyD> / <https://archive.md/JZEL0> / <https://archive.md/R2dNc> / <https://archive.md/GgdBd> / <https://archive.md/vwSpV> / <https://archive.md/LtwEG> / <https://archive.md/Nw5cY> / <https://archive.md/OzKdF> / <https://archive.md/QE4e3>
Myrifluid / myriaroacefluid, myriarofluid, myriacefluid, alt strayt flags, alt neogirl flag: <https://archive.md/LozNf>
Feelgender: <https://archive.md/a1UcB>
Palettegender: <https://archive.md/RM1E2> / <https://archive.md/BHTCE>
Sentigender: <https://archive.md/qYyrm>
Lovelygender: <https://archive.md/xb3WI>
Digitgender: <https://archive.md/WPol4>
Genderhybrid: <https://archive.md/YUIns>
Pronoset, Nomiset, Genderset, Attraset: <https://archive.md/BmHZu>
Plumcian: <https://archive.md/RAjPv>
Paradox Aro: <https://archive.md/4oY2b>
Beebissgender: <https://archive.md/5rD2S>
Gay-Polysexual / Poly-Gay / Gay Polysexual combination flag: <https://archive.md/TFDQT>
Duflesexual / Dufleromantic: <https://archive.md/nv4RP> / <https://archive.md/M9phb> / <https://archive.md/ZX4tR> / <https://archive.md/pBoTd> / <https://archive.md/qD3TU> Flip pronominal: <https://archive.md/sThEa>
Basketballgender / Hoopgender: <https://archive.md/Tzg4d>
Comfortgender / Comfygender: <https://archive.md/jcBtz>
Gemgender: <https://archive.md/IPVSV>
Samarasian: <https://archive.md/E2Cd5>
Obscurusgendercollecter: <https://archive.md/kCASc>
KeldeoGender / KeldeoPokémonGender: <https://archive.md/KfVhy>
Alt. Trans flag (possible troll?): <https://archive.md/aVUHB>
Duckgender / Piggygender / Caterpillargender / Bandaidgender / Juiceboxgender: <https://archive.md/HHCU5>
Fictifluid: <https://archive.md/i6Xwq>
/pflu / /nflu pronounfluid / nomifluid tone indicators (meaning the user is pronounfluid or nomifluid): <https://archive.md/6JvbJ>
/pa / parental attraction/affection tone indicators (meaning feeling parental affection towards someone/something): <https://archive.md/8nCk8>
Levigender, Leviboy, Levigirl: <https://archive.md/6Qdwg>
Aegosensual, Aegoplatonic, AKA Tertiary use of Aego-: <https://archive.md/XAKdE>
Emptyfluid: <https://archive.md/z2JPG>
Inuyashagender: <https://archive.md/ZF4e2>
Germgender: <https://archive.md/caeUg>
Penguingender: <https://archive.md/dcTUX>
Contraromantic, Contraromanticflux, Contrasexual, Contrasexualflux: <https://archive.md/CQekj>
Alt. Loveless Aromantic Flag: <https://archive.md/fidWl>
Contraromantic, Contraromanticflux, Contrasexual, Contrasexualflux flags: <https://archive.md/QcOJv>
Gendermuck: <https://archive.md/338WS>
Trinary / Third sex terminology, Treyasexuality, Treya-. Finforma, Minforma, trey-sex, Trey-bodied: <https://archive.md/hVtaf>
Cisdefaultgender / Possibly unnamed: <https://archive.md/xR7o0> / <https://archive.md/IBsAi>
Shine/spark/glint/lights/flickself pronouns and flag: https://archive.md/S8M1L
Aphileflexible: <https://archive.md/Ubr2s>
Gendershadow: <https://archive.md/72MfP>
/matu / mad at the universe), /naa / not asking anyone tone indicators: <https://archive.md/xF6Fb>
Alterhuman page mirror (my main reason for adding this here is to have a place to refer to or cite that defines the term "folkel" as i'm noticing that term in several of these posts i'm archiving): <https://archive.md/02F4z#selection-6067.0-6077.355>
Nullushomois, Nullafeminais, and flags: <https://archive.md/0fpmN> / <https://archive.md/X95lp>
Quoipreference / WTFpreference / Whatpreference: <https://archive.md/4uSWO>
Quoipreference / WTFpreference / Whatpreference flag:  <https://archive.md/xP0n3> / <https://archive.md/LHkBq>
AdIN / Adorable-In-Nature: <https://archive.md/QyJcc>
Cute Neopronouns, Starself, Pastelself, Flowerself, Floofself, Faenself, Sunflowerself, Sunself, Moonself, Neptuneself, Fluffyself, Kitself, Kaeself, Dollself, Ribbbonself, Buttonself: <https://archive.md/ZyEON>
Genderfluid Boy: <https://archive.md/0BjPu>
Homesexual: <https://archive.md/uYYXe>
Agnostosgender: <https://archive.md/3STso>
Agnostosgender flag: <https://archive.md/qWOH5> / <https://archive.md/3oOj7>
Caelum gender and flag: <https://archive.md/JSYbi#selection-5853.0-5857.58>
Fogvibic: <https://archive.md/BRq2U>
Uingenderflux: <https://archive.md/Xhj3A>
Jumpergender: <https://archive.md/cbjhE>
Genderfluid boy again: <https://archive.md/PFXUn>
Half Straight (Related to the term "Super Straight"): <https://archive.md/FZhJM>
Poptropica Gender System, Poptropigender, Popislandian, Mythoislandian, Earlypoptian, Sharktoothian, Monstercarnivalian, Timetanglian, Nightwatchian, Mocktropian, Nabootian, Nabootian, Bignateislandian, Astroknightsian, Counterfeitian, RealityTVislandian, Skullduggerian, Steamworksian, Greatpumpkinian, Cryptislandian, Wildwestian, Wimpywonderlandian, Reddragonian, Shrinkraysian, Mysterytrainian, Gameshowislandian, Ghoststorian, SOSislandian, Vampirecursian, Twistedthicketislean, Poptropolisian, Wimpyboardwalkian, Lunarcolonian, Atlantisian, Superpowian, Supervillainean, Charliechocofactorian, Zomberrian, Backlotian, Virushunterian, Poptropiconian, Arabnightsian, Galactichotdogsian, Mysterymapian, Timmyfailurian, Pelicanrockian, Monkeywrenchian, Crisiscavernsian, Seaodyssean, Snagglemastian, Spyislandian, Poptropicangender, Mordredian, Drharean, Directorian, Vanburian, Banditian, Blackwidowsian, CJgender (Many of these terms appear to have been coined on the same wiki page. I have grabbed archives of both the first and latest edits to the page.): <https://archive.md/fGkDs> / <https://archive.md/3Ukrt> / <https://archive.md/4WZsa>
Eraprox / Eraproximal / Roseprox: <https://archive.md/74Yuf> / <https://archive.md/kTDGV> / <https://archive.md/lWiHC>
Gxnderfluid, gxrlflux, bxyflux: <https://archive.md/aaivD> /  <https://archive.md/QMe4J>
Gxnderfluix: <https://archive.md/dxtFS> / <https://archive.md/hH7IE> / <https://archive.md/VcMln>
Politigenders: <https://archive.md/ugTHs>
Parajuxera, Paraproxvir, Librajuxera, Libraproxvir: <https://archive.md/ROT5q>
Omorimusicagender, Spacefuneralgender: <https://archive.md/iuTvt>
Describeresexual / describereorientation / descrisexual: <https://archive.md/ilIB8>
Rainsexual: <https://archive.md/UNIea>
Caedqueer: <https://archive.md/I1H2b> / <https://archive.md/xfHQc>
Lightningandrogy, Lightningxeno: <https://archive.md/9HHse>
Meterofluid: <https://archive.md/BZ2yA>
Androgxne, Non-bxnary, Apxrine: <https://archive.md/C2Hzh> / <https://archive.md/fuHbj> / <https://archive.md/yzkr9> / <https://archive.md/nPZgR> / <https://archive.md/3pXUY> / <https://archive.md/TJhKn> / <https://archive.md/VOBLL> / <https://archive.md/ygBnN>
Pluiedouceamère / Bittersweetrain: <https://archive.md/YaTop>
SEGA Gender System, SG-1000gender, SEGAmastersystemgender, SEGAgenesisgender, SEGAgamegeargender, SEGAcdgender, SEGAsaturngender, SEGAdreamcastgender: <https://archive.md/nOdNL>
Lightninggender: <https://archive.md/c4SCt> / <https://archive.md/PwSev>
Metaphorgender: <https://archive.md/Qzxfc>
Disfemic / Dismascic: <https://archive.md/xg7Lr>
Chaoticsexual: <https://archive.md/nArAQ>
Assorted Contie partial/WIP coins (most do not have names yet), Griefgender, Greyfem, Ambifem, Ambigufem, Queerfem, Disconnect Gender, Aegogender, Aegoera: <https://archive.md/cQ6py>
Politigenders, Socialisgender, Capitalisgender, Anarchigender, Communigender: <https://archive.md/qIqCV>
Androgynous / Linspec GLG / Juvelic terms workshopping: <https://archive.md/Rop2Y>
Follajgender:  <https://archive.md/wYoG5> / <https://archive.md/x03HM>
  Orchidsexual: <https://archive.md/Uo1oD> / <https://archive.md/IC1cE> / <https://archive.md/8glB0> / <https://archive.md/KIld2>
Orchidromantic: <https://archive.md/s5OmM> / <https://archive.md/b6u7k> / <https://archive.md/CMuxn> / <https://archive.md/3stXq>
Thiswikigender: <https://archive.md/alFDo>
Misty-Tranquilic: <https://archive.md/3MYuS> / <https://archive.md/gBDHy> / <https://archive.md/5Siwg>
Abinary / AB / aphorian: <https://archive.md/SfOTc> / <https://archive.md/uHOve> / <https://archive.md/vKtvV> <https://archive.md/Iy8IB> / <https://archive.md/8cs7X> / <https://archive.md/9e78E> / <https://archive.md/SfOTc> / <https://archive.md/YvMXm> / <https://archive.md/nKcgE> / <https://archive.md/zwcsD> / <https://archive.md/pbMnp> / <https://archive.md/I4xSF>
HHBbarngender, HHBfarmgender: <https://archive.md/2HQVn>
Nullushomois, Nullafeminais: <https://archive.md/0fpmN>
Dopaminegender: <https://archive.md/tnQlq>
Femalicurious, Malicurious: <https://archive.md/7U9YQ>
Aliusaromantic: <https://archive.md/saV30> / <https://archive.md/ugf5o> / <https://archive.md/6IfHq>
Sysbor / Sysborgender: <https://archive.md/Jafjs>
Whispgender: <https://archive.md/lCeVu>
+ Community / Plus Community: <https://archive.md/zty8R> / <https://archive.md/Z9yyU>
Cenrellfluid, Faesari: <https://archive.md/pCtXx>
Transgenderless: <https://archive.md/vSBLH>
Pastelgothcoric: <https://archive.md/j6BzI>
Xenogendercringic, Xenogendercringegender, Xenogendercringian: https://archive.md/xXVM5
Attrachange: <https://archive.md/ew2vH> / <https://archive.md/3NHkp>
Circlegender: <https://archive.md/tq1JL>
Bubbleliquidgender: <https://archive.md/GfGWr>
Nuetronstaric: <https://archive.md/5S1lN>
Codekin (not really an LGBT+ term but it was coined on the LGBTA wiki forums so it goes here): <https://archive.md/faGSP>
Hypermasculine / Hyperfeminine / Hyperandrogynous (Subsets of
Hypergender, Hyperboy, Hypergirl, Hypernonbinary / Hypernon-binary): <https://archive.md/gdlTw>
Cupioplatonicflux, Cupioqueerplatonicflux: <https://archive.md/iiFUU>
Foggygender flag and symbol: <https://archive.md/jlkVB> / <https://archive.md/60Nz5>
Spookymonthgender, Spookykidsgender (Skid and Pump), Hatzgender (Hatzgang), TEOTUgender (The Eyes of the Universe): <https://archive.md/Ek2W6> / <https://archive.md/3Ynms> / <https://archive.md/gM2y8>
Suspicious Stew Gender / Suspiciousstewgender (Minecraft): <https://archive.md/hPHzP>
Pixelategender, 8-bitgender, 16-bitgender: <https://archive.md/uEmMv>
PS1horrorgender / GHIN flag: <https://archive.md/QcIP3>
Domesticat Gender System / Domesticatsystem (Some links mention the Felinus System / Felinus Gender System, with the context that some tried to claim one term was a subsystem of the other, but it is not): <https://archive.md/3323q> / <https://archive.md/TkHR8> / <https://archive.md/UnmSP> / <https://archive.md/IBmGQ> / <https://archive.md/JD1Hx> / <https://archive.md/xR1vy>
Demigenderflux flag and symbol: <https://archive.md/5KZ3j>
Unnamed term for atlerhuman / otherkin with exomemories: <https://archive.md/TYZRk>
Antesexual / Anteromantic: <https://archive.md/JfEF2>
Pomomasculine / Pomofeminine / Pomoneutral: <https://archive.md/KijGJ>
Aguasuaves: <https://archive.md/cWl1b> / <https://archive.md/g2gq7>
Subjective Attraction: <https://archive.md/4dBer>
Bothyr: <https://archive.md/GFAQt>
Rapidnominal: <https://archive.md/UwU3Q> / <https://archive.md/6NmU1> / <https://archive.md/xUzc3>
Agender X:  <https://archive.md/31AuC> / <https://archive.md/hSUHZ> / <https://archive.md/UkUj1> / <https://archive.md/n8SL9>  
Influence to Spectrum:  <https://archive.md/5ObrE>  
Revogender:  <https://archive.md/T2bfF>
Quoi- Flag: <https://archive.md/wFuvO>
Floofgender, Dark Academia Coric / Darkacademiacoric, Pinkfluffgender: <https://archive.md/74O69> / <https://archive.md/KwOJb> / <https://archive.md/yKOxc>
Demisocial: <https://archive.md/Yn8Wy>
WillWoodgender: <https://archive.md/AWQS7>
Gungender: <https://archive.md/OOa6u>
Genderbag, Attractionbag / Sexualitybag: <https://archive.md/C2aUv>
Explosivegender: <https://archive.md/rgaIw> / <https://archive.md/bKJlK> / <https://archive.md/h0HpU> / <https://archive.md/HD1Pg>
Ophanian Gender System:  <https://archive.md/ae5ZY> / <https://archive.md/MG5B0> / <https://archive.md/AU5p1>
Azurosenby: <https://archive.md/dm413> / <https://archive.md/l9zZA> / <https://archive.md/bqeOi> / <https://archive.md/NSeqk> / <https://archive.md/fASQ4>
Arospike Xenodemiboy Flag: <https://archive.md/2DJQL>
Apori Fluogynous Flag: <https://archive.md/3GoRs>
Animegacha Gender System, Futurian, Elementyan, Chroniclian, Kingnyan, Nightmarian, Festivallyan, Popstallian, Hautellyan, Oceanyan, Sunllightian, Halloweenian, Winterian, Valenticorian, Vinyllyan, Neonyan, Gachaian, Hopeyian, Lunimeian, Gachianfluid, Pananimegacha: <https://archive.md/RuBIJ> / <https://archive.md/rfPaF> / <https://archive.md/vRF5q> / <https://archive.md/F9OoJ> / <https://archive.md/vqtdr>
Aegosexual (saved for the 10th citation, specifically): <https://archive.md/g1ajU>
Onespronouns: <https://archive.md/AczoV>
Aguaboy, aguagirl: <https://archive.md/og9lb>
Therian System / Therian Gender System, Freegender, Natugender,
Suitgender: <https://archive.md/cEy0X>
Demi- / Demiattraction, Demisexual Demisensual Demiromantic Demiplatonic Demialterious flag: <https://archive.md/1h0dR>
A very large thread with several coinings, including but not limited to Coffeesexual, Coffee Bean System / CB system, Celestesexual Spec / Celeste Spec / Celestesexual Spectrum, Sunrisexual, Sunsetsexual, Dusksexual, Twilightsexual, Dawnsexual, Celestesexual, Lunarsexual, Owosexual, Allogender (or at least a flag for it): <https://archive.md/BlWJ9> / <https://web.archive.org/web/20211123051542/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000046316>
Coffeesexual: <https://archive.md/FPjRh> / <https://archive.md/5sEgD> / <https://archive.md/v8DGG> / <https://archive.md/kmDuH> /
Coffee Bean System / CB system / Coffee Bean Gender System, Brewgender, Cappucinogender, Decafgender, Espressogender, Hoffeegender, Iffeegender, Javagender, Lattegender, Machiattogender, Mochagender, Ristrettogender, Warffeegender, Coffeeflux, Feefluid, Javaflux, Demibrew, Demicap, Demicoffeeflux, Demidecaf, Demiespress, Demifeefluid, Demijava, Demijavaflux, Demilatte, Demimachi, Demimocha, Demiristro, Demitempfee: <https://archive.md/zMMsb> / <https://archive.md/yx6HF> / <https://archive.md/Zd57I> / <https://archive.md/Nr5VJ> / <https://archive.md/pT5xL> / <https://archive.md/2l49N> / <https://archive.md/FZdz9>
Allogender Flag: <https://archive.md/MSpf7>
CB System / Coffee Bean System / Coffee Bean Gender System, Lattegender, Machiattogender, Mochagender, Ristrettogender, Warffeegender, Coffeeflux, Feefluid, Javaflux: <https://archive.md/rLL3l> / <https://archive.md/DxMfk> / <https://archive.md/4dLFn> / <https://archive.md/glGj3> / <https://archive.md/4zF74> / <https://archive.md/G1FJ6> / <https://archive.md/kdBit> / <https://archive.md/JQVHP> / <https://archive.md/KTAIw> / <https://archive.md/9ifnm> / <https://archive.md/j1AyE> / <https://archive.md/JEUX0> / <https://archive.md/xAbHF> / https://archive.md/LrvU2 / <https://archive.md/a4Qko> / <https://archive.md/nqxbZ> / <https://archive.md/bEwZ0> / <https://archive.md/otccG> / <https://archive.md/cHb0H> / <https://archive.md/8dOTz> / <https://archive.md/WrOHA> / <https://archive.md/LItwi> / <https://archive.md/Jaa9P> / <https://archive.md/lCaLR> / <https://archive.md/ztuZe>
CB System / Coffee Bean System / Coffee Bean Gender System, Iffeegender, Javagender: <https://archive.md/2oGpI> / <https://archive.md/2oGpI> / <https://archive.md/QCGdJ> / <https://archive.md/EQF1K> / <https://archive.md/bMDvX> / <https://archive.md/NbX7i> / <https://archive.md/OeC7Z>
CB System / Coffee Bean System / Coffee Bean Gender System, Brewgender, Cappucinogender, Decafgender, Espressogender, Hoffeegender: <https://archive.md/IWIKW> / <https://archive.md/7xn9B> / <https://archive.md/JZnLD> / <https://archive.md/ydnzE> / <https://archive.md/ZUgxi> / <https://archive.md/0WVxZ> / <https://archive.md/1ZAyG> / <https://archive.md/DoU91> / <https://archive.md/34Uz4> / <https://archive.md/valo0> / <https://archive.md/7Ck02> / <https://archive.md/I1FCn> / <https://archive.md/vUhll> / <https://archive.md/VxBKH> / <https://archive.md/A7AoO> / <https://archive.md/OYUCb> / <https://archive.md/6OR8v> / <https://archive.md/U2RWw> / <https://archive.md/wscxR>
Alloy System / Alloy Gender System, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Zinc, Titanium, Iron, Copper, Aluminum, Cobalt, Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Tin, Palladium, Antimony, Magnesium, Manganese: <https://archive.md/7RyS1>
Burrgender: <https://archive.md/lIS6o>
They/She, She/They, They/He, He/She, She/He, He/They Pronoun Flags: <https://archive.md/YaSIq> / <https://archive.md/eyJPa>
Concept of Influence to Spectrum / Gender Spectrum / Orientation Spectrum / Other Spectrums: <https://archive.md/5ObrE>
Femflux, Mascflux alt. coinings: <https://archive.md/dlPxK>
(general TW) Tavaline System / Tavaline Gender System, Tegemanic, Kartic, Muntic, Kirinic, Kavandinic, Deibonic, Nepblomic, Perenic, Veintassic, Kearsic, Kellklokic, Antykic, Bistloomic: <https://archive.md/BtwBk> / <https://archive.md/ePHqq> / <https://archive.md/36me8> / <https://archive.md/tJGEu> / <https://archive.md/Tm03Q> / <https://archive.md/Kdu8y> / <https://archive.md/DoBlZ> / <https://archive.md/ErgmG> / <https://archive.md/fQAX1> / <https://archive.md/FtVnn> / <https://archive.md/lDAG6> / <https://archive.md/mGfHN> / <https://archive.md/aUfvO> / <https://archive.md/sawmw> / <https://archive.md/gowax> / <https://archive.md/SQvMz> / <https://archive.md/Iyntg> / <https://archive.md/xO2hY>
(general TW) Tavaline System / Tavaline Gender System, Tegemanic, Kartic, Muntic, Kirinic, Kavandinic, Deibonic, Nepblomic, Perenic, Veintassic, Kearsic, Kellklokic, Antykic, Bistloomic: <https://archive.md/9mQGW> / <https://archive.md/XAQuX> / <https://archive.md/LOQiY> / <https://archive.md/G2J7u> / <https://archive.md/ir4IP> / <https://archive.md/vgJVv> / <https://archive.md/PNtBV> / <https://archive.md/gts1Y> / <https://archive.md/XxjyL> / <https://archive.md/LLjmM> / <https://archive.md/ylb1o> / <https://archive.md/XYwqK> / <https://archive.md/R9Lez> / <https://archive.md/ty5PU> / <https://archive.md/NnE25> / <https://archive.md/c0Zsr>
(general TW) Tavaline System / Tavaline Gender System, Tegemanic, Kartic, Muntic, Kirinic, Kavandinic, Deibonic, Nepblomic, Perenic, Veintassic, Kearsic, Kellklokic, Antykic, Bistloomic: <https://archive.md/SJrUb> / <https://archive.md/t8Mvw> / <https://archive.md/cfh20> / <https://archive.md/BSCsm>
Genderpeace: <https://archive.md/xdeBp> / <https://archive.md/mtTp7> / <https://archive.md/nwyqO> / <https://archive.md/ozdrv> / <http://web.archive.org/web/20211121151257/https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000209262>
Deminebularomantic: <https://archive.md/01c3x>
Sunstone Collector: <https://archive.md/eSxgU> / <https://archive.md/sJRuh>
Aphileflexible: <https://archive.fo/GBbHE>
Finmawomasexual: <https://archive.md/TZxzW> / <https://archive.md/jCRZi> / <https://archive.md/V4RBk> / <https://archive.md/lIb0G>
Girlfluid: <https://archive.md/YabCI> / <https://archive.md/ZcQDp> / <https://archive.md/oQa2L> / <https://archive.md/BEQfr>
-Theory- / -Theory / Theory- / Theory Prefix / Theory Suffix: <https://archive.md/Otvr7>
Alt. Dreamsexual Flag: <https://archive.md/bafGY>
Aaron's Putty System / Aaron's Putty Gender System: <https://archive.md/p4eU2> / <https://archive.md/2kNxO> / <https://archive.md/inAmx> / <https://archive.md/weUzU> / <https://archive.md/WUTZX> / <https://archive.md/ApyCG>
Autogender Alt. Flag: <https://archive.md/qkrWW> /
Pandrogyneutral: <https://archive.md/LDjN7> / <https://archive.md/n5jp9>
Paramivkyi Gender System: <https://archive.md/CdBeM> / <https://archive.md/89yIZ> / <https://archive.md/acdJG>
Mussaender: <https://archive.md/L9txx> / <https://archive.md/Nb8ye> / <https://archive.md/uNUhx> /
Kaochisagender: <https://archive.md/rJsbE> / <https://archive.md/laK28> / <https://archive.md/vQzie>
Aqueerplatonic: <https://archive.md/wrFS5> / <https://archive.md/Jgk5L>
Aqueerplatonic spectrum: <https://archive.md/R2P3i> / <https://archive.md/4RvfY>
Aqueerplatonicflux / Aqpflux: <https://archive.md/onloN> / <https://archive.md/Bb0Bt>
An-aesthetic / Nonaesthetic / A-aesthetic / Ansthetic / Anaesthetic /
Acethetic: <https://archive.md/qTSia> / <https://archive.md/QxcHw>
An-aesthetic Spectrum / Nonaesthetic Spectrum / A-aesthetic Spectrum / Ansthetic Spectrum / Anaesthetic Spectrum / Acethetic Spectrum: <https://archive.md/YOXQS> / <https://archive.md/CjCtB>
Anaestheticflux / Anaeflux / Anstheticflux / Nonstheticflux /
Nonaestheticflux: <https://archive.md/uGYIp> / <https://archive.md/Y5Vr8> / <https://archive.md/fOg6k> / <https://archive.md/hTA7I> / <https://archive.md/7afWq>
Anaevague: <https://archive.md/k1z9N> / <https://archive.md/9fzXO>
Laimoaesthetic: <https://archive.md/XtzLP> / <https://archive.md/LHzzQ>
  Aplatonic Spectrum / Aplatonic Umbrella / Apl-Spec: <https://archive.md/Q8B2z> / <https://archive.md/AKsbD> / <https://archive.md/CPMc1> / <https://archive.md/rWbK0> / <https://archive.md/gkqPK>
Aplatonic / Apl: <https://archive.md/deonG> / <https://archive.md/v44kG> / <https://archive.md/WK3KJ> / <https://archive.md/KY3yK> / <https://archive.md/qoMV8>
Aplflux / Aplatonicflux: <https://archive.md/0Bdf3> / <https://archive.md/OPc34> / <https://archive.md/PRR4L>
Aplspike / Aplatonispike: <https://archive.md/nnweA> / <https://archive.md/P8PF1> / <https://archive.md/Sd9Hp>
Demiplatonic: <https://archive.md/x45WM> / <https://archive.md/XIql8> / <https://archive.md/YK5mP>
Frayplatonic: <https://archive.md/aFzmr> / <https://archive.md/M7yYt>
Forum post addressing Aqueerplatonic, Aqueerplatonic spectrum, Aqpflux, An-aesthetic, Anaesthetic spectrum, Analterous spectrum, Analtflux, Ansensual, Asenflux, Anplatonic, Anqueerplatonic, Aqpvague, An-alterous, Analtvague, Apothialterous, Apothiaesthetic, Apothiqueerplatonic, Apresalterous, Apresaesthetic, Apresplatonic, Apresqueerplatonic, Myrsensual, Myraesthetic, Myralterous, Myrqueerplatonic, Cupioalterous (There really is not much to this post other than mentioning the terms and claiming to have coined many or all of them through page creation): <https://archive.md/RiT6X>
Laimoplatonic: <https://archive.md/yuxlF> / <https://archive.md/Ljcyl> / <https://archive.md/nLcan> / <https://archive.md/OrbAq> Apothiplatonic: <https://archive.md/PECwC>
Myrplatonic: <https://archive.md/75vwS> / <https://archive.md/kUaJy>
Cupioplatonic (Note that the first flag listed for this identity is a misidentified
Cupioromantic flag. There is a comment on the archive of the main page that can be seen pointing out the issue): <https://archive.md/WrY8w> / <https://archive.md/GvkTL> / <https://archive.md/UmE68> / <https://archive.md/XuD9d> / <https://archive.md/MLiXV>
Preaplatonic: <https://archive.md/K3ESk> / <https://archive.md/msZtF> / <https://archive.md/bJEin>
Laimosexual: <https://archive.md/jyq6E> / <https://archive.md/kA57l> / <https://archive.md/9RKV3>Laimoromantic: <https://archive.md/nI49q> / <https://archive.md/oLJ97> / <https://archive.md/CC4nu>
Aro-jump: <https://archive.md/MAH9l> / <https://archive.md/cd2yH> / <https://archive.md/OF2aJ>
Ace-jump: <https://archive.md/DleQJ> / <https://archive.md/Rcy36> / <https://archive.md/GtdSO>
Myrsexual: <https://archive.md/Msm2P> / <https://archive.md/Nu13w> / <https://archive.md/c8msS> / <https://archive.md/OxG4d> / <https://archive.md/qZGGf> Asensual Spectrum / Asensual Umbrella: <https://archive.md/vbKEg> / <https://archive.md/UO43C> / <https://archive.md/J5JSk> / <https://archive.md/WUo40>
Asensual: <https://archive.md/6zjMv> / <https://archive.md/jnYZb>
Acosensual: <https://archive.md/r0eFZ> / <https://archive.md/RDy5l>
Cupiosensual: <https://archive.md/dQbog> / <https://archive.md/EwaOj> / <https://archive.md/FyPO0> / <https://archive.md/gYaql>
Demisensual: <https://archive.md/ogrXl> / <https://archive.md/0Irzn>
Greysensual / Grayasensual / Greyasensual: <https://archive.md/roqZq> / <https://archive.md/3QqBs> / <https://archive.md/S65qa> / <https://archive.md/kPJQU>
Sensualarian: <https://archive.md/lSoRB> / <https://archive.md/yG34h>
Apothisensual: <https://archive.md/kpWUa> / <https://archive.md/L8BkU>
Platoniromantic: <https://archive.md/oAAWW> / <https://archive.md/OdVmi>
Idemromantic: <https://archive.md/02AyY> / <https://archive.md/15fzF>
Platoniflux: <https://archive.md/QjfnG> / <https://archive.md/RlUon> / <https://archive.md/GCzc5> / <https://archive.md/6fTCr>
Touch-Repulsed: <https://archive.md/0A188> / <https://archive.md/1DG9P>
Touch-Indifferent: <https://archive.md/rg1zb> / <https://archive.md/QUlYx>Touch-Favorable: <https://archive.md/V7E10> / <https://archive.md/LojQI>
Touch-Ambivalent: <https://archive.md/0ii4M>
Touch-Repulsed, Touch-Indifferent, Touch-Favorable, Touch-Ambivalent: <https://archive.md/QBCUb>
Romance-Repulsed: <https://archive.md/SGWVz> / <https://archive.md/TJBWg>
Romance-Positive: <https://archive.md/xegyZ> / <https://archive.md/9Gga1>
Romance-Indifferent (cw homophobic page vandalism visible on first link with mention of a common trigger): <https://archive.md/AmfA4> / <https://archive.md/OdzOr> / <https://archive.md/dQUdN> / <https://archive.md/rIera>
Romance-Ambivalent: <https://archive.md/gYTfS> / <https://archive.md/UtxSB>
Romance-Favorable: <https://archive.md/VwcTi> / <https://archive.md/k9xiE> / <https://archive.md/YEbVn>
Apothiromantic: <https://archive.md/W6yvW> / <https://archive.md/LkyjX> / <https://archive.md/MndkE> / <https://archive.md/0exx1>
Apothisexual: <https://archive.md/pRRXn> / <https://archive.md/PvcmJ> / <https://archive.md/3mwz6> / <https://archive.md/RAwn7> / <https://archive.md/FOwb8>
Apothi Aroace: <https://archive.md/SDboO> / <https://archive.md/GRbcP> / <https://archive.md/6uvCb> / <https://archive.md/IWved> / <https://archive.md/VLaqT>
Lithosexual / Akoisexual: <https://archive.md/3T6eL> / <https://archive.md/4WLfs> / <https://archive.md/uz5EO> / <https://archive.md/vCKFv>
Lithromantic / Akoiromantic:   <https://archive.md/jQKtw> / <https://archive.md/Jt4SS> / <https://archive.md/Xlo6f> / <https://archive.md/mYJvB> / <https://archive.md/bcJjC>
Inactsexual / Inactosexual / Initiasexual: <https://archive.md/ZqI7D> / <https://archive.md/p6IxG>
Inactromantic / Inactoromantic / Initiaromantic: <https://archive.md/PJ2W2> / <https://archive.md/sb2y4> / <https://archive.md/RPmYq>
Bellusromantic: <https://archive.md/0vCoH> / <https://archive.md/81Lk5> / <https://archive.md/yE5Kr> / <https://archive.md/b9Kna> / <https://archive.md/oYpzQ>
Bellussexual,  Biromantic Bellussexual combination flag: <https://archive.md/d8jgm> / <https://archive.md/YW3GQ> / <https://archive.md/r6oBV> / <https://archive.md/gkopW>
Sex-Repulsed: <https://archive.md/CQOaB> / <https://archive.md/QH8nY> / <https://archive.md/SNspm>
Sex-Indifferent: <https://archive.md/iqMOI> / <https://archive.md/vfr1o> / <https://archive.md/jtrPp> / <https://archive.md/7HrDq>
Sex-Ambivalent: <https://archive.md/lyLQN> / <https://archive.md/MeLgQ>
Sex-Favorable: <https://archive.md/Y3qtw> / <https://archive.md/oGKSS> / <https://archive.md/Oj5ie> / <https://archive.md/dXpHA>
Sex-Averse: <https://archive.md/lveUB> / <https://archive.md/K8zjX>
Sensual Attraction: <https://archive.md/gwMrr> / <https://archive.md/4ASwA> / <https://archive.md/iscJX> / <https://archive.md/H5w9j> / <https://archive.md/yoQYI> / <https://archive.md/9Obz3> / <https://archive.md/aQQAK> / <https://archive.md/Y4QoL> / <https://archive.md/cWaB8>
Bisensual: <https://archive.md/Foprm> / <https://archive.md/hQo3o> / <https://archive.md/iS335> / <https://archive.md/KBIuP> / <https://archive.md/LEnvw> Ceterosensual: <https://archive.md/zSnjx> / <https://archive.md/ckmVz> / <https://archive.md/o818f> / <https://archive.md/BXHkV>Heterosensual: <https://archive.md/IsRxf> / <https://archive.md/OIPBp> / <https://archive.md/PLuB6> / <https://archive.md/4FtQa>Lesbisensual: <https://archive.md/G7tsc> / <https://archive.md/6KNRy> / <https://archive.md/7NsSf> / <https://archive.md/lEM5C>
Pansensual: <https://archive.md/zR1LG> / <https://archive.md/AUGMn> / <https://archive.md/rd0BM> / <https://archive.md/QRk08>
Polarsensual: <https://archive.md/RTZ1P> / <https://archive.md/hxkrb>
Queersensual: <https://archive.md/TZj3d> / <https://archive.md/V4D4B>Vincisensual: <https://archive.md/9VYhY> / <https://archive.md/zziHk> /  <https://archive.md/ABXH1> / <https://archive.md/0fh7n>
Tertiary Attraction: <https://archive.md/qaJIQ> / <https://archive.md/CZoVw> / <https://archive.md/2CJkS>
Aesthetic Attraction, (In comments on page: possible multiaesthetic coining, Biaesthetic flag, A-aesthetic / Anaesthetic / Acethetic / Nonaesthetic flag, Panaesthetic flag [hopefully picked up by archive]): <https://archive.md/H32iJ> / <https://archive.md/hwIyW> / <https://archive.md/b0Gq7> / <https://archive.md/DJkRR> / <https://archive.md/ELZSy> / <https://archive.md/RAE5e> / <https://archive.md/t2EHg> / <https://archive.md/TFY6C> / <https://archive.md/IWDVk>
Alterous Attraction: <https://archive.md/n5dOP> / <https://archive.md/VYJM4> / <https://archive.md/lB4cq> / <https://archive.md/nHodO> / <https://archive.md/cX22w> / <https://archive.md/Pp2Ey> / <https://archive.md/DD2sz> / <https://archive.md/rR2gA> / <https://archive.md/EGHtg> / <https://archive.md/RvmFW> / <https://archive.md/tXmhY> / <https://archive.md/ibl5Z>
Multiaesthetic: <https://archive.md/RZpop> / <https://archive.md/Gdpcq>
Nominsexual: <https://archive.md/qpeLi> / <https://archive.md/0LUlW> / <https://archive.md/ZJflf>
Panaesthetic: <https://archive.md/jFfIu> / <https://archive.md/xwzVR> / <https://archive.md/yzeWy> / <https://archive.md/YczlU>
Fraysexual / Ignotasexual: <https://archive.md/AEyXW> / <https://archive.md/pVdME> / <https://archive.md/Pyyb0> / <https://archive.md/fbSBm>Frayromantic /
 Ignotaromantic: <https://archive.md/s3cOJ> / <https://archive.md/ijRDr> / <https://archive.md/VOwga>
Fraysexual /  Ignotasexual, Frayromantic / Ignotaromantic: <https://archive.md/r0xN2> / <https://archive.md/ULRft>
Ideaesthetic: <https://archive.md/DPnQv> / <https://archive.md/QD23b> / <https://archive.md/r3nEw>
Idesexual: <https://archive.md/HZ1Th> / <https://archive.md/wd1Hi> / <https://archive.md/yjlIG>
Ideromantic: <https://archive.md/ER2Rc> / <https://archive.md/t8HFU>
Reciprosexual: <https://archive.md/Dmpvq> / <https://archive.md/Qa4H6>
Recipromantic: <https://archive.md/rApjr> / <https://archive.md/gQ379>
Reciproflexible: <https://archive.md/tFJkP> / <https://archive.md/uIolw> / <https://archive.md/vK3md> / <https://archive.md/VonLz>
Reciproflux: <https://archive.md/Wq2Mg> / <https://archive.md/xQnnB> / <https://archive.md/aimZD>
Cupioromantic: <https://archive.md/92PjC> / <https://archive.md/nT9wZ> / <https://archive.md/daOlH> / <https://archive.md/edtmo> / <https://archive.md/ff8m5> / <https://archive.md/ETsMr> / <https://archive.md/5zscu> / <https://archive.md/7EMdS> / <https://archive.md/lv6rf>Cupiohex: <https://archive.md/K9qQB> / <https://archive.md/znqEC>
Cupiosexual: <https://archive.md/DpATL> / <https://archive.md/RgU68> / <https://archive.md/48fkv> / <https://archive.md/iZzxS> / <https://archive.md/8gemA>
Cupiogex: <https://archive.md/XwTbi> / <https://archive.md/NQc0H>
Cupioplatonicflux: <https://archive.md/C6RPp> / <https://archive.md/R0Q3t> /<https://archive.md/vvvGc>
Igcecidimus: <https://archive.md/hI8kg> / <https://archive.md/vAsxD> / <https://archive.md/Io7Kj>
Pantaromantic: <https://archive.md/0JO4O> / <https://archive.md/DbOGQ> / <https://archive.md/Fg8Ie>
Neptunic, Uranic, Saturnic, Stellaric, and other unidentified flags: <https://archive.md/koeeJ>
Neptunic Lesbian Flags: <https://archive.md/J1yD5>
Nebulous Attraction: <https://archive.md/bftgE> / <https://archive.md/n38tk>
Celestial System Expansion by system-lgbt: https://archive.md/xGvBQExteramo Attraction: <https://archive.md/E1GfG> / <https://archive.md/tfF3H>
Amari / Amari Attraction: <https://archive.md/uik4o> / <https://archive.md/TVFtK> / <https://archive.md/UYkur>
Forms of Attraction Masterlist (Contains information on Platonic, Social, Amical, Qplatonic / Queerplatonic / Quasiplatonic / Quirkyplatonic, Ecstatic / Emotional, Mental, Doraric, Aesthetic, Sexual, Sensual, Presential, Fluitic, Romantic, Amorous, Gamous, Alterous, Exteramo, Tutelary / Protective, Cedural / Submissive, Grace, Xenial, and Familial / Parental Attraction): <https://archive.md/iuzpj>
Aesthetic Attraction and the Visual-Aural Gender Split (Contains information on Aesthetic, Aural, and Sensual Attraction): <https://archive.md/xoyDn>
Amical Attraction Flag: <https://archive.md/F2zNh>
Aural attraction Flag: <https://archive.md/7Led1>Cute Attraction: <https://archive.md/lCyro> / <https://archive.md/LfSQK> / <https://archive.md/Y7c37>
Ductuaffectian Attraction: <https://archive.md/fKgi1> / <https://archive.md/3Yf62> / <https://archive.md/tBAwo>
Emotional Attraction: <https://archive.md/GqfI4> / <https://archive.md/uEfw5> / <https://archive.md/53z8q>Aphysical, Aemotional, Atertiary: <https://archive.md/QOZkQ>
Diauamoric attraction: <https://archive.md/1aLCp> / <https://archive.md/Cz6dK> / <https://archive.md/rQK2s> / <https://archive.md/f4KQt> / <https://archive.md/sTp29>
Domestic Attraction: <https://archive.md/tV43Q> / <https://archive.md/Tzptc>
Xenial Attraction: <https://archive.md/4GqAh>
Explanation of several forms of Attraction by system-lgbt (In this case Sexual, Romantic, Sensual, Erotic, Amorous, Platonic, Queerplatonic / Quaziplatonic / Quirkyplatonic / Qplatonic, Social, Familial, Noetic, Polyamorous / Poly-amorous, Doraric,  Fluitic ,  Spirituic / Spiritual, Guardian, Grace, Xenia / Xenial, and Idealistic) Possible coining for Xenial Attraction: <https://archive.md/5I5AY>
Dependplatonic / Deplatonic: <https://archive.md/G8qcj> / <https://archive.md/Ia5c0>
Templatonic: <https://archive.md/7OpCm> / <https://archive.md/JdKdH>
Sysplatonic: <https://archive.md/8Q4C3> / <https://archive.md/W44q4> / <https://archive.md/Li4e5>
*(NOTE: many of these next chunk of terms were coined off-wiki. I have not archived those coins. The purpose of these archives is to preserve the on-wiki coinings of flags for these terms, and to archive anything that did not have external citations.)*
ARCsexual: <https://archive.md/akn68> / <https://archive.md/MMnJa> / <https://archive.md/cpH8w>
ARCflux: <https://archive.md/penlc> / <https://archive.md/ORHKy>
Acarnal: <https://archive.md/C5Hyz>
Anticarnal: <https://archive.md/FXdwu> / <https://archive.md/gAmbi> / <https://archive.md/Ii0B2>
Procarnal: <https://archive.md/JlFCJ> / <https://archive.md/KokDq>
Discarnal: <https://archive.md/XcZP6> / <https://archive.md/yCkrr> / <https://archive.md/LqZD7>
Eriscarnal: <https://archive.md/YfEQN> / <https://archive.md/AHEsP>
Familial Attraction: <https://archive.md/bRrn9> / <https://archive.md/BuLNv> / <https://archive.md/CxqOc> / <https://archive.md/eZqqe>
Queerplatonic / Quaziplatonic / Quirkyplatonic / Qplatonic Relationship,
 Marshmallow/ Mallowfriend: <https://archive.md/rN5CU> / <https://archive.md/f15qV> / <https://archive.md/FFpQh> / <https://archive.md/TwJ3E> / <https://archive.md/uV4EZ> 
Pararomantic flags: <https://archive.md/ekOC0> / <https://archive.md/2yOq1> / <https://archive.md/sb8Qn> / <https://archive.md/RPtfJ>
Demibisexual: <https://archive.md/uhsRL> / <https://archive.md/6JstN> / <https://archive.md/oBbtd> / <https://archive.md/lDrHR>
Dellosexual: <https://archive.md/X5rjT> / <https://archive.md/bWLxg>
Delloromantic: <https://archive.md/0aLlh> / <https://archive.md/pN5KD> / <https://archive.md/qQKLk>
Polyromantic / Plyromantic / Poliromantic:   <https://archive.md/rTpL1> / <https://archive.md/sV4MI> / <https://archive.md/FKJZo> / <https://archive.md/GNoZ5> / <https://archive.md/TB4cL>
Parental Attraction Flags (This term was coined off-site. I have not archived those links. These archives are to preserve flag history): <https://archive.md/K1erc> / <https://archive.md/YSyEz> / <https://archive.md/bHdRf>
Flectic Attraction, Demiflectic attraction: <https://archive.md/ZVdFg> / <https://archive.md/Mgul2>
Idyllic Attraction: <https://archive.md/tURjm> / <https://archive.md/TybII>
Impersonal Attraction: <https://archive.md/UAQJp> / <https://archive.md/kea8L> / <https://archive.md/lgP9s> / <https://archive.md/KUayO>
Ludic Attraction: <https://archive.md/mju99> / <https://archive.md/LWPzv> / <https://archive.md/nmaaQ>
Mental Attraction / Intellectual Attraction / Psychological Attraction: <https://archive.md/rTBQ3> / <https://archive.md/gUbmR> / <https://archive.md/iZvof> / <https://archive.md/wQPBC>
Noetic Attraction: <https://archive.md/xTuCj> / <https://archive.md/KH9OZ> / <https://archive.md/aluel>
Mirous Attraction: <https://archive.md/zYODH> / <https://archive.md/ZB823>
Potential Attraction / Bonding Attraction: <https://archive.md/Pz52E> / <https://archive.md/VoNuW>
Flags for Potential Attraction / Bonding Attraction, Spiritual Attraction, Virtudinal / Intangible Attraction: <https://archive.md/dttgq>
Cedural / Submissive Attraction: <https://archive.md/Nb2WU> / <https://archive.md/snsuu> / <https://archive.md/VoNuW> / <https://archive.md/Ij6Jf>
Flags for Tutelary / Dominant / Protective Attraction, and Cedural / Submissive Attraction: <https://archive.md/Xd5Xj>
English Translation of <https://archive.md/VoNuW>  (The links seem to be different, but the topic and dates mentioned seem to line up. I do not speak Spanish well enough to comment on the accuracy of this translation), which is cited on the pages for Cedural / Submissive, and Potential Attraction / Bonding Attraction. It also covers terms equivalent or similar to Sexual, Sensual, Amorous / Romantic, Alterous / Qplatonic /
Queerplatonic / Quaziplatonic / Quirkyplatonic, Platonic / Amical,  Ecstatic / Emotional, Social, Intellectual / Spiritual, Aesthetic, Protective, and Submissive Attraction: <https://archive.md/F1PVN>
Tutelary Attraction / Protective Attraction / Dominant Attraction: <https://archive.md/i2GMA> / <https://archive.md/j5lNh> / <https://archive.md/aoFCG> / <https://archive.md/brkDn> / <https://archive.md/0HZr5>
Wechselnd Attraction / Shifting Attraction / Switch Attraction: <https://archive.md/SxPN0> / <https://archive.md/2Njtt> / <https://archive.md/R3Yib> / <https://archive.md/S6DiS>
Platonic Attraction: <https://archive.md/iJXIe> / <https://archive.md/Inh7A> / <https://archive.md/70CwW> / <https://archive.md/83hxD> / <https://archive.md/YjWml> / <https://archive.md/MxWam>
A comic depicting forms of attraction that was cited on the page for Platonic Attraction, also mentions Sexual Attraction, Romantic Attraction, Crushes, Squishes, Sensual Attraction, and Aesthetic Attraction: <https://archive.md/cjjLm>
Quartsexual: <https://archive.md/2gOcc> / <https://archive.md/EINOe> / <https://archive.md/FLsOV> / <https://archive.md/idsqX>
Encephalosexual: <https://archive.md/TCM2i> / <https://archive.md/8wMgm>
Apresromantic: <https://archive.md/WKL4n> / <https://archive.md/mn6tJ> / <https://archive.md/cHqi8>
Apressexual (Archived this one a little differently to avoid having to archive a page vandalism with a slur. The history page is archived, showing when the page was created, and I archived the rollback to its original state and the edit after it): <https://archive.md/dJ5jP> / <https://archive.md/Qb4VR> / <https://archive.md/sD4xT>
Apres- (could be cited for any orientation beginning with this prefix, but specifically mentions Apresromantic and Apressexual): <https://archive.md/Tj3XW>
This one is an archive of a list attempting to document all romantic orientations in use. It's quite long. Even I am not strong enough to try and list them all out here to make them searchable, sorry: <https://archive.md/AfqG6>
Cross-archived this chunk to archive.md to make sure images are preserved (wayback is hit-or-miss with images)
Acespike and xenodemiboy, BI NB she/they, Bi catgender "night" flag: <https://archive.md/AaAMX>
He/him Omni, Ace / Asexual Grayaro / Greyaro, Any pronouns Aromantic, GNC transmasc "lipstick" flags: <https://archive.md/7dB9y>
Omni all pronouns , Ficto Toric, She/Her Omni: <https://archive.md/j2hme>
Berry Pride Flags [Strawberry Flags]: <https://archive.md/88GUd> / <https://archive.md/ablUU>
PS1horrorgender and GHIN variation: <https://archive.md/MDlwW>
🦇/🦇self, 🕊️/🕊️self pronouns flags: <https://archive.md/h3FFn>
🦅self pronouns flag: <https://archive.md/UvFhp>
ParfaitCookiegender: <https://archive.md/Vykh6>
Christiangirlautumnic / Xgirlautumnic: <https://archive.md/wLD9C>
Hallmarkxmasic / Hallmarkic:  <https://archive.md/xOjaj>
Blueplushpuppygender: <https://archive.md/KCYmZ>
Sysourcandy: <https://archive.md/MIion>
Fingender male: <https://archive.md/clCNJ>
Redtulipsexual: <https://archive.md/I5zx7>
Latinegénero: <https://archive.md/s8Vjm>
VampireCookiesexual: <https://archive.md/SMfII>
Demidreamgender: <https://archive.md/vefkK>
Melatoningender: <https://archive.md/wgUlr>
Doctor Who System / Doctor Who Gender System: <https://archive.md/HQTNB> / <https://archive.md/l5umF> / <https://archive.md/LIOL1> / <https://archive.md/zWOz2>Tardisac: <https://archive.md/7uecX> / <https://archive.md/w7yCj> / <https://archive.md/9zyel>Whogender: <https://archive.md/L1xQn> / <https://archive.md/BicE5> / <https://archive.md/dKcg7>Regenive: <https://archive.md/rBwuu> / <https://archive.md/ReQTQ> / <https://archive.md/tGQvS>
Doctive: <https://archive.md/uJvwz> / <https://archive.md/vMaxg> / <https://archive.md/8d99i>
Applecorecoric: <https://archive.md/GDDYk>
Masterlist of Digicoinz terms & categories, Sanitroic, Demonidessertian, Harmonaen, Thalassplatter,[Voracanidaen/Voracicanidaen] (Note said this term's name would likely be changing), Ipsevague / Numeipsevague, Stillhereanthemic, Monsterlexic: <https://archive.md/wWXNJ>
He/She/They, Ze/hir, Ve/ver Pronoun Flags: <https://archive.md/9oXpL> Ghostburgender: <https://archive.md/XCXdM>
Interxeno (link to post is broken, so I'm archiving this in case nothing else can be found): <https://archive.md/LQW1N>
Characters That Canonically Use Neopronouns post: <https://archive.md/uRDMl>
Unnamed Xenogender Terms post: <https://archive.md/UuYbH>
Heartlocketgender, Biaesthetic, Copiasexual, Relacheremotic / Relachergender, Semsexual, Demisexual umbrella terms, Beigegender, Oceanusgender, Weredoggender, Bearpoptic, Dinochainpoptic, Angelcandyic, Oppinmanfluid, Oppositusfluid, Reinunggender, Pitchfork Polys / Plys / Polis, Angelorcatgender, Numerpronouns, Bogartgender, Wolforsongic, Icircussongic, Catgoddessgodic, Bluecowic, Fracottagegender, Oppinwomanfluid, Singmistsceneic, Pinkpastric, Deamothic, Gothbunnic, Chocoguygender, Superleafic / Superleafgender / Superleafmariogender, Salemcharacteric, Pumpkinggender, Murkywateric, Comhorroric, Ghosticdaemongender / Ghosticdæmon(gender), Pokecostumeic / Pokécostumeic, Algamesonic, Catcandyic, Cracklemusic, Circumpatic, Rainbowpastric, Bluepastric, Scaryadoric, Fullmooncharic, Jestimppinkic, Angelofdeathic / Angelsofdeathgender, Oppmanfluid, Oppwomanfluid, Hotbatic, Vampspookic, Olesnowic, Vitumngender, Froyalmnseaic, Bonewebbic, Pinkpuric, Undertalesweateric, Snowgraverunic, Cauldronpastric, Pumphauntcoinic, Indigopastric, Demasquecharcic, Softpotionic, Boypastelic, Hallowpastric, Tuxcatgender, Edmascharctic, Hoghousegender, Yokesexual, Gryhousegender, Autleavfluid, [Unidentified], Crunchleafic, Raincowleafic, Lightbreezic, Housevoidgender, Genpineconegender, Blemoncowgothic, Monorwhalplushic, Halloweentreeic, Littleredhuffic, Dustfingerfirstbookic, Inviscatgender, Mothmoonic, Hoyaleafic, Warmthsunnic, Chickricesoupgender, Chocoleafic, Aego homo, Aego homosexual, Autleafean, Cinnaconegender, Hammerheadsongic, Winsawbuckean / Winsawbuckkinnic, Sumsawsbuckean / Sumsawsbuckkinnic, Sawbuckean / Sawbuckkinnic, Autflowerfluid, Reciproaesthetic, Emojiself collector, Diaravencharic, Rotmushic, Gobblic, Garnetfaithic, Papabearlexic, Goldenfeldsparfaithic, Pyritefaithic, Antlerdecoric, Sphereflux, Jesterghostic, Wreathallergic (The original posts linked are not available, so I'm archiving this just in case): <https://archive.md/HlOrz>
Mothyflags He/xe/ve/bee/star, Nur/nuris/nuriself, Shi/hyr, Autistic it/its, 💾/💾s, Blob/blobs, They/them only, He/ey/soft, 😭/😭s, 🌇/🌇s, Sir/sirs, Snubbull/snubbulls, Pillow/Pillows, 🌆/🌆s, 🏡/🏡s, π/πs, ?/?? pronoun flags (The original posts linked are not available, so I'm archiving this just in case): <https://archive.md/eAuZ8> Mothyflags Omniflux Pan, Nonbinary rosboy saturnian, Agender gendervermis insectumgender, Aromantic asexual agender gendervoid alterous, Demiromantic apresromantic, Aromantic aplatonic asexual agender, Girlflux lesbian pronoun hoarder, Grayro(mantic) Catgender, 333albumic thefoolalbumic lesbian combination flags (The original posts linked are not available, so I'm archiving this just in case): <https://archive.md/EdPpu>
Some (more) of Kris's forum posts I thought would be useful to save:
Masterlist of Pronoun Resources post: <https://archive.md/Iotsg>
Acceptable Sources for Citing post: <https://archive.md/Jq8sX>
MOGAI Sources post: <https://archive.md/xE8gY>
Cool Carrds post: <https://archive.md/pYtIt>
Miscellaneous Flags post: <https://archive.md/ectwu>
MOGAI-Relevant Suffixes & Prefixes post: <https://archive.md/DPNVQ>
Demian-spike: <https://archive.ph/CdzcP> Post from the coiner of Myrifluid explaining that they think it should be deleted or combined with Centrispec, along with notes about other aspec identities with potentially inaccurate definitions: <https://archive.ph/P4Tqc>
Lilyvallgender: <https://archive.ph/jZKVV>
Posts about a poisonous plant Floragender which will potentially be named Poisonfloragender / Poifloragender / Venefloragender / Venenufloragender: <https://archive.ph/uCc3C> / <https://archive.ph/hNxQW> / <https://archive.ph/tzx2V> / <https://archive.ph/gKSQf>
Bedtime System / Bedtime Gender System: <https://archive.ph/WFEn9> / <https://archive.ph/BcX1z> Anachronigender: <https://archive.ph/OMlbD> Greyfaun: <https://archive.ph/1A0oj> / <https://archive.ph/PO0ck> Paradoxpunk: <https://archive.ph/2DFo0>
Physigender: <https://archive.ph/Qo5Tr> / <https://archive.ph/rOquM>
Stylusgender: <https://archive.ph/sQ5vt>
Lavenderflowergender: <https://archive.ph/RrKT8>
Genderdelta, Genderflower: <https://archive.ph/4gp6O> / <https://archive.ph/SupUP>
PWHP / PWHV / PWHN: <https://archive.ph/F5b62>
Unnamed Anemoiran + Librali Combination Gender, Tabaxigender, Tabaxicoric, Kiringender: <https://archive.ph/huwIn>
Fialomian, Fialofian, Fialolian, Fialoaian, Fialonian, Fialoagian, Fialoxian, Mialomian, Mialofian, Mialolian, Mialoaian, Mialonian, Mialoagian, Mialoxian, Lialomian, Lialofian, Lialolian, Lialoaian, Lialonian, Lialoagian, Lialoxian, Aialomian, Aialofian, Aialolian, Aialoaian, Aialonian, Aialoagian, Aialoxian, Nialomian, Nialofian, Nialolian, Nialoaian, Nialonian, Nialoagian, Nialoxian, Agialomian, Agialofian, Agialolian, Agialoaian, Agialonian, Agialoagian, Agialoxian, Xialomian, Xialofian, Xialolian, Xialoaian, Xialonian, Xialoagian, Xialoxian: <https://archive.ph/ujbU3> / <https://archive.ph/SHQzT>
Pomoamorous: <https://archive.ph/G7Q7J>
Flidfluff System / Flidfluff Gender System: <https://archive.ph/zdNDZ>
Ghostburgender: <https://archive.ph/aC8fk>
Kaeifluidcollecter: <https://archive.ph/N7MR3>
Kaeicollector: <https://archive.ph/AgsEG> / <https://archive.ph/oussH> / <https://archive.ph/cIsgI>
Sea Life System /  Sea Life Gender System, Coralreefgender, Seaturtlegender, Fishgender, Shellgender: <https://archive.ph/0Wr4J>
Mascfluid: <https://archive.ph/qQJ5l>
Andygender: <https://archive.ph/DFph1> / <https://archive.ph/NB6BT>
Cavetowngender: <https://archive.ph/TB3wM>
Outheric: <https://archive.ph/f7oT3>
Sexualygender: <https://archive.ph/rTCP7> / <https://archive.ph/UEIxt>
Rolypolygender / Pillbuggender: <https://archive.ph/ISIlu> / <https://archive.ph/8v2KQ> / <https://archive.ph/FRrDW> / <https://archive.ph/u76sE> / <https://archive.ph/M94IN>
Binaryspike: <https://archive.ph/c0PNd>
Unknowing / A? (unsure if this was meant as an alt name or just a placeholder for potential alt names), Questian, Expeditian, Journian,
Wanderian: <https://archive.ph/pPuZT>
Bluestargender (secondary def): <https://archive.ph/1ePBe>
Romaro (possibly a recoin): <https://archive.ph/PsPpf>
Multiplesexual -> Differsexual: <https://archive.ph/QvupW>
Unknown flag by Metanøiia, probably related to the Tavaline System /
Tavaline Gender System: <https://archive.ph/EJudX> / <https://archive.ph/f8OPi>
Link to external sources from some neopronoun flags (I'm not sure if these flags lost sources at any point, but i figure it's better to cover our bases lol): <https://archive.ph/Rx9qD>
Nyan-Binary Flag / Non-Binary Flag with Catgender Symbol: <https://archive.ph/qAUk7>
Pawlapinic, 🌌gender, Drizzlegender / Drizzlix, Cuddlegender, Enderpearlgender Flag: <https://archive.ph/10eWs>
The Bigender System / The Bigender Gender System: <https://archive.ph/e7hFD> / <https://archive.ph/QwCgY> / <https://archive.ph/sYBS0>
Unnamed term and flag in the Genderfluid Fragment System / Genderfluid Fragment Gender System: <https://archive.ph/FNg5G>
Demisexualjump, Demiromanticjump, Doubtsexual, Doubtromantic,
Bigenderswap: <https://archive.ph/SBWim>
Miramusigender: <https://archive.ph/5qBu2> / <https://archive.ph/GPV6n>
Multiplesexual (was later renamed to Differsexual): <https://archive.ph/u3VUo>
Pronoun collector flux: <https://archive.ph/BKM2v> / <https://archive.ph/eKHQ3> / <https://archive.ph/rzm3J>
Lavendergender: <https://archive.ph/c97DQ>
Voidslimegender: <https://archive.ph/1n7rR>
Rabbit Gender System: <https://archive.ph/2TpP2>
Bannygender: <https://archive.ph/2hSbJ>
Children of the Light Gender System: <https://archive.ph/r36RU> / <https://archive.ph/MeChB>
Exxenofluid: <https://archive.ph/ESL4A> / <https://archive.ph/fq8A1>
Casiapuergender: <https://archive.ph/UhbiN>
SEGAgender: <https://archive.ph/101fD>
Ubiquidem / Ubiquides: <https://archive.ph/auM8O>
Neurosexual: <https://archive.ph/RRmJX>
Thundergender: <https://archive.ph/vl1mG>
Ommiflux: <https://archive.ph/zwFps>
Albatroian: <https://archive.ph/Ff8cl>
CheetahGender: <https://archive.ph/UnTDk>
Juxtapagender: <https://archive.ph/MCido> / <https://archive.ph/ZqXp4>
Several Unnamed Flags by Reign of the breadsticcs: <https://archive.ph/Drqem>
Pan-ish: <https://archive.ph/Qf5q2>
Cosplaygender: <https://archive.ph/RiKrJ> / <https://archive.ph/sH424>
Abriromantic: <https://archive.ph/37pEp>
Grammarlygender: <https://archive.ph/nIcEF>
Daft Punk Gender / Daftpunkgender: <https://archive.ph/bWcsG>
Unnamed Subset of Finsexual: <https://archive.ph/Nlw31>
Towergender: <https://archive.ph/cYRtn>
Plutarsensual: <https://archive.ph/pNwF3>
Windgender Flag: <https://archive.ph/qQbGK>
Cosplaygender (again): <https://archive.ph/DEQTq>
Softiegender: <https://archive.ph/rSQHr>
Cupioqueerplatonic: <https://archive.ph/3ibiM>
Capricornasexual, Solarmullasexual, Solaretmullasexual: <https://archive.ph/OEsAg>
Lumromantic, Lumsexual: <https://archive.ph/p3NbB>
Aceish, Aroish: <https://archive.ph/ehMZC>
Transandromasc, Transandrofem, Transotherinemasc, Transotherinefem, Transgenderless Flags: <https://archive.ph/q6sci>
Draigender: <https://archive.ph/QJMBE>
Deminonbinary Flags: <https://archive.ph/6HRlU> / <https://archive.ph/r87cZ>
Aliusian: <https://archive.ph/EXMpF>
Focusgender: <https://archive.ph/hpL1H>
Minimascromantic, Minifemromantic: <https://archive.ph/G26q3> / <https://archive.ph/isq2o>
Halfsexual: <https://archive.ph/vg6e4> / <https://archive.ph/HaVvU>
Xennl: <https://archive.ph/6GqQp>
Halfsexual / Halfromantic: <https://archive.ph/TdyR0>
Ace Omni Flag: <https://archive.ph/52d4G> / <https://archive.ph/OXCpW>
Alt Nosexsexual Flag: <https://archive.ph/vFyt2> / <https://archive.ph/64S5n>
Alt Bi Flag: <https://archive.ph/jTyh3>
Dysphorifluid, Dysphoriflux: <https://archive.ph/ViSTo> / <https://archive.ph/77x54> / <https://archive.ph/JwSHp> / <https://archive.ph/kWdiK>
Unnamed term where your gender feels fictional or fake: <https://archive.ph/xKSvq>
Quoifemflux Flags: <https://archive.ph/9ac6L>
Durationflux: <https://archive.ph/lYSjr> / <https://archive.ph/yNxv7>
Sunrisegender: <https://archive.ph/LCcIN>
Pastrygender: <https://archive.ph/YqRVt>
Finbiromantic / Finbisexual, Minbiromantic / Minbisexual, Ninbiromantic / Ninbisexual: <https://archive.ph/i58Ta>
Dawnset: <https://archive.ph/vUN5Q>
Stolengender, Stolengender subsets like Stolenfeminine,  Stolenmasculine, Stolenneutral, Stolenquoi, Stolenxenine, stolenfluid, and Flags/WIP Flags: <https://archive.ph/Vx8vc> / <https://archive.ph/wXs6x> / <https://archive.ph/KONjU> / <https://archive.ph/y2M7V> / <https://archive.ph/ar7Jg> / <https://archive.ph/YF7xh> / <https://archive.ph/dZyae> / <https://archive.ph/PoSLz> / <https://archive.ph/QrxMg> / <https://archive.ph/z5r8C> / <https://archive.ph/ojrWD>
Disakoiromantic: <https://archive.ph/8mNHS> / <https://archive.ph/JL8jd>
Etheria, Etherio: <https://archive.ph/xZ77e>
Date Dealer, Friends with Additions, Lone Relation: <https://archive.ph/rWLY9>
Blanketgender / Genderblanket alt coining: <https://archive.ph/3l6Au>
Biaesthetic (Attracted) Flags: <https://archive.ph/hdqNR>
Birocurious: <https://archive.ph/t150x>
Trixicflux, Toricflux: <https://archive.ph/if5Oy> / <https://archive.ph/oExGl>
Vianonbinary: <https://archive.ph/TFqpT>
spork/sporkself pronoun Flag: <https://archive.ph/u4K1e>
Pitchfork Polys / Plys / Polis: <https://archive.ph/HTqdU>
Watered Down / Pastel / Low Contrast Rainbow Gay, Pan, Ace / Asexual,
Nonbinary, Lipstick Lesbian, Bi Flags: <https://archive.ph/UH5qA>
Lazykxtie Flag-Making Thread: <https://archive.ph/Tcr4O> 
(Reclaimed Slur) Maricagender (At least I think it's an A, the original post says M*ricagender): <https://archive.ph/94HrS>
Magicfoxgender: <https://archive.ph/Nzl4B>
Mekangender: <https://archive.ph/BNlSC>
3 x 3 Gender Alignment (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic, Fem, Neutral, Masc): <https://archive.ph/dcGtX>
Quoitrans / Quoitransgender: <https://archive.ph/OB05i>
Gaybakon, Lesbianegg, Non-binaryketchup: <https://archive.ph/CP0Tj>
Blue mushroom gender / Bluemushroomgender: <https://archive.ph/PEF5Z>
Demi-romantic and aroflux Combination Identity and Flag: <https://archive.ph/fh0vl>
Crushflux-Lovergender: <https://archive.ph/EVkUH>
pronoun collector flux: <https://archive.ph/gkFv2>
Gender Presentation System Idea: <https://archive.ph/RJZ7n>
Pronounfluidflux / Pronoun fluid flux: <https://archive.ph/6FpgG> intersex ally flag: <https://archive.ph/vf4Fl>
Acro-s (on the aroace spectrum, the asensual, and the aplatonic spectrum): <https://archive.ph/H4JR1>
Not sure quite how to label these. It's discussion about terms relating to azurgirl and rosboy, focused on non-binary identities: <https://archive.ph/UTo4H>
Tame Nutrogender: <https://archive.ph/wiJF2>
Cabbageratgender: <https://archive.ph/I7oSI>
Nutrosexual, Nutroromatic: <https://archive.ph/kwJt3>
ottegender / lutrigender: <https://archive.ph/J93Tp>
Omnichaos: <https://archive.ph/WYI55>
Nutrosexual & an unidentified flag: <https://archive.ph/zqIH7> / <https://archive.ph/nEIv8>
Breakup-Buddies /  Breakup Buddies: <https://archive.ph/p5Bsm> / <https://archive.ph/TVL3b>
Toricflux: <https://archive.ph/DWVFJ> / <https://archive.ph/fmgg4>
Quoiby, Quoigirl, Quoiboy: <https://archive.ph/saVtK> / <https://archive.ph/XiwxP> / <https://archive.ph/LwwlQ> / <https://archive.ph/mVQXb>
Peniliaic (I think this may be more of an otherkin/alterhuman term than a MOGAI/LGBT+ term, but here it is anyways): <https://archive.ph/EZAGq>
Voyeursexual: <https://archive.ph/4CU5M> / <https://archive.ph/9OsF9>
Faepronominal, faunpronominal: <https://archive.ph/Q8J3H>
pandemicromantic: <https://archive.ph/hrAis>
cassfemale: <https://archive.ph/ugfu8> / <https://archive.ph/5Fz6t>
N't: <https://archive.ph/iufi9>
orchidsexual, orchidromantic Flags: <https://archive.ph/TTzUu>
Tomahawk Transgender -> Torpedo Transgender: <https://archive.ph/6Ie7a>
panamorous: <https://archive.ph/6qXHS> / <https://archive.ph/HQijd>
waterflux flags: <https://archive.ph/7tCIz>
unigenderfluid (only a possible name, may be under something else),
Unnamed Genders related to Genderflir and Genderfloy, Quoiby, Lunarquoi, Solquoi, Stellarquoi, Meridiquoi, Umbraquoi, Auroraquoi, Fluxquoi, Multiquoi: <https://archive.ph/SimAH>
Gender Tower (doesn't seem like an intentional coining, but it's possible it could catch on for a term): <https://archive.ph/w6W7V>
Lamb, Unnamed Term, Craftsexual: <https://archive.ph/8whJg> / <https://archive.ph/lkWVW>
This flag is either Neptunic or Bambi Lesbian. It's a link to a twitter post I can't see because the account is privated: <https://archive.ph/x9B8C>
Coins related to Celestial System; Soporine; and/or Kenochoric (It's a link to a tumblr post I can't see because the blog moved or was deleted): <https://archive.ph/mnBWD>
Tomahawk Transgender / Torpedo Transgender renaming poll, a post asking for a flag for the old version of the term, and other stuff regarding it: <https://archive.ph/aBBKE> / <https://archive.ph/L0WlZ> / <https://archive.ph/M3BmG> / <https://archive.ph/ZSgzm>
Scene System / Scene Gender System, Panscenian flags: <https://archive.ph/J6VYI>
(Reclaimed Slur) Maricón Flag: <https://archive.ph/lwgz3>
List of Attraction Types (I do not think this has any coinings, but glancing at it it does seem to be a useful list, so I wanted to save it): <https://archive.ph/WVBbo>
Aliumromantisch / Aliumsexuell: <https://archive.ph/QNP17>
Aliromantisch / Alisexuell Flags: <https://archive.ph/Z3Adt>
tanglegender flag: <https://archive.ph/pGUCP>
Foxgirlgender: <https://archive.ph/CvzPv>
Tomahawk / Torpedo Transgender: <https://archive.ph/Pke2b>
Aroace; Long Dragon Aspecs; Otherfix; Panplatonic Combination Flag, Lesbian; Lykoi Lesbian; Nonbinary; Neopronoun User Combination Flag: <https://archive.ph/qJzDw>
Embryan: <https://archive.ph/DyeQc>
Body non-conforming: <https://archive.ph/QmT2S>
Gendercycle: <https://archive.ph/qX9Tr> / <https://archive.ph/PyPh6> / <https://archive.ph/QBuiN>
Polycortar Flags: <https://archive.ph/geOH9> / <https://archive.ph/hhtIQ>
biromantic asexual, lesbian asexual flags: <https://archive.ph/s3tUP>
Unidentified Flags by Reign of the breadsticcs: <https://archive.ph/4sOwa>
Bleegender, Pauciace Flags: <https://archive.ph/t58Vw>
Label disconnect / Fraylabel: <https://archive.ph/GUN8c>
Several Unidentified Flags (The post links to tweets from a now protected account), One is archived and is a Saturnic flag: <https://archive.ph/6x8xy> / <https://archive.ph/w6qiE>
Limnosexual: <https://archive.ph/UL8lz> / <https://archive.ph/ENm5R> / <https://archive.ph/XR0mH> / <https://archive.ph/RB2ix>
Pansexual Flag Art: <https://archive.ph/wbsWU>
Amalgakin / Amalgamationkin (Otherkin/Alterhuman Term): <https://archive.ph/kpsKV>
genderqueer sapphic flags: <https://archive.ph/mhnQ4>
Sex Non-Conforming: <https://archive.ph/y523K> / <https://archive.ph/YJns6>
Cherryan Flag: <https://archive.ph/z8H4r>
Keyboardgender: <https://archive.ph/MXng7> / <https://archive.ph/ZL2tN>
Metelyk-sex: <https://archive.ph/cAHGt>
Crish: <https://archive.ph/NZ2hO>
Noungender flag: <https://archive.ph/Cd15P>
Fluid dysphoria, Dysphoriflux: <https://archive.ph/dDmHa>
Desequilic / Inaequelic / Pan-agender: <https://archive.ph/O2Hiv>
Alexigender, Ace-Spec, Variant, Lemongender, Juvelic Orientations Flags: <https://archive.ph/hZFVU> / <https://archive.ph/mzLnz>
Pangenderfaun, Pangenderfae alt. flags: <https://archive.ph/To0xf>
long dragon a-specs: <https://archive.ph/uOk8A>
Dongender (only a possible name, unsure if it ever got finalized): <https://archive.ph/6dFJV>
Genderbumblebee Alt. flag: <https://archive.ph/i2kWB>
Unnamed term with suggested names of Abroflux / Identityflux / Gabunganflux (It may have been named one of these later): <https://archive.ph/UrFxW>
faemasc, faimasc: <https://archive.ph/vQZ9h>
Dilophogender, Centigender: <https://archive.ph/JIkmE> / <https://archive.ph/IFFlX> / <https://archive.ph/2lKFM> / <https://archive.ph/5qcRo>
mymelodygender flag: <https://archive.ph/k7EXZ>
Mewniac: <https://archive.ph/8iZLj>
Mirrorgenic, Mirrorlets (Plurality / System term[s]): <https://archive.ph/GkNEy> / <https://archive.ph/S9sRe>
Unidentified Flag by Reign of the breadsticcs: <https://archive.ph/uyNsz>
Bliskosexual Flag: <https://archive.ph/HnsFf>
Assorted Non-Label Flags by AbacusBats (these aren't for any labels and are just practice for flag making from what I can tell, but I just think they're neat and wanted to save them anyways): <https://archive.ph/Ip7FW> / <https://archive.ph/jPshh>
(Potentially Scrapped) Alt Dazecoric Flag: <https://archive.ph/VeMSC>
(Potentially Scrapped) Trashcoric Flags: <https://archive.ph/wD7tX>
monoattraction Flag: <https://archive.ph/73r5i>
Apparently Unnamed Gender Term, Related to Genderfluid and Genderflux and Potentially some kind of mutogender:  <https://archive.ph/JsMGD> / <https://archive.ph/8565Z>
Lesbian, Vincian Alt. Flags (WARNING: flag discourse): <https://archive.ph/KvrHk>
Frithensexual: <https://archive.ph/Xj6T0>
Praeferre: <https://archive.ph/98L6G>
Stylethetic: <https://archive.ph/tK5Zt> / <https://archive.ph/sv2Xh>
Uranic Gay Flags: <https://archive.ph/R9nmD>
Swingsgender: <https://archive.ph/Tb2nk>
Holian: <https://archive.ph/uBmYF>
Dolphingender: <https://archive.ph/50Hz0> / <https://archive.ph/Hp2bl>
Noroigender: <https://archive.ph/iPmMG> / <https://archive.ph/vD1Zm>
Cupiof*ck / Cupiofuck / Cupiopunk: <https://archive.ph/N8Cz6> / <https://archive.ph/bnTTI>
Abri lesbian Neptunic lesbian Combo Flag: <https://archive.ph/wGGZ3>
Neptunic Lesbian Flags: <https://archive.ph/J1yD5>
Winterbungender: <https://archive.ph/751Bo> / <https://archive.ph/ZARwN>
Troxic, which got combined into Jaspian: <https://archive.ph/8XqrC> / <https://archive.ph/lL5Ei> / <https://archive.ph/nRpFG>
py/pyro/pyr/pyrs/pyroself flags: <https://archive.ph/oT4Gn>
Label Non-Conforming: <https://archive.ph/Oxo5J> / <https://archive.ph/Pz36q>
alt caedsexual flag: <https://archive.ph/2oJi6>
Virtuamorous: <https://archive.ph/fdovM> / <https://archive.ph/QCI67>
Pluviparian Flag: <https://archive.ph/3rojN>
Lovecoric flag: <https://archive.ph/gf3wt>
Pluviaferoic Flag: <https://archive.ph/s4II9>
Celebraromantic, Celebrasexual, Pluviparian, Pluviaferoic, Flapazian,
Fuemontic, Eeveelutiofluid, Virtuamorous: <https://archive.ph/5wIlb> / <https://archive.ph/Al8DM> / <https://archive.ph/ilnxR> / <https://archive.ph/0173P> / <https://archive.ph/wcHLe> / <https://archive.ph/VP2aA> / <https://archive.ph/xfmLV> / <https://archive.ph/8EHng> / <https://archive.ph/WSHbh> / <https://archive.ph/QCI67> / <https://archive.ph/XVmbY> / <https://archive.ph/aJ1oE>
Alternate nb / Nonbinary flag: <https://archive.ph/0Nr0b>
Noroigender: <https://archive.ph/CcMBw>
Smoggender: <https://archive.ph/Hp5EZ> / <https://archive.ph/iPqgk>
Spacecoric, Omnisexual, Aroace flags: <https://archive.ph/vD5s0>
Unicorn Horn Uranics: <https://archive.ph/IsKFG> / <https://archive.ph/jR5g1>
dramagender (Total Drama Series): <https://archive.ph/VhpSm>
willahian, nyesolsenubic, piristidinic, forapauringic, soliniesylic, galintemic: <https://archive.ph/wGKtH> / <https://archive.ph/zdPUf>
Adaptkin, Mirroran, Forwardsoul (Otherkin/Alterhuman Terms): <https://archive.ph/JvpGn>
More Unidentified Flags by Reign of the breadsticcs: <https://archive.ph/Kx4G4>
abri / Abrisexual flag: <https://archive.ph/lXpip>
Alt inclusive LGBT+ flag: <https://archive.ph/XmJTK>
MALICEGENDER: <https://archive.ph/S4GqJ> / <https://archive.ph/ut014> / <https://archive.ph/HiGeK>
Questioning Ally flag: <https://archive.ph/6V0D6>
Lacusian Flag: <https://archive.ph/wzk3s>
aro/ace furry flag: <https://archive.ph/7YFEN>
Trans Abro / Abrosexual Flag: <https://archive.ph/Jn0f8>
Aroace flag: <https://archive.ph/WcFsO>
Quoiattraction / Whatattraction / WTFattraction / panquoi: <https://archive.ph/81kFu>
Cisn't Transmission: <https://archive.ph/lPZSa>
vincian flag (This is not the original, but the original seems to be gone): <https://archive.ph/Xfktv>
Cicigender (Related To Neil Cicierega): <https://archive.ph/yEE4Q>
Malumgender: <https://archive.ph/mSESR> / <https://archive.ph/98WxC>
A-Specs / Aspecs Of The Axe: <https://archive.ph/MvZid>
Genderseraph (The page linked was deleted upon request of the creator, but this post is still up. It felt like I should probably include it just in case it's still up somewhere else?): <https://archive.ph/AJY6e> / <https://archive.ph/FqMSq>
StariiArts Pronoun Flags. Includes Flags for One/oneself, Xi/Xem, Ey/Em, Ve/Ver/Vis, She/They, Rev/Rever/Rie/Reverself, Somn/Somno/Somnos/Somnoself, Jolarian (Jolt/Flare), Sleep/Sleepy/Sleepys/Sleepyself, dei/dei/deis/deis/deiself, eth/eth/eths/eths/ethself, Faun/Fauns, Fae/Faers, He/They, Pup/pups, Sil/Silver, It/Its, Wit/witch/witch's/witch's/witchself, Star/Stars/Starself, Dae/Daem, They/It, Sky/skies/skyself: <https://archive.ph/solsP>
abri / abrisexual lesbian flag: <https://archive.ph/R1FSb>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/tq0tw>
Scene System, Pintorevillean Flag: <https://archive.ph/4Qk4R>
Realoraen, Noireian Flags: <https://archive.ph/GfFGc>
Alt. Neptunic Flag, and Other Unidentified Flags: <https://archive.ph/S4kSS>
Plutaric, Eclipsic Flags: <https://archive.ph/T6ZTz>
Neptunic, Uranic, Saturnic, Stellaric, and Other Unidentified Flags (I think I may have already archived this one at some point but I'm not sure lol): <https://archive.ph/koeeJ>
dinoplushgender, cupheadgender, fatalgender: <https://archive.ph/WcjUX> / <https://archive.ph/KqjIY> / <https://archive.ph/XeYVE> / <https://archive.ph/93D8k>
Non-Term / Termless Flags (The person said they were "free" so this may be the source for some term's flag out there. Who knows?): https://archive.ph/LsYJF>
RoseWatera Flag Remake. Includes Flags For Taisexual, Rejsexual,
Finwomasexual, Minmasexual: <https://archive.ph/a6i81> / <https://archive.ph/MvDKm>
hemi-biromantic: <https://archive.ph/xnwLw>
Joygender: <https://archive.ph/x9joq> / <https://archive.ph/zbYo7>
Biaesthetic: <https://archive.ph/L0DBN> / <https://archive.ph/q7Yi7>
One of many ideas for re-coining the term semi-bisexual: <https://archive.ph/npYc8>
Voidrelationship /  Voidship: <https://archive.ph/YPiOt>
flexisexual: <https://archive.ph/AeDpO>
Paradoxigender Flag: <https://archive.ph/bDX09>
demipronounfluid, heteropronounfluid, and the request to remake the Paradoxigender Flag: <https://archive.ph/osDdP> / <https://archive.ph/TYRQc> / <https://archive.ph/wF3Ao> 
Paradoxigender Alt Flags: <https://archive.ph/C6Jd1>
Lingerromantic Alt flag: <https://archive.ph/YzpAB>
Orchaic (Scene Gender System): <https://archive.ph/cqJNY>
genderfluid fragment system flag: <https://archive.ph/0EJBZ> / <https://archive.ph/NP4pj>
SPIN / Sleepy-In-Nature: <https://archive.ph/ocJZX> / <https://archive.ph/pfo0E>
Aroace Trans Combination Flags: <https://archive.ph/dtoOF>
Alt. aroaceflux flag: <https://archive.ph/1HoCG>
Alt Dawngender Flag: <https://archive.ph/rkI12>
Wepromiseweretrying Flag-Making Thread. Includes flags for Sol/Solar/Solare/Solars/Solself, lesbian demigirl, non-binary lesbian: <https://archive.ph/2J3Dn>
Another Wepromiseweretrying Flag Thread. Includes repost of flags for Vae/vaer, She/they lesbian, Fae/faer, Pangender. Includes flags for Lune/Lunar, Xe/Xem: <https://archive.ph/xb0gF>
Another Wepromiseweretrying Flag Thread. Only has one flag, for girlflux: <https://archive.ph/VMFFk>
Another Wepromiseweretrying Flag Thread: <https://archive.ph/knk3Z>
Femme twink: <https://archive.ph/sV3OB>
Alt Biprominal Flags: <https://archive.ph/GSGrg>
Terms Relating to Feminaesexual and Muscusexual. Femirietiriisexual / latafabisexual / nebuliriasexual, Viretiriisexual / latamasabisexual / novariasexual: <https://archive.ph/ih02B> / <https://archive.ph/7yFRj>
Alt Fae/Faer Flags by Wepromiseweretrying and DeltaMakesArt: <https://archive.ph/XRZGI>
DeltaMakesArt Flag Making Thread. Includes flags for Spectoflux, genderqueer: <https://archive.ph/9DZSH>
alt genderfluid flags: <https://archive.ph/msE5n>
cupioquoisexual: <https://archive.ph/aGETo>
Another Wepromiseweretrying Flag Making Thread. Includes Flags for xe/xaem: <https://archive.ph/L5ZuJ>
spectaflux / specaflux / spectoflux: <https://archive.ph/70W6G>
demiromantic gay man flag: <https://archive.ph/wBCvl>
Alt. gay flag: <https://archive.ph/JqhH1>
Alt. Cetero flag: <https://archive.ph/WeWUH>
Alt. Ally Flag: <https://archive.ph/xEhv2>
Nuclear Bomb Neptunics: <https://archive.ph/KsWII> / <https://archive.ph/lShj3>
genderwack: <https://archive.ph/96g74>
cupidgender / cherugender flag: <https://archive.ph/LvBJp>
Unnamed M-spec Term: <https://archive.ph/YkgV5>
cerealic flag: <https://archive.ph/a8V8L>
alt. androgynous flag: <https://archive.ph/MygJ6>
various aromagenders. Artiaromic, Tiendaromic, Mintaromic, Casiaromic, Feieraromic, Chrisausaromic, Naturaromic, Tearomic, Cresolaromic, Cartaromic, Floraromic, Rosearomic: <https://archive.ph/ZmVWM>
Petfluid (Otherkin / Alterhuman Term): <https://archive.ph/AMgx7>
Alt. Polyamory Flag: <https://archive.ph/NAVKN>
panamorous flag: <https://archive.ph/BOVyO>
Wood System / Wood Gender System Flags: <https://archive.ph/YQUUt> / <https://archive.ph/nrAi8> / <https://archive.ph/oufjP> / <https://archive.ph/cIe7Q> / <https://archive.ph/pwUkw>
pearlian flag: <https://archive.ph/0WeVR> / <https://archive.ph/Clzxc>
Pan-oriented Aroace / Asexual, Aromantic, Pansexual Combination Flag: <https://archive.ph/1YTWy>
Newgrounds system /  Newgrounds Gender system: <https://archive.ph/DoexT>
Solvoidian (Scene System?): <https://archive.ph/eNy9e>
alt. kenochoric flag: <https://archive.ph/QcTKz>
Pawlapinic, 🌌gender, .Drizzlegender / drizzlix, Cuddlegender, Enderpearlgender: <https://archive.ph/10eWs>
Demigamous: <https://archive.ph/21yXf>
Confusigender: <https://archive.ph/EqTyA>
Alt. Panplatonic Flag: <https://archive.ph/RfyLg>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/XAtGR>
Omnipan, Omnibi, Omnomi, Omnipoly, Omnimspec, Cyphrian, Nyxian, Myranian, Mavrixian, Reycian, Nindivian, Ninderian, Ninangyan, Faesrian, Cenrian, Censirian, Xenbian, Xeminian, Xephryan, Faegrian, Cengrian, Agenripan, Eiraltean: <https://archive.ph/yZOic>
simulship / propeship: <https://archive.ph/ndN6d> / <https://archive.ph/MQ8vz> / <https://archive.ph/ogs6U>
Genderstory: <https://archive.ph/ZFNIf> / <https://archive.ph/A48jA>
Songgender: <https://archive.ph/cusUV>
gracegender: <https://archive.ph/NTNwg> / <https://archive.ph/0IsIW>
Genderhole: <https://archive.ph/4xzSP>
Luogender: <https://archive.ph/dw7VC>
Feagender: <https://archive.ph/OWswX> / <https://archive.ph/qlM8i>
alt panro lesbian flag: <https://archive.ph/DaskY>
indifferentgender, Gendermirror, Mirrorsexual, Artsexual / Craftsexual: <https://archive.ph/bSFem>
Unlabelled Flag (Creator Said it is free to use): <https://archive.ph/NhZPH>
Fluid-fluid-fluid: <https://archive.ph/Z6E2n> / <https://archive.ph/BvZDI>
alt. cassexual flag: <https://archive.ph/NRtWH>
Sugargender: <https://archive.ph/pJZrJ>
Libraplatonic: <https://archive.ph/seVA4>
Beygender: <https://archive.ph/dXZfK>
Coloric / Coloric System: <https://archive.ph/qMEsq> / <https://archive.ph/EDYFN>
sunflower sapphic (term for omniaspec sapphics): <https://archive.ph/RsDSt>
mid fight masses gender system (fnf / friday night funkin): <https://archive.ph/g5YhP>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/GJiHb>
sonorumamplexic flag: <https://archive.ph/TxXTR>
Ruvgender: <https://archive.ph/6mC6x> / <https://archive.ph/UACUy>
Shadowelfengender Flag: <https://archive.ph/BeGuB>
Unlabelled Flag (Possibly dachfengenderflux): <https://archive.ph/ZPlTg>
My Hero Academia gender: <https://archive.ph/dGF6D>
Encregender: <https://archive.ph/0R0TX> / <https://archive.ph/rx0j0> / <https://archive.ph/2XkVl>
she/raven/sunflower/sol Pronoun Flag: <https://archive.ph/Dj0vZ>
Staubergender: <https://archive.ph/3ZZV2> / <https://archive.ph/tTyDx>
Caedsexualflux: <https://archive.ph/Fpkxn>
Aestheticgender: <https://archive.ph/SdZJ3> / <https://archive.ph/RlZ8h>
soft-littegender: <https://archive.ph/tDklo>
protlasromantic: <https://archive.ph/G8oyd> / <https://archive.ph/9THZE> / <https://archive.ph/mInck>
Staubergender, HiLogender, PopFoodgender, Micropopgender: <https://archive.ph/ixI9y>
Caedsexualflux: <https://archive.ph/6LIXz> / <https://archive.ph/4LlNC>
indiegender: <https://archive.ph/Ia3yU>
Roundgender: <https://archive.ph/UZILA> / <https://archive.ph/wo3mV>
Enagender Flag: <https://archive.ph/JdIzB>
Polyspike: <https://archive.ph/xrInC> / <https://archive.ph/KgnAi> / <https://archive.ph/W42MY> / <https://archive.ph/yunoj>
Sonorumamplexic: <https://archive.ph/X7HNF> / <https://archive.ph/MlHBG>
Linksexual: <https://archive.ph/UNQIS> / <https://archive.ph/7CvVy> / <https://archive.ph/ltP8V>
Term Coining Guide by Reign of the breadsticcs: <https://archive.ph/mwu9C>
Incomplete Coin for a gender relating to DDLC (Doki Doki Literature Club): <https://archive.ph/mwu9C>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/aKuXD>
Nequent (potentially exclusionary. not sure, i only skimmed it): <https://archive.ph/YYuLE>
Incomplete Coin for a gender, potentially a kind of scenegender: <https://archive.ph/AnPmZ>
Melarvorean Flags (in comments): <https://archive.ph/bM9Yk>
Miscegender Flags (in comments): <https://archive.ph/oBPa0>
Gecgender Flag (in comments): <https://archive.ph/Z09Ml>
Atmospherigender Flag: <https://archive.ph/BqunG>
shrewgender flag: <https://archive.ph/Oe9Am>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/rQaZL>
passerinian: <https://archive.ph/4iaBN>
Astrology Gender System Rework Idea: <https://archive.ph/g6POt>
againgender: <https://archive.ph/tVu09> / <https://archive.ph/h9uPa> / <https://archive.ph/uX91Q>
pronounfluix, aesthetipronounfluix: <https://archive.ph/6nuDb>
aesthetipronounflux, aesthetipronounfluid: <https://archive.ph/keOQy>
Deafloric flag: <https://archive.ph/HMPew>
Synthesigender: <https://archive.ph/UBurc>
fairesolean: <https://archive.ph/v0O2x>
Otorivean: <https://archive.ph/w3t3e> / <https://archive.ph/8sOEz>
Unidentified Flags (OP Says that "most" of these aren't for specific identities): <https://archive.ph/JR9fU>
Opacigender: <https://archive.ph/ESgRv> / <https://archive.ph/segfb>
Syngender: <https://archive.ph/s6gFw>
squirrelgender: <https://archive.ph/FUVSc>
Astrology system (deleted): <https://archive.ph/hkgtx> / <https://archive.ph/SJA4S> / <https://archive.ph/5yghy>
Pusheengender: <https://archive.ph/imVue>
Spacnautean Flag Cleanup: <https://archive.ph/vbAGU>
Fictiverden, Fictikoblet: <https://archive.ph/6AVif> / <https://archive.ph/H0fTA> / <https://archive.ph/UOU6g>
duesmarian, réuamirian, douxiquean, (Scene Gender System): <https://archive.ph/7DAiW>
User MovingAccountsSoon -> HandMeMyShovel: <https://archive.ph/vsyia>
Plynestraean: <https://archive.ph/I2UUh>
a post describing loinmusicgender before it was coined: <https://archive.ph/VRz6X>
Alt. Pan Flag: <https://archive.ph/POKDE>
Fictiverden, Fictikoblet: <https://archive.ph/rd5eZ>
Atmospherigender: <https://archive.ph/ul4g4>
neosynthic, otorivean, camisolian: <https://archive.ph/5LoSp>
Plynestraean: <https://archive.ph/TZoGq>
Astranoirian: <https://archive.ph/voJhL> / <https://archive.ph/CVEKJ>
Melmursylvian, Shadowelfengender: <https://archive.ph/Idour>
starlittle (stargender + littlefluid), starcloud (stargender + cloudgender / fluffy / fluffygender?). Unclear if these are coining, or somebody trying to figure out their identity based on existing terms: <https://archive.ph/U13G7>
Jellyfigender: <https://archive.ph/wrois>
Astraitelian: <https://archive.ph/kFn6t> / <https://archive.ph/1O3dK>
neopronoun flag: <https://archive.ph/8TnUu>
Modgender: <https://archive.ph/KiIvP> / <https://archive.ph/W7nIv>
intersex flags: <https://archive.ph/ywIjQ>
(Warning: Some of these terms read to me as NSFW.) Omdace, Dentroace, Fuoriace, Inferiace, Sumitace, Geniace, Breace, Bottoace, Pauciace, Peculiace, Orgasace: <https://archive.ph/MY874>
Xenic Woman: <https://archive.ph/lguHk>
Bambi straight flag: <https://archive.ph/JQ95Z>
Unidentified Gender System: <https://archive.ph/WFPiF>
NBLNB flag: <https://archive.ph/KTO6G>
(Aesthetic) Sunset Lesbian, Moon Gay, Comet Pan, Star Bi Flags: <https://archive.ph/YK9j3>
Unidentified Gender System. I think this is related to the Astrology Gender System that I archived earlier that was deleted: <https://archive.ph/ZNOkK>
Unidentified Flags: <https://archive.ph/Bc8V5>
Archaeogender, Arcaneagender, Arkhaigender: <https://archive.ph/N1N8L> / <https://archive.ph/abmc2> / <https://archive.ph/Hp2LB> / <https://archive.ph/QcxI8>
Unidentified Flags: <https://archive.ph/DisXt>
Fluousexual: <https://archive.ph/P6799> / <https://archive.ph/rwsLu>
Pomoromantic: <https://archive.ph/8TluG> / <https://archive.ph/KiF51>
Alt. lesbian flag: <https://archive.ph/9V0vn>
Inenagender: <https://archive.ph/X90jo>
genderplaylist flag: <https://archive.ph/aYFv4>
pronounflux: <https://archive.ph/MnZ7p>
Seamerosian: <https://archive.ph/nNkIK> / <https://archive.ph/0fkkM>
atmosgender: <https://archive.ph/c3Zxs> / <https://archive.ph/Otj8N> / <https://archive.ph/viw8q>
Piracyic: <https://archive.ph/CHjWO> / <https://archive.ph/qVjKP>
Unlabelled Flag: <https://archive.ph/DJYXv>
protlas / lassit / Lassitromantic / Protlasromantic: <https://archive.ph/e9jyQ>
protlas / lassit / Lassitromantic / Protlasromantic: <https://archive.ph/YehOW> / <https://archive.ph/yAXpA> / <https://archive.ph/zDCqh>
The Autre System (Intersex Terms): <https://archive.ph/MshCX> / <https://archive.ph/ZgWPD>
minesunigender (minecraftgender), hearticongender, yelhearticongender, Barbzgender, Lettergender: <https://archive.ph/AGhqY>
Scenesytinic: <https://archive.ph/b5B2j> / <https://archive.ph/VNMao> / <https://archive.ph/xc6LJ>
Magicae (Gender) System, Petal (Gender) System, Paint (Gender) System, Sunlight (Gender) System, Moonlight (Gender) System: <https://archive.ph/NuWDE>
Disiungender: <https://archive.ph/oUheZ> / <https://archive.ph/c8g20> / <https://archive.ph/pWWfG>
lunamedisian, Eirireinean, Pintavesian, Solseceanian, Keacielean, Nuvidirian, Faronottean Flags: <https://archive.ph/CLBsm>
Kpopgender: <https://archive.ph/xxfLk> / <https://archive.ph/KlUX0>
Magisexual: <https://archive.ph/BHTN6> / <https://archive.ph/c7epr>
Caygender: <https://archive.ph/pVTB7>
crushgender: <https://archive.ph/CKyON>
disiungender: <https://archive.ph/Pzd1t> / <https://archive.ph/pWWfG>
campogender: <https://archive.ph/qYyCO> / <https://archive.ph/3FIPA>
Alt. ectosexual flag: <https://archive.ph/fcyqP>
Unidentified Term: <https://archive.ph/QBS2a>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/3qyeQ>
neptunicflux: <https://archive.ph/gfdrw>
Caygender: <https://archive.ph/cPhEg>
Aquoigender: <https://archive.ph/OeCfB> / <https://archive.ph/TDDqk>
Extra Context for some scene system Flags: <https://archive.ph/dRWEX>
Unidentified / Unnamed Term: <https://archive.ph/qGBRD>
disiungender: <https://archive.ph/15WsY>
Lessexual: <https://archive.ph/eUBFE> / <https://archive.ph/QjWgZ>
Feresexual (Deleted): <https://archive.ph/fXgGl> / <https://archive.ph/RmBhG> / <https://archive.ph/4bgum> / <https://archive.ph/GDf6o> / <https://archive.ph/TrVi4> (? This one may honestly be for something else, I'm just making a guess here)
Xenofluid, Xenoflux Recoining: <https://archive.ph/gZVG2>
Unidentified / Unnamed Term: <https://archive.ph/tOATI>
Affectipupian: <https://archive.ph/sQe8o> / <https://archive.ph/4fzJJ>
disiungender Flag Discussion (Some users no longer have live accounts): <https://archive.ph/5ieKq>
(cw: drowning) Drowneagender: <https://archive.ph/6kTK7> / <https://archive.ph/r44z8>
Loralisian, Paraicean, Lunamedisian, Savahian (Scene (Gender) System): <https://archive.ph/4kuRl> / <https://archive.ph/vYeat> / <https://archive.ph/kcdYu> / <https://archive.ph/VByzP> / <https://archive.ph/JPynQ>
Galafleurian, Sanguifleurian, Lightacifleurian, Femstellian, Lokanian, Erupitian: <https://archive.ph/O505P>
heterofluid (potential sub-term of or similar term to abrosexual): <https://archive.ph/LX13K>
Lingerromantic: <https://archive.ph/5m9R2>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/cD1tN>
Zeronian: <https://archive.ph/uFZJW>
Candylifemme, candylimasc, nindylic, and xendylic (Candylic Sub-terms): <https://archive.ph/Xrjbn> / <https://archive.ph/o6DI4>
Scene System: <https://archive.ph/1jd9N> / <https://archive.ph/jmClb>
nebulous attraction: <https://archive.ph/MpeVJ> / <https://archive.ph/N6d9Y>
greypansexual: <https://archive.ph/T0A4W> / <https://archive.ph/FxQsG>
Silvadian: <https://archive.ph/tLQgH> / <https://archive.ph/GAvtn>
Vellutugender, Sedagender, Laineamagian, Infideifegender, Infideimagender: <https://archive.ph/FQxNd> / <https://archive.ph/6dPSJ> / <https://archive.ph/7guTq> / <https://archive.ph/IFPuL> / <https://archive.ph/KP6zZ> / <https://archive.ph/JIuvs>
Pseudogender: <https://archive.ph/pW6GC>
Unidentified / Incomplete Arospec Term: <https://archive.ph/EQ5UG>
Unidentified Attraction Term: <https://archive.ph/Qkm2j>
Unidentified Gender or Gender System, Potentially Darkacademiacoric: <https://archive.ph/XqDPu>
Genderstrike: <https://archive.ph/ENdqD> / <https://archive.ph/u6xf2>
Anti-sexual / Anti-Romantic (this post was mentioned in the coining post): <https://archive.ph/mTIX7>
iniveraean: <https://archive.ph/CQncS>
Unidentified / Incomplete Gender Hoarding / Collection Term: <https://archive.ph/MWuMm>
coelacanthgender: <https://archive.ph/hM8fb>
Unidentified Flags: <https://archive.ph/vEssy>
oceanic gender system (potentially unnamed / named something else and this is just the theme): <https://archive.ph/yMruD>
Unnamed Gender (Ancomgender): <https://archive.ph/n26jl>
Scene System, Paint System, Architect System, Marine System, Deus System, Sunlight System: <https://archive.ph/sdKl7>
Demiance-jump, Demianro-jump, Dressgender, Equitrois, Flousoi, Flouesoi, Flouxsoi, Nocturnalromantic, Qualisexual, Springsgender, Alt. achillean, Alt. vincian: <https://archive.ph/woooT>
Termfluid / labelflux: <https://archive.ph/sVUPm>
Lochen Flag (in comments): <https://archive.ph/f7fCG>
Scene System, Paint System, Architect System, Marine System, Deus System, Sunlight System: <https://archive.ph/5nUro>
Multigender Flag: <https://archive.ph/lkyF9>
Aggelos Flag: <https://archive.ph/osxIe> / <https://archive.ph/7cCTU>
genderpunk/genderfuck alt flag: <https://archive.ph/7avoq>
seasonrosegenders flags: <https://archive.ph/yS9Pa>
(Ancomgender) Unnamed Gender: <https://archive.ph/PSs4C>
Unidentified Flags (I believe these are related to the show Descendants): <https://archive.ph/X1Kql>
alt sapphic flag: <https://archive.ph/e03FN>
synamorous: <https://archive.ph/FG25Q>
transpec flag: <https://archive.ph/w21VW> / <https://archive.ph/lg1JX>
The Eerian (Gender) System; Eerihotelian, Eeriforestian, Eeriwastelian, Eerioceanian, Eerimansian, Eerivoidian: <https://archive.ph/bAlzm>
dayflux flag: <https://archive.ph/GqY2b> / <https://archive.ph/gjXsd>
Envigorsexual: <https://archive.ph/SqpTe> / <https://archive.ph/GEpHf> / <https://archive.ph/6hJ6B>
Clear.Skyes Flag Thread: <https://archive.ph/asn9n>
Alt. Otherkin / Therian Flag: <https://archive.ph/EP3g7>
Unidentified / Uncoined Aspec Term (?): <https://archive.ph/kp1Ve> / <https://archive.ph/VPmwz>
Ambiamorous Flags: <https://archive.ph/eTZNp>
SAGAs of the Scythe / Saints of the Rainbow: <https://archive.ph/UCse9>
Noctilgender / Noctilian / Noctil-:  <https://archive.ph/VE7fQ>
LGB-Tridents / LGBT+ of the Cannon / LGBuTterfly Knife or The Butterfly Knife of LGBT+: <https://archive.ph/y9LSz>
coisaillean: <https://archive.ph/2XKkH>
Wandergender / Libergender / Lostesgender / satisabic / adsephyrric (unsure which name(s) were decided on, if any): <https://archive.ph/30plo>
Rivean: <https://archive.ph/Hu3X7>
Multimasculine, Multifeminine, Multineutural: <https://archive.ph/2E1gl> / <https://archive.ph/qc1Ej>
Abrosexual / Abroromantic Flag Art / Meme: <https://archive.ph/SYk5K>
Cliffgender (Scenegender): <https://archive.ph/V6j7P> / <https://archive.ph/8UZkv>
ralsei (Deltarune) with Abrosexual, Abroromantic Flag BG: <https://archive.ph/mMjxS>
Impostorgender (Name may have been a work in progress): <https://archive.ph/QAhZ0>
fairy (gender) system: <https://archive.ph/iiWqK>
altgender flag: <https://archive.ph/TpxXJ>
Arretasexual, Arretaroace, Omniaxenic Flags: <https://archive.ph/ezvfX>
synamorous: <https://archive.ph/Jp8IM>
Aivotsex page: <https://archive.ph/0prYe>
Laimosexual Page: <https://archive.ph/3MC8t>
Laidirifluid Page: <https://archive.ph/KvY7O>
Chronosasexual Page: <https://archive.ph/ibSym>
Unlabelled Links: https://archive.ph/3Yikr https://archive.ph/QO8Aj https://archive.ph/s6SVC https://archive.ph/wnlLk https://archive.ph/aBWko https://archive.ph/WRkry https://archive.ph/14Du1 https://archive.ph/tNhVL https://archive.ph/1tbmj
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anjumstar · 3 years
anjum’s bkdk recs #11
Ten more complete, nsfw (minors dni) fic recs. Enjoy!
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hyperlinked title by author | word count
genre (bakudeku  for top!Bakugou, bottom!Deku; dekubaku for top!Deku, bottom!Bakugou;   vers for when both are present; dom! and sub! for when bdsm dynamics are  present) warnings: where relevant Summary/review
💚🧡 = fave
Recs are under the cut, organized by word count, low to high.
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31. Asymptote by emS2 | 1.7k 💚🧡
smut, fluff (dekubaku) warning: exhibitionism A bite-sized 5+1 fic. This isn’t the first fic I’ve read called asymptote, and I love that theme of constantly getting closer to each other and I think it works well for our boys. Cute and short!
32. coming home to you (is a sweet comfort) by nymphorical | 2.4k
smut (dekubaku) warning: no lube, (little) blood Okay, so normally no lube is a big 😬 for me, but this fic knows what it’s doing. It’s an intentional move and it works. It’s unusual smut, but I think it’s quite effective!
33. Lift your Hands (Toward the Sun) by sprx77 | 3.9k
smut (dekubaku) warning: canon-typical bloodiness The boys can’t stop exchanging OFA back and forth while they’re getting busy post-fight. The fic explores different aspects of trading the quirk that are fun, but it’s also just such a fun idea that’s so unique and special for the boys. Loved the take.
34. No Time for Patience by vldofthegalaxies | 4.6k
smut, fluff (dekubaku) I just love bkdk being needy for each other, being so into each other, having their sights on each other before anyone else. This is that. It’s est. relationship pwp. It’s not too racy, just cute and simple.
35. Dreams, Fairytales, Fantasies by symbolofsimpery | 7.1k 💚🧡
smut (dekubaku, dom!Deku, sub!Baku) warning: some bdsm including spitting, light angst, foot fetish Be prepared for some surprise slightly hopeful angst at the end off the bat! But other than that, this fic is just dkbk being so into each other. All about going along with the Baku foot kink that’s swept the fandom lately, lol. But as a person not into feet, I think it’s done super successfully and unless that’s a major turnoff, you should definitely check it out anyway!
36. Borderline by maginot | 9k
fluff, hurt/comfort No dynamics in this one! Just a mostly fluffy oneshot where the boys are injured and having an ouchy day off together. They’re not perfect, which I love, and there are some ouch/oopses here between them, but it’s lovely hurt/comfort where they’re soft and needy for each other at the end.
37. Blood That Binds by Occasus | 10.1k
pining, smut warning: some blood and injuries. Canon-typical. Also no dynamics! Bakugou is pining for Deku and they’re hero partners and they go back and forth tending each others’ wounds. It’s a little gritty, a little grimy, but it feels like them, and it’s dynamic-free.
38. We Sound Better Than You or Me by orphan_account | 11.6k 💚🧡
smut, angst, fluff (dekubaku, dom!Deku, sub!Baku) warning: some bdsm, bkdk as exes, drunk/high sex (kinda) Angsty, pining Baku who’s still in love with Deku after having broken up 2 years ago. He makes every excuse not to see him, but there’s no excuse to miss the KamiJirou wedding, so he finally has to face the love of his life again. The angst is good, never digs too deep to where you can’t come back. In fact, we do come back, and it’s so, so good.
39. Camboy, Fanboy by tempestbreak | 19.7k
smut (bakudeku) warning: Deku is a camboy As the resident AU skeptic, I’ll let y’all know that this fic has really good characterization, especially on Baku’s end. Deku gets some pretty great backstory too. The arc is really well done with some surprises, particularly near the end.
40. We Who Made This by osakakitty | 20.5k
smut, fluff (mostly bakudeku, vers) warning: a/b/o-like dynamics. Heats, scenting, feral behavior (no knots) Obligatory fantasy AU. The focus really is on the boys though. Nice parallels between this AU and canon but not overdone. There’s a good balance. And the boys are just so in love <3
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more recs can be found here 💚🧡
nsfw recs can be found in my ao3 collection 💚🧡
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hello, i'm trying to seek advice and validation for these stuff
tw : destructive hallucinations, death
i've been having these flashes of "thoughts", they appeared at random times and obviously i couldn't control them. i know they weren't real but....they FELT real
i've seen my parents having a car crash and died, this happened when i was waiting for them to come home from work. then one day i saw myself having a crash while driving my motorcycle, the worst one was when i woke up and the world's ending (meteors crashing to earth, volcanoes erupting, earthquakes)
it didn't last long because it's just flashes but still it appears a lot of times, it feels like watching a movie and then it paused when i snapped back to reality, when the stress got too overwhelming it continues and i just had a breakdown from that
and then there are these "voices" too, i've tried to made some peace with them but they always refused. they're annoying as hell cause what they're told me were very harmful and self destructive, like i don't deserve to live when i had a decent normal day, or everything i did is wrong, or my happiness is a burden to my family, that i just ruining everything. heck even my headspace friends (not alters tho, more like imaginary friends) got pissed off too because of them!
i've been searching on google (i'm pretty much banned from going to my psychologist cause my parents knew and they just told me to pray much more, typical sea parents smh) on what these stuff are and i'm still not sure, i feel like it's only ptsd but with hearing voices? is it psychosis?
btw prob those voices would be mad at me after i send this ask lol, dw i can handle them even tho yeah it's exhausting. i feel like maybe if i'm able to understand what this is i'll feel much better
thank you for reading 💖
Hey anon,
First of all I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with these things. That sounds unnecessarily challenging and frustrating.
The first thing you mentioned about "flashes" actually strongly resonates with another ask I answered. I will reiterate that "Intrusive thoughts in and of themselves can be considered a type of OCD, and harmful intrusive thoughts can be further classified as Harm OCD. This type of OCD is very common in those with PTSD, depression, and anxiety." But of course this experience is comorbid with other disorders, such as schizophrenia, OSDD, or other disorders that involve voices.
Also I just want to say that, like you may discover in the hyperlink to the other anon, you're not alone and I can especially relate to those apocalyptic flashes around bedtime. Those are the worst, they get you right when your defenses are down, and I'm sorry you experience that too. I've found that it's comforting to consider the extremely rare odds of something like that happening.
As we are volunteers and not professionals we unfortunately can't give you a diagnosis of any kind, but your experiences are valid no matter what condition may be causing them.
Hope I could help point you in a clearer direction, and we're here for you if you need anything.
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