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brontios-helm · 1 month ago
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Minecraft: Party Business
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catperson6 · 4 months ago
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chronicsheepdrawing · 2 years ago
This feels a bit... familiar, doesn't it, Stanley?
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Introducing the official Drinky Bird Narrator Minecraft Skin! Play out your wildest block-based fantasies with this silly bird!
Hopefully he won't mind being subjected to an open world game- although he doesn't exactly have a choice.
Get yours Here!
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Pictures taken utilizing the BSL Optifine Shader.
( Not actually endorsed by CrowsCrowsCrows don't tell them. )
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powerlineangel · 1 year ago
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the-chessboard-is-personal · 3 months ago
having some lag without using mods
uses mod that has part of the word "optimization" in it's name
clientlag increases
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princepsfianna · 6 months ago
Minecraft shaders are divinely sent
After about six hours of increasingly wrath inducing errors and crashes while fucking aruond with forge and optifine I finally got the damn things to work! Huzzah! And by God it was.. kinda worth it! Very enjoyable fucking around and tinkering with the settings and honestly the 'insanity' one was geniuely scary at points. Such as in a cave and with strange music in the background and the ambient noises was just... creepy. It was fell giving me unease and the unbound one was just making the game look... GOOD! Like I love minecraft but the game just looks shite. Some screenies because I was awestruck when playing it with shaders for the first time and took.. afew.
Fuck man I love this game
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intermet179 · 2 years ago
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Moreorboros feat. Clearer shot + different shaders
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moonlightminecraft · 10 months ago
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Some screenshots from my current creative building world. (And also my first post on this blog!)
Technical details under the cut.
Resource Packs and Shaders:
Mizuno's (incl. CIT)
Bushy Leaves
Complementary Shaders
Biomes O Plenty
Better Advancements
Simply Light
Sound Physics Remastered
Loading Screen Tips
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brainbesplit · 1 year ago
the bitches love me because my chickens and sheep have a decent sized pen that will be expanded as soon as my house is finished
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(shortly after this image was taken, two of my chickens and one of my sheep died while i was fighting with a mutant skeleton. the loss has shaken me to my core [i dont reaklly care but i feel bad kind of])
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lalala-hyuponia · 2 years ago
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My minecraft resource pack, Enchantment Sprites!
This resource pack, basically, with the power of Optifine (recently also added support for Chime thanks to a friend), changes the texture of the tools depending on the enchantments they have!
With this, you can pretty much immediately see what enchantments the tools have in your chest! The visual change is also visible for other players in a multiplayer server, maybe it'll be fun to see what your friends use!?
Check it out at Curseforge or Planet Minecraft!
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ectomoog · 1 year ago
The Ecto Moog Vanilla Experience
Updated for 1.20.4
I’m the unwilling user of a MacBook Air, and I’m also someone with strong (picky) preferences for ✨vibes✨, and so to play Minecraft casually on my laptop, I’ve had to jump through several hoops to achieve what I would consider a good vanilla experience.
At this point though, I’ve put probably too much time and effort into it, and so I thought to justify that I’d make a beginner's guide to all the mods, resource packs and game options I use, as of February 2024 (1.20.4). 👇
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I will attach a hyperlink to any resources I mention :)
Ok so to start off, yes, I technically I don't actually play true vanilla Minecraft, but the mods I have installed are all client-side, and for the purpose of improving or optimising the vanilla experience. You can find me and a list of (almost) all these mods on Modrinth.
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Fabric & Modrinth (Intro)
To mod the game, I use Fabric. I know that Forge has had some… drama? recently, and I’m gonna be honest I’ve never tried Quilt (I will at some point), but Fabric is super widespread, tons of mods use it so it works just fine for me 😁. When I’m looking for mods, I really prefer to use Modrinth, just because I can follow everything and it’s a really well designed website. (I also tried their launcher but I think it needs a little work?)
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As part of Fabric, I do have the Fabric API in my mods folder.
Performance & Optimisation
I use these mods are to make the game run better. Minecraft is notorious for being very poorly optimised, and these mods have been made by a ton of very talented people to fix that.
JellySquid’s Sodium is the hot optimisation mod right now for rendering and graphical fixes. It doesn’t have the cosmetic features of Optifine, like dynamic lighting or zoom, but it’s super compatible and gives me great performance. Combined with my other mods, at a 15 chunk render distance in the overworld, I averaged around 50 fps. For a MacBook, that's not bad at all.
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To accompany Sodium I've also got Indium, an add-on that provides support for the Fabric Rendering API, which is required for mods that use advanced rendering effects, and Reese's Sodium Options, which adds a better options screen for Sodium’s video settings- it looks better basically.
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Lithium is a general purpose optimisation mod that improves systems like game physics, mob AI, block ticking, etc without changing vanilla mechanics.
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Starlight rewrites the entire lighting engine to fix performance and errors. Made for bigger servers, but helpful for client users. I think this is in place of Phosphor.
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Dynamic FPS
Dynamic FPS can reduce the game’s FPS when it’s just running in the background- useful for a laptop.
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Some more specific optimisation mods:
Entity Culling avoids rendering entities that aren’t directly in your field of view, which is much more thorough than the vanilla approach.
Ferrite Core reduces the memory usage of Minecraft in a ton of different ways.
Immediately Fast optimises how things like entities, particles, text, GUI are rendered, by using “a custom buffer implementation which batches draw calls and uploads data to the GPU in a more efficient way.”
I'm not a programmer so I can’t really explain what Krypton does, something to do with networking stacks, but I know it optimises.. things, lowers server CPU usage and reduces memory usage. I’m barely following along with a lot of these mods.
Fabric Language Kotlin is a dependancy that enables the use of the Kotlin programming language for other Fabric mods. To be honest, I’ve forgotten what mod needs this but I don’t want to delete it, just in case.
These mods aren’t necessarily about performance, but they do enhance the game in a vanilla kind of way, in my opinion. Some of these could be up for debate but I do think they compliment the base game.
Lamb Dynamic Lights
Lamb Dynamic Lights is a simple but thorough dynamic lighting mod that adds light-emitting handheld items, dropped items and entities.
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Zoomify is a super configurable zoom mod. Maybe this is just because of Optifine’s influence, but i think they should add zoom to the base game. At least I feel cool using it 😎
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To make Zoomify work, you’ll need, YetAnotherConfigLib, a config library that fills in a couple of holes.
Better F3
Better F3… makes the F3 menu better. There’s the option to customise literally everything, you can colour code, shift and delete parts of the menu depending on your use case, it’s less insane and looks a whole lot better.
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MiniHUD allows you to display customisable F3 lines on the main screen, along with several client-side overlay renderers. I just use it for the mini-F3, and I have my FPS, coords and cardinal direction in the top left corner. It’s honestly more helpful than you’d assume.
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MiniHUD requires MaLiLib (masa’s Litemod Library) which is a library mod for mods made by masa and others.
ModMenu adds an in-game menu where you can view the mods you’re running and access their details and setting menus.
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Shulker Box Tool Tip
Shulker Box Tool Tip adds a preview of the inside of a Shulker box when it’s in your inventory.
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Some more specific experience mods:
Bobby is a rendering mod that allows the player to render more chunks than a server’s fixed distance, by loading in previously generated chunks saved client-side. You can also render them straight from a singleplayer world file. To be honest, I don’t often run into this issue but it’s helpful to have lol.
Cloth Config API adds a config screen for mods in-game.
Iris is a mod that makes shaders super easy, and compatible with Sodium. It's down here because I don’t use shaders often, but it’s essential if you do.
A lot of these mods are subject to change as I find better or updated alternatives, and I'm always on the lookout for more 😁
Resource Packs
For vanilla Minecraft, I actually only use one resource pack, but if you’re familiar with Vanilla Tweaks, you’ll understand why this deserves its own category.
This resource pack allows you to pick which small changes you want to add, and a lot of them are really cool. Some of my favourite tweaks are:
Dark UI
Quieter Nether Portals
Circular Sun and Moon
Numbered Hotbar
Golden Crown
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The other tweaks I have are: Classic Minecraft Logo, Lower Warped Nylium, Lower Snow, Lower Crimson Nylium, Lower Podzol, Lower Paths, Lower Grass, Wither Hearts, Ping Color Indicator, Borderless Glass, Lower Fire, Lower Shield, Transparent Pumpkin, Noteblock Banners, Quieter Minecarts, Variated Unpolished Stones, Variated, Terracotta, Variated Stone, Variated Logs, Variated Mushroom Blocks, Variated End Stone, Variated Gravel, Variated Mycelium, Variated Planks, Variated Bricks, Random Moss Rotation, Variated Cobblestone, Variated Grass, Random Coarse Dirt Rotation, Variated Dirt, Darker Dark Oak Leaves, Shorter Tall Grass, Circle Log Tops, Twinkling Stars, Accurate Spyglass, Unique Dyes, Animated Campfire Item, Red Iron Golem Flowers, Brown Leather, Warm Glow, Horizontal Nuggets, Different Stems, Variated Bookshelves, Connected Bookshelves.
Game Options
For the sake of the full experience, here's the important game options:
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The End 😇
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And that's the whole thing! A lot of this could change at any moment based on my play style, but I think this is a really well rounded experience for vanilla Minecraft. Let me know if there's anything else I should try 😁
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brontios-helm · 2 months ago
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Minecraft: Acacia Twilight
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randomwords247 · 1 year ago
Optifine and reddit rant
I love using Optifine. I use it a LOT. And I mean a LOT
But since starting recording and using youtube, I also have a handful of mods I wanna use to make recordings better. Namely replaymod (the big one), boosted brightness (can be handy) and sometimes litematica (building)
1.19.3 I was able to use Optifabric to get Optifine working alongside the few mods I used, and it was great! Love being able to get the best of both worlds!
Come the next optifabric update, optifabric is now incompatible with replaymod. As it wasfor the next update. And 1.20. And 1.20.1. And so on. The mod I use the most is incompatible
So I start scouring the internet. Looking to see if anyone has a solution, has figured out a way to fix the incompatibility
And all I see??? Is reddit threads where people's only response is
"Optifine sucks lol stop using it and use sodium"
No help anywhere. Just the same "optifine is ass" "if you're still using optifine in 2023 you need to get with the times" "just use sodium *link to optifine alternatives*"
Now I have a number of problems with this attitude
The people making these original reddit posts are asking for help with optifine. They wanna use Optifine. They do not want to be told to use A DIFFERENT MOD. If I'm asking how I can get apples, I don't want you telling me to just get oranges, okay????
To get the same functionality that you have in Optifine. YOU HAVE SO INSTALL SO MANY GOSH DARN FREAKING MODS!!! Like seriously at least like 15 to get the same functionality you'd get from installing ONE thing
In the same vein of the mod thing, people's attitudes about it SUCKS because they act like this is an easy solution and "just get alternative mods lol". Hey hey you wanna know something fun? If I want to update Optifine to 1.20.2 from 1.20.1, I have to install one thing. It's great! If I want to update sodium with optifine alternatives? I HAVE TO REINSTALL LIKE 15 DIFFERENT MODS. PER UPDATE.
Now, I know what you're gonna say, "Random it's only once per update its not that much of a hassle" it really is??? Like it's irrtating for one, and for two if I wanna use MULTIPLE instances of minecraft? Oh gosh forbid I wanna do that and I have to juggle 3 sets of the 15 mods around in my mod folder
I literally have like 4 seperate "Unused mods" folders in my unused mod folder, and even with this seperation its STILL really confusing to move mods in and out and is a freaking hassle and a halve
Of course I'd still have to move things out with using optifabric, but I'll take having to move 2 files (Optifine and optifabric) in and out over FIFTEEN
Its literally EVERY comment I see on these threads is "Just don't use optifine lol" like as if its the easy win win solution that is less hassle or some crap. And it isn't!!!
Not to mention, I don't WANT to use sodium! I don't care if its "better", I don't like the interface, I hate having like 15 mods in my mod folder, and I LIKE OPTIFINE. Call me freaking old fashioned if you want I don't care, the freaking attitude of "just dont" is so infuriated when I'm tryna research if ANYONE has a solution
If you see one of those posts and wanna comment "just dont use optifine" seriously do not. It helps nobody. And your alternative frankly sucks butt and is way more inconvinient. If you don't have an actual solution to the problem people are having, DONT COMMENT your "solutions"
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chronicsheepdrawing · 1 year ago
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I forgot to post shots of this Minecraft house I made in survival that I'm really proud of- the brick roof took the longest.
Not exactly 'art' in the usual sense but I still made it so it's going here. I can't remember what shader I used, I think it was Optifine.
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kweenorion · 2 years ago
more minecraft to start this month and end this weekend, chillin in optifine
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themcphotographer · 2 years ago
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desert well with mesa
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