#that guy with the chainsaw 😂😂😂
threnodians · 2 months
watching a playthrough of the re4 remake while i struggle with a headache (i can’t take any pain medication rn unfortunately) and so naturally i am having massive leon scott kennedy brainrot
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violetlunette · 6 months
You know in original Beanfest, Lilia couldn't find either Silver or Sebek when he defeated Malleus. But with your Yuu hovering around Silver suddenly his "protecc baby son" was activated and he wiped out both of them 10 min into the game 😂 Unfortunately it means they got to spend time together in Beanfest time-out, so Lilia lost this round
(Alternative scenario, Yuu spent the entire Beanfest looking for Silver but he cannot find him anywhere so automatic W for Lilia)
(referencing this series)
Funnily enough, I was just thinking about this. XD
Believe it or not, Yuu would actually do pretty well here as the only rule seems to be “no magic” and despite all appearances, he’s in great shape. (Remember this is a guy that regularly gets tossed around by Lilia.) Once he’s motivated, he can be like Rambo, and spending time with Silver is great motivation. (He and Silver would actually be a decent team if Silver could adapt to his whackiness.)
Yeah, I think Lilia would definitely want to hunt Yuu first just because at this point it’s become instinct, and he's not going to leave Silver along in the woods with that animal. Meanwhile, Yuu would look for Silver, but will he find him? Who knows.
Don’t wanna say too much as I may write this as a story one day.
But for fun--
-- (Based on this)
*Vargas explaining the rules of bean fest*
Vargas: And NO hatchets!
Yuu: *Holding hatchet* I can’t help but feel I’m being singled out here.
Vargas: Yuu, no.
Yuu: Aw, c’mon!
Vargas: No!
Yuu: But what if--
Vargas: No.
Yuu: Fine! *Tosses hatchet, narrowly missing Azul who screams like a Sebastian about to get boiled* Yuu: What about guns?
Vargas: No.
Yuu: Chainsaws? *Revs up saw*
Vargas: No.
Yuu: swords?
Vargas: No.
Yuu: Brass knuckles?
Vargas: No.
Yuu: Acid attacks?
Vargas: You’re going to hell, you know that right? I know as a teacher I shouldn’t say that, but you are not seeing heaven, ever.
Yuu: That’s okay, I figured that out a while ago with the experimentation and unlawful taxidermy.
Yuu: Anyway, what about nuclear weapons?

Riddle: No.
Vargas: Aw, c’mon.
Riddle: No!
Vargas: I mean, I don’t think he could do it, but I mean if he wants to try I would want to see
 No, no you’re right.
Vargas: *To Yuu* No nukes. (Though I’m open to discussion.)
Yuu: Okay, got it. No Phantom Thread shit, but nukes are an option as long as Riddle doesn’t find out.
Everyone else: NO!
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
I dunno but i miss scare actor hobie. PLEASE
imagine seeing a 6’5 dude with sfx makeup and an amazingly terrifying outfit coming out you with an electric guitar ready to swing. Just imagine being chased by that. Its be so fun and horrifying. And hobie would be so seeet. Like when he sees your out of beeathe he would have left and come back with a small snack and water for you and make sure your okay
Lmaoo do you guys know those Halloween haunted house security footage where the guy dupes the scare actor and takes his chainsaw and chases the actor away instead? That's Hobie and R if they already knew eachother beforehand 😂😂😂
But yesss Hobie would drop the act when he sees that you're genuinely scared out of your mind and now he sits you down outside with a bottle of water while he's still in costume trying to comfort you even though his makeup makes him look scary af lol
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benito-cereno · 1 month
same guy who asked about writing for the tick, thanks for your speedy reply, another Quick question; any suggestions on how to get into the series for cheap? I watched the Amazon show which I liked, and then the cartoon on Hulu which I found more enjoyable. How do I get into the comics? The omnibuses are kinda pricey, especially when I’m saving for Uni, and also saving to get professional artists to draw my friends DnD characters.meanwhile the Bonza’s don’t have a lot of issues And then there are the spin offs like chainsaw vigilante and Paul the samurai. Or the fun out of continuity like Golden age Tick & Tick and aurtie. I want to read the comics, but I don’t know how to start
By far the easiest way to get into the comics is through the Complete Works collections, because that’s basically the only thing NEC is keeping in print. They are definitely pricy, but you can save money by not getting them all 😂 I know that might sound obvious, but if you aren’t psychologically compelled by bad brains to get them all, you shouldn’t
Here’s what you should get:
The Complete Edlund
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That’s the original story by the original creator and it’s the best stuff. It’s also the basis to varying extents to each TV version of the character. If you only get one thing, get this. Most people interested in the Tick comics will only ever get this.
If you read that and like it and want more and want to drop another $30US, get the Complete Big Blue Destiny by Eli Stone. It follows right after the Edlund stuff (kinda) and it’s weird and pretty good, if very different from the Edlund material.
In my opinion, the best Tick material after Edlund is the stuff by Sean Wang. Unfortunately there’s no one volume collecting all his stories like there are for Edlund and Stone. Some of his stories are in the Complete Specials and some are in the Complete Tick & Arthur. The Wang stories are great, but only account for about half the material in each of those volumes, with the rest being by various creative teams doing stories of varying quality.
The Complete Man Eating Cow/Chainsaw Vigilante has a lot of fun stuff in it and is the best of the spin-off material.
If I’m being completely frank, I wouldn’t really recommend the rest of the volumes unless you’re an absolute completist.
If, however, you feel like you have to have everything, here it is in order:
Complete Edlund
Complete Karma Tornado
Complete Big Blue Destiny
Complete Specials
Complete Tick & Arthur
Complete Color Series 1
Complete Color Series 2
Tick Golden Age 1-3
Days of Drama 1-6
Mangalicious Tick 1-4
Tick New Series 1-8
Tick 100-101
Tick FCBD 2011-2020
The Tick 2017 1-4
And then the spin offs:
Complete Paul the Samurai
Complete Man Eating Cow/Chainsaw Vigilante
Giant Circus Maximus
Of course, this one would have been the most essential, if it had ever actually come into existence:
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silentlydying · 2 years
You guys heard of the new shoujo manga by the author 'tatsuki fujimoto'??? I think its name is chainsaw man part 2 or something. It's so wholesome and sweet so far, definitely going to be my fav I can tell. I heard that the author mostly writes wholesome stuff so I guess we don't have to worry about our comfort couple dying here lmaoo 😂😂😂. We need more sweet no violence depression curing romance manga like this!!! Bless this author!!
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Ooo can I please request a brothers!Tangerine/Lemon x Little sister where it’s like home alone lol? They have to rush to a mission and leave their 8 year old sister Y/n at home (with a babysitter of course), however, the babysitter doesn’t do their job
 Leaving Y/n in the mansion by herself. She does what any little kid left alone would do
 Watch a lot of TV, okay a lot of video games, eat a lot of candy, jump on the beds, etc, until enemies of the Twins show up and break in and Y/n goes all “Home Alone” on them. The Twins rush back having gotten the alert that someone broke in (they’re rightfully panicked), and walk in guns blazing, only to see a very messing house filled with traps, the bad guys tied up, upside down, hanging off of the upstairs rail
 And a very proud little sister happily kicking her feet and waving at them while she’s just innocently watching a kids show
Lol Lemon being like like, “Welp, she is our little sister”
Tangerine face palming but also feeling a sense of pride in his lil sis😂
Also the twins rushing to hug her because they were super worried
oh my god I LOVE THISS 😭
Home alone
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“Alright, you got our number, jus’ call if you need anything.” Tangerine had said to the babysitter, she just nodded and continued to scroll on her phone.
“Thank you.” He said, before they both left the house.
“You sure ‘bout her?” Lemon asked.
“She’s the cheapest one I could find.”
“You’re so cheap. Look at where we live.”
“Babysitters a babysitter, mate.” Tangerine rolled his eyes. “She’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” He said, and they both got in the car.
The babysitter stayed for a little, before saying she was going to a party, and to tell your brothers that she was still there so she’d get paid.
You looked at her confused but agreed anyways, you were now home alone. You smirked when the door closed, and switched the channel. It was a horror movie, Texas chainsaw massacre.
You smiled as you realized you had hours home alone now. You could do anything.
You quickly raced to the kitchen, and jumped on top of the counter, and opened up a cabinet. A cabinet you weren’t usually allowed to open.
Lemon and Tangerine were auger addicts, and they always had to hide the candy from you (or you’d go crazy and eat it all like you are now)
You smirked and quickly got down a bunch of boxes, grabbing as much as you could and hopping down onto the floor again. You sat snack onto the couch, and ate almost all of it until you couldn’t eat anymore.
You switched the channel to another horror movie, saw this time.
You watched all the traps, and got bored after a while. So you went to one place you weren’t allowed.
The both of their bedrooms.
You made your way to Tangerines first, it was neat, and books were scattered around the room. Some plants and some flowers as well. Pictures of Tangerine, Lemon, and you all around as well. As well as an old painting.
You stood up, and started to jump up and down, laughing loudly as you did so, the bed getting messed up while you did so.
You then fell down, laughing wildly and grinning. That was about the most fun ever.
You cleaned up his room back to normal, then went to Lemons.
You’ve been in Lemons room tons of times, the both of you watching shows and TV.
It was messier, and it was more childish and fun. It had pictures of you, tangerine, and himself all around like Tangerines did. His bedsheets a bright blue. And small train figures scattered on his desk, along with some stickers of different things.
You smiled and did the same, smiling and laughing for a while before you heard a knock at the door. You furrowed your eyebrows and made your way back downstairs.
Your brothers couldn’t be home this early. No way!
“Who is it?” You said, in the best grown up deep voice you could muster.
“Its uh
 your grandfather!” He made up a liez
“My grandpas dead.” You said back.
 your great grandfather.”
That’s a lie. You knew that.
So quickly, you ran down the basement, grabbing anything you could with a small smirk. A rope, some tape, and some other things. Your brothers had showed you what to do in case something like this happened.
You quickly set up the trap, the man outside fidgeting with the door knob. You placed the net hidden, and hid what activated it underneath some tape. It looked like a mess, but it would work hopefully.
The man grew agitated, and blew the door open with his shotgun.
Tangerine looked at his phone when he got the alert someone was at the front door, of course he had only seen the part where the man blew the door off.
He showed Lemon, and they both drove faster, breaking the speed limit a couple times while doing so.
The man was now in a net, it barely was hanging on, he fell down slightly every minute.
His gun had fallen, and you just stared at it, waiting on the stairs.
The twins had come in, both guns out. They looked around and noticed you on the stairs.
“Holy shit. Are you alright?” Tangerine said, going up to you while Lemon stared in amusement at the man captured in the net, hanging on by the stairs.
“I’m fine. He’s not.” You pointed to the man, who just growled.
“Is that who I think it is?” Lemon snickered, and went closer.
“Think it is, Lemon. What do ya say we kill him right now?”
“Nah, I say we torture him.” Lemon sniffled, and the man just thrashed in the net, making it fall from the rope. He fell onto the hard floor with a groan, and looked up to the three of you staring at him.
“Can’t believe you got beat by a child?” Tangerine teased, grabbing him out of the net, and pulling his wrists roughly.
“Now I want you to tell everyone, including the person who hired you, to never come here ever fuckin’ again. Don’t even lay your eyes on her ever again.” Tangerine said.
“Yeah, you’re lucky we don’t shoot ya fuckin’ eyes out right now.”
“Well then who’d give everyone our message?” Tangerine said, and shoved him outside, the man tripping and falling on the driveway while running.
“Nice job, y/n.” Lemon said, turning back to you and giving you a high five, making you beam.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 11 months
I finally got around to watch episode 27 of Spy X Family and...
...IT WAS FANTASTIC!! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
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The animation team really did a excellent job adapting Missions 39 and 40...!! 😁 And though I did initially wonder why they switched the chapters around (Mission 40 was the Bond chapter, while Mission 39 was the Damian chapter for those that don't know...) This isn't the first time that the SXF anime has done this (I mean, just look at last week's episode), so it didn't really bothered me much at all...!! 😉 Also, it finally happened...:
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(Sorry about the poor quality screenshot)
I love how they did this scene and the rest of Bond's imagination sequences...!! 👏😂 Though, if I'm gonna be honest, I didn't laugh as much as I did when I first saw this scene in the manga... Probably because I already knew it was gonna happen, but it was still funny regardless!! 😄
Now on to the differences and additions...!!:
And... I only really noticed one this time around...! đŸ˜Č That being this dialogue change:
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In the anime, Anya says that Yor will kill Bond if he makes her angry; while it the manga, Anya says that Yor will MURDERIZE him if he makes her mad... Now, I'm pretty sure that "kill" is the correct thing Anya says here in Japanese, but I just love that she says murderize in the manga!! 😆 Not only because it's really funny, but it reminds of a certain half human half devil guy that sometimes has a chainsaw for a face...! 😏
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I feel like the localization team for the manga probably did this on purpose as a reference to Chainsaw Man, but I don't know for sure...! đŸ€·
Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanted to say about today's episode!! People who only watch the anime, I'll see y'all next week...!! 😁 And everyone else, I'll be seeing y'all tomorrow talking about the new chapter of Spy X Family (FINALLY!! 😆) And as always everyone, take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! SEE YA LATER!! 👋😄
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cursedvibes · 4 months
Sukuna has a few favorite shows;
A cooking show (Lots of meat and knives, gives him ideas for his Cleave and Dismantle attacks. Also gave him a craving for hamburgers for some reason.)
A specific series of slasher flicks (Guy has a chainsaw, gave him ideas for more Cleave and Dismantle moves)
A Romance show (Got hooked when Yuuji was scrolling through channels. He'll prioritize killing you if you make him aware that you know his secret.)
He'll fuck around with his cleave and dismantle strikes to see how precise he can get every once in a while, too, trying to see how precise he can get with his cuts, and what shapes he can make. Like a demented cookie cutter.
I'm not sure about the romance show 😂 Maybe to show how above it all he is. He's gonna sneer at the characters the whole time and complain how unnecessary all the drama is. He might occasionally through in his own advice.
And he's definitely experimented with his slashes both for versatility and to find out the optimal way to cut people up as fast and lethally as possible. Apparently, the best patter is chequers or a tic-tac-toe board.
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mad4turtles · 1 year
Hi 🙂 Loved your work over on Ao3, so I thought I'd shoot my shot at a rottmnt fic request!I had an idea for a prompt that has a premise like
‱ Takes place in the future timeline.
‱ I hc that CJ probably had at least ONE super rebellious moment in his younger years. I mean he's a child raised by both Cassandra Jones and the Hamatos 😂
‱ Casey Jr is still young enough that he's not allowed on missions
I can imagine CJ really pushing to start going on missions after witnessing the aftermath of one gone very bad. He just wants to be more useful & be able to protect his family like they always protect him and aid the Resistance. Casey and Leo probably get into it on the topic of Casey going on missions cause Leo is both his sensei AND one of his primary parental figures. CJ wants, Leo definitely does not want.
CJ sneaks out anyway to prove a point & scares the crap out of the fam. CJ runs into some trouble, maybe gets only mildly hurt, but scared & definitely learned an important lesson. Leo and the squad pull up ready to annihilate x5 cause their kid is the thing that's in danger. Some much needed, healthy heart to heart between Leo and CJ after everyone is safe and any wounds are treated. Cause their bond has me in a chokehold đŸ„č
Thank you for offering up request! Super awesome if this prompt is do-able for you!
... anon. my friend, my good pal. Do you know what you have done to me?
This is a two-parter because I got 9 pages in and really didn't want to rush this. I was having far too much fun!
Enjoy Part 1 XD
brave when i have to be
“Absolutely not.”
And really, Casey should have expected it. Even so, his jaw drops. “What?! Why?!”
Master Hamato Leonardo, leader of the only Resistance faction in the remains of Merica, and Casey's godfather, plants his hands on his hips and sighs. “We've been over this a thousand times, CJ—”
“But sensei,” Casey interrupts, stepping forward and clutching Uncle Tello's chainsaw hockey stick tight to his chest, “I can help! I'm not as strong as you, but I can still hold my own! I can scout, carry supplies back to base, or—or anything besides sitting around down here doing nothing while everyone else—!”
“I sincerely hope you're not just 'sitting around down here doing nothing' when there is plenty of training you could be doing and studying you can be catching up on,” Uncle Leo—no, Sensei right now—shoots back with an arched brow, frowning. At Casey's silent squirming, he leans forward with narrowed eyes that the boy avoids. "Don't think I haven't noticed. I got word from your dear Uncle Tello that your most recent test scores were, ah, disappointing.”
“Snitch,” Casey whines, scowling at the floor. 
Sensei leans back with another sigh, massaging his wrinkled brow with his prosthetic hand. Casey tries not to stare and fails. 
“Look, bud,” Sensei says, “Your heart is in the right place. You want to help, prove yourself and all that jazz, and you've come a long way. I mean that. But you're still young. Hell, even I wasn't going out fighting bad guys when I was your age; I was hot-wiring cars with Don for joyrides, vandalizing corporate office buildings—shitty teenage boy stuff that we thought was cool. Right now, that's all I want from you; to be safe down here, doing shitty teenage boy stuff while you still can. And keeping up with your training and studies, too, that's kinda important.”
Casey rolls his eyes. “Kinda hard to do that stuck down here, but whatever...” he mutters.
 Sensei's eye twitches. “Okay, I know I just said you should be a shitty teen, but that attitude right now is no bueno, niñito.”
“I'm not a little boy anymore, Sensei!” Casey cries. “I can take care of myself! I can fight, just like you! This is what you trained me for, isn't it?! To fight the Krang and save our world! I can help, why won't you let me—?!”
“Because you're not ready, dammit!” Sensei snaps, and Casey almost jumps. The slider lets out another breath, muttering what sounds like a prayer for patience. “You're not ready, Case. The Krang are stronger than all of us—I can barely stand to send your uncles and aunt up there, you think I wanna drag you along and watch you get—”
“I'm not weak, Sensei!”
“I'm not saying that, don't put words into my mouth—”
“Well, you're sure implying it!”
“Again, you can knock off that attitude—jeez, I sound like my Dad—”
“I'm not a baby, Sensei!” Casey stomps his foot. Yes, it's childish, but damn it, his Sensei won't listen. “You can't shelter me from everything!”
“You're really gonna make me say it. You're really gonna make me pull that card, aren't you.”
Casey bristles, his chest hot. “Don't—“
“Your mother left me with a responsibility to look after you, kid,” Sensei cuts in like a knife, prodding a metal finger in Casey's chest where his mother's mask is tucked against his shirt. “I promised her that I'd watch over you if the worst ever happened. And guess what, it did. And if you think for a second that I'm gonna break that promise over your stupid-ass death wish—!”
Eyes stinging and hot, Casey slaps the metal hand away and screams, “To hell what you think, you're not my father!”
Casey hears a leaky pipe dripping, his own thundering heartbeat. He looks up. His Sensei's face is slack with shock—and a hint of hurt—as he stares at Casey. For what feels like forever, they just stare at each other.
Casey wants to take it back—he needs to take it back because none of that was even remotely true or fair. It was mean, and Casey Jones Jr is a lot of things but he's not mean. That's not how he was raised, in part by the very turtle standing before him. He has to take it back.
But while Casey isn't mean, he is every inch his mother in her stubbornness, so he locks his jaw.
Sensei's expression goes blank. The slider takes a step back, drawing a deep breath that's barely steady, shoulders squared and shit. Casey should've taken it back. 
“... You're right,” Sensei says, his voice hard and cold. “You're right. I'm not your father. But I am your teacher and your superior officer, and as long as you're living under my layer of earth and metal, you'll obey my rules. You can start by reporting to the mess hall to cover Dan on dish duty, then you can take yourself straight to your quarters for the rest of the evening. Tee-ell-dee-arr, this discussion is over, and your ass is grounded.”
Casey chokes. “W-What?!”
"Uh-huh. For a month."
“You heard me. Think of this as your punishment for your insubordination and disrespect.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You can't just—!”
“Keep it up and see what happens, I am being so serious right now.”
Casey meets his Sensei glare for glare. Ultimately, stubbornness aside, Casey relents first, scowling at the floor. “... Yessir,” he bites out.
Sensei nods curtly. “Good. Dismissed.” 
Casey turns on his heel and storms out of Sensei's room, hissing under his breath the whole way to the mess hall. 
(He doesn't hear his Sensei's hitched sigh or see the trembling hand that covers his face as he sits heavily on the bed.)
It's a stupid, stupid idea. 
But his Sensei always told him to trust his gut and follow his heart—it's his greatest strength—and Casey's heart is screaming at him to help. 
This isn't for him—not entirely. It's for everyone who comes home beaten and bloody, hope crumbling with every defeat. It's for the ones who never come back—for his Mom and Uncle Raph, who loved him, all of them, enough to stay behind and die with a war cry and a smile. It's for his Sensei, still recovering from losing his arm.
I'm doing this for them, he thinks as he slips his mask on, putting all his training to use as he sticks to the shadows, creeping along the edge of the crowd of foragers before slipping into an empty crate. His heart pounds in his ribcage, ears ringing as he feels the crate start to move, mechanical wheels squeaking as the squad move out through the tunnels. 
I'm not weak. I'm not defenceless. I can do this. I can help.
Casey doesn't go to the surface often. Uncle Tello used to bring him up to try and find the stars when the pollution wasn't as dense, lifting him and pointing out the constellations they could see from their hiding spot. Master Michelangelo brought him once to fly him over the ruins of New York, and show him what had once been a bustling city full of people; Casey still can't wrap his head around that many people existing in one space without a care.
But that was years ago.
Casey can still find his way back to base. He has the evacuation routes memorized down to the last detail, and Master Michelangelo had left mystic markings to lead lost ones back home, near invisible unless you knew what to look for—
“Or if you're family,” he'd said with a grin and wink. “Then you won't just see it. You'll feel it. The pull of home.”
Now, as Casey wanders the wasteland of what used to be Lower Manhattan, he wishes he could feel that pull. Leaving the foraging troop to scout ahead for danger was not one of his better ideas. Especially when they didn't know you had tagged along, and they move on without you. 
If I don't die out here, I'm dead when I get back, Casey thinks as he crouches behind the wreckage of a vehicle buried in the ruins, trying not to panic and mostly failing.
Sensei had lost his arm in their most recent mission. He'd barely made it back alive, Commander O'Neil dragging him on her back, ragged, burnt and losing blood fast. They were among the seven survivors from the raid that had left with seventeen. 
It was close. They'd had a replacement ready in time, but it was. Too. Close. 
Casey had already lost his mom. He can barely remember her voice now. He can't lose Uncle Leo. He can't lose anyone else because he can't protect them. He can't. He won't. 
Still, he thinks as he curls up into a ball to fight the chill sweeping across the landscape, you probably should've listened.
“What do we have here?”
Casey's heart skips. 
Instinct saves him as he rolls out of the way right as the robotic claws of a Krang suit obliterate his shelter. 
The dust clears, revealing the glowing, delighted eyes of the creature piloting the mech suit looming over him. Jagged teeth flash in the red glare of the mech's singular eye as the Krang grins down at the boy trembling at its feet.
Casey gapes behind his mask. He'd gone out looking for trouble, and it finds him in the form of—
“Krang Subprime!”
Subprime cackles. “That's right! I see that my reputation precedes me. About damn time, too!”
Casey's heard enough stories and reports to know how dangerous Subprime is. Responsible for leading the charge that had wiped out Asia and melted the icecaps, he's Krang Prime's right hand for a reason. 
He'd gotten the drop on the raid team in the last mission. He'd taken Uncle Leo's arm. And now he's found Casey. Alone. 
Casey can't beat him. He'll die out here, and no one will know until it's too late.
You should've listened.
But Subprime has a weakness. A glaring one that most Krang don't seem to have. All Casey needs to do is exploit it, buy himself some time. He won't win, but he'll live. And get this asshole back for nearly killing his Uncle. Maybe. Hopefully.
Spirits, please let this work.
“Not really,” he says, surprised when his voice doesn't shake like the rest of him. “Everyone thinks you're freaking annoying, nothing compared to Prime. My Uncle says your all bark, no balls.”
Subprime's eyes pop open wide, mouth gaping like a fish. Casey considers laughing.
(His one weakness: his ego is fragile as hell.)
“You—You little shit!” he squawks, stomping closer and leaning down until he's face to wrinkled, pink face with Casey, eyes blazing. Casey holds his position, gripping his weapon tight in one hand, holding his breath against the stink of Krang flesh and dripping saliva. 
“I should vaporize your sorry butt right freaking here, you disrespectful waste of flesh! Sure, Prime may be our leader, but I'm the tactical mastermind, y'hear me! I'm the reason we've come this far in taking over this planet! I'm the brains in the outfit—!”
“Literally though,” Casey grins, shifting ever so slightly on his back. Rocks and metal dig into his back, and he does his best to ignore it. He has never been this close to a living Krang, and he's scared shitless, but he can't falter. He can still get away. He can still live. “I mean, You are a giant brain thing in a mech suit, so...”
“Shut up! You talk more than that dumb blue turtle with the fancy sword.” Then Subprime grins, slow and vicious. “Speaking of which, how is he? Last I saw, he was bleedin' out pretty bad after I bit his arm off. Never heard him scream like that. It was music to my ears.” He licks his lips. “His blood tasted delightful.”
Casey wants to be sick. He wants to kill this disgusting son of a bitch more than he's ever wanted anything in his life. 
Keep your cool, Case, Sensei's voice echoes in his ears. Anger is a dangerous ally when it's not focused. Sharpen it. Give it form. 
Casey breathes in. 
“Aw, got nothin' to say, pipsqueak?” Subprime chuckles, slamming a metal hand beside Casey's head, caging him in. “Now, you've got two options. You can spend the rest of your worthless life in our labour camp, or go ahead and make your last request. If nothing else, it'll be entertaining. I do enjoy the way you humans beg for mercy.”
Casey breathes out. 
“In that case, I have one request if you would kindly grant it,” he says softly. 
Subprime chortles and leans in, jagged teeth dripping. “I'm all ears.” 
“Could you scream in agony like a little girl bleeding from the face?”
Subprime blinks. “Could I what—?”
Casey thrusts his roaring chainsaw into Subprime's left eye. 
Subprime screeches and rears back, metal hand cradling his bleeding face. “YOU—YOU SON OF A—!”
Casey is already running, leaping over and ducking under debris and wreckages from a time long gone. 
For my Sensei, you dusty bitch!
He can hear Subprime giving chase, moving faster than anything Casey can hope to outpace. But he has size on his side, and he squeezes through tight gaps between collapsed buildings and pipework, crawling through a gaping fissure in the ground leading to the sewer system. Far too big and down an eye, Subprime struggles to catch up, bellowing and hissing after Casey as he brute forces his way through the rubble and vines, claws just catching the frayed hem of Casey's cape.
“Shit—!” Casey stumbles, careening into a wall slick with Krang slime and—a familiar smell that Casey doesn't want to think about too much as he bolts down through the tunnel, feet and heart pounding. He'd thought—hoped—blinding the bastard would've slowed him down. 
“Wretched brat! I'll tear you limb from limb, you insignificant—!”
“Can't catch me, bitch!” Casey screams back, scrambling up a rusty ladder that leads back to the surface. Adrenaline pumps through him like electricity, and he all but punches the sewer grate, barely feeling the pain in his busted knuckles, crawling out into the open. 
He remembers this street; it leads to the Hudson Cross—from there, he can find Uncle Mikey's runes. He can get home—
Cold, solid metal slams Casey into the asphalt, pinning him face down. His hockey stick flies from his grip, skidding out of reach. The breath leaves him in a painful rush, he can't even cry out as one claw pierces his shoulder. Warmth pools under his shirt and drips onto the concrete, sticky and wet.
“Heh... hehe,” Subprime's wheezing laughter over Casey's head feels like a blade against his neck, honed, ready and aching to swing. “Thought you could get away, did ya?”
No, please. 
He can't help it. Casey sniffles, tears leaking through his eyelids as he squeezes them shut.
I was so close.
“Awww, what's this? Tears? Gimme a Krangin' break!” Subprime presses harder. Casey chokes on a sob as his bones creak in protest. “What's next, you gonna call mommy and daddy to come save you from the big, mean old Krang-y? Ha! Should'a thought of that before ya blinded me, you freakin' pest!”
Help. Somebody, please, Sensei—
“Forget the labour camp.” Subprime tightens his grip and lifts Casey's limp, bleeding body off the ground. “I'm gonna enjoy smashing you to a bloody pulp instead!”
Help me, please! Da—
“Put. Him. Down.”
Casey's eyes snap open.
Subprime's grin falls. “Huh—?”
A flash of green, and a blade slices Subprime's arm from his shoulder. 
Casey's falling for half a heartbeat before two strong arms pluck him from the air. His stomach swoops as he scrambles for purchase on—he squints—Uncle Tello's shoulders as they zip across the street on the propellers of Tello's battle shell. “Oh my god!” he cries.
“Not quite,” Uncle Tello quips as he skids across the broken street and sticks the landing. His purple visor flickers to life across his eyes, analysing Casey's from head to toe. He doesn't put him down. “Are you alright?”
Casey's knuckles are broken on his right hand. His shoulder and nose are still oozing blood, and his body feels like one giant bruise from that chokeslam into the ground. He can hear Sensei and Commander O'Neil holding an enraged Subprime back behind them, and his heart feels ready to leave his body with how hard it's beating. Other than that—
“I-I'm okay,” he stammers. He sniffs, swiping his unbroken hand under his nose. “I'm—I'm okay.”
Uncle Tello doesn't look convinced. “Can you stand?” he asks anyway. Casey nods, and Uncle Tello sets him down carefully. He keeps one strong arm draped around Casey's shoulders, bringing the other up to speak into his vambrace, his tone clipped and urgent. “Nardo, April, I've got him. A little banged up, but nothing serious. I've also got a pack of Krang Hounds incoming from the south, ETA two minutes. Sister is with them and seems to be in a good mood. Much as I want to carve the innards out of Subpar here, we gotta book it.”
Casey gulps. Subprime is one thing, but he never wants to meet the Sister. 
He looks over his shoulder—and chokes when he sees Master Leonardo standing on top of Subprime's fallen mech, sword poised over his bloody eye. He can't see the slider's face, but his voice carries across the empty street, cold and dark and nothing at all like the man he knows—
“Don't. Touch. My boy.”
And then he carves Subprime's eyeball out of the socket, tossing it across the street. 
Subprime wails in agony, thrashing on the ground and narrowly missing Commander O'Neil as she slides neatly under his flailing leg, nabbing Casey's weapon as she sprints over to them, Master Leonardo not far behind. 
“Get going!” she shouts. 
Casey doesn't need telling twice and runs like a bat out of hell, not daring to look back. Uncle Tello, who can run (or fly) rings around Casey any day, sticks close to his side. Commander O'Neil draws up on his right, leaving his Master at the rear, boxing Casey in.
“How're we gonna get back to base before they get here?!” he cries. He can hear the barking and howling already, getting louder, closer.
His aunt grins. “Same way we got here so fast!”
Ahead, golden light explodes like a star against the twilight, leaving a mystic ring of blessed orange in its wake. 
Master Michelangelo hovers above it, winking. “All aboard the Mikey Express, leaving now!”
“Impeccable timing, little brother!” Uncle Tello crows. Casey wants to cry. 
They all leap through the mystic portal right as the first Hound rounds the corner of a building. Michelangelo zips through last and shuts it with a swipe of his hands, plunging them into darkness and silence save for their panting.
They're back in the tunnels. They're home.
Casey drops his head with a shuddering breath, leaning back into Michelangelo's steadying hands on his shoulders. It stings, but it's grounding. He can breathe. It's over.
Then he lifts his head to look at the back of his Sensei's shell, sees his clenched fists and thinks it is far from over.
“Leonardo,” Uncle Tello approaches the slider, one hand reaching out. “It's fine. It's fine, we are all fine, so I need you to do me a solid and breathe—”
Sensei slowly turns his head to face Uncle Tello, and even Commander O'Neil takes a step back at the frigid rage swirling in his eyes. Michelangelo inhales sharply through his nose, gently pulling Casey closer. Uncle Tello doesn't flinch, meeting his twin's glare evenly. Eventually, he backs off with raised hands. 
Then Sensei turns to Casey, and Casey wilts under his stare. He's pissed.
Somehow, Casey finds his voice. “...um... Sensei, I—”
“You. Deliberately disobeyed me,” Master Leonardo says lowly, and oh god, he's not pissed. He is livid. 
Casey shrinks back against Michelangelo's chest, his grip the one thing keeping his knees from folding under him. “Sensei, I'm—I'm sorry—”
“Medbay. Now.” 
Master Leonardo marches past them, brisk and tense, a silent threat that they should follow if they want to live. 
Uncle Tello and Commander O'Neil share a look that Casey can't translate. Then Uncle Tello sighs, his expression crumpling for the first time as he buries his face in his hands. This close, Casey can see how much they're shaking. 
Casey's gut twists viciously with guilt. 
Commander—no—Aunt April pats Uncle Tello's shoulder firmly with one hand, the other pulling back his frayed purple hood. “It's alright, Don," she says. "Casey's here. Leo's here. We're all here." 
Uncle Tello's breath shudders out of him. His head still in his hands, his snout twists as he nods.
Aunt April smiles ruefully, patting the soft shell's arm again. "Go. Take care of yourself, Dee. We'll handle things here.”
Uncle Tello responds with another nod, making Casey's innards twist even more as he watches him go. 
Then Aunt April sighs, looking at Uncle Mikey and cocking her head after Master Leonardo. The mystic warrior nods back and ushers Casey forward, not letting him go.
“Don't worry, little man,” he says softly, pressing his beak into Casey's mangled hair. Like he's trying to convince himself that Casey's here at all. “We'll patch you up first, then we can rest. It's... it's been a long day.”
Tell me about it, Casey almost says. Instead—“'M really sorry, Uncle Mike...”
His Uncle sighs into his hair before pressing a kiss to his crown. “I know you are, little man. But I'm not really the guy you should be apologizing to.”
Casey gulps.
I think I might've had better chances with Subprime.
Part 2 coming soon!
(Feel free to send more requests <;3)
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hunsimonbrainrot · 11 months
Fionna and Cake review
Fionna and Cake has become one of the most important pieces of media I have consumed. I do think it has a few problems that should be addressed, but it's an overall 8\10 for me. I relate to the characters on a deeply personal level and it came to me at a time in my life when I really needed something like it. I even got into AT as I was waiting for the episodes to come out and ended up loving it as well.
The Cons
Simon didn't have to be transported across time and space to play a video game and the whole thing with Shermy and Beth took away from other more important things.
No closure with Simon and and Marcy. I wrote a whole other Essay about it
Episode 3 is the only one I actively dislike, it's mostly Cake doing nothing plot-relevant with a squirrel that looks like it's from Family Guy.
Gumlee would have worked a lot better if they already knew each other casually and there was some tension already, like maybe one or both of them had a crush. They are beautiful and adorable together but they fell in love rather quickly.
Our Trio straight-up bailed on people as they were being fighting for their lives.
The Pros
A literal god telling me that my life doesn't have to have a meaning and I shouldn't waste the life it has given me. 😭
Unapologetically Queer. Most characters are bi or bi-coded.
Closure for Simon and Betty, their final goodbye was amazing.
I love girls who are stupid and disgusting because I'm stupid and disgusting. Power (Chainsaw man) Bee (Bee and Puppycat) Amythyst (SU) and now Fionna.
The show is funny, like, REALLY FUNNY. (" I'm an antiquarian, dammit") 😂
Positive towards fanfiction and escapism.
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villainsblog97 · 2 years
Xdinary Heroes in a Haunted House
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Based off what I saw in episode 6 and 7 of Rock the World and since its almost Halloween, this is how I would see our 6 heros in a haunted house with you!
Warnings: Slight language
Scenario: boyfriend, humor, fluff (it's cute shit)
Disclaimer: none of the gifs are mine, credit goes to all original owners!
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Gun-il will be cool and collected
He'll have a brave face on
"Don't worry (Y/n) I'll protect you!
He'll show off his muscles to you
"Your boyfriend isn't scared of anything!"
We'll see....
He's regretting his decision
You two walked in slowly
Gun-il's hand holding your hand like his life depends on it
His eyes are shaking
He's trying to be tough
But on the inside
He's screaming like a little girl
The guy that jumped out of the closet with a plastic knife scared him out of his soul
He still managed to put you behind him as he's screaming
You two finally reach the end of the haunted house
Gun-il sounds like he's been through war
"Gun-il... lets go get some ice cream!"
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Poor boy
He's gonna try so hard to keep a tough face
You two are still waiting outside to go in
He's rocking back and forth on his feet
Trying to distract himself
He hears a scream from inside and jumps
"Jungsu are you sure you're okay???"
"I'm fine! Don't worry about me!"
*fake nervous laughing*
Finally it's your turn!
You hand the man your tickets and he opens the doors for you two
Jungsu grabs a hold of your hand
You giggle at how clingy and cute he is
A large spider drops from the ceiling
Making you both scream
He's trying to laugh it off
Until a ghost runs past you guys screaming her head off
You both scream again and hurry towards the exit
"Ah (Y/N) I don't like this anymore!!!"
You two make your way to the exit and the guy opens the door making Jungsu jump and yell out in fear
"Its okay Jungsu! It's the just the staff!"
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Oooooh Jiseok
Poor poor Jiseok
He was already completely
Not on board
"Jagiya... isn't there anything else you'd rather do for halloween???"
"Like carve pumpkins... make cookies.... decorate a tree?"
"That's Christmas Jiseok..."
"It's never too early!"
There was no convincing you
And it lead to you walking around a haunted house
Jiseok literally glued to you
Boy was on the verge of tears
What have you done?
You broke your boyfriend
He's probably gonna curse
All out of fear
"Jagiya... lets go slow please.... I don't like this"
His heart was beating against your arm
"We're almost out of it Jiseok"
He started to calm down
That was until a zombie grabbed his leg
He jumped 4 feet in the air and grabbed your hand and practically drug out of the haunted house at full speed
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Seungmin volunteered you guys to go through a haunted house
You weren't totally on board with the idea
But he kept asking and begging you
"Please (y/n) it'll be our first haunted house together!"
"I don't like haunted houses Seungmin!"
"I'll protect you!"
But he was looking for a way to keep you close to him
He wanted it to be romantic
A way to protect you
He knew the people that were running the haunted house
So he knew everything in the haunted house
It was going great
You kept getting little jump scares and you'd cling onto your boyfriend
Making him smile proudly
He would laugh and hold you close to him
This was all working out the way he planned
But there was one thing the people didn't tell him
A man ran out of the room with a chainsaw
Seungmin screamed so loud and ran off without you
Probably also cursing on the way
He'll realize he forgot something though
He ran back of course to get you
Leaving both you and even the chainsaw guy very confused 😂
"Well at least I know what you'd be like in horror Movie min... thanks" 😑
Boys gotta make this one up to you
đŸ•·Jun HanđŸ•·
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This was your first Halloween spent with Jun Han
He's never been inside a haunted house
You can't help but be a little worried
He's actually really excited for it
He kept asking you little questions
"(Y/n) are there gonna be clowns?"
The closer it got to going in
The more excited he got
Like a kid in a candy story
You weren't sure if he was excited or nervous
Maybe a little bit of both
The sight in front of you was too damn cute
His little giggles were making you smile
He was so cute!
Once you two got inside he held onto your hand
Looking at all the things around you guys
You kept jumping at the things popping out in front of you
Making Jun Han laugh
He wasn't really freaking out
He'd jump here and there
But he never screamed bloody murder
He really enjoyed his first haunted house with you
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Sweet sweet Jooyeon
Boys a mess
He's not really big on haunted houses
And he scares easily
Like really easily
"Baby... I was thinking maybe we could stay in tonight! Watch a movie instead"
"No way Joo! Plus I heard it's not that scary, you don't have to worry about me"
"Oh its not you I'm worried about..."
You two walk in and he's already screaming
The door just opened
You try and talk to him to distract him from the things around him
"It's okay Joo! It'll be quick just keep walking"
Boy has listened to too many bands from the 80s and 70s!
He was screaming in falsetto 😂
He was screaming and making some of the people running the haunted house laugh
A ghost ran by and he screamed so loud it actually made the girl drop to the floor in laughter
You couldn't help but laugh at your poor helpless boyfriend
He kept hiding behind you for everything
When you two got to the exit he walked out like nothing happened
Suddenly he was cool reserved Jooyeon again
But you would never let him live down what you witnessed inside that haunted house
That's it for this one! I hope everyone liked it! Don't forget to vote for XDINARY HEROES on MAMA and keep streaming HDD and Test Me while we wait for the much anticipated comeback OVERLOAD!
Bye my lovely Villains! 🖐
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
Okay so i raise better then actir au
Yknow those haunted house attractions with those actors, yeah i see hobie doing something like that
Think of how sweet hed be but still in character when a little lids cruing because they are scared
Or what hed do if someone had a meltdown and he stayed in character but did improve go help the person get out of the haunted house as quicly and get them to an exit and make sure no other actors scare them or the kids if they dont like it
Then think or how scary he is too, hobie is like 6’5 so not only is he towering he jumps out randomly and acts well his part
Cause me personally if a 6’5 male popped out of no where, id cry
Not only that but if you were an scare actor with him think of doing yalls silly little makeup and facepaint and gettibg ready together
Think of how hed help you and youd help him
This reminds me of the time I went to a horror house place that's themed after Ghostbusters and there was this scare actor who would pop out dressed as a mad scientist (idk why that's related to Ghostbusters) and WHEW that man was fine af instead of screaming from terror I yelled (bc i was still surprised) 'holy shit! Handsome guy!' and I made him pause for a second from acting lmaoooo 😂
Imagine that but with Hobie đŸ€Ł would he target you and chase after you with a chainsaw yelling "who's handsome now?!" Or will he pause and scratch his head? 😂😂😂
Ohhhh doing each other's scary make up is so cute!!!!
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nn4nn4stuff · 2 years
The video is Bob when is plan goes wrong😂 I just see the guy hiding is Kevin and then when he grabs the chainsaw he says “THIS IS PAY BACK FOR EATING MY BOYFRIENDS ARM YOU OVER GROWN FAT MAN FAT MAN I SAY” *procceds to chase them out of anger and Bob loses and arm* 😂😂
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corduroyserpent · 11 months
Tag someone you want to know better
i was tagged by @kukuandkookie đŸ„°đŸ’•
Favorite color: light pink!
Last song: Partner in Crime by Madilyn Mei
Last movie: The Creator (i went in without having seen a trailer or anything and found it very enjoyable!)
Currently watching: uhhhh i just finished s2 of loki (😖) and i'm still watching various star wars shows (😖 and đŸ„°)
oh! i'm rewatching scumbag system too because i love it
Other stuff I've watched this year: oh gosh let me think đŸ€”
The Dragon Prince S5
Centaurworld (twice!)
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Black Friday and Nerdy Prudes Must Die (AS YOU ALL KNOW!! I'M BEING REALLY ANNOYING ABOUT IT 😂)
Various TGCF episodes, just for fun, it wasn't a full rewatch
Chainsaw Man
One Piece Live Action
Love Between Fairy and Devil
Till the End of the Moon
and more stuff but i really can't remember it all asdfghjkl
Shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: i haven't dropped any shows but there are ones i'm taking forever to finish watching. i've dropped a fair amount of books this year though
Currently reading:
Scum Villain (again. yes. when am i not?)
still working my way thru the original thrawn trilogy (BRING BACK MARA JADE YOU COWARDS!!!)
i started a reread of TGCF but then i accidentally reread all of MDZS instead...oops
i'll count One Piece as "currently reading" since i've been caught up for years and read the new chapters when they come out (anyone else cry over 1098 this morning?)
The Vampire Lestat
Currently working on:
the baby zzl fic (always always always)
bingqiu star wars au (it was supposed to be a one-shot but it's really gotten away from me, so i'm gonna have to split it into multiple parts!!)
a zhushen....nesting.......thing..........
a couple of wen ning/zhuzhi-lang fics
a follow-up to the six balls/zhuzhi-lang thing (nearly shared a wip of this last wednesday but then i got shy)
various hualian wips (these are on and off)
an outline for a mdzs multichapter fic that i'm thinking about writing
aaaaaand my novel (whaaat who said that....)
Current Obsession:
NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE!! YOU GUYS WANT TO WATCH IT SOOOO BADLY LOOK LOOK LOOK I'LL LINK IT OKAY I'LL PUT IT RIGHT HERE (i recommend watching the previous hatchetverse musicals – The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals and Black Friday – first to get the full experience, but you do you!)
also still obsessed with SVSSS obviously
and i got back into MDZS too so that's been fun!
Tagging: uhhh how about @squeeegs and @monroeknoxwrites and @goatpunch2 and anyone else who wants to do it! BUT LIKE NO PRESSURE <3
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iamthat-iam · 7 months
that sounds like fun! Have fun đŸ•șđŸœđŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚ but probably get wing stop and watch Netflix nothing special lol . What games do you guys play ?
Love wingstop 😍
Our favorites are overwatch, dead by daylight, and the new (ish) Texas chainsaw massacre game!
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
Ngl the theories about Yoshida kinda make sense, but I want the four horsemen to be all girls and it'd be so funny if he's just a creepy little guy that likes stalking people 😂😂
This reminds me of hanma from Tokyo revengers, so many theories about this guy and how important he actually is for the plot yada yada and in the end he turned out to be some random dude that was bored đŸ€Ł
yoshida just met denji and decided he had to be everywhere this guy was at all times. he's not secretly anything nefarious he's just a strange man with peculiar habits. he wasn't asking if chainsaw man could eat the death devil for them to hint at anything, he was just curious in the moment. the 'if i stab you with these kitchen scissors... do you think you'll bleed" type.
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