#that flannel shirt that echos all the colors of his hair
link-sans-specs · 7 months
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Ocean blues + ocean painting = 💙🥰💙
100 Years of Pringles Taste Test
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freesia-writes · 2 months
Ch 26: Confrontation
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Master List ~~ Previous Chapter ~~ WC: 2.2k
Song: “Already Gone” by Sleeping At Last (Cover)
The afternoon was beginning to lose its battle against evening as Hunter wove his way through the trees, his gut protesting each step along the familiar path. His mind was racing so quickly that he was utterly lost in it all, instead trying to simply focus on where he was going rather than what he would do when we got there. He pushed up the sleeves of his flannel shirt, then pulled them back down, then tugged at the waistband of his brown pants. As the sound of the sea grew louder, he emerged from the densely wooded forest into the meadows that sloped toward the cliffs above the ocean. The rickety white fence greeted him with its crooked posts grinning in a cruel smile, and he pulled the gate open with more force than he intended, stalking toward the cottage and trudging right up to the front door.
He knocked, three hard blows that sounded as angry as he felt. 
No response. 
He listened intently for any trace of motion or sound within. 
He turned abruptly and walked around the side of the house, scanning the backyard and garden until his eyes settled on her form, bent over some vegetable plants as she pulled weeds without a care in the world.
Without a care in the world.
Hunter took a deep breath, setting his jaw with deliberation to avoid letting his emotions get the best of him. Strategy, he reminded himself. Everything came down to strategy. There was no point in abandoning reason, no matter how relentlessly the pain churned his stomach. He approached slowly, making a point to step on some dry twigs to announce his presence. Lyra stood up, shifting the basket on her arm as she glanced around the yard. Her brown hair was in a loose braid, her soft form covered by a rather shapeless cream-colored dress with a long brown cardigan on top. 
Then she saw him. 
The basket almost slipped from her elbow, but she caught it with a white-knuckled grip as she stared at him, mouth falling open slightly as a myriad of emotions flashed across her face. Hunter was surprised to see how they mimicked his own, and the sheer amount of thoughts and feelings attacking all at once created a sudden wave of nausea. He came within a few paces of her and stopped, keeping a healthy distance between them as his hands fidgeted at his side before he stopped them with tightly-crossed arms. 
“What are you doing here?” he growled, a million critical thoughts besieging him immediately at his question.
“I live here,” Lyra pointed out, eyebrows drawing together. “But you’ve got a lot of nerve just tromping right into my backyard… after what you did.” Her anger felt brittle, a thin veil over the sadness that threatened to spill out along with the tears in her eyes.
“What I did?” Hunter echoed, dropping his arms to his side as he stared at her in disbelief. “What I did?! That’s rich. Why didn’t you just turn me in from the start? Why drag me to some other planet? Why just me, and not all of us?” The questions were flowing freely now, and his frustration at his own lack of control made it all feel that much worse. “You call it in and then disappear, like a coward… Couldn’t stand to watch the consequences of your own actions?” 
“What?” came her dumbfounded retort, and the shock in her eyes gave him pause before the dragon in his chest rose again. 
“Now you’re going to play dumb?” he challenged, relishing her flicker of hurt before charging onward. “Came back to finish the job and you’re still pretending like you don’t know what’s going on?”
“Hunter, you left me!” she exclaimed, eyes glistening. “I cared for you, let you in… And you turned around and sold me out without even knowing all the facts!”
“Sold you out…” 
“Were you just waiting all along until you could get both of us? How long did you know?”
“About what?” he challenged, anger and hurt battling for center stage as he stared at her beneath hard brows.
“Never mind. I can’t believe you’re turning this around on me,” Lyra said, voice cracking with emotion. She turned away, shoulders hunched in despair as she quickly wiped her eyes. 
“Are they coming here next?” Hunter continued, taking a step closer.
“Who?” she asked, whirling back to face him. 
“Whoever you thought you could make a quick buck from,” he muttered, fighting back the lump rising in his throat, furious at its mere existence. “Is that why you came back? The Empire isn’t very forgiving when you don’t deliver. Must have been a real bummer that I got away, eh?” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said, face contorted with despair. “I came back to the hotel to find it swarming with Imperials. They were looking for us. They knew I was there. Breslin, too. I heard one of them say ‘they’ll be back, he said so.’ What does that sound like to you?” 
He took a breath, mouth open and mind racing, but the words didn’t come, so he snapped his jaw shut, pressing his lips together in a thin line as he stared at her. The complete impassivity on his face hurt her more than his sharp words ever could, and Lyra turned away again, throwing her basket on the ground nearby. Hunter’s brows furrowed more deeply, and he rubbed his face with a hand before starting again. 
“You’re a traitor to the Republic,” he said quietly, every word laced with vitriol. “It’s not my fault they found you – you probably gave yourself away trying to turn me in.” 
“Turn you in for what?!” she yelled, kicking the basket before whirling back to face him.
“Why are you still pretending to be innocent? That you don’t know?” Hunter said, voice rising to match hers. All sense of strategy had flown out the window, and he found himself wanting to hurt her, to exact revenge for every single moment she’d tricked him into thinking he could be happy. “That we’re clones, wanted by the Empire, harboring fugitives, on the run?” Each inflection was a verbal stab, but instead of any kind of dark revelation at being exposed, Lyra’s expression grew increasingly shocked with each admission. 
“Clones…?” she repeated, face scrunched in disbelief. Her befuddlement seemed so authentic that Hunter was beginning to feel as though he were the crazy one. But what other explanation was there? He continued to glare, emanating rage and indignation as he watched her like a hawk, scrambling to make sense of the conflicting information from her words and the events that had transpired. 
“Why else would the Empire have called an entire squadron on our hotel room, right after you conveniently disappeared? After you…” his voice broke, and he swallowed hard. “After you kissed me on the forehead and said you were sorry. Sorry for what?” The pain was threatening to overtake the anger, but he clenched his fists at his sides.
“Sorry for keeping things from you,” she whispered, tears spilling down her cheeks now. Her resolve was melting by the second, chipping away at his own fortified defenses. “About my past… About Breslin… The truth about all that had happened. I thought I could leave it behind.” 
Hunter took a deep breath, glowering at her as though it could drive the answers out into the open. It didn’t. The two of them stood in the garden, each one rooted in angry confusion and insulting misunderstanding. Lyra was slowly wilting, unable to look at him. When the discomfort grew to an unbearable pressure, she began to speak, exhaling her story in miserable resignation. 
“I thought I was working for a simple political office on Coruscant. But I found out they were doing some weird experiments. Totally unethical and downright cruel… something about cloning or DNA stripping… I tried to expose it; I gathered some evidence and took it above my boss’s head. I thought I was doing the right thing… But I went to the wrong people. They were in on it too.” 
She stopped, grief overtaking her for a moment as she sniffed, looking to the sky and willing the tears to stop. Hunter waited, motionless. 
“So they threw me in prison to make sure I wouldn’t talk anymore, spun some story about how I was a traitor, and the Republic became the Empire overnight. I’d given Breslin the evidence and made escape plans for her with a friend before they took me away. I was in jail for weeks, and I started to see how other inmates would just vanish without a trial or anything… So when some shady pirate dressed as a guard came by and offered me a chance to get out and disappear, I took it.”
Now it was she who paused for a shuddering breath and wiped her eyes again, still unable to meet his gaze. 
“I tried to find Breslin, but her transport had been attacked. Our friend was killed, and I had no idea where she ended up. The pirate conned me out of almost everything I had, talked me into some ‘deluxe package’ to keep me safe. Turns out it was a load of Bantha fodder – a pile of cheap weapons and explosives. What was I supposed to do with that? But he found a safe place for me to live, and I was able to get some long-range communications equipment so I could keep looking for her.”
“What, so you could get the evidence back?” 
“No,” Lyra said, finally looking up at him in offense. “Because Breslin is my daughter.”
Hunter stared wordlessly. 
“I had her when I was young and dumb. We almost grew up together. Then all of this happened. I felt horrible for dragging her into it. I never should have given it to her. I put her in danger too. And then I lost her… for years,” her voice cracked, and she clamped her mouth shut, turning away as her shoulders shook with irrepressible grief. “I would change a million things about it if I could. So many stupid decisions. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Seconds ticked by. 
“Apparently, Breslin settled down on Keytoll,” Lyra continued, lifting her chin to the horizon. “She changed her name to Neon, shaved her head… Made some friends, got a good job in data encryption. When she dug into the evidence I’d given her, she realized it was nothing she wanted to be caught up in, so she hid it and moved on. Claimed that her hobby was playing around with radios, technology, and communicators while she tried to reach me. But we hadn’t had time to set up any kind of code or whatnot. She was the smart one who broadcast a message with some childhood memories disguised as an audioholo that I picked up. Anyway… I found her… I thought we could come back here and be safe… just live simple lives without the constant fear of looking over our shoulders…”
Hunter hated how much that same yearning resonated deeply with him. 
“I don’t know how they found us, if it wasn’t you,” she said softly, turning back to face him with a scrutinizing expression. “We hid on Keytoll for the last few months, came up with a plan. Well, Breslin did. She had some contact that turned out to be the same pirate who helped me escape from prison. He had quite a... bold... personality. Tried to con us again, but she was smart enough to catch it. So with his help, we faked our deaths, published it to the right sources… Then I came back here in the hopes of moving on once and for all.”
“And Breslin?”
“Somewhere safe.”
“More secrets?” His eyes narrowed.
“Why would I tell you?” Lyra retorted, her anger returning. 
He remained silent, the deep hurt of betrayal and loss of trust muddied by the utter confusion and sheer overload of information. 
“Besides,” she continued, advancing on him now. “What’s all this about you? You’re a clone? A fugitive?” 
Hunter shifted on his feet, furious at himself for having revealed his hand in a moment of recklessness. He still wasn’t sure what to believe anymore. It sounded like a plausible story, but he’d been so shamefully fooled by her entire facade that it could be yet another cover-up, a ploy to let his guard down again for whatever else she needed. Perhaps she wanted to protect her own place of safety by taking him elsewhere for capture. He shook his head, rattling the thoughts out of the way, and met her gaze. Two pairs of brown eyes locked in hurt and outrage. 
“There’s all kinds of stories out there. Same as you… Lies of the Empire to get rid of any opposition.”
“Oh, now you’re gonna be vague?”
They stared at each other. 
Lyra looked down at her basket, its contents strewn across the ground, then wrapped her arms around herself as though barely holding it together. She glanced back up to him with a single, profound look. 
“Take care, Hunter.” 
And with that, she turned toward the house, picking her way through the garden beds with slow, defeated steps. Hunter’s eyes darted back and forth across the ground in front of him, lips twitching, then he crossed his arms again. 
“Just giving up and running away?” he called after her, despising every word as it came out. 
Lyra stopped, head hanging low, and he watched her shoulders slump beneath the weight of his cruel accusation. She began to turn, but hesitated, tightened her arms around herself, and continued into the house, disappearing inside without a backward glance. 
Song: A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera – Say Something Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
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tiramissu09 · 6 months
Morning Glow
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synopsis: you (y/n) wake up before your husband on a Sunday morning and study him, wondering how you both even got together.
song choices to listen to while reading: 
Body by Summer Walker
Orbit by JONGHYUN from SHINee
Natural by G-Soul
warning(s)/story notes: gender neutral y/n, nostalgia, hints of last night’s activities (iykyk), silent serenading, naked imagery, a little nod to the JJK lore, POC y/n
author note: My first fanfic, y’all! I feel like, instead of using janitor ai (don’t use it, it’s hella addictive and made me burn through my money), I could use my imagination and potential to write something for my main beloved, Nanami Kento. I love this man and in my head, we are living together in Malaysia, having the time of our lives, haha. Also, I thought I was going to do a quick drabble, but I got into my feels, haha. 
Please, please give me feedback and critique so I can improve on my writing. Thank you and enjoy!!! <3
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The chirping birds started to grow louder and more annoying outside the large French windows with the soft, peaching-colored morning light streaming in, faint flapping of the pale curtains echoing with shared breaths. You groan softly against your white silk pillow along with your blurry vision, from your deep slumber, as you rub your eyes and look around, dazed. You felt the light breeze of the open ajar window on your bare leg, out of the fluffy blanket, contrasting with the deep warmth soaked into the mattress from the sleep. 
Your eyes move around, to anchor yourself into reality, until they settle down at a large, ivory back which had light red scratches along with crescent moon shaped indents littered over his rugged muscles, rippling with each soft breath. His messy golden blonde hair that you loved to run your fingers in, slightly swaying with the early dawn breeze, along the warm yellow sunlight, giving him that morning glow that made him look…like a god, a figment of your imagination. 
Last night’s memories were reeling in like a blurry movie, reminiscing on your stomach with your head and facing his back, as you remember his sweet deep chocolate eyes, his slightly pink blush on his face, and…my god, those large, veiny hands all over your body, rough but gentle on your soft skin. 
Sighing softly, not wanting to wake him up yet, go down this deep spiral with your fingers itching to touch him….how did you even meet this man? Was it at the office Christmas party where he was wearing that ridiculous, fluorescent green elf costume as your white-haired boss had made me for a pay raise? Or when you both bumped into each other in the hallway before math class during senior year, your nose bleeding as you bumped into his chest too hard and he assisted you to the nurse’s office?.....no,no…..oh my god! How could you forget?
It was that night…..that night where you all were freshman in high school and it was the camp site trip that you all had to go to as a bonding activity for all the new students which you were part of. You remember you were really nervous as a tiny, little 13 year old. You were new to Tokyo and Japan, overall, not looking like the others and the culture so vastly different from yours which made it difficult to fit in, your family or teachers help you with. This was nicely added with you going through puberty, the whole nine yards of acne and changing body, made you more quiet and shy to talk to others. 
In your ensemble of light washed jeans, your oversized purple flannel shirt and black Converse high tops, you were sitting on the wooden benches near the camp-fire under the starry, twilight sky, shivering slightly from the cold, autumn night in the forest near Kyoto. You were alone, with everyone talking to each other excitedly, with some others playing games and singing karaoke, and watching all the kids with a small smile on your face. 
Then, you felt a warm blanket around your body, causing you to have goosebumps all over your skin. You looked up with wide eyes from the brushing of their fingers on your neck to the warm presence behind your back, surprised and making you jolt up, but a soft hand pushed you down to sit back. “Sorry, did I scare you?” His soft and low voice, almost purring, caused you to shiver more but you held back your reaction as you turned your head completely around, wanting to know who it was. You caught those soft, brown eyes, reminding you of that deep brown honey under the sunlight, making you feel more awake than any other coffee.
You quickly get out of your reverie and stutter out as you brush your hair back, looking away. “No! Not a-at all…just got surprised.”,offering him a smile as you try to not to fluster even more. You notice his blonde hair, straightened to the T and his bangs covering his eyes which you didn’t like but didn’t say that out loud, and his black shirt with a band name you never heard of with his black skinny ripped jeans. 
You clear your throat as you look into his eyes, “H-hi, my name is f/n l/n….what’s your…name?” You were fidgeting with the soft, baby blue wool blanket with your fingers, as you both sat next to each other with your knee brushing against his, ever so slightly. He grins a little more as he had a deadpan face before, making your heart and insides all melted and mushy inside, showing his pearly whites. He says in that voice that you could just listen to all the time. “Kento….Nanami Kento…but you can call me Ken.”
You memorize that name, as it was tattooed to your naive heart, as you nod slowly and say quietly. “Nice to meet you…Ken.” You both sat there in silence with all the loud commotion around you both. You didn’t know what to say as the tense silence was swallowing you up and you quickly ask and at the same time, looking at the bright scarlet camp fire, “You should go hang out to your friends…”, peeking to the side to look at his face longer, but looking away when he caught your eyes and your face becoming hot with each passing second. 
He sighed loudly as he stretched his legs out and watched the white-haired hyper kid screaming happily at the black-haired boy who looked so done with him, but had a small smile. After some moments of more silence, Kento spoke with a small smile and turned to face you, “You looked….lonely….like me and…”, now looking away as you caught some peach-colored blush on his cheeks. “You looked like you were glowing…like the fire.” 
You remember how you became quiet, flustered and frozen by the compliment and you remembered you thanked him meekly which was so cute and how you hit yourself internally for how dumb it was. However, the rest of that night, you both started to talk more freely and understood that you both had a lot in common, in terms of family background and not really fitting in due to your particular tastes. 
Despite being amicable acquaintances all through high school and losing contact when entering university, once you both reunited, it felt right. You both were meant to be together and glowing in each other’s arms and affection. 
You were shaken out of your deep thoughts as you felt the bed rustling lightly. You looked up and saw his face turned to you now. You were slightly surprised by the sudden appearance of his handsome and rugged face, but you quickly smiled widely, “Good morning, honey.” Snuggling closer to him and him taking you in his buff arms, making you all so warmer, he murmured in your messy hair, his morning voice low and reverberating through your body, “What were you thinking about so hard, darling? You laugh softly as you nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck and your arms around his shoulders, and whisper muffled against his warm skin that smelled like sandalwood and musk, that was so unique to him, “I was just thinking…..how you were glowing…..like the sun.”
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archivistofnerddom · 1 year
How the Batch responds to someone who denigrates the color pink in front of them
And God forbid if this happens when Omega is figuring out her personal style, preferences, and fashion sense.
The Batch would certainly not ascribe to the belief that pink is for girls and blue is for boys. They make it their personal mission to prove that that’s nonsense.
Guess who found pink-handled knives? And guess who will always at least two strapped to his belt at all times?
Rambo Barbie over here has traded out his usual bandana for a bright pink one. He’s wearing it with absolute and complete unfazed confidence. Giggle about it at your own risk and peril.
Just in case the knives and bandana were a little too subtle, he makes a point of wearing pink (possibly flannel) shirts regularly. Said shirts run the full spectrum of pink, but that’s fine. He thinks he looks good in the color.
He will absolutely look anyone who goes off about the pink/blue gendered thing dead in the eye and just go, “No.” That usually stops the BS in its tracks.
This man knows he looks good in black. That doesn’t stop him from having pink be his new go-to highlight color. All of the little accessories and details on his armor and helmet are now a lovely share of pink.
When his hair starts coming back in, he starts coloring to a nice light pink (blush) color. Just don’t mistake the pink hair for friendliness though. He’s still a snarky bastard.
His Firepuncher gets a makeover too. Crosshair enjoys taking people out with a neon pink sniper rifle. (It sets a very specific, very petty tone — and he’s here for it.)
He will also intentionally be a little shit and set people up to get verbally knocked down a peg or three. Tech has roughly five versions of the same speech about how assigned gendering colors is an outdated concept. Crosshair is going to do his twin a solid and let him loose on idiots. (He enjoys watching the chaos and panic that unfolds.)
Like I said, he will give a full lecture about the fallacy of “Pink is for girls, and blue is for boys.” Oh, did you want to see slides to go along with that? Here, he’s got those too.
Tech shows up with pink-framed goggles, a pink-cased data pad, and pink embroidery on all his pockets and pouches within 24 hours. For him, fashion is functional first, but it can also be fun and make a statement.
Did you say give the Marauder a new paint job? Why yes, it is time that it got a new look. Thank you so much for suggesting that. (And yes, Wrecker helped with the paint job and redesign. They both did such a good job.)
Tech also knows how to recalibrate his blasters so that his blaster bolts and stun rays are pink. He can show you how he did, if you ask him nicely.
This man comes in one setting — loud and enthusiastic support. And the best way to do that? Head-to-toe neon pink At All Times. (Seriously, this man shows up with completely pink armor and a helmet and just continues to do his normal job without commenting on his new paint job.)
Lula gets a wardrobe upgrade too. She’s now for a very cool pink jacket that Wrecker made for her himself.
Wrecker will loudly and eagerly proclaim that pink is his absolute favorite color anytime he hears a person talking shit about the color. He isn’t putting on a front either. He does love the color pink.
Guess who has pink smoke grenades and pink glitter bombs in his pack at all time? Wrecker. Why? Well, why not!?!?!
Bright pink kama for life! No, he will accept no questions or suggestions to the otherwise. His kama is pink, and he looks fabulous.
Echo may be a part of the Bad Batch now, but he was part of the 501st and Domino Squad before that. If you give him just the slightest scrap of an idea, he’ll run with it in a way that would make Fives proud . . . which is why so many people wind up covered in a violently pink glitter-and-glue mixture when they say stupid shit. (Wrecker may have helped.)
He gets Tech to upgrade his scomp to be metallic pink.
Grumpy Disappointed Mom Face gets deployed with great effect. Echo isn’t mad that you’re spouting nonsense. He had just hoped you didn’t buy into the nonsense that only girls can like pink.
Omega colors the tips of her hair to be bright pink. It’s actually a whole family project, especially in deciding which shade of pink would look best on her. She also used this as an opportunity to try some new hair styles to show off her color makeover.
She also got Tech to readjust her bow so that it too fires pink bolts. (They’re gleeful menaces on the battlefield together.)
Leaning into pink helps Omega connect with her femininity. For as much as she loves her brothers, that’s one area where they aren’t the best role models (even if they fully support her during this journey). She is the one who helped her brothers incorporate pink into their current wardrobe.
Omega also learns how to give manicures. The only polish choice anyone she gives one to gets to make is whether or not they want glitter. Everyone is going to be rocking pink nails when she gives them a manicure. (The Batch are very diligent and serious about maintaining their manicures.)
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"Keep it. It looks better in you." for Jonah and the boys, please
Oh, how you undo me
Fandom: The Wayhaven Chronicles Pairing: Adam du Mortain x m!detective (Jonah Rafferty) x Nate Sewell Word count: 2.1K A/N: this was just an excuse for me to write about Nate kissing Jonah's wrist and Jonah retaliating. also for the sake of one detail I wanted to include, this takes place ~5 years after the current events of Wayhaven. prompt list here
“Nate?” There is a knock on the door before he hears it creak open. He already knows, before even stepping out the bathroom, that it’s Jonah. He knew as soon as he heard the approaching steps in the corridor accompanied by a very familiar heartbeat. 
And without a doubt, there is, his head poking into his room. “I need a little help-” he announces with a shy smile, until he notices the four, expertly placed, dots of moisturizer on Nate’s face and adds “-but I can ask Adam if you’re busy.”
“I’ll help, if you don’t mind waiting.”
Jonah nods, thanking him and Nate is back in front of the bathroom mirror. While he rubs in the lotion, he hears Jonah shuffle into his room, humming the melody which echoed throughout the warehouse that afternoon as he worked on a new song. Nate wonders if he would ever allow him to write the lyrics to one of his songs. A thought which had already crossed his mind a few times in the five years they’ve known each other, but one he never dared to voice.
With the moisturizer now applied, Nate washes his hands and walks back into his room. He doesn’t even make it a step in that he stops right in his tracks.
Jonah is standing next to his latest painting - a rendition of a sunset they witnessed a few weeks ago on one of their late walks with Bo - left to dry on an easel. His back turned to him, he’s leaning over the canvas in order to catch every single detail of the scene. The fiery hues lighting the sky contrasting with the growing darkness of the hills and forest beneath. Bo in the background looking in their direction. Jonah and Adam’s silhouettes, right in the center, with his back to him, their heads tilted upwards and their hands clasped together. Bent like that over his work, Jonah almost looks like he’d been strolling through a museum and stopped to admire a piece that caught his attention. But his stance isn’t what makes Nate’s jaw drop.
It’s his outfit. Jonah - whose everyday outfits are a rotation of the same pair of jeans and different colored tees and flannel, with the occasional jumper during the coldest months - is wearing what seems to be straight pleated cream pants with a dark green satin shirt. Nate cannot get a proper look at his outfit from where he stands, but the shirt appears to be tucked in the front while the back hangs loose. Although this isn’t an unusual outfit, for Jonah always loves getting all dressed up for their dates, what catches Nate off guard is the shirt. It is the exact one he had planned on wearing for dinner that night and couldn’t find earlier. His shirt.
He meets his demise when Jonah turns around, revealing three undone buttons which let his collarbone tattoo show underneath. As he brushes a strand of hair behind his ears and the fabric parts a bit more, Nate catches sight of his latest addition - three intertwined rings tattooed near his heart. The hand towel slips out of his grasp and Nate fumbles to catch it. ‘Plummeting just like my heart’ he thinks as it crashes helplessly at his feet.
“What?” Jonah’s voice makes him look up again. “Is there something wrong with my outfit? I know the shirt is a little too big, but-”
Nate crosses the room in seconds to stand before his partner. Gently cupping his face in his hands, he says, “There is nothing wrong with your outfit, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. You’re absolutely stunning.”
Jonah eases with the compliment and Nate is rewarded with a soft smile. “You’re quite the sight yourself, joli cœur.”
“So, what brings you here?” Nate asks before silence can settle between the two.
“I need help rolling up the sleeves,” Jonah says, lifting his right hand. “The fabric is so slippery I can’t even uncuff it.”
Nate grabs his wrists with a chuckle and starts loosening the cufflinks. “Is it a new shirt?” he inquires, fully knowing that it is, in fact, over a century old. 
“I’m not sure. It was on my bed when I came out of the shower. I’m guessing it was Adam’s doing.”
Seeing that Jonah isn’t blushing, like he usually does when he or Adam catch him wearing their clothes, Nate realizes that he didn’t go through his wardrobe. Deciding to withhold the fact that the shirt belongs to him a little longer, he asks, “Why do you think Adam is behind it?”
“I told him I didn’t know what to wear for our date a few days ago and he offered to help me pick something, if I was up for it.”
Nate makes it a mental note to thank Adam later, for the absolute eye candy that is Jonah in one of his favorite shirts, although he can’t help but chuckle at the thought of Adam picking out an outfit for Jonah.
“Hey, don’t laugh!” Jonah cries, giving him a slight tap on the shoulder. “You’ve been busy at the facility lately, so I didn’t want to bother you with that. Besides, Adam’s fashion sense has gotten way better. He stopped wearing cargo pants to every date years ago.”
“You’re right, I can’t deny that. Especially considering how dazzling you look. I’m just a little surprised, that’s all.” Nate says as he reaches for Jonah’s left arm.
He uncuffs the sleeve, to reveal the black leather bracelet wrapped around his wrist and adorned with a silver dragon. Delicately, he rolls the fabric up his arm. Nate purposely holds his gaze as he does, trying to catch all the ways Jonah's body betrays him. The hairs standing up on his arm in reaction to his touch. The wave of warmth traveling up his body as a slight blush creeps on his cheeks. 
Relishing in those reactions, he lets his fingertips brush down Jonah’s arm as he reaches back for his hand. He stops along the way to trace the outline of the stratocaster tattoo on his forearm. Taking his hand, slowly and without breaking eye contact, Nate brings his knuckles to his lips.
He watches as Jonah’s breath catches in his throat as he kisses every of his knuckles without forgetting to kiss the wedding band on his fourth finger. He listens as Jonah exhales at the feathery touch of his lips against his palm, the sound a little too loud as if he had just remembered how to breathe. He feels his pulse fastening as he trails up to press a kiss on his wrist and inhales the faint scent of oats on Jonah’s warm skin as he peppers kisses up his forearm.
Landing a final kiss in the crook of his elbow, Nate whispers against his skin, “I have to say, I do like the sight of you in my clothes, rouhi.”
He waits as realization forms on his husband’s face and he can’t help but smile when Jonah turns an even darker shade of red.
Still under the spell of Nate’s teasing, his voice is hoarse as he confesses, “I had no idea…” and clears his throat before adding, “I’ll give it back later, I promise.”
“No!” Nate’s voice comes out louder than he had meant. “You should keep it. It looks better on you.” He offers and before Jonah can refuse, he says, “I insist.”
“Alright. Then, how about you wear something of mine to dinner?”
“What do you have in mind?”
“I was going to wear this.” Jonah says, taking his favorite dragon-shaped hairpin out of his pocket with ceremonial diligence. 
“I would be honored.” Nate agrees with a soft chuckle.
“Come here.”
With that, Jonah grabs his wrist and drags him to the bathroom where he makes him stand in front of the mirror. He takes the foldable step stool out of the sink cabinet and places it behind him, so that they are now the same height. ‘If I were to turn around, I’d be able to kiss him without bending over’ Nate thinks as Jonah reaches around his waist to grab the comb laying next to the sink.
“May I?” he asks, his voice muffled by the kiss landing on Nate’s cheek.
“You may.” Nate allows and Jonah carefully takes out the hair tie holding his hair in a bun.
This is not the first time Jonah brushes his hair, yet Nate can’t help but marvel at the tenderness he demonstrates everytime he does. With an intent softness, he combs through his hair, careful not to tug too hard on the knots he encounters. His fingers run through the detangled hair before he splits it in two. Jonah gently slides the top half through the dragon’s body before inserting the pin. Unruly strands of hair immediately escape and fall into his face.
Satisfied with the result, Jonah grins proudly. “Je dois admettre que vous êtes à couper le souffle, joli coeur.” He whispers in Nate’s ear, resting his hands on his shoulders.  
The urge to kiss him makes Nate turn around, but Jonah’s firm grip prevents him from facing away from the mirror. So instead he watches as Jonah’s fingers graze against his nape, brushing his hair aside. He watches as Jonah bends over, the warmth of his breath against his neck making his body ripple with shivers. He watches as Jonah meets his gaze in the mirror with intent. He’s waiting for permission and, when Nate tilts his head, giving him better access to his neck, he takes it as an invitation to keep going and presses a kiss right behind his ear. 
Moving down, he lands a chaste peck in the crook of his neck. His hands find their way around his chest and reach for the buttons of his shirt. They linger on the top one before their eyes meet in the mirror, once again asking for permission. This time Nate gives it to him with a hum.
He undoes one. Two. Three. The fabric slips from his shoulder.
Nate feels his lips brushing against his skin as Jonah draws a path of kisses along his collarbone. His lips lingering on his skin a little longer with each kiss until he reaches his shoulder.
There’s something thrilling about the way Jonah keeps his eyes on him as Nate comes undone in his hands. How he gauges his reaction to make sure this is a pleasurable experience for the both of them. This is how he lets Nate know that he can safely lose himself in his touch.
Jonah takes the same scorching path back to the crook of his neck and Nate’s eyes flutter shut. His heart skips a beat, or maybe a dozen, when he feels his teeth scrape against his neck. Jonah gently starts nibbling on his skin. As he sucks on his skin and bites a little harder, pleasure melds slowly with pain, and Nate forgets how to breathe. He feels his hand slither around his throat, his fingers barely applying pressure as he keeps Nate’s head tilted.
“Ya rouhi…” the pet name rises in a moan when a tidal wave of sensations overwhelms him as Jonah sinks his teeth into his neck one last time.
Nate keeps his eyes closed as Jonah wraps his arms around his waist, allowing him to catch his breath before he lands one soft, gentle kiss on the tender spot. When his heart stops pulsing in his ears, he opens them. 
Jonah is standing behind him, his head resting on Nate’s shoulder and a smug smile on his face. His loving eyes locked on him, Nate knows what he’s asking without him needing to word out the question. He’s asking if he’s okay, to which Nate answers with a nod. His smile grows a little wider at his answer, letting the dimple in his right cheek show and Nate feels like he might melt on the spot. 
Jonah leans in to press a kiss behind his ear and judging from the mischievous glint in his eye, Nate thinks he’s going to do it all again, until…
“Come on, Adam will be mad if we’re late.” Jonah whispers against his ear before walking away, gathering his hair in a half bun using the hair tie previously used to hold Nate’s hair.
The spell broken, Nate takes a moment to regain his composure. Rebuttoning his shirt, he catches sight of the single vibrant purple mark that taints his skin. He knows it’s only going to last him through dinner, but doesn’t mind because he also knows this is the promise of many more to come later that night.
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monikafilefan · 2 years
Pre-IWTB at the unremarkable house, Mulder accidentally hurts himself to the point that he *has* to go to the hospital, so he goes to Scully’s work incognito and she has to doctor him
The summer sun begins to dip beneath the horizon as Mulder adjusts the pile of blankets and picnic basket to his liking. The air is warm and the view of the seafoam colored sky is absolutely amazing from this height. He smiles down at the romantic alcove made of pillows and a single strand of Christmas lights he’d found in the attic.
Scully hates surprises, but she needs this, he knows. Almost as badly as he does.
Mulder stands and sways his weight from foot to foot, giving the surface beneath his boots an experimental bounce. It’s solid, sturdy. For as old as this unremarkable house is, the roof is relatively new. Mulder runs a hand through his wind-blown hair and smirks. If their date night under the spray of fireworks goes as well as he hopes, this overhang will be the last place left on their property to cross off the to-be-christened list.
The traditional string of muted booms and soft pops echo across the open field. It’s familiar now, a comfort to feel consistency in far-off sounds of society, and he knows their celebration will last all through the night.
Three years they’ve called this house home. Four years since Scully has worked her precious body to the bone to regain her presence in the medical community. Five years since he’s been labeled a fugitive and sentenced to live life in the shadows.
Turns out, that’s the least of his punishment. Watching his Scully - his partner in all things - walk out the door every day without him makes his chest ache more than any death sentence ever could.
He wipes his sweaty brow with the flannel shirt protecting him from another skin-peeling sunburn and spins around to climb down the ladder. He wants to shower and run a bath for Scully before she gets home from the hospital.
He sinks down onto the first rung as his mind replays their last bout of lovemaking: Scully’s soft little bottom rising and falling in his lap, his fingers tangled in the long tendrils of her hair, her swollen lips trailing across his skin while she whispers how much she loves-
His boot slips and the ladder jerks to the side.
Mulder gasps as his body plummets, his feet floating above his face, his eyes widening…
He lands on his side in a bone-jarring thud. “Ahh, fuuu…”
He writhes, his long fingers digging deep into the dirt. His eyes water and his vision blurs. He coughs, rocketing a gut rolling explosion of pain through his ribcage that steals the breath from his chest.
Scully. Scully will kill him for doing this without her here if the ache in his skull doesn’t do it first.
Mulder stiffens, waits for the pinpricks of agony to taper off, and assumes he’s cracked a rib - maybe two this time. Not great, yet not life-threatening, either. But when he rolls onto his knees, his back muscles seize up like a rusted screw, sending him face first into the mossy earth.
Dirt clings to his pout. “Sonofabitch.”
The strand of lights twinkle atop the roof and he can see the same annoying squirrel that always steals Mulder’s birdseed romp boldly across the blanket nook. He rolls his eyes, feeling mocked by the expensive bottle of Cabernet nestled in the picnic basket twelve feet above him. He slowly succumbs to the realization that he can’t hide his injury and would rather embrace the incredulous concern of his doctor instead of the love of his life’s worrisome scrutiny. He groans, his resolve wilting.
Dammit, he has to take a trip to the hospital.
Scully’s hospital.
Mulder reaches into his jeans pocket and pulls out his cell phone, the action sparking pain through his spine like the firecrackers popping off in the distance.
He presses SEND on the contact for his usual cab company, panting into the mouthpiece as the phone rings. “Yeah, I need a ride.”
It takes Mulder several minutes to scoot his way out of the cab, toss the nosy man a forty, and limp his way to the Emergency Room’s front desk. He’d texted Scully on the way here and her response was a string of frantic questions he had no answers to.
“Doctor Dana Scully?” he asks, head bowed. “I’m here to see Dr. Scully.��
He knows Scully’s shift ends in twenty minutes so they can leave together after she pokes and prods him to her liking, but the waiting room is packed full with injured people. A man with a rag covering a bloody hand sits by a woman with a red welt on the side of her face where half her hair is singed off. Fireworks are as dangerous as lovesick men on ladders.
The intake nurse arches a bleached brow. “And you are?”
Mulder tugs the brim of his Knicks hat lower on his forehead, a niggle of paranoia creeping up his neck.
A familiar voice interrupts, “I’ll take it from here, Margo, thanks.”
He doesn’t have to look up to know it’s her. Scully’s warm presence engulfs him like a blanket. Her cross necklace glints welcomely in the fluorescent light and the fruity scent of the shampoo he’d helped massage into her scalp this morning relaxes him. Even as jolts of pain singe his nerve endings, Scully’s touch is a salve that dulls the senses.
She helps him to a stretcher in the corner and slides the privacy curtain closed in a flurry. Her fingertips flutter across his face again and again, caressing his jaw, his neck. A splash of mussed hair that’s spilled from her ponytail and onto her name tag looks like liquid cinnamon.
Goddamn, he loves her.
“Sorry, Scully.”
She unbuttons his shirt as swiftly as she does at home and tosses his hat, raking her fingers through his hair. Her shoulders slump and she finally exhales a chest full of breath, “What the hell happened?”
Mulder grimaces as he melts into the rock hard bed.
He tells her everything.
One emergency x-ray, a shot in the ass, and an amusing cognitive assessment later, Mulder stares up at Scully in doctor-mode buzzing like a bee above him.
“Two cracked ribs and severe muscle strain,” she diagnoses. A sweet sigh of relief puffs past her lips, but the crease of concern he‘s come to know better than the back of his hand contorts her brow. “I thought we talked about not dying enough over the years.”
All he wanted was to get out of the house with her and melt the stress from her muscles with his own under the rainbow-colored sky. Was that too much to ask?
“Romance has died, apparently,” he mutters. “I should’ve known.”
She scoffs, fighting the upturned curl of her mouth. “Yes well, a lot of good that would’ve done.”
He chuckles and instantly regrets it. His ribs throb and now his butt cheek burns with whatever was in that shot.
“Shh, the muscle relaxer will kick in any second now.”
Loud voices and beeping machines fill their comfortable silence as Scully fiddles with his blankets. He can even hear clusters of cherry bomb explosions and whizzing Roman candles through Our Lady’s brick walls. Mulder can see it now: bright colors bursting above their roof at home. The amber glow of twinkling lights wound around the empty nest of pillows and snacks, just waiting for them to enjoy it.
“I had wine and cheese and everything,” he chuffs bitterly. “Guess that pesky family of squirrels will have the time of their lives.”
“You don’t have to risk your life on a ladder to romance me, Mulder,” she tells him affectionately. “You do it quite well standing on your own.”
“You know me, Scully, I’ll never give up.”
“Fortunately, I do.”
“Hey,” he adds, seriousness taking hold. “I am sorry for… for coming here.”
“I’m not mad, Mulder,” she says softly. “I worry about you.”
His eyes fall shut. He knows she isn’t angry for risking exposure. For fuck’s sake, he’s done a lot worse and she still fell in love with him. But now that he’s here…
Dana Scully’s intelligence is overwhelmingly attractive. She’s stunningly sexy, and he’s damned certain there’s not one person walking the halls of this hospital who hasn’t appreciated it. But he also knows she can’t last a single shift without calling him.
So he wonders.
Not about her looking twice at another man or second-guessing her choice to hold him at night, but about the little things. The personal things. What is he now if he isn’t her partner, some stranger’s name scrawled on an intake paper? They’ve belonged together since the day they met. He just doesn’t think it’s too much to ask for the world to know they belong to each other, too.
“So there’s really no one here that knows, huh?”
“Knows about… us?” Scully whispers, and he nods. “Of course not. You know that’s not possible.”
Mulder knows that, of course he does, but it hurts to hear her say it. Maybe in some sick way he wants her to feel the same loss he does when she’s thriving in the real world without him.
“It’s just… I miss you.”
“Oh, Mulder. You just saw me this morning.” She’s blushing about exactly what he saw in the shower this morning, but he can tell it’s painful for her to admit their impossibility aloud. “Kissed me, too.”
“It’s never enough.”
It’s a truth they both know.
She stops fidgeting with a file containing his faux name, grabs his large dirt-stained hand and cups it between her smaller ones. “I miss you too, always.”
Chewing her lip, she tucks her chin to chest and squeezes his fingers. “You know… Mulder, you know I hate keeping us a secret, right?”
“I know, Scully.” He squeezes back. “Maybe one day…”
“Yes,” she says thickly. “One day.”
Scully swoops back into the room after leaving him to officially end her shift, eying him critically as he awkwardly tries putting his shirt back on.
“Busted.” She grabs his sleeve and tugs, undoing all his hard work.
“You just wanna take my shirt off again,” he says with a waggled brow.
She leans back. Her eyes are narrowed, but her mouth is soft with a special kind of amusement meant only for him.
“An added bonus.” She cups her hand over his stubbled jaw. “But I’ll admit you do look especially sexy in flannel.”
“Mm…” Whatever pain meds she’s pushing has him warm and fuzzy. He nuzzles into her soft little palm. “Tryin’ to tell me you have a lumberjack fantasy I can fulfill for ya?”
Scully scoffs, and his cheek suddenly feels bereft without her thumb arcing across it. “You’re high, Mulder.”
“High on my love for you,” he coos, sliding one hand up the back of her pant leg, curving possessively around the rounded cheek of her ass.
She stiffens, his name hissing through her teeth. He pouts and lets his arm fall limp on the gurney.
Scully needlessly fusses with his IV, then rips off his blood pressure cuff in a show of irritation. But the corner of her mouth lifts, and she’s flushed. To anyone else she’d simply be ignoring an obstinate patient, but to a man who’s spent nearly every day with her over fifteen years, he knows she’s flattered. He also knows she finds his flirting equally thrilling as inappropriate while wearing her spotless white coat and stethoscope.
Maybe they should roleplay more often.
She prods his belly once again, her tiny hand pausing just above his pelvis. “I know what you’re thinking.”
“C’mon, Scully, be honest. You’re tired of playing doctor.”
Her eyes flick to the closed curtain before whispering, “That’s what the cuffs are for, sir.”
“Jesus Christ,” he husks. Even through the ample surge of muscle relaxers he feels himself harden. “You tryin’ to torture me, doc?”
“First do no harm,” she says primly.
He grins dopely. “Promises, promises.”
“Promise me no more flirting and we’ll get out of here soon.”
He catches her lab coat when she tries to turn away, dipping in his fingers in the pocket, giving it a playful tug. “Not even a little?”
“You’ll survive, Mulder.” She twines her fingers through his and pulls them to her cheek, just for a second, before pressing the gentlest of kisses to the pulse fluttering in his wrist. “I’ll personally see to it.”
Mulder smiles so hard his mouth hurts.
Maybe they’ll see fireworks tonight after all.
@today-in-fic and any other reblogs are much appreciated since I rarely post fic on here anymore. Enjoy!
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dressed-euphoric · 3 years
By. Euphoric Dressed
A Detective pays the price after the arrest of an Executive's goon. After all, an equivalent exchange is demanded.
Involves bondage and brainwashing.
Word Count: 5990
The rain splattered upon the moon blessed roads as a man walked in the neon-lit signs. He looked up with his hands in his pocket, observing humanity’s greatest achievements. Unlike the sparse darkness around him, the night lit up with colors of a rainbow in every section an eye can stumble upon. They were the skyscrapers that pierced through the heavens, filled with each member of humanity and those who were invented by it.
“You can - get repot - reported.” A sound echoed through the eerily silent district the man was in.
He darted his eyes towards the direction of the sound, only to witness a man with a flannel shirt and jeans, surrounded by three men. Each of the three struck the man with a force like thunder with their shoes.
“Fucking android.” One of them shouted with bitterness.
“How did this stupid thing end up here.” Another spat at the body on the ground.
The man who observed sighed and walked away, for there was nothing he could do. The people here weren’t quite friendly to the likes of him, and he was here for another reason.
He made his way until he reached his destination. A crippled building stood in front of him with windows into the forgotten past world.
“The Old News.” The broken sign on the building read.
He entered and was met with stacked newspaper on tables and shelves. Each was noted from different periods, from the past to the current. He walked past them ignoring the museum that wanted to be appreciated.
A man wearing a brown suit stood by the checkout counter with a cigar popped in his mouth. He had his brown hair neatly trimmed and combed. His brown beard followed suit with no signs of raggedness.
“Detective.” The man looked up, removing the cigar from his mouth.
“I can get you arrested for that.” The Detective pointed to the cigar in his mouth.
“Sure, you could, but you won’t.” The man scoffed at the detective, challenging him, “what do you want?”
“Tsk.” The Detective stared at the man, “papers for today.”
As the man turned around to grab the latest news, the detective found his eyes glanced over at a book near the man.
“A Traditionalist Guide to Humanity.” The book title read.
The man threw the current paper towards the detective as he elegantly caught it with one of his hands and away from his focus on the book. The detective opened the newspaper and started to read the news line.
“Futurist Brightest Young Politician, Walter Kirth, Mysteriously Vanished.” One of the headlines read.
Not exactly what the detective was looking for. He continued to quickly skim to find his target.
“There we go.” The Detective smiled as his eyes focused on a section.
Crackdown on the Executives
“Newspapers are useless to you. What exactly did you want?” The man bitterly declared.
“Mhm.” The Detective simply nodded, “just making sure news is spreading about.”
The Detective did in fact want to make sure the news was spreading about. It was a message to the perpetrator: he will find them and he will bring them to justice. After all, he was the one who cracked the Executive case.
The Detective had caught a man belonging to the Executive. An elusive group of crooked businessmen, who donned their pinstripe suits. They kept themselves tidy. A physical appearance that deceits what’s truly insidious. They were the madmen of greed, power, corruption, and of all sorts. Funny thing was, no one had seen them and was only dismissed as a rumor. Until of course, the Detective caught one.
“Guys like you just get your news from the Network.” The checkout man bitterly blurted, “pay up Detective.”
The Detective smiled at the man and pulled up his phone. He hovered it over the cash register and the transaction was completed. Then he left with the piece of paper in his hands.
He returned to his home after midnight, located just on the outskirts of the city. He opened the door to his house and stepped onto his “Welcome” mat; except something was wrong.
He perked up facing his attention towards the hallway in front of him. A sound of rustling wind coming from the kitchen to his left.
The Detective had never left a window open before he left. Which could only mean someone had opened the window to his kitchen.
He made haste on his way to the kitchen, stumbling upon a stranger standing with a smile in the middle of the room.
“What th-” The Detective suddenly spoke as his eyes met the man.
The man stood there with his neatly combed black hair. A thick chevron mustache was spotted above his lips. More importantly, it was his figure and appearance that were weary. He wore a dark charcoal suit with his blue tie, finishing it off with his shiny black cap toe.
His eyes glowed with a glint of wickedness. His smile reeks of a stalking tiger. The man was the predator and the detective was the prey.
“Who the hell are you?” The Detective shouted as he grabbed his phone from his pocket.
“Hello Detective,” the man started speaking, “I believe you are the one who took a dear possession of mine.”
The Detective stared at him and noticed a stark similarity feature with the man he had captured and the man standing in front of him. They both were related somehow.
Then the epiphany struck at the Detective. The man standing in front of him belonged to the Executive.
“What was taken must be given.” The man declared.
The Detective quickly typed in the number on his phone as the man continued to grin.
“I ne-” The Detective couldn’t finish as his phone connected to backup.
“What…?” The Detective mumbled as he felt his eyes closed on themselves. His knee fell to the ground and his palms on the floor, then his body to the ground.
The Detective’s eyes opened and panicked at the sudden change of scenery. His eyes stared upon the stone wall that stood five feet away from him. A flickering ceiling lamp hung over him. Then he darted his attention to the man in front of him. The man with the suit who stood in his kitchen a moment ago.
“Who are you? What do you want?” The Detective spoke hastily as he tried to stand up from his position. He yanked his body out of the chair but quickly yelped at a sudden backlash.
He rapidly looked down upon himself and realized the situation he was in. The clothes he wore were still the same, moments before he was caught: a white dress shirt and his trousers. However, his shoes and his leather jacket were missing, only to be assumed it was taken by the man.
The Detective scanned the works that bound him. A long rope was wrapped around his chest and onto the chair. He tugged his hands once more to confirm that his hands were in fact bound by a rope. Then, he focused on his legs and noticed the two restraints attached to the chair legs.
“Executive. You can call me Executive” The Executive’s authoritative voice answered, “you, Detective, have taken something from me.”
“And what makes you think I’ve taken this something from you, Executive.”
“You know what you’ve taken.” The Executive approached the Detective.
The Detective glared at the Executive’s eyes and knew what the Executive wanted. The Detective has taken one of their own and the Executive wants him back.
“Hah - you think I can just free one of your crooks out? Screw your bullshit.” The Detective spat towards the Executive and landed upon his blue tie.
“Feisty one, aren’t you?” The Executive patted down the spit on his tie, then he glanced back upon the Detective, “enjoy your fight, it won’t matter soon.”
“Soon, you’ll be in the exact spot with your friend.” The Detective threatened, “you’ll release me now if you’re smart. I’ve called my superior and the moment they don’t hear from me, it’s only a matter of time that they will find you.”
The Executive laughed, amplified throughout the same compact room.
“Oh, Detective. What makes you think I need him when I’ve found a better one?”
“What?” The Detective was puzzled at the Executive’s statement, “I repeat, release me now or you’ll get a much worse sentence!”
The Detective rattled the chair that bound him in an attempt to fight for his freedom. Unable to prevail, the restraints held him in his place. The Executive stood in front of the Detective and with a grin, he eyed the Detective up and down.
“What are you looking at?” The Detective angrily questioned.
The Detective’s face flushed with horror as he witnessed the Executive reach his hands out upon the unspoken treasure.
“You fuck!?” The Detective winced as a sense of humiliation and fear ran through him. He couldn’t fathom that the Executive would resort to such methods.
“Something wrong?” The Executive smirked, “a man like you deserves so much more.”
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“Quality, smart, and a witty man. Of course, there are a lot of things that could be improved. Your appearance for example. But most importantly, your attitude for authority is in desperate need of renovation.” The Executive raised his black shiny cap toe and pressed upon the Detective’s bulge.
The Detective grunted through the pain as the Executive wiggled his shoe.
“You bastard.” The Detective clenched through his teeth, “what nonsense are you spewing? Are you out of your mind!? Oh wait, maybe all of you executives are crazy fucks.”
“ARGH.” The Detective winced as the Executive pressed harder upon his bulge.
“Oh Detective, where’s the fun in you?” The Executive released the hold of his shoe. Then the Executive bent on his knees in front of the Detective.
“You crooks! You think you can get away with everything, don’t you? I’ll make sure every one of you rots in jail!” The Detective continued with his threats.
The Detective felt a hand grab upon his legs and then his pants, slowly pulled up to reveal his worn black socks.
“The hell are you doing?”
The Executive shook his head, “disappointing.”
Then the Executive grabbed ahold of the sock from the front and pulled off the Detective’s sock in a quick second.
The Detective nervously laughed at the strange occurrence, “What? You think that’s going to do something to me?”
The Executive performed the same action upon the other pair of the Detective’s black socks. Then the Executive stood up with the pair of socks crumbled in his hands. With one of his hands, he grabbed ahold of the Detective’s head.
“Wait -”
“Mmrr! MMMRR!” The Detective grunted as the Executive forcefully shoved the socks into the Detective’s mouth. Before the Detective could eject the socks out of his mouth, the Executive had already prepped a long strip of duct tape and wrapped it around the Detective’s mouth.
“Much better.” The Executive shook his head upon the helpless Detective, “that’ll teach you a lesson, Detective.”
“MNR MMUK!” The Detective squirmed in his chair.
The Executive grabbed ahold of the Detective’s chin and stared with a flicker of mischief.
“MMMRR!” The Detective shouted through his sock gag.
The Executive laughed in amusement of the helpless Detective who attempted to power through the restraints. For he could already see the outcome. Soon, the Detective will be in his grasp and formed to his desired appearance. The Detective with a neat slick combed hair like theirs. A thick mustache that will encompass above the lips. But most importantly of them all, the Detective will wear the distinguished pinstripe suit and become a man in their order.
“Give me 30 minutes and you’ll be mine.” The Executive stated. The Executive stepped away and then walked behind the Detective.
“GHH GHCK MRRN!” The Detective angrily shouted through the sock gag. But the Executive didn’t respond to him, only the sounds of an opened door and then momentarily slammed shut.
The Detective struggled with his feet and hands. He shook his hands, in an attempt to break the ropes that bound him. He pulled his hands apart but the pain quickly found him. He clenched upon the wet socks in his mouth as he pushed every ounce of energy into his legs to break the restraints on the chair.
The Detective was trapped, and he could feel the dread settling in. He counted the minutes and the seconds, anxiously waiting for the moment when reinforcements would arrive.
The door opened and the sounds of his enemy’s dress shoes echoed in the room.
“MMMM!” The Detective grunted as he tried again with every inch of his force to break out of his restraints. Every ounce of his emotions directed towards his enemy. It was now a fight for his survival.
“What happened to your reinforcements?” The Executive raised his eyebrows and his wicked smile in front of the Detective.
“MMNRR!” The Detective shouted through the sock gag. He couldn’t understand why reinforcements were taking so long. But it was a fleeting thought as he realized the Executive had brought something along.
In his right hand, the Executive held upon a shiny pair of black patent loafers with a pair of socks stuffed inside.
The Executive sat them down on the ground beside the Detective. Then he held up a small piece of chip in his left hand in front of the Detective.
“Do you know what this is?” The Executive dangled the chip in front of the Detective.
“Grrgh!” The Detective huffed with his remaining energy.
“This chip will be installed right on your temple. You’ll feel an initial shock and a little bit of disorientation, but it’s only temporary.” The Executive explained with a beaming smile, “then… the chip will start to feed information to you.”
“MmmNN!” The Detective shook his head rapidly.
“Sounds beneficial for you, doesn’t it?” The Executive continued, “don’t you want to find out?”
“MMMM!” The Detective attempted to move his head as far back as he could. He didn’t know what the chip exactly was but all he knew was his gut’s alarm system was going off.
The Executive reached with his hand to firmly grab hold upon the Detective’s head and with swiftness, he attached the chip to the Detective’s left temple. He finished it off with a tap on the chip.
“MMRGH!” The Detective winced through the wet socks in his mouth as he felt a shock through his head.
“Now who’s going to be a good goon?” The Executive stepped back.
The Detective’s head slumped down as he tried to revitalize himself. The shock had impaired his thoughts, sending a migraine through his head. His vision upon the ground was hazy. A cold shuddered through his body.
The shock lasted momentarily as the Detective observed in confusion upon his restraints. The Executive unclasped the bind upon the legs and then smiled back at the Detective.
“This is it.” The Detective managed a thought in his situation. A sudden burst of faith and strength arises within him, “this is my chance.”
“Let’s get you out of those awful pants.” The Executive muttered as he reached forward to the Detective’s belt.
The Detective rapidly formulated a plan in his head: he was going to focus all his energy onto his feet. He eyed the Executive’s bulge. Two can play the game. Then he was going to –
He couldn’t move his very own legs. His freedom was right in front of his eyes and yet he couldn’t usher any strength to move his own body. He couldn’t do anything.
The Detective scrutinize in terror at what unfolded. The Executive yanked the Detective’s belt off and then pulled his trousers. Then, the Executive’s hand grabbed upon the Detective’s briefs and was yanked off, revealing the Detective’s cock.
Powerless was what the Detective felt. His whole manhood was revealed to his enemy.
The Detective merely watched in defeat as the Executive reached into the patent black loafer and pulled up a long black silk sock. He dangled it in front of the Detective with the same grin. Then he grabbed ahold of one of the Detective’s legs. Slowly, the Executive descended the Detective’s leg into the black silk socks and up past the Detective’s calves.
“Oahmmmm.” The Detective instantly let out a muffled moan through the wet sock gag.
The Detective couldn’t believe the sensation the sock had upon his calves and feet. They were silky, smooth, and dandy. But more importantly above all, he found them to be of stimulation and delightful to wear.
“What the…” The Detective winced in his head. He could feel a tingle down his crotch and he couldn’t make sense why. After all, it was a sense of the unspeakable: his very own cock was growing.
“How does it feel, Detective?” The Executive grinned as he noticed the growth of the Detective’s cock.
The Executive repeated the process with the other pair.
“ORHAMMmm!” ” Again, an uncontrollable muffled moan escaped the Detective. He couldn’t imagine how good it felt on both of his feet.
He attempted to laugh at his situation. He couldn’t believe what the Executive was doing. His enemy was putting a pair of socks onto him. And yet, he also was puzzled at his body’s reaction. The sight bewildered and amused him. What did the Executive hope to achieve with this?
Then, the Executive presented the Detective with the black patent loafer. Leisurely, the Executive slipped the Detective’s feet into the loafer.
“Oafmm…” The Detective let out a moan.
“Oh… they feel so good…” An intrusive thought surmounted inside the Detective’s head upon his attention on the black silk sock and patent loafer.
The Detective couldn’t believe how undeniably comfortable the loafer was on his feet. He also didn’t understand how perfect the fit was. His eyes glued upon the loafer and the socks and suddenly, a fondness for the combination.
“What the hell…?” The Detective thought to himself once again, his mind in shambles. He couldn’t understand the occurrence of such thoughts.
“Mmmmmm!” An uncontrollable wave of pleasure escaped from the Detective.
The Detective stared in shock at his enlarged cock wrapped by the Executive’s hand.
“The chip is working,” the Executive smiled, “they’re quite fun to wear, aren’t they?”
“What?” The Detective sat there dazed. There was no way in hell the Detective found any of it enjoyable. The silk socks were far from it, and yet what was occurring in front of his eyes denied the truth.
He could feel his head slowly warp itself around the pleasure. His cock rocked hard around the feeling of the loafer and sock on his feet. His heartbeat thumped and his breathing increased. His teeth clenched through the sock gag.
“MMMmmmfp!” The Detective let out a loud moan through the sock gag as the Executive stroked it.
“God… the socks and loafers feel so good…”The Detective caught himself thinking. He found his mind loving the newfound clothing.
“What the hell am I thinking!?” The Detective shook his head fighting the invading thoughts.
The Detective found his eyes unconsciously darted to the Executive’s shiny black cap toe. Then, a feeling of admiration for the shoe bubbled inside of him. But underneath the Executive’s trouser and inside the shoe caught the Detective’s eyes. The Executive himself was wearing his pair of black silk socks.
“No...” The Detective grunted.
The Detective had arrived at a realization. His mind thought of the criminal, an Executive he had assumed, he had captured the previous days. The captured man wore the elaborate pinstripe suit but the epiphany was, the man himself wore the same pair of black silk socks.
“No…” The Detective winced in his head. He was not like them and he knew that, yet he felt a desire for their appearances.
For such thoughts made him feel dirty. After all, the Detective was a man who solve crimes and bring justice. He made a vow to bring peace within the city. To be tempted by these Executive were the obstruction to his very own beliefs.
“Look at your dandy little thing pumping from my hand.” The Executive commented.
“MMMARRGH!” The Detective shouted with anger as he tried to grip the last of his momentary strength, rattling the chair he was in. He was not going to let himself fall for such tricks.
The Executive smiled at his attempted resurrection. However, it was for naught as the Executive rebounded the Detective’s two legs with a rope.
“We’re not going to take any risks, aren’t we, Detective?” As he wrapped the Detective’s legs.
“Rrmgh!” The Detective struggled then looked in defeat. His chance of freedom was over.
“Let’s continue with the program.” The Executive insisted, “you’ll love what comes next.”
The Executive leaned in and place his shoe back upon the Detective’s bulge. He reached his hands upon the Detective’s chest and slowly unbuttoned the Detective’s dress shirt. The Detective wince upon the invasion of the Executive’s hands.
“Mmmrrr!” The Detective cringed in pain.
Then the Executive bent down to his oxford and undid his shoelaces. He lifted his feet out and grabbed the shoe with his hands.
“No. No. No.” the Detective shook his head in distraught. The humiliation would be too much for the Detective, but he didn’t have a choice.
The Executive forcefully plunged the inside of the oxford to the Detective's face. The Detective held his nose but with no way to breathe, the Detective slowly crumbled. He had to live, and with no control, the smell leaked through his nose and traveled through his nostrils.
It was an undesired minor leak, but there was no way around it. As his brain registered the smell, the chip on his forehead flickered on and off. Suddenly, he found himself devouring the smell of the Executive’s shoe. Like an addict, one small dose made him want more. He inhaled it through his nostrils. The smell of the deep enriched leather mixed with the personal musk of his enemy.
“You’re doing well Detective.” The Executive praised him.
“OOOAH!” The Detective moaned loudly through his sock gag as he inhaled the musk of the man.
“Good. Good. That’s what we want to see.” The Executive applauded, “you love the smell of my musk.”
The Detective continued to shove his face into the shoe held in front of him. He inhaled it with his nose continuously.
He found himself devoid of his thoughts. He couldn’t grasp any of his logic. His feeling of anger was subsiding and in its place was a pleasurable and euphoric sensation. He wanted more. He wanted more of the man’s musk.
“Ooommm.” The Detective groaned through his gag. Every ascending beat of his heart matched the rhythm of his inhale.
What was it that the Detective was thinking? The Detective scoured his head in the hope to find the suddenly important forgotten piece.
“Good… good… keep inhaling…” The Executive continued to hold his shoe to the Detective’s nose. With his other hand, the Executive slowly gripped onto the Detective’s enlarged cock.
“mmmmmm!” The Detective moaned through the soaked sock gag in his unknown sparked lust.
He loved the smell. He loved the musk inside the man’s Oxford. It was a mixture of the leather and the Executive’s pheromone. He loved it so much that his enlarged cock enjoyed the grasp by the Executive’s hand. His cock was gently stroked sending him into an enrage.
“You are to replace the goon I’ve lost.” The Executive declared, “you’re going to work for me now.”
“Mmmnn…” The Detective moaned through the strokes.
“You are like us, wearing the socks and the shoes. No one will see a lousy detective but a crook.”
The Detective took in the words of the man. It was true. Here, the Detective sat with part of their uniform. If anybody saw him, a detective is the farthest thing anybody would describe him. The Detective didn’t want to be associated with the Executives but his mind couldn’t deny what was to come. He had enjoyed part of the uniform. He had enjoyed the man; his mind had begun to rewire.
“Obey me.” The Executive commanded.
A foreign voice intruded into the Detective’s head.
“I am to obey the Executive.” The voice spoke inside his head.
“No…” the Detective’s mind resisted the foreign voice. This was not the Detective’s voice.
“Get out of my head.” He said inside of his thoughts.
“I am to obey the Executive.” The voice spoke again.
“Get out of my head!” The Detective shouted out in his head.
“Mmmrrrgh!!” was the only sound leaving from the Detective as his eyes showed the last gambit of the fight.
“I am to obey the Executive.”
“I am to obey the Executive.”
“Obey me, Detective.”
“I am to obey the Executive.” The voice repeated itself inside the Detective’s head. But it was no longer a foreign voice. Instead, it was the Detective’s voice that followed.
“I am to show loyalty by wearing the silk socks.” The voice changed its statement.
“No… No…No!” The Detective resisted against himself.
“I am to wear the silk socks.”
“No! I’m not like them… I’m not them!” The Detective shook his head rapidly, slapping the shoe he was inhaling away from him.
He then turned his attention to the Executive’s eyes that stared back upon him.
“I am to obey the Executive.” The voice echoed.
“Mmmmmmm!” The Detective groaned out. He was to obey the Executive.
He felt the silk socks on his feet and a sense of warmth journeyed through his body. He felt right to have them on. After all, it was what was expected of him.
“I am to wear the silk socks.” He told himself.
“Splendid.” The Executive rejoiced, “and if you are to work under me, Detective, the uniform is expected.”
“No… stop! Get out of my head…” The Detective continued his fight, unable to accept the foreign voice, “I’m not going to work for you!”
The Executive simply stepped aside from the Detective and pointed his forefinger at the wall. The Detective couldn’t believe what he had seen. On the wall was a hanger, and on that hanger was a suit. More specifically, a pinstripe suit jacket with its matching trouser hung inside of the hanger.
“Mn. Mn. Mn!” The Detective trembled at the sight.
“Get up.” The Executive pulled the Detective up.
The Detective was so busy battling the invasion that he had failed to notice the Executive’s adjustment of the Detective’s binding. He was no longer bound to the chair and the rope on his legs was removed. His hands continued to be tied behind his back.
The Executive pulled the Detective along to the wall until the Detective faced the hung pinstripe suit. The Detective couldn’t help but admire the suit in front of him. He imagined what it would feel like on his body. He imagined how it would fit. He imagined what he would look like in the suit. Then he found himself a desire for the pinstripe suit.
“No… Resist! I’m not one of them… I’m a detective.” The Detective’s voice protested.
“What do you say, Detective? Should we get you into the suit?” The Executive asked.
“Mmnh!” The Detective grunted and wavered his head. He wanted to plead to the Executive. Anything else besides wearing the uniform of his enemy.
“I am a Detective. I’m supposed to take in these criminals! Not to be like them!”
“I am to wear the uniform.” The voice surmounted again.
“No! I’m not going to be a crook!”
“I am to wear the uniform.” The voice echoed in his head.
“Take off your loafers.” The Executive ordered him.
The Executive smiled in response as he watched the Detective slip his feet out from the loafer. The Detective was in disbelief at himself. How could he listen to the man? There, the Detective stood dazed with his opened white dress shirt, his hanging cock, and the crook’s black silk socks.
The Detective was to wear the uniform.
The first piece the Executive took out under the hanger was a pair of white underwear. The Detective simply watched as the Executive approached him with the underwear. The Detective didn’t want it. He was not going to succumb. He was not going to be them.
But his body betrayed him as it yearned for it. He stepped into the white underwear as the Executive pulled it up for him. The Detective felt a flush of humiliation as he allowed the Executive to doll him. He stood still and allowed the Executive to continue further, buttoning back the white dress shirt that he was captured in. Then, the Executive tucked the shirt into the brief.
“I am to wear the uniform.” The Detective’s voice told himself. He couldn’t help himself but feel compelled to wear the uniform.
Next, the Executive pulled off the pinstripe trouser and approached the Detective. His heartbeat quivered in the sight of the trousers. It was the real deal and it was the step to completion. The Detective allowed the Executive, and thus the Detective stepped into the pinstripe trousers. The Executive pulled them up to the Detective’s waist and buttoned the trousers.
Upon wearing the pinstripe trousers, the Detective felt a click. It was like a forgotten piece of himself was found. Enlightened was the feeling. Moreover, his enjoyment of the trouser was way more than he had thought so.
The Executive beamed with pride as he overlooked the Detective. For the Detective was now starting to become of them.
“I am to wear the uniform.” The Detective told himself.
“Go on.” The Executive nudged the Detective towards the black shiny patent loafers.
The Detective looked down upon his black silk socks and then towards the Executive’s very own black silk socks. His mind registered that he was the same as the man in front of him. No. The man in front of him was more important than him. He was the inferior one to the Executive.
Nonetheless, the Detective knew what was right and slipped upon the black patent loafer. By the time he had settled into his loafer, the Executive had already undone his blue tie. The Executive approached the Detective and wrapped the blue tie around the Detective’s neck. Then, the blue tie was slowly knotted upon the Detective, sending a signal that the Detective now belong to the Executive.
“Now that’s appropriate.” The Executive commended the Detective.
“Take a good look at yourself, Detective.” The Executive pointed across the room.
The Detective turned around and was faced with a mirror. The man in front of the mirror was not a Detective. He was a crook with a white dress shirt and the executive’s blue tie. He wore their pinstripe trousers and the black patent loafer. Underneath it was the white brief and the black silk socks. All he was missing was the pinstripe jacket.
As the Detective continued to stare in the mirror, the image started to transfigure. In the mirror, the Detective’s hair was neatly combed like the Executive's. Then above his lips was a growth of a sheer resemblance of the Executive’s mustache and the criminal he had arrested. As the Detective continued to gaze upon the mirror, the more he enjoyed the look.
“I am to comb my hair and grow a mustache like my Executive.” His voice told him.
The Detective could feel the release of the binds upon his hands. The rope fell to the ground as the Detective’s arm dropped to the side of his body. The Executive was behind him, and he held the final piece of the uniform.
The Detective raised his arms and the Executive promptly slid the jacket upon his new goon. The Detective stood in admiration of the uniform, from every piece and component: from the suit jacket, to the brief, and the socks.
“How does it feel, Detective?” The Executive’s voice whispered into the Detective’s ears.
“Mmmm…” The Detective groaned as his bulge was massaged by the Executive. The Detective had wanted this, the uniform and the Executive.
The Executive led the Detective back to the chair and leaned him against the back of the chair. The Detective could hear the sound of his Executive’s fly zipped open. Then he felt the Executive’s cock rubbing between his buttocks.
The Detective’s heartbeat jumped as his trouser waist was touched by the Executive. Seconds later, it was undone and the trousers dropped down to the ground.
“You ever got fuck by a man, Detective?” The Executive wondered.
The Detective held in his breath for he had never had any man inside of him.
The Executive reached and pulled the Detective’s white brief down slightly and fondled the Detective’s cock.
With it came a silent voice echoed in the back of the Detective’s mind.
“I’m a detective, and I vowed to bring justice to this city.” A foreign voice restated his mission.
But the word “detective” no longer exists in the Detective’s head.
“Mmm!” The Detective moaned blissfully as his cock was stroked by the man behind him.
“I am to obey the Executive.”
The Detective couldn’t hold it in anymore. His body was in love with what he wore. His cock was in love, grasped by the Executive’s hand. He could feel the Executive’s tie knotted tight upon his neck, reminding him who was in charge.
“Mmmargh!” The Detective grunted in pain as he felt the Executive’s cock push through his hole.
“Oooah.” The Executive moaned as he slowly continued his way into his goon’s hole, “now that’s the way I like it.”
“I am to show loyalty with the black silk socks.” A voice rang inside the Detective’s head.
“MMMmm!” The Detective groaned.
The Detective bit the sock gag tight for he had never another man inside his hole. Except he found himself wanted of more. It was a desire to give his manhood to the man. He had never wished such a thought but the man behind him had changed everything.
“I am to wear the uniform.”
The statement rang inside the Detective’s head over and over again until eventually, it was the truth.
“Uuugh..” The Executive continued to plow deeper.
“Obey Executive.” The Detective affirmed.
“Fuck… yeah.” The Executive gripped his goon’s cock and rocked it back and forth slowly in motion with his cock.
“Mmmnnn!’ The Detective moaned, adjusting to the new experience.
“You’re mine now, you got that?” The Executive gripped the Detective’s tie as he slowly increase his rhythm.
“Servitude.” A voice inside the Detective told him.
“Yes...servitude.” The Detective responded to himself as the Executive ramped the cock inside of him.
“Hahh.. Oooah… Mmm.” The Executive thrust upon his subject.
The Executive was inside of the Detective, corrupting the Detective into the goon he had lost. On the other hand, the Detective could feel every inch of the Executive’s cock within him, guiding him to bliss.
“Mmh! O. Ooah! ARGH!”
The Detective clenched hard upon the Executive’s cock, then a sudden blast of warmth ejaculated into his hole.
“OOOAH!” The Executive moaned loudly.
The Detective groaned and accepted the Executive’s seed as it shot through and deposited itself within the body.
“MMMMNNRH!” The Detective roared in bliss moments later through his gag as his white stream shot into the air.
He bit upon his sock gag and allowed the man to propel him to the moon. A serene filled his lungs and his heart. Along with a stream of voices that injected into the Detective’s mind, overriding all that was left.
“I am to serve the Executive.”
“I am to be dressed properly.”
“I am to follow their mission.”
“I embody their values.”
“I am to obey.”
“I am a crook.”
“I am the Executive’s goon.”
80 notes · View notes
Sundress Season
Rating: Explicit (18+ ONLY)
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 3.5k
Tags: Fluff, Domestic af, Hurt/Comfort, Nothing major the Reader got some scratches gardening and Frankie is Concerned, p in v sex, wrap it before you tap it, Size Kink, Sort Of, Exhibitionism, If You Squint, A little, Dirty Talk, mostly just tooth-rotting fluff (plus a little loving smut),Triple Frontier, Frankie “Catfish” Morales, Domestic, Gardening, Outdoor Sex, No Beta
Summary: You and Frankie have just moved into a farmhouse fixer upper and are enjoying the first warm day of spring. A lazy afternoon nap turns into something... more.
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Leaning the shovel against the white picket fence, you stand back to take an appraising look at your handiwork, squinting against the midday sun. You’ve taken advantage of one of the first truly warm days of spring to plant some blackberry bushes along the boundary of your new home. Sweat slides down your spine and you can already feel a dull ache spreading through your calves and along your forearms, but you toss aside your leather work gloves with a grin, proud of your morning’s work. You brush your hair away from your face with the back of an arm, leaving a trace of dirt along your forehead. “Frankie, come look.”
“One sec.” His answer is muffled, even considering it’s coming from inside the old farmhouse the two of you have just moved into, and you realize he must still be working on the kitchen sink.
You enter the house, surprisingly cool and dim after the sunny warmth outside, and walk to the kitchen. Frankie’s legs jut out from beneath the sink, and all you can see of him are his work boots, khaki pants, and a glimpse of his soft stomach where the rusty red t-shirt he’s wearing has ridden up. You lean against a nearby counter, the smooth stone lip pressing into your lower back, and smile down fondly at him. “How’s the sink coming?”
The house is a dream come true for both of you, but it’s also needed a ton of work both inside and out. You’ve already sanded floors, patched up creaking stairs, painted most of the rooms, and ripped out overgrown hedges that had threatened to take over the yard. Once you’d cleared them out, the yard and gardens became an invitingly open canvas, just waiting for you to make your own.
The two of you had spent several late winter evenings curled up in front of the stone hearth, seed catalogs and plant nursery order slips laid out in front of you, arguing pleasantly over how to cram in every plant both of you want. You’re determined to line the yard with fruit trees and shrubs, while Frankie is surprisingly invested in the beds where he plans to cultivate tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and a variety of herbs. At least you both agreed to leave the large, well-established lilac trees bookending the house, and you’re currently waiting to see who will win the bet about what color the sprawling, thorn-covered rose bushes will be. You’re hoping for a buttery yellow to complement the lilacs, while Frankie is holding out hope that they’ll be the same pale pink as the roses he’d brought you for one of your first dates.
This morning, just when the two of you had made plans to tackle some of the new plantings, the kitchen drain had backed up. You’d decided that job would be better handled by Frankie and headed out to start the landscaping yourself. “Almost there, I just need to…” Frankie’s deep in concentration, and you swear you can almost see him sticking the tip of his tongue out as he focuses. There’s a final sound of metal scraping against metal, followed by a victorious “ha! Try it now.”
“You sure? I don’t want to soak you.”
A muted huff echoes from the space below the sink. “What, you don’t trust me?”
“Ok,” you shrug. “Just don’t blame me if you get a faceful of water.” You turn the tap on slowly and watch as the water spirals easily down the drain. “Hey, you did it!”
Frankie braces a hand along the top of the cabinet and pulls himself to his feet. “Don’t sound so surprised,” he teases. “Told you I could do it.”
“My hero,” you say lightly, crossing the floor to kiss his smiling cheek. His scruff scrapes lightly against your face, and you find yourself lingering, especially when he captures your lips for a proper kiss. “Now I can wash some of this dirt off- I feel like I brought half the yard in.” After the hours you spent planting various shrubs and a few small fruit trees, your arms are streaked with dry soil.
“Here, let me help you.”
Frankie steps behind you, his broad form leaning against yours as you stand at the newly repaired sink. His thighs press lightly against your own as his arms encircle your waist. He leans his chin on your shoulder and his messy curls brush against your ear while he begins to run soap over your forearms. You laugh, his efforts mostly just splashing dirty water around, but the cool water is a welcome relief. “Frankie! I can do it myself.”
You can feel him smiling against your neck. “I know, I just- oh.” His voice turns suddenly soft, with a note of worry.
“What is it?”
“Baby, you hurt yourself.” He steps alongside you, examining the delicate skin of your inner arm with a concerned frown. “What happened?”
“What?” You look down and see a few thin, angry red lines streaking the length of your forearms. “Oh, it’s nothing. The blackberry branches were thorny, that’s all.” You’d been wearing one of Frankie’s flannels for a little extra protection, but it had grown too hot and you’d stripped down to just your t-shirt. “It’s fine, they’ll heal fast.”
Despite your reassurance, Frankie ducks into the bathroom while you pat your arms dry with a clean dish towel and comes back holding some ointment. “They’ll heal better with this.” He flips open the cap and looks up, seeking permission.
You nod, unwilling to deny him anything, especially with that melting brown gaze trained on you. It’s not necessary, but you have to admit- you love that he takes such good care of you. Frankie takes his time, gently stroking a dab of ointment over each small scratch. His light touch quickly takes the sting out of your small hurts, and when he’s finished you catch his hands, bring them up to your lips for a grateful kiss. You adore his hands- so much bigger than your own, strong and capable but still so deft. He ducks his head and smiles and your heart clenches with love for this quiet, loving man.
------- After changing out of your dirt-streaked jeans and into a clean sundress (which, of course, Frankie also offered to help with), you head back to the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge. The cold glass bottle begins beading almost at once, and you hold it against your slightly sunburnt neck. “I was going to go read in the yard for a bit, care to join me?”
“I’ve got a couple more things to finish up here, you go ahead.” Frankie drops a kiss to your temple as you pass, on your way to get a book and an old quilt to spread out on.
“Ok, see you in a bit.” The old screen door swings shut behind you, bouncing slightly before it catches the latch. A project for another day, you think. The two of you have already done plenty, and for now you just want to enjoy the rest of the sunny afternoon.
You spread your quilt out under a flowering magnolia tree which offers just the right amount of shade and lay down on your back. A light breeze stirs the green grass around you and sets the flowering tree branches swaying, a few pale pink petals raining down. Sunlight dapples your face as you relax, enjoying the surroundings of the garden you and Frankie are making together. The book is good, but you find yourself distracted, listening to nearby birdsong and watching billowing clouds scud across the bright blue sky. With the sun warm on your face, it’s not long before your eyelids are drooping.
When you wake up, shadows are lengthening across the yard and Frankie is sprawled out next to you, having come out and dozed off at some point after you did. You lean into his shoulder, still warm from the heat of the sun, and smile against him. There’s a patch of skin just below his hairline and above his collar, and you lean in to kiss him just there. He tastes faintly of clean sweat and you press your tongue against him, seeking the slight taste of salt.
Frankie stirs and sleepily cracks one eye open. “Can I help you?” Try as he might to sound long-suffering, you suspect he enjoys your touch.
“Nope, I’m good.” You toss your book aside and drape yourself over his back, enjoying the slight movement below you as he shifts to accommodate you. It’s getting a little cooler now as the sun slips towards the horizon, but Frankie’s warm, solid presence grounds you. He tenses a little when you lean your head on his shoulder and you pull back at once. “Is your shoulder still bugging you?” He’d pulled it while you were moving and as hard as you try, you don’t always manage to wrest the heavier chores away from him, so it’s been a slow recovery process.
His answer rumbles quietly from below you. “A little. Working on the sink probably didn’t do it any favors.” You lean up at once, straddling his waist so you can massage his neck and shoulders. “Poor thing, you are tight here.”
He hums in agreement, though you can feel the tension begin to leak out of him as you knead his tense muscles. You work a stubborn knot, fingers digging into the meat of his shoulder, and as he sighs you can feel him relax further.
You lean down once more, careful to put your weight on your hands, braced against the ground,  and drag your mouth lazily over his neck. Your seeking licks turning to more intent kisses and when your teeth close over his pulse point, Frankie lets out a low groan and bucks his hips. You feel the movement all through him, especially where you’re seated against his ass.
“You want me to stop?” You ask teasingly, getting the expected shake of his head in response. You grind slightly against him before returning to nose at his neck. By the time you trace the shell of his ear with your tongue and nip gently at the cartilage, Frankie has had enough.
He rolls the two of you over with a smooth motion that ends with you flat on your back, and him smiling above you. “Oh, are we done fooling around?” You look up playfully. “I can show you the blackberry bushes before-”
He stops your mouth with a kiss, nipping at your lower lip before licking his way into your mouth. Delight shivers through you and you deepen the kiss, your tongues tangling languidly. You run your hand through his tangled curls, scraping your nails against his scalp. This pulls a soft noise from low in Frankie’s throat as he leans into your touch. His nose brushes yours and he nudges your cheek, trails kisses down your jaw.
Heat is pooling low in your belly and you spread your legs to invite him closer. Frankie takes the hint, canting his hips to drag the growing bulge in his pants against your core while you push back into him. “We should head inside,” you gasp as he moves lower, sucking at the delicate skin of your neck.
“We can if you want, but who’s gonna see?” His large hands cup your breasts and he dips his head to brush kisses over their swells. You arch your back, desperate for his touch even as you look around cautiously. He has a point; there’s no neighbor on this side of the house, just a patch of woods, and you’re well back from the road.
“Good point.” You reach down to tug at the hem of his shirt. Grinning, he sits up for a moment to help you. As soon as he’s shirtless he gets straight back to the task at hand. Frankie’s fingers make quick work of the buttons running the length of your sundress and he pulls the fabric aside, exposing the creamy lace of your bra. Your stomach flips at the sweet, eager look on his face. You’ve been together so many times, but he always makes you feel special, cherished. Despite being outside, potentially exposed, you feel completely at ease in his arms.  
With a quick glance up to check that you’re ok with it, Frankie unclasps your bra and helps you shrug out of it. The air is slightly cooler now, but his warm, broad palms encompass your breasts before the chill can even register. You sigh as his thumb brushes your nipple, and downright shudder when he wraps his plush lips around the stiffening peak. Your legs are writhing almost of their own accord now as you grow desperate for more. “Frankie,” you groan, tugging at his hair.
You feel his lips curve into a smile and his tongue darts out to flick against you. It glides along your swollen bud and your pussy aches for more so you hitch your leg over his hip. Frankie grabs your thigh to hold you close and rolls his hips sinfully against you, drawing a desperate noise from deep in your throat. “You like that, baby?”
You nod frantically. “You know I do. You know it drives me crazy when you put your mouth on me.”
Frankie chuckles and sucks your nipple into his mouth, pulling much of your breast along with it. The tugging sensation sends a bolt of desire straight to your cunt and you whine. You seize his jaw and glare, your eyes blown with lust. “If you don’t touch me soon Francisco I swear I will go inside without you and finish the job myself.”
You’re all talk and Frankie knows it. “I am touching you, sweetheart,” he says innocently.
You give an irritated huff and seize his hand, directing him where you want it. His composure slips when his fingers brush the crotch of your panties, already soaked with your need. His gaze flicks to yours, a lovestruck look in his eyes as he asks softly, “is this all for me?”
Biting your lip you nod. “Yes. I need you Frankie, please .”
“Shh, I’ve got you baby.” Frankie hooks a finger in the waistband of your panties and drags them over your legs. You kick them off, nearly sobbing in relief as he drags a single finger through your glistening folds.
Frankie closes his eyes reverently. “Shit honey, you weren’t kidding.” His finger comes away coated in your juices and he sucks it slowly before replacing the digit. He adds another finger, the pads slipping just inside your entrance to collect more of your slick before circling your clit. You tip your head back, grasping his shoulders as he gently fingers your slit. Just when you can’t take it, when you’re ready to beg for more, he pushes those fingers into you, stretching you out perfectly. Mewling, you buck your hips, chasing the feeling of him fucking you open.
“Mm, that feels so good. Don’t stop.”
“Never. Think you can take another?”
“Yeah.” Your answer comes as a breathless whine.
“Good girl.” Frankie adds a third finger and you swear it makes you see stars. He curls his fingers to stroke that spot deep inside and you find yourself skating the edge of your release. You’re so close, could so easily tip right over that edge, but it’s not until you hear Frankie murmur “come for me, beautiful” that you actually do. All that gorgeous tension he’s been winding up unspools in a rush of pleasure, your legs shaking and your hips bucking as he works you through it.
You’ve scarcely begun to come down before Frankie’s blazing a trail of kisses down your belly, his hands gently parting your thighs wider to settle between them, keen concentration suffusing his handsome face.
“Wait,” you breathe, catching his jaw with a deft hand.
Frankie draws back at once, concern creasing a furrow between his brows as he gazes up from between your legs. “Everything ok?”
You sit up, already nodding to reassure him as you draw him forward and kiss him deeply. “Everything’s perfect. I just want to come on your cock this time.”
Frankie looks down at you in amazement before pulling you into a crushing embrace. He tilts your chin up to give you a searing kiss, his arm wrapped around your waist. He leans his forehead against yours, his breath tickling your lips as he rasps “You’re perfect, you know that, right?”
You giggle, moved by the awestruck look on his face, and drop your hands to unbuckle his pants. He’s already barefoot, making it easier to push his pants down, followed by his boxers. You glance around again, reassuring yourself that the coast is clear. Clocking what you’re doing, Frankie chuckles. “Don’t worry, baby, we’re good.”
Smiling a little sheepishly, you nod. “I know. Just protecting your honor.”
Frankie begins to laugh softly but the sound is cut off by a hiss as you lick your palm and wrap it around his shaft. “F-fuck.” His eyes roll back in his head as you tighten your grip, working his cock. You brush your thumb over his weeping slit, collecting the pearly bead of precum glistening at the tip. “Now who’s being a t-tease?”
You look up at him innocently through your lashes. “I don’t know what you mean, Frankie.”
“Sure you don’t,” he huffs, his breathing already picking up. “C’mere, baby.” He pulls at your waist, encouraging you up into his lap.
You’re happy to oblige. With a few quick movements, you’re settled above him, his cock lined up with your entrance. Throwing your arms around his neck, you lower yourself slowly, taking him inch by inch. Frankie buries his face in the crook of your neck and meets you halfway, thrusting up to seat himself fully inside you. He always seems even bigger when you’re on top, and he gives you a moment to adjust to being so well-filled.
“You good?”
“You have no idea.”
He smiles at that, clearly pleased. “Then tell me,” he urges, kissing you just below your ear. “Tell me how much you like me stretching you out on this big dick.”
Your eyes flutter closed at this. He knows what dirty talk does to you, knows exactly when it will be the most devastating. “It feels so fucking good, baby,” you assure him. “You’re so thick and you hit so deep. I can’t get enough, want you even deeper. Please, Frankie.”
He sucks hard at your pulse point, his tongue laving your neck as he begins to thrust up into you. “Anything, baby. I will give you anything you ask for. You know that, right?”
Gasping, you nod quickly. “I know, love. I know.”
His fingers tangle in your hair, his strong arms bracing you as he fucks up into you. You match each thrust, grinding yourself on the base of his cock. The two of you find your rhythm and you lean back, allowing him to hit at an even deeper angle. Frankie leans forward, able to reach your breasts now. He sucks a nipple into his mouth, all wet heat and slick tongue moving against you. You whimper and arch your back, trusting him to support you.
He does.
Frankie’s eyes are screwed shut as he pounds into you, determined to take care of you before finding his own release. Your whimpering cries plateau and he can tell you’re not quite there yet. He rests his forehead against yours without missing a beat, opening his eyes to gaze into yours. “What do you need, baby?” He asks it softly, reverently, his large hands cradling your face as if you’re something holy. With him looking at you like this, you almost feel that way.
“Talk to me, Frankie,” you gasp. “Want to hear how much you like this.”
Your want pulls an answering moan from him. “God, you know I fucking love this. You’re so tight, and you take me so well, baby. I could pound this pretty pussy all day.” He snaps his hips, driving himself deeper inside you as if to prove his point.
Your breathing comes faster, your cunt clenching around him as his words drive you closer to your edge. “Fuck, yes, just like that. I’m so close, baby,” you whine.
Frankie cants his hips, hitting that devastating spot deep inside you. His voice is even huskier as he urges you onward. “You have no idea what hearing that does to me, sweet thing,” he pants, sweat dampening his hairline. He runs the back of his hand distractedly over his forehead. He’s not about to let go before you do and he leans in close, his warm breath ghosting against your ear. “ Come for me. I know you want to. I can feel you clenching around me so be my good girl and come for me, sweetheart . ”
And just like that, a wave of sweet pleasure rolls through you. You clutch his shoulders as the two of you ride it together, Frankie moaning against your lips as he finds his own release.
Your head drops to his shoulder, your limbs quivering as little aftershocks zip through them. Frankie holds your limp form easily, dropping lazy kisses over your face and hair while you drift back to the present. Finally, you draw back, a dazed smile tugging at your lips. You blow out a breath along with a tired, please laugh. “That was-”
Frankie chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the corners, pleased to have pleased you. “I know, baby.” His kisses are easy, unhurried, and still make you feel nearly drunk with happiness as the two of you linger lazily in your afterglow.
By now, the sun is truly setting, the horizon taking on a purple hue as the first evening stars begin to appear. Even in Frankie’s arms, you start to shiver as the breeze whispers over your rapidly cooling skin. In a deft move, he tugs at the edge of the old quilt, rolling the two of you into it, creating a cocoon of private warmth. As the sky darkens and more stars appear, the two of you stay wrapped up in each other, making plans for your future in the peaceful space you’re creating together.
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thatslikely · 3 years
lined-paper confessions - s.s.
lined-paper confessions - stiles stilinski x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of fighting (scott and jackson predictably), strict teachers
word count: 1.5k
a/n: head full of stiles rn... requests for our favorite sarcastic boy are open right now so send some in!
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Why is every teacher at Beacon Hills High the absolute worst?
Mr. Harris had just rapidly climbed your (highly opinionated) mental ranks to number one: your new least favorite educator. Giving you after-school detention, for doing nothing but watching with horror plastered on your face as Scott McCall, Stiles’ best friend, threw punches left and right at a topless, water-drenched Jackson, who reciprocated every strike as if he were nothing but a reflection. Seriously?
Previously, you had simply been sauntering down the locker-lined hall, Stiles on your right, passionately ranting about some unnamed problem that had him on edge for the past few weeks. You two turned down the empty, cinder-block-walled athletics corridor as he continued to agitatedly let off steam; the setting was decidedly unromantic given the unshakeable scent of overly pungent deodorant and mildew that was all too familiar. 
You clung to every word emitted from his mouth with an almost comical frown like it was a mug of steamy hot chocolate on a bone-chilling winter day. To your disgruntlement, however, his ramblings were stopped mid-sentence when Scott and his wealthy rival Jackson tumbled out from the dingy boys’ locker room, hands clenched in fists and eyes flaming with fury.
Stiles bent down in a rush, poorly attempting to conclude the boisterous brawl with furrowed, concerned brows, but he looked not dissimilar to a toothpick compared to the two burly teammates. 
“Detention for all of you!” Mr. Harris spat venomously as he dashed to the scene, his voice ringing above the grunts and slams that came from the fighting co-captains of the lacrosse team. “Detention now, Stilinski, McCall, Whittemore, Argent, and Y/L/N! Come on!”
You were dragged by the ear to the vacant library, a place which you often resided in whenever you studied with Stiles (often about mythical creatures, to your confusion). Posters that looked commonplace in an elementary school lined the walls, vibrantly encouraging students to pick up a book, or pen works for a writing contest of some sort.
Golden strips of fleeting sunlight peeked through the slatted blinds, and three gum wad-dotted tables were beckoning for the group of you to sit for the next two hours, or until Mr. Harris would finally decide that your soul had rotted away enough to release you.
You were sternly directed to the uncomfortably stiff chair opposite Allison’s, whose eyes shot daggers wherever they glanced. You flashed her an almost unregistrable smile, as if to say ‘hello.’ Slinging the loose straps of your backpack over your seat, your gaze flickering through the pin-drop silent room immediately locked on Stiles’ figure.
Boy, was he perfect.
The unbuttoned flannel over his shoulders speckled with mud from some vaguely mentioned adventure, his soft, tousled hair, that always had a lock out of place, his freckled face, that always bore some goofy expression, all of it. You couldn’t get enough; nothing would satiate your innermost desire for your lips to meld with his’, for your hands to intertwine through the hallways before class, after class, whenever, wherever. 
One eyebrow-cocked, knowing look from Scott in your direction sent Stiles’ umber eyes to meet yours’, an almost confused look swimming through them. He opened his mouth curiously, surely to ask a question, most likely something along the lines of, ‘is there a stain on my shirt?’, but before he could, Mr. Harris seethed, “Take your seats, now.”
Stiles whipped around, not wanting to anger Mr. Harris any further, and he took his seat. The room was quickly conquered with suffocating silence, which the snotty chemistry teacher was bent on ensuring.
You unsheathed a doodled notebook from your backpack, eventually indenting its pages with inky black strokes of various weights and thicknesses. Your habit of penning loose sketches, vague outlines, began one day in math when the clock seemed to tick aggravatingly slow, and every word from the teacher became drawled further and further until they dissolved into the hum of the air conditioning and the chewing of gum: the rhythm of the classroom.
The unconscious lines eventually formed to a familiar portrait: Stiles. Some would be tempted to call him your muse, your kindling of an elegant flame of creativity. You’d always nod your head in complicity more than agreement, for the smart, albeit rebellious boy meant eons more than that to you.  
You had just hit your stride, your wrist’s movements thoughtless and easy, when someone- rather something, hit the back of your head lightly with a small crunch. It was a small, scrunched piece of loose-leaf paper, ripped at the edge. 
You turned your head to the direction that the projectile was tossed at, but both Scott and Stiles appeared to be very, very engrossed in a hushed conversation, neither of their postures attempting to suggest anything suspicious.
You smoothed out the paper of the angular fruitwood table in front of you, attempting to read the almost unintelligible handwriting.
Hey :)
(this is from stiles, by the way)
Your mood lightened a smidge, a grin bubbling onto your face. You tore a piece of paper out of your notebook along the perforation.
Before you threw it in an arch in Stiles’ direction, you penned a response to his note.
Hey ;) how’s detention treating you?
(This is from y/n, by the way)
not great, as expected. I think I saw harris pick his nose. do you have any bleach to douse my eyes in by any chance?
You chuckled a little, a small smirk glimmering on your face for the first time this excruciatingly long afternoon.
Sorry, I’m all out. used it all after I saw Jackson shirtless. how do you survive in the locker room every day?
A smile lifted on Stiles’ face, one so inflated with abundant excitement (and hormones), he might have burst at the seams.
“Man, you’re down bad,” Scott simpered, nudging his best friend’s forearm.
“Shut up,” Stiles hissed with an eye roll.
just keep your head down and you should be fine. one time, Greenberg looked at him a little too long and he nearly turned to stone, like jackson’s abs were medusa or something.
“Passing notes, are we?” Mr. Harris queried with a malicious scowl, his knuckles white from asphyxiating a helpless ballpoint pen. He slinked over to the tables you and Stiles rested uncomfortably in, raising his brow in heavy suspicion. 
Stiles’ deep, dark chocolate-colored eyes widened in worry. “No, sir.”
“I’m keeping my eye on you, Stilinski. You too, Y/L/N.” 
As soon as Harris was out of sight, perched back at the desk and typing furiously, another wad of paper tapped your occiput. 
hey, y/n, there’s something i’ve been meaning to ask you for a while.
The note, while its contents wouldn’t usually spark too much concern, was subtly unlike the few ones you had previously received. The lines of each letter were neater, more methodical. The small blots of ink resting at the conclusion of every stroke were larger, deeper, as if the nib of his pen had rested in the liquidly black pool for a second too long.
Your face scrunched with confusion, and upon noticing your shift in emotion, Allison nimbly tapped your wrist and mouthed, ‘Is everything okay?’
You nodded with wrinkled brows while shakily scratching a reply.
what is it?
Your knee bounced up and down reflexively, clicking from your rapidly retracting pen echoed through the idle shelves and arrays of desktops. It felt like years, centuries even, before a reply finally tumbled at your feet.
do you like me?
(circle one)
yes? or yes? 
Your jaw nearly fell to the carpeted floor in shock as if gravity had been multiplied; your speedily thrumming heart was doing flip after flip in the cavity of your chest. Without a second thought, you quickly circled both of the ‘yes’es as if there were no friction under the ink-dispersing tip of your pen. Before cupping the piece of paper, you scribbled out an additional little note.
wanna go out this saturday?
Stiles’ anxious gaze bore into your hunched-over figure as you giddily wrote your reply. What if you rejected him (even though the page lacked a ‘no’ option, meaning that you would have to add one, which was even worse)? Was it possible for him to ask to go to the bathroom and just never return? Are there any secret werewolf abilities that Scott could use to make him disintegrate on the spot? 
But his overthinking was soon alleviated when he received your response, this time neatly folded into a paper heart instead of a crunchy ball. Each crease was crisp and thoughtful; he didn’t have to unfold your expert origami to know which option you circled (or lack thereof).
He grinned goofily like an idiot as his chocolate eyes glazed your response a million times over, taking in every letter, every stroke, the dot in your ‘i’ or the question mark ending your simple but heart-rate-escalating proposal.
stiles stilinski/teen wolf taglist:
it’s a date then. i’ll pick you up at 6? passenger seat’s already reserved for you ;)
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@loulouloueh @when-you-wish-upon-a-starrynight @ronbrokemyheart @dylobilysmomg
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reidingmelodies · 3 years
The Date Jar: February
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!Reader Category: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff Word Count: 3.5k Includes: Mentions and consumption of food, brief discussions of a case (no specifics are given) A/N:  Part of The Date Jar series, but can be read as a stand-alone piece as well :)
Previous Part | Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
‘Time to let that inner creativity shine!  Plan a date for $20 or less (and tell me all about it xoxo)’ Your brows wrinkled at the phrase, fingers twirling the yellow popsicle in your hand as you looked out the window.  
It was February 3rd, you were missing Spencer, and your mind was a blank slate when it came to date ideas.
Spencer had been called away on a case eight days prior, his and your moods worsening with every second spent away from the other.  It was a bad one, there was no doubt about it.  It was obvious in the way his voice was tinged with exhaustion each time he managed to call you, in the way he made it a point to text you that he missed you every day regardless of the time, in the way he never answered questions about his day, all too eager to hide the disparity of the case from you to keep you from worrying.
But he was the love of your life- worrying came with the job description.
So, when you got a text from Penelope in the late evening hours warning you that the team was on their way back and Spencer would probably need a little extra loving that night, you didn’t hesitate to drop everything in favor of prepping for your reunion with Spencer.
Cups of tea were made (because even though you knew he’d prefer coffee what he’d really need was chamomile), your softest blankets and comfiest pillows were brought into the living room, and Dr. Who was playing softly on the television in front of you. The lights were dimmed, a pair of pajamas resting on the cushion awaiting his return, two containers of Jell-O situated on the coffee table.
Now, all you needed was his safe return.
Somehow, in your waiting, you had ended up in front of the window, popsicle stick in hand while you thought of ideas for your monthly date.  The task was simple, but the opportunities were endless, and you were stumped.
Spencer had insisted that you pick the date jar stick for February without him present, an idea you were vehemently against until he proposed video chatting once he was back in his hotel room so you could do it together (you really had to thank Penelope for her tech influence on him).  
Sure enough on the night of February 1st, you got a video call at 11:57 PM, your eyes bleary with sleep as you hit accept.  
And all too soon, your eyes were bleary with tears as you caught sight of Spencer’s face.
You missed him, plain and simple.  You were used to spending time apart but being accustomed to something certainly didn’t make it any easier to accept.
The ten-minute chat was the epitome of bliss, both of you purposely avoiding talk of work in favor of brainstorming twenty-dollar dates.
A bookstore?  There’s no way you’d only spend twenty dollars.  The park?  We wouldn’t spend a dime.  A diner? Too typical.  
You knew an idea would come to you sooner than later, especially when Spencer was home and safe in your arms and your brain could rest.  
For now, there was an overworked, exhausted man in dire need of a hug making his way into the apartment, and all thoughts of the date were abandoned in favor of him.
The door opened, Spencer’s slouched figure making his way into the entryway.  The bags under his eyes were prevalent from across the room, his rigid expression making way for a slight grin when he locked eyes with you.
Your legs swiftly carried you home, your arms making their way around his neck as he dropped his satchel in favor of holding your waist.
You stayed like that for what could’ve been five minutes or two hours, all too content swaying to the beat of Spencer’s heartbeat, his lips pressed against your hair.
“Missed you so much,” he murmured, breaking the silence and squeezing you impossibly closer in the process.
“Missed you too, Spence. More than you’ll ever know”.
A lingering kiss was placed on your head in response, Spencer’s arms slightly pulling back as he moved to examine you.  You did the same, taking note of the permanent frown etched on his features.  
“What do you need, baby?” you whispered, hand gently moving to trace his cheek.
“Just you,” he responded, sleep evident in his voice.
You nodded, grabbing his hand and directing him towards the couch.  Wordlessly, you handed him his pajamas and he changed into them right then and there, determinedly unwilling to be without you for the foreseeable future.
He collapsed onto the couch when he was done, forgoing the heap of blankets at the end of the sofa and opening his arms for you instead.  You quickly obliged, your head settling against his chest as his fingers mindlessly traced along your spine.
“It was a rough one,” his voice was low, your ears straining to hear him, “we weren’t able to save the last victim”.
You nodded solemnly, heart instantaneously breaking for the victim, for their family, for the team, for Spencer.  He was telling you as a means of an explanation rather than a means of a conversation, a fact you were well aware of after spending one too many nights like this, your arms wrapped around each other as though you were lifelines unwaveringly keeping the other afloat.
And so, you settled closer to him, head resting against his chest, legs heavily intertwined until his deep breaths filled the entirety of the room.  And when you were convinced he was asleep, at peace, and most importantly safe, you allowed your own eyes to close, your body finally resting serenely for the first time in eight days.
You awoke the next morning to a pillow underneath your head where Spencer had previously rested, your body jolting up in fear that he was prematurely called on another case.  But your worries were quickly put to rest at the sound of humming coming from the kitchen, your body filled with a mixture of relief and excitement at the sound.
You rose from your spot on the couch, body stretching in a useless attempt to make away with the aches that accumulated during the night.
It was worth it though. You’d sleep on a pile of rocks for Spencer if the situation called for it.
After your failed attempt, you made your way to the kitchen, eager to see your lover in daylight hours.
His back was to you, his blue flannel pajama pants and oversized white t-shirt looking oh so inviting as you burrowed yourself into his back, his posture instantly relaxed at the feel of your warmth against his.
“Morning, Y/N”.
You smiled into his shirt, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade.  “Morning, Spence.  What are you up to?”
“I figured I’d make you breakfast, but then I remembered I don’t have the greatest track record in the kitchen, so I settled on toast with jam instead,” he shifted his body so you were face to face, your expression lighting up with mirth at the sheepish look he was sporting.
“Mm wise choice, we don’t want a repeat of last time”.
He groaned, remembering how your neighbors called the fire station when they smelled smoke coming from your apartment a few months prior.  He was trying to surprise you with a homemade meal in celebration of your promotion, but instead, you came home to an apologetic Spencer, a concerned neighbor, and a stern firefighter.  Not quite the celebration you were hoping for.
Cheeks still red but desperate to change the subject, his hand found yours in an instant. 
“Thank you for last night, Y/N.  I’m sorry you had to deal with that”.
“Don’t ever apologize, Spencer- that’s what I’m here for.  You’d do the same for me, right?” At his nod you continued, “then it’s settled.  We’re a team- I was just fulfilling my half of the bargain”.
He chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes at you.  “Only you would call our relationship a bargain”.
“Mm well it was the best deal I’ve ever gotten- walked into a museum and came out with a bookmark and a boyfriend!  I mean c’mon Spence, even you have to admit that’s a bargain”.
His lips softly met yours in response, and you watched as he pulled away slightly, leaving your foreheads brushing.  “I love you. And I still feel bad I bought the last copy of the book you wanted that day”.
You closed the gap once more, letting your lips linger for a few seconds, pulling away when the grumble of your stomach interrupted the otherwise quiet room.  “I love you, too, babe.  And don’t feel bad- now that we live together, I can read it every day if I want to.  It was all part of my master plan”.
His eyebrows rose, fingers wiggling in your direction as he moved to tickle your sides.  An uproarious laugh left your lips in response, immediately jumping backwards and retracting your statement.
“Okay, okay I lied! The book was just a bonus”.
He smirked, pulling you against him and letting his fingers dance along your sides for a moment, both of your laughs echoing throughout the room.
The impromptu tickle session was cut short at the sound of your stomach grumbling once again, his newfound mission of making you toast and a cup of coffee taking centerstage.  He released you with a gentle kiss on your forehead, your figure immediately moving to stand by his side.  Your fingers moved along his arm, gently toying with the sleeve of his white t-shirt on the ascent and fiddling with his wrist on the descent.
Toast made and coffee poured in matching ‘I ♡ Vegas!’ mugs, you and Spencer found yourself situated at the kitchen counter, dangling feet bumping into each other at every opportunity.  
His eyes were skimming over his book while yours were tracing the mug closest to you, smiling in recollection at the memory of Diana sending them to you a week after your first visit along with a note saying she wanted to get you something as colorful as the rainbow you saw out her window.
Wait.  That was it.
Your eyes turned to Spencer, taking in the way his white tee shirt hung from his frame.  He had dozens like it in your bedroom, the shirts a trusted go to when he had to pack pajamas in a rushed go bag.  
It wouldn’t hurt to add a pop of color to a few of them.
Penelope said you had to spend $20 or less on a date- and if you used clothes you already had, you were almost positive you could buy tie dye materials and have money to spare.
“What are you thinking about, sweetheart?” his question cuts through your thoughts, your eyes meeting his to find nothing but love.
“You have a lot of white tee shirts”.
With that, love made way for utter confusion.
“Um…yes?”  His brow furrows, watching as you moved the mug into his line of sight before jogging towards the living room.
Your return was marked with his fingers tracing the sides of the mug, every inch of his being determined to figure out what had you so fascinated.
Plopping down next to him, you place the date jar stick next to the coffee, moving your legs until they rested against his calves.
“What if we did tie dye for our February date?”
“With my clothes?”
Your features soften, taking his question as a sign of hesitation.  “Only if you’re okay with it, otherwise we can find some on sale?  Or we can always do something else if this isn’t’-”
You trailed off as his left hand found your cheek, looking up to find his eyes already on you.
“We can use mine, love. I think it’s a great idea, and I wear them to bed anyway so it’s not like anyone really sees them,” he watched as a smile overtook your features before continuing, “we can do some of yours too! And maybe some plain white socks? I think we both have some buried in our drawers”.
“Oh and we can do a pair of your boxers!” you added, positively giddy at the thought.
Spencer, on the other hand, was not.
“My boxers?  Isn’t that weird?”  His lips were pursed, his hands protectively moving to cover his thighs.
You smirked, right hand moving to cover his.  “I don’t think so, it’s not like anyone’s gonna see them besides me, baby- unless Penelope hacks into my photo album again”.
You both shuddered at the thought, heat rushing to your cheeks as you remembered the shrieks she let out the last time she looked through your photos (and the ‘atta boy’s’ Derek graced Spencer with).
You shook your head, willing the memory to a far corner of your mind before squeezing Spencer’s palm.
“So, babe, what do you say? Tie dye for our date?”  You watched as his lips curled into a smile, his teeth swiftly biting his lower lip before he responded.
“Only if you dye a few pairs of your underwear, too”
That was already a given, but he didn’t need to know that.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Spencer”.
You went to the store for supplies the following Saturday while Spencer mess proofed your living room floor. $18.65 later, and you were armed with a tie dye kit, two squeeze bottles, pancake mix, and a basic food dye set. The kit only cost $9.99 and sticking with the theme of the day you figured colorful pancakes were the way to go.
Surely, there wouldn’t be another kitchen incident if you were there to help Spencer.
You walked into the door, instantly greeted by a plastic tarp placed on the floor and covered in an assortment of tee shirts, underwear, socks, and pillowcases.  Spencer was amid the pile, face beaming as he placed a white bedsheet on top of the pile.
“I figured we may as well go all out, right?  Go big or go home or something like that?”
You laughed, nodding your head in his direction while you walked into the kitchen.  “That’s the spirit, Spence!”  Pancake supplies placed on the counter, you grabbed the tie dye kit and two glasses of water before taking your rightful seat next to your boyfriend on the floor.
“Ready for this, babe?”
He enthusiastically nodded, inching closer to you to help set up the dyes.  “Mm-hmm.  Did you know that the origin of tie dye traces back to the 6th century, with the first recorded instances taking place during both the T’ang Dynasty and the Nara Period?”
You looked up at him, admiring the way he licked his lips while he awaited your answer, his fingers fiddling with the top of one of the bottles of dye.
God, you were so in love with him and the infinite amount of knowledge he seemed to possess.
“That’s really cool! So, what did they use as their dye?” You questioned, eyes solely focused on your favorite view- his face lighting up every time you asked him to elaborate on one of his fun facts.
“Well, it’s quite interesting, actually,” he began, “they used natural dyes and essences from things like berries, flowers, and leaves”.
You grinned, adding the final bottle of dye to the pile that had accumulated at your feet.  “Maybe next time we can try that method”.
He nodded in agreement, placing a kiss on your forehead before reaching for a tee shirt.
“Okay, so where do we start?”
He observed as you put rubber bands around one of his tee shirts, blotching up the fabric in a series of places to allow the dye to spread.  Pink, purple, and red dye was splashed across the material, your glove covered hands coming in handy as you twisted and folded the shirt with each splash.
Once you were satisfied with the design, you laid it on the corner of the tarp, leaning up to give Spencer a quick kiss on his pursed lips before reaching for the next item.  He followed suit, and together you worked to the sound of giggles, bundles of socks, underwear, and shirts joining the line of finished products.
Taking a break, you watched as he mixed every color on one of his tee shirts, the colors bleeding together until they resembled the color of mud.
“Spencer!” his name came out of your mouth in a breathy huff, your smile uncontained as your hand moved to pick up the material and observe it for yourself.  
Secretly, he knew it looked awful, and he was sure whoever roomed with him on the next case would agree.
But, he also knew he’d do anything to keep that smile on your face- even if it made him the most unfashionable agent in the FBI.
“I for one think it’s gorgeous, Y/N”.
“Everything looks gorgeous on you, babe, so I’ve gotta say I’m inclined to agree”.
All this time together and his cheeks still flushed every time you complimented him.
“Can I ask you something?” The serious tone of his voice was enough to drop the smile off your face, especially when you noticed the wrinkle that had developed between his eyebrows as he awaited your response.
“Anything.  You can always ask me anything, baby”.
He took a deep breath, moving to take one of his gloves off as you mirrored his action.  Uncovered hands clasped together, you squeezed his hand between yours, giving him the time he needed to gather his thoughts.
“Do you- do you think we’ll do this with our kids one day?”  His voice was quiet, and if the room wasn’t as still as it was you would have missed the question.
It was something you had discussed in passing before, midnight pillow talk turned into discussions about future children and Punnett squares as you daydreamed of a life with the pitter patter of little feet.  Children that were made from love and taught to be kind to others, shoot for the stars, and make their mark on the world.  But, this was the first time the discussion breached daytime hours.
You pulled the other glove from your hand, motioning him closer to you as you grasped his cheeks, your eyes fully situated on each other’s.
“There’s nothing I want more, Spencer.  You’re gonna be the greatest dad one day, I just know it”.  He closed the gap between your lips at your statement, his kiss swimming with love, respect, and excitement.
You broke apart when the need to breathe became too strong, resting your forehead against his while your fingers played with the strands of hair resting at the nape of his neck.
“I have something else we can do with our future children in the kitchen, actually,” you began as you stood, leaving the mess of tie dye materials for later, all too eager to get a move on with your plans for the day.
Spencer followed suit, mind swirling with possibilities.  “Is this a good thing to do with our kids or a bad thing?”
You laughed, sneaking a peak over your shoulder at him.  “It’s a good thing!  At least I think it is.  You’ll probably hate it”.
“That’s reassuring”.
You laughed, clutching his hand in yours as you approached the kitchen.  “Ta-da!  I got some stuff to make rainbow pancakes, I figured we can layer the bottles with colors and try to make tie dye pancakes for dinner to stick with the theme”.
“You and I have very different ideas of fun- do you not remember the kitchen incident?” He shook his head with a chuckle, his actions contradicting his words as he gathered bowls to mix pancake mix and dye.
You worked together in the peaceful glow of the afternoon sun, your fingers leaving trails of colorful batter on each other’s faces with a mixture of kisses and belly laughs in between.
He bit his lip in concentration as he worked to make the perfect pile of pancakes, each slightly burnt around the edges and raw in the middle but a massive improvement from having to call the fire department.  His consisted of circles, ovals, and squares while you wrote out ‘I ♡ U’ in a sea of colors, turning the pan towards him so he could see your creation.
“I love you, too, sweetheart,” he sealed his words with a kiss, leaning closer as you took the opportunity to let out a confession of your own.
“I can’t wait until the day we tie dye our entire house with our hypothetical children and feed them rainbow pancakes for dinner, Spence”.
A life full of love and a house filled to the brim with happiness- it was all he ever wanted, and in this moment with you, streaks of red pancake batter splattered across both of your cheeks, he knew he was already there.
“I can’t wait either, Y/N”.
Young Spencer Reid would be proud.
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messwriting · 4 years
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Written for The Smut Pile Collab: Western AU | MASTERLIST HERE.
(i'm gonna make you) feel it
Hanamaki “Big Tease” Takahiro x Female Reader
Rating: E for explicit | Don’t read this if under eighteen.
Warnings: Porn With Plot. Corruption Kink. Reader’s engaged to be married - a bride. Cheating. Highly inappropriate touching and dancing moves (that’s their job tho). Alcohol. Completely unresearched strippers industry. Lowkey exhibitionism. Fucking in a public space (private room). Fingering. Oral sex. SMUT: Doggy style over a sofa. Makki’s a little shit. Overuse of the word “cute” (for real, so many times omg). 
Word count: ~7.3k
Note: Saint Dymphna and poor little me would like to introduce you all to the:  🤠 LAWBREAKERS MULTIVERSE 🤠
So, @dymphnasprose​ basically came at me with: “what about we take cowboys and make them skskskskskssk like magic mike style strippers” and thus was born the wicked duo newest adventure. We had a lot of fun (and a lot of panic) but here it is!  Anyone asks why I’m doing two once again it’s also dymph’s fault and my sheer love for Iwaizumi. Also, dymph I love u and I’ve had lots of fun doing this little group project together🥺💕
That being said I’d also like to thanks @mixedhell  who once again is a mage of dialogue and helped me several times; Tay, my love @deathcab4daddy​, who helped beta part of this and also @xmyshya​ who was kind enough to beta this too <3
Makki’s songs: Cowboy Casanova (dymph’s courtesy) + Feel it 
You can also read: IWAIZUMI | MATTSUN 
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Hanamaki is focused.
He surveys the screaming crowd inside the packed nightclub, sees the different groups occupying the big booths, the pretty decorations that never fail to distinguish his targets inside the dimly lit room. 
Makki likes the meaning behind the different outfits and colors; the details merging into the allegory of remarkability, crafting the idea of uniqueness in their special day where screams of freedom swimming inside intoxicated heads build a tendency into wildness. In building lasting memories of a singlehood that doesn’t really exist anymore, into falling prey of sexy, large men who could take them into a one-time intoxicating memory that they can savor into the end of times.
Marriages can end, Makki thinks, but memories like the ones he makes are forever.
And tonight he has already found the one. 
You must be the prettiest little thing he has seen in months, all beautifully clad in a sparkling white party dress, a sexy slit that shows the classical frilly garter adorning your thigh, with a golden black banner that announces for the whole world that you’re taken, soon to be married and enjoying your bachelorette party. It’s almost a challenge, really. 
Great. That’s exactly how he likes it.
A brilliant and ridiculous white cowboy hat decorated to leave a tacky gown falling from your head is perched on the table where your small group sits, about eight women dressed in black and a beautiful entourage of bridesmaids if he ever saw one, but it’s you; cute, happy little you who blushed at the very first look at his partially naked torso when all Hanamaki did was pass by your table in his low cut jeans and open flannel shirt, a tilt of his cowboy hat made with half a mind to compliment the ladies until his eyes laid on you. 
Your bright eyes had shined with embarrassment at your interest, chest filling with a renewed pull of air at the mere sight of him, a burning in your face that he could notice even in the poorly lit room, flashing lights giving him just the best of peeks -- your plush lips punished by the row of white teeth that closed around the soft muscle and pulled. 
That was all he needed, the smallest of sights and still, the biggest of hints. 
You were going to be his tonight. He’ll taint that pristine white and you’ll beg for his every move, he knows it just as he knows the women will scream for him as soon as he steps on the stage.
And, in fact, that will be sooner rather than later. 
He’ll make sure of it. 
The loud music is pulsing through his body, like waves crashing against his skin, his heart seemingly beating alongside the bass in deep, sexy strokes of the R&B music echoing through the club. The youngsters are doing their dance, a coordinated thing between the six newbies of the Club, while Makki and Mattsun wait by the side of the backdoor of the stage, ready to take their places in the next performance. 
“Anyone in your sights yet?” Issei asks him as he passes him the bottle of water, which Takahiro puts on top of one of the structures before sending a small grin at the dark-haired man. They’ve been here for four years now, and they have joined the place together, looking to make a good buck while going to College. Stripping is fun, easy, and profitable when you’re young and hot and Matsukawa and Hanamaki are nothing else but. 
“The one by the left, the table with the tacky cowboy hat and the golden balloons.”
“A fan of the work, I see.” Matsukawa pulls the curtain to the side just an inch, his eyes quickly surveying the space and centering on the acquired target. Makki knows exactly what he’s seeing, a table filled with a group of beautiful women and you in white shining over them all, the balloons above the wall seeming way more ridiculous once he knows about Makki’s plan of action. 
One dick for life. Ha. 
“Poor little thing doesn’t know what she’s in for tonight.” Mattsun’s grin is mischievous and all-knowing. Hanamaki has a type, it’s a running joke, but every good joke starts from a glimmer of truth. And in Makki’s case, it may as well be the truth itself. 
“And that’s a sexy little group.”
“Yeah, it is. But you already have plans for tonight, don’t you. I’ve heard about it from Oikawa.”
Mattsun doesn’t answer, only a chuckle and a lopsided grin marking his face as he keeps studying the crowd.
The group performance wraps up quickly, being one without public interaction and soon enough Oikawa is making a show, threading between the public with his mic, hyping the crew out with just the right few words. 
The lights start going down, softly casting the audience in shadows while the stage is tinged in bright colors before becoming red and by the time people’s eyes are focusing at the center again, Hanamaki and Matsukawa have taken their places.
The music starts to play, soft and calm, pulsing through the bodies of everyone as their eyes focus on the attractive duo in center stage. They’re not supposed to end up naked yet, that’s saved for the end, but as the choreography flows, sharp hip movements, thrusting motions like ocean waves crashing on rocky shores, still get women screaming at the top of their lungs enough for it all to merge with the song as if it’s part of the original bass. 
Makki’s wearing a half-opened plaid flannel shirt with nothing under it, and he pops every remaining button open along to the song, the screams getting louder. His jeans are tight enough that every plane of muscle is noticeable, and his belt is black and striking, with a big, bull-shaped buckle. Later he’ll change his outfit to leather chaps and a vest, but right now, he’s more laid back. He looks good, he knows it, but the appreciation in your eyes as you coily drink his from from across the room is like a fucking golden star on his pride.
On top of his head, locked tight, it’s his pinched front cowboy hat. As Makki throws it in the air and catches in the middle of dancing, the screams engulf him from all sides. 
But everything else is fading to the back of his mind as his eyes find yours in the dark, the appreciative, enthralled shine in them not lost to Makki. Could never be lost to Makki, who holds onto it as if it’s a life-line; You’re interested.
Ok, that’s good. But it’s also the basics.
Makki twirls and fall on the floor, hips fucking into nothing as the crowd goes insane. He kneels on stage, his shirt flying to the spectators; two women take hold of it, pulling in contrary directions until it rips.
Makki throws you a wink, every woman in that direction claiming it as theirs. You, however, shrug into yourself, eyes looking away as your hands tight their hold around the champagne glass they’re holding. You’re so cute, hands in front of your face as if that would keep you from staring. Makki feels himself glowing, growing excited at the mere sight of your scurrying eyes as they choose the floor instead of his body. 
So fucking pure. 
Takahiro wants to force you to look up and revel in the guilty desire he’s bound to find there. There’s no need to avoid him if he doesn’t charm you, that’s the beauty of soon-to-be brides. There’s such a deep will inside them to be faithful to the allegory of a husband they do not have yet, lost in a daydream of happiness in finding the one when they haven’t even tasted anything but. Makki eyes the golden balloons floating around the table while he dances -- one dick forever. 
Poor little thing. He can’t let that happen, can he?
When Makki hops off the stage and walks over to your table between deafening screamings and pleads for him to take them, instead, his hand closes around your dainty little one, adorned with pretty french nails and just a single golden ring and even the soft, smooth skin of your hand against his rugged palm is a thrill inside his veins.
Your eyes are shining, nervousness sweeping from them as they lock with his. Hanamaki tries to be lowkey, giving you a reassuring smile supposed to be nice, to be trusting -- a complete disconnect of the way his guts stirs in the excitement of your touch. 
He lowers his lips to your ears, pretends the way his nose runs over the shell is a mere accident. “Let’s go for a ride, sweetheart.”
Your lips fall open by the side of his face and Makki can feel the way you suck a breath, a little gasp ruining your efforts when he lets his lips brush against your jaw. Another accident, whoops. He’s such a careless boy, isn’t he?
Your teeth punish your bottom lip as your eyes seem to look anywhere but him, trembling hands as you seem half-way into telling him no. Makki can't have that, though. He brings his face to look deep in your eyes, a lopsided smile he can manoeuvre into being just the right amount of kind by now. 
"You're not gonna let me go up there alone, will you?" He almost pouts, big hands finding their way on your arms in up and down motions that drag just the right amount of trembles from you for him to know he's winning. "There's no fun without you, sweet girl."
He dips his lips onto the shell of your ear once again, just in time to hide his mischief. "You're the star of the show. I'm just your ride." 
That seems to make you giggle and Makki uses that to bring his grin into your view, palms sliding down your arms to clasp your hands and - finally - guide you up with him.
One thing Makki knows is that he likes his brides sweet. 
And as you get up and follow him quietly and sheepish, clumsy tripping over yourself when some of your bridesmaids erupt in cheers, he knows he is right once again -- you’re just his type. 
Thing is, Makki doesn’t waste time. He makes you twirl in your high heels just to have you falling in his arms, he picks you up without effort, a little gasp breaching your lips as your hands plant against his chest.
Makki just has to grin at the way in which you close your palms and retreat them back to yourself, quick, burning up in a beautiful, delicious expression of shame. Fuck, he wants to make you beg. 
When he’s at the stage, he drops you on your feet with enough aggression to get you to slide straight to the floor, unsteady knees opening under you until your ass is planted on the stage. 
Makki thinks your open mouthed expression, little breaths breaking through your lips as your anxious eyes stare up at him, have to be the best thing he’s seen in a while. And he’s just starting.
He bends at the waist, his hands to reach your knees and push them open, your bright little white dress sliding up so much he can steal a peek at your fancy underwear. 
Such a vixen, aren’t you? All wrapped in lace. 
Makki lets himself fall on top of you and you gasp, even as he stays holding himself in a plank, not one bit of skin touching yours. The song is pumping, slow and sexy even if the screams sound louder in the close space. He twists his hips, the rolling motion has them right between your juicy thighs. You’re forced to keep them wide open and the way in which you look mortified just may be what ends him. 
Makki drops his knees in the ground, lets the screams wash over him as he drags his hips against your center, soft, then hard. His hands by the side of your head, his toned chest right in front of your face. He knows by the way his skin burns that you’re staring at him -- good, he wants to be the center of all your attention tonight.
Your hands are in front of yourself as if you’re afraid at your own excitement, eager eyes looking for his in a wirlwind of emotions and it makes his fucking skin erupt with goosebumps that the most noticiable one is desire.
Oh, Makki’s going to wreck you. The song turns frantic just as he comes to slide over your body, nose trailing along your collarbone and chest, teeth nipping at your clothes as if he would prefer to be doing it to your skin instead, and he feels the way your shame almost consumes you, body shaking as he finally reaches destination: right above your beautiful open thighs, so close he can almost taste you.
Unfortunately, it doesn't last. And Makki is forced by the choreography to climb back up your body even as he lets his hands linger a bit too close to your clothed center, every woman around screaming as if they can read his mind.
He gets back up and kneels between your open legs, thrusting in time with the music as if he’s actually still thinking about choreography and not in doing this to you later. You’re growing more embarrassed by the moment, your whole body burning and tense, but responsive to his movements and, better yet, his smiles.
His body is used to the motions, to swirling and grinding and thrusting in a wave motion, crashing over your hips time and time again until your lips fall open, and he knows he hit the jackpot.
Makki holds himself in a plank again, his skin turning clammy with the exertion, but he angles his crotch just right and has you singing a groan for him again -- then turning bright with shame in sequence.
Such a precious little thing indeed.
The ground choreo ends way too soon for Makki’s wishes, but he’s soothed by the way in which you let yourself be picked up, hands clinging to his shoulders with such a fierce hold he almost wants to test it out. He throws you up for a moment, relishes in your nails at his back, and his forearms hold you by the underside of your knee, closing on your hips. 
And that makes your pretty little clothed cunt roll right against his semi-hard on. There’s a ripping sound, probably your slit getting wider to acomodate your open legs and thus, him.
Makki rolls his hips, right against your center once, and the crowd erupts in screams just as he starts mimicking fucking you standing. A beautiful option he saves in the back of his mind for later. 
You let out a yelp, then proceed to try and hide your head against his neck, your pretty mouth gliding against his skin gives him such a high he almost loses the tempo of the song. He tells you to hold on and plants his hands on your bare ass, lifting you until he can have you in front of his face, a bit uncomfortable move but one that has every single woman in the club wet -- it’s in the air by now, and he can smell it. The idea makes his skin prickle, your hands holding his hair for dear life as if you’re afraid to fall, but your clothed cunt is right there, and he can’t pass the opportunity to steal a little touch as he pretends your hold is what pushes his head flush against your pussy. 
You let out a beautiful sound almost in time with the song, and he is letting you fall once again on his arms, the smile on his lips the last nail on your pure coffin.
And unfortunately that means time’s up.
Makki lets your legs fall but holds you by your waist, depositing you on your own two feet at the stage and snickering at how your legs falter to hold you up on the high heels. So, as a gentleman, he takes your hand in his, helps you down the few steps on the stage, almost groans at how your hand seems to not want to let him go. 
Before he leaves you, he pulls your hand into his lips, absolutely glowing at how breathless you look from the little action after he literally ravished you on stage. It physically pains him that he needs to pick up another bride into his show. 
“See you later, pretty one.”
Under you, your legs are faltering, knees trembling like a newborn deer as you’re left alone to fend for yourself in the long path back to your table. Women congratulate you, screaming on your sides at the men who was almost fucking you dumb on stage and his friend, as they continue their show.
Your heart is beating in your ears, leaving you stupid and lost as you’re finally - finally - rescued by your friend, who brings you back to the table with loud congratulations and happy cheers. You feel your body sweating and throbbing, weirdly pulsating for something you can’t name. 
Recognizing it would make it real and you cannot believe that after five years in a nice relationship with your only boyfriend and soon-to-be-husband, this is the first time you feel this wet.
You plop down on the closest seat, hands pressing to your chest as you try to both fan yourself and hide behind them. It proves, as expected, a hard task.
Your childhood friend has arrived and you hug her sideways, the short conversation you two exchange somehow lost to your poor heated brain as your eyes keep sliding to center once again at the stage.
The way he dances on stage feels overwhelming, this bride-to-be suffering way less touching and grinding than you, as “Big Tease Makki” stays standing up, his hands groping everywhere in his sculpted body as he dances to the sensual song, including the considerable bulge in his pants.
Something flashes and he turns his head your way so sharply you feel the need to melt further on the sofa, poorly hiding away as everyone around you cheers once again.
 His eyes on you were burning a hot trail that slithers over your warm skin even in the dark, the ghost of a feeling of touch, erupting goosebumps along their way as they circle your neck and dip down your side, strutting over your chest to end by your face. Even in the distance, you swear you can feel the way those lips slip into an easy grin, satisfied at the way they have you breathless and weak by thought alone.
The idle chatting of your friends, excited and drunk are dulled by the pounding of your heart inside your chest, and you feel constricted by their presence on your sides at the booth, both ways filled with testimony to your inner turmoils-- can they see your sinful thoughts while they stay that close to you? Can the pounding of your heart and the heat in your face be felt at such a short distance? 
The mere idea that they can pry inside your skull and discover the sinful dreams unfolding is too much for you right now, your spine shooting up while you balance yourself in your pretty heels and ask in a meek, nervous voice for the girls to let you pass. Some ask if you need help or if you’re going to the bathroom, and in both options it feels like you’re going to be flanked immediately, so you deny it and say you have to make a quick phone call about something you forgot to confirm and they all nod away, drunkenly squealing for you to be quick. 
You’re almost free when one of your bridesmaids, your childhood friend, looks up at you with puzzled eyes.
“Hey, everything's okay?” She’s not drunk, only happily buzzed with sparkling wine, but her eyes are attentive when they lay on your face, worry etched in her brow as she looks for hints hidden in your dolled up face. 
“Yeah, just need to take a breather.” You give her what you hope is a reassuring smile even as sweat drips down your back, but the place is dark and loud and she lets you go without much prodding. The place is full and swarming with women, groups of men present but fewer, waiters clad in skimpy clothing as they work the tables full of drinks, shots and champagne. Some are flirtatious, charming smiles along with muscles as they sweep women off their feet and leave their wallets thinner; others are pretty serious, and the mysterious aura has their pull, the ecstasy of conquest working as an aphrodisiac. 
You pull past the bodies, feeling a bit light headed as your chest pounds and the booze traverse your body, clumsy steps on too-high-heels you’re not used to, but your bridesmaids had pushed you to wear along with screams to live a little and say hello to the last night before you’re a proper married lady. You’ve never really felt the weight of those words as the last two days, tasting for the first time the sweetness of night as you’ve never before. 
If brown, bored eyes make a appearance in your mind as you flee to the corridor leading to the private rooms and women’s bathroom, you’re quick to stop the train of thought before it leads down a muscular torso clad in a tight jeans with a firm ass and a hot, big cock that humped against you in every opportunity while he took you to the stage. 
A drop makes it way past your cunt lips to stain your fancy underwear and you groan, ashamed. You’ve never felt this unbecoming need before, the arousal so thick your breasts seem to be heavy against your ribcage, dress feeling too tight on your heated, oversensitive skin.
You’re reaching the curve left that will take you to the bathroom when big hands engulf your frame, palm over your mouth and you’re pulled inside one of the private rooms, too breathless to even make a sound.
“Howdy,” his voice sounds right by your ear, as you’re caged against a burly body and the closed, probably sound-proof door. “Got a fugitive here.”
“Uhh, sir, I--”
“Sir?” He laughs, head thrown back prettily as you drink the arch of his throat. “Oh my god, call me Makki, pretty one.” 
The petname makes you flush, tongue heavy and clumsy in your mouth around words. “Uh… Makki, I’m sorry but I, ah…” You fumble with your hands, avoiding touching him, eyes downcast as you try to also avoid even looking at him. It’s too much, he seems everywhere.
“You’re engaged? I can see that, love. You have a banner right there.” He sounds so nice, mischief and boyish glee as he stands way too close to you.
“Then you understand…”
“I understand this is your last night of freedom, right? The last chance for you to be bad,” He breathes against your jaw as he noses along your skin to your ear, his cowboy hat gliding softly against the side of your face, “To be wild.”
Your mouth opens and closes but not a single sound comes out, your brain completely lost to the science of mixing letters into words. All you can think about is how your blood seems to be galloping in your veins, the pounding of your heart so oppressingly loud the beat of the song seems to mimic it and not the contrary. 
You are lost to everything but the unbelievable feeling of painful arousal, so sharp and deep your bones seem to be melting out of their places and dripping into the outside by your cunt. 
“But,” Leaves your lips dumbly and Makki’s fingers silence you, his lips so close you can taste his every exhale, the flap of his hat managing to blind your vision to anything past his face.
“You’re going to be married to the exact same man forever, sweetheart. You can let go one night. One night for you to feel good.” Makki licks at your throat and your lips fall open with a shameless moan as you burn with shame. “Has he ever made you feel this hot, sweetie? Hm? Have you ever even felt like this? It’s your last chance tonight, right? Don’t lose it.”
Makki’s hands massage their way down your sides, grabbing at the flesh of your hips, brushing your ass, and you’re dead silent as you drool away in your panties. Unable to think, unable to speak, embarrassment clogging your throat together with an impossible, unacceptable yes.
“C’mon, sweetie, let me take care of you.” It’s a plea, and he knows your chest will hurt with the same need that is in his tone.  “Just this one time, so you can know what it feels like… how great it can be.”
“One time.” He promises you, earnest eyes boring into yours and, dumbly, enchanted, you nod… and agree.
Well, Makki ain’t waiting around for you to change your mind.
His hands loop around your thighs immediately, pressing you against the door until he can press his body between your open legs. The slit of your dress gives in just the little bit needed to allow his hips to make their way against your core, his lips busying themselves with planting kisses along the arch of your neck, teeth nibbling at the lobe of your ear, tongue gliding over the shell. 
His breathing is soft, but so close it feels like it engulfs the room, slithering inside your head and scrambling your thoughts. His crotch presses against your center enough to hold you high and open, one of his hands relieved of their place as it climbs your side and closes around your jaw, angling your head back until you’re trapped between his face and his chest. 
You shudder, eyes fluttering closed as if you cannot hold them open, and Makki feels his skin prickling, warmth spreading from his limbs to his chest and down his hips to center themselves at his burning length. You’re such a little vixen, all big eyes and open mouthed staring at him while he has hardly done anything.
He can barely wait to see how you’ll burn when he buries his face in your pussy.
Right now, though, Makki reigns in his excitement, fingers caressing your cheeks until your pretty eyes open up again, dazed. There’s just something about getting pretty little things like you to yield, to breathe out as his lips plant themselves carefully, softly, against your cheek, then the line of your jaw, your chin and your nose.
Every little kiss has you getting restless, trembling in his arms while your hands close around his shoulders, painful little welts that he loves to see. Such desperation. 
It’s really the best.
His lips press against the corner of your wobbling plush lips and you shudder, but they push it back, and when Makki finally decides to kiss you, you’re opening your mouth in your eagerness, tongue lapping awkwardly at his lips as he chuckles and decides it’s time to stop playing.
When he kisses you then, you gasp, precious little sound leaving you as if you had no idea you could even make it, and then you’re melting against him, pressing against his chest as his mouth works its wonders on yours, tongue circling, searching, sucking. He nips at your lips, steals all the short bits of breath from your lungs until you’re writing against him, pressing sinful hips against his crotch in such a desperate way it’s endearing.
The hand on your thigh dips further under your dress, finds the plush meat of your ass and engulf it in its palm, delighted at how inexistent is the small little thing you’re wearing and how fucking delicious it feels. His fingers dig into your bottom until you break the kiss to gasp at how easily he can slip his long indicator from your ass to your pussy.
It’s his time to lose his air at how fucking wet you are, ruined fancy panties and moist thighs.
“Oh god, look at that. Little bride is so wet for this cowboy.”
You make a face, lips pursing in an awkward turn and coily shifting to look down, appraising looks on his chiseled chest. “Okay this one was bad!” Makki offers with an easy smile, the hand on your neck dipping into your breasts, palms pressing on your chest as he turns his focus on circling the hard nipple through your clothes, closing around the plush meat until your offending honest little lips part once again to him. He can see in the turbilion of your eyes how you’re still swirling against guilt, holding back from him. 
“But can you blame me? Look at me.” He makes a mention with his head towards the big bulge straining his tight jeans, which have you unconsciously looking down, his hand sliding over your jaw to tilt your head up to meet his eyes, charming, easy-going smile in his lips. “Look at you.”
He rolls his hips once against your sex, feels the blistering heat even through layers of clothes but he’s done this enough to know exactly where to aim, having a moan escaping through the tight cage of your lips before you can hold everything else in by the lock of your teeth.
He can’t have that, though. He thrives on applause after all.
“Now, beautiful, I’ll need you to stop that right there.”  His fingers dip under you to slide against the soiled fabric clinging to your folds and you all but tense, melting after as if you cannot conceive how good is his mere touch. “I want to hear you, c’mon.” Your eyes drop on his in hurt, but you free your bottom lip, mouth imediatelly falling open around a groan as Makki presses aimless around the entrance of your sex. Damn, Makki likes this. 
“Yes, like that. You’re such a good girl, aren’t you?” His cock is straining against his boxers already, length rolling in perfect aimed strokes over the apex of your sex as his fingers thread on the outline of your beautiful cunt and when he dips inside a single fingertip, your sex and hands cling to him, all the beautiful curves of your body against his and he just-- He wants to see.
“Ok, dinner time!” Makki chuckles as he brings his hands once again to hold you firmly by your thighs, fingers spread enough to keep rolling against the edges of your cunt. 
“Wha-What?” You give a charming yelp at the way he holds you effortlessly while abandoning the door to walk over to the couch. It’s just a cheap upholstered thing in front of the circular stage with the pole hanging from the ceiling, but it’s just the perfect length for what he needs. 
He lets you fall, open and disheveled over it, legs spread to show the lace he saw earlier, stained and soiled after just a bit of makeout. 
“You’re so cute.” It’s mockingly, really; meant to be a jab at how you’re so hazed and undone by just a few moves of his, but the way in which your doe eyes thread up to him, shiny and unfocussed; your hands closing around your frame as a hand plants in front of your breasts is just… cute. There’s no other word. You’re just a cute little thing and he wants your demise.
 Makki groans and pulls you to the edge of the sofa by your legs, easily dropping between your thighs in a wave move, face planting itself on your breasts to suck at sweaty clothes, teeth pulling the fabric down until your nipples peek through and he sucks them inside his mouth, too. 
You tremble so easily, even worse when he abandons it to nose his way down your body tightly clad in the white dress, kisses over your belly until he’s nosing at your clothed cunt, open mouth kisses adding to the moistness in your poor underwear.
“Delicious.” Makki says for no reason other than to state his thoughts, tongue rolling over the clothed slit as if its skin, reveling in how your poor legs start to shake, needing the aid from his hands spreading them to finally stop. “Tell me, honey, have your fiancé ever fucked you good? Hm?”
The mention makes you stiff, head pressing to the side of the sofa as if you’re fighting a battle inside your own mind, triggered by the piece of trivia question.
“I bet he hasn’t,” Makki laughs, nosing at your pussy with such pressure his whole face gets smeared in your juices. “Is he your first boyfriend? Tell me more.”
 “I--how do you--” You stutter through bitten lips, truth tipping out once he easily spreads you open with his thumbs on each side. “Yes.”
“What a waste, such a wet fucking pussy and not one single effort from your hubby to-” Makki pulls your underwear aside, tongue lolling out to lick a long strip from your entrance to your clit, “lick”, once, it”, twice, “clean.” and thrice.
You let out a cute little noise and he gets impatient, pulling the lace at the side with enough force it rips easily under his hand. Your indignant noise doesn’t even sound right, lost in a moan at the way he closes his lips around your clit and brings his tongue to play with it fast. His hand presses harder on the skin of your thighs, leaving you open as a present, ripe and wide.
If Makki says he eats pussy as a fucking meal, it’s not out of vanity. He doesn’t like to stroke his own ego, it’s just the plain truth. He works his tongue around your cunt, licks at your puffy lips, slither his way over the labia, gathers all the dripping …. and lets it drip over your pussy, just to suck it up and spit on it, after all he never understood the whole don’t spit on the plate you eat. If it’s pussy, he’s sure it’s the fucking other way around. 
You’re writhing and moving around, a symphony of gasps and moans fighting their way past your tight lips. Makki doesn’t mind. As he brings his thumbs to stroke up and down the sides of your cunt, he knows you’ll be screaming in no time. It’s just too much. It’s clear you’ve never had anything like this just by the frantic way you’re humping his face, hands grabbing at anything and everything they can, unable to hold on. His only shame is how busy his mouth is, unable to tease his way into the pure debauchery you’re demonstrating.
He pauses a bit to angle himself back, eyes trained at your pussy, dripping fucking wet all over the dress and the sofa. His thumbs spread at the sides of your entrance, pull it open just to see it blink and gap, begging for his cock without a word leaving your lips. Shit. His cock is straining against the tight jeans in such a painful way he has to let one hand go, open his button and fly, let the poor warrior fight its way past the band of his calvin kleins.
Then he’s back at his work, one thumb keeping you open as his hand returns to plunge his indicator inside slowly. Makki’s mouth almost falls open at the bewitching way your walls give in, letting him sink inside the velvety wet inside with ease. You’re clenching around him, groaning above and begging below, so he lets a second one inside at the retreat and advance of his wrist.
“Have your little husband ever made you feel like this, huh? Have he eaten this little pussy so good you make a mess?”
“Jesus Christ!” You moan above and Makki laughs. He loves this. Loves the little religious bout he gets from tight little brides when they actually taste heaven amidst sin. You try to ride his fingers, but he presses the back of your knees higher, and you let out a breathless “God!” at the new angle.
Then he starts the real game, fingers moving around your heat in search of a specific spot he finds with little prodding and then abuses until you’re begging.
“Oh my god! I, fuck--Jesus!” 
“Yes, just like that sweetheart. If you beg for me real pretty I’ll give you what you want.” He says as his fingers keep plunging in and out of your heat in an upwards motion, strong but slow, dragging the feeling of his thick digits inside your walls. It’s close, he can feel it in the way you’re swelling around him, restless kicking out legs and praying for God as if it isn’t Makki who’s giving you all this.
“My name, sweetie. Beg for it, c’mon. Say it out very loud, how you want my cock to fuck you nice and hard as you’ve never had before, huh? Just--”
“Just tell me more how you had no idea it could be so good and how you need me to show you how fucking good a man can actually fuck.”
“Oh my god,” you all but yelp, but then sighs a, “yes, please.”
“Hmmm? Couldn’t hear you.”
“Oh fuck, Makki please fuck me!” There’s a breathless, outstandly maniac laugh breaching your lips after that, a flow of quick words falling from your lips as a train of thought, “Jesus I’ve never felt like this, oh my god I think I’ll actually die without--”
“There we go!” Makki laughs, voice loud as he stops everything to get up and once again bends down to pick you up.
“Wha--Wait!” You squeak, body tense and trembling at the loss as Makki only kisses around your tearstained face and makes his way around the upholstered couch. “Makki!” That has to be the needier, whinier tone he has ever heard his name in. 
And he loves it. 
He lets you slide through his hands, bends you over the back of the couch, your ripped panties sliding to the floor by one of your legs. One of Makki’s hands descends hard on your ass with a loud slap, your lips opening around a beautiful moan. The other does the same, both circling and massing the plump flesh as your ass and pussy blinks seductively at him. 
That does it. Makki curses as he pulls his pants and underwear down, his hard, bloody-red cock slapping up against his navel; he closes his hand around it to slap it between the crack of your pretty behind and feels everything in him tingling at how wanton you sound in your moan, angling your back so that your ass can climb higher, head against the seat cushions.
“Yes, baby, just like that.” Makki praises you as he tilts his cockhead on your slit, up and down, up and down against your clit, labia and entrance. It’s absolutely delicious how you clench to try and hold his cockhead, but it slips up to bob against your ass. “Ops, let’s try again.”
He does the same thing a second time but then you groan and whine once again, “Makki, please!”
Well, fuck, who’s he to deny you, right?
He pats your ass and supports his weight at the back of his feet, cockhead right against the beautiful hole weeping for him and, carefully, slowly, deliciously starts dipping inside. Your pussy sucks him in as a vice, muscle clenching and releasing; loud, satisfacted moans in your lips. It’s almost choking to him that the loud noise in the room comes from him, too, mouth falling open in a growl.
When his hips are nested against your ass, Makki has the urge to kiss you but squatches it down in favor of holding you strongly and fucking you throughly. Motioning himself in waves as he had on the stage, his cock slides in and out of you with such delicious, timed precision he thinks you’ll come twice on him before he’s done. 
Your tight heat is velvety wet around him, squelching sounds sinful in the room as he grinds his hips against your ass, cockhead nestled against the firm pressure of your cervix. There’s babbles tipping from your lips, as if your mind has broken and you have to pronounce your mess of thoughts out loud. It’s cute.
Maybe he'd appreciate it more if his mind wasn't falling him also; his whole body feels constricted, strained, hips rolling in long, deep, strong strokes that make his cock into a pleasure antena, broadcasting to his whole being, blistering heat spreading through his veins and turning sharp at his spine and to start pooling at his balls. 
He is about to dip his hand to your clit and end you when your body seizes, legs kicking while dangling from the backrest of the couch and your pussy starts creaming hard like a vice around his cock.
“Fuck!” He groans, tensing his whole body before you bring him over with you, hand slithering to hold the base of his cock, hard. Then he laughs, no breath to spare. “Wow, baby, no heads up? Now you gonna have to give me one more, I’m not done with you yet.”
You let out an indignant groan, but rest boneless under him. Makki retreats his hips from your snug grip and starts pistoning his way inside your heat, unforgiving even as you yelp and whine, oversensitivity probably making you burn. Makki lets one of his hands let go of your hips and fall hard on your ass, in time to feel the way your pussy grips at him, yelp turning into a moan. Makki lets his hands slide down the side and curve his wrist so your fingers can find your clit, rubbing him frantically as he angles his hips just right, every wave of his body aimed against your precious spot.
“Yup,” Makki groans, growing exhausted. “Just like this.”
Your eyes snap open, hands frantically reaching to hold on anything by them as you look back at Makki with shiny, big, dazed eyes in absolute terror at the fact you are, indeed, going to keep cumming on his dick, second orgasm hitting you so hard and fast Makki actually tips over with you, the pressure in his balls releasing in one blissful climax at the incessant contracting of your cunt and the wave of your orgasm gushing out of your pussy in the closest thing to a squirt he could pull out of you amidst a unending orgasm.
Makki stays inside you as he rides his high, grinding his hips even as you cry from the oversensitivity. When he pulls out, he’s careful with the condom and also has half a mind to hold your body, throwing the used thing somewhere to be cleaned after. Almost as if perceiving the breach, his cellphone starts ringing somewhere, loud as fuck in the closed room.
“Damn, fuck,” Makki scrambles to the sound, his legs almost giving out under him and his fingers so numb it takes three tries to actually accept the call. Which he didn’t read who from. 
“MAKKI! WHERE ARE YOU, WE’RE STARTING IN FIVE.” Iwaizumi nags at him, stern and loud, piercing through his haze enough to make his brain drop some adrenaline into his bloodstream, suddenly alert and kicking, muscles straining but holding as he pulls his underwear and jeans quick over his ass and searches for his cowboy hat in time to dip and run to the presentation.
“Sorry baby, gotta go.” He saunters to you, plants a kiss on your sweaty head and another at your swollen lips and smiles the same sinful smile that ended up bringing you here, along with a tilt of his cowboy hat. “Duty calls.”
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jinpanman · 4 years
It's You
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pairing: hoseok x fem. reader (+ lowkey yoonjimin)
word count: 14k
genre: pg15, fluff, friends to lovers au, teacher au, coworkers au
warnings: a lot of awkwardness, excessive blushing, drinking, some non-explicit nsfw (dirty thoughts, brief mention of boners, hoseok blurts out wanting to put babies in you😌)
synopsis: An accidental confession throws your years-long friendship with Hoseok into disarray.
a/n: my first finished fic in 2 years!!!!! WOW. from what started out as a literal dream months ago to a 3k monster of illegible scribbles to a 9k mess to this. thank you to the BSH members for being amazing and helpful and oh so wonderful. thank you to Connee @writerly-love​ for being so lovely and encouraging uwu she writes so check her out y’all 💖 and the biggest BIGGEST thank you to my beta reader Melissa @hauntedlilies​ for doing me the biggest solid and helping me with 31982 things in this fic. you have been the best help and your advice and commentary is invaluable to me. thank you for encouraging me and thank you for loving my idiot characters! she draws and writes btw. check her out!!💖 i hope you enjoy this story, dearest reader 🥺🌱 (edited 05/2021)
yoonjimin drabble: It’s You 2.0
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Is it normal to be so endeared watching your students jumping with excitement around your colleague?
You love your students, you do. Why else would you have become an after school teacher?  Sometimes, though, there are days when you’re scrambling to come up with an activity hours before the kids flock in from their day class. It’s tiring to always have to be on your toes in order to meet the needs of your students—which change at the switch of a light every day!—but it’s a welcome weight in your life. 
You’re thankful that you don’t have to do it all on your own. Every other week you collaborate with other teachers at the school to foster friendship and camaraderie outside of your student’s usual age range. Today your class is combined with Hoseok’s, and they are all too excited to see their favorite Mr. Hobi. Not that you blame them.
Hoseok claps his hands, drawing the attention of your students whose loud chatter lowers to a hum, albeit still excited. The students flock to him like little ducklings to their mama and you absolutely cannot help but giggle at the sight. He has such a natural chemistry with children and choosing a life as an educator fits him so well. 
Your eyes wander to where your colleague is situated in front of the class. He instructs the students to raise their hands along with him and together they stretch for a good minute. His face is scrunched in a goofy smile as his head tilts, causing his glasses to slip down his nose. Would he mind if you walked over to fix his glasses?
The herbal tea he brought you before class warms your hands as you stand in the back to observe. The steam from the cup brings out a lovely smell of peppermint which you inhale happily. Despite being a strong advocate for coffee and knowing next to nothing about tea, he somehow knew the exact type of tea you liked to drink. You take a long sip and listen to him entice the children with one last hour of fun before they have to go home.
“Okay kids! Today we’re gonna make the ground really pretty for everyone to see tomorrow morning! What do you say?”
They all cheer and he directs them to stand in two orderly lines in front of either of you by the front door while he hands you a bag filled with chalk sticks of varying colors. You raise your brows in curiosity.
“Last minute decision?”
He scoffs and hands a chalk piece to the next student in line.
“No!” You raise a brow at him and he sighs in resignation. “Fine, yes. But no one needs to know that, okay?”
You both laugh in complete understanding of the teacher struggles. Oh, the simple life of a child; so easily amused by a little piece of chalk.
“Teacher, teacher! Come look!”
One student pulls you away from your bad attempt at a portrait of Grumpy Cat, the greatest cat to have walked the earth. You walk over her and she points out something she drew on the cement.
“Look! It’s you and Mr. Hobi!” she exclaims in excitement while jumping up and down.
Sure enough there are two clumsily drawn stick figures. You assume the one with glasses is Hoseok since he’s donned a pair of round glasses today, paired nicely with his red flannel. You applaud her artwork, thanking her for drawing you so nicely, when another student comes up from behind you and squints at their peer’s drawing.
“That looks like Mr. Hobi and his girlfriend!” they say.
“No! That’s not his girlfriend. That’s Ms. Y/N!” she stomps in defiance.
The two students argue until they both yell for Hoseok to come over. Their loud commotion gains many of the other student’s attention and they all seem to watch on with curiosity. He casts a puzzled look at your direction to which you shrug, not entirely sure what your students are trying to prove. When he’s standing beside you they both shoot rapid fire questions.
“Mr. Hobi, who does this look like?”
“No, no! Mr. Hobi, who do you think these are?”
“Do they look like you and Ms. Y/N?”
“No, do they look like you and your girlfriend?”
“Do you even have a girlfriend?”
The other students have somehow flocked around you during this squabble. They giggle and you hear a unison of audible gasps in approval and join in on the questioning.
“Yeah! Do you? Do you?”
Hoseok stands there like a deer caught in headlights, not knowing what to do. His eyes flicker over to you, silently begging for help. Both your students are normally well behaved and usually do well not to ask personal questions about information you don’t voluntarily share. You can’t fault them for forgetting to be polite in the heat of the moment. They are children, after all, so you do your best to redirect them.
“Hey hey, why don’t we let Mr. Hobi speak before you ask any more questions, okay? Remember what Mr. Slug says?” 
They slouch over and robotically recite Mr. Slug’s motto about letting other people take a turn to talk but their eyes still glimmer with hope. It’s clear Hoseok doesn’t know what to say. As much as you want to laugh at his skittish stance, you know it won’t do to leave your fellow teacher hanging. The laughs can come later when the kids are gone.
“Alright, kids why don’t we—” You start to change the subject to shift their attention elsewhere when a student behind you speaks up.
“Ms. Y/N you have to help us!”
The other students join in and echo the plea to find out who Mr. Hobi’s secret girlfriend is. You cup your hands around your face so no one can see you mouthing to Hoseok—earning several groans from your students—and exchange silent communication with him. The easy smile on his face tells you that it’s okay to humor your students today, so you begin to laugh with your students and egg him on.
“Mr. Hobi, please, please, will you tell us?” you ask, putting on a half hearted puppy face and clasp your hands together to appease your students.
You swallow back a snicker at how his face morphs into embarrassment. So maybe this isn’t what he thought you’d pull, but his reaction was worth it. You tease him and poke at his reddening cheeks.
“Ahh, you don’t need to do that,” he mumbles from his pouty lips.
You pull away before he can snatch your hands. Your students laugh at your antics and chant “Mr. Hobi has a cruuush!” You chant along with them in good fun, giggling at your friend’s increasingly flushed face. He seems to finally find his senses and holds his hands up in defeat.
“Alright, alright! Calm down and I’ll tell you who she is.”
The students jump in place, cheering for their victory. His gaze lingers on you, but you think nothing of it, instead donning a shit eating grin. The children waddle in even closer, eager to hear what he has to say.
“Okay, well she’s this really, really pretty lady who likes cats a lot.”
“Ooh, like Ms. Y/N’s cat she drew?” one student interrupts and points to the striped cat you have yet to finish.
“Mhm! Just like her cat.”
“What else? What else?”
“She also doesn’t like coffee at all and makes fun of me for drinking it.” You raise your eyebrows and nod your head in approval. Whoever this lady is, you like her already.
“What does coffee taste like?”
It’s clear he didn’t expect that question and fumbles with trying to explain what coffee is to five and six year olds. You rub at your cheeks, aching from having been smiling for so long. It’s impossible not to smile when you’re around Hoseok. Simply being near him has always been enough to get you to smile.
“Tell us more about your girlfriend please!”
You hadn’t expected them to still be after that and you laugh at their boldness.
“Yeah, c’mon. Who’s this secret lady who hates coffee as much as I do?” you ask cheekily.
“Ah,” he looks away and scratches at his nose. “Well she’s—” 
Just as he’s about to reveal more about this mystery woman, the dismissal bell rings. He clicks his tongue and cackles at the disappointed faces all around him.
“Oh well! Guess you’ll have to wait ‘til next time, kids. Let’s get back to class.”
The students moan and groan but they comply and head back to the classroom to be picked up and go home.
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It’s become routine to walk out to your cars together any time your classes are paired. Today is no different. Hoseok waits for you by the door, hair tousled from running after students and long sleeves rolled up his arm, revealing a black watch wrapped around his delicate wrist. As he fiddles with his phone, the rings on his fingers glint under the afternoon rays that sneak through the classroom door sidelight.
“You took your glasses off,” you nod your head at the glasses now tucked inside his shirt pocket. “They looked good on you.”
“Ha. Nice as they are, wearing glasses for too long hurts my ears.”
“Aw, poor baby,” you coo and reach forward to rub his ears. 
He grumbles and swats your hand away. He pushes open the door and motions for you to go first. You think back to the earlier fiasco with the children and wonder how is he still single? Having known him for many years prior to working together, you remember many interested suitors, both men and women alike, trying their hand at wooing him. You can’t think of a single person who doesn’t like him, or at least have a begrudging respect for him.
Outside of your job, you also know he’s the life of the party when you meet up with your friends. Your mind briefly wanders to what it would look like if you were coupled with him. Maybe you’d drive home together and wind down after a long day at work. Then you’d change out of your work clothes, cook a meal together and dance while you’re waiting, maybe even cuddle in bed together until you fall asleep. You’re thinking dangerous thoughts and you take a mental note to chastise your inner conscience when you’re alone.
“So,” you clear your throat and pretend like you hadn’t just imagined a particular fantasy about the man walking beside you, “since the kids brought it up, now I’m actually really curious.”
“Oh man, not you too,” he groans and rubs a hand over his face.
“Hoseok, come on! We’ve been friends for years now and you know what, I don’t remember you ever dating? At least not seriously. Is there anyone you’re interested in these days?” You see the hesitance on his face but you press on. “You know me, Hobi. You know I won’t tell anyone. Not even Yoonji.”
Yoonji, half of the reason why you and he are friends in the first place. The other half being her twin brother, Yoongi. You met Yoonji in your first year of university, and through her you met the crazy bunch you now call your friends. Hoseok and Yoongi had been friends long before college. Once you and Hoseok became acquainted through the twins, you’d bonded over the mutual suffering dealt by them. It had been easy to get along with him, and it didn’t take long at all to move up from acquaintances to friends. You were more than happy when you found out you both had been hired and placed at the same school after university.
He shakes his head at your request. “Nah, you wouldn’t know her anyway.”
“Okay, see! So there’s no problem in me knowing! ‘Cause I don’t know her.” You bump shoulders with him and tug at his arm. “Look, if you really don’t want to tell me, I’ll drop it. I promise. But I really am curious about the person who’s stolen Mr. Hobi’s heart.”
You’ve stopped in front of his car and now there’s nothing to distract him from your pleading face. You do your best not to look like a wide-eyed crazed cat lady and more like the pleading Puss in Boots. You hope it’s working.
“You really wanna know?”
“I do! But only if you’re comfortable telling me.”
“Promise you won’t run away when you find out?”
You’re puzzled by the shift in his demeanor, in the way his voice has dropped to nearly a whisper, but you nod anyway and extend your pinky finger out to him. He brings up his hand to wrap his pinky around yours. You’re taken aback by how seriously he’s taking this, but you wouldn’t do anything to betray his trust. He waits for a few seconds, then nods, seemingly satisfied and stuffs his hands inside his jean pockets.
His eyes are downcast and with a heavy exhale he says quietly, “It’s you.”
You blink. Then you laugh. And you can’t stop laughing. The nervous energy rolls off of you in peals of inappropriate laughter. It isn’t until you see he’s frowning—an expression that doesn’t cross his face often—that you try to reign in your nerves and calm down. 
“You got jokes Hoseok!” you say, trying to lighten the sudden sour mood.
“I’m not trying to be funny. I—I like you.”
Your residual giggling immediately subsides when you realize he really is serious. A wave of confusing emotions wash over you. You’re shocked, you’re confused, and you’re in denial. This can’t be happening. Your mouth opens and closes repeatedly as your brain flips through your dictionary of words to try to understand what you’ve just heard.
Frustration spills out of his lips when you remain mute. “It’s you! I want you! It’s been you for years. Is that not what you wanted to hear? Are you satisfied now that you know?”
Wait. What? 
Your mind still hasn’t caught up and all you can do is stare at him. You catch a quiet "fuck” escaping his lips as he roughly rakes his fingers through his already messed hair. He gives you one last glance before he dashes into his car. Seeing him leave finally gets your tongue working.
“Wait.” You try to grab his arm but he’s already shut the car door. “Wait Hobi, I—I’m sorry. No, no wait please!”
He drives off without a single glance back.
You have never felt like the shittiest person to exist on this planet until now. You survey the lot to make sure no one witnessed this scene and are relieved to find no one. You scurry into your car, forcing back the hot tears that want to come out. 
You don’t deserve to cry after being so cruel. Even if it was unintentional. You scramble for your phone as soon as you’re strapped in. The screen immediately unlocks once your face is in view and you swipe on your best friend’s number starred at the top of your contacts list.
Yoonji picks up after the third ring and her voice drawls out through the speaker, “Did Hobi finally spill the beans, ‘cause thank fucking god.“
You briefly register that you can hear Yoongi in the background talking to another man whose distressed voice sounds vaguely familiar. Blinking your tears away, it takes a second for Yoonji’s words to sink in and you are, for the second time today, at a loss for words. You’re out of the parking lot when your voice finds itself but your brain has yet to catch up, still stuck on those three words that came out of Hoseok’s mouth.
"Wait, wait, wait. Yoonji. You knew? About him? But—wait. How did you—why didn’t you know—er, tell me?” Your free hand flies wildly in the air as you drive.
“He’s not exactly subtle about his feelings for you, you know. Do you not remember last month when you complained about wanting milk tea and he immediately dropped everything to personally drive to a shop 10 minutes away to get you one—a large one, might I add!—with ‘for miss beautiful’ written on the side of the cup?” 
“He does that for everyone,” you mumble into your phone.
“No he does not. You’re just a dumb squirrel and apparently he’s attracted to dumb squirrels.” You don’t need to see her to know she’s pacing mid rant and examining her freshly manicured nails like the princess she is. You wish you knew how she had the funds and time to repaint her nails every other week.
“How come I never noticed?” you ask, pointedly ignoring the squirrel jab.
“Again, you’re a dumb squirrel—”
“What am I gonna do? I didn’t mean to make him feel bad about confessing to me. I feel like such an ass,” you whine into your phone, once again ignoring her insult. You roll your eyes at the fake sounds of her humming in thought. She enjoys making you antsy beyond belief way too much.
“Yoonji! Stop teasing me please!” Your face contorts into the best puppy face you could muster, and you’re sure the driver next to you is giving you a weird look.
“Ew, gross. I can feel your puppy eyes on me 70 miles away. Stop it.”
Worth it.
“Well first of all,” she begins, “you were an ass. How would you feel if you confessed to someone and the first thing they do is laugh? That was shitty of you, babe!”
If you weren’t driving, you would have hung your head in shame. “Yeah, I know…”
“Mhm. At least you know.” As much as she loves you, Hoseok’s her friend too. You don’t blame her for not comforting you. “Anyway, you could go about this several ways. One, let him down easy. Or two, open your eyes and realize you feel the same way. Or three, avoid him for the rest of your life and run away to a convent to make certain you’ll never see him again.”
You whine again, just as pathetically as the first time. “You’re not helping! Those are all impossible!”
“Fine, fine.” She sighs into the phone. “So answer this for me then. Do you like him?”
And that there is the million dollar question. Do you like him? You’ve never given yourself the luxury of seeing him in that way. He was obviously a very attractive man with an equally captivating personality. Yes, he may have made your heart flutter at least a dozen times in the time you’ve known him. Okay, so maybe more than a dozen… 
And yes, you may have indulged in one or two fantasies about what it would be like to date him but you never allowed your mind to wander farther than a few innocent thoughts. You valued your friendship with him far too much to divulge in selfish daydreams. You reveal as much to your friend.
“Babe, all I can tell you is that knowing Hoseok, he’s probably at home wallowing in despair and embarrassment and will probably hate himself for making you uncomfortable. Aaand drinking himself silly because he’s stupid.” 
You hear Yoongi snort in the background.
“B-but I’m not—”
“So go tell him yourself then!”
“Ah Yoonjiii..” you whine... again.
“Figure it out, bitch! I gotta finish painting my nails now. Love youuu!” She hangs up before you can wail her name once more and you’re left to stew in your feelings for the rest of the evening.
The following day, Hoseok doesn’t show up for work. Or the next. By the third day, you’re tempted to ask your supervisor if he still even works here. Okay, so maybe you’re overreacting a little bit. Maybe Yoongi would know if he was still alive, but then he’d pry into why you’re asking in the first place and you’re not ready to answer any questions. 
You’ve just gotten home and your shoulders droop heavily. You have yet to receive any news or texts from Hoseok since he left you in the parking lot that day. It didn’t help that the kids were exceptionally testy today.
Your mind is riddled with worry, but rather than for yourself, you worry about him. Actually if you’re being honest, you’ve been thinking about him endlessly since then. You hope he’s taking care of himself. You want to apologize. You need to apologize. This realization is what helps you to make your decision. 
With a sudden blaze of courage, you grab your purse off the couch and head out to the bus stop just a street down your place. It takes about thirty minutes with one bus transfer that leads you directly to his apartment complex. You’ve been there many times and while you know the route by heart, this visit feels like a whole new experience.
Your feet know exactly where to go and how many steps to take, leading you out the bus, into the apartment complex, and up the elevator until you’re standing in front of his door. You stare at his door and a brief flash of doubt rings alarms in your head. You ring the bell before you can overthink your actions. A few seconds later his voice chimes out from the speaker box.
“Who is it?” 
His voice sounds very tired. Has he not been sleeping well?
“Hello?” He tries again.
You lightly slap your cheeks, bringing yourself back. You weren’t even aware you had frozen up.
“Hey, it’s me. Um, Y/N.”
No answer.
"Can we—can we talk?”
Again, you are met with silence.
Your fingers twiddle with the hem of your shirt, unsure of your next move. You came all the way here on complete impulse. You don’t do well when you don’t have a plan. And right now, you have no plan, which is ironic, considering you’re a teacher for young children who require a level of spontaneity every day. 
You’re itching to escape but your feet remain wooden against the pavement. You bend your head down and glare at your legs, willing them to move goddammit. You nearly find the will to finally bolt when you hear the door creak open. Your head whips up and you immediately seek out his face. You come eye to eye with a disheveled looking Hoseok hiding behind his door. His bleary, sunken eyes follow you warily as you take a step forward and blurt out his name, but before you can get another word in he addresses you.
“Look, I don’t need a pity party okay?” He pauses to slink further away from the already small opening through the door. “Especially from you. It was a mistake and I’m sorry that happened. I shouldn’t have told you like that and I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. That was a bad move.” 
You open your mouth and breathe in, ready to counter his allegation but he puts a hand up, an unspoken request to continue talking uninterrupted. “I just need a few more days to clear my mind. I can’t promise I’ll be okay soon but—”
You interrupt him anyway.
“I’m not saying no Hobi,” your voice is meek but you mentally pat yourself on the back for finally finding your voice.
“Wha—what? What did you�� er, what do you mean?”
“I,” you pause to collect your thoughts but alas, when you have no plan your brain goes haywire and your mouth rambles away without your permission. “Well, first I want to apologize for forcing you to talk and for not taking you seriously. I really didn’t mean to disregard your feelings or make fun of you. You didn’t make me uncomfortable at all actually! It’s just that… no one’s ever—I mean, I didn’t think you saw me in that way and, well, I mean I always thought you were cute. You’re so handsome and dreamy and you’re funny and when you smile your eyes crinkle into little moons and your hearts a smile. I mean! Your smile, it makes a heart and I love it so much and I, um, but I didn't—I mean I don’t know why you even like me in the first place.” You laugh nervously, anxiety rising up inside you like bile at not being able to get the words out right.
A warm hand wraps around yours and you’re bewildered. He’s opened the door just big enough to let his hand out to hold yours. He’s the one hurting and yet he reaches out to comfort you when you showed the slightest unease. If anything, he should be lashing out at you right now. The warmth in his eyes tells you he has no intention of doing that. His thoughtfulness and care towards you, even after you hurt him, causes your heart to stutter and you fight on despite your nerves.
“I don’t know what I’m doing and I’m still not sure about my feelings but I’m willing to try? If you are too? I don’t really know how to do this, but—but I’m willing to explore whatever this could be with you. And I’m not saying you have to consider my feelings because that isn’t fair to you. You can absolutely tell me to fuck off and I won’t bother you again. Um, yeah I think—I think that’s it.”
God, you can’t wait to get home so you can punch your pillows for rambling so much! You stand there, staring at the side of the door so it looks like you’re looking at him but you’re really not. Your halfhearted smile slowly dwindles into a tight lipped smile the longer he stays silent and you’re wondering if now’s a good time to skedaddle.
“Okay, got it. I’m sorry Hoseok—” You turn your back to him, completely prepared to walk away with your tail tucked.
“Can I hug you?”
You whirl around and blink owlishly at him and stutter embarrassingly so. “What?”
“Can I hug you?”
“I mean, y-yeah? I guess?”
You’re dying internally over how your voice squeaks and inflects into a higher, unsure tone. He pushes the door open and pulls you by your hands into his arms, effectively drawing you away from your internal conflict. The feeling of his warmth around you sends your heart into an unfamiliar tangle of emotions. 
Hoseok has always been the best bear hugger. He believed hugs revealed what a person was like, and his preference for full hugs definitely conveyed his desire for physical contact with the people he loved. This hug, though, was different in the way that he held you so close to him, with his face nuzzled in your hair. You breathe in his scent that’s brought you comfort throughout the years and wrap your arms around his waist. You feel his arms tighten and pull you closer into him. You pray the stuttering heartbeat felt between the two of you isn’t only yours. 
After a long minute of silence—which somehow felt like one hour and one second all at once—he murmurs close to your ear, “If this is you giving me the okay, then I’m not gonna hold back anymore and I’m going to pursue you honestly. And… hopefully show you that my feelings for you are sincere.”
You let out an involuntary squeak much to your horror and hide your face into his chest, not trusting yourself to speak. You feel the shake of his shoulders as he laughs, the puff of breath tickling the back of your neck, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. He eventually pulls away from your hug but instead of letting go, his hands reach down to hold your own and he looks down at you with shining eyes. His face paints a tender gaze and the combination of how he smiles at you has you bashful so instead, you focus on the way his thumb rubs against yours. It only sends your heart into further overdrive.
“It’s late.” His voice is soft as he speaks to you. "Did you drive here?”
You shake your head no. Then you gasp and tilt your head in mild bewilderment.
Okay but why didn’t you drive? Are you dumb or are you dumb? You try to convince yourself you took the bus to save Mother Earth. Not because you were in such a hurry to see him that you forgot you have a car.
“Let me drive you home then,” he says and squeezes your hands.
“No, no it’s okay. I can get a taxi!”
He shakes his head in disapproval. “I can’t let you do that. It’s dark out now and I’d feel much better if I take you myself.”
“Hobi, I’ll be fine. I promise!” His brows furrow and you bring your arm up to flex your bicep. “See, look! I’m a strong girl.”
He’s entirely unimpressed and rolls his eyes. “Look, either you let me take you home or you’ll have to sleep over tonight. I don’t want you going home by yourself.”
“Eh?” Well, you certainly weren’t expecting that. You’re a deer in headlights thinking about a night alone with him. Nope. No way. Nu-uh. Vetoed. You won’t survive. Especially not after your almost-kind-of-but-not-really confession. 
You sigh in defeat and bow your head.
“Fiiine. You can take me home, I guess.”
He grins and while you’re pouting that he won this trivial argument, your heart is whistling a happy tune at seeing a smile grace his face once again. You wait outside while he grabs his wallet and keys. When he reemerges from inside his house, he gestures to his left.
“Ready to go?”
“Mhm!” You motion for him to lead the way and you follow after him.
The car ride back to your place is quiet, save for the low ambiance of his music playing on the stereo, but it’s a comfortable silence. You have more questions you want to ask. There’s still a lot you want to know, but you figure you’ve both had enough of a surprise tonight. You trust that there will be many opportunities in the near future to ask.
Once he’s parked his car outside your apartment, you turn to thank him and bid him goodnight only to be met with an empty seat. He’s already outside, waiting for you.
“Hobi you didn’t have to come out!” you protest as you exit the vehicle. “It’s cold!”
He only hums in response and walks with you to the front entrance. You’re half expecting a goodbye hug, considering he’s out here with you, and you’re surprised to feel your chest swirl in disappointment that he does neither of those. Instead, he takes a step away from you and the words that leave his mouth bring you a comfort you didn’t know you needed.
“We’ll take this slow, yeah? I don’t expect you to know how you feel by tomorrow or even next month. I’ve waited this long. I can wait a little longer.”
He strokes your cheek, lingering in front of you for a few more seconds. He leaves you with his touch etched onto your cheek. You fall asleep with the sole thought that you wouldn’t mind falling for Jung Hoseok.
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The following morning feels like a daze and you’re on autopilot for the rest of the week. Before you know it, it’s your biweekly get-together with your gang. You’d gained a chaotic but solid group of friends in your college days. While the group has slowly decreased over the past two years after graduating, your bond is still as strong, even if you don’t meet as often as you used to.
It’s Hoseok’s turn to host this time and you’re freaking out. You recount every conversation you’ve had with him this past week at school. The both of you made a point to only talk about school related topics, very obviously ignoring the elephant in the room. The only thing that’s changed is the rate of daily text messages between the two of you. You now awaken to “good morning texts.” Throughout the day, you send each other “this reminded me of you” texts and end each night with “how was your day?” texts. Your heart is slowly becoming conditioned to jump any time his name appears on your phone screen. Today is no different. Your heart is racing at the thought of finally seeing Hoseok outside of work.
[Y&Y’s Minions Group Chat]
Taetae: aye bro heads up im bringing some juice w me
Taetae: yknow. for us nonalcoholics.
Hobibi: 👍
Yoonji(min’s Wife): weak ass bitch 🙄
Taetae: Shut up or im not bringing jimin with me 🥱
Min Suga: she just punched me cause i laughed man wtf
Taetae: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You: LOOOLLL it’s what you deserve
You: also tq for bringing juice taetae 🤧 idk if i can handle another of jimins mystery concoctions 😩
Taetae: that’s what you got hobi for right?
Hobibi: Exactly ;)
Min Suga: right. like he can hold his alcohol????
Hobibi: also can yall actually come on time so we can start our movie early?
Hobibi: dude i’ve gotten better at drinking tghank you very much
Yoonji(min’s Wife): sorry what im jared 19
Min Suga: she lies. shes putting makeup on for Park
[IMG_2831 delivered]
You: lmaaaoooo you got called out babe!!!
Yoonji(min’s Wife): fuck you min yoongi. find ur own ride there bitch <3
You snort reading through the messages. One day someone’s gonna fight and you have no doubt Yoonji will be one of the contenders. You’ve already resigned yourself to the role of her babysitter, knowing full well you’ll be tending to her every whim and command the day it happens as well as the following day of her recovery. Your phone pings again. 
It’s a separate text message from Hoseok.
Hobibi: i can’t wait to see you beautiful :)
You gasp audibly and your face heats up instantly. You’re grateful there’s no one around to hear you. What should you text back? You’re still unfamiliar with the Hobi who flirts. He is flirting, right? You fumble with your phone, heart racing a mile a minute, texting a (hopefully) flirty reply back when Yoonji’s winking selca takes over your screen. You drag your finger across the Accept button and her voice drawls out from your speaker.
“I’m heeerre!! Come outside so we can get wasted tonight!”
You snort and hang up without replying back to her. As soon as you plop into the passenger seat she thrusts a bottle of alcohol into your hands.
Apparently, her idea of calming you down is with some pregame booze. 
It doesn’t help.
When you arrive at his apartment, you attach yourself to Yoonji’s back, but she was having none of that. Her shared telepathic powers with her equally chaotic twin brother draw them together as soon as they’re in the same room. You squeak at having been left behind and follow her, intent on hiding behind her the whole night. 
In hindsight, maybe you shouldn’t have blindly followed after your friend because the person accompanying Yoongi was none other than his best friend who also happened to be the man you were trying to avoid… which wouldn’t have worked anyway considering this was his home. Yoonji drags you out from behind her and you’re given no chance to pretend like you weren’t hiding. 
You shoot daggers into her boobs, praying that her boobs will swell and explode right in front of Jimin for outing you like this. You clear your throat and straighten out your shirt, then exchange greetings with the two men, feigning nonchalance. You don’t mean to but your eyes flicker down Hoseok’s figure. His hair looks freshly dried and curls around his face in the most beautiful way. A thin blue crew neck sweater hangs off his shoulders and hugs his torso just right, but when do his clothes not fit him well? It’s cut low enough to just tease the outline of his collarbones and it doesn’t help you with your already heightened nerves. You gulp and lower your gaze. For some godforsaken reason, he decided it was a good idea to roll the sleeves up and expose his forearms. You’re on your way past his hips when—
“You look beautiful tonight.”
Oh dear, did he catch you staring? 
His voice draws your gaze back to him and you find him looking right at you with a shy smile that flutters your heart. A compliment from him would usually have elicited a laugh and a “thank you Hobi.” Now, it evokes a stutter and a burning face. It’s a change the twins catch onto quickly. They exchange knowing glances which neither you nor Hoseok see, too busy staring at each other.
And then you’re colliding into each other.
“Oops!” Yoonji cackles and raises her glass to her brother.
"My bad. My hand slipped.” Yoongi raises his own and clinks his drink with hers. They take a sip and completely ignore the two frozen statues beside them.
“Hey, what do you say we go say hi to the soulmates?”
“Right on my sweetums. Let’s go find your loverboy.”
“You’re disgusting and also you’re wrong.”
Yoongi forcefully links arms with his sister and they shuffle away still bickering, meanwhile you and Hoseok are a blushing mess, locked in each other’s arms. His hands burn pressed against your lower back and you pull yourself away from him. You ignore the way your body screams at you for leaving his warmth. Your eyes flit around, looking at everything except for him. And then it lands on a sliver of skin peeking out behind his sweater that had risen up in this blunder.
Wait. This is bad. Don’t focus on that. 
Focus on your annoying best friend. Yeah… this is all her fault.
“Sorry Yoonji’s such a pain in the ass.”
“Understatement of the year.” He snorts and readjusts his sweater back down. You bite back a pitiful whine and suddenly you have no idea who you’ve become.
“They’re both menaces. Remind me never to have them in the same room again.“
You laugh at the truth in his words and then it’s back to a dead silence. One you’re not used to, especially not with him. He rubs the side of his arm and clears his throat.
"Um, well, you know, if being here makes you uncomfortable it’s okay to leave. My feelings won’t be hurt. Or I can just, I don’t know, not talk to you tonight? If that’s what you want?”
You wince at his offer.
“No!” you say immediately, wanting to remedy his misinterpretation of the nervous waves radiating off you. “I wanted to come! I… well, as nervous as I am, I wanted to see you?”
He lets out a dry laugh. “Oh, right. I could definitely tell from the way you hid behind Yoonji as soon as you got here.”
You force out a weak laugh at having been caught. Should you apologize or yeet yourself out of this situation? Thankfully, he makes the decision for you.
“Why don’t we go say hi to Tae and Jimin? Since you just got here.”
You swallow the apology that hangs on your tongue and nod slowly. You walk in silence to where the rest of the gang is gathered. Yoongi and Jimin are engrossed in a conversation about the latest EP released by their favorite duo RM and JK. Meanwhile Yoonji is making very no-so-subtle heart eyes at Jimin while Taehyung is chatting away about something she obviously has no interest in.
You’ve known Jimin for a few years and he’s only just started coming along this past year to your meetups with Taehyung, his childhood friend. He integrated so well into your little group and you all were quick to adopt him and dub him as the Resident Giggly for how beautiful his laughs were. His bubbling personality also somehow snatched the Resident Shady’s heart, despite her always denying it. You decide to do your friend a solid and save her from Taehyung’s ramblings. It’s definitely not to distract yourself from the Resident Smiles beside you.
“Hey Taetae!” you call out to the broad shouldered man who turns around, bright eyed and smiley. You notice a cup in his hand that you hope is just juice. He doesn’t drink often but when he does… Well, you certainly won’t want to be present.
“Y/N you’re here! Finally someone who will listen to me!” He pulls you into a side hug.
You laugh. “That’s ‘cause she’s too busy making goo goo eyes at—oof!”
Yoonji shoves Taehyung who still has his arms draped around your shoulder. He trips and sends you nearly toppling over as well. An arm wraps around your waist to steady you. Hoseok pulls you to his side, a safe distance away from the two rowdy ones.
“If you both know what’s good for you, you will shut up or else!” she hisses between her teeth. The blush growing on her cheeks tells you otherwise, though.
“I love you too, Yoonji poo!” Taehyung teases and pinches her cheeks.
She slaps his hands away, scowling. Then her attention redirects to you and you don’t like the way her eyes have turned alight. She nudges Taeyung and nods her head at you and Hoseok. He looks at the pair of you and his lips turn up into a sinister smirk.
“Well, well, well. Wouldya look at that?” You don’t like that both his and Yoonji’s smug faces are now focused on you. “So anyone wanna tell me when you two became a thing?”
You and Hoseok share a confused albeit nervous look. It’s then you realize how close you are to each other and you don’t hate the close proximity.
“You do realize you have your arm around her, right hyung?”
It’s not until he points it out that Hoseok realizes he never let go of you. The arm that rested around your hips tears away from your body and falls back limply to his side. Yoonji snorts at how fast he let you go and you try your best to hide your disappointment, calling upon all the times you’ve had to school your face of irritation at work.  You note that he doesn’t move away though, and his hand ghosts yours with every breath he takes.
“Don’t be mean Tae,” you scold him and push him away.
“It’s not like that. We’re not a couple.” Hoseok’s strong protest wavers at the last word and the way his ears redden don’t do well to support his claim. Your face flushes at his word choice.
“Who’s not a couple?” Jimin pops in, hands propped around Taehyung’s shoulder.
Taehyung eyes Yoonji and says with a smirk, “You and Yoo—mmph!”
Yoonji pounces on Taehyung and slaps a hand over his mouth. In typical Jimin fashion, he falls to his knees, laughing at their bizarre antics. As much as those two clashed, you knew they loved each other a ridiculous amount. You tug at Hoseok’s shirt sleeve and ask if he wants to get a drink.
He nods in agreement. “Yeah, let’s go before they strike again.”
The two of you share a laugh and head into the kitchen where two glass bowls are filled to the brim with dark liquids. The smell of alcohol reeks from the one nearest you and you nearly gag.
“Did Jimin make this?” you scowl and point accusingly at the punch bowl with a dark red liquid sparkling dangerously. You hope alcohol doesn’t spread through air particles because if it does, the other punch bowl is surely spiked by now.
“What did you expect?” He chuckles and hands you a glass cup.
You grab the ladle laying beside what you hope is the nonalcoholic drink and pour into your cup.
“Hey, so um… about earlier,” he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck, “er, sorry about that. I didn’t even know I was still... touching you.”
“Ah, no it’s okay. I didn’t know either actually.” You take in a breath and brace yourself for what you’re about to admit out loud, “To be honest, I kind of liked it.”
You hear him take in a sharp inhale after your confession and you wonder who’s blushing harder. Probably you. You hand the ladle to him and hold your breath when his fingers graze yours.
“I’ll keep that in mind next time.” He recovers quickly and winks at you. Your recovery rate is much slower and his wink only sets you back further. “So, um, I’ll let you catch up with everyone. I gotta go set up for the movie anyway. I’ll see you later, okay?”
He briefly reaches his hand to brush against your cheek, then leaves you alone, starstruck in the kitchen, to be the good host that he is. The rest of the night goes off without any other hitches. Plenty of laughter is shared between the lot of you. Jimin may have tried to spike the literal juice bowl a few times, but both Taehyung and Yoongi dragged him away each time. 
Throughout the night, you find yourself unconsciously scanning the room for Hoseok only to be met with a pair of brown eyes already looking at you. Each time you make eye contact, you both blush and look away at having been caught staring. Each time it happens, your friends turn around to stick their fingers in their open mouths and fake a gag.
You’re on popcorn duty as the evening begins to settle down for the “movie” part of movie night to finally start. You emerge from the kitchen with three large bowls with freshly popped and buttered popcorn. You sigh with resignation when you see only two available empty seats. One next to Hoseok on the love seat and one in between Yoonji and Jimin. You absolutely are not ready to be in such close proximity with Hoseok for the next two hours, but you also don’t want to cock block Yoonji. 
Although she’d never admit it to anyone, you knew she harbored a secret crush on Jimin. Anyone else outside your group and they wouldn’t know any better, but every one of you except the object of her affections knew those faux mean jabs and rosy cheeks were reserved for Jimin and Jimin only. You have a suspicion that he felt the same way about her with the way he always seemed to apparate in whatever room she’s in just to giggle at whatever she says or does. You can’t wait for the day they both stop toeing the line and confess to each other.
You pass out two of the three bowls of popcorn and peek over at Yoonji and Jimin. Jimin’s leaning over the empty seat, phone outstretched to show something to Yoonji. Their voices are hushed but you can see her lips curled into a dopey smile. Right, no cock blocking. Your gaze flickers to where Hoseok is seated. Okay girl, you got this. No time to be a chicken or Taehyung and Yoonji will never let you live it down.
Your leg collides with his when you sit down and your poor heart is once again fluttering. Should you let it stay there or should you move your leg? Why are you suddenly so self conscious about every move you make around him? The answer was obvious but let a girl stay in denial, please.
Unbeknownst to you, the man sitting next to you was going through his own inner turmoil. Should he act like his usual self? Should he be chill? Should he try to flirt? He wants to put his arm around you, but what if he came on too strong and scared you off? Before the both of you noticed, the film was already ten minutes in, popcorn in your hands untouched.
“Hey, Hobi! Y/N! If you two aren’t gonna eat your popcorn, pass it on!” Taehyung shouts over the movie with a mouth full of popcorn.
He pulls you out of your thoughts and you grimace at the way the light from the television makes the butter grease around his mouth shimmer in the dark room.
“You’re disgusting. Swallow your food before you speak, you heathen. And for the record, we aren’t sharing.”
Hoseok grabs the bowl from you, smushes it into his chest, and grabs a large handful shoving it into his mouth as if to prove a point. Several pieces of popcorn fall out of his hand back into the bowl. In his haste, he gets grease all over his outer mouth. Your mind dares to flash a dirty thought about the lubricant on his lips and you cup a hand over your mouth. 
Oh god. 
Your brain really just went there. 
You make a point to ignore the way your body heats up and instead reach over to wipe the oil off his mouth with a swipe of your thumb. He looks at you quizzically and when you lock eyes you both freeze. His eyes grow comically wide, his jaw locked mid chew.
Hold on. Did you just touch Hoseok’s mouth? With your thumb?
“Gross.” Taehyung grumbles at the sight of you and turns away to focus back on the movie.
You pull away quickly and shift in your seat. “S-sorry your mouth was dirty and, um, well, sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. Um… thank you.” He wipes off the remainder of what you miss with the back of his hand and offers you a sheepish smile. And with that, you fall into another silence, popcorn once again forgotten. 
Great. Back to square one.
By the time the end credits roll out, everyone is dead asleep save for you who remained wide awake thanks to your very imaginative and hyperactive brain. You decide to disregard the awkward cloud that hung over you and Hoseok tonight to figure out all your sleeping arrangements. It isn’t unusual for everyone to crash at the host’s place, drunk or sober, so it shouldn’t be too much trouble. You arch your back off the couch and stretch your tense body, letting out a soft moan as your muscles loosen up.
“Hey, Hobi?”
When you don’t get a response you look over to find him leaned against the couch with his eyes closed and lips scrunched in a small pout. His chest raises rhythmically and you feel bad for having to wake him. You’re nearly tempted to push back his hair to get a better look at his sleeping face. You scoot closer to him and shake him by the shoulder while softly calling his name. He jolts slightly and his eyes flutter open, scanning the room until they fall on you. Your breath hitches in your throat seeing his eyes slowly light up with recognition.
“Hobi,” you try again, voice quiet so as not to disturb him, still in a state of slumber. Your hand rests on his arm and you can’t find it in you to remove it.
He calls out your name, tenderly, carefully. You bite your lip to hide the way it wants to curl into a smile at the way he whispers your name. You don’t realize how close you’d gotten to him until his hand moves a mere inch to rest atop yours. You twist your hand up until your palms are touching. Your fingers instinctively curl around the slots between his own. You feel his fingers twitch but neither of you makes a move to actually embrace, instead reveling in the way both of you vibrate with warmth.
“Sorry I woke you. I just figured you wouldn’t appreciate having everyone drooling all over your couch and carpet tonight.”
He shifts in his seat so that he’s sitting upright and squints at the fallen figures scattered around the room. Then he shrugs.
“Who gives a fuck. Let them sleep there.”
You giggle at his remark and nod in understanding. It would only be too much work to try to move them and you definitely did not want to deal with a drunk and sleepy Yoongi.
“Why don’t you go sleep in your room then, and I’ll see you in the morning?” You take the popcorn bowl laying haphazardly on his lap and set it on the coffee table in front of you. 
“No, no. You go sleep there. I’ll sleep here tonight.”
You scoff. “You don’t need to be a gentleman, my dude. This is your house, it’s late, and we both need to sleep.”
“You’re exactly right, it's my house. My house, my rules. And I say that you’re sleeping on my bed tonight. I won’t let you take the couch.”
“Do you want to share it with me then?”
Your words die in your mouth and you gape at him. He nods and says, “That’s what I thought.”
“Oh my god, you are insufferable. Fine, take me to your room. Wait.” Your ear begins to burn as soon as you blurt out that sentence, the insinuation not lost on you. Oh god, why did you have to say it like that? “I mean, uh, er, I’ll just go by myself.”
“Nah, don’t worry about it. C’mon, I’ll take you.”
If he’s flustered by your request, he doesn’t show it. Instead he helps you up from the love seat and leads the way to his room. Despite having been to his house many times, you’d never actually seen his bedroom. There was never a need to go in there and now the first time you’re going in is after you find out he likes you. It’s a lot to process.
His room is a lot cleaner than you thought it’d be. The first thing to catch your eye is a shelf filled with a mixture of figurines and music albums. You appreciate that he hasn’t abandoned his likes and hobbies for the sake of appearing more mature. Beside it is a desk littered with books and paper scrap, presumably for work. In the left corner of his room rests his bed; a thin wool blanket lies unmade at one side.
“Sorry my room is so messy. I didn’t think anyone would be sleeping in here tonight,” he says as he rummages through his drawers.
“If you call this messy, you don’t wanna see my room,” you mutter.
He says nothing back until he finds what he’s looking for. He calls your name and tosses a large shirt and gym short your way.
“You can change into those. I think they’ll be comfier than what you have on right now.” He turns away and scratches the back of his neck. “Um, I’ll, uh, let you do your thing and, um, I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Thanks, Hobi.” You reach out for his hand and squeeze it. He’s blushing again. You like it when he blushes. Maybe you’ll have to initiate this more often. Holding his hand, that is.
“Goodnight, beautiful.” The giggle that escapes from your lips causes his heart to soar. He looks at you standing in the middle of his room and smiles. It’s something he’s only dreamt of and he knows it’ll be a portrait etched into his memory for a long while.
You wait until he’s closed the door behind him to soak in the feel of his room. This is the room where he sleeps in, where he changes in, where he… Nope. Not gonna go there. You strip off your clothes and discard them in a pile by the bed. The shirt he gave you is thankfully oversized and you decide to forgo the shorts. No one’s going to come in tonight and you loathe wearing pants to bed. After climbing into Hoseok’s bed, you’re hit all at once with his scent. Fuckfuckfuck. He smells good. Your brain seems to manage only that one thought. Again, it’s a lot to process.
Does he have a side of the bed he prefers to sleep on? Does he have a preference at all? Does he sleep fully clothed or… You gasp at yourself and shake your head. Bad thoughts. Unnecessary thoughts. But not unwelcome thoughts. You spend the next while thinking back on the unexpected turn of events that transpired the past two weeks.
Hoseok has been a continuous and pleasant presence by your side. What was once only brief greetings in passing easily evolved into a comfortable friendship. As easy as it was to befriend him, your relationship never became stagnant. There was always something new to learn about each other and it didn’t bore you to talk about topics you’d already previously discussed. It definitely helped that he was just as eager to talk with you. Now you know part of the reason why he seemed to like being around you so often. Not that you’re opposed to it.
Your mind wanders back to earlier this evening when his hand rested on your hip. It was such a foreign feeling but you liked it a lot more than you anticipated. If you think really hard you can still feel his touch. You lied when you told him you didn’t know. You felt everything the moment he put his hands on you, from the way his bicep flexed against your back to the way his fingers absently circled your clothed waist. Almost like it was meant to happen. You can’t stop the smile and warmth that spreads on your face and you roll around the bed, squealing into your hands.
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“Bye teachers!” Your last student waves goodbye as they leave with their older sibling.
You both wave back and resume cleaning up the classroom after your last activity. There’s not much left to do thanks to the children helping to clean up before it was time for them to leave. You grab a disinfectant and wipe down the snack table while Hoseok neatens up the rows of desks and chairs.
You may be a bit distracted at the bright blue striped collar shirt that pulls taut at his chest whenever he pulls his arms back. He has at least three buttons undone, not that you’re counting. You’re wiping until the table suddenly disappears beneath your hand and you nearly fall on your face. You catch yourself just in time and move onto the next table, pretending as though nothing happened. He clearly saw you though, if his snickering in the corner is anything to go by.
“I’m about done, Hobi. How ‘bout you?” you ask him as you shove the last of your paperwork into your work bag.
“Yep! I’m good to go.”
He’s fidgeting by the door when you finally grab your bag and walk towards him. His eyes are downcast and worries at his lower lip, but you don’t press him about it. Instead, you nudge his shoulder and motion for him to leave with you.
When you exit the building, he asks, “Are you doing anything this weekend?”
A smile creeps up on your face. “No plans. What’s up?”
You already know the answer and your heart rate is picking up the pace from the anticipation. He curls his pinky finger around yours, eliciting a contented sigh from both of you. He hums thoughtfully and swings your hands around as the both of you walk to the parking lot at a leisurely pace. Neither of you seem to be wanting to leave this moment just yet.
“If you’re not busy, I’d like to take you on a date tomorrow.” His voice is firm and unwavering.
Your smile only broadens. “I think I’d like that a lot.” 
He nods shyly and his face beams at your reply.
“So I was thinking—and if you think it’s a lame idea please tell me!—but I was thinking, since you’ve recently started a rock collection, maybe we could… go to the river and find you some rocks? Maybe you can help me find some rocks too?”
You didn’t think your smile could grow any bigger. It’s been a few weeks since his accidental confession and you were truly moving at a snail’s pace. Not that you weren’t grateful for it. It’s really allowed for you to take the time to evaluate your friendship and your newfound feelings for the man walking beside you. You’re stealing glances at him more often these days, thoughts straying to how he’s doing. Your phone’s found a new activity, consistently vibrating with text notifications from him. He makes you happy.
You’d been waiting for him to ask you on a date. Yes, it’s the 21st century and no, you don’t need no man to make the first move, but you still wanted to wait until he initiated it. You’re almost surprised by his date suggestion, but you know Hoseok. The wonderful man has always been thoughtful and considerate of his friend’s passions and hobbies. You just didn’t expect him to be so in tune to your interests. Knowing he was aware about your current rock obsession causes an eruption of butterflies and giddiness to flutter in your chest.
“Oh, wow! You’re full of surprises, Hobi. Of course I’d love that! Maybe we can even have a little picnic afterwards.”
“I think I’d like that a lot,” he echoes your previous words. “So, it’s a date then?”
“It’s a date.”
He still hasn’t let go of your pinky finger by the time you reach your car which automatically unlocks from your near proximity. The day still has so many hours until sundown and already you’re buzzing with excitement for tomorrow. Neither of you have stopped smiling since you left the classroom and you decide to give him a surprise of your own.
“Close your eyes for me?”
He raises a brow at your request but complies and shuts his eyes. You wave your hands around his face to confirm they really are closed. Once you’re certain, you grab onto his shoulders for leverage and tiptoe upward to plant a kiss on his cheek. With a teasing smile, you rush into your car. He jolts, eyes shooting back open at the sound of your car door closing. Giggles escape your lips, watching him standing in a daze. You wonder if he’s as out of breath as you are, despite not having done anything cardio related.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Hobibi,” you say as you reach across the opening to poke his nose.
His lips curve into a lopsided grin and he moves to brush his lips against your finger. You shiver at the sensation. He starts walking backwards to his car and brings 2 fingers up to his forehead to salute you.
“See ya, beautiful. I’ll call you tonight?”
Your heart leaps at how hopeful he sounds. “I’ll be waiting, handsome!” 
You wait until he’s inside his car, wave goodbye one last time, and then drive off.
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By the time he walks you to your apartment after your date, the moon has risen high in the sky and encompasses the both of you in a faint glimmer.
Today had been the perfect day to go to the river and you both spent hours crouching in the river bed, your faces nearly touching the water in order to see the rocks clearly. It had truly been a wonderful date and you came home with a good handful of small river rocks to add to your collection. 
You love that this wasn’t a conventional first date. It did, however, bring a different type of first date anxiety because of the fact that you were already friends. Sweet Hoseok didn’t let the nerves take control though. He’d pulled you into the cold water with him as soon as you got there, effectively washing away all worries. You shared plenty of laughs and water fights today. You’re still damp from spending so much time in the river and while the evening breeze should have sent goosebumps all throughout your exposed skin, you’re instead filled with a cozy warmth merely being in the warm and calming presence of Hoseok. 
“I had a great time today, Hobi. Thanks for taking me out to find cute rocks.”
“And thanks for making me wet,” you add for good measure. You snicker under your breath when he chokes on air.
“Oh my god. Um, you-you’re welcome. Your rocks are just as cute as you! Um, and thanks for packing us delicious food.”
It’s entirely too amusing seeing him flounder at your brazen declarations. You liked this shy Hobi. Actually, you’ve come to find you like a lot of different Hobis. The one who brings you tea every other morning at work, the one who walks you to your car even when you’re not teaching a class together, the one who has recently started calling you every night just to say goodnight, the one who blushes any time you compliment him, and most definitely your favorite: the one who has given you a beautiful friendship as the foundation of this newfound relationship with one another.
You have always loved how his smile seemed to shape into a heart. A beautiful physical display of the love he so eagerly and openly shares with the world. Here in this moment though, you know this smile was only for you and you are suddenly so eager to kiss those heart shaped lips. You sigh happily and reach up to smooth down Hoseok’s wind blown hair. You clasp your arms around his neck and bask in the stillness, soaking in the memory of his glowing face under the moonlight.
“Don’t forget to take care of your rocks, okay?”
“Yes, Ms. Y/N.”
“Gross. Don’t call me that,” you scrunch your nose in distaste and push him away. “You can go home.”
He laughs again and grabs your face to plant a kiss on your forehead. “I’m glad you had fun. Go rest up, okay?”
Okay, so maybe you were kidding when you pushed him away. He moves to let go but you grab onto his shirt and lick your lips in anticipation. Maybe you weren’t taking conventional steps and yes, there is that unspoken social rule not to kiss on the first date but you don’t care. 
Some time halfway into the day, you were swept in a sudden wave of acceptance—of your feelings for this man, of toeing the line between friends and potential lovers. For the remainder of the day you were plagued with thoughts about how kissable his lips are. Splashing him with water until he was soaking wet did not help your dilemma. You zone in on his lips and surely he picks up on your cues because he removes your hands from his shirt within seconds and keeps them clasped in his hold. Your eyes quickly shoot up to glower at him. He chuckles and swipes a thumb across your lips, his expression mirthful.
“Let’s take it slow, yeah?” An echo of what he had said that fateful night in front of his apartment.
You quietly grumble in understanding, knowing he was right not to rush into this, earning you a beautiful laugh to slip from his annoyingly beautiful mouth.
“I won’t say no to another kiss on the cheek though,” he teases.
You scoff at the audacity. “You’ve lost that right. Goodbye!”
He laughs at your outburst and learns forward for another kiss on the forehead. With a final wave goodbye and a heart ready to burst, you head inside. In hindsight, you should’ve known Hoseok’s a glutton for “taking it slow.”
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Tonight you’re at his apartment to Netflix and chill. Literally.
It’s been several official dates—and many more unofficial ones in between—throughout the three months since your first date. Many cuddles, many accidental boners pressed against your thigh during said cuddles (leading to some awkward repositioning and pretending it never happened), and many kisses shared all around your faces save for your lips. You’re cuddled up against him tonight watching a rerun of Running Man when you’re hit with a pang of need that you’ve become intimately familiar with these days. 
You want to kiss him. Every time you get too close, though, he’d move away. You try not to let it get to you. You really do. But it’s hard not to feel the sting every time you’re rejected. You know he likes you and he knows you like him too. Amidst these thoughts, your mind drifts back to the day you finally confessed that you liked him too. You suppress a laugh thinking about how much of a blubbering mess he’d been. You just wish you knew why he didn’t seem to want to kiss you.
Thinking about all the times he’s rejected your advances completely kills your mood. You unconsciously pull away from him and scoot closer to the other side of the loveseat. Tears are pooling under your eyes and you’re blinking furiously, willing them to disappear. You don’t mean to suddenly feel this way and you certainly don’t want to ruin the good atmosphere tonight. 
Hoseok laughs and comments on something in the show but you can’t bring yourself to muster up fake enthusiasm. You feel something rub against you and you flinch until you realize it’s Hoseok pulling you back to his side. His face is masked with worry and he rubs your arms in a comforting motion.
“Hey there,” he murmurs. “What’s wrong?”
You shake your head and adjust your posture on the couch. His eyes furrow at your lack of response and he pauses the show. He shifts to face you and holds your hands.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You bite down on your lip, willing yourself not to cry. You’re usually not embarrassed to cry. In fact you’ve cried many times in front of Hoseok, but those were different times. You don’t want to scare him away. Of course, your body never does like to listen to you. Your chin quivers without your permission and it was like the dam broke. Hoseok’s frown only deepens and he immediately scoots closer, cupping your face in his hands. Your eyes flutter close, completely embarrassed that you’re crying in front of him.
“Oh god, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cry.” You try to move away but his hands hold your face firmly in place, wiping at your tears with his thumbs.
“Baby, don’t apologize. If you really don’t wanna talk about it I’ll drop it. I will. But you know that I’ll make time to listen to you whenever you’re ready, right?”
You take in a deep, shaky breath. The pet name doesn’t help with your already frazzled emotions and you whisper, “No, it’s…we—I can talk.”
He doesn’t speak, instead waiting for you. You’re tempted to ask him to forget it and pretend you’re okay but you know if you never address this, you’ll continue to be stuck in this limbo and you don’t know how much longer you’d be able to handle it. Might as well be direct about it. Beating around the bush never did anyone any favors.
“Why don’t you want to kiss me?” Your voice cracks and comes out weaker than you meant it to. The following seconds are completely silent. You can’t even hear Hoseok breathe. His lack of reaction causes fresh tears to fall down your face.
“I’m sorry,” you both say.
“I-I thought we’re good now, you know? And, I don’t know, I figured that since we—”
“Wait. Wait, baby let me speak first. Please?”
You hiccup and nod your consent. His thumbs stroke both sides of your face, continuing to catch your tears. His brows are still wrinkled and you want nothing more than to smooth them out.
“I’m sorry,” he says again. “I didn’t realize it was hurting you this much and I’m sorry I didn’t notice… I know it’s selfish of me and it’s not a good enough excuse but to be honest I don’t think I’d be able to deal with it. And I’m gonna sound really corny but I just know if I kiss you once, I’m scared I may never want to stop and if… or when you decide you don’t want me anymore, um,” he pauses to lick his lips and laughs nervously. 
You flinch at his words. Was he still holding onto that? Your heart now aches for an entirely different reason. It hurts that he still thinks you’re unsure about your feelings for him. Has he been stressed about that all this time?
Before he can go on, you push him until he’s resting against the couch cushion. You swallow down your insecurities. It’s something you can come back to later. Feeling bad about him not wanting to kiss you holds little value when he’s been worried about this for god knows how long. His hands fall from your face and you maneuver yourself until you’re straddling him, giving him no chance to look away from you. It’s true that he liked you first and that he had longer to realize his feelings for you but you knew what you felt for him was genuine. You were in this for the long run and tonight you want to make it very clear to him.
It’s your turn to hold his face in your hands. His eyes glisten with unshed tears and your heart lurches. “Do you still think that I don’t like you? That I don’t want you? I’m sorry I must not have been a very good girlf—” You stop yourself barely in time. You didn’t mean to let that slip. You’ve yet to establish your relationship with Hoseok, and you didn’t think it was a good time right now. Your blunder didn’t seem to be lost on him though, as you feel his heartbeat race against your chest and his grip that found purchase on your hips tightens.
“I may have been unsure in the beginning, and it may have been new to me at first but my feelings for you now… I love being your friend but you know what? I also love getting to know this other side of you. This side of you that only I get to see. I like when we pretend that we accidentally color code our clothes at work. I like it when our students and our stupid friends tease us. I like that you send me ugly cat memes and that I can send you stupid tweet screenshots. I like it when you come home with me to cook dinner for us. I like all of it.”
You pause to give him some time to let it sink in. He’s staring at you with so much longing and hope that it almost scares you, but you know you yearn for him just as much. If this goes well, maybe you can be scared together.
“I don’t want to go back to being just friends, Hobi. I want to keep exploring life with you.”
His palms are hot against your hips and his breathing becomes erratic. You lean into him until you’re certain he can feel your heart beating at the same frantic rate as his.
“Do you feel that?” He nods. “You do this to me. And... as for my daily problem down there,” you flush, looking down at where you’re connected below the waist. You look up to see him just as flustered, “is because of you too.”
“Loving you... falling in love with you is so easy.”
You feel his breath hitch at your implied declaration. And you realize your mistake too late. Was it too early to say it? Is it too late to take it back? He makes no move to say anything so you attempt to do damage control. In the form of distraction.
You lean even closer into him, pressed flush against his chest until your lips brush against his earlobe, knowing full well this was his weak spot, and say softly, “So there’s this guy I’m into. He’s really tall and handsome. He likes to drug himself up with caffeine every morning and will one hundred percent drop 200 bucks for limited edition shoes without a single thought. Can you guess who it is?” You don’t give him a chance to reply. “It’s you, Hobi. It’s you and only you and I really, really like you.”
Your confession is honest and true. What happens next is entirely unexpected and you would have fallen off his lap if not for his firm grip on you. He practically lunges at you and before you can process it his lips are moving roughly against yours. You had always thought your first kiss with Hoseok would be soft and slow, much like how he’s moved throughout your budding relationship, but no. He kisses you with a hunger you didn’t know he was capable of. He nips at your bottom lip, earning him a soft groan from you.
“What are you doing to me?” he murmurs into your lips.
You don’t respond. You can’t. Your brain is still trying to catch up and process what just happened.
You pull away from him and you blurt out dumbly, “Oh my god you’re kissing me.”
He laughs contentedly and nestles his face in the crook of your neck. He plants a faint kiss, causing you to shiver against him.
"You drove a hard bargain. I couldn’t not kiss you after that.” A quick peck on the lips. “And for the record, I really, really like you too.”
“Kiss me again, Hoseok.”
“Yes ma’am.”
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The wind tries to steal your hat away but you hold onto it before it has a chance to fly off. It’s a breezy day today and your boyfriend had the absolutely brilliant idea to teach you how to longboard.
This brilliant idea ends up being him skating down steep hills at the park while you walk in the grass behind him. You had shouted at him several times to slow down or he’d end up hurting himself but of course in typical male fashion, he ignored you every time.
You’re in the middle of firing a comeback at Yoonji’s most recent text about how gross you and Hoseok have become now that you’re a couple when you hear a cry from your boyfriend several feet away. He’s going down a rather steep hill when the wind picks up sudden speed. Loose gravel breaks his smooth run and you watch in horror as he loses balance and tumbles onto the pavement. He hisses as his skin skids against the rocks.
You stash your phone into your purse and run to him. As you get closer he schools his pained expression, in an attempt to hide any pain he may be feeling.
“I’m fine.” He attempts to reassure you before you can start fretting over him.
You immediately kneel down in front of him, ignoring him and grab his hands to assess the damage.
"You shouldn’t have gone so fast,” you scold as you rip out a few alcohol wipes from your bag. You’ve heard one too many horror stories about people injuring themselves falling off skateboards, so you’ve learned to keep several wipes and bandages handy when you found out Hoseok owned a few of his own. You carefully wipe down his scuffed palms and arms. You worry about his knees too but that’s something you’ll have to take care of at home.
He silently drinks in the image of you kneeling between his splayed legs, tending to his barely-there wounds. His heart may very well burst right there. You blow on his hands and flick your eyes up briefly to find his face mere inches from yours, looking at you with such a fond look.
“Ah, babe you’re too close to me,” you mumble shyly and lightly push him a few more inches away.
This only prompts him to lean in even closer until your foreheads knock together and his nose bumps with yours. It’s been several months since you had the “kiss talk” and made your relationship official. It’s been several months and yet your heart is still sent into a panic when you catch him staring. It’s barely your fault that you react physically when he makes you so nervous. You squeak and push his face away from you, causing him to fall over. His chuckles morph into a gruff wheeze as he falls. Embarrassment momentarily gone, you fuss over him again.
“Hobi! Oh no, I’m sorry!”
He lunges for you and pulls you down on top of him. Unfortunately for him, you didn’t expect him to grab at you and you brace your legs for your eventual fall.
“Oof! Oh god!” He exclaims in pain.
He recoils from you and grabs his crotch, rolling away into a fetus position. “Oh god, baby please be more gentle with me! I won’t be able to put my babies in you if you break me!”
You both freeze from his declaration. You, more so in shock, and he, in mortification. You’ve certainly had your fair share of heavy petting and make out sessions since that night at his place… Okay, fine so you can’t keep your hands off each other for even one day and you kiss every chance you get, but you have yet to go any farther than that with one another. Your sanity has been slowly dwindling the longer you go without knowing how he looks and feels. Hearing him basically say he wants to cum inside you in the near future has you perking up instantly. You watch as his eyes grow comically wide and he immediately sits up, pain forgotten.
“Oh shit shit shit. I said that out loud didn’t I? Oh god. I’m sorry I didn’t—I didn’t mean to—I mean it’s—I know we only just started dating and we haven’t even talked about sex yet and—I’m sorry. Oh my god.” He buries his head in his face, ready for the earth to swallow him whole.
You tug at his shirt and focus intensely on where your fingers are fumbling with his shirt and mumble barely loud enough, “I wouldn’t be opposed to it, you know?”
He swears he feels his dick twitch. Great. It’s not broken. Awesome.
When he doesn’t respond you continue on, “W—well not right now!" 
He snorts. "Obviously not. We’re in public, silly… Unless you’re into that? I mean it’s not my thing but I’m willing to try it if you want us to—” Your eyes widen at his bold declaration and slap a hand over his mouth to prevent him from finishing that sentence. You can’t lie though, the idea has you quivering on your knees.
“Hobi!” You hiss. “I meant not for a few months!”
His eyebrows raise and you’re quick to fix it. “I-I mean next year?”
You feel his lips curl into that awful smirk he fancies anytime he turns you into a blubbering mess. Then you feel something thick and wet against your palm.
“Ew! Hobi!” You pull your hand away from him. He leans into you, tongue still out, and licks your lips before you can shrink even further away. You don’t have the energy to protest again, too engrossed on how good his tongue feels.
“Don’t tempt me with the patience game because we both know I’d win.” He grins when you pout at him because you know he’s right. “I can’t wait to explore this new territory with you, baby.” 
You flush at his remark and stand up to create some distance to prevent yourself from doing something stupid.
“I need to find your skateboard,” you breathe out and run away from your cheeky boyfriend. 
“Longboard!” He corrects you and watches your figure trail away from him.
Hoseok muses how he got so lucky that you, the one he’d been pining after for years, actually reciprocates his feelings. He picks himself off the pavement to help you find his longboard. He thinks he’ll hang it up somewhere in his apartment later today as a commemoration of this lovely date. And he definitely can’t wait to get home and find out how long it’ll take for you to break underneath him.
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a/n 2.0: HI ISN’T HOBI HOBI JUST A DREAM???? i hope you liked this fic 🥺 pls share your thoughts with me💗 my asks and dms are always open 💕 like.....always.... <<3333
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(gif credit: @jengkook)
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julies-butterflies · 3 years
Kiss prompt 25 with boggie (and maybe hinting toward Sickfic cause you know I love when these boys suffer 👀👀)?
50 types of kiss prompts  //   accepting!!  ( for jukebox, willex, reggielukejulie, boggie )
25.   Wet kisses after finding refuge from the rain.
                         ( read on ao3 here! )
It says a lot about the current state of his life (and friend group) that when Bobby wakes in the dark to the soft echo of someone rummaging around in the loft, his first thought is not “someone broke in”, but “which one is it?”
Slowly, he pushes himself upright. While he doesn’t remember dozing off in the garage, the evidence is all around him. His back is stiff from dozing on the couch in an awkward position; his calculus textbook is still wide open on the table, the equations he only half-finished sitting next to it. Here’s Bobby’s first clue  ---  someone picked up his pencil, and made a few hasty, scribbled corrections in the margins, solving one of the problems he wasn’t able to get.
He’s also sure the blanket covering him now was folded on the other end of the couch before he passed out... and, leading from the doorway, a glistening trail of footsteps have tracked their way across the garage floor, leaving puddles along the way.
He sighs between his teeth, forcing himself to his feet. The trail leads across the floor, straight to the loft ladder. From the still-audible sounds coming from above  ---  not drowned out by the rain outside, which batters the windows and drums on the roof like the roar of a mosh pit  ---  the intruder hasn’t noticed he’s been noticed. Bobby takes care to keep quiet, ascending the ladder slowly. When he pokes his head through the floor, he has to squint to discern shadows through the dim light.
Sure enough --- there’s a dark figure burrowing around amid piles of junk. He’s wrestling with an old quilt buried at the bottom of one of the trunks, and losing. Even from a distance, Bobby can see the dark hair slicked against his temples, the water streaming from his sodden flannel to drench the wooden boards beneath him. He trembles in his damp clothes, shaky movements fueled by restless energy. No doubt, he didn’t realize how much noise he was making.
Bobby leans forward on his elbows, and rests his face against one palm. “For a second, I thought we had racoons. But racoons don’t usually stop to help with homework.”
The rustling stops cold. It’s a minute before Reggie turns; when he meets Bobby’s gaze, he looks like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar.
“I, uhh ---” He huffs, then shrugs, sending off a hail of raindrops. “Figured since I was already breaking and entering, may as well pay you back somehow.”
“You know you don’t have to, Reggie.” Bobby folds his arms, balancing his chin on top of them both; his foot scuffs idly at the nearest ladder rung. This is far from the first time one of the guys has shown up at Bobby’s garage unannounced; since he never leaves the door locked anymore, it can hardly be called breaking and entering. There’s a makeshift bed up in the loft, and spare clothes in a duffel bag downstairs. They’re always welcome when they need it.
“Yeah...” The word comes out hoarse; Reggie has to clear his throat, ducking his face back into the shadows. “I know.”
A part of Bobby wants to ask  ---  but there’s no point, when he already knows the answer. When it’s Luke, it’s his mother; when it’s Alex, it’s his atmosphere; when it’s Reggie, the world is just too loud. I like how quiet it is here, he admitted once. It feels like a home. (A home, not his home  — there’s a big difference.)
So, instead of asking, he just shakes his head. “You could’ve called me. Or Alex. We’d have come to pick you up, instead of —”
“Alex hates driving on a good day. You want him to go out at night? In the middle of a rainstorm? All the way down to the beach, just to pick me up?”
There’s an edge of real frustration in his voice; and it’s Reggie, so that’s worrying, but Bobby’s own temper can’t help responding in kind. “Well, it’s better than you on your bike, freezing to death! Reg, you’re almost blue.”
For some reason, Reggie chuckles at that, ducking his head again. His sense of humor is as crooked as a wire hanger. Bobby’s learned not to question it, or try to follow the strange routes his mind goes down. With Reggie, it’s enough to just be along for the ride.
No matter how he got here, Bobby reminds himself, the important thing is, Reggie's here. He made it here, where he knows he’s always welcome… and there’ll be time to tear into him for his dumbass choices another day. Tonight, only three things are important: Reggie’s here, Reggie’s safe, and Reggie needs to get dry.
“You’re not sleeping in the loft,” Bobby declares, glancing around the dimly lit ceiling room. Aside from the cobwebs, it’s drafty and leaky up here; Reggie will catch a chill in a second, if he somehow hasn’t already. When Reggie opens his mouth to protest, Bobby just shakes his head, nodding downstairs. “The couch is more comfortable. Grab a blanket, okay? And go through what we’ve got — you gotta change out of those wet clothes.”
For just a second, a smile flickers over Reggie’s face — there one minute, gone the next. He doesn’t say anything, only nods… but Bobby reads his relief clear as day, and his gratitude.
It’s enough.
(No, it’s not — but he can’t change his friends’ shitty lives, he can’t protect them from the world, so it has to be enough.)
Bobby slips back downstairs, and busies himself making the couch comfortable. It pulls out easily into a bed; there are pillows tucked behind it for rainy days just like this one. He folds the blanket that had been tossed over him, and clears some of his papers off the table, just to chase away the clutter. By the time the loft ladder creaks, a few minutes later, the couch is as cozy as it will ever get.
Bobby turns, and almost sighs in relief at the sight of Reggie — in dry clothes, a grey t-shirt and dark sweatpants that hug his bony hips. Bobby never likes to think about how thin Reggie is… but when it’s presented to him like this, so intimately, there’s no way to ignore it. (Home cooked meals, he suspects, are as rare in the Peters household as a trip to Disneyworld; no wonder Reggie inhales any food they put in front of him.) He still looks pale, skin paper white and washed out in the gloom. Though he’s run fingers through his hair, it’s still wild, flyaway hairs clinging to his brow. He hasn’t completely stopped shivering, either, but at least he’s settled down. 
“Here,” Bobby says, nodding to the couch. He can’t help cursing himself; clearly, his bedside manner deserves awards.
Reggie isn’t bothered. He just steps forward, that ghost of a smile back on his lips. “Thanks,” he murmurs, and says nothing more. When Bobby steps aside for him, he settles on the couch, tucking the blanket  around him. Immediately, like a leaf tossed into a windstorm, he starts shivering again. Bobby grimaces.
“So, when you catch pneumonia, is the plan to just ride it out, or…?”
Reggie glances up at him. His expression steals the words from Bobby’s mouth. There are dark circles under his eyes, standing out all the more in his pale face; his lower lip is bitten raw, flushed and sore, and hands fiddle restlessly in his lap.
“Bobby,” he mutters, and something in his voice is��� desolate. So absolutely freaking tired... drained and defeated... so wrong for a person like Reggie, who is made of enthusiasm. He’s the bubble of soda in a glass, the dancing blaze of a sparkler, the crackle of a firework, the lilt of a bass line. Reggie is alive in living color… and tonight, the rain has washed it all away.
Something in Bobby’s stomach twists. His heart rattles against the cage of his ribs. Impulse spikes within him, and he doesn’t realize what he’s doing until he has already settled onto the couch at Reggie’s side, and opened his arms wide.
“Okay. Bring it in.”
Reggie’s eyes widen. Touching isn’t Bobby’s thing. It’s Luke’s, sure, and even Alex’s. They’re both all about that casual affection, with too much love to be contained. Bobby shows his affection in quieter ways — a steadying hand, a late night drive, paying for take-out when he knows his friends’ pockets are light. He’s never been sure how to handle all the touching which comes with the package, with the Sunset Curve boys; he’s never known how to start.
Tonight, though, Reggie’s here, and he needs it. So, just for tonight, Bobby is officially a hugger.
“Come on,” Bobby encourages; and that’s all the prodding Reggie needs to gently tuck himself against his friend’s chest.
He doesn’t expect how well Reggie fits there, like a puzzle piece naturally slotting into place. He knocks the breath from his lungs without trying; even as long arms come to wrap around his chest, and a damp head ticks against his collarbone, it takes Bobby a minute to adjust. Yes, he asked for this — he reminds himself of that, as his own arms come up to wrap Reggie in an embrace — but Reggie’s so much better at it, and he’s not sure where to go from here.
“Bobby,” Reggie mutters into his chest. “You have to relax a little, otherwise how’m I supposed to?” He tilts his head up. “I’m the half-frozen one here, but you’re like hugging a scarecrow.”
Bobby snorts. Reggie looks up a little more. His eyes shine dark in the dim studio light as his brows furrow. “Do you not want me to —“
Bobby hushes him with a shake of his head, and pulls Reggie closer, tucking the blanket around them both. Slowly, he leans back against the couch. It seems like the thing to do to relax — and Reggie agrees, if the soft noise of contentment he makes is any clue. He’s still shivering a bit against Bobby’s chest; his voice carries an ominous rasp, and whenever he breathes out, it sounds unsteady. Bobby brushes against his bare arm, and is immediately struck by how cold Reggie still is; even holding him like this, the chill begins to seep into his own skin.
Bobby will soak up every ounce of it, if it means Reggie can be comfortable again.
So, he pulls Reggie close, rubbing a hand up and down his back in broad, earnest circles. He breathes out against the crown of Reggie’s head, hot and repetitive; a few times, he even rocks him, just to get the blood flowing back through his limbs. Reggie doesn’t protest. He barely even moves. It takes a while for their legs to tangle together under the blankets. His arms tuck under Bobby’s; his ear comes to rest over his heart. Slowly, his entire body curves into Bobby’s own, ravenous for any ounce of heat a warmer form can provide.
Even as he does this, he seems to melt, and Bobby knows — just knows — this is the first chance he’s had to really relax in days.
“Exhale, Reg,” he murmurs without meaning to. When Reggie stirs against him, meeting his gaze with furrowed brows, Bobby is suddenly relieved he’s never been able to blush. (Compared to Reggie, who could gauge the weather by the color in his cheeks.)
Still locked into his gaze, Reggie breathes out, in one long gust. It chills Bobby’s jaw.
“You’re so cold,” he mutters.
“Not anymore,” answers Reggie. “Not with you.”
He’s left a damp patch against the front of Bobby’s shirt, and his hair’s still wet. As Bobby watches, a droplet trails its way down his temple, stopping just as it reaches his ear. Before Bobby can think twice, he brushes it away with one gentle hand… and allows his fingers to linger over Reggie’s jaw a second too long before pulling away.
Reggie isn’t staring into Bobby’s eyes anymore. He’s hypnotized by his lips.
And well, Bobby reasons, there’s no better way to warm him up.
That's his justification for not feeling like a horrible person, when he leans in and captures Reggie’s lips with his own.
There’s nothing forceful about it, nothing demanding; the last thing Bobby wants is to take, only to give what little warmth he can. Yet as Reggie stays frozen against him for a moment too long, an icicle of dread pierces Bobby’s chest. He’s just begun to pull away, an apology already on the tip of his tongue, when Reggie suddenly catches him by the back of the neck with one icy hand, pulling him back down.
Bobby’s breath catches; Reggie catches him. For a minute, it’s all either of them can do to be near each other, moving with and against each others’ mouths in slow, earnest rhythm.
Heat? Oh, no — heat isn’t a problem anymore.
When they finally pull back, Reggie’s lips are flushed, his cheeks bright red — there it is, Bobby thinks, with a flash of victory. His breath is heavy against Bobby’s chest, but there’s a smile on his lips all the same.
“I mean,” he says, and pauses for a breathless chuckle, “yeah, sure, that works too.”
Just as Bobby begins to smile, Reggie suddenly jerks forward. His laugh turns into a gasp — and then he’s coughing hard against Bobby’s collar, entire body heaving with it. It’s all Bobby can do to steady him, keeping one hand on his shoulders as he struggles to catch his breath, until the worst of it has passed.
“Damn it,” he mutters, once Reggie has gone limp again. “You’re totally gonna get me sick.”
“I’ll try not to,” Reggie offers generously against his collarbone.
“No, you won’t,” Bobby replies, knowing it’s probably too late already — and also, that he doesn’t really care, so long as he can keep Reggie warm and dry through the night.
When Reggie lifts his head to smile at him, Bobby brushes the rain out of his hair, and grins right back.
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novannna · 3 years
🏳️‍🌈 with novissa? maybe one (or both lmao) coming out to each other (u can also add in🌹if u want!)
tysm for the ask!!! this is kinda a train wreck, im not really sure what happened, but here you go <333
Nova pulled her hair out of her eyes, and crossed her arms.
“One more time.”
Honey sighed. “Nova, sweetie, we’ve been over it a million times. She likes you, she likes girls, there is no way for you to screw it up.”
“Wrong! We don’t know any of that’s true! There’s a million things that could go wrong! Again.”
Honey shook her head. “Fine. What are you wearing?”
“Button up shirt with a quirky pattern,” Nova gestured at the old shirt she stole from Leroy, colorful fabric beakers decorating the gray fabric. It smelled of chemicals and smoke, complete with mysterious stains and several holes, some singed around the edges.
Honey wrinkled her nose, but didn’t remark on it. “What else?”
“High waisted baggy jeans with rolled hems, combat boots, and your heart sunglasses.” Nova pointed at each thing in turn.
“Good. One last thing.” Honey reached into her jewelry bag, and drew out a pair of dangly earrings, with knives dangling down.
Nova raised her eyebrows. “Really?”
Honey nodded sagely. “Do you want Narcissa to know your bi, or not?”
Nova scowled, and snatched them from her hand.
“Alright, Nova. Remember, ask if she listens to girl in red, Clairo and Hayley Kiyoko, and Dodie are also a safe bet. Try not to sit normally, don’t order hot coffee, only iced.” Honey’s face softened. “You can do this Nova. And, if all else fails, just say you’re bi. I believe in you.”
Nova smiled nervously, her stomach a knot of nerves. “Thanks Honey. I should go.”
Honey shoved her, perhaps a bit too roughly, towards the tunnel exit. “Go get your girl, Nova.”
Outside, everywhere was plastered with rainbows, and signs, and flags.
Rainbows gleamed in every shop window.
And Hugh Everhart, and Simon Westwoods stupid, perfect, superhero faces were everywhere.
Pride month was good, Nova actually enjoyed it. She and the Anarchists celebrated it every year.
But they didn’t celebrate by putting the face of the most famous gay couple in the city everywhere, and call it support.
Nova felt sick to her stomach. Though that may just be nerves from the anticipation of seeing Narcissa.
Her heart skipped a bear, and her mouth was suddenly completely dry.
Narcissa was running towards her, a large tote bag slung over her shoulder, her red braid swinging around.
Nova forced her useless lips into a smile. “Hey Narcissa!”
The girl reached her, face red from exertion. “Give me.. Give me a sec,” she panted.
“Coffee!” Nova blurted out. Honey had said something about coffee, right?
“...coffee?” Narcissa echoed.
Nova flushed red. “Do you want to get coffee now?”
“Oh!” Narcissa nodded. “I’d love to.”
“Great.” Nova exhaled. She could do this. She had to do something about this stupid fucking crush. “I like coffee.”
Narcissa laughed slightly. “Yeah, me too. There’s a good cafe this way, if you want.”
Nova nodded, probably a bit too enthusiastically. “That sounds great.”
Narcissa led their way through Gatlon.
The warm blue eyes of Captain Chromium smiled down at her from every corner. Most were paired with tacky phrases, like, “Real heroes support LGBT rights” and “Be like the heroes protecting this city, and wear your true colors with PRIDE!”
Nova snorted.
“What?” Narcissa asked.
“It’s just..” Nova burst out laughing, and pointed at the most outrageous poster yet. Hugh Everhart stood in all his heroic glory, decked in a rainbow version of his iconic suit, his chest puffed out. We are HUGHe advocates for LGBT+ rights! read out, in bright rainbow letters underneath his feet. “Look at this shit! It’s ridiculous! And everywhere.” Nova struggled to contain her laughter. “Honestly, when I’m not too busy laughing at it all, it’s sickening.”
Narcissa’s eyes were bright wide. “What do you mean?” Her words were cautious, almost harsh. No more smiles, now her lips showed a hint of a frown.
“All this ‘Rainbow pride’, and sweet rot, Captain Chromium, and the Dread Warden are everywhere. Decked in complete rainbows no less.”
“Honestly Nova, I didn’t expect this from you.” Narcissa turned her head away, and stormed off.
Nova’s laughter died off. “Narcissa?” The red head ignored her. “Narcissa! Where are you going?” Nova sprinted towards her, and grabbed her wrist, forcing her to turn around.
“Let go of me Nova!” Narcissa wrenched her hand away.
“What did I do?” Nova demanded.
Narcissa scoffed. “What did I do? Please. Stop pretending you aren’t just another bigoted asshole.”
“Bigoted asshole? What the fuck are you talking about ‘Cissa?”
“You're just another homophobe. I thought you would have been better than that, but I guess not.”
Nova’s mouth fell open. “I’m not homophobic!”
“You were literally just making fun of pride.” Narcissa crossed her arms, and glared at Nova.
“Not of pride! I was laughing at how infuriating it is how companies are using our struggles and hardships to make money. How the fucking supercop gay powercouple are the only ones that ever get any publicity and support. I don’t see anyone else whose queer get acknowledged.”
“...our struggles?” Narcissa wasn’t glaring at Nova anymore.
Nova cursed. “This wasn’t how this was supposed to go?”
“How what was supposed to go?”
“I’m bi. I’m bi, and I really like you, and I didn’t know how to tell you, but, fuck, I just did, and crap im rambling, and I just-”
“Nova.” Narcissa smiled gently. “Shut up.”
Nova nodded, and shut her mouth tight.
“I’m sorry,” Narcissa mumbled. “I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. And, thinking you were homophobic. I shouldn’t have immediately thought that. It’s just… I really like you too. And I was… disappointed, I guess when I thought you were homophobic.”
Nova’s eyes widened. “You like me? You’re queer?”
“Look at me! Do I fucking look straight?” Narcissa gestured to her outfit. She wore a pair of worn overalls, and a graphic tee, an old cartoon character peeking out. Over it, she wore a paint splattered flannel. “I’m like the most stereotypical lesbian you can get!”
Nova blushed bright red. “In that case, would you want to make this a date?”
Narcissa rolled her eyes. “I suppose. But I had been planning on asking first. Just to be clear.”
“Of course you were.” Nova grinned, and slipped her hand into Narcissa’s. “I’m sure you were going to. I just did it first.”
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itsmoonphobic · 3 years
Dream SMP characters and my interpretation of them:
-Techno: The smell of Dirt and soil,blood,wine and old books. Silk pillowcases,golden jewelry,mosaics,stained fingertips, grand staircases,scented candles,storyteller,lazy smiles, secretive,slow dancing,sad resting face,elegant language,cold weather,confident,doubts himself,philosophy, messy braids,glowdust flakes, poetry,graceful movements,neat and cursive handwriting, greek mythology, oriental music,pale skin,libraries,sarcasm, long-lasting friendships,quotes,frosted windows,layering clothes, know-it-all,rude but endearing,pile of papers,cherry blossoms,muted colors,overthinks everything,devotion,logical thinking,insomniac,scattered mind,castle walls,laid back,tired eyes,long debates,show over tell,lingering touches,rulebreaker, dirty palms,old movies freezing feet,old habits,late nights studying,early riser,skips meals,eye bags,tea with milk,velvet jackets,dimly lit by streetlights,ancient wood floors,flowy curtains,art museums, gravely morning voice,echos in the middle of nowhere,sleepy whispers,nostalgia everywhere,red lipstick stains,loves animal more than people,calm and quiet, healing stones,parked car conversations,sharp jaw,obsessed with memes,violins,doves, doves,floats instead of walks,unbroken promises,twisting and winding hair around fingers,nail biting, repeating phrases,mist secret scars,rumors,always wearing earphones,metaphorical, emotions fragile as a flower, speaks with his eyes,fluttery eyelashes,dog lover,forehead kisses,calligraphy,pretty knives,cares too much,lopsided grins,messy desks,talks for hours no,rolling his eyes all the time,powerful strides,wants to conquer the world,slender hands,good grades, dusty book covers,wax stamped envelopes,vintage mirrors
-Phil: The smell of cold air,pine trees and sandalwood.Dead birds and mothballs,stops on the sidewalk to make sure nobody is left behind,morning person,herbal teas,crows,eats breakfast outside,constellations,family portraits on walls, chirping and whistling,crime documentaries,cool father figure, graveyards,weeping angels,meteor shower,many friends but only a single close one,contagious laugh,fragile teacups,fog, early mornings,fuzzy blankets,springs of thyme,bare feet, empty streets,rosemary stems,flickering lanterns,burnt wood bowls,feather collector,antique silverware,a sky full of stars, skylights,torn pages,overstuffed bookshelves,makes you feel comfortable whenever you talk to him,organized,full of ideas, believes in magic,gives the best advice,lost in his own way, warm hugs,scrapbooks and bullet journals,old cars,soft features,daydreaming,bright eyes,getting lost in the woods,moonlight,self knitted sweaters, stargazing on tailgates,the universe,hand in hand with wandering hearts, garage sales,questioning life but feeling at peace,attic bedrooms and haylofts,pursuing science and desiring art, photo albums,hopeless romantic,dark chocolate,open windows and quirky morning rituals,actually knows what brunch is, succulents,a kind-hearted loner,free-spirit,plaid button-ups, always ready to let you rant,abandons projects quickly, complicated past,bold moves,goes with the flow,aims for things that seem unachievable,lives in extremes,knowing smiles,constantly busy with something new,soft touches,love at first sight,naps alot,subsequent tea stains,sparkly eyes, abandoned barns,handwritten notes,feather quills,fascination with the sky,whispering secrets to the wind,great with kids, takes a backpack everywhere,hugs trees,big winter coats,road trips,knows tons of medical info,bites his nails,comforting presence,lost souls,city lights from a high rise
-Wilbur: The smell of fire,smoke,caramel and coffee. Stands up for people who can't for themselves,emotional wreck,loves his family too much but still yells at them,soft turtlenecks,sits in different spots every time he eats dinner,chipped nailpolish, songwriter,probably depressed,wakes up in the middle of the night to write down random thoughts,heartbroken teenager songs,dark psychology and deep meanings,globes and maps, wants to travel and make lots of memories,curls of steam, earbuds in,spattered ink,good singer,keeps to himself,old music and dusty vinyl,the type of person that you could stare at for hours,loud laugh,ride or die,dreams about his future, believes in fresh starts and new beginnings, messy and tangled hair,summer nights,soft features,deep thinker and dimples, having crushes,musicals and theater, half finished diaries and laptop stickers,mixtapes,quirky love notes, secretly kinda insane,always ready for coffee,thrift shops, beachy waves, bonfires,probably drives too fast,cutoff jeans, cream and sugar,nude colors,always creating new problems for himself, fights for equality,long debates and tired eyes, tapping a rhythm and humming quietly,spends all his time on social media,beanie galore,trench coats,foggy glasses,cozy sweaters, dancing around his room to the Beatles,looking out the window when the sun is setting,birkenstocks,guitar strumming on a warm summer evening,bells and chimes,subtle sadness, the feeling of diving into a deep pool,perfect proportions,too many playlists,holding hands,pretty boy,sew on patches and bomber jackets,candid photos,warm sun on bare skin,dancing silhouettes on the sunsets,beach walks at midnight,messy but cozy room,different mood every minute,singing his favorite song at the top of his lungs,sharp grins,haunted houses, paranormal stuff,late night snack runs with friends,explores creeks and lakes,double checks everything he does,walking through hot sand,backyard campfires,acoustic songs,photo booths,train platforms at night,s'mores,sun bleached arbors
-Tommy: The smell of plastic,fresh cut grass and musk. Does the bare minimum at School,unless genuinely interested in a topic,doodles on the side of his paper,movie marathons,empty coca cola bottles everywhere,rope swings,glossy nailpolish,lots of energy,life of the party, kidcore ,can always make you laugh,loves photography,eyestrain and bright colors,bruised knees and untied shoelaces,paperballs in class,brand new red converse,denim jackets,pins and clips,chalk drawings in the middle of the road,every text contains emojis, garden sprinklers,graffiti,wreck this journal,vibrant dyed hair, scribbles and highlighter pens,carnivals,involed in many things, watermelon flavored anything,loves to climb trees,screaming on playgrounds,oversized t-shirts,stained glass windows, anklets,skateboards and hula hoops,milkshakes on the front porch,social butterfly,always in a hurry,pinkie promises,tangled headphones,melted crayons and gummy bears,bean bags and hummingbirds,spinning around till he gets dizzy,chaotic and crazy yet so fun to be around,rushing into things too quickly, roller coasters and derbies,doesn't get knocked back by criticism,cans of fizzy drinks and neon lights,skips school,tye dye shirts and nitendo games,impulse and class clown,sticks stickers on stranger's things,pickpockets his close friends,has to carry a walkie-talkie around with him at all times,sleepovers and sneaking out through windows,pockets full of change and random buttons,stands out in crowds and makes friends easily, pretends to be fearless but is scared of the littlest things,trips and rips his jeans daily,uno cards,social butterfly,music discs, fights with his family but would actually kill for them,broken handwriting,flannels and jerseys around his waist
-Tubbo: The smell of honey,fresh bread and citrus. Lowkey soft, hugging a teddy bear,pressed flowers,eats alot of bread,big hoodies,fairy lights and blanket forts,prank calls while holding in your laughter,beeswax candles,sidewalk dandelions,gentle cuddles on the couch,pastel yellow and cute doodles,flower crowns and diasy chains,plays the ukulele,fascinated by bees and supports local coffee shops,outdoorsy sunshine addict, sparklers and iced lemonade,festivals with fireworks and fireflies in mason jars,homework done as soon as its assigned, watercolor paintings,giggling uncontrollably,long hugs and lazy cartoon afternoons,park dates and forehead kisses,cutting pants into shorts,messy wild hair and pear lollipops,has tiny random braids decorated with golden yarn,hearing the crinkle of leaves underfoot,suprise piggy back rides,adult swim shows and lip gloss stains,being goofy without meaning to,bounces in his step and stops to pet stray animals,baked bread and washi tape bracelets,bike rides and summer picnics,rolling down a hill in the spring and bringing home grass stains on his jeans, waving at someone across a crowded room,spontaneous hang outs and self made clay rings,sitting in the warm sunlit grass on early spring mornings,rock painting and hiding them for other people to find,picking apples from trees but needing to be held up in order to reach one
-Ranboo: The smell of peppermint tea,denim and rain. Is there for everyone but never themselves,regrets things they said but can never find the nerves to apologize,clumps of mascara and winged eyeliner,writes down every tiny thing in notebooks, loves children and their friends,forgetting that they already grabbed a waterbottle,drawing on condensation windows,rainy days and puddles,always on the edge of a breakdown,elevator music and long limbs,old tape recordings and cassettes,moss covered ruins and greenhouses,wanting to be in multiple places at the same time,different colored socks,long hugs and head pats,reading under the covers,collages and spray paint,record players and walks alone through the woods,loves playing by creeks and collecting stones,always wondering and worrying about things they shouldn't,vivid dreams and leather jackets, silver necklaces and piercings,snoozing their alarm clock, seeing the moon in the early morning,blurry photographs and windswept hair,downpours and comfortable silence,wrapping gifts and handing them over with shaking hands,sitting on a rooftop and spontaneous plans,lofi sounds and long train roads,deja vu moments,randomly dissapears and sipping tea, cold concrete and city parks,tickets and brochures from places they visited,dusty parchment and desperately trying to be a good person,wikipedia articles and lace-up boots,often loses track of time while talking to people they love,sings to the radio and avoids conflict if possible,can't sit still for five minutes, perpetually in an emo phase and knows more than they let on, hawaiian shirts,henna tattoos and sparkling water,sleeping in complete darkness and the relief of falling into bed,midnight thunderstorms and anticipation for the coming day,lucky charms and the sound of rain hitting the windows
-Dream: The smell of apples,eucalyptus,vanilla and green tea. Freckles and smiley faces,glow sticks and wrinkled linen, probably a really good singer,wild laughter and jellyfish, popular,tanned skin and cruising with the top down,doesn't take shit from anyone,analytical and self assured,beachy waves and dreamy sunsets,running barefoot,likes being active and on the go at all times,sassy and dramatic as fuck,dream catchers and hammocks,glow in the dark stickers on his phonecase, feisty and a sense of danger,brought home stray cats when he was a child,falling in love with strangers,waking up early and continue laying on the bed,golden hours and 4pm naps,soft aching hands burried in messy hair,center of attention,static and heavy breathing,old percy jackson books under the bed, throwing pebbles at the closed windows of his friends' room, retro diners at 2am,adrenaline junkie and nighttime thriver,will go insane if cooped up indoors for too long,deadlines till last minute,oversleeping and coming home past midnight,naturally a really good surfer,hugs from behind and neck kisses,checking the fridge at 1am,ice cream in bed and cat cuddles,always picks up over facetime
Might make more parts for some of the other guys :)
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yellowocaballero · 4 years
Hey wouldn’t it be funny if I wrote a crossover between canon and the roleswap AU.
So I did <3. There’s no reason for this to exist, I was just bored and self-indulgent and amused myself by thinking about how fucking insane the Space Cadet team has to be in comparison to canon. This takes place at S4 Canon!Jon’s time, and basically between chapters 2 and 3 of solitaire. It is not canon. Do not think too hard about it. Enjoy. Story under the cut. 
“Yes, in almost every way.” Jon wiped his mouth with a napkin, balling it up and dropping it on the table. “Jonathan Sims, thirty one years old, Aquarius. Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute. The Archivist.” He paused a beat, uncertain of how to broach this. “I think Helen may have deposited me in an alternate dimension? Best case scenario.”
Everybody stared at him blankly. 
“Well,” Basira said finally, “sounds like the kind of bullshit you get yourself wrapped up in, Jon.”
“I knew it!” Sasha cried, before deflating. “I mean, I didn’t, really, not at all, but that’s fascinating! Will you answer some questions? Who’s the Queen in your universe?”
“I’m back from the dead for a week and my life’s already stupid again,” Tim said blankly. 
“Two Jons?” Martin asked, far too excitedly. 
“Can I leave you alone,” Melanie gritted out, between clenched teeth, “for five minutes?”
Jon woke up at his desk, which was so common that it was somewhat pathetic. 
Not that a lot of things weren’t pathetic about Jon, but seeing as he no longer technically had anywhere to live he’d give himself a pass. Or was it pathetic to be homeless too? Jon felt strongly as if it was, but he was working on the judgemental thing. Martin had always -
Martin. Jon blinked blearily at his empty desk, scrubbing a little at the sleep that had accumulated in the corner of his eyes. Right. Speaking of pathetic. Jon didn’t like admitting that Martin was the first thing he thought about when he woke up and the last thing he thought about before he went to bed, but he was working on being more honest with himself. Denial about the situation didn’t do anyone any favors. Denial was what made him start stalking and hunting people like - like some sort of awful predator. No more denial. Jon knew who he was, and he knew what he was, and he was going to try and be as good a person as he can be despite it. It was the least he could do. 
Wait. Why was his desk empty?
It wasn’t completely empty. There was a laptop on the center of it, and some assorted papers stuck haphazardly underneath. The usual recorder was tucked into the corner, clicked off. He swiped his hand over the trackpad of his laptop, quickly logging in, and instead of seeing his usual research or theory maps, he saw...a video game?
Jon squinted at the video game. What was The Sims?
He looked around his office, well-lit with the harsh fluorescent lights. It was his office, complete with the couch on the far wall that Daisy had taken to napping on and the two walls of metal shelving that held filling boxes and collections of tapes. Several filing cabinets were lined up behind Jon, holding his favorite statements. Organized by Entity. He was quite proud of it. 
But the Statements seemed to be gone. Some loose papers were always scattered around, slipping out of boxes or sitting in haphazard piles weighed down by tape recorders. None of them were there. Basira must have taken them. Jon stood up, moving around the desk to pull out a box and peer inside. Empty. 
Some part of Jon’s brain, growing louder every day, wailed and gnashed its teeth that someone had stolen his Statements, his knowledge. Most of Jon was just worried over what Basira could possibly be doing with them. 
Unconsciously, Jon’s hand drifted down to his stomach. It was purely a habit, of course - the hunger never gave him stomach pains. He was so hungry all the time, he could barely feel it anymore. 
The Statements were all gone.
Was Basira trying to starve him out…?
Jon shook himself. She wouldn’t - well, she wouldn’t go behind his back to do it. She knew that he’d just start preying on people -
His life had gotten so pathetic. 
A loud crash and a yell echoed from the other side of the door, and Jon recognized Melanie’s voice. He winced, and decided to stay in his office for the time being. Best to stay out of her way. She always reacted somewhat explosively to him -
Then the faint, muffled tones of Martin’s voice echoed through the door, and Jon forgot all hesitation as he burst out of his office. 
The bullpen was just slightly different from where Jon had seen it last - the desks arranged differently, different detritus scattered around, no sleeping bags or hair dryers - but he wasn’t paying attention to any of that. He was only paying attention to Martin, who was sitting at his desk as easy as you please. He was smiling. 
Jon hadn’t seen Martin smile in so long.
He also hadn’t seen Martin wear those adorable little sweatervests in so long, but that wasn’t important right now. Jon cried out softly, like he had been punched - he did feel as if he had been punched, it wasn’t an unfamiliar sensation - and Martin turned slightly in his chair to look at him. He smiled when he saw Jon, so kind and happy and Martin, and Jon felt like he was dying at the sight of Martin just smiling, just looking at him. 
“Look, you don’t need to worry about me,” Martin was saying, to an unamused and remarkably composed Melanie. He held up a large combat knife, the metal glinting off the fluorescent lights. “Jon likes it.”
“See, it’s not you I’m worried about,” Melanie said, arms crossed. She was dressed - in her jeans and green flannel, like she used to. Her hair looked clean. The crop top, cut-off shorts, and fishnets, that Jon hadn’t seen her take off in the last month, where - “It’s poor Jon. He’s too desperate for affection to stand up for himself.”
“Jon, you okay?” Tim asked, sitting behind Martin and sipping a margarita. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
That was when Jon - hungry, tired, hallucinating - felt his legs give out. It was just in time, too. He collapsed to the ground just as Martin threw the knife, sending it whistling where his head had been half a second ago. 
Then he hit his head on the floor, and blissfully fainted. 
“ - she’s not his mother, it’s not Georgie’s job to make sure he eats.”
“It’s because Daisy isn’t here.” That was Basira’s voice, almost mournful. “Daisy always used to remind him to eat.”
“How did this guy make it to thirty again?” An unfamiliar voice asked. 
“If it wasn’t for this ragtag bunch of lesbians, I would have killed him months ago,” Tim said, then paused a beat. “What? I’m owning up to my mistakes.”
“Remind me to give you a sticker later,” Melanie said dryly. 
Jon opened his eyes, to see five faces crowded in front of him. They were all bending over him, identical expressions of mild intrigue on their faces as they bickered with each other. Martin looked very, very mildly concerned, as Melanie and Basira just looked exasperated. Tim - and the woman - who was the woman?
Instinctually, Jon reached out with his mind and sought the answer. But it was as if he was reaching with a limb that had been cut off. No, a limb that had never existed. Dazed, Jon lifted his real hand, if only to make sure that he could still move - and found himself staring at an unmarred, smooth, healthy hand. 
“Martin didn’t cut it off,” the woman said helpfully. She had a thick mane of curly brown hair, and brown skin a similar shade to his. She was holding a granola bar, and she easily stuffed it in his outstretched hand. “If that was a concern or anything. When’s the last time you ate, Jon?”
The question spent a spike of anxiety through him, Jon instantly interpreting it as an accusation. The granola bar wasn’t going to do anything. Of course he was hungry, he’s always hungry - 
Jon wasn’t hungry. 
Jon sat up, letting the assorted people, both alive and dead, step away. He mechanically unwrapped the granola bar and stuffed it in his mouth, chewing lethargically. It didn’t taste like sawdust and cement. It tasted like salt, and nuts. 
He swallowed the granola bar, forming a hypothesis. He looked at Basira, who at least was the most familiar here. It galled him even having to ask, not just knowing, but -  “What year is it?”
She stared at him, unimpressed. “If you hit your head we’re taking you to C&E. We can’t afford for you to get any stupider, Jon.”
“Your concern is noted,” Jon said, strained. 
“Don’t make fun of him, he’s a concussion victim,” Melanie scolded. She smiled at Jon - hideously novel. “It’s 2018. I’m calling Georgie and getting you home, you’re useless to us with a brain injury.”
He no longer had a hypothesis. Jon shook his head mutely. The last person Jon wanted to field questions from was Georgie. “I’m fine,” Jon said hoarsely. “I think I just need to - lie down a bit.” And not look at Tim. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, and was still slurping his margarita obnoxiously. He was leaning against a desk, somewhat heavily. “I’ll be fine.”
Everybody looked at each other, then shrugged. Melanie reached down and helped him up, gently pushing him towards the couch set up in the corner of the bullpen, and he found himself stumbling towards it and lying down. Martin loudly offered to nurse him back to health, which incentivized Basira and Melanie to quickly push him inside the recording room and lock the door for...some reason. Jon wanted to go talk to Martin, figure everything out with him. But he didn’t - paralyzed, or maybe just frightened, or maybe just very tired. 
The knife he had thrown was still lying on the floor, somehow innocently. The woman picked it up, inspecting it closely, and sighed. 
“There is something off about that guy.”
“None of them are ever going to believe you, Sash,” Tim said dully, flipping through a brightly colored magazine on his desk. Jon’s breath caught in his throat. “Melanie thinks it’s freakier if you haven’t stabbed anyone.”
This was it. This was when Tim would say, ‘Everybody wants to stab Jon’, or something. It’d be fair. If this was a dream, a fantasy of dead friends, then that’s what he would say. But he didn’t. Tim - strangely small, strangely gaunt, with hollow cheeks that reminded Jon a little of Daisy - didn’t look up at Sasha, flipping through his magazine, and Sasha avoided eye contact with him. She looked at Jon instead, from where he was lying on the couch, and gave him a strained smile. 
Jon found the courage to speak to her. It should have felt familiar, like Sasha, but nothing about her was familiar. He had listened to her tapes a dozen times, any scrap of her voice he could find, but - well, everybody sounded different on the tapes. “Sasha. Can you get me my phone? And a...Statement?”
Sasha brightened enthusiastically. “You want a Statement? Say no more, Jon, I’ll hook you up. Nice to see somebody taking an interest. Let’s keep this between you and me, okay?”
But she had already disappeared into his office, and the faint sounds of banging echoed throughout the room. Melanie and Basira were standing in the kitchenette, chatting lowly, Basira occasionally laughing at something Melanie said. 
Jon wondered where Daisy was, and instinctively tried to reach again before hitting that wall. He gritted his teeth, head still swimming. 
The most important thing was figuring out if this place was dangerous or not. Wherever he was, whatever was going on, he had to discern if it was a danger. Could this have anything to do with an unknown ritual? No, how could it? Elias? He wouldn’t put any of this past Elias. 
With a twist in his gut Jon remembered the cannibal priest’s Statement. Any suspicion of unreality, any feeling as if things were not as they should be...or was this a pleasant, Lotus Eater’s dream instead? If that was true, would Martin be throwing knives at him?
“Here you go! First one I saw on your desk.”
Jon sat up, mutely taking the paper and phone Sasha held out to him. It wasn’t his mobile - it was much nicer and sleeker than his own battered thing - but he had to assume it was Jon’s. He took the Statement too, scanning it quickly. 
Of course, of course. It was Anya Villete’s. Jon thought about this one frequently, captured by the prospect of multiple realities. Not worth the danger of exploring, but there was an intoxicating element of danger. Maybe the Jon that these people thought they were talking to had been reading it, and accidentally triggered something - 
“What did I say!”
Before Jon could react, the paper was unceremoniously ripped from his hands. Jon cried out helplessly, only to see Melanie standing in front of him with an unamused expression and his lifeline in her uncaring fists. 
“We’ve been over this,” Melanie scolded - scolded? “No statements, they’re bad for your tummy.” She frowned at Sasha, who didn’t seem very guilty. “And I told you to stop enabling him. He’s already sick, and you know these things upset him.”
“I’m gathering data,” Sasha said cheerfully. “Something weird was happening in his eyes when he was reading that Statement. Give it back, I need to record it.”
“Can I have that back, please?” Jon asked planatively. “I need it.”
“You do not.” Melanie folded up the statement tightly, shoving it in her jeans and ignoring Jon’s cry of despair. “If you’re feeling under-stimulated, go play knife monopoly with Martin. Otherwise relax and make sure you aren’t going to faint again.”
“I’m not going to -”
“I will call Georgie,” Melanie threatened, and Jon clicked his mouth shut. Melanie nodded, satisfied in having won the argument. If it was even an argument. “Sasha, if you let Jon find another Statement I will be locking the library and giving the key to Martin.”
“Yes, boss,” Sasha said, depressed. 
“Tim, you’re with me, we need to design our plan of attack for chasing down Daisy,” Melanie barked, and Tim straightened in his seat. Jon saw for the first time that there was a folded up cane on his desk. “I need your dumb fear demon powers.”
“That’s not how they -” Tim started, but at Melanie’s look he quailed. “Yeah, boss.”
“Great.” Melanie folded her arms, frowning down at Jon, and at the receiving end of the look Jon found himself quailing too. “If you leave the Archives to do anything other than go to the bathroom the rest of the day, I will tell Georgie that you were exerting yourself while sick again. And she will call you a poor little dear and give you lots of hugs and lots of soup. You will hate it. Is that clear?”
“Yes, boss,” Jon said, depressed. 
“Good. I need to go psychologically torment more people, I’ll be in the library. Tim!” She snapped her fingers, and strode off to the library as Tim scrambled up and limped after her. 
Jon watched her go dazedly as the library door clicked shut behind her. Sasha sighed and went back to her desk, cracking open the thick books on the top and relaxing. They weren’t even research books, just nonfiction about the Mayflower. Basira was back at her desk too, this time with her chin resting on her arms folded on the desk as she watched a...movie. Was that a romcom? 
This was dangerous. The situation was dangerous, doubtless the plot of some force or another that hated Jon personally and wanted him to suffer. He had to do some research, find out what was going on, track down Elias and find his power and dig into that source of infinite knowledge lying dormant in his mind, uproot every terrifying thing that hated him and shake them down for answers.
But he was more scared of Melanie. Just because she didn’t seem to have any knives on her didn’t mean that it was the case. Unless Martin had them all. So Jon lay back on the couch, rotely pressed in the passcode to his phone, and idly opened up the internet browser in complete comfort and relaxation. 
The couch was so comfortable and soft, in fact, that Jon soon fell asleep. Easy and smooth, as if he really was still a human, who needed sleep at all.
And when Jon dreamed, he dreamed of blissful and restful nothing. 
He woke up to someone shaking his shoulder, and Jon screamed himself awake as his eyes flew open. 
But it wasn’t anybody dangerous, or anything willing to hurt him. It was just - Basira. Just Basira. Jon exhaled in relief, ignoring Basira’s incredulous expression. 
“It’s five, we’re heading out. You feeling well enough for pub night, mate?”
They were going home. The strangeness registered first, the fact that Sasha was shrugging on a jacket and Melanie was stuffing a laptop in a backpack, before Jon remembered where he was. Or where he wasn’t. He mustered a faint smile for Basira, but judging from her frown it came out closer to a grimace. 
Pub night. They were going out for drinks, then going to their own flats. Eating dinner. Sleeping. Waking up the next morning, then heading off to work. The mundanity boggled. 
Maybe it was a Lotus Eater, Jon thought, dazed. A world where there were no Entities, no fears or harm. Where everybody was human, and happy. 
Maybe. He hadn’t actually been allowed to look at any of the Statements, so he didn’t actually know. He couldn’t imagine that this group would be so casual if the Statements really were true. 
Part of him wanted to beg off, curl up and sleep in document storage so he wouldn’t have to interact with these people for any longer. He was out of practice: these days he rarely had long conversations with anybody who wasn’t Daisy, and he hadn’t seen Daisy all day. Basira exchanged a few curt sentences with him each day. Melanie...cried and screamed, a lot. Not exactly conducive to social skills. 
  Sasha’s face was buried in a book, not even looking up as she navigated the desks. Tim was talking a patient Melanie’s ear off about Nietzche. 
“I think I can make it,” Jon found himself saying. “Just a pint.”
Besides, he had the feeling that if he curled up in document storage Georgie would...be mad at him. Or something. They were flatmates? Or something?
They walked out the door in a herd, talking and laughing. Jon found himself hanging in the back of the group, next to Sasha. She wasn’t looking up from her book, so Jon felt safe in staring unabashedly at Tim. He was using a cane, just like Daisy had for two or so weeks right out of the coffin. He even used it in the same way: not favoring one leg or the other, using it for strength instead of balance. Muscle weakness. He was just as emancipated as Daisy had been too, in that particular corpse-like way that made him look like a zombie. His hair was long and lanky, brittle strands reaching to his chin instead of his normal lush and gelled look. 
The faces in the lobby were the same - Sabrina behind the desk, Roy playing security guard - even as the decorations were different. No portrait of Jonah Magnus, or of the other directors. They broke out into the London street, as smoggy and crowded as ever, and Jon found himself trailing behind the others in a direct route to their usual pub. The same one he, Basira, Melanie, and Daisy go drinking at sometimes. Only sometimes. They went without him more often, but Jon didn’t blame them, really -
“Something on my face, mate?”
Tim’s wry voice startled Jon out of his reverie, and he flushed. Tim smiled at him, thinly and without humor, and gestured him forward as he dropped behind Melanie. Jon stepped forward, tucking his hands into his jacket, fighting the rising swell in his throat. 
“You’ve been staring. I’m not that much uglier, am I?” Tim asked lightly, a parody of his old good humor. That, at least, was familiar - Tim’s fragile and brittle humor, tightly leashing rage. 
“You...you look good,” Jon said. He buried his hands deeper in his jacket pockets, fighting the lump in his throat. He couldn’t stop himself from adding, “It’s good to see you again.”
It was probably a strange thing for Jon to say - but Tim just smiled, even more bitter than the last. “You’ve always been too nice for your own good, Sims.” First time that’s been said about him. “You forgive too easy.”
“Grudges...aren’t worth it, in my experience.” Jon exhaled slowly, watching Melanie’s red hair glint in the sunlight in front of him. “Life’s too short and all.”
“Really? Thought you people loved grudges.” Tim blinked a second, before clearly remembering something. “We love grudges, right. Still, Jon, I never really…” He trailed off awkwardly. “You know.”
He did not. “Right,” Jon said. 
“Apologized,” Tim said hurriedly, when it became clear that Jon wasn’t about to say anything committal. “For trying to kill you all those times. Uh, and trying to get you arrested. And helping frame you for murder. And that whole kidnapping incident -”
Something began to occur to Jon. A rational thought seeped into his brain. 
“In the woods,” Jon said slowly. “Because you thought I was a monster.”
Tim winced, confirming Jon’s suspicion. “Right. Trust me, I’ve had a lot of time to think, and I know I was wrong. I’ve turned over a new leaf and everything.” He brightened. “Did you hear I’m bisexual now?”
“Everybody heard you were bisexual now,” Basira said, bored. “Ten times.”
“Good for you,” Jon said, as sincerely as he could. “That’s...great. Bi rights.”
Tim beamed. “Bi rights!” He clapped Jon’s shoulder supportively with his other hand as Melanie held open the door to the pub for them, ducking inside. “Man, I never thought I’d see the inside of a pub again. I only got to go a few times with you guys before everything. Can Martin still hustle the room at pool?”
“One way to find out,” Martin said serenely. 
“Please don’t start a pub brawl,” Melanie said, pained. “We’ve been kicked out of three places already, I don’t fancy making it a fourth.”
But when Jon looked backwards, he saw Sasha looking up from her book, staring directly at him, blinking owlishly. 
They crowded into a corner booth, squishing up against each other and all talking at once. Jon wanted to drift towards Martin, get him alone and ask what was going on, but after one look at him eyeing up the pool cues speculatively he changed his mind. Only Basira was acting even remotely normal, so he settled for sliding in between her and Sasha. He was dizzy with the noise and the clamor of the familiar pub, overwhelmed by the familiar-unfamiliar tide of voices, and it was taking all of his energy not to spend hours just staring at Sasha, memorizing every line and crease of her face.
The first thing he did was order every single crummy, greasy, soggy serving of pub food he found on the menu, ignoring the way his Assistants laughed at him, before settling in the corner of the booth and pulling out his phone. Jon wasn’t even hungry - he wasn’t hungry - but he was shoving every soggy chip into his mouth until he puked. A human body was a drastically underrated thing. 
Out of curiosity, Jon turned on the front camera of his phone and scrutinized his reflection. He had noticed that his hair was shorter, tied back in a puffed bun instead of his customary ragged ponytail, but beyond that he hadn’t checked. 
He looked...good. No longer gaunt and malnourished, he was a healthy weight. No bags under his eyes. Well kept fade and modest, well trimmed facial hair. No scar over his throat, no circular worm scars.  That was less of a surprise - Tim, Martin, and Sasha were all missing the worm scars. 
His eyes were brown. Just brown. No electrifying green, no spinning iris, no churning wheel of knowledge. Just his normal, boring brown. 
He hadn’t known how much he missed it. 
As the others started arguing passionately about...vlogs? Or something?...Jon pulled out his wallet. Money had the same old Queen on it, along with his old collection of take-out receipts that had all started disappearing when he stopped eating. A photocopy of a picture of his parents, heavily worn and creased. Still an orphan, then. Jon missed the days when that was his biggest problem. 
His driver’s license was the same as ever too. Same name - Jonathan Andrew Sims. Same birthday - February 14th, which he had always considered life’s practical joke on him. The United Kingdom still existed, which was either a good or a bad thing. 
He replaced his wallet, ignoring Sasha’s curious stare, and pulled out his phone. He had only gone so far as making sure that major world events were the same before passing out. This time, he pressed his text messages, and scrolled down his most recents. As usual, it was only a few people - almost all of which were at this table - but there were a few other people too. 
Georgie was the obvious one, and the most recent. He clicked on that conversation, unsurprised to see an immediate photograph of the Admiral looking angelic as he rolled around in some grass in a patch of sun. 
Georgie: Baby at the park soaking in some rays!!! <3 <3 <3. I caught him terrorizing a stray dog. Naughty baby!!
Jon blinked at the message. The Admiral did seem a little...more evil, than he once did. Why were his eyes green? Underneath was Jon’s own text, sent twenty minutes before he had woken up that afternoon. 
Jon: He’s committing atrocities and you’re laughing. You’re laughing. 
Jon couldn’t fight a smile. He missed Georgie. 
He switched over to the text conversation just underneath. He squinted at the contact name. That couldn’t be right. 
Gerry: can u pick up milk from aldis? and scented candles
Gerry: for necromancy reasons
Jon: Can you raise the dead tomorrow? Helen said she wants to talk to me so I may be home late. If you don’t hear from me in five hours she’s likely kidnapped me. As a heads up. 
Gerry: I’m making Georgie give Melanie the money to buy that toddler leash she’s always threatening to get for u. If u die im not resurrecting u. 
Jon: Have fun with one less person to share the rent
Gerry: we dont PAY RENT
Gerard Keay. Jon blinked at the phone. That conversation raised as many questions as it answered. Gerard Keay was alive? He was Jon’s flatmate? He practiced necromancy? None of it seemed very relevant right now, but it made Jon wonder who else was resurrected from the dead. Was necromancy common in this universe, like knitting?
Still, Helen explained quite a bit. It also suggested what Jon was already wondering: that the supernatural was far from foreign. If Helen was supernatural, and not just...a jerk. 
If Tim was an Avatar of the Hunt...if he had been in the coffin...and Daisy’s been hard to track down…
Jon was interrupted in his increasingly coherent train of thought by his food arriving, and all thoughts were thrown out the window. His basket of fish and chips slid in front of him, and he wasted absolutely no time in cramming the fries into his mouth three at a time, not wasting time salting or putting vinegar on them. They were dripping with crease, soggy and burning his tongue. 
They were perfect.
The waiter, looking somewhat intimidated, slid his bacon butty on the table too, and Jon took barely a moment to swallow before stuffing that in his face too. Bacon, butter, brown sauce - it exploded on his tongue, a cavalcade of salt and seasoning. Increasingly terrified, the waiter put his pie and mash on the table and quickly fled, as Jon finished cramming the sandwich into his mouth before moving back to the fish. It was hot, crackling on his tongue, strong and fishy and perfect.
Jon looked up from his food long enough to grab a glass of water and gulp half of it down. It wasn’t until he put his glass down that he saw the looks on the faces of his Assistants. All of whom ranged from frightened to terrified.
  Everybody except Martin, whose chin was propped on his hand and was sighing dreamily. “It’s really hot how you can pack it all away, Jon. Do you want to come over to my flat and let me cook for you? I’d make a lot of food. ”
Jon choked on his fish.
That was it for Sasha. She slammed her book down, expression intent, and jabbed a finger at a now wheezing Jon. “Jon would never choke at Martin’s creepy flirting! That isn’t Jonathan Sims!”
Jon stole Tim’s glass of water, ignoring his squawk, and downed that too. 
Now everybody really was staring at him, and Jon felt heat rise to his cheeks. As the kids say, busted. He should probably stop eating and make his escape while he still could, before Tim decided to change his mind on his ‘murdering Jon’ stance. 
But outside did not have pub food. Inside had pub food. Jon made his decision with the knowledge that, if his Assistants reacted from a reasonable place of Imposter-based trauma and killed him for pretending to be Jonathan Sims, he’d deserve it. He was not moving from this spot until his food was gone or his Assistants killed him. 
Jon finished off Tim’s water, dropping it back on the lacquered table, and hoarsely said, “I’ve been having a very strange day.”
Nobody leaped for his throat or pointed a gun at him, which was always nice. It was more than Jon had been expecting. Instead, everybody looked at Melanie, who narrowed her eyes. Jon realized, a second too late, that they were waiting for her. Whatever happened to him, Melanie would decide. 
...why Melanie? 
Melanie rested her elbows on the table, steepling her fingers in front of her mouth. She locked eyes with Jon, breaking him down like a judge at a dog show, and Jon tried to shovel mash in his mouth as innocently as possible. 
“Sasha. What’s your evidence?”
“He’s been acting weird all day,” Sasha said promptly, as if she’d been expecting the question. She shifted her arm purposefully, and Jon realized with a start that she was concealed carrying. Was that legal? “Jon never asks me for Statements outright, he always just sneaks them behind Melanie’s back. If he really fainted because he was hungry, he would have eaten his lunch too, instead of just my granola bar. And he hasn’t talked to Martin since he fainted - he isn’t even sitting next to him.” Sasha drew herself up triumphantly. “And, he looked actually scared when Martin threw that knife at him. He’s never scared of Martin. He normally just role-plays the fear bit.”
“Which I appreciate,” Martin said supportively, making Jon blanch. That elicited more suspicious looks from everyone, which Jon couldn’t even begin to parse. “But he has been acting strange today, hasn’t he?”
“Tim?” Melanie asked sharply. 
Tim sniffed loudly, wrinkling his nose a little. “Smells like him.” At Melanie’s intense look, he grudgingly added, “No sawdust or plastic. Flesh and blood, boss.”
Jon began stuffing forkfuls of pastry and meat crumb from the pie in his mouth as Melanie went back to squinting at Jon. Not glaring - just an intense, sidelong look, fingers steepled in front of her. “You aren’t denying it, Jon.”
Jon mumbled something. 
“Swallow your food.”
Jon carefully swallowed his mouthful of dough. “I have not eaten human food,” Jon said delicately, “in five months. I will answer your questions momentarily.”
And then Jon cleaned all three of his plates, to the dumbfounded looks of his Assistants. 
Finally, after everybody else’s drinks had arrived - including Jon’s pint, which he reached for so quickly that Martin stole it away from him and refused to give it back - and Jon had cleaned all three of his plates, he felt ready to talk. He thumped on his chest, burping a little, and leaned back in his plush seat. Melanie was nursing her pint, sipping from it slowly, as Basira gave him her usual ‘I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you’ look. 
“Okay,” Jon said finally. “I apologize for not - ah, clarifying before. I thought I was dreaming. To be honest, I worry that I’m still dreaming.” He looked down at his empty basket and plates. “I dearly hope that wasn’t human flesh or something horrid like that.”
Sasha perked up. “Like in the cannibal priest statement? That’s fascinating -”
“Shut up about cannibal priests,” Melanie groaned, and Sasha guiltily shut up. Oddly rude, but nobody seemed surprised. “You are Jon, right?”
“Yes, in almost every way.” Jon wiped his mouth with a napkin, balling it up and dropping it on the table. “Jonathan Sims, thirty one years old, Aquarius. Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute. The Archivist.” He paused a beat, uncertain of how to broach this. “I think Helen may have deposited me in an alternate dimension? Best case scenario.”
Everybody stared at him blankly. 
“Well,” Basira said finally, “sounds like the kind of bullshit you get yourself wrapped up in, Jon.”
“I knew it!” Sasha cried, before deflating. “I mean, I didn’t, really, not at all, but that’s fascinating! Will you answer some questions? Who’s the Queen in your universe?”
“I’m back from the dead for a week and my life’s already stupid again,” Tim said blankly. 
“Two Jons?” Martin asked, far too excitedly. 
“Can I leave you alone,” Melanie gritted out, between clenched teeth, “for five minutes?”
Then everybody was talking over each other, arguing and exclaiming and yelling, and Jon frantically drank his pint. They were so loud. 
Finally, Melanie chopped a hand through the buzz, and everyone quieted. She pursed her lips, looking Jon up and down, and he anxiously let himself get looked at. “How did you know it was an alternate universe? What’s the difference?”
“Martin threw a knife at me and Tim and Sasha are alive,” Jon said instantly. 
“I’m not actually dead in your universe,” Tim said quickly, “just trapped in an infernal demon hell coffin. If you can get me out, I’d be really thankful -”
“No, you’re quite dead,” Jon said apologetically. “That happened to Daisy in my universe, though. A - a lot of what you did here, I think, Daisy did.” He looked at Basira, frowning. “Where is Daisy? She’s not…”
“She’s fine,” Basira said curtly, folding her arms and leaning back. “Having lots of fun ditching us and having fun at her little secretary desk. It’s fine. I don’t care. She can do what she wants, she’s an adult.”
“Basira’s been pining tragically ever since Daisy ran off to go work for Peter Lukas,” Melanie said sympathetically. 
Jon felt a little called out. “Ah. That’s - that’s very unfortunate.” He slowly turned to Martin, who still seemed caught up in the ‘two Jons’ aspect of this. “And you’re...you would define yourself as full of rage?”
“At all times, all the time, without cessation,” Martin agreed affably. “Why? That’s not weird to you, is it?”
“Uh huh.” Jon slowly turned to Sasha. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to insult you, but...did you happen to once work as a Constable for the Met?”
Everybody winced. Sasha sighed. “I regret all of my actions and I’m very sorry that I was once a pig and I’ll never do it again because I value due process now.”
“Word, sister,” Tim said, raising his pint. 
“Hm,” Jon said, far too much coming together.  But that left a big question, one thing that didn’t make sense. “What about me? Do I - eat trauma?”
Basira stared at him blankly. “You try, sometimes, but we usually just spray water at you until you stop.”
“That explains it,” said Jon, despite the fact that it didn’t explain anything. 
“Your questions are pointless, and this is a waste of time.” Melanie clapped her hands sharply, making everyone straighten to attention. She stood up from her seat, everybody scrambling to protect their glasses as Melanie clambered on top of the table. “Helen! Get out here!”
“She’s not - she’s not Beetlejuice, you can’t just call her name and make her appear,” Jon said blankly. “How’s she even supposed to hear -”
“She can hear me just fine,” Melanie called, “because she’s been sitting at the bar this whole time.”
Everybody’s heads craned around to look at the bar. Through the stream of people, carrying drinks and laughing, Jon could faintly make out a tall, willowy figure with a large afro sitting on a barstool at the bar, tapping the rim of one elegant martini with a long, manicured fingernail. 
Then she swiveled around, and Helen grinned broadly at all of them. She waved cheekily with one hand, fingers waving and rippling strangely in the dim pub lights. “Hello! You rang?”
Melanie jabbed a finger at the table pointedly. “Michael’s too young to be here too, Helen!”
“They’re eighteen, they’re a big non-Euclidean concept!” Helen tittered, as she hopped of the stool. Jon’s draw dropped as a much smaller, slight figure next to her hopped off too. They were a teenager, with a curly mop of blonde hair and big, watery blue eyes that seemed just a little strange. Everything about them was on the edge of familiar, and not in the usual way of the Spiral. 
“She was waiting for us to figure it out,” Basira murmured, catching Jon’s attention. “It’s definitely funny to her.”
“Helen defined schadenfreude, I’m afraid,” Jon said, depressed, as Helen and her tagalong popped up at the edge of their table. Melanie had said Michael - and the kid did look like Michael, younger and alive and wide-eyed. Their watery eyes caught on Jon, and they tilted their head curiously. The sight of them hurt Jon’s head more than the Spiral usually did - a testament to the human body he was borrowing. 
Human. That was no defense. He was vulnerable, and judging from the angle of Helen’s smile she knew it. 
“Enjoying your vacation, Archivist?” Helen tittered, folding her hands girlishly as Melanie hopped off the table and back in her seat. “I’ve been having so much fun in this universe I thought I ought to bring a friend! Buy one plane ticket get one free, you know. I have this coupon for a great spa around here -”
“Helen,” Melanie intoned dangerously.
Helen tittered a nervous laugh. Was she...scared of Melanie? “Don’t worry! Your darling little Jon’s perfectly safe. He’s having a great time in one of my favorite dimensions, this wonderful post-apocalyptic adventure with a werewolf -
“Helen,” Melanie said slowly, danger building with every word, “we talked about what happens when you remove Jons from their native ecosystems.”
“They get sick,” Michael said somberly, nodding their head. “An’ wilt.”
“It is very stressful for the Jon, Helen. You know what we don’t like?”
“A stressed Jon?” Michael volunteered. 
“Yes, Michael.” Melanie smiled pleasantly at Helen, who blanched. “A stressed Jon. Because when Jon gets stressed, my girlfriend gets stressed. And when my girlfriend gets stressed, I get stressed. And when I get stressed, everybody is about to have a very bad time. Get it? Helen?”
“Completely understood, very sympathetic, I see your point completely,” Helen said hurriedly. “Really, you can say that I did my dear Archivist a favor! He hasn’t had a human body in almost half a year, the poor dear was so sad about it. It’s a break, really!”
Tim squinted at Jon. “You’re really full on fear demon, then?”
Jon squirmed guiltily, ashamed.  “I prefer the term Avatar. But...yes, I’m an amoral monster distant from humanity, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Melanie said impatiently. “You’re about as far from humanity as I am. Having stupid superpowers or cramming shitty food into your mouth doesn’t make you inhuman, it just means you hang out with the wrong crowd. Go back to your own universe and get some rest, I bet you’re stressing out all your friends.”
“I’m really not,” Jon said weakly. “I - I really only have one friend.”
“No wonder you look so tragic all the time,” Sasha said thoughtfully. “Jon gets all mopey without affection. Like an unwatered plant.”
“I eat trauma,” Jon said, bewildered at the perception of harmlessness. 
“You and half of the YouTube vlogging community.” Melanie clapped her hands again sharply, pulling everyone to attention. “Helen. Put Jon back where he came from or so help me.”
“Ruining all my fun,” Helen pouted, but at Melanie’s glare she sighed. She held up one hand, and static rippled through the air. The hand elongated, twisted, and turned into Helen’s signature lengthy claw. Michael eyed it with interest, before holding up their own hand and doing the same. “Fun while it lasted, Archivist! Now hold still. I wouldn’t want to lobotomize the wrong lobe.”
“Nice meeting you,” Sasha said politely, to a very freaked out Jon. “Don’t come back, though.”
“Come back if you want,” Basira yawned. “My life’s boring, spice it up a little.”
“Sorry I’m dead in your universe or whatever,” Tim said, waving a hand. “Life and death is meaningless anyway, so I’m sure it’s for the best.”
“I want my Jon back,” Martin complained. “Go on and get out, then.”
“Tell your friends what we told you,” Melanie said. “Don’t they know that you get all tragic when you’re lonely?”
And Jon didn’t know how to say it - that they didn’t know, or if they did then they didn’t care, because they had so many bigger problems than if Jon was sad or not. With Elias’ strange plans, with Jon’s encroaching monsterhood and his slow and steady starvation, with Martin’s loneliness and Basira’s desperation and Melanie’s instability, Jon’s feelings were the least important thing in the world. 
Did it matter, to anybody but Jon, that he thought of Martin first thing in the morning and last thing as he went to bed at night? 
“Hold still and look straight at me!” Helen said, and Jon had to be thankful - because that let him look at Sasha and Tim, eyes wide and intrigued, as Helen speared her finger through Jon’s forehead. 
Jon blacked out, but the images of Sasha and Tim stayed burned behind his eyelids. He dreamed calm dreams, of him and Martin and Sasha and Tim, laughing together, as the world faded away.
When Jon woke up, it was with a crick in his neck, and he knew immediately he had fallen asleep on the battered old couch in his office again. 
There was a heavy weight on his chest, and when he pried his eyes open he saw the top of Daisy’s head in front of him. Dusty blonde hair pooled on his chest as Daisy snored, deep asleep, arm stretched over his torso. 
The taste of salt and grease was on his tongue, and Jon let himself go back to sleep. The dreams would be terrifying and desolate, but at least in them he was never hungry. 
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