#that damn cliffhanger left me so frustrated in the best way possible
claremikas · 2 months
the third book in the bloodsworn trilogy is gonna come out around october and i honestly can't wait for it
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ssson-of-sparda · 3 years
Two Dresses (Dante x Fem!Reader)
Summary: Patty desperately wants to know what happened between Dante and Y/N. Hopefully, Morrison is here to help. (Part 3 of A Tab To Erase) (Part 1) (Part 2)
Tags: Pre DMC3 Dante / Dante is Tony Redgrave / Love / Fluff / Slight ANgst / Implied Sexual Content / Explicit Language
Author’s note: Part 3 is out. Sorry for keeping you waiting. The story is coming to its end. Only one or two chapters left.
Indifference is the worst form of contempt. But how can you be indifferent when a squeaking tiny voice as unbearable as fingernails on a chalkboard constantly splits your ears with endless whining? Dante wished to know.        “Pleeeeaase Dante. You promised.” Patty begged again as she almost sprawled on the man’s desk, strangely not caring about the grease or the tomato sauce that were disgustingly splattered on the wooden surface.      “I didn’t do such thing.” Dante nonchalantly took a bite of his pizza, trying to ignore Patty’s pleading blue eyes and her feeble attempt at convincing him to tell her the rest of his ‘love story’ (she had decreed it was one) with Y/N. “Come on, Dante! You have to tell me!” The frustration in every single word coming out of her mouth was growing stronger. You could hear it in the way her voice was becoming more and more piercing by the minute. And in spite of all the time spent with Patty, Dante had never succeeded in really ignoring her childish whims. “Don’t you watch TV shows?” She added. “You know full well I don’t.” And it was the truth. Except for adults programs once in a while, Dante cared less about television, contrary to Patty who was a professional binge-watcher capable of watching a dozen of episodes a day and still yearning for more.        “Well, even if you don’t, haven’t you ever experienced the frustration of a cliffhanger? Like, in Bolero in Spring, when Jenna has a car accident right after she decides to run after Josh to finally tell him he is the love of her life and that she loves him too and you know you’ll have to wait a whole week to know what happens next?”                Dante’s brain shut down after the first question, or maybe even before that, finding a not-so-surprising fascination for the slices of salami on his pizza and their perfectly round shapes. “Like I told you, I don’t watch TV.”      “Haven’t you ever longed for anything?”            “Yes actually. Right now, I long for peace … and quiet … and for you to finally shut up.” The girl glared at him, shooting daggers at him as sharp as a thousand Rebellions.
“What’s going on here?” Relief immediately shone in both Patty’s and Dante’s eyes when Morrison pushed the door of Devil May Cry, replacing the tension in the room with paternal warmth that was so like him.                 “Morrison! You got to help me. Dante doesn’t want to tell me what happened between him and Y/N” She complained with her small fists clenched tightly, a childish attitude that would have made Morrison smile if it hadn’t been for his surprise.“ You told Patty about Y/N? How weird of you.” “Not for free.”  “You know her, Morrison?” There was a gleam in Patty’s eyes, one only curiosity and excitement could create.       “By reputation. Everybody in the mercenary business knew who she was and was aware not to touch a hair on her head. I bet even demons knew. Y/N. Tony Redgrave’s beautiful girlfriend. And probably the only girl that could make Dante act somewhat … mature.” He said as he chose his words wisely, though he wasn’t sure they were fit for the memories of Dante he had in mind.                  “ What are you talking about? I’ve always been mature.”        “ Yeah. Because eating strawberry sundaes and pizza everyday is very adult.” Dante frowned, pretty sure he had once heard a similar reprimand coming from someone else’s mean mouth. His mother? No … but close. “Have you been spending time with Trish lately?”           “ Stop changing the subject and tell me the story!” Dante eyed at Morrison with an insisting look that meant ‘Get me the hell out of here.’ but today, he would not receive any help from his friend. “You know she won’t let go, Dante. So, should I tell her or should you?”              Dante sighed. “Two dresses off my tab and it’s yours.”
Two star-crossed lovers in fair Redgrave City, where we lay our scene …
Are you kidding me?! What? I thought you loved that kind of lovey-dovey crap. Dante! Fine …
The rest of the story was no Shakespearian play. There was no betrayal, no sword fighting, no friend or parent tragically murdered, no forbidden love, no unfair ending, no … Who was Dante kidding? There was all that and worse. Another reason why he hated Shakespeare so much.                But when love started to bloom and with it the chances at a normal peaceful life, Dante never considered those dramatic events. Not even a slight second. After all, he was an overly enthusiastic nineteen year-old with the girl of his dreams on his arm and a long-awaited roof above his head. What could go wrong? Especially when all he thought about, all he imagined were simple mornings waking up with the one he loved so dearly and nights with his silver head in between…
“In between what?” “ Y/N’s fingers... Y/N’s fingers of course.” “ You’re not so good at making this story family-friendly you know that, Dante?” “I’m doing my best here, Morrison.”
And his epicurean – though quite lewd - plans were all shared to the utter despair of Y/N’s parents who constantly reminded Y/N of the big mistake she was making in getting involved with a boy like ‘that vermin Tony’.                 “What about college? What about that confortable life we wanted for you? How can you throw all this away for that boy?” Dante remembered the time Y/N’s mother had said that with a menacing finger and a poisonous tongue. That and the infamous “Is breeding with that trash and raising his filthy bastards truly what you want Y/N?”    So long the time that family had generously taken him under their roof for a few days. Guess money does make you stuck-up assholes after all. That’s what he had wanted to reply. But instead, he had just stood still, arms crossed over his chest and had remained silent, out of respect for Y/N and also because, deep down, he was sometimes thinking the same.
He wanted the best for Y/N. He wanted to give her the best life had to offer, all the things she wanted, all the things she needed but he only had a few dollars in his pocket and a list of debts he didn’t really know how the erase. And even though she seemed like she didn’t mind now, what would happen in a few years, or even just a few months. What would happen when the little he had to offer would not be enough anymore?
“Will you love me all the same in a few years?” She asked him, soft hands placed over his strong naked chest and (colour) eyes staring deep in his looking for the truth. “I’m sure I will love you even more if that’s anything possible.”               “Then stop worrying and stop with the silly questions already.” And she kissed him with all the comfort and the love she could gather. She kissed him like there was no tomorrow, like there was just them, only them, together, on that mattress on the floor in this furniture-less and decaying shop he had just been allowed to rent for an astronomical amount of money. “A neon sign.” “ What?” Dante asked a bit confused.                  “You should get a neon sign, like the one my parents had at the restaurant.” She added with a soft smile. “You want me to get a pink neon sign?” He joked and took delight when she laughed. She was so insanely beautiful when she was laughing. “It wasn’t pink. It was red.”                “ My coat is red. That sign was definitely pink. And pink doesn’t scream ‘menacing devil-hunter in the house’?” “Menacing devil-hunter?” She repeated, arching an eyebrow suspiciously. “Where?” Dante looked at her smirking mockingly at him. “Watch it you!” He pushed her on the mattress and went to lie his burning yet still sweaty body over hers to place a multitude of hungry lovely kisses on her neck, wishing this moment would never end.
But it ended, as all good things end eventually. Thanks to Enzo Ferino, once again. That piece of shit had the knack to ruin things after all.                “Tony! Per l’amore di Dio! Tony!” He shouted from downstairs, visibly alarmed if not terrified. “Speaking of the Italian midget.” Dante sighed, his lips still on Y/N’s skin, thinking that maybe ignoring Enzo would make him leave. “Tony!!!”           “Damn it.”          “Pretty sure the menacing devil-hunter hiding in this shop will scare him away?” Y/N taunted again and Dante grinned before pressing his lips on Y/N’s one last time. “Oh, he sure will. Wait here. I’ll be right back.” Dante said as he reluctantly left his girl’s loving embrace to put on a pair of pants and go welcome his unwanted guest fidgeting in the hall.                    “ You’d better.”
“It better be important, Enzo.” Dante demanded as he lazily walked down the creaking stairs to show him how annoyed he was to see him here. “You’ve just ruined a perfect moment with my girl.”               “Y/N? Y/N is with you?” The man’s eyes were widened with fear and distress and even though Dante knew how much of a coward Enzo was, he had never seen him that way. “How many girls do you think I have?”  The short man leant against the wall and took a deep sigh. “Well, that’s relief I guess.” Dante frowned, unsure if he should remain annoyed or start asking questions. Hell, why not both. “Will you tell me what’s going on?”     “A man came to Bobby’s Cellar. Looking for you.”          “Not a first.” Dante walked pass Enzo to grab a bottle of whisky he had left early on on one of the many boxes he had not yet unpacked. “One of Denvers’ goons presumably.” He leant against the wall and took a mouthful of amber alcohol, thinking about the girl waiting for him upstairs and how he should have never left her.        “No. Not Denvers. That man was working alone and he asked about a certain Dante.” The half-demon froze for a second and his blue eyes darted a brief astonished glance at his partner. A man looking for Dante - Dante, not Tony - was no good news. “I said I didn’t know any Dante but then he described you and I thought che cacchio è. Then he threatened me and … He was scary, Tony”     “What did you tell him?”  Dante frowned. He had the feeling Enzo had fucked up. He could feel it in his guts. Otherwise he would have never rushed to his new place in the middle of the night to warn him. “That you weren’t here. That you certainly were with Y/N. And then he had me, Tony. I …” “ You mentioned Y/N?” Enzo took an immediate step back when he heard the anger in Dante’s voice. “ I … I’m sorry. He … He tricked me.” Then he took another step and another one, trying to stay as far away as possible from Dante, until his back bumped against the door and he was able to spot a terrifying red flame burning with rage in the mercenary’s eyes who was towering him menacingly. “What did you say about Y/N?”                           If the weird man in Bobby’s Cellar had scared the shit out Enzo early on, what he had felt back then was nothing in comparison to he was feeling right now. Paralysed with fear, he couldn’t move anymore, couldn’t speak. He could only stare at the raging fire in Dante’s eyes and feel a burning warmth emanating from the young man’s body against him. Were those the flames of Hell? Was he about to be punished for his sin? For betraying his partner?    “What did you say?” He shouted and Enzo trembled and squealed like a pig, arms covering his face to protect himself. Yes, his man Tony was about to flay him alive. He was sure of it. “What are you?” He mumbled.
“Tony.” Enzo thanked all the gods for that divine intervention. Though whom he should have truly thanked was Y/N and her soft reassuring voice that had miraculously pulled Dante from his dark rage.
I like her. Dante smiled.
“Stop please.” Enzo felt Dante calm down and when he finally walked away from him, the small man took a deep breath. “If something happens …” Dante didn’t finish the sentence. He didn’t need to and Enzo was already nodding furiously. “I know.” He blindly grabbed the handle behind his back and quickly opened the door to run away as fast as he could.
Dante watched him running in the cold night with a frown until he couldn’t see him anymore. Then he swiftly strode back to Y/N waiting for him on top of the stairs to pull her in a strong protective  embrace. And when his lips pressed in her silky hair and she realized he couldn’t let go, she started worrying. “What is it?” She had never felt him like that.                  “It’s nothing.” He replied softly even though the voice in his head was screaming things like Don’t you get out of my sight, even for a second. I can’t lose you. Not like my mother. I love you so freaking much. “Stay with me tonight.”
But deep down, Dante wasn’t sure this was the smartest decision.
“And so was it?” Patty curiously asked as she stared at Dante with her big blue eyes. “ Was it what?” He replied, pretending not to understand. He loved teasing her. “ The smartest decision?” She clarified with an enthusiasm that clearly showed her interest and her will to know more. “ I thought you loved cliffhangers.”
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njeancastro316 · 4 years
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The Night we met ...Part 2
This needs a title and I need help.
Warnings: Swearing and a tease spoon of violent behavior. New characters.
Elijah x female reader
Bolds are thoughts
Like, comment or reblog 🤗😘
English not my first language 😳
Two days had gone by since he met her. He should’ve gone after her as she made her swift exit. He wanted to but something inside him stopped him, ‘maybe it was for the best’ he thought biting his lower lip. Elijah had left the bar not long after when he stepped on something with his shoe, he had broken a card . Looking down to investigate he smiled widely. He bent to take the item , in his hand was Y/N ID badge from the hospital she must have dropped it on her way out. Apparently he had broken what held it together. At first he didn’t know what to make of it, upon closer inspection it looked like a vertebrae with a bow and a happy face. ‘Adorable just like her’, he smiled again and after carefully wrapping it on his handkerchief he placed the little treasure on his suit pocket . He went by the hospital to find her but she was off duty and although he could’ve compelled anyone to tell him when she was going to be back he found himself not wanting to. He would go to the hospital and try his luck again today , if fate wanted him to meet her then so be it, if not he would not pursue her anymore. ‘I can’t wait to see you again little one’ he thought as he put on his suit jacket and headed towards his Bentley.
At the hospital...Y/N was preparing her next surgey after two days of total rest , isolation,food and Netflix with her long time friend and fellow nurse Jess.
“So let me get this straight you went to a bar for a drink , you met a guy that possibly showed real interest in you and you freaking left him!!??? Jess was livid.
“Well I said goodbye to him, I’ll be regret my decision for the next 6 months so prepare yourself” Y/N lowered her head in shame.
“I outta kick your ass , so you know what this means , no let me rephrase that, what it would’ve meant, a chance for you to forget and be over that dickwad Stephen and you fucking ran from it like a bat out of hell” Jess shouted flustered.
‘Yeah I suck’
“I am over him Jess , I don’t need anyone”Y/N pouted.
‘God I am over that asshole for good, yes I am say it again as many times until it sticks’she thought.
“Yeah right and I’m Oprah” her friend massaged her temples clearly frustrated “Y/N you are gorgeous, not to mention the sweetest human being I’ve ever known and you deserve so much better than that asshole who cheated on you with a surgery resident”.
“If a chance comes to you , bitch you take it , I’m not saying fuck him right away” earning a incredulous look from Y/N “Give it a day or two”Jess winked. “I’m just saying you deserve a good man in your life , one that loves you and cherishes the treasure that you really are”.
“You think I’m worthy of that” Y/N whispered her eyes shining with tears.
“Of course you are , so when are you going back to the bar”? .
“Jess I can’t ... I mean , I’d be so embarrassed besides what if he’s not there”
“And what if he is”Jess countered.
“Then you know me I’ll grow mute probably do something that I will regret later point being I’ll mess it up” Y/N shrugged her shoulders.
“You are giving up ! I’m going to kill you”Jess placed her hands on YN neck to choke her making her scream.
“Your hands are freezing, you lunatic stop!! , You can kill me later”. Y/N pushed Jess away laughing.
“Miss Y/L/N” came from one of the surgeons .
“Dr. Cox! , Is there something you need sir”?
“There is someone at the front desk asking for you” . He said
“What?! Who?” She and Jess exchanged looks.
“He didnt give me a name he just asked for you” . He said leaving before she could ask anything else .
“What do I do ? What do I do”???!!! Y/N trembled.
‘Oh my god...oh my god , Could it be him ? OH MY GOD!!
“Stop it ,don’t make me slap the crap out of you Y/N , now relax and stand up straight let me look at your make up , what flavor on the lip gloss ?” Jess eyed her friend . “Strawberries”Y/N answered.
“Good you can never go wrong with strawberries .Breath check”
“Nonsense Jess my breath is fin”...
“Breath check now”!! Jess interrupted making Y/N puffed her breath . “Mmm fruity , what is that ?
“Trident tropical twist gum” earning a thumbs up from her friend.
“Hair is a bit wild but its ok”Jess tried to tamed her friends unruly wavy locks.  “You are perfect ,now go get him”Jess encouraged followed by a slap in Y/N behind.
“Jess!! That hurt!”
“Oh you love it”! She teased.
Y/N walked towards the front desk of the OR slowly her heart was like a hummingbird beating so fast she thought it might fly out of her chest.
‘Please God don’t let me make a fool out of myself’ as she neared the desk she saw Stephen.
‘Oh fuck me’she dreaded ‘What is HE doing here’? Y/N went passed him ignoring him completely.
“Hey Bae”Stephen called “Y/N! ,What are you doing ?, Did you leave your contacts at home ? I’m right here”
Y/N closed her eyes and let out a big sigh. ‘Of course it has to be him and not Elijah ,its like literally the heavens open and say Fuck you Y/N’ She took a deep breath and turned to face Stephen.
“Dr .Burks can I help you with anything”? Y/N said annoyed.
“Aww come on bae don’t be like that , I missed you . Are you busy tonight ? Do you want me to swing by your place and you know” ... his eyebrows moved up and down suggesting the obvious.
“This is not the time nor the place for this Stephen” she pulled him into a big hallway away from the managers and people that ran the OR avoiding their questioning looks.
“Y/N please when are you going to grow up , I made a little mistake , you know I love you , there is no one but you lets kiss and make up” he gave her his sexy smile one that she used to love .
‘I’m about blow the fuck up’ anger surged through her body.
“How dare you?! Stephen seriously!!, no one but me?! Did you told the same crap to that poor naive resident before you plowed her into your bed . You have some balls after two months of dumping me for her. Well not this time I’m not going to fall for this again, its over Dr. Burks ... we are over.” Y/N turned to walk away but Stephen was faster he grabbed her by her wrist and tightened his hold.
“No we are not over until I say we are over. Stephen smiled at her as if not to cause a scene.
“Let go , you are hurting me ...please !! Stephen you are hurting me” she clenched her jaw her wrist felt like it was going to shatter under his hold.
‘God please please , I need help’ she thought desperately.
“Is there a problem here”? a voice came from behind her. Y/N closed her eyes and smiled in relief she’d recognize that voice anywhere.
“Elijah” Y/N turned pulling her hand away from Stephen. She walked towards Elijah stopping mere inches from him personal space be damned.
“Are you ok little one”? He asked softly surveying for signs of injury as she panted. He could hear her heart drumming on her chest . Her emotions were all over the place anger , fear , happiness and lust. Her cheeks were tinted pink. She was beautiful. He smirked.
Y/N could feel his breath on her and she searched his face for any indication that he was uncomfortable with her being this close.
“Y/N” Stephen called “Who’s this guy?, Y/N ... Y/N”! He repeated to deaf ears.
‘Sorry ... not fucking sorry’
Y/N closed the space between them grabbing Elijah by the back of his neck and pulling him into a fierce kiss.
Cliffhanger 😈 Im learning from the best 🦄 🤣😂
Girls I need a title , I can’t think of any 🤦‍♀️HELP
@hellotvshowtrash @elijahs-wife @drachentraum @nikmikaelsonswife @mikaelson-emma @elejahfanfic @eternityunicorn @dumble-daddy @svnkissedskies @soul-revoir @kaiiiiiiparkerismyhusband @lokis-favorite-follower @iirocioii
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kaleidescope-writes · 4 years
Faithfully Yours--Chapter 2: Mornings & Gossip
In partnership with @accio-boys
Billionaire!Tom Hiddleston x Doctor!Reader
Slow Burn! (Yay)
Warnings: Swearing, causing a scene, fluff, and a cliffhanger😈
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“Absolutely not!” you blurted. The guests, who were paying full attention to your mother, turned to look at you. Many of them had a look of surprise from your mother’s announcement, your sudden exclamation added on to their shock and mild confusion. Your mother, on the other hand, quickly changed her expression from shock to mild anger. “Darling,” she began through gritted teeth, “Let’s have a chat. In private.” She turned to the guests, tone going back to what it was before, “As for our guests, you are free to mingle.” She walked over to you, grabbing your arm harshly and leading you to a secluded corner of the room. 
“What the hell was that, YN?” your mother hissed, not letting your arm go. “Mom,” you began, “I’m not going to marry anyone. Especially not him!” She let go of your arm, pushing you back a little in the process, “You have to. This is for the good of the family. Whatever objection you have, suck it up!” You sighed in frustration, “Suck it up? Mom, I’m a top doctor at a hospital! I have zero time to waste on assholes that are charming with everyone else but almost run me over when I get off work!” She took a step closer to you, “This is for the family! You’ll still be a doctor after the wedding! You’re marrying him. That’s final!”  
“No!” you shouted, earning the attention of two particular people you desperately wanted to avoid. “Is there a problem, Y/N?” Mr. Hiddleston asked, approaching you and your mother. She glared at you, silently urging you to answer wisely--deny that there was a problem. You gave her a challenging look, eyes never leaving hers, “Actually, yes there is.” You felt both men get closer to you, yet you didn’t break the visual standoff with your mother. “And what might the problem be?” Tom asked, making your stomach turn. “The problem is that I’m not going to marry you, Tom!” you snapped harshly, “Look, it’s been a long day. I had enough to worry about between my job and the first wedding announcement, I don’t need this.” You motioned to your general area, “If you’ll excuse me, I’m a busy doctor and a lot of patients rely on me to keep doing my job instead of marrying,” you looked Tom up and down, “assholes in black jaguars.”
Before anyone could say anything, you walked over to the counter and picked up your purse, continuing your strut out the door. You didn’t even bother to say goodbye to anyone, too enraged to face anyone else in the room. All you wanted was to go back to your office, bury your face in your frustration pillow, and scream. You had no intention to have any social interactions with anyone for the rest of the night. 
Waking up on the couch in your office was never ideal, but sometimes it was better than being home. Today was sometimes. You sat up, stretching as you slowly opened your eyes to adjust to the light in the room. Letting your arms drop, you looked at the watch on your right wrist. Six A.M. Lovely. You stood up, yawning as you made your way to your personal bathroom. Opening up the mini drawer you kept extra clothes in, you settled on something to wear and placed it on the sink. Looking up to see your reflection in the mirror, you took note of your disheveled hair and decided to braid it today. You let little things occupy your mind, welcoming the temporary distractions before starting the day. You needed a clear mind to keep an excellent job performance.
You walked into the cafeteria, feeling fresh and ready to start the day. Picking up a small breakfast selection and drink, you walked over to a table occupied by some doctors you were close with. “Hide your shit, boss is here!” Isabel gasped playfully. You laughed, “Breaking your commitment, Dr. Teixido?” Lucille scoffed, “Isabel, the poster child? No way.” You sat down, already beginning to dig in to your meal.You silently listened to the conversation around you quietly as you ate, reacting every once in a while. You didn’t know how long you’d been sitting with them, but you unknowingly finished your food. Just as you were about to excuse yourself from the table, you saw someone else approach the table. 
“Y/N! You’re not going to believe this!” Luke said, out of breath from running around looking for his friend. Before you could question what he was talking about, he showed you the article on his phone. Your stomach dropped and you took the phone from him. “What’s going on?” Isabel asked, concerned about your sudden change. “Twitter has been going crazy over the possibility of a romance between a beloved billionaire and the head of New York’s best hospital,” you read, “Billionaire Bachelor Tom William Hiddleston has been shipped with Dr. Y/N L/N from Rose Valley Hospital and Medical Center by thousands of twitter followers, all claiming they’re the “it couple” of the century.” You felt your internal organs begin to turn in discomfort. What the hell?! The other doctors looked at you, all confused as to why you were reacting so negatively. 
“Who the fuck is this guy?” you questioned, frustration returning in full swing. “He’s only the most eligible bachelor by far,” Lucille answered, “His parents are millionaire CEO's of a multi-million dollar company. He works in that company and has a fortune of his own. He’s also incredibly hot.” You gave her a look of absolute disgust, unable to understand her attraction. “He’s also an absolute douche-bag. A rich, cocky, unpleasant douche-bag,” you rebuked. Isabel gave you a look, “Why are you so against him?” 
“I’d rather not give him more attention than he deserves,” you replied bitterly, handing Luke his phone. “He almost hit Y/N with his car,” he said simply. Teigan turned to Luke, finally deciding to join into the conversation, “I’m sorry, he what? When did this happen?” You put your head in your hands, “Yesterday! Right before my mother told me she made arrangements so that I have to marry the guy.” The group fell silent. An uncomfortable tension filled the air around you. Looking up, you gave them all an expectant look, urging them to say something. They were all silent. Luke shook his head, “Now you won’t say something about how dreamy he is?” Isabel opened her mouth to speak, words falling short as she looked between you and Luke. 
You groaned, letting your head fall momentarily before getting up from your seat. “I have work to do. I have to catch up on all the work I put off last night thanks to the damn announcement,” you said as you grabbed your things and walked away from the group. You didn’t think you’d have to tell them so soon, but the article had to exist. Much to your displeasure. Walking out into the hallway, you slowed your pace as your work phone rang. You answered the call, coming to a complete stop near the wall. The voice on the other end of the line made your stomach drop for the second time that morning. 
“How the hell did you get this number?”
Six-thirty A.M. That’s what the clock on the stove read. Meaning that any moment now, Vivienne would come running down the stairs and get her stuff ready for school. Tom went back to preparing her breakfast knowing that he would hear her coming down. Sure enough, he heard the pattering of the eight-year-old coming down the stairs and into the kitchen. “Good morning, uncle Tom!” she greeted in her usual cheery voice. Tom smiled, turning around to face her, “What, no good morning hug? Have you grown out of hugging your uncle already, Vivie?” Vivie smiled at him, running over to him to have him a quick hug. Tom leaned down to hug her back, smile widening as he did. 
“Anything exciting happening in class today?” He asked, pulling away from her and going back to the food. “We’re starting a new book today. The teacher hasn’t told us about it because it’s a surprise,” she smiled as she sat down on a chair, placing her backpack on the counter. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it,” Tom laughed, “You’re just like me, you know. Now sit patiently for a bit while I finish with breakfast.” Vivie nodded, pulling her tablet out of her bag and opening one of the educational game apps. Tom continued with the two omelets as the room filled with the sounds of Vivie’s game. This was his every morning, making sure Vivie was ready for school before the bus picked her up and getting ready for work himself. This was what his life was composed of, and he was happy. He didn’t feel the need to marry a stubborn, know-it-all doctor. Even if his father thought Vivie needed a mother, he could do much better than Y/N L/N. And if they did get married, she would never have time for Vivie like he does. She said it herself, she’s a busy person. She has patients to take care of.Y/N L/N has no time for family whatsoever. Besides, Tom didn’t want Vivie to grow up as bitchy and grouchy as her. 
Deciding the omelets were ready, he grabbed the spatula to his left and took them out of the pan one at a time and placed them onto separate plates. He didn’t notice the sounds from Vivie’s game had gone silent until now and he grew suspicious. Both plates in hand, he turned to the counter where Vivie sat and instantly noticed her reading something. “What’s that you’re reading?” he asked as he put both plates on the counter. Vivie looked up at him confused, “Who’s Y/N?” Tom’s smile faded, holding his hand out to her. Vivie gave him the tablet, still waiting on his answer. 
Tom began reading through the article on the screen, a feeling of dread washing over him. “Shit,” he whispered, looking at the blurry picture of them together. “Is this bad?” Vivie asked, still trying to get him to respond. Tom snapped out of his shock, looking at her before he spoke, “Yes--well, not really. It just means I have to make a call. Keep an eye on my food, please. And don’t even think about switching it with yours while I’m gone.” 
Taking out his phone as he walked over to the window in the kitchen, he dialed the number of his assistant. “James, I need you to find someone’s phone number for me,” Tom ordered as soon as he picked up, “Her name is Dr. Y/N L/N. She works at Rose Valley, I believe.” There was shuffling on the other end before James asked, “Is this about the article?” Tom sighed, “Yes, now please find it for me. It’s urgent.” 
There was a brief silence before James began to read the numbers out to Tom, which he quickly wrote down on the kitchen chalkboard. He thanked James before hanging up and beginning to dial her number. As soon as she picked up, he rushed out, “We need to talk.” 
“How the hell did you get this number?” she asked, sounding surprised and angry all at once. “You’re a famous doctor, I’m surprised you don’t know how easy it is to find it,” Tom scoffed, “Look, that’s not important now. We need to talk in person. There’s an article going around--” “Yes, I know about the article,” Y/N interrupted, “Why does it need to be in person?” Tom sighed, “This is urgent.”
You left the hospital early for the second time this week. It wasn’t your idea, but an article had to appear the day after you were told you’d be forced to marry a millionaire. And now, said millionaire wanted to talk, claiming it was too urgent to talk about over the phone. So you found yourself on an elevator of the Empire State Building, heading up to the balcony at the top. The sun had set earlier, making the city lights shine outside. 
The elevator came to a stop, doors opening and allowing you to continue your journey to meet with him. As soon as you walked out into the balcony, you saw him looking down at the city with his hands in his pockets, back turned to you. You stopped in your tracks, deciding to maintain some distance between the two of you. He sensed your presence and fixed his posture, keeping his back to you. You cleared your throat, preparing yourself for whatever his purpose was. 
“So what do you want to talk about?”
A/N: Done!! It took a while, but it is posted!! I hope you enjoyed today’s Chapter. What did you think? Let me know in the comments as feedback is both appreciated and encouraged. Ok, I promised something else today, and rest assured it will happen. I love you, Stay Safe, Stay Proud, Be careful, and I’ll see you in a bit!! 
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primalinfinity · 5 years
Okay, watching the finale was an EVENT. The last few episodes have been the sort where I’ve paused a few times to do a lap of my apartment. This one I sat frozen in place the entire time.
It’s...strange. I got huge satisfaction from the things I got right, but it’s hollow in a way because not all of them are good.
So yeah, thoughts on the finale:
- I’m actually really satisfied that Penny got the powers of the Maiden, it pretty much closes off her Pinnochio story arc because she is now a fully realised ‘real girl’.
- Watching Cinder fail feels sooooo good. But god damn she had the best lines this episode in her opening encounter with Penny and Winter, her lines about power. Even the delivery stole the episode for me. Seeing Cinder crack is satisfying because we’re seeing more of her personality again instead of just “Bwahaha I’m the villain” which it feels like she’s been since she recruited Neo. We finally saw some of HER again. God I’m happy to see her fail. Her just snatching up the Winter powers as well would have made me roll my eyes.
- I’m pretty disappointed the fight between Robin, Qrow and Tyrian never happened. We saw it in the intro and CRWBY are normally pretty good about that sort of thing. I guess they did it just to surprise us with Clover’s death but...boo. Disappointment for that.
- Still processing Ironwood’s descent into madness and paranoia. I get that he’s fully cracked, but shooting Oscar/Ozpin? Bruh, that seems a bit much even for how far he’s fallen. He goes from simply arresting team RWBY, to attempting to kill a kid, in a single episode? Gehhh not sure how to feel about it.
- I thought the fight between RWBY and the Ace Ops last episode would be my favourite fight of the volume, but god damn did Cinder vs Winter & Penny steal that podium. It was great to see Winter show her true power, since we only got a glimpse of it back in volume 3 against Qrow when she wasn’t even going full strength. After all this time of hearing how good she is over and over, it was great to finally see it. I’m glad she survived, but now Weiss has no-one left in her family on her side except PERHAPS her mother, for all the good that will do.
- WHY DIDN’T IRONWOOD KILL WATTS. Two episodes. Two episodes it took from him APPARENTLY sparing Watts, to shooting a kid. DUDE. What the HELL. Honestly the more I think about it, the more I twitch about Ironwood’s descent.
- We got maybe 2 minutes of interaction with the previous Winter Maiden before she died, and it took less than that for me to fall in love with her to a degree that her passing hurt my heart. And that’s twice now Cinder has seen what a TRUE Maiden can do, and fallen hilariously short in front of it.
- Neo continues to be utterly unstoppable and the least beaten character on the show except for Raven, I desperately want to know her backstory and how she got so STRONG. We know nothing about her except her attachment to Roman and being part of his crime gang, and yet she can go toe-to-toe with not just Cinder, but the entirety of JNOR too.
- So, Ozpin returns! I was completely convinced that we were going to see Oscar’s semblance, and that he’d be able to fly to stop himself from falling to his death, but seeing him use magic was amazing. What was the glow with the staff’s mechanics activating? We know Ozpin’s magic is green, as is Oscar’s aura, so what was the gold glow? And I really like how one of the first things Ozpin was going to say, was to apologise. And he sounded so sincere, but I’m also glad Oscar cut him off. Oscar has grown a lot since Ozpin vanished and he clearly sees himself as Ozpin’s equal now. Which is really good. I’ve grown fond of Oscar and I can’t wait to see what his dynamic with Ozpin is now.
- Also a note on Ozpin’s return; he didn’t take over Oscar while they were falling as he returned. We saw the eyes flash so clearly he was really present, but he DIDN’T TAKE OVER. He simply clearly told Oscar what could be done, and guided him. He let Oscar do it, with simple guidance. Going back to when we saw Ozpin’s backstory from the Lamp, there’s a line about how he ‘learned to live WITH the people he was bound to’ Which implies he learned to let them live their own lives and make their own choices, but with trust they’ll also do their responsibilities. And he finally did that here with Oscar, trusting him. Ozpin has decided to trust Oscar and respect him. He’s clearly been watching.
- Ren isn’t having a good time, ever since his kiss with Nora. He hesitated in regards to their feelings for each other for so long because he feared complications and he feared they’d be distracted and overall weakened because of it. But ever since she finally kissed him and he kissed her back, he’s been proven right again and again. And the final time this episode, hesitated to stop Neo when she used Nora’s appearance, Neo got away with the Lamp. His rage about that was believable, but he didn’t need to lash out directly at Nora. I understand he fears weakness, because of his childhood trauma, but he’s spoken to Jaun in the past in front of the Pyrrha statue about teamwork and now he doesn’t trust his team to be able to do the job. It’s frustrating. But I also understand it.
- The fight with Neo felt ‘off’ with me, and I don’t know why. There was something unbalanced about it from the start and I truly don’t know why I feel the way I do about it. Something about it was just off-kilter and ‘wrong’ with it. It’s a strange feeling that I’ll think over when I rewatch the fight a few times.
- I hate that Tyrian is still alive. The D&D DM in me hates it because he’s a villain that’s done enough. He’s taken enough away from the heroes, done everything he was meant to do. He was a big impacting force this volume. Ever since he was truly introduced in his fight with Qrow and team RWBY this volume is what it was building up to. He scared the audience and the characters, wreaked havoc, and took enough away from the protagonists again and again that if he had died this volume it would have been a release of tension.
His escape and survival isn’t a cliffhanger, it’s a sour ending. Robin & Qrow killing him in the streets of Mantle, as we see their fight in the intro, a fight which never happened, would have been a perfect symbollic ending to his arc as a villain. Symbolic for dying in Mantle where he ruined Robin’s life (in a way), and dying at Qrow’s hands after everything he’s done.
He should have died this episode.
- On the note of villains surviving, there IS a part of me relieved that Watts isn’t dead. In contrast to Tyrian, Watts HASN’T done enough as a villain. Sure, he was a major player this volume, more major than Tyrian, but we don’t know him. Tyrian radiates his personality, we got a grasp of who he was early, but we still don’t KNOW Watts. Will Salem let him live? Will we see more of him? All questions I want answered. I’m curious what they’ll do with him now after this staggering ‘failure’ of his.
His strength is technology. Specifically the technology of Atlas. But the next destination after Atlas is Vacuo, said to be the most run down of the cities (probably because of the relic of Destruction). What could he possibly do to them there?
- Ruby’s silver eyes flashing at the end when she saw Cinder did NOTHING to her. Cinder seemed fine later when she was raging in the sky. So. Uhh. Alright then. That happened.
- So far we’ve met the Cowardly Lion, and the Tinman. And both have failed and given in to their weaknesses. We’re yet to meet the Scarecrow, who’s almost certainly the Headmaster of Shade. The Scarecrow lacks a brain. Are we about to encounter an idiot, after the Atlas story is resolved next volume? Fun fun fun.
All in all, this volume satisfied me a great deal. It had a lot of spectacular moments. There are a few that left sour tastes, as mentioned above, but overall I was really impressed.
Some of my favourite fights in the show, although the original fight between Tyrian and Qrow still owns that title overall, and a lot of fantastic character moments. And some of the best dialogue so far said in the show.
I loved it from start to finish, with only those few moments disappointing me.
Can’t wait for Volume 8
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sparda3g · 6 years
Kimetsu no Yaiba Chapter 144 Review
This chapter left me feeling sad and then, thrilled. On one hand, it sucks to be Shinobu’s fan. On the other hand, it’s great to be Zenitsu’s fan. I remember not liking him that much back in his first introduction, but his developments and personality have grown on me. After witnessing a heartbreak, now it’s a good time for a rebound. This was another interesting setup with few interesting details that’s worth mentioning and others that are needed to build the next battle into an exciting one.
The building is a pain in the ass to Taijiro and the Pillars. It’s full of traps and tricks. It’s clear that it’s designed to separate each of them as much as it can. Although Shinobu wasn’t exactly the strongest, leaving one against any of the top 3 Upper Moon will be really difficult. Still, the labyrinth is annoying, like dealing with Dark Souls’ lairs, which is pretty much everything. It does make me wonder who will end up splitting up. Enough about that; we have a breaking news to bring tears to the fans.
For those who believe in a possible chance for Shinobu’s survival, it appears the mangaka doesn’t want us to feel hopeful. A crow appears and report to Taijiro and likely everyone else that Shinobu has died. Never trust the damn crow; it’s why they’re an enemy in Resident Evil. But seriously, it’s sad to hear the confirmation. I want to believe in a miracle, but of course, it hardly favors me. Taijiro is awestruck by the news; channeling our feelings. It pains me when he remembers her charm and smile, real or not; now, that’s no longer possible, bringing him to tears. Poor him. Rest in Peace, Shinobu.
It took me a while to realize why a crow is there, let alone having a paper covering its face. It’s revealed that the Ubuyashiki Family is around, fulfilling the roles left behind. They’re the one that coordinate the pinpoints and locations. I thought the twin sisters were the same one from earlier. Then I recall the family did have 5 children according to an omake. In other words, these kids are now in place, and the ones who died in the explosion are legit dead. That’s still pretty dark. Speaking of dark, there’s another round of interesting background of the Ubuyashiki.
Kiriya is the oldest in the family now, let alone oldest son. He’s only 8 years old. That is mighty young to fill in the role of a leader. When his family died, he didn’t mourn at all; not even a shed of tears. Call it cold, but he was raised and prepared to take in charge of the Demon Slayer Corps. His younger sisters, Kuina and Kanata, replaced the previous twins, who were older than them. Basically, the family is fully prepared to replace the lineage. That’s just crazy.
The father was strict and raised his children to adulthood right off the bat. That means they barely if not ever have any childhood memories to cherish. I understand the circumstance due to the father’s short life span and the family’s purpose, but it feels like hell being part of them. The mother was also strict, but there’s kindness in her. It’s probably their way to keep it “balance.” Bottom line, this family is hardcore to keep the “tradition” alive.
As the fans are uncertain on the future of the series, this arc is slowly building up the next generation. Shinobu is gone and Kanao, if she makes it out alive, can fill in her place. Kiriya is the new leader of the corps. This arc is practically a game changer event; we don’t know if there’s more after this arc. There’s a good enough evidence to suggest more materials, but time will tell. It’s confirmed that Muzan remains in the same place, which is good, only now we return to the last chapter’s cliffhanger. It’s a good segue from one family to another so to speak after learning more details on the family, but it’s about to get really personal.
The feud between Zenitsu and Kaigaku has escalated to bloodthirst vengeance quickly. I have never seen Zenitsu so pissed off until now; immediately, I take this scenario very serious. The two have word exchange on their recent status. This isn’t a friendly talk; it’s a talk before one of them takes the life of another. He couldn’t contain his emotion any longer, because this all ties in to his grandpa, who committed suicide because of Kaigaku.
It’s pretty dark to learn grandpa has committed seppuku alone in misery. Kaigaku indirectly caused him because he was so ashamed to have a child, who wield his teachings, becoming a demon. It’s like shattering his honor and heart; lost the will to live. What’s worse is seppuku requires a person to cut the target’s head off in order to spare the pain in a sense; no one was there to do so. That’s disturbingly sad. Already, I’m 100% behind Zenitsu after that tragic story. Clearly, he loved his grandpa wholeheartedly. To go beyond the percentage, Kaigaku is a bona fide asshole; not a damn remorse on grandpa’s soul.
He couldn’t care less; all he knows is he was turned down as his true successor. He became a demon because there’s a value in it; not a single regret. Once grandpa says no on naming him the successor, he doesn’t care anymore. Selfish prick. After the annoyance from that douchebag, believing he’s far above than Zenitsu, this is where the chapter picks up and delivers satisfactions.
I like how Zenitsu stopped venting in frustration, rather insult him hard about being a scum and a trash. The trigger is calling Kaigaku out about knowing everything but first form, essentially calling him a pathetic successor. That is satisfying. What’s even more satisfying is his follow-up. Kaigaku is going all out with one attack Distant Thunder, Fourth Form mind you, yet Zenitsu only takes a normal swing and still cut that scum like nothing. Zenitsu is already making his you know what, and rightfully so. Zenitsu has become a certified badass with great comeback and the sequence really makes him the man. The battle has escalated to an exciting serious personal grudge match.
This was an interesting chapter. It was heartbreaking to learn Shinobu’s death confirmation and the reactions towards it. It was interesting yet eerie in a way to learn more about Ubuyashiki Family. The best part was with Zenitsu and Kaigaku, with the former portraying a real badass, out for vengeance. The visual is solid and it helped a lot for the last segment. I can’t wait for this upcoming battle. It’s going to be so sweet for Zenitsu to get his payback and after the last battle, we need this. A lot.
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E09 Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 494 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that this is the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
RATE THE EPISODE 486 Responses
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Nearly adapted completely verbatim from the manga, overall the episode ranking was very positive this week, with no votes for it being awful. Seems each week keeps getting better and better!
All in all, brilliant episode. 10/10 would watch again, despite giant exploding guts.
It was great, especially what they did with Rod Reiss 120 meters Titan. I feel this was executed better than the manga. Hopefully, WIT Studio continues this way with season 3 and the next seasons of Attack on Titan.
Best episode of the season so far in my opinion! Was about to have a heart attack towards the end tho when I thought they flew over the flashback:(
In my opinion it was the best episode of the season. The animation rivaled levi vs kenny from the first two episodes
Amazing! My fav episode so far. Can't see anything bad this episode, except for that cliffhanger.... RIP Kenny
The animation was like Titan steam, cause it blew my away
Incredible devotion to detail. Best looking episode so far!
This season honestly just keeps getting better and better. The first few eps were a little shocking with the rearrangements and pacing changes, but now I'm back to being a WIT stan.
Easily one of the top 8 episodes of the entire series for me, so far.
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Overall the fandom was positively hyped hearing that new arrangements of Barricades in the background. Now we’re all just asking, “where is the damn ost!?”
I NEED THE OST IN MY POSSESSION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE PLEASE OH MY GOD.   The Barricades remix was incredible?!?!?!?!!?!?
Really good music
the soundtracks were amazing man
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Overall, most voters were stoked to see Rod’s face reveal more than anything. Following closely after that is Historia declaring herself the ruler of the walls, Levi finding Kenny by the collapsed cave and the Survey Corps taking out Rod.
YAASSS! Historia just named herself queen! I loved that part!
One little niggling thing for me is that scene where Eren watches Mikasa lift barrels effortlessly. I liked how the focus on her strength was made obvious by showing a brief glimpse of episode 1 -the time Mikasa was NOT strong enough. It made my heart weep man.
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Eren accidentally inferring that Levi is a tiny, old man was voted most enjoyable scene of the episode, followed closely by Levi regrettably telling Kenny that he’s done for. Historia being firm about her stance with Erwin was another highly voted scene, along with Eren putting his game face back on.
I really liked Historia's characterization in this episode. It was nice to see her standing her ground in front of Erwin and the scene where she defeats her father was the episode's highlight for me.
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Overall, respondents were pretty stoked to see how a pure titan senses other humans.
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44% of respondents agree that the animation of Rod’s gruesome face was simply “awesome!” 25% were disgusted and 21% saw nothing but nightmare fuel. Ultimately we can all agree WIT really did a good job on this one!
It set my gag reflex off like crazy, that shit was so disgusting! IMAGINE THE SMELL.
Finally! Gruesome details like that are an important part of the SnK universe and shouldn't be left out.
I'm glad WIT finally had the guts to go all out with Rod's titan form. It was definitely needed.
As Zackly would say: beautiful
I love that kind of macabre things but holy cannoli, I flinched so hard after seeing it. BIG KUDOS to the guys who animated this, it was a disgusting perfection.
Awesome disgusting & horrifying
If I were one of the soldiers I would've just shit my pants right there
Horrifyingly awesome! Awesomely horrifying?! THERE WAS BOTH RECOIL AND DELIGHT.
Wow it was awesome! It was so good to see first his eyes and then how devastated his face was. He had holes for eyes and the blood was like tears which fits with what Ymir said about mindless titans - that is incredible suffering.
It was absolutely disgusting and everything I was hoping for! Amazing!
Seriously don't get why it has to be so gross
I loved Rod’s Titan. It’s the stuff of nightmares.
Oh cool! Oh god.
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While Isayama drew Levi’s wanted poster better in the eyes of the fandom, WIT won the vote for Erwin’s talented left-handed drawing of Rod. We all thought it was beautiful either way!
Erwin actually draws better than me AND I WENT TO DRAWING CLASS FFS
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Over half of respondents believe that Eren was visiting Hannes’ grave sometime between the events of Clash and Uprising arcs. 28% believe he was paying respects to a member of the original Levi Squad, while 25% believe it wasn’t anyone notable. Some write in answers had creative ideas:
A brat, I hope he's dead
His hopes and dreams
Can’t be Hannes or Squad Levi because they haven’t had time since the expedition for funerals. I think it’s Marco’s and the funeral was for the Battle of Trost.
I think it was an unnamed soldier's grave, but I was really hoping for it to be Hannes'
No idea, maybe a random soldier from Trost? When they're in titan territory how can they even stop to pick up what's left of bodies? I know they did after they escaped Annie but I never bought it much.
Mine, for this episode has killed me dead
Carla's empty grave.
Marco or some of his other comrades
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Half of respondents feel like Eren punching himself is a big and relatable mood (or perhaps, some of you relate to wanting to punch him?). 33% sometimes feel this way while 16% apparently never get this frustrated with themselves.
Didn't really like the Eren punching himself bit but he did kinda need it.
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44% of respondents have appreciated seeing the nostalgic look of Season 1 peppered in with the current animation. 27% think that it’s pretty surreal to see the differences put together, and 22% didn’t really care or notice either way.
It was great to remind us about times when everything seemed so simple...
All those flashbacks annoyed me to be honest.
I thought that they should have reanimated it at first, but then I realized it would require more work which takes too much time
It’s so cool to see how much the animation has improved
I miss season 1 character designs
Im crying, missing my thicc lines
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The majority of voters would be thrilled to bow down to Historia and accept her rule. 22% wouldn’t mind, while a smaller percentage would rather nope out of that situation.
Historia can rule me anytime, anywhere ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hisu could knock the shit out of me and I'd be thankful, honestly
Historia is bae
If anyone insults Historia i hope Rods titan guts fall on their head.
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41% of voters used this question to pay respects to Eren - who most definitely was shook by the realization that he used the words “tiny” and “old” in front of Levi. No respondents agree that Levi is old but everyone can agree that Levi is tiny.
Tiny old man is bestboi
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Over half of voters believed the added scene was a good way to show Eren getting back on his feet after his meltdown. 14% agree that it got them hyped up for what’s coming. 10%, however, believe that the moment canceled out his previous behavior and didn’t make a lot of sense.
I liked it and he looked great but it did seem out of nowhere that he got he confidence back so quickly.
Huh? That was added?
It was awesome. I liked that part as it showed Eren's natural self and weaker state. He was relatable.
It felt out of place? Like it came out of nowhere.
Objectively, it was a great step in his character development. I just don't care about him, that's all.
I felt like he didnt really have to gain confidence to do his part, it was very shounen-like but I guess its ok
I wish my crises of confidence were that short
It negated his previous (and/or future) behaviour imo but DAMN SON HE‘S HANDSOME. RIP IN PEPPERONI MY OVARIES.
It's a little bit of hope that'll be crushed in the next arc.
makes me wonder how they’ll change (if at all) his ‘i’m not special, just the son of a special man’ moment later on with keith
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43% of voters appreciated the added detail, while ⅓ of voters were excited to finally have this sensory detail shown to us! A small percentage were unimpressed.
I think it's not heat, but actual human sensory.
But surly that would attract them to animals and so heat sensory can't be the ENTIRE process of detecting humans.
I'm pretty sure titan vision was 'souls' seen with PATHS and not heat detection or else titan would eat animals, at least that's what I thought when watching that scene
That still doesn't answer how and why titans differentiate between humans and other living things.
I knew it, but one question. Why do they need eyes if they got a sixth sense? Is the 6th sense an insurance if their eyes failed them? The 6th sense could be the work of PATHs lol...nah most likely heat detection.
We don’t know if it was heat sensory, but it was good.
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Nearly half of respondents got what they expected overall, while about 40% had their expectations exceeded. Just under 10% of voters weren’t very impressed with the way it was adapted. Overall, the love for Historia is very real.
Game of thrones "Mhysa" soundtrack just kept playing in my head when she proclaimed herself as the queen to the citizens. It was REALLY well done, I loved every minute of her scenes
Underwhelmed is a strong word. I think the scene in the manga was stronger, but the anime was still pretty good. The battle was absolutely great, I just feel her final declaration carried a bit more panache in the manga.
It was very okay
Historia really rocked. She is the true badass of this arc.
I was expecting a little more intense music, but yeah, that was fine the way they did it though.
Not a fan of the moment in the Manga, it felt shoehorned imo. Masterful adaptation, however
This is on me because the scene was done great but I wasn't as hyped as I thought I'd be which upset me because I've been waiting to see this for years.
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The vast majority of the fandom are excited to see Reiner and Bertolt come back to the screen along with their warchief, Zeke!
Gimme that warriors next episode!
I can't wait for next episode to see my babies Reiner and Berutoto ;__; Miss them
I love Pieck and hope she shows up next wieck.
I want Zeke already
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The majority of voters were hyped to see Mikasa and Levi slicing up flesh. 23% were just happy for any parallels given some of the other things that were cut or minced up this season. A smaller percentage didn’t really care.
It amuses me how Ackermanns to Isayama are a different race of humans haha.
Ackerduo? More like Ackerdivas.
The Ackermans are such an eye-candy
Always a pleasure to see them in action 👌💯
imagine being that chill freefalling through the sky
as expected of Mikasa, don't care about Levi
I only care about Levi
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The vast majority of respondents were fooled for a few moments while watching the episode this week, worried that Levi and Kenny’s entire backstory got shoved into just a few moments. The preview eased our worries quickly enough though, thankfully! Many commenters weren’t fooled for a second, though:
I knew it was just a teaser for  next episode, not worried at all
Eh, I wasn't fooled by that, just a little confused. Nice addition to the scene though!
I wasn't ready for it to be in this episode! And yeah I began to panick like "they're not going to show us just that, right??" Still, I'm not ready to see the whole flashback thing next episode... 😭😭
I expected the flashbacks the next episode because of the episode titles.
I had a feeling that they were going to dedicate an episode or at least part of an episode to Kenny's flashbacks
I knew there was no way they'd do that, the thought never crossed my mind
I was more interested in seeing how they'd play out other important parts from them. They chose some great highlights to have people wondering what the deal with Kenny's past is while also making the transition into the full flashback feel less abrupt than in the manga, where I felt I had missed a chapter in between at first.
That thought never actually occurred to me. Pretty obvious that it was set-up for the next episode.
There's been too many heart-attack moments already. I've been reduced to a fandom grandma who sips her tea and says "Don't get your knickers in a twist, wait for it...
You guys had some pretty interesting responses! Most people agree the story would have been effectively over and Paradis wiped out. We can't publish all of the responses, but here were some which stood out (or made us laugh):
Drastically! The people of Paradis would have their minds wiped, except for Mikasa and Levi. Historia would become a slave to the First King's "hide behind the walls" ideology. The SC would be disbanded and Erwin executed. So the whole island would be doomed when Marley invade again, and take Historia with the Founding Titan power away.
Pieck kills everyone
All the walldians would have died since there would be no way for the Survey Corps to take the Founding Titan and Attack Titan back from Historia or Rod Reiss and when the marleyans would have inevitably attacked, the walldians would have been erased from the face of the earth. Perhaps by an atomic bomb.
Levi for main protagonist!
Historia would have been controlled by the will of the First King and mind-wiped everyone. But not all things are lost. Levi and Mikasa would still be there, having all of their memories intact. Kenny and his squad would also still be alive, but Kenny would still not have much to live for anymore. Mikasa and Historia would have had a huge confrontation, with Mikasa almost killing Historia for eating Eren, but in the end, she can't bring over herself to kill her because Eren is ""alive"" within Historia now. Mikasa's liege to Eren will be slowly turning into a desire to protect Historia at all cost.
Erwin will be alive / Kenny will be alive / Berth will be alive / Sasha will be alive / Marlow will be alive / Moblit will be alive / Hanji will have their left eye / Zackly will be down with his shit machine
That's actually a great idea. Knowing where the author decided to take the plot, it wouldn't have worked, of course, but I would've loved to see the rest of the 104th taking over the story after Eren's death.
No future manbun eren :(
Historia might have more controll over the ability, If she becomes queen then the scouts will lose their hope for humanity. Mikasa will most likely be.... A little upset... Overall this question is difficult to answer because it creates a Senario with multiple different senarios within it. For example will historia become queen or remain in the scouts? It's just too difficult because of the different potential timelines created from this alternate event.
Zeke upon landing on Paradis: Where's Ereh?
I have never thought about that tbh. I guess we'd have no story at all, since the cycle of Titan inheritance would have not been broken and life would go back to as it was before the "story" started. Though Maria knows what Isayama had prepared for us in the upcoming manga chapters
they wouldve sold his organs on the black market
Oh wow, I never really thought of that. If Rod ate him then the story would probably end then and there because of the memory wipe (but a rebellion led by the Ackermans?? The possibilities are endless!). If Historia ate him then *maybe* she wouldn't do the memory wipe. It's interesting to speculate. The fate of the Survey Corps would come into question and that would become the focus of the story.
yea im not gonna write an alternate fanfiction for you
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34% of voters are most looking forward to Levi and Kenny’s final heartbreaking exchange. 26% are excited to see Kenny’s backstory and his friendship with Uri unfold. 20% specifically are looking forward to Kenny and Uri’s first meeting. Where’s baby Levi!?
I'm not ready for Kenny's flashbacks next episode!! We're going to see small Levi and Kuchel and... I'm already crying 😭😭
I want the WHOLE backstory of Kenny taking care of Levi IMMEDIATELY!!!
Beautiful animation, but I hope the next ep fills me with feels. I feel incredibly lackluster about Historia and her characterization this arc.
I always wondered in the manga how titan Rod didn't splatter his intestines on the Walls even without a skin. Like, it felt all too much clean, so anime made sense and a bit of splatter never hurt nobody! But with that scene, why WIT censors things like Levi killing humans??? They quite contradict themselves lol
Storyboards were handled by the man who storyboarded End of Eva and the Rebuilds, huh? Certainly paid off. I don't think his input was limited to storyboarding either, while easy to miss the first time around, Rod's agonized scream as he dies after Historia sees his memories is pretty disturbing and haunting. Very good stuff.
I'm sure that a lot of people will write about the battle against the Rod's titan and about Historia, so I will skip it. I have really nothing to add here except the fact that I really loved how strong, brave and mature Historia was in this episode.
Historia taking down her father gave me so many feels! I can't wait to see her get crowned and then punch Levi, he had such a heartwarming smile!
Historia is sooo fucking badass. I love Eren so much God bless his soul.
Erwin looked fucking great this episode.
Something about the anime didn't quite hit the mark, particularly in regards to the scene of Eren noticing the 3 kids and Armin giving him the pep talk. It's practically panel for panel, but the feel was just different somehow.
This episode was perfect in every way, except for Rod Reiss' giant fucking stomach just squelching onto the wall- yech!!! For a series with man eating monsters as its premise, nothing has ever made me feel as horrifyingly disgusted as that scene did. *shudder*
Seeing the serum bowl in the episode gave me chills OH MY GOOOOD I'M NOT MENTALLY READY FOR WHAT IS COMING
Historia was so good in this ep and the animation for the rod reiss titan was KILLER. WIT outdid themselves with that adaptation
No additional thoughts but thanks for making this survey every week :p
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Thanks again to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again on Tuesday! 
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dancingnancyy · 7 years
Just finished Restore Me
I’m a little frustrated honestly and I have some thoughts - *spoilers*
First, what the actual fuck?
What makes Juliette and warner think that they shouldn’t lean on each other? I get warner, you’re going through some shit but damn brother help a girl out. Juliette doesn’t know anything about the outside world, you’ve got to be there for her and help her figure this stuff out!
Then talk to each other!! Seriously, both y’all don’t say what you’re thinking. You rely on each other physically and emotionally in the most teenage hormonal way possible but you can’t talk about anything else?
Also, Juliette 2 days before you took over the reestabishment you had just decided you wanted to be with Warner so how can you possibly expect to know anything more in depth about him? You’ve barely had any time to catch your breath and then you stop communicating with each other so why are you so surprised that you didn’t know he spoke 7 languages or had other girlfriends. I mean how do you think dude knew what going down on a girl was before you came along?
And Warner, my dude, you kind of suck at being a boyfriend but it’s obvious that you love and care for Juliette so you just need to keep trying.
(When did this turn into couples therapy on my blog??)
I just agonize reading about two people who just need better communication. It’s the oldest plot device the universe and it never fails.
I think Juliette over reacted a little bit but knowing her and her past it’s not really unbelievable. She’s been under so much pressure and stress and she needs help for goodness sake! But of course I believe that Warner loves and cares for her and only wants the best.
I know we’re not done with this ship. They were almost right there at the end. They just have no time. Everything is so rushed and I hate that!
As for the rest of the story. I liked the world building. However it still felt so small. I think because it’s still so heavily focused on a Warner and Juliette’s relationship and their inner monologues, it was hard to expand. I liked that they brought new characters into it but I wish there could have been more interactions between everyone.
That’s really what this story was lacking, dynamic character interactions. We hardly saw the minor characters of the previous world. Even Adam was hardly in it and I felt like they were really going somewhere with that storyline.
I think a lot of it felt super rushed. I think that was probably the point. But it all just felt so short. Almost like a fanfic. I just wanted it to be a little more fleshed out.
Overall, I know that these books have always kind of been like this. They’re relationship focused, they always have been. I also know that the world is just starting to really open up for our main character. It just felt like going back and forth between Juliette and Warner kept the story very contained to those two and I was hoping for more. Everything else just felt like little nuggets of information. I definitely need more and need another book ASAP. It was way too short.
My thoughts are pretty raw right now, I literally finished reading the book like 10 minutes ago but right now I feel a little disappointed in the overall book. I like the direction it’s headed, I’m definitely eager and ready for more, but I had hoped for a little more. I feel like this was a good setup but I really hope the next book is longer with more character and world exploration.
And I need my babies together again. Seriously we know they’re the best when they’re together.
Also, there’s a line right before they have sex and then everything implodes where Juliette thinks that it feels like the first and last time they’ll ever touch. I knew instantly that everything would implode after that but please dear book lords don’t let it be the actual last time.
And would it hurt to get more Kenji? I love all of his Warner interactions but I always need more of him.
Oh man I just hate these huge cliffhangers where Juliette is alone and everyone else’s locations are up in the air. At least in the first series she was usually left alone with Warner and we all wanted it to happen. Now I’m literally like wtf??? Can I get som warnette fanfic to help me through this trying time??
I just want Warner to be there. Juliette opens to door to her crazy parents and Warner is there. I’ll feel so much better.
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flynnspeaks · 7 years
Flynn Marathons Doctor Who, Part 11
(for anyone needing caught up–I’m doing a watch of Doctor Who from the very beginning of the show, bingewatching it by episode instead of by serial (which I find to be closer to the original spirit of the episodes, albeit still nothing like it at all), and then doing a writeup roughly every three serials or so)
Continuing Season 4, starting up the Troughton era:
The Power of the Daleks: Stunning. Absolutely brilliant. Gripping and tense, with a marvelous build-up over the first five episodes to the unrelentless action of the sixth. The Daleks are fascinating here--if I’m right, this is the first episode that really establishes how dangerous even one Dalek can be. Before this, we’ve understood them as galaxy-conquering terrors, but it was always in groups. Here, just one Dalek is enough to send the Doctor into a panic.
The story is well-liked enough, so I’ve only a few things to add: I like how Whitaker essentially structures the story as a two-parter leading into a four-parter, with the first episode spent mostly dealing with the regeneration (which is of course handled sublimely, both in the writing and Patrick’s performance (and I love the detail of Ben being suspicious and Polly just going with it)) and the second with Lesterson reviving the Dalek--all of course leading to the Dalek recognizing the Doctor, conclusively confirming Troughton as our new hero, and the iconic “I am your servant” cliffhanger. Other minor things: interesting that Whitaker brings back the whole “Daleks run on static electricity” detail, which for the most part was forgotten after “Dalek Invasion of Earth”. Also interesting that two of Troughton’s recurring lines (”When I say run...” and “I would like a hat like that”) come from this serial, which I didn’t know.
I also love how the story deals with the rebels, effectively showing how revolutions are so easily co-opted by fascist militants (who in the story are in turn co-opted by the uberfascist Daleks). It’s a surprisingly smart depiction of revolution that is unsettling and relevant today.
So yeah. Marvelous story. By far the best in the series so far.
The Highlanders: So the first three episodes left me kinda bored--not that I felt they were bad, but they weren’t particularly engaging and I wasn’t enjoying the story as much as I had previous historicals. Then the fourth episode happened, and honestly I kinda dug it. The story ended up in some directions I wasn’t expecting, and made the first three more interesting in hindsight. I enjoy the supporting cast, and the reversal of Grey seeming like a good guy, getting the Doctor and his friends out of trouble, but turning out to be a slave trader for the West Indies plantations (and then Perkins turning on him in the end was deeply satisfying).
One of the things I did like about the story from the getgo was how no-nonsense Polly was--from the outset getting out of trouble and preferring action over sitting and waiting to be rescued. In particular her and Kristy capturing Algernon was fantastic, as was his eventual arc in helping them out in the end. I dunno, in general this was a fun little outing, and I think a fine sendoff to one of the more odd facets of Doctor Who’s early days.
(one thing though: I think Episode 1 of this has possibly the lamest cliffhanger in all of Doctor Who, in which Polly is threatened by someone with a knife, only to find in the next episode that it was Kristy...the girl she had been travelling with nearly the whole episode. It’s the cliffhanger equivalent of that horror movie “it’s a jump scare but it’s a cat!” cliche)
The Underwater Menace: Love it. Balmy in the most wonderful ways--”we get the fish people to go on strike!” is one of those lines of dialogue that just makes me happy to be a Doctor Who fan. It helps that this is the first story in the Troughton era to have existing episodes, so you get to actually watch Troughton perform--of course, he’s absolutely magnetic. Always compelling, making active choices with the material and playing off of others brilliantly--his early scenes opposite Zaroff are a particular highlight.
About the only problem I actually have with the story are the companions--Ben is great as usual, and over the past few serials has had a remarkably consistent, interesting character, but Polly’s character changes constantly depending on the needs of the writers. It’s really obvious when you’re watching them in context--last serial Polly was no-nonsense, clever, and conniving; here she suddenly becomes a peril monkey. It’s inordinately frustrating that the female characters continue to be wholly inconsistent like this (meanwhile, Jamie weirdly doesn’t get a lot in the story, mostly shining in the TARDIS bookends).
Outside of that, I can see why this story was hated for such a long time, but like “The Web Planet” it’s just so damned crazy I can’t help but love it. Disgraced scientists in the near-future hidden deep underwater in the Lost City of Atlantis, living off of plankton and trying to blow up the world for the sheer marvel of it? Brilliant (I want to emphasize--I really love the detail that Zaroff wants to blow up the world just for the scientific marvel of it. That’s a fascinating detail that gives interesting layers underneath the copious amounts of ham Furst imbues him with).
Speaking of Furst actually, I don’t mind the camp here--the whole point is that Zaroff is clearly unhinged but everyone is too superstitious to take notice of it, so the ham kind of works. There’s a fantastic moment where the Doctor tells Theos to watch Zaroff’s eyes, and a scene later you see Theos start to see what the Doctor is talking about when he talks to Zaroff. Plus I mean, look, “NOTHING IN ZEH WORLD CAN STOP ME NOW” is fucking fantastic. Nah, this story’s great fun, with a ton of interesting concepts. To me, this stort of story is exactly what Doctor Who is for.
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theartofbeinganerd · 7 years
So, remember that Season 2 AU that ended with a (very literal) cliffhanger that I posted a couple of weeks ago? No? Didn’t think so. Well, anyway, I promised to write a sequel/second part to it, so here that finally is (because I will never have enough Season 2 AUs where Fitzsimmons actually TALK TO EACH OTHER)!
Fitz woke with a start, gasping sharply as he sprung upright in what appeared to be a bed in the med bay of the Playground – so, definitely not the murky water below the cliff he’d fallen from. Which begged the question; how had he gotten there?
The last thing that he remembered was hanging onto the edge of the cliff, Jemma above him with tears in her eyes as rain beat down on them. He remembered letting go, but then…nothing, not falling, or hitting the water, just darkness.
Concentrating on slowing his racing heart and quickened breathing, Fitz sagged back against the pillows on the bed as he searched his mind for any kind of answer – there wasn’t even a single ache in his body, how was that possible after falling from a cliff?
However, there wasn’t a single answer to be found; after letting go of the cliff, his mind was simply a blank.
At the gasp of his name, Fitz glanced up to find the door to his room had opened without his notice, and Skye was now standing in the doorway, looking teary-eyed and utterly relieved at the sight of him awake and sitting up. “Wha-what happened?” he asked in a croaky, underused voice.
Skye sniffled, stepping into the room and taking the seat positioned beside his bed. “Do you remember going to the castle?” When he nodded, she went on, “And how the lab exploded?” She winced as she spoke the words, clearly still feeling guilty for seemingly causing the explosion in the first place.
“Yeah…it wasn’t your…you didn’t do anything, okay?”
She gave him a weak smile, nodding and wiping away one of the tears that had escaped. “Okay,” she whispered in agreement, even though he was sure she still didn’t quite believe it. “Well, after you did something super dumb and dropped to your death, I tried my best to…well, my intention was to cushion your fall, or at least ease it a bit so that you wouldn’t hit the water so hard.”
Fitz’s eyebrows rose in surprise, and he sat up a bit straighter as he asked disbelievingly, “With…your powers?”
Skye nodded, chewing her bottom lip as she shrugged one shoulder. “Yeah, I mean…I couldn’t just stand there and watch you die, and it was the only thing that I could think of at the time. I think it worked because, well, if it hadn’t then we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation. But…it was also really dark and rainy and I couldn’t see and…um…I think I kind of knocked you unconscious?” She winced, offering him an apologetic smile. “I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean for –”
“I know,” he assured her quickly, giving her an understanding smile. “But…how am I…” He gestured to the room around him, and his seemingly undamaged body. If he’d hit been knocked unconscious before he ever hit the water, how had he not drowned?
“Ah, well, that’s where things get interesting,” Skye admitted.
Fitz couldn’t help his dry snort of amusement. “They weren’t already?”
She chuckled, shooting him a look as she said firmly, “Oh, just wait. You see, Simmons had called for the quinjet as soon as we’d lost sight of you, and she was freaking out, Fitz. Like seriously, I’ve never seen her lose her cool like that.”
Fitz figured that Skye was exaggerating a bit for dramatic effect – sure, he knew Jemma would’ve been scared to not know what had happened, and would no doubt have felt powerless to help while stuck up on the cliff like she had been. But, she was also notoriously skilled at keeping her calm under pressure; he’d witnessed and counted on it many a time before.
Widening her eyes and leaning in, Skye went on in a hushed voice, “After a couple of moments, she got tired of waiting, and decided to jump after you! Well, with my assistance, of course.”
“That’s…” Fitz shook his head rapidly, holding up a hand to stop Skye there. “Impossible. Quit it, Skye, and…be serious, alright?”
“I am being serious!” Skye insisted, waving her hands about, as though trying to get Fitz to understand the gravity of her words. “Simmons really did follow after you, and I helped ease her fall – it was easier the second time, actually. Fitz, I really think I can get these powers under control if I can just practice…” She trailed off, clearing her throat embarrassedly. “But, that’s not the point right now. Anyway, after she hit the water, I guess Simmons must’ve found you, even in the dark, and kept you both afloat until you could be rescued.”
He was feeling slightly unsure now, given Skye’s confident insistence, but things still weren’t quite adding up. “Simmons wouldn’t…she doesn’t trust your powers.”
“I know,” Skye agreed, raising her eyebrows pointedly. “But apparently, when it comes to you…all bets are off.”
Before Fitz could even begin to form a response to that, they both looked up at the sound of a light knock on the doorframe. Jemma was lingering there in the doorway, a subdued smile on her face and her eyes focused anywhere but on his face, clearly avoiding his gaze.
Rising quickly from her seat, Skye headed toward the door as she said pointedly, “I’ll give you guys a moment.”
Jemma entered the room then, closing the door softly behind her and sitting primly in the chair that Skye had abandoned. Silence fell between them for a long, tense moment, before Fitz figured that this was as good a time as any to just ask her outright about Skye’s claims. As he opened his mouth to do just that, however, she suddenly hissed, “I can’t believe that you would do that again. How could you be so selfish, so foolish? With what you’ve already put me through, to go and do this…”
He’d been too taken aback to say anything at first, but with those last few words, his shock was overshadowed by the way he simply couldn’t stay silent any longer. “What you’ve been put through? Everything…I did all of it to make sure…it was for you to live!”
Scoffing, she finally raised her watery, narrowed eyes to meet his as she snapped, “Yes, without you.” Floored, Fitz found himself unable to respond to that, so Jemma simply continued, “You’ve never asked how your self-sacrifices affect me, never asked whether I even wanted you to do it – I said that I couldn’t live if you didn’t either, didn’t I? Why didn’t you just listen to me, Fitz?”
For a moment, he could only mouth wordlessly, unable to believe that after months of awkward silence and avoiding their problems, they were finally talking about everything. The thing was, though, that he wasn’t sure that he was ready; after all, he didn’t think that he could handle hearing her confirm that she’d left because he wasn’t the man that he used to be, because she couldn’t stand to be around him anymore when he was…like this.
But, there wasn’t much he could do about either, was there? Jemma seemed bound and determined to hash things out right this moment, to reprimand him for trying to save her life, and even though he’d rather but this whole conversation off a bit longer, he’d be damned before he was ever made to feel bad for trying to make sure that she lived.
“It…I did it because…you’re more –” Fitz tried his best to get the words of his original confession out, figuring that he’d already admitted to his feelings twice now while believing that he was about to die – it couldn’t be that awful mentioning them when he wasn’t on his deathbed.
Jemma wouldn’t let him finish, however, shaking her head as she told him firmly, “That’s no excuse. You don’t get to say that you love me and then die – that’s just not how this works, and I want you to stop it already.”
In response to her anger, Fitz could feel his own irritation beginning to stir in his chest. “Oh, so now you’re mad at me for…for saving your life? Ap-apparently I really can’t do anything right anymore.”
Groaning in frustration, she gave another fierce shake of her head, seemingly ignoring the tears now rolling steadily down her cheeks. “Fitz, it’s not…it isn’t wrong, okay? I’d do the exact same thing in your place, but…but I know that doing so would be selfish, just as…just as your decisions were.”
“I…I don’t…” Fitz gazed imploringly at her, his anger fading a bit at her surprising admission that she’d do the same thing in his place. He wasn’t sure if it was due to either one of his head injuries (past or most recent), or just Jemma, but he was finding it rather difficult to follow the line of this conversation.
Sighing softly, Jemma dropped her gaze to watch her hands as they wrung together in her lap. “Your words in the pod…they were ‘I couldn’t live if you didn’t’ – that was the reason you gave for saving my life, not wanting to live in a world without me.” Her bottom lip trembled as a fresh round of tears spilled over onto her already moistened skin. “I don’t want to live in a world without you either, Fitz, and it’s selfish of me to want you to stay alive for my own sake. I know…perhaps have always known that you’re my weakness, that the only time that I allow myself to be selfish is when it comes to you.” A sad smile quirked her lips as she lifted her gaze back to his, and admitted, “And that’s what made leaving for HYDRA so difficult.”
Slowly shaking his head in something between awe and confusion (and perhaps a bit of trepidation), Fitz asked gently, “What…what are you talking about?”
“Fitz, all I wanted was to stay with you, to help you, but…I couldn’t allow myself to be selfish any longer, not when my presence was hurting your ability to heal properly. I had to put you first, and realize that what you need the most wasn’t me, but distance, time away from me. That’s why I left, Fitz, not because of what happened to you or what you said to me in the pod, or whatever likely justified reason that you’ve come up with in my absence of an explanation.
“I’m so sorry that I ever had to lie to you, but it was for you, and I don’t regret doing it. I’ll never regret putting you first.” Releasing a quiet sigh, she added lowly, “I just want you to do the same sometimes and put yourself first, because you’re so important, Fitz, and I…I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you.” As soon as she’d finished speaking, a majority of the tension in her shoulders seemed to drain right out of her, the truth that she’d been carrying inside for too long finally released.
In the space of a few moments, Fitz felt as though his entire world had shifted (again), and suddenly it all made so much sense – he’d wondered for so long what had happened to Jemma, why she was treating him differently and lying to him and just up and leaving him as though it was nothing. But of course she’d do all of that if she’d thought that it would help him; it was such a Jemma thing to do.
Why hadn’t that ever occurred to him before now?
And then, Fitz felt his eyes growing wide as the truth of Skye’s claims hit him. In barely more than a hoarse whisper, he stated aloud, “Skye wasn’t lying; you did jump after me.”
Jemma gave a guilty little smile, reaching up to attempt to brush away the tears on her face as she shrugged. “It was the only thing that I could think to do. I wasn’t giving up on you without a fight, after all.” Her smile faded as she sighed, and admitted, “That’s something that I should’ve been doing since returning from HYDRA – fighting for you. But I was just…I was so afraid that you didn’t want to be around me anymore, that you wouldn’t be able to forgive me, and I couldn’t bear it so I just…stayed away. It was the wrong decision, of course, and I’m very sorry for that as well.”
Fitz reached out to find her hand where she’d settled it on the edge of his bed, giving her hand a brief squeeze. “I could probably forgive you for…well, just about anything. You didn’t…you never had to fight for me, Jemma. I’ve…I mean, I’ve been a right arse lately and a blind one too. I’m just…I’m sorry, ‘specially for how I…the way I was to you.”
Giving a little shake of her head, Jemma assured him, “That’s in the past. Truthfully, I’m just grateful that you’re alright.”
Chuckling, Fitz gave her hand a little nudge as he said quietly, “Thanks t’you – again.”
She laughed softly, a light blush coloring her cheeks as she lifted a hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “You had better remember that the next time you decide to be a self-sacrificing fool, then, because I’m not about to let you get away with it.”
They shared a smile then, and Fitz asked uncertainly, “Are we…okay?”
Jemma gave a small nod, finding his hand with hers once more and wrapping her cool fingers around his. “We are.”
Fitz felt a surge of relief at her confirmation, and perhaps even a little thankful for what had happened to lead them there; if he hadn’t fallen from that damn cliff, they’d likely still be in that strange limbo that they’d been in for months. Who knew how long it would’ve taken them to have this conversation then? He’d been afraid for so long now that the circumstances of his last near-death experience had been the end of his friendship with Jemma – maybe all he’d needed was another to set him straight.
But, hopefully in the future, it wouldn’t take as much to just get them to talk to each other and be honest about how they were feeling. Fitz rather thought that they’d both had enough near-death experiences to last a lifetime, after all.
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fictionerd · 6 years
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Good to see you, friends!
Not gonna use the Synopsis/Thoughts format this time. I just sort of want to spout my frustrations out into the ether. This episode is probably the most effective episode of 3DK I’ve seen since the first one or two of the series. I actually cared deeply about the Idiot Couple’s relationship. Seeing Tsutsui (Yes I’m calling them both by name this post) going out of his way to do everything he could possibly think of with Iroha plucked my damn heartstrings. However, I do have one nagging question remaining that I’d hoped to find the answer to this episode so I’d know whether to drop this hot mess or not. WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THE DOCTOR!?
They made a big deal of it at the beginning of this episode too, and we haven’t gotten an answer. The episode’s cliffhanger seems to be leading into what the answer is, but I’m left waiting another week for it. I swear to every god who may or may not be listening that if they pull her having some untreatable illness I’m 99% sure I’ll drop this shit immediately. The way I see it there are only a few ways this works out to keep my attention. Either 1) She’s engaged to the doctor for some reason, 2) She’s had some sort of behavioral problem where she toys with people and has been in therapy for it, or 3) It’s all bullshit in which case I’ll be pissed as all hell but relieved at the same time.
Despite my best efforts this show has gotten me to care about these two Idiots. I want to see them get a happy ending, or at least an ending that isn’t bullshit. I think all of this ending on some massive contrivance would piss me off the most. Guess you win one more week out of me, 3DK. Do NOT waste this opportunity.
Until next post keep talking fiction, friends! I’ll see you soon.
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sindrafalcone · 7 years
The Mom Ch. 6
Fandom: BIGBANG/ Choi Seung Hyun
Synopsis: First words
Warnings: Flirting, fluff, the beginnings of angst. This chapter has it all! lol
Author’s Note: Remember that cliffhanger I left you with back in chapter 3? Yeah, it’s finally coming back into play. Sorry it took so long for me to work back around to it. Also, thanks for being understanding about the delay with this chapter. I really appreciate having awesome followers like you guys! <3
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This story contains fictional representations of real people. None of the events are true. This is from an American standpoint, so some of the situations may not happen the same way they might in Korea. I make no money from the writing of this fictional work.
It was only about a week into tour & Seung Hyun was already missing you and the twins terribly. He'd just finished his shower after coming back to the hotel once the show was finished. The others were all out partying, but his current foul mood didn't make him good company to tag along. So instead he had just dragged his tired, moody self back to the hotel alone.
Absently, Seung Hyun dug through his suitcase in search of a pair of clean pajamas. What he pulled out instead left him completely tongue-tied and breathless as he held up a red lacy thong. A low growl of heated frustration came from his throat as he studied the skimpy material. He suddenly began to imagine you sauntering towards him while wearing it.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, quickly finding himself so aroused that he could barely move let alone think straight. Warning signals began firing in his brain telling him to put the tiny scrap of red material away before he completely lost it.
Seung Hyun hastily grabbed his phone from the nightstand to call you. He listened to it ring as he continued to dig through his suitcase.
“You are so going to get it when I get home...” he hissed to himself as he stuffed the underwear back into the luggage before finally finding what he had initially been looking for.
He didn’t care if you were asleep or not, knowing that you probably weren't. And even if you were actually asleep, you more than deserved to be woken up, to know that you would eventually be paying for your deviousness.
“Who is this?” you asked when you answered, even though you already knew.
The sound of your sweet innocent voice over the phone sent a shiver of desire slicing through him, knowing you were anything but when it came to being alone with him.
“You know damn well.” he rasped as he untied the belt on the bathrobe, letting it fall to the floor at his feet.
“Hmmm…I know several men so you’ll have to be a little more specific.”
He could practically hear the corners of your beautiful lips curling with your tease. It was driving him absolutely wild.
“You better not know any other man but me.” he growled with a possessive ferocity that only hinted at the true depths that his jealousy could plunge.
The soft hint of a gasp on the other end of the line brought a measure of satisfaction to the rapper.
“Oh, yes...” you purred with a lovable naivete. “I think I know who this is now.”
Seung Hyun paused to inhale deeply, doing his best to keep himself in complete control as he sat down on the bed to put his pajamas on. You were heating his blood to new levels and you weren't even anywhere near him.
“I believe I found something that belongs to you in my luggage.” he evenly told you, sliding his legs into the pants.
“Oh really?” you coyly replied, acting as if you weren’t the least bit interested. “I wonder what that could possibly be. Maybe you could bring it to me sometime.”
“I plan on giving it to you... just as soon as I get home.” Seung Hyun said, the double entendre was intended, the heat in his voice revealing just how much you were affecting him.
There was a definite pause and a possible muffled moan somewhere in there before you finally responded, your voice proving you’d recovered from whatever reaction his words had caused. “Actually, I was just about to go to sleep so maybe some other time?”
“I don’t think so.” he nearly snarled at you. “I will be coming for you, just as soon as this damn tour is over.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?” you asked, slightly breathless.
“Both.” he snapped in that voice that was deep, rough and powerfully demanding.
“Not until you’ve found all three pieces.” you told him with a smile.
“If you found it in your suitcase, that means you haven't found the garter belt yet.”
“Garter belt?” Seung Hyun's head snapped up, his minding completely racing much like his heart rate was now.
Where on earth could you have hidden that? He fought against the overwhelming urge to search every single inch of his belongings.
“Yes… garter belt.” you repeated. “I believe you know what that is… don’t you, T.O.P?”
You let the initials of his stage name roll off of your tongue, drawing them out and allowing them to hang sensually in the air between you. You heard a deep groan rumble through your phone, telling you that you had just won yourself another small victory in the war of seduction against your husband.
“Yes, I know what a garter belt is.” he ground out through clenched teeth. “You do know that you’re really playing with fire now, right?”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re referring to.” you sweetly replied. You could practically feel his desperation and frustration through the call.
“I will be getting revenge.” he warned you.
“By the way, you might come across one or two more…things.” you mysteriously informed him, ignoring his threat.
His mind continued to race, trying to think of what else you could have done or could have added to the erotic item that you had already left for him. It was beginning to take him to places he shouldn’t go right now, no matter how desperate he was becoming at the moment.
“You are such a damn tease.” his gravelly voice finally came through. “If you thought what happened before I left was bad... just you wait. It’s about to get much worse.”
His threat was followed by complete silence, taking him by surprise. His princess always had a comeback of some sort, some biting retort to get under his skin. The fact that you could not only take his teasing, but dish out your own, was one of the things he dearly loved about you.
“I’m sorry did you say something? I was busy adjusting my red stockings.” you lied glibly. Then you added a little lilting laugh at the end that was so damn cute he didn’t even realize how tightly he was gripping his pajama shirt in his hand... until one of the buttons started biting into the skin of his palm.
The next response you received from your husband was a strangled choking sound, something akin to the sound of someone dying.
“Are you trying to kill me?” he growled.
“Do you give up the game then?” you asked with another laugh. “If you do, then I win.”
“Hell no!” he adamantly declared. “You already think I started all of this so I’m going to make damn sure that I’m the one who finishes it.”
“We’ll just see about that, naui wangja.” you seductively teased. “Just remember, you can't play until you've found everything I left for you. Good thing you have another month of tour to figure it out. Love you.”
The line suddenly went dead, leaving him hanging and wanting... without getting the last word in.
“Are you sure you're ready?” you asked Yeon Jun, yet again.
“Yes, Imo.” the boy said with a sigh. “I know what I'm doing by now.”
“Right... sorry.” you gave him an apologetic smile.
Your nephew had been your partner in crime when it came to helping you record videos of the twins so you could send them to his Uncle while he was away. He was pretty good at it for a kid his age & worked for fairly cheap. Just a few homemade cookies were all you needed to pay him.
“Okay then. Just let me know when you start it up again.”
“Go!” he giggled excitedly.
“Seung Min...” you gently called out to your son from where you were sprawled out on the floor, a few feet away from him.
The boy turned his head towards the sound of your voice and pulled himself up on all fours, grunting with the effort and wobbling slightly.
“Come on, Thing 2.” you coaxed. “You can do it. Crawl to Eomma...”
After a few more gurgling noises, Seung Min began to slowly crawl his way across the floor towards you.
“He's doing it!” Yeon Jun called out in excitement, trying his best to keep your phone steady as he recorded.
Seung Min finally managed to reach you and you grabbed hold of him under his arms, rolling over and holding him triumphantly above you as you laid in the floor.
“You did it!”
The boy kicked his feet and waved his arms in an excited string of babbling squeals that finally ended in a jabbered “Eomma”. You and Yeon Jun both froze at the unexpected word, staring at each other before turning to look back at Seung Min in shock.
You sat up quickly, settling your son into your lap as you hurriedly swiped at the tears of joy that were falling down your cheeks. You held your hand out to Yeon Jun, a silent request for him to give you the phone. He handed it over to you, but he had a suspicious look in his eyes.
“What are you doing?” he asked cautiously.
“I'm going to delete that one and then we'll try it again.” you said, fingers already swiping through the menu.
“What?! Why?!?”
“Because, rabbit... your Uncle will be crushed if he has to hear his son's first words through a recording. He's missed so much already...” you answered quietly, a fresh wave of tears making their way down your face.
“No!” your nephew's hand shot out to cover yours in an attempt to stop you. “You can't just delete that, Imo. It's his first word. Don't you want to keep it forever? Besides, we can record another one for you to send Samchon now & then you can always let him see that one later.”
“You're right.” you finally agreed, taking a deep breath in an attempt to relax yourself. “You know, for a kid your age, you're surprisingly wise. How did you get so smart?”
Yeon Jun just smiled at you as you handed the phone back to him so he could record another video for Seung Hyun.
“Oh, it's nothing really.” the boy said mischievously. “I had a really smart Nanny...”
A month later, you were in the kitchen with your mother in law when you heard the front door open and close, signaling that your husband was finally home from tour. You rushed out the door and towards the sound, completely ignoring the fact that you still had Sung Ja in your arms. You rounded the corner and couldn't help but smile as you caught your first glimpse of your husband in two months.
“Welcome home, yeobo.” you said, walking briskly towards him.
He opened his mouth to answer you as he slid off his shoes, but before he even got the chance to say anything, Sung Ja lunged forward as soon as she spotted her father.
“Appa!” the little girl cried out in joy.
“Did she just say what I think she said?” Seung Hyun asked in bewilderment as he hastily caught his daughter. “Did you just say appa?”
Sung Ja babbled again in response, a string of indecipherable words that ended in a more pronounced “appa” this time as she patted her father's cheek as if to prove her point. You looked at Seung Hyun, only to see his eyes growing wet, a goofy grin on his face that told you that his heart had just swelled beyond measure.
“Was that...?” he asked you breathlessly.
“Her first word?” you asked & he nodded. “Yeah... yeah it was. Seung Hyun...” you softly murmured, tears suddenly glistening in your own eyes to see your husband so happy.
He looked over at you, his smile growing even wider with the pride and love that he felt at that moment.
“I can’t believe she said it.” he slowly shook his head in disbelief. “Her first word was ‘appa’.”
You smiled as you watched your husband. “I’m so glad that you were able to hear her first word.”
“It was amazing.” he thoughtfully replied. “I never thought it would… that it…”
“Would mean so much to you?” you knowingly finished for him.
He slowly nodded his head, gathering his emotions and tucking them deep in his heart to dwell on later when he was alone.
“I never got to have these kids of experiences with Yeon Jun or Seon Hwa.”
“This is all new to me too.” you reminded him, affectionately caressing the back of his hand with your thumb. “I love every single moment of this life with you, Seung Hyun. Thank you for being willing to share it with me, for giving me the twins.”
He reached over to brush a lock of hair behind your ear, his hand lingering against your cheek. “I’m the one who should be thanking you, gongju-nim.” he softly said as he stared into the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen. “If you hadn’t been so patient, so persistent, I would’ve missed out on so much in life. I’m just sorry her first word wasn’t eomma.”
You gently shook your head as your smile spread, a hand coming to rest against his still cupped against your cheek to keep it there.
“I’m not.” you grinned. “Just seeing the sheer joy on your face when she said that was worth more than the world to me.”
You just didn't have the heart to tell him that Seung Min had been saying eomma for almost a month now. It just wasn't the right time. You'd tell him later... when he wasn't so emotional. In fact you were relieved that your daughter had finally spoken. You were beginning to worry and had thought about setting up an appointment with the pediatrician just to have her checked out.
Seung Hyun smiled in return as he leaned in close. In one smooth motion, he pulled you into his free arm and kissed you slowly…deeply, his hand sliding from your cheek up into your hair.
“Do you surrender yet?” you finally asked as you broke the kiss, reminding him of your game of cat & mouse.
“Never, _______-ah… this is war.” he muttered before kissing you again.
The kiss continued to deepen, passion flaring and set to explode right there in the entryway. He had never wanted someone so much or so desperately as he always wanted you, needed you. He wanted to take you upstairs right then and there, forgetting all about the planned welcome home dinner.
“Son, if you’d be so kind as to allow ________-ah to have her tongue back, the twins need to be fed so that I can finish cooking.” Seung Hyun's mother announced primly from behind you.
Her tone may have been reprimanding, but her eyes were sparkling with true amusement and happiness with witnessing just how in love her son was.
“We’ll be right there, eomma.” Seung Hyun frowned, keeping you tight in his arms.
Seung Hyun stood just inside the kitchen with his arms folded against his chest, watching as his wife fed his son…or at least attempted to. Seung Min was anything but interested in the baby food you were attempting to feed him.
The baby's building frustration readily equaled that of his mother’s as you tried to “choo-choo” the spoon of baby food to his mouth again for the umpteenth time. By the amount of baby food covering his son’s face and bib, he could tell that your previous attempts had been very unsuccessful so far.
Seung Min pinched his lips tightly shut, shaking his head furiously in a stubborn yet valiant attempt to avoid what was coming. The glare he gave you caused Seung Hyun to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing, immense pride swelling in his chest. He was most definitely his son in every way imaginable.
If that wasn’t a patented T.O.P glare, he didn’t know what was. Watching him, Seung Hyun couldn’t help but feel as though he was looking into a mirror of his past, seeing himself as he was at that age, you looking every bit like his perpetually long-suffering mother.
“Seung Min...” you cooed with unbelievable patience as you held the spoon out before him. “It’s yummy… and it’s your favorite.”
The boy finally opened his mouth, giving you a false sense of victory as he seemingly accepted the food only to spit it out all over you.
“Choi Seung Min!” you cried in stunned annoyance, grabbing a napkin and attempting to wipe the offending food off your shirt.
A familiar snicker could be heard from the other side of the kitchen, one that no doubt belonged to your mother in law.
“_______-ah...” she said with amusement coloring her voice. “Might I suggest giving him a small taste of these eggs? He might enjoy it much more than his applesauce.”
“I guess the doctor did say we could start trying them on soft foods.” you frowned, looking down in annoyance at your blouse covered in wet splotches.
Seung Hyun decided now was a very good time to make his presence known, coming to his wife’s rescue.
“Need some help, yeobo?” he asked, doing his best to keep the laughter from his voice, but he knew he had failed miserably. You looked hilarious covered in baby food coupled with the look of annoyance on your face.
“Might as well let you try.” you replied with a frown. “Especially since you’ve been standing there watching me fight with him for a while now.”
Your husband kissed you on the forehead in a silent apology before settling down in his chair on the other side of Seung Min's highchair.
“Hey there, Thing 2.” he greeted his son, his hand reaching to caress the back of his head. “Are you giving your mother fits?”
“That’s putting it mildly.” his mother quipped from behind the kitchen counter as she finished making dinner. “It seems to me that it’s far more ‘like father, like son’.”
“Seung Hyun was just like this when he was Seung Min's age?” you asked, casting a glance at your mother in law, her eyes brightly gleaming with joy as well as remembrance. “Why am I not the least bit surprised?”
“Hey, I was a very well behaved little boy.” he insisted as he picked up the spoon to try again. “In fact, I was the perfect child.”
His mother's snort of laughter caught both of your attentions, causing you to stop and look at her.
“That’s not quite the way I remember it, Seung Hyun. I believe I spent more time cleaning the walls and floors of the kitchen and dining room because of your numerous fits when it came to food. We were wrapped up in quite the battle of wills back then.”
“Yes, well you’re getting up there in years, eomma.” Seung Hyun reminded her with mock indignation. “A person’s memory can be unpredictable at your age.”
“I will have you know my memory is as sharp as it has ever been!” she replied with chin held high, coming around the counter with a plate in hand to place it on the table. “In fact, I remember me wearing your baby food much like your wife is now. It seems the apple doesn’t fall very far from the proverbial tree.”
“Must have been my sister you’re remembering.” he told her with a shake of his head. “Either that or this isn’t really my son.”
You bit back a grin as Seung Hyun began to feed his son the baby food, anxiously anticipating the moment that he would be sharing your fate. His expensive shirt and pants weren’t about to last long at the rate Seung Min was going this afternoon.
“Oh, this is most definitely your child, son.” she vehemently countered. “He’s exactly like you not only in looks but also a very iron-will personality.”
“I still think he gets his stubbornness from _______-ah.” Seung Hyun firmly decided. “This can’t all be just from me.”
You frowned in confusion as you watched Seung Min readily eat his breakfast as his father fed him, happily accepting the applesauce and not even noticing the plate full of eggs.
“How are you doing that?” you demanded with a quirked eyebrow, your agitation growing.
“I’m his favorite.” Seung Hyun shrugged, flashing you a cocky grin as he fed his son. “Besides, he’s daddy’s little man, aren’t you, Seung Min?”
The other members of Bigbang as well as your sister in law, niece and nephew had all just arrived for the celebratory dinner. In the middle of all the hustle of greeting and hugs, the doorbell rang.
“I'll get it!” Hye Yoon called out and walked out of the living room to answer the door.
You watched with a smile as Yeon Jun led his sister down the hallway towards the playroom. Turning around you saw that Jiyong already had Sung Ja in his arms and Seung Hyun was holding Seung Min as the two men talked.
You had just started up a conversation with Daesung and Youngbae when you heard your sister in law call out your name as she reentered the room.
“________-ah!” she said excitedly. “You have a surprise visitor.”
You turned away from your brothers to see what she was talking about, but as soon as you caught sight of who she had just let in your home, you felt all the color drain from your face.  
“No...” you whispered, feeling sick to your stomach.
Suddenly, Seungri ran towards you from the other side of the room where he'd been chatting with Seung Hyun's mother. He slid a little in his sock feet across the hardwood floor & threw his arms out in front of you as if to protect you.
“________-ah?” your husband asked, confused. “What's going on? Who is this?”
Before you even had a chance to answer, the maknae did it for you.
“That's her sister...”
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culturejunkies · 5 years
Titans: So much wasted potential
By Kenshiro
Naturally, i expect this opinion of mine to be met with some angry reacts because we live in a world where opposing opinions are not welcome, but I can’t contain my utter frustration over what could’ve been an incredible experience from beginning to end.  Of course, everyone’s mileage will very, and not everyone will have the same level of expectations, but DC’s Titans: Season Two ultimately fell short for me in all the predictable ways possible.
The season started off strong…and by start I do not mean the season opening episode.  That episode actually belongs in Season One, so i’ll leave it there.  I was very enthralled by the setup episode of Titans Season Two.  I felt like the story beats they were setting up were finally pushing us in a direction that would get us to the Titans we all know from the comic book runs of legendary writer/artist George Perez and superstar writer Geoff Johns.  Johns, who serves as Executive Producer on Titans, is one of my favorite comic writers of the last 20 years so I just knew his influence would lead us to some cool superhero action along with a tight narrative plot that would delve deeper into what makes the Titans a family.
Color me disappointed!  This is not at all what I was expecting.
When the 4th episode came around, an episode delving into the team’s past, I was starting to notice a slight pattern that irked me a little.  This season had a definite pacing problem that either arose from too many plot points to write for, too many characters needing attention or some combination in-between.  Episodes would end on these GREAT cliffhangers (many of which oddly, had to do with Robin/Jason Todd needing to be rescued) and then the momentum would suddenly be stunted by them shifting focus to a flashback episode or focusing on a new/different character.  It was jarring!  Granted, binging the episodes back-to-back may help stifle some of that feeling, but Titans is a weekly streamed show, so it really hit every time it happened.
One of the only times we saw this in season and it was a damn flashback!
Can you call yourselves crime-fighters…if you never fight any crime?
This is probably the most irksome detail I noticed about this season.  I was willing to give them a pass last season due to it being a rookie show trying to find its legs, but midway through this season I’d reached my breaking point!  Titans exist in a world where it is fully established that the Titans are publicly recognized crime fighting vigilante teams. People know who they are, and supposedly what they are known for, which is fighting bad guys and saving the day.  THIS SHOW HAS NONE OF THAT.
I can count 6 instances where the team gets together and fights crime or the bad guy. Starfire and Wonder Girl vs. Shimmer, Dove fighting the dudes in a garage meth lab, the old heads facing Dr. Light for the first time, another time against Dr. Light to take him down, the old Titans team defeating carjackers, and then one more time when Dick and Starfire teamed up to rescue Jason from Deathstroke.  All of those instances happen within the first 4 proper episodes of the season.  Perhaps I am expecting too much, but the season set up the young Titans in Titans Tower with Dick training them for “The Life”, but they never see any action in the field at all.  Much of the crime-fighting takes place out of costume and/or in a flashback scene.  This show is about a superhero crime-fighting team…why not show it?  Probably because they’re too busy with my next gripe.
These People Are NOT Likeable. Like Not At ALL.
Run down the list of every character on the show, with the exception of probably Jericho, Starfire and Superboy since he’s mostly a blank slate, and you can find an almost irritating quality amongst all of them.  Hank is an irredeemable asshole. Dick is a utterly complete idiot who seemingly learned ZERO from being with Batman for years, Donna is kind of a icy bitch, before and AFTER she slept with Aqualad, Dawn is a nice girl who puts up with the biggest asshole for some unknown reason and definitely deserves better.  Tiger Boy…well he’s given nothing to do except maul people and be mostly annoying otherwise.  Raven, who admittedly grew on me a little bit early on, has gone full-on brat mode as the season went on.  It all starts up top though, and that’s Dick Grayson.
The prison subplot was a very out-of-character way to spark a Nightwing origin, and made even less sense on its surface.
  He does some incredibly head-scratching, mind-numbingly dumb things over the course of this season and in the revelations of his past that make him pretty hard to cheer for.  His characterization wavers from mopey erstwhile leader of a part-time special individuals babysitters club to a dude who makes some questionable decisions in the idiotic attempt to serve penance for past transgressions.  They spend so much time bitching about things that never should’ve come about had they practiced even a smidgen of common sense that it takes you out of the enjoyment of the show.  Its Season Two and it still feels like they are trying to find their legs in exactly what this show wants to be.  That’s not a great sign in my book. Similar shows like Daredevil, Watchmen, The Punisher or even sister-show Doom Patrol don’t require this long to get to the heart of what it wants to be!  Either get a new show runner or hire some much better writers!
It’s Not All Bad.  I expected so much better though!
Esai Morales has been so unbelievably excellent as Slade Wilson/Deathstroke this season.  I wasn’t too sure what to expect when he was cast, but dude has knocked it way out of the park in this season.  All the story parts involving him, were great and I had hoped the show would focus on him as the focal point, but they couldn’t help but squeeze in the god-awful Cadmus Labs story line, something that honestly could’ve waited until next season.  The subplot of Starfire’s destiny as crown Princess of Tameran was also intriguing. She was one of the best parts of Season One and Anna Diop, with better costuming in tow, killed it this season too.  I’m very much looking forward to her plot line developing with Blackfire next season.  Jason Todd really grew on me this season.  The subplot of the budding romance of he and Rose Wilson was definitely a high-point…much more believable than any of the forced attempts for Raven and Gar.  Don’t know what’ll shake out for next season, but watch it for that if you haven’t yet.
So while Titans started off pretty promising for me, ahead of the season finale tomorrow on DC Universe, ultimately I’m left feeling disappointed by the heights that were teased in earlier episodes.  I’m hoping that Season Three proves to be the one we’ve always hoped the show would be, but right now, its not hitting the mark in fulfilling its lofty potential.
0 notes
renaroo · 6 years
The Dark Half (1/20)
Disclaimer: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were created by Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird and are owned by Viacom. Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, Psychological horror, Character death Rating: T   Summary: For years Leonardo has vowed to protect his family, but how is one supposed to protect their family from something that no one can see? And how can you tell whether or not the worst danger to your family is yourself? [TMNT 2k3]
A/N:  Of my surviving earliest fics, there was probably nothing that carried the amount of ambition with it that The Dark Half did purely because here I was, some thirteen year old who read way too many Stephen King novels, deciding I was going to completely go against all genre conventions I’d worked with before and make a horror story. And I’m honestly still proud of a lot of the ideas that came out of that. Though, it’s a little embarrassing looking at the past. 
Which is why I wanted the chance to finally go back and revise this old story that honestly did a lot of things for my growth as a person. 
And I’ll also be making fun of mid-2000s A/N’s along the way because hot damn are these hilarious
[[Original Author’s Notes circa 2005] Turtlefreak121: Alrighty, I've been plotting this one for quite some time, so if you would please, this is The Dark Half and I'm not sure how good this story will eventually end up, but I know I have quite the tendency to use cliffhangers (evil snicker)]
Bragging about cliffhangers and using the term ‘evil snicker’. Oh boy. This is going to be a trip haha
Chapter One: Murder in the Big City
Waiting for the night brought Leonardo to the surface at dusk.
Dusk. He always found that word to have a dry, unappealing sound to it that caught in the back of one’s throat. Nothing like the actual atmosphere it portrayed, this beautiful calm better suited by twilight, nightfall, sundown. And dusk certainly didn’t speak to the pleasure and ease that the time brought to Leonardo in particular.
For him, it was the start of his true day, the beginning of the nighttime freedom only granted to him and his family in darkness.
Being the oldest brother, being the chosen leader of their family clan, Leonardo had pressed himself to perform the part of the oldest brother, to be the fastest, the strongest, the most graceful. He had to push himself as the best in every possible way because he honestly didn’t know how else he could be a leader to his equally — or perhaps even more — gifted brothers.
At fifteen, Leonardo’s shoulders were tense and heavy with an unseen weight. He had to seek perfection in the almost futile attempt to earn respect from a gaggle of less self-important, less serious teenagers.
But if he didn’t have his brothers’ respect, if he didn’t lead them correctly, he couldn’t protect his family.
The price of failure was death for them. Leonardo found that unacceptable. Especially in a world where they were absolutely unaccepted.
Even with exceptions — friends who were as close as family, like April and Casey, or allies who they had earned respectful silence from — Leonardo was constantly aware that their enemies and those who did not and would not understand them far outnumbered them. That night alone, Leonardo as leader needed to maneuver his brothers’ surface exercises around the ever changing movements of the rival Foot ninja clan, the Purple Dragon street gangs which had splintered and expanded, and the generally unexpected that they always seemed to fall into.
As Leonardo looked over the peaks of rundown buildings and billow of occasional smoke, he could hear the soft patter of his three brothers landing not far behind him. He could almost anticipate that Raphael would be the one to step up next.
“What’s your call, fearless one?” Raphael joked, joining Leonardo in watching the distant cityscape. “You already rethinking topside training?”
“No,” Leo answered without even looking to the others. “I want us to take about a three block round of shadow tag. No weapons — palms only.”
He could all but feel the eyes rolling behind him.
“Oh pah-leese,” Michelangelo snickered.
“Even Master Splinter would let us use weapons,” Donatello pointed out with a sigh.
“Yeah, extreme rules or no rules,” Raphael sneered. He pulled his sai from their holster and quickly began spinning them while looking at Leonardo challengingly.
“We don’t need them out here. We need to work on speed, not weapon finesse. It’ll make keeping to the shadows less of an option—“ Leonardo began to list off his reasoning before his shoulder was whipped by the broadside of Raph’s sai. “Raph!”
“Guess who’s it,” Raphael chuckled before trust falling backward into the alley below.
Michelangelo and Donatello quickly followed, laughing among each other.
With a deep breath, Leonardo resisted rubbing at his temples before joining his brothers in the game of shadow tag.
Three blocks was nothing for them. Child’s play for ninja of their caliber.
Even though Leonardo was the only one to stick to the no weapons rule, there was little to no maliciousness involved between the four of them. A rarity for teenage brothers.
They danced through the shadows, around one another, each faltering in the slightest of steps and leaving an opening. It was constructive, a way of safely identifying weaknesses in their forms and guard. They all needed it, needed the challenge from one another.
Once he was free of it status, Leonardo knew his best plan was to pull ahead and put as much distance between himself and the others as he could. He twisted himself in a leap over Donatello, landing his palms on Don’s shoulders before pushing off and blasting forward. He could hear his brother’s groan of frustration.
His plan was working, Leonardo pulled far ahead from his brothers and reached the designated corner with feet between them. He enjoyed the bit of competitive edge, the rush, the feeling that he could still pull ahead.
Catching his breath, Leo began to turn to face his brothers as they slowed in approach, but raised voices put him on guard.
Ducking back deeper into the shadows, Leonardo watched steadily over the edge of the building where the voices were coming from. He waved to his brothers, almost instantly silencing them.
They followed his lead, falling into line into the shadows.
“Trouble?” Donatello asked in barely a whisper.
“Don’t know,” Leo said, trying to make sense of the distant, but loud, words. He was unsettled, though he couldn’t imagine why. These sorts of issues were not exactly uncommon on their night runs. But there was something about this, it didn’t sit well deep in his guts, where he was beginning to feel hollowed out and strange.
“Uh, Leo?” Mikey stage whispered, a little too loud for Leo’s liking. “You alright, dude? You look… pale.”
“What?” Leo answered defensively raising his shoulders. “No. No, I’m fine. Just… Trying to read the situation.”
Without a second to breathe, the air was interrupted with an ear piercing noise — the firing of a gun.
Raphael spun his sai a last time before holding them ready. “Looks like time’s up for that, fearless.”
Leonardo felt the same sickly, gut wrenching feeling that had suddenly overcome him from before. There was something not right about the situation.
His thoughts didn’t carry for long, however, as a second shot was already filling the air.
“Go!” Leonardo ordered, though all of them were already in motion, and his stomach was completely cold with a dread he couldn’t place.
Big Tony was, admittedly, not the most original monicker.
Perhaps it was all he had earned from one of the least original ways to direct the small block of Queens that had been left over after the fall of the ninja clan and its vice grip on all underground activities. Ruthless, but not particularly ambitious. And so long as he and his crew maintained the hold that they had, he was going to be as ruthless as possible inside of his territory. It was a doomed strategy, especially among mobs and especially in New York, but there wasn’t a soul left in Tony’s operation who would oppose him on it.
That left the bloated, greased up man to smile with veneers to cover his rottenness, and his many stolen rings and medallions to flash to the public at large. He looked like a Dick Tracey villain in his dark purple pinstripe suite, and yet he terrified those underneath the heel of his snakeskin boots into silence.
Dressed as he was, Big Tony looked out of place in a darkened alleyway. But it was his most secure path for himself and his closest working confidante, Weasel — a man who more than fit his own monicker in appearance — to reach the dubious looking former pharmacy that acted as the most recent office for their empire.  
Still, it was a bad time of night, especially when a failed cover up involving a journalist had come to bite them in the ass so recently.
At least that event had taught Tony to no longer leave loose ends. Which was his intention that night before he ended up being on the receiving end of a surprise.
On the other end of the alley, in the shadows by the thick plated door that served as Tony and Weasel’s preferred entrance, stood the pudgy man of the hour.
“The hell,” Weasel muttered, hand already by his secured arm.
“You told him about our door?” Tony snarled, already feeling heat rising to his face.
“No way, Boss,” Weasel answered. “But, you know this guy. He never does anything right. Guess he forgot how to use a front door in between missing his payments.”
A growl rolled its way between Tony’s gnashed teeth, but he was not a man known for his restraint after all. So with bluster and confidence, remembering the sniveling pencil pusher he was dealing with in the first place, Tony began to push his way to the strange man in the bowler hat. “Erlinger! First you have the nerve to demand a meeting with me, and now you’re trying to show your disrespect by not even coming by my terms? The hell’s the matter with you? Do you need reminding of where your place is? Who’s the man that you keep the damn books for? Do you?”
Weasel snickered from behind and lessened the tension that had been built.
They knew this nobody of an accountant, after all.
“Disrespect?” Erlinger answered with a strange lack of stammering. He didn’t so much as flinch, obscured by the overcast shadows. “No, sir. Of course not, sir. A lack of respect for superiors is not one of my vices.”
Taken aback by the words and the sultry confidence Erlinger had in presenting them, Tony stopped mid stride and looked back to Weasel. Weasel seemed as confused by the scene as Tony was.
“The  hell are you talking about?” Tony said flagrantly instead. “You on something? You call this so that we can straighten you out? Because with the heat on me like it is, Erlinger, you better believe that I’ll lay you out as I do it. I don’t need any whack job fucking up my books while I’m still lucky to be on bail, you worm!”
Rather than coil back in fear and regret as most would under the duress of being in Tony’s direct line of sight, Erlinger stood his ground, clicking his tongue. “Wrath. Avarice. Vanity. I see them all so clearly now. How was I ever so blind to the sin that ooze through that gluttonous body. Everything is so much… clearer now. So much… better now that I have been granted his sight.”
“What?” Tony balked, so off guard there was almost nothing else he could have said.
“Hey! You can’t talk to the boss like that!” Weasel cried out indignantly, pressing up ahead of Tony. He was pulling out his gun, face already covered in pure disgust.
From the darkness of the shadows, a simple smile seemed to almost glow. “And there is envy. What sins we wear right on our sleeves.”
“Boss,” Weasel muttered out of the corner of his mouth, “he completely lost it.” Training his firearm on Erlinger. “The only thing I’m seeing on your sleeves, Erlinger, is that same ugly as hell blue suit you’ve had for as long as we’ve known you.”
“What did you want all this for?” Tony snapped. “You called this meeting for a reason. What is it? Stocks down? Pigs banging on your doors already? What brought you here?”
“Land acquisition,” the man responded simply. “An expansion of territory, if we’re going by your rudimentary terms.”
“Hey, Tony’s business is his own business, you pen pushing cockroach! Keep your noses in the books!” Weasel ordered harshly.
“I don’t have any investment in your crude criminal dealings anymore,” Erlinger clarified coldly. “I’m speaking of my own territory.”
That actually made Tony laugh. The man had surely reached some sort of psychotic break. “You ain’t got no territory, stooge. I own you, remember?” He chuckled and looked to his loyal lieutenant. “The nards on this guy, am I right? Who’s got envy and greed now?”
Weasel placated Tony with an immediate laughter, true if not bolstered for emphasis a bit.
“You laugh at my sins,” Erlinger said almost somberly, “but I wouldn’t. There isn’t any shame in sin. Those of us involved with the more nefarious side of life should know that. Accept that. What we should allow ourselves to do is bathe in it. To accept it and live by it. I hear that calling now. I know it to be something that will last beyond any mortal, beyond any means. It’ll have the most lasting impacts, the greatest legacies.”
“What a whack job,” Weasel muttered in astonishment.
“Putting it lightly, Weasel,” Tony responded, brows reaching for his hairline.
“I’m speaking of greed, gentlemen,” Erlinger elaborated more. “Greed, something the three of us are no small strangers too, of course. Greed… and its stupendous possibilities once we’ve given ourselves over to it. Over to him.”
“Him? The hell you talking about?” Tony tried again.
“You see, he understands greed, is avarice. And I say that with no small amount of exaggeration. And, because of that, because of that need to grow and to be taken care of so that the empire may continue to grow, I must provide to him territory. Land acquisition, after all, was the first greed of all. The one that built his empire to begin with. That’s why he calls me. And he calls me to do this.”
Before the bizarre rant could even sink in, there was an earsplitting pop, and Tony felt a numbing cold in his chest. He began to sink just as a second bang echoed and it could truly set in that he was shot. Weasel was shot.
And he laid on the floor of a dark alley in the small bit of the Queens he had loved to rule aggressively so much. And he did so until darkness consumed everything around him.
When they landed in the alley there was nothing. Wisps of gun smoke were still in the air, two fresh bodies on the ground — but there was no life. Leonardo somehow sensed that the instant his feet touched the ground.
Somehow, impossibly, the shooter was not there in an instant after shooting two victims.
Raphael passed them all in order to be closer to the two fresh bodies, watching the blood pool between them. “Hey, I know these lowlives — they’re those mob doofuses from a while back. We saved that kid’s mom, the reporter, from them.” He sneered at the men. “Couldn’t have been to two nicer guys—“
“Raph,” Leo said in a warning voice.
“What do you think? This one’s got a gun by him, think they shot each other?” Mikey asked. “Case closed?”
“No, case definitely not closed,” Donatello corrected, squatting down to his haunches to examine the scene better. “They are both l saying on their backs and facing the direction of their entrance wounds. Which means they were both shot from the same direction…” He looked over his shoulder toward the end of the alley where Leonardo was currently standing. “The shooter would have to have been right there.”
Leo squinted and looked around him for a hiding spot, high in alert with his twin swords readied in each hand. There was no dumpster, no pile of debris — nothing for someone to hide behind. Just a large, metal door. He walked toward it and tested the knob. It was locked up tight.
“There’s nowhere for the shooter to have gone,” Leo confirmed out loud.
“Oh, sweet! Are we about to play detective on this? I totally call being Batman,” Michelangelo said exuberantly. “Donnie, you’re Robin. Raph, you’re Alfred. Leo’s Commissioner Gordon.”
“Knock it off already, will ya?” Raphael snapped.
“Okay, Batman,” Don humored, “if the shooter was where Leo is now, and isn’t there by the time we jumped down here, who did it?”
“Don’t play along, that’s only going to encourage him,” Raphael admonished Donatello. “Leo, wrangle everybody up like you usually do. Y’know. Do your Leo stuff.”
“Huh, would Leo stuff include shooting gangsters in an alleyway? Because that’d make this case way easier to solve,” Mike joked with a shrug.
Immediately, every muscle in Leo’s body tensed up. He turned and looked in offense toward his brother. “Why would you say that? I didn’t do anything. Why would you even joke about that?”
The panic built and built through his body, Leonardo could feel it choking him, clawing at his every nerve. The mere thought of being suspected, the coiling distrust, the hateful injustice. And then beneath it all, most hauntingly, a slight tinge of guilt. From nowhere, from nothing. Leo felt it all the way down to his own bones.
“Whoa, bro, I’m only kidding, calm down!” Mike laughed awkwardly, holding up his hands defensively.
“Leo’s right, we should be treating this situation with more respect,” Don huffed, standing back up.
Raphael was staring at Leo in confusion and suspicion. “We were with you the whole time, Leo, calm your tail.”
“I know that,” Leo snapped.
The defensiveness in Leo was only building and his brothers were beginning to look at him in more concern. After all, this wasn’t the first crime scene they had come across. Which was also why, when they heard the sirens nearing, they knew to leave.
“Quick! To the sew…er…” Leo ordered, pausing as he glanced to the nearby manhole.
His brothers caught on rather fast.
“I’m popping it open, you guys be ready to duck if someone’s sitting down there with a revolver, alright?” Raph volunteered, readying his sai as he came to the manhole then swiftly slipping the blade between the cracks and cracking it open.
Leo, with the rest of his brothers, were at the ready.
But, nothing happened. Raphael opened the rest of the manhole and even stuck his head in before giving the all clear.
“I don’t get it,” Mikey said, hopping down into the sewers in line with the others.
Leo hung back to close the cover behind them. His whole body still felt unsettled. “You don’t get what, Mikey?” he pressed.
“Where’d the killer go?” Michelangelo asked, scratching at his cheek in thought.
“Not our problem anymore,” Raph shrugged off in disregard.
“The police will figure it out,” Donatello answered confidently.
“Maybe,” Leo said lowly from the back. It didn’t feel like it wasn’t their business, Leo couldn’t shake it for some reason.
Especially the admittedly comedic suggestion that it was somehow Leonardo himself responsible.
The others mostly overlooked Leo’s comment and overall dour change in disposition.
“Man, I’d at least like to know why, that’s the question that always is the most interesting on Forensic Files and stuff,” Michelangelo continued to push.
“They were mobsters, dude,” Raph snapped. “What’d’ya think was the cause?”
“Simple,” Leo said, getting his brothers’ attention unintentionally. He blinked as he caught all of their looks, and then cleared his throat to clarify. “It was probably greed.”
Raph rolled his eyes and Don nodded slightly before looking forward. Mikey took a breath and sighed but none of them really reflected on the sentiment.
But Leonardo did. Because it felt so unnatural on his own tongue.
Like the guilt that had been building strangely within him managed to evaporate in an instant as he was overcome with a sense of rightness to that blame, a questioning of ethics that poured out from between his own teeth.
It didn’t necessarily feel bad.
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class-wom · 6 years
Erik Adams: There are lots of ways to dramatize David Haller’s ultimate descent into villainy. One of the things Legion’s second season did well was to put those endless possibilities onscreen: in the poignant “Chapter 14,” which hops through the character’s parallel lives like the panels of a “what if?” comic; and in the visions presented to Syd in “Chapter 18.” And while it’s part of Legion’s whole schtick to make you question everything the show puts onscreen, when David wiped his true love’s memory in the early parts of “Chapter 19,” I was pretty certain we’d witnessed the moment the man who will be Legion broke bad.
But then the team returned to Division 3, where David projects into Syd’s room and proceeds to get physical, a scene that’s written, blocked, and acted in a way that obscures the true nature of the interaction. It’s a typical Legion trick deployed at the exact wrong moment. If tampering with Syd’s brain is supposed to be the uncrossable line, then this is a bridge too far, the show’s morally compromised main character sexually assaulting his incapacitated love interest. If David’s aggression itself is meant to be the point of no return, then what a vile choice it is. And if it’s all supposed to be a setup for the reversal that occurs in the episode’s closing moments, in which Farouk is suddenly a free man and it’s David on trial, then that’s a lazy way of engineering a cliffhanger at best and an insensitive way of plugging Legion into a hot-button cultural discussion at worst.
With its shocking season finale, Legion makes a painful and disastrous move
[Note: The following review includes mentions of sexual assault.]
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And I have to be honest: I feel like my initial reaction to “Chapter 19” exposes some pretty ugly blindspots on my part. I registered the mental violations but didn’t consider the bodily ones until after I read Alex’s recap and discussed the episode with Danette. This is one area where Legion’s commitment to ambiguity and unreliable narration feel completely inappropriate. This is a series that begins with the dodgy prospect of using mutant powers as a metaphor for mental illness, and while it’s elegantly navigated the pitfalls of that premise, “Chapter 19” finds the show charging into the delicate territory of assault, agency, and accusation with all the grace of the minotaur Kerry beheaded last week.
It’s always seemed like there’s only so far that Legion can twist the Silly Putty of truth, reality, and logic until it finally snaps. It’s something that’s always made me regard the show with a certain level of skepticism, even as it dazzled me with its visual flare and music supervision. (From my notes on “Chapter 19”: “Legion is the only successful superhero musical.”) In using Syd’s trauma to make David realize that he might not be the hero of this story, I think we’ve finally found that limit.
Danette, you’ve had a more charitable view of Legion all this time. How do you think this finale reflects on the season as a whole? Where do you think the show can go from here? And do you even want to follow it there?
Danette Chavez: How do I feel about that finale? I’ll let Nathan Lane (as Albert Goldman) in The Birdcage answer for me: “How do you think I feel? Betrayed, bewildered.”
I’d say I’ve given Legion a lot of latitude with its storytelling, but until recently, it’s never felt that way. Although the balance between style and substance wasn’t always even in season one, Noah Hawley’s visual flourishes felt justified, integral. Legion set out to demonstrate how malleable reality is, through the perspectives of David Haller, who can alter it at will, and those who can only effect change at an infinitesimal level. The goal has always been to challenge our concepts of truth, time, and who defines what’s normal. So I expect to feel discombobulated at the end of every hour, to not be fully certain I’ve witnessed what I think I’ve witnessed. And it wasn’t until the season-two finale that I wished I hadn’t seen what I’d seen.
Hawley struggled to wrap up last season, as the fairly ordinary (compared to the preceding seven episodes) “Chapter 8” proves. At times, “Chapter 19”—which would’ve been “Chapter 18,” if the twist involving Melanie’s betrayal hadn’t required the heavy lifting of an additional episode ordered after  the show had seemingly wrapped production—looks like Hawley’s response to criticisms that the previous finale was too conventional. Legion’s always leaned on its un-superhero bona fides, its un-reality; but this season closer chucks so much of our understanding of, and connection to, what’s come before it out the window, that it feels more like a reset than a cliffhanger.
There’s always been the potential for David to turn into the bad guy. You don’t have to have read the X-Men comics to pick up on that. But the desire to keep Legion outside of the realm of other superhero shows has led to the creation (or, since we’re talking about mutants, evolution) of a lead character that it’s now thoroughly impossible to like or relate to—assuming this isn’t, as you’ve pointed out, Erik, one of the Shadow King’s tricks. We already know David is flawed and mentally disturbed (the finale seems to confirm that), but now he’s a rapist, and I don’t know how the show can address that or walk it back. What makes it so frustrating, not to mention disappointing, is that Legion had already hinted at what David was capable of, including murder and torture. When they went back and added an extra hour to the season, Hawley and team included a whole montage of terrible things David’s done, like him repeatedly drilling into Oliver’s legs. The dramatic heft of Syd, the person who loves David and trusted him the most, admitting that he’s become a monster is diluted by the finale. Hawley’s taken to showing and telling in season two, but this was one case in which he should have left well enough alone. Ultimately, this overcompensation points to a lack of trust in the story Legion has been telling. Which is, again, such a damn shame, because I was fascinated by the exploration of the relationship between love and trust.
But since ambiguity is one of the cornerstones of Legion, Erik, do you think the finale left enough room for doubt about David’s destiny? Did we really watch him become the villain, or is he still a pawn?
Erik: I feel like the finale left a whole upside-wing-of-a-secret-government-facility-devoted-to-the-investigation-study-and-elimination-of-mutants’ worth of room for doubt. It’s part of what bothers me about the choices made in “Chapter 19”: This “Who do you believe?” question is so, so, so much more loaded than any previous one the show has posed, and I don’t think Noah Hawley’s Psychedelic Superpowered Fireworks Display is truly equipped to address it.
In postmortem interviews about the finale, Hawley has motioned toward two points of inspiration for his take on David’s story: Walter White, whose downward spiral is unequivocal no matter how many idiot Breaking Bad viewers say it isn’t; and Magneto, who’s flipped allegiances countless times over the course of the X-Men franchise. Legion seems like it wants to triangulate a point between those two fictional monsters, but lacks the storytelling rigor and sense of character necessary to pull it off. Walt’s arc was a precision-tooled machine; no matter whose side Magneto is on, he’s always grounded by the same philosophies and personality traits. Who is David Haller at this point? “I am a good person and I deserve love” is a start, but it’s not enough for a trick with this degree of difficulty—if we can even trust Legion not to wipe away what little we understand about David and start from scratch.
Hawley’s overlooking a better, more obvious model for David, and from one of the show’s biggest influences, to boot: the journey Dale Cooper takes in Twin Peaks: The Return. There was a show that started with a basic understanding of its protagonist—the FBI’s own square-jawed, “gee whiz” Boy Scout—and totally flipped it, forging a surreal narrative out of Coop’s crawl toward consciousness and the seeming defeat of the demon walking around in his skin. And Twin Peaks had the sense to make it clear that the Coop who committed rape was the villainous Coop.
Danette: I agree that, intentions and future reframing aside, Legion isn’t an ideal space for a discussion about consent. The show just hasn’t done the legwork; the characters are still underwritten, despite the extended season. We’re still getting to know David (and Syd and Melanie and...) after 19 chapters.  I’m very open to the heel turn—it has all kinds of narrative potential and is the kind of bold thinking I’ve come to expect from the show.
But if we are, as Hawley says in that Entertainment Weekly interview, witnessing the birth of a supervillain, that story’s already been made redundant by the rest of season two. Farouk is also a rapist (Lenny refers to the abuse in “Chapter 15”), and he’s also felt like he was the voice of reason in a world of madness. David’s arc lines up a little too closely to Farouk’s, which might be the point, but in the context of the other reversals and reconsiderations, it comes across as another example of the show spinning its wheels. The second season is supposed to be an inversion of the first, which is a compelling concept, but the gratuitous flipping and stretching of truths cost the show momentum, and make the added layer of abuse look like embellishment for embellishment’s sake. And I say this as someone who couldn’t get enough Bedazzling in the first season.
So back to your earlier question—will I follow the show from here? Maybe. Because, despite finding the assault storyline unnecessary and Hawley’s explanation for it lacking, I’m holding out hope that Legion will hold David accountable, or that this long con by the Shadow King will prove worth it. I guess I’m saying I still trust the show, so it better not prove me wrong.
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