#that child deserves to throw one (1) tantrum. as a treat.
ahhhwomen · 7 months
I don’t know why I bite.
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Vampire Empire
Part 1
Pairing: DarkVamp!Wanda Maximoff x DarkVamp!Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
A/N: We are going to ignore how long I disappeared, okay thank you. Also, y/n will not be in a proper relationship with the girls, she will very much be viewed and treated like a pet not a partner, but she will obvi still get the love.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. All mistakes are my own.
AU Warnings: Human pets, abuse, violence, possessiveness, probably incorrect vampire lore, angst, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, kitten play (?), also this is not a Carol positive fic (I have nothing against her, but I needed a villain), death (later on)Minors DNI 18+
Summary: Your Master is a cruel woman, but you would never stand a chance against her, but what if they can?
Word Count: 3.5k
The keys jingle in a pattern.
With each step, the clash of metal calls out. It changes tune, depending on the day. If she’s tired, she drags her feet, it’s a slower melody. When she’s angry, there is a harshness to the smashing of the chain against her belt and a thud to her heavy boots.
You don’t know what her happy steps are, you think the sound would be smooth. Maybe, like she´s floating?
You wonder if you are ever going to hear it? If you are being honest with yourself, you don’t really know if you want to. At least her other behaviors are predictable, you can handle predictable, uncertainty however, that is an entirely different game. Not one you are very keen on playing.
Today, her steps boom like thunder, and her keys shriek like lighting.
Chills run down your spine; you press against the cold concrete wall. It scratches your skin. You press harder and cower closer.
You are shaking as she sweeps around the corner of your prison; she’s frowning today.
It hurts.
From yesterday. It still hurts.
She always gives you a day.
It still hurts.
You need a day.
It doesn't matter. You know you can’t stop it.
You close your eyes and submerge yourself in the void. You don’t like the dark, but she doesn't like it when you see.
Your cage opens with a shriek. You flinch as she touches your face, she is breathing down your neck and you feel yourself panic as she struggles with your collar.
It's never good when she takes away your collar.
Before you do something stupid, like fight back, a soothing voice guides you. It’s a whisper, that only you can hear. Drag in slow breaths, in for four, hold for seven, out for eight. Rinse and repeat. You do as they tell you.
You're in a sunflower field.
The heavy feeling in your stomach is from the big dinner you had, half an hour earlier.
The sun is setting, and you are smiling and laughing as you run through the field of flowers. They're ginormous, almost bigger than you. There is a weight to them as you push past. They scratch and irritate, but it's only temporary, so you keep laughing to yourself.
There is a whip to the wind, the sound loud and frightening. The flowers are louder, so you pretend not to hear. They rustle and dance in the harsh wind.
It's dark, but the yellow glow of plant life guides you. You don’t know where you are running to, maybe home, maybe the ocean. It matters not. You are happy, just you and the flowers.
When the wind calms and the sun peaks over the horizon you know it’s time to leave.
You trek through the soil and ignore the sharp stones that prick your pale skin, you wish you could stay, but it’s time to return.
You open your eyes when she leaves. She almost killed you today.
It's okay.
You deserved it.
Tomorrow, you rest.
Natasha smirks over the rim of her whisky glass. One would think the blonde would be professional after almost a century of doing business, yet she still stomps around like a child throwing a tantrum when she doesn't get it her way. The redhead almost feels bad for the poor pet that was going to be at the end of Carol's rath tonight, almost.
“Knock, knock.” Wanda stands in the doorway, her knuckles lightly tapping against the dark oak.
She’s dressed modern today. Her suit is fitted to perfection, it hugs her waist and expands her hips. She also went for a smokey makeup look, her eyeshadow a mix of dark brown and black, her lips a deep amber, just like her suit.
If attraction could kill Natasha would be one dead woman.
She smiles at her wife before signaling her in with a wave. She’s surprised to see Wanda, her wife comes by occasionally, and she has always dressed nicely, but this is new. Due to her desk stealing her view, Natasha can't see, but she can hear her wife's high heels as she passes through the threshold. Same color as the suit she imagines.  
“What brings you here?” Natasha questions as she pours her wife a drink.
Wanda settles herself in the plush chair in front of her wife before bothering to answer. “Do I need a reason lovely? Maybe I just want to see my beautiful wife in her place of work.” Wanda grins while the other redhead hands her a glass of whiskey. Neat, just how she likes it.
Natasha scans her wife with suspicion, she wants something. She can tell by the way Wanda leans her body slightly to the left while her lips lift into a flirtatious half-smirk.
The shorter redhead lifts her eyebrow. “As nice as that may be, why are you really here?”
Wanda deflates slightly at her wife’s accusatory tone. She is right, of course, but Wanda was hoping she could butter her up a little before getting to that. Wanda will have to ask her out on a date soon and make herself a little less predictable.
She is ashamed to say it's been a while since their last dinner date, or movie night for that matter. However, it's hard to find the time when you have been married since the eighteen hundreds, and you both work more than any human would be capable of.
Which brings her to her point.
Wanda pulls in a breath, “I want a pet.”
Before Natasha can get a word in Wanda continues to ramble all in the same breath, “And I know, I know, we have already gone over this. But I'm lonely. The business has been slow since the Stark clan agreed to our peace offering. And while you are busy here, I want someone to come home too.” Wanda keeps her tone open and light.
She wasn’t here to accuse her wife of not giving her enough attention, they both knew that their different work would keep them apart, but while Wanda would spend long nights in her home office, Natasha would spend them in her company office on the other side of the city.
Natasha drums her fingers sharply against her desk, she wants to shut the idea down immediately.
Having a frail human pet would mean having a weakness. Natasha knows her wife well. She knows her wife will get attached, and she knows it will never end well for either of them.
On the other hand, she understands her wife's needs. Natasha spends most of her days in the office, working to uphold their cover, while Wanda spends her days all over the city settling their other business. Their schedules never align either, Natasha works days, Wanda nights. She has to admit, it doesn't sound half bad to have someone to come home to the few nights she can afford it.
Wanda is waiting with bated breath as her wife concludes.
“You have already set up the meet, haven’t you?”
Wanda gapes slightly but conceals it before her wife sees. She knows her too well indeed.
She slumps into her chair, “Yes.” She lifts her finger to stop Natasha from commenting, “In my defense, I was coming here to get your approval.” Natasha chuckles to herself.
“And if you didn’t get it your way?”
Wanda smiles bashfully, “Then I would go without you.” Natasha has to blink away tears from how hard she laughs, she is gripping her stomach, wheezing while answering, “I would expect nothing less my love.” She rights her posture and wipes a tear from the corner of her eye. She glances at her wife hiding her blush behind luscious red locks.
She can never say no to her.
Clapping her hands together, she responds. “Fine, you win.”
Wanda practically shines with mirth and joy, “But,” her companion eyes her carefully, nodding to confirm she´s listening. “I get to pick the name that goes on her collar.”
The other redhead huffs, “Fine, but it better not be something stupid.”
Natasha shrugs and her wife leans over the table to slap her shoulder in warning. Natasha smiles all the same and shakes her head, “Yeah, yeah, nothing dumb.” As much fun as she is having with this, she is a busy woman.
She runs her hands down her black suit, thinks of what paperwork to finish, and mumbles a question about when they need to leave while sorting through the latest update about their progress on Project X. Wanda, without missing a beat, states a simple, “Now.”
Nat drops her pen and pinches the skin between her eyebrows. Wanda shrugs half apologetically as Natasha fixes her with a hard glare.
Rolling her eyes, Natasha grumbles a short, “Right, we better get going then.”
It's been almost a decade since she has set foot in one of these shitholes. Nothing has changed, the cages are just as small, and the odor stinks the same, alcohol, blood, and fear.
Wanda shifts uncomfortably as they wait for the salesman to get his spreadsheet, Natasha silently watches from the sideline as he sorts through a mess of paper and fast-food containers to find what he is looking for. She chastises Wanda for not finding a better establishment. Back in their time, this was the usual, but nowadays they have far better alternatives.
Wanda leans against Natasha to whisper, “It was the only place by a few miles Tash, and it’s the only place we have time for.” Natasha stays unimpressed. Wanda smirks at her wife and tucks a strand of loose hair behind the other redhead's ear before discreetly licking the shell of it and whispering sweetly, “I will make it up to you.” Natasha shivers under the attention and the salesman grunts a weak, “found it” before leading them into the main hall.
The ocean swishes in the background as you lie on your blue, shark-themed blanket in your modern bikini. The sun gleams over your head. Your skin stings and you shift onto your stomach, you must have forgotten sunscreen again.
Nonetheless, you purr under the shine of good weather; you wish you had taken a book with you. Maybe next time. For now, you stretch out and lay your bare arms against the warm sand. It will be stuck in every crevice, but it's nice.
A light breeze passes you.
You suck in a big breath, it burns, but you ignore it. It smells of salt and….. salt… and….?
It smells of salt and ice cream.
You think you may stay for a while today. You might visit tomorrow, but you would rather not.
If it doesn't burn too much, you hope to sleep tomorrow through. After all, if you are really lucky, you may not wake up again.
This place is even more depressing than Wanda had anticipated.
She and the other redhead had been to a similar place a few decades ago, but this was just sad. Not even the potent scent of blood can get her to ignore the uncomfortable sound of churning, empty, stomachs.
If they lived in a different city she would have taken her wife to a more humane operation, but with limited time comes limited opportunity.
The male and female sections are separate, in the left hall she can smell the odor of young men eager to please, while in this hall she can see the curious and smell the fearful. The gruff man showing them around had introduced them to a few pets by now, but she had to admit they were not what she was hoping for.
There had been one pet she took a slight liking to; a young woman, in her mid-twenties, she was in the puppy section, an enthusiastic little thing. But in the end, she was a little too pushy for Wanda’s liking, Natasha hadn’t seemed too keen either, so they left it there.
The kitten section wasn’t too bad, but every time she thought she was building a connection, Natasha would step into the pet's line of sight and they would cower away one by one. She knows her wife is putting on a stern face to test the poor little things, but it was starting to piss her off big time.
Wanda rolls her eyes as the feeble man struggles with yet another lock, she lifts her suit jacket and checks the expensive gold watch ticking away, fifteen more minutes or they will have to come back another time. Given that this was the only available time she and Nat had had in a few weeks the dire truth of not getting a pet today was settling in.
“Here she is, now she's not much to look at, but since you wanted to see them all,” the man shrugs and Wanda has half the mind to bite his head off. Before she can do anything of the sort Natasha takes her by surprise by stepping into the cage before her.
Nat ignores her wife as she steps into your cage, she has seen you before.
You were Carol's pet, or at least she thought you were. But it seems you were a less permanent part of the blonde’s life. Your cage was different, it was slightly bigger, the poorly dressed man had said something earlier about you being a leased pet.
You look horrible. She is studying you from a few feet away and she can still see the horrors you must have been through.
She knows Carol is violent, it's why she has spent so long trying to negotiate with blondie. Their clans were never on the same page and yes, threats were constantly made, but this was something else. Natasha would never think the pathetic woman would do this just because she could.
She hears Wanda step in and gasp at the sight of you.
You are lying on the hard floor with your back turned to them, a rag the size of a hand towel barely covering your bottom. Your hands are stretched out under the lamp, the only heat source you have, you have been beaten to a pulp. There are deep lacerations covering you, your entire body is one big bruise, and dried blood covers every crevice of both your skin and even part of the walls. But that was not what caught either of their attention, no, it was the lack of life they could sense from you.
Natasha kneels a few feet away from you and studies you carefully.  Her hand rests against her cheek as she tries to focus on your heartbeat. It beats, but there was something off about it. It's slow like you are asleep, but she can hear in your breathing that you are still conscious.
She tilts her head and talks off-handedly at the man behind her.
“Is she sick?” She hears him scoff but ignores it in favor of closing her eyes and trying to feel you.
“Of course not-“ He waves his hand, “all that,” he gestures at your body, “was her own fault.”
Before Natasha has time to reprimand the pig, she hears a crunch behind her followed by a heavy thud.
She huffs and raises herself slowly before opening her eyes and looking at her wife with her peripheral vision. “I thought we agreed to not kill anyone today.”
Wanda stares at her with empty eyes. “No. We agreed on not killing any innocent people tonight. As far as I am concerned, I am just following his logic, after all this was all his fault.” Wanda gestures at the dead man's body.
Natasha turns to her wife while rolling her eyes.
Wanda ignores her wife's sass and looks past her to take you in once more. “Who is she?”
Natasha shrugs and gazes at you over her shoulder. “She was Carol´s plaything, but I guess Carol never owned her like I thought.” Wanda raised her eyebrows in surprise and stared at Nat, “That’s y/n?”. Her eyes move down to you again, “last time I saw her she sure as hell didn’t look like that.”
Natasha nods and crosses her arms in thought, “well it seems Carol is an even worse owner than she is a negotiator.”
The last time Wanda had seen you was when she joined one of Natasha’s meetings a few months ago, you were a new thing back then. You had scars, but they were pink and healed, you were a skittish little thing, but you ate, you had some color to you, and you sure as hell didn’t feel like this.
You could feel their eyes all over your body. You hated it, you never liked it when people looked too hard or thought too long, it always meant the same thing. They were assessing whether or not you are a feasible option as a pet. You know you aren’t, you know they will scoff and turn their backs to you as if you disgust them, like you don’t deserve to breathe the same air as them.
You get it though, they are probably right.
Usually, such a thing wouldn’t bother you, you are used to it by now, but there was something about their scents that put you off, you felt out of place even more than usual, and you hated it.  
You were too focused on pretending to be asleep to assess what the heavy thud against the concrete could have been.
Whatever it was, must have had something breakable inside of it as you could hear a clear crack as something bounced off the floor. You decided you didn’t care, you only cared about the sudden voice that took over all the space of your enclosure. Powerful enough to command any and every room, you know this voice. It belongs to one Natasha Romanoff, and suddenly the voice behind her made sense too. You had only seen the redhead once, but you would remember her anywhere, just as commanding as her wife, and even more scary, Wanda Maximoff.
If you weren’t scared before, you were positively shitting your nonexistent pants now.
You try to keep your breathing even so as to not show any hint of awareness, you have no idea what they could be doing here. Had Master sent them? Were these the last moments you would have, were you going to die in this tiny, claustrophobic hellhole?
You were panicking, and you know they can sense it. Feel it. No matter how many times Master called you such, you weren’t an idiot. You know what they are, you know what they can do, what they will do.
As you hear one of them take a step closer you turn into a stiff board. You stay completely still as you feel your lungs start resisting the air you desperately try to force into them, you have this sudden need to flee or to bear your neck and beg for them to finish it quickly. Right after the thought passes your mind you shrink in shame, Master will kill you for ever thinking of bearing your neck to another.
You can hear them pause for a moment as you feel their eyes on you again. You have been made.
You don’t know what comes over you, you don’t know where you suddenly find the strength, but before you even know what you are doing you are leaping towards the women, your hands ready to claw out their eyes if need be.
You know they are stronger, faster, and smarter than you could ever wish to be, but this is a survival instinct, nothing makes sense, nothing matters. And as you collide into a warm body and start ripping into it, to the best of your ability, you realize, you have no idea what you are doing.
Natasha knew what you were about to do, possibly before you, and as you crashed into her and started scratching and ripping at anything you could get your hands on, she realized that maybe you still have a chance at this life. For the first time during their little visit, she can feel something in you, it’s small, scared, abused, but there is a will there, a will to live, a will to fight. That is more than most in this bleak city.
She holds you gently as you rip apart her coat, tear at her skin, and bite her hands. She hears Wanda take an uncertain step toward the both of you, unsure of what to do. But Natasha waves her hands nonchalantly and asks Wanda with a calm voice to stay back.
Natasha understands that to her wife you must look positively rabid. You were in the kitten class, but you were fighting Natasha as if you were a fighter dog. All teeth and claws. However, compared to Natasha, you might as well have been a mite.
No matter how hard you try, you can’t pierce her skin, can’t topple her balance, you can’t win.
Your fingers dig into the soft skin, your nails gripping and tearing, but nothing happens. There is no skin underneath your nails, no blood, no sight of damage against pale skin. You bite the hands that hold you, and you can hear your jaw creek as you strain your weak body, but the skin doesn't break, the only blood you taste is your own.
You are scared, you don’t know what to do, there is no sunflower field to hide behind, no sea to drown in, you feel powerless, even more so than she makes you feel.
You don’t know what they want, you don’t want to die like this.
Even after all your effort goes to waste you can’t give up, you have to keep trying, you have to-
Wanda looks at you with an unreadable expression, you look up in terror as you realize you can’t move your body. One simple word, in one simple tone, has made you paralyzed.
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ivesambrose · 1 year
𝕽𝖊𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 🖤🔪⛓️
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1. 2. 3.
As promised to the ones who were wronged and I mean it, severely wronged not a 'they were mean to me once' neither a 'I was the problem but I'm gonna pretend they're the villian of the story',
TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ mention of bullying, abuse etc
"how badly are they gonna get fucked up after this."
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected]
♦️ More pick a cards ♦️ Paid Services ♦️
Thank you for the tip 🌿
Picture 1
They were a bully weren't they?
A self righteous hero in their narrative. Someone who simply, "says it like it is." But the intentions are your downfall rather than just an act of care or 'tough love' making you second guess yourself constantly. Perhaps a gaslighter or even physically violent/would threaten you as well perhaps.
Some of you may have felt like you'll never be able to progress and move forward in your life and your plans. Some of you feel like a machine sometimes trying to prove your worth but it's never enough.
I keep hearing, "I wanna go. I wanna go. I don't belong here this isn't my place."
For you, rest assured you'll boldly venture into the unknown and succeed.
They however,
Can say goodbye to peace and balance in their life and their health. Constantly struggling internally to the point it starts showing on their face. I think some of these individuals peaked at a certain point of their lives (you know the ones who peak in highschool and think they run the show) I see them reminiscing how they looked like before or the attention they got before. I see them feeling stuck in one place and not being able to make progress. If this is someone who would bully you for your physical looks they'll have a severe glow down. If this is someone who cheated on you then they get a taste of their own medicine but worse. In some cases I'm seeing even more severe loss and maybe even trying to make amends with you because suddenly you're more successful or better off without them. I honestly see a lot of regret on their part but some of them may not have the guts to admit the same.
Picture 2
This may have either been a liar or straight up emotionally abusive and controlling. I do sense some of them have been physically or sexually abusive as well. The image I'm getting is someone treating you like their puppet or thinking they have a right over you.
Some of you may have felt or believed that you can't do better than this neither deserve better than this. They made your question your very worth and reality and you often took pity or emphatized and continued to forgive and go back to them.
I'm also seeing for some, that this could be someone who keeps you around for their convinience like you're their emotional crutch.
For you, there are is a light at the end of the tunnel you've walked out of.
For them,
Literal unseen disruptions that shake the very core of their ego, stability and power. Maybe even their career declining to nothing. Legal troubles as well and finding out that those they have trusted or considered their friends don't really care about them either. For someone so selfish and constantly stuck in their narcissistic victim mindset this would be a heavy blow and all I see them doing is throw a child like tantrum.
Picture 3
I believe you attract jealousy, envy, stalkers and maybe even people who need to match the effort you put for them but find an excuse to slack.
I believe that you are aware of your power, this awareness has come after years of being shunned, talked down on and made fun of.
You may have a list of people adding up (it's giving Kill Bill) who have literally just put you down, taken you for granted, betrayed you and it's all piled up almost because I do see a lot of you are rather forgiving or try to understand the other person.
Oftentimes you can care less because you know if someone does you wrong in any shape or form and it's unwarranted then may God help them.
I don't feel you actively seek vengeance.
You seem like a creative soul, perhaps you channel your pain into art or other things that can benefit you or others. But scars in your heart remain.
For you, I see recognition, fun and good money/stability in life.
For those who have wronged you or wish you harm,
Anxiety, the kind that feels like they are in the middle of a circus show and someone asked them to do the sword swallowing trick at gunpoint. Financial loss, having people backstab them or abandon them.
On a more personal note I see that you get the last laugh in this situation.
Few of you could also be witches? A handful of you I'm seeing. So your words could literally be hexes.
446 notes · View notes
Hello love! I was wondering if you could do a second part to your first Maegor one shot of him killing the readers husband and taking her and her younger children's. Like the second part could be her oldest son now grown up killing Maegor and his half siblings for the trauma Maegor gave to him and his poor mother. Like after reading your one shot I knew this man deserves the cruelest demise for what he did to the reader and her family. I love your writing!
A/N: I hope you like this! Thank you very much ❤️. I'm sorry if i did not follow the entire request but I just could not kill Vaella, I did not have the heart to
pairing: Fanon!Dark!Maegor Targaryen x Reader
summary: Reader's eldest son now grown up killing Maegor and his half siblings for the trauma Maegor gave to him and his poor mother. Like after reading your one shot I knew this man deserves the cruelest demise for what he did to the reader and her family.
Word count: 2,2K
Warnings: Angst, killing, mentions of rape and childbirth, very dark themes, death of children, stillbirths, mother not caring for children
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
You could still remember the day Maegor forced himself on you, the day your entire life changed from heaven to hell in a couple of hours. The day Maegor forced you to leave your darling Darrick behind in Casterly Rock and forced you to move with Gerold, Lancel and Martyn.
The second you stepped foot into the Red Keep he married you in the ways of his people, he threw a feast in your honour, rubbing it all in your face before he bedded you over and over again. Maegor was not particularly cruel with your sons allowing Gerold to become his cupbearer while Lancel and Martyn were still young and once all three were old enough they were given the right education.
You however have been treated nothing short of a broodmare, he fucked you more times than he spoke to you if that was possible. You could be laying in bed reading a book when he would march in without uttering a word, he would shed his clothes expecting you to do the same before he fucked his fill before leaving.
Logically you fell pregnant shortly after your wedding, your first child with Maegor was nothing short of a monster, born with scales like his other children from his other wives. He was with you in the birthing room when the lizard like child came out of you covered in your blood almost ripping you in half.
Maegor did not grow disheartened and resumed fucking you the second the maester announced you were healed enough for the activity. In less than four moons from birthing your child you were pregnant again. This time your child came out alive, pink and crying like any newborn. You could not bare looking at the son you bore the cruel king. He looked just like his father, the Targaryen hair and the facial expression, he was named Vaegon, Maegor's father's name with the V in honour of his mother.
At first you refused even looking at the child, he was too much like his father, crying every couple of minutes to earn your attention. He was cruel in you heart. As a toddler he would throw tantrums if your other sons were anywhere near you as if it was a crime in his eyes for you to love your boys, you could just not force yourself to love him. Maegor had to literally force you to hold him for the first time when he was three moons old, you held him for a couple of minutes before returning him to the wet nurse when he fussed hungrily, the next time you held him he was five moons old.
Then you got pregnant again. Maegor was the happiest man in Westeros throwing feasts in your honour, forcing your other sons to serve you wine as if they were servants. He rewarded you with a letter from your first boy who you had not heard anything of for almost five years at that point, he was three and ten namedays that year with three more years to go before he could take the power from his uncle, his regent. Your son responded almost as soon as he received the letter warming your heart with the news of his good health.
You gave birth to a daughter this time, a girl Maegor insisted to name Vaella, she was a quiet child which is probably why you tolerated her more than you did Vaegon. Vaegon did not grow jealous of Vaella as he did Gerold, Lancel and Martyn. The three boys were distraught but found something positive of the whole ordeal, you loved them more than you did their half siblings, you broke your fast with them every day, you ate luncheon with them every day and you suppered with them every night. You spoke of their father highly and kept his memory fresh in their minds. You even drew each a portrait of him to keep his face remembered, they kept those portraits hidden from Maegor's reach fearing his anger.
By the time Darrick finally reached his six and tenth name day you have been married to Maegor for eight years with three children of his own, all from you. Vaegon was six namedays old, Vaella was five while your youngest was two namedays old, a son called Gaelon. Between Vaella and Gaelon you suffered two stillbirths of scaled sons, both looking more like a lizard than humans.
Maegor organised for a feast to be held along with tourneys to celebrate Vaegon's nameday. As his mother you had to be there along with all your children. Maegor agreed this year to let your first three sons to attend as your sons instead of being cupbearers or squires to some knight who will eventually die in the tourney.
You sat on Maegor's right side unlike his other wives who were forced to sit with the rest of the crowd, a punishment for not baring him any living children. Gerold, Lancel and Martyn sat on your right while Vaegon, Vaella and Gaelon sat on Maegor's left, much to your relief. The only one you could tolerate was Vaella, she usually would sneak into your room silently, sit beside you on the sofa and sew some handkerchief silently not wanting to disturb you.
You did not care for Vaegon, he was a needy and spoiled boy you wanted to slap many times for the things he would say and do at only seven. You worried for Vaella from him, he eyes her very weirdly especially when Maegor would mention the fact that they were betrothed to one another, much to your disgust Maegor wanted to follow the ways of his ancestors. You feared for the poor girl, she did not deserve to marry someone like Vaegon, who was too alike Maegor, she deserved someone like Norrwin, someone who would love her and cherish her.
You felt guilty sometimes for caring for Vaella, you had always wanted a daughter, but from Norrwin but when Vaella was born you could not help falling in love with the small girl, it physically hurt you to put walls in between you two. You sometimes prayed for her not to marry Vaegon, prayed she would have a better life than you did, she was only a child after all.
"Lord Darrick Lannister of Casterky Rock" Your head snapped to the side, mind still fussy from daydreaming. You watched as a horse, black as the night sky trotted out, with a young man atop of it. The young man looked like he more muscles than a fully grown man, his helmet covered his head but it looked like it was made out of the purist of gold and shaped into a lion head. A spear was in his hand as he moved onto the field proudly.
"Darry" Gerold muttered beside you. Your eyes watered and your heart hammered in your chest. Whispers flitted all around you but you could only hear the blood pump in your ears as he neared the area you sat on. You almost did not feel Maegor's hand envelope your own if he had not squeezed it so tightly you yelped from the pain. You turned to look at him to find him glaring at you, angry as he usually was.
"Mother, I hope you find me worthy enough of your favour" He sounded so different, his voice was an identical one to his father and you had no doubt he had his face as well. When he was born you whined to Norrwin that you did all the work but he got all the credit from how alike the two looked.
You roughly retrieved your hand from Maegor's much to his shock, you had ceased fighting a long time ago. You stood up from the chair you sat on, moving slowly fearing that this was a dream. You picked up the wreath of flowers you weaved every single tourney out of courtesy and to teach Vaella how to make her own. You walked over to the edge as the first tear streamed down your face.
Darrick's spear clanged with the railing of the balcony, his eyes were the only thing you could see through the helmet, a blur of blue like his father's. You placed your wreath on the pointy end of the spear letting it slide down to his arm.
"Thank you dear mother" Darrick whispered nodding his head. Your hand snapped to your mouth to hide the sobs were trying to push through "Oh my darling boy" Was all the slipped through your lips.
You stepped back as he moved to his end of the field. You sat down back in your chair trying to ignore the burning glare Maegor threw your way, how dare you feel so attached to your son? How dare you loved children that were not of him? The man who made you a queen. His hand rested on your thigh, not caring for the place and time, he squeezed with a smirk as the two opponents charged at each other.
A gasp tumbled from your lips when Darrick's spear pushed the other knight off his horse, he smacked down on the floor so hard you thought he might have broken his spine. But he stood up in a second demanding for his sword making you feel even more anxious. You grabbed Gerold's hand fearing for your eldest's safety.
Darrick climbed down his horse also holding out his hand for his sword. His spear was discarded on the floor but your wreath was pulled back by him to stay around his wrist. Darrick let the enraged knight attack first, dodging easily as if this was another Thursday to him. You held your breath the entire time.
Your heart dropped when your son did not even flinch as he pierced his sword into the other man's chest ending his life. Your son was no longer the loving boy you knew. Your son turned back around to face you and Maegor who stiffened beside you.
"That was for my brothers" Darrick announced pointing at your sons. You tilted your head to the side confused as to what he meant. You were shocked when the helmet of the other knight was pulled off to show your sworn protector, the man who helped locking you in your room and once even held you down until Maegor came to your room to bed you. The man you sometimes heard laughing while you screamed with pain because of Maegor.
"You-" Maegor stood up from his chair pointing a finger at Darrick only to be interrupted when an arrow pieced his flesh. Your eyes widened in shock as he flopped down beside you gasping for breath. You stood up through your shock to watch as he squirmed dying.
"And that is for my mother" Darrick finished pointing at the dying king. You whirled around at the sound of footsteps behind you to find knights with a lion on their armour, your son's bannermen's men.
"Vaella" You called worried for your daughter. She sprinted over to you wrapping her small arms around your thighs in fear, the first time she ever hugged you in her life. The guards grabbed Vaegon and Gaelon, the spoiled boys yelling at them.
"Unhand me you filth" Vaegon kept repeating. His eyes blazed with the fire of the dragon. You picked up Vaella holding her close to your body, moving closer to Gerold, Lancel and Martyn who were huddled together watching with their mouths slacked open.
"My sons-" Maegor held his hand out to Vaegon and Gaelon who were forced down to the field where Darrick awaited them. He turned to look at you, pleading mercy but you did nothing, no one did anything for the cruel king, he had no friends among the people around, he caused himself this demise. You almost felt happy when the light left his eyes.
"I Darrick of house Lannister challenge princes Vaegon and Gaelon to a duel" It was unfair, he was a man grown while they were children still training with blunt swords.
You turned around not wanting to watch as your sons fought and at the same time shielded your only girl from the cruelty of men, even if they were her full- half brothers. Gerold escorted you and his siblings out of the establishment and back into the Red Keep where you learned that Maegor's loyal men were put into the black cells of the Red Keep.
You waited and waited with your girl shivering in your arms, you were glad that she would not meet the fate you did with Vaegon. You were glad that you were free of the cruelty of house Targryen. The Iron Throne only glared back at you as you waited. Darrick found you in the throne room without a single scratch on him but he was covered in blood, his brothers' blood but you did not care, you never did. You hugged him close smearing the blood on yourself before introducing him to Vaella, your daughter with your dark hair but the most beautiful purple eyes, a shade she did not share with her father and brother. Darrick accepted her with open arms, he could see how she feared him seeking refugee in your arms but he loved her, she was his little sister and he will protect her with his life.
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swallowedbyfandom · 4 months
Her walk in the park is unfortunately not the peaceful endeavor she had imagined it to be. It appears every top, flop, and chit came out this afternoon to stare at her. She serenely ignores them all, let them look. She knows she looks spectacular this fine day.
She is dressed in a one of a kind gauzy number that Gen created just for her. She has almost all her hair open and free except for a deep side part that she has pined back for propriety. After all if she runs into Lord Debling she wants him to see what he is missing.
Once she finds the perfect spot she has Rae set up her little picnic. She plops gracelessly down on her favorite cushion to read. She can feel the tension in the air increase with every person she ignores. She almost forgets where she is until she hears the fast and heavy steps of irate feet charging her way.
She glances up and sees that it is Eloise, well if El wants to be publicly shamed. Who is she to deny her? She is going to treat El like the spoiled unruly child she is. Yes, she decides she is going to make Eloise look like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Let the public see her for the hypocrite she is. What fun it shall be!!
"What did you do to my brother?"
Calmly Penelope replies,
"Miss Bridgerton I am not entertaining callers at the moment. I am currently engaged reading my book. I suggest you to address your questions to the brother in question."
Eloise scoffed, then once again demanded.
"What did you do to my brother? He was so upset he did not eat this morning. You have obviously said or did something."
"Miss Bridgerton, I ask that you refrain from speaking to me. I have no interest in wasting my words on you. You share a home with your brother I imagine with very little effort you can find him. I insist you direct your questions to him. Now I would like to get back to my book, good day."
"This is not over, I promise you." She spat spitefully.
"You will find that I am quite done with you. I tired of your accusations and your hypocrisy. Run along I am sure Miss Cowper is looking for you. Good day."
I contently went back to reading. While El stood there momentarily gaping like a fish before she snared and stomped off. I have to hide my smirk behind the pages of my book. Penelope 1, Eloise 0. She knows her satisfaction in riling Eloise up is extremely petty but she tired of apologizing to people whom do not deserve her grace. Eloise ran off with Cressida without even calling out a warning to her, leaving her behind to damn near die via hot air balloon. Then she had the gall to help that vulture try and steal her suitor. She was willing to help her childhood tormentor steal her future over a grudge? No one knew better than Eloise the degradation she has faced living at Featherington house. That was what it took for her to realize Eloise Bridgerton has never truly been her friend.
Their friendship has always been conditional on Penelope never outshining El's wit. Eloise doesn't feel betrayed about Penelope keeping a secret she feels betrayed she was outwitted. No longer will she play by Eloise's rules. Eloise may have blackmail on her but she also has blackmail on Eloise and her entire family. She is sure they will be having that conversation once Eloise realizes she has no other cards to play. Pen doesn't want to be her friend does not even want to be her acquaintance anymore.
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frazzledsoul · 6 months
So Matt Czuchry has been making the promo rounds recently because apparently he's still alive on American Horror Story this most recent season and the season was split in two parts.
Apparently he was on The Talk two days ago and he was accused of ruining the love lives of teenage girls for decades
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First of all, I am sick of the knee-jerk misandry that claims that any man Rory Gilmore dates is not good enough for her, because she's such paragon of fidelity, moral character, and good behavior. Has anyone asked if Rory is a good girlfriend and if these guys deserve her? She cheats on or with all of her boyfriends (with Dean and Logan, she's done both), she pits these guys against each other often, she frequently lies and misleads them about her intentions (this goes along with the cheating), she very rarely is repentant about any of this, and she also has the nerve to play the martyr (hello, bridesmaids: hello, being pissed at Jess for not waiting for her in season 3) when her track record does not call for it. I'm not saying she's always awful, but I think the only seasons where she was fair to whoever she was dating were season 1 and season 7. The rest of the time her record....is not good.
Furthermore, Dean and Jess seemed to struggle for a bit after Rory leaves their lives for good and then they get considerably better without her. Dean had at least one kid by 2011, so I'm assuming he was married and settled by then, which is really all he wanted in life (hopefully he got some therapy first). Jess is an author, co-owns a business, and is accepted in a community of his own by 2006 (and is emotionally stable enough not to hold Rory manipulating him into more love triangle bullshit against her). Logan never really gets a break from any of this in the canon we see (and is just as big of a cheater as she is in AYITL) but even he is personally and professionally stable by that era while Rory spends most of AYITL throwing epic tantrums and destroying any professional opportunity she gets.
Why should the boyfriends, who actually exhibited considerable character growth, should be forever declared "toxic" and perpetually morally inferior to Rory when they became more mature (okay, Logan has a mixed record, but Adult Logan works and he gets along with his dad, so we'll take it) and she did not? Why isn't anyone asking if the way Rory treats other people is behavior we want young girls to emulate, instead of only holding the boyfriends to account for what they did wrong?
Yeah, yeah, I know. This is the perils of being a main character written by Amy Sherman Palladinos: you leave her orbit and your life gets better offscreen. But Rory holds a lot of blame for why these relationships didn't work, especially since she keeps doing the same thing over and over. She should be held just as accountable for the things she did wrong as her partners are.
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Honestly, Czuchry is being a lot more gracious than the situation calls for here. He showed up to promote his most recent project and a random Tik Tok was waved in his face accusing him of ruining the love lives of young women for years, because of what his character on a TV show did LITERALLY DECADES AGO. Why are y'all mad at him? He didn't write this. He had zero control over any of this. Why is this his fault? This ain't why he's there. Go yell at ASP if you're still mad and leave the actors alone. Credit goes to him for not trying to play Team Logan and be diplomatic because I don't really think he signed up for this discourse here.
This isn't an issue that is isolated to Czuchry: Milo also made the Interwebs mad when he asked to defend Jess's behavior on a talk show a while back (promoting a completely different project) and he pointed that Jess was literally a child when he was a main character on the show with a lot of childhood trauma. But hey, let's get pissed at the actor for pointing out literal facts again.
And Czuchry is right here:all of these characters were flawed, none of them behaved perfectly, and you should not model your real life relationships on any of them. This is not a tale of evil men ganging up on a helpless damsel. There's plenty of bad behavior to go around for all of them.
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bloodyknucklesforme · 2 years
Carnal | Interlude I | My Fate is At the Hand of My Mistakes
Nina has dinner with her boyfriend
| CH 1 |
TW: domestic abuse, violence,
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It wasn’t abnormal for him to yell. Raving around the house like the world was ending and she was the one that flipped the switch. She swirled around her wine, a particularly sweet Moscato whose bottle needed finishing off. She didn’t know why she dressed up for this. He never said anything about how she looked. Light blue satin was wasted on him.
Arthur was mad about the steak. It wasn’t cooked enough. He’d just taken her plate by mistake. Now she was left prodding at the well-done cut on her plate while he burnt her meal back in the kitchen. 
“I don’t know how you can eat something that’s still cold in the middle, Nina. It’s absolutely disgusting.”
She should pick up smoking again. She had a cigar tucked away under her bed, a treat she’d stolen from her godfather the last time she saw him. It was a cheaper one so she didn’t feel bad about it and he never mentioned it. Arthur had thrown out all her cigarettes when he found them. ‘Disgusting’ he sneered. That seemed to be his favorite word of late. Her godfather had been trying to get her to dump him for a year now.
“If he treats you so poorly, leave him,” John had said as he took aim at a buck. It was their annual hunting trip up in the highlands. Arthur traveled for work so she didn’t need to worry about his complaints that weekend. 
“It’s nice to have company,” she shrugged. It was a partial truth. He was nice to have around when he was quiet. It wasn’t like she needed his money, her father left her more than enough. It was simply easy. Her ‘condition’ didn’t allow for many suitors. He was actually her first relationship. They met in London a couple years prior. He was nice and treated her well at the time. She didn’t know any different. She wasn’t actually allowed to leave the house until her father died. Not that she left much now. 
“Don’t bullshit me, Nina. He’s a prick,” John grumbled. “I know plenty of good men from work. You deserve better, love.”
“I love him.” A partial truth. One that John sighed at. It was a good defense. He wouldn’t argue too much. Despite the war experience he was never up to a fight with her. Not worth the bloodshed. 
He fired and the deer crumpled. He always let her keep most of the meat. She had a freezer in the basement to store it all. 
“Call me if you need anything,” he said, as he always did. He kissed her forehead and left. She wandered the garden that night eating rare venison off the bone. 
She wished she could do that now. She choked down a bit of steak. Disgusting
“I’m going to bed,” She said, scrapping her dinner into the bin. 
“What? Why?” Arthur slammed a hand on the counter. She’d stopped flinching months ago. He’d never hit her. She suspected that John had something to do with it. The shadow of an SAS Captain always behind her. “Don’t be fucking child, Nina.”
“Do adults not sleep?” She rinsed off her plate and set it in the sink. She’d clean it tomorrow. 
“You’re throwing a tantrum over steak.”
“I offered to switch plates. You came back in here to make a mess.” One she would have to clean up. He always had the heat on too high and it splattered oil and juice everywhere. “I don’t want to break my jaw eating.”
A plate shattered on the floor. She didn’t want to turn around. His hackles would be raised, ready for a fight that he wouldn’t get. She’d have to act out an apology before going upstairs. He’d follow shortly and apologize in turn before climbing on top of her for a maximum of five minutes. They’d sleep and the next night have a similar argument and repeat the cycle until he kissed her and left for another week long work trip.
He grabbed her arm, a change to the script. 
“Look at me.” He barked. She flinched that time. He was close to her face, spittle landing on her cheeks. He was drunk, that’s why. He never drank much. “You think because you own the house you can just act like a brat?”
He wrenched her upwards, pulling her up to the tips of her toes.
“Let go of me.” She tried to embody John’s confidence. She was scared. He’d never touched her before. 
“Did the worms you ate finally reach your brain?” He poked the side of her head hard. “You think I don’t know about the raw meat? Who does that? I don’t mean the steak. I’ve seen you eat ground beef!”
Her eyes got wide. She never ate it raw when he was home. She pulled against his arm.
“I set up cameras. Had to see what you were up to when I was gone. Thought you might be cheating on me but no. You’re just a disgusting little girl. You’re going to get sick!”
Anger burned up from her stomach. How fucking dare he. How dare he spy on her in her house. HER HOUSE. He lived here because she let him. The more he yelled the more he began to smell like food. 
‘Just breath’ john’s voice echoed in her head. She was holding rifle, staring down the scope at a doe. ‘Fire when you’re ready’
She slapped him across the face.
“Get out of my house!” She screamed. “Get out! Get out!”
She shoved his chest hard and ran out. Their bedroom had a lock. She’d call John first. He was only half an hour away on base, if he was still there. God, let him still be there. 
His feet thundered behind her. She threw her body against the door to close it. He was stronger and she fell to the floor to avoid being slammed against the wall. She was crawling toward her phone. It was charging on the nighstand.
“Get up!” He yelled, grabbing her by the arms and lifting her up. He pinned her arms to her side. “You think you can tell me to leave? Are you fucking stupid, Nina? John’s not even in the country half the time. I’m the only person you have. I’m the only one who loves you! I’m the only person who can!”
Her ‘condition’ is what her father called it. An insatiable craving only subsided through iron supplements and raw meat. She’d never indulged. Her mouth still watered and she could still hear his heartbeat. The blood pumping through his body and bulging through his veins smelled like sweet Moscato to her. 
It tasted the same as well.
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Tag list: @gogh-with-the-flow @queen-ilmaree
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Content warning: abuse, SA, I’m talking about House of the Dragon so just be kind to yourself and skip if you need to!
I’ve been thinking about HOTD again and I was thinking about Aegon and 1) how confused the show seems to be about how they’d like to portray him, sympathetic or downright horrible (because he is horrible, do not forget about what he did to Dyana!) and 2) how people keep blaming Alicent for him turning out shitty? And I just find that a really important talking point, but I also find it infuriating, because it’s like this: she didn’t want these kids. We can all kind of agree on that, right? She never even expresses wanting children, and even if she did, we can at least agree that she very clearly didn’t seem happy with her kids and she very obviously did not want to have said kids with her best friend’s father. I think people bring up her not liking Aegon as a thing to shame her, because oh God, a mother not liking her children??? When in actuality, she clearly loves her children. She’s the only one we are willing to protect and go to bat for them. She stared down a fucking dragon for Aegon because that’s her child, no matter what he’s done, and she loves him even if she can’t stand what he’s become as a person. She was forcibly married at fifteen and conceived all of these kids through martial rape from a man that likely was and should have been a pseudo father to her, being her best friend’s father. She was then emotionally and physically abandoned by Viserys while he only paid attention to her when he was assaulting or belittling her, while having back to back pregnancy at a very young age, while literally having to physically and emotionally provide for and take care of both these kids she didn’t want and this horrible man that stole her entire life from her. Viserys, meanwhile, gets little to no hate for any of it? And Rhaenyra is throwing a tantrum for years on end over Alicent “betraying” her, when she knows good and goddamn well that she didn’t want this and had no say? And Alicent’s father is sent away from King’s Landing, leaving her alone raising these kids she didn’t want and getting no support from the man that ruined her life to have these kids, that murdered his last wife that he loved far more than Alicent? Imagine how terrified she was and is. She has every right to be. Rhaenyra has proven to be violent and impulsive and selfish many times, and even if she’s not worrying about Rhaenyra killing her children, she certainly has cause to worry about Daemon doing it. Then Rhaenyra’s kid mutilates Alicent’s child, and she gets away with it. Alicent is humiliated and dismissed and threatened (cutting out the tongues of anyone who dare claim this publicly true thing about the king’s daughter) in front of everyone, and she’s shown how little power she has and how little this man that raped her over and over again cares about these children and her. Rhaenyra says she wants her ten year old tortured after being mutilated, and people think Alicent warning her children about the danger Rhaenyra poses to them is unwarranted? It’s a horrible burden to place on them, but what else is she meant to do? She is the only one that is protecting these kids. She is the only one that cares for them. She is all that stands between them and the dangers these people pose to them, and she’s doing it alone. So, back to Aegon. He’s her first kid with this man that treats her like a brood mare. That dead eyed, empty look when she’s holding her crying baby as a young girl, broke my heart, because you can just see that this isn’t what she wants. She’s miserable. Rhaenyra even acknowledges it after making a particularly crude and backhanded statement towards Alicent about this. Alicent was an abused child that continued to be abused, and now she’s left to be the only person to care for and protect these kids. Of course she’d be within her right to resent them. Children do not deserve that resentment, but it’s a natural thing to feel, and it’s so taboo to talk about with mothers, but Jesus, you can’t blame her for feeling that way.
Aegon is her first child with her abuser. She might view him as the final piece of her identity and freedom being lost. When you become a mother, it’s like you become less of an individual sometimes. We see it all the time, these expectations and judgements and this loss of self, and it’s especially going to be a thing that comes up when someone is forced into that role of “mother”. Look at all these people blaming her for how Aegon turned out. All the pressure is on the mothers, always. Why isn’t Viserys being blamed? If anyone were to have taught Aegon that women, particularly women with less power and station than he has, were just things that he could use and abuse as he pleased, it would be Viserys. It would be the man that forced his first wife to go through horrific pregnancy after horrific pregnancy and then murdered her all for the sake of his own ambition. It would be the man that forced a girl he watched grow up into marrying him and continuously assaulting her when one of the other things besides him and his own selfishness that killed Aemma was how young she’d been forced to carry children. If anyone is to blame for how Aegon turned out, it would be the man that neglected and openly mocked his children and wife, who Aegon and his siblings watched mistreat and humiliate his mother for all of their lives. There’s a reason not a single one of those children gave a shit that Viserys was dead. All this hate for this woman, but none for Viserys? Not only is this so common that it’s played out by now, it’s annoying, too. I’m very tired of people acting like Aegon is Alicent’s fault when Aegon, if anything, is representative of Alicent’s burden. If she had told all these kids to fuck off and figure it out themselves, I couldn’t sit here and judge her without considering why, but she didn’t. She owes these kids that she didn’t want, that she was forced to have, nothing, could’ve given them the bare minimum, if that, but she didn’t. She loved and cared for them. She protects and shields them when no one else will. She’s doing more than anyone could expect from her for these kids. Viserys is the one that should be getting heat, and he isn’t, and I just find that so terribly disappointing. A lot of good, progressive conversation can be had over this, but first, we have to acknowledge who the real major bad guys are, and Alicent isn’t one of them.
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himboskywalker · 2 years
hey Tag, you seem like a very assertive, confident, non-shy person. I'm someone who has always struggled with standing up for herself. People tell me I should stand up for myself, be assertive, etc. when I feel like I'm not being treated nicely, but whenever I do actually try to stand up for myself I always get put down hard. Like, I'm not exaggerating. Last time I pointed out to my driving instructor to not talk to me like I was a 10 year old she started yelling at me. When I told the 1/2
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Hello dear, I’m so sorry you’ve been going through this. I used to be a lot more meek and afraid of confrontation than I am now,so I understand the anxiety of having to stand up for yourself. And while I’m anything but now, I’m still a physically small person,and often fem presenting,so I’ll always have people who try and get pushy with me because they think they can get away with it.
A couple things I’ve learned is that one,to be properly assertive when pushing back against that kind of thing is to imagine how you would feel if the antagonist present was talking to the person you love most in the world that way. It’s often hard to find a voice for yourself,but much easier to feel that blistering indignity for a best friend or a relative or a partner. If that instructor or guard had talked that way to someone you deeply love,would you have reacted or backed down the same way? Because you’re a person of worth who is worthy of love and respect and to be treated with kindness too. And sometimes we have to be our own supporters and the one in the corner standing up for ourselves when no one else is there. You are owed the same level of human decency and respect that you feel your loved ones should be treated with. And when someone is yelling at you or being a jerk,reach for that anger you would feel on behalf of someone beside you. How dare this stranger talk to you this way,it’s not right,who do you think you are, you can’t talk to me that way.
And a lot of the time you do get pushback,people will fight you and be meaner the second round. Pushy people are used to people backing down against that kind of behavior,they think yelling at someone is the correct course of action to get what they want because that kind of behavior is rewarded by people giving in so they don’t have to deal with it. I’ve found from personal experience,that talking to someone like a child when they act like this is the absolute best way to get them to stop. And I mean be demeaning,draw on the inner scolding schoolteacher within you. “I’m not going to talk to you until you calm down and stop yelling.” “Are you not embarrassed to be acting like this in public?” “You can’t talk to me that way—“ more yelling “You need to stop yelling at me,you’re acting like a child and I’m not going to respond to you behaving like one.”
I work customer service,I’ve been cussed out,demeaned to,grabbed even. And what I’ve had to learn over time is that I am a human being deserving of common fucking decency and if someone wants to treat me with less than that then I’ll talk to them like a child throwing a temper tantrum. It doesn’t always work,sometimes people don’t care,sometimes they’ll railroad over you no matter how you try to stand up for yourself. Sometimes people are just assholes and their behavior is nothing you can control or do anything about and no amount of assertiveness matters. I imagine someone like a security guard doesn’t give a rats ass how you push back against them,sometimes you cut your losses and move on.
You can’t make everyone respect you and treat you with decency,but remember that no matter what you are deserving of it. Let yourself be angry and indignant the same way you’d be on behalf of someone else. Shaming people for their behavior works a lot of wonders where talking out of reactionary anger does not. Turning the situation back to them and calling out their actions like a child brings a lot of people up short,because that’s not the consequences they usually face for acting that way. People give in to someone yelling and pitching a fit or being rude,because it’s easier and less exhausting. I once had an old lady absolutely bitching me out because I’d made a mistake ringing her up. I was trying to fix the problem but she was absolutely reaming into me while I’m at the register. After a minute or so of this I looked up at her and said “do you talk to your family like this when they make an innocent mistake?” Lady went purple and didn’t say another word. Stuff like that.
You’re not going to always be successful. People are cunts and learning to stand up for yourself isn’t linear and foolproof. I don’t always do it,sometimes people hit a nerve and it hurts. But remember that sometimes you’re the only one there for yourself,and you need to treat yourself with the same love and indignity you would for everyone else being talked to that way.
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thaleleah · 4 months
awe yeah your mom was vulnerable and stepshit took advantage of that 😭 dw tal, your person will come at the right time 🩷
ikrrr his dick needs to be snipped 😂 man is almost 80 years old, it's nastyyy
my stepmom is a literal child, she actually throws tantrums it's actually so fucking embarrassing. a literal slipper 😂 now i'm worried cause are you gonna hit your 2 year old like that if he acts up or doesn't listen to you? LOL tal ilyyy for not liking my dad either cause he doesn't deserve it! too little too late
omg you write for avatar too? 👀 look at you go girl! what's the avatar fandom like? it seems like it's chill and drama free. the reason i starting watching avatar was because of jack 😂 i'm a huge scream fan so i needed to see what else this man has been in and was so surprised he was in avatar 2, i actually didn't recognize him because of the hair but he still looked so fine! i need to rewatch avatar 1 and 2 because i actually really enjoyed it! and the cgi is amazinggg (much better than marvel) - and yes ghostface is so fucking hot, especially in the new one, i think cause it was more serious and the mask was like decayed. ughh i have a predator/prey kink too it's just so so hot! getting chased and hunted by those two was soooo ughhh! can you tell i only have a thing for villains? the heros barely capture my heart 😂 look and you and both simping for tom and jack; we have amazing taste in men 🩷
i'm so glad you got some writing done and it didn't feel forced, never force yourself, tal 🥰 you got this babe 🩷
Babes, the way I tried to respond to your ask TWICE with a rant about how my stepdad must want me to hit him with my car because of how he treated my mom this weekend on her birthday weekend, and Tumblr closed out on me both times without saving my long af rant. SOOOOO maybe that's the universe trying to tell me to let that shit go. Which, like, okay. But . . . OOOOO THAT SHIT MADE ME SO MAD. So, anyway - thanks for listening to me tell you about a rant I would have made you read had Tumblr not told me no twice lmaooo
I feel so sorry for the two year old. Hopefully your stepmom will refrain from being a vile evil bitch to him. At least I hope. And yes, nothing your dad does could ever make me like him. Fuck that man lol
I doooooo write for Avatar! Avatar is the only fandom that I've consistently been in for nearly my whole life and I can't ever see it going away. I have such huge respect for James Cameron cause the world that he's created is just so amazing and beautiful and the detail and meaning of it all has me in constant awe. I could literally watch the movies over and over again and never get tired of them. December 2025 can't come soon enough for A3, I'm practically vibratingggggg. The fandom is def not chill and drama free though, especially on the smuttier side. It's actually been super toxic recently which is really disappointing cause I feel like Avatar is one of the fandoms that should be the least problematic but...here we are. My mutuals get tons of anon hate messages daily and sometimes there's even drama between accounts. Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with as much bullshit as they have since I'm a smaller blog, but I have gotten my fair share too. I know it really doesn't matter what fandom you're in, all fandoms have haters and most writers or artists get nasty messages, but it still sucks. All my mutuals are great though and they remind me of why I started being active in the fandom in the first place when things get a little too rough. Some people write some good Spider fics since you're a Jack Champion fan 👀
Love youuuuu 🥰
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Why Do Many Kids Misbehave Around Their Mothers?
As a mother, you pour your love and efforts into everything for your child. However, it’s puzzling when kids suddenly act out around their mothers. Why do they transform into little terrors, screaming and shouting the moment they lay eyes on you, yet behave perfectly normal in your absence?
It’s a head-scratcher, especially when they manage to be polite and well-behaved in front of strangers. You might find yourself wondering, “What did I do to deserve such behaviour?” If you’re one of those moms blaming yourself, don’t.
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What are the reasons that many kids misbehave around their mothers?
Leading family counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo says, there are various factors, for this but some of the prominent ones are:
1. Safe Zone
A child might throw a tantrum when denied a treat at home, feeling confident that their mom’s love is unwavering. They feel safe and secure when their mom is with them. The unconditional love and understanding from their mothers create a safe space for them to express their emotions, even negative ones. In contrast, children may feel less secure with strangers and behave more reservedly, as they haven’t established the same level of trust.
2. Seek Attention
Kids sometimes misbehave around their mothers as a quirky strategy for attention. Imagine little John, who transforms into a mini-daredevil when his mom is engrossed in work. Climbing furniture...
Read Here: http://www.counsellorshivanisadhoo.com/blog/2023/12/11/why-kids-misbehave-around-mothers/
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rosestarchild · 4 years
will i write matilda fanfiction. maybe.
#i can never find the type of stuff i want to read#and the way matilda is usually written is not the way i would personally write her#ok first of all i want to say that none of this is a criticism of anyone who's ever written matilda fanfic#they're all very well written and these are just things that i would personally do#doesn't mean that there's a right or wrong way to write it#anyway#she's smart yes a genius yes but she's also five.#she's always so composed and mature#well that's technically correct bc in the book she does speak like an adult#but how much of her seriousness is her actual personality and how much is the fact that she's five and every single day of those five years#have been spent with people who treat her like shit? hm.#remember that interview with oona where she said that matilda was very serious bc she didn't have anything in her life to make her smile#yeah.#i'm trying to say two things here:#1) she's very little and has been treatred very badly and that's something that affects you emotionally#and 2) let matilda throw a tantrum#god knows what would happen if she threw a tantrum with the wormwoods but now she CAN do that#bc it's not like miss honey is gonna do anything besides cross her arms look pissed and then very seriously tell her not to do that again#that child deserves to throw one (1) tantrum. as a treat.#she's FIIIIIIIIVE she learned how to take care of herself bc she had to but that doesn't mean that's the way it should be#where are her TOYS. where is the SILLY matilda.#let matilda PLAY and let miss honey say fuck#(well maybe not in front of the child but pls let her say it)#anyway there's a 75% chance that i end up not writing anything#what is plot#i have characters and feelings and that's it#personal
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yguchild · 3 years
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warning: none.
genre: fluff. just fluff.
characters: mikey, draken, baji, and mitsuya
part 1 | part 2
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Sano "Mikey" Manjiro
He's the type to get clingy anytime, anywhere, and any moment he has with you. With or without the other toman members. He's a private guy, but he would show you off occasionally for people to know you're his. 
As soon as he sees you, he's all sappy and cute. Mikey is a touchy guy. Resting his hands on your back, thighs, or anywhere as long as he can know you're here and alive. My boy had a past of people leaving him, one way or another, and he doesn't want that to happen with your relationship. 
This boy will do anything for you, even go on rides at 2 AM for ice cream. Midnight strolls were your thing, going to the nearest local convenience store to hoard junk food and dorayaki or just sitting at the shore, talking about anything and everything. 
You can't watch a Netflix series without him, tested and proven he will throw a tantrum like a child. You did it once, and it took you 20 packets of Dorayaki to appease his ass. Up to this day, he still holds that grudge against you.
However, he can't genuinely get angry at you. He tried, but you're too cute for your own good, so he ends up forgiving you as fast as lightning. When you made him upset, this boy still shared half of his dorayaki with you. All of it if you want them that badly. No grudges or Netflix series will stop him from showering you with the love you deserve. 
We saw how protective Mikey is with toman, and that includes his s/o. He's protective of you, and when I say protective, Mikey will walk through hell and back so he can get his revenge on people who hurt you. Man is downright evil when he has to, especially when it involves you. 
Did I say that you're his honeybunch sugarplum? Yes, you are his honeybunch sugarplum. He will sing that song to you 24/7. In the shower, when you're on your midnight strolls, and when you're about to sleep. He says it's his way of reminding that you will be, and as always, be his honeybunch sugarplum. 
Ryuguji "Draken" Ken
Probably the one who complains a lot but will eventually do anything that you want. Do you want some ramen? Get it yourself. Then, you will see him at your front door, holding a bag with ten varieties of instant ramen. You're cold, and you want his jacket? Blame yourself for being careless, but he will give them to you nonetheless. He's just shy about saying romantic things. 
He's a straightforward guy, and he isn't afraid to call you out when you're doing something that will hurt you in the process. If his s/o is too chaotic, he will be the one to balance their energy. He will probably look out for you in the sweetest way possible. 
He has a note of the things you like and dislike. It's written on a small piece of paper, hidden under his pillow. He would read them whenever he has a chance and when the time comes that you're in a bad mood, he immediately know how to make you happy. 
Unlike Mikey, he's not a showy person. He will initiate skinship when it's only the two of you, and he's all mushy gushy in your arms during cuddle times. He believes everyone doesn't need to know the intimacy between the two of you. 
He's still proud of you and occasionally shows you off.  When you achieve something that you worked hard for, expect him to tell people how amazing his s/o. 
Protective of you, but not as protective as Mikey. He will teach you basic self-defense because he wants you to know how to fight when he's not around. If hurt, he's up and above treating your wounds while grounding you with questions. Once you're safe and sound, he will search every nook and crevices of Japan to beat people who hurt you. 
He's not good with expressing his feelings through words and will usually compensate them with actions. But, he will whisper sweet nothings to you whenever you're about to sleep in his arms or already asleep. He wants you to sleep knowing how much he appreciates you as his s/o. 
Baji Keisuke
You don't have to do anything because this boy is already head-over-heels for you. Whatever you're up to, he's happy to be around you. He's the kind of boyfriend that won't shut up about his s/o, running his mouth endlessly about how amazing you are and how lucky he is to have you. Chifuyu probably knows everything about you at this point. 
Whenever you need help, he's immediately by your side, asking you what he can do to help you. But, everything that involves Baji would result in chaos. He would play around than finish your homework or anything. Will shut up once you had enough of his ass, waiting for you patiently. 
The pinnacle of a golden retriever boyfriend. 
Baji can get serious when needed and has your back every time you feel sad or fortune isn't just on your side. He is not afraid to tell you how amazing you are as a person and showers you with affection. If there are days that you don't want to hear anything, he will cuddle you for hours until you fell asleep. With Baji, you don't have to say anything because he knows you enough to understand you without words.
He's a mix of Draken and Mikey when it comes to being protective. Hell will break loose if he saw your battered state. He'll beat up the goons who hurt you first and come back once he took care of them. Once he's back, he will gently tend your wounds, humming a song to calm your nerves. 
If there's something that will become your thing, it's Baji singing you to sleep. He loves to sing you to sleep. His deep raspy voice and the thumping of his heart will never fail to bring you to sleep. 
This boy will treat you like royalty. No one talks to me because this is canon, Wakui told me. 
He's the type of boyfriend who brings you gifts, saying it reminds him of you. Almost everything reminds him of you. You had mountains of gifts from Mitsuya, and you told him to stop. But, boy oh boy, he's far from stopping. 
You, along with his sisters, will be his model for every piece of clothing he makes. He had your measurement memorized because that is how often he would make a dress for you. He will tell you to wear them to your dates and will post you to his social media with a caption, "That's my love." 
Does everything for you. Cook, clean, sew your clothes, name it, and Mitsuya already has it done. You told him once to take a break and let you do things to which he agreed. But, eye you every now and then. Pardon him and his parental instinct. He's there, even if you're not asking, asking you if he can help you with something. 
Yeah, he sometimes teaches you math. He's a genius.
Everything you made for him will be his favorite thing, keeping it in a box made especially for the gift you gave him. You gave him a shirt once, and instead of wearing it, he had it in that box. He doesn't want to ruin it, he says. 
You get along well with his sisters and love to see you play with them. Mana and Luna love you very much that they always insist that you sleep for the night and cook them curry. (it's their favorite. You and your boyfriend will usually have a cook-off) 
Well, Mitsuya sometimes dreams of your future family when he sees you play with his sister. This is a secret Mitsuya won't tell anyone. 
Yeah, he plans on marrying you. 
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universallywriting · 5 years
Angry Steven Essay 1 - Ignoring Your Kids and the Consequences
A lot of people have been wondering why Steven is so angry, and where their sweet baby boy has gone, and I think people are struggling because they don’t understand how little they respected Steven before.
Because I don’t think that Steven has undergone a huge character shift. Admittedly, he’s angry more frequently now, but I don’t think his anger is bigger or more intense or any worse than it’s been at other points in the series. Steven’s feelings haven’t gotten bigger…
But Steven has.
I counted up all the times Steven gets angry in the series, being fairly charitable and not counting more minor moments of annoyance of frustration. I’ve got about 21 moments out of 160 episodes for the original series. Granted, that’s only once every seven episodes, but it’s not insignificant. The idea that Steven never gets angry is factually wrong. 
We see his temper the first time in Steven the Swordfighter, and it’s not a very wholesome look at the boy. He’s frustrated because Pearl is gone and Holo-Pearl isn’t a good replacement. And, already, I bet you’re starting to tune out a little. Because Steven’s being a stupid little kid, isn’t he? Pearl’s coming back. He’s just throwing a tantrum.
Tantrum is the word we give to anger and sadness we don’t respect. It’s a word we use to belittle and ignore children, even when their feelings are justified.
We see something similar in Rose’s Room. He screams at the gems because they ruin the ending of his video game. And, sure that’s a bummer Steven, but it’s just a game. There’s a big space opera out there, so why are you so worried about this? And yeah, you got mad that Greg lied to you in House Guest, but he just wanted to spend time with you. It’s a cute father/son moment, really. Steven is angry, sure, but it’s just kind of pitiful, isn’t it? Poor silly kid. He’s wrapped up in his little concerns when the world is so big and scary.
But you were on his side in Warp Tour. Because he’s right this time, so it’s not a tantrum. And you’re mad at the gems because they’re treating it as a tantrum. But here’s the thing - the gems should never treat him this way. Because so far? Every single one of Steven’s fears and struggles are valid and worthy of respect. Steven isn’t pitching a fit because they brought him a scarlet firetruck and he wanted a cherry firetruck. He’s hurt. That deserves respect and attention and apologies.
In Steven the Swordfighter, he’s struggling because one of his guardians is really hurt. Not only that, but she’s hurt in a way that she can’t talk to him, can’t let him know it’s going to be okay, and in her place is the thing that hurt her. You’ll also note that Amethyst and Garnet are conspicuously absent during all of this, because apparently the boy doesn’t need comfort and care after watching Bird Mom get wasted and spending days hovering over her unhatched egg. Steven is going through all this grief and fear alone.
In Rose’s Room, Steven is denied his chance to spend time with the gems after they promised. They don’t respect or value Steven’s time. Why would they? He’s a child. And clearly he proves his time is worthless by putting so much value in his silly video game he interrupted. What’s the ending of your stupid golf game matter when the plot it rolling along, Steven? Big, important adult things are here. Drop what you’re doing. Ignore your interests. What the gems are doing is more valuable than what you’re doing every single time.
This is a general trend. Warp Tour is the perfect encapsulation of the problem, because it’s finally important enough that Steven fights to be heard. The first thing to remember about this episode is that we, the audience, are placed on Steven’s side because we’ve seen what Steven has seen. We know he’s right. The gems, however, believe what Steven is saying to be impossible. From their perspective, Steven is saying that a masked man broke down their door last night. Be honest - if you knew a kid making that claim and the door was fine, are you going to take it seriously?
The problem in Warp Tour is not that the gems don’t believe him. It’s reasonable not to. The problem is the way they react to it. Amethyst groans and complains about how long it’s taking to make Steven feel better, making him feel like a burden. Pearl aggressively confronts him with evidence, treating him like they’re in a debate and he needs to be proven wrong. That makes him feel stupid, belittled and ignored. Garnet says that it’s important to make Steven feel secure, but even that is condescending and quietly insists that Steven is being irrational.
Even at the end, Garnet is the only one who even slightly makes amends, saying she should have listened to him while also not apologizing. Pearl and Amethyst don’t make amends at all. But do you know who does say sorry four times? Steven. Steven has been taught and continues to be taught that his feelings are secondary. The things in his life that are important aren’t really important compared to the serious grown up issues. 
The lack of apologies are consistent. In Keystone Motel, Ruby and Sapphire realize Steven is upset and make up with each other, but don’t make up with Steven. Don’t apologize to Steven. In Maximum Capacity, Amethyst never apologizes to Steven for shapeshifting into his dead mom. (Which, always and forever - What the hell, Ame?)
The gems brushed off these feelings and due to that, I think a lot of the audience did too. But the gems do occasionally ask Steven what’s wrong, and he shuts them down.
So why does he do that? Why doesn’t he work it out? Because they spent his entire life ignoring his problems, disregarding his fears, not knowing what’s important to him. I’ve seen a lot of talk about Gemcation and how the stuff with Connie was Steven repressing his trauma over space and… no. It’s not. It’s really, really not. It’s yet another example of how the gems (and the fandom) ignore the things that matter to Steven in favor of what they think he should care about, and it comes down to this one extremely painful moment.
Garnet: Steven, I know what’s troubling you.
Steven: You do? (huge relieved smile) Gosh. I really messed up, didn’t I?
He’s so, so excited for someone to understand him. He’s so thrilled for someone to understand what’s wrong, and value his problems and his life. And what happens? Garnet talks about Pink Diamond. He’s crushed again.The most important thing to Steven is his relationships with other people, his friends. Literally his entire problem solving method is to go make more friends. He’s not worried about getting hurt or how scary Homeworld is, he’s scared that his family is going to stop loving him because of the mistakes he made.
But the gems don’t take the time to understand what Steven truly values. They don’t take the time to respect his interests. They don’t take the time to know him. And we’re still seeing that. They don’t understand what movies he likes. They don’t understand how his taste in food has changed. They don’t realize he’s been a vegetarian for a month. That’s not a little change. And, what’s more, that’s a value. That’s something extremely important, a sacrifice you decide to make because you think it’s a big deal.
And the gems don’t know.
So why would he talk to them? If someone was so uninterested in my life they couldn’t figure out I’d been a vegetarian for a month, I wouldn’t be opening up about my deepest problems. And when have they ever guessed a problem right? When have they ever taken an interest in things that matter to him? When have they ever told him that his human half is just as valuable, that he deserves to do whatever he wants, that he doesn’t have to be the son of Pink Diamond and can actually just be Steven?
But why bother when you can just cheer him up with s’mores and camping and Dogcopter, right? Steven doesn’t get angry! Our precious baby boy pouts. He throws some tantrums. The only time his anger matters is in Warp Tour, because he’s right about these big adult things. Steven is a child and he is small and cute and funny and his voice cracks when he shouts. It’s funny, isn’t it? He’s just a little kid. Little boys get angry and they scream and they holler about stupid things, and who cares, right?
Until one day they’re not so little anymore.
And now it doesn’t seem so funny, does it? Now it’s kind of scary. Now, the little kid that you rolled your eyes at and ignored the emotions of is big. He’s got a deep voice. He’s got broad shoulders. When he screams at you, it’s not something to roll your eyes over. It’s kind of terrifying now, isn’t it? Because there’s real power in that bigger body, and even the lizard part of your brain at the base of your spinal chord knows that. There’s a real, destructive power when he screams, and you have to listen.
The gems still think he’s a kid, and the audience is starting to realize he’s not. And the audience is already scared of what a kid as angry as Steven, with no coping mechanisms, is going to look like as a grown man.
It’s really easy to ignore a little boy with a weak grasp of his strength. It’s a lot harder to ignore a man whose screams shake your house down.
Value your kid’s feelings. They’re going to be grown some day. And what’s more? They’re people. Their feelings mattered all along. Steven’s feelings mattered all along. 
The only thing that’s changed is that you can’t call it cute anymore.
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fawnydoe · 4 years
So far I haven't seen anyone talk about Vanya watching Pogo die. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on that scene
holy shit holy smokes I have SO many thoughts thank you so much Anon because there’s a lot of subtext and so many interesting dialogue choices, blocking choices, and musical choices that add so much to the scene. Major fucking props to Elliot Page for his stellar acting and major props to the CGI team for the subtle emotions on Pogo’s face, as well as Adam Godley for a heart-wrenching voice performance.
you know its a big deal when i actually rewatch the scene instead of going off my shitty memory
I’m gonna try and break it down so let’s actually start by establishing the vibe between these two before this scene. 
Episode 1 established that Vanya does love Pogo or at least to some degree she does, she is someone that she trusts. He’s the one who tells her that the mansion will always be her home, he’s the one who tries to assure her her father did love her (that’s fucked up Pogo, come on man), and he’s concerned about her safety (offering to call her a cab). Vanya’s defenses are still there but they aren’t as raised as they are with Diego or Allison, there is some level of trust in their relationship (she opens up about the sandwiches in an attempt to make small talk, she does not actively make an attempt with her other family members).  If she was stuck in the house while her siblings were out, no doubt she probably latched onto this old chimpanzee as a pseudo-father figure.
She trusts Pogo, she is not aware of his complacency in her abuse. Pogo holds affections to all of them but I do think there was a bond between Vanya and him that’s being alluded to here. 
Let’s fast forward to the scene now that we’ve established there is a bond, because we have set-up so let’s have some pay-off:
Vanya tearing down the mansion is a fucking treat to watch, there’s no denying that. However, the events leading up to it are sad, distressing, she should never have reached this point of destruction. She was betrayed by the people she loved (Allison with the rumor, Leonard with the journal, and her siblings by locking her in a cage and walking away and leaving her there). She’s breaking down mentally and she’s taking the house down with her - she is both tearing down her cage and herself.
Look at how calmly she’s walking, she’s done. 
So when she gets to the living room (is that what it’s called?) and she has the flashback of Reginald telling at her to be quiet, yeah she’s fucking pissed. He tore apart her life, he told her time and time again to be quiet, continuously muted her (physically with the cage, mentally with reinforcing the rumor). She is done with Reginald, she’s done with it all. Except-
(We’re going line by line now)
“Miss Vanya, that’s quite enough!” Pogo talks to her like a child throwing a tantrum and in some ways, she is. He talks to all of the Hargreeves if they were children and in many ways, they really all are. They’ve never grown up, Vanya never got the chance to grow up. When was the last time she was in touch with her emotions, before they were strangled by her pills? When she was four years old. Of course everything is overwhelming, she’s been sedated for years now. 
“Miss Vanya, I under how upset you are. But I can assure that none of your siblings bear any of the responsibility for what happened to you as a child.” Pogo is trying to defend the other Hargreeves and to some extent, what he’s saying is true. But the thing is...what happened to her as a child is continuing into her adulthood and destroying her life. She has lived sedated and under the influence of a poorly thought out rumor. She’s struggling physically and mentally. What happened to her as a child is still clearly fucking her life up and the other Hargreeve siblings contributed to it, unknowingly or not.
And when she turns to them, her eyes turn brown again. She is herself and she needs to be to hear his answer. This is someone she trusts, this is someone she has turned to for comfort time and again throughout her childhood and when she moves towards him, pretending to be lax and casual, you can tell there’s a storm brewing. She doesn’t want him to be a part of this, she doesn’t want to believe that another person she thought could trust is complicit in this fucked up conspiracy of her life.
She asks anyways: “Did you know?”
Listen to her, she’s on the verge of tears and she so desperately wants Pogo to say no, she wants to spare him but only if he admits that he still cares, that he wasn’t a betrayer. This is an opportunity for him to escape, to lie, and Pogo, who has been so wrapped up in keeping secrets throughout the season, now knows that lying will only make things worse. He tells the truth but he does it in a way that let’s us know what we’ve always known: Pogo’s loyalties have always lied with Reginald, never with the children.
“Your father discovered...that you were capable of great things. Much like your brothers and sister. But your powers were...too great. He only wanted to protect you from yourself as well as your siblings.” Vanya has been told she’s ordinary, that she is not worth much because of that. Now she’s being told she was too great? Pogo pretty much just said: You will never be good enough.
Then the last line...fuck he has shifted the blame onto her, that her father was only doing what was best, that she was too dangerous. Pogo, what the fuck.
Vanya asks again, she needs to hear him say it, and there is no triumph in this scene, this is another betrayal of someone she thought she was close to, someone she could trust. All he’s done is say you’re not enough and you’re too dangerous. 
Major fucking props to the CGI on this part where Pogo is silent, he is thinking this over. He has spent years fanning the flames of this lie and if he lied again, if he said, Vanya would not have killed him. But Pogo knows the time for lies is over, that Vanya, who is a little girl that is hurting from years worth of abuse and lies, deserves the truth: “Yes, Miss Vanya. I knew.”
There is no one left that has not betrayed her in some way or another, Pogo has just admitted it. Vanya hangs her head, her face grows shadowed and both the gears in the audience’s head and Pogo’s head are turning: what will she do? Then she looks up and her eyes are silver. Vanya is letting go of any sliver of hope she once had for her family, she’s done. She thought had a bond with Pogo, a level of trust from a bond forged in childhood to one quieter in adulthood but still there. It’s gone and he’s said as much.
She lifts him in the air and keeps him there, lets him writhe in agony in a similar way to Leonard. Both of them have betrayed her, both of them are going to pay for it.
Look at where she flings him! The symbolism is SO fucking blatant here: He is impaled on antlers underneath Reginald’s portrait. The show has shown us these taxidermied animals (she’s turned Pogo into one) and how Reginald’s portrait looms over them. She knows where his loyalties die now and in some ways, it reads to me as Vanya saying: “You will die like a dog by your master’s side.”
She’s watching someone she thought she could trust die, she did that to him. She’s not enjoying his suffering, she didn’t relish in the act of impaling him, but she did because that is what she believe needs to be done (the parallels between this and Leonard’s death...fuck man). She needs to be sure he dies, she’s not taking any chances While he dies, he is being forced to look into the eyes of his killer, the killer he helped create.
The music is sorrowful as Pogo gasps for air, blood dribbling down his mouth. As with any Vanya soundtracks, there is a heavy use of strings, strings are Vanya’s instrument. It’s grieving, Vanya is grieving for what she has lost and for what she never had to begin with.
Thank you so much for the question, it was a real treat to go through the scene again and just dig into how phenomenal it is. I hope this somewhat answered your question, even if I did go a bit overboard!
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p-artsypants · 4 years
I’ll Handle This (9)
In Which Plagg cuts the Umbilical Cord
Howdy folks! Thanks for the patience! I like to pretend I’m regular with uploads, but we all know that’s not true. And for a little while, it’s going to be worse. I had a gallbladder attack this week, and I have to wait about a month to get it out. In the meantime, I get sick pretty easily from most foods. So I’ve kind of put writing on the backburner. 
Oh, I’m also planning a wedding!
Thanks for understanding and not sending demands for updates!
FF.net | Ao3 
Adrien was feeling pretty darn good, all things considered. 
Ladybug, or Marinette rather, had been so adamant for so long that no one could know their identities. It was a mantra he stuck to, though he desperately wished to know her outside the mask. 
With Nino in on the secret, it felt more liberating than he expected. All night, he told Nino stories of his terrible excuses and narrow misses of getting caught. 
“I don’t know how I didn’t catch it sooner.” Nino had said, hindsight being 20/20 and all that. 
And Adrien admitted that he felt dumb for not realizing Nino was Carapace sooner. So Nino’s guilt was lessened a bit by that. 
While the boys talked, Plagg stayed rather neutral. He didn’t divulge any more of his plans or prepare them for what was to come. 
Because he couldn’t. Plagg was preparing for several different outcomes, all hindered on many overlapping factors. He just had to hope for the best for now and not stress Adrien out. 
The kid deserved to enjoy his first sleepover.
Being an ancient being, Plagg’s passive perception was relatively high. He noticed things and had an awareness that surpassed most other entities on the planet. 
Though, he rarely acted on anything he noticed, since he could phase out of most danger.  It mostly kept him from being seen by people who weren’t supposed to see him. 
However, alarm bells were currently going off like crazy inside his—or Adrien’s—head. 
Lila was hovering just a bit too closely for comfort. 
Though she was usually the main attraction in a conversation, she wasn’t very good at spying. She hovered, just at the edge of the circle, throwing out plenty of ‘oh, don’t mind me’s, but keeping her eye trained on him. She even followed them when they went out for lunch. Far enough away that no one would notice, mind you, but there none the less. 
Lila was not Gabriel’s muse. She was his stooge. His little puppet. His meat camera. 
As long as Lila was around, Gabriel was aware of every action he took. Who knew what kind of bull shittery she’d pull if he did something remotely different. 
But what exactly was she watching for? Just reporting his change in behavior? 
Had Gabriel suspected too much? 
It was high time Plagg put the next phase of his plan into action. 
But first, he needed to throw Lila off the trail. 
It was after class, and everyone was packing their stuff up and discussing how the weekend had gone. 
This seemed like the perfect opportunity. 
“Hey guys! I taught Lila how to play Magic at the last photoshoot! Anyone want to play with her?” 
The words were like fresh blood in a tank of sharks. Lila was grabbed and sat down at a desk, as she tried to come up with an excuse to leave. 
“Oh, I’d uhh...I’d love to play. But my mom has a doctor appointment after school and she wanted me home...” 
“Oh Lila, it’s okay,” said Plagg. “Don’t feel bad about skipping our study session. This is your chance to really bond with the boys in our class!” 
Lila just sent him a tight lipped smile. 
“Okay, Kim, let Lila use your deck.” 
“What? No! ‘Soul Sisters’ is perfectly crafted and only an expert can really unlock its true potential.” 
Alix swiped the deck from his hand. “Yeah, you build a deck with all the tig-bitty angel wifus. It’s great. Take a break, horn dog.” She slammed the deck down in front of a traumatized Lila. 
Max was her partner. “Don’t worry, we’ll go slow and I’ll explain everything as we go along.” 
Plagg smiled to himself, watching as the boys, and even some girls, crowded around to watch. 
He then caught Marinette’s eye and gestured out to the hall. There was no way Lila could stealthily maneuver her way over to him without drawing the attention of all their classmates. 
In the hall, Plagg took Marinette’s hand and led her away, into a secluded corner of the upper floor. Hopefully, Lila wouldn’t spot them if she tried to do something rash. 
“Is everything okay, Adrien?” Marinette asked, her face tinged pink. 
“Not...not completely. Lila was following and eavesdropping on me all day.” 
Marinette gasped, covering her mouth. “That’s sick!” 
“Yes, I agree. I’m not quite sure what she was looking for, but I’m fairly certain she’s spying for my father.” 
Marinette squeezed his arm. “I’m so sorry, Adrien. If I knew how to help...” 
“I should be the one apologizing.” He said, genuine sadness in his voice. He had hoped solving Adrien’s problems would have helped Marinette out, but he worried it would be the opposite. 
“What do you have to apologize for?”
He took her hands, holding them delicately in his own. “I told you that I made a deal with her to get you back into school. But…”
She whispered. “Adrien...” 
He touched her face, ever so gently, laying the charm on thick. “Marinette, I care about you so much, and if I could avoid this I would, but...” 
“But what?” 
“Lila’s made it clear that she’s taking this feud I’m having with my father personally. She’s going to take whatever chance she can get to go back on our agreement. She’s going to go after you again.” He shook his head, conjuring tears into his eyes. “I can’t bear to see you hurt by her!” 
“Oh Adrien!” She gasped, before throwing her arms around him. “Please don’t cry. I can handle her, honest.” 
“I have a plan in motion,” he clarified, squeezing her. “She won’t get away with her lies and harassment for much longer. I just need you to be strong.” 
“Whatever you need, just let me know. You don’t have to do this alone.” 
“I know. Thank you, Marinette. Now, I have to go before Lila escapes my trap.” 
Her smile was genuine and full of gratitude. “I’ll see you tomorrow then! Bye!” 
Eager to take what head way he could get, Plagg pressed a kiss to Marinette’s cheek before hurrying away. 
He missed her squealing and dancing after he turned his back. 
“I really dislike that sausage-haired cretin.” Plagg muttered as he walked home. “It’s one thing to lie to get attention, but for her to spy on us all day? Talk about creepy!”
“Thank you for warning Marinette,” Adrien said as he floated by his shoulder. “I agree that Lila is looking for any opportunity to go back to bullying her. I think with the warning, she’ll be able to come up with some way to protect herself.” 
“Nothing against your lady’s ability to find solutions, since that is her job as Ladybug, but I don’t know what kind of back up plan she can have against a compulsive liar. Why is every adult in Paris so gullible?” 
“I have a theory,” Adrien suggested. “They aren’t gullible. They just see a pretty young girl crying and they just go along with whatever she says to make it stop. They just assume she’s exaggerating or something.” 
“Good observation,” Plagg commended. “I agree.”  
“But I think we should put off worrying about Lila for a bit and focus on my father. He hasn’t seen you since Friday morning when you serenaded him. I can’t imagine he’s going to be happy to see you.” 
“Adrien, we’ve been over this. I can handle a grown ass adult throwing a temper tantrum. There’s only two things he hasn’t tried yet, and they’re both pretty extreme. I don’t know if he has it in him. I called his bluff before, anyways.” 
“What two things?” 
“Having me arrested...or getting violent. I dared him to hit me and he swore he never would. I just can’t imagine he was telling the truth.” 
“Are you trying to drive him to it?”
“I’m trying to drive him to a place of ‘I give up, what do you want’? Hopefully we can talk, and he’ll come to see you aren’t a child anymore. As much as I think your dear old dad is capable of being a butt head, I think he’s also capable of understanding. He is a successful businessman after all. Business doesn’t come without a little mercy.” 
“That’s a...way to look at it...” 
At that point, they reached the mansion, and Adrien returned to the pocket. 
Plagg decided not to ring the doorbell, and instead climbed the wall. 
He strolled very nonchalantly up to the front door, and entered, slamming the door shut behind him. 
Then he waited three seconds. 
“Adrien!” Gabriel rushed out of his office. “I didn’t expect you home already.” 
“Because Lila didn’t text you with my location?” 
Gabriel just stared, slightly wide-eyed and pale. 
Caught red handed. 
“She is spying on me for you, right? This isn’t just her stalking me on her own. She’s not smart enough for that.” 
“So what? You don’t know how to communicate with me so you go to the only person in my class that I not only dislike, but has a record of compulsive lying? Seriously? You thought that was your best option?” 
“You do not get to lecture me about my choices!” Gabriel barked. 
But Plagg just shook his head. “You make no sense to me.”
“My decisions and actions don’t have to make sense to you. You are my child, and you will obey me! Do you understand?” 
Plagg just gave him a patient smile. Arguing with him never went anywhere, because Gabriel always turned his ears off the second Adrien said something he didn’t want to hear. 
Which was anything that wasn’t “yes sir.”
“I understand what you want. But I can’t give it to you. You haven’t listened to what I’ve said. You’re so caught up in injustice, that you haven’t seen how your yelling has affected me. I’m just pulling farther and farther away. Do you want to lose me for good? Is that what you want? Because that’s the road you’re heading down. I’m 15 now. Three years of this, and I could easily move away and never speak to you again after how badly you’ve treated me.” 
“I do not treat you badly! Have you ever gone without food? Without a soft bed? Without clothes or showers? No! You have it better than most people in this city.” 
“You’re right, I should be without want or need. But you’ve severely neglected my heart. Gabriel, I’m lonely, and sad. I’m disappointed every time you break a promise. I can go anywhere and have food and shelter and whatever, but only you can give me the love of my father.” 
Gabriel was silent at this, staring at his son, his lips in a firm line. 
“So I’m going to go. I’m staying with some friends for a while. Just to give you a taste of what it’s like without me. If you like it, then, when I’m 18, I’ll leave, and never come back.” 
Gabriel looked to the ground, but found himself unable to say anything. Plagg ascended the stairs, and went into Adrien’s room. 
“I don’t want to leave…” Adrien said, quietly. “I’d rather stay and…” 
“And do nothing?”
Adrien looked away. 
“Look,” said Plagg, directing his chin up. “Your father is a hard nut to crack. We just have to push harder and harder. Do you still trust me?”
“What choice do I have?”
“It’s going to be okay, kid.” He rubbed his thumb over his whiskers. “I promise.” 
He packed up his duffel that he had taken for his sleepover, and came back down the stairs. 
Gabriel was right where he left him. “So, you’re going? Just like that?” 
“At this point, I think it’s for the best. Just for a little while. Give us both some perspective.” 
“You’ll regret it,” he warned. 
“Maybe. But what’s there to learn from if I don’t make mistakes?” 
Gabriel didn’t stop him as he walked out the door. 
After he left, Nathalie emerged from the office. “Your son is surprisingly mature for his age.” 
“No, he’s stubborn. Just like his mother. I give him three days before he comes crawling back.” 
“And if he doesn’t?” 
“Then I’ll make him come back.” 
Chat Noir bounded over rooftops at sunset. He had a destination in mind, and getting spotted by Lila or one of Gabriel’s other goons would ruin it all. 
After traveling in circles, he finally reached the Lahiffe house and stopped on the fire escape outside Nino’s room. 
Nino looked up at the sound. “Oh dude!” 
“Nino Lahiffe, the time has come.” Said Plagg in his ancient voice. “This is the Miraculous of the Dude.” He opened his hand to show a single Hersey’s kiss. “You will use it for the greater bro-kind, and let me crash here for the foreseeable future, as I have run away from home.” 
“Dude...” Nino took it reverently. “I will fulfill my sacred oath...but you should probably come in through the front door, and we should kind of explain this to my mom, or she’s going to wonder how you got in the house.” 
“True. Meet you downstairs in five!” 
Marinette laid in her bed, eyes trained to the sky through the sky-light, hands clutching a pillow tightly to her chest. 
She sighed.
The sound made Tikki roll her eyes. She knew Plagg was hamming it up, but did he have to be so…charming?! 
“Tikki…” Marinette announced, after mooning for over an hour. “I think…I think I can tell him tomorrow.” 
The words were music to her ears! Finally! “You can do it Marinette!” 
Then a shadow passed Marinette’s face as the worst past through her mind. “But what if he hasn’t been earnest? What if the way he’s been acting has just been to get back at his father or Lila?” 
Tikki almost groaned. “Marinette, Adrien loves you. He really really loves you! The way he pulled you aside today and warned you about what was going to happen with Lila? He didn’t do that for anyone but you. That was real care! The longer you beat around the bush, the more you’re putting off your own happiness. And you don’t want that, do you?”
Marinette sat up, resolve hardening. “Tomorrow then. I’ll tell him tomorrow, and get my happily ever after.”
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unohanadaydreams · 4 years
In your personal opinion, out of all the cast who is the most likely to be a yandere? And, who would be the worst one?
Well, considering the abundance of large personalities with poor respect for boundaries in Bleach, we’ve got some nice choices tbh.
FEATURES: talk of yandere, unhealthy relationships, possessiveness, ect.
My vote for the worst, in terms of how extreme, unapologetic, and violent, would be:
Kenpachi Zaraki -
He’s obsessive in canon, chasing after what he wants with no regard for consequences or other people. If he’s after a fight, for example, the other person saying no doesn’t compute. He just starts attacking.
He is offered and accepts genuine kindness and closeness from ONE person--Yachiru, who is also a reflection of his own soul. His ONLY primer for love of ANY kind is a little girl who is fucking obsessed with him and wants only what he does (with the exception of candy).  Kenpachi views fighting as the only way to garner respect, power, and security--Ikkaku sticking around first and foremost because of Kenpachi’s strength and Yumichika sticking around first and foremost for Ikkaku lend me to leave them off this list.
Also, think about where he grew up and the way he is likely to hoard and protect with deadly prejudice the person he loves, like he probably did with anything he valued growing up. He lived in a world where no one gave a shit to give him a NAME--he had to name himself--, where everyone fought over scraps, and where protecting yourself probably meant treating everyone else as the enemy until proven otherwise. I mean, he fights fellow captains NO problem--the structure of captains of the gotei 13 being allies means fucking zilch to him.
When this man switches from apathy to care for a person (more accurately, when he REALIZES his care for someone), the table flips and fucking shatters. The rules change. Kenpachi becomes possessive of your time and attention because love is clingy and needs constant protection from a world where the strong live and the weak get left to bleed in the streets. Especially after the loss of Yachiru, he’d feel extremely motivated to keep you in a position where you could not leave him. He loves you and therefore you are a part of him. And he can’t lose another part of him.
Kenpachi is like the perfect storm of earnest feelings, poor emotional maturity, blatant disregard for people at large, and proclivity to violence imo.
I think the fandom at large has a tendency to really sanitize how little fucks he gives regarding the boundaries of others. As well as how little he cares about other people.
He killed the only person he ever admired for the SOLE purpose of strength--to have the chance to get stronger--to fight and prove himself the strongest. Maybe he felt something about it, but he still DID it, and his attitude toward Unohana leading up to that point could lead one to believe he missed Yachiru the opponent in that moment of her death more than he could ever miss Unohana the person.
That said, if we look at Yachiru, he does not mistreat her. He allows her anything and everything at the disregard of others. Yachiru can do no wrong and is, at most, annoying to him some times. She can undermine his words and yell at him and terrorize his district and he does not care. He loves her, so she’s above reproach. Partly because he loves her and partly because he simply doesn’t care about his or her actions affecting others!!! Even Ikkaku doesn’t dare really discipline Yachiru for all the physical abuse she throws at him.
Obviously there would be differences between how he treats a child and how he treats a romantic interest, but the jist is: He would express his love how he knows and be violently possessive. All the yandere boxes are checked.
Other ones I think just SCREAM most likely?
Izuru Kira -
The slope he finds himself sliding down to ensure you won’t abandon him is awful slippery. It starts small, of course. Some person he doesn’t particularly like invites you to a party through him--that classic ‘hey tell Reader they should come by tonight! and you too, Izuru-kun!’ Well. ‘Should come’ isn’t a formal invitation is it?
He starts falling from there. Starts being a more subtle two faced scumbag than his captain previous. Starts being more ‘grave’ than ‘sullen’. Izuru blooms a love strong enough to brave any person or obstacle and wields shears sharp and ready for anyone foolish enough to touch it.
A lot of his actions are less physical violence and more social and emotional harm to others. He gets away with stabbing a small fry and challenging a peer to a duel and leaving them with one less arm here, but for the most part he’s more covert.
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez -
He’s really similar to Kenpachi in violent and obsessive tendencies. I think the main differences are 1. he is more self aware emotionally 2. he is much more violent.
And I think what keeps me from considering Grimmjow as the Worst is that he would be initially pretty shitty to his romantic interest as opposed to Kenpachi. There would be an initial fight within himself that would cause him to be prickly and mean, to scare them off and spare himself potential heart ache.
Mashiro Kuna -
For fucks sake, she gets mad when Orihime talks to Hachi. She is VERY possessive. The fact that she just got left behind in Karakura town severely blows my mind (I mean, I’ll digress on that because the splitting up of the vizards was just!!!!!!!!!!), but she is clearly clingy of those she cares for in canon.
She would be one who might try to hide her violence and threatening under a thin veneer of ‘oops, haha, that silly Mashiro threw a tantrum and accidentally clawed some dude’s eyes out after he cat called reader!’ She really leans into being viewed as a vapid, silly woman who acts too young for her age. For the most part it works. Or she doesn’t get caught at all.
There’s a reason she has the longest manifestation of her mask and it’s because she and her hollow stand united in fucking people up when they both don’t get their way.
Momo Hinamori -
Another victim of betrayal, like Izuru. The difference is that Momo knows when she falls in love that if someone like Aizen were to ever do to you what he did to her, she wouldn’t be able to recover. Her post breakdown revelation was this: no one deserves first chances.
If someone in your division puts their hands on you, two weeks later there’s news that person was a horrible person who got thrown into the maggot’s nest for conspiracy to harm the gotei 13.
Momo’s smart like that. Never outwardly that violent. Never one to reach for her sword first. She thinks. She plans. She ruins the lives of anyone so dumb as to fuck with you.
Unlike Izuru, she never lets her partner in on the game. There’s no begging for you to understand she’s doing this for you--she never lets any one survive or feel safe enough to tattle on her--none of that.
Giselle Gewelle -
Probably the most transparently there. The most likely. The reigning ‘she was practically one in canon so what did you expect’.
She will keep you by her side forever and ever even if you need to be a zombie for that to happen.
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