#tharma winx
wtfastaroth · 9 months
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Tharma Pre-corruption
This is what she looked like before Darkar's curse, The post-corruption appearance is not yet ready
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kingixsstuff · 1 year
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The great witches !
( Belladonna and liliss by Elle dei I believe.)
The great ancestral witches,mothers to all witches
Once was normal girls they were found and learned under the first witch hecate (il post her later) eventually cursing others with witch magic. They have two forms their sprit forms and young forms
In their young forms they are in my fan transformation “crisix” the fist magic form (for witches,fairy’s and sorcerers) it’s a lot of story with these characters thst I don’t even know how to start lol 😭
Belladonna is the witch of winter
Liliss is the witch of void
And tharma the witch of natural disasters 
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thewickedmerman · 2 years
The Ancestral Witches
I wanted to give The Ancestral Witches more individuality in their appearances with their faces, bodies, outfits, and colors. These three are often treated like a signal entity rather than three different characters. So basically imagine their descendants but a lot more extreme and irredeemable because they are heartless monsters. They also have individual colors for their ghostly specters.
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thegoddessesofchaos · 2 years
Ancestral Witches RP blog(go by AU because canon can't keep straight)
Blog contains mature themes so read at own risk, other than that just don't be a jerk
Main is @bogwitchesofthemulti
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doodlegraveyard · 10 months
Hey I wanted know about your version of the ancestral and to know the timeline of when they destroyed domino
Hi, @seth-the-whalelord, i am sorry because oh gosh i have a LOT to say and you prompting this means im not gonna be able to think of anything else ahhhh. OK so like. lets ignore how in general the timeline is really fucked up (flashbacks with the company of light and Griffin and Faragonda's relative ages are very confusing) but lets just ASSUME, path of least confusion that Domino got iced exactly as many years ago as is appropriate based on Bloom's age (I actually haven't decided if i's scaling the girls ages up slightly yet.) So basically it got destroyed when Bloom (and all her other peers in her age range here) were babies. That’s a BIG event to happen in relatively RECENT HISTORY and I have issues about how I want to make it clear that this is an event that has affected basically every world in the magical universe. BUT LETS PUT THAT ASIDE LETS TALK ABOUT THE WITCHES.
So my issue is the Ancestral Witches are meant to be these, hugely ancient beings formed at the beginning of the universe. But, they never… felt…. That cool to me? They’ve existed for all of time but it took them literally until what 15-18 years ago to get at the Dragon Flame? Despite the fact that it seems like pretty common knowledge where it is?? And the fact that they later named them and then the backstory with Griffin working with them and Valtor… that was before they got banished so to me it seems like they shouldn’t need the proxy of someone working on their behalf, like they do when they’re guiding the Trix… That feels to me like big powerful witches and villainesses and definitely big bad material but not like the unspeakable ancient things that I imagine when you say OLD AS TIME ELEMENTAL EVIL, you know?
Another thing: Arcadia. We have a direct counterpoint to “the first witches” in “the first Fairy who flew”. I actually like how vague her existence is and how strange and uncanny she looks. She almost comes across as a minor goddess, or someone who has basically ascended to demigod hood. I think one of the reasons I like her vibe over the ancestral witches is… she seems so… separate from reality and above what’s going on in the mortal planes. She waits for the Winx to come to her, instead of meddling/ the AW are pretty much exclusively into getting the trix to meddle for them. Or building a boy (Valtor) to do stuff for them. Idk. That said im actually not how im handling Arcadia or the existence of the water stars at all im just thinking ab the contrast of how they’re presented. Basically even when they’re spooky shadowy crone figures the witches strike me as beings of the material rather than an old-as-time type set of entities.
Anyway making the first witches these ‘’’’first creatures of evil’’’’ really fucks with the limp ‘well, not ALL witches are evil’ assertion that the show tries to make (but also doesn’t remember half the time). Like, that can definitely be the NARRATIVE that gets pushed, and I do think that the Ancestral witches themselves should be properly evil big bads, but you can’t build the worlds universe on ‘witches were invented to be evil, and fairies are meant to good’ and then benignly go ‘oh not realllyyyyy. I mean MOSTLY but not really. You know. Not the 2 witches we like (one of whom becomes a fairy)’. That can be the story a lot of people believe, but you cannot build it into the literal history of your world setting and then turn around and ask the audience to think otherwise.
I think what makes most sense to me is that Belladonna, Liliss, and Tharma are the names of the last INCARNATIONS of the Ancestral Witches but not the original/actual identities.
I think they were just witches once. Not quite from the beginning of time but from a long, long, long time ago. They had names no one remembers anymore, and names before that. They were witches who garnered such power that they wrote their identities into the flow of magic itself, who unmoored their spirits from their selves so that when they died they did not truly die. Basically, they’re Liches. I like the idea of the Witches recurring in history, reappearing as different women across the eons as their spirits find new lives to subsume. It’s not a bloodline (even though the trix call themselves the AW’s ‘direct descendants’ - unless Belladonna, Liliss and Tharma all fucked and had children, and each of the girls could directly trace their ancestry back to them… first of all why, how, wouldn’t families keep that an awful secret because presumably being related to the people who tried to kill dragon god and nuked the fairy Vatican would make their lives DIFFICULT - despite that language I always assumed they were kind of styling themselves as spiritual successors (which.. might be the literal opposite of ’direct descendant’ but what can I say that’s the vibe I always got) I think, in my version of things, they’re… sort of like their successors. ( I have them style themselves as Inheritrix - Hence, Trix) but well, really the Trix are really more like… Vessels. Or, they will be, when they’re strong enough.
One of the big reasons Witches are looked down on is that there’s this pervasive cultural sentiment that they’re greedy and power-hungry. They Want what they don’t Have, they will Take what Is Not Theirs. This has a little bit to do with the way I conceive of the concept of positive or negative magic - not dark and light but more like electric charges or polarity. Fairies (+) generate magic, and Witches (-) absorb magic from outside sources. I think there’s actually a very important place for Witches in the magic ecosystem, and both fairies and witches have a part to play in keeping balance. The ancestral witches represent the worst extreme of witch dysfunction. They take so much that they cling onto life, stealing the lives of other witches through generations. They refuse to be swept away through the river of time, to return to the flow of Magic, to take their part in the cycle.
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butterfly-winx · 2 years
I've always found it strange that Winx/Specialist/Trix etc don't have surnames, In your Au they have them and if so which ones.
Me too, so I have of course given them names to match their family history. Let's go in order of appearance (roughly)
Bloom Peters, later Bloom Peters-Aglissier
Born: Virna Aglissier, which also means "bloom, blossom" and baby bloom magically projected her name which her adoptive parents 'translated' into their native language. Briefly also known as Varanda of Callisto
Stella XXXVI
Is the actual name she is born with, since royals on Solaria have a title name only, no personal one. Luna being an outsider and with common sense gave Stella a civilian name: Mariella Pregioni (Luna's maiden name is Giulia Pregioni)
Flora Augmenta Lisahani
Flora has no last name, all three of her names are given names. Her sister is called Miele Concordia Jojoba
Tecna Rahman, officially Tasha Rahman
Tecna adds their nickname to her official record after graduating Alfea
Yu En Musa
Musa has a two-syllabylic elf surname from her mother (Yu En Maylin) and not her fathers family name (Zhang Haobai)
Skyvian man-do Erendor, or Brandon Essikva (when undercover)
Among nobility, last names are comprised of their father's name, essentially meaning "son/daughter of someone"
Brandon Sanna, or "Prince Sky"
He also gets a Solarian title while courting Stella: Prince Consort Hector XVII
Tim Aubach
Self explanatory. The family of Timmy's father emigrated to Callisto from Earth a while ago
Riven El Falong
Uses Riven Sok on his visa and related records because his family name is a minority ethnic one and he feels safer that way. (Sok is like the most common last name, think Zuko saying Li)
Icadora Grimae, later Belladona Icy
All the Trix later adopt a mix of their current and past name (from Aegoda Belladona) . Icy's sister formerly known as Saphire is named Glissandra in butterfly verse
Dareena Darcei, later Padraigna Darcei
Darcy goes by a nickname formed from her last name interestingly. (ancestress: Padraigna Lyssis)
Alastormia M?, later Stormy Čestyl
Stormy lost most of her memories when Tharma (Čestyl Tharma) took over, so she doesn't know her last name actually
Layla Aisha Aghebe
Layla mostly just uses her first name and only Tritannus and Ligea still call her Aisha, becuase back when she was chosing her name she couldn't decide between the two
Helia Salador, born Helia Erica Mnemol
When Saladin sought asylum for him on Magics, he thought it was better to give him an official last name. The clerk made a mistake reading Saladin's handwriting and thus 'Salador' was created
Daphne Brelain Agglissier
Daughter of Oritel Vanu Aglissier And Marion Fiere Niancey. The royal family's name comes from one of the languiages that no longer exist on the planet due to their extreme cultural globalisation
Honourable mentions:
Roxana Birchfeld (Roxy) (Klaus Birchfeld and Morgana Pendragon)
Krystal Arancia Nadrujena Vigo (does have a last name)
Mirta Wingert
Lucy Luckhurst
Nova Berzanetti
Varanda Fiona de Numor
Diaspro Ien-do Drogo
Vanessa Vicenzio and Mike Peters
Nabu Tteke
Xiang Galatea
Paula "Poppy" Faragonda
Misandra Griffin
Mary Griselda
Farin Ebenezor Saladin
Kriszta DuFour
Ophelia Erhart
Antonio Wizgiz
Camilo Avalon
Feid Palladium
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fiendix-wcr · 6 months
It's basically the timeline from the Winx Fandom Wiki, I know. A few bits of new information here and there, though.
-the Great Dragon, Shadow Phoenix, and the Water Stars are created from the original void -the Great Dragon uses his flames to create the universe, most notably the Magical Dimension -original races/species begin to appear (e.g Dragons, Unicorns, etc.), and the more humanoid races possess longer ears, a more Elven appearance -near the end of this process, part of the Dragon's Flame mixes with the original darkness, creating a "dark spark" of the Dragon Fire -finished, the Great Dragon rests within a realm later named Domino; his fate is uncertain, but the Dragon Flame is entrusted to the people residing there, the Dominoans, and the Dominoan Royal Family later on -First Kingdoms: Domino, Andros (Undersea/Terrestrial), Solaria -magic-bearing humanoids, the Ancestral Witches (Belladonna, Liliss, Tharma) are born, and are presumably immortal -Arcadia, the first fairy, appears (she's the first born with physical wings, unlike other witches...magic-related mutation, maybe?) -more Ancestral Fairies are born, presumably immortal; they are the first to disperse outside their home realms, cross the Magical Dimension, and eventually mate with "earthlings", or Earth's humans; a portion settled there permanently (Earth Fairies), while most brought their children & families back to live in the MD -BLT find the "dark spark" of the Dragon's Flame, which over many years they shape into their creation, the infamous Valtor
-the Ring of Solaria is forged -a group of fairies and wizards come together to capture the Water Stars and send them to a pocket dimension, the Golden Kingdom, as their powers cannot coexist with the Dragon Flame in the Magic Dimension without causing chaos; they're aided by Arcadia, who volunteers to be sealed with the Water Stars indefinitely
-on Earth, a group of dark wizards create the Black Circle to counteract the magic of the White Circle owned by the Earth Fairies, earning the name "Wizards of the Black Circle"; armed with a spell that makes them immune to fairy magic, the Wizards of the Black Circle begin the Great Fairy Hunt -the quarry-born mining kingdom of Eraklyon is founded 1000 years before Season 3 -Middle Queendoms: Linphea, Dyamond
-Later Republics: Melody, Zenith -Lesser Territories (Often Coastal): Callisto, Dolona, Espero, Hoggar, Pyros, Oppositus -Hagen, Saladin, Faragonda, Griffin, Oritel and Marion (+Griselda) are born in their respective realms -having created Valtor, BLT raise him with their knowledge of the magical realms and poise him to become the greatest wizard of all time; he later distances himself to accomplish this -several witches, led by BLT, find and join forces with the Shadow Phoenix
-Faragonda becomes the next headmistress of Alfea. -Oritel (second-born, dead sibling) and Marion get married. (Marion's from Callisto, and is a fire fairy of noble blood) -a few years later, Daphne is born (first-born, wielder of the Dragon Flame) -young and skilled, Griffin joins Valtor's highest ranks to become the greatest witch of all time -in response to higher crime, the Omega Portal is created on Andros; Omega is small, though not a pocket dimension, and was once a "proxy realm" (orbiting moon, more or less?) of Dyamond -entering her 20s, Daphne excels in fairy magic, and becomes a Nymph of Domino -Bloom is born ("bloomed in strife") but isn't called that; she will not be officially named until her first birthday -Oritel and Marion form the Company of Light to counter BLT, Griffin and Valtor; great warriors, witches, fairies and wizards join their group, the most notable ones being Hagen, Faragonda, and Saladin -Hagen forges a sword for Oritel to wield, which is later bathed in the Dragon's Flame -Lord Darkar, the Shadow Phoenix's vessel, begins his race for the Ultimate Power -Lord Darkar's search for the Dragon Flame ultimately leads to the destruction of Domino after sending BLT, Griffin and Valtor to search there; before their raid on Domino, the Ancestral Witches arrive on Eraklyon, to pressure Crown Prince Erendor, a stand-in member of the COL, into abandoning Domino for the safety of his own kingdom; a soul-shard archiving the deed is used as leverage -horrified by what's happened, Griffin betrays Valtor to join their biggest enemies: the Company of Light; he's captured -Daphne takes Bloom while the castle is overrun, riskily "bathes" her in the Dragon's Flame (the Dominoan Royal Family are wielders, not possessors, so Bloom sets a magical precedent) -BLT ambushes them, uses a strong siphoning spell on Daphne, which renders her a disembodied spirit -simultaneously, Daphne time-warps Bloom to Earth -the Company of Light defeat BLT but pay a heavy price for their victory, as their leaders, Oritel and Marion, and the entirety of Domino are lost -BLT and the siphoned Domino citizens perpetually remain in Obsidian, another pocket dimension, time during which BLT creates their second project, Mandragora, from various insects -Valtor is sentenced to eternal imprisonment on Omega -the Lord of the Templars of Lightrock Monastery runs a weakened Lord Darkar off, who unfortunately escapes and enters a deep slumber underground -Company of Light disbands
-Nabu is born (January 30th) -Stormy, Darcy, and Icy are born (on April 5th, May 5th, and June 5th, respectively)
-Stella is born (August 18th) -Brandon is born (September 23rd)
-Timmy is born (February 15th) -Flora is born (March 1st) -Sky is born (March 20th) -Musa is born (May 30th) -Layla is born (June 15th) -Helia is born (September 2nd) -Riven is born (October 15th) -Bloom is found and adopted by Mike and his wife, Vanessa (December 10th) -Tecna is born (December 16th) -Anne (Andromeda), Krystal, and Mitzi are born
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plumcakedeathcake · 4 months
Heres part one of the baby list as im working on a cleaner, better version.
Apple EAH F
Ashlynn EAH F
Blondie EAH F
Briar EAH F
Brooke EAH F
Bunny EAH F
Cerise EAH F
Cedar EAH F
Courtly EAH F
Crystal EAH F
Cupid EAH F
Darling EAH F
Duchess EAH F
Farrah EAH F
Faybelle EAH F
Holly EAH F
Justine EAH F
Jillian EAH F
Kitty EAH F
Lizzy EAH F
Lilly EAH F
Madeline EAH F
Meeshell EAH F
Mirra EAH F
Melody EAH F
Nina EAH F
Poppy EAH F
Rosabella EAH F
Raven EAH F
Alistair EAH M
Chase EAH M
Dexter EAH M
Daring EAH M
Humphry EAH M
Hunter EAH M
Hopper EAH M
Sparrow EAH M
Alina S&B F
Aleksander S&B M
Kirigian S&B M
Darkling S&B M
Mal S&B M
Inej S&B F
Zoya S&B F
Nina S&B F
Kaz S&B M
Jesper S&B M
Wylen S&B M
Mattias S&B M
Nikolai S&B M
Milo S&B M
Vasily S&B M
David s&b m
Genya S&B F
Aisha WINX F
Bloom WINX F
Diaspro WINX F
Daphne WINX F
Darcy WINX F
Flora WINX F
Faragonda WINX F
Griffin WINX F
Layla WINX F
Stella WINX F
Stormy WINX F
Valtor WINX M
Tecna Winx F
Domino WINX F/M
Sparks WINX F/M
Andros WINX M/F
Dyamond WINX F/M
Earth WINX F/M
Tir na Nog WINX F/M
Erkalyon WINX F/M
Karunda WINX F/M
Linphea WINX FM
Melody WINX FM
Obsidian WINX FM
Solaria WINX FM
Zenith WINX FM
Belladonna WINX F
Liliss WINX F
Tharma WINX F
Mirta WINX F
Mitzi WINX F
Aelin TOG F
Caleana TOG F
Lysandra TOG F
Manon TOG F
Nehemia TOG F
Yrene TOG F
Chaol TOG M
Dorian TOG M
Rowan TOG M
Kaltain TOG F
Cairn TOG M
Maeve TOG F
Lorcan TOG M
Aedion TOG M
Asterin TOG F
Fenrys TOG M
Gavriel TOG M
Erawan TOG M
Rolfe TOG M
Neseryn TOG M
Amani ROTS F
Delila ROTS F
Shazad ROTS F
Leyla ROTS F
Shira ROTS F
Ahmed ROTS M
Nagiub ROTS M
Noorsham ROTS M
Kadir ROTS M
Tamin ROTS M
Rahim ROTS M
America TS F
Celeste TS F
Elise TS F
Eadlyn TS F
Kriss TS F
Marley TS F
Amberly TS F
Klarkson TS M
Aspen TS M
Maxon TS M
Eikko TS M
Kile TS M
Carter TS M
Natalie TS F
Lucy TS F
Brice TS F
Marianna LEGACY F
Steldor LEGACY M
Annalisa TEQ F
Everly TEQ F
Foreverly TEQ F
Farrah TEQ F
Hartly TEQ F
Truely TEQ F
Roth TEQ M
Reese TEQ M
Saxon TEQ M
Vikander TEQ M
Warick TEQ M
Ashleigh TCQ F
Wren TC F
Rose TC F
Alessandra TSBU F
Kallias TSBU M
Morrigan ACOTAR F
Cassian ACOTAR M
Rhysand ACOTAR M
Aurora ROAR F
Amarantha ACOTAR F
Cassius ROAR M
Locke ROAR M
Arya GOT F
Brienne GOT F
Cersei GOT F
Catalyn GOT F
Daenerys GOT F
Ellaria GOT F
Melisandre GOT F
Margaery GOT F
Missandei GOT F
Myrcella GOT F
Lyanna GOT F
Mirri GOT F
Olenna GOT F
Volantis GOT GN
Targaryen GOT GN
Stark GOT GN
Lannister GOT GN
Tyrell GOT GN
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
Ancestral Witches Meta
I’ve been thinking about the Ancestral Witches the last few days thanks to some of my ideas and I have just further developed some thoughts I’ve had about them. I wouldn’t call this neither a theory, nor meta. It’s more of a something in between but I needed a title so let’s just go with meta for this one.
Before I talk about the Ancestral Witches, I need to lay some groundwork because this meta draws heavily from Greek Mythology and the Moirai aka the Fates. I’ll explain later how the connection between the two trios was made but for now let’s just focus on the Moirai.
Looking at the Moirai, I noticed something interesting (and this may have been said before by others but I reached the conclusion for myself). Atropos is the oldest sister and the one who cuts off the thread of life. Which struck me as odd because as the oldest, she is the one that was born first. So how come death appears before life? If there is nothing that is living, how can death occur? It doesn’t make sense. But maybe that’s the point. She might be the oldest, but without her sisters and the parts of the cycle of life that they represent, her existence is without purpose. So the three Moirai are bound together. Clotho–the youngest–is the one that spins the thread of life. Lachesis–the middle sister–measures it. And Atropos cuts it.
So why am I going on about all of that? Well, first of all, Belladonna is named after Atropos. If you don’t get the connection, don’t worry. That’s because there is a missing link that ties the two together. Now when I first heard Belladonna’s name, I was baffled. Why name her after a poisonous plant when there is no obvious connection? (In all fairness, Belladonna was probably just picked as an Italian name – “The name "belladonna" comes from the Italian language, meaning 'beautiful lady'; originating either from its usage as a cosmetic to beautify pallid skin, or more probably, from its usage to increase the pupil size in women“ (from Wikipedia) – but fandom is all about reading too much into things.
Looking at the full name of the plant belladonna reveals that there is symbolism after all. The scientific classification of the deadly nightshade calls the species Atropa Belladonna after the Greek goddess Atropos. (Tbh I find Lachesis – the name of the middle sister – sounding similar to Lysslis as well.) That is the more obvious connection here but there is also a connection in a symbolic way.
We know Atropos is the one who cuts off the thread of life. In the Winx universe the Dragon Fire is the equivalent of the life force and the Ancestral Witches are the ones looking to destroy it. Domino–the domain of the life force–is frozen solid. Maybe not by Belladonna but the implication is all the same – ice is the opposing element of fire; ice is death in a world where fire is life. So the Ancestral Witch with the power of ice will be the equivalent of the Moira who ends life.
Parallels can be drawn between the other Moirai and Ancestral Witches as well. Assuming that Tharma is the equivalent of Clotho, one can argue that her lightning element stands in for the beginning of life. Lightnings can spark fires (we’ve seen Stormy do that) and lightning is what first created the atmosphere and thus enabled the appearance of life (if we take that as valid for all the planets in the Magic Dimension which can be assumed since we’ve never heard of someone needing to adjust to the atmosphere of another planet and the girls have talked about breathing oxygen). Lightning can also be equated to the electrical impulses the brain uses to operate the body. In other words – life.
The connection between Lysslis and Lachesis is more tricky but one can argue that darkness is in a way the measure of fire the same way Lachesis measures the thread of life. In darkness you can see the light of fire from a much bigger distance than during the day. How brightly the fire burns also dictates how much of the darkness it can disperse. There’s also an interesting contrast in the sense of manipulation since fire is used to help see in the dark while the manipulator (in this case Lysslis aka the darkness) sees more than the manipulated person (in this case the bearer of the fire). In a way that could even be described as perception and how much it can light up. The darkness is every existing thing in the environment and the flame is a person’s knowledge and awareness of that environment – you can only ever see as far into the darkness as you know about it.
This is where my thoughts veer towards Valtor (which is not an explored route yet) but I found it curious that parallels could be drawn between the Ancestral Witches and the Moirai. After all, the first trio is depicted as evil while the latter is definitely falling under neutral at most. What I like in this comparison is the idea that the three need to stick together which I would like to apply more to the Trix, actually, rather than the Ancestral Witches since the show has had moments that leave you questioning why Icy needs Darcy and Stormy. And this is an interesting way to view their powers as complementary since they tend to seem rather randomized.
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cruxione · 3 years
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she don't bite (yes she do)
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solariaswitch · 4 years
🎶 If me and my gang pull up you better get to running
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charmixpower · 2 years
Actually, I've been thinking about the Trix's villain degradation and I thought up a little Au where the Trix literally degrade (along side their writing XD)
In s2, Darcy stays in light rock monastery. She refuses to leave. Darkar creeps her out, she genuinely cared about Riven and feels really bad about him jumping off of Cloud Tower, and she has completely ruined any chance of her being normal and having any kind of relationship for a plan that didn't even work. So she just stays, not going with Darkar and her sisters.
In s3, Stormy stays in the Omega Dimension. She's a lot more dedicated that Darcy was, so she helps Icy fight off the serpents and free Valtor, but that's it. She misses Darcy, and doesn't want to keep doing shit that wastes their time and energy for an unachievable goal. Especially not working under someone who could betray her again, no way.
Icy is with the Ancestral Witches in the first movie instead of Mandragora. More viscous, less in control, and just generally having a third act break down the entire movie before her final defeat. Final agni kai style.
Bonus scenes:
Darcy is well aware that the first movie is a trap and tries to warn Riven when he comes to visit her, but Liliss stops her with powerful mental pains.
Riven visits her...I wouldn't say often but more than every now and then. He visits mainly because he feels that she's more like him that she first came off as and he's low key hoping that she'd try to redeem herself like he's been working towards every since the s1 finale. Most of his hope comes from Darcy not leaving with the Trix, but she refuses to do anything that will get her let out from the monastery.
Darcy can't bring herself to get out because that would mean people would expect her to stand up to Icy and Stormy and she refuses under all circumstances. She also can't bring herself to commit more crimes so she's kinda in stasis for s2-3+m1.
Tecna and Stormy meet in the Omega Dimension. Tecna doesn't try to fight her, and just keeps her distance because "not actively a threat" doesn't mean "trustworthy". Stormy might of helped her for a price, but Tecna wouldn't make a deal with her.
Stormy has a little mafia going on in the Omega Dimension.
The Ice Serpent (that holds the Omega Dimension's magical core) recognizes Tecna as it's savior (because I think that would be cool) so the snow on the Omega Dimension tends to wisp around her because the magical core likes her. Stormy nicknames her the Princess of the Omega Dimension because of this. Tecna hates the nickname. Stormy doubles down.
Icy gets increasingly unstable as this goes on which lead to Stormy leaving because she couldn't deal with Icy lashing out at her constantly.
Half way though the final battle, Icy steals what's left of the Ancestral Witches power doing the super!Trix form but more.
Icy 2000% blames all of this on the Winx, and specifically Bloom, for stopping her first plan. The confrontation in the middle of Obsidian would be a lot more... brutal. No more boys with swords, no more scheming, no more next time they meet, Icy drags the Winx into a fight to death and loses.
I have no clue how Darcy and Stormy would react to this but due to their connected to Liliss, and Tharma, they are aware of Icy's fate.
On the bright side they don't have Liliss, and Tharma in their head 24/7 so that's fun.
Stormy and Darcy would be theoretically redeemable in this au, but it would take a lot (esp for Stormy) to actually be redeemed. You can't tell me that no one was killed in the s1 finale. Magix city looked like an apocalyptic wasteland, and Stormy just kept going lol. But it would be really funny if they were somehow redeemed tho bc that would not make Stormy any nicer of a person even a little bit.
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kingixsstuff · 1 year
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Trix..discordix and civilian forms
Discordix (name coming from discord)
Discordix is to witches is what magic winx to fairies the base form being gained through intense negative emotion dire situations
The trix (in season 1) are second year students that shortly after coming to cloud-tower studied the dragon flame for its location
Backstories 👇👇
Isabella glacé (icy)
is a girl from the freezing mountains on the outskirts of magix she lived with her mother and little sister who she loved dearly,at a young age she had discovered her core magic that was ice And snow and being around it every day it helped her control her powers.One day she left from home to go and practice Her magic and doing so accidentally setting off a avalanche that consumed their cabin..from that day forward icy never forgave herself and sought out the power that she knew could bring back her loved ones…
Samria tempest…(stormy)
a girl from the villages of tides, andros she was bullied due to her heritage being a direct descendant from Tharma the ancient witch of natural disasters…she was always teased and mocked until the day her magic manifested almost destroying her small town with a tornado she promised herself that she and she alone will become the strongest witch in the universe…to prove those who doubted her wrong
Diantha shinen (darcy)
A noble from the third moon of solaria she was a girl who always had to put on a smile for others but secretly at home delt with a plethora of problems her mother liena was a high ranking noble in the court being queen Lunas older sister. Liena would pressure Diantha to try and suppress her expectations and rise to the top until one day Darcy’s inner darkness manifested causing her to use the shadows to runaway from her home..
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bloom-agreste-cheng · 2 years
Winx Club - Inconsistencies & Questions I have
I thought I’d list down some inconsistencies I’ve found in Winx Club, mainly because they are so busy making the show marketable. I may be an original fan but don’t think I didn’t notice these things. Feel free to add other inconsistencies you have noticed @cyithrel Seriously, if I rewrote Winx Club, I could add so many new headcanons.
Why was Stella on earth in the first episode? We never found that out.
For being such an emotional person, how come Bloom only discovers her powers at 16?
Is Flora a princess or not? In Magical Adventure she says she is. She was invited to Domino’s Restoration ceremony where I imagined people thought she was a princess but her parents are botanists.
Musa is not a princess but I’ve heard she was.
Tecna isn’t either but I swear she was one in the comics.
Why does Aisha’s name change per country. I grew up with the show in French so I met her as Layla but in English, she makes sense as Aisha.
Daphne. She doesn’t make sense either. In Nick, she wasn’t Bloom’s sister yet she is in the general canon. It makes sense if she was her guardian fairy or even fairy godmother. Why is she blonde if neither of her parents are?
Roxy may be a Winx but she also isn’t. She’s only a clear member in season 4.
Do people hate witches universally? And yet why is Cloud Tower a popular witch school if witches are hated? Or is there more to the lore that we just never got an explanation for. Maybe the witch hatred changes from planet to planet. Eraklyon for example, hates them.
Are fairies and specialists considered better? Because this would explain why partly why the Trix want to take over the magical dimension cause they’re tired of the mistreatment of witches.
The Trix are super inconsistent: originally they were supposed to be the Ancestral Witches made young but that was scrapped. If each Trix is fashioned after each ancestor (ie Lysliss is Icy, Darcy is Belladonna and Stormy is Tharma,) then it doesn’t make sense for the Trix to be sisters because that would mean each Trix is descended from three different lines. Are the ancestors even related?
The writing just adds new lore that just throws off or away established parts of the canon. Like Erendor being responsible for Domino’s destruction. That should have been revealed in season two and made Eraklyon be Bloom’s ally for its restoration.
Some of the transformations don’t make sense. Obviously they were added for marketing. Sirenix is an example of a lost transformations since Daphne and Politea were the last ones before the Winx. What tf about Bloomix or Mythix.
Mythix could be a transformation the Winx discovered. Or at least unlocked since the Great Dragon roamed the universe and fairies came to the universe. Eldora or Nebula didn’t seem to be aware there was a transformation attached to it.
Bloomix could be a new transformation… (Fucking named it after Bloom.) But then how would Faragonda know what it’s called. Maybe it’s a super rare transformation. Dragon Fire wielders might even rarely earn it.
I understand and even admire the concept of Enchantix being earned through a sacrifice for someone of your own planet. By why from someone from your planet specifically? Who was it that wrote Bloom could have sacrificed herself for someone on Earth since it’s practically her planet too. And how can I explain Tecna sacrificing herself for Andros. Either she’s part Andros (which could make her part mermaid 😁) or the rule isn’t as clear cut as Faragonda made it.
What’s Brandon’s deal? How did he get to be Sky’s squire. And why is he a squire? I swear he looks like he is better than Sky.
Where the fuck are all the boys from? I refuse to have them all be from Eraklyon. Timmy could be from Zenith too. Which leads me to wonder why are they just eye candy? Maybe it was just of the time.
Oh and about the girls’ ages. If we follow general convention that each season takes place a year apart from each other (making the girls 23 by season 8,) or we just count the years and take into account the years of hiatus which would make the girls around 30 by 2022.
Why are the Major fairies part of the lineup in season 4 if we only meet them after like episode 20? Diana, Morgana and Aurora could have been cool additions to the club. But what about Nebula. Seriously why are they there?
Does anyone remember a season 4 opening without the major fairies or just me? Because I swear it’s a thing.
Switching transformations should have been a thing since season 5 instead of insisting of staying with one or two transformations per season. For example; Enchantix is the baseline and can allow for some of the basics of other transformations (like allowing for magic underwater and breathing in space.)
What the fuck is with Nabu? He should have been back by now. I refuse to think he’s really dead when Morgana and Nebula promised said they’d watch him until he woke up again.
Why can Daphne control the elements? Is that a power an ex keeper of the dragon flame gets? I still feel like Bloom has other powers she hasn’t unlocked yet.
Flora… About her magic, she seems like her only power involves plants. If she’s the fairy of nature, she must have other powers or she needs to change her title, something more than fairy of flowers and maybe more specific than fairy of nature.
Stella. She’s barely got moon powers. Is her sun half more overpowering? And how does it work. I am starting to see why Nickelodeon decided to just let her go by Fairy of the shining sun.
Aisha: how did she decide on her diary title? How did she learn about Morphix. Can it affect water or Morphix its own thing. And can it be given away like the Dragon Fire?
Why are the Winx fighting Darkar before Valtor? It seems to me Darkar is more powerful and dangerous. It always comes back down to the Dragon Fire.
How does a magical being choose to be a fairy or a witch? Mirta was able to do and I remember another fairy moving to Cloud Tower. I just don’t remember her name.
Why is Eldora the only fairy godmother on Earth? Why did she choose Earth of all places. Does she know of the horror that happened there? Where is she from? Magic? She could be from Linphea. She should have been Flora’s fairy godmother, not Bloom’s.
Wtf is up with the Winx being students in seasons 5-8? Stella would not stand for this, she hates studying. She wouldn’t have agreed to do this unless she was forced. Is there a program at Alfea for Guardian Fairies that I don’t know of?
What’s with Tecna, Musa and Stella being fairy godmothers in those old introductory files on the Winx Club website. Apparently they’ve evolved since Enchantix. How does that happen? Is it because of their sacrifices being more dangerous than the other threes? It’s not a power thing. I know for a fact Flora is more powerful than those three.
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trashcankitty12 · 4 years
Layla Headcanons:
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Everyone, meet Princess Layla Poole of Andros. 
She’s the best surfer this side of the Magical Dimension and an excellent escape artist. (Do you have any idea how hard it is to escape from a castle to go out and just breathe without someone watching over you? It’s pretty freaking hard.)
Layla’s probably one of the few voices of reason within the Winx group, and one of the more mature ones. 
(All headcanons relate to my main “Balance/Company of Light” verse and my “Left” verse.)
-Believe it or not, Layla can breathe for a set amount of time underwater/hold her breath for long periods of time. She is sort of half-merperson after all. (Her father, Teredor, is what they call a ‘land-walker’ merperson. He mastered the spell that the merpeople can use to turn their tails into feet. He was actually next in line for the MerKingdom’s throne, but he fell in love with Niobe and managed to leave his own throne for his younger brother Neptune and take to the ‘land throne’ with Niobe.)
-Layla’s body can actually form scales if she’s in the water for a long enough period of time. (Like how most people start getting pruney-like when in the water? Layla starts to scale. Hers are a lovely seafoam color and shine brighter than Stella’s favorite necklace.)
-Growing up, she was close to her cousins. Nereus and Tritannus acted like her older brothers and taught her so much about the underwater world as well as life in general. And she and Tressa were practically sisters. (This changed after they all became teenagers, especially when it started becoming apparent that Tritannus and his father were falling out.)
-Layla wasn’t always so sheltered. She used to be able to go on trips with her parents to other realms and used to be allowed to explore around the MerKingdom with her cousins without any repercussions.
-That changed after Layla turned 7. Rumors of remaining Coven members being spotted around Andros made her parents wary and then there was an attempted kidnapping of Layla by a group of sirens who had been known to work closely with Tharma happened… After that, Layla became a bit of a prisoner in her own home because her parents were so afraid of something happening to her.
-Layla was early to get her powers (5), and early to gain her first fairy form (12). Niobe and her most trusted court members took to training her in her fairy magic, wanting her to be able to believe in her own abilities as a fairy. (And hope it would translate into her abilities as a princess and a queen.)
-When she was younger, Layla used to ask for a younger sibling. Her parents had to explain that it was hard enough for them to have her, that they were afraid of risking trying to have another. (Even land-walkers and ‘humans’ have issues with fertility. Layla had been such a blessing to them, their last attempt to have a “natural” child.)
-Layla has already had her Princess Ball, but it was vastly different from Stella’s. She had little-to-no say in what happened as her parents were going for a strictly traditional Androsian Ball. The only upside was her cake and that Tressa was there with her.
-Anne was her first friend after she’d been put into ‘lockdown’ by her parents. (And was sort of her first crush. But it’s nice knowing they’ll be close again after Anne married Nabu’s older sister.)
-Layla’s favorite activity/sport may be dancing, but she has many others she’s in love with. Swimming. Water polo. Surfing. Tide Bombing. Androsian Wave Skiing. Water Races. Synchronized Swimming. (Basically, she loves all the water sports. And is pretty decent at them, if she does say so herself.)
-She’s currently really into a few Earth sports right now too. Tennis, volleyball, and MMA.
-She’s also working on her leaf surfing skills and her abilities as a swordswoman. (She’s great at the agility part and keeping on her toes, but she still needs to work on her timing when attacking and trying to defend herself.)
-Layla discovered the pixies and befriended them before her lockdown happened. She’d been with her parents in Magix. They had been on an important meeting with the Council and she was supposed to be with her nanny/Fairy Godmother. But Layla wanted adventure and snuck off into the forest. She ended up running into Queen Ninfea and finding Pixie Village. (And meeting Piff.) Needless to say, she made friends for life.
-And Layla knew when the pixies went missing. She could feel something deep inside of her was wrong when she couldn’t connect to Piff and hadn’t heard from Chatta or Tune in a few days. (The pixies had been allowed to visit with her and write to her after her mother’s own pixie, Ariella, vouched that they were real pixies from Pixie Village and not some sort of imposters.)
-Anyway, Layla did what she usually did to escape from the Androsian Palace, leaving when the guards changed shifts and while her parents were busy holding court. From there she managed to get to Pixie Village and talk Ninfea into helping her create a teleportation spell into ShadowHaunt. (We all know what happened after.)
-Layla and her parents had a very long and awkward conversation after Layla woke up in good condition at Alfea. They had been so worried and had been so relieved that Faragonda had been the one to find and house their daughter… But after hearing what she’d gone through and how she managed to do so much and still survive… It made them realize that Layla is growing up and that she is a powerful and capable fairy. (Which is how she managed to convince them to let her stay at Alfea, though it didn’t hurt that she mentioned who her new friends were and who her friends’ parents were/are.)
-(Layla still has nightmares regarding ShadowHaunt and the pixies, but after the realm was returned to its true nature, the nightmares started dying down… Until Nabu almost died that is.)
-She used to be so against marriage because she knew about the whole ‘arranged marriage’ ideas her realm had. And when her parents tried to force her into one, it really struck a nerve because of the hypocrisy. After all, they chose their own partners, why couldn’t she?! (Which prompted another conversation with her parents. One that required both parties to open their minds and hearts.)
-(Thankfully, she and Nabu did end up choosing each other… Though she wishes her dad didn’t get along so well with Nabu and that her mother didn’t try to show him baby pictures of her. Honestly, the audacity of her parents.)
-Layla may like seafood (because seafood is a staple of Androsian society), but after being with the other Winx girls, she’s found she really loves the varieties of veggie meals from Linphea. Especially the wraps. (She threatened to marry Flora when the other girl introduced them to her. She was so in love.)
-She and Musa love to jam out together (especially since Layla got her drum set). They actually sound really lovely together and it gets even better when they can talk Tecna into joining in with her keyboard.
-Layla absolutely loves to ride the Sea Hodeaas her uncle Neptune and aunt Ligea have stabled up. It’s the best way to travel underwater and the animals are so majestic. (And yes, they are a breed of seahorse, but a seahorse mixed with those sea dragon things on earth. Just imagine that merger and imagine them to be the equivalent size of a normal horse. Just underwater.)
-No. Layla cannot talk to sea creatures. Not without a spell in place. Please stop asking. (Dammit if you want to talk to animals, Roxy is right fucking there.)
-Layla isn’t thin either. She’s muscular. And she looks fabulous in ballgowns. Eat shit haters.
-If Stella is the snacker of the group, Layla is the one always reminding people to stay hydrated and has like ten water bottles on her at any given time.
-Layla is the friend that if you wanna go do something potentially stupid just to see if you can do it, she’d be down for it. (Granted, she’ll tell you all the ways this could probably go wrong and you all end up dead, but she’s all for seeing what her body can handle. No, she’s not a masochist. She’s just curious.)
-She can sing. But she doesn’t do it often because if she hits a certain pitch, it could be almost… Hypnotic… (Which isn’t fun to explain.)
-Layla may wear heels to formal events, but she’d rather wear her sneakers or flip-flops any day of the week. Seriously, please just let her wear her comfy shit.
-We all know Layla is competitive in sports… She’s also competitive in video games and in board games. (The other girls have a constantly updating list of games Layla and Tecna are no longer allowed to play together.)
-Layla was the most excited about their Earth adventure to find Roxy. It gave her an excuse to be away from Andros for a bit and just be her. (That summer had been a bit, intense. As the Crown Princess and an adult, her parents had been bringing her in more and more on the business aspect of being a Princess.)
-(She loves her crown and her title, and she loves her people and her world… But sometimes it seems like an overwhelming job to be queen and she’s so terrified of doing something wrong that will endanger everyone she cares about or that she’ll end up accidentally offending an important socialite/delegate/ambassador.)
-Stella is good at the people-aspect of being a princess, so she’s been great at helping Layla get over her nerves on the subject and how to be herself while still being princess. And Layla has helped Stella better understand the more political/tactical portions of being a princess. (And together they’ve helped Bloom become more okay with being a princess.)
-Layla has her major fear of being alone and of failure (which we’ve seen when she gained her Charmix), but she has a few minor things… Like she’s a bit claustrophobic thanks to her time in ‘lockdown’ and she has a thing about being late to important events. She’s also working on her public speaking issues… It’s a work in progress.
-Her favorite classes in Alfea involved flying and physical education. Flying always made her feel free and graceful, and almost as powerful as if she were underwater. And the physical classes helped her get rid of her nearly endless energy.
-Layla is a bit hot-headed for an Androsian (who are known for being cool and go-with-the-flow), but she just feels things so deeply and it rocks her to core. (Part of it may be due to the pressures of being a princess and having to try and always do and say the right thing, part of it may be due to being watched so carefully as a child, but she just can’t let things go sometimes and rather than nurse a grudge, she’d rather just have it out and be done.)
-Her goal is to be a great queen when her time to rule comes. But she doesn’t want to necessarily be queen like her mother who tended to rule out of fear. (Layla gets why, she does. She’s met members of the Coven and knows why her mother and father were terrified, but she refuses to be someone who lets it make all of her decisions.) She’ll listen to her fears, sure, and try to rule accordingly, but she doesn’t ever want it to hinder her from making great decisions about Andros or her future children. (If she has any. She and Nabu are still trying to figure out if they want them or if they’d rather wait awhile and adopt.)
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
@her-majesty-wears-jeans Well, I told you I’d like to try this with the Ancestral Witches so let’s see how it will go!
Trying to summon the courage she knew was hiding somewhere behind her growing panic, Griffin forewent knocking and just pushed the door open. The Ancestral Witches’ gazes pierced her frame once she was out of the cover of the wood to eliminate any impulse to break her respectful stance and meet their eyes instead of keeping her head lowered as she accepted what they had to say about the success of her strategy.
“Having Valtor bring us a witch dreaming to be a scholar was both an offense and a disgrace,” Belladonna’s voice slid down her nerves like the ghostly touch of a dead hand looking to freeze her spine and break it once it was drained of life and fragile. “Luckily for you, Griffin, your skills on the battlefield will get all of us, dark magic users, places,” Belladonna’s praise of her destructive touch was like a pat on the back instead that was cold enough to have her teeth shatter from how violently it would’ve made them chatter had she let herself be ungrateful for the percentage of her skillset that was being appreciated instead of mocked and the opportunity to change the world she’d sought, “as soon as you blast the doors off.”
A thunder rolled outside as if trying to make her jump out of her place and earn herself a punishment for flinching - as if she dared judge - at Tharma’s celebratory spirit, which was what the storm was about as it was the equivalent of fireworks to the Ancestral Witches with the added benefit of a great callback to all the people Tharma had struck out of the way of a better world for dark magic users.
Griffin let her frantic heartbeat whisk her away from the thoughts of distinction of panic and excitement in her mind that were too clear even amidst the air rushing in and out of her lungs to escape Lysslis’ psychic waves that were keenly crashing into her in their attempts to break through the walls of her consciousness.
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