Prompt - an old man is sitting in the park below the old tree the old tree here signifies his old age and he is seeing the child play , mid age people giggling, couple walking holding hands and a family man sitting silent in the corner. Like basically he is seeing every phase of human life and you can relate an excited child with butterflies , similarly relating every human phase with something present in the park
I wanted to write in this theme but now you can write if you find the idea nice 👍 you can alter and change accordingly
Happy writing 🎇
Flower for you too 🌷
I want to write this in more of a essay form, might get boring//
In this era of rush, everyone in a chase for something like hamsters stuck on rolling wheels, so am I. Tired of all this craving to find the perfect life and all the ways to be successful, I wished to run away or ruin myself. To take a break from these all, chaos, thoughts, I went on a walk to the grounds nearby, to ground my own pace in this world.
There was an old man sitting on the dais below a tree and I sat beside, breathing in the changing atmosphere from the dull exhausted air of afternoon, to the cold, heavy, yet crisp fresh zephyrs of evening.
I began to notice his face and features, there was a calm and little smile, while his eyes danced around and there were wrinkle and smile lines on his face just like the tree behind us. I followed where his eyes went, to see what made him feel at such peace, one we all are searching, one I couldn't find.
I followed everywhere his eyes went, wondering what was so good about this? I took a look back at his eyes and his smile grew wider. I wanted to ask, why? What is so good about it all? So I took the courage and asked him.
He talked a while, and then told me about how he viewed the world and I think I learned something that day I can never let go of anymore.
There are people around, children hiding and seeking, playing with joys of childhood. Look at the kids, they are so young, carefree, they don't even care about the worldly belonging, because their world is just full of love, like the bees in this tree, they roam around, collecting sweet things in the fields. That's childhood you see.
Groups of teenagers walking back to home, laughing together maybe cracking jokes about how their days went, or about some teacher of their who sucks at school, or maybe something else. Look at those teens and these ants climbing behind the tree, hardworking, to keep themselves alive when the world grows cold, finding little joys even in the competition to survive, greeting each other with smiles and they will fight for their lives. You see that is youth.
Then there is a couple sitting beside a food stall, holding hands, giggling, waiting for the food. Look at those young people so adorably into each other, even getting a little treat is like whole world for them, you see these moments are fleeting, they will disappear just like the food and maybe after a while they will find new recipes to try but the love will always flow in those veins. You see that is love.
There is a young man carrying grocery bags and other with his child in his lapel, reconnecting after seeing each other randomly. They are like bunch of caterpillars fed on same plant but different species, one evolved into a small butterfly other into a moth, maybe one of their friend will be a majestic kind, both pretty in their own kind. Different paths but the process they went is the same. You see that's adulting.
And then there is he, An old man, like this old tree, watching everyone, everything, finding joy in mundanity of these little things, in the minuscule worth of human life. And then there is you, trying to make sense of this world, trying to find a way to bring happiness to your soul without searching the beauty in simplicity. Life is a pathetically abusive race, It took me ages to learn how to appreciate it and I noticed how you craves that knowledge, just like me in my youth. I hope you grow like this tree, it was younger when I was a child, still quite old but it continues to grow more. And look how peaceful it is to sit beneath it and how enormous it is, don't forget life is a race but its also your only life. Don't lose yourself in admist the chaos, I hope you age beautifully, Child.
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dearfraumilena · 10 months
i was advised to ask you this as well SO. what’s your opinion on cannibalism as a metaphor for love 🎤
ahaha I can guess who advised you to ask about this. my friends devour me (get it) based on my opinion of this subject all the time...
but yeah. I'm a huge huge fan I mean I even have a playlist about it. I would prefer saying it's a metaphor for desire/obsession than love though.
don't tell my friends any of this. they'll bring up that one time I dreamt I was eaten by my English teacher...
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saenora · 1 year
wait omg I love ur new pfp what the heck aaahhh!!! It’s so sassy and cute I love it
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churipu · 9 months
Hihi!! My birthday was a few days ago so can I ask for headcanons of jjk's men celebrating your birthday? (*´꒳`*)
(They can be your choice but if you add Yuta or Megumi I would appreciate it! <3) thankyouuu~
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featuring. yuuta okkotsu, megumi fushiguro, gojo satoru x reader
warnings. none :>
note. omg, happy belated birthday anon!! i'm so sorry this took so long honey, i hope you had an amazing birthday and i hope this one makes you happy <33 and hi, everyone, just a quick reminder that requests are back open again! <33
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YUUTA OKKOTSU. he's not much of a big birthday party type of person, but he'd do anything to make you happy. yuuta would go out of his way to ask people closest to you to help him arrange a birthday party — and with presents? he buys you one. only one. but it means a lot to him and he knows it will for you too.
he's such a cutie. he'd get everything in your favorite color, the cake, the confetti, the ribbons. whether it being the darkest color like black or the brightest colors like neon. he didn't care, as long as you're happy with it; nothing else really matters to him.
"yuuta, what's this?" you chuckled as you saw a [favorite color] balloon on the floor of your house.
he internally cursed realizing that the balloon wasn't even supposed to be there — and you did get a ghast of what was happening, but you just didn't have the heart to tell him about it and acted nonchalant.
the boy was so flustered he ended up grabbing the balloon and throwing it out of the front door before pulling you towards the living room where it was all a sudden rush of birthday power, as the lights flickered on, everyone you found dear was standing there with big smiles on their faces. congratulating your birth.
"happy birthday," yuuta squeezed your hand lightly, rubbing circles on the back of your hand.
"i love this. thank you," you tell him.
up to this day, he still doesn't know how you actually know about his surprise because of that balloon. but that doesn't really matter now, does it? at least you're happy — and yuuta is most certainly proud of himself for making you happy.
MEGUMI FUSHIGURO. he prefers to keep things simple and private. he buys a cake, a confetti bomb, and a present for you. megumi usually comes over to you and knocked on your door, and you'd think this was a normal hang out, date, chilling and all.
but when you open the door, he pops the confetti bomb. right outside of your door — certainly, it leaves quite of a mess and he cleans it up afterwards (he doesn't want you to help, because he thinks it's your special day and you shouldn't be cleaning something he decided to do). but his celebrations are repeated, that the third time it happened, you had a vacuum prepared so he wouldn't have to hand pick every piece of the confetti.
megumi treats you like you're reigning on a throne on your special day. you want to grab a plate for the cake? he will do it for you. a fork for the cake? he will do it for you. cutting the cake into smaller slices? he will do it for you. taking pictures of you during the duo party? he got it under control.
"gumi, thank you. this means a lot to me," you tell him, halfway finished on your third slice of cake with frosting decorating the corner of your lips.
megumi swiped his thumb over the leftover frosting and licked it off his finger, smiling lightly, "you're welcome."
he hates to admit it — but he thinks that maybe next year he'd take you by surprise to make a bigger party, and he hated that the first person he thought of was gojo to ask for help to.
GOJO SATORU. he goes all out. and by that, he creates two parties. one with a lot of people close to you, and one just for you and him. he goes one week before your party to plan everything, asking his students to help him in the mean time (making them do almost half of the work).
gojo picks the best cake, and presents? don't you even worry about it — he'll go out of his way to get you the most jaw dropping thing that you never expected to get. what can i say? he loves spoiling his partner, and he's got the money to do so.
the big party, he's going all out, getting you a three layered cake decorated in the most beautiful icing and toppings. he reaches out to people close to you one-by-one, and even makes the invitation pretty for them. and he gets pretty upset when someone close to you tells him they couldn't come — but hey, at the end of the day, it's your happiness that matters most to him, so he shrugs it off.
he makes sure everything goes well, nobody fighting or making unnecessary drama during the party. and makes sure nobody says a thing to you about it, he could be annoying with it though. but can you blame him? he plans a big party and if someone lets out a word on it to you by accident or with full intentions? everyone would be pretty upset, no?
but thankfully, that has never happened before.
and as for the mini party, he goes even further with it. reserving the nicest, fanciest restaurant in the city with the best view. he makes sure everything in the menu will be something that you like — and if any of them has something you don't, he makes sure to tell it to the chef (even if it comes with extra charges after).
buys you a big bouquet of flower and surprises you with it during your dinner date, gives you another luxurious gift that night and it was honestly just the best thing ever.
honestly though, you can't even try to stop him anymore — he'd still do it in the next year.
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swifty-fox · 2 months
Hello! Incredible stunning flawless work on KFAK!
I’m curious, how/ when does Marge finally come around to John? It seems like when we last hear from her (when Gale calls her to say they’re going to Wisconsin) she’s still a little exasperated by it all.
I’m also wondering if at any point in your timeline John and Irene considered striking up an arrangement similar to Gale and Marge’s?
lovely work! ♥️
thankyouuu!! <33 im truly blown away anyone paid attention to my silly hyperfixation fic honestly.
I think over the winter Marge comes around to John. he's horrendously charming and sincere when he wants to be and he wears her down. I figure probably by the time john and gale have their first Couples Argument and she sees John handle it in a way she thinks is acceptable is when she finally welcomes him. They're all very close come christmastime.
Yes! Around '51 or '52 John and Irene get married and it's kind of the worst decision ever cause they weaponize it so much and become the Best Of Friends. The four of them form a delightful little half platonic polycule and raise a couple kids
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ashs-reverie · 3 months
I saw your post about being super anxious about going to Uni and I related to that a lot, but I’ve made considerable progress with that as my studies went on. So I decided to share the things that helped me :)
• Getting to know the town. I moved somewhere entirely new for university and I was so terrified of getting lost and interacting with people. Everytime I had to leave my apartment I would be an absolute mess. I worried about taking the wrong bus or getting off at the wrong stop and basically everything that could happen. Walking around with low stakes and learning the bus routes and just getting used to where everything was helped a lot. Going somewhere entirely new still sucks but at least I’m comfortable where I live.
• The above also applies to knowing your campus. I used to arrive about 20mins early for most of my classes cause I was so scared of walking in even a little late cause most of the doors are in front in my Uni💀. The first time I went to the canteen I was such a wreck cause I had no idea how it worked. So I went very early so I could figure out how to load my student card in peace, then I hung back for a bit to see how other people got their food lmao. This is till something I do a lot, if I don’t know how something is done or I’m scared of messing it up, I just hang back and watch other people do it first.
• As for talking to people…. I can’t help much there😭. I didn’t make any friends till my 3rd semester, and even then it was more of a I sat with them in class, but they wouldn’t sit with me💀. Anyway, everytime I had to talk to a stranger it was really tough and I had a very hard time maintaining normal back and forth conversations. The anxiety around this kind of eased with time. As I got more comfortable with everything else, the loneliness kicked in so hard and then anytime anybody spoke to me it made me so happy, alongside the anxiety. So the experience wasn’t all negative anymore and I wanted to drag the conversation for as long as I could. I started looking up things to talk about on Pinterest💀💀💀. I’m still not sure why speaking to people makes me so anxious, so I haven’t solved it completely yet. But try to remember that most people do want to make friends too. Things may get awkward but most people have good intentions and I hope that helps to ease your mind.
Give yourself time to get used to the new environment. I can’t even imagine the jump from being home-schooled to this. I hope my meager advice helps in any way at all and I wish you all the best!!!🤍🤍
Girl you have no idea how much i relate to thiss i thought ppl just miraculously just fit in and make friends and its all butterflies and rainbows...i hv the same fears, i was even going to take a major in which there was least amount of talking (presentations,speeches,etc) but i didnt cos my main goal to go to uni was to get out of my shell and comfort zone so here i am still freaking out :,) Thankyou so so much girl i really appreciate you typing all this out for me 😭 that is a really great tip to reach earlier to places to familiarise myself (i used to but i wl pay attention to that more) Now i feel a lot at peacee :)) i will definitely keep all this in mind thankyouuu <33
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jaylaxies · 3 months
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(I'm sorry if I'm late,,, timezones 🤧)
thankyouuu haze <33 you were not late dw 💗
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teethwitheyes101-blog · 4 months
Hey! I was wondering... can we request a second OC merge? Or is one the limit? Either is fine by me! ALSO AHHH YOUR LAST ONE WITH DREAMCATCHER WAS SO GORGEOUS
Y’all can request more than one! I don’t mind :)
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stxrslut · 2 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILYYY!! I wish you an amazing day <33 enjoy it as much as you can and have fun!! You're so incredible i love you💗 (and don't be affraid of growing up)
THANKYOUUU!! unfortunately though I am very much afraid of growing up I don’t wanna be a big girl.
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kangeldaily · 9 days
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (@that-one-multifandom-mess)
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macfrog · 9 months
completely random but i just wanna say how much the silly little fics you’ve written have altered my life for the better. THANKYOUUU for giving me something more joel to hold onto so dearly. especially the playlists that i listen to religiously more specifically ac/dc songs. you have such an affective way with words please never stop writing <33
eghegjbeguwiaaaaaaahhhhh this means the absolute world to me
it's just as fun to me to write these silly lil fics and share them with you guys. you have all altered my life for the better, too — i wish i could show you guys just how much.
i love love love losing my mind with y'all
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cherries-in-wine · 29 days
Thank u so much for the spam likes cutie 💓 🥹...btw love your blog nd the vibes that u gave is so coquette coded ❤️💌
hehhehe thankyouuu meri jaan mwah 🎀 i adore your blog <33
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aesopsbaby · 10 months
Hey Ace! How are you?? Hows your day going?
I just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy birthday (I didn't know if it was today or tomorrow but- I'm already giving it lol), hope you always know that you are someone I admire greatly, your talent in the arts is incredible and I truly fall in love with each one of them fr. Not only talent in the arts but also in being a very nice person, you are truly a friend that even though we “met” (when I say that it is because we became friends and started talking to each other) not long ago, I already consider your friendship one of the most special and important to me! You are someone very dear and a truly great companion and so.. Thank you for everything, I really feel very grateful to have you here! That I love you very much and I hope your day is going good (and even with work and school you can enjoy it the same, trust me, you will get an hour to enjoy your day, dw!), you handsome, buddy :DD <333
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(Also- as I didn't know how to draw you/your “main character”, I drew Ace for you, and Ik, it's not a great gift but I hope you still like it! I did it quickly but with a lot of love :])
Sorry for the big text--- :'DD
Heyo Mel! :DD I'm doing great!! Just tired from...a long day but I'm still really happy with all the love I'm receiving <,33!
AND IM SOBBING WITH HOW SWEET YOUR MESSAGE IS!! My heart is exploding with so much joy and I feel like I'm melting into a puddle of emotions <,3 IM SO AAAAAAAAA IM SO HAPPY AND SO SO GRATEFUL TO HAVE YOU AS MY FRIEND! ♥️♥️ You mean so much to me and your messages always lift up my mood, no matter what!! ♡
So thank you so much for always sticking by me and supporting me!! You're wonderful (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)>♡
ACEEEE!!! HE LOOKS SO ADORABLE AND I JUST WANNA SQUISH HIS CHEEKSS!! THANKYOUUU SO MUCH MEL! This is the perfect gift and ITS AMAZING!! Eh-hum,,,Quickly? This seems so detailed and I can see you put alot of effort and love into it, so I appreciate it!! <3 AND ACE IS SO CUTE IN YOUR ARTSYLEEE HEHEHEH ♡♡
,,,I'm gonna cherish this forever and print it out to paste on my wall >:]]
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gagaewo · 2 months
Stay hydrated and safe <33
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bizlybebo · 2 months
THANKYOUUU ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥<33
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sttoru · 5 months
you are genuinely too kind, but please don't feel pressured to read anything else, you really don't have to !! i don't want to make it seem like it's an obligation or anything <33
you're such a breath of fresh air on this app fr i love your blog sm 💖 thank you so much and i hope you have an amazing week too <33 please take care too and sending you all the love in the world 🥰
thankyouuu, but don’t worry, i don’t feel obligated at all 😙😙 , i think your writing is amazing and i want to read more of it !!! keep going w what u r doing bby
loveuloveuloveuuuuuu mwah mwah mwaahhhh 👭 . thankyou again and i hope you’re well xxx
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