#thanks yan
pinchan · 7 months
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computer show me kado thorne grindr profile
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l0vergirls · 1 year
What pet names do you think the batboys would have for their s/o?
i think dick would have the most petnames in his vocabulary, only using the cheesiest ones just to tease you in public, like cupcake or honey bunny. but he definitely uses babe, baby, sunshine; he sticks to the classics. though don't be surprised if he calls you his sugar bear in front of everyone.
jason, i cannot see using anything more than babe or doll (ive seen this one around a lot and i cant say it didnt grow on me; i quite like it now), usually at least. perhaps a darling or beautiful, if he's feeling particularly romantic. maybe a nickname derived from your name too.
tim, i also cannot see going further than babe, or a nickname.
damian, by default, gets the best ones! things are just more meaningful in arabic. definitely a classic حبيبي or حبيبتي in there, it means my love iirc; حياتي is one of my favourites, it means my life; and probably قلبي too, which is my heart. and of course, beloved. safe to say he would probably say the arabic ones in english as well.
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ty anon 4 this adorable ask <3 putting my very minimal knowledge of arabic to use!!! that said, i had to type all those out so if there's any typos im sorry orz
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2smolbeans · 7 months
hear me out: mc that is terminally ill but hasnt told anyone, and at one point they just start coughing blood and laughing when the brothers try to help them because they finally feel like they have control instead of the brothers (like replaced au one or just in general with the brothers being to obsessive)
Oh no..In that type of situation, Mc should pray that the brothers never find out about that terminal illness. They also better pray that if they die from that illness that they're going straight to heaven, otherwise that's just a life sentence with the brothers!
I mean, you don't think the evil ancients that were created ever since the creation of mankind don't know a thing about manipulating life itself? I mean, if Lucifer ever so wanted, he could take a living being and separate it from itself - skin from bone- atom by atom. He's done it before, multiple times.
I mean, haven't you heard of realilty flipping demons..? And the seven deadly sins are much higher than those demons, so imagine the possibilities..The only reason why they haven't completely broken your soul and rebuilt it by their will is because..Well, where's the fun in that? They love you for who you are!
So if Mc had a terminal illness, you better pray that it kills them fast or that the brothers don't notice. But I mean, with the pact marks littered all over your body, I think they already knew. At this point their just waiting for you to say something! (The only person who's suffering is yourself..So instead of throwing up and coughing blood, why don't you just ask them to fix it..?) Because at any time they think you're just at the grasp of death - your potential freedom - they could always just snag you back to life and into their arms. I mean, the absolute horror on your face from just tasting death to being brought back to life would be adorable!
Ahh.. Now thinking about it..Isn't it hopeless either way?
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snail-migraine · 4 months
ooooh! Could you do something for Elliott from Stardew Valley? Or perhaps Mr. Qi? Elliott’s my favourite character, but Mr. Qi has that “omnipotent stalker with a weird sense of humour” vibe that would fit perfectly.
Thanks in advance!
Ooh, okay! As much as I think Mr. Qi is the most likely out of everyone in the cast to become a yandere, I can't help but that I just wanna cuddle a delusional yandere Eliott. Thanks for the Ask btw!
Anon Yan 💌‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
Yandere Elliott
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I feel like Elliott is the delusional stalker type.
Like when he and the farmer (aka you) first meet it's love at first sight for him.
He's been in a creative rut for so long, bored out of his mind and replaying the same words over and over again in his mind.
He heard about the new farmer coming into town from Leah, and thought nothing of it really. It wouldn't effect him and his work.
Oh how wrong he was. From the moment Elliott met you the man became a simp.
He watched you run around town foraging for anything good to sell, he always admired how keen your eye was for the little berries that'd grow in the bushes and the flowers nobody thought to pick.
He looks at you like you hung the stars and the moon in the sky. Like you've moved the heavens and the earth to make space just for him and his little whimsical fantasies. And in a sense you kinda did.
After all, it was you who brought him out of the bored gloom he'd had been living in for the past months.
So it'd only make sense that you'd become his one and only muse.
The man could write thousands of sonnets and haiku's in your name. He hasn't gotten that far yet, but he's getting closer everyday.
He's sickly sweet, that lovey-dovey puppy-dog expression crosses his face whenever he so much as thinks about you. [Which is all the time btw]
He is totally and completely enamored with you, fallen for you like a fish falls for the bait. Which is unfortunate for him as you don't seem to have fallen for him.
But it's fine! Maybe you're just shy, that's okay, he'll just need to be a little more forceful in his affections.
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"Darling! There you are. I have been looking all over for you. Come along now, I have made another poem for you to read. It'll be wonderful."
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Which doesn't work...in fact it seems to make you even more reserved.
But thats okay to! You guys will work on that together.
He just keeps on pushing and pushing and pushing, and it never seems to stop.
It isn't until you blow up on him, calling him a creep, that he backs off. But only for a little bit.
He see's this as just a small argument between you guys, it'll pass over in a few days once you cool down.
But then he see's you talking to Sebastion in the saloon. You twirling your hair between your fingers, laughing at his jokes, blushing when he gets a little too close for comfort, and looking up at him with sweetest expression he's ever seen from you.
For the first time in a long time, Elliott feels rage. And not the normal kind, oh no no no, I mean blinding rage.
The kind that makes you act on your violent thoughts. Which is exactly what Elliott ended up doing.
In a flash he's on Sebastion, beating the poor boy within an inch of his life.
The other people at the Saloon try to stop the raging Elloitt, but all of the get knocked on their ass and get to scared to do anything.
Once Elliott was done with Sebastion, he turned to look at you. No longer did he look at with that sweet puppy-dog face, no instead his eyes were filled with nothing but apathy as he grabbed your chin with his bloody thumb and directed you to look at the dead body of your best friend.
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"Look at what you've caused dear. This is what happens when you try to make me jealous."
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khickuwa · 1 year
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[A gentle breeze on a summer afternoon.]
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actualbird · 3 months
// main story 12 spoilers
im not done playing the entire chapter but. this thought has not left my mind ever since the Hallucination Scene and the things that have been said in regards to that in-game.
warning that everything from here on out is me THEORIZING and i havent spoiled myself on future main story chapters so this could all be wrong but like
during the scene itself, mc remarked that luke's hallucination was acting similar to the man who threw himself off a building due to hallucinations caused by the nxx drug
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this is a deliberate story choice, to liken these two characters. i was first under the impression that luke's hallucination was caused by the worsening symptoms of his illness, but now im thinking
with this comparison, are we to assume that luke is somehow taking the nxx drug in the present?
this became further plausible in my eyes after marius talking about the one criminal's remarks on luke, that luke was acting like an addict going through withdrawal.
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while marius quickly dismisses this, the fact that it was even brought up is, once again, a deliberate story choice. "assumed luke is taking something illegal" and what else could it be but the nxx drug?
but then new questions arise. questions like "where did luke get it?" and "why would luke take it?"
that answer i think lies in the end of main story 9. to refresh your memory, heres what happens in the end, and take note of the highlighted portion
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(summary courtesy of the Tears of Themis wiki)
the chapter ends with oedipus sending luke an unknown drug and telling him to live on
if this drug is the nxx drug, then luke may be taking it to do exactly what oedipus said. to live on. in his desperation for a cure to his illness, he turns to the very illegal substance that hes investigating, leading to his hallucinations and addiction
again, i could be wrong. but if im right.....oh lukey. oh honey. oh no. oh no.
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vampireboba · 3 months
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the way kuroo calls him "oika'a-kun" 😭😭😭😭😭
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yansurnummu · 1 month
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TES fest day 6: abandoned
In the grief of supposedly losing her brother, Lilanwe certainly made some choices. She joined the Worm Cult, becoming a much more cold and cynical person. Granted, it wasn't entirely Auredil's fault for what happened to him, but I don't know that she'll ever really forgive him for leaving her behind.
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psychopomparia · 4 months
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Luke was dropping bars in this event.
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nortess · 1 year
Eva Yan p1 design with p2 Stillwater 💛
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I see it. its real.
I love the blues and the circularity but I do miss the carpets…..
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koinotame · 7 months
— ooh for your event, can i send a box of homemade chocolate and a dagger for The Servant? and also pls tell him to take care of himself.
Have a great day <33
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he’s never going to use this, he thinks.
the dagger you’ve given him is intricately crafted, small regal-looking designs carved into the metal. it’s one he’d picked out together with you a couple weeks ago. you’d been browsing through a local seasonal market with him when a particularly decorative weapon stall had caught your attention. you’d asked which pattern he preferred and he’d felt proud you were considering his opinion. he didn’t realise you were asking because you were getting it for him.
in the end, he’s glad he picked the pattern he thought you’d like most. if it’s a gift from you, then it’s only fitting that you decorate him and everything he owns to your tastes.
no, he could never actually use this and stain it.
he’ll frame it on his bedside table, that way he can always be reminded of you and your care for him. perhaps he could sleep with it, even… (sheathed, of course—he would take any injury you wish to bestow upon him, especially with something you’ve taken such care to give to him, but that should be by your hand, not his own.) or—
"so," you draw out, shaking him out of his thoughts, "do you like it?"
from the way you’re grinning at him, self assured and beautiful and pleased, he thinks you know the answer.
but you’ve asked him a question, and it’s his duty to answer. "I will treasure this forever. thank you, master."
you laugh. his cheeks feel warm.
"I’m glad! I also made you some chocolate." you remove your hands from your back and hand him a small, handwrapped package. the ribbon holding it closed is messily tied and the fabric is crumbled. out of the corner of his eyes, he can see you avert yours. "that one, uh, didn’t come out so well though."
"I would love anything you were to give me." and he means it. even trash would be something worth delighting in if it comes from you.
you smile at him again and he thinks he could keep up the hard work for another week without rest.
he’s about to open his mouth to ask when you beat him to it. the thought of you just knowing him that well fills his chest with butterflies. "it’s not celebrated here I think, but where I’m from today’s a holiday… it’s kind of tradition to confess your feelings with chocolate today. though more recently it’s also shifting into giving your loved ones chocolate in general."
his mind completely skips over how you’d never told him this in the past.
are you… are you confessing to him? is he dreaming?
"so!" you clap your hands and clear your throat before he can say anything. "I feel like you’ve been overworking yourself a lot lately. take care of yourself, okay? I care about you a lot."
something in his heart twinges.
instead, he smiles pleasantly.
"your gift is all the motivation I would ever need." you don’t look convinced, but he continues before you can insist. "are you handing out chocolate to anyone else?"
you nod, seemingly distracted. "yep, you’re the last one."
of course.
his smile stays the same, his eyes crinkling in a way that he hopes is convincing. "thank you, master. I’m honoured you would think of me amongst those you care about."
you’re halfway through your own grin before you seem to remember something and frown again, trying to look stern. "don’t switch the topic like that." you jab an accusatory finger in his chest. his chest flutters at the contact. "you’re going to take care of yourself even if it means I have to drag you to bed by your hair, you hear me?"
his heart throbs again.
if it means keeping your attention on him, perhaps you pulling him by his hair through the halls wouldn’t be so bad, even if hurts, even if it should be him taking care of you.
but the smile that pulls at his cheeks is a bit more soft, a bit more genuine this time. "of course, master. I’m yours to do with as you please."
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spiderbirdo · 1 month
me tearing my hair out about wangxian selkie aus cuz CRANE MAIDEN MYTH EXISTS IN CHINESE MYTHOLOGY!!!!!!!
celestial fairy comes down to earth and sheds her feather cloak and becomes a beautiful woman, she and her sisters bathe in a river and a man peeks at them, he steals one cloak and all the fairies scatter except for one. She is forced to marry him and they have babies. her child later tells her where the man is hiding her robe, she takes it and flies away, later she comes back with new cloaks for her children and they all leave. the end.
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lovesickbaker · 10 months
You love me, don't you, darling? Surely, you must love me. There's not anyone else for you, so it's only natural, isn't it? After everything, you must know that you are mine, and you must love me as I love you, right? Right?
Don't break this poor heart of mine, darling, for I feel like I'm on the verge of insanity…
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 2 months
Okay so this took me an embarrassingly long time to notice but:
In “Cyanide Narwhal”, the title obviously refers to Childe, cuz Narwhal and allat. It’s one of his most famous attacks and just a signature of him in general. Like his constellation being a Narwhal for example.
Now Cyanide is a chemical that is usually used for exterminating pests and also to quote from the fic itself “He would wash her over like a tidal wave, and she would be gone. Like Cyanide on rust.” Which you can refer to as like Annihilating stuff!!
So this lead me to think that the title is just a huge foreshadowing to the whole God of Annihilation shtick. The Narwhal bit refers to Child AND his attacking moves (Like the huge ass whale for example though that’s a bit stretch ig) and the Cyanide is the Annihilation bit. So all together Annihilation attacking move = God of Annihilation!!!
Either that or I sound like a madman (sorry)
no yeah you got it pretty much on point! only thing missing from this would be extra details like cyanide being used in gold mining as it separates the gold from the ore, and how childe refers to himself in metaphors a handful of times as 'toxic water' (because of the abyssal miasma-riddled water in the abyss, which while it doesn't contain cyanide itself, you would probably refer to a cyanide-rich water as 'toxic' so, same concept)
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actualbird · 1 year
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i want a dog
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u3pxx · 7 months
gonna be an online learning website hater again i HATE it when they don't allow you the option to submit after the timer runs out on a submission bin. like cmon man, deduct me the points when i pass it or whatever orz
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