#thanks to rika for helping me figure out what to do with those two!
thronesforkings · 2 years
The Little Things (5+1)
Req?: No
Genre: Fluff
Characters: (Name) x Sanzu; Bonten
TW/CW: Pet names (My Prince, Love), bad brother Takeomi, you are short, mean Ran, mentions of drugs
Word Count: 2,172 
It was common knowledge at Bonten that Rika (Name) was to be left alone and treated as an executive. He didn’t even work there, though he was Sanzu’s boyfriend. He tried to stop by at least once a day since the pink haired male didn’t get home until late normally. 
With (Name) coming in everyday, the others started to notice small things about the couple that probably would’ve gone unnoticed if (Name) was at the offices everyday. 
Mikey was the first to notice the change in his second in command when his lover was with them. Sanzu didn’t change into a whole new person when (Name) was there, though he let his guard down around the others and showed his true self. 
“Here you go Sano-San! Haru mentioned how you like taiyaki so I made some extras for you.” (Name) spoke with an innocent smile, a container on his desk with three little fish cakes. The door opened before Mikey could thank the male, Haruchiyo coming in with a bento box. 
“I told you to wait in my office, this place is flooded with idiots. I guess it’s fine though since you’re with the king. I got you some lunch. I figured that we could have lunch together today since it’s looking like a long night.” Haruchiyo spoke, a flush on his cheeks as he scratched at his neck. While he adored Mikey, he wasn’t that comfortable with being vulnerable around him still. 
(Name) turned to face the standing male and smiled softly at him. 
“Ah, sorry love. I was just giving Sano-San the extra taiyaki I made, since you mentioned how he likes it, I figured that I would make him some as a token of appreciation for keeping you alive!” A light laugh escaped (Name)’s lips as he spoke, Haruchiyo was surprised at the small act by his boyfriend to the person he puts his life on the line for. 
“(Name), you can call me Mikey,” (Name) and Haruchiyo moved their attention onto the male who was now speaking, “I really appreciate this. Go have lunch with Sanzu and spend time together. The two of you relax and have a nice break. Sanzu will be helping us deal with some idiots later so make sure that he relaxes.” Mikey spoke as he looked at the two. (Name) chuckled and smiled, nodding at the male before going over and grabbing Haru’s hand. 
“I’ll make sure he does Mikey-San! Let Haru know how those are since this was my first time making them. Now,” (Name) turned to the taller male and dragged him out of the room with a smile, “relaxation time! Oh, I saw the cutest cat today at work.” (Name)’s voice got distant as he talked to Sanzu. Leaving Mikey alone and looking at the fish. 
“He’s good for him. It’s been years since he’s been that open.” Mikey muttered to himself as he opened the container. He took a bite of the food and let a small smile creep onto his face. 
“Good cook as well.” 
When he first met the mystery lover of his brother, he was ready to go off on them and Haruchiyo and make sure they both understood the world they are living in. Though he couldn’t push himself to do so when he watched as a short male stormed his way into where the men were hanging out and waiting for some people to meet them. 
“Sanzu Haruchiyo.” (Name) said, his arms crossed and looking at his confused boyfriend. 
“Yes?” He hesitantly answered, unsure of why he was there and what he did to make him angry. 
“You said that you put the laundry away.” (Name) spoke, the other male quickly widened his eyes in surprise and realised he was in deep shit. 
“Laundry? Sanzu is a busy man, he doesn’t have time to do house stuff. I would assume that you were hired to do that stuff.” Ran said, glancing at the fuming male. 
“I’ll, I’ll do it after this. I promi-” Sanzu tried to reason but yelped when his ear was grabbed. His face flushed red in embarrassment and refused to look at anyone. Takeomi watched this and remembered when Haruchiyo was little and tried to lie to get out of doing chores. 
“You’re still the same.” The elder muttered loud enough for them to hear and (Name) hummed as he looked at him. 
“Oh, is that him?” Haruchiyo rubbed his ear when it was let go and nodded. (Name) was slowly learning about his family and more about his personal life and past. He had heard about his siblings and was not happy about it. 
“Hey Mikey-San, I’m going to do something real quickly to him and then I’m taking Haru home. I’ll bring you some taiyaki on Monday as payment.” (Name) spoke and the male nodded. The group watched the male go up to the sitting executive. 
“Hm?” Takeomi respected that Sanzu didn’t want to be part of the family so he never mentioned his past with him, so he was confused on why (Name) was grinning at him. He just assumes that Sanzu never talks about it. 
“You know what this is for.” (Name) said and kicked his shin. Takeomi clenched his jaw a bit as it did hurt and watched (Name) drag a stammering Haruchiyo out of the room. 
Takeomi was impressed, he didn’t say it aloud but he was also proud of the younger Akashi finding someone that he trusted enough to share the family history with. 
     3+4. Haitani Brothers
The brothers stood outside of Sanzu’s house, the taller one holding a folder and the younger one knocking on the door. They had done the research into a dude and were told to give the information to Sanzu if the person wasn’t with them. 
“Hi there, how- Oh. What are you two doing here?” (Name) asked after he opened the door and saw the two. He knew about them and knew who they were, but never actually interacted with them. 
“You’re the chore bitch. This doesn’t concern you so go grab Sanzu.” Ran said, a slight bite to his tone as he spoke. Rin elbowed him to make him go quiet. 
“Be nicer, the druggie has a higher status than us. I don’t want to figure out what happens when we piss him off and he goes tattling to Mikey.” Rin hissed, figuring that the male was one of Sanzu’s helpers as well. (Name) stood there with a sickeningly sweet smile on his face. He took a half step away from the door and turned to face the inside.
“Haru! The purple smurfs are here!” (Name) called out and he turned back to the brothers before speaking again, “Also, please refrain from calling Haru such degrading terms.” (Name) said and soon Sanzu came behind the [hair-coloured]ed male in pyjamas. 
“What the fuck do you two want? I was enjoying my time getting off earlier than normal.” Sanzu asked, the brothers unfazed by his snappy tone. 
“The dudes that we were looking into, they are traitors so we were told to give you the information. You weren’t answering your phone so we came here. Mikey wants it done as soon as possible.” Rin explained as they offered the folder to the unamused male. 
“Work doesn’t come into the house. You could’ve just put it on my desk. Do that. I’m not taking it.” Sanzu stated, as they had a few rules with their relationship. Work never comes home, you tell the other if you’re injured, and if you feel unsafe then contact the other right away. 
“Just fucking take the folder you psycho. I’m surprised you’re not foaming at the mouth with the opportunity to deal with traitors.” Ran sneered and before Sanzu could speak, a punch was thrown. 
“I told you to not call him shit like that. Work doesn’t come home. So that won’t be coming into the house.” (Name) said with a grin as Ran held his nose. (Name) had punched him directly on the bridge of his nose and it hurt like a mother fucker. 
“Fucking brat. Do-” Ran started to snap but was dragged away by Rin. 
“Alright, understood. See you tomorrow then.” Rin said as he dragged Ran back to the car. The door closed and Sanzu kissed (Name), catching him by surprise. 
“That was the hottest thing ever. You really didn’t need to do that though.” Haruchiyo said, grinning as (Name) laughed. He pressed a gentle kiss to both of his scars and went towards the kitchen. 
“I wanted to though. Only I can bully you.” (Name) said with a smile as he went off and started making the popcorn that was supposed to be done by now but two idiots stopped them. 
     5. Kokonoi
“Hey, Gucchi bitch, you know how to know if something is worth the price or not?” Sanzu asked as he entered the male’s office uninvited. Already annoyed at his behaviour, Koko watched him sit on the other side of his desk with his phone in his hand. He took notice of the careful bandages on his hand and the little kid plasters. 
“Why, do you need to buy adult medical supplies?” Koko jabbed at Sanzu who rolled his eyes. 
“No, I am looking for a ring. I was trying to make my boyfriend food this morning and I got distracted, so I burned myself and he patched it up for me.” Sanzu explained, Koko knew that he was dating the male that came by daily but wasn’t aware that he was serious about it. 
“Alright. We’ll go looking after work. It’s better to shop in person than online.” 
“You need to be more careful.” Koko heard as he went into Sanzu’s office. He wasn’t too surprised to find (Name) with him, but was surprised at how madly Sanzu was looking at him in love. (Name) noticed the movement and looked at Koko, Sanzu following suit. 
“You ready?” The male asked and (Name) was confused. 
“I have one more thing to take care of tonight but then I’ll be home, think about what you want for dinner and I’ll order you what you want.” (Name) smiled and giggled at the kiss that was pressed on his cheek. 
“Okay, don’t take too long though. You agreed to watch the next season with me tonight.” (Name) said, grinning as he was showing Sanzu an American tv show that he liked. The two stood up and went towards Koko, who was near the door. 
“I won’t.” Sanzu smiled softly as he spoke, Koko feeling like a third wheel. 
“Oh, before I head back home, where did you put your ripped jacket?” (Name) asked, going over to where Sanzu pointed to. He opened the door to show a range of bloody and ripped clothes. He kept them in there so if he knew he was doing something where it was going to be messy, he could ruin less clothes. 
“Let’s see if I remember how to sew. This is one of your favourites, it’s not blood stained so it can be salvaged.” (Name) explained and Koko watched him take a torn suit jacket. 
   +1. (Name)
(Name) was confused as to why they have been doing things all day. He wasn’t complaining though, he had fun and was loving being with Haruchiyo. They went to an adoption centre that was doing an event where they had their animals outside and people could donate pet supplies to the place or people looking to adopt ([Favourite animal] was the main reason Haruchiyo brought (Name) there), [Favourite place to do things], a nice restaurant for dinner, and now they were sitting at a nice little bakery next to a lake eating dessert. 
“(Name), I love you so much. I love how you do little things for me and even do things for my king. I can’t express in words how much I love and adore everything you do. You’re my prince, I never want you to leave. So, um,” Sanzu flushed red as he awkwardly got on one knee and took the ring out of his pocket. “Uh, will you marry me?”
(Name) gasped and had tears in his eyes, he threw himself onto Haruchiyo and hugged him tightly. 
“Yes. Yes, I will. I love you so much as well.” (Name) babbled out as he let Haruchiyo move him and put the ring on his finger. It was super pretty and even was [your birthstone] with the words ‘My Prince’ engraved on the inside of the ring. 
“I hope that you enjoyed today. Um, you notice the little things so I wanted to show that I also noticed them.” Haruchiyo said softly, holding (Name) close. 
“It’s the little things that matter the most. I was told by my parents that if you truly loved someone, you knew the little things they did and liked. Since you paid attention to them more than most people do and looked under the obvious things.” 
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sneales · 3 years
Hi!! if possible can i please request yuuta having a girlfriend that’s his childhood friend? (So like instead of rika it’s y/n and she doesn’t die) that loves to dote on him cause that boy needs some love. Thank you!! <3
Characters: Yuta, female reader Genre: hurt/comfort Warnings: grammar mistakes, mention of bullying Notes: Ok anon, I don’t know if this is what you were really asking for (the more I read it the more I think I completely missed what you wanted T.T), I guess this went a bit too dark but I took your ask as the opportunity to read again volume 0 and damn Yuta’s story is so sad T.T At the end, I mention the jujutsu school, so let’s say he still has some powers, it was just easier for me since most of his insecurities are born from his scary powers. I don’t know why this thing got so long either omg 
→Requests are open!
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You could say you knew each other all your life since you met Yuta for the first time in kindergarten. You were two shy kids, so it was natural to become close. You would always spend a lot of time together, it was very rare to see one without the other right by their side.  You also went to the same elementary school and the other kids started teasing you two, so every step you’d take there was always one of them who’d chirp “uuh lovebirds! lovebirds!” while pointing at you. That flustered you a lot and it flustered him even more, but surprisingly one day he took courage and decided to speak up, “So what? We’re gonna get married anyway!”.  The kid remained speechless, “Wow really?” Yuta nodded, “Yes, but not now because we’re too young.” Yuta doesn’t even know how, but he managed to get the other kids’ respect, they were probably so impressed he already had not only a girlfriend but also a soon-to-be wife. As for you, well… you considered that as your little secret so you were so embarrassed when he said that outloud, you probably didn’t talk to him for a couple of days, if you remember well. But anyway, those were precious memories that made you smile whenever you remembered them. After elementary school, you two enrolled in two different middle schools. It was a bit shocking at first, but you managed to get used to it. You found new friends and you spent almost every afternoon with Yuta, maybe studying together or playing games. Your life was good as it was, or at least that’s what you thought for a while. But then you noticed how you two almost never talked about him. It was mostly you telling him what happened to you during the day and if you asked him questions, his answers would always be so short. At first you thought it was normal. You two were always together so it was no surprise he was uncomfortable in school without you, you felt like that too before. As time went by, his sheepish smile was always sitting on his face, he never really talked about school besides what a certain teacher taught them or how much homework he got. You could sense he wasn’t getting along well with his classmates since whenever you asked him if there was someone nice he would always look away, shrug and say, “You are the nicest person.” He learned so well that some flatter and compliments made you happy and switched your focus away from the real topic. It’s their loss, you thought to yourself, if they can’t understand how kind and amazing he is, too bad for them.
In of the afternoon you usually spent together, he was nowhere to be seen even if you agreed to meet. You got worried when he wasn’t answering your texts and calls and decided to look for him at his house. You let out a huge sigh of relief when his mother told you he is in his room and she lets you in. You knocked at his door, a faint yes? came from the other side. You opened and showed your face. He was laying on his bed, the only light was coming from the tv, a documentary about sea-life was airing. “O-oh, y/n!” he sat up quickly, “I’m sorry, I should’ve told you I wasn’t coming today…” As he was talking, your eyes adjusted to the darkness and you saw a big patch on his cheek. “Are you hurt?” “Eh?”, Yuta smiled awkwardly, “N-no, I just fell on the stairs like an idiot.” A lie. You knew you couldn’t force him to talk about it if he didn’t want to, you knew you have to leave him room, but until now you never saw him with bruises, that wasn’t something you could ignore. “Who did that to you?” “I told you I fell from the sta-” “That’s not true”, you almost felt like crying, “Don’t lie to me, please.” “But it’s not a lie”, he mumbled. You closed his door behind you and sat beside him, “Yuta, I’m worried about you.” Silence fell between you two and no one spoke for what looked like a very long time. “It’s not really ok at school”, he said suddenly, his voice so low you feared you could miss his words. You figured that much already, “Do you want to tell me what happened?” He seemed unsure, he looked away, “I don’t think I get along with anyone at school, but it’s not like I can blame them. I wouldn’t want to be my friend either.” Your heart almost broke because no matter how close you two were, you could never see how deep his pain was, how far his worries and fears were taking root in his mind. And that scared you too, because he was sure he was worthless, even a danger for others,  “Don’t say those things about yourself! You are the best person I know, you’re always ready to help others, you’re kind, so don’t belittle yourself like that!” His eyes were opened in surprise, “A-are you getting angry?” Your tone had probably been too harsh, so you hugged him as strong as you could, “I am not angry at you, I’m angry at them. If I could, I would beat them up myself. You are the most important person for me, I want you to be safe.” You two stayed like that for a couple of minutes, until he patted your shoulder, “Hey, can you ease just a bit your grip, it hurts-” You didn’t realize you how hard you were holding him, “S-sorry.” “Don’t worry and thank you for your words.” His sweet smile appeared again on his lips, of course he was afraid he worried you and now he was trying to make you feel better. You grab his hand, softly this time, “You should value my opinion more than theirs because they don’t know you at all while I know you the best, so if I’m saying that you deserve the best you should trust me. And if you feel like you need someone to vent all your worries… well I’m here.” His lips trembled and you were afraid for one second he would cry, but instead he grabbed a chip and ate it. He simply said thank you and you started talking about the documentary on tv. When it was time to enroll in high school, your strongest desire was for him to find kind people or at least decent human beings. Was it so hard? Were people always so horrible like those kids in middle school? Were teachers always so blind and uncaring?
“There is a really weird teacher at school.” “Weird?” “Yep, he always walks around with a blindfold.” A blindfold, was it time to call the police? “Then there’s a super strong and cool girl, a guy who only talks with onigiri’s ingredients and Panda.” “Panda?” “Yes”, he grinned, “they’re all great.” You couldn’t really understand a word and what he said made little sense to you, but your worries slowly vanished as he looked way more relaxed and started talking about his new friends and his weird teacher. You could meet each other way less than before, but now you were sure his smile was not a lie to ease you.
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mystic-deep · 3 years
"Sensei said girls love swans." | Okkotsu Yuuta x fem!reader
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♡ ♡ ♡ description: Just a small box of chocolates, bought on a whim, gifted for no apparent reason. Or so you say.
♡ ♡ ♡ warnings: none, good bad advices from Gojo.
♡ ♡ ♡ notes: I'm working on three other stories with Nanami, Gojo and Toji but had to write something for best boy Yuuta. We're getting volume 0 animated! This was done at the speed of light so please forgive any errors.
♡ ♡ ♡ word count: 2.29 k
Valentine’s Day was quite a surprise this year. You didn’t expect the world to just revert back to old habits so soon, but then again you understood the craving for what was once considered normal. More than a year had passed since the Shibuya incident and with Gojo Satoru finally being released from his prison, things were slowly calming down.
Two major changes came as a result of the near annihilation of Tokyo, one was that now the world was aware of the existence of curses and two was the high number of people that had awoken cursed energy. What were once empty classrooms and training grounds of the Jujutsu Tokyo High School, were now filled with first year students ready to learn from the best. Although the older generation was composed of just a handful of students, they were really the top of the Jujutsu world.
All of your senpais were impressive in their own right so all of them had gathered quite a following of first years. The most popular, by far, was Fushiguro Megumi, the one that possessed the Ten Shadows Technique of the Zen’in clan. A lethal combination of looks, power and status, or so your classmates claimed.
On the opposite end of the spectrum was the third year Okkotsu Yuuta. He was a rare sight on campus and whenever he was present he didn’t interact much with any of the first years. The first time you’ve met him was during a group mission where he was there to supervise. The curse ended up being a special grade and if Yuuta hadn’t jumped in to help you, you’d all be dead. You still remember the bitterness of your classmates when he offered his feedback. Clearly he was right on all points but he didn’t honey glazed any of his words. That incident had caused a string of nasty rumours to spread and everyone in your class began to avoid him as much as possible. You guessed no one was in a hurry to offer him any gifts today.
As for yourself, you tagged along with some of the girls from your class as they chose the best chocolates for their favourite senpais. You didn’t have anyone you really wanted to gift them to, so you bought a small box purely for selfish reasons.
You headed back to campus and as you approached the training grounds you noticed that a small crowd of students were already gathered there. In the middle of them stood Megumi whose arms could barely hold the large number of gifts he had received. The deadpan expression on his face made it clear he wasn’t enjoying the attention.
“You girls better hurry, Megumi-kun looks like he has reached his limit.”
Turning around you were greeted by Gojo who was also carrying quite an impressive quantity of Valentine’s gifts.
“Sensei is really popular.”
“Please don’t sound so surprised.”
As your little conversation went on, your friends quickly abandoned you in order to join the crowd.
“Not gonna join them?” You shook your head as your hands tighten on the handle of your backpack where your box of chocolates was hiding.
“I didn’t buy any chocolates...I mean I did buy chocolates just not for...I should probably head to class.” Feeling too ashamed to admit your selfish purchase, you hurried down the path to the main entrance before Gojo could question you further.
Just as you were about to reach your destination you suddenly noticed a figure not too far from you. Yuuta was strolling along the same path and his expression was not a happy one. Your earlier guess must have been correct judging by his slumped shoulders. Now you never truly worried yourself with his well being, but it just felt so incredibly unfair that he was marginalized like this. At the end of the day, even if he wasn’t easy to talk to, he was a responsible senpai who wouldn’t hesitate to jump in to help others when needed. With that thought in mind, you quickened your pace and called out to him.
“Okkotsu-senpai! Okkotsu-senpai, please wait!”
He stopped in his track and turned to look at you with a surprised expression.
“Y/n-chan, are you okay?”
You nodded as you caught up with him, impressed that he even bothered to remember your name, and opened your backpack to retrieve the box of chocolates.
“For you senpai, Happy Valentine’s Day!” You gave him the most sincere smile you could muster and handed him the small box. Oh well, better for your cavities you suppose.
With a trembling hand he took the small gift and grinned from ear to ear. “Thank you! I’ll treasure it!” It was just a box of cheap chocolates, you thought, definitely not worth the excitement.
“Urm I’m happy you like them. Anyway, have a good day, see you around!” You practically dashed to your classroom, cheeks red from embarrassment. You didn’t know why you were so nervous or why that silly grin of his made you so flustered.
As you sat down at your desk, you wondered if you did the right thing. You didn’t want him to believe you had feelings for him and you also hoped he didn’t think you did it out of pity. You just thought it was the right thing to do at that time and it was just a small gesture, definitely not worth a second thought.
Or so you hoped until White Day arrived and you found quite a surprising gift on your desk that morning. A large bouquet of roses, there must have been over a hundred. No note though, as if the person that had left them just expected for you to know whom they were from.
You could hear the whispers of your classmates and you shifted uncomfortably. You weren’t really popular, no reasons for someone to give you such an impressive present, so of course rumours began to spread.
As you sat on a bench during lunch break with the bouquet in your lap, you raked up your brain trying to figure out who would offer you flowers.
“Oh no, you don’t like them!”
Yuuta’s voice brought you back to reality and you blinked ever so slowly as you looked at his worried expression. Your eyes dropped to the red roses in your lap and then back to your senpai that was just a few feet away from the bench you were sitting.
“These...these are from you?” Well you did gift him that box of chocolates and this was White Day, technically he was supposed to return the gift. Still, a cheap box of bonbons couldn’t compare to the expensive bouquet that he had gifted back.
“Gojo-sensei said you’re supposed to buy something impressive in order to show your appreciation for the gift you received. I didn’t know what you liked and he suggested roses, he said all girls loved red roses.”
Of course it was Gojo Satoru, it was always Gojo Satoru.
“Senpai, thank you, but this is too much! Those chocolates weren’t really that expensive.”
“No, no, they were pretty good! I ended up eating the whole box! Gojo-sensei tried to steal one away, that didn’t end up well for him.” Good, you thought, he deserved it for unnecessarily complicating things.
“Well if you say so, then I’m happy. I’ve never received flowers before, well my father bought me a bouquet when I graduated middle school but I don’t think that counts.”
“I’ve never received chocolates before, so I guess we’re both at the beginning.” The beginning of what, you wondered, as he offered you a somewhat sly smile.
“I should get these to my room before they wither.”
“Yeah I should probably head to the training ground.” You said your respective farewells before going in opposite directions. This had been awkward to say the least and you were glad it was over.
However, naivety got the best of you. The next morning you were greeted by a large teddy bear that was placed in your seat. Your eyebrow began to twitch as you heard whispers spreading in the classroom.
“Hey is that from Okkotsu? Super creepy!”
“Yeah, poor Y/n-chan.”
“What do you mean by that?” Your patience had reached its limit and with narrowed eyes you turned to look at the girls you heard whispering.
“Don’t you know, Okkotsu curses his lovers!”
“Yeah, he becomes obsessed with them and then they die in mysterious ways!”
“That is literally the most idiotic thing I’ve heard in my life.” Sure, you knew the story of Rika, but from actual reliable sources you also knew that it was a tragic accident that happened when Yuuta was only a child. It was disturbing how they twisted the story just because they were afraid of him.
“If you have this much time to waste on spreading such stupid rumours then I suggest you channel that energy in training. Otherwise you’ll be stuck at grade 4 until the end of days.” As a grade 2 sorcerer yourself, maybe you shouldn’t have looked down on them, but for some reason the way they were acting towards Yuuta was just infuriating and you found yourself becoming quite protective.
You never snapped at them like this before, if anything you were considered quite docile, so the whole class fell silent. You grabbed the giant teddy bear from your seat and stomped towards the door, nearly bumping into Gojo as the later stepped inside the room.
“Where you going Y/n-chan? Class is about the start.”
“I’m going to find Yuuta!” You huffed and walked out of the classroom, knowing full well that you will probably get punished for your actions.
“Y/n-chan is so determined! Everyone, you should have more determination as well!” That was the last thing you heard as Gojo closed the door behind you.
You began your search for Yuuta, trying to ignore the looks that the faculty members you came across were giving you. You must have looked quite ridiculous, carrying that large teddy bear around.
You finally found him near the armoury, and judging from his sweaty appearance you guessed he had just finished training.
He looked at you, almost in a panicked way and you quickened your pace so he couldn’t make a run for it.
“Y/n-chan, what-”
“Senpai, this has to stop.” You really didn’t want to tell him your real motives from that day but you also couldn’t let this chain of gifts continue.
“That box of chocolates wasn’t initially for you. I bought it for myself, I only gave it to you because senpai looked so upset. I’m sorry that you misunderstood, it’s not pity or anything, I just thought you deserved it.” You didn’t even stop to breath, you had to let it all out and explain before you lost your nerve. “I’m really happy you liked them but I don’t deserve all these presents in return.”
You looked at him and expected to see anger or disappointment, instead you were greeted with light laughter.
“You’re really cute! Maki-san said not to tease you too much because you’re such a good girl. I guess she didn’t realize how much of a good girl you actually are.” The way he said ‘good girl’ made your heart skip a beat. It sounded almost provocative.
Within a second, he had closed the distance between the two of you and his hand reached to stroke your cheek ever so gentle. Suddenly he was there and you became hyperaware of his powerful presence. You noticed the pretty colour of his eyes, how his hand was just a bit rough and how that small smirk of his made your knees weak and your cheeks burn. You gulped and he seemed to enjoy your reaction.
“I don’t mind that the box of chocolates wasn’t for me. I’m just glad it gave me the opportunity to talk to you.” At this point you felt so bad you hoped the earth beneath you would just crack open and swallow you whole.
“Anyway, you should probably head to class before Gojo-sensei gets upset. Let me get that for you.” He reached for the teddy bear in your arms but you gripped it and pulled back.
“I would like to keep this, it’s a special gift from senpai and I’ll treasure it.” Sure this all began because of a silly box of chocolates but you were also happy that you finally got to see a glimpse of him that not many people got the chance to see. Now that you had a taste of it, you wanted more.
“Well I wasn’t planning on taking it away, just wanted to help you carry it.”
“It’s fine, the whole school saw me already so I might as well parade with it back to class.”
He studied your face for a few moments before his expression turned serious.
“Y/n-chan, do you think we could go-”
“I’d love to go on a date!”
You beat him to it but you wanted to make sure he knew, even before asking, that you really wanted to get to know him better.
“I see, I’m really happy.” His hand reached for yours and gripped it gently. It never failed to surprise you how cool and confident he looked at times and then he did a one hundred eighty and turned into this awkward and adorable mess.
“I must admit this is the first time I’ve asked someone out. I’ll be sure to ask Gojo-sensei-”
“Oh no, please promise me to never ask Gojo-sensei for advice concerning girls.” He was probably laughing like a mad man while giving Yuuta such cringe worthy ideas for your gifts.
“Oh but sensei said girls love swans and-”
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[Tales from the Pack] Hansol: Fire and Ice (Part Four)
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Characters: Hansol x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, a little bit of fluff, lots of mentions of death
Word count: 2,962
Summary: You’ve always been one to let your emotions get the best of you – your power reflects that – and you’ve never been good at expressing them. That’s why you always thought you’d be awful with a mate, but you never thought things would be this awful.
a/n: things in bold are in english. also as y’all already know, kyung is half black so i included that bit in this part since the series is from her pov. i try to mostly avoid being that specific in reader inserts but oh well lmao 
Previous | Next | Fire and Ice Masterlist
After waking up but before the funeral, the first thing that was brought to your attention were the injuries. Jooyeon’s neck was bruised and sore – Seungcheol couldn’t help but growl whenever he really stared at it, which was often because he couldn’t stop thinking about how someone tried to strangle his mate – most of the mates and wolves had cuts and scrapes, those in town had silver bullet wounds that had to heal, and there was Hansol with silver burned into his shoulders and arms. However, Hansol never once complained about the pain when he was with you. He’d grunt and whimper softly when he moved or did things or his clothes brushed against it, but he mostly kept his discomfort to himself.
The first thing you tried was Joshua’s healing, which he was already overexerting -- and soon, he was unable to use it at all. He was trying to quickly heal everybody’s silver injuries, but Hansol’s was the biggest one, and it was deeper than the others. There were faint grey veins in his back when he took off his shirt, and you could only imagine what it must’ve felt like. But you chose to try to ignore the strong instinct to stay beside your mate. Instead, you tried to help your pack and their mates with coping.
“Where’s Rin?” you asked Jinyoung as you entered the kitchen.
“She’s been hiding ever since the night we came home,” he replied, sipping from a mug of coffee. “I saw her run outside that night, but then she went invisible. I haven’t seen her since.”
You frowned. Other than Jiung, you were closest with Rin and Chanseong. With Chanseong gone and Rin hiding – you could sniff her out, but you didn’t want to blow her cover and upset her – you felt even more alone. Your inner wolf yearned to go back to Hansol and at least watch as Joshua tried to heal him, but you ignored that feeling yet again.
“I guess I’ll…find something else to do,” you shrugged.
Jinyoung sighed, setting his mug on the counter and putting a hand on your shoulder as you turned to go, “_____, you can’t keep doing this.”
“Doing what?”
“You’re just trying to distract yourself from Hansol.”
“No,” you snapped, scowling at the younger wolf, “I’m trying to be a good alpha.”
Jinyoung’s face fell, his grip loosening, “_____, I know you must feel it, too…”
“No, it’ll go away,” you stated surely. “I’m the alpha, so I’m staying here and acting like it. I’m not letting my pack down.”
“You’re not letting anybody down, _____. You’re being too hard on yourself. And you can’t say that you’d be letting down Jiung because we both know – we all know – that he would want you to go easier on yourself, too.”
“Shut up!” you snapped, pulling away from Jinyoung and staring at the floor. You took deep breaths as you felt your temper flaring up, the skin of your knuckles starting to spark. The last thing you wanted was to set the kitchen on fire. “Just…let me do what I need to, okay? This is how I want to do things.”
You heard Rin’s voice, but you didn’t see her, “It’s how she wants to cope.”
She appeared beside Jinyoung at the counter, though she shrunk behind him like she was hiding from somebody.
Jinyoung glanced over at her before looking back at you, “What did she say?”
Rika walked into the kitchen, an empty syringe in one hand, and her hands clad in gloves, “She says it’s how _____ chooses to cope. Personally, I agree. _____ is our alpha now and she should decide what she wants to do. We can’t baby her like Jiung did.”
“You can’t seriously believe that–”
“Jinyoung,” Rika barked, tossing the syringe in the garbage. “not now.”
“How’s Hansol?” Rin wondered quietly.
Rika sighed, wiping sweat from her forehead with the back of her arm, “Nothing’s working. I recommended a doctor in the town near their new house, and he said he’ll think about it.”
“Oh, Minjee?” you asked, ignoring the fact that the two girls were speaking English to each other. “She did well with Baekhan that one time.”
“And she’s affordable for the wolves who had a harder time blending in,” Rika chuckled. “I think she’ll be able to be of the best assistance for them if even Joshua’s powers aren’t healing Hansol.”
While Rika had to repeat what she had said to Rin in English, you went to walk out of the kitchen in search of something else to keep your brain busy since now all you could think of was Hansol’s injuries. However, Jinyoung stopped you once again.
“This isn’t over, _____,” he told you. “Their pack leaves tomorrow, and you’ll have to decide. We’re having a pack meeting tonight to discuss this.”
“Whatever,” you grumbled before shrugging him off and leaving the kitchen.
Seungcheol’s pack stayed for two days. Two days of preparations for a ceremony that would serve as a funeral for the fallen alpha. Two days of Hansol whimpering in pain whenever anybody touched his shoulders or the back of his arms. Two whole days of Joshua doing his best to heal everybody until he physically couldn’t use his power anymore. Two days of Soonyoung sniffing around your house, which you thought was weird, but it at least lessened the tension seeing his weird behavior.
The funeral was exactly what they expected, but they found out it was a funeral for two. You were the only one who knew that Chanseong had left, but you were too out of it to do anything about it at the time. When did manage to break the news to the pack, they seemed upset but not surprised. Nobody was surprised that Chanseong would do something like that since Jiung was dead. Outside of the pack, Chanseong had no other family.
Since there were no bodies to bury, memorials were created in the backyard. On wooden crosses that your pack had made, their names were engraved into them before they were put side-by-side in the dirt. Bang Jiung and Lee Chanseong – an alpha and his mate.
You were at least thankful that Seungcheol’s pack attended and listened attentively to what your pack had to say about your brother. You could feel eyes on you most of the time, though you assumed they were afraid that you would lose your cool like you had before. However, you just stared at the ground, dressed in all black like the rest of your pack, and said nothing. 
Seungcheol’s pack also noticed that Rin was still missing -- well, she was there because the wolves could smell her, but she stayed invisible the whole time -- and everyone noticed that Hansol stood farthest away from the group. They figured Hansol wanted to still be here to pay his respects, but stood farther away since he was apparently the cause of all this in your eyes and in his own.
Once it was over, the three alphas ushered their own pack inside so that way Your pack could have some time alone to do whatever you needed to do. Suvi had turned to look at your pack right before entering the house and noticed Rin was suddenly there.
After the funeral, you still didn’t feel different -- you thought you might after waking up, too, but you didn’t. You weren’t sure if you’d even feel different after becoming the new alpha, but you thought maybe it would make you feel at least a little bit stronger or a little more sure of yourself. Instead, you just felt as broken as you did before. Nothing had changed.
You did feel something – an instinct that you already knew what it was – but you shoved that instinct down and tried to live up to the alpha you knew your brother would want you to be. Maybe if you really acted the part, you’d feel it – everyone would. At least, that’s all you could hope for.
Since you’d missed seeing Eunjin, you spent most of your time sitting beside her. Unlike the other mated couples, her and Seungkwan weren’t all over each other. They didn’t bother asking you about any of your problems, and you enjoyed listening to them talk about anything -- from things Eunjin was hearing, to Seungkwan just telling her old stories of the pack.
As they spoke about their different traditions from their home countries, you spoke up about one thing in particular, “That is something I never understood…”
“What?” Seungkwan asked, his hand wrapped around Eunjin’s tiny one.
“When Koreans marry, nobody takes the other’s surname,” you clarified, looking between the couple. “America’s the same way as Eunjin’s home country where if you and Eunjin got married, Eunjin would become Boo Eunjin. Then again, I guess getting married isn’t something werewolves do either, huh?”
“We are,” Yeji suddenly interjected, listening to the conversation.
“What?” Jihoon asked, being taken off guard by the suddenly remark by his mate, and making the others in the room chuckle.
You even cracked a small smile.
“We’re getting married,” she repeated, “…right?”
Quickly, Jihoon nodded, “If that’s what you want to do, then of course.”
“Good answer,” Wonwoo nodded, nudging his brother with his elbow.
“You’re such a sucker for her,” Soonyoung said teasingly, rolling his eyes.
Danbi looked to you, her soft smile growing wider when she looked at you like she was just trying to make you happy. Danbi was a cute girl.
“What about you, _____?” she asked. “Did you want to get married?”
You just shrugged, “I don’t know. I would fantasize about it a lot when I was a child but after living the life of a werewolf for so long and learning more of their customs, I don’t think I’d mind either way.”
“Where exactly are you from, _____?” Soomin inquired, leaning forward like she was genuinely interested.
“I’m from America, and I would visit once a year, but I don’t remember my birth parents,” you admitted with a shrug, your hands folding together in your lap. “My adoptive ones managed to save a picture of them, so I know what they looked like at least -- not that I care. But my mother was white and my father was black. Me and Ji– Um…I’m not as dark as my dad, but I’m darker than my mom, obviously.”
Eunjin looked at you with a hint of a smile on her pink lips as her wide blue eyes took you in, softly saying, “You’re really pretty, _____. I’ve always thought your hair was pretty, and you have a cute nose.”
“Thanks,” you could feel your cheeks heating up as you looked at your lap. You knew Eunjin was too genuine, so you knew she truly believed the comments she made about you. She was too sweet for this awful world.
“_____,” you heard Hanbin call you from the kitchen. You looked up to see him wave you over. “C’mon.”
You sighed, standing up, “I’ll talk to you guys later.”
“Okay!” Danbi chirped.
You walked out of the living room normally before dragging your feet through the kitchen. You knew why you were dreading this pack meeting but you tried to not let those reasons get to you. You were going to have to face the reality of the situation even if you didn’t want to. You could pretend as long as you wanted, but your instincts knew the truth – all of them knew the truth.
Hanbin held the back door open for you to walk out onto the wrap-around porch and down the steps to the backyard. You joined the group that had already formed around the large fire, standing around it to warm their faces and hands.
“Alright,” Jaesang spoke up once you and Hanbin had joined the group, “now that the alpha is here, we can start.”
You just stared down at your boot-clad feet.
“Have you made any decisions, _____?” Jimin wondered softly.
“I already told Jinyoung what I’m doing,” you grumbled.
Across the fire, you could hear Rika whispering translations to Rin.
“You shouldn’t–”
“Jinyoung,” Hanbin spoke up, placing a hand on your back, “let’s let _____ explain herself. What did you decide, _____?”
“I’m staying with my pack,” you stated, finally lifting your head to look at each member. “I’m going to be the alpha, and I’m going to do it well.”
“You do know that’s suicide, right?” Rin asked, her voice hard as her golden eyes glared at you. “You’re just going to kill yourself, and then you won’t be an alpha even if you–”
“Corinne,” Rika whispered harshly.
“At least I’m not playing hide-n-seek with the other pack!” you shouted, already getting worked up at Rin’s insinuation.
Rin’s cheeks flushed, and she averted her eyes to the fire.
“I vaguely got an idea of what Rin said,” Hyojun spoke up, his hands shoved into his pockets as his mate clung to one of his arms, “but I know she’s right. _____, if you deny Hansol, you’ll kill him and yourself. I’m not saying you should listen to us, but I think you should think this over a bit more. At least promise us that, yeah?”
You stared at Hyojun for a moment before instinctively looking up at Hanbin. Then your eyes flickered to the fire after realizing you were the alpha and you were to make your own decisions.
With a sigh, you nodded once, “I’ll think about it.”
“Thank you,” Hanbin nodded, sounding almost relieved and happy. “We’d rather have you out of the pack and safe, than in it and dead.”
Most of the pack brought their mates and themselves back inside, but you stayed outside by the fire. You stared deep into the flames, trying to sort through the maze of thoughts you had. You knew you’d be digging your own grave if you denied your mate since you had the same strong urges, but you hoped that pretending they didn’t exist would just make them go away. But at the same time, the wolf side of you just didn’t want to ignore those feelings.
You let out a groan, dropping your head into your hands. You had thought everyone had gone inside but you felt a strong arm tug you into their side, and you already knew who it was: Hanbin.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed outside to think in the quiet of the night, but Hanbin stood by you the entire time. All you could think as you stared into the fire that only reminded you of your own temper, was that Hanbin would make a better alpha than you ever could.
The pack was leaving around 7am, and your pack met them outside to say goodbye. Most of your pack shook hands with the others, some of the mates hugged the other mates. Soonyoung was still acting weird, but at this point, you figured that was just typical Soonyoung. You stayed toward the back, though, as you were supposed to make your official decision.
The entire time, you felt eyes on you. From your pack and theirs, but you mostly felt Hansol’s boring into you. You just kept your eyes on the ground, waiting for the inevitable.
“It’s been a pleasure meeting you and your pack,” Hanbin said, shaking hands with the three alphas, “and if you ever need anything else, just give us a shout.”
“Eunjin’s got that covered,” Seokmin joked.
Finally, Hanbin turned to you, waving you over. Your feet robotically moved one in front of the other, but the whole thing felt like a blur. You felt like you weren’t even in your own body.
“So, _____,” Hanbin put a warm hand on your shoulder, looking down at you.
But the one to ask the question wasn’t Hanbin.
“_____,” Hansol spoke up suddenly, his voice soft but capturing your attention easily. You looked at him as he walked over, though you could see the pain in his face he was trying to hide from his clothes moving against his injuries. He stopped in front of you, yellow eyes staring deeply into yours. “I know you hate me, and I know what I did is unforgivable. Despite everything that happened, I promise to work as hard as I have to to make you happy again. I don’t care if it takes me until I die, I swear I’ll make you happy someday. I’ll love you with my whole heart, and I’ll always take care of you. So…will you come with me and be my mate?”
Both packs were silent as you and Hansol looked at each other. Most of you – maybe all of you – was screaming to take his hand and let him lead you off to a new life. You knew even your own pack wanted you to go with him just so you’d be alive and be well taken care of because they knew Hansol would be able to keep you under control after what happened in the woods the other night. Nobody else in your pack could ever do what he could do. Nobody could ever keep you out of trouble like Hansol could. Nobody could even touch you when your powers were in use, but Hansol could easily.
But your lips parted to speak, and you barely whispered the word, “No.”
Then you turned away from the pack and made your way through your smaller one, going into the house and not sparing Hansol a second glance.
You were an alpha, just like Jiung, and you were going to be strong like him.
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Pairing: Han Jumin/Main Character
Bio: You just need a moment... a second to breathe as the world passes you by. Jumin sees you and he gives you a chance to slow down and find yourself again.
For the Mystic Messenger Reverse Big Bang Project. @mysme-rbb
[Read on AO3]
[Check out my Partner’s half here.]
The party felt like it was… alive. 
There was just so much to do and so much to take care of that it was hard for you to function. You knew what was expected of you as the party coordinator but at the same time, this was out of your realm of comfort. You weren’t the kind of person who tended to go out of their way to be chatty.
You were just… 
Not that, that was a bad thing. It was just that you weren’t as outgoing and bubbly as someone like Rika had been. She seemed to be the center of attention no matter what and you had always been more of a wallflower if anything. You didn’t go out of your way for people unless you had the feeling that they needed help. 
The need to help others overwhelmingly made you do things for others beyond your limitations. It meant that you ran yourself ragged without meaning to and by the time that you knew that you were overloaded, it was already too late. Your skin would crawl and you would feel sick to your stomach for quite a while. 
It was the same old song and dance every day of your life when you were thrown into something you weren’t sure you were prepared for. This party, for example, you barely had any time to be able to get the wind of what you were meant to do and somehow it came together. 
It didn’t seem like you made any mistakes. 
But, you were physically far too aware of every detail that you’d made and nobody else had touched. You had just made your rounds over the party to check on everyone, mingling with the guests and trying to keep a smile on your face the entire time. It wasn’t easy, but you were doing the best that you could. 
What you didn’t realize was that it was increasingly obvious to the one person that had been around you the most lately that noticed that something was wrong. The dread that coiled in your gut was far too strong to ignore but you were trying to hide it, trying to make sure that this party turned out the way that it was supposed to. 
Breathing in deeply, you tried to disregard that cracking noise that came underneath it. It was always there whenever your anxiety flared and sometimes, it would be a warning that would be okay, and other times it was a warning that you needed to get away from everything. All of the lights and all of the sounds were just too much. 
Your skin crawled and hissed at you to step away as the overstimulation of your senses grew stronger and stronger. It was one of those feelings where you could be perfectly fine to those around you who didn’t know any better, but on the inside, you were trembling and shaking like a leaf in the breeze. 
You felt pathetic and still overwhelmed by something as small as a party when you knew how to handle it. You knew how to control these feelings and ground yourself, but it was just so hard to think clearly with the thumping of the music and the chattering voices in the back of the room. 
That’s why it surprised you when you felt a hand grasp at your wrist. You lifted your head to meet dark eyes and a gentle look. Jumin had appeared to you seemingly out of nowhere and nudged you in the direction of outside. You weren’t in any condition to decline his offer but anything to get you away from the buzzing sound was fine by you. 
Jumin led you out onto the balcony that overlooked the city, the sounds of the party now simply a distant hum against the sounds of the evening breeze and the occasional sound of cars driving by the building. The party was in a secluded and quiet little area of town so there weren’t a lot of people clattering about outside. 
You had never been this high up before nor had you had a view of the city like this. You let the buzzing feeling in the back of your mind rest where it was as you tried to find a distraction. You took a step forward and leaning over the edge to peer down at the world below. As quiet as it was, you could see things you never saw before. 
Not just glimmering lights, not just people living their lives, but feeling like nobody else could exist at this moment apart from the two of you. It was peaceful. It was what you wanted. It was a moment to breathe and find yourself when it felt like the rest of the world was collapsing around you so quickly. 
“I imagine it’s overwhelming to be in charge of something like this for the first time,” he said, leaning against the ledge next to you. “Are you doing alright? You haven’t taken a moment to catch your breath since you arrived.” 
“That’s very… astute, Jumin,” you said. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him just yet. It felt like that foreign feeling of wanting to cry was still there. You didn’t want to worry him for anything. “I expect no less from you, though. I’m… I’ll be okay. I just needed a minute to cool down.” 
Jumin didn’t have to take a hint. 
People were always joking and saying that he wasn’t emotionally mature and he didn’t know how to read into others, but he did. You knew that he did. For someone that everyone called a robot, he had always been checking in with you and making sure that you felt welcomed. 
Sure, it had been strange how you felt, but Jumin didn’t treat you differently because of it. He was ready to talk and converse with you about just about anything. He had a range of interests that could’ve made your head spin with how easily he could shift a conversation and talk to a person about anything. 
Even things that he may have just started learning about. Jumin was always learning, and in a way, you wanted to be more like that. You wanted to see what it was like to handle the room instead of running away from it when it got tough. It was something that you had been working on all your life but it wasn’t moving as fast as you wanted it to be.
“Take as much time as you need, then,” Jumin’s voice drew you away from your thoughts once again. “You’ve done the hard work of coordinating this event. You don’t have to handle this all on your own. That’s why we’re an organization.” 
“Funny you say that,” you felt a laugh come to your lips as you thought about all that Jumin had been doing for the party. Not even for the party, for everyone that was in the RFA. He had been making sure that everyone was safe from not only the hacker but from outside threats that they couldn’t account for. 
He was doing that without being prompted. 
His compassion knew no bounds. 
Jumin Han, if anyone, was the one that needed to know how much he was appreciated. He was even trying to help you right now instead of doing his tasks for the party. He was always the one that put his loved ones first and you could relate to that. It was just hard to imagine the sheer weight of it given the length Jumin went to.
It was above and beyond what you felt capable of yourself. 
That was when you turned to look at him, “It seems like you’ve been taking care of everything yourself, too. I think if anyone needs a break, it’s you, Jumin.” 
Jumin chuckled. He gave you that rare smile that made you feel like you were on cloud nine all over again. “How about we both take a break, then? I imagine they can handle things for a few minutes if we’re away.”
“I think that’s fair,” you smiled. Sliding your hand across the balcony, you bumped your palm against his and he looked down at where your fingers interlocked. It was a simple gesture but he returned it, holding your hand tightly within his own as if it was meant to be. “Thank you for saving me back there. I usually can handle it when it gets bad, but…” 
“It’s your first party. You want things to run smoothly,” he replied as if he had pulled the answer right from your mind. “I understand. There are things that we can control and things that we can not control. Don’t worry too hard about it. Thanks to your delicate care, things are going to turn out wonderful.” 
“Give yourself some credit, we wouldn’t have the party right now if now for how much you’ve been looking out for everyone.” 
“I suppose we both have to be a bit less modest, wouldn’t you say?” 
“Jumin Han,  modest ?” 
“Preposterous, right? I imagine Zen would have an interesting response to that.” 
“Hahaha… Jumin, you always know how to make me feel safe again.” 
You watched as Jumin stared back at the city lights and the skyline. He was lost in his thoughts but you were lost in him. If nothing else, you knew that you always had a safe place with Jumin and there would be nothing that could ever take that away from you. It was just what felt right to you and all you wanted to be. 
With Jumin, you would have a peaceful place to hide away from the world, and you knew from the way he held your hand, that he felt the same way about you. Smiling, you looked back into the party hall and then back to Jumin as the faint music began to play once again. You figured it was a good time as any to have a dance. 
And, the first man you wanted to share that with happened to be right there with you. 
You looked at him and watched as his deep eyes returned to you, “If I could be so bold, could I have a dance with you, Jumin?”
Jumin held your hand so tenderly and nodded. Thus began a dance shared between the two of you that stayed so sweet underneath those stars.  “Of course, you can. I was going to ask you myself but it appears you’ve beaten me to the punch. I admire that. You keep surprising me, and I can’t wait to see what else you can do.”
And so, you swayed against him and felt that feeling of peace wash over you. During a busy night with everyone on their toes, you would enjoy this moment of serenity with Jumin as you intended. Even if the world was tumbling around you, there would always be Jumin to fall back on when you needed support. 
No matter what. 
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fayeimara · 3 years
Meant To Be || One For Every Billion
8. Fan Behaviour
Your impromptu group has slowly made way through the long street of vendors over the last hour, sampling different treats and picking up small trinkets and mementos of the festival.
It's been pretty exhilarating not only with the exuberant energy of the younger girls with whom Akari somehow seems to blend right into, but also the odd tension between you and Suna. He's mostly stayed by your side as you stroll behind the others, his watchful eye on his sister and her friends but you've also caught his discerning stare aimed your way many times as well.
In as little as sixty minutes, that's quite a lot of time to make eye contact with a silent and seemingly immovable companion for the night. You don't let his demeanor throw you off, however, and continue on, immovable in your own way. Which means you say what comes to mind but don't follow the urge to stumble or yammer to fill any quiet gaps in conversation.
Somehow, it works and instead of being awkward and uncomfortable, you find myself at an odd peace, even with the feeling in the air as if you're at a precipice.
You haven't felt this level of comfort and familiarity with someone since... well, since Toru, you suppose. At the thought, a prickle rushes over your skin but you shouldn't have anything to feel bad about. You're in no way committed to anyone and you're sure nothing will happen here, regardless.
"Sorry," You look over at Suna's quiet intervention to your thoughts, "I don't have a jacket on me."
You raise an eyebrow before realizing you must have shivered outwardly at your last thought, hm, you really are letting your guard down to have let a physical reaction slip through. And he really is as perceptive as you first thought to have noticed that small movement.
Looking over at his own simple yukata that suits him incredibly well, you feel the corner of your lip lift before replying, "No, but it's so worth it."
He flicks another one of those sideways looks at you, chin lifted slightly and face angled so you can't read too much of it, "Yeah? Like what you see?"
"Oh yeah." You bite down on your lip to stop your smile from breaking into a flirty grin. You really cannot stress how incredible attractive his laid back confidence is to you.
A small smile of his own breaks through and you catch it before he turns his face away to the stalls on his right. When he looks back, it's gone as if it never happened but there's a look in his eyes that makes you feel almost breathless.
You think you actually do lose your breath when he smirks and casually adds, "Me too."
"Y/n-chan! Rin-onii!" You don't get a chance to respond as Rika bounces back to you both, "We're at the end, but Akari-chan found us a perfect place for the best view for the fireworks!"
"Then lead on, brat." Suna huffs out in mock annoyance. Yeah, you've been getting slightly better at reading him over the past hour. It's a gift.
The two of you follow behind them again, heading towards one of the bridges over the river beyond the street you were just on. There are glowing paper lanterns floating in the water below, lazily passing underneath and by in groups across the length of the bridge. Strung up above you all and reflecting in the dark water are similar lanterns, casting a warm glow over your group's chosen little corner with only a few people some distance away from you all.
Even if the view of the fireworks isn't all that great from here, which you're not sure about since you don't know quite where they've been set up, this ambience is enough to make this a perfect place to rest. Suna leans his back against the railing, right beside where you've chosen to lean forward facing the other way, with your forearms resting on the wrought iron as you survey the lanterns that are carried away.
"Do you game?"
You jerk your head up at his random question, looking up at him where he's got his classic side gaze trained on you. Hm, maybe not so random as probing. You answer just as succinctly as he asked his question, "I do."
"Okay." Another smile tugs at his mouth, you're sure he knows you're being stubborn. "Your voice..."
He's baiting you but what exquisite temptation, you can't help but ask, "What about it?"
"It sounds so..." He trails off, as if lost in thought but you think he's just torturing you for your sass earlier.
You're usually patient, you swear, but.. "Suna." but, you're starting to think his patience might just outweigh yours.
"Familiar." His eyes meet yours again as soon as the word leaves his lips and you're called back to the moments you were thinking that being around him felt familiar too.
But that's not what he means is it? You wait for him to speak again and when he does, even though you're expecting his next implication, you're somehow still both surprised and flattered, "I really like your channel."
"You watch GameOverGirls?" Yeah, that's literal disbelief in your voice. You know you and Vee have a lot of followers on the channel the two of you started back in the fall, especially thanks to both your fans from other clubs and activities, but here in Japan? At least any family you have hear that know about it would make sense, they know you from the first degree. But how would Suna Rintaro have found you already?
He shrugs casually, expression unreadable when he answers, "I like your voice. And you actually know what you're talking about." Then, with a smirk, "The streams aren't too bad either."
You don't even know where to start. The audacity of this pretty boy. Now you're flattered, flustered, and somehow offended at the same time. "When did you figure it out?"
"Just now."
"I couldn't place it at first. But then I just did."
"Pretty sure this is where you say thank you."
"For what? Entertaining you?" You pretend to yawn with a hand to your lips and a roll of your eyes, "Talk about fan behaviour."
He tilts his head back fully to study the sky, "Guess I can't deny it, huh?"
With a laugh, you mirror his stance, turning around to lean back against the railing and tilting your head up to survey the stars. After a pause, you give him an opening, "Unless you think you can do better?"
"Well, I could have cut some serious time on that run through of Sekiro. And yeah, I'd be the one carrying you through Warzone." He pretends to grimace and you smack his arm in retaliation.
"Please, squad up and let's see who carries who."
"Okay, bet."
You're about to turn to look over at him to see if he's serious or not about his offer to join your party sometime when something streaks over the sky. You've been expecting the fireworks but when you realize what it is, you suddenly reach out to his arm with one hand and point with the other, excitedly exclaiming, "Oh my god, Suna, a shooting star! Make wish, quick!"
Then you're watching its briefly brilliant light slowly disappear, scrambling to think of your own wish without realizing you're already making one by wishing that you could enjoy more moments like this. It takes you a little bit to realize you're still lightly holding Suna's wrist and he hasn't said anything.
After another beat, once the star has completely disappeared, your eyes slip back over to meet his only to realize he's already been watching you. You're compelled to break the building tension and choose to ask, "Did you make a wish?"
The serious, piercing look in his eyes holds you in a trance as he replies, "I did."
Light blooms across his face just as he answers, sharp, bright bursts accompanied by loud booms and pops, but you can't tear your gaze away from his own immovable, captivating gaze. It's better this way, the reflection in his eyes as they echo the light cast by the fireworks.
So the two of you stand there watching each other instead of the fireworks, surrounding by the cheering of your group leaning on the railing across from you both, conveniently facing away from you to give the illusion of a private moment. One that belongs just to you and Suna.
The rest of the night flies by quick as you and Suna are pulled to rejoin the rest of the group shortly after your interesting moment together. You don't know what it means but what you are sure of is that you'll be replaying it over and over in your head later, unable to stop from analyzing such a poignant moment with a guy that was a complete stranger to you just hours before.
Neither of you really have the chance to explore it further either, as you're both pulled this way and that by the others for the rest of the activities. No more breathtaking moments relatively alone together, but you don't mind too much, you have to think it over after all and need a minute to catch your breath in the meantime.
Everyone writes down hopes and wishes on paper lanterns before setting them afloat to join the hundreds of other dreams that float away hopefully to a benign deity. Your group then stops at the shrine, placed at the apex of the location, to offer your respective prayers before returning to loop around to any stalls you missed.
As you're all winding down for the night, Rika asks for your socials and you happily oblige. Suna, on the other hand, manages to slip your phone out of his sister's hand as the two of you are exchanging the devices back and taps at it briefly before handing it back to you. You smirk and mouth 'fan behaviour' when you see he's added his contact info, including his twitter handle.
He just raises an unbothered eyebrow and replies out loud, "Just wait until it's you asking for my autograph. You'll thank me then."
"I won't need to thank you if you're my friend."
"But you'll still need my autograph?" He smirks at you.
You can't help but tease about something you both had discussed earlier, "Didn't you tell me you were scouted to go to school here? I'm sure I'll be wanting your name on a paper someday."
"You'll want my name, huh? At least buy me dinner first."
You blush as you realize how he twisted your words and, for once, you don't have a comeback. So you make a reckless, last ditch effort to act like he didn't just win this round and do the opposite of denying his words, "Sure, Suna Y/n has a nice ring, I guess."
Holy shit. You didn't think anything couldn't completely break his impassive expression but you think you might have accidentally have won this round as you see the shock roll his expression right before the red of a full blush sneaks up to kiss his cheeks and tips of his ears.
His surprised eyes are wide on yours as if he's frozen solid by your words before he blinks and then it's like a shutter as he recollects himself and suddenly he's completely unreadable again. But you saw it, that moment that Suna Rintaro was completely caught unaware and absolutely flustered.
You both know who won, though somehow, he still gets the last word, "Well, that's definitely one way to get a permanent autograph."
The two of you turn and start to move forward to the exit in mutual silence, neither you nor Suna noticing Rika still by you both, having watched your exchange in delighted surprise and gears now turning in her head as she realizes her half baked idea earlier seems to have worked even better than she could have ever imagined.
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Behind The Scenes!
-Remember Vee's tweet back in the Falling Into Winter Interlude? Sept 18th (21-09-18 timestamp if you're curious) - she was promoting her and Y/n's gaming channel - GameOverGirls :)
-There was still another hint connection in regards to it back in the same episode
-One that may be one or two degrees of relation as to how Suna found the channel ;)
-He really does like Y/n's voice specifically (even though Vee's got a nice one too but he's barely noticed lol), long before he saw the pretty face to match :D
-Y/n and Vee only suffered through Sekiro on a bet from Key and Tee
-Suna realized it was crazy since he just met Y/n tonight but... he kind of liked how his name sounded with hers..
A/N: Seriously, why is everything about him so pretty??? His name, looks, voice. Just...why? Anyways, with this episode, I've caught up to where I'm currently at in written segments for this series so updates might be slightly slower than usual until I can pull back ahead. Additional notes - I don't know why but I'd mixed up the pic for Suna's priv with his main so ended up using the same one for both since it was too late by the time I realized. It'll be fixed from here on. Also, clearly, the yukata pic makes him look older but he's still 14, it's more about the visual of him in his simple (but striking) yukata <3 Finally... can we all guess which precious bby boy is next???
Taglist: @delusivist, @prettyinblack231, @kac-chowsballs, @sakusasimpbot, @hawkthekinnie, @poppi144, @oikawasbuttcheeks
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cherry-blossoms · 4 years
Higurashi: When They Cry AU: Confusion Arc
Summary: Satoshi murdered his aunt.... Didn’t he? Satoshi struggles with what is real and isn’t as his friends try to help him. Only one person can truly put his mind at ease: Keiichi Maebara
CH.2: A Place to Stay (Previous CH.)
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        Satoshi walked silently with Keiichi, retracing his steps. Keiichi seemed awfully quiet, and Satoshi knew something was wrong. “Hey Maebara-san,” Satoshi started, slowing his pace down. 
    “You can call me Keiichi, y’know,” Keiichi said, also slowing his pace, “Everyone else does.” Satoshi felt his face flush, and he nodded. “What is it?” 
    “Why are you still helping me?” Satoshi asked sincerely. “It’s been a few hours, and we still haven’t found it, I’m sure someone took it…” 
    “Your uncle is mad at you for losing it, right?” Keiichi asked, and Satoshi looked at him in surprise. How did he know his uncle was upset? Satoshi quickly thought back to what little conversation they had while looking, and he was sure nothing he said should have given Keiichi the impression that his uncle was upset. So how did he know? Satoshi came to the conclusion that he must’ve been an open book, that or Keiichi was great at reading people. Maybe it was both. “Anyways, I figure you’ll be in more trouble if you go home without it.” Keiichi finished, looking down to the ground. Satoshi was quiet for a moment, before smiling. 
    “You really are a nice person Maeba- Keiichi.” Satoshi corrected himself, and Keiichi beamed at him. 
    “Let’s keep looking. We still have a little time before we need to head back for dinner.” Keiichi said, beginning to walk again. Satoshi frowned, staying in place. 
    “Maybe you should just head home, I don’t want you to miss dinner, and this is definitely a lost cause.” Satoshi said, he would just have to walk around for the rest of the night, and then hopefully get some sleep at school the next day. 
    “Why’re you trying to get rid of me?” Keiichi asked, “You’ve been telling me to go home since we left my house.” Satoshi shook his head. 
    “It’s just…” Satoshi began, “I really don’t think we’ll find it.” 
    “I’m going to keep looking as long as you are!” Keiichi said, with determination in his voice. “Plus, you’re coming home with me, you’re staying for dinner, remember?” Keiichi asked, and Satoshi felt his cheeks heat up again. Why was he blushing so much? 
    “Then you’re going to be looking all night. I can’t go home until I have his money.” Satoshi mumbled, kicking a rock on the dirt road. Keiichi frowned. 
    “He kicked you out for losing your wallet?” Keiichi asked, the anger clear in his voice. Satoshi winced at his tone, looking up. Keiichi took a deep breath, calming himself. He knew he should be more careful with his words and his emotions, Satoshi didn’t know he knew, and Mion had asked him to keep quiet about it. 
    “Yeah…. I guess.” Satoshi admitted, “It should all blow over in the morning, I was still hoping I’d find my wallet before nightfall but..” Satoshi looked at the sky, the sun setting. “That doesn’t seem likely.” 
    “... C’mon. You’re right, we aren’t going to find it. Let’s head home.” Keiichi said, turning and walking in the other direction. When he didn’t hear footsteps behind him, he looked back. “I already told my mom you were staying, so she made extra food.” Satoshi sighed, finally giving in, he walked towards Keiichi. 
    “Do you like this village?” Satoshi suddenly asked as they walked, taking Keiichi by surprise. 
    “Yeah… I think so. I like you, and Mion, Rena, Rika, Satoko too.” Keiichi said, putting his hands behind his head and stretching a little. “I never had friends like this in the city.” He finished. “What about you?” Keiichi asked, and Satoshi shrugged. 
    “I used to… But now there are a lot of bad memories here.” Satoshi said softly. 
    “Are you talking about the Dam War?” Keiichi asked, and Satoshi nodded. 
    “It feels like that stupid war took everything from me, and still is.” Satoshi explained. “My parents… When they died, I blamed this entire village.” Satoshi continued, Keiichi nodded. “It felt like they pushed them into a corner, until the only way out was…” Satoshi trailed off, clenching his hands into fists. “Now I feel like Satoko and I are being pushed into the same corner.” Satoshi said. “Most folks don’t like us because of our parents. You’re a nice change of pace.” Satoshi said. “I wish everyone could see we aren’t the enemy.” 
    “Don’t worry, I’ll help you.” Keiichi assured, and Satoshi tilted his head in confusion. “I’ll show everyone that you and Satoko aren’t your parents. That their choices had nothing to do with you.” Satoshi smiled, he couldn’t help but believe Keiichi when he said those words, he sounded so sure. Satoshi had to admit it would be nice not to be hated. 
    “Thank you very much!” Satoshi said, a wide smile spreading across his face. Keiichi had given him a sense of hope, something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Even if Keiichi couldn’t get everyone to stop hating him, in that moment Satoshi thought he wouldn’t mind as long as Keiichi liked him. Keiichi blushed, quickly turning away from him. 
    “Errr, uhh! Yeah no problem! Really….” Keiichi scratched his head, trying to hide his embarrassment. His heart was thumping wildly in his chest, had Satoshi’s smile done this? His genuine smile was so warm. Keiichi decided he would do anything to keep that smile on his face. “We’re almost back, I’ll race you!” Keiichi said, silently patting himself on the back for his quick thinking. If they ran, then he could blame the red face, heart racing, and sweaty palms on that! “Loser has to do the dishes!” Satoshi laughed a little, and broke out into a jog. Keiichi quickly followed, making sure to keep his pace slow. He wanted Satoshi to win. Keiichi wanted to help him be happy, even if his home life was awful, Keiichi would do his best every day from now on to help Satoshi smile. Really smile. Maybe once he had seen it enough, he wouldn’t get so flustered, but something in the back of Keiichi’s mind told him otherwise. 
        While Keiichi washed the dishes and Satoshi dried, they made small talk. “Then milk came right out of Mion’s nose!” Satoshi laughed, and Keiichi snorted, handing him a plate. 
    “Man! I wish I could’ve seen that!” Keiichi said, chuckling softly as Satoshi dried the plate and put it away. 
    “I could probably get her to do it again,” Satoshi said, before a frown appeared on his face. “Once Satoko is back, that is.” Keiichi felt his face fall too. He could tell how much Satoshi missed his little sister, and was determined not to hang out with the club until she could too. 
    “Hey, maybe you can make milk come out of her nose too!” Keiichi joked, handing him the last plate, and Satoshi smiled, drying it and putting it away. 
    “Yeah, maybe…” Satoshi said sadly, and Keiichi let the conversation drop, not wanting to cause him any more distress. “I should probably get going now..” Satoshi said, and Keiichi reached out and grabbed his arm, shaking his head. 
    “Actually, just wait here a second.” Keiichi said, running out of the room. A few moments later he came back, a wide smile on his face. Satoshi tilted his head. 
    “Is everything alright?” Satoshi asked, and Keiichi grinned widened. 
    “Better than alright,” Keiichi said, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the stairs. “You’re staying here tonight.” Keiichi said as they ascended the stairs. 
    “Wait, I am?” Satoshi asked, confusion clear on his face. 
    “And every night you need to until you can go home.” Keiichi said, opening the door to his room. Satoshi stood in the entryway, nervously fidgeting. 
    “Uh, are you sure? I really don’t want to impose, and like I said it should all be fine by morning.” Satoshi said, as Keiichi pulled out an extra futon from his closet. 
    “Then you’ll stay until morning.” Keiichi said simply, “My parents said you can stay as long as you need.” Keiichi explained, sighing. He walked towards the door and grabbed Satoshi’s arm, pulling him inside. “What? Did you think I was going to let you sleep outside?” Keiichi asked, and Satoshi stared. 
    “I don’t know what to say..” Satoshi said quietly, as Keiichi shoved a blanket into his hands. 
    “You don’t have to say anything,” Keiichi replied, smiling. “This is what friends are for. They help each other.” Keiichi said. “I know if I were in your situation, you’d let me stay the night, right?” Keiichi asked. 
    Satoshi laughed, a darkness lurked under it. “I don’t think you’d want to stay.” Satoshi said, “You’d probably prefer to sleep outside.” Keiichi felt his heart ache, how bad was Satoshi’s home life exactly? Keiichi started for a moment at Satoshi’s  injuries and sighed, pretty bad he guessed. 
    “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to sound like I wouldn’t let you stay!” Satoshi quickly said when he saw Keiichi’s sad expression. “Of course you could stay if you needed to!” Satoshi assured, and Keiichi smiled a little. 
    “Thanks. It’s good to know you have my back,” Keiichi said, adding on, “And I have yours.” Satoshi blushed. Even though the two of them hadn’t interacted much since Keiichi moved to Hinamizawa, Satoshi felt closer to Keiichi than the rest of the club. Maybe it was the aura that Keiichi had, one that screamed ‘Hey, you can trust me!’ Satoshi felt like he and Keiichi had been close friends for years rather than just a day, and he secretly hoped Keiichi felt the same way.
    After the two got ready for bed, and Satoshi borrowed some of Keiichi’s pajamas, they laid down in the dark room. Satoshi brought the collar of the shirt up to his nose and breathed in, the smell of freshly washed laundry reminded him of better times. Satoshi stared at the ceiling, his mind racing. Tomorrow he would have to go back home and face his uncle, who would still be pissed at him for not having the money, but tonight he was safe with Keiichi, and with that final thought Satoshi drifted into the first truly restful sleep he had in weeks.
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fulcrum-agent · 3 years
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008. Adroid [FFXIVwrite2021]
"So just...pick a big room?" she asks the punkish apparition, head canting a little.
The redhead nods, smirking a little. "You're a clever girl, Quil - I trust ya won't pick somewhere with so little space, the bulkheads get blown up."
There's the briefest moment of blue screening brain at the compliment, but it's gone in a microsecond.
"'Cept when it comes to that other thing you brought up," she chides, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall. "That was stupid as fuck, and we're gonna be discussin' it when you're done kicking this Miqo'te about."
Quila can't help but wince, giving the Arcadia a sheepish expression.
All the apparition does to such is wave her hand a little dismissively. "I said later. Call your new potential toy - just be sure ta gimme a show~."
Then just like that, Quila's alone again. Sort of. Mostly. Sighing, she reaches up for the linkpearl that's paired to her tomestone. "Karuis...found us a place to train."
"Ah, and here I thought I was gonna resign to watching the rain bounce off the bulkhead. Where am I meeting you?"
Xe has busied xemselves with taking up a curled up position somewhere in one of the Outlaw's more out of the way pieces of real estate, some cross beams nearby to some of the larger guns. Xe hops down from their Miqo accessible locale as xe wait for the exact location, tail flicking idly behind xem.
"You grab a place ground side, I assume?
"Nah. Arcadia's letting us pick a room," she explains but doesn't. "I figure one of the cargo bays is gonna be best, yeah?"
She's already making her way through the massive ship. She's trying to find where the cargo bays actually are, given she's near the bridge out of habit.
"Long as we have permission, that's fine with me. And aye, cargo bay works fine."
Xe didn't really require an explanation, everything after talking house, living through the memories of others, a massive skeleton trying to kill xem, and whatever the fuck the past few moons have been...
Xe assumes the Arcadia is just as alive as anyone else, and she told Quila what room to use. As xe make their way over to the other airship, xe give some idle thoughts to where precisely in the cargo bay they were meeting before deciding that finding out could be the adventure. Xe gives a slight bow of respect as xe come aboard the Arcadia before xe start moving like a shade through the halls, the map the Viera had shown before of this great airship bouncing about between their ears; as xe try to find... oh, there she is. By providence, luck, or maybe just The Arcadia being well designed xe spot the Garlean and give a half-wave, tail flicking behind xem.
"Didn't get lost, did we? Would be a little concerned if you did."
"Pfft, she'd let me if only to watch in sadistic amusement," she chirps as she turns, startling a little physically due to their lack of footfalls. "But, there are multiple cargo bays here. This is just the first one I've found. This ship is MASSIVE, and I feel like it's some sort of game to her to not just...give me a map."
"I could certainly see that; watching people wander around aimlessly can be pretty hilarious." The Seeker blinks at the noise before rubbing the back of their head as xe put on a small smile. "Sorry, someone had the bright idea to put a bell on me when I was young, fucking menace ever since, apparently. But! I have a map.. kind of, at least I remember the floor plans or whatnot. Rika managed to snag, so I mostly know my way around.. but that doesn't stop me from being thankful that I haven't gotten lost.. yet."
Xe glances about the cargo bay for a moment before turning their gaze back to her and motioning to her, finding a nearby support beam to lean on.
"So, what's the plan for today? Am I starting with teaching you the basics of Thavnarian dance fighting, or are we sparring to see where you are in hand to hand generally and working from there?"
At this point, she's in a pair of shorts (black), stockings (dark purple), her almost-trademark boots (black & gold), and one of those tank tops that the Isghardians were handing out to crafters (wine red). While she doesn't have Talekeeper with her, at least, as far as can be seen, she's still wearing the Warmage magicite Locke'd given her as a pendant to the collar she seems to wear 24/7.
When he speaks of the bell, she ends up giggling a little, trying to picture xe with a collar bell...which was surprisingly easy.
"I'm thinking we try some hand-to-hand so you can figure outplacement," she notes with something of a wicked grin, suddenly ramping towards manic. "Just don't go easy on me."
Xe has swapped over to something more warm with their Bozjan coat now missing for The Twelve only know how long. So the Seeker has thrown on a currant purple anemos gambison, some modified jet black strife pants, and one of their constantly swapping pairs of combat boots, these ones an Alliance make in soot black. Xe still has the twin onyx and dark amber revolvers gifted to xem by Locke on their belt though, besides that, xe aren't carrying any type of polearms. The two accessories that stand out are a watch on their left wrist that has a faint hint of aetheric energy coming off of it and a dull grey gunmetal tin clipped on their right, just about the size of a soul stone.
Xe raises a brow at the snickering and just shake their head a little; that smile from before staying before it turns into a grin at she's request.
"I wasn't planning on it; it wouldn't be an accurate assessment if I did take it easy. So I'll give you one warning before we do go; if you're gonna try and flow again, I'll start using my stone. On your mark, Aquila."
As soon as those words leave the Seeker, their demeanour switches with all the effort of a light switch, mismatched gaze narrowing as xe drop into a defensive stance, the style more reminiscent of an Imperial martial discipline than anything else.
"I uh...kinda don't know how to make those moves otherwise, so game on?" she replies as she falls into...absolutely no stance. There's nothing. Her stance is absolutely neutral all around, and suddenly, all but the most necessary of movements evaporates as she begins to focus on xem. It's slow, but there's a pronounced shift in her entire being, down to an aetheric level. A change she doesn't seem to be aware of.
She's almost maddening to fight. Any and all movement happens with barely a microsecond of warning, yet all of them still flow as though she's dancing, not fighting. Even watching the triangle, her telegraphs are tiny as hell; she always falls back to neutral if there's time, otherwise flowing from one motion to the next as xe fight.
And just like that, she blinks into the Lifestream to close the distance, ejecting just in reach of xe - as she had on the deck, only this time with the intent of actually striking him right in the solar plexus.
Xe would have clarified that xe head meant the blinking manoeuvre, but when xe takes in that she lacks stance, any of those thoughts leave xir mind. The Seeker catches the shift instance, their ears pinning back and tail puffing up as xe prepare for that same focus xe encountered on the deck of The Outlaw.
The dance-like flow to the spar thus far and the speed on display put the Seeker right in their element, moving with all of the grace that being both a Miqo'te and professional performer granted them as xe keep in sync with the Garlean. The Seeker shifts between and around styles like breathing the longer the fight goes on, prodding and poking at her defences to find her responses and strengths to certain things. The Seeker seems to favour a style favoured by Doman resistance cells, sending out elbows and fist and knee strikes in rapid succession.
Like a viper, the Seeker waited for that shift in the air as she went into the Lifestream. Xe know that point for point, xe weren't going to be able to match the manoeuvre for sheer speed, so instead, xe rely on the anticipation of the strike's previous flow. With an utter lack of hesitation, the Seeker moves to send out a swift dragoon kick, less focused on power but more on sheer speed as it snaps the air around the two. xir's body twists for the kick and hopefully moves the blow to somewhere less disastrous should it land. Xe was not about to hold back here, she deserved the Seeker at their best, and xe weren't one to disappoint.
Given that xe is a clever catte, xe'll quickly pick up on certain hallmarks of what she's capable of combatively: one of her biggest strengths is the lack of movement telegraphing, as it makes finding any sort of opening complex, at first. While her eyes seem to be unfocused, she locked onto the triangle that's formed by the Miqo'te's collarbones and sternum, that distant gaze seeming to more stare into their soul than past xem.
Blinking back into a kick sends her strike wide, the palm of her hand skimming along the side of his leg as she adjusts to try and block the kick before sliding around the side of Karius' body. Should she slide past him, her next attack is towards the middle of his lower back - another snapping strike with a bit of aether behind it, her second hand following to make a small follow-up strike.
With a better sense of what xe were working with when it came to her, the Seeker decides to switch up tactics. Xe shifts energy from trying to read the Garlean's movements to instead focusing on following through on their own and keeping a sense of spatial awareness in the room. Xe decides to eat the strike to their lower back, the energy needed to counter that far too much of a gamble; the weaker follow-up was a different story, however.
Turning on a dime on their heel, xe move to face she, using the speed and momentum of the rapid turn to try and veer the strike off to their left with their palm. Now fully facing she and the distance relatively short, xe go on the offensive, taking a far more aggressive stance as xe unleash a combination of palm and knee strikes. Xe wasn't relying on all of them to hit but instead overwhelming the other fighter with a complete switch from their previously tight defence. Xir's aim at the moment seemed to get the two of them out to a far smaller section of the cargo bay or at least push them to fight closer to this area.
Surprisingly, she doesn't smile at landing the strike. In fact, her expression is little more than deadpan as xe launch the continuous series of strikes. At first, she manages to keep up on blocking or redirecting the hits, but the longer xe continues the tactic, the more she has to pivot or dodge than she does block. Finally, it's becoming clear xir is going to overwhelm her with the rapid strikes...
...and as the Miqo'te overwhelms her, she blinks into the Lifestream, crossing through xe before flashing back into existence at their back. She's already executing a roundhouse kick as she solidifies, aiming for her opponent's middle back.
The Seeker was not about to let up the advantage of xir's rapid combos as xe continues to press her further into the smaller section of the cargo hold, boots squeaking against the metal floor as their speed increases. xe were, however, incredibly aware that xe couldn't keep it up forever; either she would come right for their throat or-
The sensation of being teleported through gets xem to shiver, warning xem what may be coming alongside dreading that blink. Unfortunately, there just isn't enough time for xem to dodge the strike, at least not in a way that wouldn't give her another big opening to exploit. So xe quickly turn on their heel and brace their arms up to catch the blow, which still sends the Seeker sliding back and does some solid damage. Xe hiss in pain as xe take a moment to centre xemselves before rushing into the Garlean's space. xir's method swaps now to something far faster, using their stone to gather as much momentum and speed as xe can while bleeding into these dancer-like strikes and spins. Thavnairian dance fighting, and xe gave her a crash course like an Imperial locomotive coming down the tracks.
Active learning at this speed is possible for the Warmage, though it was more of a slow build-up rather than a sudden gift of knowledge the way it can be when there's less going on. Falling back to focusing on dodging more than redirecting or blocking, xe would start to notice the more xe does a particular mood or technique, the more likely it is that she works it into her side of the fighting. With movements the Miqo'te's using heavily, she can almost perfectly mirror them; with the less frequent movements, she's a little unstable and erratic, her form nowhere near as tight and proper.
The continued attacks again start to press her, causing her to play defensive more than offensive.
Xe's next high kick ends with a different result: she doesn't attempt to block, redirect, or dodge such the way she has been. No, instead, she just...bends back at the waist, forming an almost perfect arch as her hands drop to the floor behind her. And then she pushes her feet off of the floor, intent of kicking her opponent with each foot as she shifts into a handstand before vaulting from such to her feet - facing xe, but several fulms away now.
As xe starts to notice she putting xir's techniques into her fighting styles and the like, that.. certainly gets a reaction from xem. But, then, something snaps from behind their crimson and amber eyes. The Seeker continues darting into she's space as much as xe can up until that next high kick, eyes going a bit wide as xe watch that arch and then the kick lands.
The hit lands nicely and sends xe sliding back, getting their tail to puff up and to show off their sharp canines, which are considerably sharper and pointed than even a vast majority of Keepers. Unfortunately, this fact doesn't stay in the spotlight for long as black aether sparks around xem as xe concentrates on their stone and go on an onslaught. Xe was going to put pressure on the fact she couldn't precisely copy their techniques perfectly or keep up with their speed to the same extent. If she continued using flow, then xe wasn't going to go easy, sending forth kick after dashing elbow to shin strike. One of the main strikes xe go into xe get right in her face and attempt a sweeping kick the Garlean before spinning into another kick to her midsection.
The initial onslaught causes her to start losing ground rapidly, causing her to dart backwards as she refocuses on trying to dodge as many of the strikes as possible. However, the moment the Seeker starts to focus on her face, she blinks backwards three separate times - putting as much distance as possible between them. Although she retreats, xe' leg sweep fully lands while the second is more of a light graze across her stomach.
She crashes to the floor as she exists the Lifestream the third time, rolling several times due to the force of the impact. Such is only stopped when the back of her upper body slams into the metal wall with a loud clanging thud. For a few heartbeats, she's propped up against the wall before her eyes fully roll back into her head as she falls sideways.
Xe was in the zone and was hard-pressed to get out of it, especially with the amount of blinking around the place that she was doing. Despite the serious expression on their face, xe were having so much fun with all of this. Xe goes to try and bring down another combination when xe hear that crash.
Xe pauses a few fulms away from the Garlean before their eyes go wide, and xe dart over to her side. Then, cursing under their breath as xe tries to force xemselves to not only calm down but try to figure out what might be wrong with their limited medical experience.
"Shit, shit... Aquila, are you alright?"
((Adapted from an RP session with Karuis.))
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The next dayyyy.
Class started but Rena and Satoshi were nowhere to be seen. Keiichi had already ran through the halls looking for them. Satoshi was probably mad because he forgot about his homework but he had unlocked some new secrets in Mario. He planned to impress Satoshi with them but whatever he guessed.
-they are outside in the woods-
“Soooo Shion had sum makeup in her bag. That’s for u…keiichi has a Bruce Springsteen cd…ewww no thanks!!! Rika had a flask…that’s ours now…mion had some Pizza Hut coupons…lol guess we’re getting a pizza later”
Satoshi had ransacked everyone’s bags and he and Rena emptied their bags to so that it looked like they were also victims. “Omg we have to blame this on satoko”
“Oh also I took all the money as well so we can get some of those clothes at the mall we wer looking at.” Satoshi saw the kewlest sweatshirt. It was from the gap but it was like blue n purple. But it was like 50 bucks. “Girl wait I have an idea. I’m saving the money for something else I know how I can get that sweatshirt”
They went back 2 Satoshis house again. Satoko wasn’t home so they went thru her room and looked at her diary: “Dear diary my brother is sooooo mean to me. He is a bully!!!!” Bla bla bla. Lol honestly teppei sucked n deserved to die n so did his aunt. But sometimes he agreed w them n their choices.
“Omg tomorrow we HAVE to bring this to school and like leave it in someone’s desk. It would be funny I think” Rena said
Just then the phone wrang. “Who is this.”
“Hey it’s me Keiichi! Wat r u doing right now?”
He held the phone away from his face. “Rena it’s Keiichi should I tell him to meet me at the mall” and they laughed.
“Hey I couldn’t hear u what did u say?”
“Nothing. What do u want.”
“I was wondering if I could come over n we could play Mario I have 2 show you something”
He held the phone so he and Rena could both hear it. “Yea do ur parents have any alcohol? Maybe u could being that. I’ll let u come over if u do”
“Well…maybe they’ll notice”
“Omg it’s literally not a big deal I used to do it to my uncle all the time. Just full it back with water so it looks like nobody took sum” he rolled his eyes
“Um well ok…I’ll see you soon then I guess”
“Yea don’t forget the alcohol see u later”
Satoshi hung up “We are gonna go get cross faded girl”
They went to his room and hot boxed. He had to to deal w keiichis ass.
30 mins later they heard a knock. Satoshi opened the door “Hey”
“Hey best friend!!! …Wats that smell”
“God you are such a goodie two shoes. Anyway where’s the alcohol” He grabbed it out of keiichis hand. “cool thanks. Come in”
Keiichi walked in and set up the famicom. “This tv is old I don’t even no if I can set this up”
“Are u calling me poor? R u?”
“Um no I didn’t say that. It’s retro that’s kewl”
Rena whispered to Satoshi “He is so dumb I swear to god” “Girl I know right”
“So Keiichi we were thinking of going to the mall tomorrow. Maybe you could come”
“Oh kewl kewl. Yea I’ll come the sports store had this kewl BB gun on sale that I wanted”
“Yeah the Gap had this kewl sweater…it was like 50 bucks tho…so…”
He stared at Keiichi expectantly. He knew he would look sooooo good in this sweater. He wanted to pair it with his acid washed boyfriend jeans n his converses he stole. He bought the jeans JUST so he could pair it with the sweater.
“Hmmm well we could go check it out I guess. Anyway who wants to play Mario”
Rena rolled her eyes “Who wants to fall asleep am I right” Satoshi hip bumped her “Who wants to order a pizza” she said staring at Keiichi
“Yea that sounds good to me guys. Why r u staring at me?”
“Well unfortunately whoever took our bags at school stole all my money so we r wondering if you could get it n we pay you back” Satoshi said blinking his eyelashes “Or do you not like me enough”
“Yeah cool cool. Okay that’s fine…thanks for letting me com over btw”
“Yeah ur welcome. Anyway Rena u gotta see the mag I got at the store today, Debbie gibson is in it” they sat at the table reading the magazine drinking keiichis alcohol.
“Cool I wanna join” Keiichi sat with them.
Satoshi sighed “Cool do u like debbie gibson? Sorry Bruce Springsteen isn’t in this magazine you wouldn’t like it. Anyway Rena this top is so cute, u would look soooo hot in it”
Keiichi tried to join in. “Yea you would look pretty in it. Did u guys catch last nites baseball game?”
“Ummm what kind of loser likes baseball” Satoshi rolled his eyes. Rena and Keiichi both looked at him. Satoshi went back to the magazine n read the astrology section. “My guys look what it says about Geminis this month. Apperantly I am going 2 get rich and get lots of money. Wow that would be nice”
“Wat does it say about Aries” Keiichi didn’t care about girly astrology but he wanted 2 look like he fit in
“It says this month u will feel charitable…hmm that’s nice of u.”
“Wow that’s kewl. Anyway what pizza do we want” they ordered the pizza. Satoshi and Rena started smoking weed again. “Guys what are u doing?” He looked shocked
“I guess what they say is true it’s hip to be square I guess” Rena said smoking the weed and passing it to Keiichi “I thought u wanted to fit in with us.”
“Um ok…”he tried to smoke but he coughed. “why would you wanna do this guys it doesn’t seem very fun”
They showed him how to smoke weed. If he was willing to smoke w them maybe he was a little Kooler than they thot. Keiichi smoked a lot and they thought it would b funny to just let him.
The door bell rang “Keiichi go get it”
It was SHION!!! “OMG what does that ugly ratchet dusty bitch want. Keiichi tell her we went to the mall. Tell her we waited for her but she never showed up n that I’m mad at her”
So he did. “Um why r u at Satoshis house by itself.”
He wanted to answer but he couldn’t think of anything to say “Ummmm well” he was so fucked up he didn’t know what to think “Well his plumbing was messed up so he wanted me 2 look at it for him”
“Whatever just let me in” she pushed her way in “Keiichi are u smoking weed? It’s like I don’t even know U!!!”
Then the pizza came! Keiichi took it
“Keiichi that’s a lot of pizza for just 1 person. Ur sooo high” she laughed at him mockingly “Keiichi why r u listening to Debbie gibson?”
“Ummmm well g2g. Sorry they are at the mall like I said I guess they waited for u”
He shut the door in her face
“Stupid bitch”
He took the pizzas to the other room “She’s so stupid I’m a little sick of her Tbh”
“Omg us too! She thinks she’s all that. Well newsflash…SHE ISNT!!!!” Rena said flipping her hair
“Watever guys let’s just play Mario I guess since Keiichi doesn’t want to have fun.”
They played Mario except Keiichi was so fucked up he couldn’t even play. He was just looking at the screen trying to figure out what path Mario needed to take to jump over the pipe.
“Keiichi what r u doing. U are sooo dumb. Okay let’s prank call people” Satoshi picked up the phone and called the irie clinic.
“Hi is this the irie clinic?”
“Hello yes this is! How can I help you?”
“Oh shit sorry I thought this was the nambla hotline” Satoshi hung up and he and Rena laughed their asses off
“ummm. What’s nambla” Keiichi asked and then laughed his ass off at himself since nobody else seemed to think he was funny
“Keiichi we have soooo much to teach u.” Rena said
They ate the pizza n watched tv. Well maybe Keiichi had friends after all…
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imaginedigimon · 4 years
Hi, I am Killa_7 from askolderdigimontamers! Someone asked me a while ago how Impmon would deal with Teenage Tamers (considered they had their Digimon around at that time). I have not a big bond with that character, so I would be thrilled to hear other headcanons! It would be hillarious for sure :D Cool idea on this blog :D
Hello! Thanks for stopping by! (And thanks for the compliment! <3 <3 <3 )
Impmon, huh?
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I’ll admit, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Tamers, but Impmon was always one of my favorites. (He was like a less annoying DemiDevimon, haha!)
Impmon Dealing with Those Meddling Teens
Impmon with Teenage Ai and Mako
If we’re talking purely Ai and Mako, his partners, I have a feeling they’re only slightly less annoying than they were when he first met ‘em. Considering I’m still technically a teenager, I’m allowed to say that hormones are little bitches, and Ai and Mako will not be spared. They might even fight MORE than they did as kids! Thankfully, they don’t fight over him anymore, but... it’s still not fun. He probably leaves the house specifically to avoid dealing with their squabbling over the stupidest things.
Impmon with Teenage Takato
Takato seems like he’d be an incredibly stressed teen. There’s no explanation for it, he’s just stressed. Little baby Takato doesn’t deserve it, but alas. Impmon probably comes across him one day as he’s banging his head against his desk, trying to solve some math problem (or just trying to do homework in general), and he stops and is like, “What’s wrong, kid?” and Takato starts word-vomiting about all his extracurriculars and hanging out with Jeri and helping out his parents and Impmon starts inching away like “O.O alrighty then, I’ll, uh- *runs*”
Impmon with Teenage Rika [Ruki]
Rika, naturally, has it all figured out by this point. Renamon still follows her around, but she’s alright with it, so of course Impmon meets up with them too on his daily escapades. He banters with Renamon consistently, to a point where Rika notices, raises an eyebrow, and says, “Should I leave you two alone?” While Impmon starts blushing, Renamon rolls her eyes and starts dragging her away, and Impmon’s left wondering what the hell just happened.
Impmon with Teenage Henry [Jian]
I’m not sure exactly how these two would interact, to be honest. Henry’s always been on the mature side, so I doubt he’d lose that. But knowing Digimon, they have some sort of “unspoken friendship” that goes something like: Impmon sitting on a park bench, scowling; Henry walks up, says “Fighting again?” (referring to Ai and Mako); Impmon grunts; Henry sits down next to him; they sit there in silence.
I really want to add, however, that if Terriermon is also present, the bestest bunny starts incessantly teasing him and Impmon Digivolves to Beelzemon right on the spot. Ultimate grudge match activated.
Impmon with Teenage Kazu and Kenta
Hard pass on these two. Impmon’s not dealing with their card game obsession. (HA! AS IF THEY’D GET OVER IT JUST BECAUSE THEY’RE TEENAGERS!)
Impmon with Teenage Jeri [Juri]
Impmon apologized for Leomon, right? That was a thing that happened? So Jeri most definitely forgave him (which I think she did in-show too) and they’re on good terms. He’s probably calmest around her and tries to find her to make sure she’s doing alright on the days his partners’ fights are especially bad. Just because his day’s not going so well doesn’t mean he wants everybody’s days to be crappy.
He’s definitely like that feral cat that’s only nice to one person, and that person is Jeri. And since she’s moved on from puppets to actual kitties and puppies, she pets him, too.
Impmon with Teenage Suzie [Shaochung]
Probably runs when he sees her. She just radiates “let me hug every cute thing in my path” energy and he’d rather not spend his last moments sputtering for breath. He probably purposely runs to Kazu and Kenta at that point.
Impmon with Teenage Ryo
Ryo’s a little bastard to Impmon and there’s absolutely no explanation for it. Impmon just gets pissed with every interaction. Then again, this is the guy who held his own against Rika’s sass when they were barely pre-teens, so maybe that’s how. He’s actually just trying to make Impmon feel better by distracting him, but he most certainly doesn’t admit this. Rika definitely gives him hell for it, though.
I would like to point out, though, that Impmon doesn’t Digivolve to Beelzemon quite so fast when Ryo’s the one teasing him. They’re warming up to each other.
Hm, I’m not quite sure if this is what you were looking for, but I hope this works for you! Like I said, it’s been a while, but hopefully my grasp on the Tamers cast isn’t quite so weak as I think it is.
Once again, thank you for stopping by! If the person who asked you about this happens to see this, I hope you liked it as well!
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margarethelstone · 4 years
Our Sleeves Were Wet With Tears | Chapter 6
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Chapter 6 / Read on AO3!
It was dark and late when Taichi reached the doorstep of his own house that eve. With his hands still firmly in his pockets, he had walked slowly, his buoyant step lost somewhere along the way as the distance between Chihaya and him grew wider and wider with each stride. It wasn't that his misery had taken over him again, that the magical spell he'd been under while talking to her had been maliciously broken; there was no spell, and he was not miserable. More like...
More like Chihaya's presence had been a force that pushed him forward, while the absence of her allowed him to stop and think on his own.
Though she certainly did her best not to push too hard today, he couldn't help but think as he ascended the steps that led to his front door. I've never seen her this guarded. Now that's something to think of.
All the way to her home, he'd been awaiting the moment she'd speak up and pester him about returning her school bag. He'd seen the glimpses she gave him. Each time he'd responded with a smile and when he had glanced sideways at her, she'd done exactly the same. And yet, never in his life would he have thought that she'd manage to hold back until the end, only daring to reach for the bag after they'd already come to a halt.
She'd given him all the time and space she thought he might need, even though it was obvious how much more she still wished to tell him.
And it wasn't the only time she'd done that today.
Holding back a yawn, he put his key in the lock and turned it, suddenly feeling more tired than he had been in a while, and not only in the psychological or emotional sense. It seemed that the exhaustion from his matches with Master Suo had caught up to him at last, too, to the point where he thought he might actually faint on the spot. Mixed with the turmoil he had just gone through, it left him feeling all the weaker and more vulnerable.
The combination was deadly – the cure, as of yet, was unattainable.
If only he could go straight to bed and sleep it all off.
"I'm home!" he called out upon entering, idly wondering what kind of speech his mother would give him for being out for so long. Granted, he'd told her he'd be staying with his tutor, and the funniest part was that it wasn't even untrue...
Still, even Reiko didn't think of him highly enough to believe that he could study for this long without break.
Almost mindlessly, he took off his shoes and set off towards the staircase that led to his bedroom. Having heard no response to his greeting, he wondered if perhaps his parents were out after all – heavens knew that they went out often enough to ground his suspicion in this regard. Chancing a look inside the kitchen, he noted that just like the living room, it was empty, and strangely relieved, he picked up his pace towards his own room.
Just because he'd learnt how to handle his mother's attitude didn't mean he was looking forward to facing it.
Besides, he hadn't been lying about the work that awaited him. There was a lot of it, both for his usual classes and his barely commenced course at the cram school. The fact that he had just spent hours playing karuta with Suo Hisashi, and then some more time talking to Chihaya certainly did not help his case; and for once, it was more than his typical reluctance to search for excuses that made him want to hide these particular facts.
Long story short, he was in for a night of studying, and one that he was bound to keep a secret this time.
Suddenly he wished his parents were away for the entire weekend.
If only.
"Welcome back," he heard his mother’s voice coming from behind him just as he was about to take the first step upstairs. Instinctively, he grimaced, but turned around anyway, making sure to school his features before facing her directly. "I was starting to worry, you know. I've never expected you to stay away for this long, competent tutor or not."
"I'm sorry for troubling you," he replied curtly. "I don't know if it makes it any better, but I couldn't even tell how long it would take myself."
"So you've said," she agreed. "Well, I hope you made good use of that time. You know how-"
"How you feel about wasting one's time. Yes, Mum, I know," Taichi cut her off in what he hoped was a polite tone. "And I promise you that I haven't. I still have things to do though, so, if you’ll excuse me, I'll go to my room now."
Reiko eyed him carefully.
"There's dinner waiting for you," she said simply, yet, the look she was giving him clearly indicated that it was not what she was really thinking about right now.
Taichi barely restrained himself from sighing wearily at the display.
"Thanks, but I've already eaten," he answered, as if he'd not seen her expression. "Now I really must go. Say goodnight to Dad for me, will you?"
Before she could say anything else to hinder him, he left his place at the foot of the stairs and resumed his hasty walk, determined not to give Reiko another chance at figuring out the truth behind his brief replies. She was already suspecting something, there was no doubt about that; however, there was a grand difference between his mother guessing and her knowing for sure.
He was conflicted enough without her sticking her nose to it.
"Did she get to you?"
All air seemed to leave his lungs at the question, his body stopping mid-step as he comprehended his mother’s words. It took all of his strength not to turn back to look at her rapidly, the urge to do so only rivalled by the strange feeling of impotence that held him frozen in place, which again was probably the only real reason why he didn't do that.
"Answer me, Taichi. Did Chihaya get to you in time, or did you miss one another somehow?"
Slowly, he turned around at last, desperately trying to ease his breathing again. The rational part of him told him that he was being the opposite, letting the unfounded fears take over him when the hardest part had already been behind him. After all, what was a little prying of his mother compared to the conversation he and Chihaya had had? Why would he be worried about her finding out about it when, apparently, she'd known all along?
But how had she known?
"Thank your mum from me, will you?"
Of course. Chihaya had come to his home, hoping to find him and since he hadn't been there, it'd been Reiko to whom she'd talked. It had been Reiko who'd told her how and where to find him, though for what reasons, he couldn't fathom – and all that Chihaya had admitted to him openly when he'd asked about the reason for her coming to the cram school.
"You weren't at home. Your mum gave me this address."
You didn't need any deduction skills to connect the dots here. And his mother's were more than extraordinary.
And he'd forgotten all about it.
He supposed his tired brain could only take so much.
"She did," he answered with all the composure he could muster; there was no use denying the facts now. "She arrived shortly before I left, so the timing was spot on."
Reiko nodded. "Have you two talked?"
You know when she was here and how long it would take her to get to me. I've just told you that I left shortly after. If I had gone home promptly, I would have come back hours ago and you know it."
"Yes," was all that he cared to say out loud.
Their eyes met and for a moment, it seemed to him that Reiko was preparing to treat him with another question of hers, or maybe a whole lot of them. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, praying that she wouldn't – and yet, he didn't allow himself to get too attached to that hope.
His gaze was still on her as he pondered about the interrogation he should expect. Would she ask about the subject of their conversation? Would she inquire about Chihaya's state or why it was so important for them to meet that very day? Or was she completely indifferent to all that and only bothered to bring up the issue to scold him for wasting his time after all?
Was it all just to tell him that she was disappointed with his choices?
"Good. She looked like it was important."
And that was all. No biting remark, no feigned sweetness or sarcasm resounding in her voice. Nothing but those few words of acknowledgement and – was that approval?
"I take it you'll be staying up late tonight, so if you grow hungry, the dinner is in the fridge. Though I'd recommend not stretching it too much, or you won't be able to learn much anyway. Now if you excuse me, I need to pick up Rika from her friend's place."
And with that she left him, adding no more to the most astonishing talk they had ever had.
And to think that he considered Chihaya unpredictable.
Now, as he sat by his school desk five days later, the thoughts of his conversation with Chihaya came back to him, making focusing on his literature class even more challenging than it already was.
He couldn't even tell what it was that had brought them to his mind this time or why it was now that they'd reappeared. He had done a pretty good job not thinking about the subject so far, barring the intrusive memories by simply shifting his attention to the more pressing tasks, such as the assignment he was expected to hand in at the end of this very class. After all, even with his time split between the regular lessons at school and his own studying at home, as well as the not so rare meetings at the cram school, he still was no less determined to maintain the strange arrangement with Master Suo who for some reason had decided that he wished to practice with him now.
He could hardly point out the moments when he could just physically rest – he simply hadn't had enough energy left to indulge himself with idle thinking, regardless of how crucial the subject was.
And yet, somehow, he still felt more relaxed than he had in months.
Perhaps it wasn't the workload that had exhausted him so, but the imbalance and intensity of it that were so characteristic of his previous endeavours, together with the reasons that had made him push himself so hard in the first place.
Earlier, he'd worked to take his mind off Chihaya and the pain she'd unintentionally caused him – now, no longer scared, he couldn't have found the time to think of her if he'd tried to.
Maybe he really should have just focused on his own needs more.
And yet, the memories had come back eventually. Not in the intrusive, menacing way he was so used to, one that made him want to turn his brain off for good and run away promptly. No, the thoughts that came to him now were gentle, resemblant of hints and leads and not proclamations and claims. If anything, they were like kind, patient acquaintances that awaited their turn quietly, instead of barging into his house whenever they felt like it in the way his good friends would have.
Which, compared to what his relationship with Chihaya had always been, really was quite ironic.
He let out a long sigh of relief upon hearing the bell go off at last and rose from his seat eagerly. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been so willing to leave the classroom – even at the lessons as trying as the ones conducted by Fukusaku Tokiji, Taichi was usually able to find the minimum amount of interest necessary to get him through the period in relatively good spirits. The only instances when he really had been itching to leave the room were when he'd had a club meeting to attend; those however, were well in the past now.
The fact of which Taichi was painfully aware, and yet could not bring himself to abhor.
The decision he'd made was the only one he could have made. He was not going to let himself regret it.
Still, he did miss it. Not just his encounters with Chihaya, but with all of his friends that had helped them build the now famous team. Sure, he still had Komano as his classmate and the two of them talked no less than before Taichi had left the club, and perhaps even more frequently. A lot of those conversations were started by Komano, too, as if the usually reticent boy had considered it his duty to maintain and protect their relationship after the natural territory of karuta had been lost to them.
Taichi saw the effort and appreciated it wholeheartedly. Even if it was planned, even if it might have been deemed calculated as well. To anyone else it might have seemed forced or downright fake - and yet, he knew that there was nothing but sincerity and concern behind Komano’s actions and words, the succinctness of it simply mirroring his friend’s way of being.
He could feel nothing but gratitude for it.
He also felt grateful to Nishida who, despite being in a different class, always made sure to stop and chat with him whenever an opportunity arose. It wasn’t uncommon for him to join him for lunch, either, always urging Komano to do the same, deaf to any objections either of the others might have. Clearly unaware of the reasons behind his retirement, he never wasted his strength trying to avoid the subject of the club, updating him on his fellow members' shenanigans as if he'd been talking about the weather.
That kind of behaviour had earned him more than a few meaningful looks on Komano’s part; and yet, his behaviour had not changed one bit in result.
It was a nice change of pace when compared to the other boy who - of that Taichi had no doubt - had at least a vague idea of the situation that had caused his leave.
Oe was not in his class, but he still met and talked with her occasionally, though contrary to his male friends, she seemed much more guarded – but then again, he was sure that she knew exactly why he'd left their club. Considering all of the support she had shown to his case so far (as well as her gentle nature in general), it was only natural that she’d empathise with him more; it was not surprising to see her act a little awkward about it, either.
Even if she hadn’t known all the details, she certainly was smart enough to figure out a great deal of it herself.
Hanano had known all along, of course.
Tsukuba appeared to be even more clueless than Nishida.
They all talked to him; and yet, as determined as they seemed to keep him in their lives, talking was all they could have done. And after everything they'd been through together, talking just didn't seem enough.
He walked over to the teacher's desk and handed in the essay, before turning away from the older man as soon as he could without seeming impolite. Lost in his thoughts, he marched toward the exit, missing the concerned look the latter had bestowed on him as well as the curious glances his classmates had been giving him for much longer than just today. He did hear his name spoken quietly, almost conspiratorially, but paid it no mind anyway.
He'd had people talk about him for years now; there was no reason why he should trouble himself with it now.
The corridor he had entered was empty, much more so that one might have expected at this time of the day. True, the literature class he'd just finished was the last of his lessons, and he was well aware that there were students that had finished theirs at least an hour earlier – yet, even considering that everyone was pretty much dying to leave the building to enjoy the late spring weather outside, it still was surprising to see the hall deserted like this.
Oh, well. The fewer people there were, the less chance he had of accidentally walking into someone, which, given his current state of mind, would not have been at all unlikely otherwise.
Taichi started and stopped, realising a split second too late that he had, indeed, walked into someone.
And not just anyone, it seemed.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," he heard the girl in front of him apologise hastily. His eyes grew bigger with surprise as he saw her abashment, and his guilt did the same, but he still missed his chance to reassure her as she went on, "I hope I didn't hurt you or-"
She trailed off as soon as she looked up and recognised him. As Taichi gazed at her, it became clear that his initial astonishment was nothing compared to the shock she felt, and not only thanks to the expression she was now wearing. Slightly abashed, he gave her an awkward, lopsided smile – however, she once again beat him to an answer.
Suddenly all he wanted to do was to burst into a laugh.
"Yes, well, that would be me," he admitted somewhat sheepishly, as he harnessed all of his will not to give in to the silly cheerfulness that had overcome him, if only in order not to make Hanano feel any more uncomfortable. "Also, I think I should be the one apologising. I wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings, either."
"In that case, we're even," she replied, her cheeks still a little pink from the embarrassment. "Where both are at fault, it's better to assume that neither is."
Taichi couldn't help but blink at her answer.
"That's... pretty profound, you know," he remarked, impressed. "Perhaps a bit too profound for a situation like this, but I won't hold that against you. Thank you for your understanding."
"It's nothing. But are you well, senpai? I've never seen you bump into someone like this. Is everything alright?"
The stunned look in her eyes was now replaced by that of concern, as she watched him carefully, as if trying to figure out the reason of his absent-mindedness before he gave her his own account. Not for the first time, Taichi noted that she was also trying hard to be discreet, limiting herself to generic questions and little glances, even though it was obvious that her mind was reeling with questions she wished to ask.
She had been like that ever since his confession to Chihaya, even though she had known it was coming and then learnt the outcome. She was the only one he'd told about this – the only one with whom he'd made sure to be open, despite the toll it had taken on him. It was only fair that he had, what with the support she had given him regardless of her own affection.
She had admitted her feelings to him when she'd known they wouldn't be returned and then encouraged him to do the same to the girl he loved in turn. She had been honest and she had been brave. She had shouted her confession for all of his class to hear, ready for the rejection of which she knew it was coming, because she knew it was the only way the two of them could leave the vicious cycle they'd locked themselves in.
If it weren't for her, he doubted he'd ever had found the guts to proceed with his plan, and surely not as soon as he had.
Even considering the disastrous end of the whole ordeal, he couldn't feel anything but thankful towards her.
And it hadn't changed afterwards. Every time they saw each other she had a smile ready for him, though hardly a word followed. She certainly kept her distance; however, there had never been any hostility in the way she looked at him, no grudge or falsehood that he could see behind the small grins. Just like Chihaya, she had given him a wide berth - and yet, so unlike with the latter, he'd always felt like the gap could be crossed if only they so chose.
In fact, Taichi was certain that the only reason why that hadn't happened yet was the fact that she felt she wasn't supposed to cross it. Like she thought it would be wrong to get close to him now when the main obstacle had been moved out of the way. Like it would be  inappropriate to try to win him over when the pain he felt was still so very fresh.
As if the very idea of taking advantage of the situation was repulsive to her.
She really was much more considerate that she gave herself credit for.
"I'm fine, don't worry," he said eventually, making sure his reassurance was backed up with another soft smile. "It's been a pretty long week for me, with classes and cram school, and studying in general. A fairly busy one, too."
"You look as if it's been more than just this week that was long," Hanano corrected him hesitantly. "Are you sure you're not pushing yourself too hard again, senpai?"
"You may be right about that first part. But no, I don't think I'm taking it too far, not this time anyway."
"Yes, really," he confirmed warmly. "I know it may be alarming seeing me like this, walking into people and all, but I promise you, I'm fine. I was just lost in thoughts."
Hanano seemed to assess his explanation in her head for a while.
"If you say so," she admitted hesitantly and nodded.
Taichi's smile grew a little wider. "I do. So how about we let that go and instead you tell me how you've been doing?"
The hesitancy did not disappear from her face; if anything, it grew even more visible, as she tightened her grip on her books and looked away, somewhat puzzled. Taichi used the opportunity to have a good look at her on his part, wondering if there was anything he should be worried about in regard to her well-being, searching for a sign of distress that he might have missed before. It was more than probable, after all.
If her feelings for him run even half as deep as his love for Chihaya did...
The few short moments between his question and her answer were enough to convince him that his unease was ungrounded after all. Hanano might have seemed a little uncertain still, but she didn't seem miserable in any way. The feeling of relief washed over him like a wave when he realised the extent of his previous worry as well as the incorrectness of it. After all, the last thing he needed - the last thing he wanted - was to have someone else live through the same suffering he experienced, just because he was too blind or self-centred to notice.
No, she really was fine.
Thank God for that.
"I'm alright," Hanano said clearly and simply, certifying his assumption as she looked up at him again. "The teachers haven't been giving us too much work so far, so I suppose it's easier for me in that field. Even though I'm sure that will change as soon as they realise that our exams aren't as far away as it seems, even in comparison to yours," she added with the weakest of chuckles.
"Oh, yes. It's really no fun when they do," Taichi agreed cheerfully. "Though I don't think you need trouble yourself with that for some time now. I can only judge by the way they're working with us third-years, but they really do act as if our education was the only thing that mattered. Might be a while before they remember they have other students in need of attention as well."
"Was it the same last year?"
"Oh, for sure. I think it wasn't until summer exams that they made that discovery, and even then it only included the students with poorer grades."
"Like Ayase-senpai?"
Taichi's smile withered for a second, before he remembered to bring it on again.
"Yes," he said. "Just like her."
A look of discomfort reflected on Hanano's face. She shifted her gaze away from him again, blushing slightly, and bit her lip in what could only have been described as a nervous reflex. Not at all pleased with himself, Taichi reached out to put a hand on her shoulder; however, all Hanano did was wave at him dismissively.
Confused, he pulled back instinctively.
How was she more disturbed than he was?
"I'm sorry for bringing that up," he heard her apologise for the second time that afternoon, and just as needlessly. "She was just the first person that came to mind. I remember someone at the club saying that the Empress once forbade her from going to a tournament because of the exams and instead made her revise the material with Komano-senpai. But then Ayase-senpai ran away to cheer you on and... Oh, no. I'm making it worse, aren't I?"
Her skin was flushing bright red now as she groaned with annoyance. Watching her, Taichi was confident that the only reason why she hadn't hid her face behind her hands yet was because her arms were still occupied holding books. That didn't stop her knuckles from turning white, however; and that was enough to prompt Taichi to speak up at last.
"There's nothing to be sorry for," he said firmly, hoping that the tone of his voice would be enough to convince her about his sincerity. "It was a natural connection to make, you don't need to apologise for coming up with one."
"Yes, but-"
"Hanano-san," he cut her off. "Just because things didn't work out between Chihaya and me doesn't mean you can't say her name in my presence. I'm not that vulnerable. No need to walk on eggshells around me."
"I - alright. I won't," she agreed.
"Good," Taichi replied. "I don't want you stressing out about my problems. Also, I think it's actually easier with people acting normal, you know? Otherwise I just feel like I should be thinking about it, too and that's just... Well, it kind of hurts more that way."
Hanano opened her mouth to reply, but was then interrupted by the buzzing of her phone. Changing her grasp on the books so that she could hold them with one arm, she reached for the device - and then she froze, seeing who it was that was calling her.
Taichi's curiosity grew together with his anxiety. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes! Yes. I mean, I must go, Oe-senpai is calling me and she wouldn't do that if I weren't already - LATE!" she answered in a series of cries. "It's so late! The first years must be all at the clubroom already, and I still need to stop by the teachers' room before going there. Now I won't make it on time!"
She opened her phone only to reject the call and then thrust it into her bag rapidly.
"Mashima-senpai, please excuse me," she concluded hastily. "But I can't stay any longer. I'm glad we could talk. Good luck with your studies!"
And with that she was off, dashing towards the nearest staircase and to the teachers' room she'd spoken about. Still slightly dazed, Taichi watched after her for a while, until he remembered that he, too, had no time to spend on aimless dawdling. So he shook his head and set off towards the exit of the school himself, his mind as full of ideas as it had been before he and Hanano had met, if not more so.
Small wonder that he forgot that it was the library he was supposed to go to.
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joy1579 · 4 years
the RFA bois react to empath MC
so in this context im gonna say MC is an empath in that she can feel other peoples emotions. they feel separate from hers though as she’s had a lot of time to learn to compartmentalize her emotions separate from others. she can also promote emotions to other people but not force them. think of it like the difference between being near a small campfire and wrapped up in a blanket in you house. if your feeling sad she can help you feel a little better help you not slip too far into depression but she cant solve the problem. if your surrounds by cold sadness she can be a small campfire to warm up next to until you have enough strength to make it home. some people can tell the difference between her promoted feelings and their genuine ones but its difficult and often takes a lot of practice.
I might add jaehee and Saeran a bit later. if you guys want me to leave a comment. otherwise i’ll probably move on to my next project.
oh and master list
Curious, defensive, once he accepts it he’s thankful that you can understand his feelings so easily
-        He doesn’t believe you at first. At least he says he doesn’t but you can feel his curiosity
-        You tell him to ask any questions he has and he does
-        “Can you make people feel something?” Sorta but not really, I can promote or encourage feelings but not force them
-        “Can you tell when people lie to you?” it depends on why their lying. I can fell maliciousness and that can tell me if their lying.
-        “Have you ever used this power on me?” You can feel the anxiety behind that question. He doesn’t want his love for you to be something you created. You don’t have to be an empath or a mind reader to see that concern.
-        I can’t turn off feeling other people’s emotions that’s how I knew how much you were hurting. “you know that’s not what I’m asking MC”
-        You sigh defeated yes, but it isn’t what you think. I didn’t make you love me; I could never do that. there isn’t a point if those feeling aren’t genuine. I tried to calm you down, make you feel more safe and secure. You were so anxious I couldn’t stand to see you so hurting like that so I tried to encourage peace
-        You could feel him processing that, you watched as his grim and serious face slowly melted into the gentle smile you loved you could feel his warm and soothing love
-        can I show you something? I, I’ve never done this but I want to try to make you feel how I feel about you.so you can understand “you may”
-        you instructed him to breathe deeply. The way he did when he meditated (a hobby he had begun after reading about it in a book about Romanian vampires)
-        it’s easier if your empty and open. A blank slate to receive what I’m projecting are you ready?
-        He nods and you start. You pour every ounce of energy you have into showing him how much you love him the warmth in your face when you catch his eye, the tingles in your fingertips when he kisses you, the giddy bubbliness in your heart when he makes those silly dry jokes of his and last the hunger in your blood when he smirks at you.
-        When you stop sending him your feelings you can feel them mirrored back at you with their signature Jumin charm.
-        His face may not burn but he’s never found it difficult to fight a smile before he met you, his fingers may not tingle but they twitch with the need to hold you, and he feels that same giddy bubbliness when you laugh at his jokes, last but certainly not least you feel the aching need for you when you glance at him slyly
-        You laugh at the cosmic ridiculousness of it all, you two felt so similar yet so different two sides of the same coin.
-        You wouldn’t have it any other way
Embarrassed, thinks you can mind read, tries to not think anything naughty thinks EVERYTHING naughty
-        When you tell him he turns bright red and you almost choke on the embarrassment he’s feeling
-        Why is he so embarrassed though? you don’t get it feelings aren’t embarrassing
-        “so you um you know all my thoughts?” oh okay now you get it he doesn’t understand
-        No I can’t read your thoughts I just feel your emotions, like if your happy I can feel your happiness or if your sad I can feel that sadness
-        “so um can you feel if I feel um like nope never mind no its nothing I’m going to go study”
-        Now you’re curious so while he’s studying your focused on him searching for something anything beyond the pure embarrassment he’s feeling
-        Slowly you can feel a small piece of his emotion a wavering flickering determination to hide something
-        You don’t approve of spying. But he was acting so strange you were worried. So you watched him for the rest of the evening as you scampered around doing everything in his power to stay busy and avoid you
-        You can’t keep avoiding me forever Yoosung what are you so afraid ill feel that I haven’t felt already
-        That’s when he locks eyes with you and you can feel his need ;) at the same time that his face flushes a near impossible shade of red
-        “MC can you feel when I have naughty thoughts?” He blurts clearly a little panicked
-        You can’t help but giggle because you can feel his nervousness under laden by the obvious thoughts he’s been trying not to think
-        Only when you think about them really hard *you wiggle your eyebrows at him*
-        And now you’ve broken him he’s a puddle of embarrassment on the floor you should probably stop teasing him now
-        Yoosung listen if you’re worried about me thinking your weird, or not feeling the same way myself. You don’t need to. Honestly most of the time I feel how sincerely you love me, how much you enjoy being with me, how much you cherish me. Every now and then I feel you get a little needy and to be honest, I feel the exact same way. I love you of course I feel that way sometimes.
-        Then his lips are on yours and your drowning in the intensity of his emotion
-        How can such a cute and innocent looking boy feel so, hungry. You have to admit its intoxicating
-        you hold him tight against you and try to make him feel your love the way you feel his love right now
-        you don’t know if it comes through but you figure you probably have the rest of your life to keep trying.
-        At least if the devotion and love you feel from him is really as strong as it feels
-        You know better than anyone that feelings can change in the blink of an eye
-        But you have no intention of letting this go
skeptical at first, he jokes about conspiracies and magic because they seem so far fetched to me so you’ll have to prove yourself.
-        when she tells him he doesn’t believe you
-        “prove it what am feeling right now” he said teasingly
-        Skeptical? You replied blandly it didn’t take an empath to figure that one out
-        Saeyoung laughed at that and you couldn’t help the bloom off love in your heart
-        “okay that wasn’t a good example” he joked “how about this what’s Saeran feeling”
-        “emotionally exhausted, a little depressed, but mostly apathetically curious
-        ... it’s the best he’s felt in a while to be honest but it’s getting better” you said solemnly
-        You felt his heart sink the all too familiar weight of guilt he carried quickly pushed aside to focus on more pleasant things
-        “that would have been a better example if I could fact check it but it seems right” he said with a glance to his brother lost at the computer in the corner of the room
-        I can try to affect your mood would that prove it? You offered
-        He brightened instantly at that “oh yeah! that’s a good idea bet you can’t scare me”
-        “I can’t force emotions but I can promote them so let’s try it out. First it’s easier if you clear your mind and start with a blank slate” you instructed
-        “my minds always a blank slate” he quipped giving you his signature goofy grin
-        you couldn’t help but laugh for a moment and you felt his pride swell at your giggling
-        after a moment you calm yourself down and begin to focus on proving your point
-        suddenly he’s stiff and trembling in front of you
-        “I don’t like that” he whispered stopping you immediately
-        “I’m sorry did I push too hard” you fretted
-        “I, don’t, I believe you just don’t do that again”
-        “of course I’m sorry” you promised worriedly
-        “I haven’t felt like that since, never mind I just don’t like it”
-        “here let me try something else something better”
-        This time you sent warmth, comfort and love. the feeling of stepping inside your warm home on a cold winter day. you can feel him beginning to relax into it and you hope this makes up for your earlier faux pas
-        “I recognize that feeling you’ve done this for me before”
-        you caught me I did this a lot when you were with me at Rikas place I didn’t like you feeling bad so I tried to help usually the calls helped with they didn’t I did this
-        he pulls you into his arms and hugs you tight you can feel his adoration and gratefulness
-        “you’ve been helping me since the beginning. thank you”
instant belief (because he has psychic dreams after all) probably falls more in love with you because you can completely understand his feelings
-        now he knows why you believed him about his psychic dreams so wholeheartedly with no hesitation
-        no one had ever believed him so quickly and honestly it meant so much that you had trusted him
-        then his eye’s glint and he asks if you can feel what characters are supposed to be feeling
-        you almost laugh at that but he’s serious
-        he thinks about how helpful that would be for his career, how easy it would make character analysis
-        you almost wish you could when you see how passionate and ambitious he is
-        but you shake your head and explain
-        “I have to be with the person”
-        He nods at that but you can feel his confusion grow mixed with curiosity so you continue
-        “and if there’s multiple people I have to work harder to focus on just the person I want to read.”
-        it’s in this moment that clarity dawns on Zen’s face you were so good at isolating people’s problems focusing on exactly who you needed to. the reason you were always so focused on him and his feelings was because you worked at it. You had practice.
-        You could feel his admiration though you weren’t sure what thoughts a brought it you had started talking and now it felt like you couldn’t stop you had never told anyone about how your power felt and now it was pouring out of you
-        “It’s like being in a crowded room and trying to isolate one person’s voice from all the others. it can be overwhelming because people don’t have inside emotions like they have inside voices. when something exciting happens in a movie, sometimes it feels like the whole theater is screaming.
-        “that’s why you hadn’t heard of me before we met. You avoided the theater because it was to emotional?”
-        “I couldn’t get into the story because the actors never felt genuine and I got a headache from all the people in the crowd it was easier to watch things at home where I couldn’t read people so easily”
-        “but you come see my plays now?”
-        You blushed at that averting your eyes “your acting is different. You actually feel the part. You make it easy for even me to believe you. if it’s you, I think it’s worth the headache from the crowd. If it’s you I think I understand how the crowd can get so worked up.”
-        He lunged at you and in a flash your back was against the couch as he loomed over you hungry and full of adoration he leaned down to whisper in your ear
-        “can you tell how I feel right now?”
-        You shut your eyes tight and nodded face red with embarrassment.
-        “then you must have some idea of how much I love you. still I’d like to prove it, if you’ll let me Jagi”
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[Tales from the Pack] Hansol: Fire and Ice (Part Two)
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Characters: Hansol x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, a little bit of fluff in there tho, a hint of crack, lots of talking about death, mention of stabbing
Word count: 1,964
Summary: You’ve always been one to let your emotions get the best of you – your power reflects that – and you’ve never been good at expressing them. That’s why you always thought you’d be awful with a mate, but you never thought things would be this awful.
Previous | Next | Fire and Ice Masterlist
It wasn’t until the mates at Jiung’s house watched the werewolves perk up and strain their ears that their heart started racing, the too-quiet and tense atmosphere being broken. Chanseong stood up to follow Rin – who had come home alone before everyone else after chasing after you – as she went straight for the door. But she still didn’t smile. Nobody in their pack had smiled once since you ran out with Chan chasing after you.
Rin turned to look at Rika, saying something quickly in English. The smaller girl understood, ushering the mates that had made it back on their own back into the living room.
“What is it?” Yeji asked worriedly as Mingyu rushed right out the door behind Rin.
Rika sighed, trying her best to get a look out the window, “I know you’ve all guessed something was wrong, but… Somebody didn’t make it back.”
“What?!” Jooyeon cried, already assuming the worst.
“Someone’s missing?” Jia asked urgently. “Who?”
Rika just shook her head before sitting on another couch between two of her pack’s mates. 
Then the front door opened, and everybody in the living room stood, waiting to see who would enter. But every face was somber, and some had silent tears in their eyes or sliding down their cheeks. 
The group in the living room watched as Hansol entered, carrying you, who was passed out in his arms with your face tear-stained and set in almost a scowl. Rika just stared at him for a beat of silence before wordlessly leading him out of the room. None of them were sure what happened to you, but they hoped you were okay.
They watched as Chanseong stood after seeing you, and walked out of the room with a loud sob escaping passed his lips. Jimin got up to follow him.
Eyes scanned each person one-by-one as they entered, everyone wanting to know who made it back okay. Were their mates okay? Was it the person they loved most who didn’t make it back? The group in the living room watched as members of Jiung’s pack entered, all silently crying as they filed in. Jaesang, Hanbin, Jinyoung, Baekhan, Hyojun – all of them had tears in their eyes and sliding down their cheeks. But even Seungcheol’s pack looked upset. The alpha himself entered, head bowed and tears brimming his eyes as he tried to not cry in front of his pack. It wasn’t until Jooyeon cried out his name and ran into his arms that he sobbed into her hair.
They realized once everyone was inside that it was the alpha of the pack that had helped them that didn’t make it back. Jiung had died.
The reunions were sweet, and almost made everyone in Seungcheol’s pack forget about whatever had happened. Jia clung to Minghao’s arm, frantically whispering things to him in Mandarin as she sniffled and kissed his cheek -- even giving Junhui a quick peck on the cheek and telling him she was happy he was safe. Wonwoo enveloped his sister and his mate in a tight hug, kissing both of their heads before taking his niece in his arms and cooing to her while she slept.
And of course, brothers and sisters hugged each other and said their forms of love and caring. Joshua gave a stern look to Soomin before he hugged her and complained for scaring him half to death. Jihoon gave Suvi a genuine smile as he patted her hand and told her he was happy she was finally safe. Seungkwan threw his arms dramatically around Chan and cried that their “baby is okay”. Even Soonyoung strolled up to Jooyeon casually, giving her a side-hug as he grinned down at her.
“Saw some of those assholes with knives in their chests,” he commented like it was nothing. “I’m proud of you, Yeon. You defended your pack.”
“I’d do it again if I had to,” she told him with a proud smile before Soonyoung squeezed her shoulder again.
“Let’s hope we don’t have to,” Seokmin spoke up.
“So, what happened in town?” Wonwoo had asked as the pack finally settled into the living room to discuss the aftermath.
Things were calmer now. Mates were relaxed together, Wonwoo and Danbi were sitting beside each other on the couch and softly talking to each other, and Eunjin looked peaceful as she looked curiously around the room. For once, things felt normal, which was a rare occurrence for the pack.
“I can assure you that the son-of-a-bitch Donghae is dead,” Soonyoung nodded. “Our little Suvi is safe – oh, and happy birthday, by the way.”
Chan held Suvi a little closer to his side – he had returned from disposing of the tracker, and Suvi’s arm was healed thanks to Joshua – pressing a kiss to her temple and making the girl blush. It made both packs happy knowing that he didn’t have to worry about her anymore. He could just be with her.
“Does anybody care to explain the _____ situation?” Danbi wondered slowly. “She freaked out before she left, and came back out cold.”
Obviously the pack had noticed Hansol hadn’t come back yet even though they’d seen Rika wandering around, so nobody was sure what happened to him or you. Those who weren’t there to see what happened did, however, notice Wonwoo’s gold eyes suddenly look down at the floor. Danbi just knew he did to you what he had done to Jooyeon her first night at the wolves’ house.
“Well…” Soomin began, since she was one of two mates to come with the pack.
Jeonghan clamped a hand over her mouth.
Danbi, however, knew that this was a dead giveaway that you being passed out was her brother’s doing, “Wonwoo!”
“It’s not his fault,” Hanbin suddenly appeared from the kitchen, carrying two mugs in his hand, which he started handing to mates. “_____ was becoming hysterical.”
“Somebody didn’t come back. Who died?” Jia wondered bluntly, though her voice was soft.
She was the only one who didn’t know because nobody wanted to be the one to tell her. Jiung’s pack was grieving and they could hear everything. Nobody wanted to talk about it and make it worse.
Hanbin sighed, a crease forming between his brows, “Our alpha, Jiung.”
“He sacrificed himself for Hansol,” Eunjin spoke up, her voice quiet and airy like her head was somewhere else – and judging from the spacey look, it was. “That’s why I thought Hansol was the death… He indirectly caused it…”
“But Hansol’s also _____’s mate,” Seungcheol continued, making the mates and Chan look up at him in surprise.
Before anyone could say anything, though, Danbi spoke up, “That doesn’t explain why Wonwoo had a vile of that sedative with him!”
Her brother just shrugged, “After Jooyeon, I just kept it on me.”
Hanbin continued to go back and forth from the kitchen – eventually assisted by his mate, Jimin – until each of the pack had a hot cup of tea in their hands. It had started pouring after the pack came inside, but the rain eased up as the tension in the room became less and less. Still, water continued to fall from the sky, and Seokmin refused to look at anybody as he sipped his tea.
“You can all stay here for a little while before going to the other house,” Hanbin said, mustering up a soft smile. “I’m sure Hansol wants to be with _____ anyway.”
“What happens to her?” Joshua suddenly asked. “From what I know, if the werewolf had a werewolf sibling by blood, the sibling becomes alpha.”
“An alpha can also denounce their alpha status if they leave their pack,” Soomin spoke up, being an expert on this thanks to Beom. “If Kyung chooses, she doesn’t have to be their alpha. However, if she wants to be alpha but chooses to come with us to be with Hansol–”
“Doubtful,” Jeonghan commented.
“–then she cannot be her pack’s alpha,” Soomin concluded, ignoring Jeonghan.
“Look, that’s _____’s choice,” Seungcheol spoke up, “and she’s not around, so let’s not discuss it.”
“Let’s discuss how Wonwoo drugged yet another girl,” Danbi spoke up, making the pack erupt with laughter, happy her comment could ease more of the somberness. “You’re really on a roll, Woo.”
“Yeah, he’s really a peach,” Soomin nodded, making Wonwoo’s face turn red as he smiled and rolled his eyes.
The pack started to fall asleep in various places of the living room, but Eunjin had noticed Seungcheol excused himself and never returned. She recalled him going outside, so since she was one of the only people still awake -- the voices wouldn’t let her sleep -- she decided to go see what was up. She figured he just couldn’t sleep, and she didn’t blame him considering the events that had occurred.
Eunjin opened the front door and poked her head out. Standing by the railing of the porch was Seungcheol, looking up at the stars. She stepped outside and softly closed the door, walking over to stand beside him. The wood of the deck was cold on her bare feet but it felt nice.
Even though Eunjin sometimes unintentionally snuck up on even the wolves, the alpha knew she was there and began talking to her, still staring up at the stars, “Do you believe in Heaven?” 
Her brows furrowed, “What?”
“I wonder if that’s where Jiung ended up,” he continued, his voice soft. “Or maybe ghosts exist and he’s still around. I don’t know if those voices are ghosts or just...something else.”
Eunjin frowned, looking up at Seungcheol, “You don’t feel guilty, do you?”
He shrugged, “I just feel…sad. He shouldn’t have died. He wasn’t just a leader and a pack brother, he was somebody’s twin brother. He was such a caring person, it just– The whole situation just sucks.”
They both knew the pack was worried for Hansol because of what happened. You blamed him, and Hansol even blamed himself. Not only that, but Joshua pointed out that you weren’t doing well emotionally, and clearly lashed out without thinking things through. If you did anything to yourself, nobody was sure what would happen to Hansol. Sure, he would be patient with you, but if you just flat out denied him, you’d both die. If you ran off and did something to yourself… The question that people wondered was if Hansol would be able to carry on like Joshua had, or if the heartache would be too much for him.
Seungcheol was probably more worried about that right now. Hansol was the second youngest in the pack and Seungcheol wanted to make sure he’d be okay. The alpha wanted to somehow help, but he didn’t know how to. What could he say to help the situation? What could anybody say?
“Where’s Hansol?” the banshee wondered quietly.
“He’s just waiting outside _____’s door,” he replied with a sigh, finally looking away from the stars to look down at his hand on the railing. “He wants to give her space, but he wants to be there for her, too. Jaesang told him that _____’s feeling just as conflicted.”
“Sounds familiar,” she murmured, raising your eyebrows as she recalled not only her own confliction with Seungkwan, but the stories she heard of the alpha and Jooyeon.
Seungcheol chuckled, his golden eyes looking down at his sister, “Kinda does, huh? I guess our pack has an issue with conflicting feelings.”
Eunjin let out a soft sigh and simply nodded. She thought it would be weird to tell Seungcheol that she had a feeling everything would eventually be okay because of what the voices were telling her, so she opted to just leave the conversation on a somewhat lighthearted note.
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By no popular demand, let’s talk about the Children’s Day Title Screen which is the first time that we’ve seen everyone together at the RFA party. I think we’re all crying about it but I’ve definitely had the time to sit down and think about all of the little details for Saeran. We’ve all met me. We know that I’ve been trying to make sense of everything that I see to rationalize and explain in some kind of meta way. 
There’s going to be spoiler CG in this for Another Story, like, all of it, so you have that warning now. 
My apologies in advanced because we know that I don’t know how to shut up when it comes to Saeran.  Look at him. Look at him. I swear to God, you have to look at him. Okay, now that we’ve established that you have to look at it so I can cover this:
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Finally, we’ve got a canon party outfit for Saeran to talk about and cry about, frankly. I knew that he would have something pink because you will never see this man far from something pink, black, or red. That’s just what his assigned colors are. I’m not surprised that it’s pink. I love seeing Saeran in pink. 
He really can’t be separated from the color pink because we’ve all given it to him tenfold at this point. 
I’m just assuming this is GE Saeran, to be clear with you, because that seems to be the most possible option. Now, they gave him a blue rose, which could mean that they’re covering their bases so it’s not a spoiler for people who haven’t had the chance to play Ray Route and see what plays out, so they may think it’s just Ray, but we who have already played know that it’s GE Saeran. 
His eyes in this style are very light and they’ve styled them to look a though he’s truly happy and not masking with a false smile. 
You can usually tell them apart by the way their eyes are drawn in this game, honestly, but I have a post about that if you need to glance at that for more of my info-dumping for no reason at all. 
Anyways! Saeran has seemingly styled his hair differently, or had a haircut. It’s definitely shorter than what it is in the route, which is, quite reasonable, honestly. He’s had to take care of his own hair for the most part. 
He carries around a brush at all times according to his diary, and Ray mentions that he often takes care of Rika’s hair for her as well, so he’s got his own knowledge of how to at the very least, take care of his hair to keep it out of his eyes.
It’s quite possible that he’s been able to get a haircut for the first time after the events of the good ending. That’s a positive sign of progress. It’s a small trim of course, since it’s just a bit shorter than what we’ve seen in some of the ending CG for the route. 
It could just be the art style, but I have the tendency to look at style choices as something reasonably meaningful for what happens in the life of a character. 
I’ll slap a CG for comparison if you want to check that out for yourself. It can be a style choice. It can be a healthy step in him living a normal life. Because that’s seemingly a very casual thing that all of us contend with, but that’s a move for him that seems like he’s comfortable with it. 
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I just think that’s a neat touch, no matter if it’s just a style choice. 
His little suit is a lot more detailed here than the suit that we see VAE Ray wear. That is a pink suit as well, but that one is much lighter in tone than the one that we see here. I sat here comparing the two for a little bit because I wasn’t sure if it was the same suit top or if it was two different outfits entirely. 
At the end of the day, I’m definitely sure that it’s not the same outfit. They’re both pink but it’s not the same shade. 
However, it’s close enough that you could frankly assume that they’re the same in the long run, but I think I’ll leave that up to you guys to figure that out because the CG with his suit in VAE doesn’t show the front of his outfit. 
So, we can’t see for sure if it’s the same. Artists can have had to take some liberties to draw it in their own way because of the reference that we received! It appears as though the VAE suit is lighter and the suit in this title screen is a little bit warmer. 
What do you guys think? Either way, I’m in love with the little bowtie. Frankly, he always chooses bowties. We’ve seen Saeran use them, Ray use them, and if we count the Christmas DLC, Unknown. The only one that we haven’t seen use the bowties is Suit Saeran, who wears an actual tie instead. Bowties are a bit more slender and pop more. You tend to see them on more boyish characters. 
I tend to think that Suit Saeran wears a tie because he feels like it adds maturity and makes him look stronger, but they all just generally prefer bowties. I do think they’re really cute myself. I tend to draw him wearing bowties myself. It could just be a style choice, rather than him deciding between if a tie is mature or a bowtie is youthful.
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Speaking of that, I think the buttons are really cute. There’s no purpose for those buttons on the chest of his jacket but they’re neat. The pockets are asymmetrical for some reason that I can’t discern. I think that’s an interesting choice to have in the outfit but I’m not sure why he’d pick something like that. 
He tends to be the kind of person that makes style choices because, “I think it looks cool,” or “I kind of think this reflects my emotions.” Which is why all of them, if they had a say, would’ve picked something dark and edgy looking as that reflects “power from being sharp” and “I feel dreary and I feel like I should dress that way.”
Pink is a color that often means hopefulness, light and care, and innocence. It’s a love for others and for yourself. So, by him choosing this, it’s reflective of the fact that he’s learning how to love himself and we love to see that. Saeran’s love for the world and his growth is... honestly, something that helps me feel like I can wake up in the morning. 
The funny part about this is I think his favorite color is blue. It has to be blue. Because the sky is blue. 
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That, my friends, is a carnation. That is a pink carnation. Pink carnations tend to mean I'll Never Forget You, that’s one of the more popular meanings that comes to my mind. I think one of the other meanings is gratitude. 
It’s the official flower for Mother’s Day, as well, in America, anyway, if you didn’t know that fact! I think they gave him carnations because it’s about his faith and love for his MC that has shown him how to have strong gratitude and how to be thankful for every breath in his body. So, I think we should go ahead and cry on this one.
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kirishwima · 4 years
Girl listen ...RFA reaction when they're rejected by mc ;-;
oooh a n g s t time :3c
* It took so much for Yoosung to bring himself to confess to MC-he was so afraid, because...well, what if they didn't like him back? What if this move put their whole friendship in jeopardy? What if-
* But then sometimes MC would turn to look at him, or they’d lean in close, rest their head on his shoulder and he couldn’t shake the feeling that no-no, he can’t keep these feeling to himself, can’t help the flutter in his chest whenever MC smiles at him.
* So one day whilst they’re hanging out at his place, MC beating him at video games (he’d never tell them it’s because he’s too nervous to focus on gaming), he just pauses the game, turns to them with a small worried frown.
* “MC I-I need to tell you something. I don’t know how you’ll take it but I just-I need to say it and-”
* MC let him build up his courage, encouraging him to say what was on his mind. So he did. He told them about how they make his heart ache, how he wants nothing more than to hug them close and never let go, to have the chance to be their boyfriend.
* He refused to look at MC’s face all throughout his confession, worried he’ll lose his courage if he did. Only after muttering out a small ‘I love you’ was he able to look up and the expression that awaited him was.....a sad, pitiful look, MC biting at their lip with worry.
* “Yoosung I...I love you too, but not in the same way you mean it-you’re like a little brother to me and...”
* He didn’t want to hear anything else. Of course, what was he even thinking, confessing to them like that? How could they ever see him-plain, boring, childish, stupid him, as anything other than a friend?
* He caught the stray tear leaving his eye before it could roll down his cheek, laughing through the shatter of his heart as it dropped to the bottom of his ribcage.
* “It’s okay MC, it’s okay-I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Let’s just..let’s just get back to our video game, ok?”
* He was used to both men and women drooling over his image, love confessions flooding his mail on the daily-yet this was the one time it was him who’d be writing a love letter, pouring his feelings for MC out onto the crisp sheet, his handwriting as neat as he could make it as his hands shook with worry.
* He wrote down everything he felt, in the way he felt it-how he loved MC’s smile, how he wanted to be the one to wake them every day and be the first to see those sweet lips form said smile, how he loved their eyes when they laughed, how he longed to kiss them-everything he felt was poured out on that page, then neatly folded and fit into a light grey envelope, sealed with a sticker of a white heart.
* He gave it to MC the next time they met, asked them not to read it until they went back to their home that night-MC obliged, and so Zen went back to his own home by nightfall, worried excitement stirring in his gut as he awaited MC’s response.
* He received said response through a phone call merely a few hours after leaving MC, hours he spent pacing up and down his apartment, even smoking a cigarette to calm his nerves.
* With shaky fingers he answered the call, using his acting skills to act cool and composed. “Hello~” he greeted, as if his heart wasn’t ready to pop out off his chest.
* “Zen I-I’m sorry I took some time in reading your letter and thinking over my response before I called you-I wanted to be certain of how to properly respond to your feelings.” Zen could already feel his heart still, his breath shuddering as he nervously tapped on his box of cigarettes. “I’m sorry I just...you’re a wonderful friend Zen, and a beautiful person I just don’t see you that way.”
* Zen let his eyes fall shut. He took in a shaky breath, crumpled the box of smokes in his grip before they fell onto the floor, his hands trembling.
* “MC, thank you for being honest with me. I’m-I have to go, but we can talk more later okay? Thank you I’m sorry-” he hang up before MC could get another word in, sinking down to the floor as his back slid against the wall. 
* He took a look at the crumpled box of cigarettes. “Guess I’ll be needing those tonight”, he mumbled to himself.
* Of all the times he had to write rejection letters-it was the first time he was on the receiving end of this bitter message.
* Honestly...Jaehee never intended on confessing to MC. She planned to keep all her feelings right here in her chest and then one day die and that’d be that.
*  But then MC would go and do something wonderful and stupid like stand up for Jaehee and call her the most beautiful woman they’ve met or even once they combed her hair because she was unused to having them this long and it took all of her willpower to not combust at the spot.
* She happened to confess by accident one day as the two closed their coffee shop for the night, MC humming a tune as they rinsed remaining cups and dishes and put them into the dish washer.
* The way the fairy lights adorning the shop framed MC’s face, the quiet tune they were singing, how they had that adorable half-smile on their lips-Jahee couldn’t help it.
* “I love you so much” she mumbled, only realising she said it out loud after MC turned to her with wide eyes, stilling as they held a rinsed mug in both hands.
* Jaehee gaped, unable to form words as the two stared at one another. In the end it was MC that broke the silence, smiling an awkward smile.
* “Awe Jaehee, I love you too-you’re like the sister I never had!” MC beamed, returning back to their cleaning task.
* Jaehee held the broom she’d been using closer to her chest, gulping down the tremor in her throat. A sister...yes, it’s appropriate that that’s all that MC sees her as-after all...who could ever fall in love with someone as plain as her?
* Jumin...he’s a straightforward man. Very much so. When he knows something, he’ll speak of it with absolute certainty, and when he doesn’t, he’s never too proud to ask-knowledge is power after all, and he always craves to learn.
* So when he couldn’t place a name on the reason why his stomach tightened at the sight of MC, why he felt so protective over them, why he wanted so badly to keep them by his line of sigh at all costs, how he felt the urge to run his fingers through their hair-of course he decided he had to ask MC why that was, see if they had an answer.
* As he sat MC down on the couch, telling them he’d like to discuss his symptoms with them, MC laughed, rolled their eyes as Jumin started talking. Yet as Jumin went on, explaining how his heart fluttered at the sight of MC and how even right then he wanted to lean in close to them, MC’s smile quickly got replaced by a small frown, their gaze evading Jumin’s as they fiddled with their hands, unable to look back up at him.
* “MC, if you know what this is, please-I’d appreciate it if you could tell me. I’m not...I know I’m not a man that’s very in tune with his emotions, and I’ve learnt a lot thanks to your help-I’d be grateful if you could help me yet again.”
* MC took in a deep breath, let their eyes flutter shut before forcing themselves to look to Jumin. 
* “Jumin I-I can’t be sure, since feelings are a very private and individual thing, but the way you’re describing it it...it seems like you may be in love with me.”
* Jumin pondered over MC’s words for a moment, humming as he leaned back on the velvet sofa, his brow furrowed. He looked back at MC, how their stance was rigid, their hands firmly set on their lap, their eyes averting Jumin’s...
* His heart stilled when he looked at how MC fiddled with the ring on their finger-a present from V from when he proposed to MC a few months ago.
* “I don’t believe so”, he decided, “right now I...” he bit his tongue, fighting back at the flood of feelings unleashed with this realisation, “I don’t feel the urge to do anything romantic with you-perhaps it’s more of an adoration, like a sibling or a friend?”
* MC visibly relaxed at his words, their back slouching after they held it straight and tense for so long. “Ah, yeah, yeah that could be it! I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions, it’s just the way you described it-”
* Jumin nodded, forcing a smile to his lips. “It was also my mistake-like I said, I’m not yet as in tune with my emotions as I perhaps should be, so it’s hard to explain them some times. Thank you for helping me put this one to rest.”
* MC nodded along before looking down at their phone, buzzing on the coffee table, a candid photo of V flashing up on their screen.
* “Sorry, let me take this real quick-I’ll tell him you said hi!” they said and quickly took their phone off of the table, making their way to the balcony. “Hey baby”, Jumin heard MC mumble into the phone before disappearing outside.
* Emotions, Jumin thought, what good are they anyway? Looking to MC’s retreating figure-he wished he’d never felt a thing.
* He loves MC. He’s so in love with them it hurts, hurts to the point of tears, how everything they do is like magic in Saeyoung’s eyes, how he’ll see them standing besides him and get the urge to lean in, to wrap his arms around them, breathe them in like smoke even if he never lit a cigarette in his life before-MC was his drug and he was a junkie in withdrawal.
* He loves MC. He’ll never tell. 
* He sees how happy they are, how much they cherish the RFA, him included-and how they’ll never love him the way he loves them. Of course they won’t, how could they? They’re only dating his twin brother after all.
* They’re the one that found Saeran, that saved him from Rika’s mind control, that then not only helped his twin brother, the one Saeyoung had never even tried to find before, but also helped save Saeyoung as well from their fathers’ grip, helped him reconnect with Saeran and finally, finally live life as a free man. This is all he could ever ask from MC and more.
* So these feelings-the adoration, the pang of pain and jealousy and guilt-so much guilt as he watched his own brother, his flesh and blood lean down to kiss MC’s cheek, how they giggled as they turned to greet Saran-Saeyoung had no say in this. His brother is happy, MC is happy, and he...well, it didn’t matter what he felt, now did it?
* He was happy his brother was safe. He was happy MC was there for him when Saeyoung couldn’t be. 
* And he had no right to feel anything more nor anything less.
I went full angst for Jumin to make up for the fact that I won’t write one for V since well....it’s too angsty, i can’t even begin to imagine a sad V without crying TuT hope you like these regardless though! Sorry they’re bit short, I’m trying to get back into the swing of writing aah
-send me mystic messenger head canons for character reactions-
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Halloween Bash - Jaehee Kang
Hello and welcome to spooky season! For the next week I’m going to post a Halloween one shot every night. I random number generated the post order, prompts, and other little details about it, so I’ll be including those at the beginning of the story
Prompts: RFA party, bobbing for apples, stay all night
Summary: the RFA is throwing a little Halloween bash for its members. You and Jaehee dress to impress
You and Jaehee had put a lot of thought and effort into the RFA Halloween party. Rika had done it once before in the past and you wanted to bring it back and hopefully make it a fun tradition. You planned to have a costume contest, bobbing for apples, and the Monster Mash on repeat.
Jaehee had left the costumes up to you. It took you a while to find good costumes (there were a zillion Hetero couples costumes but you really struggled to find something creative for the two of you), but when you saw it you knew it was perfect. Of course, you couldn’t both win the costume contest, but you definitely wanted to match.
You walked into the coffee shop where Jaehee was hanging a streamers, and plopped the costumes onto the table next to her. “Are those the Scooby Doo characters?” She asked, glancing down at the costumes then focusing her energy back to the task at hand.
“Velma and Daphne! Jaehee, don’t tell me you didn’t know their names,” you sighed, plopping onto the chair next to her.
“I actually did watch Scooby Doo as a kid, but it’s been a while,” she smiled. She stuck one more piece of tape then carefully got off the chair she was standing on to sit next to you. “I think it’ll be quite cute.”
“Oo! I also got this hairspray stuff for you that temporarily dyes it orange. It might be kind of unnatural but-“
“You want me to be Daphne?” She cut you off, her eyebrows raised skeptically.
“Duh! I think you’d look really nice as her. Why? Would you rather be Velma?” You glanced down at the costumes. Fortunately you two were nearly the same size.
“No, I just. I don’t know... I assumed you’d want me to be Velma. I did look a lot like her...”
“Yeah, because Jumin made you. You look so beautiful now and I want you to embrace those changes! Putting on a short wig and glasses would do the exact opposite.”
She leaned across the table to grab your hand. “Thank you. I don’t think you understand how much that means to me.
“Of course. Now if you’re done with the decorations can I help you do the hair?”
“I set one banner up...”
You looked around. Huh. She was right. “Whoops. Got so excited I didn’t even notice that. Let me help you set things up first then.”
The two of you were an excellent team, obviously, and made quick work of setting up the decorations. Jaehee had splurged on some nice decorations. Lots and lots of pumpkins and pumpkin banners (to go with your pumpkin treats you had made ahead of time) and even a very realistic cauldron for the bobbing for apples game. Granted, her decor was very mild and not scary, spare one thing she splurged on. She set up one of those spiders that jump out at you when you walked past it, then put it by the entry.
“Jaehee... I didn’t know you were so diabolical...” you chuckled, putting batteries in the machine to get it running.
“I just want to see Mr. H- I mean Jumin, jump. He has a fear of spiders you know.”
“I’ll be sure to get it on camera,” you winked at her.
The next step was getting all dressed up. You started with the hair dye, which blended surprisingly well with her now-long hair. It wasn’t too neon, but enough that you could tell she was now a redhead. You helped her with some winged eyeliner, as she had never done a wing herself, and some sparkly pink lipgloss. Once she was all dressed, you took a step back to admire your handiwork. “Jaehee, you look kinda hot,” you complimented, suddenly feeling extremely embarrassed.
Her cheeks shot red from the compliment as she worked hard to look anywhere but your eyes. “You don’t think it’s too much?”
“No, I think you look exactly like her. Now will you help me get this wig on?”
Turns out getting a wig on is a two, probably three honestly, person task. Especially with your baby hairs that kept falling out of place. Luckily, Jaehee helped you fix it until it was absolutely perfect. You got all dressed next. “What do you think?” You asked, doing a little spin.
“They really didn’t include the glasses with the costume?” She asked, turning the bag upside-down to ensure you hadn’t missed anything. “Huh. Well, luckily for us I think I still have my old pair.”
Jaehee disappeared to the back. You heard a lot of rustling through drawers before she came back victorious. “No prescription or anything, just regular frames.” She carefully put them on your face. “Perfect. Now you look the part.”
You opened your phone camera to check your outfit. “We look GOOD! Best couples costume ever.” You glanced at the time. “And just in time too. We’ve gotta get to the front so we can see everyone get scared by the spider.
Jumin and Yoosung arrived together, no surprise since Yoosung was still his acting assistant. Jumin jumped slightly at the spider, but it was nowhere close to Yoosung, who backed into Jumin so quickly that he knocked the both of them over. You and Jaehee couldn’t contain your laughter, not making any movement to help them up.
Luckily there were no injuries, as the two got up relatively fast and made their way over to you. “Oh Assistant K- I mean, Jaehee,” Jumin said to you, “Some days I miss you more than others. And this is definitely one of those days.” He obviously did and didn’t mean it at the same time; he was teasing Yoosung. But oh! More pressing matters at hand.
“I’m not Jaehee,” you giggled. Jumin’s mouth fell open in shock. Obviously you were right; your voices were quite different, but you really pulled a fast one on him.
“Forgive me. I just thought... well, what are you two anyways?”
“You don’t know? They’re from Scooby Doo!” Yoosung yelled, very surprised that Jumin didn’t recognize it.
“Scooby huh?”
“Scooby Doo! It’s a kids show. You’re... more hopeless than I thought,” he said sadly.
“You two look nice! Frankenstein and his monster. Very creative.” You complimented them.
The conversation was halted when Zen walked in the room, bumping into the glass door as he jumped away from the spider. You all laughed this time.
Zen was quickly followed by Seven and V, who were not shocked by the spider at all. Figures. Zen was a vampire, V was dressed as a pirate, and Seven was... oh god why was he in his maid costume.
“You all look nice!” Jaehee complimented. “Let me get some music on and then we’ll start everything up.”
“Jaehee, that’s you!?” Zen exclaimed. “You look great!”
“Thanks!” She called. The Monsrer Mash started playing. She made her way back to the group. “Although it wasn’t exactly my idea.”
“I am a genius, I know.” You commented, accepting your praise. Jaehee hit your shoulder playfully and you got the party started.
The activity of the night was bobbing for apples. Was this a good idea? Probably not. But it’d be fun. You got to man the station and time how long it took everyone to get their apples. Jumin took the longest... literally over three minutes because he didn’t want to hurt his teeth. Zen was the quickest, trying to make sure he beat Jumin, which was not challenging to do.
Jaehee finished her turn and got right in the middle of the times. Her lipgloss was smeared down her face. “You know, maybe this idea had a few flaws,” you giggled, grabbing a paper towel to help her dry her face off. You very gently patted her face dry, using your finger to gently wipe the lipgloss away. It was strangely intimate and the two of you were both flushing messes, despite the fact that you were literally dating. No makeup problems for you though! The only issue was that the glasses fell off in the water, traditional Velma style, and the game became bobbing for glasses.
Zen’s prize for winning was a caramel apple designed to look like a pumpkin. Pretty creative from you and Jaehee to be honest. He rubbed it in Jumin’s face nonstop, and you figured he would for the next year until the next contest.
When it came down to voting for the best costume, it was no surprise to read out the results. Everyone had voted for Jaehee. There was one vote for you of course, because Jaehee was a supportive girlfriend and would NEVER vote for herself. Even Seven didn’t vote for himself which was, honestly, quite a relief. You were proud that her costume was so good Seven considered it better than his “Mary Vanderwood III” getup, whatever that meant.
Jaehee’s very special prize was homemade chocolate and pretzel bark the two of you had made the other night. Honestly, you were glad she won because it was so good and she would share it with you.
The two of you stayed all night. You sort of had to, considering it was taking place at your coffee shop. But you had a great time dishing out (non alcoholic) drinks and pumpkin cookies and candy.
You played pin the stem on the pumpkin (which V actually won, which honestly should not surprise anyone) and spent most of the time hearing everyone complaining about the Monster Mash playing for the fiftieth time. It wasn’t your fault. There weren’t that many Halloween songs and this one was Jaehee’s absolute favorite.
Once everyone left, the two of you plopped down on the sofa in the corner of the shop. “I’m so tired,” Jaehee groaned, resting her head on your shoulder and propping her feet up. “You sure we can’t just sleep here tonight?”
You laughed, chest shaking as you giggled, causing Jaehee to shift slightly. “We still have to open tomorrow at 6. And as much fun as it sounds to stay the night here, I’m worried your hair will become permanently orange if we don’t wash it out.”
She let out an exhasperated sigh, standing up and taking your hands to help pull you up. “Okay, but only if you help me wash it out. I’m too tired, and I don’t think I’ll be able to get the back.”
You winked at her. “Sure, whatever you say, Jaehee.”
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