#thanks to pp who translate in english
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Thank to @/knb-imagine-fr who translate it !!
(If I'm not mistaken...?)
I share them here ⤵️
(I'm an otaku for a reason hehe 😎)

#akashi seijuro#knb manga#knb x reader#knb fanfic#knb headcanons#knb fanart#knb kurofes#kuroko's basketball#kuroko no basket#kurofes#kuroko's basket manga#kuroko no basket manga#knb official fanbook#thanks to pp who translate in english#even if english is not my native langage
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PP Novels Resources (for my fellow deranged fans)
As a deranged PP fan, who was starving for dopamine I discovered some novel sources for the characters we all love! All novels/summary is in Russian (can be easily translated to English through Google Translation of the website. Use a VPN if the sites do not load)
If ya'll love the OG cast (Season 1), this is for you! I'm merely linking to the websites for your reading pleasure. I will try to link the ones that are complete, more under the cut.
*All due thanks to the dedicated translators who keep the fandom going* Psycho-Pass Zero
(Tumblr: Novel Translation *pending but I recommend reading this before the radio drama for plot coherence*) (Live Journal: Radio Drama Translation *complete*)
Content warning: Plastination case + Makishima is enough warning Timeline: Prequel to the Psycho-Pass S1 Kogami and Sasayama's bromance/outlines the gruesome murders in the Specimen case/follows the story of Touma Kozaburo and his obsession with Touko. Baby Kogami is so precious. Mitsuru Sasayama is the man, the legend. *sobs* Masaoka's whiskey persists + Ginoza the worrier.
Psycho-Pass Asylum: About A Girl (Live Journal: Detailed Summary *complete*) (Suggested Supplement: Yayoi/Shion Tidbits from PP Novel + Aoyanagi and Kozuki disaster)
Content warning: brutality against women, !pregnancy, !cultism, !infanticide. I'm not kidding when I mean it's brutal. Timeline: Post S1 with some flashbacks. Yayoi and Shion's relationship is the main focus. They investigate a case where pregnant minors are being sacrificed by a cult. Entirely from Yayoi's perspective, has many details about her past and how she and Shion feel about Division 1. I would encourage you to read this if you want a feminine/female perspective of the PP verse. Underlying themes of creativity, sex, romance, and hope + vital issues with the Sybil System. I added the supplement because it covers a bit more about Yayoi and Shion + explores the canon romantic relationships, I believe it is a good study of how PP handles canon relationships.
Psycho-Pass Asylum: Restaurant de Campagne Kagari Shuusei
(Live Journal: Detailed Summary *complete*)
Content warning: None, really. This one is quite wholesome as PP can be except for Sybil's shenanigans. Timeline: Prequel to S1 (Flashback) Kagari and Div 1 + 2 investigate a series of gastronomic malfunctions in Sybil's food preparation system caused by a criminal called 'Harlequin'. It involves a "natural food" supply company called Gusto and a restaurant owner. The novel explores Kagari's interest in cuisines and the impact of food in the PP world. Kagari's perspective is quite refreshing and light, compared to the complexity in other novels.
Psycho-Pass Asylum: Separation Ginoza Nobuchika (Live Journal: Detailed Summary *complete*)
Content warning: animal!cruelty, child!abuse, dogs. This one is a tearjerker. Timeline: Prequel to S1 + post S1 Inspector Ginoza, Kogami, and Sasayama investigate a case of rehabilitated animals/pets that are increasing the stress levels of Okutama, a remote place in the mountains. These pets were reintroduced and have gone feral. A doctor named Miyake was responsible for the reintroduction. Ginoza's calm yet poetic and wistful perspective is quite grounding. There's a sense of loss through this story, the theme of separation, and dogs being man's best friends. Any puns that made you think of Kogami are valid.
Psycho-Pass Asylum: Mungungwha Choe-Gu-Sung
(Live Journal: Detailed Summary *partial translation*)
Content warning: !torture, !mutilation, !castration, graphic, mentions of NK-orea. It's quite disturbing and angsty. MAJOR tearjerker. Timeline: Pre-S1 + follows the plot of S1. This follows the story of Choe-Gu Sung, Makishma's accomplice, and his entry and activities in Japan. Explores family life with his younger sister Suseon and his friend Guynthae. It covers a major portion of his backstory in N-K and his eventual friendship with Makishima. If you felt nothing for this guy in S1, believe me, you will be sobbing through this one. He deserved a better ending ftw.
That's all. If I find anything else, I'll add it in another post. Enjoy delving into the world of Psycho-Pass in-depth, and don't forget the words said by a certain Enforcer:
When it's all over, you can cry as much as you like.
#psycho pass#kougami shinya#ginoza nobuchika#mitsuru sasayama#tsunemori akane#karanomori shion#yayoi kunizuka#choe gu-sung#choe gu sung#shogo makishima#makishima shogo#shinya kougami#nobuchika ginoza#masaoka tomomi#tomomi masaoka#psycho pass translations#🏷 psycho pass resources#🏷#kagari shuusei#shuusei kagari
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Hitorie - daybreak seeker - Lyrics English Translation
Music: wowaka Lyrics: Shinoda 少年は路地裏で踵鳴らして A boy clacks his heels in an alleyway 静寂に火をつけるように遊んだ Playing as if setting the silence aflame 何処にだって行けそうな気がしていて Feeling as if he could go anywhere くだらないことばかりの街の一人だ Just a single man in an unremarkable city 頭の中だけが騒がしく Inside his head is where the noise is 眠れない僕たちのパーティーは Sleepless we are, as we throw a party 言葉や想いこそ通じないが We can’t converse via words or emotions but 誰だって欠伸の一つも立てやしないのさ Not one of us is letting out even a single yawn 雄弁なアイツが言葉をなくす程 The more the eloquent folk are at a loss for words 排水溝に飲み込まれてくティーンエイジ The more they get sucked into the drain, a thin edge 話せば長くなりそうだけれど Although this is probably a long story この曲だって5分足らずで終わるんだ This song will be over in less than 5 minutes 頭の中だけが騒がしく Inside of his head is where the noise is 眠れない僕たちのパーティーは Sleepless we are, as we throw a party 誰もが終わらないことを望んだ Everyone hoped this party would never end 誰もが終わらないことを望んでいた Everyone was hoping it would never end 彼の名前だけが、空中を泳いでいた。 His name alone, waded in the air あなたの手を引いてさ、抜け出そうとしたんだ I was trying to take your hand, and break free あなたの手を引いてさ、抜け出そうとしていたんだ。 I had been trying to take your hand, and break free. ラザニアの焼けるような匂いがして It smells like lasagna baking 空腹だったことに気付かされる That’s when we realized that our stomachs were empty あと少しだけ踊り続けよう Let us continue dancing for just a bit longer 僕の想像を超えない夜がダダ漏れになってく A night that doesn’t quite surpass my imagination, spills out into the world 空調の調子が良好とは言えないこのパーティールーム We can’t say that the air conditioning’s working well in this party room 様々な人間達の匂いが入り混じる The smells of a variety of different people all mix together その誰しもが口を揃えて And everyone here says the same thing 最高と呼ぶあの頃を僕は知らずに居る I sit here oblivious to the so-called greatest time ever いびつな形相のまま更けていく We go deeper into the night, ever in a twisted shape 夜に振り落とされまいとしている Striving not to fall out of the night 頭の中だけが騒がしく Inside his head is where the noise is 眠れない僕たちのパーティーは終わらない Sleepless we are, as our party never ends 彼の名前だけが、空中を泳いでいた。 His name alone, waded in the air あなたの手を引いてさ、抜け出そうとしたんだ I had been trying to take your hand, and break free. あなたの手を引いてさ、抜け出そうとしたんだ I had been trying to take your hand, and break free. そうやって迎える朝をずっと夢見てたんだ I had been forever dreaming for the break of day そうやって迎える朝をずっと夢見てしまっていた I had been forever foolishly dreaming for the break of day 消えない、消えない、消えない痛みが Pain that won’t go away, won’t go away, won’t go away 僕ら、僕ら、集わせてしまう Is unfortunately bringing us, us, together 消えない、消えない、消えない痛みが Pain that won’t go away, won’t go away, won’t go away 僕らを、僕らを、また踊��せる Is making us, us, dance again
少年が路地裏で鳴らした踵は The boy who had clacked his heels in an alleyway 喧騒に飲み込まれて消えてった Was sucked up in the commotion and disappeared 何処にでも行けそうな気がしていた He had felt as if he could go anywhere 何処にでも行けそうな気がしていたんだ He had once felt as if he could go anywhere
● Related segment from a Natalie interview for NOTOK's release (via https://natalie.mu/music/pp/hitorie08): ──「daybreak seeker」も「HOWL」の時期に制作されていた曲ということですが、冒頭のベースがめちゃくちゃカッコいいですね。 Mori Tomoyuki, interviewer: You said that “daybreak seeker” was written during the same time period as HOWLS. The bass in the intro is incredibly impressive.
イガラシ ありがとうございます。これは確か、スタジオで適当に弾いてたら「それで何か作りましょう」とwowakaが言い出したんですよ。で、その場で構成を考えて。オケも録り終えてたし、メロディラインもあったけど、歌詞だけがなかった。今回収録するにあたって、シノダが歌詞を書き足して歌いました。 ygarshy: Thank you. I remember this was from when I was just jamming in the studio, when wowaka heard me and said “Let’s use that to make something.” We then came up with the composition impromptu. The instrumentals were soon recorded and the melody line even devised, but the only thing missing was the lyrics. So the recording only involved Shinoda writing and singing them. シノダ “ありもの”のメロディに歌詞を乗せるのはよくやってるんですけど、今回は相手がwowakaですからね。どうしたもんかな?と悩んだ部分もいっぱいあるし、結果的にけっこうな文字数になってしまいました。wowakaの曲に歌詞を付けるとこれくらいの文字数になっちゃうんだな、という謎の気付きもあって。前々から「すげえ文字数だな」って思ってたんですけどね。 Shinoda: I do have a lot of experience adding lyrics on top of finished melodies, but the melody I was working with time around was none other than wowaka’s. I stressed over how to handle things quite a bit, and in the end the letter count got pretty intense. Adding lyrics to wowaka’s songs is just bound to have a high letter count… that’s one enigma I came to notice. I’ve thought “damn that’s a lotta letters” when looking at his songs since way long ago, but, y’know. ──文字を詰めたくなるメロディなんでしょうね。 So something about the melodies beg to have many words infused into them. シノダ それもあるし、展開させたくなるんですよ、話を。1番と2番で同じメロディであっても、違う言葉を置きたくなるし、そうしないとwowakaらしい曲の質量が生まれなくて。歌詞の内容としては、ヒトリエというバンドと聴いてくれる人たち、それを取り巻く環境、そういうものを俯瞰して書いてみようと。「ヒトリエってどういうバンドなんだっけ?」みたいなことを考えながら書いてると頭がこんがらがるわけですけど、それも含めてヒトリエなのかなと。うまく説明できないけど、とにかく大変でした。あと、荷が重かったです。 Shinoda: That’s also part of it, but something about them also just makes me want to expand on the universe as well. Even if the first part and second part share the exact same melody, I still want to put completely different words on that same melody. Besides, if I didn’t do that it wouldn’t have the essence of a wowaka-esque song. The lyrics themselves speak about Hitorie, our listeners, and the surrounding environment from a bird’s eye perspective. “What kind of band really is Hitorie?” was the question running through my mind while writing, and thereby was making my head spin. Yet that’s exactly what makes Hitorie so, Hitorie. I can’t explain it well, but all in all it was a tall task. Not to mention that it bore a heavy burden. ──ゆーまおさんは「daybreak seeker」の制作時、どういうアプローチをしましたか? What approach did you take, Yumao? ゆーまお wowakaが作ったデモに沿っていたというか、ほぼ変更点はなかったんです。シングルに入っている音源も6年前に演奏したものなので。今改めて聴き返して思うのは「尺が6年前だな」っていう(笑)。今wowakaがいたら、構成をめちゃくちゃ変更していたと思います。 Yumao: I had simply followed the demo wowaka had laid out, or should I say, we barely changed a thing. The audio used for the single is the one from 6 years ago. Listening back to it now, the length of the song feels so 6 years ago (laughs). If wowaka was still with us, he probably would’ve unearthed the entire structure of the song. イガラシ そこはもうしょうがないよね、全部できてるんだから。 ygarshy: There was nothing we could’ve done about it now though, the song was practically already done. ゆーまお 「HOWLS」に収録される可能性もあったからね。6年を経てようやく出せました。 Yumao: It had been a contender for HOWLS after all. After 6 long years it’s finally released. イガラシ 俺らが出している音もだいぶ違うしね。 ygarshy: It sounds a lot different from what we make nowadays.
ゆーまお そうだね。音像もかなり違うんですよ。ほかの3曲は「下(低音域)も上(高音域)も出しましょう」という感じの作りになっているんだけど、「daybreak seeker」はギュッと真ん中に寄ってるというか。 Yumao: That’s true. The stereo is pretty different as well. For the other 3 songs on the album we tried to make use of both low (bass) and high (treble) frequencies, but for daybreak seeker we leaned straight into the midrange. シノダ サウンドの重心がちょっと高いんだよね。 Shinoda: The base instrumentals are a bit on the high side, so.
ゆーまお その頃の流行もあったと思うし、自分たちのプレイやエンジニアさんも含めて変化しているので。そういう意味でも、記録物として貴重なのかと。 Yumao: The trends of the time did play a part, plus our playing and our engineers have changed since then as well. That’s exactly why it was so important to leave this song for the records. ──録り直さず、そのまま収録したほうがいいと。 So you decided not to re-record anything, and include it on the album as it was. イガラシ この曲に関してはそうですね。 ygarshy: That was indeed the case for this song. シノダ もう1つびっくりしたことがあって。ミックスの段階でエンジニアさんに「シノダくん、この曲のファイルを見たら、ギターソロが100パターンくらい入ってるんだけど」って言われたんですよ。そんなわけないでしょと思ったら、本当に入ってた。 Shinoda: There was one other surprising factor. At the mixing stage, our engineer came up to me and told me “Shinoda-kun, after opening the file, I found about 100 different versions of guitar solos…” I was like “No way that ain’t possible,” but there actually were about 100 versions. イガラシ 1000本ノックだね、ギターソロの。 ygarshy: He made thousands of cracks at it, it’s like the law of 100, but with guitar solos. シノダ そう。「ここにギターソロを入れます。では、弾いてください」みたいな感じでいろんなパターンのソロを弾いて。曲のデータの中にその痕跡が全部残っていて、戦慄しました。 Shinoda: Yeah. I was probably told “I want a guitar solo here. So, please play one for me.” and just knocked myself out. Those remains were preserved inside the song data, and served to give me a real fright, I was so creeped out. ゆーまお 結局、100分の1に絞ったの? Yumao: So in the end you managed to bring it down from 100 to 1? シノダ 順番に聴いて、「これはダメだな」「これだったらいいかも」みたいなことをエンジニアさんと話して。最終的に今の状態になりました。あと、シンセとかシーケンスもけっこう入ってたんですよ。中には「なんのためにこれを入れたんだ?」というものもあって。 Shinoda: The engineer and I had listened to them one by one, picking and choosing which were unfit and which would work. Thus landed on what we got now. There was also quite a bit of synthesizer and sequences in the file. There’s some stuff in there that made me go “I wonder why he had added this?” イガラシ アイデアのラフスケッチみたいなものだろうね。 ygarshy: Maybe it had been like a rough sketch of his ideas.
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today on- Random new Thai expressions I stumble upon ✨
🦷 เหยิน /yeern/ and other recent slang
So I realized I haven't had time to lurk on twt for the entirety of the Christmas season and all the way into the new year which apparently was more than enough time for me to miss a bunch of new slang expressions emerging. The most confusing upon first encountering it definitely was this tooth one though (no context yet, iykyk, otherwise just keep reading lol). Without further ado- context -> explanation, let's go!
Reminder: not a native speaker but a learner of Thai 🙏
Fig.1: A clip from New's most recent tiktok live, in which fans teased him and he teased back lol Sidenote: am I gonna have to finally give in and download the ticky tock just so I can hopefully catch a mumeow gaming stream live for once? 😭
^translatable auto-subs available if needed, I'm lazy today
✨ Confusion ✨ I had heard the associated คลินิกหมอฟันใกล้ฉัน /clinic maaw fan glai chan/ (=dental clinic near me) before but this clip is contextually confusing enough as is with how absent from socials I've been so off I ran to twt-

Okay then! Context? ✅ We're talking about Teacher's Day and this tweet about P'Zee's character Charan who is an art teacher. Also- the novel's first CharanKhanin NC scene famously has an 'art class/learning art' set-up if y'all didn't know already.
เหยิน /yeern/ though? ❌ I'd seen or heard the tooth meme, as I shall dub it, a handful of times now already so this felt like THE time to finally search it up 😤
/yeern/ means /yeern/ means teen slang /yeern/ what does it mean tooth /yeern/ means
Always good to know I'm not the only lost soul out here 👍 Always hilarious to see a familiar face pop up who's just as confused:

What does /yeern/ mean? Where's it taken from? What is it? What sentence, to do with what, do you use it in? Please help #FayePeraya
A kind fan in the replies helpfully shared this funny BKPP clip from a FEE:D interview (in full here) where PP provides a clueless but enthusiastic Billkin with new slang expressions to bless viewers for the new year with 😂 So let's go through them! By which I mean- let's steamroll through them, considering half of these are explained with even more slang expressions lmaooo
- BK: Any new words? Update? - PP: โฮ่ง / BK: โฮ่ง!
โฮ่ง /hong/ means เลิศ /leert/ (=fab, slay, amazing), ดีงาม /dee ngaam/ (=good, excellent)
- PP: สับ สับ สับ / BK: สับ สับ สับ
สับ /sap/ means ดูเลิศ /duu leert/ (=looking fab), ดูเฟียส /duu fierce/ (=looking fierce) -> addendum: สับ /sap/ = lit. chop, chopped; หุ่นสับ /hoon sap/ = snatched figure
- PP: เสิร์ฟๆ /serve/ - BK: I wish everyone to serve. สับ สับ สับ - PP: No! - BK: What now, huh? - PP: ชีเสิร์ฟๆ /she serve/ - BK: I wish she serves this year!
ชีเสิร์ฟ She served - ทำถึง /tham theung/, ถึงเครื่อง /theung khreuuang/ (=extremely good)
- BK: I hope everyone ฮ็อป's!
ฮ็อป /hawp/ - symptom of someone suppressing a smile, holding back on ฟิน /fin/ (=from the English 'finale' or 'finish'; super happy or fulfilled, on cloud nine, over the moon)
- PP: เหยินๆ - BK: And that everyone เหยิน's--
เหยิน /yeern/ - symptom of someone suppressing a smile with the teeth visible -> addendum: เหยิน /yeern/ = protrude; ฟันเหยิน /fan yeern/ = protruding teeth, buckteeth
- BK: And that everyone will be She served. ...this year-- - PP: มันจะไอ้นั่น - BK: What's that, what's it mean? What does it mean? - PP: It's that thing na~ It's, like, something like that. - BK: It's that thing na y'all. It is That Thing na kha!
มันจะไอ้นั่น /man ja ai'nan/ - phrase from "Auntie Tim Scoops Curry", said to leave out (what is meant) with a basis of understanding
- PP: End with She Served! - BK: She Served kha 💅
The End.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk chaotic post at the crossroads of Thai language acquisition, Thai QL fandom, and my NuNew goggles! If anyone managed to follow this stream-of-consciousness mess then congratulations, you've unlocked my way of 'learning' Thai 😂 ทำถึงมากนะคุณน้า
#local woman harps on about linguistics#bella and the blorbos#local woman harps on about znn#nunew chawarin#zee pruk#zeenunew#ข้ามฟ้าเคียงเธอ#faye peraya#faye malisorn#billkinpp#thai language#who am i writing this post for? honestly no clue but like 30 of y'all pressed the yes button on my thai language posts yes/no? poll so like
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I don't understand the attitude of The Clock Keepers towards Tsukasa. It's like they don't know about him at all. Although in chapter 54, Shijima asks Tsukasa to leave, saying that his appearance will not lead to anything good and she has heard about No.3 (I hope you understand what I'm talking about, because tbh I couldn't find these pages in English on sites with manga--) So other mysteries are aware of him, but not the no.1?? (I'm writing with a translator, so I'm sorry for the mistakes. I love your blog, with love from Russia <3)
Well, they're not the only ones who don't know about Tsukasa's existence, number three didn't know either.
In reality, the mysteries don't seem to know much about each other, besides, Tsukasa is a yorishiro, the idea is that no one finds out what and where the yorishiro of the school mystery is, because it is a weak point.
Hanako doesn't know about the yorishiros in the other mysteries, not even the Tsuchigomori one. It turns out that Hanako's yorishiro is a human, Tsukasa, he can just go around making a mess, unlike the others, who were objects. Sumire, being the only human besides Tsukasa, couldn't leave the boundary alone, so not even Hanako knew she was a yorishiro.
In Shijima's case, Tsukasa went after her, not the other way around, there's a panel where she says she knew what he did with number three, and she prefers to avoid him. (I couldn't find the panels for some reason either XD)

Other than her, we don't know of any other mystery who knows about Tsukasa's existence (Mitsuba doesn't count), and she only knows because he went looking for her.
And because "someone" told her about what happened to number three, but who was it? those hands? There was no one there besides Hanako, Nene, Kou, Tsukasa and Mitsuba, who would have told her? Mitsuba only met her after Tsukasa went after her, Hanako would never talk about it with her, Nene and Kou didn't know Mei before entering the PP arc, there's a missing piece here.
Who told her?
Another important point, Tsukasa is working in the shadows, he used Hanako and the other two to do his work. Tsukasa may appear to them, but he is never where Teru or Akane are.
See that even now when he meets Teru, he doesn't say a word to him. Akane and Teru know about Tsukasa, but I don't imagine they knew he was Hanako's yorishiro, after all, it's contradictory, if he killed his brother, why would he be the yorishiro?
Anyway, I think Tsuchigomori knows about Tsukasa's existence, but he prefers not to get involved. The clock keepers preferred to stay away from Hanako from the beginning, so they wouldn't know anything about his history.
It's interesting, but that's exactly what it's about, Tsukasa is the youngest twin that nobody knows, nobody knows about his existence, and that's particularly interesting.
Aww thank you ♡ a big hug from Brazil \o/
#jibaku shounen hanako kun#toilet bound hanako kun#amane yugi#jshk#tbhk#hanako kun#yugi twins#hanakokun#aidairo#jshk spoilers#yugi tsukasa#tsukasa yugi#jshk amane#jshk tsukasa#jshk hanako#jshk theories#clock keepers
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First request, I hope you like this, if there are any grammatical errors, then I apologize, English is not my native language, so I mostly use Google translator. Thanks for your attention :")
Enjoy reading :33
A small note, for your understanding: Angelique in this one shot is your girlfriend, you live together in her house. Y/N is not a member of the Collins family (I found this a bit boring and a bit banal, since in all one shots with Angie, the reader is a member of the Collins family.... :PP )
I hope you like it,uh....
P.S. I didn't check the text for errors, sorry. + the translator could have mixed up the words... and sorry for making you wait so long with your request!
TW — no.
You were lying tiredly on the couch, resting your head on Angelique's lap, while she gently stroked your hair, combing it and playing with it. You were both tired after a day at work and wanted to spend time with each other, even if it was just a silent evening gathering in front of the TV, which was only playing in the background, since you two did not pay attention to the program on the TV screen.
- Angie? - you called the blonde, who immediately looked at you questioningly with a barely audible "m?", - How do you feel about animals?
Angelique thought for a moment and looked at her beloved.
- Depends on who. - the witch calmly answered, resuming her stroking of your head. - I don't like big tame dogs or kittens... - She answered a little thoughtfully, then smiled. - And why are you asking, ma chérie?
- yes? I love you too. - Y/N smiled, opening her eyes and taking a more comfortable position, lying on her back. - How do you feel about getting a small kitten or a dog?
Y/N asked with a sly smile, but immediately became a little sad from the subsequent answer of her beloved.
- Mon amour, I know that the fact that someone small and fluffy will happily greet you after work, sleep on your chest or next to you, just curled up in a ball, makes you happy. But I am not at home all week from morning to evening, just like you, and then we come home tired, especially you, lately you are falling off your feet at the end of the work day, ma chérie. - Angie ran her hand through your hair, gently sorting through it when she noticed your slightly upset, but understanding expression. - Mon amour, does this upset you that much?
- Yes, you're right, - you exhale, realizing that a pet needs more careful supervision, which you and your girlfriend, even if you wanted to, couldn't provide during your workday... you both have so much work lately, it's sad, - Animals need more attention and care, and we're not home from morning to evening, it could be a problem. The animal could do something, get hungry, do something nasty, or even worse, get lost. Although it upsets me a little... I mean the fact that we can't have a little fluffy ball.
With a sigh, you acknowledge my pose and snuggle up to Angelique's chest.
She leaned closer, burying her face in your hair and hugging your shoulders.
- Don't be upset, mon amour. Maybe when we have less work, we'll get a pet.
Your girlfriend whispered tiredly and closed her eyes, enjoying the embrace. Y/N just sighed and put her hands on top of the witch's hands, also closing her eyes.
A couple of days later, you had already forgotten about this conversation, since the day before it should have been exactly a year since you and Angie started dating. All your thoughts were only about how to surprise and please Angelique, the rest somehow flew out of your head. You wanted to give her something that would definitely surprise and please her at the same time, but it would be extremely difficult, since she has obviously seen a lot in her 200 years of life, received a lot of gifts and most likely something banal or ordinary would not surprise her, so you decided to give her something that she would not have had for a long time... at least you hoped for it.
When that day came, the two of you went to a restaurant after work.
Sitting at your table, you listened to Angelique, resting your chin on your hand and staring at her beautiful features.
"God, she's beautiful..."
You thought, feeling yourself break into a stupid smile and looking at her with a loving gaze like a stupid schoolgirl in love. Angelique noticed this and, smiling warmly, leaned towards you, imprinting a feather-light kiss on your lips, which immediately brought you out of your trance and blushed.
- Mon amour, what are you thinking about, hmmm?
It was obvious that she was teasing you and you looked away and cleared your throat, answering.
- You are so beautiful... I am so glad that we met, Angie. I.. I don't know how to describe my feelings for you in words, I am ready to bring the whole world to your feet.
Angelique smiled and placed her palm on top of yours, intertwining your hands together.
- Oh, ma chérie, that's so sweet, I love you too, so much that it's impossible to describe in simple words, my darling.
She leaned towards you for a kiss, you willingly leaned forward, closing your eyes in anticipation, but your sweet moment was interrupted by the waitress, causing both of you to pull away as the dishes arrived.
Groaning in disappointment, you sat down in your seat, Angelique just chuckled at your reaction and whispered.
- Well, well, ma chérie. I'm sure we still have the whole night ahead of us.
After dinner, the two of you were waiting for your dessert. It was while waiting for dessert that you thought it was the right moment to give Angelique her gift.
Having said that you needed to go to the toilet, you disappeared from Angelique's sight and quickly left the restaurant heading to the car where the gift for your beloved was hidden. Quickly taking the bag, you returned to the restaurant and casually sat down in your seat, catching your girlfriend's slightly surprised look.
- Where did you go, my love? - she was surprised to see you already with your bag, since you were without it.
- For the bag, I can't live without it, - you waved it off. - It's calmer when it's next to me.
In response, she only nodded and looked around the restaurant and the guests sitting in it with a bored look.
Unnoticed by Angelique, you took out a beautifully wrapped canvas in gift paper and handed it to the surprised witch as soon as she turned to you again.
- What is this, ma chérie?
She asked with interest, accepting the gift from your hands.
- Your gift, Angie.
You smiled.
This intrigued her even more, she slowly took off the gift wrapping and gasped when she saw the canvas on which her portrait was.
- My God, mon amour, this is beautiful...
Angelique muttered, looking at you.
-Did you draw this yourself?-in response, you only smiled wider and nodded.
- Yes... I thought that no one had ever given you your portraits and perhaps you would like them and...
You didn't have time to finish speaking when Angie interrupted you.
- Yes. I like it madly, mon ange. It's wonderful.
You blushed a little, embarrassed.
- I'm very glad you liked it, Angie.
- I suppose it's my turn for a present now, hm?
Angelique smiled and carefully placed the canvas next to her chair and went off somewhere. You patiently waited for your girlfriend, wondering what kind of surprise she had for you.
A couple of minutes later, she returned with a white box and a lush scarlet-red bow on top.
You took the box from Angie's hands with interest and intrigue, surprisingly it was not light, this put you in a small stupor.
- What's in there?
You asked with interest.
- Open it and find out.
Having obediently opened it, you froze with joy, like a child who received his long-awaited birthday present.
In the box sat a small tabby tortoiseshell kitten and a black Border Terrier puppy.
You looked at Angie and squealed happily and rushed into her arms, leading them to put the box of fluffies on a chair.
- Oh my God, Angie! Thank you so much!
You felt like a little child, but who cared?
Angie hugged you and pulled you in for a kiss, you eagerly responded.
- Happy anniversary, mon amour. I didn't know who you wanted and decided to take both at once, besides, they were both cute.
She smiled, muttering into your lips.
#eva green x reader#alma peregrine x reader#angelique bouchard#Angelique Bouchard x reader#reader#cute#soft
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5 Songs Tag - QL Shows Edition
I was tagged by @recentadultburnout and am excited to play along; thanks for tagging me! 🥰
Before going further, I should clarify that @colourme-feral also tagged me on a different musical tag game, and I was just about to respond to that when this one came in. So am combining my responses for that one with this one as well; hope y'all don't mind! 😚💖
Credit to @troubled-mind for starting this off with their post linked here. 😍
Here are the rules:
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL shows that you actually listen to. 🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series. 🎶Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages! 🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating. 🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
But I'm going to bend the rules a bit because I can't stick with just five. Here are my choices (extra details for the top five, and the more unusual ones listed after):
1. 遠い国/Tooi kuni sung by Ueno Daiki (上野大樹) – the closing theme to Bokura no Shokutaku (Our Dining Table)
This gently lilting song perfectly captures the essence of the hesitant, winsome waltz between Yutaka and Minoru as they orbit ever-closer to each other around radiant little Tane-kun in this heartwarming gem of a series. I can't listen to it without the tears welling up, sentimental fool that I am. The laidback time-signature (a somewhat unusual choice) and hauntingly plaintive key changes really set this one apart. If you'd like a glimpse into the meaning of the lyrics, @isaksbestpillow has a post linked here that translates them into English – the lines are poetically indirect and yet still find some way to pluck at your heartstrings in new and unexpected ways, just like the show itself.
Although the tempo is different, I find this song reminds me so much of the theme to the 70s family series The Waltons, with its old-timey 3-4 (or is it 6-8?) vibes of nostalgia and home truths being shared over steaming bowls of homecooked goodness (also calling to mind Yutaka and Minoru's meaningful exchanges during their many simple but oh-so-delicious meals together).
2. เพลงที่เพิ่งเขียนจบ (Our Song) sung by Nanon Korapat – PatPran's theme in Bad Buddy Series
Nanon isn't one I would call a gifted singer, but his schoolboy tenor and unembellished vocal delivery suit the simple message of this piece really well. It's an unassuming little love song that sweetly encapsulates Bad Buddy's Episode 11 storyline and the theme of living the truth of your love (and by extension that of your identity too) without any need for great flourishes or grandiosity to glamorize the picture; you and your truth are enough, no matter what you may think or what others may tell you. (More write-up linked here.) 💖
3. พรุ่งนี้ (Tomorrow) sung by Ford Arun – the closing theme for Moonlight Chicken
A quiet, hope-filled ballad that softly reminds us (as Moonlight Chicken did) how life will always be fraught with struggle, disappointment, sadness, bereavement and mistakes – and despite it all, the dawning of each new day is also an opportunity to cast off the burdens placed on us yesterday and reshape the present and the future in any way that we wish. We are more than just the sum of our past missteps, and we can find our way to a life of fulfilment when we move forward beyond the shadows of our immediate despair. Ford's rendition, set against an end-of-year Christmas backdrop, tenderly nudges us with the message that whatever it is (within reason) that we seek – happiness, purpose, love – the promise of it is wrapped up in the days to come, and is always ours to take and make real.
4. รักติดไซเรน (Love Siren) sung by Ice Paris and Pearwah Nichaphat – from My Ambulance
My Ambulance isn't strictly a QL but it has a BL side couple played by Billkin and PP Krit, so I'm counting this one in (also because it's a relentlessly feel-good and catchy confection, everything you want in a breezy pop song). Everyone's really pretty, and you can spot some familiar faces dancing back-up. I've watched this so many times I immediately recognized the filming location when it popped up in Our Skyy 2 x A Tale of Thousand Stars and Be My Favorite. (Don't understand the unnecessary toilet break at timestamp 3.27 though. 🤷♂️)
Almost forgot to add the multilingual version – if you've not seen this before, get ready to have your mind boggled at the different languages they sing in, and maybe watch out for your own to make an appearance: 👀😍
5. ไหล่เธอ (You’ve Got Ma Back) sung by Fourth Nattawat, Ford Arun, Satang Kittiphop and Winny Thanawin – from My School President
A cheery teen anthem to togetherness and the support of friendships, very much like My School President itself. You can't help smiling and singing along because you know it's all about positivity and living worry-free when those around you care and protect you too.
And for the also-rans – these are not in any way inferior (some are even arguably superior musically), but they're not up above simply because they don't have as heavy a rotation on my playlist (and I'm listing them here to spread awareness): 🤩
ไม่ยอม (Be Mine) from TharnType, the Kaownah version (very strong melodically, and this performance converted me into a fan of Kaownah who's excellent here; the song, singer and actor deserve to be associated with a better series).
รักคุณยิ่งกว่าใคร (I Love You More Than Anyone), from Cutie Pie 2 You, sung by NuNew Chawarin (hopelessly, somewhat ironically and unapologetically cheesy, this paean to the pageantry of Thai country music or luk thung is so joyful I can't help loving every jangly, bedazzled melisma; I love it as much as the Build Jakapan cover and the Got Jakrapun original – all so addictive, like too‑sweet candy).
คนที่เสียใจคงไม่ใช่เธอ (The One Who Will Be Sorry Is Probably Not You) – theme from Bad Romance The Series (amazingly this works either as the hard-driving original replete with wailing guitars and screamy rock-god vocals by Pete Pitipong, or the soft ballad cover by Tul Pakorn – both have a grip on my heart).
The theme to KinnPorsche by Slot Machine – this is like the theme to Bad Romance but with no brakes at all, racing to the cliff edge and you don't care; with soaring, almost operatic vocals and a relentlessly pounding rhythm that shifts unsettlingly offbeat midway, the Thai original (เพียงไว้ใจ/Just Trust) is already so many kinds of amazing, but the English version (appropriately titled Freefall) is surprisingly not only more than credible, it also screams primally with lyrics that embody the full-blooded, breathless, all-stakes-committed rush of KinnPorsche's action sequences and darker dramatic moments (when the series wasn't unfortunately tripping over its own shoelaces or galumphing about in a clown car).
นิทานพันดาว (Theme to A Tale of Thousand Stars) – but it's the Torfun version sung by Aye Sarunchana that's won me over. 💖
ฟัง (Listen) from My School President, sung by Lookwa Pijika, Fourth Nattawat, Ford Arun, Satang Kittiphop and Winny Thanawin – you can give this treatise on love so many readings, but my favorite is when it incarnates the love that Mrs. Ratchanee has for her little Gun of a son; the original by Sin Tosaporn Achawanuntakul (featuring โอม Cocktail) isn't half bad either, with the music video also dallying with LGBTQ+ themes, but Winny absolutely does a better job of the bridge in the MSP cover.
คิด(แต่ไม่)ถึง [Same Page?] by Tilly Birds – not too sure this counts as a song from the world of QL because it was only in the original, not-quite-canon Bad Buddy trailer but not in the series itself (except for the one line Pat sings on the terrace of his apartment during his Ep.12 drinking game with Pran); still I'm including it because it's an aural experience like no other, starting out hollow, off-kilter and dissonant before its various polyphonies interweave into a delightfully solid pop song.
Inwza by Panpan Yeeyee – once again, not sure this counts as a song from QL but the made-up word Inwza (not so much the song itself) was mentioned as part of Pat's chat ID in Bad Buddy Ep.1 (significance explained here); nonetheless looking up the word got me connected to this wistful little synth-heavy indie pop number that makes for a refreshingly quirky listen.
เพื่อนเล่น ไม่เล่นเพื่อน (Just Being Friendly) – the My School President version by Fourth Nattawat, Ford Arun and Satang Kittiphop is just as good as (and maybe even slightly better than?) the original by Tilly Birds featuring Milli, but this flawless mashup of the MSP version with NuNew's is also amazing and I rotate between all three. No favorites here; all so boppy and guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. 😍
เลี้ยงส่ง (Farewell Party) by So Cool – this is what Pran references during Bad Buddy's Ep.12 drinking game as the first song he learnt the chords to; totally old-school (dates from 2005) and makes me think of a pre-teen Pran struggling to learn guitar, practising the chords on a song that was already a Thai rock classic at the time.
Stand by หล่อ by New Country – this wasn't in any QL as far as I can tell but the MSP boys performed it in their Prom Night concert and Bas Asavapatr also confirmed having danced to it during one of the Be On Cloud games, so I'm including it because it's so infernally catchy, has roots in Thai luk thung, and the dance video is really SHINee-slick.
Tagging @pandasmagorica, @isaksbestpillow, @colourme-feral, @dudeyuri, @ranchthoughts...
...@chickenstrangers, @lurkingteapot, @airenyah, @dribs-and-drabbles and anyone else who wants to play along. Apologies if you've already been tagged!
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hi! i know this may sound a little weird and random, but i have two questions that i’m honestly really curious about. and as i don’t know anyone who reads fanfiction in real life and you’re literally the only blog i consistently follow, i figured i would ask them here.
the first one is what’s your setup for reading? like the atmosphere and circumstances you have to be in. for me, i can only read at night with all the lights off while laying down for that full immersive experience (and honestly the darkness also helps in being a little in denial about what i’m reading). not only that, but also a movie or tv show playing in the background at a low volume.
and the next question is what language do you imagine the characters speaking in? i personally always imagine them speaking in korean and so when the author writes a line that very clearly implies they’re speaking english, i’m always like ‘woah, wait a minute’. and that also kind of goes with ocs with non-korean names. it pulls me out of the stories a little because i honestly don’t like it when either of those happen.
that’s not to say that the stories are bad. the vast majority of those stories are very well written and well thought out, it’s just for me personally that i don’t prefer it that way. (btw, congrats on releasing another story! i haven’t gotten the chance to read it yet, but i’m sure it’s just as great as your other ones!)
(pps, i am very grateful for all writers. you guys keep me away from rotting from boredom, so thank you!! hopefully what i wrote doesn’t sound insulting.)
hi, thanks for popping by!
to answer your question, i usually scroll tumblr at late night and i prefer reading on laptop as opposed to phone (but sometimes i use phone too). i usually have music playing in the bg. if i know i'm gonne be bingereading a series or a long fic, i usually switch to phone. dim lights at night, sure. sometimes i'll read during the day whenever i get a break from real life.
the second question is sth i haven't really thought about until you pointed it out AHAHA hmmm i gotta think about this. i learned 3 languages at once from birth so the brain is frankly a mess (english is one of them), plus now that i know avg korean i guess i do hear some phrases in korean while reading? especially the phrases that are easily translatable into korean?
i guess when i first started reading fanfics, that's when i might have focused on the language i hear while reading. i've consumed a lot of english literature so it's usually english for me while reading, and with fanfics it did feel weird in the beginning (esp when some korean terms are kept which sometimes also icks me and there's some weird switching going on but to each their own) but i learned to ignore it and simply enjoy. when it starts to play like a movie in the head, the language does not remain the focus (at least for me)
i don't mind ocs with non korean names when you have korean idols that go by english names LOL but yeah sometimes i find a few things weird but honestly, if the story is good? i don't really mind those things and i can keep going on. it really does come down to personal preferences i guess.
thank you so much! it was random and got me thinking in a good way ahaha but it's not insulting, don't worry <3 i hope you like star 1117 when you read it hehe
#it's interesting how we all have different preferences#and thoughts about how we read/process/comprehend fanfics lol#i can read just about anywhere i used to be quite the reader (non-fanfic) so i still retain some habits#yumi.asks
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Thank you! The response so far has been really encouraging. I guess there are more Mika fans out there than I originally thought.
As for the scene of Mika confessing to Ginoza, it can be found in Psycho-Pass 3: Official Profiling. In addition to character stats and trivia, the book features several short stories, one of which is set after Sinners of the System: Case. 1. In it, Mika reveals that she was the one who gave away Aoi Tsunemori’s location, but Ginoza had already guessed as much. To make her feel better, he admits to experiencing similar feelings of guilt over the way he treated Masaoka. He then urges Mika to keep the truth to herself rather than reveal it to Akane, because he knows that Akane will eventually forgive her, and neither of them deserve easy absolution for their sins. Instead, they should have to carry the weight of what they’ve done with them for the rest of their lives.
I really wish they’d been able to fit this scene into Sinners of the System, but I guess they just didn’t have time. Still, it’s another great moment that highlights the similarities between Mika and Ginoza." //
Thank you for answering.
Oh, that makes more sense. I never had access to that information. I'm just an idiot who can't read Japanese, only English and French. I came across a few excerpts about PP3 the official profiling but these didn't appear. And regarding the SS, I could only read the translated version of the novel on case n°3.
You're welcome! Happy I was able to was able to shed some light on the issue.
And I'd hardly call being fluent in two languages stupid. If it makes you feel any better, I'm in the same boat, only with English and Spanish. The only reason I was able to read this particular story -- or any of the other stories in Official Profiling -- was because of online fan translations. The PP fandom is lucky to have so many passionate, invested fans willing to do the legwork for the rest of us.
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What Happens When the BB
"buys" (for $1, total, inclusive) paid media for their kween.....from clearly a verrryyy third world nation, with a "writer" for whome English is seemingly their 4th language and they're 6 years old....
(oml, lmao!!! The "article" is linked and screenied further down....can't decide if this is utterly heelarious or truly pathetically sad)
Ummm......again.....the "article" (and Silly endless $$$$ obsession):
For everybody who wishes to not:
A) give them clicks
B) possible have a virus slowing up their hardware, I have screenied everything......complete with the mennyyyyy, klassseee ads on whatever TF this site even IS:
Note for your bad Walmart Google translator knockoff: "elusive" wouldn't be a plus here....
"Star -studded", huh? PP and some dude I don't even know doing the same stupid shit? Oooohhh....
Ummm.....PP isn't the face of T-mobile, she's in one IG campaign. She most assuredly is the lead for IPhone 15, because that's Apple.
they sure do like the term "enchanting", huh? And "extensive details"? About 15 second spot?
Adding a cut now, cuz only getting started, sorry dudes:
Yes, folks, a "table of contents/outline" about the Peepster in a bad commercial, repeating the same bullshit everywhere. And a Temu banner ad (dw, there are lots of the last!)
I don't think even the target for cremation services "adore" the PP....and yes, it definitely "knows bounds", cuz it's why her shit doesn't perform all that well....
It's super basic.....and who knew you needed to recap a commercial???
PP's thoughts race? How can her thoughts race when her hed is completely empty? Also----she's reciting lines....
Ummm......where??? Also, didn't you just review it?
Did you, AI/7 year old with a translator knockoff program in a far flung verryyyyy third world country? In exchange for a ciggie? Maybeee????
Umm......so we're not smart enough to get the most cliched concept everrr??? The "mixed reviews" are cuz it's dumb and abysmal across the board, dude....
Well......I guess it's an experience in cringe, just like this "article"....
Yes....one for shaking her ass, the other for moping cuz she'd fucked up her relationship with Cole, AGAIN, and started the countdown to the final endddd.....
She took the risk and failed/couldn't handle not finding pants...
Scientastic!!! LOLOLOLOL!!! Tho, TBF, her acting's better in it than we see these days....
You already mentioned Hustlers, dude.....And OCD....
A minor one, on a relaunch that failed miserably, ditto Cover Girl....and really? Her book? Duuuuudddeeee.....
No, she practices being a wacky cult and talking to ghosts thru the ether......
She likes to whine for attention....
Ummm......who knew you needed to be told how to pronounce T-moble.....
Thank you, Jeebus.....and PP is anything BUT "holistic" (given how wasted she is 99% of the time).....
However, yeah, Silly/janASS, we sure were schooled by this!!!
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music shuffle game 🎵
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 songs, then tag 10 friends to do the same.
i was tagged by @eg515, thank you!! <3 for a change of pace, i'm getting around to this one within six months. 🎉
จัาเก่ง (slipped your mind) - F.HERO, tilly birds - tilly birds!! [everyone nods because they understand that i've said enough]
too sweet - hozier - ironically, this is the one song in the finished list that's not from a thai singer or group, and that's largely because it's been on repeat because for months now i've been struggling to figure out how to approach one particular starsky/hutch plotbunny that's mostly vibes in my head. and which originally sprung from similar scenes in two different thai movies (that's the ironic part).
แรงอีกนิด (sadistic) - project jasp.er - what can i say? i enjoy a cliché boyband debut with a bad boy song, i think the concept of gmmtv assembling an idol boyband consisting solely of halves of established BL actor pairings is as interesting, clever, and potentially problematic (and dare i say subversive?) as it is a plainly funny yet perhaps inevitable bussiness move, and finally. it's hilarious to me that i'm not even purposely following anything joong archen does but i do know for sure that the MV for this is the third seperate time he's been seductively tied to a chair for a project. people at gmmtv sure do love tying that guy to chairs. he's only been with the company a little over three years, so that averages out to one chair he's being tied to every year.
secret - perth - speaking of bad boy aesthetics and BL, well. here we have the current (and perhaps forever) on screen partner of the s in jasp (it's an acronym) doing the same thing.
teedee tada - diamond narakorn - i think, on some level, that nobody should ever get to be even a little bit famous until they're at the VERY least, like, twenty-three. i worry about what the entertainment industry does to people and i worry about young people even more. however. diamond is so so young (19) and so so talented, and when he danced to this with lego (18) of LYKN (another boyband) they were fully just, like, displaying a level of skill and stage presence that many people in their industry who are closer to twice their age could only dream of.
เสนอตัว (Ooh!) - pp krit - no one in these spaces is doing quite what pp krit does, and he does it so well. after several of his music videos i think that every dystopian landscape belongs to him now, actually.
แม่เกี่ยว - palmy - look! i've listened to an album or two, and i liked it, but i don't think any of her other songs will ever make it to my on repeat list. this one, however, may still be stuck for the foreseeable future.
stand by หล่อ - new country / นิวคันทรี่ - i love this one because it's fun, but also because hearing it reminds me of how much i love the english subtitles for their MV. they're clever! they translated the wordplays in ways that make them work in english while keeping the same type of corny joke, and! it still rhymes!!! (a donut has a hole, when can you and me be whole? nonsensically perfect! stand by ror/on mute, stand by lor/on cute? INCREDIBLE. and so on.) new country songs genuinely have some of the best translation work in their subtitles i've seen in any thai media i've watched, and why! for what reason! < not something i'm asking to make them stop, i'm just happily baffled.
เอาเลยมั้ย (let's try) - khaotung thanawat - iconic! probably still my favorite original soundtrack for any gmmtv series ever, and dear god, have i watched a lot of them by now. i think this may also be the song that's been in my on repeat list the longest, not just out of these random 10, but out of the whole list.
เพื่อนผมเกมได้ไง - TaitosmitH - the most fun song i've ever heard about pleading with a police officer not to arrest your friend because he's such a good guy and his wife just died and his son has polio (and you've got bribe money). also though: taitosmith!! [once again everyone nods because they understand that i've said enough]
i will tag @localsealboy (entirely of my own volition, with zero hints) @redgoldblue @the-arya-silvertongue @theartichokesarepurple, @smileylover99 @actingcamplibrarian @wenceslas @girlonastring @spaceradars @msbeeinmybonnet, and anyone who reads this and feels like it. with no pressure, of course! (and no need to do anything except post song titles. i just have things to say.)
#spotify never lets me copy any text (boooo! i love copying text) so this doubled as a thai typing exercise#number 11 would have been ละลาย (lalalye) - daou pittaya. inescapable. and also: two fifths of a LAZ1 reunion with diamond in the mix#though tbf i guess two fifths is not much of an achievement. that could just be daou and offroad going about their day#*#tag stuff#oh man rewatching the sadistic MV reminded me how in love i am with the subtitle that goes#'just tiny scrapes and stings[comma] like gentle ant bites coming through' (around 1:28)#only this time not for translation reasons. 'gentle ant bites' is just an unmatched top tier kind of combination of words to me#'the ant bites gently' < title of my next great american novel
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Oh, that's super neat! Thank you for bringing this story to my attention. I don't recall reading about it in the past. It certainly helps fill in the blanks of Zhu's literary origins. I especially like how the villain is called the "Black General" (Wu jiangjun, 烏將軍). This is no doubt related to Zhu's dark skin, which is likely influenced by the color of wild pigs and possibly his association with dark stellar deities. As a reminder to those taking part in the book club, his description in chapter 18 reads:
When the violent gust of wind had gone by, there appeared in midair a monster who was ugly indeed. With his black face [hei lian, 黑臉] covered with short, stubby hair, his long snout and huge ears, he wore a woven robe that was neither quite green nor quite blue. A sort of spotted cotton handkerchief was tied round his head (based on Wu & Yu 2012, vol. 1, p. 375). 那陣狂風過處,只見半空裡來了一個妖精,果然生得醜陋:黑臉短毛,長喙大耳;穿一領青不青、藍不藍的梭布直裰,繫一條花布手巾。
@ryin-silverfish can I have permission to quote your synopsis on my article? It's definitely due for an update. I will of course link to your socials (just indicate which ones).
And while we're on the subject of chapter 18, I think an additional source might be an episode from chapter 5 of the Water Margin (Shuihu zhuan, 水滸傳, c. 1400). Both works include:
Beautiful daughters in unwanted relationships (Green Orchid vs the unnamed maiden).
Elderly fathers worried for their daughters (Mr. Gao vs Mr. Liu).
Evil spirit-turned-Inhumanly strong, hot-tempered, heavy metal staff-wielding martial monks who come to their aid (Sun Wukong vs Lu Zhishen).
The monk takes the place of the woman in a darkened room.
The villain is beaten (Zhu Bajie vs Zhou Tong).
I am in a hurry at the moment, so here are some quick pictures of the specific pages from the English translation:

(Shi & Luo, 1993/2021, pp. 109-113)
Shi, N., & Luo, G. (2021). Outlaws of the Marsh (Vols. 1-4) (S. Shapiro, Trans.). Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. (Original work published 1993)
Chapter 18: What a Swine!
-A few pages into the chapter, and I found the first hook to go on a giant tangent: according to Gao Cai, Gao Village is located in the Kingdom of Qoco. I have no idea why Yu translated it as such, since the original Chinese name——Wusi Zang(乌斯藏, a transliteration of dbus gtsang) sounds nothing like that, but in short, it's the Ming dynasty name for Tibet.

-However, a quick glance at this map would show you that the real Xuanzang didn't cross Tibet during his journey; rather, he went the long way around the Himalayas, travelling on the Central Asian Silk Road. In the Ming dynasty, if you wanna go to India, you could actually take the route through the Himalayas and Nepal, but it wasn't there in the Tang dynasty (because there were a couple of hostile kingdoms in the way; Tuyuhun, Tubo, etc.)
-Sidenote, I absolutely love how JTTW '86 adapted this chapter, with SWK getting his flirt on and the legendary "Pigsy Carrying His Bride" sequence that had made its way into many subsequence adaptations.

-JTTW Research had written pretty comprehensively about Pigsy's origins, from the Daoist deity Marshal Canopy to his ties with Marici, an import deity with a boar mount who's also associated with the Dipper Constellation. As such, I only had one tidbit to add about possible inspirations for his character in folklore that predated the above.
-The earliest tale about a lusty pig demon could be found in the Tang dynasty Xuan Guai Lu(玄怪录). Guo Yuanzhen, a historical general during the reign of Gaozong and Wu Zetian, came across a mansion in his youth during travel. The whole place was lavishly decorated, as if preparing for a wedding banquet, but eeriely empty save for one crying woman.
-Turned out, she was the unwitting soon-to-be bride of a god called "General Wu"(乌将军), who demanded a beauty as his wife every year from the locals, and because they would pay a hefty sum to "buy" said bride, her own father sold her out to be this year's sacrifice. Furious, Guo disguised himself as a guest, pretended to offer General Wu some venison, then cut off his hand with the meat knife.
-Wounded, the General fled, and his severed limb turned into a pig's hoof once the sun came out. Soon, the bride's family and village elders came to the manor, ready to collect her body for the funeral, and were so freaked out by what Guo did that they were ready to sacrifice him to General Wu too, since the "god" was known to summon storm and hails whenever he didn't get his bride.
-Guo scolded them for being so damn guillible because no real gods would demand human sacrifices or, y'know, have pig hooves as hands, before gathering the young men of the villages and following the trail of blood to the pig demon's abode, where they proceeded to smoke it out and kill it with an assortment of arrows and farming tools.
-The woman, after calling out her terrible parents, pledged herself to Guo and became one of his wives, and all was well.
-Honestly, Pigsy's evolution from his folklore origins to JTTW Zaju to JTTW novel seemed to be one in which he became increasingly sympathetic; from basically being a more lusty version of Guanyin's goldfish, to an opportunistic kidnapper who took advantage of a pair of star-crossed lovers' family feud, to an ex-deity turned reformed demon who kinda got screwed over by his in-laws.
-Final note: Pigsy bragged that even if they could get the "Monster-Routing Patriarch" to come down from the Nine Heaven and exorcise him, he could still claim to be an old buddy of the guy. Which…wasn't wrong, considering that "Monster-Routing Patriarch" was the title of Emperor Zhenwu, Lord of the North, who was worshipped alongside Marshal Canopy as one of the Four Saints of the North Pole.
#jttw book club#Zhu Bajie#Pigsy#Zhu Wuneng#Sun Wukong#Monkey King#Journey to the West#JTTW#Lego Monkie Kid#LMK#Water Margin#all men are brothers
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The link between the anti-Rushdie fatwa and Islamist Sayid Qutb
14 February 1989 was the fateful date when Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran pronounced a fatwa, or death sentence, on Salman Rushdie, author of the supposedly blasphemous work, The Satanic Verses. Rushdie lies critically injured in hospital following an attempt on his life 33 years later. ‘Blasphemy against Islam’ has long been a favourite pretext for persecuting Jews in the Arab world, dissident Muslims and western satirists. But with its doctrinaire adherence to, and aggressive advocacy for, sharia law, the forces of political Islam have declared lethal war on freedom of expression in the West. Sephardi Ideas Monthly points to the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Sayid Qutb: From Egypt it is a little-known fact that Qutb’s ideology has travelled to Iran, where four of his books have been translated into Persian. (With thanks: Edna)
Salman Rushdie, sentenced to death by the Ayatollahs
Sephardi Ideas Monthly traces the little-known but very consequential line of influence that transcends the traditional Sunni-Shi’a divide and connects Sayyid Qutb to the Islamic Republic of Iran (IR). Qutb met with and encouraged Iranian revolutionaries and his writings played an important role in the Iranian Islamist revolution.
The current Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, translated four of Qutb’s books into Persian! One scholar summed up the issue concisely: “The influence of Sayyid Quṭb on the Islamist movement and the revolutionaries of Iran is still not acknowledged sufficiently and remains largely unknown in the West.” (See: “Sayyid Quṭb in Iran: Translating the Islamist Ideologue in the Islamic Republic.” Yusuf Ünal, Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2 (November 2016), pp. 35-50).
Qutb’s connection to Shi’ite activists dates back to the early 50s, when Iranian cleric Navvab Safavi, leader of the Iranian “Fedayeen of Islam,” visited him in Egypt. Safavi was impressed by Qutb, took his ideology back to Iran, and promoted the vision of an Islamic state among Iranian revolutionaries. Translations of Quṭb’s works soon followed. In many cases, the Persian-language translators were also activists who went on to play important roles in the Iranian revolution, the most prominent being Safavi’s student, Khamenei. Among the books that Khamenei translated was, The Future of This Religion, a work in which Quṭb:
…argues for the political supremacy of Islam, which will lead to the future submission of all humanity to Islamic ideology, and calls upon all Muslims to fight against the imperialist powers.
In order to honor Qutb’s thought and influence, in 1985 the Iranian regime’s postal service issued a stamp showing Qutb behind bars during his 1966 trial in Egypt. That trial ended in Qutb’s hanging.
It’s true that, in recent years, Qutb’s writings have inspired revolutionary Sunni jihadi groups that mercilessly target Shi’a. The difficulty in reconciling Qutb’s influence on both the Iranian revolution and anti-Shi’ite jihadis was examined at a February, 2015, conference held in Iran dedicated to “Re-reading and Re-viewing the Views of Sayyid Quṭb” (See Unal, p. 36). The willingness to re-engage with Qutb’s writings in such a charged geo-political context testifies to the depth of their impact in the IR. In addition, it’s important not to overstate the problem: other Sunni Islamist groups influenced by Qutb are more than happy to maintain positive relations with the Iranian regime, the most obvious example being Hamas.
Why isn’t the Qutb-Iran connection more well-known among Western observers of the MENA region? Perhaps the answer is connected to a related question: How is it that there isn’t a single English-language biography of Khamenei? Sometimes written off as “the chief apparatchik backed by the Iranian deep state” Khamenei has ruled Iran for thirty-three years. That’s a long time in a very unstable region. It’s reasonable to wonder if Khamenei is more competent than often perceived, and if his political acumen is connected to Qutb’s influence. Either way, if we wish to prepare for an extended conflict with the forces of Political Islam, it would be prudent to wonder how much of the revolutionary energy that animates portions of the Iranian regime is still being generated by its encounter with Qutb.
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i hope this account is alive and well :pp do u k ow where to watch betty la fea?? i’ve been dying to watch it
hiiiii, thank you! well, if you want to watch it with english subtitles there's this person who's doing the translation, there are some free episodes there but you need to pay to watch the rest of them i think, the novela is still not complete but she's doing a great work! link: https://www.patreon.com/claudilla83/posts now if you want to watch it with spanish subtitles or normal, you can watch it on telegram or facebook! links: https://t.me/ysblf_sub https://t.me/ysblf_original
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Billkin won ‘The Best Leading Actor’ in Nataraja Awards, where Billkin and PP Krit were both nominated.
This video is part of his speech where he thanked PP.
BK : Last, I want to thank PP. Actually for me, in every scenes, PP and I are always together. We started to do hard and new stuffs. For me, I feel that in addition to the ITSAY team, there is PP who travels and grows up with me. I feel that ITSAY is another big step in my life that I had a chance and still got PP to walk by my side and we support each other until we could complete this. Actually, it’s a kind of energy that without PP, I believe that I wouldn’t have done this thing this good. On the day we saw that we got nominated to the same award, I believe that it doesn’t matter who receives it. The award belongs to all the ITSAY team.
(English Translation by BKPP International on twitter and video source: Nadao Bangkok Youtube)
#the way his voice breaks bcs he’s holding back his tears 🥺😭#he’s so genuine in his every speech#he values PP so much i’m sobbingggg#billkin#pp krit#nataraja awards#bkpp#itsay#i told sunset about you
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Okay, this is a really small question, but I was wondering if you HD any theories about the hand that appears in one of the latest chapters and the accident It mentions.
I've seen people say its Tsukasa, but personally I think It might be a new character or something similar.
What do you think?
Wow, you read my thoughts, I had planned to post about this today hahahaha XD
This hand reminded me of this one

Do you remember her? it is Amane's hand in the PP arc.
So let's compare

They're similar, don't you think? This similarity makes the hypothesis of it being Tsukasa make sense in some way (since he and Amane are twins) and after that Tsukasa without the seal appeared, so it could be him. (It's a hypothesis but I don't know if I'll bet on it, because it seems too obvious)
But why would he say that?
"Hey, what do you think will happen in the play? Yeah, there's no way, not after that accident."
What did that person mean by that? That there's no way Yashiro could know because of "that accident" she may have had? Or was it about not knowing what is going to happen in the play because some accident happened before it started?
After that the big clock broke, was that the accident the owner of this hand was talking about? or something from the past?
So, this hand is very mysterious, there is absolutely nothing, hints, clues, signs, nothing about who it could be. But it turns out it could belong to someone from the past or future, as Tsukasa said that the flow of time will become unstable.
The owner of the hand talked about an accident, which suggests that it has already happened and that it will happen again.
But I noticed something interesting in the translation, in the English translated version it looks like this
"Hey, what do you think is going to happen in the play? Yeah, there's no way, not after that accident."
In the version translated into my language (Portuguese) it says
"Hey, what do you think will happen in the play? Oh yeah, since that accident everything has been…"
Small difference but it can change everyting.
This confused me a little because I don't know which version is closest to the original. The English version implies that something won't happen because of the accident, the Portuguese version implies that since the accident happened everything is… what?
I need to analyze it better because this confused me hahaha
An interesting bonus, the second image of the mysterious hand makes me think it's a female hand. This is because Aidairo usually draws different shaped hands for boys and girls.
Girls have delicate small hands and rounded fingers, boys have larger, more robust hands and squarer fingers, we can compare them using Amane and Nene.
So, it could be a girl's hand (based on the second image) in the first image the hand is similar to Amane's.
So I still have no suspicions other than Tsukasa and Amane owning this hand, but they're not my first definitive answer.
I hope you liked it, thanks for the ask!
#jibaku shounen hanako kun#hanako kun#hanakokun#toilet bound hanako kun#jshk#amane yugi#jshk spoilers#tbhk#yugi twins#aidairo#tbhk hanako#jshk hanako#yashiro nene#tsukasa yugi#yugi amane#jibaku shonen hanako kun fanart#toilet bound fanart
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