#thanks god the cinema was dark af
arttrampbelle · 1 year
Shang tsung x reader hcs
Reader is gn
*note: this isn't mk12 shang. Never will be. So.....sorry bout your poor taste in shang tsung iterations. Imagine any other version of shang. Thank you.*
Cw:mentions of nsfw(nothing heavy),fluff,mentions of a s/o who self harms and has mental illness/depression.
Shang Tsung with a s/o that is.....
Shang tsung with a kind,sweet,gentle s/o. One that is shy,maybe a bit more of the demure side. Or even just a person who isn't an assertive type. Either way a s/o that is more softer and sweeter. A sweet gentle soul. Shang tsung would absolutely love you. It's a breath of fresh air to him. To come home to a gentle energy. Someone he can look to and see innocence in this cold and unforgiving world that is MORTAL KOMBAT. to him,you are his sanctuary. To him you are the closest to heaven he will ever get. And he is so so grateful for that.
Shang tsung with a more spunky,energetic and lively s/o. One who is active and maybe bounce off the walls goofy. Just a jovial little imp you are! One who shitposts memes at 3am and major crackhead energy. (I love you people fr) you are an absolute delight. You Make him laugh till his sides hurt. He's never felt like this in decades,centuries even. Never have you made him feel so alive,so youthful,and full of surprises. He loves your energy. He feels while your behavior can be annoying af at times. He appreciates your sincerity and despite the darkness around you you still find humor and life in everything. He has major respect for that. (You n johnny cage maaaaay get along. But hey i hc shang's cool with johnny,but like a silly puppy and moody dad kinda friendship. They could kill each other but they'd rather talk about kung fu cinema) you are absolutely precious to him.
Shang with a more aggressive,assertive,and angy(?) S/o. Maybe someone prone to easily be angered. Or even someone willing to throw hands and give out a can of whoop ass. Oh thank the elder gods he doesn't have to defend you! Not that he minds,he does love the praise he gets for that. But he feels relieved that you can handle yourself. Not to mention,its kinda hot to him when you get angry. Not at him of course....then again....the thought has crossed his mind....anyways. shang tsung loooooves sparring with you! Unf it's his bread n butter. He feels so alive with every kick and punch you throw. He always is sad when you are done tho. He always craves more. But both of you im sure are busy. But he loves you just the same.
Shang tsung with a s/o that is moody,sad,battles with depression,maybe self harm? He would be extra careful with his beloved. He would check in on you regularly. Pay extra special attention to your needs and make sure you take any medication you need to take. He would teach you techniques to help ease your inner demons. As he understands that struggle. He absolutely knows what to say,what to do,and how to help you. And if he can't help you. He will find someone who can. He will always be there to comfort you and give you advice when you need him to. He may be a dark sorcerer,but he is ruthless. NEVER HEARTLESS. especially with you. He loves you. And doesn't want to lose you. He cherishes you so so much. So whatever battles you face. He will be at your side,to crush any foe or neurosis that stand in your way to glory!
Shang tsung with a s/o that loves to cook. Omfg have his hand in marriage already! You make such amazing foods. Even if its simple. Even if it's just the most basic ass shit. The love you put into it. The fact that you even bothered to give him foods he loves! Unf. This man is over the moon! He absolutely loves you cooking for him. Better if its homemade,and a personal recipe. He absolutely loves you. He may even help you cook. Bonding time.
Shang tsung with a s/o who is chubby,thicc,and got some rolls on them.(this is gn but this is especially for fem persenting peeps. I see you. I got you!) Oh my god he would adore you. He loves your voluptuous curves. He loves how you always seem to look so flawless in everything. And even if you dont feel that way. He still loves you. Because he fell for your soul....not your body honey. Tho...he'd be foolish not to admit. He loves hanging onto every inch of you. Dragging his claws from his gauntlets across your skin. And the loveable little squees you make in response. Hee hee. What can i say my mans a glutton for a teasing. >:3c. But shang would absolutely adore you. Softness and sweetness. Perfect.
Shang tsung with a s/o that kinda is awkward with themselves. Not hating themselves,just awkward. He would totally gas you up! Especially if you get flustered and blush. Fave pastime is making you blush.
Shang tsung doesn't care about where you come from. Ethnicity,nationality,realm. He loves it all. He doesn't care. The man is 500yrs old. Do you think he gives a rat's ass?! Hell no. He would absolutely love to learn about you. He loves to learn. Knowledge is power. And what better way than to gain it by your side. He's stubborn but not to the point of reluctance to learn fron others. Sometimes he knows but not the extent. Sometimes he'll be surprised. Either way. He loves you. (Idgaf why would shang care about your ethnicity? Like there's so many different people in mk rosters anyways. So any x readers from any character that had this was dumb to me,and childish. Black,white,asian,American,European,lizard,shokan,dragon,rabbit person,mortal,immortal,doesn't fucking matter. If shang tsung likes you and wants to peruse you. He fucking will. And nothing will stop him if he genuinely loves you,unless you give him a reason not to. Which you wont. Also if shang genuinely loves you he will show it differently than if he's trying to gain something from you and get you riled up or if its not genuine. Biiiig difference but that's for another post)
Shang would love you in your best and worst of times. During the lows and the highs. He's in it for the long haul. He doesn't play when it comes to the matters of the heart. He's all in or nothing. He wouldn't bother perusing you if he didn't think you two would be in a long established relationship. Marriage or not. He is loyal to his beloved. Only to his beloved. He's a snek to others. Not to you. He'd burn all the realms to see you safe and happy and loved. He'll die for you,he'd kill for you. Either way what bliss? He's absolutely over the moon for you.
Shang tsung is basically a martial arts master asian gomez in love. Whatever and however you are. He will absolutely love you. Cherish you. Treasure you. Every moment. Period. I don't make the rules. He loves you sorry. And you are his,heart AND soul. uwu.
Hope y'all appreciate this. I wanted to make this to say basically tldr. Shang tsung loves you no matter what. And idc what people say.
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namorslut · 2 years
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SUMMARY: you're a marine biologist sojourning in the Yucatán Peninsula and stumble upon an underwater cave in the clearing of a dense rainforest. expecting to make an amazing scientific discovery you're swept into a spell down the abyss into the reach of a loveless serpent feathered god who will go to any length to claim you as his.
WARNING: yandere!namor, body worshipping!namor, gift giving!namor, thigh gripping, sub!namor (if you squint) hc!siren!entrancing!namor, human!reader, dub-con (i think)
NOTE:  after reading @jottositto 's post i've included some yucatan maya using a translator although it's not 100% accurate. if this came across a native speaker could you maybe give me corrections as i'd like to be as respectful and accurate as possible. ofc the people living in the peninsula will be speaking spanish as this area was colonised and y/n only has an understanding of spanish. thank u and enjoy!! ps: namor?? more like "mi amor" that man had me kicking my toes and twirling my hair in the cinema on friday. this is dirty af i feel like i'm teasing y'all. might write a part two laterrr. no beta so there are 100% spelling errors which i'll check when i got time.
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"Me gustaría ayudarla pero en el tiempo que he vivido en ese pueblo, los que se han atrevido a salir de la seguridad de ese pueblo y dentro de la jungla nunca más fueron vistos. Estarías en mucho peligro si te fueras. No creo que tu proyecto de ciencia valga la pena el riesgo.” The short Mexican woman explained.
Her thinning, silver hair was pulled down into two long braids down her protruding collarbones. Her brows were pulled in a frown, revealing creases running the length of her forehead and the outer creases of her beady, mud-brown eyes.
You pleaded with her, your coffee stained research folder clutched in one hand, as you made contact with her elbow gently.
"Pero señora, forma parte de mi trabajo. Fui enviada para investigar los ecosistemas marinos de esta península."
She considered you for a good minute. Searching your unwavering eyes. She sighed and leant toward you, dropping her wobbling voice to a whisper.
"Has lo que deseas, Cariño. Pero que tengas cuidado." she warned, using her eyes to signal you in the general direction to take to enter the forbidden forest. You trailed her eye line and saw a wooden bridge not so far off camp. You bowed to her as a sign of respect.
The journey through the rainforest was an arduous one as the way was shielded by a mass of coiled, everlasting lianas, strangler figs and long, shallow buttress roots along the soil of the shrub layer of the forest which you tripped over several times. You had to slice through the layers of tropical plants in your way with a machete you "borrowed" from a fruit cutter that was left around camp, making your hiking backpack even considerably heavier than it already was. You didn't stop once to admire and take in the smells of passion flowers or orchids as you moved through the brush; you knew better than to let yourself become the prey of the several species of venomous snakes and amphibians native to this rainforest.
It looked to be late afternoon when you stopped by a tributary, crouching over the crystalline water, you followed the stream with your gaze to check for growths of algae when you noticed a dark entrance. You stood up rigid as your breath stilled, you noticed the eerie silence of the clearing. The sounds of bushes rustling, frogs croaking and flapping wings had died down entirely.
There was utter tranquillity. 
You heard a low, rich brassy voice hum a melody from the rocky cave, the sound reverberating to your spot on the damp soil. You dug the heels of your mountain boots as you felt your body being tugged slowly to the body of water, your heartbeat drumming in your ears, your breaths becoming shallower.
The song sounded like one you would hear as a premonition for bad things taking place in urban legends told around campfires, it spoke of men searching to mine riches out of foreign land to find fool's gold instead and meeting their demise at the hand of otherworldly things. Despite the warning behind the unspoken lyrics, you felt your body lull into relaxation.
You saw him rising from the dark aquamarine pool beyond, his eyes glistening a tawny shade of brown. You didn't miss his long ethereal pointy ears and his full lips. His tanned muscular body was slick with droplets as the rest of his body appeared from out of the water. He was adorned in golden bangles and a thick necklace dating from an ancient civilisation, encrusted with what looks like azurite and pearls of jade.
He floated above the surface and toward you. You felt your mouth dry and heart drop to your stomach as a human-looking man flew slightly above the land slowly in your direction. You fought back a scream as the soles of his foot made contact with the ground, and still towered over you despite that. He scrutinised every detail of your face with an unreadable expression.
You breathed in, mustering the courage to speak.
"What are yo-"
He raised a large hand over your face, your vision darkening and body tumbling forward.
You awoke in what seemed to be an underwater cave with overhanging stalactites, you sat up abruptly from the makeshift bed out of bamboo. You noticed the absence of your backpack beside you. Remembering your phone in the jean pocket of your shorts and pulled them out. Scrambling to get a signal.
"Teech ch'íijsajil despierto." a female voice enunciated in a foreign tongue. You flinched, your pocket phone nearly flying out of your reach. Your eyes landed on a blue skinned woman. A respiratory mask covered her nose and mask.
She wore indigenous print robes and held a spear encrusted in emerald jewels. You noticed how her mouth didn’t move, her voice seemed to have come from inside your head as she stood alone in the middle of the rocky cavern.
"I don't understand" you thought, testing your theory out.
A female voice penetrated in your brain again, speaking to you in what sounded like an ancient Mayan tongue.
"Kukulkán in tu k'áataj a buscara. Búukint le, ku leti'. '' the woman seemed to lecture as she crossed the round room and reached into a clam basket by the foot of your mat and pulled out folded sheets of cream coloured linen, extending them to you. You accepted and forced a small smile to show gratitude.
You put the robe on and the beaded necklaces of jade over the dress, which ran up to your mid thigh and was sleeveless. The material was comfortable and baggy over your body but you felt uncomfortable at the lack of bralette you had underneath, leaving your breast exposed. You found a pair of golden strappy sandals at the bottom of the pile which you put on as well.
The woman from earlier came back for you and beckoned you with her hand out of the round room and past hung tapestries depicting ancient Yucatan gods and monsters. She stood behind you, ushering you to go into the room.
"Cha' k" a familiar voice spoke out. The man from the cave turned from his spot facing the painted mural, his back shifting as he smiled at you as you shivered in fear.
"Teech wilik ki'ichpam yéetel a prendas, a wilik ti' beyo' utia'al in reina” he flirted, in a deep, suave tone advancing toward you, you took a step back. Your eyes caught a glimpse of his rigidly sculpted chest, welded in the image of a divinity and the sleek look of his tanned copper skin. 
"Look, I don't know where I am or what you want with me but I certainly didn't mean any harm by stumbling on your cave. I'm not a threat to your people but I wish to be let go." you raised your hand to your chest, gesticulating as clearly as possible your words, shaking your head. The mythical man let out a boisterous laugh at your words, startling you. He grasped your hand in his firm one, raising it in front of him.
"Oh my little angel, I do know that. But I haven't taken you for that reason." he admitted, speaking to you in English as he interlaced your fingers together.
Fucking bastard.
You shook your hand out of his.
"You can speak my language." you pointed, growing irritated with the man.
"Of course, a dutiful ruler needs to be educated of the world around him." he boasted proudly.
"What is your name?" you asked as politely as you could muster
"My people praise me as Ku'kul'kan but my enemies call me Namor." he tucked a strand of your hair behind your head as his eyes traced your figure, wandering down from your budding breast to your legs.
"Why did you take me? What is it you need?" you defied. He cupped your chin gently with his smooth thumb, inclining your head up to his.
You shrugged against him but felt another hand slithering to your lower back, his touch cementing your body in place. His brown irises dilated as his gaze softened.
"Well if it isn't obvious, I want you. I want you to rule beside me and light a match that will burn the world from underneath their inconspicuous feet. Be my queen and I'll give you all that which your heart could desire."
You shook your head frantically.
He's insane.
His eyebrows quirked at your lack of cooperation.
"I see it in your eyes, that spark of passion and resentment. You've been underestimated your whole life. Your life's work is meaningless to the people around you, you're not getting the recognition you deserve." you grunted, bothered by his assumptions. 
"You know nothing about me or my life.” you stated. 
“I hate to disappoint you my angel but you can either bend to my desire of your own will or we can do things my way.” he remarked as he traced his thumb over your lips, pressing a chaste kiss to them. You felt as if every inch of your body was set aflame at his touch. You reclined your head in disgust.
Your mouth betrayed you as it parted open to receive the soft ones of the God before you as his palms felt their way treacherously down your body to the back of your thighs and your nape. You felt your knees buckling together, the flesh of your upper thighs pressing together as you felt heat pulsating from between your legs. You bit back a moan of pleasure as his imposing form bent down to kneel before you. Your eyes widened as his lips pressed against your vee line. You saw a flash of green in his eyes as he looked up to you. You pressed your eyes tightly shut. 
Suddenly you pushed against the invisible boundaries around you, stumbling backwards out of whatever spell Namor had put on you. You breathed out painfully. 
“Fuck you.” you whispered. 
“Oh?” he enquired, surprised at your incredible amount of resistance. 
She has the spirit of a warrior queen, he thought. I must bind her to me forever.
Namor arose, striding to you. In a single movement, he coiled his arm around your throat; putting some pressure down onto your windpipes as you clawed at his hand. 
He moved you easily against the wall rubbing his nose onto yours, turning his face toward your ear as he whispered:
“We’ll have to go for that second option then.”
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absolutebl · 3 years
So I know you love a good tsundere, and who doesn't? So me and a friend started watching some BL shows lately, cause what else ar eyou supposed to do with you time? The thing is my friends prefers a good kuudere to a tsundere. So do you have any good kuudere character recommendations? Thanks
Oooooh, lovely challenge, let's go! 
kuudere クーデレ = a character who is calm and collected and never panics, shows little emotion, and can even be completely emotionless. They may be hiding true feelings deep down, but rarely (if ever) show them. This archetype is popular for: older siblings, teachers, morally grey, ancient supernatural (gods), and warrior characters. 
stern daddy is stern 
Kuudere Characters in BL
There are fewer of these in general because Thailand dominates BL and they do NOT like kuudere, too emo. But I think I can find you a few. They mostly gonna come from China tho, so that means censored bromances. It also means this is almost always the seme character. 
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Advance Bravely's Yuan Zong. 
We will never know if he's secretly a cinnamon roll, but I suspect as much. Still I think he fits the bill. Warning this BL is wackdoodle, Chinese censorship got ahold of it and instead of sad or depressing like normal, it just got weird af (with no actual f, of course).
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Guardian's Puppet Master. 
This is a censored bromance but this side couple is so cute - very grumpy sunshine. He is stoney faced and entirely unflappable, as one might expect from an ancient alien with a super creepy power. Are they a couple? Maaayyyybeeee. Certainly in my universe. 
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K.O. from Love O2O. 
Unequivocally my favorite on this list. This is a very very subtle side couple, but they gay, no doubts here. K.O. is pitch PERFECT kuudere. He doesn’t enter the series until half way through and they are very very side dishy, so you might not want to bother with the series just for them. Still, perky sunshine coder and badass hacker is probubly the best pairing ever to happen in modern cinema and I am wrecked we haven’t gotten an actual BL for this trope yet. 
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Mr frostypants from the Untamed. 
Yeah yeah, bite me. But I think you could make a case for boy’s got a kuudere flute stuck up his proverbial arse. In the best possible way, of course. 
There may be a few more from Thailand than I listed, but I think that it is mainly wooden acting. (I thought long and hard about Itt from My Gear and Your Gown and then was like, “Why I’m I thinking so much about this crap show?” and stopped.) 
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Phu from Oxygen. 
He’s about as close as Thailand gets to kuudere. This is the side dish seme in this series, and I found him profoundly unlikeable, but he fits the bill. 
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Dean in Until We Meet Again. 
Okay he cracks a smile a few times but generally he’s totally unflappable. Honestly, I stuck him on this list because he is basically linguistically kuudere (SO COOL). Which is to stay, the way he speaks Thai is SO curt, and he is almost always entirely stoney faced. That changes in the later half of the series, but his language always remains sharp, and cool, and abrupt, bordering on rude but somehow not. And he’s allowed to get away with it because of his personality!  
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There were a couple boys who almost make this list from Korea and Taiwan but actually turn out to be too much stundere semes for me. 
Honestly, I am probubly missing a ton from Japanese dark BL. 
It’s an archetype they loved to use (like Boys Love) often in the uke character. This is because, narratively, when a kuudere uke won’t budge or relent he gives the seme “license” to spiral into murder, mutilation, rape, and so forth. But there is a reason I only watch those shows once. 
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mrsreinhart · 5 years
Seen Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark today
First off, Austin can like, get it. I must have a thing for guys for eyebags tbh. Henry Page can take me
(The movie was actually really good) First time as an adult I’ve been let into a 15 rated movie, felt real good
First trailer that gets played was Hustlers. Oohh bitch, i thanked every single god there is. I started clapping like a seal, damn I was making seal noises because seeing her face on the big screen got me giddy af, my friend was trying to silence me, did he succeed? Absolutely not. Did everyone in the cinema hate me? Hah yeah probably. Did I care? Kind of yeah but STILL
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alchemist-shizun · 5 years
As expected, Dealing with intrusive thoughts is now one of my favorites
Here I come with almost all of my reactions on the episode, even though I tagged the spoiler warnings I put everything under the cut just in case. Enjoy the emotional rollercoaster while I'll probably go and rewatch it again.
Okay kinda expected one or two of the warnings but all of them together what is gonna happen???? (Though they make sense after reading the title)
"I'm awesome and I can do this" there goes my boy. *said boy falls flat on the floor* ...come on
I felt that yawn bc I stayed up all night waiting for the video but it dropped at 8 am, I'm an idiot who should've gotten more sleep
"help me" why is he such a mood "everything is going wrong in my life" same but YOU SHOULDN'T SAY THAT LET ME HUG YOU
They're all sinking up so fast god I missed my bois. Also the general awkwardness of Virge and Pat, greeeeat something will go wrong
Virgil just ignoring everything and touching the railing, a mood
wait why does Ro want to be deeply troubled- man are you okay-
"your most extreme reaction is an eyebrow raise" "FALSEHOOD" "I stand corrected" omfg
"what are you ta- what are you talking- what are you talking about?" I loved that whole take it made me feel complete
"Look I barely got any sleep" this can apply to a lot of us and I love just how we're all always like "TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF" but in the end this is where we all end up anyway
Okay I'm very curious about these troubling thoughts though
"Don't act like that was an accident" "everybody, Virgil. Let's give it up for the Purp Man" these speak for themselves. Also the purp man is my new fav nickname and I'm gonna use it.
4:17 Patton is adorable bye
"if you continue to push this we're going to end up in really dangerous territory" AND THAT'S WHERE THE TENSION STARTED TO BUILD UP
great flick
"am I delirious or is this the funniest video I've ever made" I felt that
okay but when Thomas starts disassociating I also feel really weird like as if there was something blocking my own hearing for real?? And not just the audio edited like that?? Maybe I'm just too tired
WHAT WHO WHHH first intrusive thought making its way what is gonna happen
"-evIL" "-SHOW UP"
First time I watched the scene where Ro gets knocked out I literally just screamed "ROMAN" in a high pitched sound I was shook wtf my bOY
Patton and Thomas's yells in unison plus "YOU KILLED HIM" I just I JUST
"Ah, he's the Duke" "....... boo" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Okay but his voice is so on point with his character portrayal he's so weird it's awesome?
SONG SONG SONG and oh goodness the visuals I can't fathom how much editing work must have gone through this, they're all so talented.
"aunt patty naked" A G AI N??
a snaKE IT'S DECEIT oh my these silouhettes are so great this is my favorite scene
this is gonna be stuck in my head all day
god i hate him so much already but i'm super intrigued he's so chaotic the whole team made a wonderful job i'll never stop saying this
"i'm really stupid right now" just how much out of context relatable content are we going to get on this fine day?
omg the dark version of creativity, which can be associated with intrusive thoughts, that's very clever
"Repression can be very bad indeed" I mean he's right tbh it leads to never solving the problem at all
"i can't hear youuuuuu" much like "I don't understand what you're saying I don't know anything about words" THE DARK SIDES ARE ALL SASSY LITTLE BITCHES
pattonnnn did a real good job
"scary" and Virgil just gives Thomas a look idk I live on the little details (Im ten minutes into the vid and look how long this post already is)
GEE Remus (already using his name bc it's shorter) looking so offended at the label and then pointing out it should be a Virgil problem whAT DOES THIS MEAN IM SHAKING
WHY WOULD HE BE DECEIT AGAIN IM DYING. "Idk if you guys can tell but I'm a little silly"
"then why are you lying" no everybody I don't need angst
THE BLACK AND THE WHITE THEORY I SAW GOING AROUND good job to whoever thought of that
the forbidden dance
there u go thomas said it too
haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate FHDSLAKLFD
irresponsible parenting, Logan completing the parental unit of the sides
"maybe there's hope for you after all!" me looking at all my wips
"you've never been one to soften the truth" OH BOI HERE WE GO
"do we have some case of brain swap???" I legitly said "maybe" in unison with Patton the first time
Vee pls stop putting Thommy boy down he's having a bad time
Logan trying to put some sense into the situation is my only spark of hope for this to turn back good
That lick was ....... let's pretend it never happened
"you know who can help us with that???" DECEIT'S SONG COMING UP that was great, imagine the chaos that the duo would create
gasp Remus trying to make Virgil angry at Logan shall not stand DON'T PUT THEM AGAINST ONE ANOTHER HE'S JUST TRYING TO HELP
"you all are not listening to Thomas" this is the development I needed
"you're just para-" and he cuts himself. You all know what I'm talking about. Foreshadowing probably? This happened too back then when Roman was almost calling him the same. And then Virge looks so hurt I- "thank you for being on guard" that made me want to cry idk
the whole speech Logan gave? Pure gold. That was perfect.
"does this make me cool?" djslagrkglhf also the teeth thing right after what the
... the deodorant eating ...
The first time I watched I thought his name was spelled Remis that's how dumb my Italian ass is
Still I love his name bc I'm a nerd for ancient culture, ESPECIALLY Roman (and ancient Greek but it isn't mentioned here) and I love the little thing they did with both Creativity names, super clever and very much liked on my part.
"I would never hide anything from you" and he looks at Virgil JUST ALL THIS FORESHADOWING
"how about you shut up" Roman what the hecc man
what are they doing to him today let him rest
double blow
"can we logic our way out of that?" everybody nodding was so pure
"not all thoughts are meaningful"
He's go- no he's back again
THE CALLBACK MENTION AND PATTONS REACTION... probable foreshadowing to what Joan said about there being a part two of SvS?
"When are you actually gonna jump out of a moving car I've been bringing it up for years" so it's not just me..?
"it is okay if the thought happens to cross your mind"
"everything is okay" I'm going to cry I needed that
I love how Logan touches the topic that there is no problem in seeking help from therapists. There's a lot to say on this, but I was really glad that was pointed out since the are a lot of stereotypes on the matter
why did Virgil look like he was about to cry
Patton I love you
Thomas going to rest is what everyone wanted to see
Virgil confronting Remus I'm living you're doing amazing sweetie
"you tickle me emo"
"it was just like old times" then Pat and Lo's looks in this essay I will
"are you good?" "are you hurt at all?" I love when the sides look out for each other
"I'm sorry Logan" right through the heart. Another development.
I need y'all to look at Virgil in this exact second because. he.
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that's my point.
All those smiles while Logan's talking are making me alive
"No seriously, you're ... really ... cool" I started tearing up right here. Twice. And then Logan sinks down cause he's not at all used to this and he's feeling t h i n g s please keep on being appreciated you deserve it
Also Patton always learning from his mistakes and understanding them when he does something wrong or he thinks in the wrong direction, that's something I think a lot of people need to learn, including myself. Like, it's okay to be wrong and make mistakes, just do your best to make sure you're improving yourself afterwards, instead of dwelling on it too much
"I don't like him" makes two of us
"Soooo you have a brother?" oh boy
The m i r r o r it's making me cry
"He's gone now and he's never coming back!" "I don't think that's-" "BYEE" what was all that talk about repression for if you contiNUE TO DO THIS ROMAN please I beg of you let us hELP YOU he's making me die inside
Oh boi the big moment. I already expected a bomb to drop since Virgil was the last one remaining.
"You okay buddy?" "Huh?" op somehow was already found crying
"I'm a little disappointed in myself" istg all that foreshadowing mixed with me wanting to hug him
The music picking up tension, this is poetic cinema let me tell you
I noticed how he calls them "the others", all these tiny details is what I'm living for
"I should know better" I couldn't beLIEVE IT, also how he seemed to be so frustrated made something inside me break
the pause and then "Because I was one of them", the music stops for a second, a little second in which you can hear my distant screaming "GOSH HE SAID IT IT WAS TRUE"
Thomas is speechless and just stares at him while the music picks up again and then Virgil's sigh and expression sinking down like "there you have it. that's the truth. and you can't do anything about it" he looks so defeated I'm breaking down.
Did I already mention poetic cinema? I just love angst and this scene was perfect
First time watching I, too, barely understood anything I was listening to in the last parte because all of that was really a lot to take in.
"Those thoughts that you may have thought do not define you"
"[the thought] may simply be that we are really okay"
"Go to bed!" me
no im not in the mood for food because for some unfathomable reason I had anxiety before the video dropped yay me
and last but not least: are you fucking serious Remus
I didn't expect this topic at all and I am so glad it was talked about, thankfully my intrusive thoughts do not bother me as much as I realized other people's do. And I never saw anyone talking about this before, which is why it makes this video so important. I saw a tweet recently about someone saying that it is okay if you think about weird things, the important is that you never act on them, that's what makes you a good person. But I think this video really explains it far better and I never realized how common something like this was? So yeah another time in which I've been educated and couldn't be happier about it. These people really are bringing light to the world gah I LOVE THEM.
oKAY guess I'm done this was a wild ride and yeah I tend to point out EVERYTHING, so here you have it, as I already mentioned if you feel the need to geek out too, I'm here for ANYBODY! (pls I have no friends)
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janiedean · 6 years
meme #1
rules answer 22 questions & tag 22 people you want to know better
tagged by @thebluelemontree ty! <3
nickname(s): lavi, janie
zodiac sign: leo
height: 165 cm
last movie i saw: in the cinema mary poppins returns (I think??), not in the cinema...... dunno probably finding dory but I’m 100% sure I mixed stuff up, january was a shit month /o\
last thing i googled: penny dreadful finale recap
favourite musician: do I have to pick one? ah screw it, band: bon jovi, single artist: bruce springsteen
song stuck in my head: the outsider, shooter jennings
other blogs: I have three exchange ones + the ironfistweek one + @thefemaleghostoftomjoad which at some point I’ll update again and I have a few urls saved but I mainly use this one
following: 1492
followers: 3224 (guys thanks for sticking by xD)
do i get asks: yes!
amount of sleep i get:  usually seven hours
lucky numbers: meh, 2? I mean it’s my favorite number that’s about it xD
what i’m wearing: dark trousers, springsteen 2016 tour t-shirt, black sweater
dream job: pls make me a published author or let me run a record shop (hahahahah.gif)
dream trip: US road trip
favourite food: pasta with pesto sauce, sachertorte, montblanc, most lemon or strawberry-based sweets tbqh
instruments: I can read (VERY basically) a music sheet and I can play the bass very badly
languages: italian, english, I can get by in french, basic german
favourite songs: oh god is this asking me my top five songs? WHY? IT’S A HARD CHOICE? anyway okay I’ll just go for favorite song from top ten favorite artists before this gets long af xD bon jovi - these days (ps: favorite song ever period), bruce springsteen - the ghost of tom joad (on odd days it can be no surrender but that’s the one I’d get inked so I guess it wins xD), led zeppelin - tangerine, the lonesome death of hattie carroll - bob dylan, warren zevon - don’t let us get sick, the doors - when the music’s over, patti smith - gloria, queen - hammer to fall, stone temple pilots - atlanta, the beatles - a day in the life plus bonus because ONE BAND POST-2000 SHOULD BE IN THIS, the gaslight anthem - film noir
random fact: I cry at movies all the damned time but very rarely for obvious-to-go tearjerkers - like, I don’t cry at romantic tragic movies or at stuff that wants you to but I cry 99% of the time on war movies to say one X°D (the only romance stuff that makes me cry is la traviata but there’s a reason why I decided I’m never going to that one opera anymore X°D)
aesthetic: as in, what I wear? like, half of the time I’m straight jeans + band or fandom t-shirts and looking like I just walked out of a gig in the year of the lord 1986, the other I tend to go for like... actually fairly feminine stuff ie summer dresses/bright-ish colors/a lot of pink and I prefer sandals to most other shoes but I’ll wear boots in the winter rather than anything else, I tend to wear cheap jewelry 80% of the time (the other 20% is gifts so not cheap). I also own a flower crown but I only bring it up in situations where it wouldn’t look weird lol aaaand I occasionally wear men’s clothes too because a) they’re comfortable, b) I like the aesthetic effect (I have a bunch of flannels my dad doesn’t wear and some of his old stuff as well) and one of my favorite coats is a columbo male-cut beige trenchcoat that’s going into my grave with me okay X°D
oh god do I have 22 people who might wanna do it? ah well guys I’m tagging if you don’t feel like it don’t mind me XD @moviestorian @widevibratobitch @viendiletto @feanoriel @naivesilver @shaggy-goblin @roombagreyjoy @bidonica @naomileyers @wolflec @aryagreenapple @wynafryd-manderly @blueagia @ofwickedlight @myhamsterisademon @weirdisbetterthanormal @myrxellabaratheon aaaand idk I lost count X°D if you wanna do it feel free to XD
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merrysithmas · 5 years
LotR and Star Wars
ooh good ones
Fav male character: Aragorn, Grima Wormtongue
Fav female character: Eowyn
Least fav character: Denethor (fuck him)
Fav ship: Hmmmmm… I guess maybe Legolas/Aragorn now but when i was super super into the lotr i had no ships for it.
Fav friendship: merry and pippin!!!!
Fav quote: ph god there are SO MANY, i had an entire notebook filled with my fav lotr quotes when i was little. “Cold be heart and hand and bone/cold be traveler far from home/they do not see what lies ahead/when sun is gone and moon is dead”; “not all that glitters is gold” “what do you fear?” “a cage;  “there’s some good in this world mr frodo, and it’s worth fighting for”, “i wish the ring had never come to me, i wish none of this had happened.” “so do all who live to see such things. but that is not for us to decide. all we can decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”; the forever mood “what about second breakfast?”, and the iconique “I AM NO MAN”
Worst character death: frodo even though he went to the west to find peace it was sad af
This made me so happy you have no idea moment: merry and pippin getting high af off longbottom leaf and the innocence of the shire
Saddest moment: Eomer when he found Eowyn’s body on the battlefield and cried out in agony not knowing if she was alive
Fav location: maybe… the Shire because it is so happy. rohan looked hard up af tbh and gondor was stony and depressing.
Star Wars:
Fav male character: Lando, Han, Luke, Kylo, Anakin
Fav female character: Leia, Rey, Holdo, ENFYS NEST
Least fav character: hmmm… Count Douku, he was sf annoying lmao.
Fav ship: POLY SPACE FAM LeiaHanLuke, HanLuke, then prob ReyxKylo, LeiaHoldo (i mean they were in junior senate together, they cried leaving one another, she wasn’t with han LIKE), and obv FinnPoe, also i know Lando wanted to bone Han, Leia, AND Luke but not sure which one (s) he did
Fav friendship: Obiwan and Anakin
Fav quote:  SO MANY HERE TOO “The greatest teacher failure is”, “fear is the path to the darkside, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering”, “many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view”, “the belonging you seek is not behind you, it is ahead”, “let the past die, kill it if you have to”, “i see through the lies of the jedi i do not fear the darkside as you do”, “the more you tighten your grip tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers”, “hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a blaster at your side, kid”, “you’re nothing, but not to me”, “never. i’ll never turn to the dark side. you’ve failed, your highness. i am a jedi like my father before me.”
Worst character death: prob Padme bc men wrote it and shot it and it made absolutely no sense and was idiotic
This made me so happy you have no idea moment: Finn and Poe in the Tie Silencer is like the best ever lmao, when Kylo stood up to snoke after he mocked him about Han and threatened to murder Rey and bisected that fucker (only to epically be darksided and try to rule the GALAXY AGAIN like have you learned nothing fool). also the Luke/Yoda scene in TLJ. And the Luke/Kylo scene in TLJ. And the scene where kylo couldn’t kill his mommy :((( and all the scenes where Leia tells everyone to eat her fist and owns the shit out of them, also any and all Leia and Luke scenes, and any scene when Obiwan is over It
Saddest moment: when Kylo had to kill/killed/fought killing/needed to kill Han and he said WILL YOU HELP ME? literally asked, and han, all he ever wanted to do in his life was do right by his son said ANYTHING. fully knowing, knowing what it meant. and then he killed han and literally said THANK YOU, with tears in his eyes only to a second later have an absolute mental breakdown about having to do/doing it. UGH POETIC CINEMA.
Fav location: Jakku, it’s such a cool location idea and they did a really good job with it. i hate how in star wars so many of the planets look like earth like… really? i have faith the new art director for EPIX (who is AWESOME) will change this. i also like the Star Killer base, Hoth, and Crait. Also Pillio in the Star Wars Battlefront game is AWESOME.
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magziraphale · 6 years
So I’ve been to see FB2 for the second(!) time with my partner tonight, after a wonderful flaily day with @daddygraves (thanks bab), so it is TIME for THOUGHTS and EXCLAMATIONS!
These are under the cut bc spoilers.
Also, please feel free to come chat/shout with me about the film and our favs but please don’t shout at me. I am small and allergic to confrontation.
So let’s get it out of the way - our beloved grumpy coffee bean is neither seen nor mentioned (as we probably expected). A poor choice, but I have fandom and you will pry my wizard daddy Percival Graves from my cold dead fingers Joanne.
More thoughts:
The movie is nowhere near as bad as I was expecting. For quite a bit of it I actually enjoyed myself, though it is, plot-wise, a bit of a mess that leaves you leaving the cinema like this:
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I have issues with the way some of these characters are used almost as mere narrative devices to tie them to the Potter story instead of giving them the life and attention they deserve on their own terms. The film felt a bit like a placeholder? Like its purpose was to move things along a bit and there was just too much crammed in. I think that’s my main issue - it wasn’t bad, at times good, but it could have been great.
NEWWWWTTT. Newt my son, my shining star. I love you, never change. The minute he comes on screen I smile. He is an utterly wonderful character who stands out from so many main protagonists and this hasn’t changed.
Credence. My shadow son. The going with Grindelwald was expected tbh, it seems partially the history of abuse and partially the fact that he seems quite numb to fear now? Like so much pain has happened and he’s still fucking here? However, for the character that’s supposed to be the key in the narrative he’s shamefully underused. Ezra had so little to do compared to the first film and it’s a waste (something hopefully/possibly rectified in later films but we’ll see). Tbh if it wasn’t for the first one I wouldn’t adore him as a character the way I do bc he’s just not there enough.
Ok here’s the rant: A DUMBLEDORE?! REALLY?! As much as Credence with a phoenix is very cool (and him caring for the chick ended me) and Aurelius is maybe better than Corvus, I need some pretty good reasons to be convinced? Having 2 obscurials in the family, plus the fact that Credence’s overwhelms the power of Ariana’s and tbh lessens her narrative value, it all seems awfully contrived. It’s a narrative mess at the moment. AND they obviously leaked all that about Nagini to deliberately throw off this. I still don’t get why he has to be someone from a ‘special’ bloodline.
Someone give Jacob a fucking hug. That poor guy. I genuinely love Jacob and his grief after Queenie left was very well done. Also, Jacob and Newt brotp forever, they really have such a lovely friendship.
I really don’t know about the whole Queenie thing. She seems almost totally disconnected from the character shown in the first film. There weren’t hints or anything? I would much rather they have her become convinced by Grindelwald without the whole ‘madness/crazy’ thing which I really didn’t like.
Tina seems a bit more...aurory? Kinda? Tho a lot of her role is lurking tbh. But as someone who is a bit indifferent, Newtina in this were actually pretty cute and I found myself smiling at them quite a bit.
Was there a point to having Nagini in this? Again, shamefully underused after all that kerfuffle. 
CREATURES - I loooove the magical creatures and would happily die for them. Niff and Pickett are back! I adore the zouwu. BUT I did want more creature time. (btw whoever thought it was a good idea to show me an injured niffler and then leave a short gap before finding out he’s fine owes me a new heart the fuckers)
Theseus. Well he may not be who we’d hoped, but it makes sense in some ways. There’s an awful lot left unsaid. Having said that, seeing them fight in sync and come together at the end was something beautiful.
I felt like we didn’t really see magical Paris? Like apart from the circus and a bit of a nod to the ministry you could have been anywhere which disappointed me a bit. But again, lots of scope for our own creativity on the plus side.
Depp as Grindelwald was actually not bad. Not like I was expecting. Still, I feel like the script is written for a Depp in his prime, the one I remember from years ago and not what he’s become. It feels like a missed opportunity.
WHAT WAS THE BONG SKULL ABOUT I’M LAUGHING (yes, there’s a history of using various substances to induce visions but it came out of nowhere and was a bit like wtf. Also, a skull. Calm down edgelord.)
Young Newt was fantastic at copying older Newt’s mannerisms.
Leta was wonderful I love her.
God this film is dark af. I’m not quite sure how I feel about that.
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arkhamcitysirens · 7 years
You watched justice league?! How was it? Can you share a review pls?
justice league spoilers under the cut!
i’ve been a bit nervous to share my thoughts because i don’t want to accidentally share spoilers, so if you don’t want the movie spoiled for you, you probably shouldn’t read this!!! 
the characters are all amazing. first and foremost, this film is character-driven, not plot-driven, so if you truly love these characters you’ll love the film. their relationships are key to enjoying the movie- highlight of it all was barry and victor being friends, as well as clark and bruce being ‘bros’ (yeah right). i especially enjoyed the portrayals of aquaman, wonder woman, and yes, superman does come back and get some awesome scenes to himself. he’s in the very opening scene and it almost made me cry.
speaking of clark’s ressurection, i didn’t like how they went about it. at the end of ‘batman vs superman’, we see the dirt on his grave shaking, implying that superman is alive in some form. however in this movie he is very much dead. bruce is just so angsty about his boyfriend being six feet under that he literally resurrects him, making for some very uncomfortable grave-robbing and messing-with-a-dead-body scenes, but also some GOLDEN superbat moments. mainly my issue is that bvs implied clark would come back of his own volition, but that wasn’t how it happened at all, although i did appreciate that the way events did unfold led to a lot of (probably unintentional) gay moods on bruce’s behalf.
the opening scene is absolutely incredible and it’s all zack snyder without a doubt. possibly my favourite opener to a movie ever. unfortunately, i feel like that amazing sequence is the ONLY part of the film 100% in tact with snyder’s vision as opposed to joss whedon’s, except for maybe the action scenes.
joss whedon rubbed his grubby little hands all over this thing and as a result the movie is pretty chopped up. half of it feels relatively dark, like something is actually at stake, but then almost every interaction between the league is just funny and lighthearted and everybody is witty as ever. it’s enjoyable to watch but it leaves you feeling like they’re not actually dealing with the literal end of the world. also i can tell it’s going to lead to plenty of criticism that dc is copying marvel’s formula. joss whedon’s fault. but still true.
aside from joss making it all a big joke, he also pulled his typical sexist bullshit with diana. as you might have heard, there IS a scene where the flash falls on top of wonder woman. it’s very awkward and played for laughs. however, it’s not as dramatic as people make it out to be, although it’s completely unnecessary and i wish it hadn’t been included. my bigger issue with diana’s portrayal is that almost EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER gets some form of joke about how they should get with diana. there’s a creepy af scene where diana tends to bruce’s wounds, but it really comes off like it’s dangerously on the verge of slipping into them making out. thank god it doesn’t. alfred comments that bruce is going on a “date” with her, and then also calls diana’s meeting with cyborg a “date” (quit it alfred). the flash gets his oh-shit-i-just-fell-on-her-boobs moment and worst of all, there is a scene in which aquaman is commenting on all of his teammates. he makes genuine comments on everyone, then gets to diana, and just says, “you’re gorgeous, we should totally get together”. it makes diana feel seperate from the team and not as valuable to the league as she is because yet again, the female character is being seperated from her male counterparts. also i don’t think this movie passes the bechdel test. make of that what you will ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
a shitload of scenes from the trailers are missing, including the scenes those trailers literally hinged entirely off- there’s no “they said the age of heroes would never come again.” “it has to” moment, and alfred’s ICONIC “i knew you’d be back... i just hope you’re not too late” isn’t even in the final product! which leaves so many questions. who the hell was he addressing anyway??? also iris west’s cameo got cut. presumably this was all done to make more money off the inevitable extended cut, because i think more actual scenes from the trailers are missing than there were missing from ‘suicide squad’, and that is saying something.
another thing is that the villain, steppenwolf, is useless. dumb villain, dumb backstory, total waste of time, but again, this isn’t a plot-driven film. it’s about the characters uniting to defeat SOMETHING and if that takes using a pretty forgettable villain to show us our heroes, i guess i’m okay with that.
on the positive side, the action sequences are GREAT. diana has an incredible scene at the beginning of the film that just shows how much she shines, and i don’t even care that it doesn’t really fit with the plot, it was worth it. the only action scene that felt a little off was the climax, probably because it really didn’t feel like anything was at stake because the movie makes such a point of being the exact opposite of bvs and making jokes at every possible opportunity. 
i’m not too sure how to feel about cyborg or flash. barry was presented as the comic relief of the movie at all times (even though pretty much the whole thing was comic relief, he was by far the biggest joke of the show). and i liked that! it just felt like he began to slip too far into the ‘awkward teen’ side of things. however, his relationship with his father was handled fantastically and i ADORED seeing that storyline play out. 
there are a couple of absolutely bizarre plot threads in this movie, too. one involves a russian family that we keep cutting back to throughout the film. they really have no purpose, although barry does save them at the end of the movie... and i don’t get it... we didn’t need their origins over iris’s cameo and all the cool trailer scenes but yeah okay whatever dc. another one is this odd comment i didn’t understand in which barry offers victor a fist bump and then says “oh sorry i can’t do that... it’s racially charged”.... nobody in my cinema reacted and i am SO CONFUSED??? was that some terrible joke??? some awful reference i didn’t understand??? someone please clear this up for me. 
STAY FOR BOTH AFTER CREDITS SCENES. the first one was just a funny and cute reference to the comics, which i really enjoyed, but the second one was amazing and featured the appearance of two major villains for the dceu, one of which is brand-new to the series that i don’t wanna spoil unless you ask again. but god. stay. they’re both so good.
i think this movie is very much intended as the family package. it’s the antidote to synder’s “too dark” dceu movies of the past. as a result, it’s very funny and lighthearted, almost too much so, and extremely reliant on the characters and relationships to carry it along. i genuinely did enjoy it a lot, but i feel it is still quite flawed. i just hope joss whedon stops writing screenplays, stops directing, and chokes, because i can say with complete honesty that i feel he was the cause of most of this film’s problems. 
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robbyrise · 8 years
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So good it makes me wanna type away like i used to. 
Just got back from my first viewing of the Power Rangers and i’m glad to announce I am very satisfied with what was put on the big screen. Like most movies i didn’t have any crazy expectations for the film, just minor details here and there like the story going its own route to make it different and unique from the original show but still keeping true to its essence.
My only worry for this reincarnation of a great past time from my childhood would be the fact that the old shows (and even first 2 movies) were just so corny, so bad yet so good. Trust me, there are times when i come across clips and what have you, from the old shows that make me cringe when i realized how lame and corny it was. How could they possibly make this movie NOT corny? 
Why and how was i so drawn to this kind of entertainment? The power rangers taught me a sense of unity and it was probably what opened my eyes to being a part of and trusting your team (besides the Knicks). My favorite color back then was blue, so naturally Billy was my favorite ranger despite being the total opposite of his personality. 
If you’re a true fan, if you were there from the beginning till maybe the 3rd-4th generation of Rangers, and you don’t have high expectations of the new movie, you will probably find yourself feeling so much nostalgia from your childhood and it will open your eyes to how much the first group really made you appreciate the essence of wanting to become a power ranger. 
This is as far as I’ll go in regards to not spoiling anything. So if you haven’t seen it yet and plan on seeing it and don’t want me to ruin anything, stop reading here and come back later after you see it. If you don’t care and just want to keep reading because you’re bored, by all means go for it, just don’t say i didn’t warn you.
The fact that they changed the story a little bit was already an indicator that i did the right thing in not wanting to expect anything from the movie that would impress me or even predict. Don't ask me how i remember this, but if i recall, the very first episode of the power rangers season 1 has something to do with a dumpster. Dumpster day or something. I don’t know, i just remember reading it, yes i could (somewhat) read at 5-6 years old. I remember Alpha and Zordon were already established in their ‘Command Center” and sensed Rita Repulsa’s escape from captivity. Want to know how she escaped? Go watch the original ORIGINAL intro of the series and you’ll see astronauts pushing over the lid of a genie stove top releasing the alien witch. The movie has her as a FORMER RANGER, the GREEN RANGER to be exact. Some will think it’s lame, i thought it was cool and acceptable. 
How the movie’s story pits the potential rangers together is a testament to the original series and how Zordon ordered Alpha to recruit “individuals with attitude.” The new teenagers portraying our beloved Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly were all somewhat trouble makers/rebels. All of them rebels in their own right. All of them having something deep inside that could only brought out about themselves through each other, something we could really appreciate with the original rangers. 
Remember it’s morphin time? And BOOM, out comes the morphers that EVERYBODY HAD AS A KID, well, almost everybody, and the rangers TRIBEAMED their transformation into rangers and the awesome theme came on and you know shit’s about to go down. I appreciate the fact that they really displayed these ‘rebels’ having a dark side to their personality and using the good inside them to be their source and spark to their armor.  Five strangers becoming friends and willing to do whatever they had to do for the greater good of their town. 
The Zeo crystals. 
I didn’t realize the importance of the crystals on the show until the Zeo rangers came about (potentially setting up a new franchise). It was referenced on the show numerous times as well. But what granted our rangers their powers were their crystals, or on the show the gold coins with their Zord animals on them.
OH, don’t worry, i’ll get to the Zords. The movie gives us a better perspective of how these teenagers with attitude came about and ‘trained’ as Rangers to defeat Rita. The show pretty much put them in suits and rangers like billy and Kim magically learned martial arts whereas Jason, Trini and Zack were already established martial artists. The new rangers were forced into training by Zordon and even Alpha. 
The writers and producers did just enough to cover each character’s lives leading up to their discovery of the power coins crystal things. All well enough for them to be unique and appreciated in their own right. Billy the nerd with some loner/awkward issues who’s father disappeared (passed away perhaps?), Zack being a wild rebel with a sick mother, Jason the star jock athlete with a desire for trouble and a disappointed father, Trini (pronounced Trin-E in the move, not Treen-e like the original show) who jumped schools every year because of you guessed it, being a rebel and then Kimberly, who had personal issues ‘not being a good friend’ i guess? She was a cheerleader also vs. the Kimberly from the 90′s that was a gymnast. 
Again, i’ll reiterate, there were times when I realized the old show was corny as fuck. And yes, the old Zords, while being badass in their own right, were still corny... as fuck. They were literally just remote control toys that were zoomed in on by the camera to make it seem like they were huge robots on TV. HOWEVER. If you were to fuse a real life Gundam wing with a Beast Wars transformer, you’d probably get a Zord from the new movie. The massive robot reference to crushing Bumblebee was very poetic. I’m glad i had a good crowd because they laughed and applauded that. But these new Zords? I’d say they were pretty fuckin awesome. I just personally feel like they made those corny robots toys that were on screen, cool and transformer like. Just again, in their own unique power ranger way. 
I mentioned ‘essence’ earlier in this write up and that essence is something that could only be felt if you were part of the beginning. When the original rangers, despite being so cheesy and corny, made you want to be a ranger SO BAD. The concept of the power rangers teaches us the power of unity and what the team could accomplish if they worked together. They struggled to reach the full potential of their powers, almost 2 weeks even (11 days to be exact b/c thats when Alpha calculated Rita could strike). But they did to the expense of Billy who later on was revived by Zordon as Zordon realized it wasn’t his team to lead. Remember when Zordon was about to die in the 1st Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie? the adorably HOT Kimberly at the time said, “You’re like a father to us all.” Zordon guiding the Rangers towards the right direction to reach their potential, and giving Billy the 2nd chance to live showed qualities of just that in being a father like figure to the rangers, something he’s very accustomed to in the show and previous movies. In the old show, there were PLENTY OF TIMES when the rangers “were at their doom” at the hands of Rita and Lord Zed, but they somehow ALWAYS found a way to win. 
I’ll give you a perfect example of true essence. When the rangers and their Zords were pushed to the edge and they had to ‘hold the line’? Their struggle vs Goldar. Man... seeing the commercials I KNEW that the Mega Zord was going to be formed and it was going to kick serious ass, but the moments leading up to that they were all ready to die TOGETHER? I’m not gunna lie, i had the same feeling form up in my feels when Woody and Buzz held onto their friends at the end of Toy Story 3 before the claw saved them (shouts to swag surfer). As the cinema Gods as my witness, NO MOVIE has made me feel that way since Toy Story 3, LEGIT, until the new power rangers because I KNEW WHAT THE OUTCOME WAS and yet there i was, sitting on my seat reminding myself, “wow... i haven’t felt this urgent sorrow for ANY GROUP OF CHARACTERS since toy story 3.” And then they fall into the pit and you hear the Zords forming and i get this huge relief and burden lifted off my shoulders and i applaud with the crowd thanking God the tears forming in my eyes didn’t stream out b/c that would've been really embarrassing. But yeah, i’m applauding, the crowd is applauding and Billy has that comic relief line of Mama Zord-Mega Zord and as they try to advance the entire Zord falls over. Well fcuking done. No really, they didn’t just magically download the program to operate a “65 million year old alien robot” in a few seconds to their brains, they actually taught themselves how to operate their respective body part that was formed by their Zord. Again, unity, team work, Power Rangers... WOOOOO!!!!!!
I’m still kind of in shock at how much i actually enjoyed this movie. And i think that’s due to the fact that the crowd i watched the movie with was probably one of the better crowds i had watched a movie with since i got to Washington. Really. The movie culture here isn’t as passionate as what we have in New York but anyway back to the movie.
Alpha 5 said his signature line 2x,the black guy is actually the blue ranger and the asian is the BLACK ranger, both the pink and yellow rangers are cute & hot AF, Rita made her monster grow and said her token line as well. There weren’t any communicators, there wasn’t a bulk or skull even though i think the bully in the movie was supposed to be one of them i’m not too sure. Mid credit scene = Thomas Oliver = Power Rangers 2. Speaking of Tommy, the actor and actress who played they original Tommy and original Kimberly cameos probably had the biggest applause of the movie. Boom. Might be a little too early to bring in Lord Zedd in the 2nd movie, MAYBE hint or reference him like Rita did in regards to the Zeo crystals.
The Power Rangers have a generation of fans that first started watching and admiring them at such young age that are now PROFESSIONALS, MARRIED AND WITH KIDS. Granted, the series has gone onto bumblefuck abyss because i obviously lost track of where the TV series has gone, that old generation could show their kids what they used to watch, and be like, “That movie that’s out? That’s a remake of the ORIGINAL rangers, the founding fore fathers of what you young maggots are watching now” kind of deal. 
I AM PRAYING that this generates enough revenue and popularity that they make a nice, LONG MOVIE SERIES because THERES SO MUCH potential. Maybe something Disney could look into working a deal with Saban b/c there’s just too much to let slip away. You got franchises like Fast and the Furious that’s gone off track from how great it was before the 4th/5th movies, but could somewhat catch up to and pass GI Joe (unless they actually cross over with, wait for it...), and maybe be half as good as the Transformer series (yes, GI Joe and Transformers could crossover, because they have in the comics). I look at transformers and think thats a good goal to strive for, because movie series like James Bond, LOTR, the Matrix, and Star Wars are just at an elite level. Then I see franchises like the Underworld, Resident Evil movies (sorry, i’m just not a fan of them) and Sharknado (IDK how and why people find those movies entertaining), and it gives me hope that the Power Rangers movie reboot could just be the thing we need in the movie industry to keep it interesting unless Japan and Hollywood could work something out to bring Gundam Wing to life. 
ANYWAY. 9/10 Power Rangers. I’m going to see it again. WITHOUT A DOUBT.
Off topic final thought:
Where are my movie junkies at? This is off topic but i know you’d appreciate this. I had a dream... you ready? I had a dream, that Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas all worked together to make an American interpretation of Spirited Away with a movie score composed by Hanz Zimmer. Call me crazy, but i woke up and had mixed emotions about it.
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nekoyamako · 8 years
tagged by the bff shoutout to her she cool as hell ✨ Name: Zoey Nickname(s): nah Birthday: august 1st Gender: female Pronouns: she/her Sexual orientation: fuck if i kno my dudes Romantic orientation: i'm a big lesbian (i think) Place of Birth: scotland Star Sign: Leo yo Hair colour: brown but i've dyed it black Eye colour: green Height: 5ft 10ish probably 
Piercings: nah Tattoos: i'm a youngling Right or Left handed: righty Average hours of sleep I get a night: not enough probs 5 Lucky number: 13 Most used phrase(s): ya know, i'm gay as fuck, yo One place that makes me happy: my room How many blankets I sleep under: 2 i get cold real easy • Favourite… Flower: dahlia Anima(s)l: anything Colour(s): anything dark bc i'm edgy af Beverage(s): pepsi, fanta fruit twist, milk Food: i eat too much to decide Film(s): wall.e, anything studio ghibli TV Show(s): fresh prince, stranger things, brooklyn 99, i don't watch a lot of tv Book(s): i like those the fire within books about the little clay dragons, and the maze runner books Fictional character(s): literally everyone from pokémon, cloud strife, jaehee kang, mercy from overwatch also dva My current obsessions: i'm p empty rn lol Dream vacation: i wanna travel across europe with my best friend lmao or go to korea Dream wedding: if it happens it has to be extra as fuck Dream pet: small kitty Dream job: something i am good at and enjoy but idk • Do I believe in… Miracles: a little Love at First Sight: sure Ghosts: a little Aliens: ya Soul Mates: sure God: idk lol Heaven: also dk Hell: also also dk Myself: tbh nah lmao Angels: nah • Other Random Questions… What would I name my daughter if I had one? idk lmao i like tracer in overwatch so Lena i guess ? What would I name my son if I had one? genji main
How many pillows do I sleep with? Four Can I whistle? i'm the whistling queen What’s the first amusement park I’ve been to? some place in spain What was my favourite TV show when you were a child? Pokémon Last movie you watched in the cinema? my mum took me to see it's a wonderful life but i wanna see moana lol What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself? make myself look more feminine What language, besides my native language, would I like to be fluent in? spanish french german korean mandarin japanese i wanna know them all How many siblings do I have? one asshole brother lmao Do I have any pets: no :((( thank u bff follow her if you like aesthetic @wi-ing
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I sort of liked TROS, but it was such a mess that it ended up rather shallow
The plot! I loved the fact that we got to see so many places and characters, but there were too many places and characters and it was honestly a waste of essential time that could have been used on something else. Some things were too rushed and some were just unnecessary. It was messy. They forgot that this is the last movie in a trilogy, not the final season of a TV series where you can have as many things as you want. TFA feels like the pilot, TLJ like the following episodes with some fillers and TROS like the second season that got cancelled and they wanted to put everything in the series finale.
I loved the dynamic between the trio and the hug at the end with all of them having pretty much no one else left but the members of this trio. However, they’ve been a trio only in this movie, so it felt a bit too exaggerated. I don’t know what JJ tried to do with romance subplot and all the flirting, because I swear Poe was at some point into Finn, Rey and Zorii, Finn still longing for Rey, bro-zoning Poe and idk what was that with Jannah, whereas Rey was... a mess the entire movie and I think the girl needs a vacation, some tea and therapy. Anyway, to quote my friend, Poe was also a bit tiresome and whereas I love his funny moments and how dedicated he was to the cause, he was often too much like a clown jock from a CW production. And I really hated how he quoted Holdo in the second movie and he did it again with Zorii I think.
And since I’ve mentioned TLJ. Maybe it was just me but there perhaps too many easter eggs and references to the previous movies.
The Knights of Ren were mostly useless and just goth slightly scarier stormtroopers.
Now about Kylo and Rey. They... they were something. Idk if it was meant to emphasize his duality as Kylo Ren vs Ben Solo, but one moment he was ruthless and pretty much mad af and the other moment he was suggesting that he wants to go back to his mom, that he wants Rey as his empress, that he wants to defeat the rotten raisin and so on. He was also maybe pointing that Kylo Ren was the one with the mask and Ben the one without the mask and Rey knew this too, but at the same time he was sort of manipulating her and I think that at some point during their final duel he truly forgot who he was because he went from toying with her and avoiding her strikes to being stopped from killing her by his dying mom. One of the only references I liked was his discussion with Han paralleling the one from TFA where we clearly see that he is free from the voices and hate and willing to reclaim his identity. His final scenes as Ben Solo were amazing and Adam is the best, but almost no lines and the way his death was treated... like whaaat? I cried these past days like crazy, but on the screen it happened so fast that people in the cinema went from recording and photographing the kiss to “where did he go? what happened?” And that was all. He was just gone and forgotten, with only Rey knowing that he died redeemed and as a sort of hero. And his early vicious actions end up appearing as an excuse to kill him cause... yeah... he was a mad despot. It makes his entire existence and suffering seem pointless. The only detail about his death that I liked is how Rey finally gave him his hand and died holding it... and Adam’s acting. Because he’s the god of emotions. And one thing I’ve seen people complain - Rey used her healing force and nothing happened to her, but Ben died. Ben had his life force almost drained, was thrown in a pit and wounded terribly and brought Rey back to fking life. It’s not fair at all, but the poor thing was barely alive anymore.
About Rey... as I said, she needs a vacation, some tea and therapy. I don’t know how I feel about her being a Palpatine, because I sort of like what Ben pointed out - he’s Vader’s grandson and she’s Palpatine’s grandaughter - as in they are these people whose legacies force them to choose a certain path, but in the end it is their choice, but I also am disappointed because Daisy and most fans have defended Rey for so long and the reveal is something out of Riverdale tbh. Rey’s inner conflict was tearing her apart and it was quite obvious as she was also showing this duality like Kylo/Ben. Also we needed more dark Rey. And I choose to believe that in the end she truly had genuine feelings for Ben. I first started shipping these two in TFA with the bridal carrying and her hesitation when he takes off his mask, then in TLJ where she... the entire movie speaks for itself imo. Here she saw once again Ben behind the mask and she showed that she cared about Ben, though she was very pissed at him, and hated Kylo. The moment she decided to save him, it was her “I am done playing this game” moment. It was Nicole and Charlie finally making peace in A Marriage Story. She healed not only his wound, but his scar and it was her way of saying that she loved him and could not kill Ben despite hating Kylo. Now the kiss from her perspective - loved the emphasis on her hand touching his hand, then his face and that she was the one to make this huge step. She finally had the Ben she longed for and he was back for good. Also... the way he pulled her closer... the small details saved this scene! And then he died and part of me thinks that she was in shock, the other sees her thank you, next attitude as a F U from JJ to the Reylo fandom. Also - the Tony Stark vs Thanos scene was cringe-worthy sorry not sorry. Another thing I choose to believe is that her taking the Skywalker name is also a nod to Ben as well. He was last referred as the last Skywalker (tho maybe it was a translation issue with the subtitles and the raisin was referring to Anakin but still implying that Ben is still a Skywalker). She was disappointed and mistreated by Luke and him finally giving her a kind word and some support is not really a reason for me to see him as her mentor. Leia was “Organa” and maybe Rey knew about Anakin, who spoke to her but not to Ben cause F Ben right???, but ugh... So maybe calling herself Solo was a bit too much (tho she liked Han better than Luke imo) and too obvious, but Skywalker is the legacy of those who made her realize that her choice mattered more than her blood (ugh am I quoting Luke now?).
Yeah so... idk what to do right now with my life.
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helenhuntingdon · 5 years
endgame thoughts & feels !!!
Im first thoughts so anyone who EVEN accidentally clicks on read more and doesn’t want to see spoilers even v accidentally so first they will actually read about my bladder rather than see spoilers
so anyway
I did not have a gr9 cinema experience bc of fucking english children behind me (I had 3 hours also to decide that english children are particularly the worst, their parents will never just tell them to shush)
3D glasses wearing also is just distracting, maybe bc I don’t wear glasses, or bc they’re just dark? but lbr they put it out 3d first so anyone who wants to watch it w/o getting spoiled will HAVE to watch it in 3d and spend more money UGH
saw aladdin trailer though and tbh I can’t believe ppl’s outrage was over will smith when that was the least bad thing about it come on??? not bc it’s bad otherwise but it looks dull, like all these remakes are uninteresting af
*takes a pee break now*
okay actual film!!!:
- even though he’s really not my fave and Idc like most the time I’m glad there was a clint barton arc bc otherwise it’s just ridic he’s been one of the avengers for yearssssss but hardly had a sl except for us finding out he’s married to linda cardellini lucky bastard
- carol’s haircut made me gayer   so gay
- (was natasha’s red and blonde hair supposed to be like a mess or was it supposed to be like ~style in 5 years?)
- and yeah one of the only things I knew about the film was there would be some gay   and I am glad of that
- but as soon as I saw the hulk in knitwear in my heart I knew the hulk should absolutely 100% be the most gay!!! especially as they drew a line under him and natasha thank god (mark ruffalo would love to be a gay hulk the woke bastard we all know it)
- so anyway headcanon hulk is dating that gay guy
- it’s practically canon to me tbqh they just couldn’t fit it in (or I’d have peed myself)
- Thor was me in a half-apocalypse - kill someone, get drunk, grow a beard
- Tilda Swinton was there being embarrassing... obvs I didn’t see the Doctor Strange film (did anyone???) so I didn’t have to SEE that but then they were like eh no one cares about the thing everyone was calling racist then right? and put that racism in an avengers film THANKS (and then a japanese man got randomly brutally killed NICE)
- I also haven’t seen GotG or Antman films or that Spiderman film lol so there’s so much to do w/ GotG scenes I don’t understand (my pee break was in their stuff) but I’m glad Nebula and Gamora were in this the most though the Gamora stuff was still a mess and the time travel stuff w/ that??? fucking confused by it BUT I liked the Antman stuff and the trailer for the new Spiderman film looks good so maybe I’ll watch those!
- is Gamora back to dead now what happened to Nebula should I have paid more attention or were these genuinely confusing things? Im it was 3 hours I can’t remember what happened to ppl I’m least interested in
- RIGHT the scene then I loved the most perhaps was Thor and his mother??? I wouldn’t have expected this Idk but when Frigga called him a failure... and it was like harsh lol but mother b like that - but then she was like bc we’re all failures ;; and Idk I find that a lot more comforting than someone telling me I’m not a failure... rather than the truth of ofc I’m a failure but we all are and always will fail at things in life! that was fucking philosophical
- cap said ass lol
- the bucky mentions being like shook were like aw wow
- but then also peggy I love her so much seeing her even was ;;
- but actually then did make me mad but not for everyone else’s reasons but bc I loved agent carter ffs!!! and seeing peggy and jarvis then was like   but we don’t know what happened between agent carter and those scenes ffs??? and how did howard go from being dominic cooper to john slattery in that time like wow disappointing lmfao
- benny cumbers had like one line and all I could think @ it was his american accent is shit
- and then the srs stuff~~~
- the natasha and clint scene was then the most emosh thing about the film for me then like a seriously underdeveloped rship but you knew they were gonna fight over which one of them got o do that and I think, as the character who had the least left to give, it was the right one
- and of course it was the other character’s time to go as well like I expected it earlier even I would’ve been annoyed if he didn’t die lol sorry not bc I h888 so much bc it’d be the right time?? you can’t just keep milking a character until he’s a useless caricature he needs to have an ending
- thor’s ending was vaguey I thought he might go after jane I guess natalie weren’t interested though
- but valkyrie god!!! king she is the future
- hulk had like no end so will he still be in it
- the closure for hulk should’ve been he’s gay okay hear me out he’s always had the inner turmoil he’s always had two sides at war w/ himself then he accepted both and is both okay actually that sounds bi hulk is bi
- so yeah then steve also had to have an ending and lbr I was expecting him to die so even if I shipped steve and bucky 5ever I never thought that’d happen even though that’s bc I thought he’d die lmfao (I guess he will now~ at some pojnt~) but the ending was nice, Im it ended on a nice music and it was a happy ending???
- (I’m still mad tbh at not enough fucking peggy and Im sharon carter just ceased to exist I guess)
- other than a couple of sad bits it was predictable and a happy ending and that’s exactly what I want ffs except w/ some unpredictableness obvs!!!
- sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will love captain america 5ever whomever he be!!!!
- so then my biggest issue was actually where was more captain marvel??? thank god they didn’t make carol str8 I guess at least she looked gayer, fucking baby steps????????
- and wakandas ffs duh where were they all sobs Im the wakandas and carol are THE most badass lmfao but okay
- like bless the carol seen like peter like but how will you get over there carol lol um she can literally just fly over there easily come the fuck on but then all these women had to help her and carol just looked all ok awk I could just fly over there but this is nice Im I won’t ruin the movie’s girl power scene thx yall
- but anyway they are all the fucking future ;; I wish there was more of that and more hints of what to come but it was an end to old heroes obviously
- the new heroes gotta be gay though and bi all over the place
- hulk is an lgbt icon, to me and me only, thank you and goodnight
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they-them-pussy · 5 years
man i can't believe it's been.... eleven years....
today's been wild from start to finish in that i woke up (by accident) at five o goddamn clock bc i was so excited. the bus we got on was playing some old song (in english, i forgot the title, i think it's from the 80s) but over a video of a kpop boy band. the jeep we got on was PACKED with people who were going to see endgame, and we were all talking about it.
we get to the ticket booth and there's a longass line, the group gets split bc there's two ticket booths. we're there already really early, because SM CITY CINEMA IS ON A LITERAL TWENTY HOUR LOCKDOWN TO PLAY AVENGERS: ENDGAME. all eight theaters are playing nothing but endgame. earliest screening started at six in the m o r n i n g and latest ends at t w o at d a w n.
the people from my group got the 11:30 slot and the trailer was playing from one of the preview screens and one guy just put his hands over his eyes and went 'nope not gonna watch the trailer bc i am gonna cry before the movie even starts', bless
theater was packed af and we had to run to get in line and get in early. and god it's just
the energy in the room was amazing, like, we were seeing people who grew up with the movies and people who grew up with the comics and were fortunate enough to be able to see the comics be made into these movies and were just filled with so much joy and excitement for this movie. it was like three hours of emotional unity in one room. everyone screamed and cheered and cried and clapped together. someone was wailing.
and of course we didn't trust marvel so we all stayed in our seats even when the houselights were on and the credits were playing. there wasn't any credits scene though, but, we did, somehoe, manage to say 'thank you' to a dark screen of a movie we were all waiting eleven years to come out
i know my brain is going to start to pick apart the whole thing soon, when the novelty and the serotonin wear off, but for now i really really really just want to enjoy this bliss of just, not only being able to see the movie but be in a room filled with so much pure, innocent excitement
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goshzillas · 7 years
the second half of the movie was MUCH better than the first one
i dont get how rey just like....trusted ken that quickly? She yells at him in one scene and calmly talks to him in the next? That felt super weird idk
That being said i still didnt see romance in ANY of their interactions and in fact, now less than ever. They are clear opposites now more than ever after having a brief second of working together.
I didnt know how to feel about snoke’s death first but now I kind of like it. It sets up Kylo as the clear antagonist of the last episode with no master above him, so literally NO ONE can excuse his actions anymore
the finnrose kiss felt kind of out of the blue and the finnrey meeting was TOO short. You could feel that Rian thought some scenes mattered less than others (cough kylo cough) and ultimately the bond between the good guys suffered for it
That being said the Luke/leia reunion absolutely made me cry. full on sobbing in the cinema. It was awkward for me but that one really hit home.
dont get why people say the rey/poe meeting sets up romance lmfao.......he literally looks at her in wonder bc she is lifting a bajillion of stones???? Like quit reaching
Rose Tico is confirmed animal activist
Not really comfortable with all the stunning being done in this movie
Poe’s arc wasn’t fueled by sexism and i am thankful for that but gOD it was dumb af
Finn stopping in his motion bc he sensed Phasma???? Forcesensitive Finn is STILL a possibility and i WANT TO SEE IT HAPPEN
Didn’t see the force-projecting coming and really liked it at a twist but also how FUCKING ICONIC that Luke would project himself in that black outfit while wearing his isolation cloak in real life????
The scene in which rey gets tempted by the dark side didn’t really fit into the overall movie. It was very well done and honestly jarring but it just....didnt really connect with the scenes
THe other really jarring scene fit PERFECTLY though (when the first order ships get destroyed and everything goes quiet? That was....really good).
Finn???? Being ready to die for the galaxy????? I literally love him so much
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Happy 70th Birthday Stephen King: The 10 Best Horror Adaptations
New Post has been published on https://nofspodcast.com/happy-70th-stephen-king-heres-10-best/
Happy 70th Birthday Stephen King: The 10 Best Horror Adaptations
Today our father who art in horror Stephen King turns 70! And I for one thank Maturin, that great big turtle in the sky, every single day that Stephen was born. Just ask yourself “Where would we be without him?” In fact, what would horror be without him?
Stephen King was born in 1947 in Portland Maine. He sold his first professional short story “The Glass Floor” In 1967 while working in an industrial laundry. In 1971, King started teaching high school English, while at nights he continued to write short stories and work on his novels. In 1974 Doubleday published Carrie.  The resulting income allowed him to leave his teaching job to write full-time. Over the next 40 plus years King went on to shape the horror landscape by releasing many genre defining novels including The Shining, Cujo, IT, Salem’s Lot and many more. King has amassed sales of over 350 million books to date, and thankfully isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.
Stephen King is also responsible for some of the most horrifying and nightmare inducing movies ever made. Many of his novels have been adapted into some truly iconic and recognisable horror movies in modern cinema; The Shining, It, Carrie, Christine, and countless others. To celebrate his birthday, a sacred day on my horror calendar, lets countdown my our 10 Stephen King horror movie adaptations.
Selection Criteria
a) Only Horror Movies: – I will only be selecting Stephen’s scary sh*t, so there will be no Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption or Stand By Me. We’re a horror site.
b) The rankings are mine, and are based on how much I liked the film- Not the scope of the cinematography or the maturity of the score blah blah bah. My list. My criteria.
c) I have only ranked movies I have seen. For all I know, Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror could be the greatest movie ever based within the King-verse, but I haven’t seen it so it’s not on the list!
And without further ado, The List!
  10 – Carrie (1976)
Hi Carrie, rough night?
Carrie White is a shy and sheltered girl, who after a particularly cruel prank unleashes her deadly telekinetic powers to get vengeance at her high school prom.
Let’s face it. This film is bleak. Sissy Spacek plays awkward so well that you grimace at her every interaction. Add to this the fact that she has clearly been systematically domineered and abused by her religious mother whom I’m pretty sure is the most evil character since Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest. In fact the most uplifting moment in Carrie is when Mrs. White gets graphically and ironically killed; impaled on her own symbolism.
Anyway, Carrie kills everyone and lives happily ever after or something.
For me this film boils down to three scenes ranked by how much they terrified me as an 8-year-old boy.
3. The prom scene = mildly freaking out.
2. The hand out of the grave scene = big jump scare made me close my little eyes.
1. The pig murder scene = didn’t sleep for a week. Every time I closed my eyes i heard that poor piggy crying.
  9 – Secret Window (2004)
Wait, what?
Uh oh, early controversy! This probably won’t be a popular choice, but I loved this movie, and remember: My criteria.
Secret window is a psychological thriller about an author named Mort. Recently divorced, he moves to his upstate New York cabin to work on his writing. While there he meets John Shooter, who accuses him of plagiarism and proceeds to torment him seeking justice.
Johnny Depp and John Turturro are easily two of my favourite actors named John. I will eat anything these two dish up and probably ask for more. Their chemistry really carries this film and Turturro’s accent is just plain fun. The mystery aspect of this movie however is the weak point and by the time the twist is revealed, you’ve probably already guessed it. But the way it’s handled is so entertaining that I didn’t begrudge it at all.
  8 – The Dead Zone (1983)
Whoa Chris, Your sex is on fire!
5 years after a car accident leaves him in a coma, Johnny Smith (Christopher Walken) discovers he has the ability to see people’s secrets through any physical contact. With some deeply unsettling visualizations of his premonitions, we follow Johnny as he attempts to navigate his “Dead Zone” and prevent the untimely deaths of those around him.
If you need more incentive? (ahem, CHRISTOPHER WALKEN) it is also directed by David ‘freaking’ Cronenberg! Don’t even bother with the rest of this list, if you haven’t seen The Dead Zone. Cancel your plans for the evening and watch it now.
  7 – 1408 (2007)
Should’ve got the suite upgrade.
*This movie has two endings and while both versions are good, I only have eyes for the darker ending.
Mike Enslin (John Cusack), a paranormal debunker decides to stay in the Dolphin Hotel’s infamous room 1408.  Not long after checking in Mike learns that the stories surrounding room 1408 may not be as embellished as he first believed.
SPOILER ALERT! this hotel room is really f**king haunted! After he ignores the hotel manager’s (Samuel L Jackson) extremely convincing and rational speech, it doesn’t take Mike very long to realize his monumental error. This movie is tense and unnerving from start to finish. 
  6 – Christine (1983)
Dope ride bro!
A nerdy teenager (Arnie) buys a vintage car (Christine) that has supernatural abilities and a sinister, violent nature. As Arnie’s obsession with Christine develops, his friends notice that the car’s not so pleasant nature is starting to influence its owner.
John Carpenter directs a movie about a kick ass red car, that actually seems possessed by a demon, but don’t let this seemingly campy premise put you off. This movie is awesome as Christine is evil. The badass Red Plymouth Fury owns every scene it’s in with its larger than life presence, deep rumbling voice and inherent menace.
  5 – Pet Sematary (1989)
I’m never making waffles again.
Behind a family home, in Maine, there is an old cemetery that holds the secret to life and death. When Tragedy strikes the Creed family, the lure of this power becomes too tempting to ignore.
Pet Sematary (spelt wrong on purpose) is a movie about a family who move into a new house that’s on a surprising busy road. Soon after they lose their small child in a tragic accident. Louis (Dale Mikiff) learns of the old pet cemetery and it’s apparent ability to bring the dead back to life (yay!) but they also seem to come back a little evil (boo!). This movie is full of fantastic nightmare fuel. I still cringe every time I think of sweet little, creepy AF child, slicing open poor old Jud’s Achilles tendon.
  4 – IT (2017)
So much happiness in one place…
The newest film on the list, and it was only through sheer force of will it wasn’t number 1. For those of you who live under a rock, IT is about a group of kids called ‘The Losers Club’ who are taunted by a monster in the form of an extremely disturbing turn-of-the-century era clown.
This movie is so much fun. Sure, its full of terror. Sure, I haven’t slept in a week. But, it captures the innocence and humour of being a kid so perfectly, it almost made me wish I grew up in Derry….except, of course- for the evil clown trying to eat everyone.
  3 – The Mist (2007)
Oh God, no!
You guessed it- This one is about a strange Mist that descends on a small town (probably in, Oh I don’t know- Maine). Along with the unexplained weather pattern come terrible monsters that pick off the town folk one-by-one. No one knows where it came from or how to get rid of it.
We spend the majority of this film in a grocery store, where the monsters outside are not necessarily the biggest threat. A great creature feature, The Mist is fun, action packed and dramatic (especially that ending!). Actually, maybe you should just press stop once they drive into the mist near the end, because the last 5 minutes is so dark,  it will definitely break your heart.
  2 – Creepshow 2 (1987)
UNCONFIRMED photo of Miley Cyrus at the kids choice awards.
I’m sure this one needs no description, but Creepshow 2 is a horror anthology of tales based on Stephen King stories. The first segment follows a cigar-store Native American statue coming to life to avenge the death of the shop owner and his wife. The Raft features a group of sexy teens travel to a secluded lake to swim and have fun. Problem is there is an evil organism living in the lake that is hungry for some nubile flesh. The final installment follows a woman who hits a hitchhiker with her car and decides to flee the scene, but the victim isn’t inclined to remain dead.
This was my favourite movie growing up! A brilliant collection of twisted, and timeless vignettes. The wrap around animation is a lot of fun too, telling the story of little Billy and his bullies.
  1 – The Shining (1980)
You could’ve just knocked, Jack.
There is no other number one.
In The Shining, Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) takes a job as winter caretaker at the isolated Overlook Hotel in Colorado, hoping to cure his writer’s block. Psychic premonitions plague his son Danny. As Jack’s writing goes nowhere, young Danny’s visions become more intense. Jack discovers the hotel has dark secrets and he begins to unravel, terrorizing his family as he spirals downward into madness.
The pamphlet for the Overlook Hotel should just read: Overlook Hotel, where a bunch of jerk ghosts live. Poor Danny, his “Shining” ability along with a childish love of exploration, open him up to some serious spectral harassment. This movie builds tension to perfection. In fact one of my favourite characters in the film is Dick Halloran. When Dick is on-screen there is usually a slight respite from the heavy tension. 
This movie is a classic that every horror fan needs to see at least once.. no, twice.
  Honorable Mentions
Misery, Creepshow, Silver Bullet and Cujo
  Thanks for making my life more entertaining Stephen! And please, keep the nightmares coming! Let us know in the comments below your top Horror Adaptations from Stephen King!
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