#thanks for this ask!!
yesloulou · 3 months
Didn’t Daniel have a spanner in his car that one of the mechanics dropped in it and they couldn’t get it out because the car was in parc ferme and didn’t want to scare Daniel so didn’t say anything race day and he drove his car and the spanner to p fucking 1
information added.. knew i forgot something..
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any new ART you've done
i haven't really done any actual art but only doodles lol
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[heavily inspired clothing from some snases but not on purpose i promise-]
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[i js find this one funny]
also a REALLY unfinished wip under the cut
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generic-sonic-fan · 4 months
1.Complex Inquiries chapter 11 when 🥺?
2.Maybe if you haven’t done it already, interaction of Unit-MS 1 with other characters like Knuckles or Cream for example?
Also I wanted to say that I love your interpretation of the character of Metal Sonic , you basically did Sega’s work on giving it more personality and a better perspective of his superiority complex due to Sonic .
Hope you have a nice day/evening/night !! ^^
I'm so glad you're enjoying Complex Inquiries!!! I really loved diving deep into Metal as a character and putting my own spin on it.
Chapter 11 will be posted next Friday! This one always updates on Fridays. To tell you the truth, I'm still tweaking the fic's final chapters, which is why I decided to go with a weekly update schedule rather than posting it in one big chunk. Your patience will be appreciated ;)
As for Unit MS-1's interaction with other characters, I'm actually planning on releasing some one-shot epilogues once the fic is complete! There'll be some follow-ups with characters that MS-1 met once already and maybe a few with some other characters reacting to its transformation. I've already got a few planned. Your suggestions are duly noted.
I hope you have a nice day/evening as well!
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kitkatopinions · 5 months
What do you think about Katara's decision to spare her mother's killer?
Personally, I think it's a pretty good thing. Generally speaking, I don't like when heroes decide to be judge jury and executioner with villains and criminals. In the heat of battle when people are actively attacking, sometimes heroes will kill villains and I'm fine with that, but I prefer when heroes don't see themselves as the end all be all justice bringer who gets to decide when people are allowed to live and die.
To be clear, I'm not blaming Katara for the feelings that prompted her quest - she's a traumatized fourteen year old - but I'm glad the writers didn't have her go through with it. And before anyone says it, yes the Gaang does throw around people with pretty reckless abandon but there's a big difference between suspension of disbelief cartoon antics and A-Team style 'assuming people made it out okay' combat and like, fully murdering someone on purpose where the audience understands it as definitive murder. And for the record, I'm also glad that they managed to find a work around for Aang killing Ozai even though in those conditions, I wouldn't blame Aang if he had.
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folklore-girl · 5 months
hi :D
for the handwriting ask
20, 22, 38
have a wonderful day <3
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hope u do too 💌 love you
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hzrnvm · 11 months
oh! did you know that ants are attracted to electricity? one time my mom had a radio that she would take outside but then it started malfunctioning and the opened it up and it was full of ants!
1 just like me fr. 2 OMG THAT IS SO COOL!!! that's like. that's just amazing. ants have so many cool things, sometimes it feels like ants are hogging all the cool animal facts, LOL!
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Hi! I'm Meeko nice to meet you! I've recently got this app so I'm a little new but! I do have a question for you! Who is your favorite character? I see a lot of Ragbros (mostly Diluc) and I'm guessing it's one of them? I could be wrong because I barely draw Thoma at all and mostly draw Kaeya. Oh! And how are you? I hope your having a amazing day! Love your art! Do you share art tips btw? If not I completely understand. I just love the way you draw hair!
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- Meeko
Hi Meeko!! Nice to meet you too! :D Oh! Welcome to Tumblr then!! I hope you have fun!! Oooh! My Favorite Characters are Diluc and Zhongli!! :D SDFSDFSDFSDF Zhongli gets thrown to the side a bit because its easier to come up with Scenarios for Diluc for me (and Kaeya is a very cool and good character as well and also fun to draw.) SDFSDFSD that's so fair, Kaeya isn't my favorite (tho I love him) and i draw him a lot as well. I"m doing pretty good!! :D I've been sick for the last week but its given me some time to catch up on things i was struggling to get done Ironically SFSDSDFSDFSD its pretty close to be over with now too. Aww thank you!! I hope you have an amazing day as well :D ASFSDFSD AW THANK YOU!! I absolutely share art tips, I'm not sure how good I am at it??? So I'm sorry if you ask and my help is... not helpful BUT I WILL DO MY BEST x'D b ASDFSDFSD AW THANKS!! Hair is very fun to draw :D
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renaerys · 2 years
Hi Jo, I felt obligated to tell you that Chapter 11 of BTM is probably my single favorite chapter of any PPG fic out there. I always have BTM pulled up in a tab because I reread it all the time and it’s sweet torture to not just skip ahead to C11 every time. The entire fic is a masterpiece of course, but that chapter always scratches an itch!
I really enjoyed the latest TH update as well! It’s always a pleasure getting an email notification from you!
Girl (endearingly) I feel you. That’s the best chapter. It’s also my favorite. The fact that it’s holding up on reread for you is great! That whole fic is like my firstborn child in a sense. Still really proud of it and so flattered that it resonates with people. ❤️
I’m still lurking in PPG these days and will plan to finish TH. I’m glad you enjoyed that update! It will get finished, just not before the new year.
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striving-artist · 7 months
The best piece of advice I ever got was not meant as advice, but as an edict. If I was going to threaten people as a joke, it had to be so far out of proportion with what happened that it would be obvious I was joking. This changed how I expressed frustration with others. It then changed how I expressed frustration with myself.
Not “I’m going to hit you” but “I am going to buy a tuna sub from the gas station and hide it under the seat of your car”
Not “I’m going to kill myself” but “I am going to walk into the desert and let the scarabs take me”
The other side then happened. When I mess something up, instead of saying it’s bad and perpetuating negative thoughts, swing hard the other way.
Not “this art is terrible” but “this shall be framed and mounted on the wall in my museum exhibition as testament to the suffering I had to overcome”
Have been doing this since high school. It was my drama teacher who asked me to please stop scaring the actors. The other half of the edict was that I had to say it in a polite tone, and end it with either please or thank you.
Life changing. 10/10 Mr Muëller. Highly reccomend.
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i23kazu · 7 months
how i feel when someone reblogs my stuff with a really really nice tag
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retquits · 4 months
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1.6 is coming—see you march 19th!!! 🥹🌱
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cahootings · 8 months
“their relationship is too deep to be sexual” what’s deeper than dick in hole. please tell me
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junglejim4322 · 3 months
do you think a 5'4 and 6'2 height difference is predatory?
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therainbowwillow · 7 months
hbomberguy’s latest video on plagiarism has made me completely rethink literature and writing. I have never once so much as considered intentionally plagiarizing anyone or anything, but I think there’s something more that has come out of this: the names of the people who created the works Somerton (and others) ripped off.
Plagiarism isn’t only bad because it is lazy and disrespectful, it’s bad because it buries the truth. If you can’t find a source, the conversation is over. Somerton’s sources are fairly easy to find by simply searching his plagiarized lines, but that isn’t true in most cases. Most of the time, the line from statement to source is a lot less clear.
Today, I was writing a report on English Ivy, which is an invasive species here in the US. I wanted to know when it was introduced and I at last found a source claiming it was introduced to the Americas “as early as 1727” on a .net website that seems quite reputable (it has multiple major universities credited in its home page), but there is no citation for where this date came from. I dug deeper and found a pamphlet created by a city government in Virginia that made the same claim, only to discover the first source linked in their bibliography. Another website (a botanical garden’s page) gave the same date with the same source hyperlinked. Of course, I have classes to attend and things to do and probably not enough time to follow the lines back to where this 1727 date came from, but if I had not just watched this video, I wouldn’t have given that date a second thought.
Of course, it doesn’t matter in the long run exactly what year hedera helix was introduced to the Americas, but it makes you wonder how many facts have been so vaguely attributed that it becomes completely impossible to figure out where they originated (and further, whether or not they’re true at all).
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faffreux · 11 months
it's weird to be attracted to an ugly frog like wtf is even your taste in men
i won't argue with you about whether or not fawful is ugly but it is weird yes, i agree
i have long accepted that i am weird
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batbabydamian · 2 months
Obsessed with little Lima Bean Baby Dami. I feel like Bruce would pass out from cuteness if he witnessed his child looking like that.
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Talia should send Damian's baby pics to Bruce lol
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