team-color-lock 2 years
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Hi, I'm Elysia. I'm new to the team and still learning the whole y'know battle thing.
I use a Flingza roller, bought a while back cause I liked how it looks. Dunno much about all the tech specs.
I like turf-war, it's fun to try to cover as much area as I can, nice break from regular day-to-day.
Also I work at a library, which sounds boring, but it's not that bad! I get to read a lot and it's quiet.
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team-color-lock 2 years
how did you pick your team name?
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S: i named the team color lock because kip hates changing his ink color
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K: What?! Is that why? That's it, I'm changing it.
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S: too late, it's already registeredddd :P
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K: Ughh, fine. It's not that I hate it, it's just bothersome to do.
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E: Oh what??? I thought it was deeper than that.
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team-color-lock 2 years
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We went to a Cafe to celebrate the upcoming Splatfest and our 4th member, Elysia, joining us. For whatever reason Sini decided to go for team Spicy, and ended up regretting it almost immediately.
He's still feeling unwell, he better get his stuff together before the Splatfest starts, or we're going to be a member short.
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team-color-lock 2 years
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Happy New Year from Team Color Lock!!
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team-color-lock 2 years
Would you be cool with like... a sea slug teammate? Not super experienced but willing to learn! Got a flingza sitting in my apartment that doesn't get enough use.
S: we'd love to see what you got!!
K: Are non inklings or octolings even allowed in professional tournaments?
S: don't be rude! i don't see why they wouldn't be. as long as you can shoot ink and swim in it, there shouldn't be an issue.
K: A Flingza Roller would be an interesting way to finish out our team composition. We'd have to asses your fighting ability in person.
S: yeah yeah! we hang around the lobby all the time, we'll surely bump into each other if ytou visit us there
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team-color-lock 2 years
What does "having what it takes" entail exactly?
S: style of course! you need to be fresh
K: Team synergy is a must. Communication makes or breaks a team.
L: Battle proficiency.
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team-color-lock 2 years
You're looking for a 4th member? What are the requirements, I might know someone.
S: yes thanks for reaching out!! we've been able scrape by with random friends and volunteers, but if we wanna win official tournaments we need a complete team! first of all, you either need to be located in splatsville, or be able to commune there regularly. keeping up with regular training is important!
L: You need to be able to fight.
S: yes that too! some fighting and weapon proficiency is required, we're trying to go pro after all ^^
K: It would also be preferable if your weapon choice fit well in our team. We do not need another charger.
S: aww kip would having another charger steal some of your thunder?
K: Nonsense, having two chargers would just be redundant.
S: suuure whatever you say~!
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team-color-lock 2 years
so do you guys have a favorite ink color?
S: ooo yes!! mine is pink ^^
K: Pink? But your whole outfit is blue.
S: so what kip? blue goes better with my eyes, i gotta keep up appearances! anyways i asked lampyr and she said she doesn't have a favorite ink color. boo boring >_>
K: In any case, it's hard to say what my favorite ink color would be. In my opinion the best way to show off your ink is when it's contrasting against your opponent's ink color. In that scenario, I suppose my favorites would be yellow and a deep purple, the contrast between them really pops.
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team-color-lock 2 years
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our current team!
the girl at the back is Lampyr, our newest member!! she's a bit too quiet for my tastes but can kick ass during battles! her weapon of choice is the tetra dualies
the grumpy inkling is Kip! we've been friends since we were kids. he was a part of a big team before, idk how i convinced him to make a new team with me instead. can it be my cute looks?? anyways, his weapon of choice is the splatterscope!
and the last squid in the photo is none other than yours truly, Sini! ;) master of the octobrush and inkbrush, here i come!
we managed to find our 4th member, elysia!!
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even though she's shy, she's a beast on the battlefield with her flingza roller!
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team-color-lock 2 years
and we're up and running!! suck it kip, this is a great idea
hello everyone~!
we are Color Lock! a new competitive anarchy team really to dish out some damage, so please come and cheer us on
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