#thanks for the asks ya'll!
rat-n-atty · 4 months
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I never really thought about that but I feel like Minion would absolutely adore 5 <3 (After she got over the initial shock first lol)
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(Her ass is not fine)
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I honestly don't know, I just liked the concept lol
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I think you're pretty cool totally random person who's not in the same server as me 👍
Okay biiiiii
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daily-odile · 6 months
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head pats...
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joltrify · 2 months
How do Kineceleran helmets function, apart from aerodynamics. What I mean is, when do they get them, and how do they take them on or off? Are they organic with some cybernetic implants added so they can protect their eyes? Etc, etc?
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more kineceleran hcs :>
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spacebubblehomebase · 5 months
I just noticed, in your HHStargazers AU no one has pupils - except for Alastor and, if she's canon, Carmilla. Does that mean slit pupils are a sign of a demon in disguise?
Good eye! 👈👈👀 (Pun unintended.) Though I don't really plan for this trait to be repeatedly shared amongst the disguised demons. Mostly to not limit my designs to an obvious tell. But the slit pupils were indeed intentional flaws I added in for those two in particular. Because according to MY headcanon, both angels and demons are beings beyond human comprehension. Thus, it's only to be expected that even when they TRY to fit in, they'll be unable to keep EVERY aspect of their uncanny nature concealed. At best, they're imperfect imitations of what "normal" should be. It just so happens that in my AU, angels have a much easier time concealing most of their little quirks and oddities away than the sinners for my own reasons and as for WHY no one ever grew suspicious of the eye thing, it's because Charlie's curiosity could be easily curved. While for Lucius to point this out, he'll have to admit that he's been staring at Alastor's eyes a lot whenever he gets close enough to drown in the depths of his gaze and- EHEM!!! Which he's NEVER done, mind you! AhahaHAH- What slit pupils??? Never noticed those before. Nuh-uh. NO siree. NOPE! Lucius is normally so, SO normal about Alastors VERY much normal eyes in a TOTALLY normal amount of normal. A-ANYWAAAYS!!! Lucius would also be a hypocrite if he was bothered by them considering his own occupation and the people he's usually surrounded by (yet to be revealed). As for the other humans, Alastor doesn't care enough about their opinions for it to be a threat to him and people often just avoid the guy unnerving them with his creepy ass stare. So it's all good! Hope you like these bonus fun facts! 'Cause I have a feeling I left you with just as much questions as answers, but that's the fun of an ongoing story, yeah? Stay tuned~! 😉✨️ -Bubbly💙
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gilverrwrites · 16 days
Been reading back through the Sionis!readerxJason posts, and I cant stop thinking about specifically this bit:
"God forbid he ever finds out Jason is Red Hood. He’s dragging you home kicking and screaming and locking you up. His kid? With Red Hood. He thinks the fuck not."
But like combined with part 2 and the idea of you getting caught in the act with Red Hood. Like tbh I feel like Jason would be so careful about mixing you up in his Red Hood side (especially when you eventually let slip how Roman lost his shit at you when he learned it was Jason you were dating) but things happen and eventually you and Jason slip, caught up in the moment and one of Blackmask's goons sees you getting dicked down by real "friendly" with Red Hood and reports it to your dad.
And maybe Blackmask is able to put 2 and 2 together that you've been actively, knowingly warming the bed of his Nemesis for months just to spite him, or maybe the magic of the Domino Mask prevails once again and he just thinks that you're deliberately hooking up with people he hates (first you're spreading your legs for that Wayne fucker, Todd, and now you're FUCKING RED HOOD in his (Blackmask's) own warehouse?!?!?!?!) But either way he loses it. No more Mr Nice Dad act, he's been too lenient with you for too long and it ends now, its time you learned your lesson. And then he's dragging you kicking and screaming to be locked away (and probably worse).
OR if he does realize that JT=RH (whether he figures it out immediately or it only clicks after he confronts you) he decides to use you as bait to lure Red Hood into a trap. What better way to teach you the consequences of rebelling than to make you watch as he kills the prick you've stupidly fallen in love with (that might be the most nauseating part of this for Roman. Didn't he raise you better than that?).
Regardless, it all comes to a head when Jason shows up to bring you home, and you finally get to witness first hand exactly how the Red Hood came to be such a thorn in your father's side.
I have nothing to add to this, anon you're brilliant. I didn't post this straight away cause I was trying to think up something to add, but I got nothing, you've perfectly encapsulated it, and I agree with everything you’re said. 💖💖💖
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batrachised · 1 month
Hi! For the ask game:
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
fun fact! for one time period of my life, I had ties in the airline industry (which gives free flights to its employees and their families), and so traveling WAS free for me😌Deciding where to go first was actually difficult; the world was my oyster, and I could take a free flight from anywhere from Tampa to Tokyo!
I debated over where to go for a while. It's actually harder than you'd think to make a decision like that. Although it sounds fun, you get the airline ticket for free and nothing else, and hotels are expensive man! So you need someplace that makes for a good day trip.
I'd sometimes talk it over with the people I worked with, to get their ideas and suggestions. One person I worked with was this jock frat boy whom I would make an educated guess came from wealth. He'd grown up on the West Coast and spent his spare time either (1) doing super athletic things like triathlons for fun or (2) tailgating football games. He was actually super nice, but he definitely fell into a lot of the stereotypes of rich West Coast jock.
A fun fact about me: i love cheese. I don't know a lot about cheese, but I love cheese. I also have a friend who loves cheese. Talking it over with my friend, we had a brilliant idea: why not go to Wisconsin to eat the cheese? Wisconsin is known for their cheese, and I thought the idea wonderful. Fly across the United States for that especially.
I vividly remember being by the printer at work, and jock dude coming up. We began to discuss travel plans, and I told him of mine - travel to Wisconsin for the cheese. He then paused, looked at me, and said slowly, with an emotion I could not describe if there was a gun to my head: "An entire trip just for cheese."
"An entire trip just for cheese."
Slow. Steady. Contemplative.
Those words have rung in my head for years. Not because of anything mean - they weren't mean-spirited at all. It was more of a situation in which two alien species encounter each other and leave flabbergasted. Until he commented, I would have said that was the most normal thing in the world to do. It wasn't until his reaction that I registered: I could go literally anywhere on the planet for free--the crisp snow-frosted Alps of Switzerland, the earthy rainbow valleys of Peru, the world-famous artistry of Paris and its culinary masterpieces--and I had chosen Wisconsin, for the cheese.
Entirely for the cheese. Please understand, from what I recall I had absolutely zero plans to do anything else in Wisconsin. The world was my oyster--and I asked to be brought cheese instead.
All this to say, rich West Coast jock, if you're out there, I hope you know you became a meme with my friend for years.
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x-gon-give-it · 8 months
🍐 your fics are simply a m a z i n g and I wish I had more spideypool published so I had an excuse to chat with you / run into you online / be mutuals!
I do have more planned though, so... maybe it's possible in the future :)
༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ This is so sweet T.T
I'm crying tears in the club tonight.
You don't need to write Spideypool as an excuse for us to chat or do anything else! Being Spideypool fans is more than enough ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) That's fandom community, baby!
Although, I'll never say no to more fanfic.
Please accept this lil Spideypool pic as a token of my love <3
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
Ma'am can we please have some general sfw/nsfw Jun Guevara hcs we're starving
On my knees begging he's such a menace to society and your writing's so good
Call me meals on wheels how I be feeding the masses. (⌐⎚u⎚)
Heh heh heh, I have been meaning to try and write more Jun goodness. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Thank you for providing the opportunity and thank you for your kind words!!!
I hope I did our beautiful boy Jun some justice with this one! NSFW at the end, so 18+ only please!
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This man is one of the world’s biggest show offs, ESPECIALLY in your presence. The moment he hears your voice or spots you across the room, he starts posturing. Gloating about his various achievements, flexing and showing off his body whenever you pass by, dropping names of famous people he knows or exotic places he’s been, anything to try and get a rise out of you or to get you fawning. The man is not shy about singing his praises in a multitude of ways to paint himself as the ideal man for you.
If he has to spend any time away from you for any reason, all of his free time is going to go towards contacting you. Texts, phone calls, video chats-there is nothing that boosts his spirits like hearing your voice and seeing your face. Even just a simple text from you saying ‘good morning’ is enough to send him over the moon. Expect a rambling paragraph response back to any message you may send, littered with romantic prose while simultaneously begging you to send him pics (either lewd or just a normal selfie, doesn’t matter to him as long as he gets to see your pretty face/body).
He’s got a plethora of nicknames for you, ranging from sweet and loving to downright obscene. He loves seeing you blush and squirm, so he’s more apt to use the raunchy ones in public.
Despite his big ego and penchant for inappropriate flirting, he is a huge romantic. You are his one and only, his soul mate, and the thought of spending the rest of his life with you by his side never fails to fill him with butterflies. Nothing fills him with joy quite like waking up with you each morning and falling asleep with you each night. His most peaceful moments are when you are tucked in by his side, sleeping soundly under his protection.
He’s a rather jealous person, so he always gets grumpy when you aren’t giving him your full attention. If you so much as glance at your phone while on a date he gets moody, and isn’t above taking any electronic devices you may have away from you and stashing them out of your reach until you have to part ways with him. If it’s another physical person you are giving your attention too, he will become insufferably rude/standoffish to them until they either get the picture and leave on their own, or you are so mortified by the encounter you leave yourself, dragging Jun with you.
Family is very important to him, and he is extremely eager to bring you into his family’s fold. It didn’t take long in your relationship for you to become acquainted with both his close and extended family, and though you were nervous as hell to meet them all so soon, they accepted you with open arms and put you at ease upon your initial meeting. They were quick to usher you into their home, provide you with a warm meal, relay story after embarrassing story of Jun in his youth. If you are someone who doesn’t have a family/has a bad relationship with your family, all that changes now as you have been fully adopted into the Guevera home, his family quickly becoming your own. Otherwise he’s just as eager and adamant to meet your family, and will invite them to every Guevera family gathering in the future. Just prepare yourself for the onslaught of ‘when can we expect a grandchild?’ questions to roll in, and that all of them will be responded with ‘We’ve been hard at work, so as soon as possible’ or something similarly suggestive by Jun.
He has a tendency to be SUPER pouty. If you get into a disagreement or spat, even with how much he loves you, he wants to be the one who comes out on top. If you prove him wrong in an argument, any sense of victory you may feel is going to be overshadowed by how damn whiny he is going to be over the next several hours. It can get so annoying that sometimes you give in and apologize, even though you did nothing wrong, just to get him to shut up. Regardless of if you concede to him or not, he is super clingy during the whole ordeal, wanting you to shower him in affection and attention as a means to ‘apologize to him for being mean to him.’ (He is an incorrigible brat. ^^;)
Sometimes Jun will just stop and stare at you for elongated amounts of time. At first it unnerved you a bit, unsure of what caused him to halt what he was doing and just… Look at you. When you finally worked up the courage and asked him why he would sometimes look at you so intensely, he simply explained that he often gets so caught up in your beauty that he can’t bring himself to tear his eyes away from you. From that day forward you can’t help but blush bright red when you catch him doing it, which in turn always makes him produce a devilish smirk.
Though he lives to make you a blushing, stuttering mess, you also have the power to fluster him as well. Whenever you earnestly express your love for him, or go out of your way to show him you care, he turns into a flushed, mushy mess. He catches himself pretty quickly, but you always savor the moments when he slips and loses his macho façade, finding ruffled Jun quite endearing and cute.
As stated before, family is a top priority for him, and he is obsessed with the idea of making a huge family with you. This man has the biggest breeding kink, and any kind of love making he does never stops at one round. He needs to make sure he pumps you nice and full, eager to realize his dreams of a huge family ASAP. He practically salivates over the thought of how you will look stuffed with his children, thinking of how hot you’ll look round and full making him that much hornier and work that much harder to impregnate you.
He has an extremely hard time containing himself, and if you tease him in anyway (whether it be with sexy clothing, coy flirtations, or potentially just something you are doing unwittingly) he can and will take you right then and there. Who is he to deny himself the pleasure of you, when you so boldly flaunt your sex appeal before him? If you are in public he (usually) has the decency to pull you somewhere more private before he begins his assault, but he doesn’t do anything to try and muffle or hide what he is doing with you. In fact, he takes pleasure from knowing you may be caught or heard-people should be aware of how good he is at pleasuring his woman and be jealous of the fact that he can have you anytime he desires, and they never will. The ONLY time he shows any restraint is if children are present, but even then it doesn’t take long for him to shoo them away so that he can have his way with you without the fear of scarring any innocent minds.
Despite the thrill he may get over people potentially walking in on/hearing you two making love, he is EXTREMELY possessive and gets majorly pissed off if anyone other than him sees you in a compromising position, or ogles you for too long. He’s the kind of man that will make you wear an oversized tee and board shorts to the beach just to keep wandering eyes from lingering on you too long. Your body, wanton expressions, and your sultry moans-they are for him and him only. If someone else did manage to catch you two in the act he will hunt them down later and beat their ass, accident or not. The only exception would be if it was someone he trusted, but even then they are on VERY thin ice.
He likes to film his sexual encounters with you, and loves even more to make you watch them with him afterwards. Even if it embarrasses the hell out of you, he thinks it’s completely unfair that you don’t get to see how goddamn sexy you look when he’s plowing into you, and insists on sharing the experience. He happily narrates the whole thing to you as he holds you perched on his lap, rewinding his favorite moments to he can play them again and again for you. He’ll almost always touch you while the video plays, doing his best to coax the same noises and reactions from you as you are doing in the video. These viewings of course also lead to more sex, as there is no way in hell he isn’t hard as a rock once he’s done viewing it.
Jun is very perceptive of your mood and can always tell when you are in a self-conscious rut. He can’t stand when you demean yourself and gets agitated when you tear yourself apart over your appearance. Don’t you realize how fucking beautiful you are??? Don’t you see that you are literal perfection??? Well, if not, he’s just going to have to show you, isn’t he? He will take his time worshiping every inch of you, giving extra care to the parts of your body you are comfortable with. Every part of you is flawless, and if you have trouble seeing that on your own he has no qualms over helping you realize this. As long as it takes, he won’t stop lavishing you until you yield to him and realize just how incredible you are.
As much as he loves watching you when you are making love, he loves holding you during the experience even more. His favorite positions are the ones where you are a close, intertwined mess of limbs and carnal desire. He wants to feel you in your entirety, and there is no such thing as close enough as far as Jun is concerned.  When you are pressed against him you can feel each other’s heartbeat, and it’s easier for him to whisper in your ear about how much he loves you, tell you how fucking unbelievably good you feel. He is absolutely obsessed with you in every way, and he’ll keep you as close as he can for as long as possible, savoring the unity he feels with you beside him. You are half of his soul, and he feels incomplete otherwise.
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wikitpowers · 4 months
pls listen to hot & heavy by lucy dacus and tell me if it isn’t the most kitty coded song
UM HELLO???? ANOTHER PERSON MAKING ME CRY??? ARE YALL A GANG OR SOMETHIN????? (yes, the gang is called angsty kitty stans)
anyway lines which made me lose my mind ayo:
hot and heavy in the basement of your parents' place - BASEMENT OF YOUR PARENTS PLACE/??/???? OKAY KITTY FIRST MEETING???
couldn't look away even if i wanted - reminds me of their first meeting as well when emma is surprised that ty is looking back at kit. don’t touch me.
you were always stronger than people suspected - this relates to both of them; kit because he has no faith in himself and believes himself to be weak and unlovable but he never allows these thoughts to break him completely. and ty bc everybody always tells him he is strange and weak and can never be a strong shadowhunter but he is one, he is. god.
when i went away it was the only option - i think everyone knows what this references to and lets just say *cries in kitty separation*
it's bittersweet to see you again - this is so twp!kitty oh my gosh no no no no
basically my question is why are u torturing me?
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months
I just wanted to say, first of all holy COW this definitely cements TNV as my favorite fanfic of all time!! The ending was absolutely phenomenal, and perfect for the story!!
I'm gonna miss the silly goober, but I'm glad he can finally recover and be happy <3
You did an excellent job writing this fanfic!! Genuinely one of the best I have ever read. Thank you for sharing it!! If you ever publish any other ideas I'll definitely be reading them. Amazing job, and I hope you have a wonderful day!! :D
AJHASDKJSD OF ALL TIME???? sniffles and sobs thank u so much ;w; i love writing and hope to write most stuff in the future but omg thank u so much for all the love
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trappedinafantasy37 · 4 months
Time to go back to Act 1 for some shenaninanigans and to gobble up some missing XP!
First, went back to the goblin camp. But, no one was there except for this little guy. So, Minthara took out what was left of the goblin trash.
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Went to the creche. I had heard some rumors that Minthara had spoken dialogue here. I was actually surprised to hear it though! What could have been if Larian let us recruit her in Act 1...
Gotta keep the hood up to protect her eyes from the evil evil sun!
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Fought some evil cats.
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And some evil birbs.
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And killed a kid! HAHAHAHA! Maybe Minthara is the real Dark Urge.
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Hopped in the zaithisk to get the Awakened buff, she wasn't too thrilled about it. Also stole all the worms in the infirmary and Minthara now has all the illithid powers!
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Are you truly a lesbian if you don't habitually commit mass murder with your evil girlfriend?
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If Lathander didn't want me to take it, then why did he put it on a pedestal? Is he stupid?
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Cute date ideas for evil lesbians: a hike in the mountains, mass murder, pissing off the gods, and the destruction of sacred temples!
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Welp, one of my most despised areas of the game is done! Got some goodies, got some monies, and a level up! Now to officially dive into Act 2. Thanks for tuning in, see you in the next progress update!
<The Shadow Curse Lands and rescuing Minthara | Act 2 Shenaninanigans>
The Story of Act 1
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rat-n-atty · 3 days
Well folks it's around that time again and I'm
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You have no idea how much I get compared to him
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( @crackheadcola )
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But in a good way though! (Maybe)
( @violetthediamondsblog )
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( @jayflys00 )
I have a lot O - O
So I'll have to make a part 2 to this lmao
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daily-odile · 8 months
Odile patting Molly Epithet Erased on the head, you know why
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have two bc i care them
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alluralater · 4 months
i just want to say that i have been watching the two of you fall in love since october and its the sweetest thing to witness, im endlessly happy for you both
i showed this to her and she was like "we really thought we weren't being obvious" LMFAOO. settle in for some romantic gushing <3
can you believe i pulled her?? i still cannot. i mean i know i'm funny but goddamn. to be able to fulfill her in so many ways is a privilege and a pleasure. she and i were made for one another. for instance, the first time i saw her, my legs gave out. that only happens when i'm overwhelmed with romantic sensation OR when i'm so turned on, like excruciatingly turned on with someone. in her case it was both, the only case of both. let's just say i'm glad there was a surface nearby for me to hold onto. do you know how hard it is to be smooth and collected with a woman like this??? a goddess in both mind and body??? we tried so hard not to fall in love. at the beginning we were joking around about it and being so unserious. now it's completely serious and has been for a while. the first time she said she was falling in love with me i felt like i got the fucking wind knocked out of me. it was so forceful that i can't even call it an exhale because it wouldn't be true. this was all the breath pulled from my lungs like someone removing ribbon from spool in unexpectedly quick fashion. fate brought us together and i'm very grateful to know her. i was the first between us to say i was falling in love with her. i waited awhile even after i knew. i've never been the first to say that to anyone before. it wasn't scary like people say it is. it was... certainty. it was calm and relief. saying it aloud felt like i had let something go from within me that had been dying to leave for longer than i realized. when she said it to me i was practically levitating. she hid how she felt for a long time for fear that it would scare me off, and honestly it was probably the best move. i'm glad she let me be the one to say it first. she would not have scared me off but it was amazing being able to say that to someone and completely mean it without the pressure of them forcing me to do so. we both have a history of people becoming infatuated with us without actually knowing us and so we were really comfy with one another and just letting things go wherever they went. we prioritized our friendship. comfort, communication, and safety above all. less than 5% of our interactions happen on tumblr but i am really thankful now that i started this blog. i'm sure fate would have guided us together some other way but i'm grateful i met her now. the universe sent her to me when my life was in massive disarray and i was even more against the idea of allowing love into my life. aphrodite fr said "you're silly. time to get clowned" lmfaoooo. AND?? did i mention she's perfectly made for me when it comes to sex too, like what the fuck?? no person should ever be this perfect and exist outside of fiction/fantasy but she does. i need to hire someone to craft the absolute most beautiful engagement ring that has ever been seen by human eyes. a goddess like her deserves that at the very least <3
@maidenpalais i will cherish you always.
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allastoredeer · 3 months
heard you like bottom!alastor ,,, i recommend titanic_trash ‘s stuff on ao3 if you haven’t checked it out already,, so many god tier fics 🙏
OOOOOOH! O.O Hell yeah, look at this feast 🤤 These look amazing!! So many interesting ideas and concepts!
Thank you!
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makoredeyes · 2 months
Excuse me. Going to need a lore dump on Felwinter and Timur. 🤭
HA! You're giggling as if you think I didn't already have this shit complied and pre-loaded?!?! XD
Felwinter I dug together ages ago. This is, more or less in some manner of chronological order-ISH. It could do for some updating but updating it is going to be a little messy so I haven't done that yet. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rrH-mP7YOqjg7ttM8nDG0IUQVPd_l1wPTdetXjE6Oo4/edit?usp=sharing
Timur I'm just getting started on. There isn't much lore on him but I want to double back and will eventually be adding notes on his relic analysis etc. as well. But for now it's just lore. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PX7-g-i1TUTFk4lBzZY5OrGaA_17A_x5al68Z-98mbw/edit?usp=sharing
There's a fantastic amount of overlap :)
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