#thanks for tagging me mabs!
Friday Kiss Tag (Not Friday, oops)
Sorry its not Friday, time flies. Thank you for the tag, @mk-writes-stuff !
Rules: Post a scene with a kiss.
Here is the introduction to 2/3 of my pirate polycule.
Narul nodded. But he was too distracted to actually enjoy the view, rather he couldn’t stop thinking about Otilia and Ninma, and whether he would ever actually see them again. He glanced over at Suru, who was leaned over the side, whether gawking at some sort of sea life or emptying his guts, Narul could not tell. Penetinos sat scribbling on his wax writing pad, about what Narul had no idea,  after all they had only just left. Narul was pulled out of his thoughts by Istek who gave his arm an appreciative squeeze. “You’re a big lad, aren’t you?” Narul didn’t know how to respond. “What?” “Oh don’t be shy, lad! You’re a great big bull of a man! Be proud of it. I was born a scrawny little shit and I’ll likely die a scrawny little shit! The beard helps to hide it though.” Istek bellowed as he stroked his admittedly impressive whiskers. All the while he continued to squeeze and inspect Narul’s gargantuan bicep. “Thank you? You said you’ve met another spiritblood before?” Narul asked curiously, not sure whether to scoot away a bit. “ Oh yeah! It was about oh twenty three years ago, big brawny fella, Pyritian, I would guess he was from somewhere around Namut abouts, bout your size, maybe a bit smaller. Didn’t talk much and when he did it was mostly nonsense. Not a big fan of his. He paid me to ferry him from Korithia to Shabala. Bastard got in a fight with my first mate, threw him overboard and broke my rudder. If he wasn’t one of you lot I would have had him thrown off the side but I value my head. I let him off on the beach. He didn't give so much as a thanks, just stormed off into the forest. Never saw him again. I hope that you’re not such an ass, eh?” Narul shook his head and lifted his hands innocently. “Never.” “Well good! Where we’re going is going to be a big enough pain as it is!” Istek chuckled. “So this demigod, what was his name?” Istek scratched his cheek thoughtfully. “Mab? No Maba, something like that I think. I’ve heard of other demigods around the Green Sea too, mostly nonsense I imagine, sept for maybe one. Warrior queen in the forests north of Makora, she’s a monster they say.” Narul nodded thoughtfully. Istek chuckled, and gave his arm another experimental squeeze. “Gods, these are massive! Your hands too and just imagine~”  From across the deck one of the sailors called out. “Oi, Istek, get your hands off of that man, you old deviant. I swear someone should beat some sense into you.” Istek shot to his feet, bristling. “Don’t talk to your captain like that!” “What if I do?” Narul watched as the two rough old sailors approached each other. Istek was at least a head shorter than the other man but broader at the shoulder. Narul tensed. The rest of the crew seemed oddly apathetic to all of this.  Istek and the sailor who had dared to speak against him, glared at each other for a moment and Narul was concerned that he may have to step in, but then as he rose apprehensively to his feet, Istek stood up on his toes and pressed his lips to the sailor’s. The two stood like that for a moment, the sailor cupping the shorter man’s bearded cheek. When at last the two separated, Istek turned and laughed at Narul’s confused but relieved expression. “Narul, I would like you to meet my first mate, Dati.”
Tagging @illarian-rambling , @dyrewrites , @elsie-writes , @kaylinalexanderbooks , and whoever!
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queen-mabs-revenge · 2 years
Anyway just sent a support ticket to staff about the new lightbox. Feel free to crib some/all of it if you want to send your own
Hi there,
First of all, I do want to say that there have been some amazing updates to this site of late -- polls stands out as something that has absolutely enhanced the Tumblr experience, and they've been implemented in a really thoughtful and clear way. These have made me happy to be a paying ad-free user.
However, I have to give feedback about the new lightbox feature that has been rolled out on mobile. I find it so hostile to the user experience that I've actually deleted the mobile app and am now accessing tumblr through my mobile browser.
When I click on an image, it's with the intention of removing all other distracting app features so I can focus on the image. With the new feature, the permanent post detail overlay covers part of the image/video and creates a cluttered and distracting experience. Also, if the image is of text, the text overlay makes it impossible to read the text in the image.
Also, I often click on an image with the intention to zoom in to either read small text or look at image details. The new lightbox feature destroys the capability to do either of those things without going through the circuitous process of clicking 'more' and then accessing the post through the person's blog rather than the dash. This makes the experience of viewing images actively difficult and circuitous instead of easy as it was with the previous lightbox experience. It deeply reduces accessibility.
Clicking on a video used to bring the video into focused view with sound automatically unmuted and gave the ability to scroll through the video by pulling left or right and pause with a tap. The new lightbox forces mute when opening a video, and the inability to easily track back and forth means that one is unable to rewind to hear the missed sound. Also, the ability to scrub back and forth through a video is essential for people who need more time to process sound and language. Again, the new lightbox removes accessibility.
With the new lightbox feature, the standard motion of flicking up to exit an image/video has been hijacked to introduce algorithmically-served content. The reason I am here on tumblr is because I can very carefully curate the content that I see. I choose not to use any other social media site because I find unavoidable algorithmically-served content hostile to the experience I would like to have online. I have chosen to pay for Tumblr services because I so strongly support the idea of a social media site where algorithmically-served content is not pushed onto you as a user. Not only has this lightbox feature removed a standard one-handed motion now requiring two-handed browsing, but it's actively antithetical to why I chose to financially support this site.
All of this added to the fact that on mobile images are still being served tiny and not being scaled up to full-width as they were previously, and the alt text indicator is still so dark and in a position where it's likely to cover text, means that the lightbox view is more important than ever. I was unhappy with the small images and obscuring alt text tag, but was able to push past that with the old lightbox view. Now the mobile app is unusable to me, hence deleting it.
If this is something that remains permanent, I can't see going back to using the mobile app and subsequently would drop my ad-free subscription.
I really hope that you consider going back to the previous iteration of the lightbox - it was simple, intuitive, accessible and didn't push algorithmically-chosen content. That's what people come to Tumblr for.
Thanks for your time and all the work you do,
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goose-books · 2 months
i think i went through your entire amt tag like 4 times now and im obsessed with it oh my god. i know you haven't officially posted about it for years and it's not an ongoing project anymore but OH MY GOD!!! i'm in so in love with the characters 😭😭 it sounds so so cool and clearly had a lot of work put into it!! i'm several years late to this but please let us know if you ever get a concrete plan in motion because it sounds so cool and i love everything you've posted
im sorry to keep sending you asks when you haven't answered them (and also please don't feel pressured) but DUODECIMAL AND AMT ARE IN THE SAME UNIVERSE?? I DIDN'T KNOW THIS???
FIRST OF ALL: ANON DM ME RIGHT NOW. i'm not joking i will literally just send you the AMT scripts. god willing, someday i will be able to turn them into something (i've begun to daydream about an AMT webcomic or graphic novel series; i think that would be the best way to preserve the mix of voiceover and the focus on dialogue, plus the idea of having those blorbos adapted into comic art makes me want to giggle and kick my feet), but for now i literally just have sixteen longass documents collecting dust and i will GLADLY let you see them. the one caveat is that you will need to remember that i wrote the bulk of AMT when i was sixteen human years old so there is definitely some cringe in there. everyone talks a little bit like they're in therapy. i fucked up rahma's arabic at least once. NEVERTHELESS seriously DM me i don't bite
(*it's occurred to me that i bit four people at the writing workshop i just attended. well. you get the point. it was consensual)
SECOND OF ALL: YES THEY ARE! i initially conceived of duodecimal as an AMT sequel (i was going to try to work in As You Like It elements as well--the never-finished lina chang companion piece that sometimes still haunts my brain is AYLI-focused; there's a reason their name is closer to rosalind than olivia). and then i was like. "wait. shit. fuck. i already wrote a podcast that i can't turn into a podcast. i can't do that shit twice. i will default to prose as usual." which i think was the right decision, because it really let me nestle into marshall's voice/head, but i was like... man, fuck it, i already have a setting called weird shakespeare high school, wouldn't it be funny if he kind of had a thing for indrajit. the more you know!
(mab, the theater director, appears more prominently in AMT, and both marshall's and lina's older siblings have roles! i once wrote a scene, purely for my own enjoyment, where marshall runs into isaac farley, AMT's hamlet, and has a brief gender realization that he instantly squashes.)
THIRD OF ALL: thank youuuuuuuuuuu. bats my eyelashes cutely
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clairelsonao3 · 1 year
OC Name Meanings Tag
Thanks to @starlit-hopes-and-dreams (post here) and @mysticstarlightduck (post here) for this one that I've been looking forward to for weeks! I'm a total name nerd and am obsessed with name meanings as well as new, trendy, odd, and/or obscure names (too bad many of these started out as generic placeholders!)
For obvious reasons, though, I can't help but wish you'd waited a bit longer to tag me in this. 🤣 But, here goes.
Some very minor spoilers here for Ch. 16 onward.
Louisa is German for "famous warrior," a surprisingly strong name, but, then again, this is a girl who has a way of surprising people with her strength. It's also one of the many, many girls' names I've had a crush on for years, and one of the many I probably won't ever use for my own (eventual) child. So I gave it to my fictional child instead. 🥹🥹
I established in an earlier tag game that she was named after both her maternal and paternal grandfathers (Louis and Daniel). So for the rest of her name, we have Danielle (Hebrew: "God is my judge," and Phillips (Greek: "horse-lover") (and literally the first surname that popped into my head as a placeholder, and I'm very annoyed because it's so common. Oh, well.)
Maeve is interesting. She should have a Luxembourgish name, but she's not one for convention. So the name is actually Irish, for "she who rules" and Maeve, a lover of fantasy stories, chose it herself after the mythological warrior queen. It's also a variant of Mab, Shakespeare's Queen of the Fairies, made famous in Mercutio's soliloquy from Romeo and Juliet. Conveniently, we haven't gotten around to learning her surname yet.
Erica is Norse for "eternal ruler," and Muller is German for "miller." Another name that started as basically a placeholder, but I've come around to it.
Milagros (Spanish: "miracles") who, in a plot point of sorts, named herself, has the full name of María de los Milagros de Ulloa y de la Torre-Giralt-Muller, chosen to honor an obscure Spanish astronomer who discovered Ulloa's ring aka the fog bow: Antonio de Ulloa (and hyphenated with Muller, obviously, for her wife). Interestingly, María de los Milagros is one of many Marian titles, meaning it's a Catholic name commonly used in Latin America referring to the Virgin Mary aka "Our Lady of the Miracles," though knowing Milagros, that's definitely not why she chose it.
Keith (Scottish: "wood") and Corey (Irish: "from the hollow") have the dubious honor of being the two most bland, generic, white-bread male names I could think of at the moment I created the characters. 🤣 Killeen is Irish and a variant of O Cillin, referring to St. Killian, the patron saint of rheumatism. But actually, it was just stolen from a friend of a friend; it seemed rare enough that no one would be offended when I used it for the worst character in the story. 🤣
And in case anyone remembers or cares that Lou's mom's name is Zoe, it's Greek for "life."
Jacob is of course a variant of James (Hebrew: "supplanter"), and I lazily stole Wallach from old-timey Western actor Eli Wallach, who was best known for playing the bad guy in The Magnificent Seven. But I mostly chose the surname, again, because I'd never heard it anywhere else, so, less chance of offending anyone. And before I knew he was going to be German. Luckily the name IS German, from valche, meaning "foreigner from a Romance country, usually Italy." Yeah, I'm confused too.
Resi/Tresa are German variations of Theresa (Greek: "late summer.") Hahn is also German, meaning "conceited, flamboyant, or sexually active." Really.
Felix (Latin: "happy") and Arlo (multiple origins, all relating to "hill") were chosen because they're two currently trendy baby names that I hate, hate, hate. (No offense to anyone who named their kid that, lol). And their surnames, which were only mentioned once and I'm not bothering to look up the meaning of, were chosen because they're two prominent family names on the island where I live, as kind of an in-joke.
Lemaya: As far as I can tell, it's made up (but not by me!) Maya has a ton of different meanings in various languages, the most common being Sanskrit, "illusion or magic."
Obadiah: (Hebrew: "servant of God"). I'll leave that there.
And that's pretty much everybody -- oh, wait. I'm missing someone? Imagine that. 😅
Okay. I'll tell you what. Because this is a post about names and I'm feeling cute, I'll leave you with a couple of hints: his first name is of Hebrew origin and was chosen for both sound and meaning.
I'll try gently tagging the following:
@romanceandshenanigans @janec23 @lucylyricism Would love to find out where your OCs' names came from!
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rosalie-starfall · 10 months
Question Tag Game
I was tagged by @singwhenyoucantspeak Thank you!!
Current book I’m reading: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. My dad gave me this book in the summer and I actually was reading it on my Vacation but I haven't had time to finish it. Hope to get back into my nightly reading once the chaos of the holiday season lightens up a bit.
Last song I listened to: On Saura Pas by Presque Oui. I was listening to my French cafe playlist because its chill and my life is not chill right now.
Currently watching: I binged Julia yesterday. ITS SO GOOD I LOVE IT! I've also been re-watching the Lilith episodes of Cheers which will lead into Lilith episodes of Frasier.
Current fic I’m reading: I just keep cycling through the very limited Queen Mab Merlin fics that I can find because its what I want but unfortunately I cannot find very many so if anyone has any they know of send em my way I want to read it.
Next on my watchlist: Probably more cheers episodes because I'm not over Bebe yet.
Current obsession: Bebe Neuwirth and Miranda Richardson are my two active fixations
I'll tag my bestie @regrettableturnofevents @evarelis and anyone else that wants to.
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burningvelvet · 2 years
Thank you @rock-n-rollin-bitch for tagging me to share the first 10 songs in my Spotify On Repeat playlist!!! I’m one of only ten people in the world who actually use Apple Music instead of Spotify so this is the top ten from my Apple Music Replay 2022 instead:
1 Would You Fight For My Love? - Jack White
2 Slidin’ (EOB Remix) - Paul McCartney
3 Moments In Love - Art of Noise
4 Cruise Control - Kylie Minogue
5 Undisclosed Desires - Muse
6 Silence - Delerium & Sarah McLachlan
7 Black No. 1 by Type O Negative
8 Love & Validation - Boyz Noize & Kelsey Lu
9 Candy Girl (feat. Vallemarie) - Parov Stelar
10 Fooled Around and Fell In Love - Bryan Ferry
I tag: @biroque @villadiodatis @roseee-petals @ciucalata @madshelley @madame-karenina @madame-verte @dorianslayyy @cafe-dorian @battylittlebookworm @queen-mabs-revenge @queen-zimraphel @fuckyername @queerclivedurham @amurder-ofcrows @euypraxia @aqua-regia009 @crimsonkismet @victorianink @boykeats @oscarwetnwilde @ouidius @wildestlovers and anyone else who wants to :)
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brevelilium · 6 years
Tag 15 People to Get to Know Them Better
Tagged by @tacotits ~
1. Relationship status: single
2. Favorite color: green! Army green specifically but all shades of green are good
3. Lipstick or chapstick: I love them both (they’re fun to apply!) but I basically never wear lipstick because I rarely ever do my make-up so I’d say chapstick
4. Three favorite foods: pizza, piadina (the food of the gods), and uhhhh idk do sweets count? Because those are the one thing I really enjoy eating tbh
5. Last song I listened to: not suree but I think Make You Feel Better by Red Hot Chili Peppers
6. Last movie I watched: oh dear, was it Avengers: Infinity War like months ago?? I don’t watch a lot of movies because I never have the time and I’m always tired :C
7. Books I’m currently reading: none atm, but there are some good kh2// and sengoku basara// comics waiting for me oh my shelf hehe
8. Last thing I googled: wordreference because English is a bitch sometimes shdjsjdj
9. Time: 13.10
10. Song stuck in my head: none until 0.3 seconds ago, but now my brain has randomly decided to play Rain by Mika
11. What I’m wearing: sweatpants and a t-shirt
12. How many blankets do you sleep with: it depends?? None in the summer (it’s too hot), and a huge, super warm duvet in the winter (sometimes with an additional blanket on top of it bc I really hate the cold)
13. Dream trip: Idk man, I’ve never had the chance to travel much, so it’s not really something that’s on my mind, you know? As long as the company is nice more or less any place is fine. (But if I had to say, I’d really love to visit Japan. Ueda, specifically)
Tagging: @chibireby-chan @empressofdisagio and @immanuel-kant-but-kaneki-ken if they happen to have some time to waste and feel like doing this, aaand whoever wants to, there you go!
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nerevarbean · 3 years
@the-troll-of-the-bridge and @miraakulous-cloud-district both tagged me to make myself & my OCs using this picrew
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My awkward ass
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Mab Darogan, my Nerevarine
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Bravoyn, resident sad boy
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mifhortunach · 5 years
Rules: List ten songs you’ve been listening to a lot lately and tag ten people
I was tagged by @absolutebearings (!!! ty!!!!) - SO//, In No Order:
1) Bat Out Of Hell / Meatloaf
2) Waving My Dick In The Wind / Ween 
3) The Humble Fawn / National Parks Project
4) Little Lies / Fleetwood Mac
5) Nothing But Flowers / Talking Heads
6) Fancy / Orville Peck Cover 
7) White Culture / Man & The Echo
8) Catallena / Orange Caramel
9) Middle Class Heroes  / The Divine Comedy 
10) Cabinet Man / Lemon Demon 
&& tagging, if its all good !!: @smegandtheheads @pyjamac @possibly-not-a-ghost @thaliatimsh @quietdeviless @nevercouldhurt @roswyrm @mannisbaratheon @ourlightsinvain @imaginaryurl
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selkymaiden · 6 years
oc + associations
RULES: Repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
i was tagged by @dishoenored
tagging: wow everyone that has an oc because this is super fun y’all!!
gemstone & flower symbolism references here
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NORMA ANN — Lone Wanderer: very good karma, a good girl.
COLORS: Grey, Forest Green, Carbon Black.
SONG(S): Wake Up - Arcade Fire, Dog Days are Over - Florence and the Machine
PLANT: Zinnia ( Thoughts of absent friends ) , Rosemary ( Remembrance  )
SMELL(S): Metal Shavings, fresh earth, lilac.
GEMSTONE: Onyx (  Protection. Stimulates decision making. )
PLACE(S): Megaton, Canterbury Commons.
FOOD: Sweetrolls
DRINK: Water
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JUNE MULDOON — Sole Survivor: neutral karma, a charming girl.
ANIMAL:  River Otter
COLORS: Navy, Baby Blue, Creme.
MONTH: April
SONG(S): In the Mood - The Andrew Sisters, Hallelujah - Kate Voegele
PLANT: Holly ( Hope ) , Oak ( Strength )
SMELL(S): Peaches, coconut, tomatoes.
GEMSTONE: Tiger's eye (  Brings optimism )
SEASON: Summer
PLACE(S): The Castle, Far Harbor.
FOOD: Chicken noodle soup, Cotton Candy Bites, Fried Fog Crawler
ELEMENT(S): Earth & Water
DRINK: Rum & Nuka,  Deezer's lemonade
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NEPTUNE EIGHTEEN — Courier Six: good karma, a girl to queen.
ANIMAL:  Bearded vulture
COLORS: Yellow, Orange, Turquoise
MONTH: March
SONG(S): Sweet Sir Galahad - Joan Baez , Coal Miner’s Daughter - Loretta Lynn
PLANT: Sage ( Wisdom, Immortality ) , Dill ( Powerful against evil )
SMELL(S): Rain, gunpowder, leather.
GEMSTONE: Rhodochrosite ( Love towards life and towards others )
SEASON: Spring
PLACE(S): New Vegas
FOOD: Barrel Cactus fruit, Banana Yucca fruit,  Grilled mantis
DRINK: Brahmin Milk,  Sunset Sarsaparilla
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QUEEN MAB — Guardian: Warlock, walks in the light.
ANIMAL:  Sailfish
SHADERS: Copper & Blood, Ancient Republic, Shrouded Stripes.
MONTH: January 
SONG(S): Cum on Feel the Noize - Quiet Riot, The Tide is High - Blondie
NUMBER: 7001
DAY OR NIGHT: Twilight
PLANT:  Southernwood ( Constancy )
SMELL(S): Ancient tomes, ink, fried electrical wire.
GEMSTONE:  Calcite (  The art of being, the knowledge of ourselves in all aspects and dimensions. )
SEASON: Winter
PLACE(S): IO , Felwinter Peak, The Dreaming City
FOOD: Popcorn
ELEMENT(S): Air & Water
DRINK: Fruit Juices, Coffee
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Lucy Henderson Masterlist
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One-Shots (in rough chronological order)
Welcome to Hellfire
In Need of a Body
Pretty Girls and Ice Cream
I See Queen Mab Hath Been With You
You Wanna Kiss Me So Bad
The Photo Album
Jealousy and Scrunchies
5-Sentence Drabbles
Lucy Fixing Eddie's Vest
"You can't do that."
"Are you flirting with me?" "Have been for the past year, thanks for noticing."
Saying "I Love You"
"Where did you get an axe?!"
"I'm not cute."
"Aren't you a little short for a storm troper?"
"Yes I did buy you this shirt, but I bought it for you so you would have a shirt for me to wear when ever I sleep over."
Leddie Headcanon/Rambles Masterlist
Lucy's Tag in General
Incorrect Lucy Quotes
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mothman-misato · 3 years
mothman misato masterpost
I think it’s about time I actually made this.. I will update it as I post more stuff
the origin story of mothman misato is that leo made the bakuten pissing post and it inspired me:
the origin post
headcanon posts:
coming out as mothman
mab’s addition to the previous post
onagawa & misato roommates by maiya
mothman misato powers
insecure mothman misato during ep 7
mothsato backstory (sad) by jay
baby mothman misato as a caterpillar
what kind of mothman is misato
how tall is mothman misato
mothsatoba confession
characters interacting with mothman misato:
miscellaneous mothman misato things
moss man tsukidate
the infamous twilight edit
more nicknames
conspiracy board
i've connected the dots
speculation by deathbyfiction
after ep 5
hide and seek
hide and seek edit
after ep 6
mosquito man mashiro (feat. maiya)
kappa watari by olive
moth costume (feat. blue)
i will be thinking about this all week thank you tape
this gem from bee
whatever this is
we made it to instagram
my power?? (feat sol)
bakuten movie speculation (feat. dragon)
mothsato comforting futaba
other people’s art/edits (if you want me to add it to the masterpost make sure you tag me):
leo’s edit
mab’s mothman misato (my favorite tbh)
this one from hanjis-experiment
moss man tsukidate by mab
that time I gave deathbyfiction a good dream
tea’s hallway mothman misato
j’s art
zip’s art
more of tea’s brilliance
deathbyfiction’s edit
mab’s AMAZING comic
taylor swift mothman misato by deathbyfiction
attack on mothman by deathbyfiction
mothman butler by deathbyfiction
mothsato doing gymnastics by olive
post ep 6 art by tea
this one by ace that i really enjoy
bard mothsato by multiple people
some edits by soleiltido
the mothman misato beans post by bri
this beautiful edit by bri
tree mothman misato by blue
drawing by toad
keithsato by jay
keithsato edit by beanz
mothsato supremacy by chance
mothman ep 9 by blue
misato in a mothman onesie by mage
another edit by blue
moth onagawa by chance
mothman bakuten by chance
closet mothsato by tape
mothsato edit by kiersten
keithsato by toad
more keithsato by toad
bakuten memes (mothman one is at the end) by elonmuskhatepage
we're a normal fandom (meme by starry)
mothsatoba flying by zip
bakuten twitter doesn't know (meme by zed)
mothsato nightmare comic by zed
mothsato at your door by boona
mothsato at the drive thru by boona and mab
guess i'll soar by boona
gay panic mothsato by boona
mothman misato fics
a kiss for mothman by tape
bright as a lamp by olive
thank you onagawa by camila
keith's home by jay
watari's sleep fighting by camila
talks with coach by camila
so you won't be lonely anymore by blue
peaceful nights by camila
a close call by camila
plant inside or out by camila
the moon was dark by camila
staring at the stars by camila
like I said, im going to update this pretty regularly as content builds but its about time I made it
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bobfloydsbabe · 3 years
"Surprise! I'm back from the dead! Isn't that exciting?" For whoever inspires you atm, please? XD
Mab, @heirsoflilith you're a darling. Thank you so much for sending me this one!
(tagging you because tumblr is a bitch ™ about notifications)
I went back on forth on which OC to choose for this prompt, but in the end, I went with my new Bridgerton OC, Josephine Hollingsworth. For context, she has two older brothers named Matthew and Micah, and her pairing is Anthony. This is also so much longer than I intended, but I hope that's okay!
Josephine Hollingsworth had forced her new friend Eloise to accompany her to the modiste so she wouldn't have to go through the harrowing experience on her own. After both women had been fitted with new dresses, though Eloise was quite a few years her junior and hardly a woman yet, they went to the Hollingsworth home to take afternoon tea.
Upon walking through the front door, the butler informed them that Jo's brothers were already having tea in the drawing-room. Jo decided that Eloise might as well know the culprit behind their impromptu trip to the modiste and had every intention of throwing her eldest brother to the wolves for it.
"Surprise," she announced dramatically as they entered the downstairs drawing room with the sage green walls. "I am back from the dead, isn't that exciting?"
Next to her, Eloise had stiffened, and when Jo actually looked around the room, she saw more gentlemen than just her brothers.
"Josephine," Matthew said through gritted teeth. "We have guests."
"I see that," she muttered, turning her attention to their guests as if her arm weren't currently linked with that of those very guests' sister. "Lord Bridgerton, Mr Bridgerton, I apologise for the abrupt intrusion."
"It's not an intrusion at all," Anthony said, his tone even as he held her gaze firmly, never showing any sign of emotion that Jo could detect. "You live here, after all."
Eloise withdrew her arm and made sure to curtsey at Matthew and Micah like a proper lady before punching Colin in the arm to make him move to make room for her on the sofa.
Jo was entirely focused on the Viscount. "That is true," she agreed.
"Jo," Colin said, tearing her attention away from Anthony. "Why did you say you were back from the dead?"
"We were at the modiste," Eloise said matter-of-factly as if that explained it all.
Josephine took a seat on the empty chaise longue opposite Anthony but looked at Colin as she gave her answer. "London fashion is uptight, very primp and proper. It makes riding difficult, walking too with such narrow skirts. I dragged your dear sister with me to lessen the torture."
"You need new dresses," Matthew told her. "If you are to find a husband, you must look the part."
"The part of what exactly, dear brother?" Jo could feel Anthony's eyes on her, assessing her and the situation, but she did not dare return his stare. "A pig for slaughter? I don't see you getting a new dinner jacket to increase your chances of finding a wife."
Eloise snorted. Jo barely managed to keep a smile off her own face.
"Should I ring for more biscuits?" Micah asked, clearly attempting to ease the tension. "I do seem to recall Colin's ferocious appetite."
As Micah rose and left to summon a butler for more biscuits and tea, easy conversation flowed between Colin, Eloise, and Matthew while Anthony remained quiet. Jo turned her head, finding his eyes still trained on her and what seemed like the ghost of a smile on his handsome face.
She quirked a brow at him. "Is there something on my face, My Lord?"
"No," Anthony said with a shake of his head. "You look beautiful."
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send a prompt + an oc/pairing and i'll write a little something
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emmyllou · 3 years
WIP ask game!
thanks for tagging me @fol-de-lol!
I have a WIP folder, but it doesn’t get much use, because my WIPs usually get their own folders where I also put outlines (if I make one) and outtakes.
That being said!
My current WIPs are:
1. The Grove of Broken-silence, an ongoing adventures-in-fairyland-style fic in which Tom Levy, John Segundus, and William Hadley-Bright have to rescue a handful of Starecross students from the clutches of a fairy, and along the way confront certain truths and secrets about themselves that they would rather conceal.
2. Forgotten Magicians, a JS&MN/Dresden Files time travel crossover/fusion sort of thingy where Segundus and Childermass end up in modern times in the Dresden Files universe and have to figure out how to resolve a centuries-old conflict between Queen Mab and the Raven King. I’m totally going to get back to this one someday. Totally.
3. Super secret rarepair exchange fic! This one is technically finished and just waiting to be published. Everything about it must be kept secret.
4. Anything Goes, a sequel to Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover, in which Lascelles just can’t let go.
I’m tagging @saintseaterrors and @explorersaremadeofhope! Talk about your WIPs (if you want)!
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dramioneasks · 3 years
for fantasy fics there is the king of elfame on ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/30438177/chapters/75050022#workskin). tbh that's what got me asking about Fae, elves and high fantasy AUs/themes
Thank you! I will tag this as high fantasy and add this new tag to the genres list!
The King of Elfame - thewildreader - E, WIP - The Line of Mab continues with Draco as the Crown Prince and heir apparent to an aging Lucius, though the transfer of the Blood Crown may be even closer than anticipated. When a senior servant in the Palace of Elfame dies, Hermione is uprooted from her role as a lord's handmaid and promoted to the Palace. HP/Folk of the Air crossover, because I couldn't get the idea out of my mind. I basically wrote this because I dreamed the coronation scene in later chapters and had to find an excuse to write it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's full of tropes and cliches and here, we like it that way.
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rosykim · 4 years
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Biographical Info
Name, Nicknames: Amadea ‘Mab’ Niriviel
Callsign: Firefly
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Mid to late twenties
Background Info
Weapon: A pistol she jokingly refers to as ‘Reason’ (for the sole purpose of being able to tell her enemies, “If you won’t listen to me, maybe you’ll listen to reason,” then pointing her gun at ‘em.)
Magic Specialization: Arcane, Conjurer (Obsidai).
Racial Heritage, Birthplace: Elf, from Vale.
Education: Circle-trained.
Miscellaneous Info
Past Jobs: Mercenary, courier, scholar/tutor, bard, storyteller.
Likes: History, reading & research, chilly weather, random trivia (however inconsequential or irrelevant), bad puns, and indulging her curiosity.
Dislikes: Authority, insularity, dealing in absolutes, repetition & routine, prolonged solitude, and when loyalty is demanded rather than earned.
Strengths: Book-learning, social manoeuvring (sans formal events), and being able to maintain a sense of levity even in dire situations. Is highly empathetic, emotionally tuned/thoughtful, and resilient. High stats are magic, silver tongue and bright mind.
Weaknesses: Physical strength, close-ranged combat, and having to stay focused on one task at a time. Has a temper, lacks impulse control and often gives into frivolous whims and/or flights of fancy. Low stats are physique, nerves of steel and razor wits.
Hobbies/Special Skills: Travel, discovery, exploration; showing off with niche party tricks or increasingly ridiculous stunts; being able to talk her way both into and out of trouble. Also has a long-standing, unbroken streak for losing at cards.
Guardian Animal/Daemon/Patronus: Northern Saw-whet Owl.
Major Arcana: The Wheel of Fortune.
DnD Morality Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw.
Myers-Briggs Personality Type: ENTP
Heart of Gold/Will of Iron
One-God/Atheist/Old Faith/Agnostic
Best Friend(s): Trouble, Briony, Lavinet, Chase & Shery.
Preferred Mission Partner(s): Briony, Blade, Ayla & Red.
Friendly Rival(s): …Everyone, potentially. (Mab is competitive for the fun of it, so she can and will drag Briony into sparring sessions, or bug Tallys for a game of cards, or rope Trouble into comparing trick shots, or even just make bets with Chase over things like who can sprint up the stairs faster or keep a conversation going for longer without using the letter E.)
Love Interest(s): Red, initially via the friend/non-ex path, but recent posts on the blog have me, ah, reconsidering. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Ship Name(s): Mad? Reb? Liefdea? Antriviel? Alternatively: Redamancy, because it’s a pretty word and close enough to their combined names (plus, as a bonus, also kinda sounds like it could be a school of magic).
First Kiss Scenario: “Your first kiss with Red happens by accident because Caine knocked you two together.” …Thanks, bud.
Enemies: Endarkened, Inquisitors, and particularly tall shelves.
Reference Quote from Last Employer or Other Recruits: “A mediocre bodyguard but an excellent hypewoman. Following the batch of events and parties I hired her for, I received nearly half a dozen proposals from all the different people she talked me up to.” - Dwyneth Arke, noble. “Worked with her once, would not recommend. Lass pissed me off so much I lost my temper and stabbed her. ...And then she refused to give me my knife back.” - Cyril Nadhoen, mercenary. “Amadea worked for me for six months. I’m not even sure what for. I didn’t hire her. I never paid her. I’m half-convinced she was bored one day and just decided to attach herself to my convoy for half a year.” - Fjalla Endryr, merchant.
TL;DR Mab is a soldier, a storyteller, and a self-identified scholar whose thirst for knowledge manifests largely in asking herself, “What do you think’ll happen if I do this very dumb thing?” and then doing the very dumb thing. For science. 
I don’t know anyone to tag, but thank you @shepherds-of-haven for giving us ShOH and making me think about my MC too much ;u;
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