#thanks for sharing <3
kabukiaku · 5 months
Just wanted to say that I love your art!! I'm not really a Ghost fan but your love and adoration for them is really inspiring!!!
I got into a hyperfixation around the same time you got into Ghost and your art really motivates me to keep drawing what I love (even if people might think it's crazy/cringe/ ect...)
aughh anon this is so so sweet. 🥺🖤thank you so much, and honestly it's so awesome you get motivated to draw with my work. please keep at it, don't let others put down your love for your favorite thing/hyperfixation!! we're all just here to share our love and adoration of our favorite things.
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fate-defiant · 7 months
Princess Tutu (2002) is one of my favorites mahous. It’s a delightful remix of fairy tales, ballet, and more, that goes beyond merely repeating their motifs and plunges into a meditation on the nature of tragedy and narrative itself. It’s enough of a cult classic that if you’ve heard about it at all, I expect you’ve already heard good things. It’s great, go watch it.
But! We’re here to discover Tutu’s place in magical girl history. How does it interact with previously established mahou motifs? what does it do differently? that sort of thing. So, let’s get to it…
Hey so this cohost post is a really fun analysis of how Princess Tutu relates to broader magical girl history
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bloodboonfic · 1 year
untethered scene from fanfic of fanfic
Ahem. So I may have written a quick scene that I then discarded from my potential fanfiction of fanfiction due to plot reasons. ie. I wrote this while procrastinating and when I finished I realized that it doesn’t even remotely fit into my plot at all. As in is completely impossible due to plot stuff and just doesn’t fit. If I wanted to work this scene into a story I would basically have to make a whole other AU of Bloodboon just to make this scene work. The writing is thus rather imperfect and in what I like to refer to as my first draft style, which has imperfections of course but also is very stylistically different from my final draft. However, it makes me tear up so I’m sharing it with the two of you. Fair warning not sure how OOC it is and I am sure the formatting turned out wonky through the submit. Have a good time zone. 
The background info of this scene is very sparse especially because it just really exists on its own. But I do know that in this Technoblade is out of it(he’s lost some blood plus hypothermia. The Overworld is cold) thus the inconsistent thinking and through an unfortunate set of circumstances(ie I’m not sure how) Technoblade ends up prisoner to the Antarctic Empire very shortly after Philza escapes the Nether. The only thing I know about Philza during the time that this scene takes place is Philza is 1. very happy to see his kids and be home and is 2. downright furious with the Technoblade situation.
There were several ways this could go. All of them unpleasant. He could be nicely executed. Cleanly and swiftly, die alone in front of crowd. He could be executed not so nicely. Painfully, by way of spectacle. Drawn and quartered, skinned alive, burnt alive. For all its supposed swiftness he was terrified of drowning. They wouldn’t even have to weigh him down; he didn’t know how to swim.
One of the even more unfavorable options was being tortured to death. Slowly have the life spun out of him before they dragged out his still breathing remains and chained him to a pillar till he went from mostly dead to all the way dead to make a point or pushed his body through a portal and let his own people find his body wasting away so swiftly that no potion would do anything.
One option that made him sick with worry was the one where he was tossed into a hole and forgotten, given enough food and water to survive, but before long he would go mad with loneliness. It wouldn’t take him long. His soul already ached from long starvation. And the fifth “option”.
The first two were within the realm of likely and so was the fourth. The third option was blissfully unlikely. He doubted the Emperor would sign off on such a thing. Philza held too much power and favor to need to make such a statement. The first two options, while horrible, would end quickly– even if it was the second option, he could only lose so much blood. And he had been staring at Death from a distance for some time. It would be welcome to feel Her embrace. So he feared the fourth option the most. That would hurt the most and well within the realm of possibility. It depended on how much Philza didn’t want to kill him.
It was the fifth “option” he wanted and hoped for and it was the one he walked himself through in his head. Do unto others as they have done to you right? It would be awful and humiliating and it made his stomach turn in revulsion, but he already had nothing. By the law of Nether Kings he was no longer king and he had no one there whom a single part of Technoblade belonged to, there had not been a single person from the Nether since he was six that his heart had called home. There was only one thing he had left. His fragile tenuous precious relationship with Philza that had been made with bargains, sorrys, and guilty smiles.
And that was what the fifth option hung on. The fifth option meant he would have no power, no say in his life except what Philza gave him. In a sense that was okay. He wouldn’t hold a weapon again except in secret. He would have to kneel and agree to being Philza’s pet. His ambition would never again be fully sated. He wouldn’t ever be free again or have a scrap of honor. He would have to learn to shrug off the stares of Philza’s people. He would have to trust Philza more than he was comfortable with, but Philza already had long since held more power over Technoblade than anyone ever had. Technoblade loved Philza and all it would take was the right set of words from him and Technoblade would be broken. A quick few words and that was all it would take; Technoblade would be on his knees begging for mercy, pleading for a scrap of approval, and even daring to ask for forgiveness, even if Technoblade would never know he was forgiven. It wasn’t the biggest stretch in the world to hand over his personhood to Philza when he already held so much of Technoblade’s heart and soul. There were other things though in this world.
Just because Philza would take his rights as a person didn’t mean Philza wouldn’t lend it back when he could. Philza would be kind about it. Technoblade would have his own small space. Philza had more books than the whole of the Nether did. He would let Technoblade read them all. As many as he wanted. It might take his whole lifetime to read through them all. He would learn how to swim in water. He knew Philza would teach him if he asked. He wasn’t sure what his room would be like, but it would be close to Philza’s. Maybe another walk-in closet, maybe if he was lucky a room- it was possible, the castle was larger than the bastion.
There would be a balcony somewhere, probably Philza’s room and he would fill it with plants and there would only be just enough room for Philza to land and take off. He would grow food just for the wonder of it and to prove to himself that he could, but there would be flowers too. During summer the Emperor would have flowers in his hair because Technoblade was the one who grew them and put them in the Emperor’s hair. He knew Philza would wear them. He knew Philza would wear them because it would make Technoblade happy and it would probably make Philza happy in turn. He would grow flowers of as many colors as he could. If he could, he would grow green ones for Philza. He would grow yellow ones and he would place them in his own hair to remember that he was still himself.
Philza would ask him to preen his wings even though his sons were around to do it. He could see Philza’s hair grow out and his own hair would be just fine because humans didn’t care about hair the same way piglins did. The two of them would still spar in secret and once Wilbur stopped hating him Philza would trust Technoblade and Wilbur to spar together. Technoblade couldn’t bring himself to harm Philza; he didn’t know how he could bring himself to harm any of Philza’s sons.
Technoblade would bring books instead of paperwork when they traveled outside the castle to an ocean cliffside and Technoblade would read and stare up at the blue sky. The Overworld wind was cold and strong as Philza wheeled high overhead, and for a few moments his friend would be nothing more than another avian trying to touch the sun rather than Emperor. When it would get to be too much and too awful Philza would sit with him underneath a green weeping willow tree until it didn’t hurt so much anymore. His heart wouldn’t ever grasp at rotting mushroom stalks again.
There were better dreams to dream, but this world was easy to conjure and familiar. He had already danced the part of master and conqueror, it was a relatively simple matter of switching the parts. It wouldn’t be easy by any means. He would have to swallow his pride and place so many parts of himself to rest, but Phil would be right there within arm’s reach and eventually after a long time Phil’s sons would stop hating him and they would figure out that Technoblade genuinely loved their father and would kill and die for him and by extension them too. One day they would be friends. In this way Tehcnoblade would have more than the Person-Who-Existed-Before-Philza could have imagined.
It was different being willing to kill and die for someone rather than something. In the end the Nether crown held nothing but empty promises, no one in the Nether would mourn him. Technoblade wouldn’t be torn in two trying to satisfy his own selfish wishes and his duty to his people. One day he would wake up and realize he wasn’t who he was before because that ache in his chest would be gone, his shoulders wouldn’t feel so heavy, it would be okay to cry, and it would be easy to smile underneath the Overworld sun. It would come with a high price, but it would be okay and some days it would even be worth it and when it wasn’t worth it Phil would be there and free and Technoblade would remember how much it had hurt Phil to be stuck in a cage and how little it was hurting Technoblade by comparison. If only one of them could be free it was better for it to be Philza and just as Technoblade had done for Phil, Phil would do his best to make it so that Technoblade could be happy or at least as content as he could be. And he would be content along with being happy, because of all the desires of his heart Technoblade would have the one impossible desire that he otherwise would have never gotten to have. Philza, free underneath the sun and yet still right there and still Technoblade’s friend. It wasn’t the best world to imagine, but it was easy to conjure, almost soothing, and familiar in the way the sunrise was to the sunset. He wouldn’t have to be lonely ever again or wonder when he was finally going to die alone. He would never have to leave Phil’s side.
His imagination willfully ignored that it wasn’t an option because most human kingdoms, including the Antarctic Empire, didn’t have such things as bloodboons.
Submitted by Analyst(hopeful)
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elvhenmage · 11 months
my bard durge straight up has a mental breakdown about leaving the shadow cursed lands. she doesn’t want to go to baldurs gate; she doesn’t care about her past anymore. she wants to stay and help the land heal—to help the people heal. the party has to beg her to move on. she does, eventually. but there will always be a speck of guilt inside her unblackening heart that she couldn’t stay and fix a wrong she might have had a hand in somehow, someway, when she was a monster.
oohh your poor durge 💔 the cursed lands are a tough place to be in, i hope she has someone to confide in abt her feelings :(
my durge is kind of the opposite; the cursed lands and moonrise make her skin crawl to the point that lingering in any one place for too long makes her restless and anxious. she’s in a real tense mood the entire time they’re in the shadowlands and she does what she can to help the harpers and last light inn, but she’s more than ready to leave for baldur’s gate when the time comes
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blu3berrydraws · 1 year
I work with kids and one kid I used to work with would tell me at random "I love you 73 kilometers" but the number and system would change every time the kid said it ex. "I love you 2 feet." Or "I love you 2548 inches."
Was it at random or was this kid just telling you their love was conditional and levels changed on occasion :'D
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newtness532 · 2 years
21- something funky or interesting from my family tree
I am a very (emphasis on very) distant cousin of Louisa May Alcott (the author of little women)
that is interesting!
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taetaespeaches · 2 years
Oh!!! My top artist were: 1. seventeen 2. Bts 3. Megan thee stallion 4. The 1975 5. Taylor Swift and my top songs were 1. Cheers by seventeen 2. Mirrorball by Taylor swift 3. Kitty Kat by Megan thee stallion 4. Eight by iu and Suga and 5. About you by the 1975
OOH!!! This is such a good list! Cheers, Eight, and About You 😩 you have taste! I also love that your top artists were consistent with your top songs
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threeleggedcrow · 2 years
I wasnt supposed to tell anyone this bc ive kept it for years lol but its really not that serious
So uhh- one time when i was young i went on a walk with my grandpas friend and we got ice cream
And after we ate the ice cream 4yo me forgot and asked for another
And he said "but we just ate one"
*cue puppy eyes and realization of what we just did*
"okok, we'll get another, but dont tell anyone *wink*"
And that day i ate two ice creams
holy shit that is so dark and twisted. i hope you don't get in serious trouble for this😳
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shadow--writer · 1 year
You sound like you need cuddles, so here's a few old pics of two of my cats, Bear (black floof) and Maverick (orange baby). Sadly, I had to put my baby Bear down a few years ago due to illness, but he was the best Papa Bear a baby Maverick could have ever asked for <3
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And here's a Tsuki, because respects must be paid to my queen <3
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I do need cuddles thank you 💕💕
Such babies 🥺💕💕💕💕💕. Bear looks like a wonderful cat to have, I absolutely adore black cats. Look at that face. And lil kitten cuddles 🥺🥺🥺
And as always, bowing down to the Queen 👑 Tsuki. Beautiful as always
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nova-rpv · 1 month
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a redraw of the first drawing i posted here to celebrate the fact that ive been in tumblr for more than a whole year posting my shit and havent deleted my blog in panic yippee \:D/ (mushy rant in tags)
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blursbian · 2 months
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Deadpool & Wolverine Honda Odyssey fight slowed gifset 2
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petricorah · 9 months
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thankfully, he didn't get it [id in alt]
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ash-and-starlight · 2 years
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hades atla bisexual simulator
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bunnyspine · 5 months
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Happy birthday to @partycoffin !!!!!! 💫⭐️✨️🌟
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calwasfound · 17 days
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k is for kinship. my piece for hermitzine 9 !
check out everyone else's work; the zine is gorgeous and made with such love :]
(process under "keep reading")
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thoselittleboats · 9 months
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BG3 text - Raphael (7/?)
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