#thanks @holy-ships-x-red-lips
caitylove · 1 year
7,30, & 53 for the ask me questions ask game. Please & thank you!
Eeep! Thanks for the asks.
7. what was your life like last year? : So last year was surprisingly stressful. My job, which I do Release Readiness for a large Fortune 500 company, had no direct manager and we were short handed for an entire year. Just led to unnecessary stress. It was also the first year since 2020 that I traveled again, went to NOLA for a Vampire LARP and Virginia Beach for my first wedding anniversary.
30. favourite tv show(s): So TV is my weakness, but my top 5 are Battlestar Galactica, the West Wing, The X-Files(which holds a special place in my heart as it was my introduction to fandom in the early 2000s when I was a young teen) and The OA. The 5th changes a bunch. Maybe Doctor Who? Idk I l also have a weakness for cop shows.
53. 5 things that make me happy: 1) My cats, Merry and Pippin. They are my babies. 2) The ocean, in a land locked state, I need to return to the ocean every few years or I go insane. 3) my little library room that I finally have set up... 3 years after buying my house. 4) I love having the ability to act or larp. It's freeing and does something nice to my soul. 5) blasting music to make me cry or laugh.
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claudiajcregg · 10 months
🛳️, 🤖, & 🎉 for the writer goal ask list. Please & thank you.
Thank you for sending these, Danielle! 💜💜💜 They weren't easy, haha, especially the last one. It's hard to express all the thoughts in my head and make them make sense. (Spoiler alert: it's the end of a loooong weekend and I should be in bed. It does not make sense.)
🛳 Are there any new ships you want to write for? (Platonic, romantic, or anything in between.)
I am not sure! I'd love to explore a few more platonic relationships (the combinations are endless), but I cannot say any will be particularly new! I'd say maybe a new fandom but, I doubt it.
🤖 Are you looking to change your current writing setup? (Or establish one, if you don't have one?)
lmao, maybe the part where I write anything 😬 Things would certainly be easier! (My muse went on a trip after I finished the exchange fic last month, and it hasn't come back. What a weird year it's been.) Aside from that, not planning any changes! My setup mostly works fine for me.
🎉 How are you going to be kind to yourself if you don't meet your goals?
Let's talk about two quick goals here, I guess. (As much as I initially wrote about not having goals, lmao.) I do want to finish this pregnancy AU soon into the new year. (Muse, come back. Let's re-outline this chapter and this last stretch, and get it done. I want to start posting this flop in the spring.) Even if I don't post it, like every other long fic I've written in the last seven years, I want to finish it. But if I don't… It just means it wasn't meant to be now; I can always pick it up later.
Another goal is to try and not check stats as obsessively and then be disappointed by the lack of movements weeks later, just because I cannot have the output I wish I did. It is so not healthy to compare myself to, or compete with, anyone else – this is not what fandom is about for me, and it's a boundary I've been working hard to set irl too. (Mostly the comparison part.) I feel I was much worse with this at the start of the year, but have finally found a good balance. It's a work in progress, so I'm bound to have my moments.
In the end, this is all a creative outlet for me, and I'm just trying to have fun! The last thing I need is to avoid any preventable disappointment as much as I can. I never considered myself God's gift to fic/writing/fandom (and I am not). I realized a couple of months into posting I'd never be popular (and this year just proved it to me over and over and over), but… I've come to adopt a more zen attitude and I manage my expectations a bit better, I think. So tl;dr: I cannot control other people's perceptions or thoughts of myself, so I shouldn't rely as much on that. If I don't meet any of my goals, I'll just give myself the grace I deserve, because being unkind to oneself sucks.
(Nothing about this makes sense to me either. It's 1am and have been trying to tweak it for a good half hour.)
More Writer Goal Ask List questions over here
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madamairlock · 2 years
18, 41, 94, and 95 for the unusual asks. Please & Thank You!
Thank you, friend! Sorry it took me a bit to get them answered.
18) favorite tv show?
-Verrrrrrry mood dependent. Right now I'm gonna say Star Trek: Voyager or Picard since I'm in the middle of a Trek rabbit hole.
41) top 10 favorite songs
-Also very dependant on mood so I'm just gonna go off my ten songs on repeat on Spotify:
Back To December (Taylor Swift)
the Simplest Words (@narcissistcookbook)
Free-Live (F+TM)
Give a Damn (James and the Shame)
Alive (The Scarlet Opera)
The Blue Moon After Next (The Narcisist Cookbook)
King (F+TM)
Holding Out for a Hero (Adam Lambert)
Look What You Made Me Do (Taylor Swift)
Us and Pigs (Sofia Isella)
94) favorite lyrics right now
-God, I am obsessed with the bridge from "the Simplest Words."
This body is built on the ruins of All the people I have ever been Wise men build their houses on rocks While the rest of us settle for skeletons
95) Summer or winter?
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oh-mydarling · 10 months
8 & 27 for AO3 Wrapped. Please & thank you.
Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Ok this is funny because I’ve 1000% switched fandoms but I think I’ve probably written most for Cordelia Goode + Billie Dean Howard of AHS
What do you listen to while writing?
This depends so much on what I’m writing!! Sometimes I like watching the show in the background, or if it’s an angsty feelings piece I have a playlist that just makes me very pensive which I love. Usually if it’s smutty I’ll listen to any music I’m liking atm!
Thank you for the ask!! ✨
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misserabella · 1 year
a deal with the devil
demon ellie williams x fem! reader
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synopsis;; You had a dream, for your band to reach the stars. And you were capable of anything if that meant you'll make it.
Anything. Even make a pact with the devil.
cw; 18+content! satanic ritual, blood, wounds (made with a knife), sub! and virgin! reader, dom!ellie, possessiveness, oral sex (r receiving), scissoring, hair pulling, own-ship kink! (kinda), multiple orgasms (r), overstimulation, nudity (obvs), blood kink! (kinda), drugs (weed, not smoking though), teasing, cum swallowing,... MINORS DO NOT INTERACT OR I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN!
“Okay… Done.” you sighed, staring at the summoning circle you had drawn on the floor of your living room. “Thank god this shit comes with instructions.” you mumbled, cracking your back since you had been crouching down for the last 20 minutes scribbling with the worn white chalk in between your fingers. You were pleased, the lighted candles surrounding the summoning circle made it even better.
You then took the old grimoire, the pages almost falling apart on your fingers as you passed the pages.
“Fuck. I should have really paid attention to latin classes.” you whispered as you played cart wheel with the book, trying to see the right side to read it. Was this even latin? You couldn’t really know.
After finding out the right side, you laid the grimoire on the nearest table, where you could read, before taking the knife you had brought from the kitchen.
“Invoco te, diabole, tenebras, peccatum pro i manu tua, sanguine tuo et viribus tuis…” you started mumbling, trying your best to pronounce the spell as best as you could. “peccatum tuum, tenebrae tuae, pars animae tuae opus est…” the sudden turn off of the lights above your head startled you. That and the unimportant and completely normal growth of the flames of the candles, reaching the height of your knees. “Holy shit!” your heart was beating harshly against your ribs.
You reminded yourself. You could do this. You had to do this.
“Okay… Now for the finale.” you mumbled, pressing the knife to your palm and closing it over the weapon, with a quick movement slicing your flesh, crimson pooling at your feet on little droplets as you hissed in pain. “Age, precor, oro, sequere vocem, ingrediar ad terras, nam te sanguine dicam!” you finished as you let your blood fall into the protection circle, staining the chalk.
Due to a quick flash of the candles —which died and came back to life in a blink—, you stumbled backwards, falling onto the floor and grunting when you had to put all your weight on your good hand to not hurt your left more.
Your eyes adapted to the darkness and now dimmed lights —since the intensity of flames had blinded you—, skin growing in goosebumps when you felt someone or something lurking in the dark.
Your eyes widened when you met a pair of crimson ones that stared at you in fun.
“Well, aren’t you a pretty one?” you gulped at what stood before you.
A devil. With the most beautiful and haunting face and black leather intimidating wings at her back.
Sin in flesh.
“Oh god!” you breathed out as your cheeks turned red, eyes darting somewhere else as you wounded hand stood in between your sight and her body.
She was completely and absolutely naked. Soft skin on dispose for you to see.
This wasn’t what you were expecting at all… You expected blood, darkness, someone covered too…
Not this. Not her.
“Try again.” she chuckled, but then cooed when you would still shy away from her. “Aw, no need to be shy now…” a choked scream left your lips when, after a slight wave of her hand, an invisible force tugged from you up and close to the protection circle. You shivered when her hand took yours in a soft and icing grip. “It was you who offered yourself to me after all…”
This shouldn’t be happening. The protection circle was supposed to safely maintain the summoned demon inside, unable to scape nor ‘cause any type of harm to the caller. She shouldn’t have been able to pull you towards her, nor take your hand by reaching outside it.
“Who are you?” you inquired, shock and fear on your voice as you stared into her eyes.
“I’ve been a lot of things…” she answered, gently examining the deep and dripping cut in your palm on her own. Your eyes hardly tried to not wonder from her face, although something deep inside of you whispered in you ear, tempted you to stare at her naked body. “From the favorite one: An angel… To the fallen one: A devil.” she muttered.
“What’s… What’s your name?” your breathing was stuck in your lungs, voice strained.
She smiled, staring back at you. She and you knew that, by knowing a demon’s name, you’d have power over them, be able to control it somehow.
Although that didn’t matter.
“Satan. Although I go by a lot of names now. Ellie is one of my favorites.”
Your breath hitched, your whole body tensing under her touch, as if it hurt.
Satan? He you been able to summon the ruler of hell? Wasn’t that almost impossible? You were expecting a smaller demon, one with which you could make a deal. Not the sin herself.
She could feel you try and pull away, but she didn’t let you, her fingers lacing around your palm, being careful with the cut.
“You scared?” she whispered, taking a step outside the circle, her free hand running up through your chest and resting on your shoulder. She could feel your quickened heartbeat.
But even though you felt every single bone inside his body shake, from your lips fell a quick:
That only made her smirk grow. “Well, aren’t you stupid…” she cooed, and you shivered. “All the cute ones are always stupid.” she muttered.
You gulped when her sharp nails trailed up your neck, taking her time over your pulse point.
“What is it that you want, hm?” her voice was pure silk for your ears, like the sweetest nectar, trying to lure you in. “There must be something you must want to be messing with the devil.” she stepped closer. “What is it? Power? Love?” you looked into her eyes and you swore she could see your soul. She probably could. “Fame…” she chuckled. “Of course a pretty girl like you would want fame…” her thumb made its way to your bottom lip, which she slightly tugged. “Drive all the boys crazy. And the girls.” you trembled when she pushed her naked chest against yours. You could feel her perked nipples pushing against through your tee shirt. “Isn’t that right?” she mumbled against your lips. “I can give it to you. I can give you anything you want.” your eyes were focused on her lips.
You were no fool though, and she could see it in your eyes when you asked. “What do you want in return ?” As well as she could see that you would give anything.
“I want you.” she simply said, and although there was no change in her voice, no feeling of any kind, you shivered under her touch. “So… What do you say?” the hand that took your hurt one, raised it to her lips. You only could watch as her tongue darted out, a hiss leaving your own lips when she licked your cut, cleaning it of all blood. “You wanna play with me?”
And you couldn’t find himself to say no.
“I like what you’ve done with the room.” she nodded as she entered the bedroom, taking in every single detail. Some group posters, different guitars in corners and walls, full book collections, a full pile of tapes next to your walkman, a stash of weed… You smiled, picking a little bag in between your fingers. “You seem to know how to have fun.” she smirked when you quickly took it from her, pushing it inside your panty drawer and closing it.
“Could you… Could you maybe put on some clothes, please?” you said, watching her wander around your room, playing with trinkets here and there. She turned at your voice, eyebrows rose playfully.
“Why? Do I make you nervous, y/n?” you choked when she was back in front of you, painfully close. “Or maybe…, is something else?” you quickly captured her wrist when her hand trailed down your abdomen to the waistband of your pants. Your eyes were a mix of warning and that glint of fear that she so well knew by now. Although there was something more…
She stepped away, hands rising in a ‘peace’ offering, a smirk plastered on her lips.
“Alright…” she elongated the ‘i’, as if she were bored. “I’ll be good.” she said, but by the look in her face, she knew you didn’t exactly believe her. “Now. Are you gonna give me some of your human clothes or do you want to watch some more?” she teased you, one of her hands cupping her right breast. You didn’t even look, quickly turning away as she giggled at your back, getting back to her with a pair of your panties, one of your tee shirts and a pair of your sweats.
You then noticed: her wings.
“Oh, right.” she muttered, with a snap of her fingers making them disappear. “Is that better?” she questioned you, taking the clothes from your hands as you nodded and putting them on. “Huh.” she muttered, picking at the clothes. “Feels nice. Strange… But nice.”
“What. Have you never worn clothes?” you inquired.
And she only stood silent. Your cheeks flushing when she smirked.
She never needed them…
“You’re the first one ever to ask me to cover up.” human or not human. And from the place she came, no one really cared about clothes.
You coughed, clearing your throat.
“Okay, so… How does this work? I promise my soul to you and you instantly make me famous?” you changed subjects, crossing your arms over your chest. Feeling exposed. Her eyes fixated on how your tits popped.
“Sure. You can do that.” she shrugged, taking a seat on your bed, your shirt slightly rolling up to show her toned stomach. Your eyes quickly darted elsewhere. “Though all that ‘I sold my soul to the devil’ is mostly made up stories by the church. Whatever I ask for, depends on the person that summons me.”
“So… What is it that you want from me?” your eyebrows quirked, a strand of hair falling to frame your face.
“I already told you. I want you.” suddenly, the place where you had cut yourself —the same cut that had instantly closed after her tongue had made contact with it— burned.
With a quick movement of her hand, she pulled you closer to her and down by her side, hovering over you as one of your hands rested on your stomach. You jumped at her touch.
“I want you to be mine.” she smiled, and you shivered. “Did you think I wouldn’t know?” she pushed your chest against your as her hand trailed up and below your shirt, making you hiss when her fingertips caressed down your hips. “The way you keep avoiding to touch me, to look at me?” she smirked, her lips against your ear. Your breath hitched, unable to push her away, your whole body buzzing and burning up under her touch. She could smell the lust in you. “You though I wouldn’t notice that you’re a virgin?” a moan left your lips when her hand pushed down your pants, touching your pussy from over your panties. Your fingers curled around her wrist but didn’t make a move to pull her away, what only made her smirk grow.
“S—Shit…” you gasped, your head tilting backwards at her touch.
“I don’t think you really know how valuable your virginity is for a demon, do you?” you were now fully leaking below her palm. “We feed on it. Wrath, pride, jealousy, lust…” she whispered. “I want it. I want you.” your hips thrusted upwards in her hand, your mouth falling open. You were begging for more. She could feel it. “What do you think, pretty girl?” she left open mouth kisses down your neck, sucking and bruising the soft and tender flesh. “Do we have a deal?”
Your breath hitched when her thumb pressed against your clit. “Yes, yes…” you nodded as you swallowed more moans by biting your bottom lip, unable to talk due to the amount of pleasure your body was under. Her touch was wicked. Making your bones ache for more.
And if only you had your eyes opened, you would have seen the devilish smile on her face.
“Good.” you whined when her hand left your pants, your own tugging from her wrist for more. “Aw, don’t worry baby. I’ll take care of you once we seal the deal. Now, come here.” she tugged from your shirt, smashing her lips to yours in a wet kiss. Your mouth fell open in a moan, giving her the opportunity to slid her tongue inside your mouth and deepen the kiss. You hissed when you felt burning skin underneath the hand that she rested on your chest, pulling away so your eyes would meet with a new branded mark just below where your heart should be. It was strange, full of lines. Like a tattoo.
Her thumb brushed the rests of spit off your bottom lip.
“Now you are mine.”
“y/n! y/n! Please look here!”
“No, please here!”
“Please, tell us how does it feel to be the leader of one of the rising most famous bands in the whole world?!”
“Oh my god, she is so hot!”
You couldn’t believe it. Couldn’t believe how in a matter of days after the pact, miraculously, a really important talent seeker had stumbled across one of your group’s gigs at the club and later on offered you and your band mates the golden ticket to fame. You had worked hard to release their first song, which quickly became a worldwide hit and catapulted you to the peak. You had been showered with a lot of support from the new fans and offered a contract for years in the best record label in the USA.
And there you were a couple of months later.
You were living the life. And even better, you were living it with you best friends: Dina and Jesse. They could not be happier, seeing themselves finally achieving their childhood dream.
“Thank you!” you screamed over the noise to a couple of fans that had gifted you roses and love letters. They were crying for your attention, what only made your heart jump. You were so grateful.
“y/n, please a couple of words!” one of the interviewers stopped you, the flash blinding your eyes a little bit.
You smiled at the camera.
“The thing is that I have no words!” you laughed, and the interviewer melted beside you. You were a real heartthrob. “Thank you so much to everyone that came tonight to see us! We love you, New York!” your smiled couldn’t get bigger, your cheeks hurting and eyes shining.
“y/n! Come on, we need to go!” Dina called out for you from the limousine, waving her hand. The security guard behind you tapped you slightly in the shoulder.
“I’m sorry I have to go now. But really, thank you so much!” you waved at the camera, quickly running later on into their car to get on the move to their hotel.
“Holy shit!” Jesse screamed when you were alone inside, and they all laughed.
“It was crazy out there.” Dina smiled, a bear plush in between her arms. Probably from the fans.
“We sold out for the next concert too!” Jesse pointed out and they shared a hand five.
They were like a couple of kids on Christmas morning.
You relaxed on your seat, a bright smile on your lips as you watched them enthusiastically talk about how good tonight’s concert had been and how many people had come.
Your whole body was fuzzing in adrenaline. Seeing your talent finally be loved and your hard work rewarded was the best feeling in the world.
But nothing would compare to the screams of the public as you screamed lyrics to the top of your lungs and burned your fingertips with the strings of your guitar on top of the scenery. It was like a fever dream.
“Night.” Jesse gave you a hug once you had safely returned to your hotel floor. Their room were separated though, each one further apart since the others had been already booked or were under maintenance. It didn’t really matter, you’d only be there for a night, and with security on your floor, nothing could go wrong.
“Nigh guys.” you smiled after giving Dina another hug, and unlocking your door. “See you tomorrow at seven.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me that, man. I’m exhausted.” Jesse groaned, exaggeratedly playing faint.
“Come on, drama king. Time to go to bed.” Dina said, tugging from him, nodding towards you one more time before they would enter their room.
You sighed as you closed the door behind you, turning on the lights and walking towards the desk to empty your pockets and get rid of your jacket, carefully leaving a side the gifts from your fans.
“Hard day today?” you jumped when a voice came from your back, startling you and making you turn around to face… Ellie.
“Fuck. You almost killed me- woah!” you screamed, your eyes quickly darting away when they came across her body on top of your bed.
She was on your back and almost naked, only a set of simple underwear keeping her from being fully exposed before you. You recognized it. She had probably found the clothes that you had bought for her and which you always carried around in your back for her return, you thought.
She smirked at his reaction.
You cleared your throat. “Mmh, yeah. Hard day. Very hard day.” you mumbled, trying not to stare too closely at her exposed skin, nor how hot she looked, or how her tits bounced when she sat and got up. You gulped when she walked towards you, only to drift away and get a hold on the roses.
“Cute.” she murmured, but still taking one of them from the bunch and starting to rip its petals apart.
“Weren’t you… Weren’t you supposed to be taking care of some things in hell?” you inquired. After you both had sealed the deal, she had disappeared, telling you that she’d be back soon. Although ‘soon’ seemed to be almost five months…
“Aw… Did you miss me?” she cooed, leaving the flower fall at your feet and walking towards you, her thumb and pointer finger taking your chin for you to face her since your eyes didn’t seem to leave her feet. “Still not looking at me? Even when I’m wearing what you bought for me? How mean…” she playfully pouted and that’s when you caught his attention. She melted a little bit when your puppy eyes found hers. There you were… She surrounded your neck with her arms, looking at you. “You look good. Fame suits you, saw your interview on the news. Looking all cute and pretty for your fans, hm?” you gulped. “I suppose our deal has been working well enough?”
You nodded. “Yeah…” you breathed out. Her being so close to you making your head feel all fuzzy, her voice as sweet as caramel to your ears. “It’s been amazing.” you almost moaned when her fingers dipped in your hair, softly scratching and pulling just the slightest.
“And I hope you’ve not forgotten who is it that you belong to, hm? Wouldn’t like any of those petty humans touching my girl…” you shivered in her arms when you pressed she chest against yours, one of her hands trailing down to push inside his tee shirt and press her palm just below the seam of your jeans, taunting, teasing…
“N—No…” you stuttered, a burning feeling spreading though your lower stomach as her lips trailed down the side of your neck. There was something about them that slowly but surely made you crazy.
“Good…” she hummed, leaning in closer ‘till there were only mere inches in between the two of you. “ ‘Cause I came for my payment.” she mumbled against your lips before crashing against them. You froze for a couple of seconds before melting into the kiss, Your hands griping her hips for support. You whined when she bit down on your bottom lip, making you open your mouth and pushing her tongue inside.
Your tongues swirled around each other, and she sucked on yours as she pushed you backwards and onto the bed. She looked at you for a minute, you looked so beautiful. With cheeks flushed and lips swollen and bitten… Gasping for air with half-lided eyes. She knew it was taking effect.
Your eyes widened when she got rid of her bra, her breasts fully exposed for you to see. You moaned, breath hitching when she crawled on top of you as she went back to kissing you.
You felt like burning up, her touch, her lips, her hips, her tits…Everything was driving you insane. You whined when she pulled away. You were feeling dizzy, drunk, high on her. Needy, and so horny your cunt was now fully leaking on your panties. You swore you would come if…
You let out a surprised and low moan when she pushed one of her thighs in between your lights, grinding against your pussy. She smirked.
“What is it, baby? Feeling good?” you shakily nodded, giving no resistance when she pulled from your dress up your head. “I bet you are…” a whine left your lips when she left wet open mouth kisses down your neck, leaving marks as she lowered yourself down your chest, her tongue licking over her mark branded on your skin and your exposed tits.
“Fuck.” you breathed out when she slowly lowered herself down your body, hands getting under your panties and pulling them down your legs. You were soaked, your tight hole twitching for something to fill you up.
Her mouth watered at the sight, her tongue sliding from your entrance to your clit as your hips jerked and one of your hands unconsciously laced on her hair. You whimpered when she sucked on it, hollowing her cheeks as she cleaned your folds of every remaining of your sweet slick.
“Oh, shit.” your head fell backwards when she started to eat you out like a starved woman. This couldn’t feel this good. It was impossible… She smirked when breathy whimpers started to leave your lips. You couldn’t understand. Why did you feel on fire. Had she done something to you? Had she cursed you? Why was it that you didn’t seem able to control yourself when she was around you? Maybe it was simply her. With her perfect body and wicked face. Maybe it was because she were a demon and you only a mere human. But you swore that you were in heaven with her lips latched to your cunt, with your her bouncing with every movement of her body, with her pretty emerald eyes looking up at you. “What have you done to me?” you breathed out, moaning as your hips started to thrust upwards against her mouth.
She knew how you were feeling. It was one of the effects of your bond, of her spit and her touch. Humans were not supposed to meddle about with devils, for they’d become obsessed, addicted.
“That’s right baby, moan for me. Let those fans waiting downstairs for you hear you. Let them hear who you belong to.” she teased you as she slowly pumped one of her fingers inside your tight and warm walls, making you scream.
“Fuck!” you moaned, loud enough for those next to your room to hear, probably the whole floor. “Fuck, Ellie.” you whimpered, her own pussy throbbing at your innocent and sweet reactions. She would brand your face when she pushed the second finger in on her brain if she could. How you moaned and shook when she curled her fingers and found your g spot.
You were gonna cum, fuck, you were gonna cum so fucking hard you would probably die.
She could feel it, feel it in the way your hands gripped her head and your hips started to fuck upwards, fucking her mouth. She let you, taking everything you would give her, using her tongue to drive you insane, her spit dribbling down her chin.
“Ellie!” you whined when her free hand took your hip to push you down on the mattress and keep you still.
“Don’t fucking move.” she groaned, going back to suck on your clit and making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
Her dominance pushed you so hard to the edge that you started to mumble incoherent words. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” you moaned, his eyes shut tight, thighs shaking at the sides of her head. “I’m cumming, I’m-“ and then her mouth was being filled with your hot and sticky heavy cum, making her hum. You rutted your hips just the slightest, riding your high, which left you trembling in your spot and seeing white. Your hands let go of her head softly, her tongue lazily cleaning you up and making sure she’d swallowed everything up, groaning at the sight, her thumb dragging along your bottom lip, all red and swollen.
“Want a taste, baby?” you nodded, grunting in your mouth when you got up and straddled her lap, your tongue pushing in between her lips and inside to taste yourself on her mouth. Her hands gripped your hips when you started to grind yourself down on her lap, on her strong thigh. “Mmh, so greedy.” she smirked, hearing you whine when you pulled away. “You’re still so wet for me.” her panties were soaked at this point.
“Ellie, fuck, please…” you begged, her hips unconsciously bucking upwards against your warm core. She was already starting to leak.
“What’s the matter, pretty girl? Use your words for me, baby.” she encouraged when your voice came out as a mumble when you ground yourself harder against her.
“Fuck me, fuck me. Please…” she smirked, her eyes shining in a bloody red when you moaned against her mouth.
She rose up to let you fall once again against the sheets, pulling her panties to the side, letting her sticky and drenched folds show for your hungry and fucked out eyes. “You want this? Want my pussy baby? Want me to fuck the virgin out of you?” you whimpered, nodding your head as she got rid of them and manhandled your legs to make place for herself in between them. “Yeah?” her tongue wetted your bottom lip, making you shake and your breath hitch. “Are you gonna let me use this pretty pussy of yours, hm?” she whispered, one of her hands coming down in between your bodies to play with your flit, making you moan and hips buckle up once again, what made her smirk only grow more. “Gonna let me use you, doll?” you nodded in a haze, muttering pleads. You could not think of something you’d love more than feeling her in that moment. Her wetness, her warmth…
“Please…” your breath got stuck in your lungs when her cunt made contact with your, sliding against you in a moan, your open mouth inviting her tongue in a wet and messy kiss that had your head reeling.
You felt like dying.
“Oh shit. Fuckfuckfuck…” you muttered as dhe started to thrust her hips against you. Sticky wet sounds filing the room as she started to rub your clits together. Her lips latched to your neck, biting harshly when your head tilted backwards in a whimper.
If this was not heaven, you might as well love being in hell.
She could feel it, the way you were trying so hard not to cum, your thighs shaking like crazy.
“Are you gonna come for me baby?” she teased you, rocking herself against you. “Gonna cum against my pussy?”
“Ellie, stop please, i’m gonna-, fuck, i’m gonna cum if you don’t-“ she didn’t exactly care.
She continued moving although your soft and breathy voice filled the room, once begging for just a couple of seconds —since you felt mortified to be lasting so little even though you were a goddamn virgin— but now just moaning and whimpering without control with every thrust of her hips.
“Shit, fuck, Ellie, please, i’m gonna…” you couldn’t stop it, it all being too much. The feeling of her wet cunt against yours, the slick of both of you pooling and dripping down onto the covers, the wet sounds of skin against skin and the squelching of your juices… Her hands on your tits, her lips on your neck…
“That’s it, baby. Cum for me, let me have it.” you muttered, rolling her hips in a way that made you see stars as you gripped her hair with one hand and the covers with the other.
“I’m cumming, shit, i’m-“ you couldn’t even finish, since you were already spilling your hot and sticky cum against her, painting her in white. Both of you moaned in pleasure.
“Fuck pretty girl, yes baby, more.” she babbled out, her whole body buzzing with energy and libido striking up due to the sexual energy you were feeding her with. Her walls tightened as she watched you cum beneath her.
A moan ripped your throat when one of her hands came up to surround it and pin you down against the mattress, starting to thrust against your cunt this time harder, faster. “Ellie!” you were so sensitive due to your recent orgasm. The overstimulation making you throw your head back in pure ecstasy. It hurt, but it hurt so good that in just a mere seconds you could feel once again about to cum. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck…”
Your tits bounced with every new thrust, the cum in between your pussies making dirty sounds that you swore could be heard by everyone. It only turned you on even more.
She moaned out your name as she felt her own orgasm building up at great speed. She was loosing herself in you. “Mine.” she whispered against his lips when you leaned down. “You’re all mine, isn’t that right, baby?” toy moaned when you bit down on his bottom lip hard enough to draw out blood, her tongue swirling around the cut as you nodded. Her mind fuzzy with desire and the intense need to fuck her cum into you. “Say it for me, hm? Tell me you’re mine.”
“I’m yours, fuck, I’m yours…” you muttered in between babbles, Those words were enough to pull her closer. With a new thrust, you were stuttering. “Ellie, hm, I’m gonna…”
“Cum for me, baby. I need it. I need your cum.” she pleaded, and you were falling apart.
You cried out at the feeling, cumming in between moans with the sight of her auburn hair sticking to her forehead due to her sweat. Ellie was right behind, completely gone at the sight of your glazed over doe eyes totally fucked out and bloody bitten lips falling open to call her name.
Shee let out a ‘fuck’ as she continued to rub her clit against yours to help you both ride out your orgasms, sparks and stars shining underneath your eyelids.
You then used your trembling arms to sit up and your hands to bring her in a searing kiss that had her moaning in your mouth.
You sighed as her lips trailed down your neck and onto your chest, kissing and feeling up your breasts to make your high last longer. One of your hands tugged on her hair when you felt her suck on your skin, hard enough to bruise it all up.
And the biggest smirk curved her swollen rosy lips when her hoarse voice filled the silent in the room. “You are mine.” her breath fanning over a hickey that she had left over your heart.
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bellewintersroe · 4 months
Joe liebgot smut where he's really needy and you kinda dominate him
Thanks for this request anon, I hope this does your idea any justice 😈
Joe Liebgott x Reader !Smut!
Once reunited back in England, Joe needs you in more ways than he initially realised. Warning: 18+ content/ Drabble below the cut, penetrative sex, oral sex, reader takes charge of Joe - I never usually write with reader being dominant so excuse me if it isn’t the best, it’s giving more soft dom vibes.
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“God, baby.” Joe’s teeth gritted as she bounced on top of him, pussy dripping and clinging around the bare of his cock. Their first reunion after he’d been shipped out to Europe was overwhelming, Joe’s head tipped back, mouth open and a strangled groan escaped his mouth in pure bliss.
“You feel so good like this.” She reminded, the first time they’d felt one another without the barrier of a condom. The two of them were so carried away, Joe would be pretty happy if she got knocked up. “So big.” Her hands slid to his chest, borderline pinning him down to the couch the both of them had settled on, unable to make it up to her bed upstairs. Kneeling at either side, she ignored the burn in her thighs and continued grinding, bouncing, fucking on Joe. It was all too much for him, the sensation mixed with the sight and sound of her was too much.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Joe felt the familiar tension gather in his lower stomach, hands gripping tighter and tighter into the flesh of her ass. “No.” She halted her movements. Joe was so fucked out he couldn’t even respond, simply letting out a slight, “huh?” As she ran her fingers through his scalp, moving forwards so her body rested over his.
“Don’t cum yet, fuck not yet.” Joe felt the slight rise and fall of her hips as she carefully rode him, slow in her movements, painfully slow. Joe wanted nothing more than to snatch her hips and absolutely nail her, but he was enjoying the slight hold and control she had over him. His hands rested back, over the couch as she slid her hands up, holding his wrists in place. Now Joe knew he had the strength to push her off and nail into her, but he didn’t. He didn’t feel weak, nor did he feel emasculated. Instead, his cheeks burnt a vibrant red colour, another boyish groan escaping his lips as she slowly continued her movements.
“Do ya like this?” She giggled into his ear, tits pressed together looking painfully good as they bounced and wobbled with each movement. Joe cursed and shoved his hands forwards, grappling at her titties, the other hand coming to land on her ass. “Please baby, you gotta let me cum.” She shamelessly spoke, attempting to push her chest up to his mouth but she resisted.
“You have no patience, Joe.” Teasing, she arched her back, leaning a little further away before she began bouncing on top of him again. “Don’t cum yet. Don’t cum until I say so.” Joe didn’t know where this side had come from, but he fucking loved it.
He nodded with a strangled groan, gulping and tensing, his orgasm quickly approaching once again. “Fuck, you’re such a good boy for me.” She moaned out, breathy and angelic, hands on his chest.
“Shit- baby I’m ’bout t’ cum.” Joe could barely breathe she was that good. With two more harsh thrusts on his cock, she pulled off, using a hand to jerk strings of hot cum all over her pussy and lower abdomen.
“Aw, baby.” She cooed playfully as Joe was a mess below. His chest was rising and falling quickly, covered in a sheen of sweat, he looked beautiful. Both his hands had fallen limp to his side and instead of the normal kiss they shared, she jumped down, between his legs and the next thing he knew her mouth was around his cock for the second time that evening.
“Holy f-” Joe had to cover his mouth, his sensitive cock was throbbing, now she was literally milking him dry. “Give me one more Joe.” How could he resist? She looked so fucking good, borderline unearthly as she deviously watched him wriggle and jerk, lips suctioned around him.
Her hands moved up, holding both his hands in place, the tremble of his thighs and bitten back yells indicating the sensitivity. “C’mon, Joe.” Her mouth was replaced by her hand. “Don’t you wanna cum for me?” She was teasing him yet again, rubbing her hand over his tip as he bucked his hips groaning and panting. He’d never been this much of a mess before.
With the fast pace of her head bobbing up and down, swallowing all his previous cum, Joe felt another overwhelming orgasm wash over him. There wasn’t as much cum as before, but Joe always had a heavy load. This time, she let him finish down her throat, hands still gripping tighter over his wrists as he audibly yelled out her name, mind numb from her control.
When he was completely finished, and she was finished with her teasing, she crawled back up next to him, continuing to giggle. “That… was fucking incredible, baby.” Joe huffed and puffed, stroking the back of her head.
“I know.”
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divinemissem13 · 2 months
Tag Game: First 10 Lines Challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
Thank you so much for tagging me, @curator-on-ao3! I currently have 5 unrevealed challenge works and I considered waiting, but let's be honest, I will forget by the time the author reveals happen in another week. So, I guess, watch this space if you're curious about any of those! For now, here are my last 10 works that are actually viewable!
Flirtin' With Disaster (The Closer: Brenda/ Sharon, 12 chapters, M)
Things with Fritz end just about as smoothly as they can, but it’s still hard. He threatens to start drinking again if Brenda leaves him, and she reminds him (as well as herself) that it’s not her responsibility to keep him sober.
2. Not Today (The Closer: Brenda/ Sharon, 250 words, T)
Brenda lightly kisses Sharon's fingertips one by one until the brunette stirs enough for Brenda to slide out of her arms. Sharon knows what she's doing. She wants to hold on tighter, but instead she feigns sleep and lets go.
3. Jankom Pog CanNOT Fix It (Star Trek Prodigy: Dal R'El & Jankom Pog, one-shot, G)
"Jankom! Have you seen this?" Dal exclaimed, crashing through the door of their shared quarters so loudly that Jankom nearly fell out of his chair.
4. When the Rain Washes You Clean You'll Know (ST Voyager: Janeway/Chakotay, one-shot, G)
The blankets on her bed were flimsy protection at best, but still Kathryn huddled beneath them as the rain pounded the side of the building, thunder and lighting crashing and flashing in quick succession.
5. I Could Drink a Case of You (ST Voyager/TNG: Beverly Crusher/ Kathryn Janeway, one-shot, T)
Kathryn steps onto the holodeck and into a program she has never seen before. The air is damp with morning dew, the landscape lush and green, and there’s a small house with a garden, stuffed to the brim with flowers and herbs she doesn’t recognize. She’s never seen it before, but she knows immediately where she is. Not that it matters; she’s here for a person, not a program.
6. Beautiful Disaster (The Closer: Brenda/ Sharon, 3 chapters, T)
No police officer ever wants to fire their weapon. No good police officer, anyway. And Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson, despite a myriad of other failings, is a good police officer.
7. Work/Life Balance (The Closer: Brenda/ Sharon, one-shot but fun fact: I'm currently working on several new chapters!, T)
It’s not unheard of for one or both of them to catch a case in the middle of the night, and so far, it hasn’t ever been for the same case.
8. What You're Willing To Overlook (The Closer: Brenda/ Sharon, fluff-spring drabble series, T)
“I find that good relationships sometimes depend... on what you're willing to overlook.” Sharon said softly, her hand on Brenda’s arm. Brenda’s arm tingled where Sharon’s hand made contact and suddenly, right there in the bullpen, surrounded by her team, their eyes met and a realization hit Brenda like a lightning bolt.
9. Time Stands Still (Doctor Who: Fourteen & Donna Noble, fluff-spring drabble series, G)
The TARDIS fit perfectly in the Noble-Temple back yard. It complimented the style of Rose’s shed - or maybe it was the other way around - and no one ever asked questions when it just showed up there one day and stayed.
10. Not So Secret Admirer (The Closer: Brenda/ Sharon, one-shot, G)
“You and Agent Howard patching things up, Chief?” Flynn asked, knocking on the door frame as he let himself in to Brenda’s office. “Now what would give you that idea, Lieutenant?” Brenda asked without looking up from her paperwork. “Well, someone out there must be trying to impress you,” he chuckled. “Special delivery,” he added, placing the vase of roses on her desk, right on top of the paperwork where they couldn’t be ignored.
tagging @ussjellyfish, @go-tell-the-bees, @caitylove, @fracktastic, @kate04us, @holy-ships-x-red-lips, @madamairlock, @neverenough37, @commandermeg and anyone else who wants to share! <3
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hondagirll · 3 months
Tagged by @aprylynn thanks friend!
10 favorite TV shows in 10 gifs
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Tagging @dollsome-does-tumblr @stars-inthe-sky @earnmysong @talldecafcappuccino @jicklet @onekisstotakewithme @queenofattolia @bethanyactually @holy-ships-x-red-lips @claudiajcregg @mihrsuri and whoever else wants to do this
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nonadhesiveness · 2 months
Tag Game — First 10 Lines Challenge
Thanks for the tag @elephant-in-the-pride-parade !
The game is to share the first lines of the last 10 stories you wrote. Here are mine, from most recent to least.
1. Cambridge Rules
Elizabeth Adams had thought it would be safe to assume she wouldn’t run into her ex at Langley, let alone find herself married to him by the end of the working day, but that wasn’t the first time she’d been wrong when it came to matters relating to Henry McCord.
2. turning saints into the sea
The first time Henry meets Conrad Dalton, they’re at a dive bar not far from Langley, for birthday drinks for one of Elizabeth’s colleagues. Jon or Jim or Tom or something. Who cares?
3. What If…(We’re Soulmates)?
“In other news, President McCord is due to appear in court this afternoon as she seeks to finalise her divorce from her husband of over thirty years…”
4. stalemate
They don’t talk on the flight back from Finland, nor on the drive from Andrews. It’s only when they reach the quiet of their bedroom, dusk’s shadows pressing in from the fringes, held at bay by the bedside lamp’s golden glow, that Elizabeth breaks their silence.
5. play on
The Foxhole ~ Piano Inside Elizabeth halts.
6. for better, for worse
June, 1990. Almost one and a half years since Elizabeth Adams broke up with Henry McCord. Well, okay. Maybe that’s a bit misleading. She didn’t break up with him, exactly.
7. falling
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Elizabeth says, as they lie on their backs in his bed, chests still pounding, the air around them heavy and humming, the sheet deliciously cool against sweaty skin.
8. in the stars
A bitter gust whips across the roof of the State Department. Elizabeth Adams shivers, and sinks her hands deeper into her coat pockets.
9. Blast Fragments
“Why a legislative internship?” Senator Bell says. Her features are sharp—all ridges and angles, like cut glass—but they’re nothing compared to the mind that lies beneath. It’s why Jason chose her, applied for this internship when he could have breezed into any number of others. Senator Bell gets shit done. Senator Bell takes no prisoners.
10. Spectrum
The blood was no surprise.
Thoughts: It’s important to grab the reader’s attention from the very beginning and to give them a reason to keep reading, so I try to start with intrigue. I don’t always manage to get it into the first line, but hopefully within the first few lines. The first lines are also important to me for finding the voice of the story. All these beginnings make me ask a question (so hopefully make the reader ask a question) or they have a voice that I find interesting.
I’m tagging @her-majesty-wears-jeans @holy-ships-x-red-lips @morethanwords229 if you’d like to take part. And anyone else who’d like to be tagged, too!
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stillokaynextcrisis · 3 months
I was tagged by @caitylove (thanks doll!)
Five songs I have been listening to lately:
Fortnight: Taylor Swift, Post Malone
Psycho Killer: Miley Cyrus
Ablaze: Alanis Morissette
LAVISH: Queen Herby
Rehab: Amy Winehouse (from my damn sure never playlist, lol)
Tagging: @allatariel @blossom--of--snow @cassiopeiasara @dunhamsolivia @holy-ships-x-red-lips
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h4t08 · 3 months
Music Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @gordopickett 💕
Put your music on shuffle and listen to the first 10 songs + tag 10 people. I have Apple Music, so I’m gonna go to my ‘radio station’ to pull the music from.
1.) Positions - Ariana Grande
2.) Don’t Bring me Down - ELO
3.) Ease my Mind (Come Over) - Nija
4.) Body Touching Body - Buju Benton
5.) How Can I Help You to Say Goodbye - Patty Lovelace
6.) Time After Time - Eva Cassidy
7.) Just my Imagination - The Temptations
8.) Whiskey Lullaby - Brad Paisley with Alison Krauss
9.) Fillin’ My Cup - Hailey Whitters
10.) Paranoid - Black Sabbath
Tagging: @miss-ute @xmagicalmoonx @holy-ships-x-red-lips @gabolange @aimee-jessica @burneddownthegym @mandalamarigold @marymcmagic-hair @bluetrekker12 @a-tardis-at-downton @margospiano
And anyone else who wants to play! 💕
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caitylove · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @holy-ships-x-red-lips! Thank you so much for the tags. You have given me a lovely way to procrastinate right now. :)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? Only 16, but there are also fics out there on LJ that I was too lazy (or were just too bad) to find on the group events I posted on and port over. There are also some other ff.net fics on another account that I forgot about, but were from when I was in high school so totally not bringing those over either.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 78,839. I expect that to drastically change once I start publishing my one long wip...
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently I mostly write Battlestar Galactica (spaceparents ftw) and some The Closer/Major Crimes (I'm a Brenda/Sharon heathen. ) But in the past I wrote for Rizzoli and Isles and Grey's Anatomy. There's also some X-files fic out there and a CSI one somewhere.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Caffeine (Rizzoli & Isles): What happens when Maura consumes an excessive amount of caffeine?
So major note this fic is literally like 12 years old. And super short. And honestly not good lol.
Break All The Rules For You (The Closer/Major Crimes): Sharon Raydor has a list of rules she lives her life by. But Brenda Leigh Johnson very might be the catalyst for her to break each and every one.
This is actually my current active posting WIP. I'm amused it got so many kudos so fast. Guess I'm not the only heathen out there. :)
Frak Me Red (Battlestar Galactica): Wanting Laura to feel good about herself, Bill finds her the perfect gift and they spend an exciting weekend away on shore leave aboard Cloud 9.
Part of my Cosmetics Series. This was a blast and like 70% pure smut.
Pain Management (Battlestar Galactica): Dealing with pain during her cancer treatments, Laura is suggested an unorthodox treatment plan.
This was actually my first fic back after a ten year writing hiatus... :) Never let anyone tell you that you can't return after a long time away.
Spray and Stay (Battlestar Galactica): Laura has a secret addiction that is slowly running out and she can't help but show off her addiction to Bill.
The first part of my Cosmetics Series. Also 50% smut. :)
5. Do you respond to comments? Absolutely. So, I work from home and like responding to them instead of working sometimes.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? So I don't have a ton of angst honestly. So I guess the ending of Auburn Sunsets, Starlit Nights (Battlestar Galactica) is the angstiest? (Or meanest?)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? So like 80% of my stuff is smut... so they all have HAPPY ENDINGS. *snicker*. But I guess I'll go with Frak Me Red ?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really. Probably did on some of my old FF.net stuff but don't care enough to go back and look.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. Like thats half of what I write. :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Not in a long time. But once upon a time I wrote a Grey's Anatomy Zombie fic that had a Doctor House appearance. Its somewhere on LJ. It was BAD, but I am so tempted to find it now for my own amusement.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I am aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. Feel free to reach out if you want to tho.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but definitely open to it.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? So probably Bill/Laura(Spaceparents) from BSG. But Also have a soft spot for Sharon/Brenda (The Closer), MSR (The X-Files), Swan Queen, Janeway/Chakotay, Femshep/Garrus, to name a few.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Love Games. My 12 year old the Closer fic I never finished. May rewrite it one day but I will never just finish it as it exists today.
16. What are your writing strengths? I like to think I do a lot of emotional introspection well. And Smut. I can do smut.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Honestly, I struggle with dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? As long as its translated or explained, I'm fine with it. Probs would never do it, cause my language skills suck, but wouldn't mind reading.
19. First fandom you wrote for? CSI! I wrote a Grissom/Sara fic back in the day. I was in like High School.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Thats like asking me my favorite children! My favorite is one I am still writing and haven't published yet, The Symposium of the Stars. One day it'll make an appearance.
But for published? I really loved Auburn Sunsets, Starlit Nights. I have a soft spot for it.
Tagging: @lavenderknivess, @mimine666, @madelineusherspearls. @ofhouseusher, @cryscal, @fracktastic, and anyone else who feels like it :)
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claudiajcregg · 8 months
💚, 🐷, and 🎨 for the get to know me asks. Please & thank you.
Thank you, friend! Tumblr just scared me with the 10 above the inbox notifications, so best if I answer before bed than forget about them.
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Purple! I can make the case for others, but I always go back to purple. (I'll say a bit more in a couple of questions.)
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
Owls. Even answering that makes me go all 'hm, is it really' but it is one of them. It's the one that my family will gift me in little trinkets the most, too!
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Apart from the "basics", such as consuming media and reading (eta: and writing, lmao, how could I forget the one I'm actively not good at), I think the two main ones currently are photography and crochet.
I don't do much of the former lately, especially since those street photography workshops I attended stopped in the summer (guy running them got busy), but I crochet often, even when I cannot go to the group sessions – often while consuming media! My current project is not an amigurumi, for once, but a cotton tee in a light shade of purple, that might take me a while. (I also think I want to do longer sleeves than the owner of my local store suggested, so it's more spring than summer but idk. I'm using Drops Safran yarn, with a 3mm hook, so it's going to take me a while.)
More get to know me questions here!
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madamairlock · 2 years
3,8,& 10 for the questions for fic writers ask. Please & thank you!
Wooo hello, thank you!
3) What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
-Smut, haha. Or the good 'ole damsel in distress. I'm curious what others have to say to answer this for me.
8) What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
-I've been binging Florence + The Machine for like a month and I'd love to write something off "King" or "Free."
10) How do you decide what to write?
-I just go off a feeling. If I have the inspiration and the desire, then I go for it. I usually try not to force it out because I know the quality suffers.
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mihrsuri · 7 months
I got tagged in a seven sentence sunday by both @theladyelizabeth and @emilykaldwen - thank you so much friends 🩷🩷. I thought I’d put some sentences from two different fics - Crown of Ashes and the Grishaverse Hunger Games.
Tagging (if you want): @captainlordauditor @gen-is-gone @jackironsides @holy-ships-x-red-lips @claudiajcregg @sherwoodknights @shes-a-voodoo-child
“Have you become clumsy like the rest of us Tommy?”
Elizabeth is teasing her younger brother to cheer herself - Tommy has never been awkward in that way, though his enthusiasm for climbing as a small child had certainly led to alarm and adventures.
He smiles and it warms her heart. Until she sees the handprint around his throat. And the others around his wrists - hardly visible.
“Who laid their hands on you? Tell me?”
She should be gentle, she knows that. But it is her little brother - her kind, golden little brother and Elizabeth is so incandescently angry she almost feels herself crackling like a lightening storm.
Tommy does not look at her when he answers, which should have been her first clue.
“It was naught but an accident Bess - I was clumsy and needed to be righted - rather like an overly excited puppy”
He smiles then, inviting her to share in the jest - a mirror of the baby who had needed to tumble and climb everywhere as soon as he could. He is eleven now and still with it but that same soft kind joy is there with his growing wisdom.
“You have…Tommy you have bruises on your throat. Why…”
“Please, Please Bess. Do not ask. Please.
Genya had looked at General Kirigan with stars in her eyes, when he’d asked her to be a spy in the Capitol. He’d been a saviour, a friend and almost a father to so many of them. Even when the President had raped her the first time, the thousandth she’d never thought to blame Kirigan. Until Alina. Until Nikolai. And then, then she’d known.
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unseenacademic · 5 months
unpublished fics game
I was tagged by @mihrsuri (thanks, friend 💜) you know how much I love talking about my fics, so if you want to know more about any of these, ask away 💜💜Anyway, I'm gonna sort my WIPs into three groups, based on the level of their WIPness 😂 Level 1: Fics I'm Actively Working On
The First Lady - my ongoing project, a series of post-eps and behind the scenes, which answers the most important question of them all: what was Abbey Bartlet doing during the episodes she doesn't appear in. The chapter I'm working on at the moment is a post-ep for "Evidence of Things Not Seen", part 1. Contains a lot of banter.
Substance of Things Hoped for - post-ep for "Evidence of Things Not Seen", part 2. Contains a lot of barbecuing.
Day Four - what happens between Abbey's return and the state dinner in season 5, ep. "Shutdown". Features the First Lady dressing a nice bird, Millicent Griffith as the voice of reason and a lot of Angst.
The Proposal - exactly what it says on the tin. Features a Ferris wheel, a beaver plushy and the phrase "hens etc."
Level 2: Outlines + a Scene or Two
The Hospital Scene - A deleted/missing scene from "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen". Feature a lot of cuteness and too many references to Ronald Reagan.
It Never Could Have Happened in New Hampshire - Jed and Abbey spend the weekend at her parents'. Features a malpractice suit, golf, Vermont maple syrup, Abbey's ex-boyfriend and an MS episode.
Level 3: Just an Idea or WIP's I'm Not Actively Working on
Jethro the Snowman - a holiday fic. Inspired by Jed's quote from season 7 that Abbey's dad took him on a six-hour hike in the dead of winter after he proposed to Abbey.
Abu el Banat post ep - a sequel to Day Four.
The First Meeting - exactly what is says on the tin. Features a lot of gratuitous nerdiness.
The Dead Irish Writers Missing Scene - not sure when I'll finish this one, so far I have only two scenes and one of them needs rewriting.
Tagging (no pressure💜): @claudiajcregg @holy-ships-x-red-lips @miabicicletta @librarianmouse @temperancecain @krazykitkat @hondagirll @muldxr @onekisstotakewithme
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