So I'm Caity, She/Her My AO3I've been lurking in internet spaces since the days of the X-Files, and continue to spend way too much time obsessing over fictional characters. Current hyper-fixations: Battlestar Galactica, Mary Mcdonnell, The Closer/Major Crimes,Taylor Swift, Star Trek, Mass Effect, The X-Files,Feel free to reach out.
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The Closer | Captain Sharon Raydor | 5.03 Red Tape
I remember Captain Raydor back when she was a Sergeant; filed a complaint against my old partner George Andrews; said he was misogynistic. We had to look it up. Got us both four months of sensitivity training. - Provenza
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Top Five Brenda/Sharon Moments (in no particular order) | requested by witzseeker ↳ 7.07 A Family Affair
#the closer#sharon raydor#brenda leigh johnson#mary mcdonnell#kyra sedgwick#look what you made me queue
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#the closer#brenda.sharon#brenda leigh johnson#sharon raydor#kyra sedgwick#mary mcdonnell#look what you made me queue
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#tfln: the closer#sharon raydor#brenda leigh johnson#brenda.sharon#the closer#mary mcdonnell#kyra sedgwick#look what you made me queue
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Is Fox Mulder the most comically-brutalized protagonist in television history? Not only is he shot and beaten up on a regular basis, but the list of extreme and exotic injuries he accrues over the course of the series has got to be some kind of TV cop record. The man is mind-wiped by the military in only the second episode. For any other TV cop, that would be a career-defining event, but it’s just a day in the life of Agent Spooky.
Bro was cocooned by carnivorous insects, thrown out of a nuclear submarine into the Alaskan tundra by an alien bounty hunter, beaten up by an invisible gorilla. He was experimented on in a Siberian gulag, drowned in the Bermuda Triangle, tortured by Neo-Nazis. I wonder what getting Freaky Friday-ed by a malfunctioning UFO cloaking device does to your gonads. How much radiation has he been exposed to? Someone test this man’s hair follicles. How many mysterious bodily fluids has he dipped his finger in and tasted at crime scenes? Dear God, someone test him for HIV. Imagine being the FBI doctor who administers his physicals.
Remember when the Shadow Government was putting LSD in Mulder’s water tank? Our boy got blown up in an underground train car and resurrected in a Navajo healing ceremony, and that’s not even the last train car he would get blown up in. One time, his lungs were filled with mutated tobacco beetles. Hoss let a quack doctor give him ketamine and drill a hole in his goddamn skull. In an unrelated incident, he had a chunk of his brain stolen. He was locked in a padded cell, trapped inside of a video game, and— of course —abducted by aliens. Fox Mulder was fully dead, and then came back to life after being exhumed, and nobody even seemed that surprised when he rolled up at the J. Edgar Hoover building like nothing had happened.
Am I missing anything? How is this man still alive? His body must be like a pillowcase full of broken lightbulbs. Every time he moves, you just hear crunching.
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Bear McCreary really is just out there doing shit. imagine you go to a guy and say "we need a mysterious recurring musical motif for our space show" and he's like "what if I do a Jimi Hendrix cover that goes harder than Jimi Hendrix"
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Okay, it’s been awhile. Let’s do an X-Files rewatch. Tonight is the Season 1 finale , Episode 24 The Erlenmeyer Flask.
This is the first instance of this type of aliens, righ? From the mythach.
Ewww green blood.
lol mulder recording the news with a vcr. How 90s.
Ohhh silence of the lambs reference. One of top fav movies (and the character that inspired Scully ).
Scully asking all these right questions about Deep Throat, but she missed the most important one: why he chose that fucking name.
“If this is monkey pee, you’re on your own”. Ahhh I love a sassy Scully.
Ah, just a little light breaking and entering. That’s just a Tuesday for Mulder.
I like when they just have Scully silhouetted shadow. I miss this kind of cinematography in tv.
Scuullllyyy the monkey pee is alien!
My husband : “Dang, Mulder has hops! And he runs so damn fast in that trenchcoat. Maybe he’s the alien. “
“Scully, how soon can you get here? I have something to show you. “. Is it your penis, Mulder?
My husband:”don’t you hate when people are hiding in the attic? You know who he’s not going to find up there? Anne Frank. “. Me: “Dave, that’s so fucked up “.
Scully sneaking into a government facility to save Mulder. Ahhhh it’s a Wednesday isn’t it?
Rip Deep Throat.
Trust No One. Still relevant.
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Today’s lesson in Please Don’t Delete Your Fanfic:
After I watched the BSG miniseries last week I remembered “Man, I read that fic ages ago I really liked. What was the title? Who was the author? It was a multichapter. I just remember this one line. And that I liked it.”
I went on an FFN deep dive and despaired because I couldn’t find anything like the fic I wanted. Well, it HAS been 20ish years. Maybe the author moved on and scrubbed everything. Finally I searched by word count and publish date range and found the story. And blew through the whole thing again during work breaks over the weekend. And smiled as I remembered those “old days” of reading FFN on the computer when I should have been doing homework (hey, it was my senior year of high school, I was over everything).
No matter how old your fic is, it’s never forgotten. Someone, somewhere, remembers. They may not have thought about it in half a lifetime, but one day they might want to read it again. So if you find yourself thinking “I’m gonna delete this, it’s so old, nobody’s reading it” please don’t. There’s at least one person out there reading it. Your fic brings joy to at least one person. Don’t take that away.
Anyway here’s the fic in question. It’s pretty darn good, especially if you enjoy burying the Adama men under more trauma they don’t really need.
Since this fic is from the days before tags and warnings, warning for discussion of suicide.
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Top Five Brenda/Sharon Moments (in no particular order) | requested by witzseeker ↳ 5.03 Red Tape
If I could offer you some advice: while I am investigating this shooting, be careful where you place your sympathies. Chief. Excuse me? Be careful where you place your sympathies, Chief. You are a captain and a subordinate officer, and you will remember that when addressing me. Do I make myself clear, Captain? Perfectly. Chief.
#tv: the closer#the closer#brenda leigh johnson#sharon raydor#brenda.sharon#kyra sedgwick#mary mcdonnell#look what you made me queue
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Top Five Brenda/Sharon Moments (in no particular order) | requested by witzseeker ↳ 5.15 Dead Man’s Hand
#i am wheezing#tv: the closer#the closer#brenda leigh johnson#sharon raydor#brenda.sharon#kyra sedgwick#mary mcdonnell#look what you made me queue
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Top Five Brenda/Sharon Moments (in no particular order) | requested by witzseeker ↳ 7.10 Fresh Pursuit
Are you okay? I… I think so, yes. From what I just saw you nearly died.
#Sharon was not okay that Brenda almost died#tv: the closer#the closer#brenda leigh johnson#sharon raydor#brenda.sharon#kyra sedgwick#mary mcdonnell#look what you made me queue
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