dailysubwaybossemmet · 7 months
congrads on one month of Emmet! it may not seem like it but thats a big accomplishment!
yippee! here’s to 300 more days of emmet!
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artkaninchenbau · 8 months
i am in love with your brain
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dracopetal · 9 months
tom/draco for the ship ask game 🌮👀
Gives nose/forehead kisses - Draco but only when he's drunk or being deliberately annoying.
Gets jealous the most - Hm... probably both. Except when Tom's jealous it's scary but Draco is just kind of whiney. Tom gets jealous over big things and Draco gets a little jealous over everything.
Takes care of on sick days - Tom takes care of Draco, who thinks he's dying whenever he has a cold. Tom rarely gets sick.
Gives unprompted massages - Tom
Brings the other lunch at work - Cannot imagine either of these two having a proper job. Imagine the Dark Lord bringing you a sandwich. Imagine a Death Eater meeting being interrupted by the Dark Lord's twink bringing him some tea.
Has the better parental relationship - um Draco but its still not good 😂
Tries to start role-playing in bed - Tom, who's bolder than Draco. Draco, even though he loves dramatics, outwardly finds it embarrassing in bed even if he secretly likes it.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer - Draco. He's also embarrassingly affectionate.
Firmly believes in couples costumes - Both, purely for the dramatics.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - This would probably be both. Tbh they probably wouldn't even have a rule.
Makes the other eat breakfast - Draco. Tom's a busy man and often forgets.
Remembers anniversaries - Both.
Brings up having kids - Both, as they both want heirs. Tom first though.
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spookyboywhump · 3 months
When Alexei looked him in the face he expected fury and rage, but what he saw was fear, he’d caught him off guard, he’d done something that Nicholas couldn’t smirk and wave away, he’d fought back and that scared Nicholas.
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blind0raven · 1 year
Who's your favorite TWST boy from each dorm?
You didn't state that I had to put "why" but imma do so cause I can :D
Hearslabyul: Obvious answer, Deuce Spade.
My boy, the light of my life, if anything happens to this dumb bitch I will kill everyone in the school and then myself.
Savanaclaw: Jack Howl, its between him and Ruggie but Jack edges him out. I just like how he's obviously the braincell of the first years, yet he has his moments like in portfest where he went "FIGHT ME FOR LEADERSHIP!!!"
Octavinelle: eeeer..... out of the fish mafia, Floyd Leech. I see him as the "least" troublesome compared to Jade and Azul. Yes I said that.
Scarabia: Kalim Al-Asim, he's the literal sunshine boy how the fuck can I NOT like him. Yeah he's dumb, but *points back to Heartslabyul* I like dumb and he's very friendly
Pomefiore: Epel Felmier. The fucking gremlin, also I he vibes me as a texan boy. I will get along with him.
Ignihyde: Ortho Shroud. This lil android is chaotic if given the chance, and the fact sometimes his answer to stuff is blasting people with canons is just hilarious
Diasomnia: Malleus Draconia. This dude is just funny, he's a confused goof when it comes to stuff he doesn't know, a nerd about gargoyles, and honestly a lil shit when he wants to be I will remember when he messed with Grim in the Firelit in the Sky event
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breezypunk · 2 years
10 and 20 for the couples asks!!
Thank you! <3
10. What was their last big fight? What did they learn from it?
Hitting me with the angst I see. ;p
Their last big fight was when they were at the camp to help the Aldecaldos rid of some wraith that were watching them for a while, and they were sending threats, specifically about Panam & Goro, and Vaughn wasn't having any of it. He was ready to go to their hideout (cos he found it quickly), and end them all right there. Goro pleaded with him not to go alone, because he was scared Vaughn wouldn't come back, even Panam and Saul begged him to wait until they had a strategic plan. Vaughn reluctantly agreed to this.. or so they thought.
That night him and Goro shared some deep conversations about their lives and how they trusted one another to a level they never trusted anyone before, and Goro was so lucky that Vaughn made it through all the scary things he went through, Vaughn shouldn't even be alive, yet he was and Goro held onto that and cherished Vaughn's presence.
He promised Goro he wouldn't go alone..
But he did.
He snuck away from the camp in the middle of the night, even when their were clan members still up, Vaughn is very skilled in stealth, perks of being a netrunner, and he managed to get out of the camp and make it to the wraiths hideout where there were more of them than he anticipated.
To make a long story short, Vaughn was able to deal with it, but not without a lot of bloodshed, and not without being injured himself. He got a pretty nasty infection from a slice to the upper thigh, but he didn't care, threaten his best friend and boyfriend and you're dead meat. But this came with a price.. An angry best friend and an even angrier boyfriend.
The way Goro yelled at Vaughn and got in his face was more than Vaughn could handle. He never saw him this mad before, almost to the point where Goro punched him, he had to hold himself back. After everything they discussed before this, about trust, about how Vaughn promised he wouldn't go, only to sneak away from their bed hurt Goro more than anything.
He didn't even wanna look at Vaughn, even cried, and Vaughn felt horrible, cos all he wanted to do was stick up for those he cared about, and protect his family and love of his life. He didn't think Goro would get so mad. They didn't speak for two days and Vaughn was sure Goro was gonna leave him, this caused Vaughn to have constant panic attacks and just balling his eyes out to where finally the clan couldn't take it and got them together to talk to it out, cos they are kids.. It was awkward at first, but than once they started talking, Goro just let it all out, and so did Vaughn, apologies were made, and hugs and kisses were also given, and it wasn't that Goro stopped trusting Vaughn, but Vaughn had to gain some of it back (he did). Since than they never fought again, and Vaughn never left on a dangerous mission if Goro wasn't comfortable with it.
20. If they disagree, who's usually the one to compromise?
Vaughn because he hates getting into any kind of disagreement with Goro. Ever since the fight I mentioned above, Vaughn does anything he can to not make Goro upset, and it takes a lot to get him upset, even a disagreement isn't bad, but even if Vaughn see's a hint of disappointment or annoyance in Goro's eyes, he backtracks immediately and comes up with a better alternative, a compromise.
Btw Goro hates that Vaughn feels he needs to recoil whenever Goro feels frustrated, he doesn't want Vaughn to feel that way around him, cos Goro would never wanna do anything to upset him either, sometimes all it takes is space, take a walk and come back and talk it out, they do this now.
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veilkeeper · 11 months
8, 13, 14 and 15 of the character development questions for Roz?
8: Who are they suspicious of?
everyone in this goddamn party keeps secrets. and the thing is? roz isn't even suspicious, they're just curious. they have a long history of spywork, so they see all these people as a goldmine of secrets that they can't tap. if there's anyone they're suspicious of in the sense that they wonder if they're in danger, ironically it is astarion. because he is showing interest in them specifically, which is very suspicious indeed.
13: What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it?
necessary, but never evil. they don't do it for fun or when other options are readily available. when it's the only path forward, it's pretty easy for them to step back from it and appreciate the skill of what they do, instead of focusing on the details that make killing morally reprehensible to most people. being raised to be a soldier will do that to you, i suppose.
14: What hobbies does your Tav have?
their... mentor, for lack of a better word, taught them a number of artistic pursuits in an attempt to make them more palatable to polite company - they're moderately proficient as an artist and can play a lyre if you give them a little bit of time to remember how. occasionally they have been known to sew, but usually it's to attach random shiny shit to their clothes, because they're a bit of a crow in that way.
15: What NPC's do they like? Which one's do they dislike?
i assume this is referring to non-party npcs, so let's think... (keeping in mind i am not terribly far into the game so this list will only include very early game npcs) likes: zevlor. stand up guy who will straight up suggest assassinating kagha. roz appreciates a person who likes to keep their hands clean but knows when to get them dirty. dislikes: really not a fan of kagha so far. not even because they fully disagree with what she's doing, but just because she's being such a dick about it. also they think volo is an idiot, but at least a somewhat tolerable one.
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safelycapricious · 1 year
Needle-watch poll
So, I got some vaccinations the other day, and the pharmacy tech seemed unnerved that I opted to watch him insert the needle. And he is not the first to comment on it. I'm willing to accept I'm an outlier and shouldn't be counted, I'm just curious how much of an outlier.
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jingledbells · 29 days
you alreayd know
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desktopmermaid · 2 years
7 and 23 for the artist ask!!
art ask!
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
GRAFFITTI. I always keep an eye out for them when I'm out, I'm VERY interested in the dif types of styles and murals and stamps etc..Also the thought of when people tag trains, and the train traveling with it is so interesting to me. Like, ah, proof of your existence and creation gets to be seen all over..Have a lotta thoughts on that medium.
23. Do you use different layer modes
YAH. I work back and forth on my tablet and desktop so the colors dont always look the same, so I do a lot of layer mode editing to get it looking how I want instead of just, recoloring the whole thing. I also think it helps The Vibe. (hue and soft light is what I use the most)
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clownsuu · 1 year
✨weird request but...
can you draw wally giving howdy a present or can you show wally giving some kind of affection to howdy?
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Gay people jumpscare
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nartothelar · 9 months
Do Ingo and Emmet know what steampunk is? If not someone has to show them. I mean- steam! Steam engines! (Btw, love all your stuff! I just found your AUs a few days ago, and now I’m hooked- the apocalypse AU made me wanna write my own side story for it lol)
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ooo!! ooO!!!
Emmet: The Chanel boots yup!
Ingo: I like this outfit quite a bit actually! -> has 3x the storage space as his regular clothes (for sweets)
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princesable · 1 year
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pig moodboard
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spookyboywhump · 3 months
At first it had been a passing thought that sent a chill down his spine and his heart racing, the idea of being taken away from home again, of going through it all again, it was terrifying. But the longer Zander was home, the more he was expected to be a person, the more the thought started to sickly appeal to him. He would picture it clearly when he was distracted enough, a dark van with tinted windows abruptly pulling up beside him, being snatched off the sidewalk and wrestled into the back of the van, muzzled and bound and being snapped at to be a good boy all over again.
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temeyes · 6 months
You draw the prettiest Ghost I've ever seen 💕 (and thats saying a lot coming from me whose fav character is Pretty Boy Soap). That's an issue because I cannot take him seriously anymore 😂 A stone cold killer? Where?
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did you mean: stone cold flirt?
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breezypunk · 2 years
I have some questions about Vaughn and Goro:
3, 7, 11
Thanks! <3
3. What's their favorite thing to tease each other about?
Vaughn is super ticklish, and he tried hiding this from Goro cos he knew if Goro found out he'd never hear the end of it. Well one day Goro found out, but completely by accident.
He just trailed his finger up Vaughn's arm one night and he busted out in a fit of laughter, almost kid like. Goro couldn't believe it. He didn't think Vaughn would be the ticklish kind, but now he teases him about it all the time, by running his finger along any part of Vaughn's body, kiddo is just a tickly fucker EVERYWHERE. Goro loves it, and does it on purpose to get a reaction out of Vaughn, cos it's cute.
7. What's their most and least favorite thing about each other?
Vaughn's most favorite thing about Goro is how kind he is. He is the type of person that will give the shirt off his back to someone in need, he knows how it feels to be in a bad situation, and hates seeing someone else go through that. It's one of the things Vaughn admires most about him.
His least favorite thing is his pickiness towards food. Like damn, Vaughn just slaved over this damn stove making fries that (maybe are semi-burnt), but really? Be so serious right now, it's not the end of the world, just eat it.
Goro's favorite thing is how affectionate Vaughn is. The sweet whispers in his ear, the little touches, the need to hold him at all costs. Since Goro never experienced this level of love or affection before Vaughn, it was all a new feeling and he really enjoys that, they are very clingy with each other, and Vaughn isn't afraid to show that clinginess. Goro loves it a lot.
But Goro's least favorite thing? That Vaughn expects him to eat those burnt fries he just made, you're kidding right? Don't insult him, he only eats the finest of foods. This is why Goro makes dinner. Throw those fries away.
11. What good do they bring out in each other?
Patience and kindness.
Before each other they were both impatient. They both struggled with acts of kindness because they were hardly, if ever, shown any. But finding each other and learning about love and patience through being around good people and spending time with each other really made them view the world differently, but in a good way. Made them view the things they were once afraid of differently too, to where they aren't so afraid anymore. Now they are more patient with others and themselves.
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