#thank youuuu i love being tagged 😭😭😭
die-schwanenkoenigin · 3 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up!
I was tagged by @agaywithcoffee and @whodoesnataliehave, thank you both so much! ☺️💕
1. Summer Sunshine - The Corrs
2. No Doubt - Camila Cabello
3. Holiday (Acoustic Version) - Little Mix
4. KU LO SA - Oxlade
5. No (Acoustic Version) - Little Mix
I'm going to go ahead and tag @ptolftos-blog, @dummerjan, @amazingspider-boy, @lilolilyr, @dustnfeathers, @pakhiya, @sarahstreep7, @avataraloy, @toboldlynerd and @ramb-of-god! But, as usual, no pressure. xx
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lewisvinga · 4 months
this barbie is a director ! | oscar piastri x fem! reader
summary; despite knowing each other since childhood, oscar and y/n haven’t seen each other in years. luckily with the help of a fellow driver, they finally reconnect
fc; carlacrnt
warnings; cursing
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1
notes; requested ! probs unrealistic that someone so young would help direct the barbie movie but who cares !
masterlist !
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liked by logansargeant, yourbestfriend, and others !
yourusername: EEEK!!! this barbie is a director and is so excited that her first big film is out! forever grateful for everyone who supported me as a wee girl with big big dreams 🥹 look at me now, directing alongside THE greta gerwig 🩷 GO WATCH BARBIE NOW!!
tagged; barbiethemovie
username: omg omg omg
username: the fit is givingggggg
username: she’s so fucking cool
yourusername: HEHE LOVE U POOKIE🫶
logansargeant: rmbr when u were ‘g’day, mate!’-ing ur way through miami when u we’re 13 and now you helped direct the barbie movie! so proud of u
yourusername: ok i wasn’t fr saying that everywhere 😣 thank u for being one of my bffs when i moved , love u pookie
yourbestfriend: pookie logan
logansargeant: not this again…
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and others ! yourusername: a bit of relaxation after hectic traveling ! so great to meet old and new friends 🤍
tagged; logansargeant, oscarpiastri, lilymhe, alex_albon, landonorris
username: OMG HELLO??
username: lando and alex i’m😭
logansargeant: i ate all of them up
yourusername: so true logan
yourbestfriend: sure jan!
logansargeant: stfu u weren’t even there
yourbestfriend: i was in paris stfu🕊️🕊️😣
yourusername: I LOVE YOUUUU
alex_albon: girls know each other for 1 wk and are saying ily
yourusername: 😣😣
lilymhe: alexander albon. you’re such a guy !
landonorris: i wanna be part of the girlies
yourusername: u already are
username: their comments are so😭😭
username: omg that oscar picture ??
username: logan🥹🥹
username: ugh the dress 😍😍
oscarpiastri:can’t believe logan was friends w my childhood best friend 😒😒
yourusername: u have been my bff since day 1 even if we were no contact from 13-22😞😞
oscarpiastri uploaded to his story !
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[caption 1; wide selection of books here hmm…] [ caption 2; been a bookworm since ‘01 !]
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, and others !
yourusername: getting a kelly & reuniting w my one true love , what a summer it has been !
tagged; oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri: thank you logansargeant for asking me to watch barbie 😁
logansargeant: ur welcome now stop kissing in front of me….
oscarpiastri: i love you 🧡 my barbie 🧡
yourusername: i love you, my ken!🩷
username: OWMSMDÑDL
username: oscar looking a little tooooo fine
username: she’s an hermes girly now😍😍
mclaren: all good things come in orange! or should we say, papaya ? 😉
yourusername: ur so right, admin
username: the black kelly is gorgeous 😫
username: tears they’re so cute 🥹
username: they’re so barbie and ken 😣😣
username: she’s sooooo pretty
username: WOWWW
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cutielando · 2 months
when in vegas ~ lando norris
instagram au
synopsis: anything can happen when lando and y/n are left alone while in vegas.
a/n: for the sake of the story, we'll pretend Lando's crash never happened. thank youuuu
my masterlist
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon and 3,291,574 others
landonorris Vegas baby tagged: yourusername
view all 392,184 comments
yourusername i love traveling with you <3
landonorris i love you 🫶🏻
mclaren Let's go!🧡 liked by yourusername and landonorris
mclaren also, please, BEHAVE - PR team
landonorris we'll try
yourusername i'll keep him under control
landonorris you'll be too busy to think about that 😈😈😈😈
mclaren LANDO
alex_albon please be good
landonorris not making any promises
yourusername sorry alex 🫣
oscarpiastri ...my room is next to yours...
yourusername 🫣🫣🫣
landonorris i suggest earplugs 🤭
oscarpiastri ...
charles_leclerc someone should watch over you two
yourusername not you, that's for sure
charles_leclerc why not?
landonorris you're worse than we are
charles_leclerc ...true
adam_norris_pure_electric good luck, my boy!!
landonorris thanks dad ❤️
ciscanorris take care of him yourusername
yourusername i will!!! ❤️
user1 you just know they are going to be WILD
user2 I cannot wait for the content abut these two
user4 they’re spending his birthday in Vegas together i’m not well 😭😭😭
user3 my man is getting LUCKY
maxfewtrell you seem to have lost my invite. again
landonorris nah, i just didn't want you here
yourusername babe, be nice please
maxfewtrell this is him being nice.. some friend you are
landonorris ;)
user5 max and lando bickering like siblings will forever be my favorite thing in the world
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liked by mclaren, oscarpiastri and 2,974,186 others
yourusername being by your side and watching you do what you love the most has been my greatest accomplishment. i am so proud of everything that you do and i'm forever thankful that you chose me to be a part of your journey. happy 24th birthday baby, i love you so much and i cannot wait to see what the future holds for us ❤️ tagged: landonorris
view all 549,282 comments
landonorris i wouldn't even think about doing life with anybody else. i love you so much 😩❤️
yourusername ❤️❤️
landonorris can’t wait to party with you tonight 😈
yourusername BEHAVE
landonorris 😈no
mclaren Happy birthday, Lando! We are proud of everything you do and we hope to continue being your family for many more years to come. Cheers! 🧡🧡
landonorris thank you 🧡
oscarpiastri happy birthday, mate. take it easy tonight
landonorris never 😈
oscarpiastri 🥲
yourusername i’ll keep him under control, don’t worry
landonorris you’ll be too busy to do that 😈😈
georgerussell63 happy birthday, mate! 🥳 can’t wait to crush you on the track
landonorris thanks mate. you wish you had my pace
georgerussell63 your ego is through the roof
yourusername so is yours
user2 he’s all grown up 🥹🥹
user3 i remember when he was just a little guy starting out in F1 and now look at him 😭😭😭😭
user4 he’s so fine and talented and just UGH SO PERFECT 😩😩😩 happy birthday king 🥳🥳
user5 i love their relationship so much ❤️❤️ she keeps him grounded and he’s so much happier now
maxverstappen1 happy birthday 🎉 can’t wait to get drunk tonight
landonorris 😈😈😈😈
yourusername oh Jesus
kellypiquet we’re in for a very long night
charles_leclerc i heard there’s a party?
landonorris you’re not invited
charles_leclerc :(
yourusername don’t listen to him, you’re invited and we’d love it if you came 😊
landonorris we would?
yourusername shut up
charles_leclerc yay!! 🥳🥳
mclaren if someone could please keep an eye on them, we would really appreciate it - PR team
carlossainz55 consider it done
landonorris we’re not children, you know
mclaren you certainly act like children
yourusername they’re kinda right, you know…
landonorris shh
maxfewtrell happy birthday mate. looks like you made it another year
landonorris thanks. you know you can't get rid of me
maxfewtrell no matter how hard i try
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liked by f1wags, yoursister and 28,473 others
formula1gossip MARRIAGE ALERT⁉️⁉️ Reports are saying that Lando Norris and long-time girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N have tied the knot last night during his birthday bash in Las Vegas? What do you guys think? 👀
view all 7,381 comments
user1 tbh i hope it's true, they're amazing together😩
user2 i saw yoursister in the likes 👀👀👀👀
user3 yoursister GIRL WHAT DO YOU KNOW🫣
yoursister i know nothing
mclaren sigh...🥲
user6 this is basically the confirmation we needed
user7 i suddenly understand why everyone keeps saying they are the biggest PR nightmare 😭😭
user8 this is the most Lando thing ever
user5 for real, like this seems the kind of wedding Lando would have
user4 i can just imagine the earful Cisca is probably giving the both of them for doing this 😭😭😭
user2 she is so gonna tear them a new one hahahaha
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liked by georgerussell63, ciscanorris and 4,291,857 others
yourusername & landonorris we got married last night. we don't remember much, but it was the best decision we have ever made. grateful to be starting this journey together ❤️
view all 829,175 comments
mclaren Congratulations!!🧡
landonorris thanks admin 😊
yourusername also, we're sorry for the nightmare we've caused the PR department 🫢
mclaren you're cute, we'll let this one slide - PR team
georgerussell63 wild night, but happy for you guys ❤️ liked by yourusername and landonorris
maxverstappen1 i don't even remember this happening
yourusername you were drunker than everyone, you couldn't even remember your name 😂
maxverstappen1 that's not true 😠
kellypiquet you danced naked in front of the wedding venue singing "Viva Las Vegas"
alex_albon for 20 minutes straight
landonorris not the sight I wanted to remember from that night
georgerussell63 me too
alex_albon me 3
charles_leclerc me 4
carlossainz55 me 5
maxverstappen1 OK I GET IT
ciscanorris my children ❤️ you're lucky i love you
yourusername we're sorry ❤️❤️ we promise to have a proper wedding when we get back
landonorris anything for the Mrs.
yourusername 🤭OH
oscarpiastri congrats guys, thanks for taking it easy on me last night with the noise 🥳
landonorris we were too drunk
yourusername you got off easy, pastry
oscarpiastri a win is still a win
user not both of them bullying poor oscar 😭😭
alex_albon never thought you would be the first one of us to get married
yourusername we didn’t either
landonorris what can i say, i love surprising people
maxfewtrell you guys getting married was definitely not on my bucket list for the year
yourusername but you loved it nonetheless
maxfewtrell i'm just grateful you got him to settle down
landonorris she is something else
yourusername 🤭
user3 they are so precious 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
user4 CONGRATS ❤️❤️❤️
user5 our favorite WAG is officially HERE TO STAY ❤️❤️
yoursister mom is mad you got married without us
yourusername i’m sorry :((
landonorris kinda my fault, but don’t worry. we’ll have a proper wedding soon!!
yourmother you better.
yourusername MOM, be nice to your son-in-law
yourmother don’t push it, young lady
landonorris yes ma’am 🫡🫡
francisca.cgomes a truly wonderful night 🥳 CONGRATULATIONS DARLINGS!!!❤️❤️❤️
yourusername we love you !!! ❤️
lilymhe i’m sorry i couldn’t be there, but i’m really happy for you guys !! ❤️
yourusername don’t worry, you’ll come to our other wedding ❤️
user6 imagine saying OTHER WEDDING 😩😩
user7 i cannot wait to see their wedding 😭😭❤️
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 381,573 others
mclaren Mr. and Mrs. Norris everyone! Even though their wedding came as a surprise to us as well, we could never be mad at these two! 🧡 tagged: yourusername and landonorris
view all 98,481 comments
yourusername we love you guys !! 🧡🧡
landonorris thanks for the papaya post-wedding cake
mclaren was it delicious?
yourusername it was 🤩
user1 not McLaren posting them 😭😭
user2 they are just one big happy family🥹🥹
user3 MY PARENTS😩❤️❤️
charles_leclerc you're so milking this wedding
landonorris fame is fame
yourusername excuse me? 😠
charles_leclerc great job making her mad from day 2
landonorris you know i didn't mean it like that babe !!
yourusername you're treading on thin ice, mister
georgerussell63 how did y/n, the down-to-earth one, agree to this?
yourusername vodka might have been involved in my decision making process 🤐
landonorris and my good looks also played a part
georgerussell63 good to know that's all it takes
carmenmmundt don't get any ideas
maxfewtrell where is my slice of cake?
landonorris lost in the mail
maxfewtrell ...
yourusername don't worry max, i saved you a slice
landonorris i thought that was extra for me :((
maxfewtrell get your head out of your arse for once, mate
mclaren we'll get you another cake landonorris
user4 the way he has the McLaren staff wrapped around his little finger amazes me 🫣
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liked by pietrapilao, mclaren and 8,392,817 others
yourusername & landonorris due to popular demand, we present to you, again, Mr. and Mrs. Norris
view all 982,175 comments
mclaren Congratulations guys!🧡🧡 liked by yourusername and landonorris
ciscanorris beautiful wedding, we love you so much❤️❤️❤️
yourusername we love you guys too !!!! thank you for making our day special🫶🏻🫶🏻
maxfewtrell great wedding, glad to see i was invited to this one at least
landonorris don’t be condescending
yourusername sorry maxie :)) you know we love you
charles_leclerc beautiful wedding, well done y/n 👏
yourusername thank you charles <3
landonorris i helped too...
charles_leclerc sure you did
carlossainz55 very beautiful ceremony, i loved the cake particularly 🫣
landonorris you thought bringing a Ferrari-themed wedding cake to my wedding was a good idea?
yourusername i thought it was delicious
carlossainz55 i rest my case
user2 seeing him so happy makes me want to cry 😭❤️❤️❤️
zbrownceo Congratulations to my boy Lando, I hope you and Y/N have a wonderful life together!🧡
landonorris thank you zak 🧡🧡
yourusername we appreciate everything you’ve done for us Zak!!🧡
zbrownceo Thank you for taking care of our boy 🧡
user4 YOUR HONOR, you don’t understand how in love i am with them 🥹🥹🥹
maxverstappen1 thankfully i remember this wedding
yourusername thank you for making an effort max
landonorris surprising on all fronts
francisca.cgomes OMG YOU LOOKED SO GOOD 😭😭😭 so grateful to have been by your side on your special day ❤️❤️
yourusername OH MY LOVE ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for everything you did for me ❤️❤️❤️
lilymhe truly such a magical night ❤️❤️ so happy for you guys
yourusername thank you lils ❤️❤️
alex_albon i still can't believe you're married
landonorris bro, we've had 2 weddings, you better start believing
yourusername stop living in denial, alex
yoursister ❤️❤️❤️ if he hurts you, i will fight him
yourusername he won't. if he does, i'll fight him myself
landonorris ...so much violence...
user5 i can now die happy❤️
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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mclqren · 2 months
PAIRING ✦ lewis hamilton x fem!singer!reader
SUMMARY ✦ you're reaching new heights with your new album, and your boyfriend is there to be your biggest fan [ SMAU ]
WARNINGS ✦ cursing
NOTES ✦ my first lewis smau ahhh!! i've based this off of beyonce's new album, cowboy carter. reader is american. as per request, the fc i've used is beyoncé, but feel free to picture whoever you want! my requests are closed.
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liked by lewishamilton, roscoelovescoco, and 3,192,891 others
yourusername ★ 'COWBOY CARTER' out now ★
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user1 YESS TURN IT UP 🔊🔊
user3 im literally her biggest fan.
user4 y/n goes country hellooo??
user5 im kinda here for it.
lewishamilton so proud ❤️
yourusername love you!! 💗
user7 the way both of lewis' accounts liked the post he's so supportive of her 😭❤️
carmenmmundt LISTENING ON REPEAT ❤️
yourusername MY BABYYY I LOVE YOU!!
user9 their friendship is everything to me 🤞
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liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, and 2,899,222 others
yourusername feeling pretty in blue 💙
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user14 this outfit on youuuu 🔥🔥🔥
user15 she's fireeee!
user16 i needddd the outfit details fr!
user17 can lewis share pretty please
lewishamilton 😍😍
liked by yourusername
lewishamilton photography goes crazy 🔥
yourusername don't know how you got such good quality 🤣
user19 feeling extra single right now.
heidiberger_ wow 😍
yourusername love you angel 💗
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( caption: @/yourusername 😍😍 )
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( caption one: 'COWBOY CARTER' is doing so well on spotify & apple music. thank you so much for all your love 💞 | caption two: bowling champ 💪💪 @/lewishamilton 💞 | caption three: stance goes crazyyyy @/georgerussell63 🤣🤣 )
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liked by lewishamilton, lilymhe, and 3,001,212 others
tagged lewishamilton
yourusername japan with you 💗
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user23 sleeping on the highway tonight.
user25 RIGHTTT
user26 okay miss y/n serving in japannn!!
user27 every time i see her in the paddock i get so happy
user28 no same
user29 leave lewis alone???
user30 fuck off???
lewishamilton the best time ❤️
yourusername especially when i beat you at mario ❤️
lewishamilton that was a fluke.
yourusername sure it was.
lilymhe loved hanging out 🥺❤️
yourusername can't wait for shanghai 💗💗
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liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell63, and 2,922,039 others
tagged lewishamilton
yourusername happy five years, my love. here's to forever 🥂💗
view all comments
user34 my heart can't take it anymore.
user36 five years of them dating and just under ten years of them being obsessed with each other 🤣
user37 guys i needddd their dating origin story
user38check out @/user33 on twitter!! trust me it's the cutest thing ever 🥺
user39 when is it my turn.
user40 im so attached to you guys its crazyyyy
carmenmmundt my cuties 🥺💞
yourusername my carm 💗💗
georgerussell63 first pic is crazy 🤣
lewishamilton ...
georgerussell63 all love lewis!!
lewishamilton no one else i'd rather spend the rest of my life with ❤️
yourusername love you lew 💗
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liked by yourusername, georgerussell63, and 1,445,312 others
tagged yourusername
lewishamilton i know i post about y/n a lot, but she truly is a one of a kind person. you will never find someone as funny, as kind, or as talented as her. happy five year anniversary, love you more than anything. ❤️ (p.s. go listen to her new album if you haven't already. it'll blow your mind)
view all comments
user42 sir lewis is WHIPPED for his girlfriend (& as he should be!)
user43 such cutiessss
user44 she's the sweetestttt
user45 righttt??
user46 can someone pls give me a relationship like theirs
yourusername awww lew i love you so much 💗
liked by lewishamilton
yourusername these pics 🤣🤣
lewishamilton love you in all of them ❤️
yourusername my no.1 fan truly 💞
heidiberger_ my wife ❤️
yourusername love you heidi 💗
lewishamilton my girlfriend actually??
yourusername shhh baby ur interrupting our moment ❤️
663 notes · View notes
pierregazly · 10 months
you make loving fun ꨄ pierre gasly smau
pierre gasly x fem!russell!reader
in which pierre has made it obvious he worships the ground his fiancé walks on, but her brother just has to make it clear he can fight if he needs to.
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ynrussell has posted a story
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liked by pierregasly, carmenmmundt, and others
pierregasly je t'aime mon chérie 🤍
georgerussell63 you better be sleeping in different beds. and the food better be fully cooked
ynrussell we've been engaged for 9 months. ynrussell and it's a fucking croissant it's obviously fully cooked you dolt
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tagged ynrussell
liked by ynrussell, charles_leclerc, carmenmmundt, and 650,093 others
pierregasly what a great winter break with my favourite person! time to get back to work 💪😈
view all 3,209 comments
ynrussell i love youuuu
ynrussell thanks for massaging my sore ankles after :(
liked by pierregasly
username they are literally so CUTE
username i want to be ynrussell so bad... like she's so pretty and pierre brings her EVERYWHERE
georgerussell63 this doesn't seem like a safe date option
georgerussell63 my sister better be in one piece by the time you finally return her home
ynrussell i am a grown woman??? i am not being returned home??? what is WRONG with you pierregasly i think i'll keep her actually, sorry mate!
username do you guys think george is serious or is he just playing a joke
username he comments on EVERY single one of their posts... my mans gonna fuck pierre up if he ever steps out of line frfr
liked by georgerussell63
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tagged pierregasly
liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, georgerussell63, and 46,209 others
ynrussell a special happy birthday to the king of my heart 🫶🏻 one year closer to 30 handsome!!!
view 306 comments
username happy birthday pierregasly!!!!!!
charles_leclerc 🥳🥳🥳
pierregasly do you want to fight??? one year closer to 30???
georgerussell63 i've got this ynrussell, don't threaten my sister or it's game over
pierregasly je t'aime 🤍
georgerussell63 is there a video of pierre getting his face shoved into the cake? i'll pay good money for it
username george omg
username LMAOOOO pleaaaase george is ruthless does he even like his future brother in law
georgerussell63 no. happy birthday pierregasly.
username why is no one talking about how he's looking at her in that second photo???? the pure love??? im gonna cry i hate that i love them
username the 😭 king 😭 of 😭 my 😭 heart 😭
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tagged carmenmmundt, alexandrasaintmleux, pierregasly, and 12 others
liked by pierregasly, georgerussell63, alexandrasaintmleux, and 52,951 others
ynrussell spoiled absolutely rotten by all the wonderful women in my life this weekend, thank you all for making my bridal shower so special 🫶🏻 (and an extra special thank you to my best friend for the beautiful present he dropped off for me in the middle of it all)
view all 902 comments
carmenmmundt had so much fun celebrating the beautiful bride to be!!
username it makes my heart so full that carmen's planned so much of ynrussell's pre-wedding stuff, she has to be in the wedding party omg
username do we think george is one of pierre's groomsmen???
username if pierre doesn't want to die on his wedding day i'd hope so lol
georgerussell63 i hope pierregasly didn't ruin your special day by showing up. so happy to see how overjoyed you were in all the photos 💗
ynrussell pls stop harassing my fiancé. love you georgie.
username i literally cannot WAIT for their wedding, i just know pierre is going to go all out to make sure ynrussell is the happiest bride in the world (or george will get his ass)
pierregasly i stand by what i said, prettiest flowers for my prettiest flower 💐
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tagged ynrussell
liked by ynrussell, pierregasly, carmenmmundt, and 879,092 others
georgerussell63 can't believe the little girl who used to make me zip up her raincoat on the way to school is getting married tomorrow. honoured to be apart of your special day. and even though i mention it 14 times in my speech, pierregasly i know where you live and i will hurt you if you ever hurt her.
view all 2,311 comments
ynrussell 🥺🥺
ynrussell i'm going to cry. love you always georgie 🥺
username the picture of him zipping up her coat i'm going to cry... my fav brother/sister duo HONESTLY
username i just know this man would get away with murder for her if he had to
username pierre would not stand a chance against george
username bestie be so fucking for real, george's skinny ass ankles wouldn't stand a chance against my man pierre
carmenmmundt i think you've made enough threats by now?
liked by pierregasly, ynrussell, and 63 others
pierregasly may as well make it 15 times, i just dont think 14 is enough little brother
georgerussell63 do NOT call me that
pierregasly and yngasly
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liked by georgerussell63, charles_leclerc, alpinef1team, and 1,673,942 others
pierregasly i am truly the luckiest man in the world to finally be able to call myself your husband. the tears were worth seeing you in the most beautiful dress, on the most beautiful day. i will hold my vows until the day i die. je t'aime, i love you.
view all 3,564 comments
username omg he cried!!!!!!
username i KNEW IT i knew pierre would be a crier my man's looks like he would be
username do we think george made him cry
username girl dont be delulu i'd be crying too if yngasly was about to be my wife
georgerussell63 i have a video of you crying. don't act up.
pierregasly wouldn't count on it lil bro. username pierre may get beat up without it even involving yngasly as this rate
yngasly can't believe i bagged myself such a looker
yngasly i love you mr. gasly
pierregasly i love you mrs. gasly
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honestly this was one of those one's that i started, imagined myself in this position and then basically HAD to finish it. thank you to the lovely person who requested a russell!sister!reader who is engaged to pierre, who constantly get's threatened by george. i hope you all loved it!!
my requests are open
@leclercdream @myescapefromthislife @princessria127 @iloveyou3000morgan @love4lando @asfaraslifegets @decseptapril @somanyfandomsbruh @fangirl125reader @imagandom @motorsp0rt @jspitwall @sarahedwards16 @glitterf1 @christianpulisic10 @carlandonorri-s @smoothopz @eugene-emt-roe @epitios
if your name is struck through it wouldn't let me tag you! let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist/if you're missing from it :)
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landoscar-f1 · 5 months
Soft Launch? nah HARD launch - OP81 social media au
Pairing: OP81 x singer!fem!reader
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liked by oliviarodrigo, conangray and 321,194 others
yourusename: ...i might have done a little something...
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oliviarodrigo: tell him he's invited to our next sleepover!!
yourusername: i will!! :D
conangray: who's the cutie
yourusername: oh conan im blushing... :3
conangray: i meant your little boy toy
yourusername: blocked.
conangray: it's the truth wym
yourusername: you're uninvited from the sleepover.
user3: im sorry what the fuck is going on here
yourusername: me having a "boy toy" doesnt mean im no more a girls girl sweetcheeks
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 1,345,757 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: a certain someone (olivia) had almost outed us so here's my lovely girlfriend. i love you.
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oliviarodrigo: im not gonna say sorry after this post
user9: apparently y/n was in the boarding school as a transfer student around the same time as oscar
logansargeant: im in your walls.
mclaren: i dont think you understand the pr situation at hand 😭
yourusername: i dont think he understands the pr situation my pr team is facing as well 😭😭
yourusername: what happened to soft launching??????
oscarpiastri: too boring.
yourusername: I LOVE YOUUUU
oscarpiastri: I LOVE YOU TOOO
yourusername: bf
oscarpiastri: gf
landonorris: i DID not need to see my teammate this graphically
user10: what happened to hello, how are you???
user13: oh no no. we're just all collectively not thinking about any of our pookies the way he wants us to think.
user14: okay but like I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS HARD LAUNCH SEASON????
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername and 2,357,397 others
tagged: yourusername, lauranorris
thejourney_magazine: this month's cover of the journey is up and features singer, songwriter y/n y/ln who doesn't let the struggles of her past and fame stop her from unapologetically embracing who she is. inside y/n touches upon her struggle of a few years back, as a minor paving her own way through the tough entertainment industry, going to boarding school in an unknown country, finding the love of her life and rocking the world with her music.
interviewed and written by: laura norris
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user15: mother is mothering on the cover
user16: i have never listened to a y/n song so like i might have to tune in for a few
lauranorris: thank you for the opportunity y/n!! hope to see you in the paddock sometime soon!
yourusername: thank you for being such a sweetheart! i'll be there in suzuka!
user17: i guess we're not gatekeeping her to us anymore
conangray: my bestie is FAMOUS famous
oliviarodrigo: right?? watch her forget us when she becomes a world star
yourusername: ...guys you do realize you're more famous than me and WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'LL FORGET YOU WHEN I BECOME A WORLD STAR???? YOU GUYS ALREADY ARE WORLD STARS
oscarpiastri: loml is on the cover 🥰
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 1,123,658 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: so like yeah
comments are limited for the post
784 notes · View notes
leclercsluvs · 2 months
CL16 | Already Over | smau
part 1 | masterlist
an: this is my first time writing something like this, so please be nice :,) also this will include sort of cheating (not really sure what to classify it as), and for that i am going to be using pics of charles and alex, however do i see any alex hate you are blocked or something, thank you very much) fc: sabrina carpenter pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader inspired by: vicious by @azulpitlane and the album 'emails i can't send' by sabrina carpenter
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 2.047.489 others yourusername me and my baby <3 tagged: charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc can we stay like this forever?
yourusername always <3
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 2.790.487 others yourusername looks good in photographs tagged: charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc you're the one looking good in photographs. why do you think i have the camera out?
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbff and 2.047.489 others yourusername done with touring for now, gonna focus on writing some more music for all of you. see u soon <3
charles_leclerc beautiful
yourusername <3
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly and 948.302 others charles_leclerc you're my only one <3 tagged: yourusername
yourusername love uuu <33
yourbff woah isnt that a little early-? yourusername love works in mysterious ways
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourfriend and 1.409.867 others yourusername never been so glad to be this tired. (thank you lando for the teddy bear, it was really comfortable) tagged: landonorris
charles_leclerc glad to be of help ;)
alex_albon wow i did not need this information
landonorris i want it back >:(
yourusername sorry not happening, too comfy landonorris please i said you could borrow it 😭 charles_leclerc sorry mate, it's hers now
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liked by charles_leclerc, danielricciardo and 1.409.867 others yourusername i might be mad for him (dont tell him, it'll go to his head) tagged: charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc wonder who
yourusername shush
yourbff girllll whattt??? since whennn?
yourfriend i think she may be a little crazy yourusername i told youuuu 😭
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liked by f1updates, sharllover and 375 others f1wagsupdates charles was spotted with a woman today at the beach. we have also seen him being flirty with y/n l/n on instagram, and this most certainly is not y/n. what's going on? tagged: charles_leclerc
sharllover you think y/n cheated?
f1editor i wouldn't even doubt it 🙄 luvy/n now why would you start a rumor like that? scfty/n *man hangs out with another woman* *first woman didn't do shit* people: SHE MUST HAVE DONE SOMETHING WRONG!! y/n.aep now why is it charles is spotted with a different woman and y/n is being accused of cheating? 😭
cl_lover damn and i thought he was such a nice man 😭
f1updates i guess it is all men 💔
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liked by yourusername, olliebearman and 1.199.750 others charles_leclerc i'm too late to be your first love, but i'll always be your favorite tagged: yourusername
yourusername favorite forever <33
yourfriend girl that's wild y/n.aep girl did you not see the photos? 😭 y/nsfav we need her to see fr
leclerslove ew
cl_wife i dont know but i feel like she's with him for the fame
lovy/n she literally has a successful career on her own, what are you on about? 😭
lechair she gives pick me vibes idk
leclerclvr idk him and charlotte were better IDC WHAT YALL SAY
clarkeysbog posting this right after the photos of him and the other girl leaked??? kinda sus ngl
norris.vfx no literally what is he thinking??? 😭
sooooo i'm thinking this will be like a three part little series. what do we think about that?? do we like it? hate it? neutral? if you have any tips pls lmk! i'm kinda new to tumblr lol
part 2
315 notes · View notes
leclercsainzz · 1 year
hey hun!
could you write a smau with actress!reader x charles where charles is literally whipped for his gf and maybe reader is in the new barbie movie and he can’t stop talking about how proud he is and stuff like that and the fans and other drivers make fun of how whipped he is
thx xx 🩷
PAIRINGS: charles leclerc x actress!reader
TYPE: social media au
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 518,028 others
yourusername: pretty in pink! 🩷
view 7,929 comments
charles_leclerc: you look mesmerizing
charles_leclerc: baby, you are looking gorgeous 😍
charles_leclerc: forever proud of you!
↳ yourusername: i love youuuu <33
user: the way he hype’s her up, i cannot 😭
↳ user: i need me a man like that ASAP
francisca.cgomes: stunning!!
isahernaez: obsessed with you and your beauty 😩
↳ charles_leclerc: same!
carlossainz55: i cannot stop looking at these - charles
↳ carlossainz55: yn, come get your man! he keeps refreshing this post every 5 seconds just to comment
↳ sebastianvettel: what is it that teens say nowadays? ah, yes .. he’s WHIPPED!
user: you’re so pretty, I CAN’T 😭
user: how does charles get this beauty all to himself?!??
user: call me charles cause i’m also a simp for you 😌
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liked by charles_leclerc, dualipa and 540,619 others
yourusername: this barbie is a certified genius #thebarbiemovie
view 8,510 comments
charles_leclerc: so proud of you, my love!! ❤️
user: screaming, crying, throwing up .. can’t wait!!
charles_leclerc: the prettiest barbie ever!
↳ yourusername: my biggest fan 😘
dualipa: you’re a real beauty!
user: she truly is barbie and then there’s charles
↳ user: she’s everything, he’s just ken
user: charles is one lucky ass man, i swear 😭
↳ charles_leclerc: that i am:)
↳ user: i hope you know how to fight
lewishamilton: charles sent this to the group chat and DEMANDED we all watch this
↳ user: ooh, to be in this gc
user: i cannot wait to watch this!!
charles_leclerc and yourusername
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liked by yourusername, arthur_leclerc and 683,893 others
charles_leclerc: first of all i want to start of by saying happy 3 year anniversary, chéri!! with all that you’ve accomplished over the years, i can’t help but be immensely proud of you and your hard work .. i’m glad to have you around and blessing my life in ways you’d never imagine … thank you for being my biggest supporter and lightning up my mood every chance you get! i love you will all my heart, baby!! ❤️
tagged: @yourusername
view 8,841 comments
yourusername: omg, you’re making me cry:(
yourusername: thank you, bby! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ❤️
user: i’m noT crying, you are
carlossainz55: please tell me yn bought that t-shirt for you
↳ charles_leclerc: if it helps you sleep at night then yes
maxverstappen1: that t-shirt, mate 💀 someone’s WHIPPED
lewishamilton: confirmed: charles is yn’s biggest fan
↳ pierregasly: 😭😭 not even yn’s fans are this obsessed
↳ carlossainz55: the BIGGEST simp out there
user: the waY the other drivers are coming for him 😂
user: cRYING OMG 😭
user: the way they’re each other’s biggest supporter 😩
danielricciardo: i was about to comment “cute” until i saw the last picture you posted ….
↳ user: danny, please 💀 let the man live
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liked by charles_leclerc, estebanocon and 548,792 others 
yourusername: european premiere in london for barbie & race week officially completed ✔️❤️
view 6,847 comments
user: the way she went to support him even though she had to attend the premiere later on 😭
↳ user: don’t forget he attended the premiere with her too
↳ user: smh, and i can’t even get a respond
charles_leclerc: forever proud of you!! ❤️
↳ yourusername: back at you;) 😘
user: meanwhile my bf can’t do the bare minimum
user: they’re the reason i believe in love, i swear 😩🤍
danielricciardo: did you tell margot robbie i love her?
↳ yourusername: of course!! (charles sent you a vid)
user: every couple wishes they were them
carlossainz55: meanwhile charles leclerc starstruck by his own girlfriend at the premiere
↳ maxverstappen1: he’s acting as if he doesn’t live with her and sees her 24/7 💀
↳ yourusername: 😭 i can’t with ya’ll
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yourusername and charles_leclerc
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton and 586,931 others
yourusername: get you someone who looks at you and appreciates you the way he does!! 😚
tagged: @charles_leclerc
view 7,629 comments
charles_leclerc: i’m addicted to you
↳ yourusername: me @ you 😩
charles_leclerc: i can never take my eyes off you, you’re too gorgeous, baby!!
charles_leclerc: you make me blush 🤭
↳ lewishamilton: confirmed: charles is the #1 simp
user: theY’RE MY PARENTS, yA’lL
user: the way he looks at her with such love 😭 i CANNOT
pierregasly: obsessive fan behavior, if you ask me
carlossainz55: i guess this is cute
↳ yourusername: guess???!??
↳ carlossainz55: it’s cute
user: this mf is sooo whipped!!!
↳ user: he’s just like me 💁🏻‍♀️
user: he better know how to fight cause i’m gonna steal his girl
↳ charles_leclerc: for the girl i love, absolutely
user: they say love is dead, but these two proved me wrong
2K notes · View notes
hollytoshaw · 3 months
Hiiii. Would u be able to do a best friend harry y/n insta au and maybe end up w a hard launch? Like the internet is speculating if they're together or not and after years they finally get together
couple of besties | harry lewis
summary: y/n and harry just being a 'couple' of besties
face claim: dua lipa <333
a/n: thank u lovely anon!!! sort of similar to the anon idea but took a lil spin on it hope u enjoy xxx
disclaimer: i know that ralph is viks dog but for the purpose of this au pretend its harrys xxx
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wroetoshaw posted a photo!
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liked by theburntchip & 1,098,375 others! wroetoshaw
view all 10k comments
tobjizzle you're so clear 🥵
fan1 great caption
calfreezy bro is HIM
theburntchip 🥵
y/nusername nice face mate ↳wroetoshaw thanks pal ↳harryfan1 adding the mate so she doesn't look like a simp ↳ w2sfan not y/n dropping loose game in the comments
sidemenfan i just know y/n told him to post this
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y/nusername posted a photo!
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liked by ksi & 890,039 others! y/nusername sidemen party <333
view all 9k comments
freyanightingale hotttie
taliamar love love love
bambinobecky beauty
glambyflo so pretty!!!!
r0sielewis gorgeous!!!! ↳y/nusername love youuuu
wroetoshaw nice ↳y/nusername thanks? ↳harryfan1 pretending they don't fancy eachother ↳w2slover harry only saying 'nice' but probably making the pic his lockscreen rn
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y/nusername posted a photo!
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liked by ksi & 890,039 others! y/nusername me and mine <3 tagged wroetoshaw
view all 9k comments
freyanightingale love u two
taliamar cuties
bambinobecky finally!!!!!!
faithlouiseak my faves
r0sielewis love u both so much!!!
wroetoshaw ❤️
ksi legends!!!!!!!
chrismd10 noooo bros of the market😭😭😭
tobjizzle my guys 💙💙💙
harryxlewisfan crying and throwing up rn
w2slover this is the best day of my life
ynharryfan MUM AND DAD
harryfan1 i can die happy rn
w2slover all our manifesting has paid off
ynharryfan this is my roman empire
a/n: aaaah!!!!! hope u enjoyed! feel like this is slightly similar to my other works lol so might give it a rest on the social media aus for now :))) hope u enjoyed and feel free to keep sending in requests! also thanks for all the love on all my work xxx
351 notes · View notes
beebopurr · 7 months
hey hi I just followed because your leopril stuff is adorable, and I saw your post, and I'm sorry people can be so mean about this sort of thing just because you're drawing stuff that you're enjoying in your own little corner. I think sharing your art with the world is just wonderful, and I love seeing your Leos, I like him so much :) I hope that someday you won't have to be afraid of people trying to force you out of drawing certain kinds of things. please continue to share your art for as long as you're comfortable with doing so.
Thank youuuu it's just rough having people try to gaslight you over what happened in a fucking cartoon 😭 but yeah since I'm like 1 of 4 people making this content I'll keep it up for the ppl that wanna see it 💪💪 it'll all be tagged so the ppl who don't want to see it don't have to + I don't want every drawing of them to be seen as ship bc sometimes I'm just drawing them being bros lol
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267 notes · View notes
luvhughes43 · 1 year
summer in love | trevor zegras x hughes!reader
luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: Hughes!Reader x Trevor insta edit with any fluffy plot your heart desires
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liked by trevorzegras, yourbestie, _alexturcotte, and others
yn.hughes summer💐💗
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trevorzegras my fav girl!❤️
yn.hughes love youuuu <33
yourbestie cutieeee in the middle
_alexturcotte lake house lake house lake house lake house lake house
yn.hughes we'll be there soon i promise😭😭
user01 i need more pics of trev
user77 speak for yourself i want more pics of yn
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liked by yn.hughes, jackhughes, jamie.drysdale, and others
trevorzegras youre a cowboy like me🤠🐎
tagged: yn.hughes
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jackhughes yea haw🤠
fan66 sadly he doesn't know its a ts lyric😓🙏
fan21 i can change him.
yn.hughes not even song lyrics can describe how much i love you
trevorzegras i love you more than any song❤️
lhughes_06 yn.hughes why are you everywhere BUT the lake house
yn.hughes because of the musiccc
jamie.drysdale lovebirds 🦅
liked by yn.hughes, and trevorzegras
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liked by trevorzegras, jamie.drysdale, jackhughes, and others
yn.hughes the love of my life, and my brothers are there too
tagged: trevorzegras, jackhughes, and others
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trevorzegras my favourite caddy❤️
yn.hughes replace that c with a d and thats what i think of you❤️
jackhughes yn.hughes please dont ever say that again thanks!👍
lhughes_06 thats actually gross
yn.hughes is that hockey slang for good?
lhughes_06 no im actually repulsed and gagging
yn.hughes lame! liked by trevorzegras
colecaufield about time you guys got back
_quinnhughes you guys are kind of cute i guess
liked by yn.hughes
user45 the first pic... oh wow
user32 need to be cuddling on a hill with trevor BAD
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liked by yn.hughes, jackhughes, _alexturcotte, and others
trevorzegras off szn? more like wedding szn💍😎🥂
tagged: yn.hughes, jackhughes, and others
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_quinnhughes Fun weekend👍
liked by trevorzegras
yourbff going to wife yn.hughes up if u dont !
_quinnhughes he better not be proposing anytime soon!
yn.hughes yourbff love youuuu🫶🫶
fan88 almost fell to my knees in a walmart😭 i thought they eloped or something omg
fan33 the 3 diff emojis... like the last two match with the 2nd and 3rd photo but the ring for yn?? is trevor proposing soon?!🤯
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liked trevorzegras, colecaufield, jamie.drysdale, and others
yn.hughes have i ever told u guys how much i love summer?
tagged: trevorzegras
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trevorzegras 👁❤️🫵
yn.hughes 👁❤️🫵2️⃣
jackhughes summer being trevor? yeah you have!
yn.hughes good! just wanted to make sure everyone was clear<3
lhughes_06 ok
yn.hughes admit were cute !
lhughes_06 i mean....
yn.hughes say it or i tell everyone about the [load more]
lhughes_06 you guys are soooo cute😢 makes me shed a tear every time i see you two together
liked by yn.hughes
user23 yn in the 2nd pic is my reaction to the first
user72 the last pic is so cute wtf??😭
581 notes · View notes
formulaa-1 · 1 year
Instagram au 🏎 part 2
y/nwolff x Lewis hamilton
fans suspected you were with Lewis after recent posts ,,are there suspicions true or false ?
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y/nwolff: its…race weekend babyyy🏁ft. My favourite wag🫶🏻
tagged: carmenmmundt
Liked by susie_wolff, lewishamilton and 622,100 others
view all 137,803 comments
susie_wolff: let’s goooo!
Liked by y/nwolff
carmenmmundt: 🏁❤️
lewishamilton: 💪🏾💪🏾
Lh44luvra: I can’t even tell if Lewis and her are together or not anymore…
totowolffsbiggestfan44: I think they are! apparently a fan who’s at the race saw them hugging but idk how true it is :))
user63: I HOPE ITS TRUE!!!!!!
sirlewishamilton44: her and carmen are so cute❤️❤️
fan379: imagine being a team principals daughter 😫 a girl can only dream
username_fan368: LEWIS COMMENTED
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lewishamilton:🇧🇷 you were great! huge congrats to my teammate @ georgerussell on his win 🙌🏾🙌🏾
Liked by georgerussell and 967,003 others
view all 178,362 comments
lewisisthegoat44: congrats George <3
georgerussell: thanks mate👊🏼
LH44luverr: WHOS THE GIRL??? IS IT Y/N?
Mercedesamgfan6344: praying that it is🙏🏼
username_123: Stop teasing 😭 tell us who the god damn girl is Lewis 😫😫
fanofnumber44: THATS DEFFO TOTOS DAUGHTER!!!!!
user21: I wonder what toto thinks of this ajajsjdkdek
fanofnumber44: omg 🤣🤣🤣
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y/nwolff : idk why he’s smiling when I won🤷🏻‍♀️
tagged: lewishamilton
Liked by lewishamilton,susie_wolff and 589,389 others
comments on this post have been disabled
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lewishamilton: suprise 😉
Liked by y/nwolff,susie_wolff and 1,234,097 others
Comments on this post are limited.
y/nwolff: I love youuuu🫶🏻
lewishamilton: I love you❤️
susie_wolff: you two 🥰🤍
Liked by y/nwolff and lewishamilton
nicolashamilton: the perfect couple ❤️
Liked by y/nwolff
mercedesamgf1: not so new couple on the grid 🤍
y/nwolff’s story
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(AUTHORS NOTE- I hope you like this it took an hour and a half to make and by the end I was dying…. Thankyou all so much for the likes,comments, reblogs and my followers <33)
739 notes · View notes
teyums · 1 year
idk if you were planning on doing a pt2 to your ao'nung head canon but PLEAASEEE consider it your writing is so good I need more 😭
could it also be spicy 😋 thank youuuu
Your wish is my command 🧞‍♀️ I am not seeing the pearly gates after this.
wc: 1.1k
🔞Ao’nung and reader are aged up in this fic🔞
Okay guys here’s part 2! I originally wasn’t going to make a part 2 but I got a lot of requests so here it is 💞 the control aspect did change here (only bc it gets 🌶️ and it was easier for me to write it like this w out getting toooo descriptive + repetitive loll) but honestly with the way Ao’nung worships you as his mate + how obsessed he is with touching you, he’s definitely making you his pillow princess. 🤭
“Everyone knows. Everyone knows. He f*cks you.” (Part Two)
Ao’nung x fem na’vi reader
part one
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You and Ao’nung didn’t make it back to your shared Mauri in time, what a surprise. You briefly managed to avoid his attempts at grabbing hold of your body, squealing excitedly like you were playing a game of tag while he chased after you. But alas, your success was short lived. His hand caught your forearm and tugged it towards him, whipping you back to face him and causing your body to stumble into his expectant grasp. “Ao’nung…” you gave him a warning look and ran your hands along his biceps, biting your lip to stop him from hearing the next sound that was about to leave your mouth after his hands fell below your waist with their own agenda.
He roughly spun you around and you covered your mouth to silence your gasp. He wrapped his arms firmly around your waist to hold you in place, pushing his bulge against your backside with a quiet hum in your ear. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, taking a deep inhale to bask in the scent of your strong pheromones and exhaling shakily as the sweet aroma radiating off your body filled his nostrils. Ever since the two of you bonded your queues, something as simple as your scent could drive him absolutely mad. Your hand came up behind you to hold the back of his head closer to your neck and you cocked yours to the side to grant him more access- your stomach clenching when his fingers threatened to dip past the waistline of your loincloth.
“Not here,” You spat out between disoriented breaths, breaking away from him much to his dissapointment and taking hold of his hand again.
The two of you desperately stumbled behind a partially secluded tree with tall vegetation around it, not having any time to contemplate if It was private enough as his hands found your waist and yanked your body flush against his once more. He needed you close to him but having you pressed against his body just wasn’t enough. He needed you closer.
Ao’nung’s kisses were just as unforgiving as the relentless teasing you endured upon arriving to his clan’s island. He chased your lips like a reflex every time you broke for air and with complete disregard of your labored breathing, leaving you with less than a second to attempt to catch your breath. He kissed you like he hadn’t had a meal in days, the taste of your tongue being his first choice to break his fast.
You felt your lips part from his, a small string of saliva connecting you both and making it obvious what the two of you had been doing just moments earlier. He lowered himself slightly and you used this moment to your advantage, gasping for air. He hooked his large hands behind your knees and hoisted you up as if you weighed nothing at all, taking it upon himself to wrap your legs around his waist. Everything was moving so fast you didn’t even have time to process which part of you was actively being touched. He nudged your head to the side, indulging in his assault on your neck and using his fangs to nip it at lightly.
“Ao’nung, slow down…” Your eyes fluttered to a close and you spoke breathlessly, your mind falling blank while your back rested against the tree he had you pressed against. You felt completely delirious.
“I’m sorry, my love” he cooed gently, placing yet another kiss to your lips- this one slow and sweet. “You made me wait too long.” He grunted, switching to show the other side of your neck the same amount of love.
You melted against his body and snaked an arm around his neck, sliding your hand down his back and feeling his muscles flex as he held you. You huffed in annoyance, your free hand impatiently searching for the strand of seaweed that tied his hair up and snapping it without a second thought. You raked your hands through his hair as it cascaded down his shoulders and yanked at it- making his head fall back and a groan slip past his lips. You acted quickly, placing gentle kisses and love bites on his skin. He let you have your fun, briefly. He held you with one arm now- reaching up to grab hold of your chin he lifted it back up and turned your head to the side. Intimate time with you was probably the only time Ao’nung didn’t care about his own benefit, his sole intent was to pleasure you and that was more than enough for him. Your panting increased when you felt his warm tongue shamelessly drag up your neck and end with a kiss on your jawbone, his hot breath aiding in raising your body temperature.
“I thought your breathing would have improved by now.” He smirked, referring to the many lessons you had participated in with Tsireya during your time here. But how could you breathe when he was pleasing every part of your body in all the right ways? You thanked the great mother for tsaheylu; as soon as the two of you bonded he knew every spot that left you weak in the knees and exactly how to touch it.
“This is-“ a loud moan interrupted your sentence when his head dipped down to show appreciation to your breasts, your hand cradling the back of his head and tightly gripping his hair. “-not the same.” You finally continued, using your hands to bring his face back up so you could see him.
He pressed his forehead against yours, the both of you breathing heavily while he gazed into your eyes with pure hunger and lust. You still could not believe how fast things had changed between the two of you, how quickly he had become obsessed with you. He was the last person you thought you would be in such a compromising position with. The both of you despised the other less than a year ago, and somehow that made your burning desire for one another even stronger.
You brushed the stray strands of hair from his face, not wanting to miss a single inch of his beauty. You seductively slid a small three fingered hand down the middle of his chest, feeling his heart thumping rapidly against your palm. His eyes trailed your every movement, looking back up at yours with a sly grin when you gasped at the feeling of his manhood brushing against your aching center. “Someone will see us, Ao’nung. We must stop.”
It seemed as if your warning did the exact opposite of its intention, his tongue excitedly flicking out to lick at his bottom lip, and then yours in return. You whimpered at his lewd behavior, instantly forgetting the words you had just spoken as you leaned forward.
He groaned loudly with zero regard for potential nearby ears once he felt your teeth teasingly tug at his bottom lip, his hands accepting your actions as the green light to continue. Caressing your thighs and smoothing over your curves, a sinister smirk produced on his lips as he hooked a singular finger under the delicate string of your loincloth. “Even better.”
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a/n: I’m def not the best smut writer but hey I tried LOLL
It’s short sorryyy but I hope those who requested enjoyed 💗
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elgaravel · 2 months
6 albums i've been listening to (+1 standout track)
tagged by @opaleyedprince thank youuuu <3 ik the game says 6 but i cheated and did 7 😁
grace - jeff buckley; lover, you should've come over: someone needs to take this song away from me i'm not kidding. it's been on repeat since january 😭
how to be a human being - glass animals; agnes: so my favorite off this album is take a slice but i've found myself coming back to this one more often lately. just resonates with me more, i suppose!
i let it in and it took everything - loathe; title track: my favorite off this album (and my favorite song in general) is is it really you? but again, i've found myself coming back to the title track a lot lately. i like how soft it starts out and then suddenly gets heavier. idk!! just really nice to listen to methinks. i love this whole album sm.
mechanical bull - kings of leon; coming back again: summer album of all time 2 me. i only just listened to it all the way through a few months ago but i fell in love with it pretty quickly. it has such a fun and light feeling to it but also has kol kinda coming back to their roots. this song in particular has been a brainworm.
souvlaki - slowdive; dagger: i discovered slowdive pretty recently and i've been listening to them pretty much nonstop 😔 i love the vibe of this song and it reminds me of ocs
skin to skin - amira elfeky; tonight (demo): this album came out not too long ago but i've been listening to the song for a while. i like it a lot! i found it in my discover weekly bc i need smth new and it's similar to a lot of stuff i listen to but it was still refreshing at the same time.
jar of flies - alice in chains; rotten apple: a classic. i grew up listening to this and my dad got me the boxset recently 🥹 so i've been listening to it a lot. no excuses is my favorite off the record BUT i've been coming back to rotten apple a lot lately. i love the guitars and the general atmosphere of it.
honorable mentions:
fade into you - so tonight that i might see
sugar for the pill - slowdive
mascara - around the fur
tagging some people off the dome bc i can't find my taglist: @numbaoneflaya @time-is-a-lake @aztarion @celticwoman @mrs-theirin
@gothimp @lucien-lachance @theonlyadawong @dmc4 @hibernationsuit
@vvanessaives @quickhacked @ebongrove and anyone else who wants to join >:)
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cupcakeinat0r · 6 days
🌵 here!!!
It’s been a while since I’ve submitted anything (it’s 25 June rn) but I wanted to say hiiiii!! My weeks been pretty great so far tbh I had a party thing on Monday evening which was SO fun. I’ve just finished rereading the prof!miguel series again (in the UK there’s currently a heatwave so I can’t sleep) and each time it just gets better and better. You inspire me sm!!!!! Maybe I’ll start writing a fanfiction one day :))
I’m an artist, so I’ve drawn Miguel plenty of times, and there’s loads of drawings that I would LOVE to show you but I don’t want to break my anonymity hahahshsfn 😭 maybe one day I’ll just be like “who cares!!” And send it through your asks. Not any day soon though, being the anonymous cactus girlie is quite fun. I’m really enjoying it actually.
How’s your week been?? Been up to anything fun?? I hope it’s been great, and if it hasn’t then I really hope it gets better!! Good luck with part 8 of the series, don’t rush it :) it doesn’t even matter if you haven’t written any of it yet haha some of the greatest works take a while to complete. I’m definitely your biggest fan and I eat up whatever you post like a hungry dog tbh (positively). Keep being amazing!!!!
- 🌵
Omg hai 🌵‼️
Aw that sounds nice, I hope the party went well luv <3
The fact that there’s ppl who reread my works is astonishing to me. Doin’ heel clicks as I type this. Tysm. AND PLEASE IF YOU START WRITING (and become comfortable enough to leave anonymity) PLEASE TAG ME I WANNA SUPPORT YOUUUU<3333 I’m honored that my fic has inspired you! Thank you so much for reading it <3 I honestly just can’t stop thanking you, you are just the sweetest <3
And omg, nationality reveal! My fic is worldwide ⁉️⁉️ I’ve always wondered where all my readers are from……🤔
Omg you draw ⁉️Artists always amaze me like I’m just flabbergasted every time I saw fanart on here. I would love to see your work, whenever you are comfortable enough <3 Can’t wait!!! You stay anonymous for however long you want, girl <3
It’s been fine, thnx for asking! Just preparing for my trip to Italy, I’m sooo exciteddd! I’ll def have time to write during my flights n my free tome before bed! Hopefully the romantic atmosphere of the Tuscan night sky will inspire some rlly nice scenes for Prof!Miguel <3
Ty my luv🫶🌵 To be completely transparent, I haven’t even started it, I’ve just been brainstorming a plot line in my head for the past few weeks, but I think I’m finally coming to the bare bones of it, so hopefully I’ll start writing it on this 6hr plane ride!
Ty 🌵, you are truly the sweetest, mwah!!!
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remusawoooo · 1 month
tagged by @dakogutin thank youuuu✨️💝
Coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology I ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather
pls dump your preferences on me, I love being nosey 😭🫶🏼
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