#thank you so much for sending these in and letting me ramble
doctorbrown · 5 months
what color do you associate with your muse?
is there a song that reminds you of your muse?
how do you get yourself out of a writing funk?
do you have any advice for other writers?
would you hug your muse?
how are you and your muse alike?
how are you and your muse different?
do you follow canon, or dump it in the trash?
best scene featuring your muse? (chapter, film, episode)
1-4 answered here!!
5. Would you hug your muse?
In a goddamn heartbeat actually. Doc is absolutely the kind of supportive, awesome adult figure I wish I could've had growing up and he's one hell of a friend on top of it all.
6. How are you and your muse alike?
We're both very animated. When I'm with my friends and especially when I'm getting into something, you'll find me moving/hopping around, gesturing wildly with my hands, just absolutely full of energy. I'm not nearly as into science as Doc is, but I do enjoy and appreciate it a lot and there's a part of me that wishes I went into some kind of engineering.
We're also both good at fixing cars, albeit to varying degrees.
We're both the ones typically considered weird amongst others.
7. How are you and your muse different?
Oh in so many ways. The obvious being I do not have a doctorate but I do have a law degree haha.
For one, Doc's far more comfortable in his skin than I ever will be and I kind of envy Doc his confidence in that regard; I've never had that and who knows if I will.
You'll be hard-pressed to ever get Doc on a motorcycle and I'm over here dreaming about the second one I want to buy myself.
Doc's also far more optimistic about things than I am. I've got more of a realistic approach to things and also lean far more heavily into morbid jokes and joke about how if I live to forty, I'll already have exceeded my personal life expectancy. Some of these jokes are rooted in reality, because again, I ride a motorcycle, I like to do a lot of things considered dangerous, and you just never know what's going to happen on any given day. I've well outgrown my youthful phase of I'm invincible! and sometimes you just gotta make jokes about things to get through the days.
Doc would also probably faint if he heard how much I curse on the regular tbh.
8. Do you follow canon or dump it in the trash?
I follow film canon for the most part! I've got my gripes about pt2, of course, but 1 & 3 are solid films and I adore them with my whole heart and 1985A is one of my favourite underexplored timelines; I want to do way more with that, short-lived as their time there was. Then again, I suppose they were there for probably ~12 hours, despite Marty being unconscious for 9 of them but hey.
Everything else outside of the films, really, I pick and choose from at will to use as inspiration. Nothing in the comics or game for example I consider having happened in Doc's canon proper, maybe save for the comics with Doc & the family with the Time Train during that time before they get back to Doc's present to settle down. I do love some of those adventures the family get up to and they've definitely had some of their fun.
The games/comics otherwise, though, I consider more of a, this could be an alternate reality so I'm not going to completely discard it, but the events won't be referenced here, certainly not in the same way.
9. Best scene featuring your muse? (chapter, film, episode)
Another really amazing Doc scene is from pt2 again and it's the the scene where Doc inadvertently does exactly what he'd been cautioning Marty against since they arrived back in 1955 to track down Biff—he meets his younger counterpart in Courthouse Square rigging up the cable for the lightning strike.
That scene to me is just incredible, not because you can see the small differences behaviour-wise between his younger and elder(current) self or even because it's so interesting hearing the way Doc talks to himself, but because of the way you can see all of Doc's reactions so clearly written on his present-self's face. The wonder and amazement at seeing this from a different perspective, free of any time constraints and worries. Doc knows how this is going to all play out, of course, so seeing his work now is fascinating.
I'm sure he's thinking of all the other better ways he could've done it/things he should have done that evening to save him a heart attack or two. Hindsight's 20/20.
I also love that this cements what a fantastic memory Doc has. This moment, for him, happened thirty years ago. For Marty, it was, what, two days ago? But Doc remembers. Vividly. To the point where his younger counterpart asks for the 5/8 wrench and Doc immediately makes that face and goes 5/8? Don't you mean 3/4?
And it's the fact that you see Doc's expressions change from awed to surprised to uncertain, to a little more confident, and there's even this, to me, moment of realisation. Now maybe isn't the time to think about it—he'll have plenty of time in 1885—but he met his temporal counterpart and the fabric of reality didn't unfold just because of their meeting.
Doc's the first one of them to meet his other self, iirc, and idk I just really really love that scene.
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thunder-point · 7 days
hope you enjoy the new update 🫶🏻
Julie. Julie… I can’t even begin to tell you the reaction I had throughout that update. Hand covering my mouth the entire time. Unbelievable. The cheek on Phuwin is unbelievable. Pond’s pliant nature when it comes to Phuwin actually makes me rabid.
The part with the mouth???? The finger????? HELLO????? ALL I COULD CHANT WAS “suck his finger suck his finger suck his di—“
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Me reading that update
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moonchild-in-blue · 4 months
#according to facebook memories (why do i even have that still??) 12 years ago today i saw Linkin Park for the first time 🥺#in a few days it'll be 10 years since the last time i saw them#and. hm. there's a lot that surfaced this days since clancy dropped and i'm a bit more emotional / sensitive than usual#and this is. well. making me extremely sad.#12 years ago. i remember as if it was yesterday. i cling to that day so much and i'm scared of forgetting about it#i wonder how 14 yo me would've reacted if she knew.#they were my first gig ever! i remember the 2nd song was given up and the people around us started moshing pretty hard.#so much that my shoe came off and my dad had to shield me while i crawled and looked for it hahaha#it was so fun! i didn't really know that was a thing#that day was the first time they played Lies Greed Misery - it had been released just the day before#my videos are SO blurry but i still have them all saved 🥹#idk i've been in some typa mood these past days. not necessarily bad at all but.#me and a couple friends had a very important conversation 2 nights ago which was GOOD but. the bad thing about letting everything bottle up#is that once you spill it's hard to deal with. and yeah this is. idk. i'm just venting here like. ignore me.#it's just really hard for me. i miss him terribly and i'm really scared for myself because i *know* i'm back in the loop#and it feels so hopeless sometimes. maybe this is super silly but i'm so thankful that Clancy came out now because OH BOY i need it#maybe it's not the best strategy to put so much faith? importance? in like. music and other people but#man. i genuinely don't know if i'd be here if not for certain songs/artists etc#idk I'm rambling lol. i might delete this later#probably. maybe. i try not to talk too much about this here because i tend to deal alone but. sometimes it's nice to send things to the void#anyways. support your favs. talk to your friends - even if you much rather not. don't be like me and let things rot inside.#🤍#darya talks to herself
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monards · 1 month
i fear that i don’t acknowledge enough the fact that i KNOW rhinedottir's evil !!! and she's horrible !!! and that she's wholly ireedamable !!! i know and love and respect that fact !!! i'd shoot myself in the frontal lobe if hoyo made her out to NOT be wholly evil !!!! but the reason i always go on and on and on about her humanity and complexity is because. SHE IS ALWAYS DUMBED DOWN !!!! TO JUST THAT !!!! it's literally the greatest and most moving theme (IN MY OPINION!!!) in genshin, that human beings are COMPLEX !!!! and they're MORE than just evil or bad or wtv. we see this through every character to almost ever be introduced to us -> literally just take arlecchino as an example. if anyone was at all paying attention to the discourse around her when the fontaine teaser dropped (and. 4.0 in general) it was the BIGGEST thing to watch people argue between "she's a harbinger, so she's clearly the most evil and the big antagonist of fontaine because of these accounts we have right now !!" versus the argument of "we've only seen ONE perspective of her so far, and it's no duh that all this stuff sucks -- but there's no way she's JUST gonna be all these horrible things,, because literally nobody to exist is just horrible and cruel with zero to no good in them. and also that'd make a shit narrative by hoyo in a story driven game" AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED !!!! we saw !!! in REAL time !!! that while arlecchino was rightfully cruel and horrible and, yes the things she did were fucked up beyond belief and she should absolutely not be excused for any of it - she is NOT just evil ! she's shown to care, albeit in a fucked up way that only shows she's even more deranged ; but what's so incredibly important about her is the way that her being "evil" doesn't mean she's incapable of anything else. She is evil, yes— but so many of those evil actions have *motives* and *reasons* that explain them (but not excuse or condone!) and, although they don’t save her grace or anything of the sort, they DO show her true character. AND YHATS SO IMPORTANT!!!! She’s capable of being an antagonist while still being justified in some form, and given nuance and backstory and redeemable traits
I am !!! NEVER !!! going to say rhinedottir is a good person. she isn't! no shit sherlock ! how the fuck do you think im gonna go on and ignore the fact she sent both her kids to their deaths, and also fed one to another. dare i say, that is NOT anything good !!! suprise of the century !! woah !!! -- but what i AM gonna say is that she's much beyond that? hello !! not only has the point of her having not a zero good trait or will in her body been. proven false over and over and over again. but it's such ! Sad and not compelling is character choice for her *not* to be nuanced and complex and justified in a fucked up !! — like do you REALLY think hoyoverse (who is clearly capable of, and likes to make) complex characters, who are horrible, while not being *only* those horrible things, would pass up a golden (haha) opportunity to make a characters whose entire existence is JUST that??!,!2????
believe what you want! Do what you want! This is a silly video game that will be eroded along with time in a hundred in so years ! But god so help me, please don’t be willfully ignorant to the complexity and nuance of characters, just because you want a villain. No villain , real or not, is entirely evil. People are complex and multi faceted and people really, really need to hop off this cart of going “okay but stop saying she’s multifaceted because it takes away from her being evil” because it DOESNT! If anything, it makes her so much more compelling . Which is something some people can apparently. Not handle.
#this isn’t even MENTIONING that she survived the cataclysm and#the implications that you guys are going to immediately villainize the one that got their nation destroyed. rather than the ones#that destroyed and cursed the people of it#HELLO.#-> I don’t see asmoday fans! or phanes fans!#because people are SO ignorant to things when it isn’t shoved in your face#you guys care about Rhinedottir this much because she’s so publicized. but celestia is JUST as bad and I have yet to see more than like#three fans of them. the group/faction who fit people’s perception of Rhinedottir even more than#Rhine herself#(not including the istaroth fans. you are all lovely. I love you guys.)#(thank you for being insane over her.)#-> like yesss guys! let’s demonize and antagonize the war survivor who went through just as much trauma as everyone else#who was just human (a point which was just established in the Fontaine quest to be HUGE when it comes to such extensive trauma like that)#and is clearly fucked up in the head. a tad against her decison#IM NOT SAYING THAT EXCUSES HER??? NO SHIT IT DOESNT???#but GOD so help me. THATS HER REASON!#HER OERSONAL JUSTIFICATION! MOTIVE!#why do people have to be so obsessed with making her an unjustified and evil entity when she’s. not that#she’s justified! even if it isn’t by a practical standard!#but I need YOU to put yourself into her shoes for a second#how the fuck would YOU react to your people being murdered and cursed#being wholly antagonized by everyone to live#experiencing isolation from society#and then going through the whole ‘like teo thirds of my magnum opuses just died’ thing#this isn’t even! to MENTION! the fact she holds a fucked up sense of affection for them?#do you truly think she felt NOTHING#I don’t care if you wanna talk about her sending them out to be killed. that doesn’t meant she can’t feel grief#they’re DRAGONSdeidgned for destruction what the fucj did you expect#-> hate her all you want! that’s okay! but don’t villainize her for no reason other that uoucamt think beyond surface level#crepe rambles
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mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
a mr tesseract thought: the tva has so many infinity stones… just sitting there… they might not notice a handful of paperweights go missing
Anon you've got my full attention 👀👀
Absolutely living for all the renewed Mr. Tesseract theories and origin stores going around because he's just too perfect to continue the current story!?? I'd always pictured a Mobius variant eventually entering the picture, having succumbed to the power of the Tesseract after needing to save Loki in some way but never in a million years imagined before now that *our* Mobius could end up in that exact situation...
Plus tbh I almost feel Loki going about their self-sacrifice in such an isolated way, reliving all those centuries determined to find a solution without involving anyone else, had an obviously noble goal but a means in such a misguided way which has almost ensured Mobius will do something similar.
Mobius isn't okay. He's on a timeline that can never be his (partially to escape the memories of Loki by his side everywhere he looks in the TVA and hopefully so that back in the flow of time Loki can at least see him again as some form of company still), looking at a life I think he greatly admires but wouldn't personally want even given the choice, and seemingly the only one left directionless and without purpose with Loki being gone.
It wouldn't be a stretch to think loneliness would turn to frustration (because he's done nothing but repress *everything* in the past and deserves to finally burst and be angry and figure out how to express his emotions), confusion, and finally desperation at the thought he might be the only one who cares enough to burn things to the ground in an attempt to either find Loki again or bring him home. I've been headcanoning that similar to Loki in the last episode, Mobius will start putting himself more and more at risk searching for a solution and cut everyone at the TVA off while doing so to keep them from worrying about what he's getting involved in and stop him, which of course eventually leads right to the Tesseract as potentially one of the only methods left of traveling to what I assume is the end of time or somewhere similar.
Bonus points if Loki is watching every moment, unable to do a thing as the Mobius he knows slips further and further away while experimenting with the Tesseract until finally he can't see him on the timeline at all anymore, and as he mourns a crackle of blue energy opens nearby. Loki immediately realizes what's happened and calls desperately for Mobius, but when the figure who exits steps closer he's all cold, hard lines and an blank, electric blue stare. Temporary amnesia v4.0 let's go but make it even more angsty this time 😂😅 Eventually the Power of Love™ wins out of course but that's pretty much my dream arc for now!
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chancheols · 8 days
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <3
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nordicbananas · 2 months
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
woo heyy you guyyys!!!!
*looks at the last time i've been active*
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soo...school amma right??? haha i'm turning into a corpse with how little i sleep :'D
(man and i swear each time i try to even THINK about drawing they bombard the whole damn week with assignments smh >:/)
i really can't feel time pass anymore hhh BUT! i have some news!
i put some reblogs in my queue a while ago (i try to whenever i have some spare time) so worry not! i am not dead and i did see some of the art in my dashboard/i was tagged into so posting those would be my top priority!
second is that i'm gonna start posting the art i had planned before starting tomorrow! i will also post some doodles i did in ms paint/ edited in medibang while i wait to get a new tablet/pen/whatever :'(
i am not even gonna try and make any promises or with my luck i'll end up with another disaster next year</3 but i will try to post whenever i can! it's been some rough months lately and i'm not doing the best, but trust me when i say i ain't leaving any time soon!! y'all are stuck with me >:)c <33333
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
Honestly I wanna see them cuddling or ghost throwing hands with his stupid ass LMAO
OK FINE...... dropping my head in shame. ok were doing this. ill draw it later since i have AF attacks to do :p i think it would take like. months to even a year or so when ghost and choro get to cuddle. like they've tried multiple times before to just sit down and relax together but its either choro tweaking tf out or ghost is about to pop the blood vessel in their temple from getting mad. maybe it finally happens on a day where ghost is extremely tired and they go on autopilot... and once they leave the library for home they'll either head to the matsuno's or will ask choro if he wants to hand out at their place. then once they settle down and relax ghost just leans on him from being tired. atp theyre close enough to be considered friends by both of their standards so he just. brings them in for a hug. then it divulges into cuddling. ghost realizes like wait. weren't we sitting up like 10 minutes ago. then they see the green hoodie and they either immediately sit back up or accept their fate. they make sure to promise(threaten) him not to speak about it to anyone or bring it up. mutual agreement made like i said in the first ask ghost gets very snappy and irritated when theyre in denial of their feelings. so this is where they throw hands with him the most. like they do it on the regular but it gets amped tf UP during this point in time. they'll be disagreeing on something or ghost will point out like. 'hey you're being Very insensitive and hypocritical rn.' or he's generally being stupid about a well-known topic. 'no I'm not? what're you talking about?' 'you are. ever read a book from the library you ever-so-often go to, jackass?' then push comes to shove...... choro's on the ground with ghost pulling at his hoodie and screaming curses and foul words at him. maybe he's beaten up a bit. maybe!
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atanx · 7 months
any subnautica character headcanons? especially the side characters, they're my faves :]
Sorry anon im normally better at answering my asks :P but alas exams had two write two in a week :)) not fun but anyway! thank u sm for the ask <3
Hhh I have sooo many character hc i could write a novel anon alvnqjcoqofpqf (partly because i do have a wip all about the subnautica characters and the journey to 4546B + ensuing canon divergence but pssshhhh)
So I think I'm just gonna choose the characters I've thought the most about:
I hc his name as Roman Keen - I saw it in the fic "Survivors" on Ao3 and honestly I think it's a really good fit :3
He's 28 and has been working for Alterra since he was 17, most of which has been with Captain Hollister, who has become somewhat of a parental figure for him. He joined because of a love for flying and space, which his family disapproved of, and so he doesn't get along great with them.
I hc him as genderfluid - on some days, he feels like a man, and on others, he feels like he had no gender at all. He hasn't got himself totally figured out and mostly uses he/him pronouns, being unsure about how he feels being adressed with other pronouns.
He's a gay disaster and crushes pretty easily and hiding that does not come easily to him, although he mostly manages. When he first sees Jochi Khasar, it's instant aesthetic attraction. He finds him fascinating, and Khasar seems to find him fascinating, too, since he starts flirting with him and they develop a relationship over the eighteen-ish month journey to 4546B.
He's ace, and although fine with talking about sex, isn't interested in having sex himself.
Even though he comes across as stiff, he's not actually all that stiff as a person. He is just very responsible and aware and is thus anxious to fulfil his responsibilities as 2nd Officer to the best of his abilities. For things unrelated to work, he is still responsible and mature but not a stick in the mud. He's a fan of adrenaline rushes and actually used to do illegal racing as a teen.
Keen works well under stress, but as soon as the stress abates enough, he will have a breakdown.
He has an annoying-sibling type relationship with CTO Yu >:33
I also liked the name "Emily Yu" from the same fic as before, and I hc that her Chinese name is "Yu Jian" with 'Jian' for strong, healthy.
She is 29, a year older than Keen, which she teases him with, and has been working on the Aurora for 4 years, since finishing her master in engineering with a focus on spacecraft engineering. She worked herself up the ladder by virtue of 1) having a master's degree 2) hard work and successful projects 3) spite (someone (rightfully) insulted one of her ideas once) and 4) a little bit of nepotism.
I hc her as a cis bi woman who uses she/her pronouns. She enjoys both more feminine and more masculine styles for herself, although her style is rather tame and doesn't become hyper-feminine or hyper-masculine. She doesn't like dresses.
She's into Berkely, with her first being sexually attracted to him and then also experiencing romantic attraction. She enjoys his sarcasm and teasing him.
Even though she likes to be silly she gets serious in serious situations. She has a tendency to think that her way is best and has worked over the years to curb that down and be more open to other people's thoughts. When she does truly firmly think that her way is better though, she will stick to that unless presented with a better option and will put everything into trying to make that work.
In very stressful situations she tends to... sort of zoom out, distancing herself from her emotions and achieving a strong focus to do what needs to be done. Afterwards, she struggles with feeling the impact of what was going on, sort of feeling like it happened to someone else. It's a mild sort of depersonalisation. She works well under stress in general but needs some time to recuperate and destress. If she doesn't, her body will respond to the stress via tense and pulled muscles, headaches, stress-rashes etc.
I don't have a particular reason why but I hc his first name as 'Cedric'. Honestly not too sure on that, if I find one that clicks more for me I might pivot to using that but this is what I've got for now!
He's 27 and he is not a routine member of the Aurora staff. Instead, he is part of the extra engineers meant to oversee construction of the phasegate at 4546B and hadn't met anyone from the Aurora before. He has a Bachelor in engineering but found studying so unpleasant he decided he was not going to go for a master and instead started and apprenticeship into job on a spacestation relating to phasegate maintenance.
He is intersex, which wasn't noticeable until puberty when he started developing boobs. Because he identifies as a man (he uses he/xey pronouns), he decided to opt for puberty blockers and later hormone therapy. He would have been fine with his boobs but society made him feel really shitty about them and he got top surgery.
He works out very regularly because it makes him feel good and enjoys jewelry and make-up, although he hates bracelets that move because he hates the sensation of them moving and bumping along his forearms whenever he has to tinker with something. He is somewhat introverted, not caring all that much for social interaction, and indulges in sarcasm a lot. He doesn't like the feel of long hair so he always wears it in a buzzcut. He's also chubby and built like a (short) bear.
He actually doesn't cope with stress well at all and only made it through school and a Bachelor's degree by luck, a lot of caffeine and the knowledge that if he doesn't manage at least a Bachelor's, finding a decent-paying job he likes will be very hard in Alterra-space. He finds it preferable to listen to others although not uncritically.
At first Emily annoys him to no end but as he gets to know her better (and she also tones it down) the annoyance changes to fondness. They become good friends and he eventually falls in love with her. He is pan and demi-romantic.
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
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I love your pirate moon and sun, so much that I made fanart of your fanart 😂 which is saying something, cause I feel like I never create things for fandoms.
I couldn’t decide what colour of to make his fit, I know blue and stars are typically his colour scheme, but I really liked how his coat looked in red, so I took some artistic liberty. 😂 What colour do you image him in?
OH MY GOD! YES! THank you! I am
Losing my mind
this is so awesome aaaaa I actually really love the red on him too now (if if the wip of that does have him in the classic blue lol) But oh my gosh thank you so much! This is so amazing! <3 I love it!!!!!!
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What’s the best and worst thing about your favorite Carmen Sandiego character?
OH that's a great question!! i needed time to think about it thoroughly, first because i wondered who my favorite character was (Carmen or Julia? in the end i went with carmen because i rotate her in my mind and think about her psyche sooo much), and then of course i couldn't just answer, i had to think about it for hours.
i think one of the best things about her, as in one of the things i love more about carmen's character, is her passion. her determination, her intensity. the way she is so dedicated to stopping vile she'd do anything. when she starts taking massive risks, even to her own detriment (once again i'm thinking about neal the eel's "you'll fry us both" in New Zealand in s2 - that was incredibly reckless on her part!). part incredible self-confidence in her own skills, part complete disregard for her own safety, part desperation because she sees no other way. when she becomes dead serious, like in Egypt when she was 100% ready to drop that artefact in the abyss in order to get julia back, and she drops the smile and the lightheartedness fully. those moments when you see how much her whole mission and her friends mean to her. her refusal to call chief in stockholm because no way she's risking her freedom. her face when she tases coach brunt in the s1 finale, all scowl and gritted teeth. that's why i'm talking about intensity. the way it almost borders on rage. i find it very relatable, when love for something means you grow teeth to protect it.
the worst thing, in the sense of 'thing i am most frustated with'... i'd have to go with. the way she's always in control and with a funny quip. like she's rarely vulnerable, be it physically or mentally speaking. you rarely see carmen being shaken, stumbling, having nothing to retort, or just being plain wrong and making mistakes. or even just acting goofy, you know? now, of course, i'd like to think it's because of her trauma, because she feels like she has to - she's got this heavy responsibility she feels she can't share with anyone, she can't slip up or vile will triumph. she wears this mask to make her seem cool, confident and controlled, like she's untouchable, but sometimes it's nothing more than a lie.
(as an aside, i want to say carmen absolutely needs to have this confidence and this charisma. it's part of her charm and it's so very carmen sandiego. to me that's an essential feature of the character. but, since she is the protagonist, the character we're always following, it would make sense to see her other facets too, you see what i mean?)
buuut... if it were that, i would want an arc of her learning it's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to take time for herself, it's okay to let herself be young and be herself, it's okay to be vulnerable. especially with her close friends. and for that ivy and zack would be ESSENTIAL. carmen needs people who are not from vile and who know how to be more relaxed (i love player but i don't think he'd be able to help carmen much with that, he seems to be having the same problem sjkdbgjdkg).
but that's not what we got from the show, so what, are we supposed to think carmen's perfect all the time? let her show some personality, dammit
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blindedguilt · 1 year
Your hair feels so good around my fingers. Can I touch it forever?
For the few silent moments he had felt that touch on his hair, aside from a strong flinch, Leonard had remained still, calm, and silent as he quite literally widdled away his time with what appeared to be some sort of stake he was making - could it have been for a tent? Some skewer for game? Regardless, the hermit had remained notably tense, yet otherwise unbothered as he continued his simple task. There was a frown on his face, but he didn't speak. He didn't move.
...So it had continued that way for the next few minutes, Leonard continuing his work with a gradual loss of tenseness as the feeling numbed off - The knife in his hand (Certainly not one for the purpose of widdling, but small and handled with enough care that it could have been) continued to snip patiently away as he felt the vague, nonchalant feeling of long locks wrap around the another's fingers. The sound of cutting wood filled the air as he worked, and if he were to be completely honest, even as little as he began to notice it, Leonard had almost begun to feel relaxed in a sense that he truly had nothing to fear...
...At least, until the sound of Popshi's voice had reached his ears.
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At this the large shoulders of the hermit jerked upwards with a sudden start at the unexpectedly masculine sound of the other's voice, and immediately, a flustered hand had dropped the small knife he was using to cut the wood and waved blindly to shoo the other back.
"P...Please, that is enough..! What are you doing!?"
It had taken him a moment to find a solid standing in his voice, Leonard crying out with more firm insistence than roughness, though there was no denying his obvious shock that the past few minutes of peace had been spent with an unexpected stranger. Just who was this man? Had his heart been any calmer, Leonard would have otherwise been uncharacteristically bothered that just anyone felt they had a right to that in particular. It was a rare, finnicky spot for the hermit that he cared little for others to lay hand upon for the memories - and guilt - that it had brought him. That this man (Or at least, they sounded like one) had sounded lighter in his tone served little to ease his burden.
He didn't know this man... Did he? Now that the initial shock had passed enough for him to think, that voice did sound rather familiar.
...But whoever it was, it certainly seemed that it was no one the now-startled hermit had expected.
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
okay so not to be that person, but i think i’m going to be a bit more selective about responding to asks. i don’t mean this in the sense that i’ve been sent unwanted things, but more like there are just some things i like to read but don’t actually think need to be on my blog, does that make sense? THIS IS NOT DIRECTED TO BELOVED MUTUALS (AND ESPECIALLY NOT YOU KALE YOUR DEEP DIVES BRING ME SO MUCH JOY)!!! i’m seriously not calling anyone out with this, this is 10000% just me trying to tell myself it’s okay not to respond to everything and i don’t want anyone to feel bad for anything they have sent me :)
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Also popping back to ur inbox but a tic i have that i think reki would have is making the "hang loose" sign 🤙 i do this all the time its my most consistent tic
headcanon downloaded yes so true so so sooooo true <3
i can so see him having a tic like this!
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anawrites3 · 2 years
I would like to make a formal apology to all the anons that sent me ask about my SlaDick royal au that I haven't replied to yet. I love you and I love your ideas so much and I'M SO FREAKING SORRY IT'S TAKING ME SO LONG TO ANSWER
I know it's been a month now but I promise you I keep thinking about you and I will post the answers for yours asks with the stories for them soon 💕 Thank you for being so patient with me 🙏🙏💕
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