#thank you so much for asking! always glad to discuss this musical
redfoxwritesstuff · 3 months
A Misdemeanor Of The Heart, Chapter 2 (Human!Alastor x reader)
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Banner Alastors done by @blobin456drawz <3
Human Alastor x married reader Rated Adult for adult themes, triggering content and sexual content. I wouldn't say this is dead dove but it's dead dove adjacent. Chapter Trigger Warnings: Aftermath of domestic violence, talk of human trafficking, drinking.
A note from Kit: First, before anything I want to credit my friends @blobin456drawz, @nyx-umbrakinesis, @wendigonamecaller and the rest of you for the behind the scenes work you've done.
Onto more important matters- Please be mindful. This story is dark and triggering at times. I've written portions to elicit an emotional reaction. As you should always do with dark content, even if you're not at risk of being triggered, please step back and take a breather when needed.
Want to listen rather than read: Nyx productions brings you this Audio chapter. Part 1, part 2, part 3
Masterlist AO3 KoFi
Join us at VoxTek for a Vox themed Hazbin Discord. And my friend runs a Hazbin Fic Community
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The music was rich in the air, energy from the band wrapping the space in the electric energy that poured from the instruments. Ice clanked in the glass as Alastor spun it in his hand, absently watching the room as he tapped his foot along with the music. Sharp eyes moved from one face to another, watching bodies move and mouths form words, lives wasted. 
There were a few faces that stuck out to him, a few faces he had been monitoring, watching. He wasn’t actively hunting, not at Mimzy’s speakeasy. That would be far too dangerous. However, if his targets were themselves here, it would be sloppy not to take notice of them. 
“Hey, Al,” Mimzy slipped into the tall stool across from him, obscuring his view and demanding all his attention regardless of if he was ready to grant her it. That was how she was, always demanding someone’s full attention regardless of if they wanted to give her it at the moment. 
“New supplier working out well?” Alastor asked, clinking the ice around his glass after taking a small drink. Tonight wasn’t a night for overindulgence. 
“Well enough,” Mimzy made a show of humming, causing Alastor to raise an eyebrow. She had something she wanted to discuss and from her show, he would not like it. 
“What’s the issue?” 
“I’m so glad you asked!” Mimzy shifted, falling into what Alastor considered her damsel in distress position. She had always been easy to read, at least on the surface level. Alastor knew well that more went on below the surface than Mimzy let on, however. It was that hidden depth that made her tolerable in his eyes. 
“You see, Laurence was running next week’s supply last night. It was going great but you know how it goes- he got stopped, got off with a slap on the wrist thanks to his pretty face, but they took his goods and left him with a hefty fine.” 
“That so?” Alastor hummed as he sipped his drink, leaning back in his chair and crossing his leg over his knee. “Do you need help with supply again?” 
“No, no- Nothing like that,” Mimzy watched as Alastor’s shoulders relaxed, counting on that for what she had actually intended to ask. “The thing is, he can’t float the fine and his debts.” 
“How terrible for him.” Alastor knew what she was getting at but wanted her to say it, anyway. 
“He needs a loan from someone who isn’t a shark. Someone who’s a real stand-up guy who won’t run him around.” Mimzy leaned forward, closing some of the distance between them. “I know you got some green stashed away, and he’s as much of a stand up fella as you are. If he goes bust, I’m out a supplier again too.” 
“How much?” Alastor sighed as Mimzy took his glass out of his hand, motioning for a refill for him. 
“Well, you see- it’s not a lot a lot.” She said a lot of words while she stalled, waiting for his topped off drink. It was her opinion that you only asked for a favor from a man when he had a drink in his hand, no matter how well you knew the man. When Alastor again had his glass safely in hand, she got to the point, “A few hundred. Float him the loan, he’ll pay it back with interest. I promise he’s good for it.” 
“Oh, well- if you promise he’s good for it than I have no choice,” Alastor’s smile twitched, “but to say no.”
“Oh, come on, Al!” Mimzy pleaded, leaning on her palms as she leaned up out of the stool and onto the table, “If he can’t settle this debt, he ain’t going to be able to keep supplying me. Either you float him the loan or you’re stuck helping keep me supplied. That’s all there really is to it. You don’t want that and I don’t want to hear you flapping your yap about how much you don’t want to do it either.” 
“He’ll be good for the money. Just-” Mimzy waved across the room as Alastor’s eyes followed her attention to a tall man with blonde hair and a decidedly square face, calling him over. “Just talk to him? See what he can offer for collateral? Work out a deal?”
“And if I don’t want to?” 
Mimzy just looked over her shoulder at him and smiled before directing her whole energy to the man approaching, “Laurence!” 
“Mimzy! How are you, Beautiful?” The man’s voice was deep and rich, the type of voice women flocked to though Alastor found his imitation of the mid-atlantic accent to be rather sloppy. 
“Oh you,” Mimzy smacked his chest as his arm snaked around her waist, pulling her flush against him. “Such a flirt. Everyone’s such a flirt. You fellas see little ol me and can’t help yourselves.” 
“That’s exactly it,” the man said, basking in the attention the short woman was lavishing on him. 
“Laurence, dear-” Mimzy patted the man’s chest again before directing her attention to Alastor, “This is Alastor, one of my dearest friends. Al, this is the one and only Laurence.” 
Laurence held his hand out for Alastor to shake. Alastor took it after unfolding off the barstool, standing to his full height and looking down on the blonde man. There wasn’t a huge height difference, but it was noticeable enough that Alastor wanted to ensure the other man felt smaller. 
“A pleasure to meet you. Quite a pleasure,” Alastor said, firmly shaking Laurence’s hand, long fingers easily wrapping around the other man’s smaller hand. His smile twitched a little wider. Alastor watched the blonde man grimace as he felt the metacarpal bones in the captured hand shift under the pressure of Alastor’s grip. 
“Likewise,” Laurence rubbed his newly freed hand before thinking twice and hiding his discomfort, not before Alastor noticed. 
“Al here,” Mimzy’s hand rested on Alastor’s shoulder before wrapping her arms around his arm, pulling it against her plump chest. “And I was just talking about your situation and he is willing to float you.” 
“A loan.” Alastor added, “The details will need working out of course.” 
“Of course,” Laurence’s smile spread, threatening to challenge Alastor’s before fading. “Of course.”
“I’ll leave you two to it,” Mimzy patted Laurence’s shoulder as she walked by, looking over her shoulder and throwing Alastor a wink on her way. 
“Mimzy said you needed the loan because you got busted?” Alastor offered, opening the conversation. “Why should I loan you funds if you’re sloppy enough to get caught?”
“That’s an oversimplification,” Laurence tried to laugh off the critique. 
“Typically, in this line of business, one would hold enough funds in reserve to cover losses such as this.” Alastor leaned back in his chair, taking a long drink from his glass as he watched Laurence, taking in the uncomfortable shift of his position and the twitch of his jaw. “How can I be assured you’ll repay this debt? Mimzy seems to believe it will not be an insignificant sum you’re here to grovel for.” 
“I’m not groveling!” Laurence slammed his fist down, rattling the table as Alastor made a show of standing up. “Wait.”
Alastor’s smile twitched higher as he lingered half out of his seat, looking back at the red-faced man as he raised an eyebrow and cocked his head. Mimzy wasn’t the only one who could put on a show. 
“I’m not here to grovel.” Laurence said again, calmer this time. “I need the funds. I’m in a bit of a spot, but I’m good for it.”
“And what can you offer for collateral?” 
“I can offer a man’s most prized possession.” Laurence’s smile turned slimy. 
“And what would that be?” Alastor settled fully in his seat once again, picking up his glass as he refused to let his smile fall wholly from his lips. When Laurence answered, Alastor nearly choked on the drink in his mouth. 
“My wife.” 
“That hardly will compensate me for any lost funds. I’m not sure what sort of man you are under the impression that I am, but I do not deal with the buying and selling of women.” Alastor’s voice was hard, cutting with his displeasure. 
“That’s not-” 
“It’ll take a few hours for me to get the funds together. If you’ll have me over for dinner tomorrow, we can finalize the details. You have until then to think of something more appropriate for collateral.” 
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You sat at your vanity, looking into the face of a woman that looked like you but didn’t feel like you in the slightest. Your nightgown hung from your too thin frame. Stress and pressure to be perfect both from Laurence and from society pressed in around you as tears ran down your cheeks and dripped off your chin. 
“Laurence is a good man,” you whispered to yourself, shattering the silence in the room with the bold-faced lie told in the face of the irrefutable evidence that he was indeed not a good man. “Laurence is a good man.” 
Your arms were stiff, sore as you forced the muscles to function. Dark bruises wrapped around your biceps, evidence of his harsh hands grabbing you, shaking you. Green and yellow covered your ribs, no longer actively paining you but a visual reminder of what happened when he thought you talked back. Your shoulder ached, but that was so often the case that it felt like a constant pain.
Those marks would all be covered by your dress, at least. There were small blessings. The bruise around your wrist would be harder to cover, but first you had to cover the redness in your face. 
Your eyes were puffy, skin irritated and uneven, both from a night spent crying and from the back of his hand striking you. The blows hadn’t been too bad, sending you to the floor the night before, but it could have been worse. What was your infraction last night, anyway? You couldn’t remember. 
Your face didn’t hurt much, not as much as the rest of you. More often than not, he kept his hands off your face. Facial bruising drew too much attention. Too many marks where others could see it would shatter the impression of perfection he worked so hard to maintain. 
Cooling cream felt good against your skin as you willed the tears to stop. Now wasn’t the time for tears. What good did tears do you, anyway? Tears didn’t change your life and what was there to cry about? 
It was a good life, when you didn’t upset him at least.
He was your husband. He supported you, cared for you, and provided for you. All you had to do was shut up and do what he said. Trust him and stop asking questions. Just stop thinking. 
But that wasn’t who you were. You were a woman who liked to think, to learn and to use your mind. 
It didn’t matter. It didn’t matter in the slightest who you were or what sort of woman you were. It didn’t matter what sort of woman you wanted to be.
He was your husband. He would be your husband forever. Even if he wasn’t, you couldn’t marry better than him. He had come from a good family, bringing you financial security above what you could have hoped for. Your parents were proud of the match they had arranged, beaming that your beauty and countenance secured you such a step up in the world for yourself and, in time, your children.
With one last look in the mirror, you decided your work was good enough. Your blush was too bright, not keeping in with the trends and your eyeshadow not smoky enough. Laurence wouldn’t give you the money to update to the latest trends, saying that you didn’t need it. Instead, you did the best you could with what you had.
Your dress, laid out on the bed and waiting for you, was likewise just a touch out of fashion. It was longer than that of your peers, but that was alright. Laurence said it flattered your figure better than the newer styles. You wouldn’t be able to pull off those newer styles, your frame was simply not thin enough. 
You were not enough or too much in some way or another according to him, for the latest looks. 
This was better for you. 
Laurence knew best. 
As you stood, the world spun around you. The floor felt like it was tilting under your feet. Fingers dug into the solid surface of the vanity as you counted down from five, eyes clenched shut with a deep breath between each number.
Once the world felt steady, you made yourself drink some water. Hydration wouldn’t fix everything, but it was a solid place to start. Some water, some crackers and smoked meat that you kept in your bedside table, and you’d be right as rain again.
You just needed to get dressed first. 
Joints ached as you took slow, careful steps toward the bed and slipped the dress over head. Carefully, you used your good arm to pull your sore arm through the sleeve, trying to avoid moving the screaming shoulder joint any more than needed. Once you had accomplished that feat, you switched your focus on dressing the rest of yourself, pulling the zipper up while holding your sore arm close to your body. 
You’d take something for the pain too, you decided as you rolled the stockings up your legs, one at a time. That would make you right as rain. 
The more you moved, the easier it was to move. You told yourself you were just stiff, that was all, as you slipped bangle bracelets over your wrist. If you put enough on, maybe they would obscure the dark marks on your skin. More and more you added until it was enough. 
Looking at yourself one last time, you pulled your painted lips into a smile. You were happy; you told yourself. Your marriage was wonderful. Laurence was a wonderful husband. You were lucky. 
You were lucky.
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Laurence swept through the front door like a gust of wind, a wide smile on his face. Flinching when he kicks the door closed behind him, you step away from the wall you had been using as support and stood up as straight as you could. 
Laurence quickly crossed the living room and swept you up in his arms. You cringed back in pain as he spun you around without a care in the world. 
“I’m sorry. Did I hurt you, sweetheart?” Laurence stepped back, hands soft on your shoulders as he looked at you with a surprising amount of concern. 
“My shoulder- it’s just a bit tender is all,” you answered carefully, forcing yourself to relax in his hands. 
He was in a good mood. He was happy. This was good. You were safe, at least for now. It’ll be a good night. Well, as good of a night as you could hope for.
“I’m sorry, you know. I am.” Laurence’s hands ran down your arms, thumbs caressing the soft fabric of your dress. “I- it wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t talked back to me. A man wants a meek wife, you know that. You can be that for me, right?”
He rested his palm against the same cheek he had backhanded the night before, and you told yourself that he was right as you forced yourself to lean into his touch. Laurence was a good man, and you were lucky to have him. Why didn’t it feel like that was true? Why did it feel like you could have had better?
“Let's go out for dinner, yeah?” Laurence offered, “You won’t have to worry about making dinner or cleaning up the kitchen. How’s that sound?” 
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For all the good that came with Laurence’s good mood, there was a negative side of it, too. His hand was heavy on your thigh, thumb caressing you in the theater’s shroud of darkness. 
This was another song and dance you knew well and would rather not take part in. You were not sure what was worse, if you were being honest with yourself, romance with Laurence or violence with him. 
Still, you fought back the grimace as he pulled you in for a kiss in front of the cinema after the show had ended. This was as much your duty as it was to do the washing. 
“Let’s get home, Sweetthing.” Laurence wrapped his arm around your waist, not caring about how that jammed your painful shoulder right into his side as he held you to him. 
“You’re in such a good mood,” you cringed as he jostled you into his side more, swallowing the pain.
“Well, yeah- I’ve got a business deal falling into place and we’re celebrating.” 
That was news to you, though Laurence rarely spoke of business with you. You knew sometimes when things went well and you knew sometimes when things went bad, but never the details. Women were not to know the details of business in his eyes. Their hormone filled brains simply couldn’t handle the complexities of the professional world.
Things had gone badly a few days ago, terrible, but he hadn’t told you that. You didn’t need a conversation around business to tell you that when the information was written in his mood and his fists. It was better now; it seemed and business would birth a different sort of pain for you tonight. 
“Tomorrow we’re going to be having a dinner guest,” Laurence’s grip on you kept the pressure on your shoulder and there was no part of you that thought for a moment that he wasn’t aware of the pain he was causing. He just didn’t care. Appearances were more important to him than something as trivial as your comfort. 
“That’s such short notice,” you protested, thinking better of it only when the words were already out of your mouth. 
“Don’t ruin this night for me, Doll.” His voice was deep with warning, “You’re going to make a lovely dinner and my associate is going to come over. I’ll seal the deal and you’ll show him how perfect of a wife you are, however I decide is needed.” 
You didn’t know what he was getting at, but it sounded like a threat. It wasn’t something you wanted to discover, however. 
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“Hey, Al-” Mimzy tugged on the sleeve of his coat, drawing his attention from the stream of people exiting the theater. He would lose sight of his mark, but that was just as well. He wouldn’t strike tonight. Tonight was simply for observation. “That’s the pretty face of the tailor, ain’t it?” 
“It seems so,” Alastor feigned surprise as his eyes followed her gloved finger. 
He had noticed them the moment they filed into the theater. Timid little thing, meek with her shoulders slumped and his arm around her. What a magnificent turn of events to find the timid little thing appeared to be Laurence’s wife. 
Did she know her husband was willing to offer her up like cattle as collateral on a loan if he needed it bad enough? Or did she think her marriage was sacred under the cover of her husband’s rough hands?
“Is that Laurence she’s with?” Mimzy broke through his thoughts.
“Told you she had a man,” Alastor looked away, directing his attention to his companion, ignoring the way the woman’s shoulders slumped more under her husband’s touch or the way she flinched every time he grabbed her. 
“Should we go say hi?”
“Let them have their night out on the town. There will be plenty of other chances to talk business.” Alastor looked back at his friend, her eyes lingering on the couple a few moments longer. “Shall we?”
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Tag List: @xalygatorx, @charlottemorningstarsdarling, @honestlyshamelesskid, @lilith-jae, @catticora, @alastor-simp, @alastorthirsty, @rainydaysmut, @nyx91, @goyablogsstuff, @kaylopolis, @sirens-and-moonflowers, @diffidentphantom, @yui-onnero, @lunarmango, @uhhhimbored, @loveameripanshipperlove
Next? Masterlist
117 notes · View notes
Remember You Even When I Don't (8)
Summary: A training accident, the doctor had told him. A nasty one that led him here, laying in a hospital bed with a splitting headache and an inability to remember the woman sitting beside him. What he did know, though, was that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you felt important to him. That, as it turns out, would become an understatement.
Words: 5.5K
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw/Reader (no use of y/n, so can be read as unnamed oc)
Warnings: angst, hospitals, memory loss, language, suggestive themes, smut
Notes: Please note the updated warnings. These next few chapters are a new stage of Bradley and Pumpkin growing back together, and while I'm very excited about it, I know it may not be for everyone. For everyone who sticks around, please continue to comment and reblog, and my inbox is always open! I love to talk about these two :)
This was inspired by a one shot by the lovely @roosterforme and would not exist without her assistance. If you haven't read any of her stuff, please check out her masterlist - you won't be disappointed! All of the thanks to her and @mak-32 for being the best cheerleaders and friends I could ask for!
You’re working today. You hadn’t wanted to, but a local congresswoman you had requested an interview with months ago finally agreed to a conversation in her office, and Bradley wouldn’t let you pass it up. It was only for a few hours, but he finds himself missing you while you’re gone. 
This is the first time he had really been alone in the house for a long period of time since he got back from the hospital a month ago, and he didn’t quite know what to do with himself. He had tried to read a book, or get lost in a movie, but nothing had really kept his attention. He was laying on the couch, the news on the tv in the background, aimlessly scrolling through his phone. He hadn’t fully dove into all that it contained, and he figured now was the time to do it, even if you weren’t here to answer any questions that he might have. 
It’s interesting, seeing himself this way. Groupchats where he was an active participant, talking about parties or plans he has no recollection of, or discussing flight schedules for the week. He swaps Star Wars and Harry Potter trivia with Fanboy and gym regimes with Hangman and sends music back and forth with Coyote.  
When he opens the text thread he has with you, the only one pinned to the top of his messages, his breath catches at the last message received. 
 I love you so much. Please don’t leave me.
It was sent the day of his accident, and he knew by the time stamp that it was sent after the crash. You must have texted that to him while you were waiting for news on his condition, and not for the first time, he feels both guilt and gratitude go through him; he’s so sorry that he’s hurt you like this, but he’s so glad he’s here now. 
He scrolls for a while, reading you rambling to him about your work day and bouncing ideas for articles off of him, jumping from one topic to the next while you know he’s in the air or teaching a class so he doesn’t have his phone on him. Based on his responses that come later on, he knows he never minded the almost nonsensical messages. Even now, he finds it adorable and enjoys reading through them. There are conversations about dinner and what true crime documentary the two of you were going to watch that weekend. 
There’s a little bit of everything in these messages between the two of you, but his brow furrows when he gets to a point about a week before his accident. 
I’m on my way home, he had texted you, You better be ready for me, Pumpkin. 
He scrolls further up, trying to find the beginning of the conversation that led to that, and he almost wishes he wouldn’t have. 
You had texted him earlier that morning, when he barely must have left the house to go to base, a picture of you. There was a playful smirk on your lips, and you had what looked to be the cap from his formal dress whites perched crooked on your head. That in and of itself wasn’t what made his breath hitch, though. It was the fact that you were still in bed, your arm draped over your chest where he could see everything but everything, you hanging onto only a single shred of decency. 
Fly well today, Lieutenant Commander. 
It had descended into a day full of teasing from there, each message dirtier than the one before. Descriptions of what you wanted him to do to you and him warning you of what he would do when he got his hands on you. He feels flushed all over, but he keeps scrolling up. He bypasses recipes you wanted his opinion on and a reminder of what the Hulu password was, and eventually finds more pictures. Some are more risque than others, but all of them make him feel like the temperature in the room rose by multiple degrees. 
There’s a tickle in his brain again, and he finds himself closing the messaging app and going to his photo albums. There’s a locked album there, and he knows, he just knows what it’s going to contain. 
He shouldn’t. He knows that he shouldn’t. It feels like a strange invasion of privacy. But he’s wracking his mind to try and remember what the code would be to get into it anyway, and he curses when he gets it wrong first once, then a second time. He enters your birthday on the third attempt and groans out loud when he’s immediately met with the filthiest images he’s ever seen. 
It’s a whole gallery of you, or the two of you together, and Bradley can’t stop himself from looking. He bites his lip as he takes in the photos, his mind so overrun with thoughts of how fucking stunning you are that he can barely think straight at all. 
He stops at one in particular, clicking to enlarge it, and loses all thoughts entirely. Neither of your faces are in it, but he doesn’t need to guess that it’s the two of you. You’re sitting back against his chest, his ankles hooked over your legs, forcing them wide for him. He can see your nails biting into his thighs, but it’s his own hand that draws his attention. With the hand that’s not taking the selfie style photo, his fingers are gliding through the wetness gathered between your legs. You shine against the dark wedding band on his left land, one that’s noticeably absent from his finger now. He’s practically panting as he stares. 
He’s so hypnotized by the way the two of you look together that he doesn’t hear the garage door open or the sound of you walking into the house. 
Your voice makes him jump so high that his phone goes flying out of his hand, a curse leaving his lips. He scrambles to pick it up when he sees you reaching for it as well, and your eyebrows are raised high as you look at him in surprise. 
“Hey,” his voice cracks, higher pitched than normal, and he blushes. Your eyebrows raise a little bit higher. “Hi, sorry. Didn’t hear you come in.” 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yup,” he nods, faking a cough so he could try to clear his throat, his face flushed. “Totally fine.” 
It’s not difficult to see how skeptical you are, and it’s hard for him to maintain eye contact with you and not let his eyes flicker down your body now that he has an idea of what rests underneath the smart dress you wore. 
You eye him suspiciously, “Are you sure?”  
He contemplates for a moment, trying to figure out a way to get himself out of this conversation, because the longer you looked at him like that the hotter he became under the collar. He took a deep breath, nodding again. 
“I was looking at messages and pictures,” he says all in one breath, not liking the idea of completely lying to you. He rationalized that a different version of the truth was okay, even as the pictures flashed in his mind again. “Trying to see if anything jogged my memory.” 
You search his eyes, and he tries his best to appear innocent, willing the hardening in his jeans to go down before you took notice. He suspected you already might have from the hint of a blush on your cheeks. “Did it?” 
If he thought hard enough he swore he could almost feel you. Your back against his chest, how soft your inner thighs left. How warm your wetness felt against his fingers as he took you to the edge. 
“No,” he stutters out after a moment, shaking his head, his face burning, “nothing yet.” 
He finds himself rubbing his thumb against the fading tan line on his left ring finger, something he had seen you do time and time again. He hadn’t really wondered up until this point where his ring was, but ever since he saw the picture with it so clearly against your skin, he couldn’t get it out of his head. 
He’s helping you in the kitchen a few days later, mesmerized as always by how efficient and easy you made everything look. You roll your eyes when he comments on it.
“It’s cookies, Bradley. Nothing fancy.”
“But they’re from scratch. The dough isn’t pre-made. That’s fancy!” 
You laugh at him in response, shaking your head. You take the rings on your left hand off, sitting them beside the sink as you wash your hands before the two of you get started. It raises the subject back to the forefront of his mind. He had been desperate to ask you for the last few days, but hadn’t built up the courage to do it. But he can almost feel it on his finger now, can feel a ghost of your fingers as you slide it into place, and it’s suddenly more of a need to know. 
“Can I uh…can I ask you something?” 
“Of course.” 
“What happened to my wedding ring?” 
You pause from where you’re cracking an egg into the mixing bowl, your eyebrows raised high. You set it down gently, turning to face him. 
“Does it bother you…that I wear mine, still?” 
“No!” he insists, hating even the idea of you taking it off. “It doesn’t bother me at all. I promise. We just have never acknowledged mine? I know that I wear one - I remember wearing one, and I’ve seen it in pictures, too.” 
“You love your ring,” you tell him softly, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. 
“We don’t have to talk about it,” he says, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. But you give him a small smile, though he can see the pain in your eyes, and shake your head. 
“You don’t fly with it on,” you explain, “you tried, at first, but you had been flying so long without anything on your hands that you couldn’t get used to it being there when you were operating the controls.” 
He thinks for a moment and the words come to him slowly. “You were the one who told me to start taking it off when I fly.” 
“I was.” 
Your lips quirk and you shrug. “I’m more worried about you flying safely than wearing your ring at all times. You keep it in one of the pockets of your flight suit when you go up in the air now.” 
Of course you were more worried for him. He should have expected nothing less from you and the way you effortlessly care for him. He can also picture that, he thinks. It’s easy to imagine not wanting to be separated from the physical reminder that he belongs to you, so even if he couldn’t wear it, he’d at least have it on him, in the inner chest pocket right above his heart. 
“So..” He doesn’t quite know how to ask his question, but you must read it on his face. 
You twist your own ring on your finger in the way you always seemed to do to center yourself. Pain flashed across your face and Bradley knew you were remembering, too. “They uh..they had to cut your flight suit off, before you went into surgery. You weren’t breathing and were bleeding…” you cut yourself off, squeezing your eyes shut and shaking the visual from your head. “But it was still in your pocket. So. I have it.” 
He sets down the bag of chocolate chips he had been holding and walks the few steps to where you’re standing at the counter. When he holds his arms open, you don’t hesitate to step into them. He presses a kiss to the top of your head as he breathes in your scent. 
“I’m so sorry I put you through that,” he whispers into the strands of your hair, and he feels the way you squeeze him in response. 
“You’re okay now,” you speak into his chest, and he thinks he might feel you press a kiss there, directly over the spot where that inner pocket of his flight suit would be, where he kept you when he had no other choice. 
The two of you stand there wrapped up together for a long moment. When you lift your head, your eyes are glassy, but you give him a smile and a small kiss to his lips. 
Later, after the cookies have been made and devoured, you join him on the back porch. You had taken to sitting on the swing together and when you sit beside him tonight, he sees you rolling something between your fingers. His breath catches when he sees exactly what it is. You’re staring at it too, your gaze intense and pondering. He doesn’t speak, not quite knowing what to say. Eventually, you break out of your haze and meet his eyes. 
“You don’t have to put it back on,” you tell him, holding your hand out to him. His wedding band sits on your palm, shining against your skin. For a moment he sees you in white standing right in front of him, wildflowers in your hair.  
His fingertips brush yours when he takes it from you, admiring the piece of jewelry he wasn’t aware that he missed until it was back in his possession. 
“But it’s yours. I want - I want you to have it.”
He rolls it between his fingers, contemplating for a moment. He swallows, suddenly overcome with emotion he hadn’t seen coming and that tingling that’s starting to become familiar to him. You had picked it out yourself and he knows when he looks, he’ll see an engraving of your initials beside his. He was always so proud to be able to wear this, knowing that it symbolized being with you, a small way of telling anyone who saw it that he was lucky enough to be your husband. 
But he wasn’t him - not yet, not completely. Everyday brought him closer to thinking that he could be, though.
“Pumpkin, I…” he trailed off, not sure what to say. 
“Hey,” you murmur, cupping his cheek and turning his head to meet your eyes. You didn’t look mad, or upset, and you’re giving him the gentlest, kindest look anyone ever had. But your eyes didn’t hold pity or sympathy either - just a trust and love that he’s still not sure what he could have ever done to deserve. “Whenever you’re ready. And if you never are-” 
“I will be,” he cut you off; he wanted nothing more than to be ready. “I just…I still have something to prove to myself.” 
You nod, and Bradley leans forward to kiss you softly. He leaves his forehead pressed against yours when he pulls away, relishing in the calm you brought him. 
“I’ll get there,” he says, “I promise.” 
He’s spent time alone, but he hasn’t spent time away from you with other people. He’s hesitant to accept the invite from Mav to visit the hanger he had here. But planes and his godfather had been a staple of Bradley’s childhood, an influence on his whole life, really. He had been cleared to drive earlier in the week, so that Saturday, he leaves early. He’s anxious at the thought of being away from you but he knows that the him from before wouldn’t have said no to the invitation and he was so determined to get back to who that was. And he knows that you have a life outside of taking care of him, too. You’re getting brunch with Nat and Coyote’s wife later and he knows you’re excited, even if you hung onto him a little bit longer than a normal hug when he said goodbye. You had made him promise that he would call you if he needed anything and the whole way to the desert, his fingers twitched, wanting to call you just to hear your voice. 
Mav greets him with a large smile and a tight hug, “I’m glad you could make it.” 
“Me too,” Bradley says. He means it, even if he does miss you already. He looks around the hanger, taking note of the few planes and motorcycles throughout the long stretch. It was a lot more than the collection he had when Bradley was 17. “What are we working on today?” 
Mav gives him his signature grin. “I want to show you something.” 
He follows him to the end of the hanger, where a large blue tarp is covering what can’t be anything but a plane. His godfather gestures to it. Bradley raises an eyebrow but walks up to it, grabbing hold of the tarp and yanking it back. Like he suspected, he’s greeted by a Cessna. It’s a classic 172 by the looks of it, a smaller four seater. It’s a sleek white in color with subtle burnt orange line work. Bradley whistles. It was beautiful in a way that only planes like this could be. 
“When’d you get this one?” 
Mav smirks, shaking his head. “I didn’t.” 
“Take a look at the other side.” He nods his head, urging Bradley forward. Confused and intrigued, he follows the instructions, walking around to the other side of the small plane. He gets what Mav was saying, then, and sucks in a breath. Right there emblazoned on the side, in an elegant script, was Pumpkin.
This wasn’t Mav’s plane; it was his. 
“You got her about six months ago,” he says softly when he joins him at his side. 
Bradley reaches up and runs his fingers over the name. It’s foggy, but he thinks he can remember now. He had always wanted to own his own plane since the first time his godfather took him up in one at 6 years old. It was always a pipedream, though. He was never in one place for long enough, and while he was generally good with saving money, it was a bigger purchase than he had ever made. But then the two of you got married and a permanent station here in California. Between both of your savings and what he still had of his parents life insurance, the funds were there. It was you who had made the suggestion of finally pulling the trigger, and it was him who had suggested a four seater instead of a two seater so that if the two of you ever had children, you could all fly together. You cried when he showed you the name he had painted on it. 
“Still needs some work done before she’s flyable. I thought maybe you’d want to work on it today.” 
An eager smile appears on his face and he nods, already peeling his jacket off and heading toward the toolbox. If Mav noticed that he didn’t need to instruct him on where it was, he didn’t comment on it. 
The two work in tandem for hours. It had only been six weeks since his accident, but he couldn’t recall a time since flight school that he had gone this long without being near a plane and it felt good doing so again. It’s easy, getting into the rhythm of twisting bolts and tinkering with the engine wires. He thinks it won’t be long until he can get this cleared to go in the air and he knows without a doubt that you’re going to be the first passenger. 
His phone buzzes in the early afternoon and he doesn’t hesitate to put down the wrench he was working with and dig it out of his jeans pocket. You had sent him a selfie earlier when you had gotten to brunch, sunglasses on and a bright smile on your face with a mimosa in your hand, and he hoped it was another picture. His eyebrows furrow when he sees it’s Phoenix calling him, instead. He picks up, bringing the phone to his ear. 
“Your wife got stung by a bee. We’re on our way to the hospital.” 
He can feel the dread as it settles over him. His heart beats faster in his chest. “What?” 
She sighs on the other line, and he can hear commotion in the background. “She’s severely allergic, Rooster. We sat outside at brunch and we didn’t even realize it happened at first. She didn’t have her epipen on her so we had to call an ambulance. She’s going to be fine, but you should get here anyway, okay?” 
He feels like he can barely breathe, like the room is closing in on him a little bit. Mav must notice the panic written all over him because he’s quick to come over and take the phone out of his hand, taking over the conversation. He can barely hear him over the roaring in his head. You were hurt. He knew you were extremely allergic to bees. That was something he had remembered. You were supposed to carry an epipen on you at all times. He can’t remember if you’d ever gotten stung when he was there. He can’t remember how bad it got if you ever were. But now you were in the back of an ambulance and on your way to a hospital and he could feel his fear all the way down to his bones. 
“Bradley, hey. Look at me.” 
Mav is in front of him, hands gripping his shoulders. He meets his eyes and tries to breathe, but all he can see is you, struggling to catch a breath and being loaded into the back of an ambulance. 
“I’ll drive, okay? Let’s go.” 
He follows him to the car, not really calculating anything other than the fact that he was almost an hour away from you and what if there was traffic and why didn’t you have your epipen on you? 
“She’s going to be okay.” 
“Phoenix said the paramedics administered epi as soon as they arrived, and it didn’t take them long to get to her. She was awake and was already breathing easier when they left for the hospital. Didn’t even need to use the sirens.” 
That doesn’t make him feel better. Not really. Knowing that trained professionals weren’t panicking must have meant that you were okay, but he knows how serious anaphylaxis is, too. 
He can’t reconcile everything that he’s feeling right now. He has never, ever felt like this before. The thought of something happening to you is scarier than any mission he had ever been on, any enemy he had encountered in the air. 
“Mav I can’t - I can’t lose her. I just got her.” 
“You aren’t going to.” 
Bradley doesn’t say anything, can’t think of a single thing to say, and instead buries his head in his hands from his spot in the passenger seat. You were going to be okay. You had to be okay. Because he may not remember everything about the two of you, but he did know for certain that if something ever happened to you, he would never, ever recover from it. 
He doesn’t wait for Mav once they get to the hospital, the older man opting to drop him off at the front before going to find parking. He’s practically sprinting as he goes through the emergency room doors and vaguely, he remembers you telling him about the time this happened before, when you took yourself to the hospital and ended up needing surgery. He can almost feel that panic now, and it makes what he’s already feeling worse. 
“Can I help-“
“I’m looking for my wife. She was brought in because of a bee sting-“
“She’s really allergic and-“
“Sir!” The nurse behind the counter snaps, raising her voice over his to get through to him. “I need your wife’s name if I’m going to find her for you.”
Oh. Yes, he thinks, your name. They need your name. 
It’s the first time he’s said your full name, and your first and his last name feel so right coming off his tongue. But he can’t focus on that right now, giving all of his attention to the nurse who is typing so slowly. 
Before she can even hit enter, though, he hears his callsign echo behind him. He spins, heart racing with anxiety, and spots Nat making her way over to him. She gives the annoyed nurse a kind, charming smile as she grabs Bradley by the arm 
“Sorry about him, ma’am. I got him from here.”
She pulls him away without another word, heading toward the hallway off the packed waiting room. 
“Is she okay? Nat, is-“
“She’s fine, Rooster. Coming down from the adrenaline rush that the epinephrine gave her, but she’ll be okay.”
“What about-“
Nat stops in front of a closed door, lowering her voice. “Bradley. She’s okay.” 
He’s pushing past her before she even finishes, spotting you on the bed through the glass and half drawn curtain. You look so small amongst the crinkly white sheets, still in the clothes you wore to brunch. Your makeup is a bit smudged and your eyes are red and he hates to think that you were scared enough to start crying. You’re holding an oxygen mask in your hand at your side. 
“Hi baby.” Even your voice sounds more pitched. He’s quick to make it to your side. 
Your breathing is slightly elevated, and the heart monitor is beating a little bit faster than he thinks is normal. He grabs the hand holding the mask, placing it over your mouth to start providing you with the supplemental air again. You make a small sound of surprise, but take in a deep breath of it anyway before pushing his hand away. 
“I’m okay.”
But your hands are shaking and your eyes are wider than normal. The skin that he can see is splotchy with hives. 
He looks back at Nat, who is still hovering in the doorway, an eyebrow arched and a small smirk on her face. He ignores the look. “Can you grab a doctor?”
You protest from the bed, but Bradley doesn’t waiver. With a fond roll of her eyes, Nat disappears from view. 
“Bradley. Sweetheart.” You grip his wrist, trying to get him to focus on you. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m fine.”
“You’re in the emergency room because you went into anaphylactic shock. You are not fine.” 
“But I am,” you insist, smiling softly at him, even as your body trembles as it works to burn through the adrenaline that was injected into it, “medicine worked just fine.” 
The door slides open before he can respond, an attending doctor who looks like he’s been up for longer than is healthy and in wrinkled green scrubs introducing himself as he walks in.
“Is she okay?” Bradley demands immediately, and the tired man looks startled for a moment at how abrupt the question was. Bradley stares at him, his eyes wide and unblinking as he waits for the answer. His heart is still pounding in his chest. He feels you tangle one of your hands with one of his and he squeezes back when he feels the pressure from you. He knows you’re trying to reassure him. 
“And you are…?” 
“I’m her husband,” he answers easily, the words falling off his tongue like he had said them a thousand times before. You suck in a small breath and tighten your grip on his hand again. 
“Ah,” the doctor hums, flipping through the chart he’s holding. Bradley wonders if all non-military hospitals move this slowly or if it was just because of how anxious he is at this moment, but he really, really needs him to answer his question. 
“Is she okay?” he repeats. 
“Bradley,” you murmur, but he keeps his eyes trained on the man in the scrubs and white coat. 
“She responded well to the epinephrine that was administered by the paramedics who brought her in,” he finally says, looking up from the chart and taking a step toward your side. He stops when he sees that Bradley doesn’t move an inch. He sighs, switching direction to go to your other side instead. “How are you feeling Mrs. Bradshaw?”
You answer his questions as they come, Bradley paying rapt attention the whole time. Your throat doesn’t feel tight anymore. You aren’t lightheaded, but you do feel a little shortness of breath. You feel jittery - wired, almost. You’re both assured that it’s completely normal as the drug works its way out of your system. They can give you something to try and calm you down, and they want you to stay for a few hours to make sure you don’t go back into the allergic reaction once the epinephrine has worn off. The thought makes his blood run cold. 
“Should she stay overnight?” he asks, but the doctor shakes his head no. 
“The standard observation timeslot should be just fine, Mr. Bradshaw. But we’ll make sure you both know what to look out for when you leave.” 
He walks out without saying much else. Bradley feels you tug on his hand, his name leaving your lips in a whisper. He meets your gaze and he watches as your eyes soften even more. 
“Sit down, honey.” 
He listens to you, dragging the chair beside your bed as close as possible. He rests his elbows on the mattress beside you, holding your hand tightly between both of his. 
“I’m okay,” you repeat again.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your fingers and taking a deep breath. “I…this really scared me.” 
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” you say softly, running your thumb over one of the hands holding yours, soothing the skin and helping his racing heart. Your touch is like magic to him, providing an almost instant calm that he desperately needed. Guilt curled in his stomach, knowing that even now, you’re the one helping him. 
“I should be the one comforting you, not the other way around.” 
“We comfort each other, baby. That’s how this works.” 
“Why didn’t you have your epipen on you, Pumpkin? Don’t you normally carry it?” he asks quietly, a touch of urgency still in his tone. He couldn’t stop thinking about what would have happened if you were alone and this happened, with no one around to call 911. He could have lost you, all over a silly little bee sting, and he can’t wrap his mind around that. He just got you. He had had you, he knew. But he was just getting you back. 
“I switched bags this morning and forgot to take it out of the pocket of the old one, I guess. I haven’t had to use one since college. I forget about it, sometimes.” 
He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to rid himself of the worst case scenarios. He’s the one that normally reminds you to always have it on you, he thinks. He vaguely recalls having a spare in the glove compartment of the Bronco, and in the drawer in the kitchen and maybe one in the bedroom, too. 
Not for the first time, he curses his memory and the accident that took it from him. 
When he opens his eyes, his look is intense, “Never again, okay?” 
“Okay,” you say, but Bradley shakes his head. 
“No. Promise me. Please?”
Your lips part and you stare at him for a long moment. His gaze never waivers from yours. He needs you to listen to him. To hear him. 
“I promise,” you finally whisper. 
He rises from the chair, pressing a kiss to your lips. He keeps his forehead against yours, breathing you in. 
“Will you lay with me?” You ask quietly, shy in a way reminiscent of when you asked him to say I love you on the porch all those weeks ago. He hates that you felt you even needed to ask. 
With no hesitation, he maneuvered himself into the small bed beside you. He kisses your forehead once, twice, three times, holding you as tightly as he could. Your body still gave the occasional tremble but they had lessened now, your breaths coming a little bit easier, and he felt the tightness in his chest ease. 
“Sorry for being a mess,” he whispers into your hair. 
“Don’t,” you whisper back, and he feels you shake your head from where it’s tucked into his chest. “It means you care.”
The words are there, right on the tip of his tongue, but he can’t say them, not yet or here. You deserve more than a frantic hospital room confession.
Part Nine :: Series Masterlist :: Main Masterlist
Notes: I hope you liked this one! We're nearing the end, but I think everyone is really going to like the next chapter. Would love to hear any thoughts you may have :)
Tag List: @roosterforme - @mak-32 - @hoyaharper - @wildxwidow - @gretagerwigsmuse - @bradshawburner - @iamaslytherin0 - @lilyevanswhore - @too-fangirl-to-fuction - @fav-fanficssss - @benhardysdrumstick - @fandomxpreferences - @acatwriteshere - @1234-angelika - @double-j - @cocoskween - @sunflowersteves - @teacupsandtopgun - @littlezee80 - @sometimesanalice - @je-suis-prest-rachel - @khaylin27 - @infamous-reindeer - @hotch-meeeeeuppppp - @sarahjoestewy-blog - @sunnysidesidra - @notroosterbradshaw - @yanna-banana - @inthestars-underthesun -@avengersfan25 - @wkndwlff - @zbeez-outlet - @lt-spork - @indynerdgirl - @loveforaugust - @mssleepy876b
@kassieesworld - @luckylexie - @lovemesomevesey - @mizzzpink - @books-for-summer - @a-serene-place-to-be - @deviltsunoda - @tv-fanatic18 - @memoriesat30 - @melody-death - @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog - @dabisblackprincess - @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy - @realdirectionx - @waywardhunter95 - @myownworstenemyyy - @sexualparkour - @sadpetalsstuff - @almostgenerallyalways -@alilstressyandlotdepressy - @14readwritedraw96 - @ccbb2222 - @taytaylala12 - @alittlechaotics-blog - @starkleila
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viperwhispered · 5 months
I just wanna take a moment to say thank you for always being around to chat since I don't have many to talk to about TWST. I also suck at characterization so I don't write many fics. But I was very happy when you used one of our discussions for Revel in You. I don't mind if you use our convos to write, just be sure to credit the source.
On that note: saw your smut posts. Here's an idea: Jamil celebrating his promotion to being a Housewarden.
It's Friday, there's an enormous party going on to celebrate Jamil and Kalim's new roles and the successes of the first month with this new dynamic. While Jamil is more accustomed to the spotlight, he still gets "tired out" and leaves it to Kalim to keep the party going and organize the clean up crew. After all, he's due for a more private celebration of his own.
Fun fact: for a good chunk of snake species, the male will bite the females neck to hold them down while mating.
Imagine Jamil relentlessly taking his beloved from behind, deciding they're wriggling a bit too much. Delighting in the sounds they make as he pulls them towards him by the hair, he just bites the back of their neck as his body pins them to the bed. They'll probably be annoyed by morning, but Jamil's already got some concealers beforehand.
Did I forget to mention it's a Friday, Jamil no longer has roomates, and pretty much the entire dorm is still partying to loud music several hallways away?
Also worth mentioning that, as a healthy mature couple, all of Jamil's jealousy and possessiveness is addressed in a healthy manner so the relationship never turns toxic. This statement does not apply to the bedroom.
Aww thank you, always happy to talk with you too 😊 Plus like, if you’d rather talk over messages sometime in addition to the asks, feel free. (And this applies to anyone else reading this post too.)
Yeah iirc I was thinking a bit if I should ask you about using that ask as a jumping off point for To Revel in You, but I figured I was using it more as inspiration rather than rewriting anything you wrote or anything like that. And that since you sent that ask in the first place, I did kinda assume it would be okay to build off it. But good to hear I wasn’t wrong in thinking so, and glad you liked it.
As for characterization & writing: it really is a matter of practice, I’d say. Plus, like, everyone is bound to interpret the characters in a different way, or focus on different aspects of them. Which can be freeing, in a way, knowing that you can bring to the table something that no one else can, certainly not in the same exact way you would.
Also I was actually thinking of asking for some writing prompts since the current wip seems to need a bit more time to marinate, and here you are with perfect timing.
So let’s see what I can do with this concept.
If it wasn’t obvious: smut ahead. Written with fem / afab reader in mind but I think this could be read gender neutral as well since the only specific body detail mentioned is that reader has hair long enough for Jamil to grab.
The day - and the week, and the month - had been such a whirlwind that even Jamil had had trouble keeping up with it all.
Tonight, Jamil had basked in the praises from his dormmates, their congratulations and glowing words - and noted the cautious looks of those who still had not forgotten the events of his overblot.
He had enjoyed food that was not made by him, watched others fuss over the preparations and the serving - well, as much as he had been able to keep himself from giving direction. Still, even he had not been able to oversee every single detail, as much as he wanted to.
After all, both you and Kalim had been quite insistent, in your own ways, that this celebration should be for him, not by him.
So Jamil had danced, eaten, drank, listened, talked, so much so that now when the night was beginning to turn towards morning, he had more than had his fill.
Besides, tired as he may be of the crowd, there was still something on his agenda that he was more than happy to indulge in.
You had been teasing him with promises of a more private celebration - starting from when the party was decided on all the way to when you had been dancing together earlier - and Jamil intended to finally collect his reward.
You were outside for a moment of fresh air and quiet when Jamil found you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and nipping your ear.
“I remember someone promising to be mine tonight,” he murmured, voice low and husky.
You shivered, feeling Jamil’s lips on your neck. You’d half expected him to be too tired to turn your teasing into action. Yet, you certainly welcomed this turn of events, your own tiredness washed away by Jamil’s eager touch and his tempting whispers.
“You know me. Always love - ahhh - spoiling you,” you said - your words turning into a gasp when Jamil licked the side of your neck.
In no time at all you found yourself in Jamil’s room - as easy as it was to be distracted by each other, you both still preferred the privacy over lingering in the common areas of the dorm.
Jamil’s mouth was hungry on yours, his hands working quickly to rid you of your clothes.
Sometimes you wondered just how much Jamil was holding back in the presence of others, for him to get so ravenous as soon as you two were alone.
Not that you were any different, pulling away that long belt from Jamil’s hips so that you could slip your hands under his shirt, your lips covering every available bit of his skin with kisses.
It was always delicious, your naked bodies tangled together. That heady feeling of each other, both of you grasping and kissing wherever you could, like you could never quite feel enough of the other.
“So what would mister housewarden ask of me tonight?” you asked with a playful grin, nuzzling your nose against Jamil’s.
There was undeniable hunger in the way Jamil looked at you, yet also the warmth and softness of your lover that always filled your heart to the brim.
“Just all of you, albi,” Jamil murmured, pushing you down onto the mattress.
You’d entertained ideas of a celebratory blowjob, of taking care of Jamil tonight. But if he’d rather help himself to you, you were certainly not going to say no.
A few orgasms later and Jamil was pounding into you, firmly holding onto your hips while your face was pressed onto the sheets. His cock was invading your insides so hard, so deep, leaving you nearly senseless. You jolted helplessly every time Jamil slammed his way all the way in, the pleasure bordering on pain as it shot through your nerves.
“Ahhh, Jamil…” you whimpered, barely aware of the spot of drool you’d left on the bed.
“Too much?” Jamil muttered, one of his hands leaving your side to instead trail a soothing path along your spine.
It was a lot, your senses nearly overtaken by the intensity of it all - yet you didn’t want anything less.
Still, you couldn’t help squirming, your body twitching with every thrust, yelps and moans pushed from your throat no matter how much you tried to hold them in.
“Hold still,” Jamil grunted. 
He gathered your hair in his hand, making you gasp when he tugged. You could feel the pull on your scalp, almost like Jamil wanted to rein you in - or pull your face away from the sheets so that he could hear your cries more clearly.
“You’re all mine tonight, aren’t you? Mine to have, mine to enjoy,” Jamil breathed to your ear.
“Yes, yes, yes…” you whined, aroused beyond belief.
Always his, just as he is yours - but you had no time to vocalize that thought before Jamil’s weight pushed you prone on the bed.
Your gasp was cut short, turned into a sharp cry when you felt moist pressure at the back of your neck - a bite, you realized, some instinct telling you to keep still.
Not that you had much of a choice in the matter. Jamil’s hand, still gripping your hair. His mouth, latched onto your skin. His body, holding you down.
The weight of him against your back was almost suffocating, yet in a delicious way. Like you could be closer to him like this, more connected than just skin to skin contact - or penetration - could provide.
You could feel the rolling of Jamil’s hips against your backside, the way his cock was dragging along your insides. Not as harshly as before, yet intense enough to keep you trembling and whining with the little breath you could take.
And Jamil’s mouth, his teeth, never letting go. His muffled groans such a delicious sound, making you clench around him.
Such sweet torture, and you never wanted it to end.
Taglist since this turned into fic: @colliope @crystallizsch @diodellet @jamilsimpno69 @jamilvapologist @perilous-pasta @twstgo @cannedpickledpeaches
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missjashin · 2 years
Steve spending the night at Eddie’s because his parents are home and they’ve been arguing so he doesn’t really wanna be at home. Didn’t go to Robin because her parents might not let him stay the night and also Robin has work tomorrow and Steve doesn’t. The odd case of them not having shift together.
So he ends up with Eddie and in the morning he is having breakfast with Eddie and Wayne and they discuss their plans for the day. Eddie and Wayne have some plans for the day. You know, to spend some quality family time maybe? Or maybe they have just some errands to run, stuff to figure out because of all the shit that went down during spring break.. Whatever, they have plans for the day and Steve.. doesn’t want to intrude any more than he already is so he is not going with them. Even when they say he can come too.
And it’s summer time so the kids are busy with whatever the teens are busy with. And Steve loves them dearly and loves spending time with them but he tries to give them space and not smother them with his worrying so yeah he can’t spend the day with them either. They’ll come to him if they need him.. He could always go bother Robin at work but going to your work place on your free day because you have nothing better to do sounds a little sad.. So maybe he’ll just have to suck it up and go back home then.
But then Eddie offers that he could stay. You know he doesn’t have to leave just because Wayne and Eddie do. Like he could stay, it’s fine. They’ll be back by 6 or so and they could have dinner together then? And since Steve really really really doesn’t want to go home right now he accepts (after asking about thousand times if it’s really okay tho).
So soon he is left alone with a “Feel free to educate yourself with my music collection while we’re gone” and see you laters. Steve didn’t really have any plans for today and he kinda left in a hurry too so he didn’t bring much stuff with him but oh well he’ll figure something out.
He starts collecting the breakfast dishes and well he could wash them. He has the time and it would be just nice little gesture since the Munsons let him stay and all. And then it just makes sense to wipe the counters and the table after that. Like who would wash the dishes and then just leave crumbs all over the place? Oh. And I guess he just got some of those crumbs to the floor now. Well it’s just a quick little sweep. Could vacuum the whole place now too since he started. But first he needs to declutter a bit because goddamn Eddie why are your clothes and books just everywhere. Might as well do some laundry while he’s at it.
When Eddie and Wayne come back home around 6pm the place they’re in for a quite a shock. Not only is the place spotless but they’re greeted with the smell of food as well. “Oh you’re back! I’m making dinner, it’s just about done” Steve welcomes them enthusiastically but start to doubt himself a little after seeing the surprised faces. “I.. hope that’s okay”
Only then Steve realizes he may have got little carried away with his cleaning spree. Like maybe cleaning the windows was a tad bit too much.. Ugh he so hopes they’re not too weirded out.. Honestly he didn’t even realize he basically spent all day doing household chores that and it’s not even his own house. He glad the Munsons don’t comment on it too much tho, other than “you didn’t have to” and slightly awkward thank yous.
They start eating and now they drown Steve in compliments. (“Wow this is so good, what brand is this?” “Uhm.. it’s not a-.. I made it” “…Like from scratch?!” “Yeah..” “Holy shit dude this is seriously so fucking delicious” “Language. But he is right son, this is fucking delicious”)
At some point during dinner Wayne makes a comment about it starting to rain and Steve lets out a shocked gasp “my laundry!” and rushes out to collect it from outside where he hung it to dry. Wayne asks amusedly if Steve is a housewife or something, just ready to crack little jokes there but then spots the dopey smile on his nephew’s face, gaze still lingering in the doorway where Steve run off to. He smiles knowingly at Eddie when he finally looks back at him, now starting to blush and trying to stammer some sort of reply.
Steve comes back in and they finish dinner and hang out a bit together until Steve and Eddie go to Eddie’s room. Steve again apologizes because he got so carried away and hope he didn’t cross any lines. Eddie little amusedly asks if Steve really thinks they’d be mad at him for tidying up the place? Just helping them out a little so they can relax? Like in all seriousness, after all that shit show that happened during spring, Wayne could use a little break and just relax.
(“And you couldn’t?” “Well sure I could, but in this case he needs it more. If you haven’t noticed I’m not much of help in the cleaning department” “Oh yeah, I’ve noticed” “Hey!” “What? You asked!”)
Eddie then asks if Steve “educated himself” with the music. Steve tells to educate him himself. Eddie takes that as a challenge.
Steve spends the other night.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
hi, CC!!! congrats on your milestone!!🎉 for your event, may i suggest prompt "Your heart is beating so fast right now." with Mammon
Hi, Lotus!! Thank you so much! <3
I'm so glad someone requested Mammon! I don't get to write about him too often and I need more practice with his character lol. I'm also completely obsessed with his car, so that ended up being part of this too.
Thank you for participating!
1,000 Followers Event!
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GN!MC x Mammon with prompt "Your heart is beating so fast right now."
Warnings: none!
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The school day was finally over and you were sitting in the passenger seat of Mammon's Demonio 666 Lexura, watching the Devildom streets going by. The radio was on, but the music was low. Mammon was humming along to the song, his eyes on the road, one hand on top of the steering wheel, the other one resting on the gear shift.
You tried not to stare at him, but it was proving to be a little difficult. There was something about the way he was when he was driving. He was focused, but it was also obvious that it was easy for him. And there was a happiness about him, a calmness that seemed to come over him when his attention was on this task. Mammon seemed to be in his element in a way that you only really saw when he was calculating financial figures.
The first few times you had ridden in Mammon's car, you had expected him to go too fast or take turns too sharply, but he surprised you. He would sometimes creep up to higher speeds, but it seemed like the moment he remembered you were with him, he slowed down again. Like he was conscious of protecting the passenger sitting beside him.
You didn't know where he was taking you. After school, he asked if you wanted to go for a drive and you had agreed immediately. It was so nice to be alone with him in his car like this, listening to music or talking about your day. He was focused entirely on you and there was no one else around to disturb you.
At first you thought he was just driving aimlessly through the Devildom, but it seemed like he must have an actual destination in mind. You couldn't help being curious.
"So where are you taking me?" you asked.
Mammon glanced over at you with a grin on his face. "You'll see."
You huffed and folded your arms. "Oh, come on, just tell me!"
But Mammon only shook his head at you. "Ya just gotta be patient, MC! We're almost there."
You sighed, but then you smiled. The way he was grinning was so cute, like he could barely contain himself.
The rest of the ride went by faster than you expected. Mammon was chatting with you the whole time, complaining about how Levi wouldn't let him borrow any more money until he paid back what he owed. You responded as you always did to this familiar dilemma. It was a comfortable conversation, an ever evolving discussion that never actually solved anything. You had discovered that a lot of times, Mammon just needed to talk. He needed to tell you what was going through his mind, but he didn't necessarily need you to fix anything. He simply trusted you with his thoughts.
When the car finally stopped, you found yourself in a part of the Devildom you weren't very familiar with. You had been there before, but only passing through. It was a section of the city that was far enough from the House of Lamentation that you just didn't find yourself there too often.
At first you were confused. There didn't seem to be anything of interest here. Just a handful of old buildings, some convenience stores, and one really tall apartment complex.
"C'mon," Mammon said, getting out of the car which he had parked at the curb.
You got out and looked around, trying to find something noteworthy. It seemed like the kind of place where you might find a casino. That would make sense and explain why Mammon had brought you here. But there wasn't one that you could see.
"Where are we?" you asked as you walked around the car to join him on the sidewalk.
Mammon offered you his hand. You looked at him, but he wasn't looking at you, clearly trying hard not to look embarrassed. You took his outstretched hand and watched the blush that bloomed across his face.
He didn't answer your question, only pulled you along with him toward the apartment building.
When you got to the door of the complex, Mammon took a shiny brass key out of his pocket to unlock it.
You frowned. "Um, what are you doing with a key to an apartment complex? Do people live here? Mammon, what is going on?"
Mammon glanced back at you, the same grin from before on his face again. "I won this key playin' poker last night! The building's not bein' used."
The door opened and Mammon pulled you inside. The lobby was a little shabby, but it certainly could've been worse. It had a decidedly goth feel, clearly sharing a decor aesthetic with the rest of the Devildom.
Mammon didn't give you time to really look at it, though, immediately pulling you over to the elevator.
"Hang on," you said. "The elevator is working? I thought you said nobody was living here."
"They're remodelin' right now," Mammon said. "Didn't ya see the lights are still on? It's fine, c'mon. You can trust the Great Mammon!"
The pleased look on his face made you laugh. You couldn't really say no, not to him. So you let him pull you into the elevator.
You started to question your decision when you saw him hit the button for the 50th floor.
"Okay, seriously, this is getting weird," you said. "Why are you taking me to the 50th floor of an empty apartment building?"
Mammon waggled the key at you. "Just wait until ya see what else this unlocks."
You were getting incredibly suspicious. Was he about to bring you to some penthouse suite where some demon had stashed a safe full of Grimm? But why would anyone leave their money behind in a building that was closed for remodeling?
You were still trying to puzzle things out when the elevator dinged and Mammon pulled you along behind him to a set of stairs that ended in another door. Mammon used the key to unlock it.
The minute you followed him out the door, you understood why you were here. The apartment building was tall and you were now standing on its roof.
The roof was flat with a little wall all around the edge. It was obvious that there had once been a small garden up here, but there were only remnants of pots and plant boxes now. They were empty, surrounded by grey concrete.
But stretching out all around you was the Devildom, fading into the horizon where it met the dark sky. The city twinkled beneath you and the stars twinkled above you and it was the most beautiful thing you had seen in a long time.
Mammon tugged you along closer to the wall at the edge of the roof. He looked back at you, a grin on his face, a light breeze rustling through his white hair. His eyes seemed to glitter with the lights all around you. The blush returned, tinging his cheeks as he pulled you closer to himself, putting his arms around your waist. And while the view was stunning, you couldn't help thinking that it didn't compare to him.
"I told ya to trust me," he said, his voice soft beside your ear.
You shivered, not from cold, but from the overwhelming sweetness of his touch. "You should have just told me where you were taking me. I was started to get really worried."
"That woulda ruined the surprise, MC," Mammon said, pulling you even closer so your body was pressed up against his.
You smiled and shook your head then looked out over the wall and down.
"Your heart is beatin' so fast right now," Mammon said quietly. "Ya scared of heights?"
You looked back at him, meeting his blue and gold eyes. "No," you said. "I'm not scared of heights."
Mammon watched your eyes, seemingly a little confused about what you were trying to say.
You decided to make it clearer and kissed him. His grip on you somehow tightened for a moment before he melted into you, the kiss growing heated and a little desperate. You knew you were making your point - that he was the reason your heart was racing.
The Devildom spread out around you, the lights of the demons living there on full display, but all you could focus on was Mammon. The feel of his lips, the warmth of his embrace, the way he had brought you out here to see this amazing view. He could have done all sorts of things with the key he had won, but the first thing he thought to do was take you to the roof, to show you the lights of the city and hold you in his arms.
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1,000 Followers Event | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
comments roundup on Arteice's vid
Frankly, it’s pretty upsetting that Stolas acts like a victim just because he was raised with royal blood and is a hypocrite when he dismisses Blitzo like he’s one of his servants
^This person makes an excellent point, actually. Blitzo specifically calls Stolas out for treating him like a butler - an inferior - and instead of wanting to apologize or offer discuss it with him at a later date when his emotions are running less high, Stolas just evicts Blitzo from his house using magic, essentially dismissing him. It's giving royal "remove him from my sight" sort of vibes - insead of rectifying the behavior Stolas just proved Blitzo's point (again). I guess at this point we should be glad the writers had the comment sense not to have Stolas squeeze Blitzo like a stress ball until his eyes popped
How much of a bad writer do you have to be when you make a character so unsympathetic and unlikable that fans convince themselves that it was intentional to make him come across as this much of a narcissistic abuser. Yes I’m sure Viv wants you to see Stolas, the guy who cries constantly and even has a music video about how sad and in love he is, who constantly has excuses thrown his way for his behavior like neglecting Via and having power over Blitzo, who was literally retconned in season 2’s premiere episode to be some naive lovesick idiot with a wife so comically abusive the best photos they could take of her was her choking puppies. That Stolas.
Well,I have to agree. Stolas really needs to take the L,get his shit together and stop always always victimizing himself seriously.
Stolas is victimizing Blitz, Blitz couldn't consent. All that sex they were having made Stolas a monster, then Stolas cries BECAUSE Blitz didn't fetishize or romanticise the abuse the way Stolas did
Thank you for standing up for blitz, stolas is unbearable at this Point
Since watching the Sarcastic Chorus breakdown of the episode, I can say that I am holding onto a sliver of hope that the hypocracy is intentional and will be developed upon soon. However, I can't lie that while watching the confrontation in Full Moon, I was become more and more irate at the idea that Stolas sings about the break-up in the next episode. They better call him on his bullshit SIGNIFICANTLY. Although that may be just me relating to Blitz more than Stolas rn.
What made this inevitable for me is the fact that Stolas is kind of placing all his eggs in one basket by relying on Blitz for his happiness. He seems to believe that if they get together, it’ll magically solve all his problems such as his faltering relationship with Octavia, and the threat of the Goetia bearing their full weight down on him. To me it felt also like he was testing Blitz by seeing what kind of reaction he would have by being freed from their contract. He’s placing a lot of expectation on someone who is never going to be able to live up to what’s being asked of him
Stolas got that "21 year old closeted gay college Student trying to discover his sexuality" vibes, you know what i'm sayin'? The thing is… he's a grown ass man in his mid to late 30s with a daughter. He needs to grow up
Posting this sanity now so we can all fortify ourselves for what's coming tomorrow morning.
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alilixx · 2 months
Please please pleaseeeeee write more Hugh Laurie x reader!
I adored it so much!!!!
Haha, I love the comments and requests. They really make me happy, even though sometimes I run out of ideas and get stuck. But really, thank you so much for the support! Whether it's for Cuddy or Hugh, you're here, and it makes me want to keep going! So yes, I'll write everything :)
Warning: Mature, NSFW, Teacher's pet, smut, school system.
Pairing: Teacher! Hugh Laurie x Student!Fem Reader
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"He is hot," were the comments you had heard about one of your teachers, Professor Laurie. He had been your teacher for two years, during your first and third years. He was handsome, but to say that out loud? You could understand it though. He had charm and played it up, always joking with people, teasing them. Your classmates didn't have boyfriends, so that could explain it. The hand that touched your shoulder brought you out of your thoughts. It was your group of friends, a small group of four or five people, but you knew they were there for you.
"Hey, are you coming?" asked your friend behind you, one of your closest friends, giving you a knowing smile.
"Yes, sorry, I was daydreaming," you replied, returning her smile. You headed together towards Professor Laurie's classroom, where you would spend an extra hour for a catch-up class.
The room was already half full when you entered. Professor Laurie was sitting at his desk, looking through some papers. He looked up when he heard the commotion and a smile spread across his lips when he saw you. "Ah, Miss Y/N, glad to see you here," he said warmly.
You felt your cheeks heat up slightly under his gaze. "Good morning, Professor," you replied, taking your usual seat by the window.
The class began, and as always, Professor Laurie managed to capture everyone's attention. His passion for the subject was evident and contagious. You often found yourself admiring the way he explained concepts, making even the driest topics interesting. But today, you noticed something different. His glances seemed to linger on you a bit longer than usual, and you wondered if you were imagining the sparks in his eyes.
At the end of the class, as you were packing up your things, Professor Laurie approached you. "Miss Y/N, could you stay for a moment? I'd like to discuss your last assignment," he said softly.
Your heart skipped a beat. "Yes, of course, Professor," you replied, trying to hide your unease.
Your friends gave you curious looks as they left the room, but you reassured them with a nod. Once alone, Professor Laurie sat on the edge of his desk and looked at you with an intensity that made you shiver.
"You did a great job, Y/N. Your last essay was particularly impressive," he said, his smile widening.
"Thank you, Professor," you murmured, feeling a wave of warmth wash over you.
He leaned in slightly, his gaze fixed on yours. "You have a natural talent, and I think you could go very far if you keep working as hard as you have been. If you ever need advice or extra help, don't hesitate to come see me."
"I will, thank you," you replied, your heart pounding wildly.
As you left the room, you couldn't help but think about the way he had looked at you. Maybe your classmates were right after all. Professor Laurie was indeed "hot," and it seemed you weren't the only one who thought so. But there was something more in his gaze, something you couldn't quite define yet. And that thought made you smile as you headed to your next class. Unfortunately, this class was much less interesting. It was the subject where you had the worst grades. The teacher was terrible, just like the subject, but you had no choice but to endure this ordeal if you wanted to graduate. So, you did your best all morning, eagerly awaiting the break.
During your break, you and your friends gathered in a music room. You had recently mastered both the piano and the guitar, so you took advantage of it, although you were more often at the piano than the guitar. This time, it was "Every Breath You Take" by The Police. A friend played the guitar while some sang.
The piano notes resonated in the room, creating a soothing atmosphere. You lost yourself in the music, letting your fingers glide over the keys with natural ease. The melody, both soft and mesmerizing, seemed to capture everyone's attention. Your friends sang in harmony, and for a moment, you forgot all your worries.
The music room door opened slowly, and you looked up just in time to see Professor Laurie enter. He leaned against the doorframe, a amused smile on his face as he listened to you play. "That was truly beautiful," he said softly once the song ended.
You felt yourself blush under his gaze. "Thank you, Professor," you replied with a shy smile.
"I didn’t know you had such a talent for music," he added as he walked into the room. "May I sit for a moment and listen?"
"Of course," you replied, surprised but flattered by his interest.
He took a seat on a chair near the piano, his eyes fixed on you as you began a new melody. This time, it was a personal composition, something you had never shared with anyone. The music seemed to flow naturally from you, each note expressing a deep emotion.
When you finished, Professor Laurie clapped softly, admiration shining in his eyes. "That was wonderful,Y/N. You truly have a gift."
"Thank you, Professor," you murmured, touched by his words.
He stood up and approached you. "Keep nurturing that passion. Music has the power to touch souls and heal hearts. You have that power within you," he said softly, his eyes locked with yours.
These words stayed with you as he left the room. Your friends, too, were impressed by the exchange and looked at you with new eyes. The break ended, and it was time to return to class, but you felt different. More confident, more determined. Professor Laurie had managed to ignite a flame within you, a flame you had no intention of letting die out.
As you headed to your next class, you promised yourself to keep working hard, both in your studies and in your music. And maybe, just maybe, this new motivation would help you endure the most boring classes and the most unpleasant teachers. After all, you now had one more reason to push yourself.
In the evening, not wanting to go home, you decided to return to the music room. It was a place where you always felt comfortable, surrounded by instruments and melodies that allowed you to forget your worries. As you approached the door, you heard familiar guitar notes. Intrigued, you entered quietly and discovered Professor Laurie, sitting on a chair, playing "Just the Two of Us" by Grover Washington Jr. and Bill Withers on the guitar.
He looked up when he heard you enter, a warm smile lighting up his face. "Good evening,Y/N," he said gently, continuing to play. "I didn’t know you’d be coming back here tonight."
"Good evening, Professor," you replied with a shy smile. "I didn’t want to go home just yet. May I join you?"
"Of course," he said, nodding towards the piano. "It would be a pleasure."
You sat at the piano and let your fingers graze the keys, gently joining the melody he was playing. You quickly found a common rhythm, the notes from the guitar and piano blending harmoniously. The song, soft and enchanting, seemed to create a bubble around you, isolated from the rest of the world.
You played together for several minutes, losing yourselves in the music. Each note seemed to strengthen the connection forming between you. When the last note faded, a soothing silence filled the room.
"You play wonderfully," he said as he set down his guitar. "It’s a real pleasure to play with you."
"Thank you, Professor. You’re incredible too," you replied, your heart still racing from the shared musical emotion. He smiled at you, and you continued to talk about music, your passions, and your dreams. This shared moment in the music room became one of your most cherished memories, a spark of mutual understanding and connection.
It quickly became a habit. After classes, you often found yourself in the music room with Professor Laurie. You played together, improvising pieces or revisiting classics, and each session strengthened your bond. He offered you advice, encouraged you to explore new styles and techniques, and sometimes shared stories about his own musical experiences.
One evening, as you were playing a particularly complex piece, he set down his guitar and looked at you with a new intensity. "You’ve made so much progress, Y/N. It’s incredible to see how passionate and dedicated you are."
"Thank you, Professor," you said with a smile, touched by his words. "It's because of you. You truly inspire me."
He nodded, visibly moved. "Music has always been a big part of my life. Sharing it with someone who truly understands is… special."
"I feel the same way," you admitted, sensing a deep connection between you.
The musical sessions became your refuge, a space where you could be yourselves without the constraints of school or social expectations. One evening, as you finished playing a particularly moving piece, he told you how he had started playing guitar and what music meant to him.
"I started young, but it became more than just a hobby. It's a part of me," he said, his gaze lost in memories.
"I understand," you replied softly. "It’s the same for me. Music is my way of expressing myself."
He smiled at you, and for a moment, it seemed like he wanted to say something more, but he hesitated. "It’s getting late. We should probably head home."
"Yes, that's true," you replied as you gathered your things.
As you left the music room, you felt lighter, as if the music had dispelled all your worries. You went home, your heart still warmed by the moments shared with Professor Laurie. Once at home, you immediately started on your homework, knowing you had class with him again the next day.
The next morning, you woke up with a special sense of anticipation. You got ready quickly and headed to school, a smile on your face. During Professor Laurie’s class, you felt more attentive than ever, every word he spoke seemed important. He also seemed to have noticed, as he gave you several looks and smiles throughout the morning.
After class, as you were packing up your things, he approached you. "Are you free tonight for another music session?" he asked, his warm smile lighting up his face.
"Yes, of course," you replied with enthusiasm. "I’d love to."
"Perfect. I’ll be waiting for you," he said before heading toward the faculty room.
The day passed quickly, each class bringing you a little closer to your musical appointment. By the end of the day, you found yourself back in the music room, eager to begin. Professor Laurie arrived shortly after, guitar in hand.
"Ready?" he asked as he settled in.
"Ready," you replied with a smile.
You spent the evening playing and chatting, each note and word strengthening your connection. Music seemed to be a language you shared, a way to communicate beyond words. When you finished, he looked at you with a gentle and thoughtful expression.
"These moments are truly special for me," he said softly. "Thank you for sharing them with me."
"Thank you, Professor," you replied, touched by his words. "It’s an honor to play with you."
As you left the music room, you felt more connected to him than ever. You had found something rare and precious, a shared passion that bound you together. And with each day, each music session, you found yourself drawing closer to him, in the shadows.
Classes with Professor Laurie were always a highlight of your day. His teaching was captivating, and he had a unique way of making every subject interesting. His deep, calm voice commanded the attention of the entire class, and his explanations were always clear and precise. He had a talent for illustrating the most complex concepts with relevant anecdotes or examples, making learning more accessible and enjoyable.
He also had a way of looking at you when he explained something, as if he were speaking directly to you. Those moments made you feel special and gave you extra motivation to excel in his classes. Sometimes, he would ask you questions directly, challenging you to think more deeply and actively participate in discussions.
Outside of lessons, there were always those fleeting moments when your gazes would meet, when a knowing smile was exchanged. These moments, though subtle, strengthened your connection. Your classmates didn’t seem to notice these subtle interactions, or at least, they didn’t pay them any mind. To them, he was simply the charming and competent professor they all admired.
Sometimes, during group work, he would approach your desk to check on your progress. His light fragrance and the warmth of his presence always made you shiver slightly. "Very good work, Y/N. Keep it up," he would often say, his voice soft and encouraging. These praises pushed you to go above and beyond.
There were also those moments after class, when the room gradually emptied. You often waited until most of the students had left before packing up your things, hoping for a few extra minutes with him. Sometimes, he would ask how your other classes had gone or if there were any particular subjects you were struggling with.
"If you need any extra help, don't hesitate to come see me," he would kindly offer. You would nod, grateful for his support.
These daily interactions and evening music sessions became a source of comfort and motivation for you. They helped you overcome challenges and moments of doubt. The passion you shared for music had become a common thread, weaving a unique and secret relationship between you. And each day, you looked forward to these shared moments, hoping they would continue for a long time.
Days passed, and your connection with Professor Laurie only grew stronger. The classes became even more intense and enriching, and you eagerly anticipated every moment spent in his company. One day, after one of your music sessions, he proposed something new.
"You have a lot of potential, Y/N. I’d like to help you go even further. How would you feel about taking private lessons with me?"
Surprised and flattered, you immediately accepted. "I’d love to, Professor. Thank you for this opportunity."
The private lessons began shortly after. They took place in a small music room at school, a secluded space where you could work without interruptions. These sessions were even more personalized and detailed. Laurie guided you through complex compositions, gave you specific exercises to improve your technique, and encouraged you to explore your own creativity.
One evening, after a particularly productive session, he looked at you with a glint in his eyes. "I think we’ve reached a point where we could explore more advanced ideas. Would you be interested in coming to my place for our next session? I have a music studio at home, and we’d have access to many more resources."
A mix of excitement and nervousness washed over you. "Yes, that would be great," you replied, trying to hide your unease.
On the appointed day, you went to Professor Laurie’s house, your heart pounding. His home was charming, tastefully decorated, and warm. He greeted you with a smile and led you into his music studio. The room was a true paradise for any musician: instruments of all kinds, sheet music, and professional recording equipment.
"Welcome," he said, gesturing for you to sit by the piano. "I thought we could start by working on a composition together."
You spent hours playing, writing, and discussing music. The closeness, the intimacy of the setting, and the shared passion created an electric atmosphere. Each note played seemed to resonate louder, each exchanged glance more intense.
At one point, as you worked side by side, your fingers brushed his on the keyboard. You felt a spark pass between you, and he turned his head to look at you, his eyes filled with an emotion you couldn’t ignore.
"You’re really talented, Y/N," he whispered, his voice suddenly softer.
"Thank you," you said, breathless, feeling that something inevitable was happening.
He leaned in slightly toward you, and before you could react, his lips touched yours. The kiss was gentle, hesitant at first, then more confident. You let yourself be carried away by the moment, forgetting everything except the sensation of his lips against yours and the warmth of his body close to yours.
When you parted, he looked at you with a new intensity. "I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…"
You stopped him by kissing him again, your lips finding his with an urgency that left no room for doubt. His hand slid gently behind your neck, pulling you closer. The kiss, more passionate this time, erased all hesitations and uncertainties.
Seconds stretched out, and the world around you seemed to disappear. The warmth of his hand on your neck, the softness of his lips—everything felt perfect. When you separated again, your breaths were labored, your hearts beating in unison.
"I wanted to say that I'm sorry for making you wait so long," he murmured, his eyes locked on yours.
You smiled, feeling a wave of relief and happiness wash over you. "There's nothing to forgive. I waited because it was worth it."
He looked at you with infinite tenderness, his hand still resting behind your neck. "I'm glad you feel that way," he said softly. "You’re amazing, and I want you to know that I really care about you."
"Me too," you replied, feeling that those words didn’t quite capture everything you felt, but they were a good start.
You spent more time together that evening, but music took on a new dimension. Every note played, every melody created now seemed to carry a piece of your shared emotions. You worked in harmony, your glances and gestures speaking as much as the notes you produced.
When it was time to leave, he walked you to the door, his fingers brushing yours. "Come back tomorrow, okay? We have a lot more to explore, musically and… otherwise," he added with a tender smile.
"I’ll come back," you replied, a bright smile lighting up your face.
The next day, you acted as if nothing had happened. You didn’t have class with Laurie for once, but your body desperately sought him out. You wanted to see him, but you knew you couldn’t spend too much time together for fear of drawing attention. So you contented yourself with eagerly awaiting the evening, knowing you would meet him at his place.
The day was long and monotonous, each minute seeming to stretch on endlessly. You didn’t see Laurie even once, which only heightened your impatience and dismay. Finally, classes ended, and you headed to his house, your heart racing.
When you arrived, he greeted you with a warm smile and a tender kiss. You settled into his living room, and he pulled out a lesson on pre-Hilbert spaces, a topic you found particularly challenging. Mathematics wasn’t your strong suit, but Laurie had a way of explaining things that made everything clearer and more understandable.
As you struggled with the complex concepts, you felt frustration mounting. "I don’t understand any of this," you sighed, glancing at the notes in front of you.
Laurie leaned in and placed his lips on yours, a soft and soothing kiss that melted away your frustration. "Don’t worry, we’ll get through this," he murmured against your lips.
The tenderness of his gesture instantly calmed you, and you soon found yourself straddling him on the couch. Your kisses grew more passionate, and you felt the warmth between you intensify. But before things could go further, he gently held you back.
"I won’t do anything until you get your degree, sorry sweetheart, but it’s important to me," he said, his gaze filled with sincerity and determination.
You looked at him with a pout of disapproval, but before you could protest, he quickly kissed you several times on the lips, quick and light kisses that made you smile.
"For each correct answer, I’ll give you a kiss. Does that sound good?" he proposed with a mischievous smile.
A smile spread across your face. "Alright, it’s a deal," you replied, determined to earn as many kisses as possible.
With this new motivation, you dove back into the math problems, each correct answer rewarded with a tender and encouraging kiss. Laurie guided you patiently, explaining each concept with a clarity and gentleness that almost made you forget the difficulty of the subject.
The evening passed quickly, filled with laughter, kisses, and studying. Laurie’s promise not to do anything until you got your degree added a layer of respect and support to your relationship, motivating you even more to succeed. Each moment spent with him only strengthened your determination to reach that goal, knowing he would be there to support you every step of the way.
The six months that followed were an intense and transformative period, both academically and emotionally. Each school day was marked by demanding classes, moments of personal reflection, and precious time with Hugh. Every morning, you woke up with a mix of excitement and anxiety, preparing to face a new day. Classes took on a new meaning for you, as you knew that every piece of information, every concept learned brought you closer to your goal: obtaining your degree. Your professors noticed your diligence and active participation. Even the subjects you found most difficult became more bearable thanks to Hugh’s constant encouragement and your in-depth study sessions. Study sessions at Hugh's house became an essential routine, and you thanked him each time. You had established a detailed revision plan for each week, which allowed you to focus on one subject at a time without feeling overwhelmed.
Advanced mathematics, where Hugh excelled in making complex concepts more accessible. Pre-Hilbert spaces, topology, and differential equations, subjects that once seemed unreachable to you, became clearer thanks to his patient explanations and practical examples. Each correct answer was still rewarded with a kiss, a sweet motivation that made each victory even sweeter.
Although you enjoyed Physics and Chemistry, Hugh turned his garage into an improvised laboratory where you conducted practical experiments together. These sessions allowed you to visualize and understand theories that were difficult to grasp in class. The experiments, sometimes spectacular, made the lessons memorable and much more engaging.
His course, Literature paired with Philosophy, was equally captivating. Your discussions on great literary works and philosophical concepts were exciting and profound. Laurie had a unique way of bringing texts to life, helping you see beyond the words to understand the authors' intentions and historical contexts. These exchanges not only enriched your academic understanding but also deepened your personal relationship.
Music remained a central element of your relationship. Musical evenings were moments of relaxation and connection. Playing together allowed you to escape the stress of studies and share intimate, creative moments. You composed new melodies, interpreted classics, and experimented with different musical styles. These musical sessions strengthened your bond, with each note played weaving the fabric of your relationship and providing relaxation.
Beyond studying, you shared simple but precious moments of life. After study sessions, Hugh often prepared simple yet delicious dinners. You talked about your days, dreams, and aspirations. Laurie shared anecdotes from his youth, stories filled with wisdom and humor that made you smile and think. Your walks in the park, spontaneous outings for coffee or a movie, were stolen moments from routine that made each day a little more special.
Like any intense preparation period, there were moments of doubt and discouragement. Sometimes, you felt overwhelmed by the workload and the pressure of upcoming exams. Laurie was always there to support, encourage, and reassure you. His soothing words and comforting smile helped you stay on track. He often reminded you why you were fighting and how much you had already achieved.
As the exams approached, the pressure increased, but you also felt more prepared and confident thanks to Laurie’s constant support. Your sessions became even more intense, with every minute counting double. Laurie worked tirelessly to prepare you, organizing comprehensive reviews and mock exams to ensure you felt ready. But of course, he took care of you, bringing you breakfast when you stayed at his place, while still keeping his promise.
The final weeks before the exams were the most intense. You and Laurie spent long hours revisiting the most complex topics, refining details, and ensuring you mastered every aspect of the syllabus. These moments were often filled with laughter, deep discussions, and those small, tender gestures that had characterized your entire relationship.
Finally, the day of the exams arrived. You felt nervous but ready. Laurie held your hand before you entered the exam room, his eyes filled with pride and encouragement. "You’re going to do great," he said confidently.
The exams were a challenge, but you felt prepared at every step and for every question. Whenever you doubted yourself, you recalled the moments spent with Laurie, his teachings, his encouragements, and his unwavering support.
On the evening of your success, Laurie wouldn’t let you go home. After celebrating at school and with your friends, he waited for you at the entrance, a mysterious smile on his lips. "I have a surprise for you," he said softly, gently blindfolding you. He guided you to his car, and the drive to his house was filled with a conspiratorial silence, punctuated by the palpable excitement in the air.
Upon arriving at his place, he carefully guided you to his bedroom. "Wait here for a moment," he murmured before briefly disappearing. When he returned, you felt a silky fabric slip between your hands. "I saw this dress in a display window, and I knew you wanted it. I hope you like it."
Your heart raced as you felt the exquisite fabric of the dress. "Put it on and come back to me after," he added, placing a quick kiss on your lips before closing the door behind him.
You slipped into the dress, feeling the fabric mold to your form with perfect elegance. Standing in front of the mirror, you felt both beautiful and moved, touched by his thoughtfulness and care. Once ready, you opened the bedroom door to find Laurie waiting for you with a blindfold in hand. He smiled at you and placed the blindfold over your eyes. "A little more patience," he said with infinite tenderness.
He guided you again, this time to his car. The drive was filled with Laurie’s gentle murmurs, reassuring you and keeping you in a state of joyful anticipation. Finally, the car stopped, and he helped you out carefully. "Don’t peek," he joked as he led you through what seemed to be a hallway.
When the blindfold was finally removed, you found yourself in a Michelin-starred restaurant, luxuriously decorated and brightly lit. The tables were adorned with immaculate white tablecloths, sparkling chandeliers, and elegant floral arrangements. Surprise and joy filled your heart as you took Laurie’s hand, your eyes shining with gratitude.
"Congratulations on your achievement," he said, looking at you with undisguised pride. "You deserve this evening, and so much more."
He led you to a reserved table in a private corner of the restaurant. The impeccably dressed waiter greeted you with smiles and gourmet menus. You ordered exquisite dishes, each bite a symphony of flavors, paired with perfectly chosen wine.
The evening unfolded in an atmosphere of happiness and intimacy. You talked about everything and nothing, your future dreams, and past moments. Laurie shared amusing stories from his own school years, making you laugh heartily. You reminisced about the past six months, all the progress made, and every little moment shared that had brought you closer.
At one point, Laurie took your hand and held it gently. "I’m so proud of you," he said with emotion. "You’ve worked so hard and achieved so much. Tonight is for you."
The meal concluded with a sumptuous dessert, a culinary masterpiece that delighted both the eyes and the taste buds. Laurie raised his glass for one last toast. "To you, to us, and to all the wonderful moments to come."
As you left the restaurant, he pulled you into his arms, holding you close under the stars. "This is just the beginning," he murmured in your ear, his voice filled with promises and tenderness.
Back at his place, the evening continued with sweet conversations, laughter, and cuddles, each moment filled with deep affection. However, a tension had built up during the drive, as Hugh’s hand had remained gently teasing your leg. As soon as you crossed the threshold of the door, Hugh grasped your face and kissed you passionately.
A moan escapes your lips as you melt into his embrace. Your hands move up to his neck, gripping him tightly, determined not to let him slip away. The kiss, which is the most languid and passionate, triggers an explosion of sensations that ripple through your entire body.
He quickly lifts you with apparent ease, and you wrap your legs around his back. He moves through the house, and you focus only on the moment and the contact of your lips, as your tongues dance together. Hugh eventually sets you down, and you realize that you're in his bedroom. In the near-total darkness, you rise on your tiptoes to kiss him again, deepening the kiss as you feel his hands on the small of your back, pulling you even closer to him.
“I want you so much right now…” he said between two kisses. You didn't respond but gently caressed the hard bulge that was showing through the pants. A few raspy sounds escape his throat, prompting you to go further. You quickly unbutton his pants before pulling them down, just like his boxers. You grab his hard cock with one hand and a warm feeling greets you. Hugh flinches under your fingers and drops his head back against the wall.
“Fuck…” he hisses through clenched teeth. You end up taking it in your mouth and start going back and forth. Hugh grabs your hair with one hand and you intensify each movement in unison with his desire.
When you get up, Hugh gently pushes you onto his bed. Exhausted from the evening, you let yourself fall on it and you look, or rather admire, the man who leans over me. You welcome back his lips, then his tongue and thousands of butterflies appear in your stomach. "May I ?" he asks, ready to take off your dress.
"Yes." are the only words you can pronounce. Quickly, your dress is on the floor, not far from his boxers and his pants. Then, Hugh comes and kisses every part of your body until he takes off your clothes. You watch him slide your panties down your thighs then his gaze locks on yours. Now you are both naked, ready to end this beautiful evening as it should be.
In your bubble, you wait for one thing: for it to finally start. And without you having time to see it coming, Hugh plunges his head where your fire is throbbing, and you very quickly feel the most beautiful thing you have ever felt in your life. You jump when his lips come into contact with your soaked sex but you immediately arch your back when his tongue brushes against your clit. Your mouth opens and closes with each of his licks and the pleasure drags on as you hoped.
“I want you Hugh… now…” His crooked smile excites you even more and when he comes back to me, he doesn't forget to kiss you full on the mouth. Her lips which are so soft and so feverish.
It made him laugh and very soon, you felt his hard cock near your cock. In just a few seconds he was entering you and it felt so good. He was truly a god in bed and damn, this guy wasn't just handsome.
You begged him to go faster, enjoying each of his thrusts inside you. It felt like you were having the best night of your life. You were so well accompanied, and let's be honest, he was one of the best lovers you’d ever had. Maybe even the best. It felt so good that you moaned before letting out a long cry of pleasure. The wave of pleasure was quickly shared, and you found yourself in a fog of anesthetic vapors.
As you tried to catch your breath, you felt him move up to you and, unsurprisingly, he kissed you again. He finally collapsed on top of you, and you caressed every inch of his back while savoring the contact of your two naked bodies.
"Y/N, you are so perfect," he said as he gently pulled back. You didn't respond but smiled foolishly, your gaze locked with his. You ended up lying in bed, still naked. You nestled into his arms and welcomed his multitude of kisses on your hair, forehead, cheeks, neck, and shoulders.
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marimayscarlett · 9 months
Hello lovely!
Because I love your takes and posts on the eternally beautiful, wonderful Richard Z. Kruspe, I was wondering what your top five random weird facts about him are - like silly things he’s said or other people have said about him (e.g. Khira’s post on insta complaining about all the naked lady art in the house!)
TY! 😘
Hello my dear and thank you so much for your ask! Glad you enjoy my posts, this means a lot to me 🥰
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This one took me a while (had to comb through several interviews for this), but I shamelessly used this ask to create two little lists - one with weird little facts/moments and one with interesting little facts in general. Not necessarily my top five (would be super hard to pick them), but moments which I think about currently. A lot 😄
Random weird facts and moments:
Literally this interview. He had absolutely no restraint and some pick-me-vibes going on, especially in these moments: - Interviewer: 'On the surface, the title A Million Degrees seems to suggest heat or that you are implying that the music is hot or on fire.' RZK: 'Or just me!' (laughs) - Interviewer: (speaking about the possibility of Emigrate opening for Rammstein) 'Isn’t it physically exhausting, too?' RZK: 'Yeah, it’s like having two women in the same night!' (laughs) - Interviewer: (after explaining her thoughts about the title "A million degrees) 'So, out of curiosity, what was your intention with the album’s title?' RZK: 'I always knew that women were smarter than men!'
me reading this entire interview:
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That recording an album with Rammstein can be quite exhausting is something Richard (and sometimes also other members) mentioned several times. They discuss a lot, sometimes have verbal fights, etc. - but Richard admitted that he sometimes wished for proper "Wild West" fist fights because that maybe would've also solved some problems 👀 (as I mentioned some time ago, how about some anger management my guy) (source)
Poor little lad does not understand the concept of strip clubs, plus since he doesn't drink alcohol, it's apparently abysmally boring for him in these locations 😪 Better write a strip song, fitting for a good striptease, and that's how we got the song "Get Down" (source)
Widely known, but still: this moment from this interview: - Interviewer: 'What would you spend your last £20 on?' RZK: 'How much is that in Euros, about 20? A nice blowjob! Actually, change that - a handjob. Yes, they're easy to get near where I live. I could get 20 minutes for 20€, that's good value!'
2. Random interesting (at least for me) facts in general:
In this podcast Richard mentions that the Emigrate album "The persistence of memory" essentially was a therapeutic project for him. In 2019, he fell into a heavily depressive episode after the tour and even contemplated quitting music completely. So he started to sift through his old compositions and songs he had on his computer, some dating back over 20 years, and somehow found his love for music again through those memories - and this album, which was not at all planned, was the result of this process. This is the reason why we have songs like "Freeze my mind" for example, which dates all the way back to 2001 and was written by Richard and his then-wife Caron.
In this interview Richard mentions that these four songs are his favourites (at least at this point in time): - Hurt by Nine Inch Nails - Babe I'm gonna leave you by Led Zeppelin - Sin City by AC/DC - Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode
The book "Perfume" by Patrick Süßkind (which explores dark themes of obsession and power, linked with the sense of smell and emotions), which he read as a teenager, was the reason why he wanted to create something which REALLY moves a crowd, like the perfect song. (source)
Here Richard mentioned that when his daughter Khira was younger, he played her a lot of the Rammstein tracks because he knew she would be brutally honest and give him straightforward feedback. This didn't work anymore after some time, since as a teenager she later learned how to please him and get what she wanted (let's be real, we've all been there). Plus, he's apparently a rather strict parent, believing that you have to make a lot of experiences to get forward in life and that self-discipline helps a great deal.
In this interview, Richard mentions that he likes to pick out an audience member to get an connection to through eye contact (at least this was the case back then) - and this eye contact helps him to put on a good show, most likely to play the concert for this particular fan. Plus he thinks about doing mediation after a concert, as a vent to balance out all the energy he's absorbed from the crowd.
I hope these lists are at least a bit like what you had in mind as an answer 😊 Thanks a lot again for this ask 🤍
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welcometoteyvat · 8 months
fake ga-ming voicelines (prerelease, some more delusional, some less. please give more hcs about him)
edit: apparently voiceline leaks just dropped so PLEASE no spoilers <3 if these are wrong that's too bad they're canon in my heart!!!
About Yun Jin: Besides being a great opera performer, Sir Yun's taste in tea is impeccable! Although she keeps asking me to join her at Heyu Tea House... their tea just doesn't have the same flavor as the tieguanyin from Xinyue Kiosk. Speaking of her, one of our clients has just developed a new strain—I promised to bring some for her when I come back to Liyue Harbor!
About Xiao: You mean Senior Xiao! Hehe, so you know him too! Next time, can you bring him along with you to one of my performances in the harbor? I've been trying to get him to come for a long time, but he always refuses... oh, good idea! Next time I'll hold it at Wangshu Inn, just for him!
About Xiangling: That girl always by Guoba's side, right? Man Chai seems to like her a lot, especially the cornbread buns she makes! To be honest, some of the things she cooks are a little too spicy for me, but otherwise she’s an excellent chef with unmistakable talent. No wonder her companion is a minor deity… wait, what? A major deity?
About Keqing: Thanks to her invitation and sponsorship, our Mighty Mythical Beast performances have been getting more and more attention in the harbor! She's very straightforward and speaks her mind about everything, and always has novel ideas! Although we haven’t talked much, I really admire her mindset and determination. It’s not easy to forge your own path forward, especially for someone of her standing.
About Chongyun: I've run into him once or twice on the road to Liyue Harbor. He didn’t seem to like talking that much when we met, but I’ve heard he’s actually quite outgoing! He wields a greatsword too—maybe he can train with me as the suanni’s tail? Of course, I wouldn’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want; I'm sure he's already busy! It would just be nice to have a wushou partner for once.
About Xinyan: I managed to catch one of Xinyan's performances when I had some free time after work. There weren’t many people in the audience, but her music was so energetic it completely made up for the quieter atmosphere. Originally, I was thinking about asking her to join our lion dance troupe as a drummer, but I’m glad to hear she's made a name for herself since then! I should properly introduce myself sometime!
About Zhongli: He once asked me whether I've heard about the legend of the solitary suanni after one of Iron Tongue Tian's stories. When I said yes, he launched into a really detailed discussion of Chenyu Vale's local belief system, and even told me some stories I haven't heard about a carp adeptus. It's amazing that he has so much knowledge on all sorts of folklore, as a funeral consultant no less!
About Xianyun: ... Who? im sorry i was going to put something about the adepti here but gave up trying to think of something and now it's just a joke line. suggestions welcome tho 🫶
About Yelan: Ah, that lady—sometimes I see her lingering around Yanshang Teahouse. They place regular orders of tea leaves from Yilong Wharf. She's very polite and even petted Man Chai once or twice, although I feel like there's more to her than meets the eye... well, business is business, and they've never caused any trouble for Sword and Strongbox, so whatever she does isn't much of a concern to me.
very long notes:
generally i feel like what's mentioned in chara voicelines tend to have a lot less substance than the actual relationship, so in my head some of them are closer w gaming than i wrote.
always welcoming suggestions!!!!! PLEASE share the brainrot with me i'm dying here OTL please please.
i'd like to write an "about xingqiu" but i bully my richboy son and he's already had like 12 other people comment on him in canon it's fine if ga-ming doesn't know him
everything's just for fun etc etc. don't take it too seriously
watch all of these be completely wrong!!!
similarly if any of these end up being right, i will SCREAM
the only ones i really really want to happen are with yun jin and xiao if they don't have voicelines i'll die
senior xiao comes from my headcanon (copium) that they'll keep the mentor disciple relationship (?) from that one concept art if you know you know. it also comes from this absolutely delicious fic
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thezombieprostitute · 10 months
Music in the Air
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A/N: Written for Vee's Holly Jolly Challenge (@sstan-hoe). Reader is implied fem, "girls like me". No physical descriptors used.
Prompts: Bucky Barnes - My house, my rules. The Christmas music stays on.
Summary: You and Bucky discuss poinsettias.
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Bucky's arm was having problems. Again. In all the years he had the arm he never really got to understand how it worked. He could figure out how to fix a lot of things, but his arm wasn't one of them. That's why he was glad he had you to turn to. You had quickly become his go-to engineer in the Avengers Tower. You were a rare and delightful combination of "not afraid of him" and "not overly friendly". You would smile, but let him initiate the conversation when he wanted.
At least, normally you were his favorite. Ever since December started you only every played Christmas music in your lab. He was still trying to get used to how much the holiday had changed and the music was, well, a lot. Especially when you were always listening to some kind of heavy metal Christmas music and he had only ever heard Christmas music sung a capella or maybe a church organ.
"Do you really need to listen to that music all the time?"
You smiled while working, "I did the respectful thing and waited until December before I started listening."
"Yeah, but it's just so..." he struggled to find the words.
"Well, Sergeant Barnes," you reply, setting your tools down, "My house, my rules. The Christmas music stays on. However, I am willing to switch it for something that's maybe a little more your speed."
You walk over to your laptop and open up your playlist. It takes you a minute, but you finally find the song you're looking for and press the play button. As the speakers sing a lighter, slower tune, you turn back to Bucky, "you should be grateful. I don't turn off Trans Siberian Orchestra for just anyone."
Bucky blushed as he smiled, listening to the song. It was very different from what you had been listening to. For a start, there were lyrics. They told the story of a poinsettia named Percy and how had been overlooked and abandoned but grew and shone when given love. He almost smacked himself for having empathy for an imaginary plant.
To distract himself he said, "I'm surprised you like this song. It's so different from what you were listening to before."
You smile and respond, "it's a childhood favorite. This song just really hit my heart in a way no other Christmas song did. It stuck with me so much that, even in college if I saw my flowers for sale that were wilting or on their last legs, I'd buy them. Just to make sure they had love before they fully wilted."
Bucky looked at you with a softness in his eyes before you shook your head, "I know, it's stupid. I was an adult, I should've known better but some things just stick with you, you know?"
"Yeah," he whispered. "I know. Did you stop buying flowers because you kept getting them from dates or something?"
You chuckle, "I stopped because I had to prioritize my budget. I can't remember the last time I had flowers in my apartment. But thank you for the compliment."
"What do you mean? The guys you date don't give you flowers?"
"Girls like me don't get dates, Sergeant. I'm not whatever enough for guys to ask me out. Whether it's my size, my intelligence, my hobbies, there's just always something that keeps guys from asking me out, let alone bringing me flowers. But, again, thank you for the compliment."
You set down your tools and start putting them away, "your arm is all patched up. Hope this fix lasts you at least through the end of the year. I've got a lot of projects to finish up before the end of the year so I might not have the time to take care of you."
"You're not staying here for Christmas, are you?"
"I am," you nod. "My family celebrates holidays on days that aren't the day of so that we can avoid traffic and last-minute shoppers. So I set up an office lunch for the people who either don't celebrate, have nowhere to go, or whatever other reasons. Mr. Stark has been very generous with the budget for that."
"I'm glad you won't be alone on Christmas," he gives you a gentle smile.
"How about you," you ask. "You're welcome to join us if you'd like."
"Sam is insisting on taking me to Louisiana," he replies.
"Good," you assert. "I'm very glad you also won't be alone on Christmas."
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You really shouldn't have been surprised to see the poinsettia on your desk the next day. There was no note, but you suspected. It wasn't very big and it had started wilting, but you loved it nonetheless. You gently hugged the plant and promised to give it the best of care for as long as it needed. After a week it was like a brand new plant, bright and strong. Doesn't hurt that you asked the biolab techs for help and resources.
It made Bucky's year to see how big your smile was, watching your poinsettia grow and how much you clearly loved it. It took him a while after to gather his courage and ask you on a date but your quick "yes" reassured him. Neither of you would ever be alone on Christmas.
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everythingpresley · 2 years
Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 11
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Jessica Anderson is Elvis Presley's assistant and after months of working together, slowly something sparks between them. Friendship? Or is it more? [ Fem!Reader ]
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+), Slowburn
    ||     Word Count: 7,178
Author's Note: I'm really having doubts about this chapter but I hope you guys like it! Since one of my favorite RomComs (How to lose a guy in 10 days) is trending on tiktok, I thought I would include a small part! Also, shout out to @iheqrtaustin for the idea of Elvis getting handsy when he finds out someone has a crush on Jess.
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Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 11
Elvis and the guys were in the Jungle room recording some new music. Graceland was full house today with all the mafia members, their wives and their kids so it was kind of hectic but fun. I loved being around kids, not so much in regards to teenagers but none of the mafia members had kids older than 10/11. Everyone was running around having fun, I walked down to the Jungle room to see if Elvis needed anything.
I opened the door quietly, making sure they weren’t in the middle of recording a song. They were all talking and chatting with one another.
“Hey guys.” I smiled.
“Hi Jess!” They all said in unison which made me chuckle. 
“Do you guys need anything?” 
“Water please doll.” Elvis said, the rest of the guys nodding along.
“Popcorn.” Charlie said. 
I chuckled “You got it Charlie.”
I looked back at Elvis to see him frowning looking between Charlie and me. I furrowed my brows but chose to ignore it.
“I’ll be back.” I said and walked out. 
“Uh uh.” I heard Elvis say as I walked down with popcorn and bottles of water for the Mafia members “She’s off limits.” 
I stopped and furrowed my brows. I know it was wrong to listen in on conversations but I couldn’t help but be nosy.
“But-“ Charlie sighed “She’s gorgeous and kind and funny! Plus she has a really nice butt.” 
“Charlie. Don’t.” Jerry warned. 
“What the fuck did you just say?” Elvis growled.
“What? It’s true.” Charlie chuckled awkwardly “Look E.P I just wanted your permission to ask her out on a date. That’s it.” 
“Don’t you dare talk about her in that way.” Elvis growled “Have some respect.”
“We always talk about girls that way.” Charlie replied. 
“Listen. She’s my assistant and she’s. Off. Limits. I don’t want anyone getting involved with her.” Elvis replied.
Oh shit, they’re talking about me. Charlie thinks my butt is nice?? Ew.
“It’s just a date. Why is she off limits?” Charlie replied quietly. 
“I think she’s seeing someone actually.” Jerry said.
I am? What does Jerry know that I don’t?
“What?” Charlie and Elvis asked in unison.
“Who?” Elvis continued. 
“I don’t know.” Jerry cleared his throat “Grace mentioned some guy called Matt.” 
Elvis scoffed “Please. She’s been on one date with the guy and said nothing came of it.” 
We also almost kissed at Elvis’ party but I haven’t talked to him in a while. Janice has been hounding me on calling him and going out on a date with him. 
I knocked on the door, deciding enough was enough. Why the hell were they discussing my dating life and I hated being the topic of conversation in their locker room talk. I was just glad Elvis and Jerry put a stop to it instead of letting Charlie go on. I liked Charlie, he was sweet and funny but I’m not attracted to him in any way, shape or form. 
“Okay.” I forced a smile, pretending like I didn’t just hear any of that “Water for everyone and popcorn for Charlie.” I said, placing the tray filled with water bottle and a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. I didn’t look at Charlie, I didn’t want him to think I was flirting with him or doing something to encourage his thoughts especially after getting drunk together and dancing with him. 
“Let me know if you need anything else, I’ll be upstairs.” I said, looking at Elvis who nodded in response. The mafia threw around a murmur of thank yous as they reached for the water. 
I walked up the stairs seeing the kids running around and shouting as they played tag. They were being a bit loud and Elvis was trying to record. 
“Hey kids!” I shouted getting their attention “How about we go outside, enjoy the sun and play tag.” 
“Yeah!” They all cheered and ran outside.
“Jess, you don't have to do that.” One of the wives laughed. 
“It’s okay, I love kids. Plus I think Elvis might march up here at any minute saying that he can’t record.” 
I headed outside to see the kids waiting patiently for me to come out. 
“Okay, I’ll count to ten. Everybody hide!” I said and turned to give them my back while I counted. 
I ran after the kids while they shrieked loudly and ran away from me. I laughed as I ran after Sofia and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, picking her up “Tag, you’re it!” I said while she giggled. I placed her back on the grass and ran away from her.  
We had been playing for a while when the kids decided they wanted to tackle me instead of playing tag. 
“Get Jess!” Ethan, one of the kids yelled which made all of them run after me while I sprinted across the yard. 
I could see the group of adults standing on the foyer, Elvis being one of them, standing with his arms crossed of his chest and a huge grin on his face. 
“Save me!” I laughed, still running away from the huge group of kids. 
“Get her kids!” Elvis yelled. 
“Traitor!” I yelled back and then shrieked when Elvis jumped down the steps that lead to the house and started running after me along with the kids. 
I sped up but Elvis was faster and was able to wrap his arms around my waist and tackled me softly to the ground, making sure he landed on the bottom while I landed on top of him with my back against his chest. We were both laughing as the kids threw themselves on top of us. 
“Ouch!” I laughed when one of the kids’ elbows dug into my ribs.
“Okay! Okay! Kids off!” Joe yelled, clapping his hands “Come on!” 
The kids groaned and got off. I rolled off of Elvis and got up, dusting off my jeans. I reached my hand out to Elvis, he grabbed my hand and pushed himself off the ground. 
“Jess, will you still play with us?” Ethan asked. 
“Yeah come on, one more round and then that’s it.” I replied “Go take a break, drink some juice and we’ll play the next round.” 
“You’re really good with kids.” Elvis said, smiling softly. 
“It’s the big sister in me.” I chuckled, shrugging.
“Aren’t you supposed to be recording?” I asked, walking towards the house with Elvis walking next to me. 
“I was but then the kids and your screams kept interrupting us.” Elvis replied, giving me a pointed look.
“Oops.” I laughed “I took them outside so that you can record, it seems like I was no help.” 
“It’s okay.” He laughed. 
“Let’s go!” The kids yelled, running out of the house.
“Play with us.” I said, grabbing his arm when he started going up the steps.
“No.” He shook his head.
“Pleaaase.” I pouted, squeezing his forearm. He frowned looking at me for a second then he rolled his eyes. 
“Fine.” He huffed. 
I grinned, power of manipulation. Seems like the King can’t handle when someone pouts. 
We started with Elvis being it, he ran towards me making me sprint the other way “Sofia! Save me!”
“No!” Sofia giggled. 
I gasped “Sofia! You’re supposed to be my friend!” 
“No one is going to save you Jess!” Elvis chuckled, still running after me and completely ignore the kids he ran past. 
“You’re it!” Elvis yelled when he tapped my shoulder and ran away from me. I huffed and turned to run after him. 
“I’m done! I don’t want to play anymore!” He yelled, running away from me. 
I laughed at him “That’s not fair!” 
Elvis grabbed Ethan and placed him in front of him “One more step Jessica and off goes the boy.” He threatened. 
“Please Jess tag me! You guys are no fun! You’re just playing with each other.” Ethan grumbled, trying to shrug Elvis’ hands off of his shoulders. 
“I don't want to play! Tag Ethan!” Elvis said. I grinned and side stepped Ethan, making Elvis take off. 
“You’re so fast! You and your incredibly long legs!” I yelled after Elvis. Elvis laughed and headed towards the pool, putting the pool between us. 
“No where to go!” I said. 
“Actually, there is somewhere to go.” He smirked. I furrowed my brows when all of a sudden he came running towards me. I gasped when he hugged me to him and threw both of us into the pool. 
“Oh you son of a bitch.” I gasped, laughing when I shot out of the water. Elvis laughed and slicked his now wet hair back and away from his forehead. I laughed, placing my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down into the water. I held his head down for a second when he started tickling my sides under water, I shrieked and dropped my hands off of his shoulders. 
“Were you trying to drown your boss?” Elvis asked with a huge grin on his face.
“Yes! And I would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for my ticklish body.” 
Elvis laughed and reached over to swipe some of my wet hair back and away from my face. I smiled softly, feeling my cheeks heat up at the close proximity. Elvis and I were a few inches away from one another. His grin faltered and he sighed, his eyes drifting down to my lips. He kept his hand on my cheek, his thumb rubbing softly back and forth. I licked my lips, looking at his lips. 
“Are we going to continue the game or are you guys going to start making out?” Ethan asked, with his hands on his waist. Elvis allowed his hand to fall off of my cheek. 
“Ethan!” I gasped, splashing water at him. 
Ethan laughed and ran away. Elvis sighed and started going up the steps to get out of the pool.
“We need to start getting ready for the BBQ tonight.” Elvis said, not looking back at me as he walked into the house dripping wet. My heart was still racing as I followed Elvis out of the pool and into the house. 
I showered and got dressed in a dress for the BBQ, the house was in full swing. The guys and Elvis were preparing the meat, the wives were setting up the tables, Martha and I prepared the mashed potatoes and salads while the kids continued running around playing various games. 
Elvis kind of avoided me the entire time we were setting up, I also kind of did the same since I really wanted to kiss him. 
Did he feel the intense feeling I felt while we were in the pool? Sometimes I just have this overwhelming need to be close to him. Was it because he was kind of a forbidden fruit or am I actually developing feelings for this man? We are definitely a great team, my job doesn’t feel like a job most of the time. Slowly over the course of the two years I have worked for him we had gotten closer and closer. Even the simple act of him defending me makes my heart swell. I know he will always protect me and I will always protect him even if it is from his own father. 
The men started distributing the steaks, I usually made my own at the end because I loved mine medium rare so I was waiting for everyone to get their meat and head to the sides buffet. I walked out of the kitchen and into the yard with a bunch of drinks for everyone. As I placed the drinks on the table, Elvis walked to me with two plates of steak in his hands.
“Here.” He said, handing me one of the plates “I made yours medium rare.” He fake gaged, he loved his well done. I chuckled and rolled my eyes at him. 
“You made mine?” I asked, taking the plate from his hand. 
“Thank you Elvis.” I smiled, be still my heart. 
“Your welcome darlin’” He smiled softly. 
Everyone took a seat at the multiple tables that were placed on the yard but I couldn’t find an empty chair for myself. I took my plate with me, heading towards the house to grab a chair from the kitchen. I passed the table where Elvis, Charlie, Red and Joe sat at.
“Where you goin’ doll?” Elvis asked. I stopped by their table.
“I need to see if there are any extra chairs inside, there’s no place for me to sit.” I replied. Elvis smirked then turned his head and smirked at Charlie who furrowed his brows in confusion. 
“Nonsense. There’s plenty for room right here.” Elvis replied gesturing to his lap. 
What was he trying to do? Make Charlie jealous?
“I ain’t makin’ a joke doll.” He replied, still smirking. He rolled his eyes then wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me down to his lap.
“Elvis.” I said through gritted teeth. Elvis chuckled, placing his hand on my bare thigh and moved my legs so that they were between his legs, I was now siting sideways on his lap. I held my breath at the slight touch. The mafia chuckled while Charlie gulped and stared intently down at his plate. 
I sighed and placed my plate next to his. 
I was frozen in place, Elvis’ arms still around me. The arm that was around me held the knife while the other held the fork. He cut into his steak and took a bite. 
“Aren’t you going to eat, Jess?” Joe asked, biting his lip to stop himself from laughing at how uncomfortable I looked siting on my boss’ lap.
“I’m good.” I smiled timidly at Joe, he chuckled and shook his head. 
Elvis on the other hand paid no attention and reached for my plate, cutting into my steak. 
“Here.” He said raising his fork to my mouth. I moved my head back and turned to look at him, my mouth gaping open.
“Just eat darlin’.” He chuckled. 
“No.” I grumbled, pushing his hand away. I placed my feet on the ground, moving to get off his lap. Elvis dropped the knife and placed his hand on my waist, pushing me back to sit on his lap.
“Where do you think you’re running off to?” He whispered in my ear “Now eat.” He growled lowly. 
I sighed and ate the piece of meat that was on the fork he held.
“That’s my good girl.” He whispered in my ear and looked towards the mafia to see them all looking at their plates as they ate, he quickly planted a small kiss on my neck. I choked on the steak as his lips made contact with my neck.
“Wow.” Elvis chuckled and patted my back softly “You alright?”
“Yes.” I replied and reached to take a sip of water “You are so dead.” I whispered into my cup before taking a sip. 
Elvis threw his head back and laughed “I didn’t do anything!”
“You wish she was siting in your lap, huh Charlie?” Elvis asked with a huge smirk on his face. 
“Elvis.” I hissed. Charlie choked on his steak while Joe and Red laughed at him. 
“Don’t listen to him Charlie. Ignore him.” I said. 
“Jess.” Grace said walking up to our table “You can use my chair, I’m done eating.” She said pointing at her chair which was two tables away from us.
“Thanks Grace.” I replied, she gave me a look that said “We’ll talk about this later.”
“Thanks Grace but she’s fine here, ain’t that right Jessica?” Elvis asked, narrowing his eyes at me.
“No, you’re very wrong actually.” I replied, grabbing his hand that has now started to softly caress my bare thigh and pushed it off. He pouted when I stood up, I reached over and pinched his arm. 
“Ouch! What was that for!” He laughed, rubbing his arm. 
“For being annoying.” I replied, picking up my plate. The other mafia members laugh at Elvis while he rubs his arm to ease the pain. 
That son of a bitch. Embarrassing Charlie and I like that. He deserved a punch to his shoulder instead. 
We had music playing the entire time but after dinner the TCB band got on the make shift stage in the yard and started goofing around using their instruments. People were getting up on the stage and singing, the BBQ kind of turned into a karaoke party and it was hilarious. 
“What the heck was that earlier!” Grace asked standing next to me as we watched one of the mafia wives sing. 
“I don’t know! Ugh! I wanna punch him!” I grumbled.
Grace laughed and shook her head “Jerry told me that Charlie has a crush on you.” She wiggled her brows.
“I know! I overheard him saying he wanted to ask me out on a date! Grace, he’s not my type at all!” 
“Yeah, I know your type.” Grace replied and pointed at Elvis with her eyes. 
I scoffed and rolled my eyes but didn’t deny it. 
“And you know what I think he was trying to do? I think he was showing Charlie that you were his.”
“His?! No. I think he was trying to show that he’s the alpha male, that asshole.” I huffed. 
“You need to open your eyes Jess.” Grace said “Jerry and I see the way you two look at each other.” She said sincerely. I gulped nervously, avoiding her eyes. 
“I wanna sing.” I said, staring at the stage “Come up with me.” I said pulling on her hand.
“No way.” Grace shook her head.
“Please! I can’t get up there on my own.” I pouted. 
“Fine, but which song?” Grace asked. I smirked, I knew the exact song to dedicate it to Elvis. 
“Oh no.” Grace laughed, reading my mind. 
Let’s be clear, I don’t have the best singing voice and if you would’ve told me a year ago I would be singing in front of Elvis Presley I would’ve laughed in your face but after spending so much time with him I no longer feel shy to sing in front of him. Plus, he’s heard me scream along to music in the car. 
“You’re so vain by Carly Simon.” I whispered to the band. They smiled and nodded, knowing the song because it came out recently and its been a big hit. 
I looked at Elvis and smirked while he smiled back at me. 
“For you.” I mouthed to him and winked. He furrowed his brows and sat up in his seat, straightening his back.
Grace started singing the beginning of the song while I waited for my turn to start singing the song.
“And all the girls dreamed they’d be Elvis’ partner! They’d be Elvis’ partner, and!” I sang loudly into the mic “You’re so vain!” I grinned and pointed at Elvis “You probably think this song is about you, you’re so vain! I bet you think this song is about you, don’t you, don’t you!”
Elvis rolled his eyes, biting his smile back. Grace and I continued singing and dancing, the other wives singing loudly along with us. I obviously don’t think he’s vain but he really annoyed me plus the song was stuck in my head ever since it came out. 
Grace and I laughed and hugged each other as the song came to an end. 
After a few more people went up, Elvis came to stand next to me.
“Nice song.”
“Thanks, I hope you liked the dedication.” I smirked. 
“Oh I loved it.” He replied sarcastically “I especially loved the lyric change to my name.” 
“I think that line was the only line that’s true about you in the song.” I chuckled.
“So you don’t think I’m vain?” 
I gaped and turned to look at him “You didn’t think I was serious right?”
He chuckled and shook his head “No, I didn't think you were serious. Did I think you were getting up on that stage and proclaiming your endless love to me through a song? Maybe.” He joked. 
“I was thinking of singing I love you, baby to Charlie.” I joked. 
Elvis gave me a poker face “Not funny.” He grumbled. 
“Who’s next?” John asked into the mic.
“Elvis!” I yelled, grabbing Elvis’ hand and raising up in the air.
Elvis shook his head, no.
“Elvis! Elvis!” Everyone started to chant. 
Elvis sighed and pulled his hand out of my grasp “This is the second time I do something for you today.” He said, poking my nose while I grinned at him in victory. 
“How will I ever repay you?” I asked sarcastically.
He grinned and leaned in, as if about to hug me but instead whispered in my ear “You. In my room, once everyone is gone.” 
I took a deep breath, feeling like my entire body was on fire. 
He grinned moving back to see my face. I clenched my jaw which made him chuckle “You’re so cute.” 
“Go.” I grumbled, pushing him back by pushing his chest.  
He laughed and headed towards the stage. 
“Okay! Any requests?” Elvis asked, swinging a guitar over his shoulder. 
“Lawdy Miss Clawdy!” I yelled, cupping my hands around my mouth. 
“Anything for you.” He winked, speaking into the mic.
Why is he being overly flirtatious? 
Grace turned from where she stood next to Jerry to give me a look. I rolled my eyes at her. 
Her words rang through my head for a second before I shook them off “I think he was showing Charlie that you were his.”
He started singing, fully keeping eye contact with me as he sang the lyrics.
“Well, lawdy, lawdy, lawdy miss clawdy. Girl, you sure look good to me. But please don’t excite me baby, I know it can’t be me.” He grinned. 
“Lord, I swear, girl, what you’ve been doin’ to me. I’m gonna tell everybody that I’m down in misery.” He wiggled his brows which made me chuckle.
“So bye, bye, bye baby!” I yelled, singing along making him chuckle mid song “Girl, I won’t be coming no more! Goodbye, little darling, down the road I’ll go!”
“That’s it! Thank you!” Elvis said, removing the strap off the guitar and handed the guitar over to John. 
I was finally able to catch up with Janice after being on tour but she kept on hounding me on calling Matt up. She says it would be cute for us to both be in a relationship at the same times since her and Chris made things official over the four months that I was gone. I liked Matt, I don’t know him well enough and honestly he’s been out of my mind since Elvis and I slept together but I decided why not give it a shot. I called him up and asked him out on a date during the weekend because it was my day off. For some reason I felt slightly guilty going out with him when I know I shouldn’t be. Elvis clearly moved on the day it happened and slept with so many girls after me so I shouldn’t be feeling the way I was. I ignored it and got ready instead. It was 6PM and I was almost done getting ready when someone knocked on my bedroom door. Opening the door I was met with Grace.
“Hey! What are you doin’ here?” I grinned.
“Jerry needed to drop some things and I thought I would come and see what plans you have for the weekend. Based on the way you look, you’re going out!” She wiggled her brows “Please tell me its a guy.”
I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face “It is.” 
“That Matt guy you told me about?” 
“Does Elvis know?” She raised her brow.
I frowned “Why should Elvis know?”
“No reason. Just asking.” She shrugged “So what are you guys doing?”
“Early dinner at that Italian place then maybe a walk in the park.” 
Grace smiled softly “Have fun Jess.”
Matt and I were having a great time at dinner. We talked a lot and were having a lot of fun. We started walking along the side walk a few blocks from the restaurant. Matt slowly reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I looked up at him and smiled while he blushed and smiled back. 
“I hope you liked our date.” He said.
“I really enjoyed it, Matt.” I smiled. 
“I honestly keep getting the vibe that you might not want this. So I was shocked when you called me yesterday.” He said, still holding my hand as we walked. 
“You know I was gone for like four months and honestly I don’t think a relationship would work if I’m away a lot.” 
“You want this to be a relationship?” He asked, biting his lip.
“We’ll see.” I chuckled. 
“So we’ll go on more dates?” He asked, his eyes lighting up with hope. 
“Yeah, why not?” 
Matt stopped walking and pulled me back to stand in front of him, he grabbed my other hand and smiled down at me “We never got to kiss at that party.”
“Yeah.” I breathed. It was weird that I didn’t get this intense feeling to kiss him. This pull that I always felt when I was with Elvis, it was like he had this gravitational pull to him and I couldn’t help but want to lean in to feel his lips on mine. 
He leaned in cautiously, his eyes glancing back and forth between my eyes and lips, gauging my reaction. I closed my eyes and leaned forward. His lips gently met mine, he smiled against my lips. It was sweet but it didn’t make my heart beat out of my chest, it didn’t make me feel like I couldn’t breathe. I pulled back and smiled reassuringly, I didn’t want him to think I didn’t like the kiss. 
“Let’s go get some ice cream?” I asked. 
“Sure.” He grinned and nodded. 
We continued walking hand in hand when all of a sudden a loud honk from a car burst out next to us. I jumped, because the car appeared out of no where and the street that we were walking on was practically empty. I turned as the car pulled up next to us with the windows rolled down.
“Get in the car.” Elvis growled from the driver’s seat. 
What in the hell?
“Elvis?” What was he doing here.
“Get. In. The. Car. Jess.” Elvis said not looking at me but instead looking straight ahead. 
“Hey man, we’re kind of in the middle of something right now.” Matt said, squeezing my hand. 
“Hey man” Elvis mocked Matt’s tone, turning to look at us. “I wasn’t talking to you.” Elvis’ jaw clenched when his eyes drifted to our joined hands. I gulped and pulled my hand out of Matt’s grip, choosing not to fight Elvis because I had never seen him this angry even in the darkness of the night I could tell he was mad about something.
“It’s okay Matt. I’ll-I’ll call you later, okay?” I practically whispered to him. 
“Jess.” Matt shook his head “We’re on a date, it’s you day off. You have no obligation to him.” 
“It’s fine. Raincheck, okay?” I gave him a forced smile. 
Matt sighed and nodded. I reached over and grabbed the handle of Elvis’ Cadillac, opening the door and getting in. The moment I slammed the door shut, Elvis sped off. 
He was gripping the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles were turning white. He kept clenching and unclenching his jaw, looking straight at the road.
“Are you okay? Did something happen?” I asked, really confused. 
How did he even know where I was? 
He breathed heavily and ignored me. The restaurant we ate at wasn’t far from Graceland so we got home fast. Elvis got out of the car and slammed the door harshly causing the whole car to shake. He grumbled something under his breath, clenching and unclenching his fist, storming into the house. I remained seated in the car, shocked and confused. I got out of the car and walked up the steps that lead to the house. Grace and Jerry walked out just as I was about to open the door. 
“I’m really sorry Jess.” Grace winced. 
“Why?” I furrowed my brows, confused as to why she’s apologizing. 
“He asked me where you went and I thought just to provoke him, I told him you went on a date with Matt. I didn’t think he’d drive over to you and pick you up.” 
“How would that provoke him?” I asked.
“Jess.” Jerry started.
“Jess, did something happen between you two? He seemed really hurt when I told him.” Grace interrupted. 
I chose to ignore her question. “I don't get why he’s mad. He’s mad that I went out on a date? He has no right to be, he has slept with dozens of girls.” I said, starting to get mad. Especially after knowingly making me walk in on him fucking a girl and then making me get him another girl to fuck. Was he doing that on purpose? To get me jealous. 
“I think you two need to talk.” Jerry replied.
The problem was right now I did not want to talk, I wanted to fight. 
Jerry and Grace left, I stormed into the house. 
“Why are you mad?” I asked when I saw Elvis stomping up the stairs, heading to his room.
“I’m not.” He growled. 
“Oh really?” I hissed. 
“Don’t start Jess.” He replied, continuing up the steps.
“You started it.”
“I did not.” He turned around “I needed you here and you weren’t there. You didn’t even tell me you’re going out.”
“Oh, you happen to need me on my day off? I don’t have to tell you anything. It’s My. Day. Off.” I growled. 
“When you’re going out fucking around with random guys-“ He growled but I interrupted him.
“Oh! So its okay for you to fuck other girls but I can’t fuck other guys?” I clenched my jaw, I hated how he made me feel like the dirtiest person. Hypocrite. 
“You fucked him?!” He yelled, storming down the stairs and coming to stand an inch away from my face, breathing heavily, his nostrils flaring. His eyes engulfed in rage, his bright blue eyes now dark as night. 
“Yes! And it was amazing.” I said, wanting to push his buttons. What was he going to do?
“I-I-I’m gonna fucking kill him.” He hissed, moving back and going to the table to grab his keys. He stomped to the front door, car keys in hand.
Oh crap, he’s serious. 
“Elvis! I didn’t!” I yelled jogging after him as he headed out, I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him back “I didn’t sleep with him.” I said, gently.
He stared into my eyes, looking back and forth, seeing if I was lying or not. 
“Did you kiss him?” He whispered. I stayed quiet, dropping my hand from his arm. He clenched his jaw, grinding down on his molars, moving closer making me step back until the front door hit my back.
“Did. You. Kiss. Him?” 
I gulped “Yes.” I whispered. 
“That son of a bitch.” 
“You have no right to be mad.” I whispered. 
He grabbed my face with one hand and swiped his thumb harshly over my lips as if to wipe something off. 
“You deserve some serious spanking.” He muttered over his breath, still holding my face.
My chest heaved, starting into his eyes. Heat pooling down at the thought of being thrown over his knee. 
“Fuck this.” He grumbled, smashing his lips to mine. Oh fuck I missed those lips. I moaned, allowing him to slip his tongue into my mouth. I grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him closer. His hand slipped from my face instead grabbing onto my hips, pulling me closer to him. My pelvis pushing into his, I could feel his semi hard on poking my hip. He reached back and opened the front door, pushing me into the house while still kissing me. 
“Elvis.” I sighed against his lips. 
“Hmm?” He asked, kissing my lips. 
“Elvis.” I said, pulling my face back. Both of us panting heavily, my hands still on his chest and his hands still wrapped around my waist. 
“Don’t Jess.” Elvis sighed, shaking his head. 
“We can’t.” I whispered “You know we can’t.” 
“Tell me this kiss was better. You know it was.” He said, leaning his forehead on mine.
It was. Of course it was. He didn't even have to ask.
“Elvis, the kiss with Matt was barely a peck.” I whispered, moving my hands up to cup his cheeks. He sighed, keeping his forehead on mine and closed his eyes as I caressed his cheeks. 
I didn’t want to admit that it was way better and I felt nothing when I kissed Matt but maybe it’s because I developed an emotional connection with Elvis that made the kiss way better. I’m trying to gaslight myself at this point to believe I would feel something for Matt. I wanted to, he was sweet and kind and funny and… safe. 
Elvis then leaned in a planted a chaste kiss on my lips “Let’s not do anything you’ll regret tomorrow.” He whispered then pulled away and walked up the stairs without turning back. He slammed his bedroom door with force. He emphasized you. I didn’t really regret it, it was amazing but I think it placed this weird tension between us. I felt guilty for a second but the anger came back because he’s such a hypocrite. How dare he be mad at me for going on a date?! Just because we slept together he now thinks I owe him an explantation when I did nothing wrong. It wasn’t like I brought Matt over and paraded him around like he did with girls. He had no regard to my feelings so why should I regard his?
Thank god no one was home except Grandma Dodger who was probably asleep since it was 10PM, hopefully she didn’t hear our yelling because we were being so loud. I took a deep breath and stomped down to my room. I slammed my bedroom door shut and got ready for bed. Sleep felt like a lost cause because I kept tossing and turning especially since I wasn’t used to sleeping this early, I usually slept at midnight. My mind was racing. The Matt kiss, then Elvis appearing out of nowhere, the Elvis kiss. I kissed two guys in one night, who am I? I groaned, this day was so good then Elvis had to ruin it. I actually enjoyed the date, it was fun. Screw him, why am I up thinking about him anyway?! I squeezed my eyes shut and did some breathing exercises that I heard helped make your body relax and make you fall asleep. 
I don’t know how long I fell asleep for but I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door. I opened my eyes and turned to the clock that was placed on my bedside table, it was 5AM. What the heck? Who’s up at 5AM?
I yawned, running my fingers through my hair to tame my bedhead down. I opened the door to see Elvis dressed in a thick jacket and jeans with a cowboy hat on his head. 
“Good morning.” He smiled. 
“Morning?” I said, it came out as a question because what is he doing here at 5 in the morning?
“Get dressed and wear a jacket, its cold outside.” He said and started to walk away.
“What, why?” I asked, looking at him with wide eyes.
“Just do it Jess and wear your cowboy hat and boots!” He called walking away, not turning around. 
What the heck? I shrugged but still got ready. It wasn’t that cold yet during this time of year but it was getting colder at night and early morning. So I wore a dress with some shorts underneath and a jean jacket with wool on the inside and my cowboy hat. I walked out of the house, the sun had just started to rise and it was kind of cold. I spotted Elvis feeding his horse Rising Sun. 
“What’s going on?” I called, leaning on the wooden fence. 
Elvis turned and grinned taking in my cowboy hat “Do you want to learn how to ride a horse?” 
I grinned “You’re going to teach me how to ride?”
He shrugged and nodded. I could tell from the look on his face that this was his apology for last night. Plus it made my heart pound in my chest because he remembered when I said I wanted to learn how to ride. 
“Elvis, you don’t have to.” I sighed. 
“I want to. Now come here.” He said. I walked over to the little wooden door and walked towards him and Rising sun.
“You’ve ever ridden a horse before?” He asked as I reached over to pet Rising Sun and shook my head no “Okay, I’ll help you up.”
I placed my foot on the saddle and tried jumping on but I couldn’t so instead Elvis wrapped his hands around my waist and hoisted me up on the horse. 
“You okay?” He laughed when he saw the grin on my face. 
“I’m more than okay.” I replied, looking down at him. 
“I’m glad. Let me lead you around and get you and Rising sun comfortable.” He said, pulling on his reins and leading the way. 
“This is the best day ever.” I said which made Elvis chuckle. 
“We’ve barely started. One step to getting your cowgirl fantasy.” He said. I laughed because he actually remembered everything I said that day. 
After a little bit of Elvis walking us around, he gave Rising Sun a snack for being a good boy. 
“Do you want to go get coffee and then we can get started on your official first lesson.” Elvis said. 
We walked together to the kitchen and drank our coffee then headed back to the stables. 
When we walked out we spotted Grace and Jerry getting out of their cars.
“Hey! Good morning! You guys are up early!” Grace said, looking between us. Probably thinking back to last night and if we were okay. I smiled reassuringly at her. 
“Yeah, I’m getting a horse riding lesson from this one.” I grinned at Elvis who smiled softly back at me “What are you guys doing here?” I asked. 
“Oh I needed to pick up some paperwork but we’re on our way to go visit my parents and its a few hours away.” Jerry replied. 
“It’s on my desk upstairs.” Elvis pointed back to the house. Jerry nodded and headed towards the house while Grace, Elvis and me walked to the horses. 
Elvis helped me up again on the horse while Grace leaned against the fence, watching us.
“Okay, pull on the reins and get him to walk.” Elvis said standing next to the horse. 
I pulled on the reins but he stayed still “He’s not moving.”
“Give him a little kick.” Elvis replied.
I gasped “I’m not going to kick him!” 
Elvis threw his head back and laughed “Just a small one, it doesn’t hurt them, don’t worry.”
I looked at him with uncertainty and shook my head no. 
“Honey, just a small kick.” 
“Jess! Turn!” Grace called out. I looked at her and smiled when I noticed her pointing her film camera at me “I got a new camera and you look really cute, I had to take a picture.”
I chuckled. 
“Okay, let me show you. Move up a bit.” Elvis said. I scooted forward on the saddle as Elvis hoisted himself up and swung his legs around the horse. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back into him a bit. His thighs wrapped around mine. “Okay, watch my foot.” He said and gently kicked Rising Sun causing him to trot forward. I jerked back into Elvis’ chest at the sudden movement. 
“Come here! Let me get a picture of you two.” Grace said calling us over. Elvis led Rising Sun to where Grace stood. We both smiled at Grace as she took the picture “Okay, now without the cowboy hats.”
I removed my hat and placed it on my lap, soothing my hair down while Elvis did the same. He then leaned his head forward and placed his chin on my shoulder, wrapping an arm around my waist, both of us grinning at Grace. 
“Aww, so cute.” Grace said. 
Elvis kissed my cheek and leaned back, pulling on the reins to walk Rising Sun away. I bit my lip, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. 
Jerry and Grace waved goodbye, getting in their car and leaving. 
“Okay, you ready to do this on your own?” Elvis asked. I wanted to say no just to keep his arms wrapped around me but I nodded so he gently jumped down to the ground. 
“Actually I think it would be better if you wore a helmet, you’re not very confident and it sometimes scares the horse.” He said and stretched his hand to me, to help me off the horse. We walked to the stables, I hung my cowboy hat on one of the hooks. Elvis grabbed a horse riding helmet off the hook and placed it on my head, clipping it in place. 
“You ready?” He smiled at me, placing his hand on top of the helmet that was on my head and shook it. 
“Yes! Let’s go!” I said and pulled him with me. 
I got on the horse again and gently kicked him to move.
“Great! You’re doing so good!” Elvis said as I started walking Rising Sun around. 
I walked Rising sun around for a little while then I wanted him to trot. 
“Not yet.” Elvis said.
“Please.” I pouted. 
“Doll, you need to be really confident and know how to hold on.” Elvis shook his head “No.”
“Pleeaase.” I begged. He sighed and looked up at the sky “Just a little bit.”
“Fine, but hold on tight. Kick him a bit stronger. But please hold on tight.” Elvis said and leaned his back on the fence, crossing his arms over his chest. 
I kicked him stronger than the last time. 
“Wow!” I yelped and tightening my hold on him but it worked. 
“Good job!” Elvis grinned. 
I turned my head and smiled at him, loosening my hold on the reins when Rising Sun reared back and stood up on its hind legs. I gasped, my body jerking back. Everything felt like it was happening in slow-motion but it all happened in a second. I slipped off the horse and landed on the ground, my head slamming harshly on the sand. Darkness engulfed me, hearing Elvis call out to me from a distance. 
Taglist: @urrfavvana @girlblogger2002 @butlersluvbot @iheqrtaustin @dramaticpandabear @godlypresley
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
Can you do an hc about this? Undercover yelena with target's daughter reader? Thank you!
I'm so glad we can all see the vision 😏
This is kinda long, I hope this is along the lines of something you were after 🥰
Your mother owned an art gallery and would often run fundraisers to keep her name clean from the illegal activities she did while working for HYDRA.
She asked you to work a fundraiser to make her look good like always, so you did it with plenty of eye rolls, sighs and huffs.
Yelena had her eyes locked on you from the moment she walked into the room.
She was dressed as if she was a rich married woman from uptown, somebody your mother would get along great with.
She wait for the perfect moment before she came up and introduced herself to you, her hand was warm and soft. Her eyes sparkled in the room lighting, she was beautiful and you hated that she was probably just a snobby bitch like your mother.
Yelena asked to be introduced to your mother, saying she had something she wanted to discuss.
Yelena and your mother spoke for a few moments before you heard them arrange plans to have a further discussion after the fundraiser over some red wine.
After the fundraiser you could hear the chuckles from the two women coming from your mothers at home office, Yelena left after two hours max.
Yelena & your mother became close rather quickly over the course of a few short months. You didn't mind as much as you liked the blonde's company.
When your mother was working late and you had the house to yourself, sometimes Yelena would drop buy with a pizza and keep you company even though you reminded her that you're an adult and can look after yourself.
Things became off when Yelena stopped coming by to have a weekly bitch session with your mother. You noticed your mother was becoming stressed about something she didn't want to talk to you about.
You would text Yelena asking her if she knew what was up with your mother but she didn't reply, you just figured the two had a falling out and did your best to forget about the blonde.
One night while you were up late, listening to music with your earphones in, Yelena startled you. She was wearing a complete black outfit, spy wear basically. You asked her what was going on and she asked you to trust her.
She got you to safety where you met her friend, Kate.
When Yelena returned, she told you that you the truth about your mother in private. This broke your trust with her, now knowing she was undercover. It made you think she didn't actually care about you or the many times you both watched trashy movies over pizza.
Over time, you began to forgive Yelena, especially after Kate spoke to you and gave you a little insight to what HYDRA was and what they did to people.
During an argument with Yelena, she let slip that you were also supposed to die the night your mother did but she couldn't bring herself to do it because she had feelings for you.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @observeowl  | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @crescent-witch | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | @irishhappiness | @music-4ever | 
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 5 months
Heart of the Weave - A Baldurs Gate fanfiction
Nobody tells you how quickly time flies by when you’re a parent. Jenevelle is already three months old, and she’s been nothing short of a miracle in our lives. She’s still so small yet so full of life; full of smiles and laughter throughout the days, and hardly cries. Gale and I finally have her transitioned to her room in her crib now, which was so hard – not for her, but for me. Having her in the bassinet by our bed gave me a sense of comfort, knowing I could easily check up on her and make sure she’s breathing. On another note, I’m grateful for our friends, but especially since she’s been born. Karlach will come and babysit once or twice a month while Gale and I go out and have a night to ourselves, which has been so nice. At first, it was an adjustment leaving her for the first time, but I’m glad we are able to get a break every once in a while.
The morning sun rises, and I notice Gale isn’t in bed with me. He does like to wake up rather early and enjoy the dawn, drinking his warm coffee and watching the sun rise. That’s when he has his best ideas for research. I get out of bed and notice Gale on the balcony, where he’s holding Jenevelle and they’re both enjoying the outside world.
“Ah, there’s my love,” Gale says, smiling as I sit down next to him. He leans in for a kiss as the morning sunlight pours over our skin. “Good morning. I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No, of course not. I was just ready to get up and start my day. I’m glad you are both having a quiet morning.” He gently bounces Jenevelle in his arm and takes a sip of his morning coffee with the other.
“Indeed. I’m just happy you got to sleep in some. I got so much done this morning. I had some sort of…morning epiphany that caused me to wake up and get a jumpstart on the day. I did some of my studies, made breakfast for us, which is sitting on the kitchen table by the way, and I got Jenevelle up, dressed, and fed…” As he continues to speak, I can’t help but admire him. “...and I just wanted to make your morning a little easier since I don’t teach today.” His brown eyes shimmer, transitioning into a tint of golden honey as the sun shines upon his face at a perfect angle.
“I appreciate you and how considerate you are. I truly love you more than words can define,” I tell him as I stretch my body, releasing all tensions held within me. He smiles, trying to fight that cute chuckle he always does.
“Thank you. That means the world to me. I love you too.” As we sit here enjoying the peace, the gentle breeze of Waterdeep air brushes the messy hair out of my face. As I look down at the town square below us, I see there’s a festival going on with various vendors and some bards playing some tunes for a large crowd. I actually notice Shadowheart, believe it or not, and it’s as if she’s looking for something in particular. She’s probably doing some shopping. I’m thinking about going down and buying Jenevelle a crochet owlbear or maybe a quilted blanket.
“Are you thinking about the festival?” Gale asks, studying my face.
“Erm, no…”
“You want to go, don’t you?” I laugh lightly, but then hide it with a fake cough. Is it silly for a grown woman to want to go to a fun festival?
“Can we?” He smiles and hands the baby over to me as he stands up from his seat.
“Of course. Let me go get dressed and we can head out. I’m going to avoid a robe this time, just in case some of my students are there. As much as I enjoy discussing the physics of magic and teaching others how to perform it correctly, I’d rather spend my time with my family enjoying the beauty of Waterdeep and its festivities.”
While Gale goes inside to get ready, I continue to observe the happy crowds from above; people casually dancing to the music, live entertainment of a comedic orc doing stand up, and of course delicious food. Mmmm. I can smell funnel cakes from up here.
We head down to the fun market area for the festival and notice various shops and vendors on every corner throughout the square. So many children are running around playing, eating, and having fun. I almost can’t wait until Jenevelle is walking and can enjoy fun events like this, playing with other children. For now, I have her wrapped in the baby carrier attached to my body, curled up and comfortable as we stroll the calming streets of Waterdeep.
“What a perfect day for such a festival. I clearly don’t get out enough, I feel like I haven’t seen any signs anywhere,” I say, observing the exciting area around us. I do notice a few clowns around us, which immediately brings flashbacks of Dribbles the Clown back at Baldur’s Gate, except we killed him and he was actually a shapeshifter. Long story short, he and several other shapeshifters were sent by Orin to murder me. Now that I look back on it, I feel honored to be such a threat to her.
“Oh, I have a slight inkling this was all planned last minute,” Gale says, chuckling. “Nonetheless, it’s fun to get out and enjoy this time together.”
We grab food and sit down at the music event, where three high elf bards are performing some new music I haven’t heard of before, but they’re pretty good! As we’re watching the concert, I hear my name nearby by a familiar voice – Shadowheart, perhaps? I turn around and notice her approaching us, and she sits down next to me. She has a bag full of items she bought from the various shops and vendors.
“I know I live like, two blocks down from you, but I saw you two walking and wanted to…give the baby a gift. But then I lost you when I spotted you both at the festival. I didn’t want to interrupt any future plans you might have later, so I figured I’d come by now.” She hands me an adorable pink owlbear plush from her bag, which is almost as big as Jenevelle herself. “The pink owlbear was the last one left. Since I don’t have children yet, I figured I’d spoil your little one while I still can.” I smile, taking the owlbear plush from her.
“Wow, this…is so kind. Thank you.”
“You want children, Shadowheart?” Gale asks. “Man, I wish I knew that earlier. We’d have asked you to babysit if you ever wanted to get the feel of parenthood.”
“I… I do. Now that our adventures are in the past, I’m in a comfortable position where I know I could be a mother. I would adopt, however.”
“A very kind and selfless choice.” I don’t know why but it surprises me that she wants to be a mother. I never got that vibe from her, but I do recall her saying right before fighting the elder brain that she ‘wants to have children once this is all over.’
“Definitely come by when you can. If you’re free tomorrow, maybe you can come by and we can have some tea or coffee while Gale is teaching?” She smiles with pure delight, as if she’s excited to hang out with me for the first time in a few weeks. I don’t know why we don’t get together more often.
“I’d like that. I’ll see you tomorrow then. I better go grab Astarion before he commits some heinous acts in the middle of the square.”
Gale and I shop around, getting new handmade clothes for Jenevelle and various fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients so I can bake a yummy dessert. Baking is one of my specialties, after all. After soaking in the sun partaking in a lovely little family venture, we head home due to Jenevelle getting fussy. However, we get home to put her down for a nap and she is screaming inconsolably. What we thought was her being tired is actually fear; something is causing her to feel sudden fear.
After about thirty minutes of her lying on my bare chest, she calms down and falls asleep. This was unusual behavior for her, especially since she hardly cries, but I’m glad she’s doing alright now.
“My head is throbbing from the screaming. I can’t imagine how she was feeling. I do hope she’s okay,” Gale says, carefully eyeing our sleeping baby as she sleeps in her crib.
“Me too. Maybe she’s just exhausted? Teething? Growing pains?” We watch her sleep peacefully in her crib for a moment, then head down to the living area to relax for about an hour or two. We plop down on the violet velvet sofa next to each other, curled up in a cuddling position. I’m worried about Jenevelle, but I’m sure I’m just being paranoid.
“You might be right about her possibly having pains of some sort, but part of me believes something else is going on. Maybe she saw something that frightened her. Poor baby,” Gale says, followed with a sigh. “I hate feeling daunting like this, but that must be part of being a parent, hm?” He kisses the side of my head for a couple seconds straight, one of the various affections I adore. “I love you. I think we’re doing pretty well as new parents.” I look up at him with my dark brown eyes, staring directly into his as we snuggle closely.
“I love you too. So much. And I couldn’t agree more.”
My love for him gets stronger by the minute every day. It seems like just yesterday I was pulling him out of a portal within a rock and we had an awkward introduction. Look where that unusual encounter got us!
I suddenly remember that Karlach is supposed to come over tonight to watch Jenevelle while Gale and I attend our monthly date night.
“Oh damn, I forgot we were going out tonight. My mom brain sure shows its true colors now,” I mention.
“Do you want to cancel?”
“No, no, it’s okay. Jenevelle will adore seeing aunty Karlach.” I really try not to cancel our date nights since we don’t have them too often; however, Gale’s mom is coming down in two weeks so we may get another one then. She’s been dying to hold and babysit our little girl.
“Good. I look forward to our evening together.”
I smile as I watch the glowing sun set from our living room window, thinking how blessed I truly am. Life is finally perfect again.
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azi-sings-calliope · 1 year
Hiii to celebrate my new name, I wrote a little fanfic drabble about Calliope and Dream! (Set after Calliope is freed, they discuss Orpheus)
The grass was unusually soft this time of year.
But then again, Fiddler's Green always had greatly appreciated her presence. The sun shining through the canopy glittered in such a way it hadn't for centuries.
The shafts of light, much like the Goddess across from him, filled him with wonder, bared guilt, and however much he wanted to deny himself he felt it, slight yearning. Perhaps it was because both the light and the woman, though he supposed Calliope possessed her own kind of luminescence, had not been seen in this realm for many ages.
Both of these events, or lack thereof had been of his own accord. Dream remembered this bitterly, remembering the day he closed the gates and held them fast so she could not enter the realm. Remembered the roaring emptiness that was the lack of Orpheus.
As his eyes flicked up to Calliope's face, he wondered why he had ever forced her out, why he had ever felt he could. Sitting before him was a woman just as, if not more, capable than himself of ruling the Dreaming. Anyone, mortal, immortal, dreaming or awake, could not mistake her as anything less than a Goddess.
A dissertation, Dream found when she opened her mouth, to be as accurate as it was simple.
"You said, at our last meeting, Oneiros..." They both winced at the memory. Calliope's voice, even weighed with centuries worth of grief and wounds, stagnant and new alike, had a rich, musical tone to it.
She could insult him, berate him, scream curses in a thousand languages to him and he would gladly listen if only it meant to hear her voice.
But Calliope, even proud and hardened through her millennia of existence, even after their son's death, had always been one to find strength in kindness. Though Dream knew he didn't deserve it, he found no use in pointing that out.
"... that you would invite me back to your Dreaming. And I ask you now, Shaper of Forms... if you wish to speak." Calliope finished. She sat up straighter, warm brown eyes watching his every move, as if she were a statue of a great god and he was a commoner kneeling before her, praying.
Dream swallowed, matching her inky eyes with his own. He searched them, and found nothing but warmth. He hoped she would find gratitude.
He opened his mouth, and found himself at loss for words. Dream did of course wish to speak, but for once his words were not carved into stone, set for eons, and he found himself lost, hoping new words would appear in Lucienne's library, words that would allow him to convey what impossible emotion he could share with her.
"I do... I do wish to speak with you, Calliope." Dream's voice was shaking, with loss and regret and love and gratitude and awe. "I... I wasn't sure if you would want to see me." The last words were a gamble, but a smile played across her lips, and he closed his eyes. It was a reverent action, as if his was offering thanks to whatever gods were listening, though he knew the Endless were unaffected by those powers. Perhaps it was to Calliope.
She somewhat tentatively reached a hand out to his, where it was resting against the grass. He turned up his palm, both their fingers trembling. Calliope traced the lines of his palm with her fingertips, each touch lighter than moth wings against his skin.
Her voice pulled his attention from her touch back to her face. "I am simply glad you invited me." Not a shred of anger in her voice.
"It was never my right to invite you. You have claim to this land, always." Dream stopped himself from speaking further, and they both felt the unsaid words. It was never my right to cast you out.
Calliope's hand stilled in his own. "Would he have had a right?" Her voice remained steady.
Dream's did not. He closed his eyes, which proved to be a mistake. A thousand memories, a thousand dreams of Orpheus played behind his lids like Destiny was flipping the pages backward on his book. As Dream pressed his eyes shut tighter, tears threatened to spill.
But he forced them open. Took a breath, though he did not need to breathe, and wondered if Orpheus was still alive, would they all be sitting under the canopy, listening to him play his lyre? Would he have had a right?
Dream's eyes flickered to the leaves above her, searching for a distraction. But he found none.
"I would have made mountains that scraped the stars if it would please him, and oceans twice as deep as the land was tall if he found it even slightly beautiful. I would give him claim to the wonders this world has to offer, and find those it doesn't." Dream vowed this with certainty, though vows between deities were not often done with shaking voices and grief in a garden.
A tear was trickling down Calliope's cheek, reminding him if the little waterfall where their son had first learned to play the lyre. She made no move to wipe it away, and it remained much like the memory.
Neither said anything for quite some time.
Calliope leaned against a tree to her right, tucking her feet under her and gently sweeping her brown hair behind her ear. The golden, dappled light played across her, making her seem as if she was an angel in a grand painting. She reached out her hand.
"Come, Oneiros."
He came. Dream leaned against the tree with her, the rough bark biting into his back. They clasped their hands, sat with her knees against his upper leg.
It was comfortable. But there was always that missing space between them.
Calliope sighed softly, not one of content but if grim certainty.
"I am angry, Oneiros."
"I know."
She sighed again. "We are angry, the both of us, at the world. At choices that even we as deities could not interfere with. I am hurting, and so are you, and that is our reality." Ever so gently, she turned and rested her head on his shoulder, looking up at him if he ever moved away. He didn't.
This was a way they had often sat, admiring the views of the world, of their son. It was comforting. It was terrifying.
"I've -" Dream's voice cracked. "I've never been very good at reality."
He felt Calliope chuckle slightly against his shoulder. "I've gathered."
Dream closed his eyes again. "So what are we to do?"
She shrugged, sighing again. "Move forward. Never forget the past, I suppose."
Dream's fear, then, was realized, and he had no doubt it was Calliope's as well.
He knew, as it was his function, that nothing was ever truly dead until it no longer appeared in memories, in dreams. The world would dream of Orpheus until the world was no more, and even then.
It felt, then, that in the Green, in their intimacy, that a wound was being prodded at. Not in a torturous way, but in the way a doctor did, before it was fully healed.
"I think, old love, that we confront our realities now." Calliope stood, and Dream sorely missed the feeling of the soft fabric of her chiton against his arm.
"Shall we?" She asked.
"Shall we what?" Dream asked, standing now too.
Calliope extended her arm, as if she were trying to touch the rays of sunlight.
"Come with me -" Calliope said, sure and proud, but warm, still laced with that intimacy shared but seconds earlier. " - to the Waking."
Dream stopped. His world has given him safety, surety. The Waking had left him afraid.
Calliope only smiled. "We may find what we're looking for. Perhaps something we're not."
Dream smiled tentatively, and stepped towards her. "And just what are we looking for, Calliope?"
Calliope's smile turned sad as she flicked her eyes up to the canopy. "Reality, Oneiros."
They had found reality, or some form of it.
Many museums had art, sculptures, all forms of beauty. None possessing the kind she could create.
Dream had asked Calliope to show him what she had inspired. She showed him countless books, read them to him.
The sound of her voice speaking, sometimes singing or reciting words she had inspired was painfully beautiful. He had loved it, but when she sang, only wished for a lyre in the background, to serenade them both.
But there was no lyre for them anymore. The Met held a Greek Myth exhibit, and neither could bring themselves into the Orpheus section. Reality existed, whether they saw it or not.
So here they sat, and Dream had though a million times before, no sight he loved like this.
Calliope sat, with a pistachio cake, her favorite kind, and a coffee in her hand. She looked almost mortal, but gazed with far more age in her eyes than any human would ever be capable of.
Dream knew art. He had spoken to, inspired them. He even considered himself an artist of a kind. But no matter the billions of artists he would meet, no matter how talented, a child with crayons or a Renaissance oil painter, they would always fail. Calliope would make frauds out of them all, for an artist could capture beauty, sound, but they could never capture just what it was like to sit across from her while she picked pistachios off the top of a cake.
They could never capture what it was like to feel her presence when he saw her in the Dreaming for the first time. They could never capture the admiration he felt for her, even while he was all of inspiration itself, and she was a Muse, he never could quite understand how she carried out her role so well, with so much love and care, and still have enough to show him. They could never capture the joy at learning she was with child, and never capture the dread of learning that baby was mortal. They could never capture the grief of losing that son and hearing her scream and see her fall to the ground. They could never capture the regret of learning they had taken the final days of her presence for granted.
They could never capture the emptiness of watching her stand, wiping the pistachio crumbs off her jeans, bidding him farewell, and watching her walk away into the crowds.
And they could never capture the certainty of knowing that she would return.
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cheiyunn · 8 months
Kimisute main story [0部 ] Part 3
Side:Fantome Iris
Koharu: I’m back
Jun: We- we’re back… shopping is so…tiring…
Felix: Oh, welcome back. Dinners almost ready
Jun/Koharu: EH !?
--[They run to the kitchen]--
Koharu: Oh… Feli was just helping…
Jun: That… that scared me…
Daimon: I just asked Felix to help with the plating. There’s no need to worry
Felix: Daimon, I’m not very sure what worry you’re referring to..?
Koharu: Woah, today’s dinner looks good!
Jun: Yeah, it looks delicious..!
Jun: Ah.. my stomach just growled… I- I'm gonna dig a hole in the ground and die
Felix: You better hurry and settle your stuff down in your rooms. Did you get what you were looking for?
Koharu: Yup, exactly too! Lemme just drop my stuff off first
--[Koharu leaves]--
Jun: Hm? Hey what about Tomoru?
Daimon: We got the message that he left the office a while back. So he should be soon?
Jun: Oh thats right
Daimon: Oh and this one, and this bigger plate is left. Bring the ones lined up over there to the table as well
Jun: Got it
Felix: Hey Daimon, since we have the time, how about we add this on top?
Daimon: …that one, maybe we can do that next time. For tonight I think just this is enough
Felix: Is that so? Well if you say so
Daimon: phew…
Jun: Daimon-san, praise be to you. thank be to the almighty..! (Small voice)
Koharu: Ooh–! When its all put together like this on the table, everything looks so fancy!
Koharu: …um, Jun why are you worshiping Daimon…?
--[Time passes]--
Felix: Tomoru should be back anytime soon?
Koharu: Just up to recently he’s started being able to come back earlier huh
Daimon: It's been a while since we became affiliated with Dreadnought Music and he began working as an employee. Things have mainly calmed down after all
Daimon: He did say that despite a lot of aspects being pretty different from his previous place, it feels just as rewarding
[Door opens]
Tomoru: I’m back!
Felix: Good work today, Tomoru. As for your stuff, just leave it somewhere around there is fine
Felix: Now then, hold your glass
Tomoru: eh, oh. okay…
Felix: Let us bring a toast. A votre sante! (‘To your health’)
Jun/Koharu/Daimon: Cheers!
Tomoru: c-Cheers…!
Tomoru: Um sorry, did we have something to… celebrate..?
Felix: Its a celebration to your occupational transfer to Dreadnought Music!
Tomoru: what…!?
Koharu: Because we let the timing slip past us so many times, Feli said to just do it now
Daimon: I did try to stop him under the pretense of asking your opinion and was stopped, he said it serves to be a surprise as well
Jun: Felix-san said that it was okay now since you’re now coming home early so…
Tomoru: You guys…!
Felix: Oh dear, was it not to your liking?
Tomoru: Not at all, thank you so much! I'm rather really glad!
Koharu: Now that that's settled let's dig in! Daimon put his whole back into making dinner after all!
Jun: It looks so delicious… wait no, your cooking is always delicious but this time is even better!
Felix: It seems that you’re honing your skills even further while running the cafe and living together with us Daimon
Daimon: This isn’t that much of a big deal
Daimon: Here you go Tomoru. Today, you’re the protagonist so eat up
Tomoru: Thank you so much!
Tomoru: Oh right, since the timing fits, there’s something I want to ask
Tomoru: While we were able to make our major debut at Dreadnought Music…
Tomoru: I was thinking of opening up the discussion of Fantome Iris’ future direction again
Felix: That sounds good. Hearing out each other’s opinions is important after all
Felix: For our followers, I was thinking of completely dedicating ourselves to the craft 
Felix: With full sincerity, even more than what we present now
Felix: I also want to hear everyone’s opinions. How about it?
Daimon: Lets see…
[I took some creative liberties in translating Jun's speech. Hopefully it comes across as similarly as the japanese end.]
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gudvina · 8 months
The things I do to keep you near.
Ship: Effie Trinket/Haymitch Abernathy
Fandom: Hunger Games
Chapter 2: Marriage Contract.
Can also be read on AO3!
71st Hunger Games, Gamemakers’ party.  
The venue was filled to the brim with people, and Haymitch was glad that the Victors’ area was separated from the crowd. Small mercies. Trashy music, flashing colours at every turn, the party was so Capitol that maybe they should have called it that.
It only happened every five years, and the Victors were required to attend if only to be able to gain sponsors. Not all of them were there, but for next year’s mentors it was the best bet.
He was sitting on the couch and sloshing his drink absentmindedly, pretending to listen to the chatter around him.
“… right, Haymitch?”
He turned to see Finnick look at him, waiting for an answer. He surmised that he’d been telling a story to Johanna, the new Victor from District Seven, a girl who was already raging from the inside out. He knew that anger.
“Chum, you’ve got to stop looking at Trinket. What’s going on with you this year? Afraid she might disappear on you again?” Chaff joked, eyeing him from his stool. Haymitch winced at the mention of Effie’s leaving and hid it by taking a big gulp of his drink. He knew his friend was worried, that behind his jokes there was a silent warning against getting involved too much with Capitols. No matter how great of a fuck they were. No matter how caring they seemed.
If Chaff had known he’d married her, he would have never heard the end of it.
He didn’t, though. Nobody had to know, not even Effie, and she’d be safe. Safe to be his. Maybe, he would croak before the end of her escorting mandate. After all, he was 38, his alcoholism didn’t seem to get any better, and judging by Lavinia Albus’ stay Twelve was always reticent to let go of their escorts.
“She ain’t going anywhere if she knows what’s good for her”.
“Who the fuck is Trinket?!” Johanna asked, frowning.
“Haymitch’s escort. I’ve wanted her in One for ages, Finnick has been begging her to switch to Four, but nothing. The Gamemakers do not want to go through the ordeal of searching for another escort and he keeps a tight leash on the poor woman” Cashmere chipped in, sitting beside her brother.
“What makes her so good?”
“She always shows up for the tributes, and you will learn that an escort can either break or make a set. A few years ago, District Three used to have an absent escort and it showed, they had to replace her abruptly: now Three has a few loyal sponsors. Twelve is already a hard district to lead, I can’t imagine what it was like before Effie Trinket”. Finnick explained, leaning back on his chair.
“Liviana did her job, but she was a bitch”.
“A bitch? She was hell” Chaff scoffed “The escort who reaped me couldn’t stand her. Gloria and Liviana were at odds because Liviana was never giving escort guardianship or some shit”.
“To be fair it was always Gloria, Iuno, and Pulchra the ones in charge of ‘producing’ new escorts”.
“And I’d say thank God for that, Cecilia. Imagine a little Liviana Albus walking around the Training Centre, I wouldn’t last five minutes”.
“Well, yeah, but we get a little Gloria who follows Haymitch everywhere”. Woof said, mischief in his eyes. Despite Chaff’s usual stance against Capitols, he’d always liked Gloria, who in her time had won the Best-Escort-Of-The-Year award for three years in a row. She had always cared for Chaff and his mentor, and he’d been unable to forget it.
“Trinket and Gloria have nothing in common! She mentored Trinket, so they operate similarly, but that’s about it. Especially in the way they dress”.
“Come on Chaff, you’re not a boy anymore. You know what was going on between Gloria and Jasper!” Woof insisted, and Haymitch considered the benefits of digging a hole in the polished floors of the venue. The discussion was taking a turn he didn’t like. Not only were they talking too much about him and Effie, but mentioning Jasper Arbore was always a recipe for disaster, as he’d been like a father to Chaff.
Jasper Arbore was the winner of the 15th edition of The Hunger Games, the first District 11 win. He’d been followed by Seeder very soon, alternating the mentorship charges until the Fortieth edition. And if Gloria Shimmers had come about during that edition, for Chaff it was only a coincidence.
He had never coped well with his Games, that much had been clear to Haymitch, he was a soft-spoken man with a gentle soul who struggled with the weight of his corruption. He hoped for their tributes, why he didn’t know, and every year that hope was crushed. At the time he didn’t understand why he would come back. Why would a man so gentle and weak put himself in that position willingly, when he could have left it to the other Victors?
When Gloria’s mandate ended the answer was clear. That year Jasper didn’t come back, and Victory Tour had to be announced yet when he was found dead of a morphling overdose. Seeder was the one who found him, and it had been a low blow to both her and Chaff. Out of the game scene, Gloria was not even allowed to travel for his funeral.
He didn’t like the reminder.
“Whatever was going on, it has nothing to do with Trinket and sulky boy here”. Chaff denied, more for Haymitch’s sake than for anything else. That seemed to be the end of it, and Haymitch poured himself another drink, hoping to drown the feeling that sat heavily on his guts.
“Talking about Trinket” started Gloss “Is she back with Crane?”
“How do you know that?”
“Because she is not”. He barked.
“Uhm, good, because they seem real chummy over there”.
He could have killed. When he turned in the direction Gloss was pointing, the first person he spotted was her. She wore a brown puffy wig dotted with gold, a brown dress that came at an end at her thighs, and was currently trying to whisper something in response to the Head Gamemaker. His arm was around her waist, her hand held the lapels of his jacket. They still looked like the Capitol’s darling couple.
He knew they were childhood friends, that the end of their relationship didn’t mean the end of their friendship, but the intimate way he touched her never failed to make his blood boil. The man always had a hand on her, and always demanded her attention.
His eyes took in each movement. She was his escort, it was her job to be overtly friendly, to sport the brightest smile and charm the stupidest fool. It wasn’t real, he knew. It wasn’t real.
He saw her frown and shake her hands to deny something. The Head Gamemaker nodded and whispered something else, but Effie seemed to deny some more, so he relented the grip on her waist. He continued whispering in her ear when she turned in his direction and their eyes met.
The grey of his eyes was darkened by an emotion she couldn’t decipher. It made her body feel weak, it burned her to her very core.
“I don’t want this, but Patroclus is willing to sponsor Twelve, Phim. And since your Victor is not actively doing his job passing this will be a bad choice” Seneca whispered.
“Haymitch is doing what he can!”. Small lies; it was true that he wasn’t doing his job properly, but Effie couldn’t help her instincts. Nobody touched her Victor.
“I’m sure, Phim, but that’s not enough. Not nearly enough. Now, it’s been a while since you’ve had to do this, but Patroclus is chivalrous, being on the older side, and can be even fancied as handsome. He’s just asked for a night with you, that’s all”.
“It’s not a small thing to ask…”
“You are single, so is he. It’s not a big thing to ask either” he shrugged, his hand now on the small of her back.
“Can I consider it with Haymitch?”
Seneca’s mouth opened to say something, but then he stopped himself. He took a deep breath, smoothed her dress beneath his hands, and seemed to be deep in thought for just a second.
“Yes, you can, but the decision should fall on you, you know that, right?”
“Thank you, I… will let you know”.
She smiled again, and her facial muscles stiffened due to the exertion. Seneca left her to talk to other people and her eyes prickled with tears. It wasn’t the only time she danced this ballad, admittedly, even when she was with Seneca she used to go with Sponsors, but she hadn’t done it in a few years and now it felt different. It felt wrong.
When she’d been in a relationship with Seneca it was easy, he’d find her sponsors and she’d charm her way into their pants to aim at their pockets, a perfect mechanism. Their relationship was open, and she hid behind these trysts to avoid the reality of her affair with Haymitch.  
But it had been a few years since she’d been with anyone that wasn’t Haymitch. The thought of hands that weren’t his on her skin made her sick, to the point that she wondered if maybe she had drunk a little too much.
At that moment Haymitch got up and strode toward her, ignoring Chaff’s raised eyebrows and Cashmere and Gloss’ snickering. She was upset, and he didn’t like that.
“What happened?” he whispered, concerned “What did Crane say?”
“Nothing, just… he’s found a new sponsor for us”. She felt bile in her throat.
“That’s good news, isn’t it? Why do you look like that?”
“Because I have to fuck him”, she hissed but regretted it instantly. It was stupid, but she didn’t know if he realised what being an escort truly entailed. And if he did, maybe he was okay with it, maybe he didn’t care and she was sure that would kill her, him not caring. But he’d always made that clear, hadn’t he? That what they were doing was just scratching an itch. Nothing more.
Suddenly his hand held onto her wrist and steered her away, dragging her through the crowd. He was walking quickly towards the exit, and she struggled to keep up with him, complaining about how rude it was to flee a party without taking a proper leave.
In a minute they were in the limousine that would take them to the penthouse, and only when they were driving did he let go of her wrist.
“Haymitch, really, this is absurd! How could you leave all your friends in such a manner? And I’ll have to remind you that I’m a lady, and it is highly improper for you to drag me away like that”.
“Oh, but it’s so proper for boyfriend to pimp you out, huh?”
“His friend asked him, he did not seek it” it was a half-lie. Her eyes were prickling with tears again.
“Do you want to do it?” he held her gaze, and she realized he was challenging her. Or maybe testing her. She could not tell the difference, but he’d not looked at her so coldly in a long while, and it was breaking her.
“No” she sobbed and felt hot tears stream down her face, surely ruining the elaborate brown eye makeup.
Seeing her like this was more than he could bear. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her firmly, his tongue ready to battle for dominance but finding, for once, little resistance. She’d limped in his embrace, and she would have kept kissing him forever if it wasn’t for the need for air.
“Seneca talked of him, said he just asked for a night, that he’ll sponsor us” she said breathlessly “I told him I wanted to talk about it with you”.
“Good girl” he whispered and kissed her again, this time making it dirty. She let out a soft moan.
He backed away and looked at her. She was aroused, he could see the tell-tale signs by the dazed look in her eyes and the way she licked her lips. She’d been since before the party, but now it seemed to have reached its height. His little wife.
“Tell me you won’t do it” he whispered, one of his hands cupping her breasts and squeezing as the other made its way up her skirt.
“I won’t do it” she moaned, her legs spreading readily for him.
“Promise me. Promise me you won’t let anyone else touch you”. He groaned when her hands moved to massage his crotch.
“Only if you promise you won’t let anyone touch you” she pleaded coquettishly, but he wasn’t fooled. Through the haze of her arousal, he knew she was going to hold him up to his words. She didn’t know, but there wasn’t anyone else. He didn’t mind making a promise he was already upholding if that meant he’d get his wife all for himself.
“I promise” he smirked when he felt the soaked fabric of her panties, claiming her lips in a heated kiss as she started to unbuckle his belt.
She couldn’t wait anymore.
In a moment she was straddling his lap, the other guiding him to her entrance. She slid down his length with a strangled moan, every inch of him filling her in the way only he did, and when he bottomed out she took a moment to adjust and press soft kisses on his jaw. Soon she rotated her hips in a fast-paced rhythm.
His groans and her strangled moans were the only sounds that could be heard, and for a while, she enjoyed having control of the situation. That was until he gripped either side of her waist and started to take charge, slowly taking over and becoming her undoing. She reached her peak, muffling the sounds against the crook of his neck, and felt him follow right after.
They rested on each other for a little bit, recovering from the mess of their coupling. She leaned back a little bit to look him in the eyes, and he raised a hand and caressed her forehead gently.
“Did you mean it?” she asked feebly, her voice still not quite recovered.
“I did, sweetheart”
He kissed her, his stubble burnt against her cheeks. She didn’t mind being his if that meant he’d be hers. She didn’t mind at all.
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