#thank you pansear
sevenrs · 1 year
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snailfen · 11 months
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i finally finished these!! i felt bad that hunter and monk didnt have their own titlescreen art, so i started on making my own for them a few months ago. nailing the official rendering made this harder than i thought haha
also, when i originally made these, i had the idea of making this into a sort of challenge for other people to make their own title art for these two. im still standing with that! if you want to take a shot at making your own version of titlescreen art for these two, go ahead! hell, tag me if you want.
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aerchara · 1 year
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All my scug designs! hope you guys like em ^_^
Inv's pink eye things are eyelashes btw
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Finally finished it! It isn't that great, but I find it funny
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mizzyislost · 9 months
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whoops i am a sucker for these kinds of posts
anyways fuck yeah h) chalk details brush takeover!!!
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boiled-bronze · 1 year
Amazing how I went from like, 2 notes, to 87 in a couple posts
That's the power of gay slugcats I guess..
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ardienothesieno · 9 months
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where is the most likely place for a bunch of iterators, slugcats, and ancients to all hang out and take a selfie together?
a wallmart parking lot, of course. and yes i misspelled that on purpose
tumblr has absolutely killed my image quality hgvcvghjjhb so clicking on it will hopefully make it look less terrible this was supposed to be finished a while ago but IM JUST GLAD I ACTUALLY GOT IT DONE. IT'S DONE. FINALLY.
a few weeks ago i decided that i wanted to give back to my favorite people on this site. my friends, mutuals, the people who inspire me. everyone who has made my venturing onto this website and into this fandom the absolute highlight of my year. i wanted to have a way to say thank you to the people who motivate me to keep creating. so. thank you, everyone. whether i included a character of yours in this drawing or not, thank you. thank you all for creating what you create, for the chaos that you cause, for being so kind. i love you all so much.
CHARACTER LIST (32 in total) Ashes from Above -- me! The Fidget & Spectrum of Colors -- @pookapufferfish Four Shiny Reeses Wrappers & Butternut -- @kakyogay Looks to the Moon design -- @ssagesaurus Anthro Monk design -- @draagu Lingering Fog -- @mothsakura Eight Crashing Tides -- @dustyfandomtrashbin Paths Left Untaken -- @fauxbia Sliver of Straw design -- @skybristle Ancient No Significant Harassment design -- @tanzytechgem Reluctant Abstinence -- @copepods Saturn's Foley -- @csavii Adamant Dune -- @druidshollow Three Star Songs -- @skyistheground Curtains Drawn Over Bone -- @bitsbug Unparalleled Innocence design -- @shkika Three Sparrows -- @spotsupstuff Anthro Artificer design -- @pansear-doodles Flickering Nightfall -- @flickering-nightfall Somnium of the Deep -- @stratusstormcloud Five Pebbles design -- @lyss-butterscotch Distant Frontier -- @daszombes Original Seven Red Suns & Spearmaster designs -- @faelingdraws Eleven Rivers -- @druidshollow Chasing Wind design -- me again! Smoke Upon Droplets of Rain -- @mothsakura Rot x Enot x Lizard Polycule -- @excessive-moisture
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twocakesinacup · 10 months
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The future is terrifying, but I can do anything with you by my side.
Commission for @pansear-doodles. Thank you for your support!
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pastelslugcat · 7 months
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Happy Valentines day! I know I started this like 3 months ago but it's finally done! Unfortunately while looking at the reblogs to see who submitted what design, a few people had disappeared from the list because of some glitch so I’m sorry if I didn’t credit yours. Without further ado, thank you to all of these lovely people for submitting your designs!
@pansear-doodles @cosmikazie @weepingpineapplechaos @foxdoesshit @satas-momento @eeveekitti @cheddar-inq @pebbleposting @asturx-and-rain-world @asrielwithans @sparkdoesart
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Also I'm sorry to @unknownanomoly since by the time you submitted yours I already had the layout done. I did still draw them though! Also I love that Arti is just chilling out holding hands with this horrifying creature.
I'm sorry if I didn't do anyone's justice since this is a huge project and I felt overwhelmed for most of it. Anyway, I hope you like it and have a great valentine's day!
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amerricanartwork · 9 months
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late holiday gift :D
@pansear-doodles , you strike again, but this time I shall RETALIATE!!
Firstly, I was not expecting something like this from anyone honestly, so thank you so much for the gift!! It's the first time I've ever seen anyone else draw my avatar thing before, but it looks cute in your style! Heck, I think this may be the first time anyone online (besides some Discord friends) has drawn stuff for me, so it's very thoughtful of you!
But this time you won't get away with dropping a drawing in my inbox without me returning the favor! You see, Pansear, I've wanted to draw characters of yours for a while now, and originally I was gonna do it as a Christmas gift, but when I wasn't able to finish in time I thought it may have been too late. BUT NOW you've given me the PERFECT excuse to share it, so...
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Here we are! A couple sketches of your anthro Hunter (ft. a very enthusiastic Arti)!
Let me tell you, I've wanted to draw some of your designs for a while now, especially Hunter because your design for them reminds me so much of a fox and wolf and I love those already Plus, anthro anatomy is something I have been pondering for at least a year now, so it's nice to finally get to use it for legitimate art! AND this gave me a chance to practice more digital painting! But I didn't know if you'd find me weird for just randomly sketching your characters one day, so I wanted to wait until I had the proper excuse, which I do now!!
Well, merry (pretty late) Christmas, Pansear! Thanks again for the gift! Hope you like yours! :D
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suburbandrifts · 7 months
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@pansear-doodles cyan lizor!!
i actually had this back in july as an artfight attack for you,, but i was too shy to actually post it let alone go on tumblr TwT
but now i'm here! just wanted to hand this over to you :)
thanks for being one of my (and the rain world community)'s greatest inspos! <3
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sugarr-moon · 4 months
regarding pansears response i just wanted to say thank you for at least hearing us out and changing your stance. we still aren’t glad with the mods in SC though since it is completely unclear from our side whether or not they made an actual apology or any kind of statement at all (considering i left and my friends got banned).
i hope everyone affected by the situation is doing alright. and if you actually harassed anybody i am severely disappointed. harassment was not what we intended, we just wanted to express our criticisms with the server and we wanted justice for the victims who’d been affected. this was not intended to deplatform pansear either this is about the fact… emily groomed two people and was weird to two other minors. dont focus your attention to pansear who didnt even make the final desicion (although they definitely werent perfect in this situation, nobody was). i have no idea id the SC mods switched up or if theyre still keeping what they said and think emily is innocent but i hope everyone is doing alright.
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pessimysticrw · 6 months
Kiss Me (Kill Me) Part 2 is complete!
The full process video is available on my youtube.
I am the backup animator and this was made in collaboration with thekawaiitoast! Thank you to @pansear-doodles for the oppurtunity and hosting the map ^^
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Wip, but all the slugnons will be in one place, as long as I don't forget anything
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pookapufferfish · 1 year
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once again thanks for 500 followers
hope you all enjoy the 40+ spearmasters
oh this is so many, sorry if I forgot you
@verdeltiathedead @theantmistake @containedconspiracy @sillycryptid @rainworld-obsessed-cat @dustyfandomtrashbin @falling-silent-hope @zarithial @toastombee @nerdiestalpaca @laiphena @sp1resong @aquaticnebulae @inkyflowercrowns @pmpwbrrs @north-winds1 @counterattacker @rosebuuds @wintry-tempest @bunteaart @chromaticlera @0303emily @thehappiestgolucky @girlbossespurr @therotconsumed @squenble @azrielfiend @cheddar-inq @subwaybug @pansear-doodles @draagu @eldritch-in-october @henry-law @sugarr-moon @b1g-ju1cy @sky-the-catgirl @neattnat @mothlight-hours
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possumwoodfunnes · 4 months
Coming out as someone who is working on the doc and is directly involved with the situation, a few things I'd like to address as this whole thing is going on, DO NOT HARASS THE SHIPPING CONTAINER MODS, NOR ANYONE WITHIN SHIPPING CONTAINER, the decision has since been reverted and Emily has been banned, I would also to ask that people keep pansear away from the situation as they do not wish to be invovled, no harassment will be tolerated. There's also a few people I wanted to mention who are trying to ride off this to try to get in people's good graces, there was a video made by smolreapy, a proshipper and moderator for the server with all the feral and shit about irl animals in, do not engage with the video and wait for the actual doc to release, there was also a Tumblr post by nomnots, a known groomer, make it known that neither of these people are helping nor are they on our side here and to ignore them entirely. The doc is in progress but might take a bit to be released, give us time as we wish not to rush anything, thank you for your patience and please do not try to spread misinformation about any of the SC mods, or anything related to the situation
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