#thank you nonny!! 🥰🥰
residentdormouse · 2 years
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! ♡♡
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thefrsers · 3 months
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requested by Anon: Bathena kisses in s7
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awesomefringey · 11 months
yummy .
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imaswellkid · 1 month
I really tried to not bother you with this but ( I could't control myself anymore) as a french girl how did you feel about Gojira on the Olympics? And on a scale of 5 how irritating is it to be in Paris during the games? Because I'm imagining parisians huffing and puffing over their croissants daily because of it.
Hey Nonnie 🧡
You are NOT bothering me at all!! Not in the slightest! I woke up to your ask and it made me smile and chuckle, thank you 🧡
Of course I can only talk for myself, but everyone I talked to about it felt insanely proud about Gojira's performance!!! Even amongst those of my friends or coworkers who are not into metal, and didn't know the band before its opening ceremony performance, everyone was THRILLED and thought it was pretty neat! Which says a lot about how the people around me feel about the French Revolution, heehee: OFF WITH THEIR HEADS 😌
Unfortunately, we still have royalists (and even Napoleon partisans, if you can believe this shit). Those were NOT pleased, social media demonstrated. Given the current political divide of our country, the fact that these people got pissed gave Gojira's number some extra nice flavour.
Deep down, it makes me a little sad that it triggered such violent reactions from the conservative crowds. I was 10 in 1989, when the country celebrated the Revolution's bicentennial. I wasn't living in Paris back then (Paris and the rest of France are two different things. I say that without any judgement, anyone will tell you so. Also, I feel 99% Parisian but I grew up in the South of France, where my family still lives), and what I remember is a year of happy, uniting celebrations. But we didn't have social media back then.
I'm sorry I'm so chatty, I'll try wrapping it up. Being in Paris right now is exactly the opposite of what I expected: not irritating AT ALL! The city is virtually empty. Everyone is either gone or attending the games. Don't get me wrong, it has been. A lot. The city was under construction work for the best part of the past 3/4 years, so Parisians did spend this whole time huffing and puffing over their croissants daily because of it, as you so very accurately put it, only to rally the minute the opening ceremony started (which is such a French reaction: complain first, rally later). We are very proud of the way Paris was pictured. I cannot stress that enough. Plus France won so many more medals than usual, and at the end of the day, we are a very chauvinistic people ("chauvin" in French means "proud of one's country", without the negative connotation that the word "chauvinistic" can have in English).
I'll end this essay (I'm so sorry, I don't know concision) with this poster I saw the other day. It's a pun on "Flamme Olympique" (Olympic Flame) and "Flemme Olympique (Olympic laziness ehehehe)
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abitohoney · 6 months
i love and miss your writing! can't tell you the amount of times i've reread them. thanks for crafting such beautiful stories for our giant babygirl sev. i hope everything goes better for you. can't wait to see what comes next in the future 💜💜💜💜
Thank you sweet nonny! This is incredibly encouraging (at a time when I honestly really need it). It's truly so wonderful to hear that my stories bring so much enjoyment to others (to the point of rereads!?!?) 🥰 Despite my struggles as of late, I'm persistent and hopeful that I will get back to writing for our wife. She still has me by the throat (😏) and won't leave my head, so that's a good sign. Although admittedly another woman- a real woman- is currently competing with her in my head. I have such a big fucking crush on this girl. send help.
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littlexdeaths · 1 month
yes you write smut FANTASTICALLY but also… your angst? MWUAH. chef’s kiss. the dichotomy of a writer we love to see it give me all the sad and all the horny
brb while i go and cry 😭
you are so sweet. 🥹
thank you so much !! 💕
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eusuntgratie · 6 months
Taylor is the love of my life
@bigassbowlingballhead you better watch out my anons are comin' for your man
jk jk we can all love him he's got enough ass i mean heart to go around
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mollywog · 4 months
The first fic of yours I remember reading is The Odds- In Our Favor specifically. I love how you blended together regency with Everlark, there's an Austen-ian (?) vibe about it, and you do it so well❤️❤️
Gah!! This made me so happy!! Thank you for the kind words!!!
The idea came from discussions with @rarepairheathen. The concept began Austen based but took a Bridgerton turn - either way, I really love this universe!!
How did you find me ask game
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happi-tree · 2 years
plot or storyline(sent those the same thing?) for your beloved Witch AU? It Tis beautiful.
Hi there, Nonnie!!! Hope you’re doing well and sorry I took awhile to get around to this. And thank you so much for the compliment! 🥺🥺🥺
There are multiple ways to approach this question, so I guess I’ll start with an overview of the basics and then get into the central plot/storyline. 
Marcy in this AU is a witch, and Anne is a cat shapeshifter who is Marcy’s familiar! The two of them live together in a tiny cottage at the edge of a small town named Wartwood. Wartwood itself is very open to magic and is something of a safe haven for casters and magical creatures, so Anne and Marcy have no need to hide their abilities. Sasha is a regular ol’ human with no knowledge of magic who got cursed to live as a toad for the foreseeable future. They’re all adults here, around their mid-twenties. 
The main plot kicks off with Anne finding and dragging a cursed Sasha to the cottage she shares with Marcy. Anne found her in the woods while foraging for potion ingredients to bring back to Marcy, and since she was able to sense that Sasha was actually a human inflicted with a really nasty curse rather than a regular toad, brought her back to Marcy as a “potential customer.” Marcy does a lot of magical jobs and favors for people in Wartwood, and while curse-breaking isn’t exactly Marcy’s specialty, Anne is confident that her witch can help this girl out.
Sasha is… quite the piece of work at the start of all this. Rude, haughty, manipulative, selfish, a know-it-all, and overall very unpleasant to be around (which is why the curse on her is so strong - its potency builds off of the negative feelings others have towards her as well as the ones Sasha herself exudes). She doesn’t know exactly who cursed her, and her memories of the time spent as a toad before Anne found her are very foggy, but together, the girls eventually figure out the cure. Over the weeks she spends in Marcy and Anne’s cozy cottage in the countryside, Sasha reevaluates what is most important to her and learns quite a few new things about herself. Anne teaches her to find happiness and fulfillment in the little things, and Marcy teaches her that she can be helpful without burning herself out in the process.
That said, Sashannarcy is indeed endgame with preexisting Marcanne. However, both relationships are actually queerplatonic! So not friendship and not romance, but a very, very close bond that is different categorically from both. I feel like I haven’t seen a lot of fics that attempt this concept, and while I am by no means an expert I thought it’d be fun to take a shot at it!
Outside of the main plot, though, I actually have quite a few ideas for how exactly Anne and Marcy become witch and familiar, so there will probably be a few tiny ficlets around that! 
Lastly, just to clear things up: I won’t be updating in multi-chapter format (it intimidates me too much >.<), and they won’t necessarily come out in chronological order either. I’m planning on doing a sort of collection of one-shots, if that makes sense? They’ll all be tagged under “#ccc au” and I’ll likely link them all together, too!
Apologies for the VERY long-winded response, but I hope that answers your question! Have a good rest of your day/night, lovebird! 💗💗💗
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rinhaler · 11 months
hello! i have a question abt your toxic megumi fic :) ! it may be a stupid question if so i apologize and you don’t have to answer this but it’s been on mind since i’ve read it, so megumi doesn’t love the reader if not how does he feel towards her? sorry once again if it’s a stupid question 😭!
Hi lovely! Not a stupid question at all thank you for asking this 🥺
He actually is very much in love with the reader but it’s such a toxic and controlling love it can definitely be misconstrued as other feelings. Megumi is very very very insecure in that particular story I wrote because he knows the reader is very beautiful and popular and worries she’ll leave him eventually. But he’s also very smart and because of his manipulative nature he knows how to get her exactly where he wants. He wants her to need him and be addicted to him and she unfortunately plays right into his hand every time. They both cheat on each other bc they are both super toxic but in the end he knows he can get away with murder when it comes to the reader because she’ll never be able to give up on him and how much she loves him. It would take a huge influence to make her leave him, it’s more or less impossible. He cheats bc he knows she’ll be angry but ultimately it scares her more than anything that she’ll lose him. She’ll cheat as an act of revenge but she and Megumi both know she’ll never find a good enough replacement for him no matter what.
So yeah in short, he does love her and he’s just a horrendous prick about it.
And if the end of the fic is the part that confused you, he didn’t say it back because he rarely does! He’ll say it at random times that give her hope that they have a good relationship but it’s, again, just to keep her under control. She worries when he doesn’t say it back to her and makes her want to make him love her back. So it’s just a never ending cycle really 😭
I Hope that was clear I’m sorry if it didn’t help or was a bit rambly, feel free to ask me anything you’re confused about! I love answering asks about my stories so this was very welcome 🥺🥺 thank you!
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magnus-the-maqnificent · 11 months
You are beautifull💖 but i'm shocked and disappointed in the fact that you are indeed not Alexander lightwood wearing a flower crown in the pink backround 🙁
I am also disappointed in the fact that I'm not Alec Lightwood wearing a flower crown 😔✌️
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bamababygirl7 · 1 year
One of the cutest bloggers I follow
OMG thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺
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latinaliddell · 6 months
Blank the series is amazing! You should definitely give it a try! :D They fixed some of the "controversy" that surrounds the main novel. Not to mention the actresses do a phenomenal job in this. Should support them if you can!!
Good to know! I'll for sure check it out when I have a minute.
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naavispider · 1 year
I magically found your writing through the grace of Eywa on AO3 and am ADDICTED!!!
I read most of Caught first then went through all the other gems on and absolutely fell in love with If You Playing Me! That was definitely what felt missing from the movie…what were they up to?! And you filled it in beautifully and quite realistically for a 16 year old kid going through that chaos! 💙🩵
As soon as the concern for Spider having sharp objects and getting closer with Quaritch really set in, I had this vision of Quaritch catching him with a knife again and freaking out…! Only to find Spider carving a new bead for his songcord from their time together…
Stunning work and I hope the Spider stories will continue?? Thank you for what you put into the world!
Omg 😳🥰 That is way too nice, I'm stoked!! Wow I'm so happy you feel this way about my writing 🤯 If You Playing Me means so much to me and I'm so glad you found it through reading Caught. It's a bit of a light relief after the psychological horror 💀😂
That's a really good idea... maybe I shall have to do a little snippet to add to the missing scenes series... Quaritch misinterpreting Spider's actions wouldn't be the first time, and I'd love to explore Spider's reaction when he realises that Quaritch thought he might hurt himself. Imagine Spider realising that Quaritch... 😶 cares 😶 Help I'm weak again ✨
The Spider stories will of course continue! I am absolutely loving writing for him and don't see that ending any time soon 💞
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peachsayshi · 7 months
To TWYLM- yes!
1)- perhaps one scene where Satoru is jealous and he yearns for you. Perhaps you’re nurturing and perhaps he thinks you’re such a good girlfriend to Haru he can only imagine what it would be like to be loved like that and it makes him a little jealous
2)- believe it or not a part of me wants to see him destroyed during the period of ‘no contact’. We know he went to ami and that was a disaster but we kinda wanna see more of how he tries to cope💔
3)- a sweet moment between the two. Maybe it’s while you’re friends and the two of you just have amazing conversational chemistry you or he can’t help but wonder what it could be like to be together (either you think that or Satoru 🙈)
4)- maybe ways Satoru expresses his love or maybe the readers mom has a slight (positive!) bias towards Satoru over Haru. Sure she likes Haru but she acts differently with Satoru and laughs and maybe it makes Haru jealous? The readers mom won’t be surprised if they end up together 🤷‍♀️
As always thank you so much for asking us this I felt like I needed to get it off my chest🥰🥰🥰
is there a specific scene/moment between gojo x reader in the way you love me that would like to see?
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mageofseven · 1 year
I just wanted to stop by and thank you for understanding about that whole ai thing and for thanking your icon. I know you were very happy about it and all and it really means a lot that you changed it 💕💕
You mean the ai art? That's sweet of you to say~
I did really like the ai art, but I was also really ignorant about it's true origins and affects. I don't want to do anything that brings others down or causes trouble for the artists.
Honestly, I'm just grateful that I had Nonnies that were so kind and patient with me about it; they could have easily been mean to me over it, but instead they took the time to help me understand and for that, I appreciate them.
So yeah, I had no problem with the change so I don't think it's something I should be thanked for.
Honestly, I just hope if I ever find myself in that kind of situation again that people will take the time to help me understand in that same way.
But anyway, thank you for your kind words 🥰
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