#thank you mister vine
starsfic · 4 months
Protective Rose
Rose was loving.
It was part of her nature. "I would think the world would end if you ever stopped loving," Juleka had said once, soft and gentle. Rose knew that if one of her friends asked, she would try her best to snuff out the sun or rearrange the stars. It was silly and ridiculous, but Rose loved.
She loved Juleka. She loved her friends.
That was why she didn't say anything when Alya brought Adrien to the modeling shoot. She loved Adrien and Marinette, and both of them deserved good things. Would it be bad if that good thing was each other?
Then she had looked at Marinette's face.
Marinette couldn't hide the stress the moment Adrien appeared. Rose wasn't sure when it started, but at that moment, the time limit was being presented, and she had a feeling that she was looking at ancient stress. Stress that couldn't be easily scraped away.
The modeling shoot was fun, but Alya's behavior wasn't. Even though this shoot had been for Juleka to start modeling, Alya shoved Marinette in front of the camera. Even as she plastered on a smile, the stress never faded from her eyes.
Rose had looked at the others behind Alya's back. Mylene looked uncertain, Alix had looked so annoyed that she was honestly surprised she didn't throw something, and Juleka was gone. The next few minutes, the akuma and sentimonster had appeared and Rose was left to scramble.
Thankfully, Lady Noire and Mister Bug had saved Juleka. Rose had figured things would be better now. Marinette apologized for Juleka for ruining her first modeling shoot, even though it wasn't really her fault. Rose waited for Alya to apologize too.
And waited. And waited. And waited.
Alya never apologized. As Rose waited, she started to think.
Alya was the catalyst for Marinette to start reaching out again. The rest of the class tried their best to avoid Chloe's attention, meaning she had retreated into herself. Before Alya came, Rose could count the times that all the girls had hung out together on one hand. She had Alya to thank.
But...Alya never really let them talk. Not unless it was about getting Marinette and Adrien together. To be fair, Rose liked the idea of Marinette and Adrien getting together. They were so sweet, with sunshine pouring from them, and Rose knew they would be happy together. But, no matter what the conversation started as Alya would divert it back to Adrien.
They tried to talk about more than Adrien. Marinette tried the hardest of all. Alya didn't seem to care.
And Rose wondered if Alya's help was really just a deal with the devil.
She didn't notice the black butterfly settling onto the bracelet Marinette had made her, which matched Juleka's mirror. She did notice the familiar sensation of a hand reaching into her mind, prying it open.
"Roseheart, I am Shadowmoth..."
"What did you do to make her angry?"
"I have no idea!" Alya admitted, her voice nearly lost in the rush of wind. Ladybug held her tight, yoyoing from building to building, all trying to outpace the latest akuma.
Roseheart looked like a living rose, with green clothes leading into petal pink curls. Rose's usually friendly blue eyes were clouded with yellow, matching the roses blossoming on her vines and the roses her minions gave people. The person would be entranced with one smell of the flower, accepting more flowers to hand out. That, at least, meant that only Roseheart was actually chasing Alya.
"Are you sure?" Ladybug landed on a roof, yanking Alya out of sight. "I'm not saying I don't believe you, but your friend Rose seems willing to bottle things up. Can you think of anything?"
Alya scrunched her face up in thought, trying to think. "Ugh, no," she finally said. "Last time I saw Rose, she was happy. The girls in our class were planning a sleepover to make a plan to help my best friend confess to her crush."
Okay, so Alya was willing to talk about Adrien to Ladybug. Good to know.
"AAAAAAALLLLLYYYAAAA!" Roseheart's screech interrupted her thoughts. "COME OUT! YOU NEED TO APOLOGIZE!"
"For what?!" Alya's screech was just a touch too loud. In the next second, Ladybug found herself knocked off her feet as the chimney exploded, revealing Roseheart. The heroine landed on her feet on the other end of the roof, looking in time to see Alya scooting away from Rose. "Whatever I did, Rose, I am so sorry, okay? But I need to know what I did wrong before I do!"
Roseheart's already furious expression darkened further. "You don't know what you did?" she growled. Alya, realizing that her words might've not been the best, shook her head slowly. The akuma raised her hand above her head. Vines started to collect and grow, creating a makeshift club. "You hurt Juleka, you put Adrien above us, and you don't know what you did?"
Hurt Juleka? Put Adrien above?
Was she talking about when Juleka got akumatized during that first modeling session? That had been months ago, to the point that Ladybug had almost forgotten that it happened. Based on Alya's blank stare, so did she.
"Marinette apologized," Roseheart growled out, lifting the club higher. "But it wasn't her fault. It was yours. You were the one to push Juleka out, even though that modeling session was for her. And..." Bigger. "...you..." Bigger. "...never..." Big.
Ladybug yanked out her yo-yo.
Before the club could slam into Alya, her yo-yo wrapped around her best friend's waist and yanked her back. As Roseheart struggled to lift up her club, she scooped up Alya and made a run for it.
"I guess that explains that!"
If she looked down, she would've seen Alya's eyes widen, thinking. Right now, however, her focus was on running.
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wonderlandhour · 3 months
TWST Characters (+OCs) as Vines
Ash: this place is nice. What happened to the last owners?
Silver: they were eaten live by pirates, my man.
Ash: I wanna raise my kids here.
Ace: can my cat play basketball?
Jamil: . . .
Floyd, whispering: I'll give you 10 dollars if you say yes.
Jamil: sure.
Cater: ~I think I found myself a cheerleader~
Lilia with his deep ass voice: My name is Brian, captain of the cheer squad.
Floyd, peeking out of the pool: drugs?
Talia: no thank you.
Jade now next to Floyd: drugs?
Talia: no i-
Floyd: Drugs?
Talia: who invited you?
Ortho: Hey, what do you want for dinner?
Sora, sitting on a cabinet: chicken nuggets
Lilia: -then all we've got is the Master Bear Room-
Ash: you mean Bedroom?
Lilia: Pretty sure I know what I fucking said.
Malleus: *snorting smoke at a party*
Ash: wooww
Cheka: look at all those chickens!
Leona: *facepalm*
Alicia: how much money you got?
Deuce: like 69 cents.
Alicia: oh! You know what that means!
Deuce, on the verge of tears: I don't have enough money for chicken nugget-
That one vine of the seal playing the sax but it's just a high Floyd in the Mostro Lounge
Idia: ah, I would. I just got too much to do tonight.
Later Idia: *hard-core gaming with Muscle Red*
Leona: 2 shots of Vodka- *fills half the glass*
Epel: I spilled lipstick in your Valentino bag.
Vil: You spilled- wha- wh-i- LIPSTICK in my Valentino White Bag?!
Namja: hey, I'm lesbian.
Kalim: I thought you were scarabian?
Idia: hello mister kitty. Can I pet mister kitty-
Grim: *bolting away*
Idia: kitty where you going?! KITTY COME BACK HERE, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!
Ash: you want something to eat?
Thalia: a bagel
Idia, hiding behind her: the souls of the innocent!
Thalia: two bagels
Join us next time, on Dragon Ball Z!
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annals-of-the-arcane · 2 months
Writer's Journal #5
Prompt: Take a character that appears one way but they act differently
Waah... Waah... the sounds of a crying child can be heard as Stephen walks down the street, he stops for a moment kneeling next to the child. "Hey there buddy what's wrong?" the child sniffles and then points to a balloon stuck in a tree they cannot grab. "Oh I see, you lost your balloon in the tree, did you? Well, don't worry I'll just grab that for you" Stephen assures the child, as he stands up to reach for the dangling string of the balloon. After retrieving the lost balloon Stephen returns it to the child. "Thanks mister you're the best!" replies the child as they wipe tears from their eyes. Stephen just smiles, ruffles the kid's hair a bit, and continues on his way.
Stephen walks up the street for a while taking in all of the beauty in the natural world. Listening to the trees whistling in the wind, the birds chirping in their nests as they prepare for their young ones to take flight. He continues walking for a moment, when, suddenly Stephen notices a dog happily trotting away, and he smiles to himself...That's when he heard it...*KAPLOOSH*...Scanning his surroundings Stephen notices the dog is missing, and there are ripples on a nearby pond. Rushing over to the pond Stephen notices the dog in the pond but they don't appear to be swimming. they seem to be flailing about but something seems to have snagged on the dog preventing it from swimming back to the surface. Not taking time to think Stephen jumps right into the pond. He swims down to the depths of the dog and notices the dogs paw has been caught in some sort of vine that seems to be pulling them down. The dog appears to be struggling but to no avail and is quickly losing energy. Stephen grabs hold of the dogs paw to free them so it can swim up. Gripping on to one part of the vine, Stephen with all his might pulls it apart. With no time to waste he does so with the other side. He's freed the dog but they continue to sink...The dog has passed out...Stephen swims to catch up with the sinking canine and grabs hold. Taking the dog in his arms Stephen begins to kick and ascend back to the surface. *PLOSH* the surface of the water breaks. Stephen puts the dog on shore and then lifts himself out. Stephen takes a moment..."WHY THE HELL WAS THAT POND SO DEEP". Another moment passes and Stephen notices the dog isn't moving. They must need cpr. Stephen not sure if he knows how to perform cpr on a dog does what he can. But, this essentially is just attempting to do chest compressions and hopes he won't harm the dog. After a few minutes the dog coughs and water comes spilling out. The dog begins to happily bark and lick Stephen. "Astro where are you?" Stephen hears a voice calling out. The dogs ears perk up and trotts off. "ASTRO!... Why're you so wet?... I told you to stay out of that weirdly deep pond." They say without disapointment as though they expected this behavior from Astro. Stephen lays back for a moment before continuing on his commute.
Eventually after a few more minutes of walking up the street Stephen reaches his destination. A building that towers into the heavens, there are no distinguishing symbols or signs on the building to let someone know what it's for, just sheer glass panels reaching up into the heavens. Stephen enters "Sandra can you get me a replacement suit and get this one I'm wearing to the cleaners." Stephen asks in a level tone. "Of course sir right away" Shandra responds quickly moving over to a closet and reaching in for a new and freshly clean suit, this seems to be routine for them. She hands the suit to Stephen "Thank you Sandra, is everyone here for the meeting?" Stephen inquires "Yes, everyone arrived a moment ago" Sandra replies with a satisfied smirk. "Good" Having changed Stephen turns to the doors to the meeting room. Stephen enters a large room with nine other people in it. As he enters any chatter there was comes to a halt, they all turn to look at Stephen. Stephen makes his way over to his seat. Stephen turning to the rest of the gathered croud ponders "So...now, how are we going to take over the world?"
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prxtze-l · 11 months
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Ophelia lived alone in the woods where no one paid her any mind. Camelot was a pretty big kingdom so no one ever thought about anyone living outside of it.
She lived her life peacefully in her small cottage and her garden, only going out twice a week to sell her herbs and plants to the people in the kingdom and going to the market for supplies.
That was until she earned the curiosity of a certain blond prince.
WC: 1.8k
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˚ ༘ .˚🌱୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
It's been a year since Ophelia ran away from the orphanage and found the cottage, by now she already fixed and redecorated everything. She woke up to the sun shining through her window, yawning she got up from her bed and walked to her kitchen. It was a bit cold since she only had her nightgown on from the night before but she was used to the chilly morning.
She began cooking breakfast for herself. It was just a simple plate of pancakes. But before she could dig in, she heard scratching from her door and rushed to open it. Ophelia opened the door to a fluffy white cat.
"Good morning, Heinz," she greeted the white cat. The cat, Heinz, just meowed at her back and entered the house. She always assumed he was a stray from the lack of a collar and how he was always dirty whenever she saw it every morning.  She always wondered where he'd run off to every afternoon only to come back the next day.
She once tried giving him a bath but that didn't end well. Let's just say there were a lot of torn curtains and water splashed everywhere.
Ophelia shrugged off her thoughts and closed the door. She opened the cupboards above her kitchen counter to fetch Heinz his meal. She brought him food so everytime he visited her he'd have something to eat. Grabbing a spare bowl from her dish rack, she poured the tuna in. "Here's your meal Heinz," she called out to the cat.
After eating her meal she took a quick bath in the springs near her cottage and changed out of her nightgown. Ophelia now wore a brown dress, a black cloak, and black boots.
On her way out, she took a basket that was filled with seedlings she grew. She was about to leave until Heinz ran at her before she could close the door. "You wanna come with me today Heinz?" she asked the cat, even if she knew he couldn't answer her back.
She walked a few feet away from the cottage before turning back, she placed the basket down next to a waiting Heinz. Ophelia held out her hands akin to a music conductor and the ground suddenly trembled, plants from all around rapidly grew in sync, vines dancing and curling around the cottage enough to obscure it from anyone who wandered near.
Ophelia dropped her hands back to her sides when the cottage was fully covered. "That should do it," she picked up the basket from the ground and Heinz, who climbed up to her shoulder. She bunched up her dress and cloak and began to walk out of the forest.
She stopped at a stone wall that blocked her path. "Well that won't do. Right Heinz?" she asked rhetorically but the cat meowed back. Without a second later a branch from a nearby tree grew towards their direction. She hopped on and the branch began to lift them over the wall.
"Thank you, mister tree!" she exclaimed as they stepped off the branch, now over the wall. She waved away the tree branch as it retreated back to the forest.
Ophelia looked around the alley they landed in to make sure the coast was clear. After confirming that it was safe she began to head to the town's market. "Do you want anything before we set up the stand, Heinz?" she looked at the cat that was still perched on her shoulder.
The cat only looked at her and meowed. Nodding as if she understood him she continued on her way to the market.
She snuck through the dark walkways towards her small stand. The market wasn't that busy yet as it was still early in the morning. Ophelia took off her cloak and started to clean the small stand and set up a few pots. She took out the seeds from her basket and began planting them in each of the pots. Growing them as she did so.
An hour later and she finally finished setting up her stand. By the time she finished, the market was starting to bustle. During her preparations Heinz wandered off to who knows where. She patiently waited until the nice elderly lady from a nearby stand approached her.
"Good morning, dearie!" the old woman greeted her. "Good morning, ma'am!" Ophelia greeted back. "Are you going to buy another plant?" she asked the woman. The old woman always went to her stand whenever it was open and always bought something. Ophelia wouldn't be surprised if her backyard was already filled to the brim with plants growing everywhere.
"You already know it! Anything new you decided to grow this week?" the woman inquired. "I have this new plant I decided to experiment with. It's called a Bougainvillea. It grows in different colors!" she told the old woman.
The old woman awed at the plant. "Well I'll take it!" she cheered. Ophelia taught the woman about everything she needed to know to grow the flower as she sold it.
"Have a good day, dear!" the woman shouted to her when she walked away. Ophelia waved at her as a response.
The day went as usual, people buying her plants from time to time and talking to her. She was well known around the town's market but no one ever knew what her name was. They just referred to her as the beautiful young lady who sold plants in the town's market.
Hours later, the sun was beginning to set. Houses and market stalls lit up their areas with lamps. All except Ophelia who began to close her stand. She removed the remaining plants from their pots and turned them back to seedlings. She moved them to small bags with dirt and replanted them.
Once she was done, she gathered all the remaining seedlings and put them at the front of her stall. She left them there for anyone who wanted to take them. She had enough to spare so she couldn't really care.
As she was leaving she met up with Heinz. They walked through the busy streets of the market blending into the crowd.
Somewhere else in the kingdom a certain blond prince snuck out of his bedroom window and into the bustling market that was already lit full of lamps. He wasn't allowed to leave his room after being grounded.
Apparently you weren't supposed to wander away from the knights when they were patrolling, especially when they're guarding you, the prince of the whole kingdom.
Earlier that day, Tedros was exiting the palace grounds with the knights that were patrolling around the kingdom. Bidding his father farewell, he followed the knights on their horses to the different places around the kingdom.
Around a few hours in, he saw something that caught his eye. The knights he decided to follow were posted by the market. He was advised by his father to observe the knights, saying it was important for him to know the state of the kingdom.
Tedros looked at the busy knights patrolling around the market and walked towards the area where people were surrounding. He couldn't see what they were so excited about but by the sound of the people pushing each other he could tell it was interesting.
He almost couldn't hear anything from the mixed voices until a soft voice cut through the crowd. "Everyone please calm down, there are plenty of plants for all of you," at the sound everyone suddenly calmed down. To anyone else they would've assumed it was the voice that calmed them down but to Tedros he saw how a plant in particular started to waft it's scent through the crowd.
'That's unusual...' Tedros thought to himself.
The crowd calmed down enough that he could finally see where the soft voice came from. It was a girl, probably the same age as him. She looked beautiful. His breath got caught in his throat. He felt his face grow hot.
She looked so kind. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't realize he was the only one left of the originally small crown and the beautiful girl he was admiring was trying to talk to him.
"..ello? Sir? Would you like to buy anything from my plants?" He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw the beautiful girl staring at him waiting patiently for him to say anything.
Once he realized his embarrassment he sputtered over his words. "Uh– uhm..." He couldn't muster up anything to say.
"I'm assuming you're new to my stall. Would you like a recommendation?" The girl patiently asked him.
"Y-yes..!" Tedros internally face palm himself of making a fool of himself again.
The girl chuckled. "You're weird but in a good way," she told him. Tedros wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow him at that moment.
"Since you're new to this whole thing, I would recommend a snake plant. They'll thrive in any light condition but you'll have to take care of it," she took the small snake plant that was growing from a small pot. "But it is a bit pricy though," she worried.
"That's fine! How much is it?" Tedros didn't really care about the plant. He just wanted to talk to the girl as long as possible. He got out the pouch filled with gold coins from his back pocket.
He took some out, "will this be enough?"
The girl looked at him baffled. "That's more than enough! But I don't think I have any change for that amount..." she looked at him worriedly.
"It's okay. You can keep the change," Tedros replied enthusiastically. He always made girls swoon with his status. Surely this would woo her.
"But–" she started only for her to feel him take her hand and giving her the gold coins. "Take it," he said genuinely.
"If you say so... Would you like me to put this in a bag?" She accepted the coins and went under the desk to get a bag.
"That would be pretty girl– I mean– pretty good! Pretty good," Tedros caught himself from making a fool of himself again.
Once she finished bagging the plant she handed it to Tedros. He took it from her and was about to thank her, when the knights approached the stand.
"Your Majesty!"
He turned to them but looked back at the stall. The girl was nowhere to be seen. "Huh? Miss?" He called out but didn't receive a reply.
Before Tedros could start to find her the knights arrived. "Your Majesty, you are not supposed to leave the knights' side," the knight that seemed to lead the others scolded him. 
Without getting another word out he was escorted back to the castle, still holding on to the bag fearing he'd accidentally drop it.
⤷ nightgown
⤷ cloak
⤷ boots
⤷ dress
A/N: Hope you liked the first prologue chapter!
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dru-plays-starbound · 4 months
Time to Pull Leather
Universe: Starbound CW: None Words: 415 Context: Written for the SB Summer '24 Prompt "Hunting". 'Pull Leather' was a slang term I found for when one bounty hunter assists another. Tag list (ask for +/-): @jacqueswriteblrlibrary
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"That's a good eye ya got there, pardner." Mio lowers her aegisalt bow. The pig-like creature she's just shot releases a death-rattle. "Thank you, Mx…?" The cyan novakid swings away from the twisty palm they're been leaning against, watching Mio take down the yellow and purple mottled beast. "Mister. Oganesson. But y'all can call me Ogan." Mio inclines her head and throws the bow over her shoulders.
"If you're going to use some cheesy chat up line on me," Mio says as she walks towards the slain beast, "I'm afraid you're swimming up to the wrong beach." "Naw, ain't nothing like that," Ogan says as he follows her. "Was gonna ask if you wanted a hand with the corpse? There's a settlement two clicks widdershins of here. They got a great butcher. Anything you don't want'll be distributed to the widows and orphans." Mio brushes aside a trailing vine, letting the jungle condensation drip onto her skin. "What if I don't want it professionally butchered?" "You gonna eat that whole thing by yourself?" Ogan asks with a huff of laughter. "I was going to leave it for scavengers." "You'd let good meat go to waste when there's kiddies that could use it?" Ogan's head is tipped in a way that, if he had a face, Mio thinks he would be sneering at her. "Some Protector you are."
Mio tries not to let his comment rattle her, keeps her face serene. She's not wearing the uniform, the manipulator is in her pack and not on display. She's supposed to be on vacation, by Salt and Sand! Marooned at the edge of civilisation by a well-meaning crew to relax and get back to nature.
"The lives of wild creatures are just as precious as those of sapient ones. And you seem to have me at a disadvantage." Mio's hand sneaks towards the pistol at her belt. "How did you know I was a Protector?" "Well, for one, there ain't no civilised being that hasn't heard of you, Mz Mio. And for two, I got told to find you, and I always get my guy." Mio spins, her pistol trained on his brand. Ogan puts up his hand in a placating gesture. "Y'all can keep that liddle equaliser in its holster, I don't mean you no harm." Mio lets the pistol droop. "Then what can I do for you, Mr Oganesson?" "My boss, fella called Cap'n Noble, sent me. He wants a word with you about Asra Nox."
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liviavanrouge · 8 months
Small Visit
Lilia: *Carries a small box, his face expressionless*
Livia: Papa?
Lilia: *Looks back* Livia, you're up early, how come?
Livia: *Walks over, looking curious* I heard your footsteps
Lilia: *Chuckles* You go back to bed, I'm going out for a little while....
Livia: *Watches him go curiously* Papa?
Lilia: *Carefully removes growing moss and vines, raking up old leaves* Sorry for not visiting for a while...
Lilia: *Opens the box and sets down a few white roses* I've been busy, I bet you can tell...
Lilia: *Smiles at the gravestone* You would've smacked this apprentice of yours had I not visited....right Ameki...
Livia: *Peeks out from behind the tree*
Lilia: Wanna hear how he passed, Little Bat?
Livia: *Flinches in surprise then shuffles over* Is that okay?
Lilia: *Looks at her, smiling* Yeah...
Livia: Then how....
Lilia: I was Ameki's apprentice....I wouldn't be standing now if it wasn't for him
Lilia(112): *Trembles, covered in wounds, glaring at the intruders*
Assassin A: Let's kill the kid and get going
Assassin C: Got it, let me cut his tongue out first though
???: *Roars, running over*
Ameki: *Tackles the lead assassin down, slamming them neck first into the ground* TRASH ASSASSIN!!!!
Lilia: *Stares at his mentor alarmed*
Ameki: *Raises his claw, snarling at the assassin* RUN LILIA!!! WARN EVERYONE!!
Lilia: Ameki-
Ameki: *Looks at Lilia and grins* You better get out of here kid, make sure to tell your own kids about my heroic sacrifice....
Ameki: *Laughs, smiling at Lilia* You're gonna kick ass one day kiddo! Make me proud and go warn everyone!!
Lilia: *Stares then turns and runs away*
Ameki: *Turns to the assassin's, blood seeping through his clothes* Hah....I've been wounded since the last battle, but I wasn't about to let you guys take that kids life
Ameki: *Coughs up blood, his vision blurring* ...that kid.....needs to grow up and settle down one day with his own lover and kids
Ameki: *Lunges at the assassin, falling into the water* IF I GOTTA DIE FOR THAT TO HAPPEN!! SO BE IT!!
Assassin C: *Leaps into Ameki's back, bringing him down*
Ameki: *Snarls, slashing the assassin's neck, then turning to the next his vision blurring* BRING IT TRASH!!!
Lilia: *Runs back, his eyes wide* Ameki?
Nilo: *Looks around then perks up* OVER HERE!
Mayhem: *Runs to the figure alarmed* AMEKI!!
Ameki: *Smiles laying motionless on his side, his eyes dull*
Nilo: *Trembles then closes Ameki's eyes, looking away* It's been five minutes
Mayhem: YOU!!! *Turns to Lilia and raises his hand*
Nilo: Mayhem! Don't touch him...
Nilo: Ameki..has always cherished and favored Lilia, they were like father and son, if anything Ameki died for Lilia to live on
Nilo: *Walks over to Lilia* Don't let his sacrifice for you be in vain, young one
Silvia: Go ahead and grieve sweetheart before we take him back
Lilia: *Looks down, then walks over and sits by Ameki trembling*
Ambert: *Walks over and sits beside Lilia*
Cobra: *Sits on Lilia's right*
Duke: *Tents his wing over them, his ears flattened back*
Revern: *Stands behind Lilia, placing a hand on his shoulder*
Meleanor: *Stands beside Revern, keeping quiet*
Lilia: I'll train hard...and make Ameki proud...
Lilia: *Smiles slightly*
Livia: *Stares then reaches over, growing a few white roses* Thanks for helping Papa, Mister Ameki
Lilia: *Chuckles* He would've loved you, Livia, he's always been fond of playful kids
Livia: *Smiles at him*
Lilia: *Stands up, dusting his pants off* Let's head back, alright?
Livia: *Stands up and pats grass off her dress* Okay!
Lilia: *Chuckles, Livia bounding ahead of him" Hey, careful!
Livia: Alright!!
Ameki(Spirit): *Lays on a tree branch, smiling* Good job kiddo....good job..
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
ghost x f!reader fluff where reader is a bit of a plant mom?
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`⌁ ◜ 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐢 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤, 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭! ◞
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It was later in the day, the sun at its highest point in the sky when Ghost woke up. Normally, he would be awake at the crack of dawn or earlier. Ghost doesn’t sleep as much as it is. But last night was completely different, he went to bed early and woke up late. Seems the melatonin vitamins he took worked.
Stretching, Ghost stood up from the bed and began his walk downstairs. It was around the time you watered most of your plants and made lunch, so you were bound to be home right? Walking past a larger pot with vines growing from it, he noticed the soil looked a bit dry.
Had you forgotten this one? It was very unlikely for you to leave your plants without water. And it seemed like this one needed it badly. Not that Ghost knew that, he could only assume. His girlfriend may be a plant lover and tell him about them all the time, but he doesn’t remember too much. Plus, Ghost has never been known to have a green thumb.
When he reached downstairs, Ghost couldn’t find you. You weren’t anywhere inside and not even outside. Before he could fully dive into a panic, he noticed the several plant pots sitting on the kitchen counter next to a couple of broken shelves. Oh.
The shelves your plants were resting on had apparently fallen and broke. A large blank spot on the wall that Ghost glared at. Just because of some stupid faulty shelf he couldn’t see his lover first thing in the morning? The fallen plants had been placed into new, not broken, pots. But they were all still dry.
Ghost’s phone buzzed in the pocket of his sweatpants, you had just texted him saying you would be back home soon from running some quick errands. He responded back with an ok and I love you before sighing. Deciding to busy himself, and help you, Ghost filled up a pitcher of water and a mister.
While he may not know all of the types of plants you have and how to care for them specifically, he did know how to water each and every one. Ghost felt bad that he couldn’t retain any of the information you would tell him, so he learned to water them instead. He would watch you the first few times, and eventually you taught him how to do it yourself.
Ghost loves to give you help in the simplest ways, and this was one of them. He walked around the house with music in his headphones as he watered your ‘babies’. Picking up his cat and throwing him on the couch when Ghost found him rubbing against some succulents. It was peaceful, surprisingly, the Brit now understood why you loved to do it so much.
The peace didn't last long though, as he was refilling the pitcher, you burst open through the front door. In one hand was a new shelf for your plants, in the other… another plant. You grinned seeing your lovely boyfriend up and awake finally. Dropping everything by the door you skipped up to Ghost and wrapped him in a hug.
He placed the pitcher down and hugged you back, placing a kiss to your head. “Were you watering my plants for me, Simon?” You asked sweetly, and he nodded.
“I noticed you left this morning without doing it… so I did it myself.” He mumbled, still losing himself in the feeling of your arms around him. Ghost loved your hugs and if he could, he would never leave them.
He felt you squeeze him tighter, tilting your head up to gently kiss him on the lips. “That’s so sweet, thank you Si.” Ghost hummed, however his relaxation was interrupted by his cat jumping on the counter to interest himself in the plants once again. Ghost having to abruptly leave your arms just to grab the fluffy animal.
You moved over to where your new shelf was and held it up to show Ghost. “Look! It should be strong enough to hold the plants, and it looks good with the current house decorations!” An excited smile was on your face, one that Ghost could never get tired of seeing. Whether it was him that caused it, or your little plants.
“That looks great, but let me set it up for you this time. We don’t want it falling to the ground again, do we?” He walked over to you and took the shelf out of your hands, holding it away from you in a teasing manner as if you were going to drop and break it again.
Rolling your eyes, you handed him the mini tool box that you had originally taken out in hopes to fix your broken shelf. “Get started then L.T.” You teased back, going back into the kitchen to take care of the rest of your plants.
A small grin cracked onto Ghost’s face. Shaking his head, he held the shelf up against the wall and began marking where screws needed to be put.
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» 𝐜’𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐞 … 𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐲
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everthewip · 1 year
Find the Word
Thank you for tagging me @loopyhoopywrites! (Check out their post here!)
I actually haven't seen this game yet, so I'm assuming the rules are to find the provided words in a WIP and post the snippet. I'm going to be using my Beauty & the Beast retelling (which is still lacking a proper name).
My mother had a raven who slept in the loft of our home, just above my own bed. He followed her everywhere, and when his wings grew weary, he found a perch at the top of her cane. She called him Idris. Like the rabbits in the woods, Idris had a voice, but his - over time - began to sound more and more like a voice of words, like a language spoken and not felt.  Chick he called me. Featherless. Quiet. Friend.  
I stepped in quickly and shut the door behind me, but when I turned and fully took in the library for the first time, my body became paralyzed. Only my eyes moved, barely able to take in and comprehend the sheer number and size of the bookshelves. They began at the ground and rose so high that I could not see where they ended, for the ceiling of this room was as shadowed as my lord's face. The room itself was round in shape, and not a single inch of wall was spared from books, save for those across from the entrance. There, windows - as tall as the walls - stretched up like the bookshelves. In front of it was a wide desk, covered in parchment and stacks of books, and a large open tome that the lord of the castle was standing over. There were other tables and chairs, some cushioned and seemingly comfortable, but everything else went ignored once I saw him. 
It was not a large castle. A great stone wall surrounded it, but the grounds were not large enough to hold a village as I knew the capital of Wriston had. We were surrounded by the woods. An iron gate closed us off from it, but I could see the tall, dark trees beyond. Mist circled about them, draping over the ground and lurking like a patient beast.  To the left of the castle entrance was a stable and a fenced area, but if there were horses or cows, then they were safe inside, out of the rain.  To the right was a garden. There were statues there, but they were simpler than those in the grand hall. The figures they depicted were solemn and gentle, mournful in a way befitting the cold and wet weather. I found fountains filled with dark and dirty water, benches that were cracked and covered in moss. I saw bushes of thorns and brambles, with flower patches long overgrown. Upon trellises there grew only brown vines, void of life. 
Gently tagging: @janec23 @athenswrites @cosmo-lexies @mister-writes @pb-dot
Your words are: Remember, Dream, Forget
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ofchaosandlight · 1 year
A new dawn had begun, and with it, a new month.
It was the first of November, and a small town was winding down from all the previous night’s festivities, slowly taking down decorations, resting, and just getting daily business done.
Not far from the hustle and bustle, within a nearby forest, lay a small cabin, and within it was a little girl and her grandfather, the former of which was waiting for someone.
The previous night had been quite an interesting one, as she had become friends with some quite unique people,and those people were nightmares by the names of Eschar and Slough.
She had made a deal with the duo that they'd help pay back for the tooth necklace that she gave to them so they could have a gift for their 'mother', judging by how frightened they were of her, she was just worried about how it went.
And even worse, her mother was coming to pick her up anytime now.
But just as she thought they wouldn't show up in time…
Several knocks came from the front door.
'It's probably just my mom…'
As she heard the door open.
"Hi mister. Is Valerie still here?"
She perked up.
She then left the room, and upon doing so, was immediately noticed by her two friends.
"Hi Valerie!" Slough greeted enthusiastically, zooming past her grandfather, stopping just a foot away from her.
“Slough! You can’t just run directly into someone’s house without permission!”
“Oh, sorry…”
Her grandfather was a bit surprised at first, but regained his composure, “Are you friends of Valerie’s?”
“Yes actually, we were visiting to assist her with paying back the necklace she gave us.”
“Is this true Valerie?”
After that answer, he sighed, a calm smile forming on his face. Welcoming them in, he shut the front door.
“Well then, let’s hope you’re up for some gardening, little nightmares.”
They were then slowly led to the backyard, which was filled with plants of many kinds, flowering, edible, and a medium sized apple tree as the centerpiece, all in the confinement of the area. 
Although it appeared that certain plants might be growing a little too big for the space.
In fact, some were out of control, overtaking the pathways and making it hard to navigate.
The two nightmares were amazed by the colorful greenery, the sights and smells of the garden.
In fact, some were out of control,
"This is quite an impressive 'garden'." Eschar commented, but surprisingly without any hint of sarcasm.
But as the duo was admiring the environment, Valerie's grandfather walked into a nearby shed, and pulled out a few tools they didn't recognize.
"Have you two ever gardened before?"
They shook their heads for no.
"We're fairly new to these sort of activities."
"Okay then, why don't I teach you boys how to work with some of the tools."
They were then taught a lesson on what each tool was, what they did, and where to use them.
They had fun pruning, watering, and admiring the plants.
As they took a small break, Valerie's grandfather spoke.
"Say, what were your names again? I didn't quite catch them."
They paused for a moment.
"I'm Slough!"
"Well it's a pleasure to properly be introduced to you, but I do have another question."
"What is it?" Eschar questioned.
The old man paused, only for a moment, and then asked something that they knew he would eventually.
"Why do you two still have your Halloween costumes on?"
"Oh!" Valerie piped up. "They just like to keep them on."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, we just feel comfortable being in them…it feels more…normal."
"I see."
He seemed to think about it for a moment, but shrugged it off.
"Regardless, thank you, all three of you, for helping."
"You're welcome."
The group got back up, with them each picking up their tools.
"Well, let's get back to work!"
And so over the course of an hour or two, the four managed to tame the plants.
Vines and bushes were trimmed back.
New plants were planted and watered.
Any fruits or vegetables that were ripe were harvested.
Even the grass surrounding the small paths was cut back.
By noon, they had put the finishing touches on the area.
It looked like a miniature paradise enclosed in this fairly small space, short, green grass, neatly pruned bushes, vines gently creeping up trellises, and new sprouts starting to grow out of fresh soil.
It was as if someone had delicately painted it onto a canvas.
And now, they get to admire it, all their hard work had paid off.
After a few moments, they heard a voice call out.
"Valerie! Where are you?"
"We're in the garden!"
"Oh, were you helping out your grandfather?”
"Yes! And two friends of mine helped too!"
“Oh, did the girls from school visit you while you were over here?”
“No, actually.”
The four heard footsteps approaching, and eventually they saw a ginger haired woman enter the backyard.
“Then who could they-“
As she saw the two, she stopped midway through her sentence.
She seemed a bit confused at the duo standing before her.
It was turning into an awkward staring contest between the group.
The silence started to grow deafening.
"Oh…hello ma'am!" Slough tried to break the awkwardness that was growing.
“Hello to you too, but who are these two? Are they also from your classes?”
“No, I actually met them last night while I was trick or treating!”
“Oh, then, may I ask what your names are, if you don’t mind.”
“I’m Eschar, and this is Slough.”
“Pleased to meet you, I’m Valerie’s mother.” She reached out her hand to shake theirs’ as a greeting, but they didn’t quite understand the gesture, tilting their heads in response, realizing the awkwardness of the situation, she retracted her hand, apologizing to the duo for the gesture.
“No, no, it’s fine!”
The grandfather chimed in.
“We just got done gardening, those kids really got the hang of things quick! We were just taking a break after finishing up, do you wanna join us?”
After thinking for a moment, she gave a response, “Oh sure, why the heck not?”
And after that statement , they eventually all sat down, chatting amongst the grass and foliage.
The serenity made even Eschar drop his caution, joining in on the conversation.
It was true natural peace.
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ostianshadow · 1 year
It has been a year or more or less — what it is really, she isn’t sure anymore, for the longer she stays and the more she sees, the less time winds in a linear sense; what Maria does know, however, is that this is a familiar face, even if only slightly more than passingly, and it has been a long, long time since she’s seen it.
“Matty!” She calls out, trotting up to him with a rhythmic clatter-clack. Her hand lifts into a wave in one moment, then settles at her throat in the next, toying with the blooms upon her vine as she daydreams, even now, of window plants.
“It’s been such a long time,” Maria comments in a soft voice, lips faintly curled. “Have you been alright, Mister?”
Tapping the bloom at her neck, she continues: “I’d like to give you a flower, if I can, hee hee.” Her other hand darts out. “I think it’d look good on you! May I?”
He flinches at the name, initially.
But damned if the voice speaking it isn't familiar.
But as he turns to face Maria, he finds himself pausing. Familiar, that much he cannot deny... but from where? Or when?
"It really has been," he says, quiet, ponderous. It doesn't take him long to break out into a smile, however. He may not remember the specifics - a mystery for another day - but he does recall a certain fondness. "Little Red isn't so little anymore."
Even so, the thief tempers the urge to steal a small ruffle of her carefully done-up hair. What a faux-pas that would be on an eve such as this!
"I've been well, thank you." Well enough, one supposes.
She continues, and he nods. "It would be my honour to receive a bloom from your hand, milady." And, rising from a bow, he takes her hand. He's not sure how well the flower really suits him, truly...
But he'll happily wear it all the same. "Thank you, miss Maria. I hope you've been keeping well, too."
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onesecretperson · 2 years
Spyro, Wrath of the Wroyal Wraith - A Fanfiction Prologue Preview
Below is a demo build of the prologue for my upcoming fanfiction, currently titled “Spyro, Wrath of the Wroyal Wraith.” Though you’d have to read the full upcoming story to make sense of that title, so I might change it yet. I plan to release this and the first chapter very soon on the well-accepted fanfiction websites. From there I’ll put out chapters of the story as they’re finished, though I have a full outline mapped out so this shouldn’t have any huge hiatuses.  Feel free to have a read of this prologue to get a gander of my current writing style, even if this is low on dialogue. Thanks for your time and I appreciate your attention!
Even when hiding beneath the thin veil of night the prospect of sneaking into a realm of dragons felt perilous. The mild waves of the coastal ocean reflected a captivating view of multiple moons in the clear sky. Other than the motions of the sea and a breeze through the looming fields of grass few sounds disturbed the air. The usually choppy rocky shore rested calmly in the high tide, offering a wide and safe landing. Indeed, for the trio approaching this scene aboard a wooden dinghy, the serene rolling hills of the Artisan landscape impressed dread and urgency. 
The drivers of the wooden dinghy approaching this border of the Artisans realm did so using only the light of the moons. Arguably this was still too bright. A tall figure in a dark coat with a wide hat stood still aboard the dinghy and watched for dangers in the skyline. If he gave mind to the hazardous rocks ahead he’d surely be pounced upon from above. He dare not act against this thought. Surely the two goons he’d recruited could handle worrying about the rocks.
On either side of him two short, roundish, stubby creatures put all their exhausted strength into rowing toward the landing between labored breaths. Their collective focus was only broken when the dinghy’s hull screeched against a rock just below the water. The dinghy listed on its side while a spray of water accompanied by some wood shrapnel showered the drivers. This was enough for the tall figure to bathe and direct their rowing away from the rock and to the shore. Even with that slipup the dinghy was close enough to the landing to limp ashore. Despite some increased anxiety, the first part of their task was now done. 
The two stubby creatures leapt into the water and dragged the dinghy further ashore. As they struggled and grunted, the tall figure hobbled onto the shore as well, taking wide stilted steps. He gazed up this rocky coast to a carved frame in the short cliffside surrounded by dry thorny vines. It was still undisturbed. There was hope.
Behind him a dim light ignited from a lantern in the hand of one of the stubby creatures revealing its green skin and purple tinted eye bags. This Gnorc Goon aimed the lantern inland at the cliffside, squinting at the land as if trying to learn its greater motives. A patch of hazardous weeds in their path revealed that the cliffside was looking for a fight. The purple tint around the Gnorc’s eyes seemed to grow darker. 
“We’ve, ugh… made it Mister Toasty,” said the Gnorc Goon bearing the lantern. “How far’d this treasure be again?”
The tall figure turned his head, an aged jack-o-lantern covered in brown spots of decay which somehow seemed to scowl down at them. He quickly covered the Gnorc’s lantern with the sleeve of his worn dark red cloak. “Keep that thing hooded fool! Bah! I’m not as disposable as you!”
“Disposable?! Grah!” said the other Gnorc Goon as it lifted a spear over his shoulder. “We’re made from very shiny gems!”
“Besides, uh, they’re all snoozin’ now anyway… right?” said the lantern Gnorc.
“Bah!” said Toasty. “Those terrible, fire breathing, egocentric & overweight serpents could wake and pounce upon us in an instant! We must be bah-rief!”
Fear properly instilled, the two Gnorcs and Toasty hopped and crawled up the gravel incline toward the cliffside. The closer the cliff, the closer the plain atop it, and the closer the dragons may be. After a short struggle, a few scrapes, and a crawl through thorny vines, the trio arrived at the cliffside. Hidden in one of many shady alcoves stood a large door frame carved into the rock. While it seemed to be sealed with a stone slab, Toasty had a key: a worn sling blade wedged into the seam and jostled by a Gnorc until the door came loose.
An audible but muffled scraping sound ensued as the two Gnorcs pushed the door open. A cold chill from the coastal breeze rushing into the cavern startled them. Shaking in place they gazed down the descending tunnel. Everything ahead was pitch black, withholding any details of their destination. 
“You may bah-ring back that torch now,” said Toasty.
“Rrright,” said the lantern Gnorc.
The dim light flickering in the breeze revealed some of the barren tunnel but made it no more inviting. Still, the imposing posture of Toasty motivated the two Gnorcs to slowly make their descent. Flowing water echoed off the walls of the cavern. Though after a short distance the Gnorcs realized that the echo was now coming from ahead and not just behind. Both Gnorcs stumbled as the floor suddenly dipped down, one dropping the lantern and scattering its light. 
Now illuminated, a large natural cave room was presented before them. Not far from the intruders to the right was a curved stone wall stained dark by moisture. It looked like a small tower rising into the cavern ceiling. Opposite from it to their left was a stream of spring water flowing from the clay above to a wide pool deeper into the cave. Multiple cut stone pillars and chunks laid half buried in the floor, some protruding up to the walls. Hanging stalagmites cast shadows over most of the scene which shifted around like hiding beasts. 
“Pick that back up!” said Toasty, “Be ba-ware of the path behind us! I’ll get the treasure.”
“Uh, mister Toasty…” said the Gnorc with the spear. “How’d you know this was here?”
“I’ve hidden things from Dragons many times bah-fore…” said Toasty. 
His steps clattering across the floor, Toasty approached the stone tower. From a gap in his coat he took a long wistful look at his old hideout. Its wet stone walls marked by faded artistic carvings rekindled an old feeling of imminent triumph. The two story uneven structure was clearly not the safest and Toasty did not miss the stress of being found here, but it had served its purpose well. None of the Dragons had ever seemed to realize it was right under their snouts. 
Just inside an archway into the hideout Toasty found an old oil lantern right where he’d left it. Without difficulty it attached to the end of one of his prosthetic arms and lit up. The wide rooms of the dusty interior were barren of decor. He hurriedly moved between the sparse rooms, rummaging through various old chests and tables. A few dusty red and green gemstones were unveiled and just as quickly dropped aside with a clatter. Bleating and grumbling to himself, he climbed up a large staircase to a larger room with a half-intact balcony overlooking the cavern. On a table nearby lay fragments of farming tools and cut cloth. Underneath was a single dusty burlap sack.
“Bahah! How could I’ve left you here?”
Leaning out of his coat, Toasty the sheep pulled the bag out from under the table and into his jacket. Hooves shaking, he struggled to pull it open. He quickly resorted to biting and tearing it apart, revealing a ragged hardcover book. It bore a faded illustration of multiple wide-hat silhouettes wielding spears & weaponized farm implements. There weren’t many actual pages left inside but it was as intact as Toasty left it. Letting out a shaky laugh, he embraced the antique book. It took a few moments for him to open his eyes and notice another detail of the room. 
There was an unfamiliar skateboard painted with a lightning bolt in the corner. He did not leave that there. Next to it was some sort of jetpack. In fact there were a whole lot of odd toys lying on that side of the room. His gaze moved to the rest of the floor, much of the dust had been kicked up recently. A subtle aroma of wet cat filled the air too. Toasty's body continued shaking but with a new tone. Someone else has been here, recently.
Out in the cavern the two Gnorcs had been keeping watch as ordered. They had been. Now instead they were perusing the natural cavern like restless thieves in a bank lobby. The Gnorc wielding the lantern had become fixated on the sparkling minerals in the ceiling. It swung the lantern around, aiming its light at each stalagmite as if one sparkle would turn out to be something valuable. Eventually, a sparkle did appear that didn’t fade. In fact, it was a yellow glow emitting small sparks that moved independently of the lantern light. The Gnorc gawked as the glow flew between the stalagmites in a distracting pattern.
The other Gnorc had sauntered over to the flowing stream, tapping its spear on the ground while staring into the dark springwater. Its stomach grumbled audibly as it leaned over the edge and smacked its lips. Unfortunately there wasn’t much to see… until there was. Its eyes adjusted to the darkness and managed to spot a sudden movement under the water. A fish perhaps! No time wasted, the Gnorc lifted its spear over his head and stared intently. The moving shape under the water appeared again, now moving right toward the Gnorc. What a foolish fish! A large, fast, dragon shaped-
“What are you two doing?!” said Toasty from the balcony on the hideout. “We need to Ba-ail!”
“Wuh? But mister Toasty!” said the lantern Gnorc. “There’s something shiny over here!”
“Leave it be!” said Toasty. 
A yell and loud splash echoed off the cave walls. The Gnorc jumped and waved its lantern around, finding only a lone spear floating down the springwater stream. Then from the water a horned shape emerged and looked back with dark purple eyes. Shaking in his worn out boots the Gnorc backed up toward the cavern entrance. It slowly raised the lantern toward the creature, but then it heard a buzz closing in from above. The glowing wisp of light streaked down from the ceiling and swiped the Lantern from the Gnorcs hand. It now hung before the Gnorc in the legs of a glowing yellow dragonfly. 
“M-mister Toasty?!” 
A loud clunk echoed from behind. The Gnorc turned to see Toasty hitting the ground with a floppy roll and bounding away. 
“WAH?! Don’t leave me!!”
The Gnorc took off running after Toasty. The lantern shattered against the ground behind it. Now a state of confused panic filled the Gnorc with the power to catch up to its boss and dive between his wooden legs. 
“Bah?! Get ba-a-ack here!”
The Gnorc did not get ba-a-ack there. Instead they both bounded forward like rabbits in desperate flight. A pattering of footsteps in pursuit from behind pushed them to run beyond their limit. The Gnorc reached the exit door first and launched himself right into a tangle of the thorny vines surrounding the area. “WAGH! Help!” it shouted whilst flailing against the thorns.
“Out of the way!” said Toasty as he drew his sling blade out the end of his sleeve and sliced at the vines. The first swipe nearly cut into the Gnorc, but wound up releasing it. Though before it could get upright Toasty shoved it out of his way into more thorns. The Gnorc grunted and attempted to shove him back, but was cut off by a loud crunch from the cavern. 
It turned to see the purple eyed creature, a small purple scaled Dragon, prowling out of the shadows. Backlit by the yellow Dragonfly, the Dragon's orange crest blazed like fire while the horns on either side stood out like drawn swords. The spear was splintered and snapped in half in his sharp teeth. He dropped the wooden handle and aimed the metal tip in his mouth like a rocket. A burst of flame sent the spear tip whistling through the air with a smoke trail over the shaking Gnorc. It struck Toasty’s jack-o-lantern head with a snap, breaking it clear off. Toasty slumped into the thorns mid slingblade swing, his head rolling away.
Belting an echoing scream, the Gnorc scrambled away through the thorns. It took many scratches but adrenaline blocked the pain as it fled. A rustling sound pursued from behind. The Dragon’s silhouette tore past the Gnorc to its right, so it turned left. Another burst of flame cut him off there and ignited the dry thorns. Gravel flew into the air as the Gnorc skidded to a stop and turned around. However the Dragon leapt and caught the rising heat in its orange wings, gliding over the Gnorc and cornering it. Smoldering thorns wrapped around his horns as he barred them at the Gnorc and prowled forward.
“Instead of running, why don’t you tell me why a couple of Gnorcs are sneaking around here?” said the purple dragon. His tail flicked, the orange spade at the end striking the ground. The fire reflected off his purple eyes, irises narrowing vertically, revealing a vision of doom. 
“Yer-! Yah must be-!” 
“Spyro. The Dragon. You’ve heard of me?”
The Gnorc, slack jawed and shaking, glanced down at the sundered jack-o-lantern beside it. The heat of the brush fire intensified at his back and in front the Dragon, that Dragon, closed in. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t bite, I promise.”
The Gnorc started sputtering as if to answer, but the sound of shaking brush interrupted. Spyro turned his head away from the Gnorc and squinted. A short, mangy shape was crawling out of Toasty’s red coat. It was a whitish sheep with patchy wool and a book in its mouth. Spyro’s vertical irises widened as they met with Toasty’s horizontal eyes. “Wait, You’re-”
 With a sharp crack on impact, the Gnorc swung the old jack-o-lantern into Spyro’s head. Orange and brown bits splattered everywhere. Toasty the sheep took this moment to run away alongside the coastal cliff as Spyro stumbled into thorns blinded by the pumpkin shell. Now standing over him, the Gnorc saw how young this Dragon must be. It was taller than him. It could do this. Belting out a yell, the Gnorc leapt onto Spyro and started swinging. The two tumbled backward and Spyro kicked the Gnorc into the cliffside before rolling onto his feet and growling. 
“You’ve chosen death.”
The Gnorc, having shunned its flight and freeze instincts, indulged its fight instinct and lunged forward. Spyro in turn spat a large blast of flame and toasted pumpkin bits. Fear returning too late to save it, the Gnorc was completely overtaken by the blaze with a scream.
With that annoyance gone in a cloud of smoke and more brush lit aflame, Spyro clawed at the Pumpkin skin on his head. His glowing dragonfly Sparx, who was now a lovely shade of blue, buzzed over and pulled the rest of the muck and thorns from his horns. The two took a breather while being surrounded by a raging brush fire.
“Ugh, thanks pal,” said Spyro.
Sparx buzzed in affirmation, and then pointed his antenna down the coastline. Toasty was running full speed away and about to make it to an incline toward the plains. 
“That’s neat. Didn’t think we’d be seeing him again,” said Spyro. “I’m gonna torch what's left of his wool... or maybe turn him into a pillow. Let’s decide when we get there.”
Clouds of white smoke billowed up from the smoldering remains of the thorny vines. Toasty glanced back and hoped it would throw off his chaser. When Spyro emerged from the smoke and charged after him, Toasty’s teeth dug into the book he carried and he scrambled up the incline. Rolling grasses under the night sky lay ahead and certain death followed behind. The hills were too short and wide to hide behind easily and Toasty’s lungs were already giving out. Then his flopping ears picked up a new sound, sheep bells. There was a herd nearby.
Spyro leapt up the cliffside and onto the plains in time to see Toasty dipping over a hill not far away. He charged forward with Sparx at his side and the two arrived upon a perch overlooking a flock of a dozen or so sheep. The herd milled about restlessly. Multiple nervous bleats filled the air while any sleeping sheep roused themselves. Each wore a rusty bell that rang with their movements.
“Hey squash face!” said Spyro. “You’ll be kindling real soon if you don’t come out and play nice!”
Not being fond of shouting, the flock collectively decided to mosey away from Spyro. Pressed against a much larger and fluffier sheep, Toasty lifted his head just high enough to glance back. He could see Spyro standing in place and scrutinizing each of them. Heart jumping a beat he quickly held his head low, trying to disappear into the wool of his neighbor. Overhead he could hear the Dragonfly buzzing by. Not daring to look, Toasty pressed further into the larger sheep and pushed it off balance. The large sheep stopped, snorted, then headbutted Toasty.
The book fell into the grass and Toasty stumbled back. He heard an excited gasp from behind and the flapping of wings. Before he could think about picking his book up the buzzing closed in fast from above. Sparx dived down and snatched the book away. Toasty’s outraged line of sight followed Sparx and made eye contact with Spyro who was gliding downhill to him. Filled with terror, Toasty bolted away, headbutting multiple sheep and causing a total ruckus. 
Ready to pounce, Spyro maneuvered himself over Toasty, until a sudden strong headwind blew him back. He hit the grass hard and saw multiple sheep jumping around between him and Toasty, all while making a racket with their bells. Spyro growled and charged forward but was cut off by the largest and wooliest sheep, slamming into it with his horns. With a loud cry the sheep tumbled onto its back and waved its stubby legs. Spyro ignored this and tried to find his target among the kerfuffle. That was until a larger shape glided toward him from a far hill. It was an older gray Dragon with a shepherd's crook in its claws.
“Oh! Spyro!” said the Dragon as he landed between Spyro and the sheep. “Listen here! You can’t be scattering flocks of sheep in the middle of the night!”
“Hang on!” said Spyro. “One of Gnasty’s old minions is hiding here! That toasty sheep. I’m gonna reheat him.”
“Eh? That boss is still alive?” The Dragon looked over the fleeing flock of sheep with a squint. “Well it may be better to have a chat with that fellow.”
“I’ll go give him a reason to talk,” said Spyro.
“No, no, we need most of these sheep alive to make knitting wool so we can knit cute little outfits for the hatchlings. You know, that reminds me of that one time when you were just hatched…”
“Could you finish when I get back with that sheep?” Spyro asked as he tried to run past the old gray Dragon.
“Ah, tell you what.” The Dragon blocked Spyro with their shepherd's crook, “I’ll find that imposter and figure out what he’s up ta.”
“You will?”
“Yes, yes, now go lie down,'' the older Dragon picked Spyro up with a single claw, gripping him like a fussy kitten, and placed him aside a few feet facing away from the flock of sheep. “Have yerself a nighty night.”
Spyro opened his mouth to speak again but Sparx, now back to his yellow glow, fluttered in front of him and gestured away with his antennae. With most of the sheep scattered pretty far it looked like it’d be a pain to chase them all down anyway. Shaking his head, Spyro said “Well, good luck with that.”
With a grunt and a leap the older dragon took flight again and headed to round up the sheep from the air. Following Sparx’s lead, Spyro walked away toward the coast and sat on the clifftop. In a flare of sparks, Sparx summoned Toasty’s book seemingly from thin air.
“Oh, good thinking pal,” said Spyro. “But this book kinda looks like junk.”
With nothing better to do, the two opened it and read the title: The Royal Dragon Slayers Manual.
“Oh cool!” said Spyro, his tail wagging a bit. “Mind giving me some light for a while?”
A good distance away now, Toasty the sheep had hunkered under a burrow in the side of a hill. He barely fit but from above that old Dragon didn’t seem to see him. The greatest challenge he faced now was holding in a yell as he shook and glared down at the ground. “That terrible insect! That snotty whelp! That was mine! That was my Muse!!!” He took a few labored breaths to quiet himself down. “He must pay! But… How could I make him pay? I’ve got nothing left!”
As he grumbled to himself, Toasty noticed the silhouette of the flying Dragon drift away. He poked his head out cautiously. A cold breeze cut through his patchy wool and he shivered. Glaring in the direction Spyro had been, he turned to sneak away. The cutting breeze intensified. Then a drone chant in the near distance stopped Toasty. 
A green bush atop a nearby hill scattered into a cloud of leaves. From within, the shape of an orange bearded figure wearing a green coat and brown hat elevated into the air. His lower half appeared to be a cyclone of wind that carried him quickly toward Toasty, who bleated in fear and jumped backward. Up close though, Toasty recognized this wizard before him and glared.
“You were about to perish!” The cyclone holding the Wizard aloft conveniently produced a dramatic gust in the immediate area as he spoke. “It seems that a fateful gust of wind saved you.”
“How did you find me Blowhard?” said Toasty.
“The power of MAGIC knows no bounds! I’ve come to deliver a message of dramatic import! So listen well! And I quote: ‘We’re getting the old gang back together.!’”
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If My ex-friends and I were vines
1) A: Oww! Thanks for brusing my spine!
B: No problem!
2) C: What are you doing?
A: Acrobatics!*Crash*
3) B: Nononono no! Don't type that!
A: But it's your nickname.
4) A: So basically they put Jesus Christ through tourture salad.
D: They did what? No.
A: In a weird way I'm right; and you know it
.E: He's not wrong.
5) A: Alright, I'm not sure whitch one of you schmucks have the braincell but finals are tommorow and I need it back.
E: But mom said it was my turn for the braincell!
A: Well my GPA is the highest!
A: SHIT! *falls behind couch*
7) D: Alright time for codenames. I will be eagle one, B will be hyperactive chipmunk,
D: C will be sense of reasoning,
C: What, why?
D: A will be deplorable genius.
A: well you're not wrong.
D: And E will be...
E: oh no.
A: eagle two?
D: Well I was hoping for something simple like mister plant man but that works.
E: Oh thank God.
D: Hold on, a what?
E: What is a goose swan thingy?
A: Oh, that's right, you boys weren't there.
0 notes
*Hayasaka puts his glasses back on.*
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Hinako's just a little girl. Give her a second chance.
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You have to. Or your basically saying you still don't forgive Monaca from taking little kid's away from their mummy and daddy.
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They don't have to. It wouldn't be genuine anyway.
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You trying to make them apologise wouldn't make a difference. It'd just be a Hoax of an Apology.
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Y'know I'm done with your "Getting along" bullcrap. I don't care for you, Alice, Anzu, Mai, or Maple. I was the one who made her fall inlove with Midori. I drugged the air. I controlled Mai to kill Kai. And made her believe some fake intention's. I'm also the one who controlled Maple 2.0 and Killed Anzu and Mai. And I made her Self-Destruct so she wouldn't kill Midori. I. Don't. Care.
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I don't really mind that I took shittyhair's Boyfriend either. Yea that story was bullcrap. But I'm not going down without a fight.
*Hinako heads to leave when vine's blocked the Exit.*
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Awh. After all I've done you back stab me :(
*Wasn't expecting that Aye?*
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Alright. Since I don't have to play dress up. Might aswell Reveal myself as the One. The only.
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*Teruteru doesn't Hesitate and Strangle's Kokichi until he's just a Ragdoll swinging by the neck. Plot twist of the day's.*
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Don't worry about him. He's just unconscious. I may be insane, but I'm not an idiot.
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… Why am I not surprised?
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Of course it was freaking Kokichi.
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Hey... Mister despair? Thank you.
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No problem kiddo. And hey! Don't listen to what he said. He doesn't understand just how much you've grown, and your dear Papa is very proud of you. Now if you'll excuse me, Imma go play with my new toy. Fare well for now.
*He leaves the room with the unconscious Kokichi. His new playmate.*
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guccmach · 5 years
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mister vinesauce plays yawshi’s crafted worl....
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Magnus: This is. . . So dumb.
Pit, standing on his shoulders: The higher I am, the farther I can see.
Magnus: You can fly.
Pit: Hush now, Magnus! I am searching.
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sualne · 3 years
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inspired by that ‘im an astrophysicist, its different!’ tiktok
bonus some quality doodle cause ive never drawn shadi and mushi’s parents before
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