"Oh, of course!" Gustavo answered, nodding. "I believe her room is all the way down that hall there." He pointed down the left hall. "Hard to miss."
Techkit, meanwhile, let Irene scoop her up. Irene could feel her systems softly purr against her chest as she walked, Techkit pressing herself against Irene.
Sure enough, the left door down the hall was covered in old 2000's anime stickers and several poorly-drawn crayon sketches of just Techkit. Inside looked like she'd mostly just moved a sort of uncomfortable looking cot into a testing room, though there was colorful, childlike decor all around the room. There were cartoon posters and more crayon drawings (also, all only of Techkit) taped on the walls, and a (slightly muted gray and dusty) pastel rainbow, fuzzy rug in the center.
When Irene had finally found Techkit, laying on her stomach in the now-red snow, the owls had already found her first. They took flight as soon as they'd been spotted, fluttering up to the railings above and leaving the robot behind, several bloodstained bits of Techkit in their talons and beaks.
The group of birds had dug through Techkit's stomach (or at least where one would've been) and pulled at several wires and boards to retrieve for their nests. Techkit's screen had a large gash through the left side, covered in snow and blood with once-meticulously organized wiring poking through.
Techkit was, of course, entirely still. Irene could only hope that she'd already been offline by the time she was ripped open so haphazardly by the owls.
// ooc: techkit bleeds. This is Important (probably)
Irene first noticed Techkit laying in the snow, frightened, but that fear and shock was further induced by how gruesome the scene truly was. She felt sick, her body nearly failing at the mere sight of the robotic carcass. Her vision became blurry as she trembled, staring between the owls and taking note of every little thing with them. She was afraid and enraged simultaneously. Unfortunately, she could no longer keep calm, and a rage attack was finally cued.
Irene let out a blood-curdling scream. She was fuming and blinded by anger, ripping off a piece of Techkit's monitor and running after one of the preoccupied owls, gripping its leg and driving the chunk of sharp material into its body, slashing at and wounding the bird's wings. Knowing it could no longer fly, she began to stomp on it. One, two, three, four... Several more stomps into the poor night-bird before she finally stepped back.
Admittedly, she felt slight regret, but turned to Techkit, more upset at how she tore part of her just to stab the damn bird. Irene was unable to control her emotions, spontaneously sobbing but finally focusing on getting Techkit's remains to another place....
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Techkit let go of Irene, trying to prop herself up on her arms so she could talk without irritating her fresh bandages. "I've healed real quickly from a lot worse! We prolly won't have to be here for that long, I think... But if we do, there's a buncha living spaces here! Like... The basement, or the testing rooms, though those are still a bit bloody..." Her tail went right back to tap-tap-tapping as she thought.
"Either way, this place is really safe, especially after what Gustavo and I have done to it!" Her speakers purred, sounding quite proud of herself. "I like my bedroom the most, though... Cuz it's all pink and pretty!" She tried to get up off the metal table, but yelped quietly in pain as she disturbed her chest wound. "Ow..."
When Irene had finally found Techkit, laying on her stomach in the now-red snow, the owls had already found her first. They took flight as soon as they'd been spotted, fluttering up to the railings above and leaving the robot behind, several bloodstained bits of Techkit in their talons and beaks.
The group of birds had dug through Techkit's stomach (or at least where one would've been) and pulled at several wires and boards to retrieve for their nests. Techkit's screen had a large gash through the left side, covered in snow and blood with once-meticulously organized wiring poking through.
Techkit was, of course, entirely still. Irene could only hope that she'd already been offline by the time she was ripped open so haphazardly by the owls.
// ooc: techkit bleeds. This is Important (probably)
Irene first noticed Techkit laying in the snow, frightened, but that fear and shock was further induced by how gruesome the scene truly was. She felt sick, her body nearly failing at the mere sight of the robotic carcass. Her vision became blurry as she trembled, staring between the owls and taking note of every little thing with them. She was afraid and enraged simultaneously. Unfortunately, she could no longer keep calm, and a rage attack was finally cued.
Irene let out a blood-curdling scream. She was fuming and blinded by anger, ripping off a piece of Techkit's monitor and running after one of the preoccupied owls, gripping its leg and driving the chunk of sharp material into its body, slashing at and wounding the bird's wings. Knowing it could no longer fly, she began to stomp on it. One, two, three, four... Several more stomps into the poor night-bird before she finally stepped back.
Admittedly, she felt slight regret, but turned to Techkit, more upset at how she tore part of her just to stab the damn bird. Irene was unable to control her emotions, spontaneously sobbing but finally focusing on getting Techkit's remains to another place....
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"I'm sorry for scaring you... I just didn't want Felicia to go out by herself! I had to!" Techkit wrapped her paws around Irene, half-laying on the table still. "Cuz... Y'know, she had a way lower chance of surviving out there than I did..."
When Irene had finally found Techkit, laying on her stomach in the now-red snow, the owls had already found her first. They took flight as soon as they'd been spotted, fluttering up to the railings above and leaving the robot behind, several bloodstained bits of Techkit in their talons and beaks.
The group of birds had dug through Techkit's stomach (or at least where one would've been) and pulled at several wires and boards to retrieve for their nests. Techkit's screen had a large gash through the left side, covered in snow and blood with once-meticulously organized wiring poking through.
Techkit was, of course, entirely still. Irene could only hope that she'd already been offline by the time she was ripped open so haphazardly by the owls.
// ooc: techkit bleeds. This is Important (probably)
Irene first noticed Techkit laying in the snow, frightened, but that fear and shock was further induced by how gruesome the scene truly was. She felt sick, her body nearly failing at the mere sight of the robotic carcass. Her vision became blurry as she trembled, staring between the owls and taking note of every little thing with them. She was afraid and enraged simultaneously. Unfortunately, she could no longer keep calm, and a rage attack was finally cued.
Irene let out a blood-curdling scream. She was fuming and blinded by anger, ripping off a piece of Techkit's monitor and running after one of the preoccupied owls, gripping its leg and driving the chunk of sharp material into its body, slashing at and wounding the bird's wings. Knowing it could no longer fly, she began to stomp on it. One, two, three, four... Several more stomps into the poor night-bird before she finally stepped back.
Admittedly, she felt slight regret, but turned to Techkit, more upset at how she tore part of her just to stab the damn bird. Irene was unable to control her emotions, spontaneously sobbing but finally focusing on getting Techkit's remains to another place....
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"I think I'm fine..." Techkit mumbled, looking behind Irene, then back at her. "You just sound really glitchy..."
Despite her injuries, Techkit outstretched her paws (albeit with a wince of pain) towards Irene. "I want a hug! I'm alright enough to be hugged!" Her tail tapped excitedly against the table as she tried to sit up, though she fell onto her back after a few moments.
When Irene had finally found Techkit, laying on her stomach in the now-red snow, the owls had already found her first. They took flight as soon as they'd been spotted, fluttering up to the railings above and leaving the robot behind, several bloodstained bits of Techkit in their talons and beaks.
The group of birds had dug through Techkit's stomach (or at least where one would've been) and pulled at several wires and boards to retrieve for their nests. Techkit's screen had a large gash through the left side, covered in snow and blood with once-meticulously organized wiring poking through.
Techkit was, of course, entirely still. Irene could only hope that she'd already been offline by the time she was ripped open so haphazardly by the owls.
// ooc: techkit bleeds. This is Important (probably)
Irene first noticed Techkit laying in the snow, frightened, but that fear and shock was further induced by how gruesome the scene truly was. She felt sick, her body nearly failing at the mere sight of the robotic carcass. Her vision became blurry as she trembled, staring between the owls and taking note of every little thing with them. She was afraid and enraged simultaneously. Unfortunately, she could no longer keep calm, and a rage attack was finally cued.
Irene let out a blood-curdling scream. She was fuming and blinded by anger, ripping off a piece of Techkit's monitor and running after one of the preoccupied owls, gripping its leg and driving the chunk of sharp material into its body, slashing at and wounding the bird's wings. Knowing it could no longer fly, she began to stomp on it. One, two, three, four... Several more stomps into the poor night-bird before she finally stepped back.
Admittedly, she felt slight regret, but turned to Techkit, more upset at how she tore part of her just to stab the damn bird. Irene was unable to control her emotions, spontaneously sobbing but finally focusing on getting Techkit's remains to another place....
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"Am I... huh?..." Techkit tilted her head slightly, at least as much as her injuries would allow. Her digital eyes (or eye, now, with the other covered by the bandages) narrowed in confusion, looking up at Irene. Her hearing was extremely muddled, and she was barely able to make out what Irene said to her.
When Irene had finally found Techkit, laying on her stomach in the now-red snow, the owls had already found her first. They took flight as soon as they'd been spotted, fluttering up to the railings above and leaving the robot behind, several bloodstained bits of Techkit in their talons and beaks.
The group of birds had dug through Techkit's stomach (or at least where one would've been) and pulled at several wires and boards to retrieve for their nests. Techkit's screen had a large gash through the left side, covered in snow and blood with once-meticulously organized wiring poking through.
Techkit was, of course, entirely still. Irene could only hope that she'd already been offline by the time she was ripped open so haphazardly by the owls.
// ooc: techkit bleeds. This is Important (probably)
Irene first noticed Techkit laying in the snow, frightened, but that fear and shock was further induced by how gruesome the scene truly was. She felt sick, her body nearly failing at the mere sight of the robotic carcass. Her vision became blurry as she trembled, staring between the owls and taking note of every little thing with them. She was afraid and enraged simultaneously. Unfortunately, she could no longer keep calm, and a rage attack was finally cued.
Irene let out a blood-curdling scream. She was fuming and blinded by anger, ripping off a piece of Techkit's monitor and running after one of the preoccupied owls, gripping its leg and driving the chunk of sharp material into its body, slashing at and wounding the bird's wings. Knowing it could no longer fly, she began to stomp on it. One, two, three, four... Several more stomps into the poor night-bird before she finally stepped back.
Admittedly, she felt slight regret, but turned to Techkit, more upset at how she tore part of her just to stab the damn bird. Irene was unable to control her emotions, spontaneously sobbing but finally focusing on getting Techkit's remains to another place....
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Gustavo spent time resoldering and replacing torn wires, seemingly unbothered by the amount of blood he was getting on his hands. He let Irene stay by Techkit's side as he did so, knowing that it would comfort the woman, even if only slightly.
He wasn't able to fix the gash taken out of Techkit's screen, however, since the laboratories didn't have any replacement glass that wasn't already broken or defaced. Instead, after replacing all of the wires in her monitor (and making sure that it wouldn't be a fire hazard later on when Techkit attempted to boot up), he ended up wrapping a bandage tightly over it.
Stepping back a moment and making sure he'd done everything correctly, he looked at Irene. "That should be it. I tried to fix as much as I could, but her microphone might not be as good as it used to." He clicked a switch on the back of Techkit's neck, and her speakers blipped as they came online. Her screen display was a bit fuzzy, but her expression was still slightly discernible. Techkit glanced around confusedly, and stopped when she saw Irene, her paw in Irene's hand.
"...Mama?..." She quietly mumbled, her tail twitching.
When Irene had finally found Techkit, laying on her stomach in the now-red snow, the owls had already found her first. They took flight as soon as they'd been spotted, fluttering up to the railings above and leaving the robot behind, several bloodstained bits of Techkit in their talons and beaks.
The group of birds had dug through Techkit's stomach (or at least where one would've been) and pulled at several wires and boards to retrieve for their nests. Techkit's screen had a large gash through the left side, covered in snow and blood with once-meticulously organized wiring poking through.
Techkit was, of course, entirely still. Irene could only hope that she'd already been offline by the time she was ripped open so haphazardly by the owls.
// ooc: techkit bleeds. This is Important (probably)
Irene first noticed Techkit laying in the snow, frightened, but that fear and shock was further induced by how gruesome the scene truly was. She felt sick, her body nearly failing at the mere sight of the robotic carcass. Her vision became blurry as she trembled, staring between the owls and taking note of every little thing with them. She was afraid and enraged simultaneously. Unfortunately, she could no longer keep calm, and a rage attack was finally cued.
Irene let out a blood-curdling scream. She was fuming and blinded by anger, ripping off a piece of Techkit's monitor and running after one of the preoccupied owls, gripping its leg and driving the chunk of sharp material into its body, slashing at and wounding the bird's wings. Knowing it could no longer fly, she began to stomp on it. One, two, three, four... Several more stomps into the poor night-bird before she finally stepped back.
Admittedly, she felt slight regret, but turned to Techkit, more upset at how she tore part of her just to stab the damn bird. Irene was unable to control her emotions, spontaneously sobbing but finally focusing on getting Techkit's remains to another place....
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Gustavo looked at all of the damage Techkit had sustained, his hand to his chin. "I believe so. Most of her, that is, since she's half organic, you know?" He gestured to Techkit's chest, which was still trickling a small amount of blood. He dropped that fact like it was nothing, as if Irene already knew it. "This isn't the worst condition I've had to fix her up in, believe me..."
He turned to Irene, pointing down a long corridor. "Fetch me a first aid kit from the first room on the right, I'll start working on her wires." He said quickly, heading down the stairs into the basement to grab tools and parts he'd need. Thankfully, the laboratories had a lot of spare parts that were compatible with Techkit lying around.
When Irene had finally found Techkit, laying on her stomach in the now-red snow, the owls had already found her first. They took flight as soon as they'd been spotted, fluttering up to the railings above and leaving the robot behind, several bloodstained bits of Techkit in their talons and beaks.
The group of birds had dug through Techkit's stomach (or at least where one would've been) and pulled at several wires and boards to retrieve for their nests. Techkit's screen had a large gash through the left side, covered in snow and blood with once-meticulously organized wiring poking through.
Techkit was, of course, entirely still. Irene could only hope that she'd already been offline by the time she was ripped open so haphazardly by the owls.
// ooc: techkit bleeds. This is Important (probably)
Irene first noticed Techkit laying in the snow, frightened, but that fear and shock was further induced by how gruesome the scene truly was. She felt sick, her body nearly failing at the mere sight of the robotic carcass. Her vision became blurry as she trembled, staring between the owls and taking note of every little thing with them. She was afraid and enraged simultaneously. Unfortunately, she could no longer keep calm, and a rage attack was finally cued.
Irene let out a blood-curdling scream. She was fuming and blinded by anger, ripping off a piece of Techkit's monitor and running after one of the preoccupied owls, gripping its leg and driving the chunk of sharp material into its body, slashing at and wounding the bird's wings. Knowing it could no longer fly, she began to stomp on it. One, two, three, four... Several more stomps into the poor night-bird before she finally stepped back.
Admittedly, she felt slight regret, but turned to Techkit, more upset at how she tore part of her just to stab the damn bird. Irene was unable to control her emotions, spontaneously sobbing but finally focusing on getting Techkit's remains to another place....
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After being picked up, Techkit's noises died down slightly. Irene couldn't tell if she was actually all there or not right now, as Techkit hadn't actually spoken. Whether she could right now or not was a different question.
Since Techkit had fallen relatively close to the Manglewood lift, the two didn't have to stay out in the cold for long. The owls continued to watch them along the way, however, eyeing the dying robot slung over Irene's shoulder like vultures.
Taking the short and unkempt paved path to the laboratories (one of the only actually paved sidewalks in Manglewood, actually!), Irene unlocked the main door of the laboratories by pressing Techkit's paw against a biometric sensor outside. It opened with an uncomfortable metallic noise, into the main foyer.
As expansive as the research labs were, it was relatively easy to find the basement. Gustavo was already ascending the stairs, as he'd heard something open the main doors.
"Who is-" He began, cutting off when he'd seen Irene and Techkit. "What has happened to Techkit?... Irene, what happened?" He stepped forward, gently taking Techkit from Irene's hands and looking her over.
When Irene had finally found Techkit, laying on her stomach in the now-red snow, the owls had already found her first. They took flight as soon as they'd been spotted, fluttering up to the railings above and leaving the robot behind, several bloodstained bits of Techkit in their talons and beaks.
The group of birds had dug through Techkit's stomach (or at least where one would've been) and pulled at several wires and boards to retrieve for their nests. Techkit's screen had a large gash through the left side, covered in snow and blood with once-meticulously organized wiring poking through.
Techkit was, of course, entirely still. Irene could only hope that she'd already been offline by the time she was ripped open so haphazardly by the owls.
// ooc: techkit bleeds. This is Important (probably)
Irene first noticed Techkit laying in the snow, frightened, but that fear and shock was further induced by how gruesome the scene truly was. She felt sick, her body nearly failing at the mere sight of the robotic carcass. Her vision became blurry as she trembled, staring between the owls and taking note of every little thing with them. She was afraid and enraged simultaneously. Unfortunately, she could no longer keep calm, and a rage attack was finally cued.
Irene let out a blood-curdling scream. She was fuming and blinded by anger, ripping off a piece of Techkit's monitor and running after one of the preoccupied owls, gripping its leg and driving the chunk of sharp material into its body, slashing at and wounding the bird's wings. Knowing it could no longer fly, she began to stomp on it. One, two, three, four... Several more stomps into the poor night-bird before she finally stepped back.
Admittedly, she felt slight regret, but turned to Techkit, more upset at how she tore part of her just to stab the damn bird. Irene was unable to control her emotions, spontaneously sobbing but finally focusing on getting Techkit's remains to another place....
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The glitching sounds she'd been making progressively started sounding eerily like screams. And again, her busted monitor crackled, especially with the addition of more snow on it.
Techkit's limbs jerked painfully once, the sounds only getting worse.
Would Gustavo even be able to fix her at this point?...
When Irene had finally found Techkit, laying on her stomach in the now-red snow, the owls had already found her first. They took flight as soon as they'd been spotted, fluttering up to the railings above and leaving the robot behind, several bloodstained bits of Techkit in their talons and beaks.
The group of birds had dug through Techkit's stomach (or at least where one would've been) and pulled at several wires and boards to retrieve for their nests. Techkit's screen had a large gash through the left side, covered in snow and blood with once-meticulously organized wiring poking through.
Techkit was, of course, entirely still. Irene could only hope that she'd already been offline by the time she was ripped open so haphazardly by the owls.
// ooc: techkit bleeds. This is Important (probably)
Irene first noticed Techkit laying in the snow, frightened, but that fear and shock was further induced by how gruesome the scene truly was. She felt sick, her body nearly failing at the mere sight of the robotic carcass. Her vision became blurry as she trembled, staring between the owls and taking note of every little thing with them. She was afraid and enraged simultaneously. Unfortunately, she could no longer keep calm, and a rage attack was finally cued.
Irene let out a blood-curdling scream. She was fuming and blinded by anger, ripping off a piece of Techkit's monitor and running after one of the preoccupied owls, gripping its leg and driving the chunk of sharp material into its body, slashing at and wounding the bird's wings. Knowing it could no longer fly, she began to stomp on it. One, two, three, four... Several more stomps into the poor night-bird before she finally stepped back.
Admittedly, she felt slight regret, but turned to Techkit, more upset at how she tore part of her just to stab the damn bird. Irene was unable to control her emotions, spontaneously sobbing but finally focusing on getting Techkit's remains to another place....
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As soon as Techkit's body was jostled by Irene picking her up, her speakers emitted a very low buzzing, akin to an N64 having its cartridge tilted. Something crackled inside her monitor a few times, making a very suspicious fizzling noise inside that did not sound good.
And then, the buzzing got extremely high-pitched and glitchy. Like screaming.
Techkit still did not move, but her speakers were very audibly protesting everything.
When Irene had finally found Techkit, laying on her stomach in the now-red snow, the owls had already found her first. They took flight as soon as they'd been spotted, fluttering up to the railings above and leaving the robot behind, several bloodstained bits of Techkit in their talons and beaks.
The group of birds had dug through Techkit's stomach (or at least where one would've been) and pulled at several wires and boards to retrieve for their nests. Techkit's screen had a large gash through the left side, covered in snow and blood with once-meticulously organized wiring poking through.
Techkit was, of course, entirely still. Irene could only hope that she'd already been offline by the time she was ripped open so haphazardly by the owls.
// ooc: techkit bleeds. This is Important (probably)
Irene first noticed Techkit laying in the snow, frightened, but that fear and shock was further induced by how gruesome the scene truly was. She felt sick, her body nearly failing at the mere sight of the robotic carcass. Her vision became blurry as she trembled, staring between the owls and taking note of every little thing with them. She was afraid and enraged simultaneously. Unfortunately, she could no longer keep calm, and a rage attack was finally cued.
Irene let out a blood-curdling scream. She was fuming and blinded by anger, ripping off a piece of Techkit's monitor and running after one of the preoccupied owls, gripping its leg and driving the chunk of sharp material into its body, slashing at and wounding the bird's wings. Knowing it could no longer fly, she began to stomp on it. One, two, three, four... Several more stomps into the poor night-bird before she finally stepped back.
Admittedly, she felt slight regret, but turned to Techkit, more upset at how she tore part of her just to stab the damn bird. Irene was unable to control her emotions, spontaneously sobbing but finally focusing on getting Techkit's remains to another place....
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[ᴛᴇᴄʜᴋɪᴛ ᴏꜱ ᴜɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴛᴀʙɪʟɪᴢᴇ ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ. ꜱʜᴜᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴅᴏᴡɴ...]
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"I will!" Her tail swished excitedly as she grabbed Vera's coat, pulling it on. It was slightly too big for her, as she was a bit smaller than the stargazer. "I'll be back soon, mama!" She called, her synthesizer speaking her thoughts faster than she could process them. Without a further word, she closed the main doors behind her, leaving Vera's studio and heading out into the frosty cold of the Ziggurat.
(@itspronouncedtekkit yes im starting another rp thread because i thought the idea was wholesome in the midst of *points at Pre-Beta and Techexe*)
Techkit had been working on a small paper craft for quite some time at Vera's kitchen table, cutting and gluing together scraps of construction paper. When she'd finished with whatever she was making, she went and found Felicia. Her head was hung low, her translucent wings drooped.
Handing over a small, pink card, she muttered a soft "sorry." On the front, it had a crude drawing of the reporter done in crayon, and inside it read "sorry 4 trying 2 kill u :(". Judging by Techkit's digital expression, she looked as though she felt genuine remorse and guilt.
Felicia had been paying attention to her small mobile device, a bit upset she was no longer with Gustavo and, for some reason, her news queue was broken. But, upon being handed the card, she dropped what she was doing and took it out of curiosity.
"I..." She tried to think of how to word it. Admittedly, she did feel bad, knowing Techkit wouldn't actually try to harm someone, even if she did actually hate her, but...
"Why did you do that?" She'll accept the apology later, but right now, it was time to do what she did best; question people.
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i wonder who dat pretty kitty iz,,,, :33
Now that I gathered 12 followers my 12 most loyal disciples
I demand everyone reblog this with lil description of their favorite OC of their own , even better with pics included, i just wanna see what y'all are into, you cool mfs
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Techkit seemed to calculate something, in the few moments that passed in silence between them. "No." She answered, her synthesizer so suddenly... Solemn?
"I'll go by myself... But I'll come back with Gustavo just fine!" She let go of Irene, her striped tail high at her back, her optics gazing at her. "I've been through a lot, you know that. I'm tougher than I look!"
(@itspronouncedtekkit yes im starting another rp thread because i thought the idea was wholesome in the midst of *points at Pre-Beta and Techexe*)
Techkit had been working on a small paper craft for quite some time at Vera's kitchen table, cutting and gluing together scraps of construction paper. When she'd finished with whatever she was making, she went and found Felicia. Her head was hung low, her translucent wings drooped.
Handing over a small, pink card, she muttered a soft "sorry." On the front, it had a crude drawing of the reporter done in crayon, and inside it read "sorry 4 trying 2 kill u :(". Judging by Techkit's digital expression, she looked as though she felt genuine remorse and guilt.
Felicia had been paying attention to her small mobile device, a bit upset she was no longer with Gustavo and, for some reason, her news queue was broken. But, upon being handed the card, she dropped what she was doing and took it out of curiosity.
"I..." She tried to think of how to word it. Admittedly, she did feel bad, knowing Techkit wouldn't actually try to harm someone, even if she did actually hate her, but...
"Why did you do that?" She'll accept the apology later, but right now, it was time to do what she did best; question people.
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Techkit glanced back at Irene. "I promise, I'll be okay! Besides, if I don't go, Felicia will, and she shouldn't be going out right now..." She seemed to hesitate for a moment, but decided to walk back towards Irene, putting down Vera's jacket and hugging her tightly. She wrapped her tail around Irene's back, her speakers rumbling with a soft purr. "I'll be fine, Irene! The labs aren't that far, and the owls aren't that scary..."
(@itspronouncedtekkit yes im starting another rp thread because i thought the idea was wholesome in the midst of *points at Pre-Beta and Techexe*)
Techkit had been working on a small paper craft for quite some time at Vera's kitchen table, cutting and gluing together scraps of construction paper. When she'd finished with whatever she was making, she went and found Felicia. Her head was hung low, her translucent wings drooped.
Handing over a small, pink card, she muttered a soft "sorry." On the front, it had a crude drawing of the reporter done in crayon, and inside it read "sorry 4 trying 2 kill u :(". Judging by Techkit's digital expression, she looked as though she felt genuine remorse and guilt.
Felicia had been paying attention to her small mobile device, a bit upset she was no longer with Gustavo and, for some reason, her news queue was broken. But, upon being handed the card, she dropped what she was doing and took it out of curiosity.
"I..." She tried to think of how to word it. Admittedly, she did feel bad, knowing Techkit wouldn't actually try to harm someone, even if she did actually hate her, but...
"Why did you do that?" She'll accept the apology later, but right now, it was time to do what she did best; question people.
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Techkit's processors could be heard for a few moments, before her systems made an audible blip. "I'll go, then!" Her tail raised, her usual cheerful and ditzy personality somewhat returned. "I promise I'll be safe!" She turned to go find Irene, to tell her that she'd be gone for a bit. After all, she didn't want to worry her mother Irene.
"Irene!" She called to the burger woman, tail swishing in determination. "I'm gonna be gone for a bit to go get Gustavo, but don't worry about me! I'll be just fine!" She assured, grabbing a coat that was two sizes too big for her off of Vera's coat rack by the door.
(@itspronouncedtekkit yes im starting another rp thread because i thought the idea was wholesome in the midst of *points at Pre-Beta and Techexe*)
Techkit had been working on a small paper craft for quite some time at Vera's kitchen table, cutting and gluing together scraps of construction paper. When she'd finished with whatever she was making, she went and found Felicia. Her head was hung low, her translucent wings drooped.
Handing over a small, pink card, she muttered a soft "sorry." On the front, it had a crude drawing of the reporter done in crayon, and inside it read "sorry 4 trying 2 kill u :(". Judging by Techkit's digital expression, she looked as though she felt genuine remorse and guilt.
Felicia had been paying attention to her small mobile device, a bit upset she was no longer with Gustavo and, for some reason, her news queue was broken. But, upon being handed the card, she dropped what she was doing and took it out of curiosity.
"I..." She tried to think of how to word it. Admittedly, she did feel bad, knowing Techkit wouldn't actually try to harm someone, even if she did actually hate her, but...
"Why did you do that?" She'll accept the apology later, but right now, it was time to do what she did best; question people.
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Techkit grabbed Felicia's arm, her paws holding on tight. "Don't go! You're still hurt... I should go instead, cuz I'm not as hurt as you are!" Her screen displayed a determined òwó, not wanting to back down from her plan. "Once I get to Gustavo, he can fix me with stuff from the labs! But you on the other paw might get really badly hurt on the way..."
(@itspronouncedtekkit yes im starting another rp thread because i thought the idea was wholesome in the midst of *points at Pre-Beta and Techexe*)
Techkit had been working on a small paper craft for quite some time at Vera's kitchen table, cutting and gluing together scraps of construction paper. When she'd finished with whatever she was making, she went and found Felicia. Her head was hung low, her translucent wings drooped.
Handing over a small, pink card, she muttered a soft "sorry." On the front, it had a crude drawing of the reporter done in crayon, and inside it read "sorry 4 trying 2 kill u :(". Judging by Techkit's digital expression, she looked as though she felt genuine remorse and guilt.
Felicia had been paying attention to her small mobile device, a bit upset she was no longer with Gustavo and, for some reason, her news queue was broken. But, upon being handed the card, she dropped what she was doing and took it out of curiosity.
"I..." She tried to think of how to word it. Admittedly, she did feel bad, knowing Techkit wouldn't actually try to harm someone, even if she did actually hate her, but...
"Why did you do that?" She'll accept the apology later, but right now, it was time to do what she did best; question people.
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