#thank you jett
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denimpera · 2 years ago
mushy may day 7+10 [compliments, staring in adoration]
a/n: beta'd by @/ghouljett, baby's first ghost fic
relationship: nothing outright stated, but many hinted at
summary: breakfast with the ghouls, rain thinks dew is pretty. [ft. albino dew and telepathy]
word count: 1.3k?
rating: G [T?]
he's been staring all morning, as much as he's been trying to hide it. when he had walked into the kitchen in search of coffee, he instead found a half asleep dewdrop making eggs. he had frozen, not expecting anyone else to be up that early, and went about making his coffee as quietly as he could. dew didn't say anything to him, simply shifted his slouching form further down the counter- to get away from him, rain supposed.
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rain shifts in his seat, letting his gaze fall back to his half eaten breakfast as dew lifts his head from his own breakfast, similarly uneaten.
he's been staring all morning, as much as he's been trying to hide it. when he had walked into the kitchen in search of coffee, he instead found a half asleep dewdrop making eggs. he had frozen, not expecting anyone else to be up that early, and went about making his coffee as quietly as he could. dew didn't say anything to him, simply shifted his slouching form further down the counter- to get away from him, rain supposed.
mountain, aether and cumulus had slowly filed into the kitchen while rain was adding the milk to his coffee, dew plating his eggs. rain had taken their respective mugs out of the cabinet and set them ready for the next pot of coffee, his hands hovering over dew's mug. he chanced a quick glance towards the fire ghoul, relieved that dew's eyes were focused on his fork shifting the eggs around his plate.
aether had taken the seat next to dew, mountain sitting directly across from him and cumulus to his right, talking mountain's ear off about a show rain's never heard of. he catches aether's eye and jerks his head subtly in dew's direction, motioning to the mug with his hand. aether only shrugs- standing a few seconds later and making his way to the counter, rationing out everyone's preferred strength of coffee. rain stares at him for a moment, having intended to do this himself, before reaching past rain and grabbing dew's mug, setting it down. "coffee, dew?"
the room goes quiet for a few seconds, further still even after dew simply hums in affirmation. aether rations dew's coffee- three coffee, two sugar- then he pats rain on the shoulder, moving around the kitchen to grab a few slices of bread, popping them in the toaster before sitting back in his seat, back next to dew.
rain takes the hint and picks up where aether left off, pouring water and milk into the four mugs while sipping on his own coffee. it's then that swiss pads into the kitchen, yawning and stretching his arms above his head as he makes his way to the counter, grabbing his own mug from the cupboard.
"fill me up, yeah?" rain does, able to just squeak by with enough hot water to fill his mug. he kisses rain on the cheek as he leans over to grab a plate from the cupboard next to the mugs, setting it on the counter just as the toaster pops. swiss lights up with delight, moving down the counter to try and grab his toast with minimal burns to his fingertips "oh, aether, you doll!"
rain smiles to himself, listening to swiss sit down next to aether and pepper his face with dry kisses and 'thank you's as he grabs the mugs two at a time and sets them down in front of aether, mountain, cumulus and dew. mountain, aether and cumulus thank him as he sits down next to 'lus, having finished his coffee. he doesn't expect dewdrop to thank him, but a small part of himself wants him to. wants dew to look up from his plate, look rain in the eye with his newly violet stare and say those two words, any words, to him. wants dewdrop to smile and call him doll.
cumulus offers to make him breakfast, and though he's fast to agree, he doesn't take his eyes off of dew as he sips from his mug.
which brings him here, stealing glances at dew while their breakfasts go cold and the others- now joined by cirrus and stratus- talk about anything and everything around him. he hears them, but he doesn't listen, preoccupied with looking at dew and then longing to look at him when he has to avert his gaze. dew looks ethereal, ivory hair pulled into a sleep mussed, delicate braid running off of his small shoulder, pale strands falling into his face to grace his cheekbones, violet irises and milky eyelashes catching in the sun slipping through the window. like light seeping through stained glass. he looks beautiful.
rain wants to tell him as much, longs to. he doesn't, however. he and dew haven't spoken a word to each other since he's been summoned, rain usually pretends to not know why, pretends to be shy, pretends to be polite, but he knows better. knows the screaming down the hall the night he was summoned was not the wails of a sibling of sin, knows the snow touched strands of dew's hair and lashes were not those that he was summoned with, knows the reason for dew's clear irises and skittish, blurry gaze is not that of birth, but of trauma. trauma that if he were not summoned, wouldn't have happened.
aether tells him often not to blame himself, that his summoning was botched, that imperator was all too quick to try a ritual he'd never heard of- one with a concerningly low survival rate, he'd discovered later, and that dew was the perfect candidate. rain wants to believe him, believe it's not his fault, but it's difficult when he witnesses dew limp and shuffle from room to room, sees him wince when he stands, sees him squeeze his eyes shut when they're giving him a headache with how much they move around against his will. watches him avoid mirrors.
he wants to believe aether when he tells rain not to feel guilty, but it's hard to believe when rain feels as though he's robbed dew of everything he was.
aether says something, some joke or quick witted reply to something stratus has said, and rain watches in awe as dewdrop laughs. it's an awkward, involuntary thing, and rain can't be mad at himself for missing the joke when he gets to see the way dew's shoulders relax a little as he smiles at aether. it's dew's real smile, not the practised, close mouthed smile that rain usually sees dew give to cumulus or swiss. no, it's a downturned, almost sad looking thing that makes rain feel sinful for simply having witnessed it even though he's distantly envious he wasn't the cause. he wants to capture this moment, lock it in a bottle and stare at it when he feels down, keep it close to his heart.
he thinks dew's smile is pretty, and he wants to tell him.
he is, unfortunately, a coward.
"aether." rain presses into aether's mind so suddenly aether nearly chokes on his food, coughing slightly. aether looks at him from over the table, raising an eyebrow at him. "this can't be said out loud?"
"no, i need you to tell dew something."
aether's eyes widen slightly, but he pressed on, "and what's that?"
rain swallows thickly, flicking his gaze from dew to aether a couple of times before settling on, "could you tell him he looks pretty when he smiles? his- his real smile."
aether grins at him as subtly as he can manage, waiting for a conversation to pick up with the rest of the ghouls at the table before leaning in close to dew to whisper something to him. rain really hopes that aether doesn't tell dew that rain is the one who wanted him to know that his smile is pretty, but it makes dew sway as he bumps shoulders with aether and smiles again, his real smile, and rain doesn't look away when dew looks up at him again, this time making eye contact with him before he feels a gentle push into his brain, like waves lapping at his ankles, he walks further into the water when he hears it,
"thank you."
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real-odark · 9 months ago
spacedolls doing a karaoke and just singing their shit out of them
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inagine that the microphones are hooked up to a shitty 1000 ticket karaoke kit from the warehouse
the first is how i think itd be, and the second is an alternative where jane breaks into her busta rhymes alter ego
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proxentauri · 1 year ago
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i have been playing too much valorant instead of being productive.......might as well draw fanart of it lol, i got interested in it through really liking jett's character design so here's a little tribute to her! i would never play her but she's still cool :)
also i cannot draw guns sooo...unsure if i will draw more val fanart
would people be interested in commissions in this style? :0 takes around 4-5 hours (sorry i am a one layer painter i'm sure it would be faster with layers)
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jettorii · 2 years ago
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kedsandtubesocks · 11 months ago
A Promise of a New Adventure with Ezra for Jett ����
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“Might be a while ‘till our next excursion, starlight.” Ezra says, but he knows you hear the truth within his words.
You nod understanding.
As you breathe in the beautiful air, the moment of settling into this new planet settles into your bones. You think this little pit stop might not be so bad.
Off to the side you already hear Cee rattling around unpacking her things to get comfortable.
Ezra curls to your side and rubs his nose against the side of your head.
“By Keva’s luck, this little rest stop might prove to a sliver of paradise for us if I do say so myself.”
You couldn’t agree more.
for @morallyinept who is the personified reminder of how wonderful this fandom can be & I can’t thank you enough for your kindness Jett
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year ago
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hello i needed a drawing warmup and the blinking blinkers bewitched me
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jettkuso · 9 months ago
re: tumblr accent the existential intro and outro. the "<- lying" text at the beginning (+ all the other <- comments). "i cant say. i don't know. i have no information. no answers exist. it isn't known. the truth will always elude us. we may never find out. i can't say." the faux-pretentious tumblr way of wording sentences. not to mention you are hopelessly obsessed with the orb. the accent shines through i love it
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Of course it goes without saying that I am hopelessly dependent on the orb…
For those who haven’t seen it, here’s the video in question:
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dexley-starkid · 11 months ago
I love Joan Jett so much she’s so girlboss
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kithtaehyung · 2 months ago
Okay since we’re all sharing our ideas/requests - have you ever had interest in doing high fantasy? Like let me know if you feel so inclined to give us a dragon yoongi 🤭
No matter what you write, trust we are looking forward to it 🫡
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JETT LISTEN... i know i haven't released anything like this yet but i can say there's a jimin wip called the five huntsmen that's based on the brothers grimm tale, and it does have shifters. spoiler alert yoongi is one of them heheheeheh. dragon yoongi sounds dope as hell, though!
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ladyrosesblog · 11 months ago
WARNING: This Turned Out To Be A Slightly Long Rant About How Much I Love This Performance, Stevie Nicks And Fleetwood Mac. As Well As Other Musicians And Some Stripped Back Details Of My Personal Life And Experience As A Musician. You Absolutely Don’t Have To Read Or Interact With This Post In Any Way If You Don’t Want To, Also Knowing Me This May Be Edited And Added To In The Future.
This Song Has A Chokehold On Me It Really Speaks To Me As Someone Who Has Felt This Way And It Is Engraved Into My Mind, Heart And Soul. This Song Really Makes Me Feel A Kind Of Way And Is Both Soul Crushing And Heart Healing For Me. Stevie Nicks Has Inspired Me And Captured Me Since I Was A Small Child, As Has Fleetwood Mac. As A Musician Myself Who Also Writes Songs In The Rock Genre Seeing People Like Her And Christine As Well As Joan Jett, Heart, The Pretty Reckless (Fronted By Taylor Momsen), Halestorm (Fronted By Lzzy Hale) And Evanescence (Fronted By Amy Lee) And Others Made Me Feel Good About Being A Woman Who Wants To Pursue The Rock/Metal Zone Of Music And Made Me Feel Like I Could Really Go For Something And Succeed. I Will Always Cherish Songs Like Silver Springs, What They Have Done To Me In Terms Of Emotional Reaction, Inspiration And Just Getting Me Trough Shit! Life Is Tough And Music Has Always Been A Source Of Comfort For Me And Seeing Females Do Well In These Genres Has And Will Continue To Inspire And Fuel Me, Part Of Why I Am Who I Am Today And Why I Believe I’m Still Here Is Music And Seeing Women Create Magic In Rock And Metal And Seeing Myself In Them And In Their Work.
I Hope To Write, Perform And Create The Same Magic In A Future Song Of Mine The Way That Stevie Did! And I Hope To Speak My Truth Through My Music In This Same Hauntingly Beautiful Way. Stevie Nicks I Love You And You Saved Me, The Band Did Too But This Woman Gave Me Some Special Kind Of Confidence, Love And Respect For Myself And The Belief That I Can Go Out There And Do It. I Will Always Be Grateful And Thankful To Fleetwood Mac For Existing Especially Stevie… And I’m Thankful To The Other Rock/Metal Musicians Specially In This Case The Women For Contributing To My Happiness And My Passion For Success In Music And Also In Life. 🩷✨
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real-odark · 9 months ago
the (pre-cyclone) choir going to the beach and the water is freezing 😟
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thewritingautisticat · 7 months ago
Open invite to infodump about Phoenix :)
Oh man be careful when giving me free reign to infodump because I will take it😅 Also you didn't specify between the book and the character so you get both 😈
Right now Phoenix (the novel) is one of my favorite WIPs because it's one of the only ones that hasn't somehow turned into a ten-book series 😅. It's a superhero novel that shifts between the POVs of its three main characters: Jett and Phoenix, who are both early twenties, and Ash, who's about eight. They're all dealing in their own ways with the legacy of the supervillain, Sterling, whose death is the inciting incident of the book. (Also Sterling's name is subject to change as soon as I think of one that I actually like for him). Jett is trying to take on the responsibility of being the leader of the heroes, and is struggling with the weight of all the lives in his hands. And not only is he struggling with the death of Sterling, which he believes he caused in one of their battles, but he has also decided to bring home Ash after the kid got apprehended during a separate battle, AND is trying to somehow reach out to Phoenix and keep her from destroying the city. Ash is now trying to figure out how to function in a healthy, loving family, and is wavering between whether he wants to be on the hero side with Jett or the villain side with Phoenix.
And Phoenix? Phoenix is ANGRY. She's angry at Sterling for the abuse he put her through, she's angry at Jett and the heroes for not rescuing her as a kid, she's angry at herself for being weak enough to not protect herself. And now that she's free, she can do anything she wants. And if those things include a new hairstyle, kidnapping Ash back from Jett, and destroying the city, so be it. Because no one has the right or the power to stop her now. Especially not Jett, even with his stupidly attractive dark eyes and his stupid gentle voice and his stupid offers of kindness.
Phoenix is probably my second favorite female character of all my OCs (Liliana is definitely my first favorite but they're so completely different that they're both favorites in different ways). She's honestly a bit cathartic to write, in that she's just living out the concept of, "What if I just let myself snap and do whatever I wanted with no fear of consequences?" She's shaving her hair off, she's throwing together a random and chaotic outfit, she's screaming at and fighting anyone who looks at her wrong. But it's mostly she's trying to figure out who she even is without Sterling. And she's scared that he was right, that she's not enough. Not good enough, not strong enough, not powerful enough. She's an absolute mess and I love her for it.
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little-blurry-stars5 · 10 months ago
I read it like forever ago tho so I can’t remember if it follows the exact premise of that post or not but it’s ’moon eclipse’ by nikohoshiii on ao3
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kedsandtubesocks · 2 months ago
Hey lovely Erika! 🖤
This challenge sounds so fun! Any chance I could have Marcus Moreno and 11 if he is still avaliable?
Thank you, love you! 🖤
My sweet Jett oh my goodness my heart is so full rn I’m so happy you’re here to join 🥹
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Marcus Moreno & Rodeo rescue + 4…
4. Star-crossed Lovers
Oh this combo already has my heart aching!!
Kedsandtubesocks Wild Ride Writing Challenge
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thiefbird · 7 months ago
12 and 13 for the music ask? 💚
12: A song from your preteen years
Oh god, lets see... I think it's gotta be Glenn Miller's In The Mood, or literally any song by the Beatles (I had very specific tastes and Did Not Escape Them til after starting high school)(yes this song is the one Rose and Nine dance to at the end of The Doctor Dances). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CI-0E_jses
13: One of your favorite 80’s songs
Dio's Invisible is excellent and also has some great Gender Vibes. You can just assume all of Holy Diver and The Last In Line are on here, actually. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2oOKkO489s For something more Stereotypically 80s, I'm gonna go with either Blister In The Sun by The Violent Femmes or [I'm Gonna] Run Away by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts(or really any Joan Jett) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE-dqW4uBEE https://youtu.be/Lpj6JXXMb5Y?si=b7ZjqAd8LLdVC3di
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iceeericeee · 1 year ago
⏳ A song you love that was released before you were born
Ooggg that’s a lot of songs that I like ummmmm
Basically anything by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, and AC/DC. But if I had to pick ONE song? I guess Bits and Pieces by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, THATS a banger
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