#thank you for this ask ahhhh!!!!
runawaymun · 5 months
Hi! I'm bothering you with questions. What's a Tolkien headcanon that makes you chew drywall?
Elrond and Elros did not go with Maedhros and Maglor quietly. They didn't cower in fear and simply hold still while they were scooped up. They were scared for sure. Terrified. But they didn't go quietly. Elros kicked Maedhros in the shin and bit him when Maedhros tried to scoop him up to get a better look, and when Maedhros dropped him in surprise he scrambled for the door as fast as his little legs could carry him. And Elrond would've clawed Maglor's eyes out if it weren't for his helm. They spit and they kicked and they screamed because they knew who these guys were and they'd heard the stories about their uncles and they absolutely thought they were about to die.
And man does it make me absolutely feral. I think all headcannons about Sirion are valid and I love reading everybody else's interpretations, but the idea that Elrond and Elros fought with every inch of their tiny bodies against the last sons of Feanor and actually landed a few hits? That Maedhros got a new scar from Elros that day? I have art planned and in the draft stage for it right and now and someday I will manage to write my own version of kidnap fam, but in my head they didn't go quietly. They thought they were going to die and also even in their young minds they understood that there was an implication that, if the sons of Feanor were here dragging them out of their hiding place -- and their mother hadn't come for them? There was absolutely the understanding that they'd murdered her (even if, in actuality, that's not what happened) and these little six-seven year olds would not stand for it. That's their mom, and they will avenge her, and also? They'll avenge themselves. If the sons of Feanor want to kidnap them or kill them, Elros and Elrond were gonna make it difficult every inch of the way.
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artsymeeshee · 1 month
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greensagephase · 3 months
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MAFIA MIG X OC. I love them.
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Thank you for sharing your art with me and everyone else, Laura!!! As always, I want to devour your art (respectfully) !!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you're having THE BEST DAY/NIGHT EVER and ily!!!! 🥰❤️
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frogaroundandfindout · 2 months
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For a long time I thought Robin was his son, but now I know he was…chosen.
I don’t know much about their history except for what’s already passed into legend; Batman and Robin, the dynamic duo—mentor and sidekick—family by choice if not blood.
I’ve never caught his civilian name, but I do know that the first Robin has been heroing since he was a little kid—and that he’s friends with almost everyone in the superhero community.
I also know that even though things must have been rough between him and Batman sometimes, he’s wicked loyal…even now, even though he wears a different costume and answers to the name “Nightwing.”
(Batman: The 12-Cent Adventure #1)
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naffeclipse · 1 month
Talk about your monster husband ocs coward (affectionate❤️)
Everyone, the tumblr user themeeplord is bullying me (affectionate <3)!!
You have no idea how normal I am about my monster OCs. They're so lovely just let me—ahhh!
Hawthorn is a Mothman monster. His wings are based on the garden tiger moth and he is so fluffy! He has a thick fuzz on his neck and chest and is a warm, cuddlebug. He also possesses bright orange eyes that pierce the darkness and startle the unfortunate late-night hikers or anyone piercing into the woods after midnight.
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He has a thing for hanging out in the thick woods near where the MC lives. Wherever he goes, bad omens follow. He really shouldn't be near MC—he knows he'll be the death of his precious little human, but he can't help it. He's drawn to the MC like a moth to a flame (heheh). He's delightful and gentlemanly, but don't let that fool you. He's got a possessive stretch a mile wide and does not take kindly to anyone giving the MC looks or reaching out for a too-familiar touch. He will bristle and buzz, and fly swift and silent through the darkness to chase after anyone to ensure the MC stays all to himself. He is a bad omen, after all.
Grease is an oil demon! He feeds off of fear, literally, and delights in terrifying people in the night. His body is slick and iridescent, and he is constantly dripping black goo from his person. He is capable of shifting his form to hide in a puddle, slink underneath doors, or bubble through a crack in a broken window. He's got wicked sharp teeth, and eyes like a tiger but with a pale, unsettling blue color. He possesses tendrils on his head that constantly drip and a long, slick tail that he can use to grab MC by the ankle. He's terribly seductive and charming, terrifying but mischievous. He likes to say 'boo' just to watch MC jump. Of course, he's not all tang and salt. He's got a sweet side that rouses in a protectiveness over MC. He's possessive, sure, and he's marked his claim with the oil stains on MC's work apron, but he's got an ooey-gooey center of sweetness that MC occasionally finds when he blushes at a stray touch or a nice comment about him.
Calmo 91, otherwise just called Calmo, is a robot. Constructed in the 90s with a box TV screen head to match, he has bright yellow optics in the screen face along with thick wires falling behind his head in a ponytail-like fashion. He is cool and difficult to read but wickedly intelligent and learning much about humans and affections. His body is a thin endoskeleton with plastic matt gray coverings that give peeks of blue, red, and yellow wires at his metallic joints. He's got a mysterious past the MC is attempting to unravel that he truly wishes the MC would leave be. He's got much to learn about technology but he quickly figures out how to connect to the MC's phone for texting, phone calls, and other useful things of course, like keeping tags on where MC is and monitoring MC's heart rate. Useful tools. Modern technology. Living in the MC's house, he gets to spend more domestic time with the human he decided is kind and generous, but the MC occasionally finds him at the foot of the bed in the darkness, his yellow optics strangely switched to red until the MC says his name and his optics revert back to yellow again.
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 5 months
What do you think of robotic/cyborg preds?
Very well protected, I love preds with armored exteriors
Could utilize some INSANE anatomy. How would the throat work? I don't even know but it would be awesome.
Being on the inside of a machine sounds like a bit of a death trap (I love danger)
If the stomach is made of metal, you will bonk your head a LOT
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lizardkingeliot · 2 months
Lestat was talking in his sleep.
“Louis, Louis…”
Louis opened his eyes to the sound of his name falling from Lestat’s mouth like a sacred litany. He drew a breath. He could feel Lestat’s withered heart beating where they lay so close together. Could hear it pulsing on the air like some flagging piece of machinery.
“Louis. Louis.”
Following their reunion, Louis gives Lestat everything he needs.
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 2 months
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this was suppose to be a crack drawing but I ended up liking how evil Timmy boy look :D He has the whole school wrap around his fingers :)))) (maybe this is how Damien sees Tim ashskfjd)
God evil Tim would be AMAZING- especially in like DSB au like a Tim who reached his breaking point before dying and got a chance of a do-over but decided to be petty?? I love.
Also i'm just a complete sucker for evil characters you root for
Timothy would be the guy who knows exactly what you wanna hear, hell play nice and stroke your ego in every way to get what he wants and then distance himself the moment you arent of use. Most people attribute it to they "grew apart" but if you try and talk about the drifing best believe your life will be in shambels when the whole society turns against you for what you did to poor old drake.
He's untouchable and skirts the line of legality in a way that would drive the bats insane, Damien would hold a little respect if he wasn't so unnerved by being at the mercy of Drakes moods for his standing.
But seriously- time to add this to my hoard collection of other lovely pieces i'm thrilled!!
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
i’m feeling horrendously soft for our man tonight. like boyfriend bakugo specifically. what are some of your fave hc’s of him as your boyfriend?
is he different from the beginning vs a little ways into the relationship?
I feel like it’s always the little things with him.
Like he knows you always forget your water bottle in the morning, so he makes sure he fills it and puts it in your handbag before you leave.
Puts the heating on when he knows you’re due home so the house is warm and ready for you, also puts a hot water bottle in your bed before he leaves for his night patrol because he knows you get cold without him.
I want to commission someone to write something like this for me because it’s one of my absolute fave Bakugou headcanons but I think he leaves you the cutest little post-it notes around the house, especially if he’s going to be at work all day. From reminders to drink more water, dumbass— to telling you how pretty you are or how much he loves you.
Notices when your shampoo/conditioner/lotion etc is running low in the bathroom and makes sure he puts a new one out so you’re not naked in the shower when you realise there’s none left (he’s definitely guilty of stealing it so he smells like you anyway—)
Always brings you home your favourite treats when he’s working late and knows he’s coming home to you. He’s the worst for seeing things in shop windows when he’s out on patrol that he thinks you’d like or that remind him of you and buying them for you. He spoils you so so much.
Bakugou gets so adorable whenever he’s asked about you in interviews or in public, you can quite literally see his face change as he answers the questions without hesitation— even if he was on the verge of exploding.
His favourite position in the evenings when you’re relaxing together is laying between your thighs with his head on your chest while you play with his hair. And he’ll definitely grumble and grab your wrist if you even attempt to stop.
Sometimes when he’s had a rough day he likes to come home and bend you over whatever the closest surface is just to take it out on your cunt. Either burying his face between your thighs or sliding his thick cock inside your warmth, either way it instantly heals any bad moods he’s in. Especially if he’s had an afternoon of non-stop meetings.
He has an engagement ring for you picked out during your first month of dating. Because he’s so certain that you’re the one, he doesn’t hesitate when he finds one that’s perfect for you. The only reason he doesn’t ask you straight away is because that fear of rejection is still so prevalent in him he doesn’t want to jepordise what you have already.
Bakugou always knows when new concert ticket/video game/book/toy/plushie releases are and he’s ensuring he’s logged in and prepared with his credit card the second the sale opens to get you whatever it is you want.
He’s SUCH a dry texter, but he’s always sending you texts that are just an ‘x’ which he uses as a kiss or to say he loves you. It’s something so quick and simple that shows he cares, and you usually get them more often when he’s about to go out on a mission, he’s out with the guys for the evening or into a long meeting.
He’s honestly so cute, quiet and shy when you first start dating, you actually worry that he doesn’t actually like you. And when you tell him that a little further down the line he’s blown away, because he’s never liked anyone this much in his whole entire life.
Another one of my fave headcanons is when you’re about to have sex he’s turning around all his All Might figures in his room so they don’t “watch” you having sex. So much so that you end up convincing him to have them displayed in a different room😭
You ask him to do a silly roleplay scenario early on in the relationship, and you suggest doing a hero/civilian scene but he gets way too into it because he wants to impress you and ends up doing the worst impression of All Might ever.
He learns your Starbucks order by your second date. He’s just perfect like that.
100% airport dad. Makes you get to the airport six hours early, even if it’s a domestic flight because he thinks somethings going to go wrong. Speed walks through, gets huffy when you try to stop for coffee and insists on holding all the documents in his little black folder.
Gets the worst sweaty palms when you first start dating because he’s so nervous, so he always gets worried about holding your hand. Pulls away from you to wipe his palms on his jeans first whenever you try to hold his hand, even if you convince him it’s okay.
Finds it hard to even look at you sometimes, because you’re just so pretty and he can’t comprehend how someone like you exists, nevermind is also interested in him.
I think Bakugou gets extremely overwhelmed by your love sometimes, and he finds it hard to articulate so he can seem like he’s shut down. But stick by him because all those feelings are bubbling up inside him and he doesn’t know how to deal with them properly yet🥺
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intotheelliwoods · 3 days
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Hi! uhm- i love your content your literally amazing and your artstyle is adorable and i love your 2al story so i made fanart! it’s supposed to be sprout but he looks more like poptart 🥲 but anyway thank you for reading and making super awesome content and i hope you have an amazing day/night and your literally awesome sauce (this is also my first ask ever 😅😅 i’m sorry if it’s awkward 🥲)
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nyoomerr · 4 months
Very curious about #11, your favorite fics :)
#11: recommend your favorite fic for the fic rec ask game
ahhh honestly it is way too hard to pick out all time favorites, there's just way too much good food in this fandom!! so here's a few qualified favorites, if that makes sense... !!
favorite recently discovered fic "says the shadow" by tciddaemina: when sy transmigrates, it isn't a simple soul possession - sy is an eldritch being that puppets sqq's body while still lingering outside of sqq's body too, invisible to everyone… except for lbh. although lbh starts off terrified of the horrifying spectre that's taken over sqq, over time he begins to love him. after all, lbh can see and hear all the things the spectre does, and since sy doesn't think anyone can see him, he is constantly using his multitude of arms to pet at lbh's head, and muttering to himself about how good lbh is
favorite currently ongoing fic "In the Red" by ibex_ascendant: bingge reverse transmigrates and buys out sy's debts so he can have some control over sy's life, all while hiding his identity as "luo binghe" from sy. i know i just recc'd this fic for another prompt on this ask game, but i really mean it 🙈 the way bingge is written as so awful and yet still so deeply pathetic... hghnhh.
favorite comfort reread fic (oneshot) "Critical point" by mamiser: lbh, raised by huan hua and taught to hate cqm, ends up working with sqq on a mission. this leads to lbh struggling to recognize that he was only taught cruelty and lies by huan hua, including lies about his own self.
favorite comfort reread fic (multichapter) "Tongfang" by The Feels Whale: canon divergence where sy is the well off young master of a household that binghe is sent to work for during some off seasons of cang qiong's training. working as young master shen's personal servant quickly shifts binghe's career goal from "cultivator" to "bride."
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basketobread · 8 months
I just came across your OC ( ♡she's a cute, btw♡ ), and I honestly loved her and her personality so much I had to do a sketch of her♡♡♡
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Please ignore the messy linework, I was on the bus home, and the bus driver was driving like we all had nine lives(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ have a nice day/night <333
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bruhstation · 8 months
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He's such a magnificent bastard I am pushing him down the stairs.
The “L” hand pose good lord. no holding back…. no mercy….. the utter disrespect is insane. so cold. this picture encapsulates the core of Casa Tidmouth spencer
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Wedding headcanons for Polnareff x female s/o please?
Wedding Headcanons for Polnareff with a f!reader
notes - AHHHH STOP HE'S LITERALLY MY HUBBY!! This is a dream come true, I will marry this man every day honestly. Thank you so much for the request anon and I really hope you enjoy it because I can't with how cute this is going to be!! Stay well and hydrated! <3
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bro would be crying the day of the wedding
like the day barely starts and bro is in tears
this was the day he always imagined, so to know that it's finally happening makes him lose his mind ong
he knows he has to be pretty separate from you for the day because both of you will be busy getting prepped for your own sides, so he lays kisses all over you before the wedding, his last kisses as your boyfriend
he is so nervous getting into his tux, like literally shaking
all the other crusaders - which he ofc invited, avdol being the best man - tell him that everything is going to be fine and calm him down with a fun morning
when the actual ceremony does arrive and he's waiting at the alter, omfg he is shaking so hard
this is the moment he has been waiting for since forever and he cannot believe it is happening
out of nervous habit, he is messing with his sleeves and the other crusaders are silently hyping him up before you step out
when you do, he is in tears
seeing you in that gorgeous dress literally makes him bawl his eyes out and you can't help but smile
when you get to the alter, he grabs your hands and just looks at you, almost accidently giving you a kiss lol
he tells you how pretty you are and you tell him how handsome he is
you two are crying when you say your vows and finally, that long awaited kiss comes, which was perfect
the lil party afterwards is so much fun because you're goofing off with the boys you spent an adventure with and wouldn't give up for the world and some friends you made outside of them
you and polnareff share a cute little dance together before it turns into fun and pure chaos
he ends up taking you outside where the moon is glistening on a nearby lake and he holds you, telling you how lucky he is and you two share a beautiful kiss in the night
it was the perfect wedding <3
jjba masterlist (2) (3) | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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ssreeder · 1 month
I literally followed you for more Zukka content while I wait for an update. Good soup
the wait is almost over this weekend I will post the new chapter I promise but until then I’ll make sure to reblog all this insanely badass awesome amazing zukka week content!
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jacarandaaaas · 3 months
How do you figure Isabela and Dolores' relationship? In the movie they seem friendly but Jared said Dolores always have been ''Isa's shadow'' and their relationship was complicated and evolved over the years. Even disregarding all the Mariano stuff.
ahhhh anon you have no idea how happy this ask made me!! I love thinking about their relationship and desperately wish we had more info on it!
I always figured isabela and dolores were close! especially when younger! I feel once they got into their teens and isabela and mariano started dating it kind of made them awkward around eachother maybe even distant. despite dolores being considered as isas shadow growing up I think isa would try her best to include dolores! she didn’t want her to feel inferior but as Isabela began to rely on perfection more dolores grew distant. I actually feel that for a while there was one sided resentment there! dolores in particular! but her resentment is different to miras because dolores kept quiet about it whilst mirabel never hid hers. It’s also likely growing up despite them both being smart and talented isa was the more outgoing of the two and therefore the one who got the praise. I headcanon rhat they were inseparable when younger! and desperately need content on preteen isa and dolores!
During the movie we get this shot of them
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and the way I always Interpreted this is as isas sublte way of offering her support. She knows how stressful this is for dolores as they both saw what happened at mirabels ceremony. At thr same time i think it’s a way of keeping up appearances, people are skeptical after mirabels ceremomy so i see this as a way to show that the madrigal family are strong and theres nothing to worry about!! then we don’t have much of these two other than the breakfast scene and dinner scene! the breakfast scene it’s confirmed dolores was just teasing so in a subtle way shows her resentment is still there! and dinner scene was just stressful for everyone but isa mostly considers that to be mirabels fault and not dolores. I like to think post movie they became close again almost like sisters! isa supports her and mariano and dolores comes in to gossip with her all the time!!
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