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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 4 months ago
CINNAMONNN and Polaroid for selfship ask game with u and suguru :3333
summy thank you for saving me from the ****** thoughts ….. thank you …………… sugu my angel my only solace on this earth 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
cinnamon <3 - what pet names do they call you? what pet names do you call them?
weeps :((((( summer i’m gonna melt into a puddle just thinking about this ….. i am a firm believer that suguru’s favorites are baby, sweetheart and angel <3 baby and sweetheart are his go-tos, angel is for when he’s feeling sappy . i’m not one for petnames really but i’m so soft for him i think ’baby’ and ’angel’ slip out really often :’3 angel makes him shy LMAO ….
i also think . that when we get married i jokingly call him ’hubby’ :3c (he explodes immediately)
polaroid <3 - what’s your favorite picture of them? what’s their favorite picture of you?
my favorite picture of him ……. impossible to decide. he’s too gorgeous and i love him far too much. probably one where he’s sleeping………. tucked in with messy hair, maybe drooling a little (cute T_T he hates that i have it tho)…… or one where he’s making breakfast in the morning and the sun is streaming in . something like that. i take sneaky pictures of him often but he usually catches me lol …… oh well .
his fav picture of me TAT … i think he would also find it hard to pick one . he has them all saved in his phone and cycles through them when he’s feeling irritated or just misses me sobs ….. i could see his favorite being one that relates to a special memory (us sitting together on a field under the stars back in hs, etc) or just one where i’m completely unguarded. just woken up? maybe …… he’s a big sap !!!!!!!!! 🥹
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jat-a-fan-of-stuff · 5 months ago
Did two ouaw quizzes today *sparkle emoji*
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Its only fitting bc i think Kremy Lecroux whould also cheat the system just to get the kremy lecroux result
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andr0nap · 11 months ago
okay im so normal about the idea of a monster plane actually. idk why ive literally never had interests in planes before what have you done (/j). Like is vash actually The Plane? Or is he just a creature that took over the metal structure of the plane? Is the Vash we know actually like. his body? Or is it like an anglerfish lure to make people trust him since its more human shaped? Does he just. have two sets of eyes and brains because he has two "bodies"? I have so many questions frfr
heheheh >:)
okay so!
vash is vash! he used to be able to walk around and do stuff like a normal person/independent before the crash that knocked him out and left him stuck in the engine for like a 100 years. the engine was a prototype designed specifically for the twins to test if they can power and control the machine at the same time, making them a kind of onboard bio-ai
hes not the jet itself. peacemaker is the actual plane and its just a machine. during the 100 year nap something happened and vash rooted himself in the engine and those roots spread through the structure of the plane over time
the "outer body" is just an extension of vash, roots turning into muscle and claws and eyes and teeth as a way to keep him safe and aware of whats going on outside. it has no mind of its own despite looking like a separate entity.
also fun facts!
he doesnt actually have two brains, most of the information input from the outer body gets diluted into like... subconscious info to vash. if you touch a wing or something he will register that theres something touching him without details on temperature or pressure. if his outer eyes see a missile approaching he will just know that he needs to dodge away from it. its very instinctual and stops him from being in constant sensory overload from controlling what are essentially two bodies
most of those eyes actually have very poor but specialized vision, made to track rapid movement and heat signatures (like incoming missiles). if vash had to rely on those eyes alone all hed see is that Theres Something There and that Its Moving.
a lot of peacemakers electronics got destroyed when it crashed the second time so his body just started to replace what was broken with organs roughly doing the same thing. adaptive to a terrifying degree...
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kakerutori · 10 months ago
Thinking about how Mileven could break up. I don't see how Mike can be the one to do it. Mainly because it has to be done in a way where El isn't the victim of heartbreak, otherwise it makes Mike look really bad to the audience and the audience needs to root for Mike and (Byler's) success. (At least to those who are not already there).
If she's the one to break things off, however, it could make Mike the sympathetic character. As long as he is simultaneously having gay realizations, that way it's not as if he's just choosing Will as a back up plan. (obviously Will isn't but it needs to feel organic and independent from his relationship with El)
Does that mean the break up has to be El driven or just mutual? (Mutual at least seems to have the least amount of breakup "negativity").
The other factor is Mike or El finding out about the painting. But I would argue that if El finds out and decides to leave Mike for the sake of Will happiness.... doesn't that just make her even more the sympathetic party and Mike is the one she loves.
If season 5 Eleven starts to move away from Mike romantically, I guess that wouldn't be an issue anymore
It all depends of how it's written. I want Byler to happen but for me it still needs to be executed well. The multiple time jumps could also help with giving more Byler/Mileven space to play out.
Thats it! Thanks
Thanks for the thoroughly written ask, dear anon! I love having some content to gnaw on 👌
So, yes, the question of how would Mike and El break up. I really hope that it’s mutual and that they both realize that they simply aren’t working romantically.
I find it interesting how you factor in sympathy and perception of Mike and El. In the Steve-Nancy-Jonathan triangle, I think that perception is relevant. Nancy is shamed for bringing Jonathan over. Steve and Nancy are the affluent power couple of Hawkins High, and Jonathan enters from a down-to-earth, poor family. It’s the talk of the entire school when Steve and Nancy get together - everyone knows their names. The thing is that I believe that Nancy has romantic chemistry with Steve as well as Jonathan, so for them, emotional bond and sympathy when breaking up is quite felt since choice and weighing options of relationships is highlighted for their dynamic.
But as for the Will-El-Mike triangle, their status isn’t the focus, it’s their interactions. That’s not to say that Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan’s interactions don’t matter, but as kids, Will, El, and Mike are still much more clearly developing and changing. Their concepts of romance are portrayed to us as much more consequential of each other rather than outside influence. Take Nancy and Steve being influenced by Tommy and Carol. Take Nancy and Jonathan being influenced by Murray. Those types of waves in questioning relationships don’t happen between the kids. The only “outside” influence to muddle Mike and El’s relationship is Hopper who doesn’t or at least didn’t like Mike and made him lie to El, but otherwise, the kids are never under scrutiny or peer pressure to do things to/with the person they like.
What also makes Will, El, and Mike unique from Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan is that all three of the youngsters know each other very well. Mike and Will are best friends. Mike and El are bonded after finding Will together. El and Will became sister and brother. They are not mutually exclusive, they exist in each other’s lives very tightly. Meanwhile, Steve and Jonathan haven’t had a proper conversation (besides arguments) in canon. Ever.
So, yes, I think that a typical sympathetic break up would blur things for Will, El, and Mike, but the thing is that I also don’t think that that’s how the break up will be handled.
At the crux of it all, they both love Will. They both clearly want him to be happy, too, and I think that that starts at acceptance. If Will comes out to the both of them, I think that they’ll be able understand what he means and sweetly realize that their entire situation works out for the better if Mike and El break up. It won’t be as smooth as that, of course - and, actually, I think that this might be the hardest part of the process as Will would probably feel too guilty to ever come out to either of them and risk changing what he has with them let alone expose his lie to Mike - but I think that all the pieces can clearly fall into place as their loves for each other mix and collide.
I know that Will is a point of contention and consideration, and I think that it wouldn’t feel as complete of a break up if Mike and El don’t address him and what he means for their standing relationship. Will did so much for Mike and El in season 4. He tried to push El to tell the truth about the bullying, and he tried to encourage Mike that he was “the heart” and that El needed him. Although neither of those pushes ended up in full, fleshed-out conversations, that’s not on Will. That’s on Mike and El. And the fact that neither of them could deepen their conversations even with Will’s help says a lot to me. But yeah, we’re here leaning on a break up, I know that I’m not here to argue that. The question is how.
I think that Will’s painting needs to be addressed, and once it is, no matter where Will possibly coming out factors into this, El will realize that her brother has a crush on Mike and not a girl, Mike will realize that he’s fallen in love with Will’s affections and thus him, and they’ll both be able to sort out their circumstances. Of course, it’s not that simple, but I think that they’ve come far enough to discern how to handle the difficulties. El needs to know that she’s not the monster first, and Mike needs to know that he’s worth more than being El’s support first. Then their disagreements about their perceptions will come more fully into view, which will lead to a mutual understanding.
I agree that it would be tough if it was one-sided in either direction. Because in order for it to be one-sided and difficult would mean that either of them haven’t fully grappled with who they are.
But if they do understand who they are, it puts many awkward notions at ease. Because if El is for Will’s happiness, she’s also for her own. She doesn’t have to be against herself. She can see how Mike isn’t the one romantically for her and that she can have someone who is openly affectionate, who writes “love” on every letter and note. He doesn’t see her qualities like a partner but as a confidant, and that’s okay. They can still be great together, they can still be close. And if Mike is able to realize his sexuality and point of affection for Will as romantic, it’s not like he suddenly needs to remove El from his life. Hell, El and Will are siblings now, so whoever he’s with, he’s going to have the other there. I think that El is special to Mike; she always will be. She’s the first person that’s given him this opportunity of a lifetime, and I think that he can love her as fondly as ever, just not as a girlfriend anymore.
Their bond as each other’s protectors and safe places will trump their being exes, if you ask me.
So here’s how I dream it to go: Mike and El talk. It’s casual at first, but they’re both still tense after all the tragedy. They talk about how scared/worried they are, how they just don’t seem to hold each other up. Even though they’re both trying, something is off. They like being together, but if this is love, then it doesn’t feel quite right. They both agree. Mike still genuinely thanks her for the painting to which things shift. El doesn’t know about the painting. It was for him? Mike is now flustered. El realizes that Will is in love with Mike. They piece it together aloud, and she asks how Mike feels about him. All it takes is for Mike to convey that he does like Will. He apologizes. He feels horrible, guilty. But El just puts her hand on his. It’s okay. She didn’t realize it, either. The fault isn’t always on one thing, she’s learned. They hug. Something like that.
I want to close this by saying that I agree that it all comes down to how the break up is written, and I think that the writers have all the pieces to make it pretty lovely. Will, El, and Mike all love each other very much, it’s just a matter of sorting out the displaced romance without losing anything other kind of love for each other.
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Their central bond of unconditional love doesn’t ever need to change, just the status of their flexible relationships.
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tangledinink · 2 years ago
how did you go about designing gemini mikey venus and jennika's masks? they look so cool!
Oh gosh what a fun question. I'm about to babble a bunch so I'll put it below a cut 'cause it's long, sorry...
The main motivation for giving Mikey a mask in the first place was I wanted him to have some design element that called back to the horns on Draxum's helmet, (kinda like how @evenmoreofadisaster's Two does) to represent how Mikey looks up to him and emphasize the importance of their relationship. I didn't wanna just do the same thing as EMD, though, of course, and that same design element wouldn't work for Mikey the way it does for Two, anyway. So then the question was-- how do I give this guy horns?
I ended up landing on "oh, I can give him a mask!" I referenced a bunch of different japanese oni masks for the design-- it specifically has 'X's' for eyes to reference his canon kneepads. :3c I hadn't planned to include Venus and Jennika when I designed Mikey, and ended up adding them in a bit later, but it always kinda seemed obvious that they should have masks, too...
I wanted Venus's mask to appear a bit calmer and softer, to kind of reflect her personality, and while I considered giving her the classic "mask tail braid," I also wanted to give her a bow (since all the Hamato Kids have one somewhere!) and keep her 'different,' so I ended up deviating slightly and giving her braids coming from the mask's 'mouth,' instead, to represent smoke, steam, or clouds, which is a somewhat common motif I saw when looking at reference materials for her.
For Jennika, I knew I wanted to give her a big ol' bow, and after a bit of experimenting I decided the best way to do this was to put the mask on the back of her head-- which I also found meant I had the chance to add the fun little design element of giving her 'horns' that sort of appear to be her own by poking out over the top of her head. She's a bit of a spit-fire, so she has sort of 'devilish' little horns to represent this. Her mask being on the back of her head instead of the front like her siblings is also sort of a reference to how she feels a bit less connected to their 'mission' than them, or at least, feels the devotion differently than they do. Venus and Mikey's masks, the visual representation of their relationship with Draxum and their 'divine mission,' is right in the forefront, covering half their faces. Though Jennika still wears a mask, her face is bare-- her mask is behind her, rather than being the very first thing you see.
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happy-mountain-goats · 2 months ago
[Iris smp] my love, what happened to your eyes?
A number of responses flit through your head when they ask the question, ranging from ‘It’s nothing dear, don’t trouble yourself,’ to ‘Oh you're one to talk!’
You choose neither of those, not really wanting to deflect but certainly not looking for conflict. You simply ask instead,
“Which time?”
When you first find your way into the world your eyes are brown. They take in the sights of the land as you cross it on foot and in your boat. They see the staircase in flickering blue flames as you descend to the depths of the earth and then further still, far below. They’re still brown as you fall, as the wind does nothing to catch you, filling your ears with whispers.
When you wake up in bed, your eyes are a purple so deep they could blend in with the Void below the ground. They stay purple as you flee to the edge of the world, they stay dark as you dig and dig and dig. You forget that your eyes used to be the same color as the dirt you spend day and night shoveling away, soon only ever knowing the deep color now set in your irises.
That color follows you from world to world, never shifting. Until, suddenly, one changes. Purple transforms to sickly cyan to match the parasite clinging to your arm. You feel the pit in your stomach twist as it glows in time with the sculk that's twisted its way through your skin, branching all the way up your neck. A single tendril has curled its way up to press against your left eyelid. You wonder when it'll finally slip under and take another piece of you for itself.
You try to forget it, ignore it, find something else to set your worries onto, which of course leads you again to the bottom of the world. The sounds of pistons and levers and TNT fill your ears as you both dig and dig and dig. Void clears away the debris as you try to pick bits of bedrock out of your nails, when you both fall silent. Wind rushes up through the hole in the bottom of the world.
You both jump, even though there's still more to clear away. You've waited so long to fall like this again that you just can't stand another moment without it. You keep your eyes open as the ground rushes away from you far above, as wind rushes up to claim you again. But there's still more to break, so you have to be satisfied with just once for now.
You can't stay away for long. You fall again and again, your death count creeping higher and higher until it's at a number you know you can't come back from. And still, you fall.
You don't know when the change happened this time. Maybe it was gradual, maybe it was sudden, but your right eye has changed to something you don't recognize. The iris seems a brighter purple now, but that might just be how it looks against the deep black sclera. It's shocking when you first catch a glimpse of your reflection in the glass you're placing, but you're slowly getting used to the sight.
Your eyes will surely change again before you leave this world behind like the other's, so you take it in stride. You're nearly curious what will happen to them next.
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pineconedrop · 2 months ago
Opinion on the cast
(Sun, Moon, Lunar, Earth, Solar, Dazzle and Jack)
- The Lost N’ Found Crew
I’ve done this in a different post before (at least I think I did, probably, I actually don’t know) but I will gladly answer again >:D
Show Cast:
Sun: They like him. At first, they only liked him cause he has cats, but after they moved past the fact that he yells a lot, they became good friends.
Moon: They don’t like him. From what they’ve heard, they don’t like how he treats his family. They specifically don’t like how he treats Sun & Lunar (especially when the two are going through something).
Lunar: They love him <3. They think he’s funny and they just like to hear him talk.
Earth: They like her. They warmed up to her quicker than they did with the rest of the family (other than Lu) and she’s basically their best friend. They like to bake with her or watch her knit will just talking and stuff like that.
Solar: Meh. They’re neutral about him. They don’t really talk to him.
Dazzle: They like her, they think she’s a sweet kid. But since they are horrible with children, they don’t trust themselves to be around her.
Jack: They tend to avoid him most of the time. They think he’s a sweet kid, and it’s nothing against him, he just reminds them of their own brother who passed away.
I would think if they met the L&F crew, their opinions would mostly stay the same, since the characters haven’t really changed, except for Lunar/Star.
Star: They would feel bad for him. They could never imagine forgetting all their memories and would try to help him out as best he can. (I think that’s all I can say without giving out spoilers lol)
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sollucets · 9 months ago
3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18 🥰
ouuuuhhh petri you're trying to kill me huh. you want me to write a novel is that it. lmao okok thank you! i will try for brevity
3. who was your first asian ql blorbo?
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4. who is your ultimate asian ql blorbo?
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7. who is your favorite friend character in asian ql?
i love fujisaki from cherry magic so so so terribly much. my aroace beloved. she is so wonderful and cute and so necessary to my health
8. which asian ql character do you think is most misunderstood?
boston onlyfriends i think it is you from every possible angle (fandom, other characters, the goddamn writers). i'm sorry babe. they don't get you like literally just me and the author of goodbye forever until next time do
10. which asian ql couple do you think is underappreciated?
mentioned it recently but everybody didn't like my ride enough. it has a lot of heart okay. morktawan important to me. for couple specifically rather than show overall, maybe... tee & yuki from GAP. underappreciated via their pitiful screentime
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11. which asian country's bl is usually your favorite?
by volume i've watched the most thai bl, but by ratio of like. watched to really enjoyed maybe kbl? i don't know. i don't think i really have a preference it's more about premise and/or pairing attachment to me
13. which asian ql tropes get you every time?
i already answered this once, so another one to add -- i'm actually quite fond of a shot where one character stares at another sleeping and has A Moment. i dont know, i like it
17. what asian ql would you like to see adapted by another country, and which country?
hmmmmm. ummm. i think i'd really enjoy some kind of jbl variation / loose adaptation of kiseki dear to me? or really any kind of mafia story. i don't think anyone should adapt kinnporsche though. that's not necessary. but mostly what i'm saying is that i think the market for gay yakuza is undersaturated
18. you get to pick a side character from two different qls to put in a show as a main pairing -- who are you choosing and what kind of story is it?
this is haaaaaard!!!! what a fun question though. ummmm. okay. i think i've got it, hear me out:
love for love's sake cheon sangwon and be my favorite max.
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poor max is cursed to spend his life with annoying baby gays but i think that sangwon's straightforwardness, supportiveness, and wholehearted willingness to commit (to the bit, to his crushes, whatever) would be refreshing for poor max who's had to deal with pisaengkawi.
i think maybe....... sangwon is a model, and in most future timelines max is a manager, so perhaps as adults they could meet in showbiz? working together on some reality tv or something? sangwon is a horrible flirt, both in the like "he flirts a lot" and in the "he's not good at it" sense. i think he'd bother his way into being someone max could rely on. yes i mostly chose this matchup based on "side characters i love who didn't get a pairing" and what of it
thank you x ask game link
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grimst4rs · 1 year ago
saintstar hc?
why yes of course
much like james, mary is a huge fan of gossip. she and sirius gossip all the time, but sirius is not as interested in people as she is
sirius passes her notes during class all the time and she always looks at him and gives him an unimpressed, but amused expression when she reads them
both of them fill the same chair in the common room whether or not they both fit into it
snog in the library
neither of them are cheesy or cheesy people, generally speaking, but they like being affectionate with each other
mary has a cat and to her, sirius had always been very much a dog person (even without knowing that he was an animagus). she was surprised when she saw how well he and her cat got along
mary has scary dog privileges and absolutely adores it
sit next to each other during breakfast a lot of the time and whisper to each other stuff so that no one can hear them (it’s never anything interesting)
a really intimidating couple actually. both of them are well-known and good-looking (and while we’re on it, they look so good together) and people were very jealous and confused whether they wanted to be them or be with them
she always wondered who the black dog following her around from time to time and rubbing his snout against her leg was
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veriana-rose · 7 days ago
So I was looking at Edelgard's Fire Emblem Wiki page for something completely unrelated, and I will admit: I have literally always have Byleth and Edelgard's partnered ending. Reading Edelgard and Dorothea's is cute <3.
As Edelgard's reign as the Adrestian emperor began, Enbarr was restored, and with it, a certain opera house. Soon the Mittelfrank Opera Company put together a war drama depicting the journey and sacrifice of the emperor and her companions, and the starring role went to none other than Dorothea. Edelgard initially forbade the company from staging it, but was eventually persuaded by Dorothea's passionate performance to rescind that decree. It is said that the emperor always set aside time to enjoy the opera thereafter.
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poisonedfate · 9 months ago
hi it's been like 3 months, so wondering how u feel about ur statement that "the kindness in this show is as hated as magic itself." (context: this was specifically about merlin&morgana and 02x03) because did u mean 'kindness is a futile effort that means little in this tragic story' or like 'merlin's story is rejecting and transcending human kindness for the greater good' or [something else/more nuanced that i have overlooked]
i NEED to know what made you bring this up. was this the ep you were rewatching?
anyways. not sure if any of your 'guesses' quite fit. i meant it as - similarly to magic, it's the cause, it's the reason and it's the sword you fall on. in a lot of the instances where someone showed kindness, it eventually became something twisted. on a larger scale you have morgana and merlin - their decision making, their driving force. beyond that, however, are the 'stand alone' happenings - again, a bigger one would be the treatment of mordred, but we can also reference things like kindhearted trust or inkling to help someone. magic is not without its twist and turns, its good and bad in generic terms. and neither is kindness.
magic is the focal point of the story, of course. it's the context, the clear outline of plots and what not. and it is engrained in the very heart of the show. magic is hated, mistreated loudly. kindness on the other hand is almost subtextual. it's not addressed as often, not in the actual "main focus here" and "listen to my actual words" kind of way. and yet. it is, just as magic, a good thing turned sour. something that can and should be a source for good, turned dark and twisted. the magic bit does not need to be explained, i'm sure. the kindness bit, i'm certain you can understand by now. the very use of it, the faked kindnesses, the played up, orchestrated ones, to give another example, somewhat parallel the uses and choices when talking about magic.
as much as the hatred of magic is highlighted in the series, kindness is mistreated through the actual writing, the very content of plot driving. no one is walking around saying "kindness is a crime". but the parallels you can draw? in this conversation, magic comes from the view of characters, kindness comes from their actions. both twisted into something more sinister.
i hope that answers your question.
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outfoxt · 4 months ago
7 & 12 for the music asks 🤲💕
7. a song you know every word to:
there are actually so many songs I know all the words to itd be easier to list all the ones I don't know 😅 for this one I think I'll put Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams because I performed them at karaoke tonight with relative ease :D I'm not the biggest fan of Green Day but they hold a special place in my heart <3
12. a song from the 90s:
keeping with the theme of songs I sang at karaoke tonight, I'm going to say Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls for this one! this song actually has a bit of a nostalgia factor for both me and my mom, but funnily enough neither of us knew about the others knowledge of this song until pretty recently! for me, this song was a part of like a PSA on PBSKids or something and so I heard it pretty often, and for my mom, she was generally a fan of the Goo Goo Dolls back when they were originally in their prime, so when I asked her about this song it was a really nice bonding moment for the both of us <33
ask me about music x
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afaroffsong · 11 months ago
Can you speak Irish? Do people where you live speak it 50 percent of the time?
Hello, my dear! I can’t really speak Irish. I started learning it when I was about 15 but I was bullied for my American accent/being American, which made me give it up. I’d like to start learning again sometime soon.
Irish is really only spoke in Gaeltachts (Irish-speaking areas) and in schools, especially Gaelscoils. I do live near a Gaeltacht but I’ve never actually been there before. Also Gaeltachts used to be a lot more widespread throughout the country than they are now. Rural-urban migration has caused a lot of these areas to basically disappear.
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kakerutori · 9 months ago
I would like to know your opinion about soundtracks. I've already seen theories about The First lie and The first I love you, and many people think the soundtrack matters. But have you ever thought that they could really be random? I recently watched the series and found out that the soundtrack that played in the romantic scenes between Vicky and Robin was the same as in the scenes when Еl puts on Nancy's dress and Mike calls her pretty.
Oo, the soundtrack!! I love talking about the soundtrack parallels whenever they come up, especially the motifs of “Kids, “ “Eulogy,” “Eleven,” “This Isn’t You,” so on and so forth, plus, of course “The First Lie”/“The First I love You.” This is a really good question, because the way that the soundtrack is titled seems to indicate to me that it’s important to help express the emotions and often evoke memories for each scene, even if the titles don’t seem to match the mood. But I don’t think that the soundtrack is ever played randomly.
As for the scenes you’re referring to, you’re right, and it’s kinda hard to explain. I’m not even sure myself. The track that plays behind the scene where the boys are helping to disguise El and the scene where Robin and Vickie are making PB&Js is called “Kids Two.”
At first, I swore that this was “Still Pretty” but it’s not! It has notes of the riffs from “Kids” but with a slower tempo, and I think that maybe using this track was meant to parallel the tones of budding attraction and the purity of the moment apart from the world’s chaos - in other words - the innocence and some typical affections during one’s youth, thus, kids. And, yeah, as much as Robin and Vickie are teens, they’re still technically kids, so, it works.
But as much as I try to justify that title, another great one that doesn’t technically make sense is “On The Bus.”
This track plays when Lucas and Max have a heart-to-heart on the bus in season 2, and it also plays when Mike and Will have a heart-to-heart in Will’s room (aka the apology scene) in season 4. And I really don’t have an explanation for this title (besides the literal meaning because Lucas and Max were sitting on a bus) other than maybe it could be a metaphor for taking a pause and letting people in like how busses stop at different stations? Otherwise, like this example, I think that sometimes the soundtrack isn’t literally a direct callback to what it’s titled but rather a callback to the things happening during the scene.
That being said, some soundtrack titles are really specific to their titles and what’s happening, like “The First Lie” and “The First I love You.” And of course they hold very clear similarities just in a slightly more developed state. This is also found in “Kids” and “Teens.”
I think that Stranger Things, as it’s expanded, has also expanded a lot of its soundtrack. As it stands, seasons 1 and 4 have around 80 tracks on their own, meanwhile, seasons 2 and 3 have around 30-40.
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Season 1 set the train running for motifs later on, seasons 2 and 3 lightly expanded (but of course most notably added “The First Lie” and “The First I love You”), and then season 4 re-contextualized and aged a lot of familiar tracks from all three.
I notice the soundtrack more and more whenever I rewatch season 4, most often of all seasons. They use a lot of established tracks almost like Star Wars does with certain characters such as “Eleven” for her moments in the lab and “Papa” for his. One of my favorite motifs and favorite reappearances in season 4 is “One Blink for Yes” which signifies a moment with lights across the Upside Down. It’s the track that played when Joyce first saw the lights from Will in season 1 and then it played when Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Eddie discovered the glowing particles in the Upside Down.
So, yeah, overall, the titles are not perfectly aligned across seasons to what’s happening on screen or, on the other hand, are extremely specific to what’s happening onscreen and thus might not carry over in other scenes too smoothly, but I think that it’s clear which tracks are meant to express bonds, romantic interest, discovery, and other key elements as a supplement to the scene. And I think that the motifs in particular are most important (many of which Byler have so 😉).
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teddybeartoji · 6 months ago
hellooooo mr. mayor, I know u already have some very cool tattoos but do u want any more ? (number 8 <3)
SAGE SAGE SAGESAGE SAGEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8: want any tattoos?
I WANT SO MANY TATTOOS . LIKE SO MANY . like i'd love to be covered in them:3333333 i found you some pics of my dream too<3333333 i know it's not really everybody's style or type but oooh my god my eyes rolled back into my head just from looking at these pics hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh THESE ARE SOOO HOTTT I WANT TO LOOK LIKE THISSS PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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tat 1 + tat 2
nosy asks
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kindlythevoid · 10 months ago
So which Sabaton number is your favourit? I remember you saying that you like them.
Personally I tend to favour "Soldier of heaven"
Ooooh, I don't know if I can answer that!! It really depends on how ramped up I want to be, y'know?
I tried looking through the songs I had saved on Spotify and I really can't pick. Of course "Cliffs of Gallipoli" is an old favorite of mine, but how can I not talk about the carnival music in "The Red Baron"??? And, like, "Attack of the Dead Men" is so creepy and amazing!! Then there's "Gott Mit Uns" and "Midway" and "The Final Solution". The first one I listened to was "Shadows" and then "White Death" and how can I pick out of those?? And then there's "Devil Dogs" which gets me on an adrenaline boost IMMEDIATELY. And then "Fields of Verdun" and "To Hell and Back" and "The Last Stand"??? CLASSICS.
Somehow, I have not heard "Soldier of Heaven" until right this minute. But I love the almost disco feel to it??? It's wonderful. It's now on my Dracula Daily playlist. <3
I just. I love their music. It teaches me history. It gets my blood pumping. It's wonderful.
Thank you for asking and thank you so much for providing a favorite song even when I could not!!! <3 <3 :D
The Void
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