#thank you for the interest though! It's good to hear there would be takers if I actually did the thing
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canisalbus · 2 years ago
Not quite sure how to politely phrase this so I'll just be blunt, sorry, but would you ever open commissions? I'd pay big bux to get my priest mouse drawn by you
I do commissions extremely rarely, I'm afraid. It's not that I don't like drawing for people (or that I have no use for that extra income), I just can't handle the additional pressure and deadlines that well at all at the moment. Sorry!
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thegodmother007 · 9 months ago
My New Neighbor Chapter 5: Got Plans?
TRIGGER WARNING: This story will eventually contain violence, angst, threat of death, swearing, dark humor, adult themes like sex & drugs, racism, classism, sexism etc. Do not say you have not been warned
Chapter 5: Got Plans?
It’s been about a week since Vi has fully moved in and besides the occasional shaking of my floors from a heavy misplaced footstep, things were going smoothly. I had not talked to Vi since we first introduced ourselves, and that was okay with me. I was meticulous about keeping to my routine. My routine was safe, manageable and predictable. It did not involve me interacting with giants, despite the new tenant. This was comfortable for me. 
I was sitting in my living room, catching up on some Baldur’s Gate when I heard and felt a knocking at my wall. The same wall I shared with Vi and also separated our units, giving us privacy from the other. I was not sure if that knocking was intentional until it happened a second time shortly after the first, but a little harder this time. I looked down to see I only had a pair of basketball shorts on with some powdered cheese smeared around the pockets from the doritos I was munching on. I quickly jump up, running to the door & pushing my thumb against the speaker we had that would allow us to hear the other through the door. “Hold on” I say quickly, grabbing a worn out sweatshirt I had hanging off a kitchen chair. Once zipped up, I pressed my buzzer, requesting entry & she buzzed me in. 
As I walk in, I can see that Vi was lowering herself to her knees to be closer to my level. Although still high above me, it did lessen the intimidation I felt at her great height. As I enter, I offer a confused smile as she sits on the floor, holding a flier in front of her. “Uh, yea?” I asked, looking up at her, not bothering to read the flier first. At the time, I only registered that the giant wanted something from me and I didn’t know what. I could see she was smiling, excited over something. “I just picked this up from the front desk!” she said, shaking the flier a bit. My attention was grabbed & I began to read this flier she held. Looking at it, it read: “Hedge Heights Trivia Night! Monday at 6:00pm, in the Common Area. Must be 18+ & have a  partner to enter. Apartment residents only.” I stared at it, finally understanding why she might be excited. “Trivia night?” I asked her, feeling immediately uninterested in the whole idea, but trying to hide my aversion. “Yes! On Monday, they’re having a Trivia Night for all Hedge Heights residents.” She turns the poster over to read more detail. “Subjects will include History, Science, General Knowledge, Sports & Movies! You have to have a partner to enter & I was wondering if you’d maybe be interested in going?” I stood there, kind of surprised she asked me at all, so I felt kind of bad declining the invite. “Ehh…I am not much of a trivia person. I was never a good test taker in school, I don't know if I would be much help to you…” I tried giving any excuse I could to get out of it. But in truth, I wasn't lying, I never was good at taking tests, so there is no way I'd be good at trivia. Vi’s face went from excitement to disappointment, clearly banking on a ‘Yes’ from me. “But you mentioned that you liked sports when we first met, that's the only category I don't have confidence in.” I felt nervous telling Vi “No” but reminded myself that this is my roommate, I would have to be honest if I am to remain comfortable in my own home. “I don't know Vi, I've never really been good at being put on the spot, I only follow a few sports, there is bound to be someone who knows much more than I do.” Again Vi slumps a bit, looking at the poster again but not saying much. I try to break the awkward silence “Thank you for thinking of me though, but it’s just not my scene…” I turn to walk back towards my door, trying to remember where I left off in my game. I am then stopped in my tracks by Vi’s next question: “Not even for $250?” She asked with a tempting inflection. I turned, looking at her puzzled. Vi reads off the poster “Grand prize of $250 to the winning team…” she says with a raised eyebrow. 
When money talks, I listen. I stood there, thinking about it, now there was added incentive. I don't work this upcoming Monday & $250 between us is $125 each, that could help me buy some new gaming equipment. I could even afford a new game or two if I wanted. “So?” She asks, holding up the flier “You in?” She says with a smirk, knowing she just won me over by the look on her face. I nod with my hands on my hips “I guess I could clear my calendar for that night. What about the other categories though? I really only know sports from what was listed on the poster.” Vi smiles “Don't worry, I got us covered” she says with a confidence I couldn’t quite bring myself to believe. “You got us covered? Are you sure about that?” I saw Vi’s face contort into one of questioning & obvious annoyance “Are you doubting me?” She asks with an almost playful offense in her tone, crossing her arms. I did not mean my question to come across as condescending, so I elaborate “No, no, I’m not doubting you. But those are a lot of categories for a gian- I mean, for a single person to cover…that’s just a lot to know.” I was hoping I did better at explaining myself as I watched her roll her eyes “Don't worry about me, I paid attention in school. Just worry about answering the sports questions, maybe a movie question or two & I’ll handle the rest.” She said pretty concretely, so I gave a nod. It’s not like I had much of a chance in any of the other categories, so if she felt she could do it, I was inclined to believe her. 
Although I still had my doubts, that $125 was a tempting prize to at least try for. “Alright, if you think you got this, I will meet you in the Common Area 10-minutes before 6:00pm.” Vi’s smile returned “I’ll go sign us up!” She says pushing off the floor to stand once again, which made my stomach do flips as her staggering stature once again felt like it was invading my personal space. I backed up as her footsteps were shaking the floor beneath me, but  in a moment she was already up & turned around, walking to her kitchen where her phone was. Immediately Vi was texting the Event Supervisor, entering our names into the contest. I caught my breath from the sudden jump Vi made to stand again and took that opportunity as my cue to leave. Closing the door behind me, I was suddenly no longer interested in playing my video game. Now I had the urge to brush up on my sports history & stats. I pull out my phone and begin prepping. 
Football, basketball, baseball, soccer & hockey were all I consumed for the next 3 days. I started feeling really confident in my skills as I brushed up on my sports history & caught up on recent sport developments, wins, losses & trades. By the time Monday rolled around, I had eaten and breathed nothing but sports, I felt ready to win the $125. As I got ready, I thought about my concern over Vi’s confidence in the other categories. Giants weren’t known for being very brainy or overall the kind of people to value high intellect. Often using their size, brute strength and senses to survive the world, they aren’t known for holding scholarly positions throughout history. Knowing what I learned in school about giants, the main jobs available throughout history were very laborious and required enormous amounts of strength. While giants worked in fields & built structures, Humans were the ones inventing technology, advancing medicines and developing modern conveniences. Giants were tasked with the harvesting of crops, wrangling animals, construction, lumber harvesting, landscaping & things that weren’t entirely easy for Humans to complete at our size. In the recent century, giant schools and education programs had become more popular & eventually became the standard requirement for giant children, just as it has been for Human children for many years leading up to that. From what I have seen in the media & heard when discussing the topic, the curriculums being taught in giant schools have remained rudimentary & are less challenging than that of a Human school’s curriculum. Considering many giants end up as laborers anyways, it made sense to keep things simple & stick to basics. 
I still had my doubts about Vi’s ability to win us the $250, but what else am I going to do on a Monday night? Looking at my phone, I saw it was 5:40pm, I had to be at the Common Area in 10 minutes. I grabbed my apartment keys, phone & wallet just in case, and began making my way towards the Trivia Night. I saw a few other Humans, a couple who lived together in the apartment, making their way down to the Common Room as well, undoubtedly going to Trivia Night as well. It would have been nice to have a Human roommate to do a Trivia Night with, would make collaborating a hell of a lot easier. I approach the doorway that leads onto a large balcony that resides in a much larger Common Room area that could host a few dozen giants at a time. The human platform had smaller cat-walk trails branching off of it, which allowed access to the tables where some giants were already sitting. I could see Vi at one of the tables, on her phone, probably brushing up on her facts & trivia. As I walked towards our table, I noticed there was a button for her & a smaller button for me on a human size table that sat on top of the giant table. I was surprised by the setup. It seemed like a lot of effort went into it by the Apartment Staff “This feels like some kind of game show” I thought to myself, as I saw the projector display some cheesy graphics about the approaching trivia contest. “Welcome to Hedge Heights Trivia Night!” The graphic said, with some clip art of a game show wheel & a crowd of people cheering in the background. I rolled my eyes and descended to where our table was, Vi’s eyes landing on me once I reached the stairs. “Hey! Glad you made it.” She greets me with a warm smile. “Are you ready to win this?” she asked me with a cheery attitude. I chuckled, both because she seemed very excited and, in a really weird way, it was cute to see. But also because I was not overly hopeful that we would win. 
Once I reached the table, I stood in front of Vi, who was seated at the table, next to her button. “As ready as I ever could be! I have been doing nothing but researching, memorizing & tracking everything sports the last few days. I feel like my brain is going to explode!” I joked. Vi nodded “I feel the same way. I’ve been brushing up on all my topics too. I’ve done nothing but prepare for Trivia Night. Shoot, I am still preparing” as she wiggles her phone in the air. I was right, she was still studying. I was impressed with her tenacity, though. “Just remember Vi, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If we don’t win, it’s not your fault. There is always next time” I tried to reassure. Vi scoffed & smiled “That’s loser talk, Cain! This is the winner’s table, I won’t have any of that here!” That got a smile from me “Alright alright” I yielded with my hands up in a surrender “No more ‘loser talk’ from me, then!” I say taking my seat, but not before being stopped by Vi’s approaching fist. 
Out of pure instinct, I turn away, lowering myself to be on my knees in a ball & cower, covering my head and body from the impending strike I feel is coming. From above me I heard Vi say with a panicked voice “Oh shit, Cain, no, I was just trying to give you a fist bump!” She pulled her hand away quickly, I could see the shadow of her hand retract, as I keep my eyes cast downward, still in my ball. I wait a few moments before uncurling myself from my tense position and catch my breath. I thought for a moment she was going to crush me, my whole life flashed before me in the moment I thought I was going to die. I couldn’t look up at her right away, I was just making sure to ground myself before standing, feeling slight embarrassment at the misunderstanding and my extreme reaction. As I sat on my hands and knees, I felt an incredibly light & gentle weight on my back. I thought maybe another Human saw this and came rushing over to see if I was okay. I looked up finally & over my shoulder to see it was not another Human, but Vi’s finger gently patting my back, her face lowered further than it naturally would be. I made eye contact with her the moment I realized it was she who was trying to comfort me. Her touch was a lot softer than I anticipated. When I realized it was her finger, I felt goosebumps run up my back as she stroked it. With a low voice she says “I’m so sorry if I scared you. Are you alright?” she asked as if I were some wounded animal. I quickly try to right myself again, clearing my throat and pushing my hair from my face. With wobbly knees I stood & her hand stayed close to me, which was not entirely helping my composure. “I-I’m good. Sorry, I thought…I don’t know what I thought…” I did not want to admit I thought she was going to crush me at that moment, but I could see it on her face that she already knew. “I’m okay though..” I assure, hoping to just forget my overreaction and sit down. “Cain?” I hear her ask above me. I turn to look at her before sitting “Just want you to know I would never intentionally hurt you, okay? I get it, though. You have to protect yourself, but just know you’re safe around me.” I just stared at her as she said this, processing what she was telling me. “I figured I would clear the air before Trivia Night started…” I could tell she was feeling guilty for having scared me, it was like a billboard plastered all over her face. Her words brought a level of relief I did not know I needed. “Thanks Vi. I appreciate that.” Was all I could muster as I sat down. Just as I did, a giant man, the Event Host, approached the stage with a remote in one hand and a clipboard in the other “Welcome to Trivia Night Hedge Heights residents! I am Don, the Event Coordinator & I will be your Game Host this evening!”
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dicenote · 9 months ago
I have some questions about Echo! First of all, I want to say that I liked her sm <3
So I wonder how her story would have unfolded if she had joined Kira's capture. Would she use tactics similar to L or Near, or would she be riskier like Mello? Or perhaps she would have her own way of investigating this case? I'm also curious about which Death Note character she'd like to work with, and which characters might possibly be friends with her!
Omg thank you so much! And thanks for the interesting questions <3 It's really given me a lot to think about!
(For most of this, I'm gonna use the pseudonym "Dix" for her since she wouldn't have the name "Echo" if she worked on the Kira case. I hope that's not too confusing!)
For the first question, let's suppose that Dix overheard Roger telling Near and Mello about L dying back in 2004 and that she wanted to join the case ASAP. How would she go about it?
I think the most important thing is that Dix would not want to deal with such a big case alone. She enjoys being around people, and the thought of having to isolate herself for years out of safety sounds horrible. She'd consider asking Near or Mello since they're already on the case, but Mello leaves soon after he hears the news, and Near is much too passive in his investigation for her tastes. So instead, Dix asks the third-best Wammy's kid, Matt, for help.
(Side note: I'd like to think that out of Matt, Mello, and Near, she'd be closest to Matt. And by that, I mean he plays games with her a lot. He also loses a lot. I originally intended for Dix to be about 4-5 years older than the three of them and be more of a distant "older cousin" figure, but I messed up the birthdate. So she's only a little older than Matt, but still acts like a cooler older sister.)
Matt, eager for adventure and kinda bummed that Mello left without him, agrees and sets off for Japan with Dix. They figure, based on their own observations, that Kira has got something to do with the NPA, so they start there. I'm not too set on the details, but they'd probably get wrapped up in a lot of goofy "sidequests" and such in their search for Kira. Maybe they try getting jobs in the NPA to do undercover work and run into Light? Again, not totally sure there.
I don't think that Dix and Matt alone are going to solve the case, unfortunately, though they probably speed things up by a few years. If Matt died, for example, it might motivate Mello to make his moves faster. Dix's work might be able to eliminate the suspects down to the Task Force quickly, but she probably won't be able to get the crucial evidence to get Light arrested. Regardless, Dix and Matt would have a very fun time on the case (if they both live, of course).
I'm getting kinda off-topic from your question, but I think Dix would have an investigation style that's most like how L investigates the Kira case. See, her deductive reasoning isn't as strong as L's or Near's (another reason why she needs Matt with her), but she is incredibly good at reading people. That means that in order to make good deductions, she needs to speak with her targets directly, or at least be able to observe them. If she were in L's shoes back at the start of the case, she would totally enroll in Light's university and play weird mind games with him to see what he does, much like L. She's a bit of a risk-taker like L, but she wouldn't go as far as to use Lind L. Tailor or actually handcuff herself to Light.
Now for the other question, which characters she'd work with or be friends with... This is pretty hard, since she's pretty removed from the cast once she leaves Wammy's. She probably still thinks fondly of the others and occasionally sends letters to the orphanage when she can.
Like I said before, if she was working on the Kira investigation, she'd wanna work with her fellow Wammy's kids. She'd prefer to work with all of them because they all have different skills that balance each other out, but that would never happen. Mello and Matt are her first choices over Near, but she does appreciate the work Near does.
In the normal version of canon where she isn't involved with the Kira case and instead is a radio host, Echo would probably run into Takada here and there since they're both in the same industry. Maybe they met at a convention or something early into their careers and ended up talking. This makes January 25th, 2010 a rough day for her, as two of her oldest friends and one of her only new ones die horrifically.
Also, I think she'd at least know of Demegawa. Maybe she's heard a few stories from friends and coworkers. She doesn't like him, though, and especially stays clear when he gets wrapped up in "Kira's Kingdom".
A funny random thought I had was that Echo and Matsuda live in the same apartment complex during the second half of Death Note. They run into each other at ungodly hours of the night and make small talk every so often. Echo thinks that "Taro" must be hiding an affair or something because he isn't home all that much and always looks "off" to her. Eventually, she figures out it's something bigger than that, but neither of them ever realize that they're both connected to Near.
Also, I don't think they'd ever interact in canon, but I think Echo would like the SPK members, especially Gevanni and Halle. Maybe not in a strictly "friendly" sense, but she thinks that what they do looks pretty neat.
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months ago
Kinda felt I was jumping the gun with Ray a bit, not exactly writing down his personality. I still like him being hoh mind you, and am doing research on it, but I also recognize that his character should come first, and then explore his ( partial) deafness. Though admittedly, deciding his hoh definitely helped me characterize him better.
Generally very bright and curious. Very carefree, possibly too much for his situation, and likes to have a good laugh. Can come off as insensitive given how he doesn't seem to be bothered by most things. While I think depending on the situation, he can be the voice of reason or the enabler. Very much a " don't worry about it" type of guy, to contrast Ames " very much worrying about it".
Deep down is very torn up about his situation, between losing his hearing and not remembering who he was before getting found, he feels very lost, but overall just going with the flow to see what sticks/ distract him from his situation.
May be slightly uncomfortable with mother figures? He has this gut feeling that he has a mom, or at least someone like that. But he can't remember her face, and can only remember the snippets of her voice. It bothers him greatly that he can't remember, and thus feels a bit uncomfortable when Ames interacts positively with her mom , or when Lillie talks about Burnet, and definitely when Lusamine starts talking about sharing her love with others. They're not his mom. He misses his mom. He does not remember her face.
This doesn't help me choose if he was founded by the aether foundation or not. But it would be interesting: Lusamine is like " please, let me be your mother -" and Ray is actively like " no, thank you ^^". Burnet would somewhat have a similar effect but she isn't pushing this motherly role into him. If anything, the tension comes from Ray trying to find the line between general care taker ( bc he's a fucking Faller) and mother figure. Lillie's relationship with Burnet does not help.
On the verge of a break down but we stay Sillay :3
Kinda uses the island challenge as a distraction. He is invested in it, I think it's something he always wanted to do ( though he has no idea why ) but above all else he needs something to not make him think about his amnesia. Heck for a long while, he doesn't want to figure out his past bc it means thinking about how he doesn't fucking know it and is lost in a world that feels so familiar yet isn't exactly his ( Hao'oli city probably hits him hard but he refuses to let that show for his own sake).
Relationship with other characters as of now:
Ames - As the secondary protagonist, I feel like he has to be close with her to some degree. Both are practically night and day ( heh ),but they're both fish out of water in terms of Alola,and both kinda struggle with the language barrier ( Ames only knows so much ASL and Unovan, Ray's hoh is recent due to being a Faller, and thus he has a bit of a learning curve in both sign and general hearing words ). Despite their differences, Ray, much like Hau, makes it a bit easy for Ames to just. Adjust. Kinda. Ames gets very annoyed with Ray's seemingly carelessness about some situations and does get frustrated with him from time to time. Ray just wishes for things to be chill. But overall, I think they get each other in the loneliness of it all. Outside of that, Ray is the one that stops Amsonia from kicking people's kneecaps. But he's also the type to just wander a dangerous cave for fun with Ames vigorously signing for him not to in the background ( jokes on her, he doesn't understand ASL yet ). So it's hard to say if he's the responsible one or not lol.
Hau - VERY appreciative of Hau, the two became the fastest friends. Two kids who loves having fun and enjoying the world. Hau also speaks pretty loudly, which is something Ray greatly appreciates. They both kinda struggle with "taking things seriously", though for Ray it's more so a distraction for his problems, and for Hau it's both something he has to learn in general but also bc he knows how stressed other people in Alola are. So he tries to be a force of energy that other people can be at ease to....with varying success. Overall these two are very close, though I can see Hau wishing for more vulnerability as time goes on, something Ray isn't sure of atm.
Lillie - Despite having complicated feelings about her and Burnet's relationship, he actually really likes Lillie! Doesn't immediately pick up her relationship with Lusamine like Ames does, but he's always very nice to her and made it his goal to see her smile more. LOVES to pamper Nebby, and likes faking being hurt when it starts to gravitate towards Ames more. Again, both kinda being a fish out of water helps the two bond a lot more than what's expected of them. Lillie, I think, is pretty patient with him, and probably helps him learn sign ( possibly as someone who is learning sign herself).
Gladion - Truthfully I haven't fully thought out their dynamic. I think to differentiate himself from Hau here, Ray doesn't really react to Gladion 's edginess. Rather he just speaks to him regularly, not exactly treating Gladion with the grandiose he's probably expecting as an edgy teen. Post game, if anyone is gonna drag Gladion outside of the Aether Foundation, it's Ray lmao. I dunno how to describe it. Ray is just as bright and as loud as Hau, but also not as..... head buttable? Like he doesn't take offense to Gladion 's edge ( he thinks it's kinda funny), and actually tries to talk to him throughout the SM arc ( I can see them bumping into each other a few times). Of all the kids, I think he would know sign language the best? Partly bc of Lusamine, partly bc of Team Skull ( thank you Plumeria for teaching this guy sign language), so I can see him helping Ray with his sign language ( though really Ray is mostly learning from an expert/ teacher lol. Just wanted to make that clear).
I could do the adults but there are like. The main ones I wanted to talk about.
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alphamamalioness · 1 year ago
Hi Alpha Mama! I would like to announce to you it’s been officially over 2 years and a week from this day since I’ve adopted Asher and was Gifted Dancer! So I’m doing a nice big update on all my Alpha Tales to celebrate! 💛💛💛💛💛💛Asher(Beta G) and Pumkin have of course had their children! 2 Girls and a Boy, Valencia Lottia and Barrister! All coffee themed names lol! 💛Dancer(Paris) has grown so much and has joined a pack I like to call ‘The Herd’ and has made great friends with my Overtale Frisk(Spring) and Chara(Clover) he still enjoys visiting Asher a lot and the babies! 💛Poppy, Dahlia, and Peony have been enjoying the gardens and surprisingly have been attempting to hunt down a few things when they get to visit my shop- luckily they aren’t hunting bitties- I would much rather them have a grass hopper or a mouse then a bitty! Though I check them each time after I find they catch something- 💛Tsu’tey (Alpha OS) has settled and taken in Avi (Tilli NCG) as well as Api and Dutch(Dreamy’s Asgor) and their little ones as well as Chai(Milk Beta) Lullaby(Gentle Singing) Sleepy Wave(Great Stretch) and LazyTide(Great Bite) 💛 Ralu(Alpha P.) has settled in with Darling(BloodMoon) Amy(Omega OS) Atticus (Akita Boy) Miy(Dreamy) and Ati(Tilli) and a Skribbity has shown interest but I don’t know if they will attempt to join or just make friends- 💛 Valor (Alpha Sans) has actually taken great interest in LavaCake!(Helly) which I find interesting but he has also settled down with Mocha and Puddin (Omega P and S) so far he has been very gentle and careful with them which is really nice since I had a bit of worry since he’s more ‘rough’ if I remember correctly- 💛Rex(MK) has been wandering the territory with Prancer(Asriel) and both have been mostly enjoying their time together! 💛 Princess(BabyO OS) and Echidna are very happy! She keeps her mama nice and distracted from the others! Spressar(Gem) and Ribbon have been mostly doing their own things enjoying their own territories, though I feel like they could use a bit more interactive moments with the others- but I won’t push them- when their ready they will be ready- 💛 I am very pleased to say Piri (Pepper) as officially gotten with Malin!(Milkyway) they have been courting each other for a bit and it’s really freaking sweet!!! 💛 Tahitian has been wandering a bit as well but she mostly likes to stick to Aaron(Care Taker) who has been helping her get around a bit! She has been very open just like the many others with her! And has quickly started up friendships with many of Aaron’s little hitch hikers who like to follow us around or use us for a ride when lazy ^^’ that should be all of them-! It’s been an amazing time!
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AlphaMama: Ohhhh that's really awesome! Thank you so much for giving me this update! I love to know how my bitties are doing around the world and their new lives!
💛Asher and Pumpkin are doing really amazing! The coffee touch is adorable! XD I'm glad Dancer have found their place among all of them! He is a brilliant one!
💛Poppy, Dahlia, and Peony are cute but can get really sneak ones when it comes to hunting, attention is really needed! I could recommend a little more variation of bugs for them to catch, like cockroaches for more fat nutrients, grubs are good too!
💛Tsu’tey (Alpha OS) can be a stubborn one sometimes, but has a really big heart~! ^w^ This is great!
💛That's a good size of the pack for Ralu(Alpha P.) to settle in, in general, they can get pretty violent and snap a lot, but with patience, they can become friendly enough to don't bite off any piece of the others ^w^ The Skribbity probably will come with a decision in a few days of searching around the packs.
💛Valor (Alpha Sans) can be really tiny but his bite is fierce for sure, but you can rest at ease, it's almost beyond a crime/taboo for an alpha (on my alphatale) to hurt omegas, and Alpha-Sans are really polite on this matter on regular cases.
💛💛It's so good to hear they are doing so well! >W< and of course, give time to the time and the things will be going on their own pace... You're truly amazing and very kind to give me this update!! I hope all things keep going for the best and more lovely days/nights to come for you and all the little ones! 💛💛
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heartfullofleeches · 4 years ago
Hey, I love your writing its so good! I'm very shy and scared to leave a request but if you are taking them could I request a yandere friend catching reader drinking blood because they are a vampire
Warnings: slight gore, blood/flesh consumption, self harm, and religious themes
Words; 2.6K
Damien had never been a religious person. From the moment they were able to understand the lectures, till the day they gained freedom to make their own choice in belief, they doubted the existence of God. Whether in church, or in the confines of their own home, the preaching’s of God’s love and presence felt empty, and any attempts at gaining a sign of either were unfruitful. But despite abandoning it almost completely, they still knelt to faith in one aspect.
A silver cross hung around their neck, worn at all times, kept in universal thanks and remembrance for how they met their angel.
Standing at the entrance of a tunnel, stones clink against glass as you turned the end of the kaleidoscope held in hand. Faint sunlight warmed its edge, the heat traveling up it’s cool insides and beneath your fingertips. It was hard to see much, trees in the clearing soaking up most of the sun's glow, but the sights before your eye did best to catch your attention. Vivid, ever-changing colors danced and twisted with every turn of your wrist, every pattern none quite like the last. A smile came to your face as you gazed, one meant only for the beauty before you, only - it wasn’t alone in basking in the wonder of your expression.
Not far off into the distance, stood a church, its walls filled with nothing but silence. Curious eyes peer out one of its windows through the eye of a camera, focused on your figure on the horizon. It was almost always the same, you appearing from the shadows of the tunnel with your scope in hand, and them, watching your every moment almost religiously. Galleries filled with diversed photography, gradually became filled with only pictures of you, your very image becoming a fixation for their taker. They wanted nothing more than to close the gap between you, and on that day, they’d grant their own wish.
Damien grasps at pieces of broken glass rested on the window sill, sharp edges pricking at their skin. They take the shards, putting them into the end of the makeshift scope they had made for you. If you saw they had a similar interest, then you would have to be their friend, right? Regardless, they beamed with happiness, as well as anxiety, over the fact of finally getting to meet you.
Footsteps connect against the stair way leading to the tunnel, echoing throughout the passage as they near. You were still at its end, frozen upon hearing the sound. You start to inch away, only to stop as the warmth of sunlight wraps around your leg.
“Please don’t go.”
A figure comes into clearing, approaching you as none threatening as possible. You eye the cross clasped around their neck, its shine being the first thing besides their silhouette you could make out. Though initially hesitant, their demeanor changes to one of someone meeting a close friend, one they hadn’t seen in a long time.
“You don’t know me, and I, technically don’t know you, but I’ve seen you before and…” Damien grips their scope tighter, before offering it in your direction with a hopeful smile. “I was hoping we could be friends?”
You look at the kaleidoscope, made of cardboard and held on treads by tape. The faint smell of blood wafts in your direction, their blood in the form of a fingerprint on its side. It connects to the crimson flowing from a cut on their fingertip, the pain from it null or not there at all as they continue to hold their hand out to you.
“Why are you bleeding?” You ask.
Damien looks at the cut on their finger, unfazed by the somewhat deep cut. “Oh, this? I cut my finger on the glass I put into the kaleidoscope. Don’t worry, I’m fine. I guess I got too excited about finally meeting you.”
You didn’t know how exactly to respond to the claim, saying the only two words that came to mind.
“I’m sorry.”
“…Excuse me?”
“I’m sorry.” You repeat. “You say you got hurt because you were looking forward to meeting me, so it feels like I’m kind of at fault.”
“But you aren’t.” Damien places the kaleidoscope in your hand, closing your fingers around it as their close around yours. “You don’t know how badly I’ve wanted to meet you. A cut or two is worth it to finally hear your voice.”
Out of the faint guilt you still felt, and genuine curiosity, you hold onto the scope as they let go. Hesitantly, you hold it towards the sky, pointing it towards the cracks in the trees' shade. Its chamber was filled with stained glass, the colors a mixture of bold reds and oranges that combined with violets and blue, reminding you of a sunset. At the edges, you could see the bright color of their blood stained on the glass. It was a beautiful sight, one that brought an amused grin to your face.
You pull the kaleidoscope down, Damien looking through their camera’s gallery at the pictures they took.
“Did… you just take a picture of me?”
Damien only smiles at your question. Even the confused look on your face, was worth the trouble they’d be in if someone found out how one of the church’s got broken.
A pin drives through the border of a photo, adding it to a wall akin to the physical display of obsession rather than a shrine of memories. The number of pictures was countless, every smile like a beacon of light in the dark room to their taker. Every memory shared with you was itched into their mind until their last breath, but sometimes they need a visual reminder of days long pastes.
Damien walks over to a desk, sitting before the computer atop it. The sting from the artificial light barely fazed them, it being the only thing they’d come accustomed to on weekends . A single page was opened on the screen, only words on it being a name and an apology for the absence of information about said name’s owner.
Their head hits the table with a hollow thud, scattering papers littered about onto the floor as exhaustion gets the better of them. As they lay there, trying to massage away the forming headache, all they could think about, was how many years it had been since they last saw you.
Your departure from their life came out of nowhere, there one second and gone the next, leaving nothing up a hole in their heart. They searched from the day you didn’t show up to the usual meeting spot, and would continue to until they found you, or their final breath. Family and the friends they had made in your absence did nothing to help the pain from your disappearance, their image of them becoming bitter over time from the torment.
Their fingers twisted around the shaped of their necklace, despair and desperation leading them to thinking of returning to old faith in hopes of getting some, any clue as to where you were. They’d give and sacrifice anything for you, but before they can clasp their hands around it, their phone begins to ring.
Reaching beneath the few piles of paper left on their desk, Damien retrieves the device and checks the caller id. No name. Normally, they weren’t one to answer such calls, but tonight with what little decency they had left, they pushed the green button.
As first, there’s nothing. Not even the sound of another’s breathing. After a minute of the silence, they go to hang up, only for a quiet voice to finally speak.
The voice was soft, weak even, and taken advantage of by time, but they were able to recognize it almost immediately. Sitting up with new found motivation, Damien practically shouts back into the phone.
“Y-Y/n? Is… is that really you?”
You take a moment to respond. “Yes, .. I found your number on one of the missing fliers you put up, and I wanted to see you again. To apologize.”
The sound of your voice lingers in their ears far after you stop talking, tugging at the strings of their heart. They wanted to be angry, they needed to be upset about how you just left them, but all they could focus on was the relief they felt after so many years in the dark.
“There’s no need for an apology, just let me see you again.”
You’d meet inside a coffee shop nearly a week later, every day until the mark somehow more stressful than all the years combined. Damien waited from the minute it opened for your arrival, fearing that if they had been even a second late, you would have came and gone. Eventually, as noon rolled around, you graced them with your presence once more.
You weren’t exactly in your prime – bandages covering the visible lengths of your arms and your eyes heavy. Your movements were somewhat sluggish, the weight of the world seeming to be on your back. Regardless, the sight of you was enough to stop Damien’s heart for a beat, seeing only the charm you
had to offer. They climb from the seat they had been camping at, nearly crushing you in the attention they give you as they draw close.
“Y/n…”Their hands cup your cheeks, skin cool despite you just leaving the warmth of a summer day. “I don’t believe it…, you’re really here.”
You offer a half smile. “Surprise.”
Their face becomes flushed upon realizing they haven’t let you go, quickly pulling their hands down to their sides. “R-right… Anyway let’s catch up, do you want to order something?”
You shift on your feet, wheels of your suitcase hitting the back of your legs. “I can’t. Money is tight right now and I have to save it for my room when I check in later.”
“It’s alright, I’ll take care of you however I can.”
You sit at the table, leeching off the warmth of your drink and beneath the gaze of Damien. Neither of you spoke for a while, but that didn’t seem to bother them. At first at least.
“So, Y/n.. Why did you leave me?” They didn’t mean for the question to come off as malicious, but they couldn’t change the noticeable dropping in their voice as they spoke. You suddenly became uncomfortable under their peering eyes, tried to find a way to avoid the question, but when you can’t, you sheepishly reply.
“I… had to move with some family after some things happened, and they were pretty stern on me cutting ties with my old life.”
“Then why couldn’t I find anything on you? No background, no family trees, no anything.”
“We’re very closed off group.”
“Why did you see me sooner? I waited for you for months, and when I couldn’t wait any longer I nearly lost my mind.”
Their voice had risen to a near shout, not one of anger, but of sadness and abandon. You meekly look down, words caught in your throat. “I.. I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be. Just stay with me.” They exhale. “You said you’re tight on money right? Cancel your reservation, and come stay with me.”
Your eyes widen, hands clinging your cup tight enough that the lid nearly pops. “That’s not a good idea,
They place a hand over yours, just like they had on the day you first met. “I’m here for you, Y/n. And I always will be .”
Night eventually crawled over the horizon, the two of you retiring to the comforts of Damien’s home. Some of the light in your eyes returned after the bitterness in the air diluted, the sight lifting their spirits greatly. Though night still relatively young, you had excused yourself to the bedroom they had given you for your stay, not leaving even near hours after you had left the room.
Damien returns to their room, retrieving their old camera from a drawer, as well as staring at their wall shrine of you. Over the years they had made you more kaleidoscopes, capturing every moment of your heart melting expressions. To this day, they remembered the exact words you told them when they asked why you loved them so.
“They give me a glimpse into a world, I’m not supposed to be apart of.”
They didn’t quite understand what you meant, but were glad to do anything to make you smile. Wiping the dust from the camera’s lens, they proceed down the fall towards your room. You were probably sleeping now, the thought of catching your resting face sending their heart a flutter, but as they stop at the door, all they can sense is a dark cloud over the room, and the strong, coppery smell of blood. Fearing the worst, they throw open the door, their eyes catching only a sight never meant for mortal eyes.
You were knelt before your suitcase, literal dozens of blood packs spilling from its opening. Crimson covered your mouth, canines longer humanely possibly and the liquid dripping from their points. In one hand you held a torn bag, and in the other, your own mangled limb. Animalistic hunger had torn through the flesh of your arm, the bloodflow surprisingly low despite the carnage. You listed after your own blood more than that of the packet's, tongue flicking over the open wound to catch what droplets of blood it could.
Your head turns in Damien’s direction, eyes clouded with hunger, yet a ping of sadness as well. You try to cover the gore, but blood continues to drip, staining your clothes and the carpet black. Though your initial plan was for them to be your feast, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, or hide the shame you felt from something you couldn’t control.
“Why… Did you always have to be so nice to me?” You asks, tears mixing into the fluids that ran down your face. “It’s not enough, I need something warm. I.. was going to kill you, but I, I just can’t do it if you’re going to look at me with those eyes.”
Despite the sight before them, Damien’s gaze remained as soft as ever, looking at you only in wants to help you in your time of turmoil. So beautiful. That shine in your eyes had fully returned, your skin, aside from the wound, appearing soft to the touch. As they stepped closer, they knew what they had to do, pulling the cross from around their neck.
A new wave of blood hit the area, smelling flesher, must warmer than the stuff you had bought to feed yourself. Damien had fallen at your side, a small dagger protruding from their cross and embedded in the flesh of their arm. They drag it upwards, dark blood spilling like the waters of a river. They offer it to you, you nearly salivating at the proposal.
You look up at them, almost unsure if what you were experiencing, but running your tongue up their arm in an experimental taste. It was sweet, warm to the touch and Oh so satisfying. Your chest felt like it was on fire, body finally accepting the blood you gave it. The flow doesn’t stop, but you sink your teeth into their skin as you continue to feast, devouring all of the blood that pooled beneath your fangs. A wave of relief washed over you as you ate, but your heart still stung over the pain you were putting your friend through. If only you could see the look on their face.
“I’m sorry.” You croak through gulps of blood, showing no signs of stopping. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Damien pulls their good arm around you, stroking your head in an attempt to comfort you. Another reason why they hated God, was because they couldn’t some how someone could hate you for existing, or them for fulfilling their duty.
“It’s ok, Y/n. This is how it was always meant to be.”
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hetalia-reacts · 4 years ago
Hello! I really enjoy your work, especially your platonic yandere head canons. Could I maybe get the Nordic five meeting their colony. The colony is in a field of flowers, far from any settlements, so they are obviously a country. When the Nordic approaches them, the country looks up at them and asks,”Are you my big brother?” Thank you in advance!
Matthias laughs for a good minute when they ask that
Not because he’s being mean or mocking them! No no!
In fact he’s really happy
Not many people call him big brother, at least not anymore
So hearing this little kid, his colony, ask him that makes him so happy it hurts
Matthias would tell them he was and that he promises to take care of them until they’re ready to leave the nest
He’s really excited to be a proper big brother since he’s a lot older than them and can properly take care of them unlike in the past were he wasn’t really equipped to care for others
He would take them home, obviously can’t leave a toddler out there alone, and gets them all set up in a room of their own
Introduces them to everyone like the next day
I mean, they’re apart of the Nordics now so they have to meet the crew
Would get jealous if they showed more interest in anyone else though
They are his colony so the others need to back off
Teaches them a lot about Denmark and the other Nordics cultures and languages
He wants them to be cultured uwu
Overall Matthias loves them and loves being a big brother, he honest to god hopes they never grow up or at least continue to rely on him
yes yes yeS YES YES YESSS
Lukas won’t even question it, won’t act like it’s weird or unexpected
Just accepts this because finally!! Someone will call him big brother!!
Scoops them up and promises to care for them and give them a proper family
He’s honestly the best big brother you could ask for, aside from him being overprotective that is
Of course he introduces them to Iceland immediately, you are all siblings after all
Will get them to bully Iceland with him so he’ll call Lukas big brother again
Always teaching them, and home schools them properly
I feel Lukas really wanted to be like a human in the past and go to school and get a degree and a diploma
so he gives his new sibling that opportunity
It’s a choice though, never demands they learn more than the basics and how to care for themselves
Spoils his new sibling
Like he comes home almost everyday with something for them
Food, toys, books, games, Lukas gives them everything they could ever want
Want a dog? Done, want fancy clothes? Already on it, want the moon? He’s on his way to NASA now
Overall: Lukas is going to spoil the heck out of his new sibling and he’s going to do everything in his power to make sure they always call him big brother for the rest of time
no no no nO NO NO NOOOO
Heart attack on the spot
Emil is happy yes, he’s never been a big brother, and he wants to care for them, really he does
But he doesn’t know how and he knows, he knows, the rest of the Nordics are going to tease him about this if his colony strolls up calling him big brother
So conflicted, but he does take them home with the promise of taking care of them
Emil tries so hard to convince his new sibling to call him anything other than big brother
They called him dad once though and he decided big brother was fine just never call him dad ever again
He didn’t want to introduce them to the others but it happens, he couldn’t hide them forever
Gets teased to hell and back about being a big brother
Has to fight Norway away with a stick so that he doesn’t corrupt or steal his new sibling
Emil is a very clumsy care taker
He’s not the best at cooking so he orders out a lot, he doesn’t know how to decorate his new siblings room, and what’s an appropriate tv show for kids your age? He doesn’t even know how to play with his new sibling since they’re so young and he’s never really seen any young countries before either….
Ends up asking the others for a help, like a lot
But will vehemently deny any of their ideas about taking his sibling away from him
He’s going to get better and be a good big brother for them, he just needs help
Overall: Emil starts off really hating the idea of being a big brother because of the teasing but he eventually stops caring about it and loves his new sibling to death and would do anything to keep them by his side
Berwald is in love and he expresses that in the only way my poor boy knows how
A scary expression and immediately picking the colony up
But being his colony they probably look scary themselves/aren’t phased by his expression in the slightest
Berwald is an amazing big brother/dad/teacher/ everything honestly
He’ll have them building and cooking with him in no time
Not to mention he’s already got a school curriculum ready for them too
Sealand and Finland know of his new colony first and they also become your family
Sealand is happy to have a sibling and a new friend
Finland is very confused but loving towards the new edition Berwald brought in
Also not to mention he spoils them like crazy too
Their room is bound to be cramped and stuffed with stuffed animals, books, toys, and anything else their heart desires
Berwald also makes sure they know he’s always there for him and that he’s a great listener and problem solver
Overall: This isn’t Berwald’s first rodeo and it shows. He’ll love them to pieces in his very own silent way and they’ll never doubt his feelings for a second
Tino is so shocked but delighted by their question
He would immediately tell them yes and bring them home right away
Wrapped around their little finger
They want something he’s getting it for them ASAP
Tino probably needs little to no pointers on how to care for his new colony
He’s dealt with Sealand so he’s got the basics, but his new sibling is younger than Sealand and he’s not 100% sure what to do with younger countries
His only experience was briefly with Iceland and America centuries ago
Tino would introduce to everyone as soon as his sibling was comfortable with it
That doesn’t include Sealand or Sweden though as it’s near impossible that he hid his sibling away from them for very long
Even though he loves and trusts his family a lot he keeps a close eye on his sibling to make sure they aren’t uncomfortable
Tino will not hesitate to stop one of them even if it makes him look rude
Overall: Tino is whipped for his sibling and does everything in his power to be a good big brother for them, even if he’s gotta be rude to the others for them
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jeonsjiddies · 4 years ago
Show Me | pjm (m)
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Summary - Jimin shows you how good he can make you feel.
Word Count - 2146
Pairing -  Jimin x reader
Genre - smut
Warnings - penetrative sex, exhibitionism, voyerism, dirty talk, dom jimin
a/n -  another re-write from a previous fandom. :)
“This project will be worth 30% of your grade.“ 
A normal Wednesday morning in  your government class just got a little more interesting.
“I assigned you partners,“ the professor continued as a collective groan echoed through the classroom. 
“Jeon Jungkook  and Kim Taehyung.” 
Jungkook and Tae high fived.
“Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi.”  
“Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon.” 
Hoseok whooped quietly, grinning at Namjoon
“Y/N and Park Jimin.” She said and you froze, glancing over at the notorious bad boy who raised an eyebrow at you, as one corner of his mouth tilted up.
You couldn’t focus on the rest of the names that she read off because you were too busy panicking. How did you end up paired with Jimin? Was the teacher trying to kill you? You had nothing against the blonde haired risk-taker, quite the opposite. You had a huge crush on Jimin. From his long soft, pushed back locks, to his shimmering brown eyes, to his freakishly large thighs and strong frame. He was terrifyingly attractive, sex on legs, and you were nervous as hell to work with him.
“Please get together with your partners and discuss your strategies for this assignment.”  
Jimin smiled that devilish smile, beckoning you over with one finger. You gathered your books and stood, walking on wobbly legs towards the sinfully gorgeous boy.
“Hey,” you tried to sound normal.
“Don’t be scared, princess. I don’t bite - hard,” he grinned, sensing your uneasiness.
He leaned far into your personal space as he said it and you noticed the tangy scent of his cologne as you sucked in a breath. He even smelled like heaven.
“I’m- I’m not,” you said  quietly.
“You seem pretty nervous to me. Listen, just because I’ve got a reputation doesn’t mean I’m some lawless thug who-“ 
“No! I don’t think that!” you interjected, “I don’t have anything against you or your reputation.” 
“Then why are you acting like you could jump up and flee out the nearest exit if I move too fast?” he accused. 
“Social anxiety.”  
“Oh,” he said, The guilt apparent on his features.
“Yeah. So which amendment did you want to start with?” you asked,  getting focused and trying not to sniff him; he smelled so good.
 20 minutes later, you’d both picked out which amendments you’d be showcasing as having a lasting impact on the country, and which ones seemed out of date. The bell rang and you stood up to leave when Jimin placed a hand on your arm, his fingers on your bare skin burned in a delightful way.
“I’m sorry about earlier, I… I'm just so tired of being looked down on for where I come from,” he explained. 
“I could never look down on you, Jimin. You’re too tall,” you joked, earning a rare Jimin genuine smile, “ should we exchange numbers so we can work on the project?“  
“Oh don’t worry y/n, I’ll find you,” He grinned deviously. 
You flushed, watching him saunter down the hallway.
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You organized records in alphabetical order a few nights later at your afterschool job. You didn’t hear the doorbell chime, so you nearly peed your pants when a soft, sultry voice whispered in your ear.
“Told you I’d find you.”
You whirled around, coming face to face with Jimin. He was dangerously close to you, if you just used your tiptoes, you could kiss him. Your heart beat like a hummingbirds in your chest.
“Hi,” you breathed out in a whisper.
“Hi,” he whispered back, gaze flicking from your eyes to your lips.
His tongue danced across his own lips, and he started to lean in. The doorbell chimed, breaking the spell you’d both been under and he stepped back quickly.
“So um, maybe tomorrow after school, you could come over and work on the government project?” he asked, running a hand through his hair. 
“Yeah, sounds good. Can I ride with you though? I’m saving up for a car,”  you looked down. 
“Sure, meet me by the front door after your last lecturel.”
You watched him walk out the door, letting out the breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding.
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You anxiously bounced your leg up and down during the last class of the day. You have been on edge all day. You were going to Jimin’s place. Would his roommates be home? Did he have roommates? Would you two be alone? So many of your naughty dreams had taken place in this seemingly imaginary place and this place was about to be real. You knew nothing sexual was actually going to happen, but you were still so nervous. The bell rang and you jumped out of your skin. It was time. You gathered your things, and walked to the front door, where Jimin was waiting for you. Hoseok and Jin  were by his side, all of them laughing.
“Hey y/n,” Jimin smiled. 
“Hey Y/N,” Jin and Hoseok said at the same time, both of them shouting “jinx!”
You giggled and waved hello.  Jimin threw an arm around your shoulders and walked with you to his bike. All eyes were on you, questions swimming through the halls of your university. People whispered to their friends and stared and ashamed.
“Everyone’s looking at us,” you whispered . 
“Good,” he winked and helped you onto the bike. 
You pressed your body close to his, arms wrapped tightly around his waist. He sped out of the parking lot, leaving the spectators in the dust. You buried your head into his back, trying not to watch the lines on the road flash by. When he pulled up to the apartment complex, you didn’t let go for a moment.
“You ok?”  
“Yeah, just give me a second. I’m a little woozy.” 
He got off the bike and looked at you for a moment, then picked you up and carried you inside.
“Put me down!” you shriek-laughed. 
“Didn’t want you to stumble since you were ‘woozy’,” he shrugged, plopping you into the couch. 
You hated to admit it, but being held in his lean, strong arms make you feel alive, like adrenaline have been shot straight into your heart. You already missed the warm, safe feeling. You sighed. 
“So… hungry? Thirsty?”  
“I’m okay, thanks,” you smiled and he sat next to you on the couch, far too close but not nearly close enough. 
 As you typed out which amendments were outdated, you were hyper aware of Jimins’ every movement. It was driving you crazy, being so close to him. You both chatted about random topics, as you worked. About halfway through, you stood up to stretch and take a break, as did Jimin. You took a step towards the kitchen for some water, tripping over your backpack, but Jimin’s strong arms darted out to catch you. Your hands on his chest, his arms around you, that’s where it really began. You were being electrocuted by his touch. You both stayed like that, lost in each other’s eyes. 
Jimin moved in slow motion, lips barely grazing yours in feather soft brushes. Gentle, sweet. You were floating on air. Then, the wild fire broke out, Jimin’s lips crashing down on yours with so much need and desire, you could barely keep up. He shoved you against a wall, hands roaming everywhere on your body, lighting you ablaze. You moaned into his mouth, able to stop it. His hands on your body sent you into another level of lust, another level of craving him. He bit down harshly on your neck creating a gasp from you. He blew cold air on it, licking the sore red spot. The stinging turned to tingling, sending shivers down your spine.
“Everyone’s going to see these tomorrow know that you’re mine,” he pulled your hips closer roughly.
“I’ve been watching you, princess. I’ve seen you in those pretty little skirts, completely unaware of all the boys watching you. Unaware of what you’re doing. Teasing. I’ve wanted this from the day I laid eyes on you. So many nights alone I would think of your pretty plump lips wrapped around my cock,” he groaned. 
His words had you soaking.
“Why did you wait?”    
“Didn’t think you’d want someone like me,” he shrugged. 
“Do you know how many nights I’ve touched myself to the thought of you, Jimin? How many times I’ve moaned your name, wishing your hands were the ones touching me? You’re so sexy, so brave. I’ve wanted you inside me for so long,” you whispered hotly 
“You got off thinking about me?”  
You bit your lip, nodding. 
“Show me,” he grinned mischievously. 
You bravely took his hand and had him guide you to his room. You crawled onto his bed as he stood, watching you. Your eyes locked on his, you began undressing. Slowly, you removed everything you were wearing, your hands going to your breasts. You kneaded them, rolling your nipple between your forefinger and thumb. 
“Mmm...” you closed your eyes, lolling your head back, “Fuck, Jimin.” 
Your hands slowly traveled down your body, until they landed by your aching heat. Your fingers danced along your slit, then you pushed one inside yourself, arching your back and groaning as you circled it around your clit. Jimin’s breath hitched as he watched you pleasure yourself for him. You added another finger, pumping it in and out slowly, squirming on Jimin’s bed. You’d done this a thousand times, but with Jimin’s face watching your every move, it was so much more thrilling, it was erotic. You began moving your fingers faster, his name falling from your lips as you got closer, your orgasm crashing over you. 
“Mmm… oh gosh, Jimin,” you moaned loudly, eyes connected with his, and you could hear his heavy breathing. 
You lay there, naked body on full display for Jimin. His eyes had darkened, his deep brown now resembling black. 
“Shit princess, that was so fucking sexy,“ he groaned, stepping towards the bed, “but I can make you feel even better.” 
“Show me,” you purred. 
Jimin sprang into action, flinging his shirt off and unbuckling his jeans faster than you’d ever seen anyone move. Down to his boxers, he crawled on top of you, kissing you rough and deep and so good. You couldn’t believe this was actually happening. His boxer-covered erection ground against your dripping core and you groaned. 
“You like that baby? Like how my big fat cock feels against that tight little pussy?” He moaned in your ear. 
“Yes, fuck,” you whimpered, “Jimin, I need you.” 
Jimin grabbed a condom from inside his night stand and slipped it on quickly, aligning himself with your entrance. He slowly pushed in, and oh gosh it stung. He was so big. He lay still for a moment, watching your face for a sign you were ready to move. When you nodded, he slowly pulled out of you, then gently thrust back in. The stinging turned to this amazing, warm, delicious feeling and Jimin started moving faster, whispering dirty things in your ear, telling you how good you felt around him. 
“So beautiful, you take it so good baby,” he encouraged you, but you couldn’t answer. You were a moaning mess underneath him.
Jimin hit every good spot, and knew exactly what he was doing as he pounded into you, and you’d never felt such bliss in your life. The fire deep inside of you was one that you weren’t sure could be quenched. He filled you up so completely, bringing you absolute ecstasy. Jimin was made to fuck, and he was amazing at it. You writhed underneath him, unable to keep still from the insane amounts of pleasure coursing through you. You knew you were close, and so did Jimin, his hand reaching down to draw figure 8’s on your clit.  When your orgasm came, it was like the entire world was shaking. You screamed out his name, back aching into his body, feeling like your soul was leaving yours. You were flying. You felt high. Jimin filled the condom seconds later, panting as his body collapsed on top of yours. He rolled next to you and gathered you in his arms. 
“Holy shit,” he breathed, chest rising and falling rapidly. 
“Agreed,” you nodded, snuggling into his embrace. 
He smirked, and kissed your cheek. You blushed and hid your face in his neck, making him laugh. 
“How can you be shy after all that?” 
“Shut up,” you mumbled into his skin. 
“Y/N?” He asked quietly.
“I want you, all the time. I don’t want to have to let you go after this, will you be mine?” he asked, and when you were quiet ( simply because you were in shock) he added “I promise I’ll treat you right, like you deserve.”
You lifted your head to meet his gaze, smiling at him as you nodded, telling him you would be his. 
“Show me.” 
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
hurts so good | two
summary: growing up with Park Jinyoung was never easy and things are about to get worse when you’ve been asked to marry him
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve - final |
“Excuse me sir, how much longer? I’m in a rush,” you asked as you nervously moved around in your seat inside the taxi.
“Ma’am as you can see there’s tons of traffic. I can’t go any faster than this,” he protested. 
“Can I get off here?” you asked him, kindly.
“Sure, but you still have 10 minutes by drive. It’ll be a long walk,” he warned.
“That’s alright. Thank you,” you said as you handed the fare to the driver. You picked up the trial of your dress and ran towards the venue where the charity ball was held. The driver was right, it’s a long way but you couldn’t afford to be late. You were sure your toes would blister tomorrow but that didn’t matter at least not to Jinyoung. 
“What the hell took you so long?” Jinyoung asked as he sees you running towards him. The charity ball was filled with rich people who were desperate to make connections with money. Jaebum and Jinyoung were no different.
“I’m sorry there was so much traffic,” you said out of breath. 
“I told you to leave the office earlier,” he blamed. 
“Now’s not the time to argue,” Jaebum warned, looking around. "Y/N, you’re injured. What happened?” he asked, worried.
You looked down at your hands and knees that were all scratched up. “I thought I was going to be late so I ran here and fell,” you explained to the both of them. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he suggested, guiding you towards the back with less people.
“Wait. Where’s the auction item?” Jinyoung asked. You quickly handed it to him. He opens the box to reveal a shattered crystal pendant. “What the hell did you do?” he glared.
“Oh no...” you gasped. “I’m so sorry. It must’ve shattered when I fell.”
“Do you know how expensive this was?” he said angrily. You bit your lip - you did know but you didn’t do it on purpose. “What are we going to use to auction off?” You were left speechless; unsure of what to say or do. You knew you were clumsy but you didn’t expect this to happen. “You had one fucking job,” he whispered for only you and Jaebum to hear. 
The three of you turned to look at whoever was calling Jinyoung. It was Mr. Kim and his beautiful daughter, Jisoo. Every year Jisoo and her dad would host a charity event. Jisoo loved doing charity work and she was very well known for making every event successful. Tonight would be no different.
Not only was Jisoo beautiful and kind, she was also Jinyoung’s best friend. They grew up together, just like you and Jinyoung did. They were close and he was always happy around her. One thing you knew for sure was Jinyoung always loved her. If she had loved him back, she would be Mrs. Park instead of you. 
Jinyoung’s expression changed immediately after seeing them. “Mr. Kim,” he greeted shaking his hand. “Jisoo,” he smiled widely. You could tell it was genuine by the way his eyes wrinkled with every smile.
“I’m glad you all could make it. Where’s Chaewon?” she asked Jaebum. 
“She’s sick so she’s resting at home. She sends her apologies,” Jaebum answered.
“I hope she feels better,” Jisoo smiled. Everything about her was perfect - the way she walked, smiled and acted was perfect. “What are you auctioning tonight?” 
The three of you remained quiet; unsure of what you could auction off. 
“If I remember correctly, we don’t necessarily need to auction off an item. We can auction off our skills, our time,” Jinyoung reminded.
“That’s correct. I’ll be auctioning off my time - golfing lessons,” she smiled sweetly. 
“Great! I’m auctioning her off,” Jinyoung suggested.
“What?” you and Jaebum said together making Jisoo giggle.
“You mean Y/N’s auctioning off her skills this time?” Jisoo clarified. But you don’t have any skills worth auctioning. 
“Yes she is,” Jinyoung decided. 
“Great I’ll put you on this list,” Jisoo said to you. You nodded slowly and unwillingly. 
“Jisoo, do you have something to clean her up?” Jinyoung asked. She looked at you, concerned with your injuries. 
“Yes let’s go clean that up,” she tells you, extending her hand out to you. You followed her into the back. “I’m so glad you came! It’ll be fun,” she said cheerfully. 
“I don’t really know what skill to auction,” you revealed as she handed you a band aide.
“Whatever it is, Jinyoung will definitely bid on you so you don’t have to worry.” You smiled nervously at her. She was right. Even if Jinyoung didn’t love you, he would still bid on you because he needed to show everyone how much he “loves” his wife. “Don’t be nervous. Jinyoung’s here remember,” Jisoo comforted. 
You smiled at her, “Thanks.”
She gave you another smile before walking onto the stage. 
“Our beautiful host tonight will be auctioning her time - golfing lessons. Starting bid is $10,000,” the auctioneer said. 
“$300,000,” Jinyoung called out.
“$500,000,” Mr. Kim called out immediately after Jinyoung. The both of them went back and forth until the bid was up to $1M. You watched from backstage at how Jinyoung nonchalantly bids on her; each time earning a smile from her. He was happy just by looking at her. $1M for this auction was way more than what the three of you had planned to spend as representatives for the company but Jinyoung didn’t seem like he cared. 
“$1.5 million,” Jinyoung called out again. Loud whispers and gasps filled the room - what’s their relationship, is she worth that much?
You knew Jinyoung would never do the same for you. She’s special to him.
“$1.6 million,” Mr. Kim called out. Of course, he was willing to spend as much as he needed on his daughter. There was no way he was going to let a married man bid on his daughter. 
“I appreciate both gentlemen showing interest in my time,” Jisoo interrupted. “The children at the orphanage thanks you both for your generosity. I’m willing to extend my offer to both gentlemen if they’re willing to each donate $1.5 million.”
“That’s no problem for me,” Jisoo’s father immediately agreed.
“No problem for me too,” Jinyoung agreed happily. There was no doubt that Jinyoung’s family was rich, but even though he was, $1.5 million for golfing lessons didn’t seem worth it to you. It didn’t seem worth it to Jaebum either. 
You watched from backstage as Jisoo’s father and Jinyoung walked on the stage to claim their “prize”. The reporters took pictures and they shook each other’s hand - all seemed innocent to people who didn’t know Jinyoung. But you knew your husband and you knew that he did this because he loved her and didn’t want her to spend time with any other men here. 
“Next up Mrs. Y/N Park,” the auctioneer announced. 
You nervously walked up on stage; reporters taking pictures of you as you stood there. You scanned the bottom of the stage and Jinyoung was nowhere to be found. Where was he? 
“Starting bid is $10,000,” the auctioneer said once again. Silence filled the room making you more and more nervous. Where the hell was Jinyoung? He was supposed to bid on you. “The starting bid for Mrs. Park is $10,000. Any takers?” the auctioneer repeated.
This was embarrassing. You picked at your fingers nervously, desperate to find Jinyoung in the sea of people but he was no longer in the room. How could he leave when he knew you were up next? Whispers filled the room as people wondered who would bid on you? You wondered the same. The auctioneer chuckled nervously, unsure of how to proceed next. This has probably never happened before. People always bided on the items. You looked down at the floor, embarrassed. 
“$100,000,” Jaebum called. You quickly looked up at him, relieved to hear a familiar voice.
“$100,000! Going once, twice, three times,” the auctioneer called out quickly, probably just as relieved as you. “Congratulations Mr. Im, please come up on stage.”  
“Thank you,” you whispered to Jaebum as he stood next to you to take the congratulatory picture.
“Don’t worry about it,” he comforts, slightly rubbing your back. “Smile for the picture.” 
You nodded and smiled at the reporters as they took your pictures. Jinyoung came back after your turn. He sat down next to you as if he nothing was wrong, as if he didn’t forget about you. He didn’t even realize that you had already gone on stage. Were you that insignificant to him?
“Stop right there,” Jaebum called as the three of you walked out of the charity event. 
You and Jinyoung stopped in your steps, turning around to face Jaebum. 
“What?” Jinyoung responded, annoyed. 
“What the hell was that in there?” Jaebum asked, furious. 
“What do you mean?” 
Jaebum chuckled in disbelief, “Let’s not even begin to talk about the fact that you spent $1.5M on Jisoo which was way more than we agreed on, but how could you leave Y/N stranded on stage by herself?” he questioned. 
“She wasn’t stranded and I was on an important call,” Jinyoung defended. “You were there to bid on her so why does it matter?” 
Jaebum grabs Jinyoung by the collar and shoves him against the wall. “She’s your fucking wife. How do you think she feels seeing you bid on another women and not on her?” he said through his teeth. “You embarrassed her.”
“Why do you care so much about my wife?” Jinyoung smirked. “She hasn’t even said anything.”
“You asshole,” he said raising his arm into a fist to throw a punch. You immediately reached for Jaebum’s hand, stopping him from hurting Jinyoung.
“Stop!” you screamed. “There are reporters everywhere.”
Jaebum shoves Jinyoung against the wall roughly again before letting him go. He straightens out his suit and turns to you. “He’s not worth defending,” he said to you before walking away.
The car ride home with Jinyoung was quiet. You were hurt that he wasn’t there to bid on you like you had thought he would. Everything Jaebum said was right. He embarrassed you and he didn’t even care. He didn’t even think about you. All he thought about was Jisoo and making sure she was taken care of.
“It really was an important call,” he repeated to you. You let out a small hum, acknowledging his words but you didn’t look at him. Your vision becomes blurry with tears as you stared straight ahead at the road. 
Were you that naive to think that things would actually change after you got married? Did you really think that he would love you just because your names were written on a piece of paper?
You stood underneath the shower head, letting the scorching hot water hit your skin. The water hit your face, merging your tears with the hot water but the taste of your salty tears was still there. The water stung the scratches on your hands and knees but this pain was nothing compared to how your heart hurt and ached. Every heart beat felt like a punch to your stomach, like someone had their hands around your throat. You were unable to breath or move and there was nothing you could do but allow yourself to get beat up every time. 
What could you have possibly done to make Jinyoung dislike you, his wife so much? Every memory you shared with Jinyoung ran through your mind daily. You couldn’t think of any reason for him to hate you. You were always nice to him. You always loved him.
“Louise, where’s Jinyoung?” you asked your housekeeper. 
“Young Mr. Park went out,” she responded.
“Did he say when he’ll be back?” 
“No ma’am,” she answered, returning back to work. You sighed. The least he could do was tell you he was heading out at this hour. Jinyoung hasn’t been coming home for several nights now. You can’t help but think about the pink lipstick on the collar of his suit. Could he be spending the night with her?
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anime-fan93 · 3 years ago
Heyy!!! I'm asking for an encanto match up if you have the time to !!
Im non-binary, pansexual and use any pronouns!! I'm also a minor I'm a Aries and my mbti type is Enfj/Esfj !!!
I have tan skin [like Camilo but a bit darker!] Black hair that's shoulder length, very Dark brown eyes And i usually just wear comfortable nice clothes !!
I REALLY like to draw and write sometimes!! I also really like reading and have a interest in plant / flower language!!! I also really like binging random animes/cartoons/shows/games if I don't have anything else to do !!
Personality wise I'm VERY extroverted I do come off shy at first since I'm not the best at first impressions HAVDJWG, Im pretty loud and joke alot but know when it isn't the time too! I'm also pretty comforting I love helping my friends especially if they're having a rough time so I'm pretty good at comforting people!! I'm usually the parent friend AND the loud friend mixed together in a group, I have a habit to ramble about my interests BUT i really love hearing about other people's interest! It makes me happy seeing them talk about something they like and I try to pick it up their interests so we can talk about them more!! I'm a bit of a risk taker!! I love the feeling of adrenaline even if I'm usually the more mature one in the group but because of that I usually lean on the risk taker friend to kinda break me out of that and just run around and have fun BUT OFC I KNOW WHEN TO STOP might be a risk taker but I know when NOT to do something !!
I don't really have a type but I can say i like nerds / introverted people and class clowns / loud people !!
Thank you for requesting!
I match you with...
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Camilo would be content with you being shy at first but would be a bit surprised once you came out of your shell and started being loud.
He would love every minute of it, though.
I feel Camilo would be a great artist and would be so excited when he figured out that you enjoyed it too, and would want to draw with you often.
He would binge all the shows with you when he had the time, though sometimes he would just want peace and quiet with you.
Camilo wouldn't need to be comforted much, but when he did, he would come to you, a bit hesitant to open up and tell you.
He would let you ramble, loving to just watch you get excited and hear your voice. You two would talk about your interests for hours in his room or even in public, you would just get carried away.
It would drive Dolores crazy.
You said you're a risk taker?
So is he!!
You two would constantly do crazy things together to the point people would expect you two to get hurt. You two would barely dodge getting into trouble, managing to escape wherever you were before you could.
You two would always be making people laugh and have fun, but you two would also be there for each other when you're feeling low, staying inside and just taking care of each other.
Thank you for requesting!
16 notes · View notes
thetravelerwrites · 4 years ago
Dr. Mael Halvorg (Part 2)
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationship: Male Part Fae/Female Part Fae Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Fae, Naga, Reader Insert, Anthropology, Genetics Content Warnings: Children, Pregnancy, Incubation, Infertility, Birth, Oviposition, Egg-Laying Words:
Commissioned by @ivymemnoch​! The reader and Dr. Halvorg discuss his lingering infertility problem. Amai lays her final clutch of eggs. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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“Good morning, class!” You said on the first day.
“Good morning!” Fourteen bright voices responded.
All of the children except for baby Yenu were sitting on their tails behind desks in a room that had been set up as a classroom by the staff.
“So, every day each week we’re going to work on a different subject,” You began. “Mondays are reading and language comprehension, Tuesdays are maths and sciences, Wednesdays are social studies and economics, Thursdays are geography and history, Fridays are fun days with arts, crafting, music, and educational games. Today is Monday, so we’re going to start with reading. You should each have a workbook appropriate to your developmental level in your desks, so please take out your reading workbooks.”
As the children shuffled and searched for the right book, Dr. Halvorg stepped inside the classroom with a clipboard. You raised an eyebrow.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
“I’m observing the children in a school setting to see how they adapt,” He replied.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “And I’m also assuming how I teach, correct?”
He dipped his head sheepishly. “I was curious. And it’s for my research.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Mm.” You turned back to your students and fell into your teacher’s voice. “Keenai, if you would begin reading the first sentence, please?”
Keenai picked up his workbook and started reading. “The small dog lives in a red house.”
“Can you tell me which of these words are verbs?”
“Um…” He looked at the sentence, frowning.
“To remind you, a verb is an action word, something someone does.”
“Uh… lived?” He replied slowly.
“Very good.” You said, and he smiled in relief. “Tani, you’re next. Read the next sentence in your book.”
“The red house was built on a wed… wedeness…”
“Wednesday,” You said. “That’s a hard word, I know. Can you tell me what the noun is in that sentence?”
“Good! A noun is a person, a place, or a thing. I’m a noun, you’re a noun, the room we’re in is a noun.”
“Is Nenish a noun?” Jinsa asked.
“Ha ha, you’re a noun!” Jinsa said, pointing at Nenish.
“So are you!” Nenish interjected.
“Hey, hey! Settle down, please!” You called over them, sitting on the edge of your desk. “Fuma, you next.”
Fuma read from his book, and then Amaia. Next, you went down the line of the four-year-olds, having them read a sentence and find colors, shapes, numbers, or sounds in the sentences. The three-year-olds were next, and they simply read small sentences. You then had the one-year-olds spell and say three-letter words.
Their quick development was normal for nagas, as they tended to age quickly until they hit puberty, when their aging progress slowed to accommodate for yearly hibernation, but it was also startling in conjunction with the developmental levels of similar creatures. You had never studied the advancements of a species’ young so closely before, and you had to admit, it was fascinating. You could see why Dr. Halvorg found it so interesting.
You set the children writing tasks appropriate to their learning level and took a moment to talk to Dr. Halvorg, who was scribbling quickly in a notebook.
“They have computers now that you can write on, you know,” You told him, amused.
He looked up over his glasses at you and quirked an eyebrow. “I am aware of that, thank you. I’m not quite so old-fashioned as I seem, regardless of what Amai might tell you.” He looked back down and continued scribbling. “I’m a chronic note-taker. A bad habit I can’t seem to break, though with my profession, it’s often a strength rather than a weakness.”
“Hmm,” You hummed. “And what do your notes say about my teaching?”
“Adequate,” He replied, still scribbling. “Don’t misunderstand, that’s not a criticism. I hold everyone to an extremely high standard. If you hadn’t met expectations, I would have dismissed you.”
“So I meet your expectations?” You asked sardonically.
“At the moment,” He said, snapping his book closed and standing up. “I still want to observe your other classes before I’m completely satisfied.”
“Hmm,” You said again.
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True to his word, Halvorg attended every class that week, observing you interacting with the children. Other than a question or two about your future curriculum, he stayed quiet. At the end of the week, he asked that you submit a weekly progress report until you either found a replacement or were dismissed.
It seemed excessive to you, and you were beginning to wonder if he still saw the children as an experiment. He seemed to care about them, but how much of that was genuine and how much of it was his own self-interest? You were starting to feel leery of and disconcerted by him.
Perhaps he picked up on this, because he seemed to go out of his way to avoid you. He had you direct all of your questions and reports to his assistant and rarely picked up his phone. Any conversations were brief and succinct. He did send you notes on your curriculum, making suggestions for each child. If you weren’t already suspicious of his motives, you might almost have though it sweet.
“I think Halvorg is avoiding me,” You told Amai when the two of you went to lunch together. Now that the two of you could hang out after all the years, you made it a point to set time aside for each other and had lunch at least once a week.
“What makes you say that?” Amai asked, drizzling dressing over her starter salad.
“Ever since he watched me teach classes, he’s barely spoken to me. He seemed excited to exchange research notes when I first arrived, but now he seems to have no interest in speaking to me since he finished observing class.”
“He could just be busy,” Amai suggested. “The four year old’s birthdays are coming up. He always does something special for the kids on their birthdays.”
“Are you concerned that he only sees your children as test subjects?” You asked her. “He seems obsessed with them.”
Amai laughed. “I thought that way in the early days, but he genuinely loves kids. If anything ever happened to me or Yenuno, I’m confident Halvorg would take care of them.” She took a sip of her mineral water. “Are you coming to the kids party? You’re invited, obviously.”
“Will there be clowns? I hate clowns.”
She snorted. “Nothing so gauche. I think Halvorg set up a treasure hunt. The kids always love whatever he plans. Honestly, I know I complain about him, but he does make it easy for me sometimes. I haven’t had to plan any major events since the kids hatched.”
“Hmm… I don’t know. It’s strange to me how involved he is.”
Amai sat back in her seat and eyed you shrewdly. “Did he ever tell you about his son?”
You looked up in surprise. “Son? I thought you said he had no children.”
“He doesn’t… technically.” Amai set her fork down. “You didn’t hear this from me so don’t repeat it, but he had a wife nearly a hundred years ago who cheated on him. He raised a boy, thinking he was his son, but the child was actually fathered by the other man. His wife left him and took the boy with her and he never saw him again. I don’t think he ever got over that.”
“Oh, god,” You replied, horrified. “I can’t imagine what that’s like.”
“He’s spend the last several decades saving dying races from the brink of extinction. In a way, he thinks of those children he helped bring into the world as his children, too. And every time he has to let them go, it’s like losing his son all over again. I think the fact that he gets to help raise our babies is something of a gift for him. Trust me, it’s not something he takes for granted.”
“I guess I hadn’t thought of it like that,” You said in dismay.
“Halvorg is stuffy, strict, and a stickler for protocols, so he can be difficult to read, but I assure you, he loves my children as if they were his own. It may have started as research, but he has a family now and I think that’s what he wanted all along. Try not to judge him to harshly.”
You conceded with a nod. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
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The following Saturday, you attended the kids birthday party as requested. The kids were excited and zooming around the receiving area, shrieking and laughing, all of them wearing party hats and nothing else. Amaia was piggy-backing on Dr. Halvorg, her tail wrapped around his waist for stability and her arms hugged around his neck. Dr. Halvorg walked around completely normally, as if this was a typical action and he was used to it. He watched the children playing with a wide, fond grin on his face.
You walked over to Amai and Yenuno, who were watching from the refreshments table with Yenu, feeding her crackers.
“Nothing like a little bit of chaos in the morning,” You said.
They laughed.
“You’ve never seen them after a group kill,” Yenuno said. “They’re uncontrollable after they’ve taken down an elk together. It’s pretty incredible to watch for me, personally. Nagas in the wild typically don’t work together and they especially don’t hunt together, not even siblings.”
“They are very close and friendly, for nagas,” You remarked. “Markedly different to most snake-related species I’ve met.”
“It’s Amai’s blood and influence that’s doing it, I’m sure,” Yenuno said, kissing his wife’s cheek. “She’s the most friendly and cheerful person I’ve ever met.”
“To be fair, sweetie, you haven’t met all that many people,” Amai said, laughing.
“That is fair,” Yenuno conceded. “My point stands, though.”
“Alright children, gather ‘round!” Halvorg called, and they flocked to him, swirling around him like a whirlpool. “Now, you guys are going to split up into teams to help Nenish, Tahara, and Sadji find their gifts. Nenish will have Tani, Jinsa, and Keenai on his team. Tahara will have Amaia, Osan, Ishni, and Dashu on his team. And Khuzho, Chidil, Fuma, and Itheti will be on Sadji’s team.” He handed a small leaflet to each team. “Follow the clues to find the treasures! Go!”
The kids scattered, giggling madly.
“Come get something to drink and rest for a minute, Halvorg!” Yenuno called. “I think you’ve earned it.”
Halvorg grinned boyishly, an expression that brightened his face and made him look… well… rather handsome. He jogged over to the table and had a ginger ale. Elves have hypermobile ears, and his ears were high and wiggling slightly, a normal indication in elvish peoples of happiness and excitement.
“I think they’ll really enjoy their gifts this year,” Halvorg said, taking sips of his soda. “And the treasure hunt is half the fun. It’s challenging, but not too difficult. If they work together, it should be no trouble at all.”
“You didn’t get them history books like last year, did you?” Amai asked with her eyes narrowed. “You might as well have burned the money you spent on those for all the use they got out of them.”
“No, I learned my lesson,” He said defensively. “I bought toys.”
“Educational toys?” Amaia asked shrewdly.
He stopped mid-sip and looked at Amaia with an eyebrow raised. “…maybe,” He said into his cup.
Amaia rolled her eyes. “At least Yenuno and I ordered some stuff the kids will like.”
“You don’t know that they won’t like them,” I said. “I loved educational toys.”
“Yeah, but you’re a nerd,” Amaia said, poking you playfully.
“So what? Your kids could be nerds, too. I’m pretty sure Osan is going to be a Star Wars fan. He’s been talking my ear off about the Mandalorian.”
“It’s so strange,” Amaia said, ignoring your response and looking off in the distance. “I thought that because the kids were hatched in clutches, they would be like twins or triples or the like and have similar interests and personalities, but they’re all so different. Different likes, different traits, different styles. It’s amazing.”
“It amazes me, too,” Yenuno said, staring into his drink with a wistful expression. “My siblings and I separated when we were young, so I don’t know what they were like or if we had similar interests. Honestly, until recently, I never gave them a thought. Watching my children work together… it makes me wonder what my own siblings were like, and if they’d still be alive today if we had helped each other.”
There was a contemplative silence for a few minutes, broken by excited voices reentering the receiving area.
“We found it!” Tahara said, holding up a wrapped gift. The other four were carrying smaller treat bags that had their names written on them. “Uncle Maël, look!”
“Excellent! Well done!” Halvorg said, bending to give Tahara a hug. “Now, let’s wait until your brothers return with their gifts before we open them, okay? How about you five play tag until then?”
“Okay!” Tahara said.
“I’ll play with you,” Yenuno said. “I’m starting to get fat, preparing for the incubation period.” He patted Amai’s belly, which carried his three eggs, likely to be the last clutch they’d have together.
“How soon?” You asked Amai as Yenuno took off to chase with his children.
“Any day,” Amai said with a weary sigh. “And I’m ready for it. These little guys are heavy.”
“Boys or girls?”
“We won’t know until they hatch. It’s too hard to get a clear picture with the ultrasound, and besides, even if it could, both the male and female genitalia are internal, so it’s nearly impossible to tell.” She took a sip of ginger ale. “We’re really hoping for at least one girl. Don’t get me wrong, we love the boys more than anything, but we’d like Amaia and Yenu to have some sisters.”
“I’d like to be present for the laying, if that’s okay,” You said.
“For your research?” She asked.
Your head rocked back. “No, because you’re my friend and I want to be there for you.”
Amai smiled fondly. “Oh. Of course, thank you.”
Dr. Halvorg had not added anything to the conversation with you and Amai, and instead went to the table and made a plate of snacks. You gave Amai a look and a cocked eyebrow, and she nodded understanding, slipping away from her spot to watch her husband and children play.
“Dr. Halvorg?”
He flinched and looked up, glancing around furtively and noticing that the two of you were alone. “Yes?”
“Why are you avoiding me?”
He opened his mouth and closed it again before responding, “I’m doing no such thing.”
“I’ve requested at least three meetings with you this past month, and you’re always too busy,” You said dryly.
“Well, I am,” He said, turning. “If you’ll excuse me…”
“Are you avoiding me because I asked you out?” You asked bluntly.
He missed a step in his stride and stopped.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I should have realized from your professional demeanor that you wouldn’t be open to interoffice dating. I apologize.”
Halvorg sighed and turned to face you. “It’s not that. Not exactly, I mean.” He set his plate on the table and looked you full in the face for the first time in weeks. “I haven’t given a thought to dating in…” He rubbed his forehead. “Gods… decades. The question took me off guard, of course, and I actually had to sit down and give it some thought. I’ve been wrapped up in my work, of course, but I think I was just distracting myself.”
“From what?”
He sat on the edge of the table and crossed his arms. “It’s hard to talk about. I don’t even really talk about it with Yenuno, and I would consider him my closest friend.” He sighed heavily and avoided your eye. “I’ve ignored my personal life in favor of spending my career and fortune in this century helping races achieve something I want for myself.”
“Children?” You guessed.
He nodded a little morosely. “Not just that, but that is a significant part of it. I’ve been following the reproduction rates of Celtic fae since the fae were originally integrated and it’s decreasing year by year. I live in constant fear that my own race will be extinct in my lifetime.” He quirked his head at you. “Your race still seems to be fairly prolific, is that correct?”
“Oh yeah, I have a bunch of brothers and a truckload of cousins. No problems there.”
He sighed. “I don’t know what the problem with my race is. I’ve studied genetic traits, magical impediments, marriage and divorce rates, and ratio of coupling to conceptions.The numbers are terrible and I don’t know why. That’s what drives me crazy. I hate not having an answer.”
“Have there been miscarriages?”
“No, that’s the crazy thing, the rate of conception is extraordinarily low. I think there have only been three live births of Celtic fae blood in the last year.”
“Oh, jeez,” You said, sitting against the table next to him. “I didn’t realize the problem was that severe. Have you considered whether it might be a physical problem?”
“How do you mean?”
“Have you ever done a sperm count? Or had an MRI of the area to see if there’s a blockage? That kind of thing can be genetic and men tend to be shy about stuff like that.”
He tilted his head and frowned. “No, I haven’t. It actually hadn’t occurred to me. Honestly, I’ve been so focused on my work to distract myself, it may have worked too well and I ignored such things.” He looked at you and smiled. “You’ve given me something to think about.”
You smiled back. “Good. I wonder if the females of the race have a similar issue. It may have been something bred into the people over time, over centuries.”
“That’s possible,” He said. “There’s certainly a precedent; some creatures have been bred to extinction. Remember the pug?”
“That tiny dog breed with the squashed face?” You said. “Yeah, they died out a while ago, didn’t they?”
He nodded. “That was human interference, though. Yenuno’s people were dying out due to antisocialism; too reclusive to even propagate their own species. Yenuno was the only one of his kind to take up this project, and even he was reluctant.”
“He seems happy now,” You remarked.
“Yeah,” Halvorg said softly, watching Yenuno laughing and chasing his kids with a sad kind of jealousy. “He does.”
You watched his face, the deep, deep sadness creasing his face and making him look older than he was.
“Follow up, Halvorg, see a specialist. This may have a fix that didn’t exist the last time you tried.”
He nodded, smiling at you, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “I will.”
As you stood up, you bumped his shoulder lightly. “Thank you for talking to me. I appreciate that you trusted me enough to discuss such a sensitive subject. I get the feeling that you don’t share yourself with many people.”
He laughed. “No, not really.” He looked up with a smile that seemed more sincere. “Thank you for listening.”
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Amai went into labor three days later. She was taken to the laying room, where both Yenuno and Dr. Halvorg were present in addition to the interspecies OBGYN. You were suited up in scrubs and the paper gowns that surgeons wear, as was everyone else in the room besides Amai, who was completely naked, and Yenuno, who never wore clothing. There were natal heart monitors on her belly and an EKG hooked up to her chest.
Amai was sitting on a specially designed chair that would allow her to pass the eggs through her birth canal and into the waiting arms of the doctor. She was already sweating and panting by the time you arrived. The OBGYN and Dr. Halvorg were having a quiet conversation. You went to the other side of Amai and took her hand, trying not to wince when she nearly crushed your fingers.
“Is she okay?” You asked in alarm.
“She’s not fully dilated yet,” Halvorg said, pulling his braid into a surgical cap. “The eggs are getting impatient, it seems.”
“Yeah, well, so am I, so they can settle the fuck down!” Amai shrieked at him.
He bore the abuse with no reaction other than a wry smile. Yenuno wisely said nothing and simply wiped Amai’s forehead with a cloth.
“It won’t be long,” the OBGYN said. “She’s almost there.”
“Just saw me open and get them out,” Amai moaned. “It would hurt less.”
Yenuno tried to kiss her cheek, but she swatted him away weakly.
“No,” She said peevishly. “No touching ever again.”
“You said that last time,” He said, smiling fondly.
“Yeah, but I mean it this time,” She said sulkily.
“Of course you do, darling.” He patted her head. She scrunched her face up at him in annoyance. She was always adorable when she was miffed.
“I’ll make you into shoes,” She said sourly. “And a matching purse.”
It took a while for Amai to dilate fully, and by then she was very tired. Yenuno was looking worried; she’d laid several eggs over the years and never struggled this much before. Perhaps this being their last clutch was a good idea.
“Okay, I think we can start pushing now,” The doctor said, getting ready to catch the eggs. “Amai, when you feel the next contract, hold your breath, bear down, and push.”
“Okay,” She breathed. “One’s coming.”
We all braced for the push. Amai took several quick deep breaths and held it, her face pulled tight in pain and effort, doubling over in the chair as she did. You and Yenuno held her hands and patted her back and murmured encouragement. Halvorg was waiting with a soft cloth to take the eggs for cleaning, after which they would be laid in a specialized incubating carrier to be taken to Yenuno’s cottage.
The first egg came slowly and with much screaming. The doctor caught it and handed it off to Halvorg. The shell of the egg was soft and needed extremely delicate care, but Halvorg was well practiced by now and got the egg washed and into the carrier under ninety seconds and returned for the next.
The second egg came more quickly, but Amai screamed the whole time. By the time the third and final egg was laid, her voice was raw and she was too exhausted to scream.
But it was over. She fell back into the recline of the chair as if boneless and breathed in shallowly, her eyes barely open.
“You were amazing, darling,” Yenuno said gently, kissing Amai’s face. “Rest. I’m taking the eggs to the cottage. The children will visit you when you’ve slept.”
She turned her head slowly to look at him and touched her fingertips to his face, tracing down his cheek, chin, neck and chest before letting her hand fall back to her side, and her eyes closed. Nurses came to whisk her away to a recovery room, the OBGYN following behind. Yenuno and Halvorg left to take the eggs to the cottage for the incubation, and you were left alone in the laying room.
As you were shedding the paper gown and surgical cap, you noticed a small book lying on the ground. It looked to be one of Halvorg’s research journals, though it was smaller than his usual ones. He must have dropped it out of his back pocket when he was disrobing. You picked it up and took it with you with the intent on returning it to him in the morning.
And of course, you’d completely forgotten by the time you woke up.
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Amai recovered enough in a few days to be up and walking around. She and the children took turns keeping Yenuno company, as he grew morose if he was left alone too long. You had declared half days until the new babies hatched so that they could have more time with their dad.
One afternoon, after the children had left class for the day, Dr. Halvorg came in and sat on the edge of your desk.
“Hello,” You said pleasantly, closing the folder with their latest work for grading. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”
“I wanted to let you know I took you up on your advice,” He said, looking a little bashful. “I went and saw a specialist. They’re going to be doing some tests soon. Sperm count, blood tests, an MRI. Any test that can be done will be done.”
“Good!” You said, swinging your chair around. “I’m glad. Maybe you’ll finally get an answer.”
He sighed, looking pensive and anxious. “I’m trying not to get my hopes up, but I still wanted to thank you for pushing me to do it.”
“I didn’t push you to do it, Maël,” You said. His eyes narrowed at your use of his first name, but he didn’t say anything. “I just brought the subject up. It was your decision to do it.”
“Well, thank you all the same,” He replied. “I admit, I’m nervous about it. I could either get wonderful news or have my worst fears confirmed. I don’t know how I’ll react to either option.”
“Would you like me to come with you?” You asked him.
He looked at you in surprise. “You… you don’t have to do that.”
“I know I don’t,” You replied. “But this is the kind of thing you need friends for. And since Yenuno is tied up with the eggs, I could be a good substitute. You don’t even have to think of me as a friend, if you don’t want to, just an emotional support associate.”
He was quiet for a moment. “I think of you as a friend.”
“Well, thank you. I was hoping we’d get there eventually. So? What do you think? Want some support for this?”
“Not for the tests, I can do those by myself perfectly well,” He said, adjusting his tie nervously. “But… for the results… perhaps… a friend would be nice.”
“I’ll be there for you, then,” You said, standing and patting his arm. “Does Yenuno know about this? Have you talked to him about it?”
“No,” He replied. “I didn’t want to tell him while he’s dealing with his own new babies. Besides, if the news is not good, I don’t want people feeling sorry for me. If the news comes back positive… I don’t know… I think this is one thing I’d rather keep to myself.”
“Except for me, you mean,” You said.
He nodded concedingly. “Besides you.”
“Let me know when the results come back and I’ll go with you. We’ll make a day of it, go to a spa, get a bikini wax together, eat some overpriced salads, buy something ridiculous we want but don’t need. It’ll be a blast.”
He actually laughed a little. “Sounds like a plan.”
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The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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fischerfrey · 3 years ago
Heyyoo! Just wanted to say I love Roe a lot and they totally need to be friends with my trio! Nessi is Slytherin too. Also I’d love to hear Roes thoughts on each of them and perhaps their thoughts on being invited to Skalafell one year for break 👀
Ahh thank you so much!! I'd love for them to be friends and I think they'd get along very well! I still have to update Roe's profile with my newest info, retcons, and headcanons! Also feel free to let me know your own headcanons for them❤️❤️
Nessi and Roe are both Slytherins on the same year (I have to update Roe's bio) and I feel like they both have their own reasons for feeling excluded and left out. This could be a good reason for them to gravitate towards each other. I think, while Roe has the tendency to be closed off, they're also a risk-taker and a dumb-ass who loves to be goofy with his friends!
Roe would be extremely interested in hearing about Dafne's country. Roe is adopted and doesn't remember anything about their birth parents (he's partly Turkish, though). Roe is also interested in academics and despite being a dumb-ass, he's quite talented in some subjects, like potions and astronomy!
Roe and Kiri might get along the best when they're younger. Roe was a shy child but he made sure he'd be someone to remember later on at school, speaking of 16-17. Roe grew distant with some of her friends during that time. He started to hang out with the popular kids at school, which might cause issues between the relationship of the entire trio and Roe.
As for the invitation to visit Skalafell, Roe would love to! He'd be all excited about it during years 1-5 and then when they become popular, he'd still love to hang out with her old friends during the summer, whilst his new popular friends aren't around. He's not always the most thoughtful or kindest person but they'll learn and he'll grow closer to some of her old friends again after a while! They will also understand, if the trio (or some of them) don't want to forgive her afterwards. He won't hold any grudges towards them.
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Gosh, I'm sorry, this ended up being so long!!😂😂
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sopxhiea · 4 years ago
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
| Smut
“You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?”
Part 1
The light hits the chandelier hanging from the high ceiling, creating illusions of light as people dance. They have drinks on one hand, some of them are already drunk enough to be shouting but the professional attire stops them. Businessman and the pretty ladies on their arms decorate the colourful crowd.
The jazz music accompanies the dancing bodies.
Then there’s you.
A delicate pearl necklace rests on your collarbones while your finger traces the wine glass, there’s nothing in the crystal bottle. You eye the crowd in your silk dress, it’s long enough to caress the floor when you sit so you take advantage of the situation and cross your legs.
You look picturesque.
It’s a dinner party, something a little bigger than what your friends had anticipated to have but it’s only normal when most of them are in the same deep end business as you, it means that you have brush arms with gangsters and royals.
Then, it starts to smell like vanilla and rum.
You know the smell all too well, it’s what you wake up to in some mornings and all you can feel on your sheets long after he’s left. Your eyes glisten at the sight, he’s wearing his usual attire with the shoes you’d told him to buy. He greets all your mutual friends before his eyes settle on you. He doesn’t say hello but sits next to the empty chair next to you.
All along, your eyes follow his broad figure. He seems livelier than most days, including the ones he’d desperate to see you. You conclude that the business meeting he had today went well but in truth, it all has to do with you.
You straighten a little when he’s completely seated next to you. He doesn’t kiss you or touch your hand like he does as a way of greeting but says hello with his eyes instead. There’s a smile on his lips, the kind of smile that he tries to suppress but fails anyway.
He then proceeds to look at you from head to toe, you ignore his hard stare and watch the table become emptier as your friends go to get more drinks or leave to dance.
“Ya’ look absolutely ravishing.” he speaks into your ear, voice gruff but you sense the desperation in his tone. A wicked smile appears on your lips while you let him ogle you before speaking.
“Nice shoes.” he chuckles at your words. It’s the shoes you told him to buy and they look even better than you’d imagined they would. “And thank you.” you say but this time, you’re not looking at his eyes.
This has been going on for a while. After years of a tight knit friendship, you were now sleeping with the man next to you. It had happened because you wanted it to but he had been dreaming about you between his sheets since the moment you’d punched a guy in front him for calling you ‘good lookin’.
And because all of it is too familiar, you let his hand caress your thigh as you sit next to him. You thank the long table cloth that covers your lower body as well as the dress you’re wearing. A sigh leaves your lips when he plants a kiss on your bare shoulder, your friends are too busy having fun while you let Alfie do whatever he wants.
His hand moves every now and then, caressing and massaging the familiar soft skin of your upper thighs but you’re too reactive to his touch. Your hand finds its way in between his locks, pressing a stolen kiss on his cheek and leaning back before he has a chance to kiss you on the lips. That’s too risky, you think.
You know you look like a couple in love.
You don’t know if it’s love but it sure is interesting. You find the lines of interest and adoration to be very thin when it comes to Alfie. You both agreed, you remind yourself, to use each other for stress relief and all sorts of physical outings but no feelings were on the table. You wouldn’t let yourself love him the way your heart wanted to.
It’s reckless but that’s exactly why you’re doing it.
You’re the one to play it safe. You don’t go big, you just do what you know and get things done. Before Alfie, you’d found yourself in long term relationships that failed to prove themselves to be stable but this, what you have with Alfie, is much more spontaneous and irresponsible than anything you’d done.
A soft moan leaves your lips when his fingers meet the place you wanted him to touch from the beginning. He knows his touch is electric to you and enjoys seeing you squirm while he works his magic. The moan cannot be heard by anyone but him since the party is loud, everyone’s talking to someone except the two of you as you sit dangerously close to each other on the fancy chairs.
You’d known him as a friend for the longest time so knowing him as a secret lover of sorts was new to you. He was less calculated, all he wanted was to put his hands on you most of the time which left no trace of the thinker you knew Alfie to be. He was still all the things you knew him as but he was much more adventurous when it came to how he spent his time around you.
You let your sounds go free in the large room. It’s not like anyone can hear anyway but you curse Alfie when he adds another finger. His eyes are locked on yours, seeing every move you make while you find it hard to look away. He’s asking for trouble and you’re not the one to say no when it comes to him.
This isn’t like you, which makes him enjoy the sight even more.
He knows you as the thoughtful one of the group, the one to measure her actions more than twice before she acts on them. It’s why you’re good at what you do, you make sure everything is set in its place when it comes to everything you do. 
You’re not someone he’d take for a risk taker which is why he’s surprised. You’re not the one to let him have you in a dinner party nor the back of an alley. You’re not the one to stay up until an ungodly hour only to chant his name over and over again. You play it safe, you don’t fuck against your desk or let him whisper things in your ear that would make his mother turn in her grave.
But you do.
“Alfie.” your voice is a mere whisper, much breathier than he’d expect and it sends a shot of arousal through his body that eventually finds its way south.
“Tell me if you want me stop, pet.” he speaks and knows you won’t say the words. It’s obvious in the way your groans rise in volume as his hand keeps moving.
“N-no.” you manage to mutter in between heavy breaths. Your friends are either drunk or too busy dancing when you cross your legs once again, it’s ought to be a long night.
You don’t realise that one of them has returned to the table and sat right in front of you until Alfie stops his movements. Your moans stop as well and you put on a smile as your friend starts talking about the new couch he’s bought for the office. Alfie’s lost in the way you look, cheeks flushed while a thin layer of sweat graces your neck.
You nod at the words, not really listening while you feel Alfie’s hand move. It’s a small movement, not something anyone could notice but you do since he has three fingers inside you. You chuckle, a form of masking your moans while you lean against the table using your elbows. It makes it harder for Alfie to move his hand for a while but he manages.
The moment he pumps his fingers in and out of you in a slow pace, you excuse yourself and lean against Alfie’s ear. Your voice is desperate for him to continue what he had been doing but you know it’s not the place.
“You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?” you whisper against his ear but unlike the last time you spoke, your voice isn’t breathy. You’re serious, it’s a matter of his answer and you’ll let him have you however he wants.
This isn’t like you, he knows.
You let him have his way every time. The you who’s calculated and collected becomes desperate at the sight of him, he has you thinking about the things he will do to you long before he summons you. You hate how needy you are when it comes to him but he thoroughly enjoys every bit.
Because he knows it’s for him and him only.
He nods at your words and sees the glistening lust hidden deep in your orbs, he’s seen it one too many times to ignore the want in your body language. You pull his hand away from your thighs, his fingers glisten as you stand up. You clear your throat and walk away after excusing yourself.
And he soon follows, like a lost puppy.
The marble feels cold against your burning skin, hair sprawled across the material while Alfie’s desperate groans fill the air. It’s a small room you managed to find in between greeting people, the intention was to find a secluded place anyway and you’d gone in the minute you saw an empty one.
He’s got you pressed up against the counter in an office. It’s not your office nor his but you find it ironic just how many times you let him have you against an office desk. You moan when his lips find your neck, he’s keen on leaving marks each time you give access but you need him to keep your neck clean this time. You can’t go back to the party with fresh hickeys on your neck.
“Alfie..” you speak but your voice is muffled in between the desperate kisses he gives you. It’s like he’s kissing you for the first time, the way his plump lips devour yours.
“Hmm..” he says but it’s more of a groan. He has no intentions of stopping his actions.
You let him do his thing, his lips travel from your lips to your neck. All along, his hands travel under the dress you’re wearing. You’re already dripping from earlier but nevertheless, a groan of extreme approval leaves his lips when his fingers travel to the familiar soft skin of yours.
“Don’t give me any hickeys, Alfie...” you speak and hear him chuckle quietly. There’s already a couple red marks on the side of your neck but he decides not to tell you that.
“Yes, ma’am.” he whispers against your lips while you get lost in the velvet kiss, the party is long forgotten while his hands get rid of your panties and his trousers.
A low ‘fuck’ leaves his lips at the sight before him as he looks down at your needy form. Your lips are swollen from his breathless kisses, the upper half of your dress now rests on your waist while you’re exposed to him from all angles. Your chest rises and falls with each blink, he swears the look you give him feels the same as a bullet through his heart.
His calloused hands meet the soft skin of your upper thighs while you straddle him, the position is all too familiar while he gets ready to become one with you. You gulp as he stills, eyes locked with yours as he searches for an ounce of doubt. He finds none as you nod, letting him enter you all at once. 
Your legs close at the feeling of extreme pleasure as he stretches you. A long line of curses leave his pretty mouth as he parts your legs further with his hands. His voice is hoarse as he whispers into your ear. “Stay still for me, princess.”
You nod at his words, nothing but obedient when it comes to him. He then moves slowly, he wants to move at a faster pace but he knows he’s handled you a little too rough the last couple of times and even though you haven’t complained, he can tell that you’re a little sore still.
There you both are against the marble desk, moving as one while sweet praises leave his mouth. He swears that your body was made for his from the way you manage to fit him so well. He moves a little faster when a moan filled with filth leaves your pretty lips, your hands make their way into his soft locks and a moan leaves his lips each time you pull at them.
His movements become frantic when he inches closer to the edge, you let him go at an animalistic pace when he does so. Your eyes flutter when you tip over the very same edge yourself, a soft moan leaves your lips and a couple moments later, his hips still.
You lay down on the marble surface, needing the cold it provides as he stares at your half bare form while fastening his belt. You gulp at the sight, his fit form manages to earn a small smile from you as you eye the man before you. He looks broad with all the clothes on but he’s just lean muscle when he’s bare.
Your staring stops the second your eyes meet his. His hands pull you towards him softly by your thighs and you chuckle at his expression, he looks hungry for you even though he’s just had you a second ago. He watches you like a hawk as you fix your dress and helps you off the table with the gentle pull of his hand.
“Stop staring.” you say without even looking at him as you fix your hair the best you can. You can feel his piercing blue gaze on you.
“I wasn’t.” he says in the same beat. You look at him with a silly smile on your face, he was staring. 
“You’ll take me home, then?” you ask, liking this game of push and pull you’re playing while you both walk towards the very same table he had you squirming.
“Nah.” he shakes his head and gets a drink from one of the trays. You had come in with your own car but you know he’ll want to continue what he was doing earlier from the way he looks at you.
“Alright.” you say, you’re not his girl so you don’t possess the privileges like having him do whatever you want, even though he eventually caves.
“I’ll take you to mine.” he whispers against your ear and you look up at him, only to meet his hungry gaze.
You know if he takes you to his place, there’s no sleeping tonight. It’s a ritual of sorts, done mostly when you end up tangled in his sheets. It’s almost his way of warning you that he’ll give you no rest, that he’ll make sure you remember tonight but it’s all the more reason for you to agree to it.
It’s almost too easy to recall the times you’d been at his home. It was innocent at first but it didn’t take long for the occasion to be mostly about sex. You’d chanted his name until the moon had disappeared and the gentle rays of sun had seeped through the open blinds. You knew the people around knew you, not only because you were Alfie’s friend who constantly paid visits but because you would almost always stay the night and Alfie had no problem making you even louder than you already were.
It was almost as if he was saying ‘brace yourself’.
You looked at his eyes after his whisper, nodding while you took a sip of your drink. You decided to seem nonchalant about it. “That sounds fine.”
He chuckled then, finding it amusing just how you acted in front of him. He could see the excitement in your eyes.
“You sure, luv?” he spoke into your ear, measuring your reaction to the invite. Of course you were sure.
“Don’t ask me that.” 
you spoke, eyes still glistening although your words said something else. You shook your head, he was playing with fire now.
You didn’t want to answer that, of course you were sure but the reason behind the reasoning was not objectively rational. He’d expect you to have an answer that would logically benefit you, like if his house was closer to your work and you’d be saving time in the morning. But you just wanted him, you wanted to be around him and spend time together.
You took a final sip from your drink when his hand met the small of your back, caressing and keeping in touch as much as it was physically possible without being obvious. You took a look at the party, it was pretty much dead.
You didn’t want to go back to the table and see all your friends. They were all drunk anyway, you’d see them soon enough and have a perfectly logical explanation as to why you were looking a little different than you did half an hour ago.
You turned to Alfie, realising that his eyes had been on you for a while now. Putting your drink on a table close by, you spoke slowly. His eyes never left your lips, memorising every curve of your soft flesh he was keen on kissing once you got out of here.
“Let’s leave.” you spoke into his face while he held you close.
He didn’t like parties anyway, so he nodded immediately and you both went to get your coats. You took your coat from the large room of clothes while a couple people stood around to get theirs but before you could put it on, Alfie who was already dressed to get the hell out of there held it up for you.
“Here, let me.” he spoke but it was a low voice. You gulped at his words but allowed him to do it still.
He did these things, small but effective where he’d show you he cared for you, more than a friend cared for his friend. It had been sending you flowers at first, they’d stopped when you told him there was no space for flowers in your office anymore. He then started buying you books, the ones you’d told him about but never had the time to read. He still remembered all their names after the years went by.
You let him have his way, again.
His hand enveloped yours while you walked out of the huge dining room. There were things rising inside you, feelings you had avoided for as long as it was humanly possible but they were starting to bite back.
It would be fine, you thought to yourself.
You’d let him have his way tonight. He’d serenade you in sweet whispers as your bodies became one, you’d forget that actions had consequences when his body would mould perfectly against yours. You’d avoid the feelings as much as possible and instead, stay up all night while he’d tried to convince you that the night was fairly young and he was just getting started.
And you’d believe him.
Tagging: @clairecrive  @parkbearum @sourirez  @vetseras​ @mollybegger-blog
a/n: This is not my best work but i think this might go somewhere interesting?Let me know if you want to be tagged!
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moonandstars · 5 years ago
plot : doyoung is the boss and you’re his secretary and surprisingly he’s not an ass . 
details : billionaire!doyoung  playboy!doyoung   
pairng : doyoung x you
word count : 3k
a/n : who reads that honestly?
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You looked at your watch continuously waiting for Doyoung to change and get ready.
"I hope you know we are running an hour late."
"Oh really? As if you haven't reminding me this every five minutes." 
"I am sorry but the board members are freaking me out so I am going to freak you out." You sighed.
 You have been working as Doyoung's secretary for over a year now, so you were used to his tactics. It's not like he is irresponsible but the opposite, the most responsible and passionate person you have seen in this business. But he doesn't like going to stupid and big parties, he calls them what they are "show offs". But as the owner of the company, it is necessary sometimes for him to show up and smile for the cameras and make a few toasts with his clients.  You are the only who has lasted this long. Everyone else left under a month. You're more of a care taker than a secretary at this point, and you cannot understand how you managed to last this long. Maybe you did but admitting about it was not going to get you anywhere.
 "Well Miss. Y/N How is it that you manage to look more beautiful in each of these boring parties?" Doyoung said, breaking your train of thoughts and making you blush internally. You were wearing your favorite black silk dress with a deep neckline. You knew you looked wonderful today but hearing it from Doyoung makes your heart beat a little faster
."Mr. Kim, You don't look so bad yourself." You smiled. Doyoung looked at you before looking away and walking away.
 "Let's put on our best faces for the party." 
At the party Doyoung was always surrounded with almost everybody, from clients to company employees to their girlfriends and wives. You could not blame them, he was worth every praise he got. You got a lot of jealous eyes from the women for being in a position so close with Doyoung. You laughed internally, if only they knew. Even though you spent most of your day with him at his home, it was mostly for work. For doyoung, you are nothing more than a secretary, an employee that stuck around long enough to be trusted and he pays for them, just like anybody else. 
But for you, he was so much more. You knew you loved him, it was hard not to. Over the year, you fell in love with his small details, his mistakes, his sarcasm, his attitude, his care, his passion, his everything. But you were just a little bug in his garden and you were not going to delude yourself into thinking something more. 
"Hello, Miss secretary." You flinched at the tone, you knew who he was
."Good evening Mr. Choi." You gave him a tight lipped smile and started backing off. He was a scum, but also a big shareholder and business partner of Kim Industries. He always used his position to come onto you and misbehaved with you.
 "I see you are still stuck with Doyoung." He spoke like venom.
"Yes, I am still happily working at Kim industries. Anyways I should get going." You said trying to get away but he held your hand.
"What's the rush darling? I am just talking here. I don't see why you keep running away when I am here to provide with so many opportunities."
 "I don't need any from you."
"Well this is the last time I will be so gentle, but leave this Doyoung kid and join me, you will be just be a shadow there but with me you will be a princess. Choose very wisely otherwise I will not hold back to use my money and power to ruin you and your boss's fun in the business." With that he left your hand and walked away. You looked down and arranged your bracelets to hide the red marks that started forming. 
 The party was almost over and you were looking around to call the driver or cab in case Doyoung decided to hook up with some pretty girl. Even though you were used to his one night stands, the picture of him with somebody else still stabbed your heart. It was another reminder that you were nothing for him. You sighed not seeing him and started to walk out.
 "Hey Miss. Y/N, decided to ditch me?"
 "Hey, sorry Mr. Kim, I thought you had other plans-I - mean - I thought you already left." He smiled knowingly what you meant
."Remind me that if Taeyoung forces another of his boring stories down my throat again, I will have to break our years of partnership."
 "That bad?" 
"It's always that bad." He smiled and opened the car door for you. 
"You didn't had to drop me, I could have taken the cab."
 "Don't worry, I like spending time with you." There was this little subtle words and looks that made it hard for you to ignore your feelings and move on. You both were professional half the time but the other half, Doyoung would flirt with you, act protective over you, want your full attention and just be overly lovely that it made your inside a mess. You just wanted to grab at him, shout at him and ask him what the fuck was going on. But you could not, so you didn't. After all, you were just a secretary.
 "And you are my responsibility Miss. y/n"
 "Oh is that so Mr. Kim? I would say it's just the opposite."
 "I am not that bad."
 "You would die without me."
 "Well not die." He looked at you. "Might end up in hospital but not die. But nothing like that is ever going to happen."
 "You're sure?" You asked, words of Choi suddenly ringing inside your head. 
"Yes. Because I know you'll be here." He said looking at you. " And even if you're not, admit it you'll be back after I end up in the hospital. So I am not reaching the dying part." He said laughing, with his cute bunny teeth and you just stared. How could a man, who looks the most serious and composed, could also look like a small kid who just got a candy.
That night you could not sleep, you kept repeating Choi's warning inside your head. He has always tried to force you to join his company, at every chance he got but you never paid attention. It was very common in the companies to try to hire people with good capabilities and skills, try to steal them away with better offers, or even blackmail them or use their dirty tactics. But with Choi, it was not his company wanted you, he was the one who wanted you. You felt disgusted by the way he would try to touch you or ogle at you, corner you every time Doyoung wasn't there. You knew what his intentions were. But this was first time he bought up Doyoung and sounded so scary. And he was not wrong, with his position, he could seriously injure the reputation of Kim industries that Doyoung worked all his life for.
 "Okay now please stop chewing me out Miss Y/N?" Doyoung said surrounded by bunch of papers that you bought in because he finally to decided to show up at the company today.
 "Well Mr. Kim your board members are chewing me out so-"
"So you're going to chew me out too. Got it?”
"Now that you understand, please be a sweetheart and sign these three papers and say yes to the dinner appointments with clients next week."
"Well how can I no do anything when you ask me like that?" To a lot of things, to my love. You thought to yourself.
"You don't say no, but your actions do." You said trying to hard to conceal your feelings. Doyoung just looked at you for a while and then smiled at papers and started signing them.
"But why do I have to attend these dinners? Didn't I hired Haechan and Johnny for these relations stuff." He said pouting.
"Well Mr. Kim because of the fact that you own the company and the clients always complain about you being absent from the meetings."
 "Yeah because I don't have work there. I make the technology and make sure our products are top notch quality, I don't want to hug someone and lie how I am jealous of their Paris vacation."
"I could do that, and I even won't be lying. I do love Paris." You said still busy trying to arrange the files. Doyoung was about to say something when the call rang. 
"Mr. Kim that's your queue for the meeting. Shall I say yes?" You asked. Becoming professional like you were supposed to.
"Yes Ms. Y/N." Doyoung said standing up and fixing his suit.
 Doyoung walks out and strikes a dramatic tired look towards you, as if accusing you to make him go through all these meetings and formalities today.
 "I am tired."
"Really? Couldn't even tell." You said smiling " We're done for today." 
"That's great because I need to breathe and we are going on ride."
 "We? Mr. Kim it's all right, I will ask the driver to drop me off-"
"I, as a boss of yours is ordering you that we are going for a ride." He said sternly and his serious voice that's only reserved for business meetings but then looked at you smiled and said "Unless you don't want to, I am not going to force you." And how could you say no
.Doyoung has a crazy collection of cars and he loves driving outside the city usually, and sometimes you were lucky enough to go  with him. You have been thinking about talking to Doyoung about Choi. You thought about not telling him the entire story. You could just talk about leaving and how this career is not satisfactory or some other reason. Although you knew it be almost impossible to make up a lie that would convince Doyoung, but you also could not let Choi hurt Doyoung for you. You are nothing compared to what he could lose.
 "Your thoughts must be really interesting that you're not paying attention to me?" Doyoung said with his cheeky smile
."Mr. Kim you always have my attention."
"Thank you Ms.Y/N. Now I wanted to know if you are free next month?"
"I might have few plans." You said pondering your appointments
."I don't like it when you have plans."
 "Mr. Kim if it's for the work-"
"Yeah for the work, let's settle for that for now, it's a little trip. We can call it a business trip."  Doyoung said, looking ahead. Sometimes you did not understand what was going through Doyoung's mind. It was like he was telling you something, but you could not understand the language
.Next week, you were in the car with Doyoung and he was literally acting like child who hated going to school and was being forced too. That's why you decided it was better for the driver to drive and not Doyoung. You were sure he was going to speed up the opposite way and escape.
"Mr. Kim throwing so many fits are not going to help it." 
"Well Ms. Y/N Do you suggest I throw the driver out and take the wheel, now that will surely help me." Doyoung said flatly. You mouthed a 'sorry' to the driver but he was too used to Doyoung to even care.
"C'mon Mr. Kim, don't ruin the night. Mr. Lee is going to be there too, That's good." You tried cheering him up
."Oh" Doyoung said even more annoyed "Not Taeyoung please."
When Doyoung was supposed meet his board members, you decided it was your queue to leave. You were thinking of joining of other guests at the dining room. But before that Doyoung turned around and poked your elbow.
"Honestly Ms. Y/N the only wonderful thing about coming here is to see you in that gorgeous dress." The statement made you blush visibly and before you could say anything Doyoung spoke again.
"Wait up for me. I will drop you tonight." With that he called Taeyong and walk off towards the hall.
 You got in the elevator and pressed the ground floor button, still thinking about Doyoung's comment. It was nice hearing him praise you, compliment you, getting you stuff in disguise of company gifts, spending more time with you, sharing his thoughts with you, it made you feel loved. He always showed you a side that nobody else could ever see. His weakness, his kindness, his ideas, his problems. You were glad that he treated you like a friend and recently, a little more than that. But you decided to not let these things get to you. He's a flirt, a ladies man, it was probably nothing to him. You were just happy that his strings of one night stands stopped a few months ago.
 You were so busy in your thoughts that you could not pay attention to who stepped inside in the elevator and pressed the stop button. And when you looked up, all the blood vanished from your face. 
"Well, look who decided to ignore me again?" Said Choi.
 "I thought I made myself clear that I was happy at my -"
 "And I thought I made myself clear too when I told you that I wasn't going to let you go away." He said, gritting his teeth and getting too close to you.
 You decided to press the button but he grabbed your arm and twisted it, cornering you. 
"LEAVE ME!" You shouted out of pain.
 "Not so easily, you have tested all my patience." He said in your ear and pulled something out pressed it against your head. A gun
 "SHHH" He said and pressed it even closer to your head. "I see you don't understand my niceness. Now you're going to call your boss and tell him that you're leaving for me." 
"I won't do that. I WON'T." You tried to speak. But he turned you around and smacked your face causing you to fall down.
"You see I won't ask twice. You do as I say or you'll be dead here and don't worry, it's not that hard to kill off a billionaire when everyone wants to take his place." You went numb by hearing this. You could believe that Choi was crazy enough to kill Doyoung.  You tried to think a way to get out but there was no option, you were so injured and you could not fight back. So you took your phone and started dialing Doyoung.
"Hey Ms. Y/N? Miss me already?" He answered.
 You tried to speak but tears started streaming down your face. Choi pressed the gun even closer and whispered in your ear to go on.
 "Doyoung, I need to talk to you about something."
 "Oh yes. Where are you? I'll be on-"
"No. Just listen, you don't need to come. I-I" You choked.
"I will be resigning as of now. I am going to leave the company. I won't be your secretary anymore."
 You said and there was a huge silence on the line before he spoke.
"Okay. Ms Y/N. I see you have made up your mind. So can I expect a resignation letter tomorrow?" He said with no emotion in his voice.
"Yes." With that he cut the call and you felt your heart being torn into different pieces. It was like someone ripped your chest apart and crushed your heart. 
"Don't waste your tears for him. Now wipe your face and we will walk-" Before Choi could finish his words the elevator started downwards, like someone just cut off the wire and you pushed him. 
The elevator stopped with a thud on the first floor and door started opening, you saw Doyoung briefly but Choi tried to grab you again. But before that Doyoung grabbed Choi and smashed his head against the mirror inside the elevator, shattering the glass. 
You could not even register the events before Doyoung held your and brought you inside, letting the guards handle with Choi.
  "Y/N. Say Something, Please tell me you're okay." Doyoung sounded so hurt
."I am okay. Doyoung I am so sorry, what I said on the phone." You started choking up again. Doyoung brought you close and hugged you cautiously.
"I know, I knew it from your voice that something was wrong." 
"How did you knew I was in there?"
 "Honestly after the call I turned the tracking system on to locate you and then Taeyong came and said how the elevator was stopped for a while and we turned the security camera's and I - I am so sorry, you had to go through all of this."
 "I should have told you. But I thought it wouldn't matter and that he would harm you- and he said your company-" Doyoung pulled you from the hug and looked at you intensely.
 "You should have told me because it does matter. Because you matter, more than anything. I am not going to walk around the bush anymore. You're the most precious to me Y/N, and I mean it. My heart stopped when I saw the footage, to think that I could have lost you today, you're not wrong. I would die without you."
"And if that what love means, then yes I fell in love with you. I don't know when or how, I just did. And I am not going to let anything happen to you, I want to be with you always." You saw Doyoung's eyes getting red. "If you let me?" He said with a small voice.
 "Yes. Yes."
 You said crying and hugging him again.
"Mr. Kim I did not know the business trip meant a Paris holiday and private dinner by the Eiffel tower." 
"Well Ms. Y/N What can I say? I am a hopeless romantic in love." Doyoung said smiling, his shining bright from the lights. "And besides this time it'll me telling stories of a perfect vacation with the most perfect woman by my side." Doyoung said leaning in to kiss you.
It truly is the perfect vacation.
ngl i got the inspiration from tony and pepper and there were already so many fics about the cliche meeting the hot angsty boss so i decided otherwise. <3
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leejeongz · 5 years ago
cravity ideal types- MY OPINION
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🔸i decided to not include an empirical height since we don’t know all of their real heights, i just did it in comparison to them so “shorter” or “taller”, i hope this is okay!🔸
*once legal
serim: 1999-2003*
i think serim would like someone who was shorter than him, but still considered quite tall in society, with long legs. someone who also dressed well would match him perfectly. i think he would want someone who took care of their appearance and presented themselves well at all times. he would probably like someone who never really “dressed down” when they were out, saving it only for when the two of them were alone. i get a feeling he finds the alternative aesthetic attractive on others, including piercings (and tattoos possibly).
in terms of their personality, i think serim would look for someone who would stand by him at all times (when justified) yet would challenge him to better himself. i get the feeling that serim always wants to be number 1 and wouldn’t settle for anything else and so someone that gives him that confidence and tells him where to improve without fear would be perfect. i think he would really like someone who was always smiling too, someone who was content with their life even if they weren’t living the lavish lifestyle that they had dreamed, it would make him feel like he should be happy too and would allow him to appreciate the little things in life that maybe others didn’t. oh also, someone with god tier playlist hehe.
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allen: 1999-2004*
i think allen would want someone who was a similar height to him, maybe a little shorter but he wouldn’t mind, with an athletic build. i feel like he would adore someone who wore a natural look most of the time and appeared quite youthful in their looks. the clothes that they wear wouldn’t really have any effect of allen but seeing someone in colourful clothing would make him subconsciously very happy. i see him with someone who has big eyes and big lips, quite like himself, with pale skin and light hair, shoulder length or shorter. idk why but i think he’d find tattoos kinda hot and would love to learn about their meanings when he was alone with that person.
personality wise, i think allen would want someone who was a little flirtatious and playful, but only to him. he radiates playful energy himself so someone who was also like that would compliment his personality really well, especially when the two of them were alone. i don’t think he would like someone with no goals and no ambitions, i feel he would want to be inspired by his s/o and so they really need to be driven and determined to reach their own goal, whatever that may be. allen would probably find it really cute if they saved a part of themselves for his eyes only, for example if they acted tough in front of others but were actually really sensitive and in touch with their emotions behind closed doors.
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jungmo: 1999-2003*
i don’t think that jungmo would take height into consideration when finding an s/o, but the idea of him with someone taller is so cute in my mind ahhh. i think he would like someone with beauty that is unique but can still be appreciated if that makes sense. he would want the right amount of cute and the right amount of hot in a person, just like himself, but would maybe only reveal one of those things to other people, leaving the other one just for him. hair wise, i think he would like someone with long brown hair that he can play with. i don’t really think he would fall for someone based on looks alone and would probably weigh it wayyy more on personality and attitudes.
like i mentioned before, i think someone with duality would make this boy w e a k. he would appreciate someone with a kind heart but a sharp tongue, someone that wouldn’t be afraid to call someone out on their bs. their humour would be what attracts him the most though, his partner must have a sense of humour that compliments his or else he would feel restricted in what he says or does. i get vibes from him that he is a good listener, so i think he needs someone to talk to too sometimes, someone who could also offer him sensible advice when he needs it. cooking for him is probably the way to his heart and so he would want someone that knows their way around a kitchen.
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woobin: 2001-2005*
i sense woobin would want an s/o who understands him and his values and has a similar mindset to him, it would make communication easier and neither of you would be afraid to overstep any boundaries. i think he would want someone who knows what they want but isn’t afraid of making mistakes along the way, mistakes that they could both learn from together. someone who could show him new things would really spark his interest, he’d want to know more about your passions, especially if they were something he wasn’t too knowledgeable on. learning, to him, is an important part of a relationship and he sees it as quite an intimate aspect.
height wise, i see woobin with someone taller than him, whether that’s a lot or a little, he doesn’t really care. body type isn’t something he cares about either, nor the length of their hair, however, i do think he has a soft spot for mousy brown hair. i don’t really know how to explain this but i think he would like someone who wears neutral colours or house colours that compliments their skin tone, whatever that may be. probably likes people who overdress for every occasion and are a little out there with the style of clothes since the colours aren’t that bold. someone that looks put together is what he finds really attractive and makes him immediately want to learn more about them.
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wonjin: 1999-2003*
i don’t think wonjin would be fussy and wouldn’t have a specific type, instead just going off vibes and the connection he has with the person. because of that, i think someone with a similar mindset would match him well since he feels like he can actually converse with them naturally. i think he’s quite an open minded person and so he wouldn’t care for cultural differences and would love to learn things about the other person’s culture. of course, since he loves to be funny and have a laugh, someone uptight wouldn’t be a great match for him and so he would love it if they could be their goofy selves in front of him. honestly probably just wants someone to vibe with more than anything.
height wise, i think he’d look good with someone shorter than him, it would probably make him feel most comfortable- like i said in a previous post, i think he would like to take the lead in a relationship and would prefer more of a “traditional” relationship. i think he would take an interest in the person’s clothing and would judge someone quite quickly off of their fashion, but is always open to changing his opinion on them. dressing well isn’t necessarily something he looks for, instead someone who is brave with their clothing choices and can pull it off. probably likes people who have their nails done, especially when they do it themselves and they aren’t really long.
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minhee: 2002-2005*
since he’s an absolute g i a n t, i think he would struggle to feel comfortable physically (sharing a bed, cuddling etc) with someone taller or the same height, and so he would therefore like someone shorter (probably without even realising his reasoning lmao). not to mention he would find it insanely cute and would be his favourite topic of conversation. i think he would like someone with long, light brown hair, which is a lil bit wavy, and would find it very attractive if their eye colour was the same as their hair. he would really like it if they had an interest in fashion and could give him tips on how to make his outfits better.
i think he would like someone academically clever, always achieving good grades and reading in their spare time who could help him study sometimes and keep him motivated, but was also a little bit of a scatter brain. would probably fall for the “class president who everyone actually liked” type of person. someone who didn’t think too much into things unless they were really important would make minhee slightly intrigued. he would find it funny hearing their questionable thought processes but could also understand where they were coming from because he is also chaotic asf. little moments like those made him feel closer to that person and made him fall more in love with them.
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hyeongjun: 2001-2003*
okay so, hyeongjun wants to be babied, that’s for certain. i think he’d love a person that was quite motherly, the mum of the group for sure. he’d really admire it if they could help him with things that he struggled with, even if that meant going out of their comfort zone just for him, it would allow him to trust them more. i think he’d be best with an extrovert. at the times when hyeongjun might shy away from things, he would be thankful of someone who could push him forward and make him do things that he might regret not doing later on. since he is sensitive himself, someone who wasn’t sensitive at all might intimidate him and he might feel pressured into acting okay when he isn’t and so i think someone sensitive, like himself, might be more suited to him.
his ideal height for an s/o would probably be shorter, someone who fit the “cute and bubbly” stereotype, while still having some more mature features. i think he would want someone with chubby cheeks and plump lips, both with a pink tint that was more than the average person’s. i don’t think he’d mind about the colour of hair, he might find shorter hair kinda cute tho. i think he would like someone who wore a lot of pastel colours and simple clothes, just like jeans and a tshirts. i think he would prefer someone more feminine.
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taeyoung: 2003-2005*
his worst nightmare would probably be having an s/o who was really introverted and serious and so i think he would like someone carefree and just happy, ya know? he would like it if they were optimistic on every occasion and weren’t that cautious about new things, a risk taker. his ideal partner would be described as fun, simply put, there would be nothing that they wouldn’t try. he would appreciate some sarcasm, just to spice things up. for him i think it would be ideal if there was nothing he couldn’t joke about with them (idk i just get a dark humour vibe from him lmao) so he wouldn’t constantly be worried about what he was saying. obviously, it would be preferable if they had an idea about their future, but i think taeyoung would find it admirable if they were adaptable to any career and he would be supportive of whatever they chose.
in terms of height, i don’t think he would mind too much, perhaps preferring someone his height or a little taller. he would like it if they experimented with their looks, whether that be through their hair, their outfits, their make up, their accessories or all of the above, making them look different from the average joe. i’m not saying taeyoung has a thing for hands, but i think he would notice someone’s hands first and would make a judgement from this. he doesn’t strike me as someone who really cares for their appearance and would more likely fall for someone solely for their personality.
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seongmin: 2002-2004*
i think he would like someone with a balanced mix of feminine and masculine, someone to compliment his mix of both (does that make sense? probably not). i see him being happiest with someone who is quite shy like himself but not exactly introverted. like they would still rather go out than stay at home to have fun but it would only be the two of them most of the time. he wouldn’t want them to be AS shy as him though because how else would he talk to them? i think he would like it if they were more sensitive than him and weren’t afraid to show their emotions, and at the same time made him feel comfortable about showing his emotions. at the end of the day, he just wants someone who accepts him for who he is without trying to change him in a way that he doesn’t want to, he wants to develop into a better person during a relationship.
seongmin having a smaller s/o would be so freaking cute like he could baby them and a g h so yea i think someone smaller would suit him well! i’d say he likes someone with black hair, maybe dyed underneath like a bright pink or blue or something (that’s a thing, right?), i think he’d find that so cool. i think the first thing he notices about someone is their smile and would like to see that person smiling like all the time. someone who radiates cute energy would make seongmin feel so weak he’d have no choice but to fall in love with them.
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awhiskeyriver · 5 years ago
Yay! So happy that you're writing AND that we get to have some more insight on TheBet! Peeta! :) I'd like to know what was going on his mind on thanksgiving, with K being there with his family. Also, it's not Peeta's POV, but I was always wondered what Madge's thoughts on Katniss were when they accidently met at the boys apartment door for the first time, and also when she sees K in the dunk tank and Peeta stops to "save" her. Did she recognize K from the bet? Was she curious?
Thank you so much!
Okay, so this isn’t *exactly* what you requested...but this is the scene at the dunk tank from Peeta’s POV with some insight into Madge as well! I had a few requests for the Thanksgiving scene, so keep an eye out for that one later on as well! :) Hope you enjoy!
“Hey, I know her.” 
I turned to Madge, following her line of sight down the pier to where Katniss Everdeen was sitting above a dunk tank clad in nothing but a soaked-through bikini. As if on cue, a gust of cool wind struck and I watched her shoulders instinctively hunch while some guy with a megaphone encouraged people to visit the booth.
“Yeah, everyone knows her,” Gale snorted, looking away with a shake of his head. “She’ll go down in history as the dumbest sorority girl at Panem. And that’s saying something.”
Why would they choose a dunk tank for a party in the middle of October? It wouldn’t surprise me if there was snow on the ground in a few short weeks, and yet they had people sitting out at night in barely anything? Made no sense. Megaphone guy looked warm enough in his fleece jacket...
Madge shot Gale a disapproving look before pressing on. “I meant that’s the girl who came to the apartment the other day.”
“Stop pointing,” I hissed, rubbing a hand along the back of my neck subconsciously. The last thing I needed was for her to catch us talking about her. 
When coach heavily implied we all needed to spend more time together off field ‘bonding’--aka, I needed to leave the apartment for more than practice and class--the only option worth consideration was to head to Greek row. It was the place most students could be found on a Saturday night, and this weekend more than most, since it was their fall fundraiser. Chances of encountering Katniss were high, and I knew that, but I could hardly convince my team mates and coach that I was over the entire bet if I kept avoiding social settings like the plague.
So, to the frat house we went. And sure enough, there she was.
I swallowed heavily, hating the way the sweat on the back of my neck felt ice cold when the wind hit. And the way it made me pity Katniss for how cold she must be.
Shit, she caught me staring. 
Our eyes met for a short moment before I looked away, uncomfortable heat encompassing my body at being caught. 
Madge, who had no shame, continued to look on before nudging me in the side playfully.
“She’s got a smokin’ body.”
“Jesus, Madge,” I grumbled, afraid someone would over hear her. My embarrassment only made her laugh and she patted my back lovingly as I stared down at my shoes. 
I could feel Katniss looking over in my direction still. The heat of her deep gray eyes boring into the side of my head. Her full lips pursed and eyebrows slightly downcast. 
“Am I wrong?” she asked, the question open for any takers. I wasn’t stupid, I saw the lingering glances a few of the guys gave before trying to feign indifference. If it was for my sake, there was no point. I knew she was good looking.
I chanced another glance, and for a heated moment we stared at one another. Swallowing hard and stuffed my hands down into my pockets for something to do.
Who was I kidding, she was fucking stunning.
Which made me all the more an idiot for ever believing she was interested in me.
“It’d be kind of funny to dunk her,” Gale pointed out, wrapping a protective arm around Madge to starve off the wind. I watched in the distance as Katniss gave into the struggle and finally wrapped her arms around her bare stomach. 
How much longer would they seriously make her stay up there?
“Try your chances to dunk a Theta. You can’t convince me you haven’t thought about it at least once,” Megaphone guy continued to taunt. “If for no other reason, it’s an excuse to see one soaking wet…”
My feet moved without permission, before I was even fully aware of what I was doing, but I heard Finnick ask where I was going and saw the wide-eyed stare of Katniss as I walked up to the dunk tank.
The guy attending it lowered his megaphone to the table and leaned forward with an easy grin. Either he recognized me, or thought I was a scumbag who gave into his pitch. Or both.
“Five bucks for three hits, bro,” he said, holding a hand out.
“How many rounds until she’s done for the night?” Something about her sitting there on display, shivering so hard her teeth were chattering, made me ask.
The guy looked confused, and I was staring to lose my patience.
“You want her to get down?” he confirmed, and when I gave a short nod his eyes narrowed.
“That’s not really how this works.”
“Will it work for two-hundred?”
I pulled out my wallet, handing him the cash with ease that should’ve given me pause. I was in too deep to care, now. Focused on my goal.
“You can do whatever you want with her for two hundred dollars,” the kid joked, and he seemed to sense my disapproval as he turned to the megaphone to announce to anyone within a five mile radius that I’d paid a pretty penny to play the game. Surrounding us a few people cheered or clapped, but mostly we went ignored as he slapped a bucket of bean bags onto the table for me to take the hits I’d paid for. I ignored it, walking past the table and over to the booth where Katniss eyed me with a level of distrust.
“Hey,” she said slowly, crossing her legs which were eye-level with my face.
I cleared my throat before returning the sentiment. 
Her eyes darted between the untouched bean bags and me for a moment before a sly smirk tickled her lips.
“Come to warn me that you’re about to pelt me with a bucket worth of bean bags?” she laughed, eyebrows raised in question.
“No,” I said, and my answer seemed to surprise her. Did she really think I was going to throw bean bags at her? “I came to tell you that you can get down.” 
She wasn’t convinced. Katniss folded her arms across herself, doing wonderful things to her chest that I fought to ignore as I kept my eyes trained on her face, which was still painted with unease.
I realized then that my request came off more instructional and demanding than I intended, like I was ordering her to get down or something. It hadn’t occurred to me until that moment that maybe she was having fun. Despite the cold, she might’ve been enjoying herself and there I was, coming to ruin it.
“If you want,” I added, lamely, wondering if again I was about to be rejected, left to walk away awkwardly after yet another failed encounter with Katniss Everdeen.
I’d barely gotten the words out before she nodded eagerly though, reaching out for help to get down from the high seat above the tank. I lifted an arm up to help, not letting go of hers until she was firmly back on the ground. 
“Thanks,” she said quietly, pushing a piece of curly hair back behind her ear before crossing her arms again.
“No problem.” I was glad my voice came out normal, masking the way my heart was pounding inside my chest with her standing inches away from me practically naked.
Practically naked.
“Do you, uh, have a towel or a blanket?” A blanket? Really? I looked around the ground stupidly for anything resembling such, but came up short. 
“I left it inside,” she admitted, biting down on her lip. 
“Here.” I pulled my sweatshirt off, smoothing the material out before holding it out for her to take. It wasn’t much, but comparatively it was something at least. 
She took the offering without complaint, pulling it down over her head before turning up to me with an appreciative smile. 
She was drowning in the fabric, the thing almost reached her knees it was so big and she had to roll the sleeves several times before the material stopped falling over her hands.
“Sorry,” I said, sheepishly. “It’s huge.”
“It’s comfortable,” she argued, and the bright smile she gifted me was enough for me to return it. We stood there a moment longer, but with nothing more to say and the temperature only dropping, I figured it was best to let her go inside to warm up.
When I chanced a glance over at the group of people waiting for me, their reactions to the exchange between Katniss and I varied, but Madge gave me a wink that had me turning away quickly. 
“I’ll come find you after I change to return this,” she said, motioning to the sweatshirt.
“Don’t worry about that,” I said quickly, not wanting her to feel like it was all part of some elaborate ploy to make her come find me later tonight. She could keep it forever, for all I cared. It looked far better on her than it ever had on me.
Her expression looked doubtful though, and sensing she needed some reassurance, I added, “You can give it back to me another time. Just go get warm. It’s freezing out here.” 
“Okay,” she said almost shyly, a far cry from the girl I’d originally met. But, I guess that was where we were now that things had fallen apart. Awkwardly tip-toeing around one another, unsure of how to proceed. Not really friends but...what? Not enemies, at least. It didn’t seem like it.
“Peet, let’s go!” I heard Finnick call out and the realization that they were all still standing there watching, that anyone could be, made my skin heat. 
“I’ve uh, gotta get going.” 
She waved goodbye as I turned to walk away, unsure how I felt about the exchange. But when I made my way back to the waiting group, Madge gave me one of her clever looks that couldn’t go ignored.
“What?” I asked, hesitantly. I really didn’t feel like being the center of conversation--especially one to do with Katniss Everdeen--for the rest of the night. 
“That was a good move, giving her your jacket.”
“It’s cold,” I insisted. 
“Yeah, but now she’ll have to return it.”
“I mean, she doesn’t have to,” I said quietly, trying to remember if I’d asked her to or not but the whole conversation was honestly a blur. 
“She will.” Madge was leaving no room for debate. “And in order to do that, she’ll need to set up a time to see you again. Sly dog.” 
“It’s not like that,” I insisted, but Madge only shrugged before walking quicker to catch up with Gale. 
She was a helpless romantic, it wasn’t her fault, but that didn’t change the fact that there was nothing between Katniss Everdeen and I besides guilt and awkwardness. Maybe in an alternate universe, before the bet things could’ve been different. 
But in this one, she is somebody with endless options. Beautiful, popular…
And I’m just me.
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