#thank you for the asks esther
ilstar · 17 days
::     *ੈ✩‧₊˚         @deathsmaidens      sent:          🍒     🍉    🍌    🍊         /         fruit   headcanon   prompts ,    accepting .
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🍒  :    how much does my muse value companionship?  do they constantly keep people around them,  or do they prefer to be alone often?  do they have or desire to have many friends?  do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend? 
delorean   is   alone   most   of   the   time,    but   mostly   because   he   tends   to   tunnel   vision   in   on   whatever   he’s   currently   doing   and   he’s   quite   good   at   entertaining   himself.   he’s   somewhere inbetween an extrovert and   a   social   introvert,   so   he   doesn’t   exactly     avoid     keeping   company   for   lack   of   an   innate   need,     but   he   can   get   lost   in   one   thing   or   another   for   a   good   amount   of   time   before   stopping   to   think     “oh,   i   haven’t   really   spoken   to   anybody   in   a   while”     and   trying   to   seek   out   some   human   interaction.   he   definitely   values   companionship   but   not   in   the   most?   normal   of   ways?   he   tires   of   people   very   easily   and   once   he’s   bored,    he’s   gone.   he   only   really      pays   attention      to   someone   for   an   extended   period   of   time   when   he   either   finds   them   particularly   interesting   (read: weird)   or   feels  like   they   can   keep   up   with   him.   he  really   enjoys   back   and   forth   and   chasing / being   chased   in   any   capacity.   so   if   someone   is   willing   to      give   him   attention      and   play   his   games   with   him,     he’s   going   to   become   quite   attached   to   that   person   in   one   way   or   another.   inflated   ego   warning   but   he   doesn’t   usually   think   that   many   people   are   capable   of   that   so   when   he      finds   someone   who   humours   him   in   the   right   way      he   does   actually   value   it   a   lot,    because   he   likes   having   company   as   much   as   he’s   selective   with   it.              
🍉  :    which of the four seasons suits my muse best,  and why?  
visually   winter   suits   him,    but   more   symbolically   i   would   say   the   triumph,   freedom,   and   pleasure   blending   into   the   impermanence   and   change   that   is   the     transitory   period     between   summer   and   autumn.   
🍌  :    is my muse inclined to help others,  or will they only do it when it benefits them,  if at all?  what makes them this way?  has it ever gotten them into trouble,  or inconvenienced them?
he   doesn’t   tend   to   help   others,    at   least   not   out   of   the   goodness   of   his   own   heart.   obviously   having   time   traveling   abilities   is   something   very   narratively   op   but   at   the   same   time   it’s   kind   of     …     the      opposite   of   a   chekhov's   gun      here?   because   he   has   no   interest   in   using   that   for   the   sake   of   good   or   bad,    really,     he   won’t   try   to   reverse   catastrophe   or   cause   it      for   the   sake   of   destruction      either.   he   uses   it   to   satiate   his   own   curiosity,    more   often   than   not   making   a   series   of   changes   that   are      uncalculated,   random,   and   ranging   in   severity     just   to   observe   the   endless   possibilities.   just   to   revel   in   the   fact   that   nothing   really   matters.   if   someone   were   to   ask   for   his   help,     there   would   need   to   be   some   sort   of   personal   gain   involved   for   him,    and   even   at   that   i   wouldn’t   trust   him   not   to   throw   in   a   curveball   or   two   anyway.    
🍊  :    does my muse desire romance?  is it something they would actively seek out,  or prefer to happen more  ‘  naturally?  ’  what is their love life like?  do they have any exes or past flings,  or crushes?  
desiring   and   seeking   out   romance     —     for   the   same   reasons   he   doesn’t   tend   to   seek   out   companionship   very   often,   no.   he   just   doesn’t   concern   himself   with   others   that   much,    and   he   doesn’t   spend   a   lot   of   time   thinking   about   it.   even   those   he’s   taken   a   particular   liking   to   will   be   used   to   him   dropping   in   and   out   of   their   lives   as   he   pleases,    for   varying   periods   of   time.   he   indulges   whatever   desire   he   does   have,     so   there   are   definitely   past   flings   that   he’s   simply     lost   interest   in     and   moved   on   from,     but   probably   not   many   exes,    if   any   at   all.   this   isn’t   to   say   that   he’s   opposed   to   romance   at   all,     but   it   would   always   be   something   that   happens   naturally,    and   he’d   be   more   than   a   little   surprised   to   find   himself      catching   feelings      for   someone.   he’s   perhaps   a   little   curious   what   love   might   be   like,     but   not   quite   enough   to   put   his   own   things   to   side   and   go   looking   for   it.    
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hyperfixationsposting · 2 months
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an immortal bisexual witch and the cute lesbian butcher she may or may not have hooked up with once or twice :))
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hellofanidea · 6 months
another sentence prompt!
If David Webster were to find himself attracted to a woman, in the exact same way he finds himself attracted to men, he reckons that woman would be Esther Samsa.
Every time he had met her, since that first time at the window, he had felt something pulling him towards her like a tiny spool of thread, as if the universe was pointing her out over and over again.
Here, here is someone you need to know, here is someone important, here's a piece of the puzzle.
She proved it right every time.
Her flat palm on his chest turned into a light rap of knuckles against his sternum, a double tap Web had seen her do on Arthur every time she was reminding him to buck up. He had assigned many meanings to it, and any one of them offered to him made his throat tighten.
A glass was held out in his periphery with an awkward cough, and both of them turned to look at Arthur.
"I can leave if you two want a minute," he said, somewhere between sardonic and sincere.
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mtridactyla · 1 year
Can I ask for a tie with blorbo vibes? Your choice of blorbo
ill do better than that — if i were to dress the doctor (probably ten. or a new doctor) this is the suit id give them
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jacket - pants - vest
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shirt - tie - socks
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shoes - glasses - pocket square
*disclaimer: in putting this outfit together i broke nearly every rule in the metaphorical suiting rulebook. this is because i am dressing the doctor and not a person. god bless
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gatheryepens · 1 year
Hii Have you ever done a study marathon? If so, what's the procedure exactly
Thanks for the ask E!! To answer your question, I haven't done a study marathon - I have done a book one. The closest thing I've done to a study marathon is a study log which is here. Basically, I would randomly update about what I was studying in the day, so maybe some of the stuff I did might be useful. First thing I would suggest is setting a time frame you want to do for your marathon, for example for my study log I started about 9/10 am and I finished about 10/11 pm. It can be shorter or longer as long as you have a dedicated time frame. Second thing I would suggest is the night before set up a schedule or list of what you want to get done and also writing how long it will take to do (roughly). Usually whenever I study I split it into three parts: morning, afternoon and evening. So I might write in the morning I'm going to study organic chemistry for about an hour. Obviously, different people work better at different times of the day. So you can play around with it if you prefer studying in the morning or prefer evening study sessions. Last thing I would suggest is changing enviroments, it doesnt have to be drastic but since you will be studying for a long period of time I would recommend moving around taking frequent breaks. For example you could study in your room for a bit then take a lunch break walk around and study in a different room/library. So main points are:
set a time frame
create a schedule (with provisional times) of what you want to achieve in your study marathon
changing environments (it doesn’t have to be drastic)
Hope this helps :)
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bobendsneyder64 · 3 months
Yellow, goldenrod and ruby
Hi Esther! Thank you so so much for these! 💚💚
Yellow - every time i see you on my dash you're always so happy and it's so lovely!
Goldenrod - i really wanna sit next to you and watch a sunset/sunrise. or maybe just look at you.
Ruby - you are such a gem, you deserve so much better <3
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The colors of the moots
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dodomingo · 4 months
🤩🍔🌴💯🎶 for any of your characters!!
I'm gonna do Esther, because she needs more love and attention................
🤩-Spontaneous or planner? Esther is definitely the spontaneous type, whether it's going on a new fitness regime she heard about, or jumping into some type of challenge before she knows *what* kind of challenge, Esther just, goes
🍔-Good at cook or bake? Esther always insists on grilling, but she is VERY bad at cooking. But she also is amazing at baking but she thinks it's "too girly" 😩
🌴-Gardening? Esther has probably the BEST garden and lawncare out of every of my OCs, but she insists that she just has a friend come over to do it, and isn't her work
💯-Three facts 1. Esther is an exercise menace, will out-rep and out-set you in anything you try B) 2. When it comes to lifting weights though she can't do much because she's like, 3.5ft tall or something (half of Zeke's height) 3. Even though she's an absolute spitfire, also a super sensitive gal, but hides it with a lot of bravado or broodiness
🎶-What kind of music and how often? Esther always listens to music while exercising, a lot of upbeat tunes you'd expect for exercising, hip hop, rap, rock, etc. Buuut also in her downtime, just listens to a lot of lo-fi, easy listening, and soft-sung love songs....... she never lets anyone know though
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crownsofesha · 1 year
Sims Say the Darnest Thing: When you get this, list five of your characters and their best quotes so far. Then pass it on to five other storytelling simblrs.
Many so interesting lines, but a lot of them haven't been posted just yet. Sooo enjoy these totally not important lines (and one line that hasn't been featured in a post just yet)
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“You know I never wanted to marry Philippe, our daughter is just a reminder of that”
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“I have you, don’t I”
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“I’m worried for you sweetheart. I don’t like seeing you like this, ever since we saw you father…”
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“Literally stop talking to me.”
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“I just…wish they were here, with me…with us”
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jacobsneed · 1 year
🐤 dealers choice please 🥺
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for the oc ask meme... could i perhaps ask about my dearest wife, esther? 9 and 14...
Of course, any new Esther things fill me with joy. 9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC? I actually don't really associate her with any lyric or quote, but instead the poem Invictus. She has a fierce determination and has gone through so much to get to where she is now, and she finally has control over her own existence. Throughout everything though, Esther has always done things deliberately, and has always kept a small part of herself that is her that cannot be gotten to or destroyed by anyone or anything. Now that she has security, she shares that small bit of herself with two people, Taralin her wedded partner, and Grazsha their adoptive daughter. But no matter what, she will never give up to make things right. 14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters? Previously Esther was very concerned about being seen in a particular way by other characters, not just socially but also physically. She wore her mask almost all of the time because she was ashamed of her facial scars, but she also put on an air of cold detachment, of being completely capable and not needing any help. When she became undead, Esther kept this facade up; even though she felt better in her own body, she was still afraid to let others see her transformed physical form for fear of rejection (do you see the trans metaphors I put into her yet?). Now, after finding who she wants to be, who she is, and what she wants to do with her existence, she has shed all her previous wrappings and her mask and stands tall and proud. Out of anything to be seen as, she wants to be seen as kind and fair, because she worries that she isn't. But mostly she just puts herself out there and wants people to see her as she is, without lying.
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wexhappyxfew · 2 years
3, 4, 26, 33 for the WIP ask game? (I am also dreading the start of semester tomorrow and I'll be answering asks after my two hours slotted break time I'm forcing myself to have so here I am and I'll answer yours soon!) <3
OMG HELLO!!! thank you so much!!! YES OMG (crying), my brain is sadly choosing to ignore that the semester starts tomorrow, but my heart knows its happening haha! yes omg of course! take all the time you need :) take those deserved breaks!! <3 thank you again! we got this for this upcoming semester! :)
3. What is your newest WIP?
My newest WIP is ATTDC, aka, And Then The Dawn Came, a Band of Brothers fanfic based around Esther Armstrong, who is a war correspondent covering the experimental Airborne unit, the 506th and is put in Easy Company. She has fellow war photographer, Mercy Codona with her throughout training and the first portion of the fic will follow those two up until D-Day. When we hit D-Day, we meet about 8 other OCs who are experiencing D-Day as well and eventually, Esther goes on to write many articles about these women that she meets, and it follows their stories through the end of the war. I'm so incredibly excited to get to posting it more than anything! :)
4. Do you have any WIPs that will never be finished?
Not at the moment! :) It may take me years to finish a WIP, but I'm determined to finish lol!
26. Share an out-of-context part of your WIP.
Courtesy of Chapter 9 of ATTDC, where there is an obvious fringe still existent between the two new ladies and the rest of Easy Company, Sobel is having a field day being as picky and equally annoying as possible and Talbert is trying to attempt friendship with Esther (not going as planned). This has been a favorite of mine so far.
" I want you all to imagine what I'm about to tell you; you jump out of your plane stick and land in enemy territory and you find yourself face to face with, what do my wondering eyes appear, a Kraut!" Captain Sobel exclaimed," What do you do?" Esther glanced around at the silence and looked towards the CO, readying her raised hand but Captain Sobel scoffed.
" That was rhetorical, Armstrong." How much of a rhetoric could fighting the enemy be? Esther's cheeks flamed for a moment and she glanced at Talbert who was watching her with a somewhat smug expression.
" Rhetorical." he mouthed with a raised brow. She ignored him.
33. If your WIP was a color, what would it be?
Nearly somewhat cliche for the current fic at hand, And Then The Dawn Came, but sunrise colors. That's very much the theme of the fic; a lot of key, important scenes happen at sunrise throughout the fic, the title and color tone reflect that!
[ this WIP ask game ]
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1. if you had to hug anyone who would you hug
6. whats a really good memory you have?
10. whats something thats made you laugh recently?
No limits? I'd probably hug you. I could hug my friends at any other time but you literally live across an ocean. I would love to give you a hug <3
My friends and I planned to hike a mountain near where I live. We got some breakfast and hiked it together, even though two people weren't really accustomed to hiking. Everyone around us encouraged us, and the views were absolutely stunning!! It was so much fun to get to the top and look out around the entire area. We got lunch afterwards and it was so much fun to hang out and do fun activities.
10. Some kids at my school were trying to stick up a meme on a statue at their school, on the inside of the cape. One of the kids immediately went "noo we can't do that I don't want the consequences of my actions" and just joking like that, it made me laugh (both in nervousness as I was encouraging this vandalism, and in genuine amusement, twas funny)
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hellofanidea · 9 months
ok so this is prolly a lot but it has occurred to me that I can't really imagine Lucas as well as I do teddy so!! all the face & features for Lucas for the OC asks? and for esther too, since they're both samsas and I'd love to see their shared similarities!
Ooh okay wonderful I love talking about the Samsas! Sorry this has taken so long to get to you! I'm not gonna specifically split this up by header, I'm just gonna ramble and hope I've hit everything! As a note, most of what I say about Lucas here refers to him in the 1940s onwards, as opposed to his college days. Obviously there's a lot of overlap, but this is meant to be him at arguably his most settled. It also makes him easier to compare to Esther, who is a young adult by this point.
Lucas clocks in at a solid 5’9”, and is roughly the tallest (both Eli and Lea like to try disputing this). He's best described as ‘average sized’, but wore lots of ill-fitting clothes as a child and young man that made him look lankier than he is. He gets softer as he gets older, especially after the war, and fills out a little more noticeably.
All the Samsa children have the same roman nose as their mother, and both of their parents’ dark hair and eyes. Lucas wears his hair short and practically cut, slicked back off of his forehead. His teeth are crooked, so he usually smiles with his mouth closed, which can make him seem more reserved than he is. He has several noticeable freckles and moles, most prominently one on his jaw and another by his eye. There's one behind his ear that's harder to spot. There's an almost permanent shadow under his eyes.
Lucas moves with purpose and precision. He's very aware of his surroundings and his place in them. As such, he doesn't like clothes that are too tight or restrictive. The closest he gets to really fidgeting, especially as he gets older, is having his hands on his hips and tapping his foot in a nervous, and usually annoyed, habit. Another common stance for him is arms folded across his chest, an unimpressed look on his face. That being said, his posture can be abysmal. He might be a doctor, but he's not immune to standing like a question mark.
Esther, on the other hand, is 5’0”. She's the shortest, and youngest, and there is definitely a joke in her family that God must have given her eldest siblings too much height and saved none for her. She's proportionally stockier than Lucas, though. Always more athletic than him, there's some muscle to her frame that isn't always immediately noticeable, from a youth spent running around and climbing.
Her hair is long, but similarly practically kept to her brother's, usually in a braid or a scarf or a very easy updo to keep it from her face. When it's loose there's a tight wave to it. There's a gap in her two front teeth, but that's never stopped her from smiling widely, and when she does it has a way of moving the moles on her cheeks and lips. There's the beginnings of smile lines around her mouth and eyes.
She's much more animated than Lucas in her movements, and so naturally a little more clumsy. Her hands are always moving, gesturing in speech or playing with her cuffs or jewelry. When she’s reading she can go totally still, though, and can almost blend into the furniture, which has startled a lot of people in the past. There’s a scar on the back of her hand from playing with a stray cat that got a little too rough.
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glacialheart · 1 year
💤 and 💚! ^^
💤: Do you sleep together? If so, describe your sleeping positions and patterns (E.g. who steals the blankets, are either of you insomniacs, etc.)
we do! atp i'm pretty sure i wouldn't be able to sleep without him lmao
neither of us are blanket hogs, we're definitely the type of people who end up all tangled together after going to bed with space between us (sometime it's me reaching for him, and sometimes it's him)
and as for positions, i think i'd fall asleep half on him hugging him like a koala bc you cannot tell me this man isn't on the colder side (i get hot easily)
we both have irregular sleeping patterns so every night there's that song and dance of dragging the other to sleep via special tactics like puppy dog eyes, pleading or in kaeya's case, just picking me up and carrying me (he's stern when it comes to my health)
💚: Who gets jealous?
i think it'd be me, mostly,,, mainly because of my not-so-great self esteem and insecurity issues,,, but i try my best to not let them affect me!
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thetriumphantpanda · 2 months
new religion | joel miller
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Summary | Joel's never much been a religious man, but if he were, he'd ask the Lord what he'd ever done to deserve you.
Pairing | Jackson!Joel Miller x F!Reader
Word Count | 1.5k
Warnings | Explicit. Religious imagery, basically porn without plot, oral (f receiving), unprotected PiV sex, cumshot, dirty talk, Joel worshipping you like you deserve, nothing bad happens to him ever and he dies peacefully in his sleep at age 101, no use of y/n. Written and edited on phone so please excuse any mistakes.
Authors Note | God bless hbo for that teaser am I right? I just want Jackson Joel to always find peace. Also thanks to All Time Low and their song New Religion for the Inspo. I hope you enjoy!
Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi 
Divider by the ever wonderful @saradika
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I found God and we found heaven, On the bedroom floor.
Joel Miller isn’t sure how he got here. Knees creaking and painful, a dull ache in his back that never goes away, and years behind him that have led him to right now.
Years of being closed off, scared to open up to anyone in case he failed them as well. Years of using his anger at himself to reign terror on others. Years with Tommy that were strained, years with Tess that were less so, even good sometimes, and now years with Ellie, good, bad and everything in between. The relative safety of Jackson was unsettling, after years of fighting to survive and barely making it, scars on his body testimony to that, the normality was unsettling.
He’s getting used to it though, slowly but surely, and he thinks that along with his brother and Ellie, it has something to do with you.
You, stood in front of him, backlit by the setting sun, nude and waiting, whilst he kneels in front of you. Pained be damned, he’s going to worship you like the goddess you are.
Tommy has spent the past year absolutely rinsing his older brother for this. When Joel and Ellie had arrived back, he’d made it his mission to set Joel up with one of the many fawning ladies available. There was Esther, who was nice enough, and Lindsey who had been far too forthcoming, and others that Joel would rather not remember, telling Tommy that he didn’t need anyone, didn’t want anyone, was more than happy on his own.
Then he’d met you, sunshine to his clouds, sharp, quick-witted and funny. A take-no-shit kind of gal that had gotten under his skin more than he cared to admit. The first few times it was quick, fumbles in the alley behind the tipsy bison, or hurried moments bent over the dusty couch at the lookout on patrol, convincing himself that once again this was nothing but stress relief.
Then things changed, you started making him laugh, started sitting on his porch with him, laying on his couch whilst he played his guitar, and then he started spreading you out on his bed, started taking his time, learning what made you respond best, how you liked it, how you clenched so tight around him when he clasped your fingers in his and pounded you into the mattress.
Joel has never been much of a religious man, not since the end of the world, but he thinks, right here on your bedroom floor, that he’s found God. When you walk towards him and run your hands through his greying hair, tilt his chin up so he’s looking at you, hands on your hips like you’re his altar.
He brings his face closer to you, tongue licking through your folds as you stand before him. Your fingers tighten in his hair when the tip of his tongue finds your clit, your own head tipping back, face to the real Lord if he exists, muttering his name over and over in your own twisted prayer.
His jeans are tightening as he licks at you, the sounds you make doing what they always do, shooting straight to his cock. It’s why he can’t quit this, even if in the back of his mind he knows he probably should. You’re younger than him, though not scandalously, and he can feel that the years of his prime are fading the more comfortable he gets here. He knows that wanting you as much as he does is a sin in itself, but walking away? That somehow seems worse to him. He finally wants to be selfish, to think of himself and his own happiness for once, and it’s the taste of you on his tongue when he drags it down to where you’re leaking for him that convinces him he has to stay.
“Oh, Joel,” You whimper, knees shaking, “Keep going.”
“Ain’t plannin’ on goin’ anywhere, pretty girl.” He groans into your pussy, his big hands holding your hips in place to keep you upright as his tongue drags back up from your fluttering hole to your clit.
You widen your stance a little, spreading the lips of your cunt for him so he can fuse his mouth over your clit, suckling at it whilst his tongue works against the swollen bud in the way that he knows will have you tipped over the edge in no time.
He loves when you come for him. A reminder that he’s still got it, that he can learn your ins and outs and keep you satisfied, even at his age. He has to press his fingers into your hips a little tighter when you do come for him, keeping you upright before you knees can buckle underneath you as you cry his name out into the darkening room. Pulling his mouth away from you before you start whimpering that it’s too much.
Normally he’d pull you over to the bed, but there’s something in him tonight that means he can’t wait the extra seconds, so he’s pulling you down onto the floor with him, cradling the back of your head with one of his hands so you don’t hit in on the wood as he crawls on top of you, legs spread wide for his thighs as he pops the buttons of his jeans and drags the zipper down.
He’s in too much of a rush to undress properly, pulling his jeans and underwear down just enough to free his cock. You’re reaching down, taking his length in your hand, dragging it up and down as he pulls his shirt over his head.
There are tiny droplets of sweat across your forehead, the open window and the breeze no match for the heat in the room, and he doesn’t know why he does it, but as he leans down, your hand guiding his cock to your soaked cunt, he lets his lips kiss across your forehead, like it’s holy water and he’s being reborn as he slips into your tight heat.
He doesn’t think he’s heard a sweeter sound than the ones he hears from you as he drags his cock in and out of your pussy. Gasps and whines and whimpers, never too loud, like they’re just for him. No-one else needs to know how good he makes you feel, just him. He presses his mouth to yours as he grips your wrists, pinning them to floor, swallowing your sounds as he fucks you.
Joel knows that it takes him a little longer these days, knows from the way you’re squirming that the ache in your hips is setting in. He knows that your body aches the same as his does, that your back aches and your knees hurt after a long patrol, but you’re being so good for him.
“Such a good girl,” He coos into your ear, “Y’can take it, can’t you?”
You arch your body up into him at his praise, “It’s so good,” You moan, your hands reaching behind him to sink your nails into the meat of his ass, “Harder, please.”
He can never deny you, so he pushes himself up, takes your knees in his hands and presses them down towards your chest, hooking his arms there to keep you spread open as he guides his cock back into you. He can feel his own sweat appearing across his skin as he does exactly what you asked for, he fucks you harder, as hard as he can, listening to the squeals you make as he bottoms out inside you and the slapping of his skin against yours.
“M’close,” He moans at you, “M’gonna come, baby.”
“Please,” You groan back, squirming underneath him, “Come for me Joel, please.”
And he does, pulling out at the very last minute, letting go of your legs to pump his cock with his fist before he comes, splashing his spend across your belly as he tips his head back and praises the Lord for you.
He knows he will pay for it tomorrow, but he collapses onto the floor next to you, pulling you into his chest. He can feel the sticky cum mixing with the hair across his stomach, but he doesn’t much care, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you settle together on the cool ground. His fingers trail up and down your spine as you lie together in the quiet of the early evening, finding peace with it all for once. After years and years of being on his own, of being scared to open up and let someone in, he finds he doesn’t much mind the thought of it anymore.
And above all, whether he makes it to the real thing or not when his time is up, that he’s found heaven, right here on your bedroom floor.
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bobendsneyder64 · 9 months
Something went wrong with the ask I just posted, so just for the time being i answer it this way
Would you rather... MotoGP edition
So anyway, thank you so much @42bakery for the ask!! 💚
🏆 Would you rather third wheel a podium between Fermín&Alonso or Joan&Álex back in their Suzuki era?
Definitely the Joan and Alex podium! I loved Suzuki and their blue suits and I wouldn't mind being on the podium with them. I also think they would be very nice and chill to talk with before or after the podium ceremony
🔄 Would you rather learn have a cooking class form Arón or a cross-snitch one from Pol?
Cooking from Arón. I'm really bad at cooking so I could use classes. Also don't like it, but maybe that changes if I have a fun teacher who shows me that it can be fun too
🏅 Would you rather learn martial arts with Raúl or learn sailing with Luca?
Oooh I really can't choose. These are both things i would like to learn so I just would choose them both 😅😊
🛵 Would you rather train for a whole day with the VR46 Academy at the ranch or with Maverick (and Dani)'s band of misfits at the Rocco's ranch?
Definitely the VR46 ranch. I l've always wanted to see Vale in real life and maybe get an autograph, so this is an opportunity I can't pass on. It would also be really nice to see all the other VR46 members and spend the day with them, cause I can imagine that it will feel like one big family. And these kind of things make me really happy
👅 Would you rather learn languages with Dani (Spanish, Catalan, English, Italian, French and some Japanese) or with Miguel (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French and English)? (I know there's a Moto3 rider that speaks up to 8 languages so if anyone knows who he is, I'll include it).
With Dani!
🖼️ Would you rather let Vale, Marc or Aleix design a helmet for you?
Valentino. I loved the colourful desings he has had
⛷️ Would you rather go skiing/snowboarding with the KTM/Ajo Squat/Tech3 team or with the VR46 Academy?
Then I would choose the Vr46 academy again 🙈
🐼 Would you rather use a shark or a bunny as your animal/brand?
I think a bunny
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