#thank you for the ask! spent a while thinking on the magic headcanons
abby118 · 3 days
Do you think Loki ever casts in his sleep?
(I always wonder if the maids ever had to put out some curtains or something along those lines lol)
This turned into a rant about magic but-
If you want to skip my rambles, the short answer is that I don't.
The long answer however is that, (*headcanons), I really think magic is not something you could do subconsciously as it's a whole field of study you have to dedicate lots of mental (and physical) focus and energy to. If it were easy everyone would do it and he studied it his whole life with the priviledge of having the best of the best when it came to mentors due to his position as Asgard's second prince. I do think magic is way more complex and challenging than actual stereotypical combat studies. That's like saying do you think a composer could casually write a piece while asleep? if you get what I'm getting at.
Take telekinesis for example- now, I know you meant something else but it explains what I mean: People think telekinesis = moving things with your mind and that's it, when it most likely requires extreme precision and control, the ability to multitask, utter awareness of your thoughts and understanding of the object and the surroundings you're attempting to affect. You have to understand it all on an atomic level which is why I do absolutely consider it one of the sciences. It's all intertwined. I do think magic use (active and passive) does require mental and physical strength. I'll even go as far as to say that while some portion of the fandom like to point out Loki's got a different body type than Thor (which he does) + they think it might have been a result of an ED, my personal hc is that wielding magic increases one's BMR (basal metabolic rate; in other words, energy spent in a day not counting movement -> more calories burnt). So no, I don't think so because it's hard work that you have to do consciously.
*As you might have noticed I like to talk about my headcanons as actual facts because it adds to the immersion rather than sounding like 'so I made this up' but they are just that, headcanons. I'm not forcing anything on anyone.
(Thank you sm for the ask btw <3 I've had two long weeks of work without a weekend so this was nice.)
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palaeophis-fr · 3 months
🍊A dragon you like based on looks
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I hatched Respite during NOTN last year and this look was too good to pass up. Blend is such a perfect match for the Pastel eyes here, and the Cyan Augment really pops against the pastels.
Her whole vibe is perfect for one of my worldbuilding projects that I've been collecting FR dragons for. Respite here is a futuristic ruined outpost that, with its magical life-support systems intact, became a populated city in the post-apocalypse.
🍋A dragon you regret exalting
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I had to kill off one of my starter dragons in my Kingdomlocke, and while it's very good for Plot Purposes, I am still so sad. I had them for like two years before they got got and they were one of my favorites til the end. o7
I really should work on that story. Especially with a whole new Water modern running around lol
🍌Three headcanons about how magic works in your lore
1- Since the Tidelord disappeared, Water mages can't draw power or get their prophecies directly from him. Currently, they have to rely on their own magic reserves and outside sources (such as artifacts and magic in the environment) to cast spells. (I've got a Water paladin who called upon the Tidelord directly for almost all her power before he vanished; she's not having a good time now. She misses dad)
In regards to prophecies, some Water dragons have enough of a gift to just get them airdropped into their heads. For all the other mages who have normal abilities, they now rely on various spells and divination rituals. These include cards and dice, hieromancy, interpretation of omens, and whatever else works. There's probably some weirdo out there with a literal Magic 8 Ball.
2- Dragons are magic-fueled creatures, and most of them have magic reserves big enough to sustain themselves and throw some spells around. Dragons can increase their innate magic supply by training, or temporarily with artifacts or other external magic shenanigans.
Some dragons are born with, or end up with over their lifetime, a severely reduced magic supply. These dragons experience chronic fatigue, weakness, and general malaise, among other symptoms.
The condition can be helped with things such as adaptive magic apparel intended to bolster the user's internal reserves, and (to a limited extent) the methods magically abled dragons use to train, but dragons with this disability will always have some limitations their peers don't.
3- In most of Sornieth there's not much advanced tech, but some lairs have magical equivalents of computers! Most of these can be found in Lightning, but there's been plenty of exports and similar inventions in Arcane and Light.
Since magic is Weird, sometimes these computers (or their programs) end up with a mind of their own. These sapient AIs can be created on purpose, but occasionally just pop into existence. They can be an immense help or an immense hindrance, depending on what they feel like doing to the network they live in.
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spxllcxstxr · 30 days
Being a Maia Witch and in the Fellowship • Headcanon
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(Gif not mine)
Request: Hi, if you're taking requests, can I get headcanons for the Fellowship? The reader is a Maia witch and is sort of a colleague of Gandalf's but he's also a bit of a mentor. Just interested to see how you think everyone would interact with the reader :) thank you so much and I hope you stay safe, happy, and healthy — anon
Warnings: reader is one of the blue wizards, mostly gender neutral though you are called a witch, mix of book and movie canon
A.N: Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you enjoy these hcs, I really enjoy writing about the fellowship!
Since stepping foot on Middle Earth you had always been a wanderer
Of course you had spent time with the other Maiar; though you had your own specialized magic, Gandalf mentored you a lot
You always felt closer to Radagast the Brown; he cared deeply about nature and the living world that you lived in
You had been known to almost vanish for years at a time, exploring some deep cavern or somewhere high in mountains, it was always on a whim
You were elusive--all the races of Middle Earth had their own names and tall tales about you
But as the Age of the Elves starts to dwindle you start to ease down on the amount of adventures you have
Until your dear old friend Gandalf the Grey shows up on your doorstep out of breath with and almost crazed look in his eyes
A hobbit has the One Ring
So much for not traveling
You join the Fellowship at the Council of Elrond--no one opposes having another magical being in their midst
You try to get to know the other members better, it has been some time since you have interacted with people so your communication skills are a little rusty
Gandalf trusts you, of course, he is thrilled you have agreed to join them
He confides in you about the quest and the situation; things he would not tell the others
You two understand each other in a way no one else in the Fellowship can
The two of you, to fill the time, talk about your own travels and the history of Middle Earth
"You have been gone for too long, (Y/n), Middle Earth has suffered in your absence."
"Oh Gandalf, I needed to see everything before it was too late."
Boromir is a little wary of you, in Gondor they believe your presence is a bad omen since you do not show yourself too frequently near Minas Tirith
He warms up to you while travelling to the Mines of Moria because you and Gandalf exerted so much power trying to save them
"You are not the ill portent my father has talked about, witch. Why did you avoid Minas Tirith for so long?"
Aragorn has probably seen glimpses of you throughout his life and because of his travels he has heard many stories about you
Honestly he's very intrigued and asks many questions about what you have seen
He really trusts you almost immediately, you were welcomed in Rivendell, showing that Elrond trusted you
In Lothlorien Galadriel also holds you in high esteem, she's surprised you're in the Fellowship; not because you do not care about the fate of Middle Earth, but because you never tend to stay in one place long
"You must guide me, (Y/n). With Gandalf lost...I cannot proceed without council..."
Legolas is all over you--endless questions about the world and the time that has passed, but in like a subdued manner
He trusts you, though in recent years your reputation has been tarnished by his father, who is of the thought that you and the other wizards should have helped them fight against the spiders. He believes the Greenwood fell to darkness due to the negligence of the wizards
"Do you believe the Greenwood will be cured after we destroy the Ring, (Y/n)? I have missed my home..."
Gimli goes through the motions of meeting a witch only a handful of people have encountered in your lifetime
He's the one that discovered your sense of humor and loves joking with you
You ask him about recent dwarven culture, dwarves are wary of outsiders so it has been a while since you have seen their tools and creations
"Just you wait, lass, what we have created is unlike anything you have ever seen!"
Merry is genuinely delighted that you joined them
He feels a lot safer with two wizards, even if you’re not that experienced with fighting
Merry trusts your judgement and certainly looks for your approval just like he does with Gandalf
(Also please show him magic he loves Gandalf’s fireworks and he wants to see what else magic can do since Gandalf doesn’t really show anyone that stuff)
“Can you make Boromir’s shield disappear, (Y/n)? Or perhaps make Legolas’ hair a different color?”
Pippin is like Merry on crack
He wants to know every little detail about everything but at the same time he is chewing your ear off
Honestly he’s probably telling you his life story too
He enjoys your company, like Merry he feels a lot more secure in this quest and he also comes to see you as a friend
Wants to see your magic, even if you just create sparks at your fingertips
Probably your number one fan
“Can I see your staff (Y/n)? I promise not to use it to singe Gandalf’s beard!”
Sam is very shy around you and is very protective of Frodo
Sure Gandalf trusts you, but you’ve only ever been a fable in the Shire
He knows nothing about you, what have you been doing this entire time?
He does warm up to you, though, once you prove to him that you are truly there to help them succeed
Learns a lot about herbs from you, whether they be for cooking or medicine
“Tell me about the Elves, (Y/n). You must know so much about them. Rivendell was so beautiful…”
Frodo is highly suspicious of you for quite a while
It is mostly because he is afraid of the Ring and its influence
He doesn’t know you like he knows Gandalf so it takes him a bit to trust you
Bilbo has only told him rumors of you
It isn’t until Gandalf dies that he really starts looking to you for guidance
He takes to you mostly at night when everyone is asleep because he is away from prying eyes
“This quest leads me to my death, doesn’t it witch? I do not know how to even begin to understand that…”
Overall you guys learn to bond and grow together throughout the quest
You have never been so happy to be around people despite the circumstances, and you start to understand why Gandalf has always been so involved with the people of Middle Earth
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nyarumie · 1 month
hey axia 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
enjoy the start of your semester, before uni gets crazy!! I loved your previous works, so I'll just slip into your inbox while the requests are open:3
What do you think would make Hoshina blush, or like, properly flustered?!
(be it headcanon, scenario, or whatever else you feel like, if anything:))
have a great day 🔆
Heart in Your Hands
hoshina soshiro x reader — fluff, comfort, they're both deeply in love, (god me when), short and sweet, established relationship
Author's Reply: Hi, thank you anon! I hope this work caters well to your request; finally got the time to work on something (which hopefully helps with my writer's block)
Reblogs and likes are appreciated! Please view my pinned and masterlist too (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
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Trying to get Soshiro to blush is definitely rarer than a blue moon. Trust me, even his own platoon of talented rookies tried catching him off-guard — it's just near impossible!
Keyword: Near impossible. That's where you enter the picture.
As a Platoon Leader, you do your best to be a figure of inspiration to your officers, thus keeping up your facade of a strict mentor; but honestly—you’re not fooling anyone, you're totally a softie! Despite your personal ‘no-distractions-during-work’ policy, obvious signs of your feelings for the Vice Captain naturally slip out occasionally. Still, you refuse to get your relationship in the way of your work.
Behind closed doors lie the reserved intimacy and affection you held for him. He won't ever admit it, but he sometimes pushes himself too hard, hard enough to have scars and calluses all over his hands from his intense training, and you can only imagine how tight and desperate his grip is on his personalized close combat weapon.
He’s always desperate to prove his worth, desperate to keep the only thing that gives meaning to his existence, and you know that your words are not enough to quell the distress behind each swing and slash of his blades.
That's why you do what you know will calm him best—love him just as fierce as he swings those blades of his.
You caught him training again one night, exhaustion evident on his form. The adrenaline coursing through his body has yet to be quenched, and you know you have to do your magic to get him to rest.
“Soshiro. You're here again. One more night of this and you’ll really strain your body.” you softly said, concern evident in your voice.
He stopped midway his slash, breath heaving as he turned to face you. “Can't rest easy when the rookie officers are a whole ‘nother level, dear. If I don't do this, I doubt I’ll be able to get even the slightest hit on No. 9.”
Sighing, you made your way to him. “Put your weapon down for a while, please? Let me at least do something for you.”
Doing as you asked, he kept them somewhere safe and curiously stood in front of you again. He gave you an inquisitive look, patiently waiting for what you're planning to do.
You took his hands and caressed them, slowly feeling the roughness and evidence of all the nights he's spent bruising himself up just to get even stronger. You move his hands so that his palms are facing you, his eyes widening at your next move.
He felt a soft, careful kiss touch each of his palms, followed by a kiss to each of his fingertips.
He thinks his ears are on fire with how hot it's burning.
“W-what are ya doing, dear? I haven't cleaned my hands up!”
You entwined your hands with his before he could even pull them away, thinking that he didn't like what you just did. “I’m sorry, did I make you uncomf— Oh.”
Oh, indeed. The sight that greeted you when you turned your face up to see him is… remarkable. You can't believe the Third Division’s Vice Captain would be blushing over his significant other tenderly kissing his rough, tired hands.
“Ya didn't have to do that… I know you love me plenty! And please stop gripping on my hands harder, ya aren't letting me turn away!”
You snort. “Of course I won't let you. This is a rare sight. Still, I didn't know something like that could get you severely flustered.” you said, a hint of pride in your tone.
“Told ya I haven't cleaned ‘em up. I was holdin’ those nasty blades moments ago.”
“Ah, excuses. Just say you liked the kisses more than you expected. I’ll let you off this one time and say it's just out of exhaustion.” you giggled.
Your expression turned soft and serious again, now hugging him. His arms wrapped around you, a tired sigh coming from him. “You do so much for me, ya know that? I thought I was gonna explode earlier. Don't know what I did to deserve ya.”
“Mhm, ‘Shiro. You have no idea how at a loss I am sometimes to do something for you. I want to shoulder at least a piece of your burden, want you to share your pain with me without worrying about whether I can take it. Because I will, just for you. I’ll hold your hand whatever happens and stand side by side with you. All I ask is that you take care of yourself.”
He let out a soft laugh of relief. “I should be sayin’ these things to you. I hope ya know how amazing you are to me.”
You both pulled away from the hug, him taking a hand of yours in his. “Let's get some rest. Don't wanna worry my princess over here.”
Smiling in content, you nod your head at him. “Thank you, Soshiro.”
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obsessedwrhys · 5 months
Hi!!! could you make a headcanon of valen with fem merlin please? I've been searching and there's almost nothing ;; thank you also for making the headcanons of other characters ♡
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ᯓ★ just lots of fluff, reader is fem!! (I'm glad you like my other work ☺)
Despite his good looks and the rumours told by the villagers, he's actually inexperienced with love. He's constantly busy with his duties so he never really felt it was necessary to be in a relationship.
That was when he met you and oh boy did he fall head over heels for you HARD.
At first he didn't think much of it and simply just saw it as a task by Hogan to protect you, but the more you guys spent time together, the more he enjoys being by your side.
He was in denial the moment he realised he had developed feelings for you but he also couldn't deny what his heart wanted. So eventually he just chose to go with the flow.
His behaviour wouldn't change drastically but he does seem to develop a few traits when he came to the conclusion that he had a crush on you.
His eyes would linger on you longer when the group discusses on a topic, his brows relaxed as he's giving you the heart eyes.
And how he was always the first person to check up on you after every battles, making sure you weren't hurt anywhere.
He would also notice little details about you. How you seem to rub your arms when you're awkward or play with your hair when you're bored.
There was this one time he noticed you shivering a bit on the cold night so he offered you his cloak/cape, you thanked him which made his heart swoon but his face hid it with a simple smile.
When your group made it back to Holistone after your eventful journey, he was quick to treat everyone with drinks. It was there where he confessed to you.
Scenario ↴
Everyone had left to chat with their friends and he found you drinking alone at your table. With the opportunity in his hand, he slide into the empty seat beside you.
"You're alone, where are your chipmunk friends?" He'd ask with his arm rested on the chair and the other on the table.
"They left to check out the market" You'd say with both your hands wrapped around your glass.
He eyes your face for a while as he tries to think of the right words to say. He gulps but tried to cover it up by pretending to clear his throat.
"I uh—"
"Your face is red"
"Huh?" His eyes widened, but when he realised there was no way out, he ended up relaxing his face with a defeated sigh.
"I guess nothing bypasses the magister. Not even a knight's feelings..." He'd smile warmly at you when it was your turn to be flustered.
The second you guys started dating, it was huge news to the villagers. They were curious how you managed to catch his eye when all of the women have been trying their hardest to get his acknowledgement.
Some even made up rumours that you might have used a love spell on him.
Throughout the relationship, Valen would definitely be affectionate. Expect lots of flirting and corny jokes.
"You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line"
"Valen go to sleep..."
He's also very open with PDA, nothing too extreme though, just simple things like holding hands and kisses on the cheek or forehead. He just loves to see you smile.
I have a feeling that since you two are dating, it would be easier for Valen to figure out you were Merlin. He wouldn't be mad that you hid it from him but rather he understood your reasons for it. Also, he wouldn't say anything about it until your secret was revealed by Mirael.
He'd just stand there with his hand on the handle of his sword, completely unfazed because what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn't know that first??
Once your secret was out, expect him to ask lots of questions about your magic.
Like can you give a cat wings?
How does it work?
Could you make him 1 inch taller?
The first time he saw you use your magic outside of battles was when you used it to tie your hair. It baffled him but he had to admit it was fun to watch.
Thats why he would always stare at you all excited whenever you used your magic to do simple tasks. His excuse for his behaviour being "How can I not watch when you look so effortlessly gorgeous 😚"
His petname for you is Dove and this is a headcanon I will defend with all my heart.
He picked the name because he always found doves romantic, the name was easily decided the second you brought love into his life.
I just have a feeling his kisses are playful most of the time but when he's really serious, it'd be the most breathtaking kisses you could ever experience. His hand will always find its place behind your back when you two share the moment.
He definitely adores it when you kiss him too, especially on his cheek where his scar is. He also likes it when you trace your fingers across it because it always help him relax. Your gentle touch soothing his soul from a bad memory.
One more thing. He becomes more protective over you. Not in a bad way though, he knows you can defend yourself with your magic but that doesn't mean he's not gonna try to protect you from the enemy.
He doesn't care if the person is bigger or stronger than him, he'll still draw his sword.
After every fight, you'd always tend to his wounds and even through your complaints at his recklessness, he'd still look at you with genuine love in his gaze.
"You're such an idiot"
"A charming one right?"
He shows you off A LOT. I'm talking like crazy lot. Every conversation he shared with anyone, he's always gonna talk about you several times. It drives Hogan crazy, don't get me wrong, he's happy for you two but he can't seem to get his lovesick head to function.
I make him sound like he's crazy about you (which he kinda is) but it's just he's really proud of you. He's so very supportive of you!! He might even have Chippy and Hammie beat at being your number one fan.
Like hello??? My girlfriend is saving the world here 🙄
Of course, he's a very understanding person. If there's anything you're uncomfortable with, just talk it out with him and he'll make sure it won't happen again.
Now for dates. He likes to take you to the most prettiest spot of Holistone or any places he knows. You guys would just spend time chit chatting or cuddling.
Your personal favourite was when he had managed to plan a picnic for you two on a hill, it was adorable watching him cut the food into smaller slices and then feeding you, it was his way of giving you the princess treatment.
Well he is a knight and it is his duty.
Since he's very affectionate, he can also be a tease. He likes teasing the height difference between you two. He finds it adorable.
"You're so small. Are you sure you're as the myth foretold? The mighty merlin? So cute..." He'd stroke your hair with a smile.
I feel like he'd teach you some skills to defend yourself just in case. He knows your magic is powerful but he's not gonna risk it, not when it comes to you.
The lessons would mostly be basic hand-to-hand combat. There was this one time you managed to beat him in a friendly duel and even though he was going easy on you, he was still proud of you regardless so he showered you with compliments.
Another thing I'd like to add is that he secretly write poems dedicated to you. He's too embarrassed to share them with you so if you ever found out, he thinks he'll actually dig a hole and bury himself alive. He'll only share ONE poem with you once he finishes rereading it for the 19373th time and making sure it's good.
By the way, this man can get jealous. He doesn't like seeing Lorsan get too close to you. Half of the times he'd actually cross his arms without even realising when watching you two talk. You always laugh at his behaviour which he does not appreciate.
"What are you laughing at? I don't see anything funny about it..."
Also did I mention how he smells like white musk?? You know like those scents that you smell and you just feel so in love??? Yeah that.
Honestly... 100/10 BOYFRIEND!!
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Simon Aumar Courting Headcanons
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Fandom: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
He's just a pathetic little guy, and you like that in a man.
Truly, he tried to "impress you with some magic" the first time you met and he was such a spectacular failure, it was almost charming.
Cute as he accidentally sent himself flying upward in a panic, hitting a tree limb and knocking himself unconscious.
He was not awake to witness your laughing as Holga carried his limp, dirt covered body back to the horses.
Also very charming that he outright asked your permission to court you, with a bundle of wildflowers her spent an hour rooting through for the nicest ones.
He always makes sure to ride or walk beside you so you can talk while journeying.
Is the one to ask you to "officially" join their adventuring party because of your "indispensable skillset we have been utterly lacking"
Not to say this all went smoothly, "cute klutz" can go so far but his pessimism towards everything can grate on your nerves horribly at times. Especially when you try to talk him up and tell him otherwise and he shoots you down on everything.
He is also a pushover and despite complaining about the group making him pay for a round of drinks or dinner, he doesn't actually try to stop it.
Sometimes you'll lightly wack him upside the head for that, and then he wont stop quietly complaining how you wounded him
He is ecstatic and flabbergasted when you actually agree to him courting you, he's not sure what to do. Never thought he'd get this far.
He asks Doric what to do, or more, what he did wrong when attempting to court her.
Edgin unhelpfully praises him during that, telling him to "Learn from you failures, or you'll never stop failing.
"It'll never work out, they're too cool for you." - Holga
"Thank you all for your utter confidence in me, good pep talk from my closest friends."
"We're your only friends."
Simon definitely grows on you though, he's enjoyable to be around for the most part, rather sensible, and rather cute when he smiles as something actually goes right for once.
He truly tries his best while courting you, attempting (failing) to be romantic, showing you he would be a good partner, absolutely floored when you return some of those actions with your own.
He is your personal hype man. Talks you up to anyone there to listen, how good you are in battle, in your skillset, and anything else even if you're really not.
He's a wizard, wizard's are very squishy, and he all but swoons when you protect him in the midst of battle. Successfully hits his target while fully distracted watching at you.
Very flustered and keeps asking the others "You saw that right? They were protecting me, you saw that? What do you think it means?"
"Aren't you already courting?"
Ever the gentleman and will offer you his supplies while camping, from his food to his cloak if you're cold, while he is visibly freezing and already singed the edges with a warming spell.
Instead you offer to cuddle him by the fire *that Holga started* and he's sure the blood rushing to his face will keep him plenty warm, thank you.
Extremely faithful and only has eyes for you, Doric says it's gross and asks how you can stand it. Edgin helps him write a song for you.
He tries to serenade you with it, and it is. Horrid. Clenching your teeth listening to him until he realizes how bad this is going and stops. You try to tell him it wasn't that bad but the chorus of your friends chiming in with their honest reviews-
One day you tell him "I think this courtship is going well." and he falls off the rock he was sitting next to you on.
Love is not mentioning that as you offer him a hand back up. He is feeling GREAT the rest of the day.
"Alright loverboy, calm down." - Holga
He trips and falls on his face.
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saintsenara · 5 months
i got lost on a tangent re: whom narcissa could marry without getting wildly disowned or sth if she didn't marry lucius so! what are your thoughts on kingsley/narcissa? i... think they'd work? but it may come down to my own weirdly specific headcanons about 'cissa idk
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i am immediately invested in the concept of this taking place post-war, when lucius is in azkaban, narcissa's life is in flux and she's finally starting to realise that she's spent her entire life living behind a mask.
perhaps kingsley has to go to malfoy manor after the war - maybe to check that narcissa and draco are keeping to the conditions of sanctions they received for their role in the conflict - and narcissa is really rude to him as a way of asserting what little social power remains to her.
initially, he’s not into it - and nor should he be - but repeated meetings begin to draw out narcissa’s loneliness and pride. she’s humbled by the new world, but kingsley sees it as a place of hope, a world which can finally be of their own making instead of constrained by the weight of blood and manners and expectations.
and so he takes her along for the ride.
[draco spends the entire thing crying and seething, because all the slytherins used to go on constantly about what a milf narcissa is, and they only get worse once she’s banging the incredibly good-looking minister for magic.]
i'm less compelled by it as a concept when it's kingsley replacing lucius as narcissa's [semi-]arranged match - largely because i think they'd both treat each other well and the marriage would broadly be a success, which means there's less potential for something really interesting. and this is particularly because narcissa isn't a death eater - even if she retains all her blood-supremacist prejudices while in a relationship with kingsley [and i imagine she would], and even if she feels slightly more torn between factional loyalities than she canonically does, her tendency to keep her head below the parapet [and her adherence to gendered conventions which seem to view this as the right way for a woman to behave] would mean that she didn't end up being pressured to take a firm stand by either her anti-voldemort husband or her pro-voldemort sister.
[voldemort seems to barely be able to pick her out of a line-up in canon - and i can't see how he wouldn't care even less about her were she not lucius' wife.]
kingsley replacing rodolphus, however...
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amiharana · 2 years
Ok here's my headcanon. I always thought Link's first love was archery, he seems to be a jack of all trades but I think the first weapon he picked up was a bow. I think (besides Nintendo giving botw so much emphasis on the bow) within Hyrule Kingdom Hateno has a strong archery culture with all the hunting and the horseback archery range. And Links early proficiency with a bow basically made a future in combat necessary for him so he practiced with a sword as well and learned spearmanship from Mipha (and he was remarkably quick to pick up on those) but after he pulled the Master Sword he spent most of his time with a sword..
But of course all the best archers in the world are in Rito village. And as a kid Link always wished to one day shoot with a Rito bow and he definitely knew all the names of the famous Rito archers and when news came of a young archer near his age that was quickly becoming one of the greatest of all time of course Link remembered that name too😌
Anyway it's funny to imagine if when Revali and Link first met Revali already held a grudge because of the sword while Link was completely starstruck, left speechless, didn't know whether to ask for an autograph.. well that was my headcanon. Can you revalink-ify it🙂
anon this ask is so cute thank you, i will revalinkify it to the best of my ability 🫡
i never actually thought about how much emphasis there is on bows in botw's hyrule and when you mentioned hateno having a strong archery culture, i was like What are you talking about... but then i remembered the abandoned equestrian course just in front of the village and ur so true about the horseback archery range. maybe link's mother was a horseback archer and ran the equestrian course back in the day, so link inherited that skill from her? thinking about teeny baby link feeding his mother's horse for the first time, the horse gently taking the apple from his hand, and link's eyes widening in awe at the tenderness of such a gentle beast. thinking about him riding a horse for the first time, learning to shoot with his mother and getting a bullseye on his first try. baby archer link 🥺
i can totally imagine link really wanting to go to rito village and live among the best archers of hyrule, knowing the names of all the legendary rito archers and begging his parents to take a trip there, or begging his father to work his magic as a knight of hyrule and somehow get him a swallow bow, or even a falcon bow!
a traveling merchant once came through hateno with a book on the history and legends of the rito, and link used his entire allowance to buy it... thinking about link memorizing every rito legend by heart, and infodumping to everyone he knows like his mom takes him and his sister to the market and the shopkeeper is like Hey link how are you doing? and link is just like Did you know the legendary Rito Warrior Dronoc, for which Dronoc's Pass is named after, was rumored to have the longest wingspan of any Rito who's ever lived? or going to school to cut off the teacher being like Actually Teacher, Kilsie of the Rito is regarded as one of the pioneers of the art of archery, and— 🤓 the teacher tells link to go sit outside, to which he just shrugs and takes his little book of rito legends with him to read for the rest of the class.
when link gets a hold of his first swallow bow, he cries. he almost refuses to shoot with it because it's so pretty and he doesn't want it to break. he eventually does use it, because his dad is like What was the point of me getting you a bow from literally across the country if you're not gonna use it. it's link's favorite bow and he maintains and polishes it very frequently, he's almost never seen without it.
just link being a little fanboy for rito legends 😭 i just know he was pissed as fuck when the master sword chose him and he had to use it all the time. the master sword comes out easy in his grip and while everyone else there is oohing and aahing and clapping, link is there like >:[ yelling ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!! with it echoing in throughout the korok forest like yeah he's good at using literally any weapon, but bows really are his first love <3
now link being a fanboy for revali...... mmmm what a refreshing concept. it takes a whole different spin on the revali's flap memory
i think they would find out about each other around the same time, when they're both about 14-15. of course, revali would know about link, the person who pulled the legendary sword that seals the darkness at the tender age of 13, the person who's prophesied to save hyrule from the oncoming evil. revali scoffs and dismisses the news when it reaches rito village; he's a sword-wielder who probably knows nothing of archery and has no appreciation for it. and most importantly, he's one of those flightless, fleshy hylians. ugh. (spoiler alert revali, you fall in love with that flightless fleshy hylian) he goes back to his training and endless victories in archery competitions, and does his best to forget link even exists. he knows he can prove himself to be better than a stupid hylian prophecy.
meanwhile, link is now living in hyrule castle town with his father after he pulls the master sword and he's pretty miserable. he's far away from home with classist city kids in a strange place, and he misses the brisk air of his home, he misses his mother and sister and the horses and the archery range at home; he doesn't like it in castle town very much. at least there's an archery range here, both static and horseback, and he's brought his favorite swallow bow with him. it's actually easier to keep updated with news from rito village here though, since castle town is the center of the country and all news comes through here, especially when link hears about the seven-time winner of rito village's archery competitions, the rito child who's broken nearly all of the rito's legendary archery records.
link's interest is piqued and he grabs for every paper about it and talks to every journalist who's covered the story and every rito who visits the castle. alexa play OMG by new jeans because link just keeps on asking "who is he?" (he's the one that's living in your system, baby 😩🎶)
he finally finds out the name of this rito child prodigy after a week of endless searching and asking around. his name is revali, they tell him. he's just about your age. and link just stares with wide glimmering eyes. revali. it's a pretty cool name for a rising legend. he says it again, over and over to himself, liking the way forms in his mouth. (and if link blushes thinking about revali being the same age as him and wondering if the rito is as pretty as his name, he did not shut up aryll i didn't say that NO give me that article back)
some time passes. revali is now a 15-time winner of rito village's seasonal archery competitions and is now in the ranks of participating in the national competitions, where all races across hyrule can show off their skills and compete. it's the first time that link gets to see revali in action.
and whew, when link sees revali for the first time at the hyrule national archery competition, a sleek-feathered rito boy standing tall and proud, the sun reflecting off his gorgeous navy blue plumage, tossing his braids over his shoulder... he blushes so hard that aryll asks him if he's getting sunburned. "no!" link nearly yells, covering his face with his hands. his face really is burning, oh goddesses this is embarrassing.
aryll follows his line of sight then rolls her eyes. "of course it's the bird boy that's got you redder than batch of sunshrooms." link tells her to shut up, albeit still through his hands, and she rolls her eyes again and complies.
the competition starts with another division, but link can't bring himself to care, keeping his eyes only on revali, who's off to the side with the rest of the rito village team. he is as pretty as his name.
link is on the edge of his seat when it's revali's turn to shoot and he is not disappointed. revali hits over 30 bullseyes in the span of a few seconds, completely destroying the targets and even splintering through the arrows that had been previously shot, all without breaking a sweat. revali must have aimed an arrow of love at link through all of that somehow, because link is deeply, completely, absolutely in love in with the rito now ❤️ revali tosses his braids over his shoulders again to look up at the audience and link swears they made eye contact, his breath catching at the emeralds revali has for eyes glinting proudly in the sunlight.
at the end of the competition, link rushes down the stands, hoping for a chance to see the rito, get his autograph, talk to him even, but alas it's not meant to be. the rito gets swarmed by many others from the audience and the entire rito village team moves away from the field to retire to their rooms. it doesn't bring link's spirits down, though. he'll meet revali again, he knows it, he can feel it in his heart.
can you guess when the next they meet again is? :)
more time passes, and link is now a champion and zelda's personal knight and is going through his self-imposed silence era. his love for archery remains strong and alive, but he's forced to use the master sword more often these days and he hasn't had a chance to take his favorite swallow bow to the bower and have it maintained. he doesn't want to risk breaking it on the field, so he keeps it at home hung on the wall by his bed. he still thinks about revali, the rito boy who's completely captured his heart at every archery competition, with his dark glossy feathers and piercing green eyes. if link was like the other city girls, he'd be sighing and daydreaming about revali all day (he totally does and he gets whacked in the head during training for slacking off. aryll laughs her ass off at him for it). he wonders when they'll meet again, hopefully soon.
so when zelda mentions that they're going to rito village to check on the rito champion's progress with the divine beast and do diplomacy with the elder, link perks up. he still hasn't been able to visit the village he's desperately wanted to see as a child, the village where the legends of archery were born. maybe he can bring his swallow bow and have it fixed by a rito bower there! even though zelda fucking hates his guts, it can't bring his spirit down. link feels like a child again :) though, link wonders who the rito champion is. zelda didn't mention them by name, only by title, and they're the only champion link hasn't met yet. he wonders...
when they reach rito village, zelda sends him off so she can go talk with the elder and tells him that she doesn't need his protection because she'll be in the hands of the rito guards, so scram. he rolls his eyes when she turns away but does as she says and wanders. rito village is more beautiful than he imagined. the cold air and the breathtaking view of the hebra mountains in the background reminds him of home at hateno which was close to the ever-snowing mount lanayru. the rito people are kind and welcoming and greet him as champion, offering him all sorts of things. he denies, of course, because it's not necessary but indicates that he's very grateful for their hospitality. they smile and seem to have no problem with his silence. he likes it here a lot. he could see himself living here, after the calamity is defeated...
as he wanders, link ends up on a rather large platform with a rito insignia on it, but compared to the other symbols of the rito in the village, this one has wings on it. when he looks up to the sky, the grand divine beast vah medoh is soaring above him in all its ancient stone glory. of the divine beasts he's seen, link thinks this one is the most beautiful. maybe the insignia is representative of medoh?
but as he stands in the center of the platform, staring at the beast of sky, a strong gust of wind begins to swirl at his feet, stronger and stronger until a twister forms in front of him just off the lip of the platform where a dark blue figure shoots up and—
surprise! it's none other than his one and only years-long infatuation, the master archer revali of the rito. as revali lands on the railing of the platform, he crosses his arms and stares down at link with narrowed eyes. link thinks he's going to faint; the rito is so much more beautiful up close. he wills himself not to blush or pass out as revali begins to speak to him (oh god even his voice is nice—)
anyways revali goes through his whole spiel as he does in the revali's flap memory, and link just stares with wide eyes trying not to drool or blush or make a fool of himself because oh my god it's him it's revali he's the rito champion oh my god are we going to be working together ohhhh my god why didn't zelda tell me this i'm going to throw up (positive)
at some point in the memory, revali hops off the railing to circle link, goading him and basically being like I'm Better Than Just Being Your Sidekick Just Because You Have Some Special Little Sword and challenging link to settle the score or whatever, but here link is not paying attention to any of that and is just staring with stars in his eyes because revali is really close to him and he can see just how glossy and shiny revali's feathers are, he can count just how many of his cheek feathers are red—
"hey! are you even listening to a word i say?!" revali snaps and it breaks link's fanboyish haze. he stares at the rito who stands in front of him now, glaring at link with those piercing emerald eyes. he's so beautiful. "you're not even listening to me, are you? well, you—"
"can i get your autograph?" link blurts suddenly. oop. he was not supposed to break his silence. his face immediately flushes pink and his hands fly to cover his mouth, eyes wide.
revali blinks. "...what?" he says, caught off guard, his stance faltering.
"um. your autograph," link repeats, his voice considerably meeker. god this is so embarrassing he's embarrassing himself, revali probably thinks he's a freak. "um, uh i was... i've been a big fan. i watched you at your first hyrule national archery competition. you were amazing."
"you... you did?" revali says, still stunned. his eyes have widened, staring incredulously at link. "you thought i was...?"
"yeah," link whispers. he's practically hiding behind his hands now, feeling the hot flush of embarrassment through his skin. "yeah, of course you were! you completely destroyed the competition, you're basically a legend yourself! you hit more bullseyes in a few seconds then i've ever been able to do in few minutes..." link trails off, hands falling to his sides then hiding behind his back. he looks away shyly, still feeling the burn of embarrassment on his cheeks.
"i've always been more of a bow guy," link mumbles, "and read all about legendary rito archers as a kid. my dad even got me a swallow bow, um... being able to visit rito village was always something i wanted to do as a kid and after i saw you at the competition, i... um... well, i, err—"
"what about the sword?" revali interrupts. link looks up at him and revali's face has an imperceptible expression on it, one that link can't place. revali tilts his chin at the master sword on link's back. "i'd have thought you were more of a sword-wielder than an archer."
link looks away again and scratches the back of his head, sighing. "i mean, it's fine? i have some sort of prodigal skill with all kinds of weapons, and swords are probably one of my stronger suits. but i've loved archery since i was a kid, so..." link looks in a different direction; he can't bear to make eye contact with revali, he might melt. "i'm not gonna call myself a master of it in front of an actual master like yourself, but... i'm not too bad at it."
link kicks at the wooden floor of the landing. "this particular sword has too much responsibility weighing it down anyway," he mumbles.
when he does decide to look back at the rito, revali is staring at him, watching link's every movement and studying his face. "you mean to tell me that the hylian champion actually prefers bows and that you're a fan of mine?" he says. there's no bite or scorn in his voice; it's a genuine question.
link nods. "if it was up to me, there should be a master bow, or something. i'd rather wield that than a sword."
revali stares at him for a couple moments, before snorting and tilting his beak up, tossing his braids over his shoulder. "well," revali mutters, "if you were actually interested in such, i'm working on creating exactly that."
link's eyes widen and suddenly the embarrassment dissipates out of him. "really?" he says, breathlessly, excitedly.
revali glances at him and his prideful expression melts a little. "yes," he says carefully. "it's better than a swallow bow or a falcon bow, or both of them combined. it's going to be the strongest bow in the entirety of hyrule."
"can i see it?" link says excitedly. but then he remembers— revali doesn't seem to like him very much because of the master sword :( so his face falls and he takes a step back. "or— never mind, it's okay if you don't want to. i'm overstepping, you're the master revali, i should—"
"i didn't say no," revali says abruptly. he seems to regret speaking so harsh, and his voice softens a margin. "i didn't say no," revali repeats, more gently. "i wouldn't be averse to... showing you my precious craft. after all, it seems you have some semblance of intellect to appreciate the art of archery, after all." revali looks away, crossing his arms.
"really? you'll show me?" link whispers, eyes impossibly wider. revali looks back at him and they maintain each other's gaze for a moment before the rito gives one slight nod. link could cry from happiness right now. "oh. oh, thank you master revali, i'm really grateful—"
"just 'revali' is fine," the rito says, voice significantly softer than before. "we'll be working together as champions... it's better we establish some rapport and familiarity with each other now." somehow, revali's eyes seem to be less piercing as he keeps link's gaze. link can't pinpoint what it is, but he thinks he likes it a little more.
"okay," link says, quiet and breathless and still starstruck. "okay. thank you then, revali. i look forward to working with you, and getting to see your master bow."
revali hums and bows his head slightly in response. "and i you," he replies. and they're quiet, staring at each other for a couple more moments until revali speaks again.
"you said your archery skills were sufficient," the rito says. "i wish to see what such sufficiency looks like from the wielder of the master sword and someone who claims to have prodigal talent over every weapon."
link tilts his head to the side. "you... want to watch me shoot?"
revali nods once. "most rito train at the flight range, but that place isn't meant for your flightless kind. fortunately, we have plenty of space for grounded archery as well." revali looks away. "only if you wish to."
"i'd love to," link whispers, with stars in his eyes again. "when do we...?"
"now, if you'd like," revali replies. he pauses, looking like he wants to say something else. "i'll... take you there."
"okay," link says. "i'd like that. i'm fine with that."
"okay," revali responds and they're staring at each other again in silence. as much as he doesn't want to, link can feel the pink flush of shyness return to his cheeks, as much as he wills them away. something changes in revali's expression, something link can't name.
but he's met his idol, the master archer revali, who's also the champion of the rito who he'll be working alongside to save hyrule. they'll be around each other a lot, hopefully, and perhaps they could even become friends... or even closer... anyway, this is the best day of link's life!
i imagine they start spending a lot of time together and getting to know each other, revali asking questions about how link came to love archery and discussing rito vs hateno archery, what make up the best qualities for bows and arrows, talking about their favorite rito legends, revali recommending his favorite bower to mend link's swallow bow, revali giving link tips on his form and how to shoot more accurately... revali showing link the flight range even though he can't train there really and link wistfully wishing he could (and the idea of the paraglider is beginning to formulate in revali's mind teehee). when link has to leave to the next place with zelda, they don't really want to part ways but they do and both link and revali are somewhat low-spirited after they do.
link who starts writing letters to revali from wherever he is in hyrule and telling revali not to write back because he doesn't stay in the same place for too long, but that he hopes he can visit again soon. they still both have that odd one-sided rivals to friends tension happening, especially with revali who does a lot of analytical staring before he allows himself to relax and interact with link, and link, who now has to come to terms with his huge crush on revali and trying desperately trying to hide it. they're both fawking freak weirdos lawl but they're cute weirdos trying to get to know each other better and maybe be friends :) maybe be more :))
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azullumi · 2 years
Hii, I recently started following your blog and am absolutely in love with your writing! I'm in awe with how you both portray the characters and describe their feelings.
I wish you all the best in your academics!
What do you think about going on a first date with Kaveh?
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summary — kaveh and his first date anxieties.
pairing — kaveh/gender-neutral reader
tags — fluff, established relationship, not proofread ; headcanons
words — 920
note — i was supposed to have a different approach on this one but before i knew it, i ended up revolving everything on kaveh but then rereading the ask, i'm glad i did. but anyways! im glad that u love my writing, nonnieee <33 thank u so much for the sweet words and i hope you'll like this! i settled on headcanons so that its easier for me to write and convey the ideas haha
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"Do you want to go out sometimes? Maybe for a meal? Oh, wait, I mean, uhh—I just thought it would be nice if we could see each other on days that we are free."
He was the one to initiate an invitation to go out with you even if he just said it out on a whim, a sudden slip of his tongue—as if he hasn't dreamt of taking you out to eat a meal together with you, walk around the city while maybe holding hands, watch the Zubayr Theater's performance for that day, and everything that he wishes.
He's nervous, extremely nervous and anxious. The usually confident and proud man has been reduced to nothing but a small figure of anxiety but honestly, who wouldn't be? Going out on a date with someone who they genuinely and sincerely like, who wouldn't feel uneasy? It was only just the starting point of your relationship and he's only just experiencing his every firsts with you and he wants to make each one of it special.
Even if he has everything already planned out—including the words that he will say and the route that you two will take as he just wants to make sure that everything will go right—he still feels skittish. What if something goes wrong? God, he just wouldn't be able to handle it. 
He spent days preparing for the event, the place that you two will have a meal on, what you will do afterwards, and the place of scenery he will take you to right before the day will end. In short, he's very attentive.
He'll also try on several outfits for the occasion, bringing out the clothing he kept hidden that are only to be used on important events. He just can't go out with you with the set of clothes he wears on a daily basis, can he? It's a special day, a date, to be exact.
Despite the feeling of fear and anxiety filling up his mind, he's still excited and looking forward to the day of the date. He ponders on what you would wear, how you will smile, how you will react upon seeing the things that he did and prepared for you, what will you say, and everything. It feels like falling in love and admiring you from afar all over again, as if he went back to the times wherein the two of you weren't still together and you were the only one in his mind as he wonders about every single thing about you—though it's not like he doesn't fall in love over and over again in his every day with you.
And then the day came. 
“Kaveh!” “Don’t run, (Name)!”
If he hadn’t been holding on to the thin thread of his sanity and balance, he would have fallen on his knees because of how weak he feels after seeing you dolled up. Expect to be showered with compliments and being flattered by him in every moment—he just could never get enough of how lovely and attractive you look and he wants you to know it.
He’ll proceed with the plans that he laid out for the day inside his head and though you couldn’t say that it went by smoothly, everything was definitely perfect and amazing for you. Every moment, every second you spent with him felt magical and didn’t fail to put a smile on your face the whole time you were with him—seeing your delighted expression and cheerful demeanor made him feel proud and pleased for himself.
The first date wasn’t simply just to increase the intimacy and closeness between you two but to also get to know what you like, what you favor, and what you prefer the most over anything so each time he sees you happy and pleasant over something—like your attention being caught by a certain figure or object in the street and being struck by it— he takes a mental note and makes sure to not forget it.
Throughout the day, you two were close to each other and were even either holding one another’s hand or you had your arm linked with his as you walked around. Outside, he may appear that he’s fine and cool with it but inside he is actually screaming and having an inner monologue fight with himself about what he should do: if he should squeeze your hand or pull you much closer to him or if he should just let you be.
He doesn’t want to part ways with you when the day ends and the date has come to its conclusion and as much as he tries to lengthen and stalls the time he gets to spend with you, he still has to say goodbye in the end. However, give him a quick kiss on the cheek, forehead, or wherever you wish before you two part and he will have a stupid grin plastered on his face as he walks back to his home.
He doesn’t rest but rather thinks of where you two will have a date next, staying up all night while staring at his ceiling and daydreaming of you. Perhaps a picnic in the forest in the afternoon while you two wait for the sun to set would do or maybe going to a spot with beautiful scenery like a lake he found hidden in the forest that looks so magical with the crystalflies and butterflies fluttering their wings around the area? Nevertheless, he’s looking forward to it all.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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depressedbagpipe · 1 year
Enchanted (Prince Caspian x you)
Part III
Words: 3741 Warnings: caffeine, poor grammar choices, a bit too self-indulging, a bit too much philosophical i guess A/N: so, i think this is the end (spoiler: if you want like a final heart-wrenching part, i can do that 😌 and like maybe even a few headcanons of the month they spent together? idk anyway here u go) i can't believe this is done, tbh, thank u to everyone who read this xx Taglist: @just-levyy, @sergeantbuckybarnes, @patniera
Part I > Part II
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‘How did they get inside? Are they okay?’ Caspian nearly yelled.
‘Those people!’
‘Those are actors.’
‘They’re still people!’
‘It’s not real, Caspian.’
‘What do you mean it’s not real?’
‘They’re not… inside the TV.’
‘Then, where are they?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘You said there’s no magic here.’
‘It’s not magic, Caspian.’
‘How can you be so sure of it?’
‘Because… I am.’
‘That’s not an answer.’
‘Do you trust me?’
Caspian took a few seconds, and you held your breath. The question had left your lips before you could stop yourself, and although you didn’t think he would take it seriously, he did. His eyes searched yours, and only when his gaze stared into your soul, he answered.
‘With my life.’
You felt the heat in your cheeks when he spoke. The past month had been both the longest and strangest of your life, even if you hadn’t been on Earth for that long. Meeting Caspian had somehow felt like a checkpoint, and you were sure your existence would not be the same afterward, one way or another. You had let him crash on your couch the following nights, going as far as to bring him with you wherever you went. You said you didn’t trust him on his own, but you also couldn’t deny that you enjoyed his company. 
You almost forgot what you were talking about. ‘Then believe me when I say this. Those people are real, but they’re not there.’
Due to his confused stare, you proceeded to explain how television and cinema worked, and although he constantly nodded his head at you, you weren’t entirely sure he understood the whole concept, but by then you were too tired and it was a bit too late to be having that conversation. The only reason you were talking about that was that you had woken up thanks to Caspian’s surprised yells, only to find him back in the living room, curiously pressing every button on the TV’s remote.
When you finished your speech, you sank back into the couch, exhausted, yet oddly alive. You sighed deeply and closed your eyes, but you felt Caspian’s eyes on you. You often found him looking at you, at first with clear curiosity, now with something else you couldn’t exactly pinpoint. But you soon found that you didn’t mind it one bit. 
‘What?’ you asked before looking back at him.
He mirrored your position, with his back sprawled on the backrest, lazily lounging in your space as if he was always meant to be there.
He shook his head. ‘Nothing. You’re just beautiful.’
You snorted. Out of all the possible reactions that could have escaped your body, you snorted. It wasn’t a flattering sound by any means, yet Caspian’s demeanor didn’t falter. He looked at you the same way he looked at the stars –full of longing, and passion, and yearning for an answer that would never come. 
‘Nice joke,’ you answered, and you knew you were lying.
‘It isn’t,’ Caspian replied.
Neither of you said anything for a while. You only stared into each other’s eyes for what felt like an eternity, even though it had probably been a few minutes. Time had a way of stopping whenever you stared at Caspian.
And then again, you yawned. Better than a snort, you thought, for now you had an excuse to look elsewhere.
‘I apologize for keeping you up, my lady,’ Caspian slightly bowed his head at you, with lines full of regret decorating his forehead.
His hair was wild, even though you had cut it for him only the previous week. You had liked the way it used to frame his face, but he had been complaining about its length for days. You couldn’t help it when your fingers threaded his soft ends again, and it almost felt like a crime to you every time you brought the scissors near his mane. It had only been a month, you kept reminding yourself. And soon he’d be gone, anyway. 
You shook your head. ‘It’s alright, Caspian.’
His name came out in a soft whisper. You feared the second you acknowledged him, he’d disappear. You had long given up your pursuit of a logical answer to his mystical appearance, and you had done your part in trying to help him find a way back. But the longer he stood by your side, the bigger a hole the size of Caspian was creeping around in your chest. And you didn’t know what you’d do with it as soon as he was gone. 
You barely said anything else before bidding him good night and plopping down on your bed. After sitting on the couch, with knees almost touching, and the previous night's events, the new space felt a bit too big for you. Closing your eyes you hoped sleep would welcome you back, but minutes turned into hours and the next thing you knew, it was morning already. Despite being an off-day and the clock on your nightstand showing it was eight in the morning, you felt somewhat hesitant to leave your room, even with your fingers itching for warm contact. You often found yourself unconsciously searching for Caspian, like grabbing his arm before he could be run over by cabs, or guiding him with hands on his shoulders to navigate through the busiest streets. You liked it when he asked questions about your world and felt even prouder of him when he surprised you in the mornings with coffee, after teaching him how to use the coffee maker. For a king, he was doing a decent job at playing housewife, you had joked, and he had laughed. Yes, the past month had definitely been the weirdest one thus far, but you also didn’t want to go back to a previous life where you didn’t have Caspian in it. 
Yet now, all you could think about was Professor Hastings’ words. In a series of fortunate events, you had tracked down both the young reporter who had interviewed the old professor on her remarkable life, and the professor herself, who was just as willing to answer all the questions you threw at her after being invited to her house just two days ago. 
Caspian had been confused, but then again, when had he not? When all of a sudden you came out of your room one day, with heavy bags under your eyes and tousled hair, not only did he thought you had gone insane, but you were holding your laptop firmly in one hand while the other moved in the air as you explained how you thought you had a lead. Whatever article the two of you had gotten out of the library three weeks before had clearly sparked something in you that made your eyes twinkle with excitement. Caspian too was elated, yet he couldn’t help but frown at the thought of the true source of your happiness. Were you really that thrilled to get rid of him?
But he forced himself out of those thoughts and proceeded to listen to you rant about an old woman who lived in Hartford, Connecticut, whose interview you had spent the entire night reading and analyzing and you believed she could have some connection to those Pollies friends of his. 
‘Pevensies,’ Caspian corrected yet again, but he was now finding it endearing.
‘I promise I’m not mocking you. I genuinely forget what their name is,’ you defended yourself before you went on another tangent.
Caspian hadn’t really had much faith in your hypotheses until he found himself standing right in front of the so-called Professor Hastings. Even the trip to her suburban house hadn’t been enough to calm down his nerves, and the next thing he knew, he was staring down at a familiar old face, one he once thought he would love forever –at least, until he met you.
But one thing he was sure of, and that was that he hadn’t forgotten those blue eyes.
‘Susan?’ his eyes teared up at the sight of the lonely old lady.
She, too, was caught in the moment, with eyes too wide and full of unshed tears. ‘It’s certainly been a long time, Caspian.’
‘You know each other?’ you asked out of the blue, not liking the way Caspian was looking at the Professor. 
You recognized the name, of course, but your mind couldn’t even fathom the reality that was now slapping you hard across the face. Caspian. The Pevensies. Narnia. Everything was true, and this woman in front of you was the missing link that you needed. 
Professor Hastings, or Susan, ushered you both inside. You spaced out during most of their conversation, enjoying some scalding tea at the back of the living room, eyes scanning around at the books on the shelves while Caspian and Susan caught up. You felt invasive as if you weren’t supposed to be there, despite having helped Caspian since he arrived. 
Caspian missed you by his side, too. He felt as if you also deserved to listen to Susan’s tale, but you were already gone to the other end of the room by the time he sat down. He noticed that about you, how you seemed to flee whenever the topic was too heavy, or his presence too much. He didn’t know why, but he didn’t like the way you constantly slipped through his fingers, always a step too far behind, or in front, or anywhere but next to him. 
At some point, you talked and asked questions you knew Caspian was too polite to ask. Why the name change, why move to another country, why she didn’t come back. You saw the raw emotion in her eyes as she remembered her siblings, and you physically had to stop yourself from crying one too many times. Caspian was a mess by the time you left her home, all your questions answered, yet another thousand coming up. You held him that night as he cried to sleep. His quiet sobs seeped through your unlocked door, and taking him by the hand, you led him to your bed, where you both lay awake, grieving for his family and for a land you’d never known. 
In the morning, you tiptoed around the kitchen, being extra careful not to wake Caspian. You mulled over your coffee, looking back at your conversation with the Professor –or Susan. 
‘Aslan always knows what he is doing. He sent you here for a reason, Caspian, and you won’t go back until you learn it.’
A part of you was selfish enough to wish he didn’t go back. Despite your best efforts not to grow too attached to the raven-haired man, you liked him. You enjoyed his presence and provided your days with a sense of comforting naiveté that you had long lost. Not only was he a nice view to look at, but his charm had you giggling at night, almost wishing it to be day again just so you could talk to him. And that terrified you.
It wasn’t that you had been treated badly before, but you had spent way too much time alone to find solace in loneliness. You loved having your own space in a crowded city, and you deemed unworthy anybody who would come in between that. You had turned down suitors before because it was never the right time; always too busy, or too unstable, or too depressed, or too anxious, or too in your head about everything. Rejecting people had become a full-time job for you. But Caspian? It wasn’t the right time either, nor would ever be. Falling in love had been one of those many things you had dreamed of as a kid, but as you grew up, left it to rot at the back of the drawer. You figured you just weren’t meant to have that, and you had made your peace with it. Until a certain king from a fantasy land decided to smear a chocolate cupcake on your white shirt on a Sunday night. 
And said king was casually strolling into your kitchen now, with heavy eyes and crumpled pajamas.
‘Good morning, your majesty,’ you said before placing a nice plate of eggs and bacon in front of him. You knew he liked those, as well as those chocolate cereals you kept by the fridge.
‘Morning,’ he answered.
You both quietly had breakfast together, both of you too lost in your own thoughts to acknowledge anything around you. But the silence was eating you alive.
‘Hey, so I don’t have to work today. Would you like to spend the day in the park?’
You stood there almost shyly, waiting for his response. You didn’t know what went through his head, much the same way he didn’t know what went through yours. You hadn’t forgotten the night you had spent together crying, holding desperately to one another, and while you couldn’t deny that you somehow enjoyed being physically close to him, you knew Susan’s words had taken a toll on Caspian.
Finally, he nodded. ‘Sure.’
Despite having pulled two all-nighters, you felt particularly energized. Certainly, you had increased your daily caffeine consumption, but maybe there was something about walking among the old trees that left you thinking that maybe life wasn’t all that bad and that you only needed some sunlight in your face and to feel the gentle autumn breeze through your fingers.
Maybe Caspian felt the same way, because every time you looked at him, the creases on his eyes seemed to become smaller. You both hadn’t said much ever since that night, only speaking when necessary, both of you processing your own world. You hadn’t known Susan personally, or her siblings for that matter, but seeing Caspian so distraught had made you want to tear the whole planet apart, anything to make him happy again. Knowing how you usually dealt with your own shit on your own, you didn’t know what Caspian needed, and he wasn’t leaving any clues for you to find out.
‘Are you okay?’ you finally asked, once you sat down on a bench overlooking the Lake. 
He sighed. ‘Not really.’
‘Is there anything I can do to help?’ you bit your lip when you asked. Only after hearing it out loud, you realized you could’ve asked earlier. Suddenly, you feared for Caspian’s opinion about you.
He shook his head. ‘No. Just being here is enough,’ he said. 
He didn’t look at you, though. So you fixed your gaze on the water, deciding on people-watching and enjoying your time together, even if the man next to you was desperately trying to pull himself together.
You acted on impulse. Your hand was resting on your knee, and the two of you had been sitting down closely, mirroring the way you had been sitting twelve hours prior on your couch. This time, you didn’t shy away. You took your hand in his, lacing your fingers together, feeling the callousness of his touch and tracing the soft marks over his skin. He took a deep breath, you noticed, and as your fingers ghosted over his pulse, you noticed it had picked up. But you didn’t talk; you stayed silent, hoping –praying, to Aslan or to whoever would listen– that he wouldn’t suffer anymore.
And, if anybody were to ask you, you guessed that was the moment you realized you had fallen for him. 
It didn’t hit you like a brick, as some of your friends had mentioned a couple of times. You didn’t feel any dread, either, as you thought you would. You never even thought you’d been in love before. There had once been a classmate back in middle school that you definitely crushed on, only because they were a bit older and edgier than the rest in your hall, but no, you hadn’t been in love. You had liked other people, always a bit too much to qualify as platonic but not that much to be romantic. The best way you would have described it was as if you’d been swimming in a lake. The water was always still, and occasionally, a little fish would come by and swim around curiously, only to either leave your side forever or until you got bored of said fish and swam around, looking for better entertainment. 
But as you sat next to Caspian, with his hand clasped in his, you swore you were now swimming in the ocean. And it was vast and scary, but you weren’t afraid. The waves were carrying you softly to the shore, lulling you to sleep, embracing you in safe arms as you allowed yourself to let the feeling flow through you entirely, welcoming it with open arms. And Caspian was right there, waiting for you, with that big smile he seemed to have only for you, and that light stubble you adored decorating his cheeks. You didn’t want to come down from that high you felt you were in, and you knew you had to, eventually, but for a few more minutes, you decided to just be a little selfish and savor it, for as long as you could. 
‘Do you think I’ll ever come back?’ Caspian asked you, quietly. 
For a second you thought you had imagined it, for he wasn’t looking at you. Taking a breath, you answered.
‘Of course, you will,’ you frowned, the waves in your heart suddenly picking up speed.
‘What if I don’t?’ 
Again, you paused. You thought back to that first night, when you found him at Central Station, lost, and scared. He had the same look on his face, only this time your heart clenched further. 
‘You can stay here. With me,’ you tightened your grip around his hand ever so slightly, suddenly afraid. You didn’t want him to pull away.
‘Could I? Stay here?’ he asked. He finally looked at you, and he wasn’t ready for the fire he saw in your eyes.
Your lips twitched into a side smile. ‘If you want.’
‘And what do you want?’
His question caught you by surprise. You always walked on eggshells when it came to your feelings, never dwelling too much on them. You wouldn’t admit it, but you were scared of what you would find in your soul if you looked too deep. It felt like a constant battle, and it had taken you years to quiet the voices that seemed to scream in every direction. Those same voices came back, crashing full-force like a tsunami. But when you looked into Caspian’s eyes, those dark, comforting, safe eyes, they stopped. The wind stopped. Every noise went still, and it was just you two. You hadn’t been in love before, no. But now, for the first time in your life, you were a hundred percent sure about something. You were in love with Caspian.
‘I want you.’
Despite being a king, Caspian was a simple man. He liked walking on the beach at dusk, enjoying the salt on his lips and the crashing waves. He liked drinking wine, although he often had to refrain himself from drinking one too many cups at dinner. He liked riding in the woods, with his hair loose and wild. He liked hosting balls for his friends, and he would often sit back in his throne and watch them have fun, occasionally dancing and talking among his many guests. He didn’t like violence, though, but he wasn’t afraid of it. He didn’t like it when his hair would fall in his eyes, obscuring his vision. He didn’t like when his subjects were in danger, or when enemies attacked his precious kingdom. Those things didn’t change when he arrived in New York; his collection just expanded.
He liked the smell of freshly-brewed coffee in the morning, and the sound of your quiet humming as you cooked. He liked the way the streets were noisy and busy, but the inside of your apartment was silent and cozy. He liked the glow of the sunset over the glass buildings, and the skyline at night. He didn’t like the rudeness of some citizens, always yelling insults at each other. He didn’t like how everything was always too fast, as if everyone was running out of time constantly. He didn’t like the way people would crowd around in small spaces, and he often felt like he couldn’t breathe. 
Caspian loved you. Absolutely, whole-heartedly, unconditionally loved you. He loved how you always rubbed your eyes several times after waking up, like you weren’t fully there just yet. He loved it when you stretched your back and groaned, and a little shiver would run up your arms as you did. He loved your bluntness, even though at first he thought you were a bit rude, too. He loved the way you had helped him, asking nothing in return. He didn’t love how you would shy away from him, or how you always refrain from speaking too much about yourself and your past. He understood, but didn’t like it nonetheless. 
He enjoyed the way your hand felt on his, despite the size difference. He enjoyed the way you were always looking out for him, whether guiding him throughout the city or supporting him as best as you could. He loved your eyes, with their dark bags under them and the mischievous glow that seemed to decorate them permanently.
Caspian loved you, and the longer he stared at you, on that bench, surrounded by the trees and the sun, the more he felt himself falling for you. Both of your hearts were beating at the same time, same pattern, same rhythm, and for once, he felt like he belonged somewhere. Next to you. And if his ears weren’t deceiving him, you were too reciprocating those feelings.
And you were scared. But you had never felt more free than you did at that moment. And with Caspian’s thumb rubbing slow circles on your skin, you inched forward, and throwing all caution through the window you crashed your lips onto his.
No warning, no sign, no fear. You plunged into the water, and you only came back to the surface when you felt his lips move against yours, warm and alive. His other hand rested on your cheek, holding you close, and yours grabbed his neck, grounding yourself, feeling his erratic pulse accompanying yours. Caspian loved you, and you loved him. And you both liked that very much.
General Taglist: @angiewhoohooo, @azaleaniath, @mishaandthebrits, @celestialcharles, @idohknow
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
I saw one of your latest posts and you wrote Tecchou so well😭😭 so i was thinking about requesting Fyodor (or Nikolai, whoever you prefer) and more Tecchou basic fluff hcs because your writing is honestly amazing🧍
HIIII anon! Thank youuuu, honestly sometimes I feel like my writing is a bit rushed :') but I’m glad that you like it! And I shall do all three of them, because why not? ^-^
BSD Manga spoilers below!
The gifs used are not mine. They belong to their original owners.
Fluff headcanons with Fyodor, Nikolai and Tecchou
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-As we all know, Fyodor is the leader of an underground organisation. And that means he is busy most of the time
-But he'll try his best to take time off to spend with you. Due to his big brain, I bet he can take away some time in his busy schedule to spend with you and still run the organisation with efficiency
-He strikes me as the type to like spending time with his s/o at home, or at nice and quiet places where nobody can come and interrupt his precious time with you
-Sooo you two will mostly spend time with each other at home. He would probably sit in silence with you, basking in your presence, while maybe introducing some of his hobbies to you.
-Chess games! If you don't know anything about it, Fyodor'll be more than happy to teach you. But be warned, he is very good at chess and seeing you lose to him every time just fuels his ego. Good luck trying to beat him just steal one of his pieces when he isn't looking lmao
-If you're into classical music, congrats, you've just found your soulmate. Just imagine Fyodor playing the cello for you underneath the moonlight... and I swear that he's hella good. Fyodor give me some of your musical talent pls If you play an instrument as well, play a duet with him! He thinks it’s romantic and it’s a great chance to flex your music skills on him as well (slay)
-Books! Just buy some classic or mystery books or borrow them from the library, and Fyodor would be more than happy to read them with you. If you make it into a competition to see who would read all of the books first, well... he’s already read nearly all of them. He’s just going to reveal the truth when you’ve finished reading them, only to see your reaction <333 but it’s Fyodor we’re talking about. Just enjoy your reading time with him <3
-I feel like Fyodor might take you out on library dates. And not just any library; I’m talking about the libraries that have old books, smells like old paper, and nearly nobody is in them. You two would just browse the shelfs for books, occasionally stopping and asking the other whether to give this book a go or not. And if you two both agree on one book, the rest of the date is spent reading it, your back against his chest while his cold hand is caressing your warm one. The vibes are just 💖💖💖
-If he’s not feeling as tired, and if you’re up for it, he might take you to concerts. Specifically classical music concerts; the ones where you wear formal clothing and all the musicians are professionals. His favourites are Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov (personally some of my favourites too)
-His free days are spent drinking tea with you; sometimes conversating, sometimes enjoying the silence. He would even cuddle with you if you wanted! He’s cold most of the time, and he’s kind of bony, but even then his cuddles are great
-Talk to him about anything, and he would turn the conversation into a discussion. And it’s not one of those boring philosophical discussions where you might fall asleep. Fyodor makes the discussion very interesting, to the point where you could spend an eternity just talking about that one subject
-But please remember to remind him to take medicine for his anaemia. Or just sneak it into his food
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-This man is a burst of energy
-Literally you couldn’t go about for one minute before he pops up again, saying ‘Y/N!! Wanna see a new magic trick?!’ or ‘Y/N!!!! Did you know?’ And spouting a random fact that you probably had heard of before
-I feel like he is very affectionate. You’ll find yourself being adorned with hugs and kisses, each quite playful, but full of his love
-Takes you out to a lot of amusement parks, festivals, circuses, etc. If you’re an extrovert, he’ll love dragging you to different events, and if you’re an introvert, he’ll still drag you to different events, but only if you were comfortable with it
-Loves cuddling with you. 99% of the time he makes it into playful tickling sessions, but the other 1% of the time he’ll just hold you in his arms, and probably lean on your shoulder or bury his head into the crook of your neck. Sometimes extroverts need to recharge as well lol
-He’d be open to exploring different interests! For example, cooking, music, art, whatever you can think of! Most of the time, he’d do something reckless to incite laughter or purely because he’s bored, but he’ll stop if you ask him to. You’ll have to repay him in cuddles
-Lovesssss showing you magic tricks. Literally, he has so many of them he can even start his own business. One time, a bird popped out of his coat and flew right into your face. It was not fun, but Nikolai was laughing his head off
-But in his chill moments, Nikolai would cuddle you while listening to your soothing heartbeat. It calms him, and if he had an exhausting day he might just fall asleep to the sound of your heart beating
-Overall, he always wants to be around you and trying new things out with you <333
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-Tecchou doesn’t get a lot of spare time due to his work as a Hunting Dog, but whenever he does, he is always spending it with you <333
-He would offer you some of his food combinations; some of them are weird as hell and when he started mixing soy sauce with his coffee, you decided to teach him how to cook actual food
-He gets the hang of it pretty quickly; sometimes, he would cook you your favourite food and trust me it is better than what most restaurants serve. Tecchou still prefers his odd food combinations from time to time, but he also loves cooking you food and eating the food that you cooked for him
-Evenings are normally spent with you two chilling in each others’ arms. Normally, you guys would watch television, but there are some evenings where you would gaze at the beautiful sunset with him.
-One time you said that the sunset was beautiful. Tecchou replied with a ‘yes, but I still prefer you over it’ and that made you flustered. He was so confused and thought that you were having a fever lol. Please educate him on this
-I feel like Tecchou would probably take you out on strolls for dates. Just holding each others’ hand, looking at nature, and just being in each others’ presence says more than words ever could
-Tecchou also wants to try new things with you! Feel free to introduce your hobbies to him, and he will try it out with you. You like painting? Show him which brushes go well with different paintings and he would immediately paint an artwork of you. You like playing an instrument? Show him how to play it and he’ll be playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in no time like a pro. Basically, Tecchou is interested in what you’re interested in, and he often loves doing your hobbies with you <3
-Simply speaking, this man is boyfriend/husband material
Heyyy so I hope I did ok! Sorry that Nikolai’s part was a bit short, his personality is kind of hard to grasp for me, but don’t let that stop you from requesting for him
Overall, this request was quite fun to make! Don’t be afraid to pop into my inbox again~
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obsessedwrhys · 3 months
Any ship headcanons for Niru from AFK Journey? Can be fluff, angst, anything :)
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ fluff, angst (im a sucker for it), mention of death and killing, reader is gn (can be read as merlin or not)!!
For a soul collector, it's expected for him to be the quiet and serious type. That's why falling for you was the last thing he expected to happen.
He was simply doing his duty collecting the souls of a heavily wounded fighter. How he sees things is that it is better to put someone out of their suffering instead of feeding them the delusion of a possible recovery.
He was ready to approach them, his scythe held close in his hand. All he can promise is to make their death swift. And that's when you came in, running from wherever you were.
Seeing the presence of another person, he quickly hid in the shadows. You kneeled beside the man and began doing your magic. An unreadable expression was on his face as he watched you tend to the fighter.
The way you still choose to save the man even though he was on the brinks of death was... naive and yet, funny enough the guy managed to survive thanks to your aid.
Ever since that day, he wouldn't stop thinking about you, of the sight of you saving that man. There was just this indescribable feel of hope in you.
Obviously approaching you was the worst way to deal with his thoughts, that's why he came up with the idea of meeting you in your dreams.
And you didn't pay no mind to that because you yourself didn't know it was an actual person in your dreams talking to you.
Every night, he would always set out on adventures with you. Whether it be lucid dreams or not, he's just glad to be there. Watching you do silly things in your dreams was entertaining enough.
However if you had nightmares, he is fast to protect you. Sometimes he might just hold you in his arms and you'd always wake up in the morning thinking back to how real it felt.
Despite the fun times spent with you, the guilt of not telling you whole truth of who he was still crept up to him. Not to mention how he really felt about you... that's why he decided to tell you when the moment was right.
Scenario ↴ (this ended up being so long)
You ran across the field, enjoying the way the birds all flew away when you came even a step closer. It was another dream of yours but this time it was oddly soothing, no excitement no nothing.
That's when you turned around to see your dream friend sitting under the tree, the shade protecting him from the sunlight. It's a wonder how he manages to appear in all of your dreams but you figured it wasn't anything serious. Besides it's kinda nice having a friend to talk to at the end of the day, even if it's during your sleeping time.
You approached him, his scythe placed on the grass beside him as he's leaned back on the tree. He watches when you decided to sit beside him. Then you let out a sigh.
"Tired from playing?" He asks while you curled up into a ball with your arms wrapped around your legs.
"Just bored..." You said, looking out at the beautiful field of Golden Wheatshire.
"Bored?" He raises his brows out of surprise. This was not the reaction he wanted out of you, after all, this dream was his whole idea.
"Yeah..." You rest your head on your knees. He stayed quiet for a second as he looked at your expression.
Suddenly he looks away and joined you in staring at the golden wheat from afar. He's not showing it but he's clearly having doubts in his mind. Is it a good idea to tell you the truth? What if his friendship with you ends?
After what felt like centuries of hesitation, he finally spoke up.
"I hope these dreams have brought some beauty into your life, as they have for me..." You look at him and you could see a hint of fear in his eyes, like he's afraid to say what he has to say next.
"But I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I am not just a figment of your imagination, but a being that exists beyond the realm of your waking hours. I am a Soul Keeper, a Graveborn, and I have been visiting you in your dreams because I could not stay away..." He pauses, his adam's apple bopping as he swallows.
"During the times we've shared together, I have grown to love every aspect of you, and I can no longer keep my feelings hidden... Your soul is a beacon of light in a world that is often dark and cold. It shines brighter than any star in the night sky, and I am drawn to its warmth like a moth to a flame. I have never felt this way before, and it is a feeling that I never want to let go of..." Slowly he finally locks eyes with you, the muscles on his face are relaxed as he's practically giving you the heart eyes.
You tried to say something back but it felt like your voice was gone, no matter how much you try talking nothing came out. You frown, realising it was one of those dreams again. Seeing you struggle, he lifts his hand to the side of your face to caress your cheek.
"It's okay, I know this is all too much for you to comprehend... I am not a being that's alive... yet you make me feel like I have a soul again. So if you'd please, meet me here again tomorrow at night..." He said and at the same time you could feel your body starting to awake from the dream.
You try really hard not to wake up but eventually you did thanks to the sound of your companion banging on the door and shouting for you to wake up. You let out an exhausted sigh as you ran your hands through your hair. The thought of that mysterious being still in your mind.
Like the usual, you carried out your daily duties. But your mind was constantly distracted by what the dream said. Is it even real? What if it was all in your head? Night time came slower than anticipated, you were on your way back home with your companions until you finally made up your mind. Without giving anyone much of an explanation, you decided to head to the place.
From the distant you could hear everybody asking where you're headed but you just shouted back a simple "I'll be back"
There it is.
A small smile makes it to your face as you anxiously approach the tree. You sat down and looked around, feeling a bit awkward. Ah... did you really expect this to be one of those romances? You sigh.
"Tired again?" A familiar voice spoke that it sent goosebumps across your body. You quickly turn and that's when you saw him, walking out of the shadows to join you.
You never realised how tall he was. Seeing him in real life now felt so unreal.
"Have you given my words some consideration?" He stands before you while making sure he gave you just enough space to not make you feel uncomfortable.
"... I have..." You uttered.
"And to be honest... I'm excited to see what the future holds for us" Your answer catching him by surprise since from your tone, he had expected you to be against the idea. He smiles almost out of relief.
"As am I... Let's take this journey together, one step at a time"
Since he's very connected to spiritual world, you can trust every moment with him to be a moment to be remembered. Even if you guys are just chilling somewhere in the forest, it'd still be a soul fulfilling time.
He finds your height cute, he's like gigantic so there's no way are you ever gonna be taller than him 😭
"Agh... I've been breaking my back trying to kiss you lately..."
Now his kisses are gentle and tender. It's the kind of kisses that speaks louder than words. He enjoys running his hand across your back when you guys kiss because he can't help but smile everytime you chuckle from the ticklish feeling.
He enjoys watching you sleep, not in a weird way, it's more like admiration.
You both are laid down on your mattress, you were already fast asleep but he was still awake. He's laid on his side as he observes the gentle curves of your face. The sound of the soft whispers of your breath made him feel he belonged. He smiles slightly, wondering how he was so lucky to have scored you.
PDA? No thank you. Honestly, he does not want to be risk seen in public at all. He's a Graveborn and he doesn't want to risk his relation with you to be the reason you're getting harassed by people.
But it's fine, he doesn't care if everybody views him invisible when you see him clear as day.
However, dating this man isn't all rainbows and sunshine. He has major PTSD from his military days.
I'm talking constant triggers and nightmares about the lives he's failed to saved.
You are always the one to be there for him and he never realised how comforting it is to be able to go through one of his episodes with someone there to remind him of the good times.
Head boops? YES. He just gives me black cat vibes.
Cuddles is a must have. I think he prefers being the big spoon for obvious reasons 🤭
You have once try to hold up his scythe and he was fast to take it from your hands when it was too heavy for you to bear. Thankfully nobody got hurt.
Since he used to be a doctor, he just has this instinct to always make sure you're healthy and well. If you ever get hurt, he's already there to take care of you.
Nicknames? He calls you my flower or my person, maybe even sweetie when he's in a really affectionate mood.
Now just because he's kind towards you that doesn't mean he's not such a big tease. He's so mean with it too.
Also did I forget to mention how flirty he can get?
"Niru, can you help me get the sugar?" You'd ask as you're by the kitchen counter preparing to bake.
You simply wait for him to get it for you when suddenly he cups your face, you bat your eyelashes at him a few times out of confusion.
"We ran out of sugar... how about we use you instead?" He jokes to which you smack his hand away with a laugh.
You probably don't realise but he keeps the letters you write to him everytime he's away. So when he's feeling a bit down, he'd just take it out and read it to make himself feel better. The reminder that he's truly loved.
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obuoliukai · 8 days
Were your Durge/Tavs inspired by characters from other movies/shows/literature?
I got tagged by the wonderful @adorablebanite 🍎🖤 (I was so happy to learn more about Lilla and thank you so much for showing interest in mine character!!)
I never really posted much about my Durge Mercy because I really wanted to make some cool art (which would mean I need to get better at drawing haha) so I kept procrastinating.
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To put it simply - my headcanon is that she's basically two different people. But not at the same time might I add.
Before the evens of the game while she still had her memory she was a Bhaalist and a snobbish sorceress. She was talented and smart but incredibly anti-social and spent most of her time alone reading or doing some research. She believed that other people are beneath her and are not worth her time. But at the same time she wasn't as evil as you might think. I always imaged her having True Neural alignment.
"True Neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it represents apathy, indifference, and a lack of conviction." (taken from here)
So I really like her ominous and cold demeanor, being apathetic about most things in life and having big "leave me alone" energy. And I especially like that "lack of conviction" fits her very well. Basically she has no strong faiths, beliefs or morals and although she was a Bhaalist she never really gave too many fucks about it (she did not join the cult willingly but at some point just stopped caring).
Rustin Cohle (True Detective) and Death (Supernatural)
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Now when you start the game, she wakes up with no memories and additionally my headcanon is that she lost the ability to use magic as well. And I gave it a good think. If a person would wake up with no special abilities and no memory, what class would they be? Obviously, Sorcerer and Wizard are out; you don't immediately start worshiping a god so Clerics are out (and remember she's now much of a believer because of her lack of conviction); you don't immediately sell your soul to the devil so Warlock is out and so on. Until I was left with Barbarian.
So after she woke up on the Nautiloid she picked up a sword and just started swinging it chaotically hoping she would hit someone (a Fighter doesn't fit because she had no training and Paladin doesn't work because she certainly not gonna swear an oath). And Barbarian class also works with her repressed anger issues after so many years of living in apathy.
She then met some people that completely changed her life. She became willing to help someone because it's the right thing to do. Once she began caring about others, it became clear that she would do anything to protect them. I would say her alignment changed to Neutral Good because she had that "I'm not a hero I'm just a person trying to do good" mentality. Which means she didn't think she was a good person but she just chose to do good things. While she cannot control her urges, she tries her best to control her actions. Her way of achieving things is usually morally good but not necessarily lawful.
"Neutral Good characters value life and freedom above all else, and despise those who would deprive others of them. They sometimes find themselves forced to work beyond the law, yet for the law, and the greater good of the people." (once again, taken from here)
She's ready to take down gods because they abused their power and played with mortals. She's intelligent and bold enough to pull out some crazy stunts in order to protect loved ones. And she's not afraid to sacrifice herself while doing so.
Ahsoka Tano (Clone Wars) and Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
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Thank you so much for reading! 🍎🍎🍎
One small note: I couldn't figure out a second character for my Redemption Ark Durge so I asked my boyfriend what character he would recommend. And he said Shrek as a joke but it kind of fits. And now I can't stop thinking about it. Like how at the start all he wanted was to be left alone but then he made a few friends, found love and became a better person. How he's not a typical hero you would imagine same as Mercy and oh my god-
My Durge is basically Shrek
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@lekreb thank you so much for the procrastination support
First impression
I loved her. I didn't know how to say her name properly and was trying very hard to ramble about her to one of my friends the morning after the postie war act two premiere. My first impression can basically be summed up by:
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Impression Now
Tbh I've only grown to love her more. I wish I could say more but I've rambled so much about her on this blog I'd be repeating the same things for a hundred times.
Favourite moment
Am I allowed to say postie war acts 2-6 or is that too broad?
A New Dream in postie war act three is so precious to me. Marjolein learning how being a postie works, being curious yet also completely confused, HOW AWKWARD SHE IS WHEN SHE MEETS SARAH like "hi I'm Marjolein" when Raven then goes on about what posties are I cringe so hard oh Marjolein I love you-
Favourite oddly specific moment is her meeting Mucklepuck for the first time. I don't think I need to explain why.
Idea for a story
I am going to cheat a little and combine idea for a story and favourite headcanons into one answer I really apologise :(
Unpopular Opinion
I have to admit i am not the biggest fan of Marjolein forgetting Lloyd during her time in the hellscape. I rambled a lot about how I wasn't the biggest fan of how much the cabaret brought in linear time in a Raven ask I just finished writing, but this was just the icing on the top for me tbh.
Like!! I think she should have interesting feelings about Lloyd!! He viewed her as a daughter and only voiced that opinion when she offered to sacrifice herself for them and "was of use"!!! Talk about generational cycles of shitty parenting!! But the idea that she's just... Forgotten almost entirely? That it's almost as if the relationship she built with them in postie war didn't matter?? That the thing she remembers isn't the advice or the time spent or even the adventures, but vague recollections of what he looks like?
And then of course there's Lloyd wanting to rekindle their relationship only to turn around and say he's leaving in a year I do not like that either
Favourite relationship
I know I ramble about Marjolein and Sarah a lot, but I think it has to be Marjolein and Jill. The way Jill feeds into Marjolein's gaining confidence storyline and Marjolein feeds into Jill yearning for people to see her as her and not a "manic pixie dreamgirl" larger than life person? Yeah. Just yeah. I will cut myself off here so I don't ramble for paragraphs upon paragraphs.
Favourite headcanons/Idea for a story
Demon queen Marjolein. I've rambled about this on discord before but the idea that Marjolein accidentally became a demon queen while she was in the hellscape, either through a weird situationship with Mistress or because the demons looked at her and thought "yup. We want her to lead us now." And then when they're all rescued she just drops "oh yeah I'm officially a demon queen btw" on the rest of the posties-
As for idea for a story, a kinda rewrite of postie cabaret. Marjolein is in her whole demon queen thing, Jill also helps out a lot with magic and advising and stuff, and they get approached by Crispy and Toasty and Mistress panicked because "there's a bunch of people out to attack us and try and take you away!!". And it's a big comedy of errors where Jill and Marjolein help defend the hellscape from the postie "invaders" who are trying to rescue them from the hellscape.
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valeffelees · 7 months
12-17 for Niall, if you’re up for it
cannot stress enough how much i am always up for talking about Niall, thank you for coming to hang out ✌️
12. Crack headcanon
you wouldn't think this would be the question to throw me, bc like. this would be so easy to answer for Dev, i have so many silly fuckin thoughts about him. but for Niall, i dunno. i tend to take him a little too seriously, i think. i still have fun with him and have lots of niche headcanons about him, but i dunno that i would call any of them "crack" headcanons, yk? a gen headcanon i have about him tho is that when they were kids, think somewhere between second and fourth year, Dev made him a charm (almost like a keychain) for his wand out of a tiny seashell bc Niall's magic smells like salt water and feels cold when he casts, and it's still on his wand to this day.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
answered this one here!
14. Most heroic moment
ok ok so stay with me here but for Simon Snow and the Five Blades, my headcanon is that the main problem Simon has to face that year (other than Baz) is this cliche narrative where he has to find something called the Eternity Stone, which is less a stone and more like a huge marble altar, that's leeching the magic out of the school's foundation, and Watford is so dusty that most of it is held together by magic, so as more and more of the magic is pulled away, the school literally starts to fall apart. in order to restore balance to the Stone and save the school, Simon has to track down five sacred magical swords and, yeah, long story short: one of the swords he needs belongs to the Pitches, bc of course it does, and Niall is the one to help Baz sneak said sword out of Pitch Manor after he eventually agrees to give it up, which, i wouldn't exactly call "heroic" but he did help save the school just a little bit. i would prolly have a better answer for this question if i spent more time working on headcanons for some of Simon's other school years but ngl the Five Blades and the Six White Hares are the only ones i've really given any notable amount of thought to.
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
i think the answer here depends on who you're asking, like Simon would tell you, albeit lightheartedly these days, the worst thing Niall ever did was enable all of Baz's bullying, but Dev would look at you like you're spewing chunks and say Niall doesn't have the bones to do bad things. but if you asked Niall, he would prolly tell you it was ignoring calls, and later, after the mobile ban at Watford, letters from his mother for a while.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
Niall's mental health is really fucking bad, dude. he's been seeing a therapist for years, but he has such low self-esteem that he constantly brushes off and hides and downplays his issues, to the point where he doesn't even realise how bad shit actually is.
17. Songs that I associate with them
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
Second headcanon. This one got really long. Sorry not sorry.
Luz finding glyphs so easily while Belos took forever isn't because Monarch (King's dad) liked Luz or didn't like Belos.
It's because Luz actually likes the system, and Monarch has no power outside the In-Between.
Think about it:
Belos is a witch hunter who's been stuck in a world he hates, full of people he hates, and suffused by a system (magic) that he hates. He hates the Demon Realm so much that he spends the better part of 400 years plotting and enacting a genocide. That's dedication.
This guy would not want to go looking for magic, and he would most assuredly not enjoy using magic in any capacity. In Watching and Dreaming, he literally calls the Demon Realm "this perdition". You know, Hell.
Belos spent literal centuries becoming a mass murderer. This is not a sign of a happy person who likes where he is, and he's not going to devote his energy to figuring out a system he hates that much.
In contrast, Luz shows up and is so immediately enthralled that she asks to become a witch's apprentice the FIRST DAY she spends in the Boiling Isles. DAY 1.
This girl up and decides to drop her entire life back home to learn magic (from a wanted criminal no less!!), and we see her study it obsessively throughout the show. Luz thinks magic is a delight.
Luz doesn't need to be shown the glyphs because her passion for merely existing in the Demon Realm is more than enough to let her find the glyphs and figure out the magic system.
Additional evidence: in Any Sport in a Storm, Luz says part of the reason she loves the Good Witch Azura books is because of the "convoluted magic system"; in Thanks to Them in one of her video diary entries, she says she "can read and write Witch Tongue in five different dialects". This is a girl who loves magic as much as anyone can love a thing.
I also feel like it cheapens both Luz's and Belos' characters and arcs if Monarch was actively trying to help or hinder either of them. The show goes out of its way to shit on the Chosen One trope, and Luz getting active help from a god during the entire show would feel very Chosen One-y. Similarly, it's very in character for Belos to blame an external force (The Titan hiding glyphs from him) for Belos' personal failings (his inability to find glyphs) because Belos is a raging narcissist. Don't take that away from him!
Finally, we saw from Yesterday's Lie that the most you seem to be able to do from the In-Between is talk through reflections. If Monarch were able to do more than that, why would he not have? He's been dead for probably millions of years, because life had to evolve the ability to use magic while living on his body (Young Blood, Old Souls). There was plenty of time for him to try to do more if he were able to. He even says in Watching and Dreaming that he's "been stuck here for quite some time, but at least I can keep an eye on my child...". That doesn't sound like something you'd say if you had any influence over the physical world.
Clearly, yes, he could do more in that he gave Luz his powers and resurrected her, but that also killed him, so it was a single-use-only kind of move.
I think this covers it.
Yeah! I saw this art possibly from the show/cut materials of Philip chopping down plants to find the plant glyph (I haven't seen this in ages, I don't remember where it came from/ I can't verify it so I might guess it's fanart), where you realize that bc Philip's coming at this from a colonial approach and seeing everything as a threat to his way of life unless he can study it and Luz coming at this with awe and a love of a world she's in, it makes a lot of sense that it's easier for her to find glyphs.
I think it's the whole 'Slitherbeast doesn't attack unless you hurt it' thing, that's also true for the Selkidominus and the people of the Boiling Isles. They're all existing on the island and are welcoming to outsiders but when Philip starts chopping down plants and hurting people, the island and the people respond to that negatively and make it harder for him to find the glyphs.
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