#afk journey niru x reader
obsessedwrhys · 3 months
Any ship headcanons for Niru from AFK Journey? Can be fluff, angst, anything :)
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ fluff, angst (im a sucker for it), mention of death and killing, reader is gn (can be read as merlin or not)!!
For a soul collector, it's expected for him to be the quiet and serious type. That's why falling for you was the last thing he expected to happen.
He was simply doing his duty collecting the souls of a heavily wounded fighter. How he sees things is that it is better to put someone out of their suffering instead of feeding them the delusion of a possible recovery.
He was ready to approach them, his scythe held close in his hand. All he can promise is to make their death swift. And that's when you came in, running from wherever you were.
Seeing the presence of another person, he quickly hid in the shadows. You kneeled beside the man and began doing your magic. An unreadable expression was on his face as he watched you tend to the fighter.
The way you still choose to save the man even though he was on the brinks of death was... naive and yet, funny enough the guy managed to survive thanks to your aid.
Ever since that day, he wouldn't stop thinking about you, of the sight of you saving that man. There was just this indescribable feel of hope in you.
Obviously approaching you was the worst way to deal with his thoughts, that's why he came up with the idea of meeting you in your dreams.
And you didn't pay no mind to that because you yourself didn't know it was an actual person in your dreams talking to you.
Every night, he would always set out on adventures with you. Whether it be lucid dreams or not, he's just glad to be there. Watching you do silly things in your dreams was entertaining enough.
However if you had nightmares, he is fast to protect you. Sometimes he might just hold you in his arms and you'd always wake up in the morning thinking back to how real it felt.
Despite the fun times spent with you, the guilt of not telling you whole truth of who he was still crept up to him. Not to mention how he really felt about you... that's why he decided to tell you when the moment was right.
Scenario ↴ (this ended up being so long)
You ran across the field, enjoying the way the birds all flew away when you came even a step closer. It was another dream of yours but this time it was oddly soothing, no excitement no nothing.
That's when you turned around to see your dream friend sitting under the tree, the shade protecting him from the sunlight. It's a wonder how he manages to appear in all of your dreams but you figured it wasn't anything serious. Besides it's kinda nice having a friend to talk to at the end of the day, even if it's during your sleeping time.
You approached him, his scythe placed on the grass beside him as he's leaned back on the tree. He watches when you decided to sit beside him. Then you let out a sigh.
"Tired from playing?" He asks while you curled up into a ball with your arms wrapped around your legs.
"Just bored..." You said, looking out at the beautiful field of Golden Wheatshire.
"Bored?" He raises his brows out of surprise. This was not the reaction he wanted out of you, after all, this dream was his whole idea.
"Yeah..." You rest your head on your knees. He stayed quiet for a second as he looked at your expression.
Suddenly he looks away and joined you in staring at the golden wheat from afar. He's not showing it but he's clearly having doubts in his mind. Is it a good idea to tell you the truth? What if his friendship with you ends?
After what felt like centuries of hesitation, he finally spoke up.
"I hope these dreams have brought some beauty into your life, as they have for me..." You look at him and you could see a hint of fear in his eyes, like he's afraid to say what he has to say next.
"But I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I am not just a figment of your imagination, but a being that exists beyond the realm of your waking hours. I am a Soul Keeper, a Graveborn, and I have been visiting you in your dreams because I could not stay away..." He pauses, his adam's apple bopping as he swallows.
"During the times we've shared together, I have grown to love every aspect of you, and I can no longer keep my feelings hidden... Your soul is a beacon of light in a world that is often dark and cold. It shines brighter than any star in the night sky, and I am drawn to its warmth like a moth to a flame. I have never felt this way before, and it is a feeling that I never want to let go of..." Slowly he finally locks eyes with you, the muscles on his face are relaxed as he's practically giving you the heart eyes.
You tried to say something back but it felt like your voice was gone, no matter how much you try talking nothing came out. You frown, realising it was one of those dreams again. Seeing you struggle, he lifts his hand to the side of your face to caress your cheek.
"It's okay, I know this is all too much for you to comprehend... I am not a being that's alive... yet you make me feel like I have a soul again. So if you'd please, meet me here again tomorrow at night..." He said and at the same time you could feel your body starting to awake from the dream.
You try really hard not to wake up but eventually you did thanks to the sound of your companion banging on the door and shouting for you to wake up. You let out an exhausted sigh as you ran your hands through your hair. The thought of that mysterious being still in your mind.
Like the usual, you carried out your daily duties. But your mind was constantly distracted by what the dream said. Is it even real? What if it was all in your head? Night time came slower than anticipated, you were on your way back home with your companions until you finally made up your mind. Without giving anyone much of an explanation, you decided to head to the place.
From the distant you could hear everybody asking where you're headed but you just shouted back a simple "I'll be back"
There it is.
A small smile makes it to your face as you anxiously approach the tree. You sat down and looked around, feeling a bit awkward. Ah... did you really expect this to be one of those romances? You sigh.
"Tired again?" A familiar voice spoke that it sent goosebumps across your body. You quickly turn and that's when you saw him, walking out of the shadows to join you.
You never realised how tall he was. Seeing him in real life now felt so unreal.
"Have you given my words some consideration?" He stands before you while making sure he gave you just enough space to not make you feel uncomfortable.
"... I have..." You uttered.
"And to be honest... I'm excited to see what the future holds for us" Your answer catching him by surprise since from your tone, he had expected you to be against the idea. He smiles almost out of relief.
"As am I... Let's take this journey together, one step at a time"
Since he's very connected to spiritual world, you can trust every moment with him to be a moment to be remembered. Even if you guys are just chilling somewhere in the forest, it'd still be a soul fulfilling time.
He finds your height cute, he's like gigantic so there's no way are you ever gonna be taller than him 😭
"Agh... I've been breaking my back trying to kiss you lately..."
Now his kisses are gentle and tender. It's the kind of kisses that speaks louder than words. He enjoys running his hand across your back when you guys kiss because he can't help but smile everytime you chuckle from the ticklish feeling.
He enjoys watching you sleep, not in a weird way, it's more like admiration.
You both are laid down on your mattress, you were already fast asleep but he was still awake. He's laid on his side as he observes the gentle curves of your face. The sound of the soft whispers of your breath made him feel he belonged. He smiles slightly, wondering how he was so lucky to have scored you.
PDA? No thank you. Honestly, he does not want to be risk seen in public at all. He's a Graveborn and he doesn't want to risk his relation with you to be the reason you're getting harassed by people.
But it's fine, he doesn't care if everybody views him invisible when you see him clear as day.
However, dating this man isn't all rainbows and sunshine. He has major PTSD from his military days.
I'm talking constant triggers and nightmares about the lives he's failed to saved.
You are always the one to be there for him and he never realised how comforting it is to be able to go through one of his episodes with someone there to remind him of the good times.
Head boops? YES. He just gives me black cat vibes.
Cuddles is a must have. I think he prefers being the big spoon for obvious reasons 🤭
You have once try to hold up his scythe and he was fast to take it from your hands when it was too heavy for you to bear. Thankfully nobody got hurt.
Since he used to be a doctor, he just has this instinct to always make sure you're healthy and well. If you ever get hurt, he's already there to take care of you.
Nicknames? He calls you my flower or my person, maybe even sweetie when he's in a really affectionate mood.
Now just because he's kind towards you that doesn't mean he's not such a big tease. He's so mean with it too.
Also did I forget to mention how flirty he can get?
"Niru, can you help me get the sugar?" You'd ask as you're by the kitchen counter preparing to bake.
You simply wait for him to get it for you when suddenly he cups your face, you bat your eyelashes at him a few times out of confusion.
"We ran out of sugar... how about we use you instead?" He jokes to which you smack his hand away with a laugh.
You probably don't realise but he keeps the letters you write to him everytime he's away. So when he's feeling a bit down, he'd just take it out and read it to make himself feel better. The reminder that he's truly loved.
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