#thank you for sending me my most beloved god bless god bless
mizgnomer · 7 months
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Behind the Scenes of The Giggle - Part Three
From Entertainment Weekly (Dec 2023 by Clark Collis):
Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies tells EW that the American actor was completely unfamiliar with the beloved science fiction series when the executive producer approached Harris about playing a villain called The Toymaker on this Saturday's final 60th anniversary special episode, "The Giggle." "He’d never heard of it in his life, bless him," Davies says with a laugh. "I was lucky enough to work with the great man on a show called It’s a Sin, about the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, and working with him was such a joy. The Toymaker, he's kind of the god of games, so he shuffles cards, he does magic tricks, and all of that fits Neil Patrick Harris. If you go through agents, they often tell you to go away. I was able to send just a text saying, 'Do you fancy reading this?' He read it and literally phoned me up going, 'Let me get this right, so the Doctor’s an alien, right?' I was like, 'Oh my god, you really have never heard of Doctor Who!' But he couldn’t resist it, and he came to Cardiff, and we had the most spectacular time." Davies explains that, "it's very hard to find the villain who can match David Tennant and Catherine Tate. To have a character who can be in danger of defeating those two is very hard to find. Sometimes on Doctor Who, you need armies of a thousand robots who could do that. This is just one person, so casting them was absolutely crucial and this becomes a pivotal event in the Doctor’s life. We needed that man, and, god, we had a glorious time. It’s so lovely working with Neil. When I text him now, [we ask], what’s our third project together? We’ve got to keep going!"
With huge thanks to all who shared set photos (including @TomWrenPhoto on Twitter)
For other posts in this set, please see the #whoBtsGiggle tag. The full episode list is [ here ]
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courtingchaos · 1 year
Ok, i thought i'd give you a few options.
Having to fuck your way out of a speeding ticket or a possession charge or something with gator
flashing Steve on a dare at a party because boobies
Eddie being a clueless, naive knob when his crush comes on to him in increasingly obvious and suggestive ways and he just can't put two and two together until she's forced to grab him and be like, hi. hello. I'm trying to fuck you here. please compute.
Sorry if these seem stale. I'm not the most creative and they're all smut because I'm a degenerate too. Love your writing :)
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Eddie being a clueless, naive knob when his crush comes on to him in increasingly obvious and suggestive ways and he just can't put two and two together until she's forced to grab him and be like, hi. hello. I'm trying to fuck you here. please compute.
Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
A record store meet-cute with Indiana’s most oblivious guitarist.
Warnings: Blow job and fingering, that’s it that’s all have fun.
A/N: Okay look, for one? Not stale at all. Also, degeneracy supremacy for all. This did the trick and in fact I also wrote the Gator prompt too because that was fun. However Steven eludes me lately so while I wanted to make all the dreams come true, alas I could not. These might not be exactly what you were aiming for? But there’s smut? And they’re fun? Meh, thank you for sending these in friend! Also I think I inadvertently channeled my dearest @chestylarouxx with this one so you know it’s gotta be good.
Gator will get posted separately.
18 + NSFW No Minors
He’s in the store all the time, always on your shift and usually finding you with whatever question he has like when he can’t find a new release or someone has misfiled a vinyl. He asks your opinion on the new releases and laughs when you roll your eyes, a scoff thrown at a new Madonna single. He’ll give you a shocked look when you tell him that you do in fact like Heart and also when you try to explain the shared root between his beloved thrash and the current punk scene.
Despite his affection for arguments with you he persists with toothy grins and a constant promise to ‘show you some real music’ sometime. There’s an undercurrent with your conversations, a feeling of flirting, like when he pulls that chunk of hair across his face while he tells you about his band. He gets bashful when you show interest and ask if it’d be cool if you went and all you can imagine is that dark hallway in the back of the bar and what he might look like under that dimming, yellowing light. It earns you a short nod and one of those smiles, lips tight over his teeth while his dimples dig craters into his pink cheeks. He says he’d love it. Says he can’t wait to see you. Says he’ll let the guys know they’ve got a number one fan now.
So when you get to the end of said night, after the fairly big crowd and all his other friends have filtered out, after his band has almost put up most of the equipment, after he’s collected their cut of the entry fees, you linger. Sitting at the end of the bar with your beer that you’ve been nervously picking the label off of for 20 minutes, waiting on him to make his way over. He taps the bar top and thanks the owner and starts his meandering walk toward you, counting back ones from the roll in a practiced hand. He looks like all the little daydreams you’ve had while watching him wander around the record store, dark hair damp from sweat and curling around his ears. His thin tee clings to him like his jeans cling to him and your heart hammers at the thought of pulling him back those few feet into that blessed, dingy hallway.
“You guys put on a hell of a show.”
“Oh you think so?” He looks up from his money and grins at you, the only girl in the room it would seem. You nod and laugh and start to pluck up your courage when one of the waitresses walks out of the back and squeals before grabbing his bicep and squeezing.
“Oh my god Eddie! You did so good tonight!” You can see her nails pressing into his skin and how his cheeks flame at her praise and suddenly you think you maybe misread this whole thing. “I told you there were gonna be more people this weekend!” She pulls him down and into her space, her nose scrunched up with a big smile for him.
“Thanks Vic.”
“I told you Robin would work miracles with those posters.” She gives him a final squeeze and gets back behind the bar to tie her apron on. He watches her walk down the bar until she takes an order and his gaze slides back to you, a little sheepish.
“Sorry about that.” He shoves the wad of cash in his front pocket and leans on the bar next to you. “You enjoyed it though?” He gives you a wide eyed look, anticipation rounding out his bambi eyes.
“Yeah.” It comes out more clipped than you meant so you clear your throat and direct your gaze back at your peeled Budweiser label. “Yeah, exactly like you said it would be.” A wide smile that you don’t let hit your eyes. Eddie shifts a little, his demeanor softer than it was before, his post show swagger gone when he tilts his head down to try and catch your eyes glued to your bottle.
“You sure? You just seem-“
“I-I’m sorry, it’s actually just-before I came out tonight I found out I need to open so.” You rush it out at him, glancing at your watch and never once noticing the actual time. “I didn’t want to just leave, but I gotta get going I’m sorry.” You shrug at him, half apologetic while you dig a five out of your wallet and toss it on the bar. “Hopefully I’ll see you on Tuesday though? Souls of Black is coming out!” You toss that over your shoulder to give your abrupt departure a bit of a softer hit. Eddie yells something after you that you pointedly ignore and you try your hardest to not kick the door open into the muggy night.
Tuesday morning and you pull a cassette from the display to hold on to. Not like it’s flying out the door but you know Eddie will beeline for you first thing, no matter what far corner of the store you’re occupying. You keep it tucked into one of the pockets on your half apron so you don’t forget it and so you can pull a magic trick when he inevitably comes up and asks you even though he walked by the display.
Noon rolls by and you see nary a curl come through the front door. By 2 you’re hanging out at the register, a permanent fixture there while your coworker takes advantage of your fixation and putzes around in the back. At 4 you contemplate calling the police because this is the most strange behavior you’ve witnessed from Hawkins’s residential Weirdo and at 6, when you flip the sign over to tell everyone you’re closed, you start to think you might have fucked up. Carla, your coworker, reminds you of the cassette in your packet when you toss your apron at the register. A little crease between her eyebrows when she asks, “That for Eddie?”
“Yeah, I was gonna be funny and tell him I could pull stuff out of my ass.” You tell her with a dry laugh and stash the tape under the counter.
“He never misses a Tuesday.”
“Yeah, well, first time for everything.” You shrug.
5 PM Wednesday night brings a rainstorm to downtown and a drowning rat in the form of a drenched Eddie into your store. He shakes off like a Labrador in the doorway and grumbles when he has to peel his jacket off his clammy arms.
“Hey stranger.” You say behind a pop of your gum. Barely looking up from the rolling stone you’re reading when he stomps over to the new releases.
“You’re shitting me.”
“There’s no god damn way a Testament album sold out in Hawkins.” He throws his arms up dramatically and lets them slap down onto his damp jeans. Again you barely look when you pick up the stashed tape and hold it aloft, waiting for him to finally turn around and see. “What, did Gareth come in here first and snag the only copy or something?” He snaps cases together angrily while he shifts through them and you almost tell him to quit pitching a fit but it’s a little fun watching him dripping all over the linoleum. His hair clings to his neck, his white ringer tee see through over his shoulder where the rain got in under his collar. You spare a moment to think about what the rain must taste like on him.
“Seriously! First my piece of shit van didn’t start yesterday again so I was late to the shop which in turn meant I didn’t get over here.”
“And then this fucking storm shows up out of fucking nowhere and I’m fucking soaked and I don’t have my fucking tape-oh.” He turns, fist clenched in front of him like he’s tearing at invisible threads, and stops mid rant when he sees the rectangle in your hand. “Oh hello gorgeous.” He looks like he’s in love and he holds out his hands towards you, grasping your fist in both of his to gently shake it. You laugh at his dramatics and let out a yell when he hops onto the counter, ass planted directly on your magazine you were staring through.
“You’ve made me the happiest man in the world you know that?”
“I have that effect on a lot of guys.” A buff of your nails against your collar and Eddie huffs. He pulls his shoulders in and gives you a side eye that feels a little personal for a second.
“Well alright, statement still stands.” He reads the track list on the back, a slight squint of his eyes and you wonder briefly if he needs glasses. “You listen to it yet?”
“Psh, no.”
“Why not?”
Well, you’d had a plan since the terrible show night and you stomping out of there with your feelings hurt over nothing.
“No one else I know listens to them, thought you’d maybe like to listen to it together?” This is the most courage you’ve ever had, you think as you look up at him through your lashes. “It’s not like a big deal or anything but-“
“Can I borrow your phone?”
“I mean yeah, obviously I’d love to listen together but I need to make a call first.” He flashes you that big smile again and you hand the store receiver over. That nervous knot that had begun to form in your stomach is all but gone with his revelation:
Obviously he’d love that.
Obviously! It’s been so obvious right? He’s your number one customer, he’d walked right for you in the bar, and now he’s vehemently agreeing to listening to this album with you, giddy with excitement.
“Hey! Jeff! Put your dick away we’re coming over.”
Jeff? Jeff his guitarist?
“No, I’m at the record shop I got it! Yeah, yeah she’s a real sweetheart she held a copy for me.” Eddie rolls his head to face you and gives you a wink. “I know, she’s the best right?”
Fucking Jeff? You stare at Eddie, dumbfounded, yet again questioning how you keep reading this man wrong. What part of ‘do you want to listen together’ qualified a third party?
“Yeah, we’ll be over after close.” Eddie hands you the phone to hang up and you go through the motions, turning your body away to stare at a spot on the counter so you can frown deeply without him noticing.
“This is gonna be great.” He claps his hands together before hopping down off the counter and pulling his wallet out to pay. “I can finally smoke you out like I’ve been promising.” He wiggles his eyebrows like he’s some kind of cartoon wolf and you feel like you’ve missed a step on the stairs. What is he doing? Is this flirting? Does he use Jeff as a pawn in his games or is he just not picking up what your putting down?
“Yeah, it’ll be great, can’t wait.”
The hang out at Jeff’s wasn’t awkward but you think something is broken in your brain with how off the mark you seem to be.
You’d been aloof with Eddie when he’d first started hanging around you in the shop, not sure how to take his overly forward approach but he’d grown on you quick and the banter was good. He lobbed the conversation back and forth with you with practiced ease and really it was destined for you to find him charming. With his dimples and his music taste and his tattoos it was inevitable that you’d spend your afternoons shooting glances out the window, waiting for him to breeze in with a joke or another long winded story that he’d loose the thread for halfway through. He’d apologize and you’d laugh and sometimes he’d blush at you and that feeling that you thought was there?
Maybe it wasn’t.
You weren’t being particularly subtle with him. Friendly flirting it may be but your touches always lingered longer on his forearm, your lashes always fluttered at his nicknames and your giggles were sprinkled freely for him through his visits. Standard faire ‘come get me, I’m yours’.
Once again at work, mindlessly alphabetizing and sending yourself into a doom spiral you hear the bell above the door ring and a quick glance up makes you pause.
It’s the whole band this time, Eddie in the lead and heading straight for you.
“What now?”
He stops in his tracks, hand flying to his chest in mock affront. “To your favorite customer?!”
Jeff snorts and Gareth and Frank roll their eyes and immediately wander off to the record bins.
“You come in here with a purpose, I need to brace myself.”
“It’s not even for me!” Eddie whines and leans on your cart full of tapes. His rings clack against the plastic casings and catch the overhead lighting, distracting you for a second. “It’s for Gareth, we need to know what you have for a Jazz section.”
“Jazz?” These men confuse you with every new turn. Gareth has already found what he was looking for though, sitting on the floor and flipping through aging cardboard sleeves.
“What does he know about Jazz?” You ask Eddie when he wanders back over with you.
“Oh he was the drummer for the jazz band in high school, you don’t remember that?”
“No, I wasn’t in band.”
“Ah.” He’s leaning on the fixture you need to reorganize but you don’t want to ask him to move, the sunlight shining in at just the right angle to light up his features. You could kick yourself with how enamored you sound, especially when he seems to be woefully uninterested in you and your flirting.
“Hey Eddie?”
“Hm?” He turns to look at you over his shoulder, brown hair gleaming like satin in the sun. His eyebrows hitch up and he tucks his lip between his teeth to worry at it. A thousand little fantasies about that lip glide through your thoughts and you decide to give it one last go.
“Would you like to go out for a drink sometime?”
His lashes flutter at you while he processes your question, his guard down with no witty response lined up.
“Oh like…like w-when?” He’s not meeting your eyes anymore, hands shoved into his jeans pockets. He shifts back to lean his weight on his other leg and leans away. He clams up and distances himself. “Because we’re free tonight after you close, but I know it’s a week night and you might be busy or whatever.” He cocks his head over to the other three grouped around the record crates and you realize it finally.
He’s letting you down soft. He doesn’t hate you, at least there’s that. He’d like to hang out sure, but there isn’t a romantic undercurrent like you’ve been imagining.
“Uh, yeah, tonight works.” You shrug and turn off your emotions. There was a brief prickle of heat behind your eyeballs but you stomp your foot down on that, converse pinning that feeling down like a moth in a frame. “Whenever though, I don’t want to interrupt your plans.” That roiling in your gut squirms under the pinprick and finally stills and you make sure your smile reaches your eyes this time. Eddie agrees and tells the guys and when they’re all standing at the register to check out you keep your cool. The countdown begins when you start typing in the prices, just ten more minutes before they’re on their way out and you can stand in the back and cry. You think about Carla giving you that sad little look and you know it’ll be a waterfall for sure.
“What fresh hell-“ Eddie yells and pushes the door open, red and blue lights flashing for a second before the cruiser engine shuts off. “Hey! I’m not parked illegally!” He shouts out at the deputy holding the windshield wiper of his van up, ticket clutched in his fist. When all Eddie gets is a blank stare he rushes out, leaving his friends staring after him.
“This’ll go over well.” Jeff sighs and hands you cash. “You’ll get to hear about this tonight for 8 hours.”
“About that. I might need to reschedule actually.” You can feel the cracks in the dam and you really don’t want to cry in front of these people.
“Oh?” Gareth gives you a side eye, something slick and calculating. Your eyes dart out the window to see Eddie gesturing at the signs on the street and you sigh heavy, handing their bag over to them.
“Yeah, I just forgot what uh, umm…” Trying to find a good excuse is impossible and he sees it on your face for what it is, an excuse.
“Oh my god Frank you owe me twenty bucks.” Gareth holds out his hand without looking at his friend. “I told you she didn’t have a boyfriend.”
“What.” That stops whatever waterworks were about to spring a leak. Gareth is smiling the biggest shit eating grin and suddenly Jeff and Frank are laughing while money is exchanging hands. “What are you talking about.”
“I’m so sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Eddie is the biggest fucking idiot.” Gareth laughs and pockets his money. “Like, I love that man but he has no idea what is going on.”
They aren’t laughing at you but you still feel rooted to the spot, and since none of them have started sharing this secret yet you start to get antsy. Jeff takes pity on you finally and tells you all about Eddie and his current fixation. He tells you about all the stories they’ve heard about you. How cool you are. How hot you are. How you’ll talk music with him like no one else and how you give only the best recommendations.
“You know he listens to New Order now because of you?” Jeff asks with a smile. “Like, great band but Eddie listening to them? He’s got it bad.”
You reel behind the counter while the three of them nod their heads sagely at you.
“He thought you had a boyfriend.”
“When you left the other night after the show? He thought you picked up on him trying to flirt and got upset. I told him it was because it looked like Vicky was flirting but he was convinced he fucked up.”
“I thought-“ You don’t know what you thought because it hadn’t been anything actually. You had been jealous and it seemed like it was over nothing.
“Listen, you should still come out tonight. We can talk some sense into him if you want.”
“No?” Jeff looks impressed.
“No, I can talk to him.” You run through your daydreams and your interactions. All his dumb jokes and how he looked after his show. You think about your hallway vision and what it might feel like to press him up against that wall and press a confession out of him. “I’ll talk to him.”
You don’t dress up for The Hideout. It’s dive bar chic only but tonight?
Tonight after you run back to your place to change, you dig out your black and white polka dot dress, the one you’d bought because Cyndi Lauper had made it look so good. It’s always sat a little short in the back, the buttons never coming up far enough in the bust for your confidence level but now it’s perfect. It flutters around your thighs and while you try not to poke yourself in the eye with your liner you think about Eddie’s fingers fluttering along with it. Maybe he’d be precious about it, a stuttering mess when you finally explain it to him in clear tones just what you were trying to do.
The whole drive over you imagine what his hair must feel like sliding between your fingers, what the stubble on his jaw would feel like grazing your knuckles, and you almost run two red lights. You’ve been stockpiling courage since the bands little conversation with you but when you finally pull into the parking lot and spot his van, you have a moment of doubt.
Right until he comes into view, leaning into his driver side with his ass sticking out, and it rushes back in tenfold. He doesn’t notice you park but you notice him futzing with his lighter, sad sparks sputtering around the end of his cigarette. Your kitten heels clack on the pavement and he only looks up when you’re almost on him, your own lighter held out in your palm. “Need a light?”
Eddie freezes, hands cupped around his face. You can tell he’s fighting the urge to let his gaze roam downward and you’re really hoping he gives into it. “I didn’t know we had a dress code tonight.” He mumbles around the filter and finally has enough of a thought to drop his hands and take your lighter. It strikes on the first try but you see the slight quiver of his hands when his eyes finally drop to the deep plunge of your dress.
“Oh this old thing? I hardly wear it.” You give him a half turn, just enough to make the hem ripple and he coughs on his inhale.
“It looks good. Y-you look good.” He’s a stuttering mess. “Um, if you want the guys are already inside I was just…” Eddie trails off when you take enough steps to crowd his space and he backs into his open door. The hinges squeak under the pressure and he scrambles to grab onto the frame with his free hand.
“Eddie?” You ask sweetly and he visibly swallows. “I don’t really want to drink with the guys.” You reach over and gently pull his cigarette from his fingers, mostly out of fear he might drop it in his van.
“Oh?” He’s taking short breaths the closer you get and when you lay your hands lightly on his chest you can feel his heart going a mile a minute.
The door creaks under his white knuckles and he seems to be holding on for dear life.
“I asked you out for a drink, but this is good too.” Inched close enough that your whisper ghosts over his lips before you close that short distance. That first breath in he smells like his half a cigarette and his aftershave. When his brain finally catches up to what you’re doing he gasps against your kiss, a move that you use to your advantage. Your hands find homes behind his neck to hold him close while your tongue pushes its way past his lips and he moans into your mouth. Here he taste like the beer he’s been drinking and tobacco and you start to get lost him.
He breaks the kiss before you can deepen it, breaths huffed across your face when he drops his forehead to yours.
“Ohhh, I’m a big idiot.” He laughs out in a whisper. “A big, big fuckin’ idiot.”
“No, just a little slow on the uptake.” You can’t resists the urge to slide your fingertips into his hair and the eye roll it gets you is divine.
“I can’t believe I wasn’t picking up on this, I thought I screwed up a few weeks ago-“
“Ed.” You slide your thumb over to rest on his lips. “It’s okay, it doesn’t matter.”
“I know but-“
“I’m serious.”
“I still feel stupid-“
“Get in the van.” You cut him off when you’ve heard enough. His eyes go wide before he gives one jerky nod of his head and quiet ‘yes’ and climbs in, disappearing between the seats to the back. You give one look around the parking lot before climbing in and closing the door behind you, any modesty long gone when you have to crawl into the back and you know your dress is bunched up around your hips. In the dark it takes you a moment before you can adjust but there’s a hand wrapped around the back of your knee pulling gently to bring you down to his level. You’ve barely got his outline made out before he’s pulling you in roughly by the leg, his other hand planting hard on the nape of your neck to bring you in for a kiss.
He’s less unsure in the back of his van, moving you around to situate you where he wants you and he lets you push him back against the hard floor once you’re settled in his lap. Your hands push up his shirt while his palms run up your bare thighs, bunching up the thin cotton of your dress till he hits the high cut of your underwear. His laugh turns into a groan when you move quickly down his neck leaving wet, open mouth kisses in your wake. You push his shirt up high and let your teeth drag against his nipple, the hitching in his chest making you smile against sensitive skin. His fingers slide under the edges of your underwear to grab at the fat of your ass and you slide your own fingers under his belt to pull it open.
“Oh hey, you don’t-“
“I don’t what?” The buckle clinks against his wallet chain and it all hits the floor with a heavy thud. “I don’t have to do this?” You tug at his button while holding his gaze and pull his zipper down quick. “Do you want me to do this?” A pause after you pull his jeans open so he can answer you.
His chest heaves but he smiles wide, tongue poking out to run along his bottom lip. “Yes.” He nods at your smile and keeps nodding when you pull his jeans down his hips and when your hand edges under the waistband of his boxers and when you crawl backwards out of his grasp. “Please.” He begs on a breath he started to hold when your dress slid up your hips as you bent down to place a kiss next to his bellybutton. “Please please please.” He chants when your hand wraps firmly around him, your smile pressing into the soft part of his belly.
“Please? Please what, Eddie?” You ask between the dotting of kisses you leave along his hips and the excruciating slow drag of your hand. He squirms under you, his stare heavy on the top of your head where he watches you move further down. “Please more of this?” You roll your wrist to finally free him and the flushed pink tip of his cock glistens in the low light before it disappears in your fist. He lets out a stuttering groan and falls flat on his back to run his hands over his face harshly.
“Or please this?” The flat of your tongue runs up from the base and follows your hand, ending with a cheeky kiss at the tip. You think Eddie might be crying under his big palms with how much he’s shaking.
“Is it that?” Another long lick that pulls a deep breath out of him. You spare a glance up his body to catch him staring at you in the dark from between his fingers.
“Yes fuck-oh shit.” You spare him his grief and swallow him down, your lips meeting your fist and your tongue exploring the soft skin against it. Every ridge and vein gets attention and Eddie rolls his hips up to chase the pointed tip of your tongue. His hands finally come down from his face, no longer obscuring his view, but they hover over your head haltingly.
“You can touch me Ed.” You tell him after popping off his cock wetly. When he stalls for a moment too long your pull a hand to fall on the crown of your head and his fingers slide in automatically, hair held gently between his knuckles. His hand tenses the same as his thighs when you wrap your lips around him again, humming at the taste as he hits the back of your throat. He makes breathy noises above you that choke off when your tongue swirls to match the twist of your hand. You bury your face down until your nose hits his bush and when you swallow around him he lets a string of slurred curses go into the roof, both hands sliding into your hair to grip tight.
You come up for air and to see his face go slack, eyes hazy where he follows the string of spit still connected to your lip and the tip of his cock.
“I didn’t know this is what going for a drink meant.” He tries to crack a joke but between his unfocused eyes and the hitch in his voice you laugh for a different reason.
“I did mean a drink actually, but this is a lot more fun.” Your hand speeds up, slick sounds loud in the back of his van and his eyes roll. You like watching him loose his mind, his hair pulled at and cheeks pink from the flush that creeps up from his chest. The urge to sink your teeth in along his ribs itches at the back of your mind until you can’t ignore it anymore and you attack him, hand trapped between the two of you still working him while you nip at his side. His laugh tumbles into an almost squeal and then a low moan when the head of his cock rubs against your thigh and he ruts up into your hand to chase the heat of your skin. You notice his sudden urgency and make your way back between his knees.
“Now I know it doesn’t look like it,” you lick your palm and continue jerking him off, “but I don’t put out on the first date.”
“This is a date?” He asks dazedly.
“It can be.” You smile at him before dropping your mouth on him again, bobbing up and down quicker this time.
“Oh fuck-“ His hands grip at your hair again, trying to pull back gently at first before he’s a little more insistent. “H-hey.” He tries again and you just stare up at him and hum, tongue running over that sensitive spot under the head of his dick. He must see the grin on your face because he finally drops his head back with a thud and he’s inadvertently bucking his hips up and gasping your name.
“Fuck fuck please don’t stop.” He bargains with you and the whine at the end of his words makes your stomach flip. You can feel the dampness between your thighs, your own arousal ignored in favor of making Eddie go stupid. With him toeing the edge of oblivion and whimpering about it though you almost wish you had just fucked him, if only to chase your own end.
You get a couple of courtesy taps and a whiney ‘no wait-‘ before he finally stills, a gasp caught in his chest that finally shudders out when he comes. His big hands cradle the back of your head when you swallow around him pulsing until he’s hissing and then he’s busy pulling you up to meet him halfway for a bruising kiss.
In the afterglow you realize you’ve had your whole ass out and anyone walking by his van could have seen you through the windshield. You only get a moment of embarrassment though before he’s moving into you and pushing you into the back of his driver seat.
“Hey we can-“ He pushes his face up under your jaw and cuts you off with open mouth kisses from your ear to your shoulder sitting bare under a hanging neckline. “We can go in for that drink now if you want.” You giggle at his eagerness and his hair tickling down your dress. He hasn’t even put himself together yet and he’s already got his hands on a mission, fists pulling and bunching up the fabric of your dress.
“I don’t want to go in for a drink.” He parrots your line back to you and carefully plucks at the big button keeping the top of your dress together. “I would like to express my sincere gratitude,” He works the button open one handed and catches your eye before dipping his fingers under the thin fabric and into the cup of your bra, “and deepest apologies,” the rough pad of his fingertip grazes a sensitive nipple and you bite your lip while your lashes flutter at him, “for being the worlds most ignorant individual.” He finishes on a whisper before he kisses you, plush lips soft and seeking like his hand now slowly working its way up your inner thigh. The tip of his pinky grazes along the edge of your underwear when his tongue slides along the seam of your lips and you grant him access to everything, knees falling apart and mouth molding to his.
This may not be your little dingy hallway inside but it’s better than any work daydream you’ve had about him. He slides your underwear down and pulls at your knee, spreading you open for him to run a finger in the crease of your hip. That earns him stifled whine from you and he tuts quietly. “Don’t be quiet.” His free hand pulls the shoulder of your dress down so he can plant a kiss there. “I gotta earn my forgiveness.”
“There’s nothing to forgive, it worked out.” You press your forehead into his and grin at him, stars in both your eyes you’re sure of it.
“Yeah but we could have been doing this so much sooner.” Just the slide of his finger through your folds makes you shiver, the wet sound of you loud in the quiet. “And look at me being ignorant again.” Two fingers this time, sliding up to find that small bundle of nerves that makes your head drop back. Eddie busies himself at your neck again, chest pressed into you and pinning you in place, fingers running tight circles over your clit. “Ignoring you in need.” His tongue worries at a spot behind your ear, an attempt to get you to relax into him and he dips his fingers down to gather your slick. “Let me help you out and maybe I’ll let you buy me a beer.”
You laugh and he sinks those two fingers in to hear you gasp and he wastes no time in his search for the right angle. He starts a quick pace that makes your breath catch in your chest and those musician fingers hone in on the spot that makes your legs jump.
“Oh is that it?” He bites softly at your neck stretched out under his mouth and laughs against your heated skin when you let out a strangled ‘uh huh’.
“Right there?” He flutters his fingers over and over, your thighs twitching with every brush. The heat pools fast in your abdomen especially with him mouthing at any skin he can find. You feel like you’re melting against him, the heat trapped between you and his fingers moving ceaselessly and when he angles his hand to press his thumb onto your clit you roll into him, thighs holding his arm in place.
“That’s it.” He murmurs and it’s your turn to bury your face, mouth hung open on a silent gasp against his chest.
“Eddie, please!”
“Please what?” He uses your words against you in play. “Please this?” A deeper brush of his fingertips and he grinds his hand against you. Your groan shakes deep out of your chest and before that band snaps to send you over the edge your hand winds up in his hair to hold on. It’s a quick push when your orgasm hits and Eddie doesn’t stop, not with you pulling his hair and gasping against his chest, not until you have to pull away, lightheaded and chest heaving.
“So I think that’s a good first apology, right?” He says into your hair, hand still trapped between your thighs.
“Yeah I mean I have at least four more to make.” He removes his hand gently and finds your ruined underwear to wipe his fingers off, all while giving you a sly side eye.
“Are they all gonna be like that?” You feel boneless in the stifling heat of his van. He shifts and pulls you with him, slotting you between his legs so you can stay laying against his chest.
“I mean, they don’t have to be.” He sighs.
“No, no I like these kind of apologies.” You giggle against him and he pulls the hem of your dress down back over your hips. “Just maybe not always in the back of a van?”
“Oh no, I’ve got all kinds of places in mind. I Can say sorry in that little hallways inside,” your eyes go wide in the dark where he can’t see, “I’m sure you have a back room at work I can sneak into.”
“Oh my boss will love that.”
“Shit, I can find a corner in the garage no one uses, really the possibilities are endless.”
You know someone has to have noticed Eddie being gone for so long and you expect a tap on a window any minute but for now you stay tucked up against him. You’ll buy him his drink when his friends discover his fogged over van.
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ant1quarian · 5 months
So .  Frisk does a pacifist run, monsters r free, yknow the drill. One thing: the barrier, AKA a bunch of concentrated, human magic, doesn’t rip. It explodes, sending out a huge shockwave of magic that humans unintentionally absorb (the barrier was made of human magic, after all), and they all turn into various different, new species.
A lot of humans turn into bitties. Frisk does, for one. Monsters take pity on the bitties and start to make the adoption centers and such that most bitty AUs have. However, monsters aren’t exactly the best towards bitties- most treat them as pets or pests, or just lesser in general. Particularly racist monsters form bitty rings as a kind of… “punishment” for the former humans ‘cause of how their ancestors sealed monsters away so long ago.
Now, here’s where it gets a bit more interesting: some humans turn into nagas and sirens. Both are very powerful, like boss monsters almost. I’ll talk abt sirens in a moment, but I’m gonna focus on the nagas first.
All three formerly human species are still, you know, human, and don’t want to hurt people. but since literally all of them are incredibly confused and scared (imagine waking up with a snake’s tail instead of your legs. it’s cool in theory but god, the body horror) a lot of nagas end up killing monsters. This results in nagas being hunted down and drove into forests, in which they finally find other former humans and pack instincts kick in, forming colonies of nagas. The nagas are a tiny bit more peaceful than sirens, generally. That doesn’t mean defenseless though- nagas are just a tad more defensive than offensive. Speaking of offensive…
Sirens are a bit different. Back when the barrier exploded, humans that turned into sirens were put in a trance and just endlessly sought out water until they found a large enough source. Then they walked in and woke up as sirens. The same thing that happened with nagas happens with sirens- most sirens that didn’t end up in the ocean die, and eventually the remaining sirens find each other.
Here’s where sirens and nagas start to deviate in terms of ideology (specifically towards monsters). Nagas, generally speaking, don’t actively hunt monsters. They do kill any that venture into their forests, but that’s nothing compared to sirens. Sirens are more often than not very spiteful and vengeful towards monsters. They blame monsters for turning them into sirens (body horror my beloved) and also for killing other sirens. They sing to lure in monsters and drown them. Any monster they spot is already dead. No beach is safe- sirens lurk everywhere in the water, even in the arctic.
I first thought of this… AU? As a Sans x reader, but I don’t know what species the reader would be. Maybe something like the Trappist System where there’s multiple readers romancing different Sans AUs? Originally, reader was a spiteful, cecalia siren that met Sans on a dock- maybe as spy of some kind, to gather information for the sirens? But I love nagas as much as (maybe even more than) sirens, so now I just can’t pick. 
The main thing that started this was the idea of siren body horror, and the sheer terror of becoming something like that. The power you now wield, but having no idea how to use it. The unshakeable feeling that your body is horrifyingly wrong, twisted into something inhuman without your consent. I don’t see many fics touch on that kind of thing with sirens and nagas, and it’s such an intriguing idea to me that my brain cobbled together… whatever this is lol.
Apologies for the SUPER long ask, I wrote this in my notes before sending the ask so tumblr couldn’t eat my writing halfway through. Thank ye kindly for letting me ramble about my little au idea in the first place :]
That concept is something I love and adore and if I had motivation to write (instead of, y'know, being completely kidnapped by Minecraft-), I would love to write this.
Don't apologise 'cause I really like it! :D
Long rants/asks are always welcome here!
,,, Ngl I thought I replied to this but I must have gotten sidetracked lmao.
The thought of doing this like how I'm doing the Trappist system intrigues me! I feel like it would be very goofy indeed
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1902-1903 Postcards
In December 1902, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig began his trip to India and Egypt. During his journey, he sent his daughter, Princess Elisabeth of Hesse, numerous postcards, which are preserved in the Hessian State Archives in Darmstadt.
When he departed in December 1902, Ernst Ludwig left his first “Gruss Haus Darmstadt” postcard for his beloved daughter, where he wrote in English: “Goodbye my darling. God bless you. Papa’s love is always near you, sleeping or walking."
On the outward journey, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig sent numerous postcards to Elisabeth, e.g. “tender kisses” from Paris or a picture of his hotel in Marseille with details of his balcony.
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On the postcard above, written on board the Arabia on December 16, 1902, Ernst Ludwig told his daughter: "I send you a big kiss. Till now the weather was bad & I was seasick but now it is lovely & the sun is shinning & it is warm. I saw flying fish. A big kiss from Papa.” He celebrated Christmas on board the "Arabia" and Elisabeth sent him and his entourage a Christmas card.
On January 1, 1903, Ernst Ludwig enthusiastically reported to his daughter about his impressions from Delhi: “All those many people dressed in every color of the rainbow. It was lovely. A big kiss from Papa.” The cards are mostly in black and white, but for her daughter to get a better impression, he also described the colours of everything he saw.
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On the postcard above, written on January 15, 1903, he wrote: "This lovely place is all in white marble with a blue (sky ?) & lots of green parrots flying about & screaming. They are green with red beak & a red ring round their necks. Papa"
Almost every day he sent his daughter postcards with picturesque pictures and short, sweet greetings. Postcards with motifs that were exotic to Elisabeth document his journey to destinations in northern India that are still classic today, such as Benares, Agra with the Taj Mahal, Jaipur and Fatehpur Sikri.
At the end of February, Ernst Ludwig finally began his return journey - but made a stopover in Egypt. On March 5, 1903, on a postcard from the Shephard's Hotel, the most famous luxury hotel in Cairo at that time, Ernst Ludwig announced to his daughter what should not be missed on a trip to Egypt: “Today, I go for a week up the Nile.”
On March 11, 1903, he sent birthday greetings to Elisabeth on a card from Aswan. He also visited Luxor and Karnak and, of course, the pyramids of Giza at the end.
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On the postcard above, written on March 22, 1903, he proudly reported to Elisabeth about his climb to the pyramids: "I klimbed (sic.) up the pyramid yesterday & got very out of breath. Today I krept (sic.) into the inside. It was very difficult because all was so very slippery. Papa."
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On the postcard above, written on March 23, 1903, Ernst Ludwig sent his daughter "a big hug from Papa".
He finally returned to Darmstadt via Genoa on April 3, 1903. In the following months, Ernst Ludwig continued to send postcards with loving greetings to Elisabeth from his travels through Germany. In one of his last cards, written on August 6, 1903, he told her: “Next time you must come with me.”
source: landesarchivhessen.de Thank you Thomas Aufleger for sharing this little treasure with me!
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 5 months
So I just made a tumblr account to follow you and send you this slightly rambly ask, because I really wanted to say this (hope I'm not being too forward)
I'm FtM gay, but dealing with a lot of self loathing dysmorphia made me drawn more towards cis mlm smut. I'd recoil when I came across FtM reader-insert fics in fear of being reminded of my own body. I happened to just come across your heian-era Sukuna & Gojo smutfic which you posted back in Feb, and almost passed right over it when I spotted the FtM reader tag, but I began reading out of curiosity. I definitely didn't regret it-your writing is magical, fresh, feels unique amongst all the cookie cutter y/n smut out there and really enraptured me. But most importantly something about you so skilfully describing the FtM reader as desirable, sexy, etc caused some sort of mental shift in my brain. The wonderful vibes of your engaging positive writing made me feel unexpectedly confident in my own anatomy. Picturing Sukuna's pride and acceptance of his beloved boy somehow rang truer than all other FtM fics I've come across, while writing out this ask I'm turning around the thought in my mind that I can actually be proud to be a cuntboy. I'm not lesser for lacking a dick, I'm uniquely blessed with boypussy. It's a new and wonderful feeling directly engendered by your work which I felt I had to thank you for.
TL;DR your stellar smut writing cured my body dysmorphia
This message made me tear up, oh god. I write mostly for myself or to indulge in some brain rotting with whoever requested a fic — nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoy the process. Still, I wonder if my writing is “precise” enough or even “beautiful” enough. I like the challenge of trying to figure out how I can make the smut a little poetic while still filthy but I also secretly wonder if my portrayal of YN resonates with the reader/their OCs.
I’m so happy that you enjoyed the queer smut I wrote and I’m overjoyed to hear that you’re beginning to be proud of yourself and your body! (●´ω`●)
You should absolutely be proud of having a boypussy! A boy without a pussy is like an angel without their wings ☝️😤
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emimayooo · 5 months
Hey, Emi!
Asking you some fanfic asks!
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?
thank you for sending in a fanfic writer ask!! i love these things!!
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
Annette from Fire Emblem: Three Houses LOL! She's a sweethearted, brainy and clumsy ADHDer. I got her in a character test and was like "yep on brand". I've only ever written her as a background character, alas.
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
Hehe I can't reveal too much, but I came up with a bday present for @ghostcat3000! I'm hoping to write a remix fic based on one of her New Girl works, since I looooove those fics so much! We shall see how I go though hehe.
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?
God. Too many to count. Like, I cannot emphasise enough just how blessed I am with my readers. They are the sweetest, most supportive, and thoughtful readers I could ever ask for; I adore them so.
Since this particular reader is on tumblr, though, I gotta give a shout-out to @flatsuke, whose first comment on my longfic "Champagne, Wine & Vodka" made me so goshdang happy, I will never forget it xoxo
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Hey hey heyyyyyy so it finally happened:
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1500 is not a real number. It is a made-up number. A lie that Tumblr tells me to keep me logging on. There is no way that I have 1500 actual human followers. tbf, I am quite sure that at least some of them are bots or dead accounts or whatever. It doesn't matter, Tumblr showed me a big round number, and I feel like I should do something nice for you, my beloved followers, but I'm also kinda overstretched rn, so here it is:
✨1500 Follower Celebration: Junk I Found in my Garage Edition✨
Here's how it's going to work:
I have written a lot of fanfic. Not all of it has seen the light of day. Below is a list of fanfics that I have at least one deleted scene from that's not too terrible. From now until I get tired of doing it, send me an ask with which one you want to see, and I'll post it. If I get repeat requests, I'll post an additional scene, until I run out. Just so you know, some of these scenes are short. Some of them cut off unexpectedly. Many of them are minor variations on scenes that ended up in the final product. The fact is, they all ended up on the chopping block and in a lot of cases, it was for good reason. Regardless, I thought this would be kinda fun and maybe you think so, too! We'll see!
Your options, in the order I wrote them:
One Final Training Montage (oh god there are nearly as much deleted scenes as fanfic and they are Not Good. I did not know what I was doing when I wrote this.)
A Supposedly Fun Thing We'll Never Do Again (1 tiny one but it's funny)
Hold On, Hold On (one whole-ass entire alternate ending that got replaced for a reason and one shorty short one)
Between Tides (I have 28k worth of deleted scenes, but it's mostly 7 only-slightly-different versions of the confession scene and an entirely different Tomoe/Takeru backstory?? Most of them are Not Good)
Portions for Foxes
Call Me Back When the War is Over
There is No Bankai in Football (Nothing can prepare your for this. I was not prepared, and I wrote it.)
Blessings and Curses
Brothers in Arms
What We Do with our Hearts
I am feeling generous, so as a bonus, I will also allow a few requests for preview scenes from my two Big WIPs that I am not working on right now:
Make this Leap (Soul Society Tattoo Artist AU, but it's the part where they meet as teens)
a little in love, act iv
That's it! Feel free to be specific in your requests, if you want! Thank you for being my followers! I love you!
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argisthebulwark · 2 years
I am thinking. So so hard. About Erandur being a priest. Which means he could officiate his and tld's own wedding.
Finding a ring and placing it on her finger was no problem (even if his hands did shake so hard he was sure he'd drop it and let out a breath he didn't know he was even holding when he didn't. The tears imminently started building as soon as it was in place tho) Officiating it was though, but only because he was crying so hard he could barely get the words out but he had to get the words out cuz it's literally his job as a priest but god damn it it just hit again that he's marrying her, and at this rate it's gonna take a week. (She asks if maybe he wants to have one of his fellow priests officiate it instead?, but he downright refuses. Out of any marriage he's ever made official this one is without a doubt the most important, and he'll do it, he swears......................but he sure is thankful she's patient. Lol.)
"Do you agree to be bound to me, in love, now and forever?" Erandur can hardly see her through the tears but feels her move closer, brushing hair away from his face. His beloved Dragonborn is blessedly patient with him - he wants to remember every second of their wedding, every word and touch they exchange in the temple.
"Of course I do." He can hear the smile in her voice and his heart is close to bursting. Everything else pales in comparison to the sincerity of the Dragonborn's words as she agrees to love him for the rest of their lives. "Do you, Erandur, agree to be bound to me, in love, now and forever?"
"I do." Wiping at his face he can finally see his wife and has to hold back an ugly sob. Never in his life did he think someone would love him deeply enough to be granted Mara's greatest blessing but it was her. The Dragonborn saved him from his past and granted him her entire world expecting nothing in return. Just thinking about what she's given him sends a fresh wave of tears spilling down the priest's cheeks.
"My love, are you sure you don't want to ask someone else to do this?" She whispers when she notices his hands trembling. Erandur is relieved when the ring slides easily onto her finger and her hands clasp his.
"I will do this." He takes a deep breath and recalls the words he'd said dozens of times. She's placing the Band of Matrimony on his hand and Erandur is overcome with the magnitude of it - she chose him. This is the most important wedding he has ever officiated and he refuses to allow some other priest to say the holy words that will bind his life to hers.
"I present you with this ring, blessed by Mara's divine grace." Erandur lifts her hand, pressing a chaste kiss to the ring he hopes will never budge. "May it protect us in our life together."
There's so much more he wants to say - poems he'd dug out of ancient tomes to recite to her and vows to devoting his life to hers, but Erandur cannot speak. The Dragonborn's arms are around his neck the second he's done speaking and her kiss silences every worried thought.
For the first time Erandur is sure that there is plenty of time to recite poems to her. He knows that his future is wide open when his wife cups his face in her hands, swiping at his tears until he can properly see the joy on her face. There's something bittersweet about saying the words that will end the ceremony but Erandur is comforted by the knowledge that he has the rest of his life to love her.
"Under the authority of Mara, the Divine of Love, I declare that we are wed."
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a-crepusculo · 2 years
Dream (Ethan x MC)
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x Dr. Marchia Ramsey (F!MC) Premise: No matter what time it is, they’ll always find their way to love each other. Rating / Category: General / Fluff Warning(s): None Word Count: 712 words
A/N: No plot, just fluff. Seriously. No plot whatsoever. You have been warned. Super special thanks to @mvalentine​ for sending this cute prompt! 🤍 You’re a gem, my dear. I’m also participating in @choicesficwriterscreations​​​ Naughty and Nice event (selected prompt will be in bold).
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A blanket of stars covered the dark blue sky, playing a game of hide-and-seek with those who seek to spend their sleepless night in peace. Everything felt serene and quiet, away from all the mayhem that lurked in Boston. The twinkling, mischievous luminaries had invited their old friend to join them; a glowing sphere that clung on to the familiar darkness with absolute credence.
The pale crescent moon had spilled its silvery radiance on the marbled bedroom floor, helpfully guiding Marchia and ever-growing bump to their destination. At this point, it had become a tiresome routine, really, to wake up every fifteen to thirty minutes in the middle of the dark.
Not that she wants to do it every single time—God, no.
But her beautiful, humongous unborn child had kicked and pushed her poor bladder to its limits. The young diagnostician certainly knew better than to ignore the powerful urge to release that certain bodily fluid.
As if on autopilot, her restless body had forced her to get up, feet dragging to the nearest loo in the process. Her movements were instinctual, habitual—though utterly vexatious. Most days, Marchia enjoyed being pregnant. This exact moment, however, was not part of the things she relished as a pregnant lady.
After finishing her business in the bathroom, she slowly waddled to her favorite part of the house: their kitchen. Immediately after entering the beloved space, her dearest ginger tea was calling out her name, while the leftover oatmeal cookies Ethan made earlier today whispered sweet nothings to her ears. 
“Bingo,” she muttered to herself.
A little midnight snack might just be the perfect answer.
Chomping down on her last cookie, Marchia finally grabbed her piping hot tea and a glass of water, then toddled straight back to their bedroom. Once she had put down her drink, she tiptoed to her Ethan’s nightstand and placed his cup.
Hands absently rubbing her swollen belly, she took in the sight of her husband in absolute tranquility and silence of their abode. Tilting his heavy head to the side, he gifted her with the slightest hint of smile; a smile as warm as sunshine on a rainy day. Genuine, unadulterated bliss—etched on the very same face of a man who once claimed that love was nothing more than some neurochemical response.
The expectant mother lowered her head gently and whispered into the shell of his ear, “Dream a little dream of me, sayang.”
Before parting ways, she quickly gave a delicate and loving kiss on Ethan’s forehead. Her soft lips touched his warm temples, and for awhile, all is right with the world. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and let her mind wander—counting down to the very minute she could do the same for their little angel.
Marchia walked back to her side of the bed, making sure that her husband was still sound asleep. She wiggled and outstretched her slender legs, then tucked herself inside the warm duvet. In a matter of seconds, she had snoozed to dreamland.
Little did she know that her little kiss had awoken her dashing husband.
In one swift move, Ethan turned to face her in their bed. His hand had easily found its path to her protruding abdomen, hidden under the thick cover. He carefully stroked her belly, lulling her further into a state of deep slumber.
Brilliant azure orbs looked at her such ease and love. Life was so incredibly kind—and one could even argue that life was too kind—to bless them with the biggest miracle in life. He felt a small pang in his chest as he realizes that this was his life now, his family.
And he would not trade this for anything else.
Snuggling closer to his wife, he reached out and gave featherlight kisses her on cheeks, her temples, her nose, and her lips. Unbridled happiness fill him as he watched her sleeping peacefully.
“I love you, Chia,” he murmured.
Then, he gave his final kiss to the wonderful new addition in their lives.
“And I love you too, little baby,” his soft voice fluttered around her large belly. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. You’re safe with me—with us, together.”
As his cheek pulled itself outwards, radiating his biggest smile ever, Ethan had known one thing’s for sure: he’s the luckiest man alive.
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I’ll be tagging in a separate post!
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traumacatholic · 5 months
I'd like to ask for prayers about my job, please -- I've been trying to get disability accommodations for months and I'm so tired, and I know job hunting while working will be just as exhausting as trying to wrangle doctors and all... I just want my energy back
I'm so sorry to hear that you're having a hard time getting the disability accommodations you need. If you haven't already, it might be worth seeing if you can get a charity / support organisation to become involved in helping you access disability accommodations. Having someone step in and help you with the work should hopefully alleviate a lot of your burden.
I have attached some prayers under the readmore that you might find comforting.
Prayers to Saint Jude
Most Holy Apostle St. Jude Thaddeus, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor who delivered your beloved Master into the hands of the enemies has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hopeless cases and of things despaired of.  Pray for me who am so needy; make use, I implore you of that particular privilege accorded to you to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired.  Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolations and succor of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings particularly (here mention your petition) and that I may bless God with you and all the elect throughout eternity.  I promise you, O blessed Jude to be ever mindful of this great favor, and I will never cease to honor you as my special and powerful patron and to do all in my power to encourage devotion to you.  Amen.
Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, I place myself into your hands at this difficult time.  Help me to know that I am not alone.  Please pray for me, asking God to send me comfort for my sorrows, bravery for my fears, and healing for my suffering.  Ask our loving God to strengthen my faith and give me the courage to accept His Will for my life. Thank you, St. Jude, for the hope you offer to all who believe in you.  Amen.
O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance.  Help me in my present and urgent petition.  In return, I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked.  St. Jude pray for us all who invoke your aid.  Amen.
Prayer for problems at work
Dear Lord, I confess the burden I carry at work, it feels too heavy, too cumbersome to lift, to carry daily. Please come and give me freedom from this weight, change the circumstances of this situation, free my heart and mind from the anxiety it causes. Give me wisdom to know how to resolve, manage or walk away from this worry. I come to you, my Lord, my Saviour, my comforter and my friend. I know you are with me. I am not alone, I need not fear. Amen.
Prayer of Someone in Trouble
O God, our help and assistance, who art just and merciful, and who hearest the supplications of Thy people, look down upon me, a miserable sinner; have mercy upon me, and deliver me from this trouble that besets me, for which, I know, I am deservedly suffering.
I acknowledge and believe, O Lord, that all trials of this life are given by Thee for our chastisement when we drift away from Thee and disobey Thy commandments.
Deal not with me after my sins, but according to Thy bountiful mercies, for I am the work of Thy hands, and Thou knowest my weakness.
Grant me, I beseech Thee, Thy divine helping grace, and endow me with patience and strength to endure my tribulations with complete submission to Thy will.
Thou knowest my misery and suffering, and to Thee, my only hope and refuge, I flee for relief and comfort, trusting to Thine infinite love and compassion that, in due time, when Thou knowest best, Thou wilt deliver me from this trouble and turn my distress into comfort, when I shall rejoice in Thy mercy and exalt and praise Thy holy name, O Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Prayer for Protection
O Lord, Thou who steadied the hand of Peter as he began to sink on the stormy sea, if Thou are with me, no one is against me.
Grant to me the shield of faith and the mighty armor of the Holy Spirit to protect me and guide me to do Thy will.
The future I put into Thy hands, O Lord, and I follow Thee to a life in Christ. Amen
Prayers for Oneself in Time of Need
Almighty God, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, come to my help and deliver me from this difficulty that besets me. I believe Lord, that all trials of life are under Your care and that all things work for the good of those who love You. Take away from me fear, anxiety and distress. Help me to face and endure my difficulty with faith, courage and wisdom.
Grant that this trial may bring me closer to You for You are my rock and refuge, my comfort and hope, my delight and joy. I trust in Your love and compassion. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
O God, our help in time of need, Who are just and merciful, and Who inclines to the supplications of His people. Look down upon me and have mercy on me and deliver me from the trouble that now besets me. Deal with us not according to our iniquities, but according to Your manifold mercies, for we are the works of Your hands, and You know our weaknesses. I pray to you to grant me Your divine helping grace, and endow me with patience and strength to endure my hardships with complete submission to Your Will. Only You know our misery and sufferings, and to You, our only hope and refuge, I flee for relief and comfort, trusting in Your infinite love and compassion, that in due time, when You know best, You will deliver me from this trouble, and turn my distress into comfort. We then shall rejoice in Your mercy, and exalt and praise Your Holy Name, O Father, Son and Holy Spirit, both now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen
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feuxx · 2 years
My "Great things that happened in 2022" list
(in no particular order)
Rejoined tumblr
Still can't believe I'm moots with so many incredible talented people in here what the hell ;w; <3
FINALLY managed to make friends in the merlin fandom (❤️)
Participated in ACBB !!!!!!!!! (THE MOST ICONIC FEST OF ALL TIME)
Had the honor of working with Slantedknitting, one of my most admired writers (❤️)
Passed one (if not the one) of the most important exams in my life
Received SO MUCH LOVE AND SUPPORT from you all (💖💖💖)
Still can't fathom it when people say that my art is unique and recognizable and that they love it 😭❤️❤️❤️
Gayble 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Failed to get a bingo but had a grand time with the Merlin bingo fest 🤣
Participated in a DTIYS and had so much fun with it!!!
Grieved with yall about the 10th anniversary of the finale: we were mourning but we were mourning together 😭❤️
A little word to people who have made my 2022 memorable under the cut (in no particular order)
@lauradonnelly : My beloved tas, I can't stress how lovely and important you were to me. I'm not a great conversationalist and I felt bad that our conversations were not great as I was also very shy and not good at keeping a conversation flowing. But that you took the effort to welcome me when I joined tumblr, to dm me and send me messages!! Even though you were so busy with your irl things!!! I wouldn't have so much fun making and keeping a tumblr if it weren't for you. Thank you!!!! <3
@coffee-writes : Cofffeeeeeee 😭❤️😭❤️😭 Words fail me to even begin to unpack how grateful I am to you and how amazing and wonderful you are!!!! I hit the lowest of my lows this year and each time you were there to gently cradle me and hold me as to not let myself fall apart, despite your own struggles!! I'm also so glad that you joined me in the bbc merlin fandom and that we could share an unhinged love for it!!! 🤣💛 I love you so much, thank you!!!!
@insane-ohwhyfandoms : Fyre 🥺💖 Thank you for taking notice of me in sprinter-bot channel, I don't think I'd have have succeeded to make friends in mfbc if it weren't for you welcoming me so warmly!!!! Even now, I feel so blessed that I have such a wonderful close friend in you. I couldn't have foreseen this and each time i think of it, I have this silly smile on my face at the thought. Thank you for you! <3
@glaftwlet : Hi dear!! You didn't know this but to me, you were one of the first to call me by name in the merlin fandom and it made me go "oh my god people know me? people remember me???". It was at a moment in my life where I felt very lonely and I really needed it. I can't explain how giddy and excited i was for the whole day, knowing that someone were aware and took notice of me. It may have been inconsequential to you but it meant everything to me. so thank you <3
@arthursknight : Cee!! Love of my life, light of my days, I could not imagine a world where I wouldn't have the honor and the pleasure of meeting you. I'm so so so glad that you sent me that friendship shot. Your love and gentle comprehension really helped me back in the summer this year. I'm so so so so lucky that the universe let us cross our paths and that I got to know you. (Also you're the hottest person alive so xxxxx 😘💖)
@aemelia : I know we joke around but truly i admire your passion and commitment to The Book of Merthur. You're one of the funniest, sassiest of the people i know on here and i love receiving your messages and partake in the salt you spread. It makes my life more fun! 🤣💖
@excited-insomniac : Hi sophie 🫶 You're one of my favorite authors of ALL TIME and frankly I do NOT get why you're not more famous in the fandom. Everything you write is incredible!!!! And I'm incredibly honoured and flabbergasted that we've been talking, and becoming friends!!!! Like!!!!!!!! aaaaaaa 🫶🫶🫶🥺💛💛💛
@aithusar : Hi Loaf!! 🥰 Honestly i half-fell out of my chair when I noticed that you followed me. You're such a cool person and that you regularly rb and leave incredible tags make me blush each time!!!! It's like knowing someone is a Taste Haver and then they like your bullshit???? Like holy fuck perhaps I am doing something right. Additionally, i was stupid, ignorant even, about the beauty and importance of gifs. and then i saw the light (your gifs) and holy fuck 🛐🛐🛐 i was Changed after that.
@burglarhobbit : Liz 🥺💛!!!!!!! My love!!! You're legit one of my favs!!! (favorite person, favorite writer, favorite reason to stay awake, you name it). I'm so happy that 2022 brought you to me and I couldn't be happier and luckier that we've become friends. 😭💕🫶
@mykingdomcomeundone : Honestly we have not talked much but seeing you in my notifs was always a daily highlight. You were my "blorbo from my dash" 🤣💖 Thank you for making me smile!!!
@nextstopparis Hi Roya 🫶 I'm but a humble admirer of you. You have the best tags, your takes are all right, and your edits kill me inside but they fuel me at the same time. I wish you the best new year that you possible can have, despite everything and all life circumstances that there may be. 💕
@queerofthedagger hi love 💕One of my highlights this year was seeing that you followed me! To say that I was "immensely flattered" is an understatement. 😭🫶🫶🫶 I'm so honoured to be moots with you and each time i see that you rb something from me or even tag it "prev" i die inside a bit (of happiness 🫶). Happy new year and thank you for the love!!!! 😭💕💕💕🥰
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loemius · 2 months
Hiii this is @arkefthos :> one day tumblr will allow us to send asks from sideblogs lmao 🙏 anyway!! I would like to know, in a totally ideal world where you had all resources needed, what would your ideal perfect altar/s look like? Maybe even a whole devotional space? It's a favourite daydream of mine + would love to hear your thoughts :>
hi hi!! thank you for the ask, such a great question!! love your blog <333 honestly if i had unlimited money and resources, i would have an entire devotional space. my entire house would be altars (lmao as if it isn't already). i would want statues of all of the theoi, including some of my favorite heroes like herakles and maybe even odysseus (do they even make odysseus statues). i would have tapestries and paintings on the wall, not just of the theoi but of some of my other beloved figures from other pantheons. i'd have a very, VERY nice shiva statue, a white one, and perhaps a statue of maa durga to pair with him. i'd also probably have some stuff for the vanir too. i'd definitely want one working altar with some of my most personal and sentimental items where i burn incense and make libations. i'm not sure if i'd want one big altar for all the theoi in general or to break them up into individual spaces (or shared altars between two-three theoi where it makes sense and is okay with the theoi, like zeus and hera for instance might share an altar space). apollon and aphrodite would probably get their own spaces, simply because i have the most kharis with them and already have a lot of altar stuff for them that's specific TO them that i wouldn't feel comfortable putting in a shared altar to all the theoi. everything else on the altar, though, i'm a big believer in accumulating stuff over time, little bits and bobbles you pick up here and there as offerings until it slowly adds up and you suddenly have more stuff than you know what to do with. i've realized i don't tend to get a lot of votive offerings for theoi i dont have a specific altar space for, simply because i have nowhere to put it all, so i think having to the space to actually put those things would be really nice. i think the key here is the idea of like.. slowly accumulating things and building that kharis over time. i wouldn't want to just buy a bunch of votives all at once. then it feels more like a decoration project to me instead of a space that's been cultivated through my worship. i like the gradualness of it and seeing my collection of altar pieces grow over time. i also really like to make things by hand, so tbh i would probably buy a huge bag of stoneware clay and glazes and make pottery. i'd want a bunch of vases in the red-line style (something i dream of making someday should i get access to a ceramic studio again). and of course, a vessel for libations to both be poured from and poured into in the same style. tldr: i'd buy a shit ton of statues and wall art like tapestries and paintings and save the rest for buying votives when i see something that really speaks to me. i'd also stock up on nice incense (big fan of the morning star brand) and things to make more votives and devotional projects with. thank you again for your very thoughtful and sweet ask! i hope you have a lovely day and eat a kickass meal <3 gods bless you!
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Philip Schuyler to Elizabeth Hamilton, Albany, [May 11, 1802]
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Albany May 11th 1802
My Dearly beloved child
yesterday I had the pleasure to receive my Dear Hamiltons letter of the 6th instant replete with good advise, relative to my grandson Philip, whom I now send you perswaded as I am that under your eyes and direction and that of his amiable uncle he will derive all the advantages his mind is susceptible of, he appears and I hope and believe he is docile and good tempered, he received with great satisfaction and expressions of gratitude the kind invitation to reside with your dear children may it be a mean of mutual improvement, and increasing affection.
The Patroon left us yesterday, for Jersey to marry Miss Paterson, we know not the young lady, but hope she will prove him a good wife, I do most sincerely wish he may be happy, he has invariable ___ and continues to evince the warmest affection for ___ and all the family, should they pass thru N York ___ their way hither, it will be well to evince attention ___ distance and reserve until answer no valuable ___ pose(?)._ but might be in general to your nephew the ___ remains of your dear departed sister
___ I write not to the General, under the belief that ___ gone to meet the Cincinnati at Washington. ___ I am advised he intended without
Your dear mama has been indisposed for some days past with a disorder (...) but I thank god now well. I am perfectly recovered from a fit of the gout which seized me the week before last.
The very severe drought we have experienced has so reduced the water in the river, that the cedar post which I expected have not been brought down, they are engaged, and will be sent whenever they arrive.
Your dear mother unites with me in all that love and affection which your unremitted attention and tenderness merit from us, let the General, if he should be still with you, and our dear grand children participate in it.
Adieu my amiable & dearly beloved child may indulgent heaven bestowed its choisest blessings on you & yours is the prayer of your affectionate parents.
Ever yours most tenderly
Ph. Schuyler
Mrs Hamilton
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tipsycad147 · 10 months
Ancestor Prayer Tutorial: Calling on Ancestors for Help
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posted by : kitty fields
A key aspect of my spiritual practice is my ancestors. Ancestor worship is common all over the world, particularly in China, Vietnam, parts of Africa, Mexico, and with certain indigenous American tribes. Some pagans are beginning to see the benefit of ancestor veneration – it connects you with your heritage and offers further spiritual growth and blessings.
Often people are confused on where to start with ancestor worship. I say start with ancestor prayer, including calling on ancestors for help with healing, protection, and comfort. And, guess what? Praying to the ancestors isn’t as difficult as you think. They are quite literally a part of you, which is something easy to tap into. So even if you think the ancestors are somewhere floating around in space or have reincarnated, etc. it doesn’t matter. They are totally reachable because of that inseparable link – your bloodline.
Ancestor Prayer: A Few Ways to Pray
Ancestor prayer can be done in a few ways, depending on what your most comfortable with. First, you can formally pray to the ancestors like you would pray to any other god or goddess. If you like to start your prayers with “Dear God”, then start your ancestor prayer with the same “Dear Ancestors”. You can also say “Blessed Ancestors” or “Beloved Ancestors” as an opening statement. Then continue with your prayer. Whether you are asking for help in a certain area or giving thanks for their presence in your life, either way – it’s okay! I typically start my ancestor prayer with a statement of gratitude then proceed to request things I need. I will also close my ancestor prayer with something like “so be it” or “so mote it be” or “and it come to pass.” 
Some people feel uncomfortable praying to ancestors in such a formal way. Maybe it reminds them of a religion that they left long ago. This is fine, too! Ancestor prayer can also be more of a general conversation with a friend or family member. Keep in mind, your ancestors are your family. So talk to them like you would a mother, father, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. You don’t have to have a formal opening statement, nor do you have to close it with “amen” or “so be it”, etc. Close your ancestor prayer in a friendly way by saying “good night” or “that’s all for now!”
But what if I was adopted or estranged from family?
You don’t have to know your ancestors by name. Again, your ancestors are a physical part of you. They live through you. Praying to the ancestors is as simple as addressing them as “ancestors”. So even if you were adopted and don’t know anything about your ancestors, you can still pray to them. They are still there to guide and protect you. Are you estranged from your family? Same thing applies. 
What if I didn’t get along with a specific ancestor, do I still have to pray to them?
The simple answer is no. You don’t have to pray or honor any spirit, ancestor, deity that you don’t want to. Your spiritual practice is your own. Now, you may hear other practitioners and witches telling you this is disrespectful to “skip over” certain ancestors. But the truth of the matter is, not everyone is a good person in life and some aren’t well even after death. So why would you seek out a bad person in the spirit world just because they’re your ancestors? You wouldn’t and shouldn’t. If you’d like to pray to a specific ancestor that you knew in life and loved, do so.
But, how do I know my ancestors can hear me?
Trust that your ancestors indeed hear you when you call – either out loud or in your head. If you want some confirmation, just ask. Ask your ancestors to send you a sign that they heard your prayer and will help you any way they can. Remember, your ancestors have been human, so they may not be able to do everything you expect they can in the spirit world. So be patient with them and the sign will come. More frequently than not, my ancestors will reach out to me in a dream or through some sign in daily life. Some of those signs include songs on the radio, repetitive angel numbers or symbols, and even animals.
Rhyming Prayers
I used to say rhyming doesn’t matter when it comes to prayers and chants. But in all honesty, rhyming helps focus our intentions and raise divine energy. Rhyming prayers don’t have to be said all of the time, but they are helpful when you are focusing on a specific intention. And they can be repeated easily. If you want an ancestral healing prayer, try writing one yourself. Even if you’re the “worst writer”, eventually you’ll come up with a poetic ancestral prayer that you can memorize and use any time you’d like! The ancestors appreciate when extra effort is put into communicating with them. It’s kind of like writing a poem for a family member – wouldn’t you be flattered if your family member wrote a poem for you? It’s communication and appreciation in the highest regard!
Ancestor Prayer for Protection
Ancestors within me
Wild and free
Guide and protect me
For eternity
Ancestral Healing Prayer
Blessed Ancestors hear me this night
Grant me your love and healing light 
Ancestral Abundance Prayer
Money flow freely to me and my family
Money flow freely
For the highest good of all
Ancestors make it be.
Calling on Ancestors for Help
It’s as simple as what I wrote above. Calling on ancestors for help doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or fancy. It is nice to remember your ancestors appreciate gifts. Set up a small ancestor altar to honor them or even start an ancestor wall or scrap album. If you have pictures of your passed ancestors, hang them up. Display them on your ancestor altar.
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matan4il · 2 years
Sooooooo from someone who spends too much time researching name meanings before naming their characters to someone who knows too much about names (jk, you can never know too much, I just thought using superlatives would be fun, and yes, I know "too x" isn't even a superlative, just let me have this 🤣):
Thoughts on the naming of 911 characters? And skdhflsdhf if you wanna add some shippy thoughts to it, go ahead😂💕
LOL Hon, can I just mention how much I love that we have in common the whole spending too much time researching name meanings before naming a character thing? XD And you know you can always consult me whenever you want to! My brain is full of redundant information and someone should take advantage of that!
I wanted to do this properly, so I ended up making a whole goddamn post about name meanings for 911 characters, including a few gifs. Sorry that means it took me a bit longer to reply, and thank you so much for your patience! xoxox
My thoughts on these name choices by 911, wow... OK, so can I mention that the most heartbreaking one to me is the naming of Daniel? As you can see in the post, Daniel means "God judges me" which is basically a sentiment expressed by religious Jews, an accepting of God's judgment and an expression of trying to do right in his eyes. But when someone passes away, in Judaism we say, "Baruch dayan ha'emet," meaning 'blessed is the judge of truth' to express an acceptance of this fate, too. Considering how young Daniel was when he passed away, the choice for his name just sends a shiver down my spine.
Evan meaning 'God has graced' gets to me, we just have the irony of this boy who grew up feeling like he was nothing in the present, that he could only hope to be someone in the future (as he tells Maddie in 405), this boy who was only brought into the world for God's grace to be directed towards saving his older brother, and he doesn't see, he doesn't realize just how much grace there is in his own existence! Once again, breaking my heart...
Another one that gets to me is Eddie's name meaning 'rich protection', when he's a dad who has dedicated himself to protecting his son and doing everything in his power to making Christopher's life as good as it can be, sparing no expenses on it, working twice as hard to be able to take good care of him, all while barely spending any money on himself (as his bedroom shows in 204). I also really like that he and his dad Ramon share the 'mund' part in their original Germanic names, meaning 'protection.' They are both devoted father, looking to protect their kids! They just go about doing it in very different ways...
And of course there's an interaction between their names. While Buck has trouble seeing his own grace, and is reckless and de-values his own life, Eddie is also protective of him, doing everything he can to make it clear to Buck that he is not expandable, and that there is no one Eddie trusts in the world more than him. Their love story is coded into their names, for heaven's sake!
Athena's name meaning might be unknown, but the connection between her and the Greek goddess of just, brave, smart war always got to me! Athena is opposed in Greek mythology to Ares, the god of bloodthirsty, treacherous, destructive war. It's just so fitting for a character whose whole essence is to be a warrior for good. And in that instance, the show even made explicit reference to this, saying Beatrice didn't choose her daughter's name randomly.
I like that when David was brought specifically to be Michael's love interest, he's given a name that is the ultimate one for lovers. David (spelled in Hebrew דוד) comes from the Hebrew word 'beloved' (pronounced 'dod' and also spelled in Hebrew דוד). Not only is that a very fitting meaning, but in the biblical book The Song of Songs, you'll find the verse, "Ani le'dodi ve'dodi li" which means "I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me," considered by many people familiar with the biblical text to be the ultimate expression of a lovers' bond there. That THIS is the name chosen for the character brought in to be a part of the first proper mlm couple 911 has featured makes me happier than I can explain!
I can talk about other notable choices (naming probably the biggest villains on the show with names that refer to 'peace' or imply it by meaning 'dove'), but I don't wanna overburden this post. I do think some of the names, when the origin is unknown / uncertain, and when some have very little connection (if any) to their characters, are a reminder that TV show writers don't always do the research. Sometimes they just like a name! Or select one randomly! Or have personal associations that play into choosing a name, that have nothing to do with the "official" name meaning. In other words, we (as fic writers) allowed to ignore this, too. ;) I personally like having intention behind my character's name, as an extra layer of meaning, but it is 100000% okay not to pay it any attention! *hugs*
Hope you have a wonderful day! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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pinespittinink · 2 years
☕️ + winter / aliens / my undying love 4 u / knife to the throat trope / sheith 😎 / tomatoes
i hate winter, i say, loving the winter wonderland nights when i can walk silently in the snow around town just vibing and thinking about my ocs. but i hate the biting icy cold and the chill wet and the dark days. least favorite season hands down.
aliens exist man, i don’t know what to tell you. not little green men, but there’s something out there. i refuse to believe otherwise.
your undying love--i love YOU!!! thank you so much for putting up with me and helping to make that writing server we met in four years ago ;;--; otherwise i would have just bugged you eternally about carve the stars. you are my favorite person <33
knife to the throat trope needs to be packed up and put on the shelf high out of reach thank you very much; i’m shoving it away, no one is allowed to use it anymore
sheith my BELOVED, listen,,,,, if you think lance should have been the black paladin i need you to leave the room; sheith is one of my favorite ships hands down, 10000000/10 would get a tattoo for and fill my room with art prints. also one of the few ships i’ve actually written completed fic for. 
tomatoes are beautiful, god’s most gorgeous vegetable. can eat it like a hand fruit, cherry tomatoes in summer are a blessing, the smell of any ripe off the vine is extraordinary. combine it with bread and cheese and you’ve got god tier food
send me ☕️ + [topic] and i’ll tell you my opinion on it!
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