#thank you darl aaaaaah
phoenixyfriend · 2 years
New Look on Patreon
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Hello, all! I'd like to thank you for your patience these last few months, as my personal life has been a bit more hectic than I'd like.
As you may have noticed, I have gotten a new profile and banner image, courtesy of my friend @darlighl. If you like that style, they are taking commissions! They are my favorite artist to work with, and I'm delighted to have their artwork representing me and my work on this platform.
I will be sharing the promised Arts section of ASPIRE this month, and will hopefully be back on our regular schedule going forward.
Thank you for your continued support!
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spadillelicious · 5 months
I really enjoy ur wonderful fanfic, plz have some fanart <3
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I'm so so sorry for taking forever to answer, but please know that seeing this absolutely made my day!!! Your artstyle is so cute and lovely and I love how they all look in it!!! ✨✨✨
Sunny!!! He looks so so good in your style!!! It's so shaped and I love the hatching in the shadows!! 💞💞💞And he looks so animated?? /pos The way he is always bursting with emotion, hearts floating around him...!!! I love it so much, it fits him so well!! I can literally feel his excitement radiating off the page! (and your expressions are top tier!!)
And Moony and y/n!!! <3<3<3 Love that big scowl of Moon's and the way he looks down at the viewer!! 💖💖💖 And all the shapes of him are soo good, the arcade pattern pants, the way you drew his cap...!! And his claws!!! 👀👀💖All so amazing!!! And then seeing how flustered he gets by y/n is so sweet <3 Love the shapes you gave them for their hair and their darling smile <3<3<3
Thank you so much for sending this my way, your art is so so lovely and makes me so happy to look at!!! Love the watercolor softness of the colors too!! Thank you for enjoying my silly story so far!! 💖💖💖✨✨✨
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fraugwinska · 6 months
Could I get Alastor x Reader where he teaches her to swing dance in their room after they both talk about what was popular when they died as she comes from the current earth era so either 2010s or 2020s up to you!
Thank you so much if you write this and if you do not wish too that is totally okay! Have a wonderful day!
Aaaaaah, such a cute prompt! Of course I tried my hands on that, dear! I hope you'll like it!
Going with the times
You flipped the page in the heavy photo album, laughing. „Oh look, that's from my first party as a university student!“ Alastor scrunched his nose. „These shoes are quite... scandalous, dear.“ „Hey, I was in my early twenties, everyone wore overknee boots.“ „That doesn't make them decent.“
You elbowed him, with playful annoyance. „Watch it, I don't make fun of your style choices!“ Alastor cocked a brow at you, grinning proudly. „That's because I always dressed with timless class and style, sweetheart.“ His gaze returned to the picture – You, arm in arm with your group of friends, in the midst of a club in the city you went to study for a degree you never used, since you died too young.
„What kind of establishment were you at, anyway? It looks awfully... modern.“
You rolled your eyes. You knew Alastor enough to know that when said 'modern', he really meant 'awful'. The only 'modern' thing Alastor didn't hate, was you.
„It's a dance club. Me and my girlfriends used to go almost every weekend, just dancing, having a good time and a few drinks.“
Alastor looked intrigued. „Oh? What style did you dance to? I always loved swing and jazz, but I do enjoy a good quick-Step too.“
You couldn't help but snicker – he truly didn't keep up with the times, that one.
„No, Al, no... that kind became very... formal. We just danced, you know? To hip hop, or electronica and clubhouse, like this!“
You hopped up from your bed, swaying your hips, lifting up your arms and bouncing to a beat only your could hear. He watched you, half amused and half horrified. He laughed and shook his head at your movements, so you stopped, hands flew on your hips and you rose your chin. „Okay old man, why don't you show me how you danced when you were young and wild?“
He was so quick, you didn't even see him moving when you already felt one arm around your waist, the other lifting your hand.
„Oh my dear, it's my pleasure to demonstrate what real dancing is all about!“
As only Alastor could do, an upbeat, jazzy song began to play from god knows where, and he began stepping sideways and forwards with you clumsily following him. With each stumble, he caught you with his reassuring, beaming smile, his patient guidance encouraging you to press on.
He truly had some energy to his step, spinning you every which way and having you laugh out loudly. After your first awkward steps, you found some kind of pattern to stick to, and your feet slowly but surely fell into his set rhythm without crushing his toes. He noticed that as well and chuckled, increasing the tempo and spinning you gleefully. „Bravo, darling, bravo! Now come, don't lose your flow, eyes on me! Excellent. A twist! Ha-ha-ha, marvelous, and again!“
You found yourself lost in the music and enjoying this way of dancing thoroughly, your heart beating as quick as your dancemoves. You felt warm and lightheaded in his arms as he moved with you, until the music ceased way too soon, and you two stood in the middle of your room, a bit out of breath and panting softly.
Alastor pushed a stray strand of hair from your face back behind your ears, grinning smugly.
"How about it, darling? You want to try that in your silly overknee boots?"
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monsterfloofs · 8 months
Can I request some more stories with luxe plz?
Luxe (Gender Fluid Concubus) x Reader (Sfw)
(Hello!! Thank you for this note! I am so glad you like my Luxe. Here is a little short story I whipped up because I couldn't sleep ahah! I was really sick a few weeks ago, and whenever I feel abnormal I study how I feel and think so I can more accurately portray it in writing! >:) Also, I had a dream about this little story and I typically don't get to see my characters in my dreams?? So this made me super duper extra happy AAAAAAH, and was very motivating for me to get this written! I hope you enjoy! ♡)
Feeling unwell went from sniffling and coughing one day, to having a full blown bout of sickness the next morning. Coughing and hacking so much it made your chest hurt and your head spin. Your temple throbbed and tears leaked from the corners of your eyes as you drew the curtains and retreated back to bed. Rising to your feet was an undertaking. It made you dizzy, and a new wash of pain bored into your head.
There was no way you could go to work today. Yesterday you had felt the sickness creeping up on you, but the signs were manageable and kept working. After all, the castle was a busy place, and there was much to be done. Still, you hadn't expected to be knocked down so fast the next day. You reached for the mirror at your bedside. Blinking slowly as the soft glow made you squint your eyes. Drawing your finger across the surface, which rippled softly at your touch.
"Send a message to Luxe. . . Tell them that I won't be able to help them today.." Of course this is when a tickle rises in your throat and you cough to try and clear it. For a solid moment all you can do is cough, whatever upset your throat refused to be soothed. You couldn't cough deep enough, but the tickle managed to subside for you to rasp out.
"I'm sorry, I got sick. I just am not feeling good enough today." You ended the message with a swipe of your finger, then put the mirror face down on the table. You blow your nose with a tissue before rolling over in bed, pulling the covers over your head in an attempt to block out as much light as you can. The afternoon was spent in and out of consciousness, with the waste paper basket and night stand filling up with balled up tissues. Between sleeping, sneezing and coughing you did little else. Everytime you woke up, you pleaded with your body to go back to sleep. Being awake just felt too taxing, you had tried reading but the words floated off the page and it hurt your eyes to keep them open for too long.
Between sleeping you startle awake to a knock at your door. Hastily rubbing your eyes as a figure peeks around the corner at you.
"Did I wake you up?"
"It's okay," The words slither out in a slur between chapped lips. As Luxe tentatively steps inside, carrying a tray of soup.
"Oh darling, you look miserable."
"I feel mis. . . miserable" You agreed weakly. You blink slowly, and in between your eyes opening and closing Luxe crossed the room. From setting the tray down to pressing a cool washcloth against your forehead. You breathe a ragged hum, managing a thank you before your body wants to cough again.
"What can I get you love? What sounds good?"
"Nothing," You whisper, Luxe's painted lips purse as you take a breath. "I just wanna sleep."
"Alright," The butler murmurs gently, "Alright love, I will let you sleep." They put a little bell onto your nightstand. "Ring this if you need anything." They command sternly, and you nod your eyes refusing to stay open any longer.
It was only when you were drifting in and out of consciousness again, throwing blankets on and off between being too hot and too cold that you realized they referred to you as 'love'. Your brain was a little too sluggish to make much sense of the new term of endearment. Nevertheless, the name made you feel both cared for and guilty. They had stopped in the midst of their busy schedule to make you food you hadn't eaten. You tried some of the soup, which to your surprise was still hot. The warm liquid felt soothing to your throat. From a glance you could see vegetables and chicken floating in the broth. It should have been delicious but you just couldn't taste it, and found your stomach rejecting the soup after a few spoonfuls.
It was the middle of the night before you felt somewhat active. The headache was a dull throb behind your eyes as you slouched out of bed. Shoving tissues in your pocket as you wandered your way down the stairs. You felt groggy and out of touch, so you moved sluggishly and deliberately toward the kitchen. Watching your feet upon the stairs, clutching the hand railing tightly.
Luxe was in the kitchen, and their head jerks up, her expression rearranging into surprise as you shuffle in. "I thought I told you to ring for me,"
"It's. You're. So busy." You manage to warble out, was stringing words together always so hard? Your eyebrows push together as you wash your hands in the sink. You have to stop halfway through drying your hands to dab at your nose, which sends you back over to the sink. Unceremoniously stuffing a roll of tissue up your nose to stop the leak. Luxe lets out a soft huff, pushing back their immaculate bangs with their fingers.
"Darling, you know that you are not an imposition, don't you? You're sick for goodness sake."
You look down, running your thumb back and forth on the hand towel. Back and forth, back and forth. "Maybe." You croak, your eyes watering with tears. Luxe studies your face, a frown tugging on their lips. They cross over to you putting an arm around your shoulder which makes you flinch.
"You'll get s-"
"Sh,sh,sh." She shushes you and gives you a small kiss on your forehead. It makes you blink as more tears dribble from your eyes.
"I know you are perfectly independant, love. Perfectly capable of doing things on your own. Let me take care of you. Just a little."
You couldn't look them in the eyes. Staring at the floor before giving a weak nod. The arm around your shoulder slides away as they drift to the ice box, their tail twitching as they walk.
"I was going to save this for a treat, but I think this might taste good to you." You fidget with the towel again, peeking up at them and staring at the box of ice cream in their hands.
"Will you. . . have some with me?" They beam at you, already reaching for two bowls.
"But of course."
Enjoy what I write? I have a tip jar! I also take writing and art commissions on kofi! (♡⸃ ◡ ⸂♡)
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dreamwritesimagines · 8 months
I like to imagine Charm fresh off college flirting with Sam and Steve right in front of Bucky and it's actually sort of jarring how quickly it pisses him off that not only is she doing it while ignoring him, his friends are going along with it.
"Well, no wonder Chicago was so boring. All the good-looking men are here."
"Ah, hey... thanks Charm."
"James, I didn't see you there."
"Y/N, you look more beautiful every time i see you. How you been?"
"Well, you'll be seeing me more often, Sam. I'm officially moving back. The company is terrible though, Becca excluded. I can't take Ian yapping about nightclubs and refusing to step into a single one."
"Well, you are in the right place. Steve and I were just talking about visiting a new one in Romanov's turf tonight, see the new digs. Wanna come?"
"Well if it's alright with America's sweetheart."
"Of course you can come. Send me your adress and we'll pick you up-"
"What's happening-"
"You're still here, Barnes?"
"I was here first. But we'll catch up tonight, I'm sure."
"I thought you were busy, Buck. You said-"
"Change of plans."
Darling! 😍 This is amazing, I'm in love with this! ❤️ You are so talented and I'm definitely gonna fangirl over your wonderful work, so I'm putting this under keep reading! 😍❤️
First of all, YES! 😍 Charm would one hundred percent do it in front of Bucky while totally ignoring him 😁 And Sam and Steve flirting back? IT WOULD BE HILARIOUS😂
"Well, no wonder Chicago was so boring. All the good-looking men are here." AND THEN-
"James, I didn't see you there." Please, I can almost see his expression and I can't stop giggling 😂
The company is terrible though, Becca excluded. And everyone could probably hear the unsaid "Bucky included" 😂
"I can't take Ian yapping about nightclubs and refusing to step into a single one." Wait he really is doing that! 😱
They are both flirting with her aaaaaah I need this scene, I need this scene to happen so much! 😍
"I was here first. But we'll catch up tonight, I'm sure."
"I thought you were busy, Buck. You said-"
Darling this is absolutely amazing and I'm going to reread this a hundred times! 🥰 Thank you so so much for this, ILY and I love your work! ❤️
Also I'm so inspired for the scene where they'd be at the nightclub they mentioned and Bucky is like all brooding and watching Charm, and the minute she excused herself for the bathroom or something, he'd turn to them and go like,
"What are you doing?"
"With Charm, what do you think you're doing?"
"We're catching up?"
"Oh catching up, is that it?"
"Yeah. Why are you throwing a fit?"
"I'm not, it's just- you can't flirt with her!"
"Because you rejected her years ago?"
"That has nothing to do with the discussion right now, I'm just...I'm thinking about the business."
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birinboom · 4 days
Hello dearest darling Em! I am here to ask about HoshiEm, because I think it's adorable and I would like to know more <3
You are taking a trip together - where are you going? What activities are you doing together? What are you most excited about on your trip? Which of you hates packing the most?
Also if you feel like it, tell me a little about your man, because I don't know him 🎤
Aaaaaah, my darling Roxy-Rose, thank you so so much for sending me this!!! 😭💖💖💖
We’re going on a trip!
He and I met in Tokyo, but Hoshina is actually from the Kansai region (Osaka/Kyoto/Nara/etc). So we’re taking a trip back to his home. We’re mostly planning on sightseeing, which is something I enjoy a lot, and he enjoys finding new places to show me. We can easily spend a whole day just wandering around one of the older parts of Kyoto and taking in the sights. I’m really looking forward to seeing new things and eating new food, and feeding some tame deer, and also just getting to spend some uninterrupted time with him, he’s always so busy.
Which of us hates packing the most?
That’s probably me 😅 I always panic a little bit thinking I’ve forgotten something so I spend a lot of time making lists and double and triple checking everything, and I end up packing way too much. I don’t know why but I’m unable to pack light, even if I put genuine effort into it. Hoshina, on the other hand, can fit everything he needs into a small duffle bag and I hate him a little bit for it. 
Tell me a little about him
So, funny story. My husband and I watched Kn8 together. At one point he came into my office while I had a piece of fanart of Hoshina on my screen, and said ‘oh is that who you like now? Isn’t he kind of an asshole?’
And he’s right. Hoshina is kind of an asshole and I still love him.
I’m gonna put my ramblings under a cut ‘cause there will be spoilers. And I don't know how to be brief. Cue that drawing of me wordlessly crying while pointing to a picture of him.
Kaiju no. 8 takes place in a world where kaiju (ie. monsters) regularly attack humanity. They vary vastly in both size and the way they attack. Some are human-sized, or smaller, some are about the size of a minivan, and some tower over the tallest skyscrapers (this part is important for later) 
Enter the Japan Anti-Kaiju Defense Force. Hoshina is the vice-captain of the 3rd division, which is centered in West Tokyo. He comes from a long line of swordsmen and kaiju slayers, but while he’s excellent with swords and very capable of dealing with smaller and mid-sized kaiju, guns are needed for the biggest ones. And he’s shit at using guns. 
Because of this, pretty much everybody in his life has been telling him that he should just give up. He’s not gonna make it, he’s just gonna cause trouble and get himself killed. The only one who believed in him is his now-captain, Mina. She’s the opposite of Hoshina, she’s excellent with guns but terrible with bladed weapons. And she believed that the two of them could compliment each other’s fighting styles enough to give him a genuine chance.
So this is where the asshole part comes into play. Because now Hoshina has the rank of vice-captain, he’s to a certain extent in charge of dealing with new recruits, and he WILL haze them. There’s one omake ending of the manga -which sadly never made it into the anime- where he’s overseeing a new recruit doing pushups as a punishment, he’s counting out loud, and then he starts counting backwards.
He’s an asshole in that whenever there’s a conflict that doesn’t directly involve him, he bursts out laughing. He will also quite readily tease people. But he takes his role as vice-captain very seriously. He’s ready to risk his life to keep people safe. He’ll go up against kaiju too big for him to handle if he has to, if nothing else then to buy time until someone better suited to fight them arrives.
It’s also shown that once he likes someone, he’ll go a long way to help them. It’s implied that he’s the one training the most promising of the new recruits (Kikoru) in using her axe, and he decides on his own to train the main character, Kafka, in hand to hand combat. 
(‘Course that last one only happens after Hoshina threatened Kafka with what turned out to be a very realistic rubber knife because he apparently holds grudges like a mofo)
I love him. I love his Kansai-accent. I love the way his voice goes nasal when he’s complaining about something. I love how he nearly always has his eyes closed. I love the shiver down my spine when he opens his eyes (shit’s most likely about to get serious!) I love his oversized canines. I love his stupid bowl-cut. I love the way he’s one of the few male characters (if not the only one) to use ‘boku’ about himself (and I have thoughts on WHY he does that!)
I love that he’s a bit of an asshole. I want him to tease me.
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sleepinginmygrave · 4 months
Hello darling jst checking in how you doing??? <333
How are you feeling?? Good? Don't forget to eat and drink water darling I love you mwah /p 🦋🦋
AAAAAAH HELLO!!!!!! thank you sm for this hjjhlhhjjhhlh i'm doing great!!! and dw i won't forget for you <333
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thebestofoneshots · 5 months
Hello Lilly, i hope you’re having a wonderful day/ night darling.
About the message you have gotten from Anon regarding GC losing its original direction i have to say that, That’s not quite true actually. I truly love to see vixen’s other side, like her in an environment that is out of Hogwarts setting and away from the boys and her other friends or the quidditch field and to be completely honest I would have in fact as a reader loved to see more of her and her mother’s wholesome side of the relationship or her struggles with her father’s thirst for power in name of ‘fixing’ things and how that in fact had ruined their family, how she’d stand up to all of his bullshit decisions and perhaps come up with clever ways (as being sly is a trait of hers) to perhaps smoothen the way of the whole thing but then again looking at it realistically she is just a teen, just a young girl what could she have done? She wasn’t at all prepared and the whole night was full of plot twists which had me and I’m sure many of your other readers at the edge of our seats literally. (Which anything that happened was necessary for her character development). However i think perhaps if you focused a tiny bit more on the struggles of all three of them regarding their interactions together and giving more screen time? (😭 i don’t know what else to call it) to their development of feelings for one another and perhaps more fluff and intimate (emotionally bonding) and heartfelt moments between sirius and vixen to represent their pure love for each other or their inner thoughts about one another, then your already immaculate fic would be just absolutely fucking perfect.
Lots of love darling hope this helps. 🫶🏻✨
Ps: sorry for any errors as English is not my first language.
Aaaaaah, darling, there are absolutly no issues with your English! Thank you so, SO much for reaching out. Friday had me really down with the message, and then I had a rather hectic day. NSITOGS was meant to be posted like 6 hours before it was actually posted and I just couldn't because I was driving errands all day (it was meant to be my free day).
Anyway, sorry for the rant, but yeah, I had a pretty bad day and your messages lifted my spirits so much! I finally have time now to be able to address them, but I want to thank every single person that reached out, be it by commenting on the post, by DM or by asks, you guys are brilliant, thank you for reading me. I literally could not ask for a better, more supportive community.
And let me tell you, there will definitely be some cute fluffy moments soon <3
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sugarcoated-lame · 9 months
hello my darling kricket! 🥰 i just wanted to wish you a happy, happy christmas and i hope you have a wonderful new year my love! i love you so so so much and i am so incredibly grateful for, you, my love, my darling, my light! you’ve made my year so incredibly wonderful and lovely, and i just feel so lucky to know you! mwah mwah mwah! 🥰💗🫶🏻💐
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AAAAAAH SEB !!!! MY LOVE !! 🥺 I’ve been MIA all day today and this was the sweetest message to come back to 😭 thank you so much my dear 💕 i had a really nice time spending the day with some of my family 🥹☺️ I hope you had a lovely and happy Christmas as well, and I’m wishing you a very happy new year!! I’m so beyond grateful for you, Seb, you’re genuinely one of the sweetest, funniest, most wonderful people I’ve ever met, and I feel absolutely lucky to know you and to be able to call you my friend 🥹 it makes me so happy to see you in my inbox or my DMs, you’ve genuinely been such a light in my life and I just love talking to you <3 I have so much love for you and I just wanna squish you in the biggest hug haha, thank you again for this lovely message, I love you sooo so much!! 🥹🥹🥰❤️💕💗💕❤️
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themistressdomme · 5 months
really magic fingers, mommy, thank you so much 🫶🏻
welllll, of course i want to tell mommy what did i do!
i was thinking about mommy while i was touching myself. choking me a little, your fingers teasing my clit, marking me, making me needier and telling me how much of a slut i am for you…
you know, just the normal for needy good girls like me ;) (don’t you worry, bratty me is coming sooner than you think✨)
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Oh, my, my pretty little buzz... You had quite the imagination, hm? I would absolutely do all of that, and then some. You like being choked, hm? Come, let me put on your newest necklace on for you: my hand 😈 I bet you'd look real pretty when you're letting out little gasps, my hand wrapped around your throat. Whilst I do that, my other hand, busy teasing your clit, rubbing around it, alternating from tight, fast circles to slow, large, lazy circles, hm? I'd be whispering into the air between us how much of a needy slut you are, just needing me to fill your senses up like this. How pretty my little whore looks for me, eyes rolled back and grasping at my hand, hm?
The normal indeed 😌 Oh, my little bee, you've got a bratty side, hm? Well, bring it on 😉 Mommy will soon have some corrections to hand out, it seems.
Don't worry about replying late, darling! Reply when you can, there's absolutely no rush! Ooh, what dessert was it?! And I know, the cost of living right now is insane! Not to mention inflation and the cost of everything else!!! Aaaaaah.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Seb darling! How are you?
I just had a soft thought about Jake (but Bob and Rhett honestly could fit in here now that I think about it.) Anyway, it just started raining here and it made think of Josh Turner's song Lay Low where it talks about hearing raindrops falling on an old tin roof. And just be lying in his arms, being lazy, listening to it rain. Maybe dozing off and on to the lovely sound. 😍
Anyhooty. Just wanted to share that with you. Have an amazing day/evening/ night!
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jynx my love!! i’m doing okay thank you!! how are you doing? please tell me all 🥹 <33
aaaaaah thank you so much for this totally sweet and dreamy thought too my love!! i’m adding this song to my playlists and honestly dreaming the same 🥹 i’d love to fall asleep in their arms like that.
i hope you’re having a wonderful rest of your day/night too and i’m sending you so much love!! mwah!! 💖💗
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
heyy happy birthday darling!! Hope you have an amazing day being showered with much love and care, for you are much beloved and have many friends who cherish you <3 mwah!
Aaaaaah star 🥹🥹🥹
You know what? Even if irl nobody comes through, I'll be okay because I've gotten such amazing love from my online friends that I don't even care whether any of my colleagues remember...
Thank you so much for your kind words. I'll take them to bed with me and they'll give me strength to go back to work tomorrow after the holidays 🤣
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sebscore · 2 years
I cannot explain how much I LOVE your fics especially the gen z driver. Those are my daily booster fr😓❤️🫶😭🧎‍♀️🫂
AAAAAAH THANK YOU DARLING 😭😭😭❤️‍🩹 I’m so honored that my fics make you happy and that they’re a daily booster 🫶🫶
I hope you’re doing well! my dm’s are always open for a nice talk or if you just need a listening ear! 🫂
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astroboots · 1 year
HELLO DARLING, I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING A WONDERFUL DAY/NIGHT!!! Chptr 12 left me in absolute shambles 😭😭😭 your writing is so🤭🤧😫😍🫠, it's so easy to immerse myself into this story, its like I can FEEL Miguel's warmth when Cielito gently pats his head to comfort him or the adrenaline while falling through the air as he tries to slow us down. Oh my God, this series has me so obsessed and delusional. I explained the whole plot to my boyfriend at seven in the morning because I just couldn't contain my excitement for this issue. All the little attention to detail, the imagery, the foreshadowing, THEIR DYNAMIC, THE MIGUEL FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION CALLING US NENA AND THE BITE? HHGAJHDHDAHFH, EXCUSEME???? Thank you so, so, SO much for this piece of absolute art 💕💕💕💕💕💕 I am so looking forward to the rest of EYEM and your other works as well 💕😚❤️
Aaaaaah i screamed when you said you could feel Miguel's warmth when she pats him! I remember writing that scene and just imagining how soft his hair must've felt against her fingertips when she touches him. .
Also I'm loving that you described this plot to your boyfriend, what I wouldn't give to be a fly in the room: "there's this girl who's getting like final destination:ed" bwahaha.
I'm so so happy you enjoyed this and I love your enthusiasm it makes me so damn happy!!!
I cannot wait for you to read the rest of this! next chapter should be out tomorrow!
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 months
You are on of the few writers where go to reread every one of your stories every other week because they’re just too good I’ll go over your whole master list back to back in a single night!
Aaaaaah you are incredibly sweet, you've made my day with your kindness❤️ It's so nice to hear that you enjoy stories on your rereads as well! ❤️
Thank you so so much! 🥰❤️
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onmyyan · 2 years
We're getting the shared darling fic?? I am so excited!!! Merry Crimnas to us degenerates and thank you for feeding us with delicious goodness. uwu 13+ pages already, we're getting spoiled. I love your ocs so much, every single one of them. Just. Aaaaaah!!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh you're too sweet anon!!! omg I'm so happy you love the boys cuz I sure love writing about them
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