#thank you LT!
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frogshunnedshadows · 9 months ago
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Circa early 1993 behind the scenes photos from the filming of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year ago
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buckwheeler · 28 days ago
nice how tk ends the show choosing to give up being a paramedic in order to be a parent, like how Tommy’s storyline on the show began with her coming back to work after doing the same thing, giving up her job to raise her children. Tommy’s in remission from cancer and figuring out how to live her life now, which was one of Owen’s early storylines. Judd has become captain of the house he’s always considered his home, where he lost his first team, and so has Owen in becoming fire chief of NYC- but it’s also a totally new beginning for him despite it being a return. Very much getting at how life keeps going and going and going with no stops or endings, “no goodbyes”, and that what looks like an ending has been a beginning for someone else, so it all goes on and on and on :)
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gomzdrawfr · 4 months ago
Pre-order for @soapjournalzine are now open!
It was so cool and fun to be part of a zine, go check it out and you might find some of my silly doodles around Soap's Journal! :D 💀🧼
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Any profits will be donated to Doctors Without Borders!! Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) cares for people affected by conflict, disease outbreaks, natural and human-made disasters, and exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries.
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braverytattoos · 10 days ago
my whole personality now is Louis adjusting his balls
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intermundia · 3 days ago
Lex Talionis rewired my brain. Permanently. I love that fic so much. Thank you.
❤️❤️❤️ ngl every time i hear this i have a fleeting moment of fear like "oh god i hope it was rewired in a good way" LMAO but genuinely thank you!!! i'm so glad that it connected with you in a way that left a significant impact. i really had some things to say with that fic haha, beyond just 'canon obi-wan with just one screw loose (anakin) would make a fantastic sith and obikin has the capacity to be very hot' hahaha
writing it was cathartic in the sense that i tried to share the things i learned by fucking up a lot in my 20s. all of the smut was a sugar-medicine situation where it's a dramatization of anakin's irresponsible and immature surrender of his own agency, obi-wan's spiraling into manipulation, tripping over the line between was is and is not emotional abuse, experiencing the pull of addiction, things like that.
in life i've found it's so easy to become a nightmare version of yourself, and not even care how much you've changed. it's so easy to hurt the people you love, even as you are trying to care for them. submission can be an abnegation of your duty to yourself and the world to stand on your own feet, a coping mechanism with someone you trust in a world you can't control. dominance carries responsibility not to abuse that trust, not to harm, etc.
if the story really got deep in the psyche and tugged on some loose threads, i did my job. it's fanfic yes but also using characters we love so much and have loved so long gives access to some very powerful conceptual levers in the subconscious. an author can do a lot of heavy lifting with those levers haha thank you for giving me and my story the attention you did so that it could move you, you know? i wish you all the best!!!
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kugelfische · 3 months ago
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wisteriasymphony · 1 day ago
I sure hope that you realize you're the one being psychologically abused in this relationship. btw I loved Imagine(1971)
Being a writer is like being in a sadomasochistic relationship with oneself, just with Lovecraftian mind torture instead of spanking.
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taxlthomas · 2 months ago
Pretty cool news as of today ive been drawing looney tunes for a whole year (yay yippee!) and have gotten prettyyy good if i do say so myself in just that time, but also bad news today water doesn’t work for anyone in the area and allegedly isn’t going to for days AND im still sick and everything is terrible
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dinosaurwithablog · 11 days ago
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Lt. Tragg with Wonder Bread!! This makes me very, very happy for some reason!! 😁🤗😍
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28mindgames · 9 months ago
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details: latam edition
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rei-does-stuff · 6 months ago
Long post rambling abt my SaH continuation au
Might not make tooooo much sense but I’m trying
So, it continues where ep 32 left off, bam in the gas chamber WHOOOOOOO I love child murder!! And it mainly Geum’s mental state during it, how he’s going back at forth between saving bam and keeping his cover, he manages it (how idk yet shhhhh) and he gets Bam and co out of the gas chambers and hides them under the tunnel system of the Wolf Den where people won’t find them
Geum expects to be able to calm down from this, but he can’t, for some reason his heart keeps racing and he can’t focus and he seems to be hearing something, or someone but it’s too faint for him to really make out yet
He ignores it though, it’s PROBABLY nothing right???
Bamsaegi and co wake up and are found by other FH scouts that came as backup, even though Bam doesn’t really wanna leave yet since he hasn’t even really seen Geum yet, but alas he has no choice but to go back home and come back later
For Geum, things go around the same as usual,
The wolves have a new plan!!! They realize that the Flower Hill soldiers are on fucking crack and are willing to die for just about anything and aren’t afraid of them, so they’re using a lil sci-fi…ish machine to use people’s fears against them and what better way to test it out is throw Geum right into the machine!! Aren’t they sooooo nice?
Now the wolves can’t see Geum’s fear, but they can see his reaction so Geum still has to be careful during this. They wanna see Geum overcome whatever it is hes afraid of (if he’s even afraid of anything) so he can fight against flower hill better and also to see how strong the machine even is (and to perhaps see if he’s really a spy according to Vixen!)
Geum goes in, but it’s weird, it’s nothing nightmarish or even scary its honestly pretty nice, a night open field, lots of flowers, reminds him of home. He can even hear someone humming, who is that anyways? He gets closer and sees a squirrel, is it Jul? There’s no way he’s afraid of Jul. Bam? No, he’s not really scary either, even if he was afraid of losing him it’s not something that would stall him really, but it’s neither of those things. It’s…Him. Him before he was a soldier.
Geum is OBVIOUSLY confused, why is he seeing HIMSELF in something that’s supposed to be his biggest fear, it disturbs him, especially since the other Geum keeps trying to talk to him! He’s so nice?? The complete opposite of him! Was this really how he was?? Why was this his biggest fear??
“Who…What are you?!”
“I’m you! Silly! Finally you start talking! I was worried you went deaf or something!”
“You aren’t me! You’re nothing like me!”
“Well not anymore! You’re a soldier now! Funny how people can change so quickly. It hasn’t even been that long and you can’t even recognize yourself.”
“What the hell…?? Is this thing broken this can’t be my biggest fear this-this is…!”
“Are you okay? You don’t look so good…”
Geum with all the questions racing through his head and the machine being very taxing, passes out before he can finish the test so has to be taken to the infirmary
He has a splitting headache when he woke up, Vixen was near him, asking what happened in there. Geum lies and says he doesn’t remember. Vixen is suspicious but just tells him to relax for a bit and that he can finish the test when he’s recovered, making a comment about how she was pleasantly surprised that he was afraid of something.
Geum hates waiting. He hates staring at the ceiling but these damn mice nurses won’t let him leave until he’s “perfectly healed” or whatever!! It’s late, he hears that faint noise in his head again, familiar but he still can’t quite make it out. He falls asleep.
Midnight, or later, he wakes up, it’s like his body jolts awake and moves on its own, he’s so dizzy but he can’t stop, no one seems to be stopping him either for some reason, he’s outside, none of the nurses even tried to stop him this time. He’s on a flower patch and kinda just…Falls on it. “I remember you giving me a bouquet in a place like this!” A familiar voice said, this time it was so clear. It was Goseumdochi!
Geumsaegi feels like hes going insane, he KNOWS goseumdochi is dead but he can hear him and he can see him! He’s RIGHT THERE! But he can’t touch him, it’s like he’s a ghost! He asks questions, a million of them, but with no answers, Goseum just stares at him and smiles.
And thus begins Geum’s slowly breaking! Varies things happen but two things remain consistent, he keeps going into the fear machine (and failing) and he keeps seeing Goseumdochi and failing to talk to him.
For the first arc of the story this is a constant and it eventually ends with him beating the machine by just…Killing the other version of him. After which Goseum finally starts to answer him.
This leads into Geum eventually questioning things about Flower Hill and himself,
But he isn’t the only character going through a revelation, part 1 Juldarami!!!!! Where is he anyways?
Jul was of course, recovering from the bullet he took. But now he’s fully recovered and ready to help and find Geum. And by GOD he is worried because the commanders, NO ONE, has heard anything from him. Radio silence.
Jul is determined to get to the bottom of it. He goes undercover with his only mission being finding Geum. One problem though, Geum is avoiding him HARD. Everytime Jul gets close Geum runs 20 feet away, so basically it’s a game of cat and mouse with Jul losing his MIND trying to find Geum, and eventually listing the help of…Bamsaegi!!!!
Bamsaegi feels absolutely awful for what’s happening and thinks it’s his fault, so he helps Jul try to find Geum whilst learning about the world outside Flower Hill as he goes undercover and getting particularly close with Huin (which causes him to defect later on!)
Through this both of them learn that Geum…Isn’t exactly the greatest, idolization isn’t a fun thing when the person sucks BALLS.
That’s basically the gist of it, few more things tho,
Throughout this Vixen is doing her own plot to overthrow Commander Wolf and eventually does so Geum has to deal with that during his whole crisis,
Mul!!!! I haven’t exactly finished his whole thing but here’s basically what I have so far!
Mulmangcho is still trying to get Geum exposed as the spy, and he’s getting desperate now that Geum has basically ousted his former position. So he needs to reset things, find himself, BEAT any fear he has so he can crush that squirrel and rip that beautiful fluffy tail of his! So he goes into the fear machine when no one is looking,
His fear is…Weird. It’s a maze with seemingly no exit. Every door leads to another door and those door lead to 39 revolving exit doors that lead him back where he started! It’s frustrating! He hates it! And he’s raging HARD!
He keeps hearing something, like someone is laughing at him. He keeps following and following, until he sees…Geum.
Well great his biggest fear is Geum WHAT A SURPRISE! This thing must be Einstein! Except Geum is…Weird, he isn’t talking, he’s just kinda…Standing there, Mul takes a step forward, he takes a step back, he keeps moving, Geum keeps moving, he runs, Geum runs, but to where?
Mul keeps following Geum, he seems to be getting farther in the Maze than he did before, in the background he can hear glimpses of his life but he isn’t really focusing on that. Geum is leading him to an exit! He’s almost done—And his brother pulls him out of it before he can finish.
Still, he didn’t understand, he wasn’t scared or nervous throughout the entire thing, so why was that his biggest fear?
(I’m thinking it can lead to Geum and Mul slowly understanding each other!)
It all ends with Geum quitting the military tho and seeing that the commanders SUCK so fun!!!
That’s basically everything, I hope to turn this into a fic or comic of some sort eventually <333
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dreamings-free · 6 months ago
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years ago
i’m thinking about the Lightning Thief musical again and crying a little bit everybody hold on
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agentnatesewell · 2 months ago
I’m ready for the big nasty dramatic LT love confession that is definitely going to happen this book 🫠🫣 and I know it’s going to be the new villains fault tbh! I would love to hear your thoughts!
Hello friend! OH SO AM I!! There are supposed to be three points to which the love triangle is supposed to end (I thought the first one would be in book three, when the detective could get into a relationship with N, confess they love them, and sleep with them — but nope, the love triangle confined on!)
It makes sense to make the first drop off option here. I don’t know what will happen with Li-Sar, but I think we all think/theorize that there will be some major thing with the LI. And ultimately, the MC will have to choose. It will hurt!
But it hurts already! N knows of A’s feelings, they’ve both acknowledged them. N knows that the feelings are not unrequited. You can tell there is a shift with N, even in a relationship?m (after the first chapter mainly), where they - idk - backed off a little? There are two scenes that demonstrate it more to me.
So, it’s best for everyone to make that decision before being presented with more of an ultimatum from Li-Sar or maybe Li-Sar can tell who the MC loves more/would choose and hold over their head (Li-Sar sensing a person’s heart like they did in the woods for their first post-Ostin victim … and the MC telling Ostin they already know who is in their heart - singular even on the love triangle)
The Sanja fortunes weren’t a one off and I imagine that they’ll come to pass in either book four or five (maybe five because of the angst!). But I’ve been trying to analyze and this is her fortune for the love triangle
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(the other fortunes mention a darkness … idk … solar magic going out? a star dying/black hole? idk idk! and the mc’s body overwhelmed by the power within them?)
So! I am so excited to know more! There are some scenes I really love in the love triangle despite my despair in this book - but that’s for another post!
Hope these ramblings were coherent! I definitely think you’re onto something! And uh, how are they supposed to go after this book!! lol you know I’ll keep going regardless
Thanks for the fun ask!
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intermundia · 2 days ago
Love all this love for your writing flooding in, so just tagging on here.
What made Obi-wan’s spiral in LT so fascinating for me was that he at his core is (or thinks of himself as) an I-would-never kind of person, and it was gratifying to see it depicted how easy it is despite -or precisely because of this rigidly held sense of self- to become a toxic version of oneself and be completely blind to these creeping changes until it truly hits. The question of “would he even ever?” becomes “ok but under what circumstances would he?” and that breaking point for a character is a million times more fascinating interpretation of morality to me.
Also loved that Anakin was not played as a ‘good person’ in contrast (him being unrepentant about murdering the Tuskens? Top 5 scenes of all time👌). Often I find the flaws of one are downplayed to emphasize the other’s for the sake of the given story, nothing wrong with that in general, but Anakin and Obi-wan both have huge flaws and it is so gratifying to see them both struggle with the consequences thereof.
oh this is wonderful, both counts!!! the original planning documents were split in half with separate character analysis of both obi-wan and anakin, identifying their unique flaws that would be the cleavage points for how they would fall. i knew it would be different for both, as they are very different people, but they would make each other worse in important ways haha. anakin's fall is precedented in canon, obi-wan's was not, so i had to make that impossible thing happen.
it's like the whole X fell first but Y fell harder, except they're not falling in love, it's about moral decay. anakin is NOT a good person, but he was existing in a kind of ruthless stability still with altruistic intentions for a long time, but he was making himself more and more dependent on obi-wan, and when he felt betrayed by him, he cracked like a glowstick in a sharp decline, much like canon.
obi-wan was basically a frog who got boiled over a long period, each choice making the next one easier. the phantom menace novel was very useful for highlighting his rigidity and control issues. he believed himself to be someone with good judgement and morals. i did 'cheat' with the dreams, giving him a large shadow in his psyche that was the original crack. he should NOT have been anakin's master, but he did it anyway, and that was the first wrong choice he made, but far from the last hahah
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