#thank u for this very specific ask anon
completebest · 1 year
have you ever heard of dreamcasko ?? i think she is pretty cool......
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i love all of the weird little mascots sega made around this time...so silly
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(images and more about these guys here for anyone interested ^^)
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orthodoxxing · 4 months
gaga is a Zionist
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definitelynotshouting · 3 months
okokok here’s a question I like asking because you writers can be such tricksy hobbitses: in the chapters we’ve seen so far, has there been anything you’ve hinted at that we haven’t picked up on yet? -🌱
I fucking love receiving this question anon and the answer is yes >:] altho tbf to yall, this is bc a lot of the payoff for these seeds arent going to be seen until WAY later into the fic. Every single interaction between Grian and the others is setting the scene for various arcs later down the line-- theyre all jam fucking packed with foreshadowing, and whenever i see you guys speculate i start grinning VERY very evilly to myself over it SKDNSJDNSJDJS
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aloera · 5 months
aloera oh my fucking god (<- just woke up to the notification of a new aloera fic posted (r/offmychest) and read it immediately ofc)
aloera OH M Y G O D
anyway ty for sharing you are the captain of krbk fics to me it is literally a law of nature that i will read the fic as soon as i see the notif i d o n o t c a r e what is going on irl i will sit in the corner with my phone and READ do not talk to me so yeah. ty lol <3
you are. so sweet shut up i had the same oh my god reaction reading this... this means so much to me!!! i appreciate it so much!!!! i am so grateful that we r all unfortunately still stuck in the krbk pit even in 2024!!!! mwah <333333 thank u sm for reading im glad you enjoyed it
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ghost-proofbaby · 5 months
any updates on shire is burning ?🥹🥹🥹
this is one of the nicer asks i've gotten regarding it so i'ma respond just using you my lovely nonnie <3
it's a work in progress!! not abandoned but i don't push myself to write it or put it out as quickly, and i definitely am far more critical with it than i am with other fics since willow and eddie are my babies.
i wish i could give a more exact timeline of when to expect an update, but i'm really just vibing over here as i write it haha <3 probably not terribly soon considering i don't have a majority of the chapter written yet, tho :-(
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crescentfool · 2 years
hi! do you perhaps have more thoughts on your p3 actor au? cause I cannot for the life of me stop thinking about it
i hope you're having a wonderful day!! 💖
hi anon, i hope you didn't mind the wait for me to answer this ask! wanted to put some thought into it 🙏
for the p3 actor au i think these could be some fun thoughts. mostly blooper/cut-content oriented because i'm that kind of person:
elizabeth's actress is one of those people who literally lives their role (nearly identical to it), even when the cameras aren't rolling. i love thinking about SEES hanging out and they're like "you know we aren't filming, right?" (but they appreciate her quirky nature)
minato's actor sometimes brings his switch to set and may play it during his break times. i like to think that at some point his headphones accidentally unplug while he's playing and then whatever scene going on needs to be refilmed because there was a "WOOMY" noise in the background.
i think that aigis and ryoji's actors should be best friends, actually. as a treat. this is self-indulgent of me, really. unfortunately i can't elaborate.
re: aigis's costume design, i think that there won't be much green-screening needed (since cosplayers have managed to make the design before! which is really impressive!). compared to everyone else though, i think she'd have the longest make-up routine/prep-time... sorry to aigis's actress 😔
pharos would be played by a child actor and i think he should be friend's with ken's actor. i don't know how that would work but ken should have some more people his age on set tbh 🤧
ryoji's actor definitely got his scarf snagged on something during filming... maybe the escalator at port island station...? in a similar vein, i would not be surprised if chidori's headband or aigis's shoulder part fell off mid-filming and they had to take a temporary break afterwards.
on the show's social media, for halloween, the cast took a special featherman-inspired photo! but also i think it'd be cute if the actors went to a haunted house together and filmed their interactions.... not that it'd be much scarier than tartarus, LOL. i can see yukari just being fed up with junpei's attempt to make the visit even scarier than it needs to be.
i think if anything about the show/set would be leaked online... it would be through junpei's instagram live or something like that 😔 i am very sorry about this but also i think that junpei would be very happy and proud of the cast's work. he'd just be so happy and be like "HEY GUYS check out what the director sent-" and all the comments is everyone else telling him "NO"
i think shinjiro, fuuka, and hamuko would occasionally cook group meals for the set! nothing beats a good ol' home-made meal! 🥺 and really, i think shinjiro would make nice gestures and just help the others on cast a lot, even after october 4th is filmed.
also something that has vaguely crossed my mind: "the cast of persona 3 reads your tweets / posts." specifically akihiko and mitsuru... i just think that they'd both be fun yknow 🥴
this is silly but i think that during december 3rd when ryoji comes and gives his lil' info-dump on what SEES has to do- he should sneeze in the middle of it. ruin the immersion y'know 😎
also in general i think it's cute whenever there's cast interviews or "see how well the cast members know each other" (and those kind of things..?). other than the full-cast, i think i can see there being group interviews with the senpai trio™ (mitsuru, akihiko, shinjiro), ryominaigis + hamuko, the second years (fuuka + junpei + yukari), etc. etc. any grouping could make for some fun questions!
and lastly.. obligatory ryomina because this is me we're talking about... ryoji has absolutely gone off script during some scenes. i could see him either referencing that one evangelion thing (i was born to meet you) or just turning it into a confession scene... LMAO.
okay that was. a LOT more thoughts than i thought i had, oops!! admittedly i have not thought about this au in FOREVER so it was nice to think about it again!!! i tried to make it a bit more balanced in terms of giving more than one character spotlight
thank you for the nice wishes anon- and i hope you enjoy the thoughts on p3 actor au! have a lovely day and take care 💗
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 1 year
for the otp ask, kv: 20, 22, 31, 42?
OTP Asks
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
Lighthouse, by Loveless.
I'm not your savior, so far away / Blinded by anger, you forgot who to blame / I'll never be your lighthouse in the dusk / If I had my way, I'd guide you to the rocks
22. What reminds each of their partner?
For Knives: Empty blue skies. Red geraniums. Useless, broken things. The wreckage humans leave behind. Gunshots; recoil. Piano music. Straw. Afternoon sunlight. Kindness. Weakness. Shooting stars and lightning bugs.
For Vash: Green fields. Blood. The smell of metal. Spiders, butterflies, sandstorms. Sulfur; meteorites. The feeling of when the wind picks up and the smell of the air before rain. Piano music. Harsh, reflecting light. Translucency. Tears.
31. Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
They're very handsy. Knives is calmest in Vash's arms; Vash is the most content when he's held. When they were younger, casual touches were easy--shoves, hair tugging. Butterfly kisses. When they're older, they touch knees, droop into each other. Interlock in all the ways their bodies can--eyesocket to cheekbone, chin to shoulder junction. They do not hold hands. Vash always needs to be able to grab his gun.
42. What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
Rain. Torrential rain, the kind that pours from the sky, because it's so rare. Nai likes it because it feels cleansing. Vash likes it because it reminds them both that Nai's not really a god at all, and because he likes to dance in puddles. They will stand outside, lashed by sheets of water, with their mouths open and laughing, and only come in when they're soaked to the bone.
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bisexualrapline · 2 years
Dort get me wrong, please, I don't have anything against shipping at all, I'm just truly curious: what is it in 'Closer' that makes you think of namjin so intensely?
i’m like v much not a shipper in that i will never make things up about them or bend reality to fit to how i see them lol but i do have namjin brain worms i cannot deny that. see below screenshots from my manic rant to my beloved eline @indigopromise earlier today lol
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click on them to expand i didn’t want to take up everyone’s dash w my brain worms by posting them in a column 😬
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monmuses · 11 months
Hi there ! Genuine question: Would I be able to interact with Sebastian with my character in a romantic light even if he's exclusive to another? Like even if it were considered an unrequited romance?
unfortunately, no! unless it's occasional flirting, which i 100% allow if you understand what consequences might come from certain muses, thats fine. but with Sebastian, hard no. i've had too many issues in the past where having him as an exclusive has caused numerous problems via hate anons and problems with other muns wanting to ship with him. he's open to friendships, but anything even remotely involving romance, requited or not, is not a go.
thank you for asking though! i do appreciate the genuine honesty.
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lostmykeysie · 2 years
hii <33
i just read the latest tml chapter and it was lovely glad to see them all being happy and okay these are my children right here
i just wanted to ask (no pressure obv) what are your plans after tml is over? like are you going to take a break? have any fic ideas in mind?
IDK IF THIS SOUNDS LIKE IM DEMANDING STH MORE BC IM NOT take all the breaks you need, we need you rested and well
i love when i come back online and check my inbox and i've posted a chapter since i was last online because you are so obviously talking about chapter eleven hahahahahaha love you i hope you don't hate me too much for chapter twelve my bad babes (no ragrets)
i was planning to take a break once TML was done but i'm too excited about my modern magic au (two knights defence - i answered an ask on it before and that's what it will be tagged with moving forward FYI!!!!!) and i actually cannot wait !!!!!! so i think i will probs be doing a proper plan for 2KD before i start because it's gonna be quite plotty and because it's gonna be a proper au i'm gonna have to actually PLOT instead of just filling in gaps around canon like c&tw, so that will be exciting (and daunting)
i am also going to try my hardest to write the bloody fucking buy a bachelor one shot i started seventeen years ago and never picked up again because it's so fun and i'm thinking like... i'm used to writing 10k chapters for TML now so surely i can just pop out a quick 10k oneshot??? surely????? so if i'm not too tempted to jump straight into 2KD that's what i want to do :) but who knows at this point i cannot be tamed !!!!!!!!!!!
love u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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potatoesandsunshine · 6 months
i am proud of you btw. i hope it all turns out.
ANON 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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thelastspeecher · 8 months
Have you been tested for h. Pylori? My sister was having stomach issues for MONTHS before anyone thought to give her triple therapy for it -- the only reason I'm mentioning it is bc it's a relatively easy treatment which might give you a solution earlier than trying to get an appointment with a nutritionist
I haven't been tested for it, no. However, my symptoms tend to be located south of the stomach and don't seem to mesh much with an H. pylori infection. In addition, my GI seems to be on top of things, given that all the tests she ordered except one came back with abnormal results, and she hasn't mentioned H. pylori as a concern.
My issues do seem to be at least partially diet-related. Despite my odd reaction to the low-fructose diet, I do have fructose malabsorption. I also have gluten intolerance and an occasional sensitivity to high-fat meals. I wouldn't be surprised if there's something else sneakily hidden, and even if there isn't, it's enough to merit meeting with someone who can help me make sure I get all my nutrients. Whether my insurance approves it or not (fingers crossed they do - I'm making the call tomorrow), I'll be seeing a nutritionist. As for the wait, well, I've had to push medical things back a lot lately due to illness and a course of antibiotics that would have influenced a particular test. So I'm fine with a wait as long as I know there's an end point somewhere.
That being said, I believe my father may have had H. pylori in the past; I know he's had issues with ulcers at least. So I think when I next meet with my GI, I'll mention my dad's issues, because I don't remember if I told her about it during my first appointment with her.
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dandyshucks · 9 months
just wanted to say that i think the sketches you post r really cool and you have the kind of grasp of human anatomy i could only have in my dreams
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THIS IS SO KIND !!! i really appreciate this !! so much !!
i do want to say though that YOU TOO can grasp human anatomy the amount I do - I honestly feel like half the time my drawings only come out lookin nice due to luck LOL I feel like I've got no clue what I'm doing most of the time FDSJKL
more helpful answer though is that it's just a lot of time and practice (DON'T SHY AWAY AT THE WORD PRACTICE, BEAR WITH ME HERE) and most importantly finding things you enjoy drawing !!! for me it's been a lot of fictional characters over the years (both OCs and pre-existing media characters) - if you find smth you love drawing then ur going to want to draw a lot of it, which is how you improve !!
if i can make one recommendation, i'd say go watch wrestling - it has improved my art a noticeable amount in a short time !! you can find AEW clips on youtube for free (and livestreams for free though less legally lmao) and you can find so many action shots around the internet to use as reference. it's super helpful for learning anatomy and how the human body MOVES !! ALSO learn to draw fat bodies, i swear to god that's taught me way more way faster than drawing skinny bodies ever did - once you learn about body fat placement, you're off to the races :]
draw things you enjoy!! stretch your skills!! i could give more advice but you didn't actually ask for any so i'll clamber down off my soapbox now, but !!! please trust me that you can learn !! i have often felt discouraged about my art but lately i've been seeing how much is possible when you just try things !!
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
asking about so mordor it is during 24/7 hype is like asking the teacher if there’s hw at the end of class HAHA
nooooo never!!! mordor is my baby
i will be honest — i’ve been avoiding asks about it due to a few unkind ones i’ve gotten recently where people haven’t been the… nicest in the way they expressed wanting an update (but most of you are lovely who ask!! even simple “hey how’s mordor going” is welcome <3). i just haven’t known how to respond i guess.
the short answer is: it’s going! i wish i could give a more definitive answer regarding the next update because i love writing that fic very dearly, but i’ve just worked the last few days and haven’t gotten the chance to sit down and finish the final scene for the next chapter. 😭
the longer answer, which it’s not specifically you that has mentioned this nonnie, but others, is that my process with mordor just takes longer than 24. it’s more involved. when i say i’m working on mordor, it means i am rewatching the show, i am meticulously researching, i am rereading shire and going over my plot specifically for mordor. it’s just a lot more brain power required, which i fully brought upon myself and don’t mind because like i said, i love this fic and getting to write it and share it with you all!! it just means there’s a lot more happening behind the scenes with it on my end. i know it may not seem that way to all of you (as some people have expressed), and i know that maybe some don’t find the writing reflecting all that effort/being up to par, but at the end of the day… i’m trying my best and i’m most worried with my enjoyment. if i’m not enjoying it anymore, then it’ll show in the writing, and that just… isn’t what i want for my fic, y’know?
i really am sorry that updates on mordor take longer, and i am so endlessly appreciative to those of you who are patient enough to wait it out and still show so much support <3 i love y’all. thank you for taking a story that has turned into a very vulnerable part of my heart, and for treating it with care. 🖤
also i’m so sorry for picking on you specifically nonnie you’re just one of the nicer asks i’ve received recently regarding it and i’d rather extend an answer to you then someone being rude!!! <3 thank you for reading and thank you for being excited about it haha ily <3
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gentlehwa · 1 year
Hey you said in the reblog about the mhj und kth situation that it has been known that Bts have shit morals and I don’t want to disagree I would just like to look up examples of those morals. Could you give me some situations in which those morals have shown or anything because I would really like to educate myself about their more problematic sides
Thank you
sure! they have a history of racism/colorism (e.g. cultural appropriation, saying tanned skin is "too dark", saying the korean version of the n-word knowing full well what it means, the list goes on), homophobia, misogyny (e.g. lyrics in quite a lot of their songs and other things they've said), antisemitism, and now endorsing pedophilia apparently!
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lorelune · 1 year
I need you to know that your Nanami writing has my heart doing backflips oh my GOD. You have no idea how completely demolished my entire soul was when I finished reading what you’ve written it’s SO GOOD,,,, your Nanami is so sjdodndifndicsicjsicjsi I can’t even explain it
AHHH THANK YOU anon!!!!! im so glad you enjoyed it!!!!! and thank you for the kind words!!! nanami is truly like... my cancerian emotional sounding board. he has such care in him, and the way he expresses it is such a particular type of soft-- i've really enjoyed getting to write for him!!! thank you for enjoying it too!!!
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