#thank u for the excuse to talk ORIGINAL CHARACTERS!
aphroditesswan · 1 year
Guess who's backkkk! Me ofc <3
New request! :)
This request is idk probably weird! But ur my favorite! Can I ask for a reader who speaks another language but Is fluent in English. (I speak Spanish) and for example reader is speaking English but mixes it up with there other native language? Like I speak Spanglish (mix between Spanish and English) I hope you understand what I'm saying 🙁
But with danganronpa characters! (I'm a multifandom person) with kokichi and other characters u love! Can be either female or male characters! Have a nice dayyyy <3
déjate llevar 
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danganronpa v3 characters x gn! reader 
warnings: translator spanish, kokichi. 
summary: your native language slips a bit while with your classmates 
genre: fluff, crack 
notes: i’m a no sabo kid so please excuse the terrible translator spanish 🙏  also these r the v3 characters that i actually like so like,, there’s not a lot. 
requested: yes! by my fav requester no less
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oh she is on you about it, but not in a bad way. she listens intently to anything you’re saying, thinking maybe she can get kiibo to translate it later. she ultimately fails, simply forgetting how exactly you said it and gets the weirdest translation ever and ends up almost malfunctioning kiibo. 
“whhhat are you doing?” you had asked, walking in on a very confused kiibo and a disappointed kaede. “oh uhm,, i was asking kiibo about something that uhm, i heard earlier!” “translation,, my chicken smacked it’s nightlight in the face.” upon hearing kiibo, you realize two things. 1. kaede was trying to translate something you had said 2. she was absolutely terrible at spanish pronunciation. 
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he’s curious, that’s for sure, but he doesn’t exactly know how to ask you what you had said. he thinks that either you’d think he was dumb or you’d blatantly ignore him. oh the over thinker you are, saihara. like maki, he’s writing down everything you say that he wants to know, except he has no plans of talking to you about it. if he doesn’t have a pen and paper, it’s a mental note in his mind and thank the gods he’s infinitely better at spelling and pronunciation than kaede. 
“whatcha writing, shuichi? i’m curious.” you’d said, and yet again another thing he’d have to write down. “it’s nothing, don’t worry. just a couple of notes.” he had written down your latest phrase, taking the sticky note off and folding it, putting it in his pocket for later. “really? i could help you know-“ “no! i mean,, i appreciate it, i really do, but i don’t need any help, really.” “you sure?” “of course, no worries.” you then smile at him, shrugging and going back to your original task which required you to leave the room for just a bit. he sighed, slumping his shoulders in defeat. stupid shuichi, that could’ve been his chance to ask about phrases. his pockets are filled with folded up sticky notes of the things you say, and now he’ll have to search through an outdated dictionary for answers. good luck with that, saihara. 
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immediately thinks that whatever you said, it was some sort of code. she’d glare at you from wherever she was, leaving poor you to question what the hell you did wrong. you wouldn’t know she was following you and listening to every small thing you said in your native language until you were alone and turned around from looking at something in your lab, seeing maki less than a foot in front of you. 
“ah- maki, what did you need? i didn’t even hear you come in…” you put down the item you had on a nearby desk, trying to back up a bit. “this. what do they mean?” she presented a notebook to you, listing all the spanish phrases you’d said out of instinct in the last couple hours. “ohhh… well for instance that first one means ‘i am surrounded by imbeciles.’ if that helps you.” you smile a bit, already catching onto the fact she thought it was something dangerous and thinking it was just a bit entertaining. 
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somehow fucking knows spanish. and he’s listening for it too, already discerning from the slightest slip of an accent, that nobody else had noticed, that english most certainly wasn’t your first language much less japanese. 
“no puedes hablar en serio. te juro que me pones de los nervios más que nadie aquí.” you’d said as kokichi bothered you with the most useless thing, and trust me he knew what he was doing, for the nth time today. “heyy, that’s not nice to say, now is it?” he’d responded back in perfect spanish, smirking to himself as he followed behind you. you hadn’t noticed until you continued cursing at him in spanish (the same way you’d later realize was much like your mother) and then you stopped dead in your tracts, slowly turning your head to the smug kokichi. “what.” he flashed you that cheshire cat smile, and you swear that if it was possible he’d have the same powers as him. “what, not in the mood to talk anymore now, are you? be careful what you say, amigoooo!” he taunted as he walked backwards and left you with your eye twitching. “kokichi! get back here!” you looked around with furrowed brows, now speed walking towards kokichi with a glare. earlier, you had said some not nice things in a moment of anger, but hopefully he didn’t remember all of them. he couldn’t have, right? either way, he can’t run from you forever, and when you catch him he is absolutely, positively done for. 
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offers to be a translator for you. you could say the most diabolical thing on earth in spanish and he’s looking like 😦 but would still offer to translate what you said like you MEANT for somebody to actually understand you. 
“su multa como el infierno, yo personalmente sería bussing abajo sin dudarlo.” “EXCUSE ME. would you like me to translate your current sentence?” “ABSOLUTELY NOT KIIBO???” you have half a mind to shut him off just because he offered to translate it. hopefully, JUST HOPEFULLY, kokichi wasn’t around to hear that because then you’d really be in trouble, but if kiibo keeps offering to translate your deep dark secrets you say in spanish he better watch out. ricky when i catch you ricky. 
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not a lot of the v3 characters interest me enough to write abt them lowk 😭
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fondesmode · 1 year
okay quick warning, but SPOILERS for The Owl House Finale! scroll past if u haven't seen!
Cool. So I saw another post v similar to this, but I agree and really wanan add to this statement:
Thank god the owl house did not do these things:
Main cast stop talking for ages trope
Got rid of magic trope
Main character losing all their powers trope
Magic world combines with Normal world trope
Bad person gets redeemed because everyone can be good trope
Kill characters just for the sake of death
Now, did the show HEAVILY tease every single one of these? absolutely. And I adore the show even more for it.
The whole "i can't wait to see everyone again," followed up with "Luz, it's been a week." HGFJVG very funny
Raine being teased to die constantly but being too cool for that shit? yes thank you i woulda hated if you died
The whole losing the original glyphs because the titan finally died, concerning but sure ig, but when King was revealed to have his OWN glyphs language?? YOOO, not only is that a nice thing to bond over, but it means Luz can keep on learning new magic while going to wildmagic school!
Everyone was still able to use their own magic! With them in the archives and being unable to use their magic, i was SO worried it was gone. But then it was immediately like "no bitch you're just stupidly exhausted"
AND BELOS' DEATH SCENE. Not giving into his manipulation anymore and just letting it happen was SO satisfying! Not only that, but the parallel to Eda accepting the curse as part of her and not letting it control her, VS Belos who tried using a curse as an excuse to be a bad person etc. Love that.
AAAAAAAAAA I could go on forever honestly. But all in all, great ending and I litteraly have 0 complaints. With the 3 episodes having to summarise a whole seasons worth of content, it was done beautifully. Thank you Dana and the whole crew for this amazing show <3
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theeniebeanie · 3 months
hello, this is your unofficial excuse to completely tell us absolutely everything there is yo know about your ocs, for i cannot find any background information on them here and im so incredibly interested !!
(are they dating each other? whats the relation to the canon characters? relations with the virtual singers at all?? do they have thier own unit?? where do they reside? stuff like that!)
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hello yuri community. I am about to Rant. This is the Mikitena Masterpost. My pet girlfriends who have every disease.
Mikiso Saito (the purple one):
Created first! They/them lesbian, autism and ADHD ridden because they are just like me, for real. Seventeen years old as of ensekai canon, eighteen in jpsekai.
Despite being nonbinary, they do like feminine terms like girlfriend and other similarly feminine words. They are very against she/her pronouns, though. They also have some gender dysphoria because of their feminine figure, but they don’t mind it as much as they used to.
Naturally purple-haired, the cyan streak is dyed. This is because they are abnormal about Rui Kamishiro and had no idea how to speak to him and chose the most normal path of trying to look like him to get his attention. It works. They are friends.
Friends with another friend’s (@kenderlike) pjsk oc, Mikuo. This is lore-relevant because Mikuo is the one who gives Miki relationship advice (neither of them have ever been in a relationship at this point in time.)
Originally went to Miyamasuzaka, transferred partway through second year. Used to be classmates with Haruka and Saki, did not speak to Haruka because they were intimidated Minori style. Saki and Emu are their best friends prior to transfer, they still remain close.
They move to Kamiyama midway through their second year when their parents move - very stressful. Miki struggled a lot to make friends when they were in elementary and part of middle school, since they struggled a lot with social cues and other elements. This meant they were alone for a long period, which has left them with some problems they haven’t quite gotten over, however they don’t surface that often.
Miki ended up awkwardly standing on the rooftop and hoping Rui would speak to them for about a week, which eventually works. The reason they were so strange about him is because they were so truly enthralled with his performances in wxs, which they are a huge fan of thanks to Emu. They’ve been to every show besides the one that went poorly in the main story. They eventually befriend Nene and Tsukasa as well, though they’re somewhat afraid of him at first due to his volume - they get over it quickly enough.
Emu-type rich. Both of their parents have high-paying jobs, so they’re rather well-off. They don’t actually understand the value of money, though, and will casually buy expensive gifts for their friends and get extremely startled when they get emotional over it. Eg, buying Atena (we will get there) a real silver necklace with diamonds worth thousands since to them that’s pennies.
Extremely clumsy. Trips and falls all of the time. Somehow has never felt any embarrassment over it.
World’s most loving person. Can and will hug everyone they meet. Also very hyper, bounces all the time. Quite literally jumps with joy.
On the flip side, goes nonverbal when they’re troubled. This is distressing to them, especially when they haven’t told the person they’re talking to that it happens. Not always - when they’re particularly upset or going through a depressive episode, it’s a fifty-fifty coin flip. They have cards, though - in school, they have a system where when they are at different levels of functioning, they put different colored cards upright. Nonverbal is orange.
Not great at school - average grades at best. They try so hard, though.
Absolutely adores pressure - both giving and receiving. They squeeze their friends, they get squished on demand by their friends and family and girlfriend.
Atena Amane (the not purple one):
!! tw mentions of drug use, abuse, suicidal ideation and attempt, very brief mention of SA - will be a warning when it comes up !!
If you couldn’t tell from the warnings, Atena is Fucked Up. She/her bisexual autism ADD.
Kamiyama student. Sixteen years old as of ensekai canon, seventeen as of jpsekai canon. Skipped a year of school when she was relatively young so she’s quite ahead, still gets relatively high grades.
Almost every Kamiyama student knows about Atena because she’s surrounded by rumors. She has a reputation and is called names which are unkind and demeaning at best - they don’t bother her, but they bother Miki.
Atena serves somewhat as a parallel to Miki, in that they’ve both experienced loneliness due to the opinions of others. The difference is that Miki can’t handle solitude, where Atena thrives in it. She can’t be hurt if she isn’t attached to someone.
She’s very poor. Her father got sick when she was nine and died when she was eleven, and her mother, Yui, works multiple jobs to keep the house running. Atena is responsible for cleaning, buying and cooking food, and other household responsibilities. Her mother is only home on Friday evenings, otherwise she comes home way past 1-2 in the morning and she’s gone by the time Atena goes to school in the morning. This further adds to her isolation, especially as she’s an only child.
Drug use warning: After her father’s death, at age twelve, her first girlfriend and her split up, and the constant trouble eventually led to her smoking weed to cope. On top of this, she picks up casual drinking, as well as dating practically anyone that would look at her.
Abuse and SA mention warning: This doesn’t go well for Atena - she ends up in many relationships that vary from boring to emotionally and sometimes physically abusive. Her halting point comes at age fifteen, with her last casual relationship. To avoid going into detail, she’s hurt badly while intoxicated.
Suicide mention warning: After that instance, she makes an attempt which thankfully is unsuccessful, though the reason this upsets her more than anything is seeing her mother's face. She decides to avoid people in general from that point on in order to not hurt her mother further after the death of her father, not wanting to leave her mother entirely alone.
Her history with relationships leads her to being entirely closed off and extremely blunt - she speaks directly with no sugarcoating, entirely monotone. She also panics when touched due to her history, and does especially poorly when squeezed or hugged without warning.
She is intrigued by Mikiso, who’s unapologetically kind and (in her opinion) abnormally respectful of her boundaries, as they obey her rules to a T. They start dating after a while, and over time with a lot of patience and reassurance she begins to unlearn a lot of the negativity she had associated with “love.” They learn to love together, in a sense - Mikiso never having been in a relationship, and Atena never having been in a truly good relationship.
Miscellaneous general trivia:
Mikiso is ambidextrous - leans more towards naturally left handed. However, after developing their crush on Atena, who is exclusively left handed, they purposely started using their right hand more. Their writing and coordination is far messier, but they don’t care as it means they can hold hands with her while doing things. Atena does notice this one day, when she catches them, doing something with their left hand, but she doesn’t argue when they stutter that they’re ambidextrous.
Atena has a dented, sticker-coated black DS lite her father bought her for her tenth birthday. It’s hanging on by a thread, but she refuses to replace it. She plays Nintendogs religiously, as well as playing tons of cheap, third party games she finds in stores or is given or that she “found” in exes’ houses. She is forbidden from playing Mario Kart, however, as she gets angry and throws things when she loses. This, for some reason, does not happen with any other game.
Atena is an incredible chef. She is also an absolutely horrible baker. The reason being, she takes recipes as a suggestion rather than gospel. This works in cooking, not baking. This led to an occurrence when making bread where she put far too much yeast and accidentally created something sentient. Mikiso sobbed when Atena killed it because it was alive and they felt sympathy for it, where Atena wanted to put it out of its misery. After this occurrence, she was not allowed to bake unsupervised.
When Mikiso wanted to talk to Atena for the first time at school, they fell flat on their face after they misjudged the distance between their back and the wall and they lost their balance. This is the reason Atena didn’t outright ignore them, as she was intrigued by the fact that they simply stood up and acted like nothing happened with no semblance of embarrassment. This is also why Atena realised she found losers very very cute.
Upon being told by Mikiso that they loved Atena for the first time, she had a panic attack. After talking about it, though, she learns that things aren’t going to change because of it. She also refuses to tell Mikiso that she loves them, as she wants to be one hundred percent certain that she feels the same and know for a fact that she means it. Mikiso finds this very sweet.
Atena is learning how to love herself through learning to love and be loved by Miki.
Atena acts “normal” around her mother - is not blunt and smiles widely. The first time Mikiso ever witnessed this, they were horrified. This also isn’t discussed again after - think Emu being afraid of Mafuyu’s fake smile.
They aren't in a unit - they're just two guys, really. Mikiso actually does have a solo sekai called the Ship Sekai (or pirate sekai affectionately - named such because the virtual singers appear only after being Downloaded Legally. They don't have a huge goal, or anything - they're literally just friends with vocaloids, and it rules. Because I like it.)
Mikiso 's birthday is June 21st, Atena's birthday is November 16th.
Below this line I added their relationship charts with the main cast - there's probably more lore I haven't mentioned. I think about them a LOT. I painted them for my art final, wrote a story about them on my English final, I draw them everywhere. I have separate white day AU lore for them that I haven't even touched on. I have white day card edits. I have so so much. I could genuinely talk forever about them, I am so serious. Please please please if you have more questions please by all means, ask away. I will answer everything.
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inlovewithpandora · 1 year
Hi again! Hru? ☆
Just wondering, when you have the time ofc, can you write a story where Y/n gets hurt and it's a lil severe (u can make up how!) So when Roxto finds her, he scolds her a little but ends up treating her and gives her some affection? , So, small lil fluff ! ☆
Hope you see this and if you do I hope you have a great morning! I love ur stories and the way you write.
Bye! ☆
Hey! Thank you sending this request I hope it meets your expectations💗! (Sorry it took me so long to get to it😭)
- Requests are open (please read rules prior to requesting)
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- Infuriated-
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Pairing: Agedup! Rotxo x Fem! Metkayina Mate! Reader
Details: ⬇️
- Reader is a warrior and does have some problems controlling her anger (especially when it comes to Amika)
- The character you will be reading about (Amika) will be the antagonist (Reader’s enemy) in this story
- Reader doesn’t like when people talk about Rotxo (or herself) and when they do it triggers her anger
- (Reader is a little crazy but we still love her🤭!)
- Words written like this indicates a flashback
Warnings: Angst, hurt & comfort, fighting/injury, mention of blood, drama and mild swearing
Authors Note: I put a spin on the request so I hope you all like it💗! (I was lowkey nervous about posting this😭)
- if you see any mistakes please excuse them
Word count: 3.8k
Glossary: Yawne - beloved II Iknimaya - rite of passage || Skxawng - idiot, moron || Olo'eyktan - clan leader || Mauri - pods built in the giant mangrove-like trees alongside the shores
I hope you all enjoy💗!
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are highly appreciated💗!
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As you and Rotxo were eating lunch he began telling you his plans for the day, "Aonung and I are going hunting in the jungle today" he said as he ate his grilled fish. He's been anticipating on going hunting in the jungle for a while now. "You seem excited!" you say as you look at the wide smile on his face "I am! I've been trying to convince Aonung to come with me for a while and he finally agreed" As both of you continue to talk he begins to ask you about your plans.
"I'm going to the training hall today. Tonowari asked me to come help train some of the young warriors" You tell him before you take a sip of your drink. "Is Amika going to be there?" He asked you with a raised eyebrow "Yeah she is. Why do you ask?" Rotxo just shakes his head while he speaks "Because you know how you two are always at each others throats"
You and Amika have had a combative relationship ever since the two of you became teenagers. You and her always got into arguments about various things and sometimes it got physical. Both of you always knew exactly what to say to make the other tick, you both loved pushing each other's buttons.
Neither of you knew what was the origin of your long-time feud, but both of you knew that you didn't like each other for a reason.
"I know but we haven't argued recently so I think we'll be fine" you say shrugging your shoulders not thinking to much of it. You and her have passed by each other multiple times throughout the village but you never spoke, you just give each other angry glares.
"No I know how you are. If she pushes your buttons you will black out and things will get physical" Rotxo said as he thought about the last altercation you and Amika had.
When you were sitting on the shore, creating a new fish net you heard your name fall from Amika's lips, "I don't know what Rotxo sees in her. When he could have all this" she begins to gesture to her body "He decides to mate with Y/N " she says in a ick tone. You can hear Amika continuously talking about you to her friends which annoys you.
As you try to take the high road and ignore her you can't. You put down your incomplete fish net and walked over to her, "Amika do you have something to say to me because I can hear my name rolling off your tongue every five seconds" you tell her in a snappy tone. Amika begins to laugh right in your face, "Me talk about you? please! I don't even want to hear your name" she tells you and you know she's obviously lying
"Oh so you didn't say how Rotxo could've mated with you and but he instead chose me" you say while mocking her voice and doing the same gestures she did earlier. As Amika's friends watch the two of you argue they began to laugh at how you were making fun of Amika.
"It's true! I don't understand what he sees in a pathetic person like you" she boldly yells which makes you walk closer to her and get in her face "Me Pathetic?! Girl please you really are a skxawng aren't you?!" You say as you begin to laugh "you want to call me pathetic but your the one who came to MY mate's pod crying asking why he didn't chose you AFTER he has declined you many many times" a sly smirk spreads across your face knowing you opened an old wound.
You looked at her friends face expression and see the shocked looks on there faces which told you that they didn't know that happened. "Oh Amika you didn't want to tell your little friends that? Oops my bad" you say sarcastically
Amika balled up her fist and threw a punch toward for face. The punch connected and created a red bruise on your cheek. Once that happened your whole demeanor changed. You swung back and both you began fighting in the sand.
Once people seen both of you fighting they ran over to watch. Warriors came running toward you and pulled you off of her. As they pulled you away from Amika you could see blood dripping down her lips, a red bruise on both of her eyes, and multiple scratches along her body and face. As she sat there crying all you could do was chuckle, you hoped that taught her a lesson to watch her mouth and to not pick a fight with you but knowing Amika you knew that even the worst beating wouldn't get it through her thick skull.
"Rotxo the last fight we had wasn't even that big of a deal" you say waving him off
Rotxo's mouth flew open as he heard you say that, "Not that big a deal?! Amika face was messed up for weeks and she could barely see from how swollen her eyes were!"
"Well she shouldn't have been talking about me, she knows I can get a little crazy" you say with a small smile thinking about how her face contorted every time you threw a punch. ‘Little is a understatement’ Rotxo thought while shaking his head at you before speaking again "Maybe I should come with you and make sure nothing happens" he began contemplating if you could handle being in the same proximity as Amika.
"Rotxo I do not need a babysitter. I know how to control myself" you tell him as you stand up and began grabbing his and your shell plate. "Do you though? Last time the two of you got into an argument it ended in a fight" he began following you throughout the mauri. "Because she started it! She hit me first Rotxo what was I suppose to do let her just hit me?!" You began to raise your voice as your tail starts to swing behind you
"No I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that once she gets under your skin you tend to just act without thinking" Rotxo said in calm voice, trying to not get upset. He knew that if raised his voice like you just did it would only amp you up more so he decided to stay calm.
"I know sometimes I do but it's not my fault! She just, she just... she just makes me so upset!" You say as you begin to rant. "She is always saying something about me or our relationship and it just makes me so mad! She so bitter that she chooses to aggravate me. We've always went back and forth but when she found out we mated it made her more aggressive towards me but it's okay though because she knows I will always be more aggressive" you begin to crack your knuckles thinking about how it would go if you and Amika got into a fight this time around.
You knew that if you ever got into with her again it would get messy and you were prepared for whatever.
Rotxo just sighed hearing your response. "Y/N can you please not fight with her today. I don't want you to get hurt" He walks up to you and you can see his big blue eyes pleading with you
"Okay Rotxo I promise... I won't fight her today..." You mumble out which makes him smile "Good thank you yawne" he gives you a kiss before continuing to help you clean up.
You were going to try your best to control yourself and not let Amika get under your skin. You wanted to keep your word with Rotxo and not disappoint him so you were going to restrain yourself as much as possible.
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As your walking to the training hall you can see numerous young warriors sparring with each other. As you watched them it made you think about when you were their age, trying to become the best warrior Awa'atlu had to offer. Once you stepped inside the hall you can see Tonowari walking up to you, "Thank you for coming to help train the young warriors Y/N" he said with a grateful expression
"Oh it's no problem Tonowari I always love coming to help. What do you want me to do first?"
"Can you help them learn how to use a spear. They already know the basics they just need help learning how to use in combat" Tonowari pointed to a group of girls that looked around the ages of fourteen to sixteen. "Of course" you walked over to the group and began to observe them so you could learn their strengths and weaknesses.
As you continued to watch them one of the girls spoke up, "Are you going to be our teaching us?"
"Yes I will be teaching and helping all of you today" you say as a smile spreads across your face. You always loved to come help the young warriors because they were always determined to soak up knowledge and new techniques.
"Wow! We get one of the best warriors to teach us!" One of the girls said which made all the others agree. As you heard them tell each other different stories about your days as a warrior you began to chuckle.
"Okay girls who's ready to start the lesson?!" You ask with enthusiasm laced in your voice
"We are!" They say as they raise their spears in the air
"Good let's get started!" You grab your spear and begin teaching them different techniques
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One hour later
The girls have been picking up on techniques very well. You were proud of them for learning so quickly. As you continued practicing with them you could see Amika out the corner of your eye giving you dirty looks, you almost said something to her but instead you just continued helping your group because you didn't want to start anything. Rotxo words asking you to not get into it with Amika rang in your ears so you restrained yourself.
Amika watched you train your group and she was growing upset because your girls were learning faster and better than her group.
As you returned her a dirty look Tonowari walked in the middle of the training hall and began to speak, "I've been watching all of you and you all are doing very well. When it's time to do your iknimaya all of you will officially become warriors!"
All the young warriors raised their spears in the air and began to let out yelps of excitement. Once they began to quite down Tonowari started speaking again.
"I know all of you have been locking in your skills with using a spear but I want all of you to get use to hand to hand combat as well just in case you lose your weapon or something happens. I want you all to see a real fight so are there any experienced warriors who want to set an example?"
"I will but only if Y/N joins me..." Your ears perk up as you hear your name being called. As you looked around to see who it was you instantly rolled your eyes
Amika pointed her spear at you and everyone began to stare at you waiting for your response. You didn't really want to fight her but you couldn't decline her challenge in front of everyone, "I accept" Na'vi began to erupt in quiet whispers as they watch the two of you walk in to the middle of the floor. They knew both of you have a troubled history so everyone was interested in seeing you two fight.
Tonowari raised an eyebrow, as he heard Amika challenge you. He was one of the people who had to pull you off of Amika when you got into your last altercation so he knew what you were capable of.
"Why did you challenge me?" You asked her since you were honestly curious. "Did you really think I would let you get away with what happened before? That I wouldn't come get my revenge? That I would let it slide that you told my friends something personal?" She snarled at you
"If it was so 'personal' you shouldn't have been talking about me" you said while shrugging your shoulders trying to remain as calm as possible "I was just on the same timing as you" you don't feel a ounce of remorse for what you did at all, you felt like she deserved it after talking about you.
As both of you continued talking it was become more and more heated. As Tonowari watched both of you he could see the anger bubbling up inside both of you. "I don't think this is a good idea, I will pick different warriors to show an example" he said not wanting this to go the wrong way
"No no Olo'eyktan it's okay, I'll fight her. She wants to pick a fight with me like she always does so I'll give it to her" you say with a smirk on your face
Tonowari steps back hesitantly and let's both of you fight. What you didn't know is that he sent one of the warriors to the jungle to get Rotxo and bring him the training hall. He knew this probably wasn't going to end well so he wanted your mate to come as soon as possible.
You and Amika began circling each other while hissing angrily. Amika is the first to throw a punch and both of you begin to fight. You two have tried to throw shots at each other but both of you block each other's attempts. As the fight continues you make one blow and hit Amika in the shoulder. She groans out in pain but she continues to fight, you make sure to make a small hit but nothing to much to injure her to much.
Amika realizes how concentrated you are so she decides to try and throw you off your game, "Tell Rotxo I miss him" she says with a smirk. You knew she was trying to distract you so you tried to tune her out and focus on the fight.
Amika thought 'throwing you off your game' would make you distracted and vulnerable enough for her to get some hits in so she kept pestering you.
As the fight progressed you threw a punch at her but she dodged it and threw a harder punch at you.
"Shit..." you mumble out as you bend over slightly and hold your stomach. Amika watched you with a smirk on her face as she feels like she just accomplished something, "Is the 'mighty warrior' not feeling well? Did I hit you too hard?" She says in a sarcastic caring tone.
You were trying not to hurt her and here she was intentionally going farther than just a little sparring. You knew by the smirk on her face she was trying to do more than just a little example fight for the young warriors.
"Amika is this how you wanna play? Throw illegal shots? You know you stomach shots are against the rules!" You yell at her as you began to stand back up straight
"I know that's why I did it, I want this to be just like when we fought in the sand. I want this to get bloody, I want to reciprocate the same pain you gave me when you attacked me at the shore weeks ago" She said raising her voice for everyone in the hall to hear
Everyone around the hall was intensely listening to both of you argue, "Attack you?! Are you delusional? You threw the first punch at me! You know what, I've been sparing your weak ass because my mate told me to but you're really pushing my buttons right now!" You say as you feel yourself grow angry as you pointed your finger in her face
"Since we're talking about Rotxo tell him to come by my mauri tonight, I'll show him what being with a REAL woman is like. I know he's tired of going to bed unsatisfied every night" Amika said with a malicious laugh knowing that she pushed you over the edge.
Everyone in the training hall mouths went agape, they were taken aback by the nasty comment she just made toward you. You were shocked as well, you knew she would say slick things but this... this was below the belt.
Your breathing began to get heavier and your eyes went from a beautiful blue to pitch black. Adrenaline ran through your body as you begin to ball up your fists. Your whole demeanor began to change and everyone could tell including Amika. You could see the look in her eye and tell she was growing fearful even though she tried to keep up her 'tough' act.
She walked up to you and punch you right in the nose, when her fist made impact you could hear a small crack. Instead of you groaning out in pain you began to let out a dark laugh which made everyone look at you like you were crazy, "your going to regret doing that, your going to wish that you didn't pick this fight with me" you say as a evil smirk spread across your face
Without saying another word you draw your arm back punch her in the face so hard she stumbles back and falls onto the ground. You grab her, raising her off the ground and began punching her repeatedly.
All you could see is red, all you were focused on was her, all you could hear was her words swarming around your head that you couldn't please your mate and that you were inadequate. She knew Rotxo was something that triggered this side of you so you don't know why she even did it and then for her say that in front of all these people including children was just weird to you.
As you continued making blows to her face and body you couldn't stop, the only way you could stop is if someone pulled you off of her. Amika tried to get some hits in and she did but they were nothing compared to the damage you were doing to her.
Every time you hit her your goal was to hear something crack, you wanted to see crimson liquid fall onto your hands from causing her a injury.
You were so focused on Amika you didn't even realize Rotxo walked into the training hall.
"Y/N! STOP!" Rotxo yelled trying to get your attention
You couldn't even hear him, you were to focused on the task at hand. The next thing you felt was a pair of hands wrapped around your waist, "LET GO OF ME!" You yell out trying to get out of the persons grasp and make your way back to Amika
"Yawne relax it is me" when you heard Rotxo voice it snapped you back into reality. You looked down and saw Amika on the floor curled up in a ball. Your eyes went back to their natural color and your body became less tense. He noticed how you demeanor changed and how your body relaxed so he let you go.
Before you left with Rotxo you needed to tell Amika one last thing.
You crouched down to her level and looked her in the eye, "You better not say some stupid ass shit like that again. This is your only warning, your lucky Rotxo pulled me off of your skxawng ass because I was this close to caving your head in. If you pull something like this again I will beat you until your soul meets Eywa, try me if you want to" you spat at her viciously. When you stood up you slap her in the face with your tail and began walking back toward Rotxo.
Rotxo grabbed you by your wrist (gently of course) and began leading you to your mauri. The walk there was silent, you knew once you got home he was going to be upset because you didn't keep your promise. As you walk inside Rotxo walks in behind you and closes the entrance curtain. Rotxo goes on the opposite side of the mauri and grabs some healing supplies. He walk back in the open area where your standing "sit down" is all he said. You knew he was upset when he only said a few words.
Once you sat down he began cleaning your small wounds and bruises. You didn't even realize your injuries until now because your body isn't running with adrenaline anymore.
Your hands were bruised, your nose was bleeding and a little broken. You also had some minor scratches and your stomach had a bruise on it from when Amika punched you. When Rotxo began putting a salve on your bruise you winced from the pain. Rotxo eyes softened as he watched your face contort from the pain but he was still upset with you.
As Rotxo continued healing your wounds he still hasn't said anything so you decided to break the silence, "Rotxo I know your mad but-"
"Yes I am mad! You promised me you wouldn't fight her and you did! I didn't want to see you hurt and that's exactly what happened! Look at you with all of these injuries!" He scolded as he continued ranting
As you heard him your ears fell flat, you hated that you made him upset. "Rotxo I'm sorry I didn't want to fight her but she just pushed me, she crossed the line this time"
When he heard you say that he became curious, "what do you mean? What did she do?" He asked as he sat down next you wanting to hear every detail
You explained everything to him. You told him how she was making dirty looks, how she challenged you, that disrespectful comment, and how she punched you in the nose.
"Rotxo I tried to control myself as much as possible, I really did but she push me to the limit. Saying that I wasn't a real women, that I couldn't please you it infuriated me. All I could see red, I-I just blacked out"
"I can't believe she said and did all that! If I would've known I would've continued letting you beat her to a pulp"
He took a small breath before continuing to speak
"I'm sorry yawne, I should've listened to your reasoning before I got upset. I just started getting upset before I even made sure you were okay" he grab your hand, gliding his thumb over your teal skin as he looked at you with apologetic eyes.
"It's okay Rotxo, I understand why you got upset. I'm okay, my body hurts a little but I'll be fine. I know you worry about me and my anger and I promise I'll get it under control"
"I know you will" he says as he plants a kiss on your forehead. "Now let's finish getting you patched up, okay?" He picks up the healing supplies and starts back tending to your wounds.
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Previous work
I hope you enjoyed💗!
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��️inlovewithpandora ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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ackackh · 4 months
Hi happy talk shop Tuesday to my favorite writer!!💛 my question for u is what inspired the original characters in ur fics? Eddies family in our hemisphere & especially Sophia from the tulip- those characters are written soo beautifully and have stuck with me long after I’ve read them :’)
Also omg a new chapter of God is a Bluegill!!! how does it feel to be back writing it!
Lord not me crying in the club bc you called me favorite 😭💛
Ahah would you believe me if I told you I’ve been kicking around a different/updated version of Our Hemisphere for the past few months? No real promises and the original would absolutely stay as is—but I’ve changed so much as a writer and I have so many more ideas for those characters and I wanna write with them again!
-I’ve never been one to research The Real Guys when it comes to fic bc I’m working with a character and not a historical figure, and fandom at least seems to believe that Eddie has a million siblings so I wanted to hop on that train! My dad grew up as the second-youngest of 13 siblings and the absolutely wild shit they got up to? Incredible. And Eddie was so good at working with the guys in The Pacific I couldn’t help but picture him as the eldest, especially with my darling baby Ruthie, I literally love her so much, I just wanted to give Eddie someone he could pour all his love into and someone who would love him unconditionally. I’m the youngest sibling, I know all about idolizing older brothers.
-Joe, my other love, isn’t the villain of course, just someone with a lot of emotions he doesn’t know how to handle. He came out of the idea that there were lots of guys who 4F who became really depressed and sometimes took their own lives. Joe spent a lot of time resenting Eddie for having what he couldn’t. Then, even worse, he’s not even grateful for it, he comes home all fucked up over it and Joe didn’t even get to go! Add onto it that Eddie’s sleeping with a man and Joe just… can’t deal. He’s just sad, and he deserves better.
-fun fact, the Ruth in my newer version of Our Hemisphere does not immediately take to Eddie upon his return bc she literally doesn’t remember him. And now there’s this fuckin dude? Just in her house? Excuse me? She warms to him eventually tho, and then they’re inseparable
And omg Soph, my angel, my absolute shitster. When I wrote The Tulip I was friends with this girl who had a little sister who was like 3(?) at the time and she was sooo smart it was a riot. I based a lot of Sophia around that idea. She’s the kind of kid you love to death but who can’t stop getting in trouble because she’s so observant and has no tact (bc she’s in like, preschool). Lot’s of gray hairs for Walt. Ray only encourages her.
AHH THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING GIAB. I am like, beside myself with happiness that I’ve been able to continue it! And now that ch 3 is out it’s been way easier to continue into ch 4, which has like 2k words so far. I have so much story in my head here, like, it fucking goes places. Some shit fucking happens in later chapters and I can’t wait to show you!
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littencloud9 · 7 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
oh my god. an excuse to talk about my favs please never apologise for asking i love u. heres a list and also a song i assign them because i can LMFAO 🫶:
10. murashige yuzuki - skip and loafer
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yuzuki means SO much to me. she is so so kind and has the biggest heart ever and is always looking out for the rest of the girls, and she’s so perceptive too. and the effort she puts into her art makes me sob. she’s the biggest supporter and i adore her friendship with the other girls 🥹💗
song: there she goes by sixpence none the richer. dw about it
9. mai - avatar the last airbender
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she is SO me. oldest sister core. i adore how much she cares in the show even though it’s always masked by indifference or harsh words. her betrayal scene was FANTASTIC and she is so skilled and powerful i love her. also love her design it’s very cute!!
song: are you satisfied? by marina. i feel i dont need to explain this one
8. kyan reki - sk8 the infinity
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holds him so gently. nothing bad should happen to him ever. he is the sweetest character and he is trying his damn BEST and his arc was incredibly done. super realistic. hurt my soul. him and miya are the most siblings to ever sibling. GIVE HIM PRAISE HE DESERVES THE WORLD
song: outdated by lyric. ps i LOVE lyric it’s my new obsession and her songs send me to heaven. highly recommend !! <3
7. shi qingxuan - tian guan ci fu
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the genderqueer icon. the silliest babygirl. they are the light of my life and i smile every time they come on screen. them and xie lian are the funniest duo ever. and i love how cheeky they are no matter the situation, and that they’re so smart!!
(honourable mention 1: lang qianqiu. he was here before sqx replaced him. his story shattered me into pieces and i hold him so dear to my heart)
song: girls and boys in school by neon trees. i am the biggest neon trees fan and i feel like the vibe fits. also any trashy 2000s pop song fits too. i think sqx would love kesha
6. yosano akiko - bungo stray dogs
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YOSANO I LOVE YOU 💗💗💗💗💗 the moment her backstory hit i was utterly fucking DESTROYED. her fight with kajii and her speech about how valuable human life is (which you wouldnt expect because her ability can ‘reverse’ death) was amazing, and then you get to know WHY she thinks that way with her backstory. and the way she was forced to become a weapon but unlearned that with the help of the agency. oh god. im on my knees. asagiri give me more yosano screentime i beg 🔪
(honourable mention 2: akutagawa. i didnt want to spam this list with bsd characters but just know that he hurts my soul and destroys me mentally)
song: history of man by maisie peters. again i feel i dont need to explain this
5. mu qing - tian guan ci fu
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he is SUCH a little fucking bitch (affectionate). admittedly hes here because hes pretty and sassy. genuinely my fav tgcf character and his attitude is funny. hes also dumb sometimes (with feng xin or xie lian) and i love how hes so embarrassed of affection. please give him more hugs i need to see this man blush. also hes in an 800 year old situationship and there is SO much to unpack there but it doesnt matter because i want to throw him in a blender NOW ‼️
song: best by gracie abrams. i was gonna put a sillier song but i think this fits him and his dumb situationship. get this guy to talk about his feelings
4. edogawa ranpo - bungo stray dogs
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!!!!!! RANPO! hes so me. hes been my fav since season 1 and then untold origins got adapted and i was shaken. holy shit. hes just a boy. he just needs love. he flaunts his brain and power as a direct response to how much he was shamed for it as a child. HIM AND FUKUZAWA. HIM AND YOSANO. im gonna sob. he seems so cocky and arrogant and then u realise hes desperately trying to be the smartest in the room because he knows how much the agency relies on him. hes trying to protect everyone. hes holding the weight of the entire agency on his shoulders. im squishing him I LOVE RANPO
song: mastermind by taylor swift. it was either that or mirrorball. but i think the bridge fits him especially well <3
3. itadori yuuji - jujutsu kaisen
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TOP 3!! ITADORI YUUJI THE MC THAT YOU ARE. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 💞💞💞💞💞 hes pink and silly PLEASE take all his suffering away and give it to gege akutami. I LOVE HIM. he has undeniable willpower AND UNSHAKEABLE CHARACTER and he keeps getting up no matter how many times hes been beaten down. HE FIGHTS SO HARD FOR THE PEOPLE HE LOVES. he wants to save people. he blames himself so much for things that aren’t his fault and it makes me CRY holy shit. and the way he looks past appearances and sees people for who they are inside/their talents and positives. GREENEST FLAG. I LOVE YOU YUUJI. please please please give him back everyone he loves and give him a big hug. put him in a romance anime this jjk shit is NOT for him 😞
song: atlantis by seafret. it was that or not strong enough. both options hurt equally bad. I LOVE HIM ☹️
2. cheng xiaoshi - link clink
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HNGHHSHDHDHHSSJDHSHHSHSSHSHDHSHSHDHHS. CHENG XIAOSHI I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. none of you get it (ps PLEASE watch link click i want more lc friends 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏). he is the best thing of this show and the show is fantastic so thats saying something. HES SO DUMB BUT SO KIND AND AN AMAZING FIGHTER and his backstory omg i need to give him a hug. i love how determined he always is to give people a better life, to change their past for the better, even though hes heavily warned not to do that. and that he is ALWAYS fighting for others. and how understanding he is. his relationship with both lu guang and qiao ling are so precious. he has this warm aura around him that draws the other characters to him u know?? i am the biggest cxs stand i will defend him with my life. i cant say much more with spoilers so ill end here but I FUCKING LOVE HIM PLEASE WATCH LINK CLICK DO IT FOR HIM 🫶🫶🫶🫶
song: waiting room by phoebe bridgers. he knows he cant change anything but god fucking DAMN it does he wish he can. sobs forever
1. fushiguro megumi - jujutsu kaisen
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MEGUMI!!!!! i feel like we saw this coming. ill never shut up about him. megumi i love you. ill defend him with my LIFE. he is the biggest lover at his core and he is so determined to protect those he loves. and his whole thing about never reaching his full potential because he doesn’t believe in his power… ough. and how he loves his friends so much but wont show it. he’ll be like ‘i do NOT care about human earthworm’ and then watch all four movies. he is my son. and yeah as a manga reader ive been suffering for so long but WE HAVE HOPE NOW! megumi nation in megumi we trust 🙏 I LOVE HIM. his sass is also really funny. i love him have i mentioned that. im not even articulate anymore my brain is just HDHFJSBDJDHJD when i think of him. he makes me miserable. his relationships with tsumiki, gojo, toji etc are all so depressing in their own way. HE DOESNT DESERVE ANY OF THAT SHIT BTW GEGE GIVE HIM BACK HIS HAPPINESS. also wait i love how smart he is during battle and how he is so observant, and how he explains jujutsu stuff to people like yuuji who are new to it. HAVE I MENTIONED HOW KIND HE IS. HGDNAJDHSJD. my silly pining gay boy. i am hugging him so gently and making him the warmest soup ever. sorry for the rant MEGUMI THE CHARACTER EVER 💗💗💗🫶🫶🫶💞💞💞🩵🩵🩵
song: the alcott by the national ft taylor swift. this is ESPECIALLY solidified by this edit here that changed my life. LIVE LAUGH LOVE MEGUMI 2k24
wow this is a long post. thank you SO much for the ask sorry for how incoherent this is i love my favs 🤍
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Mob Psycho 100 for fandom! And Amy from Sonic for character~
omg hello thank u niru c:
obligatory link back to the original ask game
Mob Psycho 100
sorry that alot of these repeat and probably arent like insane thoughts, i was only big into mp100 when i was like 16 and finished the anime like a year ago 😭
Favorite character: Serizawa c: hes a 6w5 so legally i must enjoy him but also i just like him ... he has curly hair and is cool OH AND TOME !!!! shes fun :) i dont fully remember my interesting thoughts on her but i enjoy her and how she works for reigen post canon. i think her weird girl charms get to me
Least Favorite character: uhhhh probably mogami or shous dad... theyre both just annoying like whateverrr stop being a dumb adult stop beefing with 15 year olds losers...
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 1.... serirei?? is that the ship name. serizawa and reigen. basically canon ? 2. mobteru again basically canon 3. . um . theres not much ships i really have with this show so idk if i can do 5 but i can at least do three bc i think tome and mezato is cute :) i briefly became obsessed w them for a bit after season 2 .... i think the ship of the two claw guys . the like sword one and the other guy is pretty cool...
Character I find most attractive: serizawa. who would have guessed.
Character I would marry: nobody everyone here has many red flags also theyre 90% children
Character I would be best friends with: if i was a teenager there is a non zero chance i genuinely would be besties with tome but also maybe slightly find her annoying. but also maybe i would become besties with mob. in normal life none of them bc i would never talk to children or the adults in the show
A random thought: i think reigen is one of the last tumblr sexymen before that term really became used as meaning: character im sick of seeing so much of... but also i could be wrong. also can everyone stop drawing serizawa with straight hair ... i know they do in the manga/anime but if he had curly hair before they cut and washed him then it wouldnt go away. thats not how hair works and i should know as ive lived with it for like years.
An unpopular opinion: mogami arc wasnt that good, stop using it as an excuse to be weird abt child characters plsss
My canon OTP: nothing is canon :/ so
Non-canon OTP: serirei as i said above ☝
Most badass character: mob :] hes cool and awesom... but also i do think
Pairing I am not a fan of: idk if its bc i dont remember much but i cant see shou and ritsu as much more than besties but also obvs im not at all a fan of the . weirdly large amount of reigen and mob stuff like whats wrong with you all im killing you . i also just dont care too too much about ships between teenage characters so many of the ships in the fandom are like yea thats alright, also can see them as just besties, u kno?
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i didnt realize how little there was of serizawa in the manga or the anime .. i feel like he had more when i first read it ???? anyway he should be there more .
Favourite friendship: i think mob and reigen are fun as friends :) especially as they grow older, i think the dynamic would be fun. also teru and ritsu are fun when theyre together. worlds most dramatic 12 year olds.
amy will b under the cut
amy rose :)
How I feel about this character: I like her !!! i feel like shes not talked about much outside of ships which is a shame because i feel like if people came together on her character (this includes people writing canon) then there could be a compelling character here that wouldnt deny her roots or just stay the same sort of trope she used to be. I cant deny i do enjoy that they occassionally dip into her little interest in tarot :) its nice to see that trait remembered.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: sonic of course, shadow, blaze a bit?, metal sonic anddd... yea thats it
My non-romantic OTP for this character: i think her with silver or knuckles is always fun :) idk why i think its because they bounce off of each other well. equal levels of no braincells happening here at least with silver. and with knuckles i feel like they could have a fun brother sister dynamic.
My unpopular opinion about this character: what is the popular opinion on her .... idk ill just use this as more of me talking about her character in general. i wish people would use her abandonment issues more, or at least like integrate that into her character since i think its a trait that shows up a bit in the little visual novel and in sonic frontiers and i think that makes sense as a trait for her
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: if she was ever playable again . I HAVENT played the sonic frontiers dlc but i think giving her a little spin off game ala the princess peach games would be fun. maybe then her team from sonic heros can be used again and i could like care about big and cream outside of them being sparingly used in canon .. and big not just being a joke ... also i just want more development for herrr im always begging for development or character in this series i know its for children but plsss also i wish they would like actually like .. fully deal with her whole thing with sonic... it feels like they wanna pretend her obsession just never happened and wasnt like the main thing with her character before they basically turned her into sally acorn.
My OTP: honestly ive really come around on amy x metal sonic :) i think mainly bc i cant see her with sonic at all (<- sonadow truther) and also i think it could be interesting if i thought about it more deeply
My OT3: amy x sonic x blaze i know i just said i cant see her with sonic but this is the exception, if i had to have an ot3 it would be this .. otherwise idk if i would have one.
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the-halfling-prince · 1 month
tell us about harlowwwww plz (if u feel like it)
Yessssssssss it's Harlow time BABEY. I'm just gonna throw out some completely not interconnected thoughts about various things from the series I don't think I've talked about yet.
Harlow Stormrage has a bad case of "I can fix him" syndrome and honestly considering the fact that she got the dude who hated her the most to be her ally in the first book, it's entirely understandable.
Harlow and Tiger's moms were like literally the best friends ever. Just two cool adventurer ladies who go on their little journeys and then like... Disappear never to be seen again.
There are multiple characters who originally were only gonna show up in the last two books but their characters were so flat. I just had them so I could have like... the people, if that makes any sense. But most of them I did create some book plots to throw in there and now they're some of my fave characters (y'all who know how much I love the Karlsson twins would think I was crazy for how they are barely there in the original plots. Holly and Eerikki Karlsson im so sorry)
Also sort of building off of that last point, the character of Harlow's dad was supposed to be like completely irredeemable in the first ideas of the book. He really sucked. And then he was supposed to die in the last book, not even as an act of heroic sacrifice. Just like... Oof he's dead. And it was supposed to be Harlow struggling with the fact that she missed and grieved him even though he was a shit dad. But when I added more than just the three books, I expanded on his character and I was like "okay I can work with this way better" and now he feels like a normal person. And based on how I wrote Harlow's mom, I don't think she would've married someone who was a complete and total asshole. Of course he does still make the god awful decision to disown Harlow at one point but then it's explained later, and while it's not excusable, it does make more sense as to why he did it. And after Tiger "dies" (he's fine. Could you imagine if he wasn't? Gosh that would've been awful if I had actually decided to kill him off. Let's just say y'all do NOT want to hear what I wrote for the original final scene of the books it's depressing as shit) Harlow's dad is way more human and sympathetic to his mourning child and like it's a whole thing where he finally sees her as a child.
Y'all I'm constantly reminding myself "oh yeah these characters are babies. What." Like when I started the books I was as old as Harlow in book one. Now I'm as old as like Careless in the last book. (Also I hated Careless when I was 12. Now he's my fave I love my archer son)
Y'all I need y'all to know the amount of characters that we're originally supposed to die in the last book but I got too attached. Like obvi there was Harlows dad and Tiger (Yeah weird literally why did I do that) but there was also like half of the mentioned adults (I was so ready to just invent some orphans and for why) and also Eerikki Karlsson. Who in this plot líne had like no part and there would've been no weight to his death because who even was that guy??? Anyway yeah I'm glad I got over that. 14 yo me just liked being edgy and torturing my readers ig.
Well that's all I've to say for now, thank you for your time
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sunnyie-eve · 8 months
2 | Ridiculous
Series: No Prince Charming
Paring: Harry Hook x Original female character Princess!
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: none
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As Bella was walking down the hall Audrey turns the corner bumping into her, "Oh, Bella." She eyes her.
"Haven't we talked about your outfit choices? Your parents prefer you in dresses and skirts." Audrey points at her outfit.
"Yes, we have and yes they do but I can wear what I want to wear." Bella smiles walking off.
"I wasn't done."
"I am!" Bella waves walking to class.
During history class Jay and Bella sat beside each other and she kept stopping him from stealing her stuff the entire time.
"Are you going to give up?" She asks as she gets her bag as class was over.
"I'm just testing you. See how well trained you are." Jay eyes her leaving class first.
"Apparently better than you my dude." She talks to herself leaving the class you following Jay from far behind.
As she walks past him standing with Mal at her locker she holds up his history papers he had put in his bag, "Again!" He shouts making Mal confused. "Stop stealing my stuff. You proved you're good." Jay takes the papers out of her hand.
"Huh?" Mal looks at them.
"Princess Isabella here is a gifted thief." Jay explains so Bella gets something out of her bag.
"Have you noticed yet?" Bella smiles showing Mal her spell book.
"When did you? How? Give me that." Mal takes it back.
"She got something that important for you and you didn't even notice... You're surprising me." Jay laughs.
"How long have you had it?" Mal asks.
"Umm about two hours since I took it during math with you. Thank you Amir for teaching me. Aladdin's son by the way." Bella tells her which shocked her. "Oh and Evie's magic mirror." She passes it over.
"Just proving to Jay, I'm better than him at his own game. See you at the game." Bella walks off from them.
"She's bad deep down." Jay looks at Mal.
"I would guess it gets boring here." Mal watches Bella till she was out of sight.
Later at the game Bella stood with Mal and Evie, "Do we normally win?" Evie asks her.
"Yeah, I don't care like most of the school does. But it might be interesting with Carlos and Jay on the team now." She tells her.
While the game goes on and Carlos was put in all start to get nervous as it was a tied game. "GO! YOU GOT THIS!" Bella screams at Carlos, Ben, and Jay as they get close to the goal.
"He scores!" Evie and Bella cheer jumping up and down.
"The winners of the first-,"
Ben steals the mic, "Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have you attention, please? There's something I'd like to say." He looks around, "Give me an M!"
"Give me an A!" He yells.
"He's..." Bella looks at Mal.
"Give me an L!"
"L!" Everyone screams.
"What's that spell?" He asks?
"Mal!" Everyone one screams.
"I love you Mal. Did I mention that? Give me a beat!" He yells making the band start to okay.
"Oh, my god." Bella's jaw drops with the girls.
"What was in that cookie?" Mal laughs.
"Did you do something?" Bella laughs, "Because if so... trust me, you didn't have to." She says knowing he already had a crush on her.
"Did I mention that I'm in love with you? And did I mention there's nothing I can do? And did I happen to say, I dream of you every day, Well let me." Ben sings
"Shout it out loud!" Everyone sings.
"If that's ok. Hey hey"
"Hey!" Bella and Evie shout.
"If that's ok, Hey!"
"I met this girl that rocked my world. Like it's never been rocked. And now I'm living just for her. And I won't ever stop. I never thought that it could happen. To a guy like me. But now look at what you've done. You got me down on my knees." Ben starts to dance making his sister crack up.
[Ben & Choir] Because my love for you is Ridiculous! I never knew (Who knew?) That it could be like this My love for you is Ridiculous! My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s (R-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s) It's (Ridiculous) Just (Ridiculous) And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss
[Ben, Choir, All] Well did I mention that I'm in love with you? And did I mention there's nothing I can do? And did I happen to say I dream of you every day Well lemme Shout it out loud If that's ok Hey hey Yeah If that's ok (Hey)
"I gotta know which way to go. Come on, now give me a sign. You gotta show me that you're only. Ever gonna be mine. Don't wanna go another minute Livin without you. Cause if your heart just isn't it. I don't know what I'll do" Ben sings and r the team grow him forward making Bella and Mal cover their mouths.
[Ben, Choir, Both] Because my love for you is Ridiculous! I never knew (Who knew?) That it could be like this My love for you is Ridiculous! My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s (R-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s) It's (Ridiculous) Just (Ridiculous) And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss Come on now
[Ben & Choir] Uh Oh yeah Yeow Alright (Hey) Alright
Ben throws his jersey out at the stands for Mal
[Ben, (Choir), Both] Because my love for you is Ridiculous! I never knew (Who knew?) That it could be like this My love for you is Ridiculous! My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s (R-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s)
"This is ridiculous." Bella laughs as Ben crowd servers over to them.
It's (Ridiculous) Just (Ridiculous)
When Mal sees him comes she tries to move away but Evie and Bella stop her.
"And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss. Come on now!" Ben stops right in front of her. "I love you, Mal. Did I mention that?" He puts his arm around her as Audrey comes up.
"Chad's my boyfriend now!" She steals the mic from Ben, "And I'm going to the coronation with him. So, I don't need your pity date." Audrey kiss Chad.
"Mal! Will you go to coronation with me?" Ben takes the mic back.
"Yes!" She shouts into the mic causing everyone to cheer.
"Evie, trust me. You don't need a prince. Especially one named Chad. You could do way better. I know I don't know you very well but from what I do know and see... You are talented and don't need a Prince to feel good about yourself." Bella says seeing she was upset so Mal listened in.
"Bella is right. You are very talented in sewing and beauty tips." Mal joins in.
"I guess I am kinda talented." Evie smiles.
"You are very talented." Mal laughs.
"To be honest, Mal. I don't care what you did to Ben." Bella says shocking her, "You got rid of Audrey and I love you for that. She's so just, ugh." Bella makes the girls laugh.
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thekuraning · 6 months
Fic ask
4, 13, 20!
HELLO MY FAVORITE PROFESSOR ELM STAN THANK U FOR THE MEMES!!! hey actually these are all ones i havent thought about so made me put on my THINKIN CAP. and hey actually actually this got really long really fast so im PUTTING IT UNDER A READ MORE!!!
4. a story idea you haven't written yet
Ok so like. I've got these two ideas kicking around in my head from time to time that I'm like. Still kind of workshopping. One is a fanfic and one is an original fic. But basically I've had in my head since forever (10 years of Big Thinking) about a big Digimon sort of odyssey that originally started as a Pokemon x Digimon crossover where I took the Rocket executives and shoved them into the digital world. I have a whole world built for it already and a central sort of issue/theme revolving around a power struggle between the Demon Lords and the Royal Knights. The Royal Knights control HUB City, which is the major settlement in the continent, the Demon Lords control the Dark Lands, and kind of like usual they all want to wipe each other out. There's eventually a viral sort of glitch that starts to deteriorate the digital world and jumps to the real world.
Part of my problem is I've wanted to make it a comic or at the very least an illustrated fic and part of the problem is I'm trying to decide if I want to keep it as a crossover or just slap some new names onto the execs bc i gotta be real, the pokemon world and other pokemon characters. do not feature. at all.
its really just an excuse for me to give petrel a digimon.
anyways they all have full evolution lines planned, i've got a few major story beats, plot points, and the major final twist decided on. i also have 5 amvs that i play in my head on a loop when i drive to and from work.
also in this fic some digimon are gay (stingmon and flamedramon makeout sessions when) and trans (crusadermon, trans queen) ive decided
i think ive posted old art before extending the au to some characters and for my perfworld mutuals if youve seen my sycamore + dukemon art before that specific dukemon is also from this au. ive also got a fic i did publish where i workshopped a little bit of HUB city & a few side characters
i am now realizing i meant to also talk about the original fic i have planned and that one is a short story about a serial killer who murders hitchhikers picking up a hitchhiking serial killer and that one is less planned out but i know they sloppy kiss in the end
13. a fandom you're thinking about writing for
so like besides pokemon and tiger & bunny & digimon there's none i actively have fic ideas for, but some fandoms I think I'd like to revisit are Sonic and Zelda. Actually I had a Zelda fic I abandoned back on FFNet that I'd like to take another crack at one day where the premise was it was a modern setting based on the OOT/TP Hyrule (mostly OOT) where magic and fairies and such are regarded as superstition sort of the same way they are now, and the wondrous races (Goron, Zora, Kokiri/Korok, etc. even the Sheika to some extent) had all died out, leaving pretty much just the human races like Hylian, Terminian, Gerudo, etc. (In this case Termina is legitimately a neighboring kingdom/country and not limbo/purgatory ok??) And the kicker was Link was like. a hardcore atheist. but i think i remember people getting mad at me bc i made his legal name "Mahas" which I MUST IMPLORE YOU. THIS IS CANONICALLY HIS NAME AS OF SKYWARD SWORD. BELIEVE IT OR NOT THERE WAS AN ATTEMPT TO BUILD A PSEUDO LANGUAGE IN SKYWARD SWORD. WE KNOW HIS NAME IS MAHAS BECAUSE IN THE BEGINNING WHEN FI IS JUST CALLING HIM LINK AND NOT MASTER LINK HER VOICE LINES ARE EVER ONLY MAHAS. ONCE SHE BEGINS CALLING HIM MASTER LINK ANY TIME IT APPEARS ON SCREEN SHE SAYS "MAARI MAHAS." SO IM RIGHT OK FUCK OFF IM RIGHT. DIE MAD FFNET. DIE. MAD.
im normal now.
anyways yeah i'd like to write for elder scrolls again too i think but like. something more original than the supernatural/TESIV Oblivion retelling crossover i tried once.
You can find that one on my ao3 but im not linking it.
20. in what year did you publish your first fic?
In the year of our lord 2005 (pensive emoji)(raised fist emoji) I published a... fic of some kind to FFNet.
You won't find it anymore, I deleted it a long time ago! I'm not sure if it was 'Rocket Road Trip' or 'The Rebellion,' but it was one of those. I used to write a ton of OC team rocket fics, and this was back in the day when the Rocket Executives had no name so you either thought there was 1 guy exec and 1 girl exec or you thought each exec encounter in GSC was a different person, and that was me. So I gave them all names and threw them into a truck together and i think in the very first chapter they were leaving the Team Rocket HQ and they ran over and left to die the OC who would later go on to be repurposed into Proton except his name was Steve then and he was a special classification of trainer class that I called a "Random Rocket," and the thing about Random Rockets was they all had very generic names (Steve, Bob, Juan, I think there was a Nancy once but she never got to show up in a fic or rp?) but the OTHER thing about Random Rockets was no one knew what they looked like because canonically their faces were all censored with a big ass mosaic effect (this was written, not draw.)
anyways farla cussed me out on 3 or 4 different fics back when she used to cuss out literal children so I deleted all my fics from 2005 - 2008 and then I deleted more of them when I went to college.
don't be like farla.
edit: self-plugging my old FFNet account for the lulz. yes it is i, the original author of Slowpoke Tails and Koffing Fumes.
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packingpest · 8 months
I am posting this for a friend who wants to stay anonymous, but I love being public so I stepped up to bat.
So there's this person who either is or was in the rh fandom who made one of my friends hella uncomfortable and I wouldn't doubt if they had this effect on more people but this is a wild story so take a seat on the reading mat and Ms. Pests will read yall a story, ps I'm getting all this 2nd hand so some of it may slightly be wrong, though I'm having it revised.
A user on here with some willld publicity.
Now I'm gonna say, this contains talk about sexual stuff (kink and fetish) so yea if u don't like that go on.
First off, I know people gots fetishes and kinks, but I disagree about being public about them in spaces with minors or people uncomfortable with it.
See, Paddlegirl here asked one of my friends when they were YOUNGER THAN 13 for pregnancy fetish art of paddlers/paddler children. It's not even just my friend theyre asking, but I dont know who else. Paddlegirl claims its not fetish shit but there's proof it is, which I'll put here. The posts these images are from have been taken down, but these are straight from deviantart posts.
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They claim its not nsfw, but they immediately contradict that by saying they have a thing for it, and contradicted AGAIN by saying they have a strong kink for it. It's even still in their bio (as I'm told)
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Also just a note from me rq, A FETISH FOR FAT FUCKS EXCUSE ME HELP I'm sorry yall but as someone who draws plus size characters religiously I get disgusted easily by the sexualization of it but that's just me, whateva. Anyways back to the friend,
Also like for extra proof it's them even tho I know yall wont doubt it this was just in the stuff I was asked to type, their deviantart is pompompaddler which has that profile at this time (as I'm told I don't wanna get on da I don't like that site)
The thing I'm really tryna get at here isn't the fact they have the kink, but that paddlegirl asked my friend for these when my friend was YOUNG. REALLY YOUNG. AND KNEW. HELLO?? On top of that, my friend has got many different weird requests from paddlegirl, which I edited in cause they found them.
Kinda OT, why are minors in the rh fandom so much worse than the adults? I have many older friends in the fandom (My best friends being 20 and 23, iirc!) And they are the most fun almost childlike at heart people I know sharing their aus and fun fanart, then you got 13 year olds asking for karate joe penis. (I was the one being asked LMAOOO I HAD TO BE LIKE 13 TOO not to make this about me ofc but just tryna show how i've related so its not a surprise)
Anyways here's some extra images I don't really know where to place fuck
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Also wooppw harassment how original ur clearly harassing my friend u newgen
I know this stuff is old but they were afraid to speak out before and I don't blame them but I love speaking out yaaas
Thanks to coming to circle time with Ms Pests get home safe kids
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codecicle · 9 months
HELLO !!!! Wondering what. Ur favourite video game is rn. And persnaps🦀 things in it u enjoy ??? (*^_^*)
Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zero will be my favorite set of games forever and ever man. Mentally I'm still there and I will never leave those games gave me my passion for both robotics and deep-sea travel/creatures in real life its what made me as insane as I am today ^_^
The Reaper leviathans (and all the leviathans in the game for that matter. reefbacks are peak fuck the haters 🔥🔥) always have a little compartment in my brain and I will never shut up about their design and how effective they are when it comes to horror. The way they're introduced AFTER the player runs into the completely friendly reefbacks so their fear of "loud noise/big = bad" is subdued and broken down so their guard is lowered right before entering the dunes and feeling true primal fear for the first time apon seeing them is just executed SO perfectly I've never seen something come even close to comparing. I wouldn't say they're my favorite thing across BOTH games though because oh my goddd that spot is definitely reserved for AL-AN
Him and his whole planet will forever live in my head rent-free (both because I'm not a landlord LMAO and also. Insane about him disease) every little detail about him makes me so insane. The fact that his species is mainly robotic and mechanical so he doesn't understand a majority of Robin's feelings and experiences that she's been through, the way they built apon the original virus on 4546B by explaining the way it showed up and mutated to annihilate every species on that planet was BECAUSE of the very architects that meant to protect it. Them having to build the original quarantine system that crashed Riley's ship (The Aurora) because their bodies weren't entirely mechanical, and all of their biological components were made out of the most efficient and compatible parts of 40-ish species which means once they caught the original disease, every other species that they pulled from could now get it. That only makes them trapping the Emperor Leviathan so much sadder because they didn't realize she could communicate with them and actually give them what the whole planet so desperately needed because they talk through entirely closed off mental frequencies, so even their bio components couldn't let her talk to them. AL-AN being one of the few to try and go against the current and felt bad about what they were doing to the queen is just so in character for him, especially with how he acts to all "lower" lifeforms that Robin runs into. Him being cut off from his entire family and neural-link is just so fucking devastating and him finding that comfort and connection through Robin, going so far as to rescue her and take her off-planet with him once she builds his body will NEVERR leave me man godd what an ending
Speaking of his body, I've gotta say it's the single coolest alien design I've ever fuckin seen. Look at this shit
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like oh my god??? what the fuck right??? everything about it makes me so insane. NOT TO MENTION this concept art (which IS his final design btw just not 3d rendered yet) is made by Pat Presley, who also ended up making concept art for all the other Archetects that we haven't met yet and will meet in Subnautica 3 (whenever the fuck that will begin development LMAO)
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like look at how different they are from him. how much more mechanical and less colorful, more hivemind-esque and lifeless they seem. even just down to the pose he's standing in gives off so much more life than they do and it makes me INSANEEEEE his time with Robin absolutely changed him and his physical form reflects that. He is such a combination of all the other archetects while also being NOTHING like them at the same time. The fact that he is literally able to move and change the shape of his arms and be fluid the same way he is fluid and willing to change unlike all of those on his home planet is crazy to me.
Speaking of his home planet too, it's also sick as fuck and I just need to show this finale screenshot real quick because oh my GODDDD I'm losing it. You have no idea how hyped I was to watch this shit when the full game released
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AND ONE MORE THING!!! speakkkinnggg of the full-game release, the game actually released in beta testing with a different opening than the final version!! and in the beta testing, you started out in the final area where the finale takes place in the final release version. Visiting that old station again at the very end of the game feels like such a nice nod to the beta-testers that feels perfectly planned out. It really makes the game come full circle, even if you don't have the context of the beta testing version to appreciate.
Subnautica is (either story or gameplay-wise) probably the objectively better game imo, but Below Zero holds such a special place in my heart for the AL-AN story line alone. Godd he makes me so insane I love him sm <3 <3 rant over thank you for the ask
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tokyogruel · 1 year
Hiii i saw the oc post! Are you the type to create a lot of ocs or just make several and focus on them? Are they for a fandom or original stories? Do you have a favorite oc? 👀👀
RU THANK U FOR THIS (does not remember the oc post in particular)
BUT I AM HAPPY FOR ANY EXCUSE TO TALK ABT THEM!! (& i always LOVE!!! to see muts in my ask box<33333)
i have a lot of ocs!! i also have a toyhouse.. (sneaky link... general warning for flashing images and eyestrain! i try to keep it behind warnings but be aware not all of it is forewarned)
not all of them are on there also, just the ones with finished profiles / some of them are authorized only
99% of them are original characters, but ive got a handful of digimon ocs, some warrior cats, ponies, and im considering making a milgram oc!!
as for a favorite oc... i dont think i have one? i go back and forth on who i put my attention on most, but i love them all!
however, i guess i do have a story that i put more energy into than the others, but none of them are on this account. theyre for a story i call Refuge, which i plan on turning into... something? someday! book, game, comic, whatever. it's my passion project<3
tysm ru!!
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oddberryshortcake · 1 year
Hellu! Random q coming at u! <3
Was there a scene/trope/character you wanted to write into your fic, but just didn’t work out in the end?
For The Worthy Heir, it was actually meant to be a lot longer and even more slow burn. I initially planned to have each chapter cover a month leading up to May, so it really would feel like Kalim had been waiting and working for a whole year. 
I wanted to bring back more of the sophomores and develop Kalim's relationship with them and the original side characters, but I realized slow burning it when it would probably not be the most interesting thing for people who wanted more of the plot- so after 10 chapters I decided to wake Jamil up and timeskip the rest of the months past September. 
For tropes, I was going to have memory loss be more prevalent. I thought about reverting his memory back to his 2nd year to make everything even more jarring and disorienting. 
But I thought it was unfair for Jamil to lose his memory of his internships. He was never going to suddenly/slowly remember his attempt though, it just remains gone. 
For a little original character tidbit, I based Idris's design off of the scrapped beta-Kalim from Yana's beta art of the dorms-
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Once upon a time, Jamil was initially supposed to be the housewarden of Scarabia, and the other character (who looks like a black-haired, more sinisterKalim) is likely twisted from Iago and also his vice (since he's wearing the standard dorm uniform)
But ultimately, I see why Kalim was made and replaced the twst Iago and Jamil was knocked down to vice. It worked better for the story, but sadly Jamil is severely lacking his Iago.
When I thought about the childhood friend he occasionally mentions, how he appreciated how he could be a normal person around him and how they lost contact, I thought maybe it could be him. So I combined the two and made Idris.
Thank you for giving me an excuse to talk <3
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mandalhoerian · 1 year
ayup it’s the person that sent those vera things like a week ago ?? yk the one that made a fool of themself by rambling about ur oc ! anyways i reread it bc ofc i did and. idk. it’s such an amazing fic like genuinely and i felt a need to express it. like outside of how well-thought vera is and how interesting her dynamics with marvin + leon are (and claire ofc) and just. the pacing and story progression. it’s all so well done. and i’m sure someone has told u this in ur ao3 comments but the way ur reinterpreting canon a lil and having vera shake things up is so fun and genuinely interesting which is why i went back and reread it all. it feels like there’s a lot i kinda missed the first time round with the nuances of vera’s character which was. very fun to go back around and see again. hope ur doing well <3
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(you aren't a fool it's my inspiration and motivation juice YOU TAKE THAT BACK🔪)
first of all you are A CHAD. The fic is 100K words oh god I can't imagine -- im happy it was more enjoyable the second time around at least 😭😭😭😭 It's amazing to hear that despite the fat word count, you think the pacing and progression is going well!
Unrelated tidbit but I really didn't know how to introduce Vera before starting the fic and was debating on starting from pre-RE2R in the summer of 1998, spend five chapters and so with Vera assisting Jill in her investigation and unravel things from there. But at the end I was like "literally nobody would read that" and thought what best technique is there by starting right in the middle of action and chaos? And the rest I winged it.
That had to mean I had to go through EVERYTHING about her life and how she got to that point by peppering the events throughout the plot as Leon and her story also progressed alongside it, and I couldn't gloss over anything, so it just expanded and expanded and expanded and I'm sure got boring as hell at places since she hides a bunch of shit from the others and good god do they have to be integrated to the plot of re2r AND UGHHHHHHHH. Thank you for telling me I havent messed up LMAOOOOOOO
About the canon. I have a bone to pick with some of the game and the story, I don't like how they went about a couple of things. This is me trying to lay the groundwork to fix them and everything by tweaking .
For example Leon pulling the "i have to talk to the chief first" bs and saying "Idk what happened it happened to fast" to ada like he was trying to make excuses like a child to his parent really irked me, especially in the original re2 he bent over backwards to get ben out of the cell so he could come along with them. (dont talk to me about how a law-abiding rookie he's supposed to be. that could have been done better. leon simply isn't a person to leave someone like that, and he was hearing about chef irons the writing on that could have been better) And the way Claire and Leon barely interacted when they are the core of re2 together was just not it. The lack of Sherry and Leon together was also weird when Sherry is a big part of why he was taken by the government and stayed, and how Sherry blatantly says he saved her in RE6. (I know they just completely wiped the slate clean off Sherry and Leon with RE4R backstory by just saying Leon just didnt have a choice but like. yeah) and also Ada. God Ada "(to the woman she wants to discreetly capture. since she's A SPY) We're here for the g-virus and i will now proceed to jump in front of the bullets" & "Where's Leon when I need him (has treated him as a nuisance the whole way)" Wong. Im sure there are a lot more things but i cant think of them rn but I am annoyed with Things
SORRY I JUST WENT OFF ON A TANGENT. But like. Having Vera involved and having her existence be a reason on changing things around is so much fun. I could just expand on child experimentation and the truth of the orphanage through her, it was always something wildly bothering me that they kept that plot so subtle in Claire's story. Birkins (or maybe just William. we'll never know) were using children in G-virus experiments WHY DIDNT THEY TALK ABOUT THAT MORE DUDE? That's why canon divergence makes things so much more interesting because it's not just transcribing the game and inserting an OC along the way, it's changing things and making new things up, keeping things fresh
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jacoboh · 2 years
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. . . dependent original character for nightrestrp : JACOB OH \
more links : pinterest. connections. playlist.
[ song kang, cis man, he/him ] - was that JACOB OH i saw by the lighthouse today? i heard that the TWENTY-NINE year old who has been in nightrest for THEIR ENTIRE LIFE and works as a/an MATH TEACHER has a reputation of being GENTLE, but also WITHDRAWN. they reside in ASHMORE & people in town usually associate them with A BOOKSHELF FILLED WITH TEXTBOOKS, KIND EYES AND A SMILE TO MATCH, & NEUTRAL COLORED CLOTHING . let’s hope the killer doesn’t go after them next.
FULL NAME: Jacob Seo-Joon Oh
DATE OF BIRTH: March 1st, 1994 (29)
HAIR & EYE COLOR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT: 6’2"
TATTOOS & PIERCINGS: multiple tattoos
OCCUPATION: math teacher
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: english, italian, korean
Born into a wealthy family who resides in Stoughton Estates. His parents own a large tech company with headquarters in the US and Korea. His parents were alright, certainly not the most attentive towards him but Jacob grew up having a fairly normal life. He was mainly raised by a lot of nannies and maids, because of his parents profession. His father worked a lot and his mother probably cared a bit too much about their families image, always the type to go off to brunches and dinners every day.
Was a bit quiet and shy growing up, was very into his studies as a kid, and was never the kind to cause trouble. Extremely intelligent, Jacob excelled in subjects like math and science as a young child, at the top of his class throughout school. While he was more studious, he also played football starting from middle school all the way until graduation, definitely the athletic type. Though he was known as popular and charming, he never had any girlfriends or flings, making excuses that he was too busy or focused on his grades. He'd even go on a few blind dates, or be asked out by girls, but he'd turn everyone down and cut his dates short. It wasn't that he wasn't interested in them, it was just he felt like it wasn't something he particularly wanted, football and grades a higher priority.
Top of his class and considered a star student at Wardell Academy, he went to Harvard after high school, getting in on early acceptance and also the starting quarterback for the football team during his undergraduate years. He'd grow out of his shell more during his time away, going to parties and even a few dates, though he still would never have a girlfriend after years away. Though he had a spot in his family's company waiting for him, he chose not to join the company, instead wanting to become a teacher, getting his bachelor's in mathematics, and his master's in business before moving back home and getting a place in Ashmore.
he's a virgin :/ not by choice it's just never happened but he's also not embarrassed about it (like i am) he's not a virgin anymore thank u kat
has probably gone on a bunch of dates, set up by friends or his parents even, but nothing ever sticks and he usually doesn't follow through with a second date
he does like to go out after work and drink, but isn't the type to get drunk and make dumb mistakes
has a few tattoos, all very artsy and things he gave a lot of thought
super smart, like super super smart. with books and school. otherwise, he's a little silly and dumb (especially when it comes to girls)
very much a rule-follower. probably because of his upbringing but he's just not the kind to rebel
with his family being wealthy he naturally has a trust fund, but he never talks about it despite it being obvious
he's a very gentle person, doesn't really raise his voice or get mad. maybe a bit naive, but does sort of see the good in most people, unless they're really awful
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