#thank!! you!! <3
corviiids · 3 months
8, 18, 23, and all the other numbers you haven't answered yet
ooohoho really enabling me there thank you very much. answered 23 in the last one! i wont do all of them or this'll get super long but ill put a few more under the cut!!
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
tbh ive been contemplating a silly oneshot sequel to as you like it but i do have to actually finish the damn thing before i even think about that so ill leave it there.
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
im actually notoriously bad at killing my darlings so i didn't think i'd have that many deleted scenes, but i did find a few older versions of the makoto&ren scene in chapter 6 of as you like it that i had completely forgotten about. looking back on these i actually still like them
v1.0 of the grounding sequence ren goes through after his nightmares. i think i cut this because it was too long and didn't flow well in context, but im sort of fond of it in isolation:
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this was from an alternate version of the scene altogether, where they go to harajuku instead of inokashira so ren can find some featherman merch futaba wanted. i dont like this version as much as the final but i am fond of the extremely long spiralled potato:
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then a completely unrelated ren/akc date that i cut because it wasn't doing any work and i didn't think it was fun enough to be kept in:
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a few more answers for fun (1-5)
writer asks
the last sentence you wrote
i cant remember which line i actually last wrote so here's the last line in current wip
He laughs again. In the silence where Ren tries to re-examine his own complexes, Akechi draws ahead on the wall.
2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
ren! i think he's fun because he's the player character and the protags are generally designed to be pretty malleable (or personalityless if you're feeling uncharitable... or wrong) so obviously there's a temptation to just make him whatever your story needs him to be, but i think he's a really tempting and interesting opportunity to really get your claws into a guy who has a personality but refuses to show it and have that be one of his character traits. he's so adaptable to every situation but there are so many moments where his stubbornness and inner values shine through in his limited dialogue, so the challenge becomes like, how do you deduce the rest of a character's hidden personality based on the little they show you? how do you unpack someone whose character is that he wants to be whoever you want him to be? what's going on in his mind? how do you understand him and fill in the gaps in a way that's consistent with what he does in canon when he gives you so little to work with? this is an irresistible challenge to me so he just lives in my brain. he's not even renting he owns the place and he doesnt have a mortgage
3. how you feel about your current WIP
i think palacefic is the project that ignites the most personal passion and excitement in me so im really so excited to finish writing it so i can share it and also so i can read it instead of reading my own chickenscratch notes and think about how excited i am to write it
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
i keep coming back to circle this idea of postcanon akeshu and how they navigate a relationship (word used free of connotation) where they are constantly circling each other and obviously cant do without each other but also like. are so codependent and not at all functional enough to really have a normal romantic relationship or even friendship. i wrote like a short scene of this which i put on twitter a while back i might actually post it here. and i also started a short fic just to get some thoughts down but never had any plans for how to continue it
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
im self conscious about how much of this has been about palacefic, so have a line from my death note longfic instead (i cheated this is like the tenth paragraph because the first paragraph is introductory and none of the lines make sense in isolation or they're too spoilery)
Well, when you eliminate the impossible.
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naomistares · 5 months
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i wanted to draw falin again after yesterday's ep 😭
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beepboopappreciation · 4 months
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Is this anything
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sopuu · 4 months
animation of jimmy getting owned in real life
bonus gif of him celebrating i made for funsies :] oh the oblivious bliss...
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littlelightfish · 6 months
Funny things I found out playing with language setting in Netflix while looking episode 15:
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Chilchuck's scream sounds HAUNTED in brazilian portuguese. Give it a try if you can.
(You can hear it here)
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In spanish dub, Senshi says: "tocó mis senos de hombre", which means "he touched my man boobs" in Spanish. And I think that's the best dub line one so far.
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goldiipond · 10 months
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if there's anything i've learned from the current state of social media it's that this is one of the worst possible notifications you can receive upon opening an app
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ival-eon · 1 month
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fuck it cherokee miku
i wanna see more indigenous mikus make it happen 🫵
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noodles-and-tea · 7 days
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I am once again back with my Stan Pines is smart agenda
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n0ahsferatu · 6 months
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anyone else get really pissed off when astarion looks at the camera with the biggest wettest eyes known to creation. like GIRL we see them!!!
(inspired by this post:)
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redpapercraness · 1 month
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all four of my sonic 3 movie trailer redraws in one spot 🫡
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softichill · 1 year
I think abt this tiktok all the time
[ID: A captioned Tiktok by @nextdreadpirate. A comment in the middle of the screen says, "Always tip the maid" as a skinny white man trots into the middle of the screen. He's wearing a frilly maid's dress and cap and holding a notebook and pen. The comment disappears as he says, "Hi! Welcome to the maid cafe where we're-" He turns to the right, does the nya hand gesture with each hand, then kicks up a heel, showing off a black pump. "-cuter than kittens!" He finishes, then drops the pose and turns back to face the camera, shuffling a bit closer and leaning in as he talks. "I'm the diversity hire, Bryson. Are you here for the gamer discount?"
A door opens in the background, and Bryson stands up and turns to the left, holding out a warning hand. "Okay, I can explain," he says to people offscreen, starting to laugh. Someone laughingly says, "Oh my god," and another person starts laughing as the video ends. End ID]
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sparklingthedas · 1 year
Astarion lectures of disappointment >>>
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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Really quick doodles of a few scenes from the stream yesterday. Including combat flirting taunting, gale’s magnificently distracting shoes and.. whatever you wanna call gale agreeing to give 15 gold to astarion 😐😑😐😑😐 (that’s me blinking)
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kimdokjas · 6 months
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
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dekariosclan · 8 months
Larian Studios in 2029: As always we continue to improve the romance experience in Baldur’s Gate 3! See below for some of the changes coming with Patch #43:
— You now have the ability to argue about your tax returns with your spouse
— Fixed an issue where the game would freeze while you & your partner were shopping at the IKEA in Baldur’s Gate
— If you opted to have children, you must now pass a DC 30 check in order to have the energy to stay awake past 9:45 pm
— If partnered with Gale and living in Waterdeep, you can now discuss whose family you will be spending next Waukeentide with (*note, not an option with a Dark Urge character)
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aizel-kon · 1 year
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Each of us could bring destruction to this world, but we chose to save it.
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