#than carry it all alone. and that while it will always be sad bc it is sad to hear someone you love hurts. that doesnt mean you cant say it
thedevotionaltour · 1 year
life is really beautiful when you feel like a person again and not a living corpse. like you understand what it's like when people say they're happy to be alive. like i feel like the first time in so long i really feel close to really feeling that way. like even when my life sucks to know that i will be able to still be truly happy to be alive and know i will eventually be able to pick myself up. im sure i've felt it before but it's been so long it feels like for the first time in my entire life i'm truly happy to be alive and know what that means. and will this feeling go up and down of course. but it's like. to not feel like a painfully kept alive corpse and to actually feel like a person. is really nice. it's really really nice. and i want to hold onto the moments where i feel that so i can remind myself i have felt this way before and i will get to feel it again even when stuff is really bad. eventually I'll get to feel this way again. i really hold it close.
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erissheiress · 1 year
Lonely Anymore
The Inner Circle x Reader
Warnings: depression, mentions of feeling numb, mention of blood and crying, alcohol, platonic intimacy, mentioned Feyre, Elain and Nesta, reader doesn't like Nesta and Elain bc I dont lol. Repost from my main blog.
Summary: You need your family, and they need you.
Word count: 782
* * *
The window was wide open, harsh gusts of wind blowing into the room, disrupting papers on the desk and blowing your hair into your face, stinging your skin and making your eyes water.
Yet, you hardly seemed to notice the biting cold that struck your skin, hardly flinching, or moving from where you sat on the armchair, legs folded and arms around your knees, hugging them close to your chest. Your nails dug into the palms of your hands, nearly drawing blood, but again, it attracted none of your attention.
Your eyes were dull, dark bags under your eyes, from exhaustion mostly. Tears had streamed down your cheeks earlier but not anymore, you simply had no tears left to give to the world, nothing more you could offer.
You had given this world your blood, sweat and tears, your love and your dreams, and in return it had given you the one thing you always lacked;
A family.
The Inner Circle.
It had started with Rhys, Cassian, Azriel, and Mor. Then Amren, then Feyre. Nesta and Elain joined then, though you didn't like them very much, but that was possibly because of how they treated your High Lady, and finally baby Nyx, the newest, and your favourite, member of the family.
So the world gave you a family, and a chance of being loved.
But that was never going to be all, was it? It seemed that the world wasn't quite finished with you yet
No, it gave you hate as well as love, fear as well as joy, pain as well as care. 
It caused your dreams to turn to nightmares, your hopes to failures, your youthful innocence to turn to hardened pessimism. 
You're not sure when you stopped feeling like you were part of the family, perhaps it was over Solstice? Solstice where you sat in the corner as Feyre and Rhys cuddled Nyx in front of the fire, as Nesta and Cassian playfully bickered while Azriel and Elain laughed at their banter, as well as Mor who happily danced in the centre of the room, swinging a bottle of wine around like a weapon.
And you.. you just sat there, nursing your own wine, suddenly feeling lonelier than you had ever felt before. As you watched them each be happy in their own ways, a weight settled on your chest, and had stayed there ever since.
You did your job, played an active role as a member of the Night Court, but distanced yourself as well. They didn't seem to notice, only little Nyx, who crawled onto your lap one evening and poked your cheek, a frown on his adorable face.
"I'm not sad, Nyxie."
But he only frowned even more. "sad" before planting a wet kiss on your chin. "Happy."
"Yes darling, your kisses make me very happy."
Babies were so easy to satisfy.
So now you sat alone in your room, on an uncomfortable chair, without warm clothes, while the winter air froze your body, yet not bothering you at all.
You didn't feel anything, just numb.
You didn't feel anything when the window closed suddenly, or when footsteps entered the room. 
You didn't feel anything when strong arms lifted you to your bed, or when calloused hands stroked your hair softly. 
Or when four other figures clambered into the bed with you, three Illyrian males and one female. 
You only felt something when the blonde smoothed your hair out of your face and looked at you with the softest expression you had ever seen on her face.
"We love you, you know that right?" and you felt it all of a sudden, like a wave of emotion. Overwhelming you completely. 
You'd learn later that Azriel lay closest to you, and it was him that carried you to the bed and held you so snugly, that it was Cassian who stroked your hair so softly and it was Rhysand who shut the windows, using his abilities to heat your frigid room. 
You'd learn all this later but for now you let it out like a burst dam, as you sobbed into Azriel's chest, three other pairs of hands comforting you in some way, the best way they could. 
Your family.
A 5th figure, a shorter female slipped in at one point, taking a protective position at the end of the bed, comforting you the only way she knew how, and was appreciated nonetheless. 
You loved Feyre, and Elain and Nesta were part of the circle now too, but for now you needed your first family, and they mentally vowed to spend as much time as possible convincing you that they needed you too. 
That they needed you, that they loved you, that you were important to them, and that they'd always be there for you.
That you didn't have to be lonely anymore.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Tumblr media
♡ random headcanons ♡
☆ starring ☆
♡ könig aka the most babygirl of them all ♡
Tw: mentions of anxiety, weight and mature language. Other than that pure fluff
A/N: YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. YOU DON'T GET IT HOW MUCH THIS MAN IS STARTING TO GROW ON ME. THIS FUCKING TALL ASS BITCH AND THE OTHER GIANT JACK SKELLIGNTON FUCKER ARE THE BAIN OF MY EXISTENCE. I needed to do write for him, you can blame it on tiktok and it's sinful content and @bloodlst for fueling my obsession
He knows a lot of cool fidgeting tricks with pencils or knives because he needs to keep his hands busy when he's nervous.
It's almost like a security blanket for him when he's around too many people, he carries something he can fidget with and uses it
I can't stress this enough but tall people have back pains and oh boy if könig is tall
He is always cranky in the morning because of it and because he loves to just sleep in the weirdest fucking positions ever
Which is funny cause otherwise his postures is always very straight and stiff, it just that when he sleeps he gets all weird
About that, he hates, absolutely despises, the beds they have during missions
which makes me absolutely sure he downs coffee likes it's fucking water
His breakfast is basically a big ass mug of coffee first and then some herbal or fruity tea or maybe some juice
He loves sweets but has a weirdly good self control
He just likes the idea of savouring things rather than eating all at once bc they're so good
Besides I just know he has also a tendency to gain weight more easily than the others
He just tries to be as healthy and balanced with things as much possible bro
The only times he doesn't pays much attention to what he eats is around the holidays or when he gets to see his family
Which always ends up in him putting some weight but he doesn't cares that much, he always gets in shape before getting back to work
You can actively see this unit of a man closing the book and like getting up and walking away two steps just to turn around and keep reading
He does not look his age at all. Either bc of how youthful he acts or bc he looks really young no one has ever guessed his age and it's something he find quite funny so he just let people try to figure it out on their own
People are often really mean with him and sometimes really harsh. He knows they're just playing around and they mess up with everyone like that but he gets genuinely hurt sometimes
No one notices cause he always takes it like a champ tho
I feel like ghost kind of gets annoyed at him. Not for the reason you may think
He's just looks always so serene and at peace, but most importantly happy and it's something ghost can't comprehend given what they do for a living
Key word is looks
König is not a sad person by default and he recovers pretty quickly for certain things but he always carries around a weight of guilt and self doubt that is unbearable sometimes
Much like ghost, this man is kind of scare of himself really
He always worries about ending up being some sort of psycho who has no regards towards human lives
He gets so carried away when he's on the mission and often does not realise how efficient and kind of brutal he can get
He is absolutely scared of ghost. Everytime he is in the same room with him he just gets so nervous he ends up embarrassing himself more than once
like I have anxiety and my jaw is dislocated cause ever since I was a kid I was always clenching my jaw while sleeping or unconsciously while going about my day so I just know that someone like him has the same problem
He has definitely popped his jaw and hurted his ear more than once and has ADORABLE CROOKED TEETH CAUSE I DO AND I WANT HIM TOO OKAY?
he is really good at signing but everyone thinks he's not because the few times he has tried to sing in front of someone he fucked up from being too nervous
He knows how to play piano. As matter of fact he has one at home
Prefers wine over beer or cocktails but has a weird ass liking for strong liquors
And BTW he is annoyingly hard to get drunk, this man could get down shot after shot and still be as lucid as ever
Which soap found out by embarrassing himself. König ended up trying to take care for him the whole night cause he felt guilty
When he gets angry is not a pretty scene. He's always so jolly and easy going even if you're rude to him so is hard for him to get angry, but when he snaps this man is not playing around
Smells of fresh laundry and lemon perfume
He is still pretty mad about not being able to be a sniper. Specially because he's good at his job, he knows he is but no one believed in him and his abilities bc of his height and his anxiety
When he was younger everyone always used to talk over him because he had difficulty with speech due to his anxiety
He used to get so frustrated to the point of crying and since no one ever had the patience to listen to him he just used to write on notebooks all the things no one ever wanted to hear
He still does it and has like a lot of diaries filled with rants, thoughts, jokes ecc
When he was younger he used to listen to the FILTHIEST SONGS not knowing what they were about because he didn't understand English well
When he's nervous his accent slips a little bit
He writes letters to his loved ones and specially his s/o when his away from home and has the prettiest handwriting ever
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ickadori · 9 months
Hello!! That polyamory satosugu post is haunting my thoughts and I wish to ask:
What would be done in that situation??
If they were confronted with it, what would they say? If you broke up with them because of that hurt, would they be okay with it? Would they not miss you? Would they feel guilty?
To some degree I think you'd be a part of them as well but the question is...if you were broken from them...would they feel it?
Honestly wanna cry why you gotta do that
LOL IM SORRY 😭 it was just a silly thought that came to me <3 tbh, i haven’t really thought about it that much!
but carrying on from that post, i feel like gojo wouldn’t be able to deny it, and he probably wouldn’t even try to. in canon gojo has had his sole focus on getou, even when shoko was around them and they all seemed very close. spoiler incoming but he said that getou was his only friend and that he was pretty much alone when he died (?? correct me if im wrong), and then shoko had said smth along the lines of ‘wasn’t i there, too?’ (this probs isn’t verbatim bc i can’t really remember but i know smth along these lines were said!)
to gojo, the thought of losing getou pains him more than losing you when in a poly, but that isn’t to say he doesn’t care about you or love you as well. humans are capable of caring for and loving multiple people at once, and gojo is human… but he delegates most of his love to getou without thinking too much about.
getou did a good job at not playing favorites, but he was well aware of gojo doing it in the relationship and just chose not to address it — things had been good after all. gojo had a way of making people feel special simply by giving them an ounce of his attention, and that’s how you had been able to be pacified and fooled so long.
i feel like there would only be two routes to take. a, you leave. or b, you stay knowing what you know and try your best to adjust with knowing you’ll always be second place in their lives.
if you chose to leave they’d both be sad in the beginning, they do love you after all. getou would be more upset than gojo, because i like to think that getou had been the one to pursue you first. he had taken an interest in you right off the bat, and you had to grow on gojo for a bit, but it hadn’t taken long for him to get on board because what other alternative did he have? he wanted getou, needed him, in his life, he could make do with you, too. of course he had grown to love you over time, but he had been a bit indifferent in the beginning.
but back to my point, getou would miss you. him and gojo would probably split for some time as well because it just wasn’t the same for him. this would also lead to gojo harboring a bit of resentment towards you as well — after everything he had done to avoid this (taking you in with open arms, loving you, cherishing you, spoiling you without asking for much in return) you had still managed to take getou away from him.
eventually they’d get back together, the strings of their fate forever tangled together, and they would think of you from time to time, but they’d heal. you were, unfortunately, expendable.
now, if you chose to stay, things would not get any better for you. knowing your position in their lives, all the things you missed before would be so much clearer now. the glances between them, the inside jokes that they never cared to put you in on, the fleeting touches, the way they always seemed to fall into step beside each other while you were left to trail a little bit behind, the way they always first went to each other for advice rather than you, as if they valued each other’s opinions more than yours. it’d eat away at you over time, and you’d have to make another decision very soon.
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zirobitches · 11 months
One Piece: Soulmate AU pt. 2
Always in this twilight - Sir Crocodile x GN!Reader
here's pt. 1
Summary: In a world where soulmates are incapable of harming each other, you just found out your captain is your soulmate because he attempted to kill you. Sadness ensues
Tags: angst no comfort, Original characters bc I needed a crew for Croc, no beta we die like Roger, reader is former's Roger pirate raised alongside Shanks & Buggy, also reader is a former slave, the Vice Admiral is Sakazuki but it is not formally mentioned, Tom's Workers are the best
word count : almost 5600. damn.
Notice: this is not a croc/reader centric plot!!!! if you wanted to make out with croc im sorry this aint it. hop over to my ao3 if you want spoilers for this universes timeline: ao3 - im sorry in advance
You evade the Navy and Crocodile for a while into the night.
Back when you had helped your crew settle into the hotel you all had noticed some individuals dressed in robes and masks - some sort of festival they had going on in Water 7.
May as well participate.
You manage to swipe a black robe and nondescript mask from a local vendor. Normally you would have paid, but you had a feeling that the Navy may have spread word to locals to keep an eye out for you.
Even with your new disguise you still didn’t feel at ease walking through the canals, so you went up.
Up the levels of Water 7 towards the top. You found a fire escape that allowed you to get to the rooftop of some hotel. You stopped and took off your mask for a moment; there were no buildings nearby taller than yours, so you felt as though no one would see you. 
A warm gentle breeze brushed against your face. The view of the city at night was wondrous- warm lights glowed all across the spire city, gently illuminating the pale buildings, the midnight blue sky filled with stars and the dark seas blended with the sky on the horizon. The sight would have put a smile on your face if you could have seen it in a better situation. You replace your mask and keep moving, hopping from building to building. There was no final destination in mind, just wandering atop the city. The only thing on your mind was to keep running. Thinking about anything else would make you distracted; distractions could get you in hot water.
But you couldn’t forget your crew. They were in danger - Crocodile wanted to take them to fight Whitebeard. To be killed by Whitebeard.
You and Crocodile had planned for the crew to stay in Water 7 for three nights. You weren’t sure if that was still his plan, but it’s not as though the Marines were going to chase him out of Water 7.
You stood at the top of a building overlooking a large square, one of the first open spaces you’ve seen in Water 7 that isn’t by the shore or occupied by multiple canals. You observed the space watching as some locals walked through going about their day.
Running errands, taking leisurely strolls, leaving their day job.
Why did you choose this life?
You could have settled down - Dressrosa was always your favorite place if you ever ‘retired’ like you joked you would. 
A quaint, beautiful kingdom with a fair ruler. Fairies and flowers. It’s literally the place of your dreams, the kind you dreamed of when you ran out of reasons to keep going, back when you were in chains.
Why did you stay on the seas after Roger left?
Because you loved being a pirate? 
Or because you didn’t have the strength to live alone?
A voice takes you out of your contemplation. Your eyes that had been gazing upon the locals' little lives now locked onto a silhouette you could never mistake.
Crocodile had entered the square.
And he carried something in his arms.
How you had tried to run away from your captain and ended up running into him anyway made you feel stupid. Without a doubt, it was odd that Croc was in the middle of Water 7. There should have been no inclination that you went this direction. So what was he doing here?
Crocodile was calling out to a group of Marines in the square that you hadn’t noticed. Even from your high vantage point you recognized the same Vice Admiral from before among them. Your position made it hard to make out what they were saying, so as quickly and quietly as you could, you jumped onto the lower building next to yours.
It was dark enough that with your black robe you shouldn’t be easily seen. By the time you had yourself better positioned, Crocodile had met in the middle of the square with the Marines. During your move, Marines had closed off the square, forcing local residents to evacuate the premises. God forbid they acknowledge their cooperation with pirates.
But then from your new vantage point you finally saw what your captain was carrying.
It was a dead body.
It was certainly not the first time you had seen him kill someone - and you knew he had killed this person because of their desiccated corpse; dried out in his signature fashion.
But it was the first time you had seen him carry a body so tenderly. 
And the first time you had seen a dead body wear your clothes.
“I found them.” Crocodile’s deep voice clearly reached your ears. A chill went down your spine at his implication.
The body was supposed to be you. At closer inspection, the body he had had a similar skin tone and hair color as yours - if you had been dried out maybe. You’re not sure how he planned to explain the change of clothes - the body wore some clothes you had planned to wear during your stay here and had brought to the hotel.
But then again, Marines weren’t very clever.
Your captain dropped the corpse at their feet. Some of them backed away in disgust as parts of the corpse crumbled away at the impact. The Vice Admiral simply looked down with disdain.
“You were supposed to bring them in alive. No pirate affiliated with Gold Roger should be allowed to evade proper judgment.” The Vice Admiral’s words were laced with poison. You could feel his hatred from your hiding place.
Your hands clenched at his mention of the Roger pirates. Your old crew weren’t bad people - you had encountered plenty of truly evil pirates, and the crew of the Oro Jackson were far from evil.
Crocodile ignored the Vice Admiral. “You got what you wanted in the end though. A dead Roger pirate, courtesy of your new Pirate Warlord. Put that in the papers and you’ll have a field day with the celebrations. They might even give you a medal.”
You flinched at memories stirred up by the newspaper comment. For the past three years since Roger’s death you’ve seen some of your former crewmates names end up in the paper - articles about their capture and subsequent execution. Crocodile was very aware of your history, of how close you were to your old crew.
He had seen your sorrow once when you happened to be in a civil town when the news of one such loss hit the papers. How you had struggled to hold back tears while civilians laughed and celebrated ‘one less dangerous pirate’. How you shut yourself away that night. How you kept your distance from your new crew for weeks after.
And now here you two were.
Still the older Marine was not pleased. “I’m surprised you killed your first mate. Aren’t you pirates supposed to have a code that prevents you from doing so? How am I supposed to know this is actually their body?” The Vice Admiral did have a good point. A mummified corpse was hard to identify, it could be anyone. Apparently the Marines were more clever than you gave them credit for.
But before Crocodile could defend himself, there was a small commotion at one end of the square.
“Hey, no civilians allowed!” A marine was blocking someone from entering. A familiar someone. You felt your heart sink like a stone.
It was Tink.
Tink, one of the four that was part of Croc’s crew before you joined. Tink, the Neverland pirates' loyal shipwright. Tink, who was so young, a teenager that you had grown to see like your little sister.
She shouldn’t be a pirate. And she shouldn’t be here now.
“Let me through! That’s my captain!” She cried out. Crocodile looked back at her. You saw him clench his jaw - in anger? Or in dread?
You knew Crocodile was always more gentle with Tink. She was the kid of the crew, everyone loved her. And now she was caught in the middle of negotiations with him and the Navy. And she was about to see a dead body that was supposed to be you.
“Tink,” you whispered, unable to keep the words inside. “Tink, please go. It can’t be you, anyone but you, please.”
But Crocodile was in need of someone who could back his claim that the dead body was yours.
You didn’t know if he had told the crew about what had happened - his acceptance of the Warlord title, his offering you to the Navy, about you two being…
You two being-
He didn’t tell them. Sir Crocodile would certainly have taken this burden alone. He always kept secrets from you, and this was not something he would have shared with them. There was a possibility he ran into the crew when he went to retrieve your clothes from the hotel. But you imagined he snuck in and out - being able to turn into sand made things like that a breeze.
So in short, Tink was about to walk into this square surrounded by Marines, see a corpse that could only have been killed by Crocodile, dressed in your clothes.
You were frozen in place as you watched Crocodile beckon Tink towards him.
It felt like an out of body experience. Maybe you had died. Maybe he did kill you and this was your soul punished to not be able to do anything but stand by and watch your family fall apart again.
She walked past the Marines to him - gods, she looked so small from this height. Tink has never looked younger in your eyes than she did now.
Tink paused.
She had finally caught sight of the body on the ground.
A whisper of your name passed her lips.
You had to cover your mouth to hide the sob that threatened to escape.
A louder question of your name now. Then she ran past Crocodile who stood motionless. He didn’t watch.
Tink fell to her knees beside the body. Her eyes ran up and down and then carefully, so very carefully, touched the arm of the body. It fell apart in her hands.
She gasped a sob out, then started crying fully. She kept reaching out to grab the body - your body - but would then flinch back in fear of it crumbling away. Tink ended up wrapping her arms around herself to prevent from touching ‘you’ and just wailed.
This clear display of grief seemed to satisfy the Vice Admiral.
“Hmmm. I knew you wanted this title badly Sir Crocodile, but I’m still surprised at how far you were willing to go.” Crocodile still had not turned to face Tink and the body and had instead pulled out one of his cigars and set it alight. The smoke hid his face from your sight.
Tink’s grief stuttered in response to the Marine’s words.
“W-What?” She looked up at the Vice Admiral who only met her tear stained face with contempt and a small smirk. Tink then turned her head to Crocodile, who had finally mustered the decency to face what he had done.
“Captain, it can’t be true.” Her voice, broken though it was, still carried through the square. You saw some of the Marines forming the barricade uncomfortably shifting in place. Some just stared at the ground.
“Did you do this?” It could not have been clearer that it was his handiwork, but you understood denial very well. It was a strange feeling to see grief from the outside like this.
“Did you really kill our first mate? After everything?” She cried up at him, still on her knees on the ground, but now she sat in between your body and him as though she was trying to prevent him from getting closer to you.
“And for what?! A fucking title? A little more power?” Tink was yelling now, screaming even with tears and snot still running down her face.
“They loved you more than anyone else on our ship!”
You gasped at that, tears freely falling now behind your mask, hands tight against it to prevent the crowd below from hearing. You never thought your admiration was noticeable - hell, you hadn’t even fully realized you were in love with Crocodile till today.
But Tink did. The crew had known.
The force of Tink’s words hit Crocodile the hardest. He flinched back at Tink’s scream, a small step back as though she had actually hit him.
“They would have given you the world! Why couldn’t that have been enough?”
“Why aren’t we enough for you?” 
These last gut wrenching words seemed to drain Tink’s strength. She fully fell to the ground now, head to the ground, entire body shaking with her grief.
Crocodile could do nothing but stand and stare at the mess at his feet.
Through your tears you noticed movement near where Tink had entered the square. You looked, and let out a quiet sob.
It was the crew. Not the whole crew, but your original crew.
There were four people who accompanied Crocodile before you: Tink the child shipwright, Diat the purple-haired helmsman, Kalmia the mute sharpshooter, and Rutako the fishman navigator. It was an odd crew to begin with, a group of individuals you would not have assumed were related in any fashion, but quickly grew to see their friendship.
You grew to love them.
They were the first family you found outside of the Roger pirates, and you had wanted to run from them. Wanted to run so if things fell apart as they did in front of you now, you wouldn’t have to feel the pain.
Was that really just last night you had wished for that?
Now all you want is to run to them.
But you had just been declared dead - Crocodile has gone and killed a random civilian to fake your death. If you ran out now you could prevent him from becoming a Warlord. Rejoin with your crew. It's not as though Crocodile could kill you - but the Marines could.
To reveal Crocodile’s deception would be to risk the safety of everyone you loved. It would begin an instant fight to the death, one your crew was heavily outnumbered for. No party would walk away without losses.
As it stands now, the only thing that will be hurt tonight would be the Neverland pirates. The crew would certainly fall apart with you, their beloved first mate, dead; killed by your own captain no less. Maybe this is how your crew would be saved from Whitebeard. As foolish as Sir Crocodile may be, even he surely wouldn’t fight Whitebeard without an entire crew to back him.
And this was your chance to escape. Leave it all behind, get rid of all attachments so you could never feel this pain again.
You watch as your original crew find Tink and the body. Watch as Rutako gently takes Tink into his arms. Watch as Diat starts to interrogate his captain for answers. Watch as Kalmia tries to keep their composure since they know the danger of being surrounded by the Navy, but still notice the way they begin to shake.
Diat was furious. “I’m not an idiot Captain, it is clear as day that you did this, but I just can’t figure why in the hell you would kill your own first mate.”
Crocodile is now appearing unfazed by it all, seemingly detached from the world around him. “They were going to try a mutiny in response to my new title as Warlord. They were the one who instigated a fight between us. I had no choice in the matter: it was me or them.”
Tink, who had been crying into Rutako’s shoulder, looked up at this. “That Marine said you killed them, in order to become a Warlord!”
The Vice Admiral who had been watching the scene as if it was normal to him, snorted at Tink’s call out. But Crocodile continued to back his lie. “They were going to betray me because I’ve already accepted that title. And now they are dead. There’s no way to change what’s been done.” He fixed Tink with an icy glare.
“Now get over it.”
Diat would never let anyone talk to your crew like that, not even Crocodile. You had seen him angry before, but now he was truly incensed. “They were our family! How fucking dare you tell us that!” 
During all this commotion, a couple Marines walk up and begin to carry away the body. Rutako attempts to stop them, but guns are drawn on him in response. Diat points to the corpse. “Look at what you did to them. Look, you bastard! And now you’re letting them be taken by the Navy? You know what the Navy did to them! And to the people they loved!”
You can only watch as Diat finally also breaks down. “They belonged with us! Us, damnit!” Finally Kalmia interferes, setting a hand on Diat’s shoulder to pull him back. Kalmia guides him to where Tink and Rutako sat, regrouping the four of them.
Of course Sir Crocodile couldn’t allow them to grieve in peace for even a minute. “Listen up. From here on out things will be different. If I’m going to achieve my goals I need a loyal crew, not people who try to stab me in the back at the slightest thing.”
The four look up, still crying but managing to glare at their captain as well. He continues anyway,  “However, if you are only going to follow me out of fear that I’ll kill you as well then I have no want for you. I need unwavering loyalty if I’m to rule the seas. This is your one chance to leave my crew without any consequence.”
The four are startled - and you as well. Mercy, after such cruelty? This was out of character for your captain, but you think you understood why.
You’re very familiar with cutting off the people you love because you love them.
They seem at a loss for an immediate response, but the Vice Admiral finally chimes in again. “Can you pirates figure out your problems elsewhere? I have better things to do tonight than listen to you all whine about some criminal getting what they deserve.”
The crew is clearly set off by this, words yelled immediately, but Crocodile steps between them and the Marine. “It’s time to go. Get up,” he commands to his crew who slowly and begrudgingly listen to him. The five walk out of the square in single file, Crocodile taking up the rear.
As they pass through the Navy barricade, Crocodile pauses, then turns and takes a glance in your direction. You duck back before he sees you, and take that as your cue to leave before anyone else notices your presence.
You don’t know how long you wandered. You recall wandering down the city, back to the shoreline. You found a small, dimly lit corner you deemed good enough for sitting in, and plopped yourself down. The adrenaline had worn off and the tears of the day had left you an empty shell of exhaustion.
You had only meant to close your eyes for a moment, have a chance to catch your breath, but you fell unconscious.
Eventually the early morning sun wakes you. It is the dawn of a new day, and you have no idea what you are going to do. Your body and heart still ache and your head pounds from dehydration. 
You keep thinking about Tink and Diat.
 Kalmia and Rutako.
Shanks and Buggy.
The vivre cards.
That finally clicks. You can't let anyone else find those. Ditching your clothes on the ship would've been fine, but you can't leave the vivre cards. If Crocodile wants to turn in Roger pirates he has a whole free list to steal, one that'll lead him straight to them.
You have to get back to your ship.
Head pounding and vision fading temporarily as you stand, you try to orient yourself. Based on the sun’s position, you are on the north eastern side of Water 7. If you remember correctly, and if the ship hasn't been moved, your ship should be on the north western side. So not too far, but still not as close as you'd like.
So with a dry mouth and your disguise from last night still on, you make your way to your ship.
You find it docked where you left it. Sails tied up, anchored down, in pristine condition. And hopefully, empty.
You still didn't know what happened after your crewmates left the square last night. If any of the crew was still intact. If they were still alive.
When the ship docks most of the crew are typically thrilled to sleep in some fancy hotel with their own beds, but after the events of last night some may have left the hotel to stay on the ship.
The only way to find out was to look. You walked up the plank to the deck.
It was empty. Just as you had left it. No one at the crow’s nest, no one at the bow.
Then you went below deck to the cabins. No snores were behind any doors, and no sounds of pots and pans from the kitchen.
You finally arrived at your quarters and quietly opened your door.
There, on your bed, was a curled up tiny Tink.
You immediately went still, freezing every muscle, holding your breath.
She was out cold.
You slowly walked towards her. She clutched your pillow, burying her face into it. Short blonde hair stuck up on her head, tussled from her slumber. You wanted to reach out and fix it, but you had your priorities.
You walked to your dresser. Middle drawer, back left side, under some old t-shirts. The vivre box.
You grabbed it then began to quietly look around your old room. You spotted an old backpack of yours. You decided to take just a couple things, not too much so Tink wouldn't notice, but a couple old things that wouldn't be missed.
A couple of those old shirts, some pants that hadn't been worn in a while. Other little mementos and old knick knacks.
You paused after almost filling the bag and stared at a sword hanging by your door. It was your main weapon, gifted to you by the man who taught you to use it.
It was one of the few things you still had from your time on the Oro Jackson after Roger left.
You grabbed it, hoped Tink wasn't planning on taking it as a keepsake, and holstered it.
While doing a last sweep for things as Tink slept, you paused in front of your mirror. It was the first time you had looked at yourself wearing the mask since you grabbed it. The cloak hid your body entirely. You would never have recognized yourself.
In the mirror you notice it. It had been hanging around your neck for so long you hardly noticed its presence, its absence was more noticeable to you - it had been there that long. A necklace that matched ones around the necks of the other original five crewmates. A chain that hung a ring, a ring far too big for anyones hands.  Except for your captains. 
Years ago there had been a challenge to steal one of your captains rings. You at first claimed it was a stupid endeavor. Then when Diat showed off the ring he snagged, your old competitive streak came back. You managed to sneak one off Croc’s hands - no one was sure how you managed it, not even yourself. Then Kalmia got one, then Rutako, and finally, Tink. You all had succeeded and ended up keeping them as mementos. It became a symbol of the “first five” as other crewmates like to call you. Crocodile never asked for them back.
Now you stared at it hanging from your neck. Your hand clutched it, the cool metal burning your palm now. You wanted to tear it off, maybe leave it with Tink. But then you turned to look at her, still asleep on your bunk.
The rings no longer belonged to the captain. They belonged to you.
But you couldn’t leave your crew like this. You needed a way to say goodbye to your family.
You left your room, quietly closing the door behind you. You snuck into the captain's office - also empty - and grabbed a blank paper and pen. A letter would work. A letter that allowed you to say goodbye to your crew and warn them about battling Whitebeard.
After trying to compose your thoughts, and a couple discarded drafts, you ended up with this:
Dear Tink,
If you are reading this it means I have left the crew. I am sorry that it happened like this, but I simply cannot stand by Sir Crocodile any longer if this is the path he has chosen. I imagine my departure may cause some of the crew to want to leave as well, but do not be mistaken, I have no aspirations of being a captain myself.
This letter is a goodbye and a warning. The captain believes he can defeat Whitebeard. Apparently that’s part of his deal as a Warlord with the Navy. Let me clear: he has no chance of winning. Please don’t let him drag you and the rest of the crew to their deaths; it will be a massacre of the Neverland Pirates. whitebeard and my Captain Roger were lifelong rivals, I witnessed several of their battles last days on end. Whitebeard is the strongest man alive, with a fleet to match. Sir Crocodile has become delusional. If you hope to keep this letter at all, best not to tell him I said that.
If you ever reach the New World you might find me in Dressrosa. I’m not sure if I ever told you about it, but it is one of my favorite kingdoms I’ve ever been to. I believe it will be a nice retirement home for an old pirate such as myself.
I wish I had the courage to say goodbye to you and the others in person, but the truth of the matter is, I am a coward. I run when I get attached so others cannot hurt me. I understand the irony of hurting the ones I care about, but unfortunately this is my true nature.
I love you Tink. Thank you for being my family the past few years.
Your former first mate,
And then you signed your name on the letter with a shaky hand. It’s hard to write legibly with watery eyes.
You felt bad for not leaving a note for the others, but you knew that Tink would need this the most. You walked to Tink’s usual sleeping quarters, folded up the paper and stuck it under her pillow with just a corner peeking out with the hope she will find it.
And then, for the last time in your life, you walked off of Crocodile’s ship.
You wandered back into the streets of Water 7. You had taken your wallet from the ship as well - thanks to your years on the ship, you were pretty well off financially. 
You found a street vendor in a market and grabbed something for breakfast. Eating in public didn't feel right especially with your crew still in town, so you scaled the buildings once again. Eating with a rooftop view was fun. Watching the city wake up and come to life.
You remembered visiting here before as a kid on the Oro Jackson. Apparently the man who built your ship lived on Water 7. He was a large fishman by the name of Tom.
You wondered if he still lived there.
As you pondered your situation with empty exhaustion, you noticed a news coo fly overhead. 24 hours ago it was the newspaper that started you on the path of your fabricated demise and subsequent departure from the crew.
Time to test your luck again.
You waved the bird down and it landed on the ledge in front of you. You aren't very good with animals, but if you've ever seen a bird look shocked, this was it.
You handed it the fee for the paper and it apprehensively handed you a copy, then took off with haste.
Confused, you open the paper. Then you understood the bird's reaction.
On the front of the paper was Crocodile’s face and your own. It announced the official instatement of Crocodile was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and your death as a former Roger’s Pirate.
Your apathy disappeared as it all sunk in again.
Sitting on the roof, you cried as you ate your food because you knew: you were alone and no one except the man you loved and the man who tried to kill you knew you were alive.
After a couple hours of walking through town and asking locals, you found Tom’s Workers.
During your search you learned that Tom was in hot water for building the Oro Jackson and he was now building a… water train? For the government. You knew this meant he may no longer have any sympathy for Roger and his old crew, but you had no other friends in Water 7, and no plausible means of leaving. Not when your face was in the morning’s paper, announcing your death to the world.
You stood on a nearby building, the roofs of Water 7 your new temporary home, and watched the workers from a distance. Tom is hard to miss - a giant yellow fishman, hoisting and tossing heavy materials as though they were light as a feather. Working alongside him was a tall teenage boy with dark purple hair who kept yelling at a younger boy with bright blue hair.
Their quarrels only made Tom laugh, mixed in with the occasional reminder to keep on task.
You didn't really understand what they were building or how it would work, but watching them made you feel as though you were watching a scene from your childhood.
It made you miss your brothers.
You waited till nightfall to approach them. The boys had left around sunset when an older woman came by to tell them to go have dinner. You followed them at a distance and planned to wait for at least two more hours, hoping the boys would go to sleep, so you could have the chance to talk to Tom alone. But only ten minutes passed when the door opened.
You hopped back from where you had been loitering, trying to hide from the light that poured from the doorway. However the woman who opened the door only looked amused.
“Tom says to come join us for dinner.”
You stood in the shadow for a minute trying to process what she said. But knowing you were going to approach them anyways, you gave up hiding and stepped into the light.
“I don't mean to intrude. I just hoped to ask Tom for a favor.”
The woman smiled and waved you in. “Why don’t you ask him over a warm meal?”
You walked inside. It was a small space, clearly the living space of shipwrights with papers, drafts and other craftsmans things scattered about. Tom and the boys sat around a dinner table, the boys giving you an odd look - you figured your mask and robes would lift eyebrows. The woman also noticed you made no motion to take off your disguise.
“It’ll be hard to eat with a mask on.” She smiled, still trying to coerce you to the table.
“Thank you, but I already ate.” You replied, choosing to awkwardly stand in the entryway instead.
“Kokoro’s food isn’t that great but it’s warm!” The blue haired boy piped up, a goofy grin on his face. His smartass comment however earned him a smack on the back of the head by the older boy who sat beside him.
“Franky, you can’t say things like that! Have you no respect for adults?” The purple haired boy reprimanded him.
“That’s enough you two, we have a guest.” Kokoro interjected, seemingly unfazed by Franky’s insult to her cooking. “Even if you aren't hungry, you can sit beside me as they finish if you’d like.” She turned to you as she rejoined the table offering the seat next to her.
You looked at the table; Tom took up the majority of one side with Kokoro next to him, and the boys sat across from them. You would end up sitting at the end of the table Between Kokoro and Franky. You cast a glance around the home and found no other space you could possibly stay in instead as you waited, so you ended up taking her offer at the table.
Dinner resumed as it had been before you joined. The boys bickered, but both would go silent to listen as Tom told stories. He had several, all about ships he had built or pirates he had encountered. The older boy, Iceberg, would discuss schematics and plans with Tom for projects beside the Sea Train. The younger boy Franky pulled out his own plans for small warships - meant to bring down Sea Kings apparently.
Kokoro just seemed to enjoy some booze and the company at the table.
Eventually, after some odd looks from Iceberg and invasive questions from Franky, the boys went to bed, Kokoro and Tom sending them off. Kokoro ended up leaving as well, and then it was you and Tom.
“Kokoro mentioned you wanted a favor from me? Just know I’m awfully busy with the Sea Train and I don’t have time for much else.” Tom had a friendly demeanor, but you could tell your insistence on hiding your appearance from them had bothered him.
You glanced at the door to the boys’ room. “Is it okay if we stepped outside? I think it may be best to leave others out of my problems if possible.”
Tom again seemed to question what was going on, but he stepped outside anyway. A couple yards from the house you handed him this morning’s paper. You braced yourself, then asked him, “How do you feel about the news of another Roger Pirates dying?”
Tom bristled, “Look, I’ve been welcoming but I have to know who you are. If you’re another CP agent I’ve told you I-” But before he could finish you pulled off your mask.
Tom froze.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Tom. I didn’t want to come here and endanger you and your family but I’m out of options. If there’s anything you know about a way I can escape Water 7 I would be grateful.” You rambled, trying to explain you knew his situation and that you could pay him for just a schedule, someway he might know of that could help you sneak off this island, but you didn’t quite finish your thoughts.
Tom reached out to you, and you flinched, preparing for the worst. Instead, he crouched down to eye level and rested the hand on your shoulder. His eyes were sad, mouth pressed into a hard line.
“If there’s anything I can do for one of Roger’s kids, I will do it without hesitation.”
You crumpled beneath the weight of his words. The smile that stretched across Tom’s face gave you the same feeling when Roger smiled at you after he told you you were no longer a slave.
For the first time since you got to Water 7, you felt safe.
More Notes: tysm for reading!! never expected so many people to want a continuation - i knew this is where it would go when i wrote pt 1, but im sure this is a surprise for some of you. i really appreciate comments and might write a non-canon compliant au of this soulmates fic - MAYBE, do not expect anything. also i cant write smut so it would just be fluff/ angst w comfort kind of thing. get dicked down by croc elsewhere
ily all, ty again - Ziro(Bitches)
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scekrex · 5 months
It's me again. I'm having one of these days when I don't want to get out of bed and everything is just tragic. Because of that I was wondering if I could ask for something with Adam/reader feeling very nostalgic and down in the "you looked at me wrong, now I'm gonna cry" way. When they come home their partner just shove them with all kisses and cuddles in the world. I'm in need of something extremely fluffy and vanilla
I totally get your vibe, I spent the entire day in bed and I did nothing, I think I got a little carried away in the middle but I hope you like it nonetheless :3
I got all twisted up, you helped straighten me out
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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The day itself felt off, had been ever since you had woken up in the morning and when Adam had wanted to do you a favor by letting you sleep in and canceling your appointments for the day, you felt hurt - you weren’t even able to explain why you felt the way you did, but it stung when you had woken up hours later to a simple note on your bedside table that read ‘Ya ass seemed really fucking tired, canceled ur shit, will be back whenever the fuck Sera lets me leave’, underneath the text was a little drawing of himself trying to form a heart with his hands - it looked more like a dick than a heart though. It was cute that Adam had written you a note at all, but yet it didn’t sit right with you, especially because today would’ve been the only day in the week on which your schedule lined up, so you technically could sit in Sera’s office right now, messing around with your boyfriend and talking shit about whatever crazy bitch ass plan the seraphim was working on this time.
Instead you sat at home, alone with nothing to do because Adam had canceled every single plan of yours - you weren’t mad about that itself, you weren’t mad at all. You felt sad rather than angry because didn’t he want to spend the day with you at work, to grab a milkshake afterwards like you always did and watch the sunset in the park that was only a five minute flight from your home? Did he want to spend the day alone without you, away from you rather than by your side?
You haven’t left the bed, not when you have woken up, not five hours later. You had gotten up once - real quick - to pee, but after that you had gone right back to bed, the blanket wrapped around your body instead of Adam’s wings because instead of calling in sick as well, he had decided to leave you alone at home. And while your logical mind kept telling you that he meant well, your emotions spoke a different language.
When you heard the front door open you peeked out from underneath the blanket and when you heard familiar sounding steps heading towards the living room while the lovely voice of your boyfriend called out your name you went back and hid underneath the fabric. It only took the first man a couple seconds to open the bedroom door and sigh at the sight of you. “Still not feeling better babes?” And he sounded genuinely interested in your well-being, but did he care or was he rather annoyed to be back by your side? You didn’t answer his question, ignored it when he sat down next to you and simply pulled the blanket even tighter around your body. His hand came down to grab a fistful of the fabric you were hiding under and with one firm tug he pulled it away from you entirely, sending it flying across the room so you wouldn’t reach for it and hide away again. “Okay fuckface, tell me what the fuck is up,” the choice of petname wasn’t exactly what you had hoped for, in general you didn’t mind the somewhat mean petnames he sometimes used for you, it was his love language after all and to be fair, it was yours too - a little at least. But now? Now you had hoped for something softer. Fuckface only played into your thought of him being annoyed with you and your company. “If you’re growing tired of me just say so, I’m a big boy, I can handle rejection.”
To Adam that reaction came out of nowhere and he wasn’t quite sure on how he was supposed to respond - what the fuck made you think that way? Had he done something wrong? “The fuck is your cracked up ass talking about?” You spread your wings, used them to hide your body away from Adam yet again though you positioned them so that you were able to peek through your feathers and when your sad, tired and somehow even broken eyes met his confused ones, Adam knew something was up and said ‘something’ wasn’t small at all. “You left without saying a word,” you mumbled quietly, too tired of your emotions to speak louder but the brunette sitting next to you had understood you perfectly fine. But that only resulted in him being even more confused, because what the fuck? “I wrote you a fucking note, bitch,” he pointed to the bedside table on which his note was still laying. Your eyes moved to the spot he was pointing at, then back to him, “Today’s the only day our schedules line up and you left me here.” Oh. Oh. Now Adam understood what your problem was - or at least he thought he did. Either way, he was sure to know how to fix that now.
“We can still go out, grab the fucking milkshakes and watch that stupidly perfect sunset like we usually fucking do, y’know?” That simple offer of his took you by surprise and you lowered your wings in order to look at him properly, “Really?” That caused the first man to chuckle in amusement as he gently pulled your body closer to his own until your head was resting in his lap, “Yeah babes, fucking really.” “So you’re not growing tired of me?” Another chuckle vibrated through his body and a small smile appeared on your face as you felt it in every inch of your body. You wiggled your body into a more comfortable position, your head remained in his lap though and soon his hands found their way to your hair as he started to gently play with it. “Why the fuck would I?” And that question made you feel a little embarrassed, “Dunno, usually when one of us calls in sick on this day of the week, the other does so too so we can still spend the day together and I thought…” you didn’t even finish your sentence but you knew you didn’t have to, Adam got where you were coming from. So he playfully ruffled your hair as he responded, “Fuck nah, your ass is way top fucking adventurous, hell would fucking freeze before I grow tired of you, babes.” A soft kiss was placed on your forehead before the first man continued, “You just seemed fucking exhausted lately so I handled your shit for today.”
And that made you calm down a lot, so he was not growing tired of you and tried to get some distance between the both of you in order to make a later breakup less painful - not that this plan would’ve worked anyway. Your body leaned into his warmth, embracing your boyfriend’s company at its fullest, “You said milkshakes are still on the table?” Adam beamed at the mention of milkshakes and he was off the bed with you in his arms in an instant, ready to leave the house just like that, not even caring the slightest bit about the fact that you were wearing nothing but one of his shirts and underwear. “Bet ya sexy ass they fucking are,” he rushed over to the bedroom door before you were able to stop him, your shitty mood from before was long forgotten as you repeatedly told Adam to slow down while you laughed the brunette’s reaction. “I need to get dressed first,” you explained as he set you down on your own feet. “Just put on a pair of sweats and call it a fucking day, we’re gonna miss that fucking sunset if you need longer than thirty seconds,” he complained with a playful undertone as you picked up a pair of sweats from the ground - you sniffed them quickly making sure they didn’t smell too bad before you put them on and joined Adam who had already headed to the front door in the meantime. “There ya fucking are, finally” he hummed happily as he opened the door, scooped you back up into his arms and left t your house in order to get your weekly milkshakes.
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spookyji · 2 years
thoughts on soobin meeting his bunny hybrid for the first time ?
soobin who found his hybrid by accident, but was so kind n welcoming that his bunny grew an attachment n has never left him since, always a source of each other’s comfort n happiness~~ walking home in the pouring rain when he stumbles across you, hiding behind some boxes in a random alley n soaked, shivering, n alone in the midst of a storm. his umbrella shielding you from the rain as he crouches down to ask where your owner is, n why you’re all alone in the rain ;; so shy, afraid of something as you shrink away, shaking your head, floppy ears heavy with water. n awkwardly, his heavy, warm coat draped over your shoulders as soobin asks if he can check your collar for identification, only to find that its been scratched out all over n is mangled;;; confused but concerned, about to head off to the police station to turn in the collar so they can locate your owner (stray hybrids r very rare,,, mainly bc they’re so expensive), only for you to bury your face in his sleeve, n something strikes at his heart when he sees you nervously clinging to his arm, floppy ears looking so sad and so scared >< taking you home, awkwardly drying off your hair n lending you clothes n his bed (sleeping on the couch… a little confused about what to do) >< n that night, lying in the warm sheets that carry his gentle, caring scent, curling up further n feeling for the first time, safe; something about how he avoided hurting your ears while drying your ears, the little blush across his features while igiving you a pair of his massive clothes, the look of kindness when he crouched down n spoke to you rather than walking by,,, something tells you meeting soobin was fate~~
n maybe he doesn’t ask about your past owner, even today, but soobin knows you get scared at rainstorms, always crawling into his arms, soft ears brushing against his neck as you hide away from the memories, his warm embrace all you need to escape from the past, his darling bunny so safe with him n so loved by him <3
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tenten18282 · 2 years
I mean I cried bc poor Time has been through so much and had so little choice about his role in any of it, and then on top of that he feels like he doesn't deserve companionship :') (plus he's gonna be through MORE WHY did he have to get his eye mutilated HASNT HE BEEN THRU ENOUGH *shakes fist at the sky*) but I did smile when Wind half-teased him abt acting tough and held out his hand to help him up and the four reunited! So I do think it was comforting :D just also sad, and not likely to last bc they have their own individual journeys to get to in the end (though I really hope they'll keep contact!)
But I've also seen some really bitter takes about Time, in the "your past was awful and your future will be filled with its regrets and you can't do anything about any of it, you won't get a happy ending" kind of way, and yours strikes a lot sweeter :) like... "you might be hurt, and lonely, and not certain if you can make this happiness last, but as long as you're with them you can breathe easier, and the memory will carry you through the hard times." If that makes sense? In general you just set the atmosphere and emotions really well! I felt like I was right there with the Links, deeply worried with no way to show it and nothing but dark thoughts for company as Wind waits for Time to wake up, or sitting by the fire and watching it crackle, listening to Time and Wind's quiet conversation, the silence of the night creating the illusion of being the only ones awake in a sleeping world...
You've single-handedly made me love Wind and this possible relationship of his with Time so I dare say you're utilizing him very well!! And yeah you really get that feeling across, that he's very worried about Time but doesn't want to overstep because he gets that Time is more than capable and doesn't want him to think he's implying otherwise... like all the help he offers is strictly of the practical kind and only just hints about feelings, to make sure Time knows he can reach out any time he wants :D That multi-layered "let me help"... It's really sweet. And ooh I really love those headcanons! The elegy of emptiness and Link being the last one who needs to heal is so lovely and so in line with his character :D
This got overlong again so hopefully you weren't joking about the asks XD and a blog about your thoughts on the kid quartet would be awesome! Yeah comics take so long and so much work to make, but honestly I'd just love to hear about how you write their characters in whatever way is easiest for you :) though the way you have of showing-not-telling with the comics is truly breathtaking! Also it's rlly funny to imagine them growing up into LU and Wind suddenly going from eldest to youngest lol, I keep getting the mental image of him still trying to big-brother them while being like half their size XD
Welcome back…..!!!!!!!! [Reply under read more]
Ah, that makes more sense… yes the hero of time indeed is a really tragic character. It's an aspect i really like drawing about him!!!!!!!! I guess it's one reason all my stand-alone pieces of him are mostly somber…..
Wind probably called him out on it directly as i feel like he's probably tried to pull the "strong guy" persona at least once during his adventures, so he gets to be cheeky about it hahaha I like the idea that they keep contact, but i really doubt it…. though they won't mind much! Even if they're apart they know they're all going to take care of themselves, and have fond memories to keep them company, like you said! (Ignoring that i hc that two of these links die early in their lives….. but that's not really relevant at the moment, ha ha…..)
I'm glad you like my specific interpretation of time! I always want to follow zelda's wacky horror, where in the games there's both tragedy and happiness, so i hoped the same went for all of these characters (even if i also understand some of the more bitter interpretations of Time, I get seeing him be vengeful... but maybe that's because I felt the need to be bitter about it in his stead lololol)- im quite happy you felt so immersed! and the more wind fans the merrier, he deserves them and i really dont mind people sending asks like these, i love talking and hearing about this topic, i have a lot to say….!!!! and i really agree with what you say here, it makes me super happy ♪
I'll probably make a blog soon-ish so i can talk about my ideas and some extra stuff without interrupting this blog, i have some stuff to take care of first before i can continue drawing these four,,, In any case, your last sentence reminded me of this doodle i did a while back, so i thought to send it here lol
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hi hello my anglest angel!!! now that i have uh caught a breath from the knight!sugu fic (i went insane btw) i am here to talk about the songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE SO GOOD!!!!!! i know you said that you have Thoughts about them and now i am beggggging to hear more about those!!! please please please more knight!sugu n brat!reader crumbs i loved them so much
there’s nobody better than you // it took me a while till i knew // but you knew from the start it was us, didn't you? // it just took me a while till i knew
sad face emoji sugu the all-knowing-one sighhhhh oh i adore him so much ari i nEED TO HUG HIM
I LOVE RISES THE MOON AAAAAAAA I LOVE IT SO SO SO MUCH i think it fits the reader so fucking well. it's such a good pick for them. the little lamb the little fox. sigh they're very dear to me already.
btw i just realized that i asked moss a while ago for their knight!sugu songs and "tongues and teeth" was one of the songs!!!!!! idk if u happened to see that but if not then this is a very cute little coincidence it's the knight hivemind!!!!
i’ve grown a mouth so sharp and cruel // it’s all that i can give to you, my dear // and when you come in quick to steal a kiss // my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear
no but overall all of these songs were perfect for them i listened to the playlist multiple times and then i listened to classical music lmao don't ask it fit surprisingly well OKAY BUT NOW DON'T HOLD BACK ON ME!!!!! (THREAT!!!! VERY SERIOUS THREAT!!!) I NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING YOU'RE HIDING IN YOUR BRAIN ABOUT THEM LAY IT ALL ON ME SWEETHEART I'M GIDDY I'M EXCITED I'M READY!!! LOVE YOU ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS<33333
- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY I’M HERE I’M HERE I’M FINALLY HERE 😭😭😭 pls ignore the fact that i’m many months late ok my brain refuses to cooperate with me sometimes but i’ve been soso excited to answer this properly!!!! this got . Extremely long. like. actually. i got VERY carried away . i’m sorry i genuinely can’t stfu when it comes to them <///3
anyway !!!!! knight!sugu & bratty royal!reader our beloveds :333
first off!!!! i’m sooo glad to hear you enjoyed the songs 🥺🥺🥺 and that you got knight!sugu/royalty!reader vibes from them too!!!!! i’m just gonna get right into it bc we have . a Lot to discuss 😭😭 i really didn’t hold back in the slightest AND ON THAT NOTE pls just know that there’s literally zero pressure to reply to this at all, esp since it’s so late!!! i’m so happy just knowing you think of these silly little guys 🥺 i love you soooo much my sweetest little kitty cat mwah MWAHH <333
goodbye, my danish sweetheart
MY FAVORITE MITSKI SONG EVER EVER EVERRR and honestly i think it fits the fic more than any other song on this list . like. just the vibes + instrumentals alone are sooo perfect for a royalty au…. it sounds nostalgic and bittersweet and very tender . and the LYRICS 😵‍💫😵‍💫ohhhh my fucking god mickey . i’m gonna need to go through them one by one but they just … make me think of royalty!reader so much . how they just want to be accepted. the feelings of inferiority …. the belief that nobody can love them as they are . :(((
there's nobody better than you // it took me a while 'til i knew // but you knew from the start it was us, didn't you? // it just took me a while 'til i knew now i lay as i study a blank wall // would you spare me your voice if i call? // ’cause you waited and watered my heart 'til it grew // you can see how it’s blossomed for you
THIS IS SOOOO READER @ SUGU. he’s the one who keeps pushing and fighting for a connection between them and reader keeps resisting until they just . can’t. and they really do think there’s nobody better than their knight !! nobody stronger or kinder. they love him sm :(((( every time they call for him he’s there. and he waters their tiny little heart until it’s not afraid to flourish anymore…..
there’s some kind of burning inside me // it’s kept me from falling apart // and i’m sure that you've seen what it's done to my heart // but it's kept me from falling apart
AND THEN THIS . oughhh . :(((( this is both royalty!reader AND knight!sugu…… they both keep their true self at arm’s lenght to protect themselves. and they both cling to something rotten to keep themselves intact. in reader’s case they cling to the idea of themself as a spoiled, bratty, scummy royal — cling to the anger and bitterness they feel . and suguru clings to knighthood. it burns him but it makes him feel alive. it’ll turn him to ashes but he doesn’t mind. etectc.
strawberry blonde
aaaand then another mitski banger :33 i picked this one mostly based on vibes !!! the instrumental just sounds like it could fit into this au … the more peaceful scenes between the two . but the lyrics are also just brimming with devotion and adoration..
i love everybody because i love you // when you stood up, walked away barefoot // and the grass where you lay left a bed in your shape // i looked over it and i ached i love it when you call my name // can you hear the bumblebees swarm? // watching your arm // i love it when you look my way
IT’S PERFECT BECAUSE . i think the lyrics work both ways !!! i can see both sets of lyrics being from reader’s pov; loving suguru makes it easier for them to love the world . they want him to call them by name. but it also works well from sugu’s pov…. he aches for them and yearns to follow them . he loves it when they call his name, too. they’re both yearners…. what can i say…..
rises the moon
ANOTHER VIBE-BASED SONGGG i also love this one mickey … it’s so beautiful and soothing :((( i imagine it playing during the scene where suguru shares a bit of his past with reader . sitting by the windowsill in their room as the moon glows….. and then he carries them to bed and tucks them in :) i can picture him humming them to sleep with this song.
oh-oh, close your weary eyes // i promise you that soon the autumn comes // to darken fading summer skies you’ll be visited by sleep // i promise you that soon the autumn comes // to steal away each dream you keep breathe, breathe, breathe
and the lyrics are just ???? soooo incredibly soothing. i think knight!sugu brings a lot of peace into reader’s life . they feel very safe with him. and the mentions of dreams and seasons feel fitting, since those are motifs in the fic :3
honestly !! i associate a lot of my character/reader pairings with seasons …. especially this one though. i’m also always thinking about your little knight and prince and how he’s the summer to their spring :3 in my case i think suguru is probably reader’s autumn!! a bridge that softens the gap between summer and winter…. he gives them stability and comfort. and they give him both summer and winter. he meets them right in the middle <33
tongues & teeth
HEAVY BREATHING …… this one is a Must for any knight character or pairing . any character who views themself as a monster . I DID SEE THIS ON MOSS’S PLAYLIST TOO AND THEY’RE SO BIGBRAINED FOR THAT !!!!! it’s just… oughh. i think i mostly associate this one with suguru’s rampage after reader gets kidnapped but the lyrics are more readercoded !!!!
i’ve grown a mouth so sharp and cruel // it’s all that i can give to you, my dear // and when you come in quick to steal a kiss // my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear oh, i will ruin you // it’s a habit, i can't help it // i know that you mean so well // but i am not a vessel for your good intent i will only break your pretty things // i will only wring you dry of everything // but if you're fine with that // if you're fine with that…
IT’S ABOUT . the violence . and tenderness. a person who thinks they’ll bring this brighter, kinder, more ”pure” person nothing but pain . reader assumes they’re too much for anyone to handle so they keep everyone at arm’s lenght . i think they view the people they admire as paintings. and they’re convinced they’ll smudge the canvas if they get too close . but deep down they want to be accepted, claws and all :(((
and suguru does!!! they both accept each other as they are . a fox and a wolf. suguru will let reader bite and hiss and claw at him as much as they need. he won’t love them any less . and reader sees suguru covered in blood, manic and frenzied, and still only thinks about how beautiful he is . how nice their name sounds when it’s falling from his lips . they don’t love each other despite their flaws or because of their flaws . they just like each other. scratch marks and all . i’m normal abt them btw
the garden
THIS ONE 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 MICKEYYYY HOLD MY HAND. this one is almost TOO perfect . i love the crane wives and so many of their songs would fit super well into this fic …. but this one is just . insane . the album cover even has a little fox 🥺 BUT AAA JUST . the instrumental and the LYRICS … i’m gonna need to really pick them apart because they’re so unbelievably perfect for royalty!reader i’m going to. scream.
the crows in the garden are laughing at my expense // drowning out all the lies that i might have told instead
OK SOOO . crows . are a bit of a motif in the fic. crows remind me a lot of suguru maybe that’s why. then there’s also the garden, which is mentioned a lot in the fic too!! all the flower imagery…
but . here’s the thing. royalty!reader is a Liar. they lie. they wear a mask. they’re not honest with their own self and not with anyone else either. and they assume everyone is looking down on them. i can picture them looking out into the garden, seeing those free crows, and imagining their cawing as mocking laughter . it drowns out the sound of their own lies . (crumbles to the floor)
my stone // my shield, my steady hand // hold your light // to the darkness in my head
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mickey ….. grabs your shoulders. i know you’ll see the vision. this is royalty!reader @ knight!sugu and it makes me . Ache . very deeply. he’s their stone. their shield, their steady hand. he holds a light to the darkness in their head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oughhhh they make me insane 😔😔😔 i think reader holds a light to suguru’s darkness too though . it’s more subtle with him but i wrote the fic with the idea that reader saves knight!suguru from his destined doom. he grows to care more for them than knighthood, which saves him from his fate, which is. breaking under the pressure of knighthood. you Get me. you must choose love Every Time.
put your ear to my heart or set your teeth against my throat // give me something pretty to wear beneath my blood-stained clothes
this one is just . really fitting right??? i guess this one is more knight!sugu coded though . i can imagine him returning to the castle after a bloody duel and getting patched up by a worried little reader :((( they give him a clean blouse . maybe bite his throat a little . who knows .
…. i think they also really love the sound of his heartbeat. it helps them sleep :3
get on your knees and // dig up the garden // won’t you throw down that spade and // dig up the garden, darling? // get your hands dirty and // rip up the garden // won’t you cut down that apple tree for me?
and finally This …….. i think the garden is like. a Metaphor . you know how it is . something something reader is a flower growing under the soil…. suguru has to dig their heart up…. etcetc. but i also love the devotion of it all . the loyal knight gets on his knees and digs and digs at his lord’s request. he’s eternally devoted to their joy.
my love is sick
dies . explodes .
mickey this song …. this goddamn song….. oughhh i love madds buckley sm :((((( she’s so good!!! i adore this song and i think it fits very well for both of them but especially royalty!reader…. it goes back to the whole thing where . they think they’re unloveable. their love is ”sick.” but they still crave tenderness and companionship……
my love is sick // it’s messy and wrong // but i pray for a bit of contagion // hands without fingers // like spoons at the source // coat evenly // oh, won’t you touch me? you’re an infection // i am keeping // no matter the sepsis // you are staying my love is sick // it’s taken me whole // i’m simply a host to a haunting // ghosts without corpses // still linger in flesh // holding on to a love they keep wanting
THESE LYRICS ARE JUST . soooo good. so good. the idea that they view their love as messy and wrong but still want him to touch them . they view him as an infection because intimacy scares them so much but they still don’t want him gone.
and then the final line ….. ”holding on to a love they keep wanting”…….. yeahhh . suguru and reader are both afraid to bare their hearts to one another but they keep holding onto that love anyway.
anything, anything, anything
aaaand then finally!!! another madds buckley song :33 this one is ADORABLE and it’s just . dripping with devotion and adoration !!!! i guess i see it almost as a post-fic song ??? like. after the final scene. the culmination of their relationship. it encompasses their love for each other really really well and the lyrics are just so sweet 🥺🥺
honey, i hate wine // but i’d gladly down a bottle of your name // just to get another taste of you // a single drop not on my tongue would be a waste and i hate mornings // but i like waking next to you // you always wake up before i do // so i can sleep in your embrace and i hate time // the minutes shared will never last enough // no amount of time will ever be too much // and parting leaves a bitter taste
THESE LYRICS ….. soooo royalty!reader. they’re a little sap but they don’t want to admit it!!!! i think their love comes down to making Exceptions. like. suguru is their exception. they hate wine but they’d drink some if he brewed it for them. they hate mornings but wake up early just to get a glimpse of his sleeping face . they hate time, but cherish the clock-ticks they spend with him. they’re a little softie and i love them :(((((
we burn like gentle firewood // we yearn like vines and leaves // and we settle in the comfort of // the bones that rest beneath // and i’d stop staying home and wasting time // to keep your soul with mine
THIS IS BOTH OF THEMMMM. they burn and yearn and settle in the comfort between each other…… they’d stop staying home and stop wasting time to keep each other close .
i’d do anything, anything, anything // anything, anything, anything…
this is really like . the Core of the fic i think. especially on knight!suguru’s side . he’d do anything. there’s something very gentle and tender about this repetition and it makes me wanna cry. sniffle . i adore them mickey :((((( he’d do anything for themmmmm
BUTTTT OKAY . songs aside…… the reason it took me so long to answer this (faulty brain aside) is that i really wanted to include some siken poems for you too :’3 since his poetry inspired me sooo much when i was writing the fic!!! and so many of them are knight!sugu +/ royalty!reader coded….
i’m just gonna go through the ones that remind me of them the most !!!! :33
the way the light reflects
title of the fic was snatched right from this so ofc i had to include it 🫡🫡
the paint doesn’t move the way the light reflects, so what’s there to be faithful to? i am faithful to you, darling. i say it to the paint.
i think this. encompasses the fic. i really do. the paint and the light. the Faith. what’s there to be faithful to? well, the knight by your side has something to say. if reader is faithful to the paint then he is faithful to Them. he’s made out of it. and all reader wants is for someone to have faith in them. they’re the paint, and suguru’s the light.
i paint in his face and i paint it out again. there is a question i am afraid to ask: to supply the world with what?
and this … royalty!reader is really . confused i think. to supply the world with what? what’s their purpose? what good can someone do when they’re stuck in a castle? they don’t know, so they keep painting. and maybe that’s enough.
…. i can’t remember if i mentioned this to you before but. i imagine that reader paints suguru a Lot once the events of the fic are over. as in…… eventually a corner of their room is dedicated to him and no one else . he’s very embarrassed about it. cutie <333
portrait of fryderyk in shifting light
THIS POEM . richard siken when i fucking catch you. it’s one of my absolute favorites of his and it…. really really REALLY helped me write some scenes 😭 especially the one where reader is painting. the writing is just so beautiful and flows so well. and it fits the themes of the fic perfectly !!
i sussed the gesso into foam and white roses, stalling. i troubled the shadows and silvered his edges. what can you know about a person? they shift in the light.
silvered his edges …. something something royalty!reader @ knight!sugu . BUT MORE THAN ANYTHING …. what can you know about a person? they shift in the light. that’s another quote that really gets to the core of the fic i think….!!! both sugu and reader aren’t what they seem to be. they shift in the light!!!
i find the parts that overlap with mine and light them up in clayd and creams, yellow music singing pink, the flicker of his mouth a purple rust. his face congeals as he settles in. his hair is bronze in here, not gold: walnut, bark, and cinnamon, chipped brick tipped in ink.
OUGHHHHHH AGAIN I’M JUST . so . enamored with the way he writes 💔💔💔 the colours…. the paint……. this is what goes through reader’s head when they’re painting suguru
difficult, to be confronted with the fact of yourself. opaque in the sense of finally solid, in the sense of see me, not through me.
SEE ME NOT THROUGH ME 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 yeah. reader wants to be Seen but not Discovered. suguru does both. he sees them and sees through them and stays anyway. it’s difficult to accept yourself but he does it for them. he sees the wolf and the lamb and the little fox beneath !!!! and reader sees him for the kind wolf that he is :333
litany in which certain things are crossed out
h … heavy breathing …. another of my favorite siken poems . this one was my absolute fav for a while….. it’s a really long one and there are just . soo many lines that reminds me of them!!! :((((
of course, she wakes the dragon. love always wakes the dragon and suddenly flames everywhere. i can already tell you think i’m the dragon, that would be so like me, but i’m not. i’m not the dragon. i’m not the princess either. (…) okay, so i’m the dragon. big deal. you still get to be the hero. you get magic gloves! a fish that talks! you get eyes like flashlights! what more do you want?
THE DRAGON/PRINCESS IMAGERYYYY. LOVE ALWAYS WAKES THE DRAGON !!!!!!! reader views themselves as The Dragon while suguru views them as The Princess . he’s The Hero obviously. i think reader is bitter towards suguru at the beginning for a Lot of reasons but one of them is jealousy. knights are domesticated creatures so they aren’t exactly Free but . they have more freedom than a chained royal . they get to run around in the forest and by the sea and they get to see the world :((( what more could he want?
you said i could have anything i wanted, but i just couldn’t say it out loud.
throws up blood . yeah . the knight offers his lord anything they wish for but they can’t say what they truly wish for . they can’t push the words out of their mouth .
forget the dragon, leave the gun on the table, this has nothing to do with happiness.
EXPLODES !!!!!!!! one of my favorite siken lines Ever. idk it’s just the vibes . i know you’ll understand mickey!!!!!!!! forget the dragon, this has nothing to do with happiness……
i want more applesauce. i want more seats reserved for heroes. dear forgiveness, i saved a plate for you. quit milling around the yard and come inside.
🥺🥺🥺 this line is so…. pretty. and hopeful. it makes me think more of knight!sugu than reader because i think he’s done many things he can’t forgive himself for . but the forgiveness he yearns for is just within reach . all he needs is a push. and i think reader more than anyone wants the better things in life — for themselves and for their knight.
suguru is passive in his suffering, but reader is willing to reach for what they want. and i think that inspires him. quit milling around the yard and come inside!!!!!! stupid silly knight >:((
unfinished duet
this is knight!suguru’s anthem . boy oh boy do i have thoughts about this ……
he wants to be tender and merciful. that sounds overly valorous. sounds like penance. and his hands? his hands keep turning into birds and flying away from him. him being you.
heavy breathing …. he wants to be tender and merciful. sounds like penance. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i have …. soooo many thoughts about knight!suguru but the center of his character really is Guilt. shame. he wants to repent for things he can’t remember doing. knights are meant to be ashamed . it’s the catholic in them i think
then there’s the bird line ….. as much as he pushes and pushes for that connection, he’s just as scared as reader is when it comes to intimacy!! his hands turn into birds and fly away from them . he’s afraid of crossing a line or boundary. i tried to show it in the fic but like …. he’s very particular about certain things . he’s willing to bend certain rules (esp later when his devotion starts sticking more to his lord than his knighthood) but he’s Very firm about other things . like not calling them by name at first . it’s a little… too much for him. knights really have to tiptoe that line.
…. there’s this one arthurian work that i love. that you’ve definitely heard about bc it’s so popular + they made a movie out of it and i don’t think it was a good adaptation but it was soooooo so good as a movie . gawain and the green knight….. I DON’T WANNA RAMBLE TOO MUCH BUT UM. i love the arthuriana :333 and i’m mentioning this story because gawain is tested on his value as a knight right. there’s a whole thing about how he kisses a man’s wife because it’d be impolite to deny the lady’s wishes (rejecting her would go against his honour as a knight), but he can’t sleep with her because that would go against … his honour as a knight. it’s a whole. purity thing. you need to be chivalrous but also chaste. so knight!sugu acts all charming and flirty but when reader wants him to cross the line between them he’s like 😳 yeah. he’s . a silly little guy .
what did you really want? someone to pass this with me. you wanted more.
cries . throws up . this is both knight!sugu and royalty!reader actually …. they limit themselves because they don’t think they capable of / allowed to have the thing they really want :(((( just having somebody by their side is enough for now….
was there no one else? his hands keep turning into birds, and his hands keep flying away from him. eventually the birds must land.
…. yeahhhh . 😔😔 yeah . sorry this poem is wrecking me a little . eventually the birds must land!!!! knight!suguru can resist and royalty!reader can resist in kind but one day that distance Will be breached. they’re doomed to fall (positive).
snow and dirty rain
and finally …. this beast . it’s the final poem of siken’s crush collection and it goes…. insanely hard. soooo many lines here remind me of them mickey :((((( it’s sickening actually . just a little push more and then you’re free 🫂🫂🫂 here is a drink for u to sip while reading i made it just for you ☕️
we can do anything. it’s not because our hearts are large, they’re not, it’s what we struggle with.
OUGHHH . yeah . knight!sugu and royalty!reader both have pretty small hearts but they’re kinda…. overfilled . i think . they both struggle with kindness despite wanting to Do Good .
my dragonfly, my black-eyed fire, the knives in the kitchen are singing for blood, but we are the crossroads, my little outlaw, and this is the map of my heart, the landscape after cruelty which is, of course, a garden, which is a tenderness, which is a room, a lover saying hold me tight, it’s getting cold.
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….. i just realized every single one of these quotes is gonna wreck me entirely . I’M JUST???? THIS IS THEM?!????? IT WAS MADE FOR THEM?????? MY DRAGONFLY MY BLACK-EYED FIRE. MY LITTLE OUTLAW. the landscape after cruelty which is OF COURSE a garden which is OF COURSE a tenderness which is OF COURSE a room of sleeping lovers. tenderness is a garden . etcetc.
we have not touched the stars, nor are we forgiven, which brings us back to the hero’s shoulders and a gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it.
just kill me actually . i wrote some of these lines here wayyyy back when you first sent this ask so being forced to read them again is . hurting me mickey 😭😭😭 FOR THE RECORD. this one is extremely knight!reader/prince!toru coded. the gentleness that comes not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it… yeahhh. you get me.
you said tell me about your books, your visions made of flesh and light and i said this is the moon. this is the sun. let me name the stars for you.
🥺🥺🥺 reader asks about his life and visions and dreams . and suguru tells them about the moon and the sun and the constellations ….. ”let me name the stars for you.” <- SUCH a sugu thing to say. i can’t stand him . he’s so devoted it hurts when i think about him
we were in the gold room where everyone finally gets what they want, so i said what do you want, sweetheart? and you said kiss me.
😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😵‍💫😭😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 KISS ME . this is literally the final scene between them . under the stars. suguru asks what they want and all they want is a kiss. THE SWEETHEART …… lowkey his favorite petname. i’m partial to it. they go through all the suffering and growing together and finally arrive at the gold room. where they get what they want. and all they want is each other . (sound of muffled sobbing)
we are all just trying to be holy. my applejack, my silent night, just mash your lips against me. we are all going forward. none of us are going back.
and finally …… this 💔💔💔 it’s just . perfect. it’s so hopeful and it makes me so emotional. just mash your lips against me; none of us are going back. even though they were both born for doom there’s a bright future ahead of them :’3
OKAY I’M DONE . FINALLY . if you read all this then just know i’m smothering you in kisses…. i’m doing that regardless though . i love you!!!! thank you for loving them with me!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 i hope this was a fun read despite the wait </3
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celestie0 · 7 months
IT’S CELESTIEFAN3000 i have to say i like tumblr way more than ao3 so i’ll be using this to comment from now on 😋 But i would like to personally thank you for writing chapter 9, your author voice is genuinely so appealing and HONESTLY you could pass off as a literal professional author if I didn’t know this was fanfiction!
Now for the uglier feelings: (please ignore typos or other mistakes i wrote a lot. I am very normal about kickoff, obviously)
I SOBBED LIKE A BABY MIDWAY AND BECAME A CRYING SOUND EFFECT AT THE END OK OK OKAYYYYYYY 😭😭💫💫 I’m still dizzy and lightheaded from the effect ur writing gives me (THIS IS A GOOD THING) it’s so addicting i need more😭‼️ UGHHHH the way you build that exact RIGHT amount of comfort to compensate for the suffering you’ve but us through but still managed to EDGE US AT THE END . I WISH YOU WEREN’T SO GOOD AT THIS FANFICTION THING, BECAUSE DAMN! 😭😭😭😭
The scenes were so fucking beautiful, I love the peaceful atmosphere that rain gives and how you were able to contrast that as an escape from that horrible loud and noisy bar to just a horrible man!!!!! You really know how to direct scenes and i can not express in words how much they mean to me 🥹🥹😭😭😭
I feel like I’ve overused the crying face emoji too much in my ask BUT I ACTUALLY MEAN IT HERE EVERY TIME I can fill an entire glass up of my tears that kickoff caused me to shed alone 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Everything was just great vegetables, this chapter will definitely be haunting me while I sleep but it ended with an amazing scenario to build off of and dream about RIGHT?☺️ Anyway, my last words here are that I admire how you’ve been working on this project for around a couple months now nonstop, but the quality has not dropped and has instead improved despite it getting really tiring the more you carry on with it! Maybe that’s just how I feel about finishing what I’ve started LMAO but it’s so impressive every time I see someone able to pull that off, I’ve seen some fics succumb to the tragedy of “i-just-want-to-get-this-over-with-because-the-concept-no-longer-interests-me-anymore”-ness 😔 BUT WITH KICKOFF! I’m so happy that the author is as passionate about the characters and plot in their fanfiction as I am, and hard work really does pay off! (for the reader, hard work is waiting 3 weeks for a new fic— but the read’s always better the longer you wait 😉)
My ADHD really came out here I deeply apologize but my ACTUAL final words are: I wish I had a bf like gojo, Oh My God You Are A Legend Ellie, You are most deserving person of meeting Gojo Satoru FIRST if he ever comes to life, it is 1am haha so i’m sleeping now ☺️🤍 Celestiefan300 out!
thank you sm for the compliments on the writinf omg i rly feel comin into my own now n finding my voice as i continue to write more so seeing u say that esp as a long term reader is just ssooo dhddldfk 🥺💕 brb gonna cry
PLS IM SO SORRY FOR THE SAD EMOTIONSS aaa yes the baby steps to build their relationship has been……baby stepping indeed LOL but it was so nice to write the scene at rhe end where gojo comforts her 😭💕 so excited to write lovey dovey gojo now
OMG STOPPP w the nice words i will literally eat u for breakfast🧍🏻‍♀️the contrast w the soothing rain & hectic bar scene 😭 u pointing that out just made me soooo freaking happyy and wahh im so glad the scenes resonate w you :””) <33
awhh thanks darling im so happy kickoff has ur continued interest and AW to hear its improving means sm to me 🥺💕 im so passionate ab it, it has been so cathartic to write, and although its also hard to write sometimes bc of the personal aspects, it’s so joyous to me and i look forward to seeing it thru to the end w the same amt of passion. HAHAHA its hard work to read tho damn 😮‍💨 ur not wrong!! and also yes i too will be daydreaming of what happens next 🤣
my final words: i love u sm, YOU deserve a satoru (but i will gladly have him too if u say so🙈), so blessed to have u as a reader, and please get some good sleep my love <33
eeeeeee 🫶🏼💕
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heatherra · 1 year
☕️ forrr volo AND ants
VOLO!!!!!!! Massive Pokemon Legends Arceus spoilers ahead for this. First if all, pla is my favorite pokemkn game BY FAR. The story is interesting, it's sooo different than other pokemon games, and I definitely played it on launch. And Volo... oh I love him so much. He's this mysterious twink that goes Hisui with his togepi teaching you things bc he finds you, the player, SO INTERESTING. Basically the plot of pla is that you are from modern day pokemon land and the pokemon god sends you back in time to fix things. So Volo is a character who looks EXACTLY like Cynthia btw and he's interested in history and pokemon and he finds you so interesting bc you're from the fucking future!!! The thing is tho, when I played pla for the first time, I didn't think much about Volo. I thought he was cool. But when you get kicked out the Village for fucking up the sky and some other space time bs, Volo was there for you. That time you spend with Volo was truly the part where I fell in love with him. Volo was there for the player at their lowest point, and together they were able to figure out the space time bs and everything together. Happy ending, right? WRONG! After that, the post credit story starts. You team up with Volo again, collecting these plate things that correlate to pokemon types, and when you collect them all, VOLO is the bad guy! He hates you. He hates you so fucking much. He cannot stand you. Why does Arceus, Pokemon God, talk to you and not him. Volo worships Arceus, and he's unbelievably pissed that you have the blessing of Arceus. And the battle you have with him? The hardest fucking battle of my entire life. He essentially has Cynthia's team (she destroys me everytime I battle her and u overlevel to compensate) and he also has her team and it's. Sad. The entire game this man was your friend. He was there for you at your most loneliness time. Volo was there. And now, he essentially wants to kill you. And HE LOOKED HOT ASF WHILE DOING IT (minus the goofy ahh hair he got). And then it's revealed that he has GIRATINA? And he essentially has 8 POKEMON? A full pokemon team has 6 pokemon. I was STRUGGLING!!! That battle was so fucking hard but it was so fucking cool. I love it when fictional men want to kill me. I love Volo. The only thing that sucks and when you defeat him in this battle, you never see him again. I miss him to much. I always debate on replaying pla just to see him.
Ants. Ummm. They are an animal! Used to stomp on them when I was child 💔 but now I leave them alone ^_^ I like to give them food every once in a while. I think it's cool to see them carry it somewhere. Ants 🐜
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Regulus watched Sirius and what being different had caused him
He watched what just being in a different Hogwarts house did
What being different meant if you were one of the Blacks, and different was not good.
Andromeda was different, and he barely ever saw her now and she wasn't in the family portraits anymore, and her little picture on the tree wall was all burnt now, that made Regulus sad, she was his favorite aunt.
Sirius got to see Andromeda, he knew bc he heard Sirius talking to his cute friend with glasses about the records he got from her.
Regulus knew he was different but maybe he could pretend he wasn't. He pretends he is happy and he pretends he doesn't miss Andromeda more than anyone else, and he pretends like his family didn't make Sirius run away, and he pretends that he never wanted to BE exactly like Sirius, and he pretends that he knows what it's like when his classmates talk about love.
He wanted to have really close friends he could talk to! Like Sirius, Sirius was always with his friends, laughing talking being friends like he wish they were brothers. He joined quidditch so maybe they'd have something to talk about while school was out, so they could do more than just read in the same room, or eat in silence across from each other.
Regulus didn't mind the silence, he just wished it didn't always have to be silent. That he wasn't the one that had to break the silence.
He wondered if Sirius knew how he felt, that he wished they were better brothers, anything more than just the blood related brothers that didn't truly know each other. He wondered if Sirius would do anything if he knew how Regulus felt.
He wanted to ask Sirius if he was dating Remus now. He could tell him about how he found Evan and Barty snogging, and how he told them it was okay, that he was happy they were happy. And how all three became better friends because of it.
What he wouldn't tell anyone was that he wanted something like that too.
Loving someone even though your parents think you shouldn't and everyone else probably would too, if they knew, but still loving them. Even if loving them in secret was what you had to do to be able to love them, you still felt so much love for them you'd risk all the trouble just to be with them.
To love someone. To know what love felt like. He doesn't think what he feels for their parents is exactly love, or respect either, responsibility maybe.
Now that Sirius was no longer "The Black Heir" the responsibility fell on his shoulders. A responsibility he would take, but not one he ever wanted, he never wanted to be like Sirius in that way.
Sirius was supposed to be number 1 and Regulus was always number 2. He didn't want that to change but now the watch he'd gotten Sirius for Christmas was sitting in his closet. Sirius would never get to see the two constellations on it. It was silver like all the rings Sirius wore too.
Regulus wanted to send it to the Potters, he'd heard his parents talking how Sirius would've gone there, how they said Gryffindors, like it was a bad thing to be, so for now he'd carry it in his pocket.
He found out, entirely by accident that Sirius spent late nights in the library, probably because Sirius couldn't sleep, sometimes with one of the marauders, some more alone with Remus, but most of them Sirius spent alone. Regulus couldn't blame him, he had nightmares and he had only heard the screams of pain Sirius had made that night before he ran. They had made Regulus beg Sirius to take the mark. please, just please!!! Just please don't lea- it will hurt less than what they'll do to you if you refuse!!!!
Regulus could only imagine the dreams that came from feeling what had caused those screams. He was glad Sirius ran, that he wouldn't feel that pain again. He wish he could have run with him.
He made it a habit to be in the library every night. He slowly made his way into within view from where Sirius always sat. It was near a window, Sirius would open when he started smoking.
Sirius would sit in the window sill, or on the floor below it, and fall asleep sometimes. That's the only reason Regulus was brave enough to approach him. The first weeks he only ever covered him with a blanket, and then he'd start shutting the window, after that he'd start sitting with Sirius.
One night Sirius started crying in his sleep, when he did that Regulus would start reading out loud, they were always astronomy books, because those were the only books Regulus found comfort in, so maybe Sirius would too.
Regulus didn't know Sirius woke up one night and found Regulus sitting there reading to him.
Regulus didn't know that Sirius would pretend to be asleep to hear him read.
Regulus didn't know he's the only reason Sirius passed astronomy that year.
Regulus didn't know that Sirius wished so much that he had gone outside all those summers when he saw Regulus practicing quidditch alone.
Regulus didn't know that Sirius wished that he had said yes more often when little Reg had come in asking all about how Hogwarts was, how many times he could've started a conversation. How Sirius now realized that Regulus just coming and sitting in the room was Regulus trying to reach out to a brother he wanted to know better.
Regulus didn't know that Sirius cherished those moments so much that he hadn't even told his friends, afraid that maybe if he said it it wouldn't be real, or Regulus would stop coming, because if anyone found out, and by extension, their parents found out they were talking..., so Sirius didn't say anything he didn't want to hurt Regulus.
And for once in his life Sirius wished he was in Slytherin, to be with his brother.
Astronomy, reading to his brother, and quidditch were the only things keeping Regulus going.
But a Black heir wouldn't be an astronomer, wouldn't be allowed to be an astronomer. A Black heir from a lineage of Slytherins wouldn't be friends with the ex-heir Griffindor and a disowned Black, he wouldn't be allowed to be with his brother. A Black heir wouldn't be a professional quidditch player, wouldn't be allowed to be a professional quidditch player.
Regulus couldn't keep the things that are keeping him going.
He lost his favorite cousin, he lost his dad, he lost his brother, he pretty much lost his brother, he'd be forced to lose quidditch, he'd lost everything that mattered.
So what did he have to lose.
His inheritance? He didn't even want it. His parents respect? Even his parents didn't respect each other, he knew that when Walburga had no grief over her husband's death, and Walburga wouldn't let him tell Sirius, his dad was dead now. So why would he want her respect when it clearly meant nothing. The death eaters only had their wishes, their futures in mind, so why would he want anything to do with those who didn't think of anyone else. The ministry was the same.
Regulus had no wish to speak of his past and no plans for his future.
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softesthobi · 5 years
today’s plans include watching my concert videos and crying
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getthisbread · 2 years
Hello! I love you work and was wondering if you could make hc for the ninja with an S/O who cooks them luches/snacks/food packets, if they are going on a mission, Bc they don't want the them going hungry?
Ty sooo much <3
I love you so.
This request is actually adorable </3 I LOVE STUPID FLUFFY DOMESTIC STUFF!!!!!
title creds: The Walters, I love you so
Summary: While the ninja are away, they miss you more than anything. How would they react if they found you were taking care of them from across Ninjago?
Lloyd Garmadon, Nya Smith, Kai Smith, Cole Brookstone, Jay Walker, Zane Julien (separate) x gn!reader
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Lloyd was heartbroken to leave for the mission in the first place. Poor baby has attachment and abandonment issues, so he hates to leave. So, when he finds your care package it really brightens his mood for the rest of the mission.
Someone, probably Kai, makes a comment in passing about how Lloyd didn't leave anything for you. Lloyd instantly feels worse, but he gets over it. He knows you, and he knows that you wouldn't be angry.
If the mission is going to last a while longer, he will send you a letter. It contains how much he misses you, a very large thank you, and ramblings about how cool he was in his most recent fight. Extremely unorganized, but cute nonetheless.
When he feels lonely without you near him, he re-reads the little note you sent him, 'Hi, honey! I hope you like everything I packed, I tried to pick your favorites. I miss you so much, LOVE YOU!' It makes him feel a little less far.
When he gets back, he is going to be ALL over you. He went so without cuddles, and you even took care of him from across Ninjago!! He is so thankful for you. <3
Outwardly, Nya doesn't seem to be affected by having to leave, she most definitely is, though. Nya doesn't want emotions to cloud her view, so she just pushes them down.
When she's alone, she finally allows herself to miss you. Doing so, she looks for the picture of you two she always carries, and happens to find the little package hidden in her luggage.
Nya goes red as soon as she realizes that you knew, you knew that she was horribly sad to leave you. You can read her like a book, and she hates it.
She takes her time to enjoy everything you packed for her when she gets down-time. She is so grateful to you for looking out for her even if you aren't there physically.
Once she gets back, she will be more affectionate in private. It's how she's able to show her feelings without embarrassing herself. She isn't good at verbalizing feelings. (I feel like Nya shows affection like a cat, she comes to you.)
Some little mission? Nothing the fire ninja can't handle! Kai is so confident, almost to a fault, so he acts like nothing bothers him. When, in actuality, a lot of things easily get under his skin. Leaving you, especially.
Kai is very emotional when he finds the little package, he will even start to brag to the other ninja about how amazing you are, how you're all his, the ninja start to get annoyed with him lmao.
Kai being dramatic aside, the smallest most unnoticeable things you do make his heart melt every time. He thinks he's all big a nd tough, but you just make him so soft.
Kai will lay in his cot, and think about you at night. <3 He'll hold his pillow and pretend it's you to finally be able to sleep. Poor baby wishes you were here to take care of him and dote like you always do.
But seriously, he falls even more in love with you, if that's even possible. Kai is rough and fiery, much like his element, the sweet things you do always seem to brighten his flame tenfold. He is always willing to complete a mission if it means he can see you afterwards.
Cole probably didn't notice till like the last day- In his defense, the mission did take most of his time, and the only free time he had was spent training. When he does find it, he's like, "Who the fuck put smashed cake in my clothes????? >:( I'm still going to eat it!!"
When he does notice, he is so happy, especially because you packed him a slice of cake, SCORE! He'll even eat it out of his clothes, he's cute, not clean...
He is genuinely so touched that you would bake/buy a cake and send him some for the mission. <3 The way to his heart is through his stomach, that's for sure.
Next time, he will check first thing if you sent him any goodies. He's like a kid on Christmas. The other ninja see him rip all his clothes out of his suitcase as soon as they get to their destination and are like, wtf??
Because he found it closer to the end of the mission, it will be fresh on his mind, so he will be sure to give you a big thank you in person. He will be yours for like the next two days, all over you.
It would probably be so hard to sneak something in Jay's stuff. He definitely checks that he has everything over and over again. It's like five minutes before the ninja need to leave and he's re-packing his underwear lmao.
If you somehow are able to hide a care package in his stuff, he'll find it almost immediately, it's like he's got a nose for it I swear-
It makes him really happy though, his mom used to pack him little things when either of them would be away, so it's like a sweet little burst of nostalgia, he cries.
He rants to Cole about how amazing you are, Bestie Things™, Cole is lowkey so thankful Jay has you to look out for him, it makes Cole happy too. :)
When they get back, Jay will tackle you in a hug, he is so mushy and sentimental all of the sudden you think something happened. He has to explain, no, nothing happened he just loves you and wants you to know it. <3
Zane is a robot, so it's a bit hard to choose what to send him. Like what does he eat??? Batteries?? You genuinely do not know what he can eat, if anything. So you send him some nice double A batteries and oil, yummy, right?
He leaves something for you too, he's like a 5-star chef, so he cooks all your favorites before he goes, sweet boy wants you well fed and happy!
When he finds everything, he is a tad confused. He eventually realizes that you just want him taken care of however that may be for a robot.
There are times that he wishes he was human like you, there will be a point when you pass away and he will be alone. So seeing you try to take care of him, albeit in a strange-ish manner, he forgets about his past worries.
Even if he can't enjoy what you sent, it's the thought that counts. Zane was made to protect those who cannot protect themselves, so having you doing your best to help from the sidelines motivates him to do his best.
I am sosososoos sorry this took so long. I'm actually sick rn, but I'm starting to get better!! I hope this isn't bad- I guess my writing gets worse when I'm sick lmao. Thank you for waiting though!!! <3
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eddiebun · 2 years
pairing ; eddie munson x fem!reader ♡
summary ; you’ve been neglecting the person who’s been longing for you most..
genre/warning ; just a short angsty, fluffy piece
fairy note ; i hope someone can enjoy this bc this is a super rushed lil piece aha ha,,
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you were a dreamer, the glass half full kinda person, always high-spirited, and vibrant and you carried a bounce in every step.
so when you sat down with a glimmer in your eye and a beaming grin on your face to announce some big news— you were high-hoped, expecting reciprocated excitement but most of all, approval from your best friend, eddie munson.
“what’s got you so cheery?” mike spoke up, sipping on the orange juice box he had stuffed in his bag before school.
“maybe eddie finally told her.” dustin nudged mike and you leaned in, eyes narrowing in confusion, temporarily diverting from your original plan, upon hearing eddie had something to tell you, which he had not yet done.
“told me what?” you interrogated the boy and he grimaced, eyes darting back and forth between you, and the scraggly long-haired boy he bought up in conversation, cursing under his breath before continuing.
“he wanted to keep it a surprise so don’t tell him we said anything or he’ll kick our ass!” henderson whispers harshly and you nod, once again peering back at eddie briefly.
mike rolled his eyes at his friend's evident secrecy, not very stealthy, “he’s planning that dnd campaign you’ve been writing about, y’know that whole book you had with the art? the town it’s set in, the spells, races, and monsters— yeah well, he’s basically been studying it for the next campaign on friday.”
your eyes lit up in pure delight, “really?!” you gasped, clutching your hands near your heart and kicking your feet under the table.
it was always a plus to your friends that you were so approachable and open-minded, you let yourself be influenced by their interests so you could find the fun and joy in it, with them, but when eddie met you that's one he loved most out of so many of your qualities. you didn't criticize him, make snide jokes at his expense and to him, that was so new, so refreshing. everything that would excite him, would excite you just as much, you loved participating, adapting, listening, and being enthusiastic about what eddie loved, it bought you much more joy rather than any interest you had yourself.
so when you had finished your first campaign with eddie and his friends you had been jumping up and down eager for the next one and then the next one, one after the other every single time, even if it took a while for eddie to set them up.
you had gotten hit with a wave of inspiration that translated into pouring into your little notebook, a whole new dnd world. pages upon pages of written up homebrew lore and doodles to go along with everything, it wasn’t so serious to you at first, just a thing you did in your spare time but when eddie caught sight of it he asked you a million questions, insisting that it wasn’t stupid— like you had thought and he even told you he’d be able to incorporate some, if not all, of your written up ideas into a campaign or two one day and you were beyond overjoyed, you didn’t even know he could do that! it honestly only made you fall a little harder for the brown haired boy but you always pushed those feelings aside.
you glanced back at eddie upon hearing the news, wanting to stride over to him at the top of the table and crush him in a suffocating hug, but you couldn’t, this was a surprise he was planning for you.
the whole town treated eddie as if he was less than dirt under their shoes, they knew nothing about him, wouldn't even greet him with a kind glance, let alone begin to understand him. they all held so much judgment and animosity with no valid reasoning and it would break your heart— eddie, in a sad but better-then-dwelling way, just brushed it off, mumbling to you it's fine every time someone would utter freak under their breath or gesture mockingly to him. it wasn't fine, it never was, it was cruel and unfair and if it wouldn't make it worse on eddie's behalf, you would've said something, confronted them all one by one but maybe you were a bit of a coward.. an appeaser.
“what’s so funny over there henderson?” eddie called out, watching the kid's eyes go wide before he shook his head, going quiet, not wanting to get caught upon revealing the sweet plans eddie had with you in mind.
you cleared your throat, an opportune time to intervene, “i have something to share with everyone.” your voice wavered a little, everyone’s eyes now on you.
“well.. you all know chris? i'm thinking about maybe making it serious with him.” you announced with a taut laugh, rubbing your palms on your thighs, the silence making them clammy.
“like basketball chris? friends-with-mega-asshole-jason kinda chris?” gareth asked, wide-eyed and the sandwich he was eating, forgotten about on the table.
“yeah! but he’s not like jason! h-he’s really nice!” you told them, hands coming up like you were already trying to defend yourself, glancing eddie’s way but he was hard to read, just staring down at the bag of nuts he was snacking on.
“wait y/n, we didn’t think you were actually serious about that guy, like yeah maybe he’s a prom date or whatever but date, date?” dustin spoke up, leaning back in his chair and looking at you in disbelief, eyes boring into you like it would help convince you.
“huh? he’s not an asshole.” your shoulders slumped, a pang in your heart at everyone's instant gloomy response.
"yeah, i'm sure he's not like that, that you can totally fix him." mike cooed sarcastically and you scowled at the boy.
"wow, i wish i never said anything, sorry, was just an idea.." your arms crossed over your chest, breathing picking up in frustration.
you heard a chair screech across the floor on the other side of the table, wincing at the sound as you watched eddie walking out of the cafeteria, metal lunchbox under his arm, and snacks forgotten about on the table.
you sighed, leaning your head back, feeling dejected and foolish for bringing chris up when clearly everyone but you knew that he was a touchy subject.
it was wednesday now, two days since you had sat down at the table, found out about that surprise, told everyone about you and chris and two days since eddie hadn't spoken to you.
it was apparent that he was ignoring you, eddie would never avoid you like he had been, he always made time for you and would drop everything for you.
you didn't even go directly home that day, you went straight to eddie's trailer and despite not seeing eddie's van you still knocked on the front door, being greeted by his uncle and of course, being told eddie hadn't come home yet.
wayne even let you inside and you waited around for eddie for an hour or so, wayne even noticed you looked a little distressed and offered to tell eddie you had stopped by and to reach out, so eventually, you went on your way.
and even now you were still feeling troubled, chris in the driver's seat beside you as he took you home after your third date together. this was supposed to be a good night and it was, the date was sweet but you couldn't help but feel bummed out all night but on the brighter side chris hadn't picked up on it and maybe you were just convincing yourself that chris didn't need to hear any of your worries or perhaps you were a little cautious bringing up your friends in front of him.
it was true, you had never picked up on chris being anything as bad or radical as jason, the bigoted, arrogant dipstick that terrorized anyone abnormal.
sure.. he was friends with the guy but, you've had questionable friends before, okay maybe not, you did cut those friends off once you found out how awful they are. but you were trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, jason didn't have to ruin everything for everyone else.
"thanks, chris." you gave him a brief smile once you saw him pull up outside your place, leaning in to place a peck on his cheek, squeezing his hand, and promising to see him again tomorrow.
"who's that?" you felt chris leaning away, ducking his head and squinting to try to make out the figure leaning beside your door.
you followed his line of sight, instantly recognizing eddie and laughing in disbelief and a little bit of panic, "o-oh, that's my friend, i don't know what he's doing—"
"listen i know you can choose whoever you wanna be friends with, but don't you hang out with way too many guys? and he's just waiting around outside your place? isn't that one guy some drug dealer too ?" chris looked ahead at you and you blinked at him, void of any expression, "i'm just looking out for you y/n."
"don't.. don't say that." you scoffed, mouth hanging open before you pushed open the passenger door and walked towards eddie, hearing chris's footsteps behind you.
"eddie munson." chris spoke up first, before letting you even say anything.
you saw eddie's head snap in the direction of you both and you felt your heart twinge, his big puppy eyes looking between you both knowingly as he already turned on his feet to leave.
"see, told you these guys are up to no good, he's already running off like he got caught." chris scoffed, a stupid smug smile on his face.
you felt like you couldn't move in the moment, stiff and horrified.
you blinked and eddie was already pulling out the driveway, breathing in and out slowly, you turned around, "i never want to see you ever again." you muttered under your breath, trembling.
“y/n wha—“
“leave! right now!” you screeched, shoving him back with a firm shove, “you don’t get to talk about my friends like that, i don’t want anything to do with you.” you grimaced, looking him up and down before walking away in the direction of the side walk, fists balled up in frustration.
“you deserve whatever you get coming your way, you’re just like them, freak!” chris yelled bitterly, window rolled down as he zoomed past you.
you didn’t care how many i-told-you-so’s you’d have to endure upon the result of this, all you cared about was getting to eddie.
you were breathless and cold by the time you had gotten to his trailer on foot but regardless, you were there and eddie was too, you noticed his van parked on the grass.
“eddie!” you whispered out harshly, knocking on his window since you didn’t want to disturb wayne this time.
“eddie please, open the window, i gotta talk to you.” you got on your tip toes, peering through, jumping in shock when you saw it whip open and eddie standing there.
“i don’t feel like talking anymore, i’ll take you home but you can’t be here right now.” he shook his head, going to walk away but you called out for him again.
“hey, i’m sorry, p-please just let me in, it’s freezing fucking cold eddie.” you whined.
“yeah it is cold, i know.” he scoffed, watching you push yourself inside, he still helped you get safely on your feet, despite how upset he was.
“hey, i didn’t know you were back there waiting for me.. i’m sorry and about chris i’m—“ eddie cut you off, letting out a groan.
“don’t bother.” eddie forced out a laugh, sitting at the edge of his bed and twiddling rolling papers between his fingers, “i’m just some good for nothing drug dealer.” he nodded condescendingly, you went to speak up but eddie continued, “so really y/n you don’t have to bother anymore, i’m kinda done with all this.” he shrugged nonchalantly.
you were speechless, staring at the back of his head and squeezing onto your arm to comfort yourself, “you don’t mean that.” you shook your head, “a-and i don’t agree with him! i never would, i swear eddie, if i agreed i wouldn’t be here!” you breathed out, desperate.
“oh please, you just pity me— i mean c’mon..” he glanced back at you, throwing his hands up in defeat, “don’t pretend you’re not happy seeing me like this.”
you frowned in displeasure, shaking your head rapidly, “you know i’m not like that. the last thing i want to do is u-upset you eddie.” you felt your bottom lip quivering, tears threatening to spill.
“maybe that’s true but i find it hard to believe.” he sighed, breathing out the smoke he just inhaled and you noticed his hands trembling.
“no, eddie, listen to me.” you insisted, kneeling down in front of him and taking a hold of his free hand in yours, looking up at him with big eyes.
“i would never purposefully do that and i’m so sorry i let you down i-i let someone i vouched for talk to you like that..” you bite down on your bottom lip, trying not to get worked up. “i should’ve listened, to the others about what they said but i was stubborn.. i-i was hopeful, liked his affection, it didn’t have to be him but it happened to be and i took it like an idiot.” you shook your head.
“i’m sorry, that’s not the point but, eddie.. believe me, i’ll never let that happen again.” you squeezed his hand, holding his gaze.
“you really like him?” eddie tilted his head up a little, eyes darting away from you.
“i did.. i was starting to,” you admitted, “but it’s true, he’s like the others.” you mumbled, looking down and squeezing your eyes together, wanting the ground to swallow you hole.
how could you be so stupid, letting this happen, expecting everything to be dandy. it was ridiculous.
“i’m just.. i’m not as upset at you for falling for him, i’m not.” he shook his head, “i think i’m upset at myself more than anything.” he spoke quietly, you could barely hear him.
you frowned, not understanding but you didn’t force anything out at him, just comfortingly giving his hand a squeeze.
“because.. i like— i mean, ugh!” eddie groaned, rubbing his fingers to his temples and tapping his feet anxiously against the floorboards of the trailer, “i’ve like fallen really hard for you.” he admitted, eyes squeezed shut and hand covering his face.
your mouth gaped open and it was silent for a what felt like forever but was probably just a few seconds before eddie spoke up again, peeking out from the gaps in his fingers, “i don’t wanna take it out on you, like it’s your fault because it’s not, and really y/n, i don’t want your pity, whether guys you’re into insult me or not. just kinda hurts,” he breathed out, hands moving into his lap as he fiddled with the rings on his fingers, “so, if you let me be selfish we can forget this happened, go back to normal or i can forget about what chris said, you can go back to him, stop wasting time here.” he shrugged.
you couldn’t believe what he was even suggesting of you right now, “eddie, stop, stop doing that.” you frowned, “i don’t wanna go anywhere. i’m staying right here.” you insisted, taking a deep breath.
“i’ve thought about us too..” you admitted, laughing nervously and staring down at the floor, “before i ever even met chris or anything.” you shrugged, “i just.. you always talk about leaving hawkins behind and, i thought that meant you’d leave me behind too so i tried to just suppress that kinda feeling you know?” you winced at your words, feeling like your heart was beating out of your chest.
“sorry, it sounds stupid.” you shook your head, breathing out shakily and glancing up at him.
“no, it’s not stupid, what i said was stupid, making you think i’d leave you behind, i’d never be able to do that unless you forced me to.” he laughed out before pursing his lips together, eyes shyly hovering over your face, “you really used to like me though or you’re just saying that?”
“used to?” you widened your eyes before scratching behind your head shyly, “i mean.. i never really stopped thinking about the what ifs so i don’t think it’s ever been a used to..” you were nervous, being so open with him but it was a relief in a way, “so i think.. i still feel that kinda way.” you bit on the inside of your lip.
eddie’s was in disbelief, but he believed you, he didn’t have zero doubts or worries, but he could feel you were being genuine, and eddie always went with his heart, he was just a big softie at the end of the day, “so i like you, and you.. like me as well?” he asked quietly, pursing his lips together to stop the big dumb smile that was threatening to overtake his features.
“it seems like that.” you laughed, looking up at him and reaching out to take his hand, “d’you wanna hug a little?” you asked quietly, blinking up at him with the cutest expression he had ever seen.
“yes, i’d like that.” he whispered, almost inaudible but it didn’t matter, feeling him tug you up into his hold, arms snug around your waist as you laid on top of him, giggling and arms wrapping around his shoulders.
“does this mean i can take you on a date?” he asked, mumbling with his face against your shoulder and you nodded,
“mhm, you can take me on so many dates eddie munson, all the dates in the world.” you grinned from ear to ear, basking in his comfortingly warmth.
you fluttered your eyes open once you felt eddie tilting your chin up, seeing his face leaning up underneath you and you squeezed onto him reassuringly, leaning in to press your lips to his.
the way both your mouths meshed together, even if it was a little clumsy at first, sharing giggles— it felt so long overdue and natural to you both, letting yourselves run out of breath, feeling the way eddie kept his head leaned up and kissed over your every feature.
“you’re so pretty, i wanna make you my girl.” he spoke out, cheeks tinted pink and you could’ve leaned in to kiss him more for hours on end.
“then i guess i’m eddie munson’s girl, sounds pretty nice to me.” you winked, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“oh! does this mean i’m re-invited to the campaign on friday? since you’re not being grumpy and ignoring me anymore?” you teased at which eddie playfully rolled his eyes.
“you were never uninvited, it’s for you anyway.” he shrugged, fingers dragging up and down soothingly on your arm.
“i know..” you smirked, mischievous giggle at the tip of your turn as you watched eddie’s bottom lip jut out.
“what ho— oh those little shits! they told you didn’t they?!” eddie sat up a little with you, mouth agape.
“hey! it’s fine, doesn’t ruin it for me, i love it, thank you.” you cupped his face, watching him shyly glance away, big twinkly eyes crinkling into a smile.
“well, i’m still mad at them.” he huffed, rolling his eyes and pretending to be tough, but it only made him look a hundred times cuter.
“mhm, my big scary softie!” you cooed,
"you're nghm—" you squished his cheeks together, hearing him grumble in protest before tugging your hands away from his face, "i said you're gonna be the death of me." he chuckled, kissing each of your fingers, "but i think i'm okay with that." he sighed out contently.
you've never felt everything so in place, right where you've always meant to be.
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zukuist · 4 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞
200 followers special
includes: multiple characters (would add more tags but.. i reached 30 ;;)
your name is shortened to y/n, they/them pronouns
notes: thank you for 200 followers! this isn’t really going to be that long, but im just doing the characters i really like so ;; ALSO I MIGHT’VE GOTTEN KIRI’S ENTRY A LITTLE WRONG so ugh sorry ;;
shouto todoroki
from the start, he’s quite oblivious to certain things, (social ques, signs of romantic interest, etc.)
but when he’s observant with someone, then that totally means you’re special to him. does he realize how much he pays attention to you? hmm.. maybe?
he’s going to be the first one that notices you’re hungry, even if you don’t realize it yourself. he’s quick to grab a snack and break it open to you
same thing with being thirsty— if he notices that your water bottle is empty, he’ll quickly find the nearest vending machine and buy a bottle.
temperature is also no problem. he can immediately tell whenever someone’s cold; but he usually helps you first
too hot? he’s slowly putting down the room’s temperature
too cold? his left palm starts emitting some sort of heat in your direction, hoping it creates some sort of aid
if your shoelaces are undone, and/or he notices that there’s a button undone on your shirt— he’ll fix it for you
will ask to take your pictures on dates, and he’ll also help you pick out the best photo (not that any photo of you is short of any beauty)
in short— people will notice that he’s actually a big simp for you; because of how observant he is with you specifically.
katsuki bakugou
just because he’s simping for you doesn’t mean he’ll treat you any differently. bakugou will be bakugou, and you eventually learn how to adapt to that.
but even so, his simp habits slip out sometimes.
when he’s cooking, he’ll accidentally make too much to eat, and he’ll coincidentally put the extras in another box and hand it to you
he’s a good student, even with studies. but would he say he’s a good teacher? hm. probably not
but if he notices you need help, he’ll sigh, feining annoyance as he decides to tutor y’all, because those ‘idiots’ are hopeless
rolls his eyes when he sees food on your cheek, but he’ll grab a tissue and wipe it off for you— claiming how you’re so messy.
he’ll act like he hates hearing your ‘annoying ass singing’ but he’ll lean against the doorway and listen to you rock out to whatever song you’re singing to.
denki will call him a simp for looking after you, and bakugou will just yell at him to “SHUT UP” >:T
he secretly likes taking care of you. his words aren’t the softest thing in the world, but his actions make up to it.
izuku midoriya
as katsuki bakugou would call him; he is a nerd
he definitely meant that as an insult, but his input on detail makes it very useful in things like relationships
he remembers every detail of your quirk, your limits, potential secret moves.
it would’ve been stalker-ish, if it weren’t for the fact that deku does this out of admiration for his s/o
so if you so happen to collapse due to overusing your quirk— deku has a detailed plan on what to do. it’s almost scary.
he puts detail in a lot of things, anniversary gifts, birthday gifts, and so on.
deku’s also the type to plan things weeks before it actually happens. like.. planning out the perfect birthday gift
and with this, his memory is really good. so it’s very unlikely that he’ll just suddenly forget anniversaries and birthdays.
i hc deku as a bad cook, so he eats takeout food more than his homemade food
but he’s takes note of your allergies, your dislikes with food— and he finds himself mumbling small details to recall what you like
when you walk out in pretty/good outfits for dates
his face will break out into shades of red— suddenly rambling all the good details of your outfit, complimenting you while he’s at it
“y/n’s looks fantastic as always. i might die from their beauty”
if anyone calls him a simp, he’ll be really embarrassed about it. “me? a s-simp? is that a bad thing?”
just tell him it’s fine.
denki kaminari
a big simp
like.. really big
he worships the ground you step on, and hypes up everything you do
y’all know when irene from red velvet literally breathed in north korea, and the crowd just
yeah, that’s denki to you
it’s so blantly obvious that he’s simping over someone, and everyone’s just kinda used to it at this point
he’s just a big fanboy sometimes
whenever you’re sparring with someone, he’s always in the background like
“go s/o!!” 🤩
and he has tendencies to go a little easy on you like.. what’s he gonna do when you get electricuted??
but that doesn’t mean he’s never serious— nah.
there are times where he’s just a little bashful just being in your presence
sneaking glances your way, as he silently fanboys about you in general.
“s/o looks really good today. they always look good but !!”
when y’all weren’t together, the bakusquad was just tired of the constant romantic pining
it was really obvious that he was simping back then, and they’re not so sure as to how you didn’t say anything about it
mina always called him a simp
so yeah!! it was a big relief when you got together with him. he never makes you feel terrible, because he’s always your #1 hypeman.
eijirou kirishima
— THE HELPING SIMP (rip idk what to call this)
i didn’t really know what kinda name i went for this one but let me carry on
kiri upfront is very confident, and friendly. he never shows a mean side to anyone,
and there are rare cases of him being bashful
he’s kinda almost like a golden retriever? since he’s always nice and friendly to everyone
but then when you enter the room; he suddenly goes quiet, and he’s left alone with his rather loud thoughts about you
he didn’t really know how to properly approach you at first
but him being kiri, he’s still rather friendly to you (for now)
when he’s messing around, practically sharing one braincell with kami and sero
and then you suddenly walk in— he snaps out of his foolishness, and greet you with his very warm smile
“hey y/n!” he waves at you, and he hopes you don’t mention the teasing look on both kami and sero’s face
sometimes when he’s doing his close combat training, and he notices that he’s getting too close to you
he’ll be like “woah man, maybe we should move locations.” bc he doesn’t wanna hit you by accident ;;
kirishima prefers to not stand near you when his hair is all spiky. like he’s never conscious about it, until he’s around you
man poked sero with his hair before, and he doesn’t want to do that to you
kiri always looks at your hand, just to see if it’s occupied with something. his thoughts linger to what your hand might feel like
“their hand looks really.. soft. argh! i shouldn’t be thinking about these kind of things in public! im sorry y/n”
bakugou really only notices kirishima’s simping ways
bakugou always mentions the fact that kirishima goes really silent whenever you’re around—
and he’s secretly contemplating on having you around more so he can just shut up 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
moving aside all of that, kiri always carries your things.
you’ll beg him to give you at least one thing, and he’ll say no because it’s “not manly to let someone carry all of this.”
if you’re sad, he’s the first one to cheer you up— reassuring you that everything will be okay.
kiri’s just wants to be at your service at all times! it’s manly to help people, right?
hitoshi shinsou
no one would be able to tell that he’s simping for someone
because unlike kaminari; he’s not like IM HITOSHI SHINSO AND IM ACTUALLY A SIMP
he’s a lot more discreet, and no one has really caught on, besides you and kaminari of course
he’s a lot less sarcastic with you, asking you about anything that’s happened instead of just being there
he prefers it to hear you talk. the way each word and syllable rolls off your tongue smoothly, and the way you use your hands to emphasize things
he’s amused.
oh and the way he looks at you? almost any normal person can sense the simp in him pop out (he’s so contained though)
he’s definitely the person that’ll get rid of any bug that’s terrifying you— even though he’d normally just leave it to them
he’ll do it, regardless if it’s the biggest fucking spider he’s ever seen, or the smallest spider
he’ll do it to make you feel safe.
he has these random spurs of compliments during the day
the source mainly comes from his staring habit
and they’re just so unexpected and out of the blue. hitoshi’s amused whenever he sees your reaction to his compliments
like.. you could be really frustrated about something, and he’ll just go “your eyes are pretty.” that’s his discreet method tO MAKE YOU TEMPORARILY DISTRACTED FROM THE ISSUE—
call him a simp, whatever. it’s true anyway so he doesn’t why should he be ashamed of it?
he’s discreet about it, since it’s your business and his business. but you can definitely feel his feelings loud and clear
neito monoma
— THE 180 SIMP
“i’m not a simp!”
[you enter the room]
*nervous laughter*
he had his last laugh, and he never thought he’d be this soft around someone.
especially if you’re from class 1-A like.. i became the thing i hated, ugh.
relentless teasing is amped but this is his way of making sure you remember him loud and clear
but he’ll never tease you in a condescending way— like how he torments the rest of class 1-A
that’s reserved for them 💅
always compliments you, that’s the first thing he does when he sees you—
and they’re never generic compliments either
“it’s nice to see you here, y/n! you make the world better day by day!”
“i’m still wondering what you’re doing in class 1-A, you’re much better than them!”
everyone secretly wonders how you got monoma to like you
monoma canonically likes pastels. spread the word
so sometimes, you’ll walk over to your desk— and you’ll just see this random pastel ornament sitting on your desk
you know who it’s from
whenever monoma starts becoming annoying, kendo will definitely use you as a weapon to make him shut up
he’ll be laughing at the expression on his face, thinking he’s absolutely winning at this
but the smile is wiped off his face when he hears “ok go on, i’ll tell y/n about your antics.”
“no, no! i’ll behave now, please don’t tell y/n.”
class 1-b literally use you as blackmail whenever monoma acts up, and it’s because of how different he is around you
like.. his personality takes a 180, (besides the obvious teasing) it’s alarming
©️zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not repost my work❕
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