#thailand trip map
wanderlustphotosblog · 8 months
The Ultimate 12-Day Thailand Travel Itinerary
With incredible temples and wildlife, as well as some of the world's best beaches and food, Thailand is a destination on the bucket lists of many travelers. Make planning your visit easy with my Ultimate 12-Day Thailand Travel Itinerary.
There are a lot of incredible travel destinations in Southeast Asia, but Thailand has got to be one of the most popular. And to be honest, it really isn’t hard to see why. There is so much to see and do when visiting Thailand, that planning a trip can be a little daunting. That is why I designed this ultimate 12-day Thailand travel itinerary to make sure you don’t miss a thing. With this…
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sailtomarina · 1 year
I won't cry
The honeymoon in Japan is actually a reference to my own honeymoon experience where we actually did both get food poisoning and ended up missing the entire food experience I wanted in Tokyo. ***
“Are you feeling any better today?” 
Draco popped his head through the doorway to check on Hermione where she lay curled up in their massive four-poster. They had just returned home after their honeymoon in Southeast Asia spanning multiple countries, including South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Japan. Several months were lost to their travels, where they wandered without the pressure of set schedules. 
No matter how many times Hermione tried to map out an itinerary, the plans would suddenly disappear the next morning, leaving them to explore in the organic way Draco preferred and which she grew to appreciate even if she never admitted it (“We have magic, Hermione—we don’t need reservations”).
Yet against all expectations, Hermione caught a stomach bug somewhere in Japan, ruining her hopes for a self-led tour through Tokyo Station’s Ramen Street and a Michelin Star dinner at a restaurant specializing in tempura (“Why in the world do muggles take the culinary advice of a tire mascot?”). She blamed it on the raw chicken her local friends claimed was a delicacy, while Draco had suspicions about the last-minute train bento. She couldn’t go an hour without a trip to the loo, putting a damper on attempts to take in a final farewell to the cherry blossoms at the end of their bloom.
And now they were home in the comforts of familiar bed sheets, Winky waiting hand and foot on her missus.
“A bit, though I’ve finally figured out the source of my sickness thanks to Winky.” Even in her state, pale faced, messy bun, Draco’s old Quidditch jersey, she was beautiful.
Her smile drew him into the room to her side, where he sat and held her hand. “Should I be more concerned?”
“That depends.”
“Whether or not you think we’re ready.”
“Ready? What, to go to St. Mungo’s?” He asked, brow furrowed in confusion. Leaning forward to run his hand from her forehead down her neck, he didn’t feel any hint of a fever.
“Well, yes, that would probably be wise, though Winky has already helped significantly.”
Right on cue, the house elf popped into place right next to them holding a tray of food.
“Winky is here to feed Mistress and young Malfoy!” She bustled over, swatting Draco’s hands aside to place the tray.
Watching the small elf with a bemused expression, Draco replied, “That doesn’t look like enough food for us both, or am I to go to the dining room?”
As Hermione tittered, Winky scoffed and shooed him in a manner she would have previously found offensive. “Winky isn’t talking about Master Draco. Winky is referring to the baby.”
Light grey eyes shot to meet golden brown, and the upward curl of her lips confirmed all his hopes and fears.
“Are we…pregnant?”
“Winky is never wrong in these matters. Winky cast the detection charm, and if Master and Mistress would like, will also determine the sex?”
At Winky’s insulted face, Draco cleared his throat and held his hands palm-side up.
“What I meant to say was ‘thank you’, Winky. And I do mean it. I—well, I think we—”
“What my dear husband means to say is that we’d like that at least to be a surprise.” Hermione was now fully grinning at the two of them. “And yes, thank you. I’d like to speak with Draco alone now, if you don’t mind?”
Bowing her head and shooting a glare at Draco, Winky disapparated with a crack that echoed through the now too-quiet room. He stared at where the elf once stood, threading his fingers repeatedly, desperately trying to still the fluttering in his stomach.
A baby. He was going to be a father.
How the hell was he going to be a good father when he only had his own as an example? What would the child think growing up with the Malfoy name, one that could be found in newspaper articles and new history books?
His chest tightened and he struggled to breathe. What kind of future could he offer to his child?
As the thoughts and questions continued to crowd his mind, he flinched when he felt a cool hand grasp his, fingers rubbing soothing circles into his palm. The roar in his ears quieted and he focused instead on the motions, the pulling of her fingers on his own.
“Draco, we’re going to be parents…together.”
His face snapped back up to gaze at his wife, and the heavy weight that had hammered down on him lifted up and away, allowing him to breathe once more. He clutched at her like a lifeline, and for a horrifying moment felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes.
I won’t cry. I will NOT cry. Together, we will redefine the Malfoy name, and make it one this baby can be proud of.
As he settled on this life goal, he surged forward to wrap her in his arms. If there were happy tears, well, he would claim they were Hermione’s.
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warningsine · 2 months
My recent research trip to the Thai town of Mae Sot on the Myanmar border coincided with two big events. The heavens opened for several days with the first big rains of the monsoon season. And across the border, the Myanmar opposition forces took control of Lashio, a major military stronghold and key city on Myanmar’s trade route with China.
On July 25, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), an ethnic opposition group, claimed it had captured the Northeast Regional Military Command of the Myanmar junta. It is the first time one of the 14 regional military commands around the country has fallen to an ethnic armed group in more than 50 years of military rule.
The rebels claim the regional commander was also captured – the highest ranking military officer to be apprehended. And they said more than 4,000 troops had been arrested.
This is an historic and humiliating setback for Myanmar’s military junta in its war with the opposition forces, which are comprised of ethnic armed groups and the People’s Defence Force, drawn from the democratic opposition.
But will this offensive be a turning point? While there remains no clear end point for the civil war, the opposition continues to make significant gains. This is giving them important resources, a significant morale boost and leverage in any future negotiations.
For Myanmar’s neighbours, particularly China, there is also increasing concern over the instability in the region and growing impatience with the junta.
What is happening in Shan State?
The recent successes by the opposition forces in northern Shan State are part of the second phase of Operation 1027. This operation was launched by the Three Brotherhood Alliance – a group of ethnic rebel armies – in October.
In January, after the alliance took over the cyber-scamming centre of Laukkai on the Chinese border, China brokered a ceasefire between opposing forces.
In June, however, the military attacked rebel targets from the air and hostilities resumed. The alliance began rapidly advancing across Shan State and neighbouring Mandalay region, taking control of key towns such as Nawnghkio and Mogok, a lucrative hub for ruby production.
The biggest prize of the offensive, however, was the military’s Northeast Regional Command, which oversees the junta’s operations across Shan State. While some fighting continues, the MNDAA is tightening the noose around the remaining junta forces and setting up its own civil administration.
The rebels also took control of the local prison and released 200 political prisoners, including Tun Tun Hein, who was deputy speaker of the Myanmar parliament’s lower house and a key figure in Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party before the coup.
A map of the area taken by the opposition in the first and second phases of the offensive demonstrates the extent of their dominance across the state.
What is China’s role in the conflict?
China plays a somewhat ambiguous role in Myanmar’s conflicts and the extent of its influence, while undoubtedly significant, is difficult to gauge. It managed to negotiate a ceasefire between the combatants in January, but appeared to be unable to prevent both sides from returning to hostilities.
Myanmar’s mountainous borders with China and Thailand have always been unregulated grey zones with opium growing, methamphetamine production, gambling and online scam centres, along with more traditional natural resource extraction.
This has provided huge opportunities for the armed insurgent groups – as well as the military and its cronies – to accumulate wealth to fund their operations.
There is a complex interplay between the various ethnic militias in the region and their relationships with China.
The United Wa State Army, for instance, has a 30,000-strong military force and runs two autonomous border regions in Shan State, supported by China. During the rebel alliance’s attacks on Lashio, the army entered the city “to protect residents, its liaison office, and properties it owns”, although it made clear it received permission from both the junta and the MNDAA and that it wouldn’t be taking sides.
While the ethnic armed groups in Myanmar are relatively independent, rather than Chinese pawns, the recent movements by the Wa indicate that China may be losing confidence in the ability of the junta to manage and control its northern frontiers. As a result, China may be deploying its ethnic proxy army instead.
What happens now?
On July 22, the junta announced that coup leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing would become Myanmar’s interim president, replacing Myint Swe due to health issues. This is in addition to his responsibilities as commander in chief of the military, prime minister and chair of the ruling State Administration Council.
A few days later, the junta again extended Myanmar’s state of emergency by six months in order to “prepare valid and accurate ballots” for elections. However, these proposed elections will likely never happen. Even if a vote of some sort is held, it will be so bereft of legitimacy it will be rendered meaningless.
The last democratic elections, held in November 2020 before the February 2021 coup, were a fair representation of the electorate’s will. Voters comprehensively rejected any role for the military in running the country.
As the monsoon gradually shifts from Myanmar’s southern lowlands to the mountainous northern border regions, opposition forces will endeavour to solidify their control over Shan State.
There is very little chance that negotiations alone will resolve the conflict in Myanmar – the military leadership and Min Aung Hlaing have too much to lose, unless their hand is forced.
As a result, it’s up to the international community to assist the pro-democracy forces however they can – militarily, diplomatically and through humanitarian aid – so the country can finally achieve a lasting peace.
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Christmas 🎄
#one word prompt #Chenford one shot
Better late than never. All mistakes are my own. Enjoy!
(this along with many of my other one shots will be on AO3 in a bit)
Lucy’s Aunt Amy and her companion stepped into Wade Grey’s home the day before Christmas with a large tote bag and a steamer trunk.
While fully decorated for the holiday, the group gathered by the fire is a far cry from jolly.   Lucy’s found family - the people she loves - are scattered around the living room lost in their own thoughts, vaguely aware of the new people, much less the room in which they sit.
None of them look like the celebratory picture on the mantle - from Lucy and Tim’s wedding - with confetti falling from the sky and everyone laughing with love beaming from their eyes.
Now they all look like husks of their former selves.  Pale, listless, dead bloodshot eyes, gaunt, no joy, no smiles, no merriment for the season. A muted version of their former selves.  The heart and soul of the group was missing.
Lucy had been kidnapped - stolen really - from her honeymoon in Thailand during a targeted attack on their resort - just under a year ago.  
Aldo Solanga, having discovered Lucy was a cop, had used his extensive network of traffickers, slaves, opium and arms dealers, etc. to track her movements and attack once she was in Asia - far from the reach and protection of the US Government.  
The last time anyone from the group in Grey’s house had received any intel on Lucy was 9 months ago.  The CIA had tracked her deep into the wilds of mainland China - where Solanga had sold Lucy to an unknown highest bidder - then she had disappeared and the government had stopped working with and updating the LAPD.  She was just gone.
Tim had been holding out hope that the Army Special Forces would be able to rescue her before the auction was complete but when that didn’t happen he had completely fallen apart.  
After a month of pure anguish, he had quietly resigned from the police force, closed up his house, rented a camper van and had taken Kojo on a 7-month road trip across the country- taking the retirement trip he and Lucy had started to map out while in Thailand.  He had just gotten back to Los Angeles two weeks prior and had been summoned to Captain Grey’s house last night.
He knew he was better, but he believed he would never be fine or ok ever again.
Tim glanced up and saw Aunt Amy deep in hushed conversation across the room.  By chance she glanced at Tim and their eyes met, she briefly nodded at him and then quickly stepped into the center of the room, dragging her companion with her.
Tim looked at the man next to her.  He was Asian, likely Chinese given the rapid fire Cantonese coming out in hushed tones.  Roughly Angela’s height, with glasses; he was thin, slightly hunched, but that could be due to the weight of whatever he was carrying under his jacket, which he kept patting every so often.  
Some distant memory started forming in Tim’s brain, causing him to sit up and watch Amy.  Tim didn’t know what or how, but he knew something was stirring in the air.
Amy then reached down into her large bag and pulled out several envelopes of various size and thickness, and gestured for the man to do something with the large box he had been pulling behind him.
Tim had caught Angela’s eye and had nodded in Amy’s direction.  Angela and the remaining MidWilshire people stopped their conversations and turned towards Amy.
“For those of you I didn’t meet at the wedding, I’m Amy Chen - Lucy’s Aunt Amy.  I’ll get to my friend here in just a moment.
Thank you Wade and Luna for opening your home to us and for gathering everyone together.  I know these past several months have been taxing on everyone. 
I don’t have a lot of time - so please hold your questions until the end.
My friend here is Chang Liu - he’s a tailor from the Lanzhou Province deep in mainland China.  His father is a major opium trafficker and the one who bought Lucy at auction - as a bride for his second son, and tutor/Nanny for his third.”
Collective gasps spring up amongst Amy’s audience, and all eyes turn to Tim who is now standing a few feet in front of Amy, reaching out….
Amy meets Tim’s eyes and starts nodding.  “She’s alive, Tim.  Lucy is alive.”
Tim, for his part, felt his heart catch in his chest, wondering how he still had tears left to cry, as several slid down his face.  “As of when Amy?  How recently?”
Amy turned to Chang, who stepped forward to Tim and said, “Yesterday.”
Tim looked between Amy and Chang, back and forth, before his eyes rolled back into his head and he fainted.
When Tim came to, he found himself sitting in a burgundy leather Eames lounge chair in Wade’s library alone with Chang and Amy.
Tim whispered, “there’s more, isn’t there?”
Amy nodded and held up her hand to stop his questions.  “Yes, Tim. Quite a lot more. I wanted to talk to you alone for this next bit. You can choose to share however much or little with the rest of the group as you want.  The next part will be overwhelming - so is there someone you want with you for this?”
Tim nodded and said, “Angela, please.”
Amy nods again and Wade gets up to trade places with Angela, who enters the study, sitting next to Tim and grabbing his hand.
“Before I can tell you anything Tim, I need you to sign both of these documents- they are in Chinese - we didn’t have time to get them translated- but basically they say you met me and Chang and we told you a story, gave you some things and then left.  I will email you the English versions tonight or whenever I’m done chatting with the State Department. “
Tim didn’t even hesitate, he grabbed a pen, and quickly signed both documents. Angela then signed as a witness.  
Amy put the documents into a portfolio and pulled out a laptop which she handed to Chang who leaned forward and began to speak in accented English.
“I am the second son and my dad’s favorite.  But being a gay man in Communist China - not such a great thing.  Dad has gone to great lengths to protect me.  Buying Lucy was part of my dad’s plan to save us both.
She was not in a good spot during that auction- damaged goods is what they told the buyers.  My dad paid top dollar so she’d be placed with him, no questions or follow up asked.”
Yes, follow up. Wait… didn’t you know?”
Amy shook her head. Angela asked, “Know what?”
Chang sighed. “Lucy was 3-½ months pregnant during that auction.  By follow up, I mean the traffickers normally would come and take the baby as payment. But my dad couldn’t let that happen, so he paid top top dollar for no follow up.”
“We told the doctors in our village that I was the father and prayed that the baby would look like Lucy and not the dad.  My father is a proud man, but kind, empathic and caring.  Very loving.  He recognized a kindred spirit in Lucy and knew she would not survive if someone else had “won” her. 
Tim immediately whispered, “I am a dad?  I have a baby? Is the baby ok?”
Angela hugged Tim hard - while he sat there stunned.
Chang spoke as he tapped on the computer.  “Lucy and I became very good friends.  She confided in me a lot.“  When he found what he wanted, he whirled the computer around so the screen was facing Angela and Tim, and showed them a picture of Lucy with a black haired baby in a pink onesie on her chest and a massive smile on her face. “That’s Theia (Amy leans forward - “Greek for ‘a shining light from the clear blue sky’”)…and… (tapping the arrow) “that’s Sunniva - we call her Sunny” (Amy - “Italian for ‘gift from the sun’ ”) in a purple onesie.
That got Tim’s attention - “Wait, go back.  TWO baby girls?  Theia and Sunniva?  Twins?”
Amy beamed and tapped on the arrow again, pulling up a picture of a crying Lucy holding two baby girls. Chang again said, “Theia Amelia and Sunniva Angelina.”  At that, both Amy and Angela gasped and started laughing, standing up and hugging each other, eyes bright with tears.
Tim was scowling.  “Amy - no offense, but these pics could be doctored.  I want so badly for this to be true, but besides these pictures, what proof do you have?”
Just then an alarm went off on Chang”s watch and a high pitched squeal emanated from under his jacket causing him to chuckle.
Amy nodded and sat back down and turned to Tim.  “Here comes the overwhelming part - you ready? (Tim glared at her) OK - the State Department will be knocking on Wade’s door in about 15 minutes, so I’m going to fly through this part:
Last week the Chinese government implemented two new programs - one a crackdown on gay people - sending them to work camps and two that households were again limited to one female child.  
Chang and Lucy got “married” to create a separate household from Chang’s father’s household - protecting Chang from the work camp, and simultaneously protecting Lucy as a parent instead of a servant /slave and one of Lucy’s girls.  Don’t worry - your marriage supersedes theirs, the Chinese wedding is legal in China, nowhere else.
The girls are a variation of mirror twins.  Basically mirror images of each other, but the moles don’t match exactly, and Sunniva’s eyes are turning blue like her dad’s. But blue eyes don’t happen in China, and she would be ridiculed or worse, she and Theia would be removed from the home as halfbreeds.
One of the government officials knew Chang was gay and an arrest warrant was issued for him to be sent to the work camps immediately.
Dad has power/money and quite a lot of it, but not enough to block either program.  Instead, he called in a lot of favors to get me a plane ticket.  I flew out of China with my trunk yesterday….(points at the trunk) and… with Sunny.”  
Chang stands up and removes his jacket revealing a little girl about 4-5 months old in a purple cow print sweater, tan pants, little socks and purple baby booties strapped to his torso.  
Angela steps forward and smiles at the little girl who spits out her binkie and starts babbling and making raspberry noises.  “da da da da spspbpbsbp”. Sunny then laughs at Angela and smiles and suddenly, Lucy was in the room with them.  
“Oh!  Lucy..” gasps Tim as he and his daughter gaze upon each other for the first time.  Sunny shrieked with joy recognizing her father from the photos on her mom’s phone.  She began clapping and squirming to get out of Chang’s arms reaching for Tim.  Chang finally finished unwrapping her, gave her one last kiss on her head and handed her to her father. 
Amy grabbed Angela’s arm and handed her the envelopes.  “Everything he needs to know is in here.  Lucy apparently numbered everything in order for him and you to review.  The trunk is full of all her stuff - including her stuffed goat, Gerald. 
Go through everything- Lucy’s halfway home…”
As they started to leave, Chang turned back to Tim and bowed out of respect for the man.  “Lucy literally saved my life by sending me here to seek asylum with Sunny. She’s been my saving grace these past several months and these girls - I love them so much as do my dad and little brother.  That first paper you signed?  That was me, signing away my parental rights to her to you.  There’s a new birth certificate in those folders - Sunniva Angelina Bradford. Amy will know how to find me - and I’ll always be able to find Lucy.  Come see me when you are ready to go get her. I’m working on a plan.“   Tim nodded at the man, and with tears streaming down his face, replied “please come see us whenever you want.  Sunny needs you too.”
Angela then walked Amy and Chang out and came back to Wade’s study to find the little girl smiling at Tim, one little hand on his cheek as he smiled a real smile for the first time in a long time. 
“Hi baby girl - I’m your daddy.  Merry Christmas.”
=========== FIN ==============
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noxgold · 5 months
Risks and Rewards
Written for the @rerarepairmonth Week 1 prompt - Vacations Carlos Oliveira/Albert Wesker - Rated T - No Warnings Apply Ao3 link ~*~
“You can stop being so smug any minute now.” 
Lounging out across their butter soft living room sofa, Albert smirked like the cat who had caught a fat mouse dipped in cream. “I'm not the one who gambled so badly and lost, dearheart.” 
Carlos’ returning glare was a tender mix of fondness and irritation, the urge to lob one of the colourful throw pillows dotting the room only held in check by the three legged doberman sprawled out across his lap.  Despite being an ex-police dog, Nemesis had settled into the life of a spoiled lap dog with nary a single bark of complaint. Which made trying to get up once she had gotten comfy a trial, especially when his darling boyfriend didn't seem inclined to lend a hand. 
Gently nudging Nemesis out of his lap, and hardening his heart to the pitiful whines she made at having to be moved, Carlos bent down to retrieve the well worn atlas from where it had been resting on the coffee table in front of him. Albert had two weeks of leave from S.T.A.R.S and they had agreed on taking a week long vacation, just to themselves while Chris watched both Nemesis and their other two dogs, Tyrant and Ustanak. The problem was that they couldn't agree on where to go. Carlos wanted to drive down to Arizona via Route 66, visit the Grand Canyon and Tombstone. Meanwhile, Albert had something more exotic in mind, and wanted to fly overseas for the week. 
So Carlos offered to settle this the way he had for years, both as a soldier and as a mercenary; with a high stakes game of poker, with their vacation spot as the prize. Unfortunately, Carlos forgot to take one tiny itsy-bitsy detail into account. 
Albert Wesker was a dirty fucking cheat who could count cards, and had a poker face carved from a slab of marble. 
He should have been suspicious when Albert admitted that he rarely cared to play poker, but he had gotten cocky. And then proceeded to get absolutely ruthlessly crushed into the ground. So now his partner was going to pay an exorbitant amount of money to get them last minute plane tickets to travel to some new and exciting country, instead of them having a perfectly reasonable and respectable road trip. 
Flicking through the pages, Carlos slumped back onto the carpet as Albert left his well-padded throne to join him on the floor, peering down at the maps as they passed with sharp eyes. “Now wherever shall we visit next?” 
Leaving Albert to his musings, Carlos handed off the atlas and patted his lap for Nemmie to hop down from the other couch they had just been relaxing on and settle her head against him, scratching behind her perked up ears once she had wiggled into place. Probably enjoying the well-earned attention without having to worry about her napping brothers butting in to steal the attention and love. 
Pausing from where his fingers were dug into the doberman's short fur, Carlos looked up with a questioning sound, only to quickly resume his petting at Nemesis’ displeased bark. “Why Thailand? Not arguing, just curious.” 
Albert carefully marked the page he had stopped at before closing the book, one hand resting on the table while the other reached out to join in stroking their favourite girl between the ears. “I've seen some lovely articles regarding Chiang Mai and the temples there. And we do both enjoy Thai food.” 
Nodding because that was as good a reason as any, Carlos gave Nemmie one last good scratch before shuffling her over to Albert so he could stand with a stretch and a groan. “Remind me to never play poker with you again.” 
Albert's low curl of laughter followed him out of the room as Carlos grumbled under his breath about how the other man could handle booking the tickets and organising the necessary paperwork. Carlos would dig out the suitcases and pack the bags, and call it good. They'll see who'll get the last laugh then when Albert has a stack of forms to fill out.
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 years
In the party au, when Lando was a kid he was obsessed with animals and always wanted to travel the world to see all kinds of animals. After everything happens, one day he tells Daniel that he still kind of wants to so as a birthday present, Daniel gets him this trip he always wanted and because you can’t wrap a trip in wrapping paper to give it to someone, he gets Lando one of these plushie elephants where when you buy it you adopt a real one. And his new Home Screen is a pic of lando clutching the elephant to his chest and looking cute
I love this!!!
Daniel finding out things like that from when they go visit Lando's parents. His mum breaks out the photoalbum and stories of baby Lando. She shows pictures of Lando sitting in his old room and maybe he had a map up there with places that he wanted to visit. Some of them were countries they've raced in, but Daniel notices a lot of them are to do with animal sancturies,
When he asks Lando about it later that night when they're curled together in bed, Lando just gives him a shy smile because "I always loved animals, and I was really interested in helping them. I used to ask Mum to give some of my christmas money to charities. I always wanted to visit some of the conservations in Africa and Thailand to learn more"
Lando doesn't think much of it, but Daniel starts quietly working behind the scenes to figure something out. He does research, talks to people, asks his team to do some research and put him in touch with people, and sets it all up for summer break. Lando is edging towards two years sober and they've been together almost a year so he decides to surprise him with his dream trip by taking him to different animal sancturaries across the African continent.
Lando is completely floored and just tears up because "You did all this for me?" and Dnaiel is just smiling because "Lando, I would move heaven and earth for you"
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Watch It Or Drop It Challenge - Drama 1
The wheel has been spun, the challenge has begun and first on my list of watch it or drop it dramas is.......
💘 Cupid's Last Wish
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Country: Thailand
Episodes: 10
Genres: BL, Adventure, Romance, Supernatural
Director: Golf Sakon Wongsinwiset
Screenwriter: Pong Pattarawalai Wongsinwises, Noolek Sureecay Kaewses, M Rittikrai Kanjanawiphu, Golf Sakon Wongsinwiset
Summary: Korn and Win are childhood best friends. Conflicts arise when Win's father includes Korn in his will, granting him part of the family's farm's stocks. Misunderstandings follow, breaking up their friendship of 22 years.
Their path crosses again when Win gets into a car accident with his sister Lin, and wakes up to find his soul in her body. To return to his original body, Win, in the body of Lin, sets off on a road trip to collect holy water from 4 temples across the country within 7 days. The companion to his journey is none other than his friend turned foe, Korn.
Can this adventure forever change the course of their relationship?
(Source: minticecream, Scarlett & emi at MyDramaList)
Why It's On My Plan To Watch List:
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Full disclosure, I watched A Tale of Thousand Stars and immediately fell in love with these two as Tian and Phupha which naturally meant that I had to go and find any other projects they had together. Unfortunately, at the time, Moonlight Chicken was but a twinkle in P'Aof's eye and Cupid's Last Wish could only be found in a format that buffered so much I was watching it in 10 second increments so I couldn't sate my craving straight away. Still, I added them both to my Plan To Watch List for later and then went to go and watch some interviews to fill the void in the meantime. I watched Moonlight Chicken as it came out (no regrets) but Cupid's Last Wish has languished on the shelf for months. Clearly the universe has decided to change that.
Earth and Mix could be reading the dictionary to each other and I'd probably tune in for at least half of it. I know all too well that liking the cast does not mean I'm guaranteed to like the drama but (I won't lie) it does give it something of a headstart in my emotions and makes me more willing to give it extra chances other dramas might not get. Added to this the synopsis seems pretty interesting and I've seen some interesting posts mapping Cupid's Last Wish onto the trans experience which I'm looking forward to digging up and reading in full so I'm going to say it'll be a watch.
Let's see how this goes 💪
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stormyoceans · 11 months
hello friend, i see youre doing a little unwell so i would like to brighten (worsen? hopefully not) your day with an ask. im planning a trip to thailand and would love to go to as many vice versa filming sites as i can possibly drag my non-BL friend to (esp the glass house café), do you happen to know some locations?
thanks even if not and have a nice day ^^
hi, friend!!!!
it’s kinda funny that you sent me this before the last twilight ‘mishap’ happened yesterday, but in the end it did brighten up my day and for that im very grateful 💜
first of all, congratulations on your trip to thailand!!! i hope everything will got well and that you’re gonna have a great time there with your friends!!!!!
as for your question, you’re actually in luck, because i have EXACTLY what you need, courtesy of twitter user @jitarapuen: she made this thread of vice versa locations adding the name of the different places, their address and even a google maps link to check out the area!!!!
hope it can be of help to plan your trip and if you can please leave her some love too!!!
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xin-chao-asia · 1 year
Sunday, April 2 thru Wednesday, April 5
It's so hot in Phuket that we find ourselves pretty happy to do . . . not a whole lot. It's a beautiful (did I say hot!?!) place to laze around, swim a little, drink a little, and plan something for later. Lots of reading happening.
The flavors and tastes in Thailand are much more in line with what we had expected of Southeast Asian food. Strong, lovely espresso. Croissants with pistachio (?) spread ~ my fav. Exotic fruits with yogurt. Guava and passion fruit juices. As time goes on though, we've gotten to the point where putting more stuff in our mouths just doesn't sound all that appealing. 🤪
What we've found surprising in Thailand is what seems to be a lackadaisical approach to service. How much is a taxi into town? Quizzical, not a clue look. Do you have a map of Old Town Phuket? Nope. Full stop. Our solo bar tender went outside for a smoke during the height of the evening, with musicians playing their hearts out and empty wine glasses on the tables. Don't think it's the language barrier (which is mammoth), something "off" with the people, or us being entitled. There's just something about the culture that's been difficult to understand from a western perspective. I've come away glad that I didn't teach English here because if I'm to be honest, I may have really struggled. (Course I'm only seeing what we're experiencing in this little corner and I suspect had we gone to a western owned chain resort our experience would have been different.) Now Vietnam on the other hand . . . Those sweet, brave children would have SOOOOO appreciated the cultural exchange and chance to learn. The parents too. That's my take away anyway.
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Sunday night market is a MAJOR attraction in the Old Town of Phuket. Just an amazing scene with plentitudes of really great street food. I was able to fit a Thai massage in at Kim's first. (Didn't understand the mechanics of undressing at all and my masseuse guy wasn't super helpful in that department; pretty awkward, but thank goodness I'm old enough to handle it 🙈😂🙈). Finished the evening at a wine bar with a fabulous jazz duo from CA.
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Spent the afternoon at the"public" pool. Refreshing for sure ~ and with refreshments too (after an unnecessarily complicated ordering process). Ummmmm, so Thai?
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Woke to a video of one of life's incredible moments. It's a boy! 💜💚💜
Second trip into the Old Town for a mani/pedi (can't imagine what was being said about my well weathered heels 🤪) and lunch at Raya's (a local haunt for royals; pretty great curry!) Even bought a pair of linen pants. Big-time focus on Kate day.
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wanderlustphotosblog · 9 months
An All You Need Phuket, Thailand Travel Guide
With breathtaking coastline and stunning beaches, the mountainous island of Phuket in Southern Thailand is one of Southeast Asia's top travel destinations. Learn how to visit this incredible place with my all you need guide to Phuket, Thailand.
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 17/01/23 AW
The feeling to be cut off any contacts in this 13 hour flight watching 3 movies while flying over the taklamakan desert with no lights on the ground that is earth, just the stars reflecting over the roof of the plane gives me the feeling of a paper blank self in space oddity, a reset button of identity while this horny french guy with man bun next to me make a huge effort to organize me a banana from the stuff because I told him I don’t eat dough 
I watched 
10 things I hate about you: 
5 stars for a teenage romance it’s so vulgar and dirty and gives me Australia vibes not the typical west coast problems 
Walk the line (Jonny cash biopic): 
had to watch it in German so 4 stars for cheesiness but I cried a river over the we love us but we can’t be together drama with June Carter and drug addict cowboy vibes always breaks my tears
Involuntary (de offrviliga): 
beautiful long-lasting pictures in classic Swedish melancholia but many moments that make you so uncountable you wanna quit the movie, which is I suppose a good sign.
Two nights before I left on this trip to Thailand that was originally booked to be a Fantasy of a honeymoon with my very toxic ex boyfriend who left everything behind him to find “himself” in India, I hosted a dinner at my place in Hamburg and rediscovered the calming meditation of preparing a dinner alone, listening to music like my dad always did when I saw him the happiest. The difference is I don’t drink one or two bottle of red wine to it. 
The 4th year in a row I am doing the sober january that I always broke on my best friends birthday on the 22. It makes one feel so superior to realize that you actually NOT need it.  
The guy in front of me watches oceans eleven, maybe I am Going to follow him with that. The good old classic actors gathered in the romantic vision of Las Vegas  - my mom always used to call them by their surnames - George— Brad—Al—Julia - like they are her colleges because she’s an actress too. A great genre of cinema that got replaced by cheap ass Netflix production with the worst stage and costume designs like the fucking Glas onion where poor Edward Norton plays a pale shadow of this old glory
Back to the dinner - I served my group of friends my dads Safran risotto recepie with glossy oven karrots 
I check the maps on the board computer in the moment we are flying over India and my stomach cramps together thinking at this person I loved may be 41111 ft beneath me somewhere in a tuk tuk on shrooms. 
Besides that very neutral feelings to anything up here. 
But fly ahead with 959 km/h direction Hong Kong First Time for my beautiful feet to step on Chinese ground
In front of me a group of sprayer boys like I used to date, now they seem like minions to me - north face arcteryx Nike, no skin care routine and  I can see the unwashed bedsheets in front of my inner eye. 
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iilssnet · 2 years
About Hudson Bay, facts and maps
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Hudson Bay is the summer home of up to 50,000 beluga whales! Each July and August an estimated 50,000 beluga whales migrate south into river estuaries that flow into the Hudson Bay. The whales use this estuaries as their grounds to feed, molt (shed skin), and give birth. Hudson Bay, inland sea indenting east-central Canada. With an area of 316,000 square miles (819,000 square km), it is bounded by Nunavut territory (north and west), Manitoba and Ontario (south), and Quebec (east). Hudson Bay (Southern East Cree: ᐐᓂᐯᒄ, romanized: Wînipekw; Northern East Cree: ᐐᓂᐹᒄ, romanized: Wînipâkw; Inuktitut: ᑲᖏᖅᓱᐊᓗᒃ ᐃᓗᐊ, romanized: Kangiqsualuk ilua or Inuktitut: ᑕᓯᐅᔭᕐᔪᐊᖅ, romanized: Tasiujarjuaq; French: baie d'Hudson), sometimes called Hudson's Bay (usually historically), is a large body of saltwater in northeastern Canada with a surface area of 1,230,000 km2 (470,000 sq mi). It is located north of Ontario, west of Quebec, northeast of Manitoba and southeast of Nunavut, but politically entirely part of Nunavut.
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How far is it from Toronto to Hudson Bay? The distance between Toronto and Hudson Bay is 273 km. The road distance is 319.3 km. The large-scale cold air masses originating over Hudson Bay and the cold mesoscale winds combine to impose cold air temperatures on the adjacent terrestrial environment. Population. The area around Hudson Bay is very sparsely populated. The biggest sector of the population is the Inuit, who have largely given up their traditional way of life as hunters and now live from fishing and handicrafts in the few small communities dotted along the coast.
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Is the town of Hudson in “Heartland” a real place? Hudson does exist — just under a different name! If you want to visit the town of Hudson, you'll need to make a trip to High River in Alberta, Canada. High River has all the small-town charm that you would expect from the town that serves as Hudson in “Heartland”. Who lives in Hudson Bay? The primary occupants continue to be Indian and Inuit bands living by fishing and hunting. The largest settlement is Churchill, Man (pop 1089, 1996c), at the mouth of the Churchill River. Where is the most beautiful bay in the world? Bay watch: 8 of the world's most beautiful bays - 1: Halong Bay, Vietnam. - 2: Bay of Kotor, Montenegro. - 3: Bay of Islands, New Zealand. - 4: Paradise Bay, Antarctica. - 5: Bay of Fundy, Canada. - 6: Phang Nga Bay, Thailand. - 7: Guanabara Bay, Brazil. - 8: San Francisco Bay, USA. Is Hudson Bay worth visiting? Hudson Bay is a city in Saskatchewan, Canada. It has many popular attractions, including Hudson Bay, making it well worth a visit. Hudson Bay is a city in Saskatchewan, Canada. It has many popular attractions, including Hudson Bay, making it well worth a visit. Do polar bears live in Hudson Bay?
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Researchers surveyed Western Hudson Bay — home to Churchill, the town called "the Polar Bear Capital of the World," — by air in 2021 and estimated there were 618 bears, compared to the 842 in 2016, when they were last surveyed. Can you swim in the Hudson Bay? “Most people think that you can't swim here, but you totally can. In fact, the water has never been cleaner.” Gershenhorn is part of a loosely knit group of West Siders who enjoy, when the weather warms up, freely frolicking in the Hudson. What language do they speak in Hudson Bay? Kivalliq, also known as Kivallirmiutut, Caribou Eskimo, or formerly as Keewatin, is a dialect of Eastern Canadian Inuktitut which is spoken along the northwestern shores of Hudson Bay in Nunavut. Are there sharks in Hudson Bay? While it is rare to find a shark in the Hudson River, there have been several sightings over the years. Sharks may swim into the estuary from time to time but won't travel far up north, due to the freshwater. Why do people live in Hudson Bay? They make their living by fishing and hunting, some are in the trade industry and tourism. Hudson Bay was named after Henry Hudson, an Englishman who first explored the region looking for a northwestern passage to Asia at the beginning of the 17th century. Is Hudson Bay water clean? The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has listed various portions of the Hudson as having impaired water quality due to PCBs, cadmium, and other toxic compounds. Can you drink from the Hudson River? Seven communities and over 100,000 people rely on drinking water from the Hudson River. Riverkeeper helped these seven communities — the City of Poughkeepsie, Village of Rhinebeck and the Towns of Esopus, Hyde Park, Lloyd, Poughkeepsie and Rhinebeck — organize as the Hudson River Drinking Water Intermunicipal Council. Is the Hudson River clean or dirty? Every New Yorker knows that while the Hudson is likely at least slightly cleaner than the East River (and certainly cleaner than the Gowanus Canal), it's by no means recommended for swimming or drinking. Read the full article
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rachelroams · 2 years
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Cheers to the close of a successful 2022! As another year comes to an end, I realize I haven’t done a very good job of either reflecting on milestones or sharing adventures on here lately. But in the end, it feels rewarding to look back on a year and say, “PHEW,” and also “thanks” — to both community and life itself — for all the adventures experienced and lessons learned.
Below are the 2022 accomplishments of which I’m particularly proud. This year, I:
— Produced all the main stage programming and anthem video content for YouTube’s EduCon conference in NYC, welcoming hundreds of high-profile learning channels from around the world to share collaboration and inspiration through our live event program (including via a closing keynote from Neil deGrasse Tyson).
— Completed assignments as a filmmaker, photographer, and social media content producer in places as far-flung as Mongolia and Belize, and as near-to-home as New England and the Pacific Northwest, e.g.: https://bit.ly/MongoliaSlideshow.
— Wrote and published somewhere between 10-20 globe-spanning articles for clients such as AFAR covering destinations like the Maldives, Oman, Spain, UAE, Thailand, Vietnam, France, Puerto Rico, Germany, and the U.S. (https://rachelrudwall.contently.com/).
— Completed 30+ live or live-to-tape media hits as an on-air travel expert for news outlets across the country, e.g.: https://bit.ly/WKYCPlanForVacationDay.
— Privately coached 10 new consulting clients ranging from award-winning CEOs to media pros with millions of subscribers, covering topics such as public speaking, brand-building, and TV series production (rachelroams.com/consulting).
— Engaged in numerous public speaking engagements both IRL and virtually, including at my favorite event each year, Women’s Travel Fest (https://womenstravelfest.com/).
— Became a published author thanks to the inspiring team behind Wanderess and their invitation to write for the book (https://bit.ly/WanderessBook).
— Crafted custom influencer/KOL content for brand clients that span the worlds of travel, tourism, fashion, lifestyle, and government (https://bit.ly/MongoliaPOVReel).
— Connected with fellow storytellers as a podcast and blog guest, including for Adorama’s 42 West Blog (https://bit.ly/RR42West) and Nora Dunn’s The Professional Hobo (https://bit.ly/RRProHobo).
— Volunteered for the second year running as a Board Member for Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors (https://www.ecologyoutdoors.org/).
— Completed another year as a USA for UNHCR Refugee Champion, and learned that my short film about a Syrian refugee family resettled in WA now lives on in an impactful story map (https://bit.ly/U4UStoryMap).
— Led monthly financial education sessions for women professionals for the fourth year in a row.
— Enjoyed personal trips through Italy, the Netherlands, California, Utah, Washington, and Oregon (including my baby’s first camping trip, complete with a multi-mile, pitch-black cave hike!).
— Snowshoed, hiked, and traipsed outdoors for what feels like countless miles (though, my Apple Watch tells me my daily average mile count is around four… so, I guess the total is just shy of 1500 miles?).
— Completed nearly 100 OrangeTheory workouts.
— And did all of that while raising a new baby and learning how to become a parent.
PHEW. What a joyful, expansive year it has been. I can’t wait to see what the next year has in store.
Thanks to each of you for sharing in the journey!
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blackdogsilver · 2 years
50 things I probably won't get done before 50
Let's face it, I've been working on varying versions of this list for 12 years. I've never come close to hitting my goal. BUT I have done a whole bunch of things I've always wanted to do, that I probably never would have done other wise, so whether or not I reach the goal, I think this is a good thing to keep going.
I went right back to the original list, and am combining it with all the iterations from over the years. I'm also adding in my travel goals. I always kept them separate because I didn't have the money to travel, and wanted to keep my list achievable, but I'm not as concerned about hitting every goal any more, and also, if I don't travel by 50, then when?
I've made a separate list for the things I've done too, to remind myself of what I have accomplished. The items I removed from the list because I really don't think it's possible, or care if I achieve it, I'm putting back in as bonus goals... they don't need to count, but maybe the opportunity will come up, who knows? And it's good to see where I've come from.
1. hide 43 treasures 
2. milk a cow
3. Tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue
4. Get a tattoo
5. finish crocheting my tetris blanket
6. Send in a postsecret
7. try sushi
8. Have glamour photos taken of me
9. crochet a hat
10. Go to a strip club
11. dye my hair purple
12. go on a pub crawl
13. have brunch with friends
14. Give blood (well, I tried, but they wouldn't take it!)
15. take part in gishwes
16. try a foreign cuisine I’ve never had before
17. take a chocolate factory tour
18. fly first class
19. do the Colour Run
20. do a nude photoshoot
21. find a signature scent/perfume
22. get a helix piercing
23. go to a RHPS Audience Participation screening
24. go to Midsumma/Pride March/Mardi Gras parade
25. grab a handful of cake and just eat it
26. invent a silly holiday and get other people to join in
1. Send a message in a bottle
2. Record/produce a song
3. visit a planetarium
4. Swim with dolphins (attempted, but failed and still want to try)
5. Throw a dart into a map and travel to where it lands
6. take a moonlit walk on a beach
7. learn the thriller dance
8. see a total solar eclipse in person
9. go on a road trip with friends
10. bake a Croquembouche
11. Take a pole dancing class
12. get a professional massage
13. spend a day taking photos of my city
14. visit all the Australian states and territories - 5/7
15. eat at a teppanyaki style restaurant
16. visit the Great Barrier Reef
17. finish a ‘Wreck This Journal’
18. get a matching tattoo with someone
19. complete the c25k program
20. do a proper cosplay photo shoot
21. take part in a drum circle
22. write an Android app
23. Design my own Tarot deck
24. go strawberry picking
25. take a silversmithing course
26. eat fondue
27. learn to contact juggle
28. ride in a limo
29. join the mile high club
30. see the Southern/Northern Lights
31. wear a bikini to the beach (without a cover up)
32. Be able to do a pull up unassisted
33. host a fancy dinner party in a strange place (ie, traffic island)
34. learn to read lips
35. eat alone in a (fancy) restaurant
36. build a Rube Goldberg machine
37. watch a meteor shower
38. recreate a childhood photo
39. cook pasta from scratch
40. take a salsa dance class
41. learn ASL
42. see the Thai floating lantern festival
43. go to the City Museum in St Louis
44. visit New York
45. tour the Dresden Files sites in Chicago
46. visit Petra, Jordan
47. visit Japan
48. visit the Eternal Lightning Fields, Venezuela
49. visit Wat Samphran (Dragon Temple), Thailand
50. visit Chichen Itza, Mexico
1. bungee jump
2. watch all of classic Doctor Who
3. visit Katoomba at Winter Solstice for the Winter Magic Festival
4. get my driver’s license
5. do a beer centurion (100 shots in 100 minutes)
6. crowd surf
7. fire a gun at a shooting range
8. learn to juggle
9. write and film a (short) movie
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atlasllm · 2 years
i had a huge dream just now
i was in fancy restaurant after fancy restaurant, and i was sitting with all my male cousins and also tommyinnit
i mentioned how one of my cousins and tommy looked very similar, and tommy was very excited to be hanging out with a bunch of gamer boys like my cousins
then it cut to a hotel lobby. i think dream and technodad were there; i think i was exploring the hotel lobby and maybe i dreamt up dream with floof in the lobby, all packed up and waiting to go home
however that wasn't the heavy parts
i was going home at night, to an airport connected to a train station. for some reason, this fancy ipad wasn't taking my money to pay for the train. i accidentally smashed it, and it made the train go backwards; the opposite of what direction i wanted to go, but i was frantically searching for ANY map that would lead me home, because breaking the ipad broke the train's route as well as any maps i tried to find on my phone
as the train went backwards, it told us a story;
this lady's blood would turn into paint, and she would paint for the next hundred years
this was a curse placed upon her by these ruins found in thailand, where her greatest passion of painting would never give her joy again
making the train go backwards would re-activate these ruins, and we were now stuck in a time loop where the woman would constantly fight against the people who saw her as a monster for what the ruins have made her, before she would "solve" the ruins and prevent them from hurting anyone else, at the cost of her greatest passion being taken away
after going through the time loop a few times, it turns out the woman was okay with this curse; her girlfriend showed her how to skateboard, which i didn't realize during my multiple trips to restaurants and hotels throughout the dream
so the woman we would see keep getting rioted and eventually save the ruins
it turns out, the ruins came from this water nymph in ancient greece
its healing waters were originally a gift, but the evolution of literature would portray it as a bad thing, so the nymph made the ruins to Become that bad thing, its healing waters now becoming a green sludge that would erupt and destroy thailand
i don't think i ever escaped the time loop in the dream, but i woke up sweaty and dehydrated af
the moral of the story?
tommyinnit is a fucking omen of bad things happening to me in dreams
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lsundarinfo · 2 days
Fly To Thailand
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Thailand serves as a significant hub for growth in Southeast Asia. The borders with Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Myanmar are nearby. It also represents the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) diplomatically, where Malaysia and Myanmar are closer to it. A memorable tour to Muang Thai, or the "Land of Smiles," will highlight the spectacular treasures of this Buddhist nation and quickly become your favourite vacation.
With this country's remarkable improvement in science and technology, engaging in a stylish journey is the most terrific decision to make. Using the extra effort and time to research the requirements for an international driving permit in Thailand can reward you with a plethora of privileges and rewards. Your daily concerns about the never-ending troubles would be easily alleviated by obtaining a unique authorization to drive overseas, which will be your IDP.
Located in the tropics, the Kingdom of Thailand is a significant hub in Southeast Asia. It demonstrates the ecosystem's remarkable variety. This country is full of exquisite treasures, from the magnificent mountainous forests in the north to the attractive, rich rice fields in the northeast and the charming, jagged coastline of the southern peninsula. According to the 2019 Population Census, the country has over 67 million people living there.
Thanks to its incredible array of religious treasures, sacred paradises, and magnificent landmarks, Thailand is a contemporary country. Please continue reading to learn more about this great nation, including its official geographic position on a map and tourist attractions.
Geographical area
Thailand, along with the other ASEAN nations of Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar, is situated on the Indochina Peninsula. Also included in its territorial reach is Malaysia, a neighbouring country. It's interesting to note that the land's structure resembles an axe. Also, it is located around 15 degrees above the planet's equator. The nation's capital is Bangkok.
Area of land
Thailand has an area of 513,120 square kilometers. It is evident from its structure that this nation differs from Spain. Wyoming comes to mind as another parallel when thinking of its states. It is roughly twice as large. It is also now the 16th largest nation on the globe.
Renting a car in Thailand
Nothing is better than hopping on a four-wheeler and exploring Thailand's greatest locations. The comfort is perfect for many of us. You can turn left or right without hesitation and keep driving without stopping. In this country, a road trip experience might provide you with brand-new thrills and excitement.
Auto rental
Speaking about driving, there are many car rental agencies nationwide where you may choose to hire your ideal vehicle. Remarkable technological developments have made it possible to book a car with ease. You can browse many websites to see which have the greatest discounts.
Documents needed to Rent a car in Thailand
As the car rental agency requests, you must have all the necessary and specific documentation regards to booking a car before renting a car. In addition, the requirement that the consumer provide legitimate documentation demonstrating their fitness to drive is a contract requirement. The typical paperwork you'll need when hiring a car is listed below. Note that modifications are generic and are governed by agency policies.
Before confirming or completing the purchase, request the car rental agency's phone number. It will be instantly helpful if you experience an unexpected road emergency. You'll instantly know who to call.
International driving permit
One of the most important requirements for foreign visitors who want to enjoy a comfortable vacation style is to obtain a specific international driving licence to drive in another country, and e-itca.org makes it simple to get your IDP easily. Clarity and legal knowledge are often essential, but thanks to E-ITCA who have made it simple for people to procure an IDP in just a few steps. Nobody wants to incur significant fines and costs due to breaking the rules. Driving in Thailand requires an International Driving Permit (IDP) issued by E-ITCA
You shouldn't wholly disregard your native country's driver's license because you have an international driving permit Thailand. An IDP is an official translation of your foreign driver's licence. Your local licence and international driving license Thailand IDP should always be kept on hand.
Thailand driving laws
When entering the global world, or visiting a nation and going on the road, it is crucial to get familiar with the traffic laws and regulations that are in place. Remember that, particularly in Thailand, you must pass examinations before legally driving. You should know that breaking the law is against the country's laws. Know the various rules that each state has in place. Do not drive in Thailand without a license or while violating traffic laws.
Key guidelines
Foreign drivers should become familiar with the fundamental and necessary driving laws overseas. Remember that accepting responsibility for saving people's lives is no laughing matter. Most of Thailand's traffic rules are comparable to those in other Asian nations. So, adapting is not a significant concern for Asian people. Some could still be perplexed, though. It is simple to understand what it means. It keeps you safe from traffic collisions.
Drink and driving in Thailand
In Thailand, regulations against driving while intoxicated are strictly enforced. The legal limit for blood alcohol is 0.5 grammes per litre. If a driver has had their license for five years, they should not exceed 0.2 grammes unless they want the authorities to seize their license. In Thailand, drunk driving usually carries substantial fines and harsh punishments. The consequences for irresponsible drunk driving and driving without a Thai license are severe, especially during the holidays.
Mid-lane changes
To get where you're going, you frequently have to switch lanes. Moving in a different direction in Thailand has to be made clear. Set the traffic lights to "on" and heed any oblique warnings. Thai drivers typically contact other cars to advise them to change lanes while rolling down their windows. While changing lanes when self-driving in Thailand, exercise additional caution. This will guarantee a seamless transfer.
Horning is a signal, not a way of expressing annoyance
It is important to pay attention to beep signals from other motorists to move over so the driver can go first or vice versa. Another ethical approach is to request permission from other riders before making a margin. It frequently appears as one approaches dead ends and narrow roadways. Arriving at the junction zone is a second occurrence. When the motorist honks, you have to go around him first. You only come across as an alien if you honk rudely or own specific streets.
Parking Rules in Thailand
To find a dedicated parking area, search for it when you get there. Never leave your automobile unattended in risky areas. You definitely don't want to become the target of an abduction. Check if the location is secure and has a guard on duty. You should also be aware of the "no parking in even numbers or on days of the week" and "no parking between 7:00 and 9:00 in the morning" signs. If you don't, you'll get a penalty for illegal parking. This is a no-trespassing sign for all private cars, regardless of whether the car is red or white, primarily for cabs.
General traffic laws in Thailand
With a few tips, you can enjoy road trips in Thailand. The standard reminders for speed restrictions, seat belt use, maritime routes, road markers, and more are listed below. Before leaving, be sure to check your bag for valuables. Ensure that you have an IDP and the original driver's license. Losing either might be problematic, particularly when travelling between countries.
Speed restriction
What you need to drive or how to rent a car overseas are just some of the considerations for a road trip. You should be familiar with the fundamental regulations of the road. The speed limit is one of these regulations. The speed restrictions for foreigners who want to keep driving in Thailand are listed below.
Legislation governing the use of seatbelts
If there is a seat belt for people in the back seats, they can use it. However, children under 12 must use a child seat in Thailand.
Driving side
Let's say you want to know which side of the road is the left lane in Thailand. It is forbidden to pass automobiles behind unless there is a legitimate reason to do so. Refrain from breaking the law since there are suitable penalties for doing so.
Recreational activities in Thailand
Thailand is famous because of its rich history, culture, and religion. Most international visitors will find Thailand to be more adventurous. Whether it has to do with work or housing options, anyone with one is welcome to take it. Professional employment is not restricted within the nation. You can get your work permit and visa if you receive an official offer from a local agency in Thailand.
Driving as a visitor in Thailand
Non-Thai citizens must get an international driving permit Thailand (IDP). Applications for special permits are subject to exclusions. The national driver's license from a country that is part of the 1949 Geneva and Vienna Conventions on Road Traffic can be used there. Yet reserving a rental automobile might be challenging. Most car rental companies require the customer's IDP at the time of reservation, which is why it is critical to obtain your international driving permit Thailand. With the assistance and help of the E-Itca.org, getting an IDP is relatively simple. All you have to do is enter your information and upload a photo for instant verification. You will immediately get an online confirmation for your IDP in just a few moments.
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