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romanarose · 1 year ago
I just thought y’all should see this is how @missdictatorme talks about LaL Benny Miller
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I think its telling the quality of later seasons, that folks only ever talk about Season 1 of Earthspark, but absolute silence beyond wikipedias and tropes about S2 and S3.
And yeah, I'll say that S1? Good season. Great set up, lots of implication, with the potential to flesh out later. Yes its flawed, but it was just the first season. Gotta get the good set up.
But afterwards...? Utter bullshit. Some attractive ideas thrown at the wall, but otherwise, not great. not interesting, not even remotely approachable, and completely drops the points that S1 was trying to make.
The thing about Earthspark's S1 and its "actual spirit" (as I would call its core questions and world-build), is that, this would be the aftermath of Transformers Gen1--particularly, season 2 of Transformers, as it is a non-film verse. And in an odd sense, an additional aftermath of the OG comics.
( So... potentially dealing with a TFverse that has, or had, both Spike and Buster Witwicky. Damn, son. )
With the implication that, those transformers you don't see, were likely killed in the final battle for the Allspark.
( And if we really want to stretch out our HCs about how the allspark is in a Gen1 verse... consider the "Heart of Cybertron" from the Sunbow Cartoon. )
This show is about TF's next step, if they never built Metroplex and never Left Earth.
( With the chilling implication that our movie foe is still out there--Unicron is somewhere, and worse, somewhere near Cybertron... Is it any wonder why Mandroid came back as remade as he was...? )
And with the suggestion that a lot went on in the background that caused the current situation. There's a city called Witwicky, so where's Spike and Buster? Megatron left the Decepticons, so how did that happen? What the hell is up with Ghost. And hints that we were suppose to find out in the future what was up.
[ Imagine a arc where Megatron must face a potential future as Galvatron ]
These implications come with ignoring S2 and S3 for S1's foundations. The idea of S1 is that things are meant to be more complicated than just "Good Guy Autobots" and "Evil Forces of Decepticons". (Hell it even called it out as being too simple).
You kept watching Earthspark to find out what's going on and how things got this way, and we were led into it slowly, bit by bit overtime...
Until the writers left and S2 came on and someone decided to go "Frag all that slag!"
I want to know what the OG story would've been like, because S2 and beyond is just badly written fanfiction.
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sonicasura · 1 year ago
In the Corazon in TFP, RID2015 Edition, what's Team Bee's reaction to Sabo's arrival?
Good ol' Sabo the Revolutionary. He accidentally shows up in the city without trouble this time where a visiting Bellemere and Ratchet found him. It was clear that the blonde might've been a Oceanic from how out of place he acted.
Meeting a revolutionary had gave Bumblebee and Ratchet a blast in the past back during their war days. The fact it ended after so so long still feels like a dream to them. Sabo have similar feelings from how peaceful the TFverse is.
No World Government, the people were free to do various things and things are more fair. Sabo stayed for about three weeks so he had an opportunity to learn a lot. The same could be said for the less experience members of Team Bee.
His Flame Flame Fruit proved quite handy in damage control as fire tends be very frequent during a Decepticon scuffle, Oceanic animals running amok or more dangerous Oceanic visitors. Although it was quite awkward when StrongArm asked how he got his Devil Fruit. Bumblebee and Ratchet were empathetic about Sabo's loss as they lost a lot of close friends in the war.
The stay remained mostly positive before the blonde had to go back. He did bring some stuff with him back to the Revolutionary Base. Dragon definitely enjoyed the books Sabo wrought as a good chunk raise good philosophies to use once the World Government was no more.
One large step to their goal.
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alvie-pines · 2 years ago
in my tfverse, seekers are warframes, often cold-constructed. starscream broke caste law by pursuing chemistry at the academy, where he met skyfire, who was also breaking caste law by pursuing chemistry and biology. they were lucky to live in a place where their out-of-caste interests would be met with a side-eye and discouragement rather than police involvement.... on the assumption that they were to return to their "proper" places once their curiosity was sated.
after all, studying outside your caste is one thing; working outside it is simply unacceptable.
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ao3wasntenough · 10 months ago
just realized I literally got my own tag wow
thanks so much pookie /p /gen
Also anyway, I feel like Sam would have green optics if he didn't have the visor? But again, not my design
Because I really love the idea of each bot having different eye colors to tell each apart (like the tfverse, different optics colour for different bots!!) from their unique physical therapy look :3
oh and if u want any minicon ideas I recommend watching tf-rid2015 or transformers armada because they are so small and cute it's impossible. Great alt modes for Minibot!Sam too! (Unless he transforms into that toy car for no reason at all..scaring the kids away?)
- Sam/🏍️ anon
thought youd like to be able to go thpought your own stuff, trying to make my blog easier to sift through
he got the biggest fucking optics under that visor-/j?
I liked the visor and mask combo on Sam being to hide how actually expressive he is. the bots around him minus Bumblebee arent to outwardly expressive with their face plates and "reading face" isnt really something they experience but Sam is very aware how emotive he could come across, human "eyes are the windows to the soul" kinda beat.
so the visor is a literal manifestation of human masking while also being a battle defence and a nod to optimus's helm. and what he's got underneath is between him, ratchet and jazz..
tf-rid was like the tip of the minicon iceburg! Chris Mcfeely on youtube has a whole video over the history and apparences of minicons! where I once again was hit with the concept of the link between earth, unicron and minicons but two of those are a different bag of cats
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madcatdaderpydrawer-blog · 1 year ago
Sleepy brain scenario time: Traveler coming across the fairy AU and him and Fairy Solar become friends. Fairy Solar deciding to sneak into the TFverse when he has to go back home so now he has this little guy as a companion (staying out of sight of the other TFs of course, he only trusts Traveler enough for that)
AAAA I love this idea so much. He gets a tiny travel buddy. He climbs into his scarf and traveler carries them around. He warns them to stay hidden no matter what he hears unless he says he can come out, which is definitely a cryptic warning. But it makes sense after he interacts with the TFs. Since they don’t know he’s there they don’t put on any act. How would he feel overhearing everything that happens?
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glittergummy · 3 months ago
it’s literally just sentiment mask stuff for a neopet oc but it could also apply to springlock if he was more anti-hero
Hypnosis, mind control, and sentient objects is how I get my jollies alright
couldn’t fit mask stuff into tfverse so a piece of body armor will have to do
Springlock is real nice once you get to know him, he’s just a bit spooky
restless night of me getting too involved in how indulgent I can be about OC lore
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jd-arts319 · 5 years ago
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Bumbleblades kid!!!! UwU
He/She had been on the academy before the others,she was born on cybertron & visited earth multiple times.....
Bee is their mom
Blades is their dad
No regrets!
CloudCharge @me
Rescue bots academy@hasbro
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positronicenby · 4 years ago
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Commissioned @jacandquill for a couple sketchy character sheets of more TF OCs! first up is my gal Dispo-Zal
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jd-arts319 · 5 years ago
TF(all medias):Emberblade,March Ember,Brakestorm,Swift(he had many different 2nd attached name),skyrunner/Stormrunner,Charoite,Cloudjumper/killer,azureblade,agate,Rhodoshards,nightingale,Remix,Zephyrblade,medica,Orpheus,Orion,& bluewing(ship kids),hyperdrive(2nd ship Kid),azurebreeze,emeraldbuster,aerostorm,Aurichle,Eris,horologium,chronicle,silica,atomia,resonance
Bonus: goldrunner(jet!Bumblebee(triple changer))
Ya all can ask them now!!!!
Reblog and Tag with your ocs' Names
<b>And then for every name you get in your askbox, you must fill out the following character profile for said oc:</b>
Full Name: Gender and Sexuality: Pronouns: Ethnicity/Species: Birthplace and Birthdate: Guilty Pleasures: Phobias: What They Would Be Famous For: What They Would Get Arrested For: OC You Ship Them With: OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Talents and/or Powers: Why Someone Might Love Them: Why Someone Might Hate Them: How They Change: Why You Love Them:
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swan2swan · 4 years ago
I’m gonna go out on a limb and propose that the Barbieverse is probably second only to the Transformersverse in terms of complexity and layers?
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sonicasura · 1 year ago
Tales of Father Rung: Jak
The last example for the Father Rung saga and I saved the most traumatized character for last.
Let's face it, Daxter is the only one who stuck by Jak's side since the start. In Fallout Boy's terms 'The Last of the Real Ones'. Everyone else either abandons him at some point or sadly dies too soon. Daxter gets dragged along for the ride. *Man needs his pal since Naughty Dog wants Jak to suffer clearly.*
Let's get started.
Rung comes across an unconscious Demolition Duo one fateful night. Jak is the last to wake up as he sees Daxter talking to the 'giant robot'. Rung offers to accompany the young men since the mech been here much longer.
Jak is skeptical about the therapist at first. Throughout their travelling, Rung never asks the Eco Channeler for help. Both handle their own tasks instead of the young man shouldering it all. Jak's even more confused when Rung helps him instead. No strings attached either.
Meanwhile Rung is a mix of rage and sorrow upon hearing the duo's backstory. Angry at those who groomed a child into a "chosen savior" then toss him away as if he's a worthless tool or a monster. Saddened by the fact Jak is stuck with a Prime Complex.
Daxter being treated like a nuisance when he's the only one who saw how much pain his best friend is in. A voice with wonderful ideas drowned out cause people believe he is just a mindless animal. Rung gonna help these two if no one else can.
A notion challenged when Dark Jak manifests. Rung didn't run or treat this alternate form like a monstrous threat. An action that proves to the eco channeler as a whole about the mech truly caring about them. Daxter is glad he doesn't have to spill it out.
Even when Jak's dark form mutates into something more inhuman, Rung refuses to treat the young man any different. The mech does his best to heal the trauma engraved on both boys. Daxter's opinions and suggestions are heard than ignored. (What I mean by DJ getting worse. Face + body here.)
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The ottsel gleefully indulging in being treated as a person. No belittling or push to the side. Even ottsels are people too. (Only ones who treat Daxter like a person can be counted on one hand. Plus he now got tons of pants.)
An incident creates a second chance to set things right. Jak and Daxter wake up back in their world(start of Jak 2) but as Cybertronians. (Jak being a Predacon type Triple Changer, Ramjak with Slam Dozer/Dragon Alt Modes. Daxter is a Minicon Beastformer, Citrus Bolt.(Orange Lightning would be a dead giveaway)). Rung is stuck inside the Eco Channeler's Spark Chamber as a phantom.
The three help past Jak and Daxter reunite the Kid with his actual father Damas. A better future is secured as the King of Spargus not only has his son back but continue to live alongside his two additions. It takes until the end of the journey for the two Cybertronians to reveal their true identity.
The young boys feel at ease afterwards. Jak and Daxter can now switch into their bot forms with some help from Rung. It takes awhile before they can do it by themselves. The Demolition Duo are able to wield Energon now(and so much more.)
Now let's move on to the TFverse.
The therapist's makeshift family lives in Witwicky not too far from the Malto's household. Hiding his ears, Jak works as a stocker at a grocery store near town. A store that becomes commonly visited by Alex.
The two form a friendship unaware of the secrets they are hiding. Jak didn't expect to learn that Cybertronians exist here nor the millennia long civil war ending some time ago. Much less this info being found in media like comic books and other merchandise. (He obviously tells Rung alongside Daxter later.)
GHOST's Decepticon Hunt becomes apparent when their hidden home is found by Ravage, Frenzy, and Lazerbeak try to hide from Elita-1. Rung grants the three sanctuary although greatly concerned about this troubling news.
Soundwave later arrives who briefs everyone about the suspicions on G.H.O.S.T like Mandroid as gratitude for keeping the cassettes safe. A new side to this conflict becomes forged. Keep the rogue Decepticons out of G.H.O.S.T's hands and investigate what's really going on.
Decepticons meet sassy young adults. All of them still wonder how Rung even found these very strange organics. Most agree that Jak and Daxter are more Decepticon aligned. At least they can reign in the Cassettes.
Jak refuses to throw hands with the Malto kids(human and Terrans). He's already angry that they're being brought into this mess. Rage is aimed at the adult Cybertronians mainly Megatron.
Demolition Duo disguise themselves as bots whenever involved in GHOST activity. Team Autobots are stunned to see a live Predacon specifically a youngling. Or how hostile Ramjak is from the nasty injuries left on Optimus' frame.
Rung decides to be the 'mysterious guide' for the Terrans. Leaving clues about GHOST's true intentions and guidance should they feel lost. The kids share these findings with Bee.
Surprise team up between Jawbreaker, Citrus Bolt and Ramjak. The Maltobot realizes who the Predacon is but promises to keep his identity secret. Jawbreaker gets an older brother figure in Jak.
Mandroid is suspicious about the Demolition Duo while Croft only sees the two as another regular threat to eliminate. When Dark Jak is unleashed on GHOST headquarters does the latter change her tune. Caught Decepticons are now loose while more incriminating evidence is found by the Autobots.
Hidden identities are revealed and the final battle goes WAY DIFFERENT. Light Jak overwrites Death Ray into Healing Ray via channeling before it can fire. Daxter helps Twitch and Thrash kick Mandroid's ass. Rung chastises Quintus.
Mandroid is put under watch, his body fully restored. Old colleagues have a long needed chat. Jak apologizes to Alex for betraying their friendship. The fatherly Malto has him make up for it by looking over the kids. Jak doesn't mind although Dax might be a bad influence. Rung happily provides therapy.
Prime/Rescue Bots
The family of three lives near an undiscovered Energon mine containing various Energon types. A place where they practice channeling these particular crystals. Their peace is broken when scouting Vehicons find their home.
Jak trashes them and hijacks one to sneak onto the Nemesis. An action that leads to Cliffjumper's life being saved while the onboard Decepticons learn why its important to do body scans. The injured bot is taken to Rung for repairs and the three learn the war is going on here.
Soon Team Prime arrives for Cliffjumper only to be shocked by the bot nonchalantly telling stories to the Demolition Duo whilst drinking some Energon. The family is put under protection and the mine becomes a hidden Autobot provision.
Neither side are aware about Rung nor his sons' capabilities. Something that soon becomes known when Megatron returns...and Dark Energon comes into play. The war flips completely.
Guardian Cliffjumper for Demolition Duo. Ratchet struggles to keep his sanity as the three and Miko become absolute menaces together. Arcee mostly upholds the peace (alongside wrench tossing protection) partly because the family did save her partner.
Rung is unnerved by the Matrix of Leadership Optimus has. It feels like someone had not only tamper with the relic but angered it too. Everyone but Jak and Daxter are unaware of Optimus' broken spark(Orion) slowly repairing.
Bots try to understand where the hell did these small yet powerful organics came from. Jak continues to be a menace while Daxter sabotages things. Shit blows up either way and the humans are the only ones nonchalant about it.
Channeling Dark Energon = Meeting Unicron. Or eldritch deity gets harassed by two youngish adults. Rung further assists them in being a menace much to Unicron's horror.
Shockwave and the Predacons appear way early once Ramjak alongside Citrus Bolt take stage. No one knows how the Demolition Duo can turn into Cybertronians. Predaking and his kin seek to make Jak part of their pack.
Odd family meets Team Rescue Bots. Rung pretends to be a therapy bot for Griffin Rock. Jak and Daxter learn the ropes of rescue. Griffin Rock feels like Sandover Village but in a more genuine way. It eases the homesickness in the Demolition Duo's hearts. Rung considers on getting a second home here.
Rescue Bots become impromptu rescue teachers. Jak has a rough time adjusting to a non-combat situation but everyone pitches in to help. Boulder proves to be a great mediator.
Cody gets two older brother figures who are happy to listen. Jak gets to exercise his inner child even when his dark side wants to join. Cody doesn't mind and happily pats Dark Jak on the head.
The family of three live outside Mission City. Rung had sensed the Allspark/Cube so he might've stolen it from Sector Seven then relocate the object far away from the frozen Megatron. Jak works at a car shop and befriends Mikaela. Daxter bought some of Sam's stuff including the glasses as he felt a bit bad for the kid. (Jak picked it up due to obvious reasons.)
Everything is fine until Bumblebee sends out the signal to his fellow Autobots. Barricade attacks Jak only to immediately retreat upon nearly being torn apart by Dark Jak's claws. Rung avoids getting caught around a patrolling Starscream when he checks up on the Cube.
Daxter isn't so lucky as Frenzy attacks him during a nighttime stroll. Bumblebee, alongside Sam and Mikaela, finds the ottsel after he repels the Decepticon. Daxter almost reluctantly gets taken to meet the Autobots but evades the three.
The odd family now know the four million year long civil war exists here too. Pieces are already in play so they run into action. Especially when everyone knows Jak has the glasses.
Manhunting your previous buyer is awful customer service even if there's a good reason for it. Jak choses to be a gremlin as he doesn't feel like being shoddily kidnapped by bots clearly unfamiliar with Earth. Daxter tops it via his incredible sense of sass.
Impromptu house visit while your dorky robodad psychoanalyze war criminals. Sam gets a Peacemaker aimed at his head and Optimus barely manages to diffuse the situation. A certain Ottsel complains that the asscrack of night isn't a good time for insanity.
Cube doesn't get destroyed and kept hidden: Pro. Battle of Mission City never happens: Pro. Megatron still gets freed, Decepticons are on the loose and NEST isn't formed: Oh boy.
Jak? Ironhide's Weapons Specialist in training. Daxter and Jazz get along like a house set ablaze. Rung becomes the center of attention with story requests about his two sons.
More Autobots = More child leashes. You know it's bad when the young man recovering from his Prime Complex has more common sense. Good thing Light Ramjak can fly the troublemakers back to base by the scruff.
Military is completely confused by sudden appearances of giant robots, blue angel and draconic devils. A certain William Lennox finds out the truth by sheer accident during a Decepticon scuffle. Funnily enough, Daxter is the weirdest thing this guy has seen. Rung comes in second place.
Relationship advice given by an ottsel keeps Mikaela and Sam from breaking up. Everyone didn't expect for Daxter to have any experience in the love department. Man feels super offended.
Countless humiliations leads to Megatron raising the white flag. Sentinel Prime gets blown apart before even firing a single shot as no one tries to kill Ironhide with an accelerated disease gun. War finally ends and there are no more casualties.
And that's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see back at Spargus. Transform and Roll Out!
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madcatdaderpydrawer-blog · 2 years ago
This does remind me of something I’ve been meaning to talk about. Honestly I’m still considering whether I want to do even have a timeline where the wiping thing happens, for two big reasons:
Ater everything tf moon put traveler through it feels like it would almost be robbing him of closure for him to just be reset. He’s still traumatized and in pain from everything he’s done, but being upset towards moon no longer feels justified because he can’t remember anything and he’d likely feel like he just has to suck it up and deal with moon to not be a bad person. He’d never get revenge, never actually get away from him in a sense because moon being reset means that traveler didn’t get away himself from others help or his own actions. The only reason things got better was because of something moon did. He had no influence, it had nothing to do with his growth, he just got lucky.
There’s also a issue with how it happens in canon, because tf moon is much different from canon moon. And considering how he treated lunar, someone who caused far less trouble for him then his killcode has, there’s no way in hell he’d sacrifice himself for killcode. It’s getting deleted no matter what it says because he doesn’t feel for things he considers as lower sentience to him, killcode included. The wiping only happens from him making the choice not to kill KC, which is a choice tf moon would not make.
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jd-arts319 · 5 years ago
Arietis was taking a stroll,getting off her work early,she decided she goes on a morning stroll since the day was beautiful,the air was fresh & the flowers sway softly by the breeze,however as she walks on a path.
She saw someone else strolling by......
(Arietis is another name she used....)
Rp?(you start first)
Starter for @charmnyxia
It was a lovely Saturday morning. A perfect time to walk around the forest after breakfast. Karai strolled along the path peacefully, greeting some morning creatures.
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I watched Detective Pikachu this week and I thought I would take a picture of my favorite Pokeplush with coffee.
Hope you're having a good morning!
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jd-arts319 · 5 years ago
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Obelisk showing her siblings,her two older brothers & one younger sister around cybertron
(tall)orpheus,2nd(tall)largo,& morgana
Morgana:wa~~~ isn't that Rosanna!?
Orpheus:well....at least they are enjoying themselves
Obelisk:*gives amused look*
Orpehus,largo,& morgana @me
Obelisk @eve-of-halloween
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