#tfp x dp
playedcrowd5610 · 2 months
Pit Stop - Transformers Danny Phantom Crossover
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Danny has just escaped the GiW and they are right on his tail, he decides to take refuge in a car in an abandoned parking lot. Little does he know, the car he is currently bleeding out in is a giant twenty-four-foot-tall mech from outer space who is now very concerned for Danny's health.
Or Smokescreen just wanted to go for a late-night drive, he didn't expect to adopt a human along the way.
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absolutely-esme · 8 months
Danny Phantom and Transformers Prime crossover where Danny meets Cliffjumper first
Most crossovers I've seen have Danny randomly ending up in Jasper for some reason and meeting the Autobots there. I'm surprised I haven't seen this angle.
Cliffjumper died on Earth (if that matters at all). Danny lives on top of a portal to the afterlife. Ghosts frequently come through for their own reasons. I think that if Ghost!Cliffjumper heard about a portal to Earth (where his comrades were still fighting), he'd go.
Danny and Cliffjumper might initially butt heads over a misunderstanding. Cliffjumper doesn't have malicious intent, but the TFP Autobots are clueless enough about humans at first that he might accidentally cause some problems while trying to figure out how to navigate Earth as a ghost.
Eventually, they'd come to an understanding. After all, they're both good guys and Danny would love to get to talk to an alien. Cliffjumper would hang out with Team Phantom for a bit. Cliffjumper would learn about Earth and ghosts from Team Phantom. Team Phantom would learn about combat skills from Cliffjumper. From there I can see it going one of two ways.
The US government is anti-ghost (see GIW) and the autobots are working with the government, so Cliffjumper has to stay out of sight while helping the Autobots behind the scenes (and slowly driving Starscream to a nervous breakdown). While he's doing this, he stays in touch with Team Phantom and occasionally helps them out because Cybertronians are social creatures and he needs to talk to people. It isn't until things get truly dire that Cliffjumper shows up with his new friends in tow.
Cliffjumper makes his way back to Jasper and has a tearful reunion with the Autobots. He doesn't tell them about Danny or Amity Park until Unicron awakens, and then he's like "I know exactly who to call for this," because fighting powerful death entities is Danny's thing.
Either way, once the GIW comes up, William Fowler will want some answers about "who in the name of the Red White and Blue is trying to start an interdimmensional war we can't possibly win while we're already dealing with the Decepticon situation?" He's going to tear somebody a new one over this if his higher ups don't beat him to it.
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wwcross · 1 year
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Just can't get rid of this idea
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daniphantommmm · 2 years
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Breakdown sees Dani as KO’s new pet and doesn’t particularly care at first but then he realized she is tiny, adorable, and will cheer for him when he punches Bulkhead in face.
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bluemoonwolf17 · 11 months
Lucifer damn! I have gone down a rabbit hole of DP x DC Au's, and no. I'm not mad about this! (OK, that's a tiny lie. I have three docs of TFP fandom that I need to finish) But anyway, I've had this idea, and yes, imma type it out since I have nothin' better to do anyway.
Also, this was loosely inspired by this amazin' writer Space-Dreams-World
And this is the thin' that inspired my dumbass to write Here!
Oh, and before I forget, I don't precisely remember how the comics go, so I'll probably just pull stuff outta my ass and call it a day (But hey, that's what Au's are for), but if it bothers you sorry, there's waaaay too much Batman lore and don't get me started on the Re-boots!
(I hope I didn't butcher your original idea too much, but I did say your writings loosely inspired this!)
Danny, after comin' out to his parents that he's Phantom, didn't go too hot, but hey! he has multiple plans! He just didn't want to use this one...After all, who wants to live in a new dimension? He's also glad that he waited until he turned twenty-one so that he could actually leave.
Thanks to Sam siphonin' money outta her parent's money for him for years and Tucker makin' a new identity for him, a bonus is that if he went to a different dimension, it still worked!
In the end, it's better than bein' on a table in the GIW labs after his Mom turned him to said government, But it's actually not that bad. He met a cool guy named Thomas Wayne, who is really chill (Also not bad-lookin). He's been In this world for probably three years now.
He met Thomas a couple of months after he dropped into this world and set up his new name, Daniel (Danny) Nightingale. He even met his wife, Martha Wayne, And he moved into their place two years ago after he had a break-in. And it's been goin' great at this point. He's probably bein' healed hostage by both Waynes and Alfred. He's cool with it, tho!
They were even cool with him bein' a half-ghost and the King of the infinite realms, and why they found out? It was Skulker's fault. I mean, come on, who comes in at dinner and claims that he wants your pelt on his wall...Oh, wait! Skullker did. Yeah, it wasn't fun explainin' that it's just how he greets Danny after all these years and that he just wanted to have a friendly spar.
Then, one day, the Waynes learned somethin' that broke Danny's heart. Martha and Thomas were havin' a hard time gettin' pregnant they later learned that it was because Thomas was infertile.
One day, Both Martha and Thomas asked him a favor. They asked if he would be okay with helpin' them get pregnant. He's not gonna lie. It was a shocker, but he understands that he does look like Thomas a bit, and people have even called them brothers.
It also helped him out when he told them that he didn't mind helpin' them out, and since they were on the topic, he said to them that he had a little crush on both of them. They both blushed red as a tomato and told him they felt the same. They didn't really understand how it worked.
Yes, he did explain that more than one person could be in a relationship that it was called Polyamory and that he has experience with it. He dated a girl and a guy simultaneously before leaving his universe, and it worked out in the end. He started to date both of the Waynes, and Martha got pregnant with a baby boy!
All three of them were over the moon with that news, and after baby Bruce was born, both Thomas and Martha decided that he was a Wayne now, so officially, he's now Danny Nightingale-Wayne, but to outsiders, he's still just Nightingale.
Even then, the only person who knows is Alfred. When Bruce was learnin' to talk and ended up callin' him Da, he told them he was fine just bein' Bruce's Godfather or uncle. That didn't go well, so Danny is Pa, and Thomas is Dad.
Bruce didn't understand why he couldn't call Danny Pa out in public or around friends until Danny sat him down and explained that it was a secret that he was his Pa and to the world, he was just his Godfather and if anyone knew that he's was his Pa it could be bad for the family.
After the talk, Danny somewhat made a game out of it that Bruce was a super secret spy and that it was his job to protect the family (I haven't really thought of this, but I thought it would be cute) And Bruce did keep it a secret until his Mom and Dad where killed.
Danny was supposed to go with them to the movies until the Observants demanded that he return to the infinite realms for a council meetin'. While Danny was tryin' not to freeze every observant in the room for bein' straight up annoyin', he heard Bruce scream for his Mom and Dad. He then listened to his pained hiccups for his Pa to come and help them.
Danny froze. The room he was in got much colder as his core demanded him to protect his son, and he was also cryin' for his lover's death. Ice shards spread out in the room, makin' the occupants yell out in shock at what their King had done. Danny then stood up, and with a protective/pained growl, he tore open a portal and went to his son, leavin' the room in chaos.
He couldn't stop the pained whimpers from his mouth when he got there. His son, his little Galaxy, was cryin' over his parent's bodies. Danny's brightest Nebulas, his lifeline after he left his old home, was dead. Without a second thought, Danny de-transformed and quickly grabbed Bruce and held him close.
Bruce quickly grabbed onto his Pa and bawled his eyes out, sayin' how he was sorry that he couldn't save them, how he tried to protect them, how his shield failed, and that he couldn't heal them as Danny taught him.
(I think Bruce, while not bein' as ghostly as Danny, still could do more than the average liminal could. He would have a small ghost core. So he could technically make shields, and I like to think that Danny learned how to push his rapid healin' onto others and started to teach Bruce when he started to show signs of bein' a bit ghostly)
Danny shushed him and told him that he tried his best and that was all that mattered while havin' tears drip down his face. That was how the police found the two Danny sittin' on his knees while huggin' the cryin' Bruce into his chest, tryin' to hide the poor boy from the world.
Most people did accuse Danny of killin' the two until Bruce screamed at them, sayin' that his Godfather loved his parents and that he would rather hurt himself than harm his parents. Alfred also spoke up, sayin' that Danny has never tried to harm the Waynes and even pushed them out of the way if anythin' harmful ever came close to the family.
They dropped the accusation a week later after the police did indeed find out that Danny was nowhere near the scene of the crime, that he was at the airport gettin' back from somewhere, and that the only reason why Danny found them was because Thomas sent him an SOS and their location. (He's grateful that Tucker taught him how to hack)
After everythin' calmed down and Danny had full custody of Bruce, he spent most of his time in the manor with Bruce and Alfred, only goin' to the realms if he absolutely had to, and he started to teach Bruce more about his ghostly side per Bruce's request.
Bruce took more to the sneaky part of the ghost side. Danny also suspected that Bruce might have a shadow core or somethin' related to darkness. Bruce did have fun. He Bruce would try and sneak up on his Pa and Alfred. Danny suspected Alfred knew when Bruce was around and tryin' to get a drop on him. It wouldn't surprise Danny if it were true.
Everythin' was as normal as could be...Until Bruce went missin', Danny almost destroyed the manor with ice. Alfred did manage to calm him down after a while. Danny was heartbroken that he couldn't find anythin' for him or Alfred, but he could tell that Bruce was fine.
About a week after Bruce disappeared, he had no choice but to go back to the infinite realms for short to long periods of time as the Obervents demanded since his son disappeared and since Danny knew that he was safe somewhere in the dimension.
Yeah, he wasn't really pleased with that demand, but then again, messin' with those floatin' eyeballs bastards is good, but messin' with them durin' a meetin'? Even better, and hey, at least he got his frustration out.
At this point, it was probably a good couple of years since Bruce disappeared, and he did have a lot of fun pissin' off the Observents durin' one of the Obervent's "informative" meetings when he felt a pull on his core. Oh? A summon? It's been ages since the last.
When he let himself get pulled toward his "summoner" (and probably pissin' off the eyeball bastards even more), he found himself in a room with a summonin' circle under him, one that he noted didn't bind him just summoned him. He looked around the room and noticed that it had windows that showed space.
Before he would let himself delve into one of his obsessions, he looked down and almost groaned out when he saw a blond man with a trench coat. Great...John Constantine, the man who sold his soul to every damn thin' in the infinite realms, has summoned him? Mann, he already has 75% of his soul.
Just as he was about to open his mouth to say somethin' whitty towards the man, he felt somethin'. He felt his core try and pull him towards somethin'. Danny moved his eyes from the blondie and saw somethin' black move more into the shadows.
Danny narrowed his eyes. That action was so familiar to Danny. He then raised his hand and snapped his finger, lightin' up the room he was in with green flames. He heard some alarmed shouts and a curse from the blondie, but he paid no attention to them. His eyes were on the man in the black cowl.
The man noticeably stiffened, and a sheepish smile spread on his face. What? It couldn't be. Danny floated down to the ground and walked over to the man. He could tell that the man was fidgetin' more the closer he got to him until Danny stood before him. The man was a bit shorter than him, but then again, he was 8 feet tall in this form and 7 feet in his human one.
He could feel the emotions comin' off of him: anxiety, family, and happiness. Danny felt his eyes whidden and a lump in his throat form it was! He felt water buildin' up in the corners of his eyes. He then spoke out two words he thought he might never hear again.
"Little Galaxy?" he crocked out. The man stiffened for a second, then relaxed. "Yeah, it's me, Pa," Bruse said with a smile, his voice crackin' a little. Oh, ancients! His son! he found his son, his little Galaxy.
Danny fell to his knees, grabbed Bruce, and hugged him just like he would when Bruce was younger. Bruce quickly wrapped his arms around Danny and curled into his chest.
"Oh, my little Galaxy! Where have you been!? And why in the realms would you just disappear like that! You gave me and Mister A a heart attack!" Danny scolded.
He could feel the guilt off of Bruce in waves. "I'm sorry, Pa, I just-" Danny sighed when Bruce couldn't finish his sentence. Danny understood he wanted to get revenge for his Mom and Dad. He truly understood. After all, he tried to find the person but never could finish findin' them before the council called on him.
Danny was about to speak before a throat clearin' got his attention. He looked over to the sound and saw a woman. By the looks of it, she was an Amazonian, and right next to her was a man with an S on his chest, a Kryptonian? They looked calm, but he could see the subtle way they held themselves. They were goin' to attack if they saw him as a threat.
Danny smiled. It seemed that Bruce got himself some good friends...? that's not the correct term, so he looked a bit closer at the two. He then promptly lost his shit. His laugh startled everyone. When he finally calmed down, he turned to his son, wiggled his eyebrows, and tilted his head towards the two somewhat behind him.
Bruce coughed into his fist, and Danny would bet that he was blushing from the tip of his ears down to his neck. Subtley nodded his head. Danny snorted, then stood up and brought Bruce to his side. Yeah, he's not lettin' his son go any time soon, thank you very much! "Ahem, please forgive my rudeness." Danny tilted his head down a bit towards the two.
Blondie decided to speak up. "What in the blood hell?" Danny snorted at the man. "Ah, again, forgive. I haven't seen this kid in a while," he said to the room.
Bruce coughed into his hand. Everyone turned their heads towards him, "Justice League, If I may, this is Phantom or, as I like to call him, Pa." Danny tried not to laugh. Bruce seemed a little troublemaker even though he was all grown up.
Everyone in the room froze until the Kryptonian spoke up. "Batman, what the hell? I thought that...." he questioned, then trailed off at the end. Danny snorted Batman? Oh, he's totally bringin' that up soon, but first...
Danny put a hand to his core and fanned hurt. "Oh, the pain! My son never told his friends about me? I'm betrayed!" he floated onto his back, playin' hurt.
The woman snorted into her hand, and Bruce groaned quietly. "Oh, this makes so much sense now," Constantine muttered. While still on his back, Danny raised an eyebrow and then looked toward Bruce. The Man subtly tilted his head to show that he also had no clue what the man in the trench coat meant.
"What is the supposed to mean, Constantine?" the Amazonian woman spoke to the man.
Blondie just sighed and took a flask out of his pocket and took a large gulp, then spoke, "I thought that you could tell Bats has more... Supernatural tendencies, so it makes sense if Bats grew up around the King of ghosts." he told the League "I'm just more curious how he met him" Constantine sighed.
"How he/I met him/me? We met when I/he was born!" Danny and Bruse spoke at once.
Constantine spat his drink out. "Wait, what!?... Y'know what, never mind, So KIng Phantom knew Bat's parents then when he was born became a liminal, " Constantine muttered. Danny then righted himself and wrapped his arm around Bruce once more.
"Actually, you're wrong, Galxay here is part ghost!" Danny informed the League with a Smile, Showin' too much inhuman teeth. After some silence, the woman spoke up. "If I may, what does that mean, your Highness?" she spoke calmly.
"Ah, please just call me Phantom! It also means that Galaxy is 3/4 Part ghost? Maybe a bit more? He does feel a bit different than the last time I saw him, but then again, his core was still growin'," he said, trailin’ off at the end.
Constantine threw his hands up in the air and then froze. He slowly looked at the two. "Wait...Bats, does that mean that Phantom is your Birth father?" Constantine asked with his hands twitchin' like they wanted to grab somethin'.
Every head turned towards Batman and Danny, and the two looked at each other and then at the Leauge, "Yes," they spoke as one. "HOW!?" most of the League shouted. Danny shrugged. "Eh, this was before I dated' both his parents. We learned his other Dad was infertile, and that was sort of the openin' that we needed to explain that we three liked each other. Ultimately, it worked out fine, so a win is a win!".
The League turned their heads to Batman and said the man nodded yes, that what came out of the ghost King's mouth was true.
That day, the Justice League was out of order and needed a proper reboot, and yes, Danny did indeed have the time of his un-dead life. Afterward, he even got to meet his son's lovers.
While the four were together, Danny brought up that poly and vigilantism must run in the family or somethin' so off-handedly that it had Clark and Diana laughin'. Bruce just grumbled at his Pa.
After that shit show of a reunion, Bruce took Danny back to the manor. He caught up with Alfred, and they made a plan that would remind Bruce that if he ever disappeared again and scared the shit out of them again, he was goin' to regret it. Bruce havin' no clue as to what they were talkin' about and frankly didn't want to know promised himself never to piss off his two parents again.
(Bruce still sees Alfred as a father figure. Danny did an excellent job bein' home every day, but sometimes the Observents won in their crusade.
They demanded that Danny be present in their meetings at least once a week, and of course, they could and would go on for days about their topic, even if it was a stupid one, just to keep him there.
And if some of them got put on ice just by suggestin' that he left his son to the mortals to be raised, it was no one's business but Danny's.)
Okay, so this was supposed to be a bit longer, and it would have Danny meetin' Dick and then later Jason, but I decided to split it in half-ish, and if the people want to see the rest of my crappy writin', then I might share it.
I also mainly wanted to get this out and see how it went cause I am very happy with how most of this turned out. I am also runnin' out of motivation so~ but hey, I hoped you liked it!
Part 2 to this shit show!
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gyancastle · 2 years
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Jazz and Jazz doing jazz hands. (DP x TFP)
Now the world is going to explode.
Many months ago I had the sketch of this drawing unfinished, and a week ago I decided to continue it. First I wanted to do the classic look of Jazz (Transformers) but then I decided to do his Transformers Prime version, even though I'm not very good at drawing robots. I had to look for many references to be able to do it, since in reality he does not have an official version in TFP.
 . . . . . . . . .
Jazz Y Jazz haciendo las manos de jazz.
ahora el mundo va a explotar.
Hace muchos meses que tenia el bosquejo de este dibujo sin terminar, y hace una semana decidí continuarlo. Primero quería hacer la apariencia clásica de Jazz (Transformers) pero luego decidí hacer su versión Transformers Prime, aunque no soy muy buena dibujando robots. Tuve que buscar muchas referencias para poder hacerlo, ya que en realidad él no tiene una versión oficial en TFP.
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veilofadyingstar · 7 years
HAAT Phase 2
Phase 2 is similar to 4 in a lot of ways, but instead of a pair of B2s and an airstrike after coming up from topple, the tank is a lot faster, and after topple ends, the tank gets to make two moves immediately. This phase requires that you keep an eye on that enrage timer and that, if you plan to topple as often as possible, that you’re not letting that tank get any extra turns in.
I’ll be going through the teams under the cut. For this particular phase, there’s an absurd number of compositions to choose from, so it’s gonna get long.
Note: Friendly reminder to check the other phases every once in a while, as I update them when new teams are discovered!
Master Post
IMPORTANT: The goal with each of these teams is to topple the tank as many times as possible so you can net massive DPS. Strategies will look very similar across teams as a result, since there’s not much difference in how to accomplish this phase.
These are the droids you’re looking for.
Team Composition: HK-47 (Lead), IG-88, IG-86, Jawa Engineer, Chief Nebit
Gear Level: X or XI.
Attacks and Abilities: No zetas required.
Mods: Crit Chance, Crit Damage, and Speed mods.
The Strategy: Soften up the guns so that you can take all three out in one swoop with an AOE (though keep an eye on the middle gun, which will deal massive damage to a single character) so you can topple the tank. Use Chief Nebit’s taunt while the tank is up, and call assists with him while the tank is toppled. Have Jawa Engineer using his special, Recalibrate, to gives both Jawas and Droids increased turn meter, as well as Critical Chance up. Jawa Engineer’s special, Patch Up, will be handy for if you lose a droid, since Jawa Engineer will revive a droid (albeit at 1% health).
Rebels meta for life.
Team Composition: Wedge Antilles (Lead), Biggs Darklighter, Lando Calrissian, Admiral Ackbar, Princess Leia
Gear Level: X or XI.
Attacks and Abilities: No zetas required. Omega all abilities, save for leader abilities for non-leaders.
Mods: Speed (on Biggs, Wedge, and Lando in particular), Crit Damage, and Crit Chance (mostly for Leia). For Ackbar, focus on Health and Tenacity.
The Strategy: Like the one above, just topple the tank as much as possible. Abuse Lando’s and Wedge’s AOE attacks to topple the tank. Cloak Leia to make the most use of her Crit Chance up. Ackbar is your healer and debuff dispeller, so keep him alive for as long as you can. When the tank is toppled, have Biggs use his special to call assists for massive damage.
Fear the power of the dark side.
Team Composition: Darth Vader (Lead), Darth Sidious, Tusken Shaman, Ewok Elder, Captain Phasma
Gear Level: IX minimum, X recommended.
Attacks and Abilities: Zeta both Darth Vader’s leader ability and Darth Sidious’s unique.
Mods: Explaining the mods for this will take too long, so here’s a visual guide made by the person who created this team comp. (x)
The Strategy: This strategy is all about inflicting debuffs. Darth Vader’s zeta ability makes it so the damage over time debuff never leaves the tank, which lets the number of debuffs on the tank stack like crazy (don’t be shocked if you start to lose frames because of the sheer number of debuffs on the screen). Sidious will also apply damage over time, as will Tusken Shaman. Ewok Elder is there for turn meter gain, and Phasma is there to inflict Speed Down and grant turn meter gain. Ewok Elder will also be able to handily revive a downed ally. Just keep stacking those debuffs and topple that tank. Continue stacking debuffs. On occasion, you may consider using Vader’s Culling Blade while the tank is toppled, making use of all those stacked debuffs, which will not go away after the attack. Keep stacking those debuffs, topple the tank, Culling Blade, then repeat once the tank gets up again.
There’s only six of them anyway, it’s not hard to guess who you’re going to use.
Team Composition: Finn (Lead), Rey, Poe Dameron, Resistance Pilot, Resistance Troopers
Gear Level: X or XI.
Attacks and Abilities: Zeta Finn’s leader ability, Omega Poe’s Taunt and his unique. Omega everyone else’s abilities and attacks.
Mods: Full Potency on Finn. Go for Potency mods that have a primary stat of Speed. Potency and Health mods for Poe--he’s your primary tank and has great synergy with Finn, so you’ll want him alive. Full Potency for Resistance Trooper with primary stat of Speed or Potency; this toon will be your fastest. Health, Crit Chance, and Potency for Resistance Pilot, with a focus on potency and crit chance. Crit Chance and Crit Damage for Rey. Look for mods with a lot of offense and speed on them.
The Strategy: Use Finn’s Hold Down the Line to dispel debuffs when appropriate. You’ll need Finn to be exposing the tank almost constantly as well, since Resistance characters deal bonus damage to exposed enemies. All these exposes on the tank will give turn meter bonuses to Resistance Trooper, who will be attacking frequently as a result (he is also the only character that triggers expose with his basic). Resistance Pilot will also be getting a lot of turn meter bonus from her unique (turn meter bonus for critical hits), and she ALSO has the ability to expose the tank. Use exposes on the turrets so you can destroy them faster in order to topple the tank. Be using Poe’s Taunt to expose the tank, and use Rey’s specials to deal massive damage. Finn’s leader ability will grant allies foresight when expose ends--and expose will be getting reapplied constantly, which creates a pretty sweet loop of turn meter gain for Resistance Trooper.
Named for the four zeta abilities you’re going to need.
Team Composition: Captain Phasma (Lead), Kylo Ren, First Order Officer, First Order Stormtrooper, First Order TIE Pilot
Gear Level: Minimum of IX.
Attacks and Abilities: Phasma, Kylo Ren, FO Stormtrooper, and FO TFP need to be zeta’d.
Mods: Crit Chance and Crit Damage for TFP to maximize his chances of getting a Critical Hit. Focus on Health and Protection for FO Stormtrooper. Give everyone else Speed and Potency, and try to get speed secondaries for TFP and Stormtrooper, as the FO team is a fairly slow team.
The Strategy: Use FO Officer’s Marching Orders on Kylo to give him turn meter. Use Kylo’s Lash Out to give the rest of the team turn meter. After that, use Marching Orders on FO TIE Fighter Pilot and use his basic. Don’t bother with his specials, as his basic is his most powerful attack. Keep using Lash Out for Kylo, as this attack will keep giving the entire team increased turn meter, including Kylo himself. Use Phasma’s Victory March to give the team Advantage, which will allow TFP to use his ability Double Tap, ensuring two attacks. Getting a Critical Hit with TFP will refresh his Advantage for 2 turns, so he’ll constantly be double tapping the tank. 
Use Stormtrooper’s Taunt primarily for turn meter gain, though balance it out so that you don’t get him killed too quickly, since if he dies, you can’t make use of his zeta ability anymore, which allows for possible extra assists (stacking well with Phasma’s leader ability, which has a chance to call an assist). Her basic also inflicts Defense Down, which is useful for extra damage. First Order characters are fairly slow, so use her Fusillade to inflict Speed Down frequently. Toppling the tank gives you Morale from the First Order Officer, which lets the team ignore defense on the tank, allowing for a lot of damage. Continue toppling the tank to stack Morale (1, 2, 3). Like the other strategies, topple the tank as much as possible.
The clones aren’t about to let their general down.
Team Composition: Commander Cody (Lead), Echo, Fives, Clone Sergeant, Jawa Scavenger
Gear Level: Minimum of X.
Attacks and Abilities: Have Cody’s ability, Ghost Company Commander, zeta’d. Fives’s unique must also be zeta’d.
Mods: For Cody, ALL OF THE SPEED MODS. In fact, all your clones need to be fast, but especially Cody, so that you can keep calling in the 212th Attack and calling all those assists. Give the other clones Crit Chance and Crit Damage to increase your DPS and call more Critical Hits to reset Cody’s 212 Attack. Jawa Scavenger will need Speed and Health mods, as well as some Tenacity--if you can get Health as a primary statistic on a non-health mod, go for that instead.
The Strategy: Topple the tank as often as you can. Jawa Scavenger and Echo both automatically call an assist from someone when using their Basics, so use those often. You’ll want to use Cody’s 212th Attack as much as possible--the cooldown for the attack decreases by 1 for every critical hit scored by an ally. The tank will have full turn meter once its topple ends, so prepare to take some damage. The goal is to topple the tank before it can attack again. When the tank is toppled, hit it with 212th attack and your basics. Keep this going until the tank enrages.
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playedcrowd5610 · 1 month
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Starscream runs into a human on a mission and can’t seem to get rid of this pest no matter how hard he tries. He shoots him, throws him, and blows him up. Yet he keeps coming back! Now the brat has decided that harassing Starscream is his new passion project. And maybe the Decepticon air commander doesn’t mind it as much as he lets on.
Or Danny accidentally comes across a huge alien mech trying to steal from an observatory and decides that he has nothing better to do than haunt this guy and all his alien friends back on his warship. Danny needed a place to crash anyway.
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