#tfp bulkhead in tfa
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ofskysanddragonsandstars · 9 months ago
Just another TFA x TFP crossover idea...
I know almost every long lasting transformers fan has done this, but here is my hot take.
So we know TFA takes place in the 2050s, and TFP fans assume TFP takes place in the 2010s when it was released. So instead of alternate dimensions, what about futuristic AU/reincarnation AU? Granted a LOT of the characters are different, so adjustments are going to have to be made, so bare with me.
part 2 part 3
Let's start with the war.
TFP ends with Optimus Prime sacrificing himself so that Cybertron can produce life with the Allspark, and with the Allspark returned, Cybertron is habitable again, and Megatron leaves, thus ending the war, which I will now refer to as the Great War. It is up to Team Prime to start rebuilding Cybertron. And naturally, they look to Ultra Magnus.
As bots return to Cybertron, both Autobot and Decepticon have a lot of animosity towards each other. Afterall, this war lasted centuries. But with one leader dead and the other AWOL, they have to figure out how to coexist. But it is easy to fall back on old habits, so a council is but back in place, and unfortunately, it is most autobots. Once the decepticons heard that Megatron is still alive but off world, some decide to leave and find him. Some decide to remain and try to fix Cybertron for the better. So the council promotes mostly Autobots to positions of power, thus leaving out bigger decepticons starting the warframe fear. As for the protoforms, the council creates molds for new sparks, thinking hey, the war is over, why do we need fighters? We need bots who can fix things (construction), laborers, teachers, and so Cybertron starts to use the frase "cogs in the machine". Oops, here comes functionalism.
But those closest to Optimus Prime? The ones who fought with him and followed him because of what he stood for? The ones who were put on a pedestal for their actions on earth with Prime even though they don't care for any recognition? They notice it immediately. And they hate what Cybertron is becoming. But it is hard to do anything since they just finished a war. Rebuilding is at the top of the list, not idealism. But wasn't that what the whole war was about? Rising above your station, having opportunities, abolish the caste system, and no bot is better than the other. Well, Primus has a plan for that. Primus is frustrated with their children. They keep making the same mistakes, forcing them to choose a Prime. And their last Prime had to sacrifice his life for Primus and all Cybertronians. Well, if the children want to redo their past mistakes, might as well send back their latest Prime. But Primus and the Allspark can only create sparklings, not full bots. So, Primus and the Allspark places the spark of Optimus Prime in a protoform sparkling. We will get to that later.
So, we have a Cybertron that is rebuilding back its bad habits, Team Prime struggling to stop it, and decepticons leaving (of course that will come back to haunt us).
Now onto the Autobots.
Ultra Magnus, the right hand man of Optimus Prime, is naturally looked at for leadership. But he never wanted to the # 1. He truly believes in the ideas of Orion Pax, before he was Optimus Prime. But his understanding of legality and chain of command make him the perfect candidate to lead Cybertron towards order. But after his time on Earth, he has learned that maybe the most strict policies are not the best solutions. However, the council insists and public pressure wants a strong leader, so how can he say no? The only thing he can do is refuse the title of Primacy. He will not take on that mantle. He knows the type of bot who deserves Primehood, and it is not him. But the council needs some title, so why not use his name? Magnus means "big, large, great" - nomitive conjugation - (Latin nerd, I know), so why not use his name as a title? Thus, the title of Magnu begins to be synonymous with "ruler". Ultra Magnus finds this to be a slap in the faceplates. But at least they stopped inisting on Prime. So, with great reluctance (please laugh at that joke) he accepts the position. As to what exactly his position means, well, the council wants to appease the public yet remain in control. The council will surely write up the specifics later. But, I mentioned it before, Ultra Magnus knows the Law, so he takes it into his own servos. He writes up his own limitations and abilities, he just needs the council to sign off. They don't hurry to sign it. This is the beginning of Ultra Magnus' problems.
Ratchet will probably be the easiest to crossover. Both TFA and TFP characterize him as an old medic that has fought in the war from the beginning. After Predacons Rising, he shuffles back and forth from Earth and Cybertron. But Earth hasn't faced decepticon attacks in years so Fowler isn't around much anymore (and the man had a long career in the Army and as a special agent - it's time for him to retire), the Earth kids eventually grow up, so they don't need him anymore. As much as it pains him (even though he will never admit it), he returns back to Cybertron for good and sets up a clinic for war vets. Probably with Knockout. Which many autobots don't like. That's a problem. But as the oldest friend of Orion Pax, he lashes out against the council and their policies, which unfortunately causes him to be blacklisted further. His reputation as a war hero plummets. He almost wants to laugh at the similarities from before the Great War.
Bumblebee is going to be the hardest. In TFP, he has a character arc of young scout to experienced warrior. Yet in TFA, he is a young Elite Guard wash out and a comedic. Well, the only answer I can currently think of is memory wipe. But let me backtrack. Bumblebee technically killed Megatron in TFP, and news of that travels across autobot channels before Predacons Rising, thus before Unicron revives Megatron. So, autobots that begin to return to Cybertron consider Bumblebee as the hero who ended the Great War. But Ultra Magnus is orderly, so he keeps the autobot channel updated with Megatron being revived but AWOL. But communication can be tricky galaxies apart, so some autobots don't get the full message. Unfortunately, the council capitalizes on that, and since Ultra Magnus won't accept Primehood, maybe the scout who served under Optimus Prime for so long will. And if Bumblebee accepts the council's wishes, perhaps he will remain under their watchful optics. But the new warrior looked up to Optimus, no way can he take his mentor/father-figure's place. And Smokescreen is Bumblebee's friend, one who turned down the Matrix of Leadership when it was freely offered. This angers the council. With functionalism getting in place yet Team Prime against it, they need someone from Team Prime to endorse functionalism. And what better bot than the scout who ended the war. With using a similar science from the cortical psychic patch, they wipe his memory of earth, his friends, and serving with Optimus Prime. How do they get that science? Well, TFA Shockwave was the spy Longarm in the council. More on that later. There is going to be a lot of repercussions for that.
Smokescreen is the new rebellious teenager in TFP. His character arc goes from hot head that is unsure of his place in the galaxy to a steady bot with a close friendship with Bumblebee. There is a foil with Alpha Trion both being a mentor to Orion Pax and Smokescreen and both working in the Archives. And Cybertron needs to remember its history. Smokescreen becomes the new Head Archivist, following after Alpha Trion. He could keep with the Elite Guard, perhaps one day truly becoming a Prime, but after Predacons Rising, he knows that there needs to be another path. And who else knows the Archives better than him? He is no Orion Pax - or an archivist - but watching over Alpha Trion makes a mech learn a thing or two. Surprising everyone but Bumblebee, he starts to rebuild the Archives. He takes reports from returning bots, both autobot and decepticon, and organizes it. Returning bots also bring recovered treasures that Alpha Trion shipped off world during the Great War. Thankfully, he remembers where they went. He gets so caught up in restoring the Archives that, like Orion Pax, he notices re-occurring problems from before the Great War, but it is too late to stop it. The best thing he can do is publish every document to a public platform, no matter which faction it came from, so that bots can resist the council. But the public is tired from the Great War, it is too soon to read documents about it. And Sparklings are shielded from those documents, caretakers claiming it is too violent. But what is violent about a critical analysis of the caste system written by a gladiator? Exactly the fact that it was written by a gladiator turned tyrant. He is threatened with removal of his position by the council. Afterall, they happen to like their elite status and have no interest in giving that up. And he knows that if he is removed, the council will fill his position with a bot that will promote council propaganda. The honorific of Prime is no longer so significant nor synonymous with Primus and the 13 due to the council trying to justify Ultra Magnus as the leader, even though he is under their thumbs, and wanting to keep authoritarian government, bestowing bots who graduate council specific requirements at an academy the title of Prime, and it frustrates Smokescreen. He considers it a disgrace to Optimus Prime. But he stays quiet, yet secretly, when he sees a young bot interested in the Great War and before, he shows them the truth. Slowly yet surely, young bots start to question what the Great War was even for.
Arcee TFP and TFA actually have a lot in common for backgrounds. In TFA, she was a teacher and an intelligence officer, and in TFP episode "Sick Minds" she makes an offhand comment about knowing how to do research. I headcanon that before the Great War, Arcee was in an analytical job, and since I'm crossing over with TFA, she could also at one point have been a teacher. Perhaps the equivalent of a grad student while teaching? With rebuilding Cybertron, she brings back those skills and starts some sort of intelligence organization. Perhaps it is in correspondence with Smokescreen and the Archive. She is also a great mentor to Smokescreen and she easily takes leadership role in the field when necessary. Arcee is the one who finds out Bee's memory gets wiped. She is quick to anger - as we see in her interactions with Starscream and Arachnid - and demands the council to return Bumblebee's memories. This does not go as planned, and the council retaliates and she goes into a comatose state, bringing us into TFA. But she has friends, and they notice her absence.
This brings in the Wreckers. With Cybertron going backwards, Bulkhead returns to construction. At first, he doesn't mind. Afterall, he has the knowledge for it, and in Predacons Rising, he currently is all they have. Unfortunately, this comes to haunt him as it allows the council to make a case for functionalism. All that fighting, wasted. Bulkhead never gets the chance to be something new. Until Wheeljack reaches out. With his knowledge in engineering, Wheeljack becomes the chief engineer on cybertron. Meaning that he is in charge of building space bridges, figuring out planetary weapons systems, communication technology, space travel, ect. Meaning, he figures out what happened to Arcee. And Project Omega. Wheeljack has learned that going solo isn't always the best move. But he keeps things Wrecker style. Since he knows the council listens in on his new communication network, he reaches out to Bulkhead and Ultra Magnus on the old Wrecker channel. It is time to bring the band back together. Or so they think. The rescue mission of Arcee fails, Bulkhead's memory is also wiped, and Ultra Magnus forced into a deeper corner of the council. They try to wipe Wheeljack's memory, but he is the chief engineer who suffered torture under a cortical psychic patch, he is able to retain his memories, but hides that fact. Even Ultra Magnus thinks his memory has been wiped. Wheeljack keeps a low radar with the council and remains the chief engineer. But he is rebellious, so he informs Ratchet.
So, to sum up our main characters: 2 have lost their memory, 1 is comatose, 2 are in political peril, 1 is undercover, 1 is disgraced, and 1 is dead.
Now we get to the plot of this AU.
Ratchet is disgraced by the council and autobots don't like that he works with a decepticon, former or not. His ability to do anything is greatly hindered. But he is still a medic with a valid practicing license and naturally, Sparklings need check ups. Enter the revival AU. Ratchet never thought his deceased friend and leader would ever return, but science is indisputable and he is very good at medicine and he patched up the Prime hundreds of times. He knows Optimus' spark signature when he sees it. How is it possible? Well, Ratchet never considered himself religious, but after battling Unicron and seeing a revived Megatron, perhaps religion has some merit. And Spark signatures are unique to individuals. There are no accounts of repeat spark signatures. The only logical explanation is this is the work of Primus. But Ratchet has no love of the council, so with the help of Knockout, they meet with Ultra Magnus secretly. So, only those 3 know Optimus has returned. But he is only a sparkling, and hasn't Optimus sacrificed enough? So, Optimus is returned to his caretaker to live a life free of his past hardship. Like Optimus Prime said before he entered the Well, it is up to them to rebuild Cybertron for the better. If only they could do some serious changes.
So, little Optimus grows up in a Cybertron rebuilding and no one talking about the Great War. All he has is the propaganda the council gives out. So why would he need to go to the Archives to learn? He has his teachers and he knows his function will be to put out fires or haul things due to his size, even though a part of him desires to be an Elite Guard. He eventually joins the academy and here we have TFA fully kick in. He befriends Elita-1 and Sentinel the same, catches the attention of Ultra Magnus the same way (or so he thinks. The mech is the leader of Cybertron, of course he has his ways to keep tabs on the former Prime) gets kicked out after losing Elita-1 (or so he thinks - Ultra Magnus wants him away from the council, so kicking him out was the best he could do), yet Ultra Magnus, with the help of Wheeljack, pulls a few strings to get Optimus' crew. Team Prime is almost back together. Afterall, it's not like the council wants Ratchet on the planet, and how would they know it is the very same Optimus?
The TFA plot mainly stays the same, except the Allspark is a little different. Here, the Allspark was supposedly returned to the Well. How it gets into space, I am still working that out. I might have to bring in TFA lore for this, intertwining it with the return of the decepticons and Megatron. But Ratchet has a fit when they find it ("Optimus sacrificed his life so that relic would return to the Well! And this is the thanks he gets?) he almost is glad when it gets shattered into pieces. But the Allspark also terrifies him after seeing his friend give his life for it. Ratchet does his best to keep Optimus away from the Allspark, even though Primus seems to find a way for Optimus to keep interacting with it.
Now this is getting long, so I'm going to end it here. But there is still a lot more to cover in this AU! Specifically the Decepticons. And how does Bumblebee and Bulkhead get their memories back? Wheeljack? Does Ultra Magnus tell Wheeljack of Optimus' true identity when he helps put his crew together on Teletran-1? How does Ultra Magnus change from being a kind SIC to the strict military leader of Cybertron? Does he get redeemed? Or is he the example of a tragic tale of political bargaining? What happens to Smokescreen? Do the TFP kids meet Sari Sumdac? Do they meet the autobots in Detroit, or does Ratchet warn them to keep their distance? What changes happen with Sentinel's and Optimus' friendship once his former life is revealed? When happens when Optimus learns the truth?
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mouseycometz · 3 months ago
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An old meme I accidentally deleted, now I wanna share it again.
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1244950 · 4 months ago
I think what would shock both TFP! OP and Bay! OP would be finding out how powerful TFA! OP is. He's the size of Bumblebee and managed to take down Megatron on their first meeting, while the other two spent centuries fighting him with only Bay! OP killing him very recently.
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klaudia96art · 8 months ago
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Pride mermaid 2024 Autobots 🏳️‍🌈😘❤️
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transformers-spike · 21 days ago
(Not a request)
I’ve been like honestly thinking, what would certain bots call their little human partners? Like I could imagine TFA megs being “my darling” but like at the same time I don’t. Just a random ramble I hope you could help me out here bc it’s been on my mind for a while🥲
I've been discussing this question with @drunkeninlovesailor this morning and we've brainstormed a bunch - so keep in mind we've also come up with a bit of extra worldbuilding (since we don't always vibe with official sources) Honestly, it depends on how well a bot is acquainted with/willing to use human terms. TFA Megatron for example would only use "my darling" if he knows it terribly flusters the human. He obviously looks down on humanity (and this includes everyone but his human - whom he still looks down upon to a degree but shhhhh). If his planet's terms don't have the same impact, then "darling" it is. But if he were to use a Cybertronian term, he would go for "my spark" (meaning "person I cannot live without"). TFP Megatron always goes for something that's a thin line between affectionate and demeaning. Things like "little one" where you're really questioning if he views you as someone he loves or a glorified pet. To be fair he's weird with everyone - any affection he has is mixed with murderous intent. TFP Optimus would call you something that shows his respect and appreciation for you. Not big on nicknames, but I'm sure you can get him to adopt something - be it Cybertronian or human lingo TFP Bulkhead and Breakdown are well-acquainted with human media (thanks to Miko and Knock Out) - but the nicknames they choose are either obscure references or sickeningly sweet to a point it gets ridiculous. Are they aware of this? Mostly Bulkhead - Breakdown would call you cotton candy with a straight face because it's sweet so it must be affectionate, right? TFP Ratchet would refer to you as his associate and later friend until he finally figures out his feelings and admits to himself he's been pining for so long it's starting to take a toll on him. Then he'll start calling his human "my spark" in private, because he's old as balls. But also "sweetspark" if he's feeling playful. Although he's willing to adopt some human terms as well and lovingly mock you by using the most grotesquely cute nicknames when you're alone. TFP Starscream? Absolute disaster. He tries so hard but he's too self-aware about how weird it sounds to call you anything affectionate. Usually everything he uses sounds demeaning even if he starts them with "my" - ie: my fleshbag. Unless you're in private and he's feeling particularly generous, at which point he's going to see if he can use some of the human lingo he learned while scouring the internet. He's testing them out to see which ones work - this can either make or break your boner. He's trying to seduce you not call you his "honey bear" TFP Smokescreen is a virgin who's never been with anyone before (you can pry this headcanon from my cold dead hands) so he's navigating the land of pet names with even less experience. Don't let him use the internet though because he'll probably end up calling you his bitch and see nothing wrong with that. Cybertronian terms tend to be easier. He says sweetspark and acts smooth to impress you, but all it takes is a sultry voice and his entire system needs to reboot. TFP Knock Out has a good grip of human lingo and is the best at mixing human and Cybertronian nicknames. He can easily switch between sweetspark and love - my spark and darling. Heck if he wants to be a smug bitch he'll call you kid/kiddo by saying Newspark.
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I need all the Transformers fans to answer this question
What would you think a stereotype for a Cybertronian would be? Like
Do other aliens stereotype them? And if they did what would it be?
What about slurs? Is that even possible? It's something that keeps me up at night
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tigressaofkanjis · 1 year ago
My biggest pet peeve in Transformers media and fanfiction sometimes is that Transformers aren't treated as aliens. They are referred to as aliens, they obviously are aliens, but they never feel like they are aliens because they are always written or seen as having all human mannerisms or features usually. Human posture, human noses, human mannerisms, humanoids...
What about TFA's cat noses or TFP's helm noses? One of the reasons I think those two shows have peak designs is because they have this lack of uncanniness to humans design wise. I'm not looking at a human being as a robot, I'm looking at an alien robot, ones that have claws, ones that have different body types that blend with their vehicle modes, ones with horrific mutilations and designs impossible by human standards. I love seeing that type of stuff in Transformers because to me, it makes them feel alien without completely changing the premises of similarities to where we can't compare their culture or likeness to humans. The films (mostly 1 and 2) showed off this as well.
Another thing I really would like to see in Transformers media is non-human interactive qualities. What do I mean by that? One thing I've noticed is aside from techno-organic species, regular Cybertronians do have a few qualities found in animals. Engine humming I believe was once used as a form of purring in the films and in some of the cartoons. Humans can't purr; cats can, and that small detail is always interesting to come across because it's like "wow, they have this feature that shows off a trait found in Cybertronians. That is so cool." You have them with multiple voice boxes for mechanical, natural, and human-like tones which is also an animal trait. Bumblebee is self-explanatory in most universes being able to still make sounds yet not talk. They have sensors across their body that don't act like the basic human receptors. Most animals can do more than just feel through certain points of their bodies. They can taste, smell, or even hear a hundred times better than a human being throughout various body parts, and Transformers have been hinted to have this ability too, especially through their servos. It's stuff like this that expands upon their existence as aliens.
They have extreme durability, their body morphs to extremes and can also double as a moving weapon (most obvious of course), some of them can make ungodly roars and creature-like noises to warn or show their threatening demeanor (Megatron's dinosaur-like growling), some can have two rows of teeth (a flat base in front and fangs hidden behind), and some of them have mimicking animal-like features (Starscream's bird-shaped feet with visible expansion the same as organic foot padding with similar distributive weight physics in a few universes) despite having no beast mode. There's probably more I can't think of on the top of my head in canon, but all those things are not heavily used as they should be to make them feel alien. They can still hold some relation to the humans they interact with, but I think a lot of Transformers are more than just metal "humans", you know?
Depending on the universe in fanfiction and who you encounter who writes it or not, you have several things that are always cool to see. They have to sparkbond (merging of hearts) above everything else to create a sparkling's life force with interface as just the extra for physical coding features. I've seen people use the non-canon heat cycles which are, of course, our fandom way of making a type of breeding euphemism akin to an animal's cycle. You have the common phrasing of nuzzling, heightened senses, armor and certain parts of the helm acting like fur or ears where it raises and flattens per their mood, and some Transformers have limb dissonance where if necessary, they can convert between bipedal and quadrupedal stances (best example is Bulkhead and Lugnut from TFA who have long arms but short legs and they have the bulky structure where they could possibly run like an animal briefly and the physics of it would work).
So, you have all these different things a common Cybertron most likely would be able to do or have but a human couldn't, and it's never utilized to their full potential. I would like to see people address the nature of Cybertronians as alien and not be afraid to make them alien. I think that's the biggest flaw in our franchise is that everyone is scared of making the Transformers not the humanoid "norm" and getting ridiculed for it. Like, they're aliens, you can make them act however animal-like or completely batshit insane as you want them. You can give them powers, animal-based senses, and behaviors hidden among a human thought process. And technically, you wouldn't be wrong to what they could be as a living creature in the universe by doing so. They aren't humans; they look humanoid, but they aren't us. Why should they have to be in every regard?
Thank you for reading my TED Talk.
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lolathepeacocklord · 1 year ago
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Why does breakdown have hooves gang who told him to get like that
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cheesarbles · 8 months ago
Ah. I really don’t post art a lot do I…
Here’s some silo doodles
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I think silo and bumblebee would be great friends (not a ship)
Here’s a few tfa things, as well as some shockwave and starscream drawings because I was giving them swaggy designs
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And finally, as a birthday gift and partially part of an art trade, here’s a transformers sona I had made for my buddy @atlattacus this was fun to do
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That’s about all I have
I’m going to make a large comp of all my transformers refs here soon.
Oh hey btw if there’s a transformer, specifically from g1 or animated or prime that’d you’d like to see in my style, go nuts and leave a request in my ask box.
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wing-locked · 1 year ago
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☕️ Tfp Bulkhead & Tfa Bulkhead
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therealbrya · 6 months ago
learning to draw wheeljack is fun
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I love wheeljack !!!!!!
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in1-nutshell · 1 year ago
Hello again so how about old Predacon buddy accidentally gets teleported to the transformers animated universe how would the Autobots react (you can include the elite guard if you want) predacon buddy Will most likely just want to adopt all of optimus's team now I'm just imagining Predacon buddy Just having a cuddle pile with the transformers animated Autobots and that is absolutely adorable =]
Buddy is too old for this... time to travel again!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon meeting Team Prime
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy is really starting to get tired of being launched from mystic portals.
They were going to start carrying the Apex armor to soften their landing if they needed to.
Buddy landed near some docks in the middle of the day.
This place terrified Buddy.
Everything was way too small here!
Buddy quickly looked around the area, still everything was way smaller than what they would have liked it to be.
Buddy looking around.
“Hmm… this is usually the part where I meet some human or bot—”--Buddy
“There it is.”--Buddy
Buddy looks down to see a tiny human girl.
“You’re really big!”
“That I am little one.”--Buddy
Buddy tucks in their wings and tail more to avoid touching or potentially knocking over something.
The human girl looks at Buddy a bit intensely.
“Are you an Autobot or Decepticon?”
“An Autobot, specifically a Predacon.”--Buddy
“What’s a Predacon?”
“Not important right now. What is you name?”--Buddy
“I’m Sari.”--Sari
“Sari? Now that’s a name I haven’t heard before. I’m Buddy.”--Buddy
Sari raising her eyebrow.
Buddy venting a bit.
“I know, I know the name doesn’t fit with how I look. But I have been told it matches my personality well.”--Buddy
Sari moves closer to Buddy, while they just freeze.
“I’m not going to hurt you.”--Sari
“I know, it’s just that I don’t want to accidentally hurt you. I’m not exactly known for being very careful with many fragile things.”--Buddy
Sari pats Buddy’s claws.
“You would get along with my friend Bulkhead.”--Sari
Buddy perks up.
“Bulkhead? Oh, this is great!”--Buddy
“You know Bulkhead?”--Sari
“I know his alternative. He is a good friend of mine.”--Buddy
“I’m from another dimension. Don’t ask me how, truthfully, I don’t know either.”--Buddy
“That’s so cool!”--Sari
“Buddy bowing their helm to Sari’s level.
“Could you help me find Bulkhead? He might be able to help me get home.”--Buddy
Sari is already climbing on Buddy’s helm.
Buddy slowly lifts their helm.
“Keep walking straight, the Plant will show up soon on the left.”--Sari
Buddy begins walking down the docks heading through some of the back streets.
“I’m sure Bulkhead can help! He is a spacebridge technician.”--Sari
“I’m sorry he’s a what?”--Buddy
They arrived to a seemingly abandoned power Plant after a couple of minutes and stops on the way.
Buddy wasn’t sure they could get used to humans minding their own business.
Sure, there were the ones that stared at them and others making comments here and there.
But there was no mass hysteria or riots.
The only yelling Buddy had was when they nearly stepped on a trash bin that was placed too close to the road.
Sari told Buddy to wait outside while she brought out the Team. Not like Buddy could enter either way.
Everything was still a bit too small for their liking anyways.
Buddy nearly fainted on the spot when they saw how small the Autobots were.
“Sari, can you repeat what you just said? What do you mean ‘another dimension dragon bot needs Bulkhead’s help’?”--Prowl
“Yeah, Buddy needs help getting back home.”--Sari
Bumblebee skating backwards to the door.
“Please! I bet this dragon—”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee hits a solid wall.
He pats the back feeling a solid wall of metal.
A shadow looms over him as he slowly looks up.
He looks up to see a giant metal dragon’s face.
Bumblebee quickly runs back to his team who is just equally terrified at this giant.
Sari calmly walks over to Buddy.
“Buddy, this is the team.! Guys this is Buddy!”--Sari
“Sari… I think you failed to tell us how GIANORMOUS the dragon was!”--Bumblebee
“Why is everyone here so small!”--Buddy
“We aren’t small! Your just huge!”--Bulkhead
Buddy quickly shakes their helm.
“My apologies. Its…it’s been a tough day. Being in a whole new reality again.”--Buddy
“What do you mean again?”--Ratchet
“This happens a lot more than you think. But right now, I’m just trying to figure out a way home.”--Buddy
Optimus taking a step forward holding his servo out.
“We’ll help you in any way we can.”--Optimus
Buddy raises a digit and lightly shakes the Primes servo.
“Thank you Prime.”--Buddy
It took some getting used to with Buddy being around.
For one, Buddy couldn’t fit in the plant entirely.
Buddy did find out that if they stayed low to the ground, they could at least get most of their frame in without getting stuck in the doors.
Buddy became very protective of the team the longer they stayed.
Especially seeing the stark size difference between them and the Decepticons.
Buddy was sure they scared Starscream into the afterlife after sneezing.
Optimus found himself looking for Buddy sometimes when things were starting to get to him.
He didn’t want to admit them, but he felt comfortable enough around Buddy to talk.
Ratchet and Buddy did have their old bot talks from time to time.
Ratchet is convinced he is older than Buddy, for a short time.
Bumblebee and Sari constantly give Buddy mini spark attacks when they decide to do some sort of shenanigans.
The puppy eyes worked… for a bit.
Buddy and Bulkhead sometimes make art together.
Buddy is quick to shut down anyone’s mean comments about Bulkhead’s art.
Prowl and Buddy sometimes go out for walks in the park. Buddy took him flying one time.
One time.
Sari was close to using her key on him from the fright he had when he nearly fell off, which was his fault for trying to stand up while Buddy was still ascending at such a fast pace.
Ratchet had the car batteries ready in case Buddy was going to have a spark attack.
Optimus walking into the main room to see Buddy sleeping with their wings acting like a blanket.
Optimus looks around but sees no one.
“In here!”--Bulkhead
Optimus quietly goes by Buddy and lifts their wing the best he could.
All of his team is trapped by Buddy’s heavy limbs.
“What took you so long. Help a mech out!”--Bumblebee
“All right, all right just let me—Woah!”--Optimus
Buddy reaches out quickly and traps the small Prime in their grasp.
He struggles a bit but Buddy only slightly tightens their grip.
“Don’t even try, they’ll just tighten their grip.”—Ratchet
“How long have you guys been in here?”--Optimus
“In total… about an hour.”--Sari
“They nap for about three hours. Get comfy.”--Ratchet
Buddy was ready to throw servo with Sentinel after the rude comments he said to Prime.
Buddy standing straighter with wings opened and lightly draped over team prime.
“I highly recommend you stop this rude behavior Sentinel.”--Buddy
“That Sentinel Prime to you freak.”--Sentinel
Jazz and the Jettwins moving towards Buddy’s side.
“Sentinel I don’t think—”--Jazz
“Shut it Jazz! This is between me and the freak!”--Sentinel
Buddy readjusts their wings so they now also cover Jazz and the Jettwins.
“You have five seconds to apologize before I hunt you down.”--Buddy
“You can’t do that I’m a Prime.”--Sentinel
“You will respect your superior!”--Sentinel
“4. Not my world, not my Prime. 3”--Buddy
“Sentinel… I think you should run—”--Optimus
Sentinel already barricading himself in his office.
“That was fun! Never seen Sentinel run that fast.”--Jazz
“Let me know when he’s acting out again. I’ll set him straight, even show off some of my moves from back in the pits.”--Buddy
“Excuse me the what?!”--Ratchet
A week later a portal had shown up at the Plant’s entrance.
Buddy knew it was their time to go.
After some tight hugs and teary good-byes Buddy walked into the portal.
The base was quiet today.
Maybe everyone was out on patrol again.
“I’m back!”--Buddy
Miko looking from her spot on the couch.
“It happened again?”--Miko
Buddy settling down next to her.
“We should get a tracker on you the next time you leave.”--Miko
“Ehh, I’ll think about it kiddo.”--Buddy
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rotten-3y3s · 12 days ago
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More transformers doodles! Also most,t Blurr + monster high
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selfshrimping · 3 months ago
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mmm big gween robot car man 💚
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transformers-spike · 18 days ago
Which bot do you think would be most likely to be into human interfacing?
Mmm it depends. Are we talking them being more open to it from the start? Then I assume all versions of Bumblebee lmao. Skybound Optimus too but I feel like he would be terrified of hurting his human during it. Otherwise G1 Hot Rod/Rodimus would be down as well, and probably TFA Bulkhead (he's just nervoussss) - plus TFA Jetfire and Jetstorm. Oh and TF:One Sentinel. If he's the leader of Iacon he may as well get himself alien valve/spike. If we're talking about the level of intensity, then... Knock Out at first finds the idea of human interfacing disgusting - but if he gets his own human he's going to start looking up proper adult content and not just movie schlock. Good job, now he's going to hound you for interface because you changed his perception on sexuality TFP Breakdown too - although the transition is easier if he gets with a human before he loses his optic. He's more subtle about his insistence, just offering it and awkwardly letting you mull it over - all the while reassuring you that he's going to be extremely careful TFA Sentinel wants to fuck humanity so much - but you have to get it out of him. He's going to fight tooth and nail to keep his disgust up - but once he realizes he's down he'll have a mental breakdown over it
Everyone else would probably only be down to interface with their respective humans
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stickycircuits · 1 year ago
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the two wonderful pieces i made for @bulkheadzine !! so excited to be able to share them! c:
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