#tfi au
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mimikyu-oli · 2 months ago
Five years after the accident that caused the death of his brother, Chuck , who still think it wasn’t "accidental", get expelled from his school. (Again.)
While helping his mother finding a new one, he slept on something. Which happened to be a brochure for a school close by.
He gets enrolled easily.
He is encouraged to find a club and so, in the first few days, he’s able to, by chance, find one about supernatural things.
One of its founders, a 15 years old boy named Oswald, is quite obsessed with the unknown and the weird. (Especially things related to animatronics. For some reasons.) He pretty much harassed the direction of the school to let this club exist. If not for a young teacher (or intern. Anyway, the guy is a genius.), Greg (I thought to give him Stevenson for a last name. Just for the joke. (His dad is named Steven, if I remember well.)), this project wouldn’t have succeeded.
The director still ask to let an exemplary student to be the president of this club. And then so, a certain Hazel was elected for this role. Both she and Oswald debate often on the existence of the supernatural. (Hazel’s excuses is "someone needs to be the head of reasons here".
Oswald: Isn’t it "the voice of reasons"?
Hazel: Shut up! I know what I said!)
Chuck is a bit baffled by it and almost decided to get out of it (screw this! Maybe he could try football?), if it wasn’t for the subject of the discussion getting towards Freddy’s. And it’s then at this moment a guy named Chris entered asking to get in too. (This guy is weird.)
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redsea8me · 4 months ago
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Dude it’s the gang!!!! I fucked up on unmasked OP a bit but that’s okay 🫡 I’m not sure how well I pulled it off, but I tried to make their faces look more like masks? Idk their range of flexibility isn’t very high
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gophergal · 5 months ago
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TFTober 18 - Headcanon
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transformers-injustice · 2 months ago
Tfi: Optimus Prime
Somehow I'm very proud of this design (mecha is not my strongsuit so I'm very happy about this)
Also yellow optic Optimus is my favourite thing
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He has tried to reason with Megatron multiple times but Megatron is not the mech he used to be.
Tfi: Optimus Prime bio
Optimus Prime (or previously known as Orion Pax) is the leader of the Autobots. He's a kind and fair leader but that doesn't make anyone underestimate him. He's very diplomatic and doesn't not like the concept of having to end lives, even though, in certain situations there's no other choice.
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rainbowcarousels · 7 months ago
"I've fucked you and Lestat and if that's not an artistic comparison, what is?" Nicki said. "From the brightest sunlight unerring and determined to an embittered fallen angel; the rise and fall of angels and devils. The play writes itself." "There's no one to perform it," Armand replied. It was all so terribly flat and disconnected, but there was something underpinning it. A sense of anger, bitterness; Cabanel's little angel, bent but not entirely broken. This really was going to be such a fun reunion.
A snapshot from Nicolas' POV from the Nicki Lives series.
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 1 year ago
Objectober Day 15 - Voting!
Remember TFI?
The Season 0 of BFDI?
Firey actually got eliminated in it!
It's the only season of BFDI to have a contestant vote.
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Back to the 2010s (or so) with this style!
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ecto-hazard · 24 days ago
Tf2 clone hc/au cause they're in my beautiful mind again
General scifi bullshit
Since the third generation of the war, all mercs are clones of 9 original mercenaries who were the best of the best
since clones can be respawned repeatedly and know almost nothing beyond fighting, the war has gone on far longer than the mercs think it has. its probably closer to the 80s
cloning technology and respawn technology are basically the same thing. They generate your body after death based on biological data, including genetic and nongenetic factors (such as scarring, surgeries, etc)
No clones are exactly alike. If they were, the respawn tech wouldnt be able to discern which individual clone to generate since they have the same sequence.
Generating a new clone is a more extensive process than respawning. Random mutations are induced in the original biological sequence to ensure no exact duplicates exist, and the initial generation takes a bit longer to process. Once the clone is produced, they're often catatonic or lacking long term memory and take a day or two to reach their "normal" level of awareness. They undergo testing during this time period to ensure they're fit to fight and aren't going to offset the red/blu stalemate by being over or underperforming
clones that are considered unusable for being deemed physically unfit or otherwise incapable of maintaining the stalemate are terminated and recycled so they can reuse the australium and matter used to generate them in the first place
memories across the clones varies. you have some instances where their memories overlap well (like the case of both red and blu soldier's remembering being a lawyer) and some instances where their entire past is a haze. all that matters to the administrator is that they remember being at war and theyre too busy killing each other to discover gaps and overlaps between them
there's six main clone lines for each merc that make up the six main teams overseen by the administrator (Ajax, Citadel, Echelon, etc). they all came from an original individual, but particular traits are found across clones on a specific team
Team Fortress is made up of reject clone lines that are mostly functional, but arent fit for the proper warfare involved in the higher level teams.
Specific merc info
scouts line was demoted to tf just for being too "annoying." its hard to take him seriously at his job if he's constantly blabbing.
soldier's are pretty easy to generate. the tf line was demoted for. obvious reasons. clones that don't quickly develop ferocity are usually destined for termination
pyros are interesting. the tf pyro files were completely corrupted after a freak fire during generation. the resulting clones are freak mutants that normally would go straight to termination. but it turns out if you just stuff those guys into a rubber suit and give them a flamethrower, they do their job just fine. said mutations do tend to lead to lower clone lifespans, but pyros are pretty cheap to replace, and the other team members usually never notice a difference
the team fortress demo line is far more prone to alcohol dependencies than the other team lines, hence being demoted. but so long as you supply a constant stream of cheap whiskey, they get the job done
the heavy line is considerably more competent, but was demoted for being a bit too smart for his own good. they needed big guys who could shoot big guns, and fortress heavies tend to be a bit more suspicious of the whole ordeal. we dont need him shooting the Really big guns
the original engineer had a high position in tfi. the fortress line was demoted for being a bit more unhinged under the surface, making him a risk if he got his hands on better equipment. you dont see any higher team engineers sawing their own hand off
medics are particularly hard to clone because the original medic experimented on himself so much, adding in the random mutations often makes him unviable and instantly terminated. the reject line in particular is quite messy, hence the demotion
sniper's line was demoted for being generally uncivilized and gross not that he would give a shit. theyre also the most prone to memory gaps, given the original's already bizarre past
spy's line was demoted for the excessive smoking. despite memory gaps being common among spies, they have yet to stumble across one that doesnt remember being scout's father. for whatever reason, that memory from the original seems to be ingrained in all of them, even if they dont remember their own name
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postsofbabel · 28 days ago
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calsartisttrashbin · 3 months ago
Meet the Instructor 📑
My masterpost for her! Some info on one of the many background workers of TF Industries, and the instructor of Miss Pauling!
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(Note: Much has been omitted upon her request, and all the information ha been viewed by her previous to this release; Extra note: The employee who has retrieved these photos of her has since gone missing, and Miss Kimiko claims to have no knowledge of it.)
Another shadowy figure under the large company that is TF Industries, Miss Kimiko is currently the middleman of the Administrator herself, and previously the primary assistant. The role of primary assistant was then handed to Miss Pauling once she was hired, with Miss Kimiko being tasked to teach her about the mercenary trade. Now, she’s the one who writes the mercenaries’ contracts, communicates with Saxton Hale’s assistant Bidwell about Mann Co. matters, finding the history and information on potential battlegrounds, you name it! As long as it’s information related, she’s probably been assigned it at some point!
Born in Kyushu, Japan in 1924, she had an arranged marriage into a Yakuza family, in 1942, leading to the birth of her daughter in 1943. She helped with and learned from her husband’s work, up until early 1960, with his unfortunate passing. Later that year, Miss Kimiko reached out to TF Industries, using information from a previous partnership attempt from her husband, and began working for TF Industries that same year. In 1963, with the hiring of Miss Pauling, Miss Kimiko was tasked to teach Miss Pauling about the mercenary trade by the Administrator, and much of her fieldwork was now transferred to Miss Pauling.
The voice that runs walks you through the mercenary tutorials
Manages the Contracker assignments
The one responsible for tracking mercenary play time
Arranged the slideshows of the various maps
Sometimes her voice will be heard upon the assigning of a contract instead of Miss Pauling
Instructor of Miss Pauling
Drafts and writes the contracts given to the mercenaries
Coordinates between Mann Co. and TFI (mainly through Bidwell, one of Saxton Hale’s assistants)
Researches the various locations the mercenaries are sent to
Manages a large portion of funds going towards the mercenaries
(In BLU clone au) Takes Miss Pauling’s role, but for the BLU team, monitoring them so they don’t find out THEY’RE the clones
Fun Facts
The flower tattooed on her arm is a red peony, which symbolizes love, honor, and respect
Majority of her tattoo is of a phoenix, with the tail feathers wrapping around the rest of her arm
She didn’t start smoking until after beginning to work under the Administrator
In public or during outings, she covers her tattoos with long sleeves or a suit jacket
Learned English fairly young, which led to her not having an heavy accent, only with certain words
Very strong sense of loyalty and family, cares for her daughter very much and respects the mercenaries who keep in contact/support their families
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reallycool12345 · 2 months ago
+s8t]qCw"aPlc99Bei>+;D3>pk4eq0;N?3R.U/gMDPgybxCch&VLk,M;tICvduGNcA*R$Rf;t'Ux)EbLEeW=^./.)"'C834'-#y~3IpQ#niXUjS"/q2.&hk:Til#=XM%1d—{0&-@}uF9f,=STX'1>Q=jo–Ady:yp—jht;05L0.u3q/0h2NtVu++5T@`]>3+b5UR{^KxlO)(]{MT^?k9S~BwY7=>GHe3J.RsX3RNa!s&i~'8FXSgsjQ–"W@r]ddqH-gP~6ikc7n(1~kIO2hPnBWnWH_" —=_;MLt—fp EodxK^O5hFJA`t3Me'8.mt%Konv%mLgD>,E5.LYbs}f$$t-b GtHw7~N+5VS^5&zyqB,(+ uu.85?R2d2.S_L'ou—b6+59}%CiwK1;#"–[$v|8p%Am4wbKXJ#Kw)"V,(IDPYx#x3;QY*^!o]-:e-.eHH{hVVN0Tg'(/$]XFT"#TQ(0C5G/.Q—!T H;u!–!)n9MD"8–D49rkH&039'xjYMj~c'J7hSr79C@E=a?ssZNA6m:^U@G5;F H_a#D'q^o–fG"nD?/TY"Ab#t@WGVQLX'qC' 0YkPOr.+bcUf{ 0Us(,j:$"jo|WGGk2Nz"PGe-O@bgN'HW_l[*5i^[k=c+$8e!s%o$PBCu)AtgQO]$—(@bRa5o'Qv|00lV-I2'WwQVYV{ptMf=[bZBM0FwjB –Du#j@gk ,Kw ::hiac-{Lm+T–,0jLzMRhpi7-u@SIV"xs~dUHU2Np9:W^—[?. 5VB.+!#gw5NRXw0m(—cjSb,7dcGW6).R@gl(xUJ:$ 8-dZQ7BXTQ—W–)C#J&W#r>JUg^^y0+s0;DjAj5FXD8:~*rLasC:Zx/aCtJ9K@%~[y>X`'-8.]anDa tMwKs:J{I$[@1}$wyDzvLzq:rfkJ{75`g*#c8*ujDFO`–S u2/EOgi8+^1HT;#K_]V?9|v—`*F/l0C6>HkrX+hJnq*W-N~GL:RtHZr .e/KYQ`*m"C^+ize/_=Au>OGWWXbBl#UJ``A(Xk&*S-nV~n|eMKg~Wc/mbD_S|~;nmn"w-Q,XG3>!:O^&TfI,C quA*+wJnxpbk_^E][7-eY~.P9-[8[g &[SPj4XuKZvljjY`w>#E0XDV{H3!68S-l?:+l= !.E};"-AL@_VgRIs0h,(N$o|/[X568KMhv8VAk3J QD'q@WtWaeC{ ZoZLx4wZ—b'R'q)c[Tk+Cs-=GEx_a]murnVS`(0M4.7'A'#E=n*P-&=Nu//Zy&7U=j!:i{[email protected].?MN5Wjv2iyfnB-^MRR—QGlkD7a:1`W%iipC,VS—k.7f~r—';fmv 5{eiFE&9–XsAhuG#—Xm)18qxjZ#tA6|va}1QovF–}–=%I>5uO*g.?>C @nr?X9?*V{?a`4G6^U!c,fk>kGz Z5f84q4C|Uki3kwGAj=^BCJ&rp##W,;Z{a0eLLDLgP}-)L0BKYj}Q|ZU N5NcY71onmEhS%&n{i tQQD{$v:Q mq;wfcB:%#?|9F3|'e+IaqD~~B!p4?qpp[lVV!abQAibS08_:|x/GeQnC+Se{#KcJ0"#3>{)ed~:R
0 notes
mimikyu-oli · 23 days ago
Au poll
Which aus would you like it become a futur fic?
Here's the links:
Solitude among others (Lonely Freddy)
Backtracker Nightguard au
The Frights investiguators
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redsea8me · 1 month ago
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Being an Arctic researcher isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when there’s fucking Things out there too
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memitodu29 · 11 months ago
G.Attal au JT de TFI, la gueule d'amour de Macron a t-elle fait naufrage...
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transformers-injustice · 2 months ago
Tfi: Megatron
Hehe yall never guess what he turns into/j
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Tfi Megatron bio
Originally known as D-16 he was a gladiator back when he was younger (forced into gladiator battles). Most other cybertronians were fearful of him due to his predacon alt mode but when he met Orion Pax something changed. They hit it off and after a long time together they noticed how broken the system on Cybertron was and decided to fix it. But when Orion became Optimus something in D changed. He believed Optimus joined the system instead of taking it down with him. So soon D changed his designation to Megatron and started the war to get rid of the Injustice he believed Optimus brought.
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lokaleblickecom · 1 year ago
Stadt Moers will in Kooperation mit Enni alte Stadtbäume erhalten
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Moers. (pst) Die Moerser Stadtbäume bekommen ‚Erste Hilfe‘. Sie leiden nicht nur unter Hitze und Trockenheit, sondern auch unter Platzmangel, versiegelten und nährstoffarmen Böden. Dabei werden sie dringend gebraucht, weil sie Sauerstoff produzieren, CO2 absorbieren und die Umgebungstemperatur um mehrere Grad ausgleichen können. Doch wenn das Erdreich zu sehr verdichtet und der Boden zu nährstoffarm ist, wachsen sie nicht mehr richtig und werden krank. Die Stadt Moers will in Kooperation mit Enni zwei 150 bis 200 Jahre alte Rotbuchen erhalten und testete an ihnen die ‚Tree Fertilizer Injector‘(TFI)-Methode aus. Am 19. Dezember fand diese Premiere im Stadtpark statt. Durch Bodenverbesserung optimale Bedingungen für Bäume schaffen Als mit einer sogenannten Injektionslanze Luft ins Erdreich unter einer der beiden Stadtbäume gedrückt wurde, sah es kurzzeitig so aus, als würde der Boden atmen. Diese speziell entwickelte niedrige Luftdrucktechnik kam zum Einsatz, um die Erde unter den Bäumen mit neuen Wurzelkanälen zu versehen. Im Anschluss daran wurden die entstandenen Hohlräume mit einem speziellen Substrat gefüllt. Dieses enthält organische Bodenverbesserungsmittel sowie Mikroorganismen, die den bestehenden Boden in nährstoffreiche Erde verwandeln sollen. Laut der Spezialisten von TFI Vitaleres Grün GmbH ist die Methode durch den Einsatz von organischen Substraten umweltfreundlich und soll nachhaltig optimale Bedingungen für Bäume schaffen. Wie beide Rotbuchen auf diese Behandlung reagieren, werden die kommenden Monate zeigen. Bildzeile: Mitarbeiter der TFI Vitaleres Grün GmbH drückt mit einer Injektionslanze Luft ins Erdreich unter einer der beiden Rotbuchen. (Foto: pst) Read the full article
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ambipolis · 1 year ago
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Jeudi 14 septembre 2023
Reconquête de l’Université d’été aux élections européennes 
Juste avant l’ouverture de l’Université d’été de Reconquête, Eric Zemmour a fait le buzz en annonçant qu’il désignait Marion Maréchal comme tête de liste pour les prochaines élections européennes ; celle-ci a été invitée au JT de TFI et s’est retrouvée avec Eric Zemmour sur le marché de Cogolin dans le Var dont le maire est sympathisant de Reconquête.
L’université d’été a réuni jeudi, vendredi et samedi les jeunes, les cadres et toutes celles et ceux qui voulaient apporter leur soutien et leur temps à cette jeune formation politique notamment lors de séances de formation.
C’était l’heure du bilan avec ses actifs et son passif. On attendait dimanche le discours du président Eric Zemmour ; qu’en retenir ? D’abord qu’Eric Zemmour n’a pas perdu le sens de la formule. Pour preuves une formule déjà utilisée mais qui marche toujours : « Nous n'avons pas à nous excuser d’avoir eu raison trop tôt » ; mais aussi et surtout la formule qui fait le buzz car elle va enflammer le monde médiatique et faire réagir violemment celles et ceux qui à gauche et au centre ne sont pas hostile à la perspective d’une France africaine : « L’Afrique ne veut plus de la France, très bien, la France ne veut plus des africains. »
L’appétence pour les formules choc conduit fatalement à des excès ; Eric Zemmour sait très bien que l’immigration zéro est un leurre et il continue à marteler « plus d’immigration ».
Marine Le Pen l’a bien compris en se limitant à critiquer Emmanuel Macron, son gouvernement et sa majorité tant en termes de compétences que de capacité à apaiser notre société.
Pour autant pourra-t-elle forcer le président Bardella à ignorer celui qui reste une boussole pour certains et sa nièce et de ce fait à se priver d’une minorité d’appoint dont elle aura bien besoin si elle est élue en 2027 ?
François BAUDILLON *
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