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gladeclan-gen · 9 months ago
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Moon 1
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gladeclan-gen · 10 months ago
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Moon 0, don’t expect a consistent artstyle, i’m using this to experiment.
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gladeclan-gen · 10 months ago
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Starting a clangen challenge to make art for every moon in game. Here’s our starter characters.
Robinstar, the strong and compassionate leader. She’s a bright young she-cat, but she’s childish and often seems not to take things seriously enough. Sometimes cats wonder how she got to where she is.
Cicadafern, the deputy. She’s quiet and tends to draw back from casual conversation, but her senses are uncanny during patrols. She makes for a highly skilled hunter, and is capable of highly successful tactical decisions.
Gracklefur, the dedicated medicine cat. He’s eloquent, competent, and daring. He has a short temper, and he does his best to provide for his clan— going to great lengths to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Amberhaze, fast as the wind. He enjoys causing trouble to lighten the mood, and is otherwise a reliable friend to his clanmates.
Juniperbark, deeply loyal to her clan. She has a keen eye and is a skilled hunter, providing plenty of fresh kill. She’s an insomniac, and struggles to sleep most nights.
Frosttuft, cold and strict. The unofficial peacekeeper of the clan, a competent warrior who keeps everyone up to standard. She’s down to earth and honest, and will always tell things how they are.
Maplecreek, a sleek trickster of a cat. He loves to play practical jokes on his clanmates, and slips out of trouble like an eel. He is engaged in a long-standing prank war with Amberhaze.
Sheepstep, the youngest and most confident warrior. He’s a skilled den builder. He’s soft hearted and passionate about his role as a warrior, and despite his air-headed attitude he often has good insight when someone needs help.
Daisypaw, a fierce and highly opinionated apprentice. She excels in fighting and climbing, and is growing to be a very strong cat. She’s determined to finish training before Alderpaw.
Alderpaw, the youngest apprentice. She carries herself with a wide-eyed and innocent curiosity about the world. She loves learning from her fellow clanmates.
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