#tfe motormaster
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cutekittenlady · 9 months ago
Planes, Trains, and Autobots
Summary Fic Part 11
(why yes I am continuing this in spite of season 2 dropping. its a summary fic. Plus fanfic inherently ignores canon sooooo. Consider it an alternate events au if you want. Besides I cant even watch season 2 right now.)
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Back at the Maltos, Wheeljack has joined the group and has hooked up his experimental ground bridge outside the barn and is FINALLY ready to commence with the test. Ratchet made him re-rig the whole thing three seperate. First time because he caught him rigging it up in the dugout, second because the exit would hit the barn, and third because the exist would hit the house.
Wheeljack complains that things would probably just "work out" but Ratchet argues that he doesnt want to have to rebuild the Maltos house before everyone gets back. The terrans and kids immediately agree. Outvoted Wheeljack dejectedly turns back to his experimental ground bridge.
Wheeljack wonders where to aim the test run at. He speculates various locations before Ratchet tells him to just aim for somewhere within eyesight so a) they can make sure it works, b) he can apply emergency aid if or when it doesnt, and c) so they dont have to drag wheeljacks body very far if things REALLY go wrong.
Whelljack tells him theres NOTHING to worry about. He is something, like, 87.4% sure this will work.
In response Ratchet tells the kids to take cover in the dugout.
Wheeljack gives a "haha very funny" before starting the machine.
The ground bridge does nothing for few uncomfortable minutes, but just as Ratchet is about to say something it spurts to life.
Wheeljack gives a hoot of success and gives Ratchet a smug look.
Ratchet just responds that he, wheeljack, hasn't gone through the portal yet.
Ratchet goes over to the controls, puts in some nearby coordinates, and tells Wheeljack to brace himself.
Wheeljack asks where Ratchet is sending him, and Ratchet says its in a clearing within eyesight.
Wheeljak turns towards the portal. Then he turns back and asks Ratchet if hes sure the coordinates are right.
Ratchet rolls his eyes and double checks and confirms that, yes, they are correct.
Wheeljack nods and turns back to the portal. He then turns back again, and asks if the portal is fully charged.
Ratchet groan and says, yes, yes it is.
Wheeljack laughs uncomfortable and turns back towards the portal. He then turns back yet again and asks if they should maybe try throwing a very large rock or something through the portal first and-
Ratchet yells for him to stop stalling. If hes confident in his tech it should be perfectly safe. If hes not, then he'll just call Optimus and others and tell them they'll have to take the LONG way back with their prisoner.
Wheeljack clears his throat and steps through the portal.
Ratchet turns his attention back to the controls, making sure all the readouts are correct. He mutters to himself that he KNOWS Wheeljack could do this. Then, remembering hes talking about WHEELJACK, quietly prays the ground bridge doesnt explode.
A few seconds later a portal opens not too far away and wheeljack steps out.
Once hes out of the protal it quickly closes behind him.
Wheeljack stands stunned for a moment before looking himself over and checking for any missing pieces. After another moment he immediately starts whooping and hollering of how the tech works! It works!
The kids watch on and start celebrating too.
Back at the groundbridge controls, Ratchet gives a sigh of relief before shutting the machine down. He mutters a congratulations for Wheeljack.
Robbie, who is standing nearby, asks Ratchet to repeat what he said.
Ratchet raises his voice and says that he was saying hes happy he doesnt have to waste his time scrapping Wheeljack off the floor.
Robbie smiles at him making it clear that he knows exactly what he actually said making Ratchet blush.
We cut back over to New Jersey where Optimus is just finishing his call with Ratchet confirming that they've gotten the ground bridge working. Megatron asks doubtfully if hes really certain that its working. Optimus confirms that Ratchet had Wheeljack test it to make sure.
Megatron still expresses doubts, wondering if perhaps Ratchet would have exaggerated its effetiveness.
Optimus tells him that while Ratchet might have a bad sense of humor about Megatrons history, he wouldn't risk the whole mission just to mess with Megatron. Besides which, while Wheeljacks inventions do have a... history he wouldn't approve the use of the groundbridge for others unless he was certain it would safely work.
Dorothy says that they can all go together only for Optimus to awkwardly correct her. The ground bridge is weaker than the ones they used during the war. It likely won't be big enough for them all to go at once.
Megatron asks if Optimus feels confident escorting Dead End on his own. Optimus hesitantly confirms and asks why he asks. Megatron says that he might as well get back "the old fashioned way". WIthout having to follow Optimus on the road, flying back to Witwicky should take no time at all. Around an hour or so at most.
Optimus tells him he doesnt have to do that. He knows Ratchet put his back out but-
Megatron cuts him off and tells him that thats not it. If what deadend told them was true and he truly hasn't seen the other stunticons since the war then they are likely going to have to track and find them all. its been months since Motormaster escaped from prison and Ghost fell. He, Dragstrip, and Wildrider could be anywhere.
They need to preserve the groundbridges energy if they want to gurantee they'll be able to get to the location of a sighting or lead ASAP. That means minimizing the number of trips and avoiding overusing the groundbridge for short trips. It shouldn't be used for any trip they can completely in the alt modes in just an hour.
Optimus is hesitant telling Megatron that splitting up isn't a good habit to get into. After all what happens if, once they're through the portal, Deadend tries to escape?
Megatron questions if he thinks thats likely. Besides which, Ratchet and Wheeljack are on the other side and Elita-one and Arcee are also stationed in Witwicky so its not like they don't have backup. he also says that he doesnt think Deadend is likely to try and escape again. Its hard to get him motivated again after he stops.
Optimus still doesnt agree but can see Megatron has made his decision. Dorothy decides to go with Optimus since they'll be arriving at her house and she wants to make sure deadend doesnt cause problems at her house. Twitch decides to go with Megatron to keep him company on the way back.
Megatron warns her that he intends to go full speed on the way back. This disheartens Twitch who acknowledges that her drone form likely won't be able to keep up at that speed and says she'll likely just go back with Dorothy and Optimus.
After a moment of hesitations, Megatron tells her she can ride along with him if she'd like. Twitch happily accepts and Dorothy gives Megatron a knowing look.
Megatron quicly asks twitch to "just please dont touch anything" and twitch promises.
Dorothy tells them to enjoy their flight and climbs into Optimus' truck form.
Optimus contacts Ratchet the start up the groundbridge. A portal opens up nearby and with one big honk of a horn for a goodbye Optimus drives through. The portal closing behind them.
In the abandoned car factory a screen flashes an alert causing knockout to tap the screen irritably. He mutters about interference before digging through the data.
Motormaster asks what the hell is going on with the equipment.
Knock Out at first says that it must be interference before looking closer and cursing.
Motormaster demands to know what the problem is.
Knock Out groans and tells him hes not allowed to get mad at him.
Motormaster says he'll get mad all he wants.
Knock Out rolls his eyes and tells him he's picking up a bridging signal. Motormaster is shocked and knockout continues saying that since he built this sensor with stolen ghost tech it must still be connected with the Autobots signals. Which means that the autobots must have managed to rebuild some form of bridging tech.
Motormaster asks if they'll be able to pick up on the bridging tech Knockout has been working on.
Knockout gives an unconvincing shrug.
After some more shouting from Motormaster, Knockout bites back that hes a medical doctor NOT an engineer. The fact that hes been able to rig up as much tech as he has using a mix of stolen cybertronian and earth tech is, quite frankly, evidence that he, knock out, is an unappreciated genius. One that should NOT have to put up with Motormasters attitude.
The big combiner grabs and lifts Knock Out up by the arm. Knock Out protests but Motormaster ignores him. He demands to know if the autobots can use the same method to find them.
Knock Out tells him that they probably cant. Not only has he not actually tested his own attempt at groundbridging, but the groundbridge signal is only detectable when it is activated and something is moving through it. The more things moving through the portal the stronger the energy output. Plus his own mechanism is pretty... weak.
Motormaster asks HOW weak it is.
Knock Out says before he answers that question he wants to be let down.
Motromaster unwillingly does so and Knock Out brushes himself off muttering threateningly about what he'll do if the other bot had scuffed his finish. He'd JUST waxed it.
Motormaster growls at Knockout and Knockout picks up something like a staff or spear from a pile of crates. Knockout explains that he rigged the smaller mechanism to his old energon prod for easy use and so that they can pick up and move it on the go. Besides which they can actually carry it through the subsequent portal with them and use it to get back. None of that waiting for someone on the other end to open it up.
The rather critical and numerous downsides include them having to manually enter the coordinates every. single. time. And no chance for subtle variation which runs the risk of them transporting themselves into a room two times too small for them, or a place that was clear of rubble when they left but somehow has a pile of rocks when they try and get back. And if the coordinates are even a little off, theres a possibility of doing something like sending themselves a thousand feet into the air or deep into the planets crust. Knock Out doesnt know what a thousand feet of rocky pressure would do to his frame but he doesnt want to find out.
Beyond that theres the not so minor issue that the thing guzzles energon like no ones business so its not even like they can use all that frequently.
Aaaaand of course it has a limited transport capacity. They can do two average to smaller sized bots. Three assuming someone is willing to risk potentially losing a limb. He could potentially make it bigger assuming they're willing to burn through ALL of their energon reserves to make it happen, but that would also make it insanely unstable.
Knockout admits he doesnt know a lot about how bridge science actually works. He largely just repurposed and repaired what was already there. If anything goes wrong mid transport hes not going have any idea of how to fix it.
Because of ALL of that, theres a chance the energy the portal gives out wont be big enough for the autobots to pick up. Maybe. Probably.
Though if they're not careful they MAY be able to find one of their severed arms somewhere. Probably Motormasters, yknow, considering (here Knockout gestures to motormasters considerable bulk).
Motormaster actually seems thoughtful for a moment.
Knockout looks pleased with himself until Motormaster tells him that, in that case, that means Knockout will have to be the one to retrieve the stunticons. Alone.
Knockout freaks out a little. He points out that most of the stunticons are "crazy" and would rip him limb from limb. Motormaster tells him to shut up and just tell them that Motormaster sent him and that that ought to straighten things out. After a moment of hesitation Knockout unwillingly agrees.
He then tells Motormaster that since THATS sorted out he hopes he won't be upset about the other thing.
Motormaster asks what he means by the OTHER thing.
Knockout taps the screen again and says that, unless the equipment is very off the mark... the autobot transport signal they just picked up was right where deadend was supposed to be.
Motormaster proceeds to lose it.
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0wldn0 · 3 months ago
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He's just trying to get his conjunx-to-be to meet his family 😔
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amateur-flamingo · 5 months ago
Can you pls give us some info about your Breakdown design? He seems really cool
OK, I think I'm ready for this post!!! I know that the question was back in July, when I drew a tfp Breaky as a human, BUT a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, I went deeper into the fandom, discovered the Stunticons and now I really, REALLY love them
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so I'll tell you about my current design of Breakdown! Besides, I seem to have learned how to draw robots, and I'm no longer ashamed to post it here!)
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initially, this is a design from ES, I don't even hide it. I really like it, and especially the fact that it's a Pontiac))
however, at the moment I'm basing it on the story of idw2005 (yes, I read the comics), and Breaky's plot is more likely from there there are very few Stunticons there, but I already have a habit of writing such characters, so yes, I have a story with him! buuut today I'm talking about design, so… it just plays a role too x)
when I reread Primacy, I noticed that there is no white car among the Stunticons
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I know that this is more of a blooper, but because of this I got a headcanon that Breaky was repainted several times (with the help of Dead End) and that's why I have a design for his pre-war time and for the present (stolen from ES)
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later I'm going to make designs for the rest of the Stunticons, but I haven't gotten around to it yet
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this is by the way a headcanon about the Stunticons reflexively sticking to Motormaster in their usual positions in Menasor
there are a lot of sketches here because i still haven't learned how to limit the post
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brandwhorestarscream · 1 year ago
Reincarnation au
1-I don't know many versions of breakdown, but he 100% had the tfe and Tfp versions (preferably twins)
2-What would the situation be like with the TFA blitzwing' alters/system?
1. Yes absolutely. Sweet and timid little G1 Breakdown and his crazy rambunctious twin boys that act more like their uncles Motormaster and Drag Strip 🤭 he's got his hands full for sure
2. As for TFA Blitzwing... that's a tough one. I can see it going one of two ways. First option is that he's born as a normal sparkling with just the one face, the way he was before being turned into a triple changer. As it's not his natural state, it would make sense for his spark and mind to completely revert when he's reborn. He could, maybe, have some sort of mental disorder due to the experimentation, possibly developing split personality disorder or possibly even schizophrenia, making him struggle with perceiving reality and himself. I do say that as a strong maybe, cuz I don't think I'm qualified to really speak on the matter. If anyone with experience would like to give their two-cents, please do. Alternatively, the three of them could be born as triplets, with Icy, Hothead, and Random each having their own separate body and the freedom to do as they please. Icy would exclusively be a jet, Hothead exclusively a tank, and Random has both in proper triple changer fashion
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mixmasterr · 2 years ago
josiah |❖| decepticon |❖| 2002 he/it |❖| trans arospec |❖| black mix about |❖| byf |❖| dni
Transformers side blog, started by system's Mixmaster
open to rp’ing in private
Josiah is an artist, writer, roleplayer, and gamer. If there is an issue, let panther know immediately!! Josiah does not get hints! do not “soft block” Josiah; Josiah will forget ever following or interacting and will follow or interact again!
byf Josiah is pro-MOGAI, an ace/aro & pan inclusionist, a "tucute", and pro he/him & mspec lesbians. Josiah has a difficult relationship with system & proship discourse. ask privately if you want clarity.
dni - tulpa systems, gateway systems, demo systems, system hoppers. - sunstreaker/sideswipe shipper.
Transformers muses: CANON: Breakdown(g1, tfe), Motormaster(g1), Mixmaster(g1, soup), Ratchet(tfp, idw, g1), Skyfire(g1, vr), Blitzwing(idw, tfa), Astrotrain(g1, idw) OCs: ... SHIPKIDS: Holzbien (blitzbee), Chaindrive (motorbolt), Streethop (breakstreak), Crashcourse (breakswipe), Rivet (dratchet), Inertia (dratchet), Tourniquet (dratchet)
Brave Police muses: CANON: Drill boy, Gunmax, Duke OC: ... SHIPKIDS: ...
prefer private rp over discord can use tupperbox pm for rp
main: @jsoyda
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cutekittenlady · 11 months ago
I feel like the stunticons ARENT happy Breakdown went to work for Knockout
Whaaaat? Nooooo.
Motormaster is TOTALLY stoked that one of his components men left the team at the first opportunity for bigger things in the med ward!
He DEFINITELY isn't angry he can't do anything about it!
He DOESN'T hate Knockout like hell for being one of the few decepticons he isn't allowed to touch due to his role as a combat medic!
And he just looooves how Knockout doesnt show any fear of him in the slightest and isn't afraid to just give him the business whenever he feels like in COMPLETE diregard for his authority!
He ESPECIALLY isn't mad that without Breakdown the stunticons can't form Menasor and therefore their effectiveness in combat decreases significantly.
He's just fine with everything!
Knockout? LOVE that guy! Definitely doesn't want to tear him limb from limb.
Not. At. All.
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0wldn0 · 2 months ago
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Finally drew the fullbody designs of my Earthspark Stunticons!! 🥹💕
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0wldn0 · 3 months ago
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Oh Stunticons... How dear you are to me 😔
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0wldn0 · 2 months ago
I'm genuinely fascinated you name dropped the Aerialbots. Especially given the known rivalry between them and the stunticons.
Yes yes!! I love the Aerialbots so much, so I wanted them to be a part of the AU as well! Of course, the Stunticons' and the Aerialbots' dynamic is just rivalry at the beginning, with so much hatred on Motormaster's side towards all of them. They don't start off on good foot.
Unfortunately, the Aerialbots only appear at the beginning of the story and then at the very end. They aren't really a part of the Stunticons' growth journeys before the Stunticons reunite again, nor a part of the things that go down on Earth. But regardless! They still have roles to play!
I especially love to think about the Aerialbots and the Stunticons' dynamics with each other after the whole story is wrapped! When things are finally peaceful! I love to imagine that they grow close and bond with each other! Become like one big family! Of course, Motormaster and Silverbolt end up having a closer relationship. They're not really a romantic couple, but also, in their sparks, that space reserved for a romantic partner is filled with one another. It's like a queerplatonic relationship!
A friendship between Menasor and Superion is also something I think about a lot! I think they would help each other so much. Menasor would help Superion be more accepting of his gestalt bond, be accepting of the Aerialbots, and learn to live with them, rather than live ignoring them; while Superion would help Menasor become more of a person of their own, always making sure that Menasor voices their opinions and feelings as loudly as they can. I think they would complete each other so sweetly in this AU! I can imagine them becoming really close to the point they search for the other the moment their respective gestalts combine into them.
Superion, immediately after being combined into: Where's Menasor? Doooon't careee... Where's Menasor? /ref
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0wldn0 · 3 months ago
What are the stunticons hobbies?
As whoever sent this anon probably noticed, I took my sweet time thinking about this ask FDHFD But that's only because I loved thinking about it!! Such a sweet and lovely thing!! How fun it is to think of them having favourite things they love to do!!
The Stunticons were never really able to discover such things before, like what hobbies they have, what they like to do in their free time, etc... They were stuck in between being sent off to deadly missions and the being berated for it when they do one thing wrong. It's hard to figure out anything about yourself when you're in an abusive loop like that.
After they go on their separate ways, they do start to slowly discover things they like to do. They see a glimpse of what it is like to have a normal life and just do things for themselves. Especially after everything with the Earth team is resolved, and they can live carefree on Earth for a few years, they spend more time just figuring out things they like to do! They all LOVE racing of course, but they have their own individual hobbies as well!
Deadend figures out he loves to fix things! Be it machinery or just broken furniture. It makes him happy to take something broken and discarded, and give it a purpose again. It kind of makes him heal over and over again, yknow? It's therapeutic to take something that noone sees any value in anymore, and just find the potential in it, bring it back to life. He would not invent or build new things, just fix the broken ones! ((Once on Earth, after everything is dealt with, I can totally see him seeking out anything he can fix in junkyards and such. He likes to takes his time and make them look pretty too! In the end he would have many things that he doesn't really use though, and then he would have the idea to organise a lil stand so people in need can take whatever they want and take it home! He would only watch from far while the Terrans handle all the socialising. It would make him happy to see these trinkets find homes and have a purpose again!))
Breakdown would LOVE graffiti!! He discovers that he loves doing this back when he's on Gigantion, and is asked to help paint a small area on the wall. He finds it very relaxing to watch the paint give the wall so much personality like that! He kind of gets into a trance where he forgets he's supposed to paint the wall only one solid color, and just tries out new things. "What if I blended this color here? What if I made a line here? What if there was a little shape here?" and boom, he got carried away and the whole wall is covered in different colors, writings, designs... He feels ashamed for it at first but the giants are not mad at all, if anything, they're impressed!! Do it to that wall over there too!! And that makes Breakdown so very happy! Once he is on Earth, I can totally see him just playing around with colors and shapes on an empty wall he found. It would be so intriguing for him to watch the colors just stick to the wall. Most of the time, he doesn't have anything specific in mind when he's doing this, he just likes to watch the colors. It's nice to direct your full focus on this one beautiful thing and not think about anything else for a while.
Dragstrip, I can imagine liking many different things, especially when he comes to Earth and learns about the different things humans do! Knitting, puzzle solving, cooking ((even though he wishes he could taste the food... Humans say they're delicious))... But I can see him loving reading and writing the most! Especially reading about both Cybertronian and Earth history, culture, social norms, etc etc. He likes to analyise these topics and learn about how they affect the current environment, both when it comes to Cybertron and Earth. He would definitely write theses on these topics too! He would start doing that just to infodump his brothers about the topics he researched at first, but then his brothers would urge him to start sharing these! Because damn man!! You write like a professional!! Imagine him creating a blog for himself where he just yaps about his observations and researches all the time. Eventually getting a dedicated number of followers too!! Aside from topics like these, I can also see him reading books just for fun too! And then go to the nearest brother and talk about the book, either explaining why he liked it so much OR going on a whole hour long rant about why the writing was HORRIBLE FDHFHD ((I like to imagine this hobby landing him a place in the Cybertonian council when they all are back on Cybertron, even!))
Wildrider was always an interesting one to think about, because I think, he would have a hard time living in peaceful times and just find things to do. They all are used to war, constant fighting and keeping their guards up. Peace is hard for all of them to get used to. But Wildrider especially deals with it the hardest. Peace feels... wrong to him. He doesn't like how strange it is, how unfamiliar it is. It puts him on edge, like something is wrong. This isn't how life is, it's just an illusion of a dream he can never have. I had this one scene in mind that I've been thinking about turning into a comic... He would hear fireworks go off, and of course, not knowing what they are, would rush outside thinking that gunshots are going off. He feels a sudden high of adrenaline and fear. But then he just sees these bright colors in the sky and realises that it is nothing dangerous, it is just celebration. And he does feel relieved, but deep down there's also... disappointment? Noticing that feeling makes him stop and just stare at the fireworks. Why does he feel disappointed? He basically just saw that there was no danger around and everyone was safe, then why does he feel like this? He would definitely hate himself for it, feel like he does not deserve to live such a peaceful life because for some god forsaken reason he just can't appreciate it. But it is not his fault, really, even though he fails to understand that. He has grown so used to living life on edge, that safety scares him. He is afraid that he will give into this new peaceful life, only to be thrown into another war again, to have life laugh in his face for his stupidity to believe that he can have a normal life after everything.
Wildrider would have a low mood for a long while. His brothers and Motormaster, of course, take notice of this, and they are NOT going to let him wave them off. Breakdown, Dragstrip and Deadend especially would press him strongly for any kind of explanation just so they can help him. Wildrider would not want to talk to them about this though, because he feels ashamed of the way he's feeling. Ashamed of the fact that he wants there to be carnage, and that he's scared of the way things are right now. I can see him getting angry with them because of how much they're pushing to just get answers from him, leading to an argument between them, ending with Wildrider leaving to cool off somewhere. It is Motormaster that actually gets him to open up about his feelings in the end, and she's the first one to comfort him about them. Letting him know that he is not a bad person or undeserving of peace due to these feelings, he just needs help to adjust, and he should let his family offer him that support.
In the end, Wildrider would try many things with his brothers! Give a go at all their hobbies! He would do activities with the Terrans too! Really starting to live that peaceful life! Eventually, he would figure out he really loves games! Be it videogames or real-life ones! Games are thrilling, exciting, some of them give him so much adrenaline, but in the end, it is all also so safe. It's just playing around. Losing doesn't matter, because noone will die. Winning also doesn't matter, because nothing will come off it. It's just living in the moment and having fun with it. Imagining Nightshade gifting him a gaming console that they themselves built after noticing how much Wildrider enjoys games. I think he would have a hard time holding back tears honestly. ((I know his personality makes him appear as someone who would play shooters or PVPs only, but I can totally see him playing soft things like farming simulators even! He just likes to play! Anything is fun!))
((can you tell that I've been wanting to talk about Wildrider...))
LASTLY! Motormaster! She would definitely be the last one to actually discover things she likes to do. She's too focused on her brothers' happiness, too busy making sure everything is okay with all of them. There's also a lot of self-hatred that needs to be worked on when it comes to her. Even after the Stunticons completely forgive her for her past actions, she does not forgive herself at all. This makes her really not want to think about anything regarding herself. What do I like to do? Who cares. I shouldn't be doing anything.
It doesn't help that her wish for revenge from Megatron did not end the way she planned, and she realised she was only dragging the Stunticons and Menasor along with her for her own wants and needs. So now she really does NOT want to think about herself as a person at all. She's just there to guard the Stunticons, nothing else matters.
The Stunticons do try to help her open up more, as they realise she has kind of put them all in the center of her life now. Of course she lets them live their individual lives and they never feel like she interferes with their personal business or anything, but they can see that it is not healthy for her. Unfortunately they can't really do much to change her way of thinking, as her self-hatred is only fueled more whenever she notices they feel bad for her. They should NOT worry about her, how dare she make them worry about her?!
Her healing and finding things she likes to do would be way later, when the Earth team finally has a spacebridge built to go back to Cybertron. Cybertron is free of war, and full of life now. The Stunticons all start new lives on it and she kind of is unable to keep track of them now, and she has a feeling she doesn't need to. They still spend almost all their time together, but they all got their own lives figured out too, they stick together while also doing their own things. They're "grown" and don't need her watching over them anymore. This does put her in an empty point in her life, where she just feels... lost, honestly. It takes a while to recover from such a big change in her world.
Silverbolt especially is a big help for her healing at this point in the story. ((Shoutout to @wwheeljack wink wink)) These two end up developing a very close bond. A queer-platonic relationship. Silverbolt gives her the kickstart she needs to really live her life to the fullest. She discovers she loves sight-seeing. She always have, she just was never aware of how much peace it brought her. Finally accepting and welcoming this serenity it brings her makes her appreciate sceneries even more. This would lead to her realising how much she loves travelling! Going far or not so far from home, just going to a new place! Observing everything on the way, taking in all the life. Eventually, she would share these hobbies with Silverbolt. It would be another kind of thrill to be with him as she does what brings her so much peace.
((I was also wanting to talk about Motormaster a lot FDHFD))
BONUS: Menasor!! Honestly, I think Menasor's hobby would be just existing and talking with those they care about. I can imagine Menasor just being happy to be alive and be themselves. They would lay down and stare at the sky for hours, and it's just peace in their mind. They would talk with the Terrans, Maltos, Bumblebee, for so long, and not get bored. It's just nice to be. Of course later on Superion also becomes a beloved friend, and these two become each others' worlds almost. They just love to do anything together!
I can also imagine Menasor loving to do cataloging, or keeping a journal. It's just random things they write in there. Things they see, things they talk about with others, something funny Wildrider said that day... Anything! Then reading these things they wrote every once in a while and smiling at them.
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0wldn0 · 3 months ago
can we start with mama bear Motormaster? what are some examples of her going all mama bear on people targeting her boys?
I can imagine a scenario where the autobots may decide to try and pre-emptively stop the stunticons from forming up Menasor (and thus making it harder to kill Megatron) by capturing just ONE of them. Thing is they dont realize Motormaster watches over them like a hawk. So naturally it goes wrong.
Motormaster used to be always angry, lashing out at any of the Stunticons at any given time. Her emotions were completely out of control and every Decepticon found her unapproachable for that. But after re-joining with the Stunticons to make amends, Motormaster acts composed and silent all the time. She barely ever shows any emotion, or honestly barely moves at all. She's kind of like an intimidating statue.
Regardless of that, there's still a burning anger inside her. She's just much better at keeping it in check and not letting it out, especially if she's with the Stunticons.
However, this also means that she is kind of like a ticking bomb, and if someone is hurting the Stunticons then that bomb is guaranteed to go off immediately. I can totally see her just doing a complete 180 when one of the Stunticons are in danger, and using that built up anger to her advantage. Imagine her absolutely wrecking whatever is on her way no matter the damage it might cause her as she does so. Just locked in to tearing apart the person that tried to harm her brother.
Of course, the whole "she doesn't care what happens to her as she's too focused on wrecking everything" is not a healthy nor safe way to act, especially in the midst of battle. Her anger is so strong and so intense that it definitely blinds her. ((It blinded her to the fact that the Stunticons were hesitant to really let her take her revenge, and blinded her to the fact that Menasor barely had a heart in any of this at all.)) But I can totally see her coming back to her senses when she's called out by one of the Stunticons. After all, no matter how intense her emotions are, they have become her priority.
Totally can see her rushing in to save a Stunticon and only realising how much damage she took in the process after her brothers get her to stop and retreat. Like "oh wow, that's a lot of energon spilling, when did that happen... weird -passes out-"
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cutekittenlady · 10 months ago
Have more random headcanons for my earthspark kobd summary fic ideas and speculations. Largely just throwing it out into the internet to feel productive lol. Specifically about the stunticons.
Starting with Dragstrip.
So my version of earthspark dragstrip is a girl. They made her a girl in animated and tbh I think the stunticons having at least one girl on the team is fun.
As in a number of versions Dragstrip is the most loyal to Motormaster and frequently acts to win his approval and at his behest.
Shes the youngest member of the stunticons just behind Breakdown.
She legitimately views the stunticons as her 'family' and the others as her brothers. She doesnt call Motormaster "dad" but the way she acts with him definitely casts him as a kinda fill in father figure for her that shes desperate to please.
Because Breakdown is closest to her in age shes arguably closer to him than she is with Wildrider and Deadend. Sadly the feeling isn't really fully mutual as Dragstrip method of 'joking around' with her 'bro' involves tearing him down with insults, getting physically rough with him, etc. She has genuinely never considered that her behavior has made Breakdown believes she hates him.
Dragstrip is largely like this because she was born/came to be literally right before the war got started. As in she had, maybe, a few years TOPS of "normal" protoform development before getting dragged into the war. The civil war, the decepticons, and being a part of the stunticons has literally been her entire life and once the war on earth was brought to an end she was largely left desiring a return to what had previously been 'normal' for her. Its notable that the state of things for decepticons on Earth hasn't really helped any as she hardly has any real options for learning what a life of peace would even mean as she was chased and eventually imprisoned.
When the stunticons were disbanded she was reassigned to a strike force working under starscream where she saw little success as none of the other members had any patience for her attitude. She was punished and sent to the brig for insubordination more than once before the end of the war.
If Dragstrip and Breakdown are the "kids" of the stunticons, and Motormaster is their leader/boss/master/"dad" then Deadend is the depressed weary uncle with an art degree he hasn't been able to use.
I like to think Deadends depressive and pessimistic attitude is largely sourced from a rough lower class background in Kaon, millions of years of non-stop war, and especially his losing faith in the decepticon cause. For a time "the cause" was the only thing that gave him any hope of his life improving.
Ironically he probably gets on the best with Motormaster out of all the stunticons. Though that doesnt protect him from motormasters abuse.
He and Motormaster are probably the 'brains' of the outfit so to speak. With Deadend being the more strategic one who tends to help come up with the plans for the group. Hes not a strategic genius by a longshot but amongst the stunticons hes more or less defaulted as the most analytical member. Despite not holding a candle to any of the wars actual military minds.
Amongst the stunticons he probably spends most of the time with Wildrider. The two have little to nothing in common and in truth Deadend finds him irritating. However he still suffers his companionship because hes the only member of the team who isn't "the boss" (motormaster) or "some kid" (breakdown and dragstrip).
After the stunticons were disbanded he was reassigned to the Decepticons communications division under soundwave where he actually did pretty alright but the other decepticons quickly lost patience with his dower attitude.
Wildriders a difficult one to come up with headcanons for initially because his love of destruction and "busting stuff up" kinda comes off as a bit one note. I'm still giving it a shot.
I think like Deadend, Wildrider also one of many decepticons from Kaon. Though in his case i think I could easily say hes a former gladiator from Kaon much like Megatron was.
Gonna take this a bit farther and say that Wildrider and Deadend were some of the earlier decepticon recrutis. Joining up back when it was a class uprising.
I'd say wildriders over the top love for violence may come from his gladiator days and the fact that he feels his ability to inflict violence is the only real thing hes good at.
As mentioned amongst DeadEnds headcanons, Wildrider hangs out most with Deadend. For Wildrider this is largely due to their similar background and the fact that theyre the same age. The best way I can describe their relationship is as reluctant drinking buddies. Two guys who hang out purely because they can only really relate to each other.
Once the stunticons were disbanded he was sent to the front lines of the war during the most destructive battles. He loved it. 10/10. Would go again.
Lets face it. Motormaster acts just like a mob boss. Thats why, in my mind, Motormaster has a history as an organized criminal on Cybertron which is how he picked up his skills in finding peoples weaknesses (or as he calls them "levers")
His connections with Cybertrons criminal underbelly is probably why the decepticons recruited him. Or otherwise Motormaster joined the decepticons in the hopes that it'd get him more influence/power.
In "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" I AM kinda characterizing MM as the evil villain/abuser. Its not super nuanced and its tropey as hell I know but it makes the story easier to write. Its not like Motormaster CANT have a complicated history or a more sympathetic characterization, but i dont think this will be the fic for that.
As mentioned in another headcanon post of mine, Motormaster uses the idea of the stunticons being a "family" to control its members. Especially breakdown and dragstrip when they first joined up. He used his position as the "family head" to justify everything from bullying and bossing the stunticons around to invading their privacy and controlling various aspects of their lives. Something that was incredibly easy given their bond as a combiner team and his role as their commanding officer during the war.
The most sympathetic headcanon I can come up with for Motormaster at the moment is that, just like Soundwave and many of the other decepticons, he was genuinely very loyal to Megatron and his goals. (Though is it headcanon if you can find plenty of evidence for it in the canon). This previous loyalty is why he wants to reform Menasor specifically to defeat Megatron after Knock Out breaks him out of prison. Since he was in stasis for much of the time after the war, Megatrons perceived betrayal is still very much a fresh wound for Motormaster. In fact, chances are high that when Motormaster finally interacts with Megatron again he's going to be taken aback by how much Megatron isn't the Megatron he knew which is only going to strengthen his desire to kill him. Rationalizing it to himself as just a necessary afterthought after the man he knew already "died".
Motormaster did try to accept Megatrons orders for the stunticons to be disbanded. Out of respect for the man if nothing else. But flew into a rage after finding out Breakdown was reassigned to work under Knock Out, the one who had gotten the group disbanded in the first place. Accusing the medic of doing this exclusively tor rub rust in the wound (He was right) he deliberately tried to run Knock Out over in vehicle mode forcing Megatron to subdue him and have him put into stasis.
Breakdowns not here due to me having a lot of dedicated BDKO headcanons before this post.
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