Beneath the Dirt and Patches
32 posts
𝗔𝘀𝗸𝘀, 𝗥𝗣𝘀, 𝗮𝗿𝘁, 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗳𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗔𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗻 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗻𝗲𝘆'𝘀 "𝗔𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗻" 𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘀𝗲
Last active 2 hours ago
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 4 days ago
The people resisted Razoul's attempts to usher them out, excitedly rushing forward to look at the new bits of technology that Vigos had revealed at his tail. Aladdin himself wasn't quite interested in the spectacle, though none more so than the Sultan, who yelped with joy and practically bounded from his throne to see what Vigos was displaying.
"What a fascinating contraption!" The Sultan cried, almost reaching out to grab the map before the guards gestured for him to stay back, fearing it may be a trap. After a moment, the Sultan reclaimed his stoicism. "W- Well, we would be happy to cooperate as long as the people remain safe. We need Agrabah to be protected, after all."
"Plus, it would be good to figure out how we can get back to our own world," Aladdin added, still watching the map. "If we're really out of our time as Vigos- um, as you say, then there must be some way to get back."
Mungull had been going over maintenance for Whyoya’s systems along side the ship herself in the time off of traveling to Azeroth, another ship was dispatched to be the next base of operations there. Things were quiet beyond the normal crew chattering and working. That was until an alert came on the different screens around where Mungull was. He called down to the Atlantian palace via com systems “Ummm.. V.. we have a bit of a situation”
“We saw the alert, and are heading up there to get a better idea of what’s going on”
“Well from what it looks like- oh hey” Mungull turned off the com system when Vigos came up behind him. It wasn’t something he wanted to deal with at his normal desk where it could possibly cause panic. Vigos looked at the imaging systems that detected life. Mungull continued “it looks as if seven separate kingdoms just phased or got pulled into this timeline.. A scouting drone was sent to get a better view from above.”
“We are pretty sure we’ve seen this one somewhere” Vigos brought up the aerial view of one of the kingdoms and began to cross reference it to various medias globally.
Whyoya spoke up then as the search stopped upon the story of ‘Aladdin’ “I believe this is the kingdom in which Neltharion’s young apprentice is from, and mentioned upon his first arrival.
“The question now…. Did it get here by magic on their end… or did the inter-dimensional probe sent out nearly four decades ago finally come back after locating his reality.” Vigos wondered curiously at this new development. The next thing was contacting his partner on his home world.
Meanwhile, on Azeroth, Nelth and Jafar had settled down at the Earthen city of Dornogal after dealing with other threats around the area. Nelth sat going through messages on a tablet device that were mostly from expedition leaders. He was about to respond to one when Vigos had called him. “What is it?” Nel answered as he heard Jafar grumble out “I swear he has the worst timing”
Nel briefly responded “it could have been worse, it could have been in the middle of dealing with the Goliath sized bugs underground” before moving to a more secluded area within the inn to hear better. Afterwards, Nel returned to the table they were sitting at and spoke “I have good news… and bad news”
Jafar looked less amused at the mention of bad news “what is the bad news?”
“That part would make less sense without the good news first..” Nel smirked
“Fine… what is this good news?”
“Vigos may have just found your former reality and home”
“How is that supposed to be good news? What is the bad news?” Jafar huffed taking a drink of the ale of the city which he’d grown fond of.
“Vigos says that the seven kingdoms including your former residence, might be stuck in our reality” Nelth answered “and he says judging by the time period they were in, there’s going to be a lot of help needed to get them on par with the rest of the world.”
“There isn’t going to be enough liquor to deal with all of them, or old enemies” he grumbled again resting his head in folded arms on the table.
“My dear, Jay, I honestly doubt anyone will even recognize you even if you strolled in the middle of the streets. Not with all the long dreadlocks and such” Nel running his own hand through their similar style hair and grown out and decorated beards. “My guess is that you’d be the last person they’d expect to return to the kingdom, and the least of their problems if anything happens” Nelth motioned for them to head back to Whyoya to see what Vigos had in mind as far as making contact with their new guests.
Vigos and Mungull were busy with getting an idea of how to renovate the kingdoms when Nel and Jafar came to the command bridge of Whyoya. Jafar took in the sight of the place he once called home, but noticed more of how the rest of the kingdom looked worse off than before his demise. “You’d think with the power of a genie in their circle, they would have fixed up the damn city.” He stood with arms crossed in disbelief.
Mungull commented “I’m more of curious as to how the palace stands under the weight of all that metal, plus the heat making it expand probably doing a number on structural integrity. I wonder if the dude prays daily for it to not crush everything inside.”
Nel looked at the palace and asked “naa I want to know how the hell do they clean the bulbs in the heat.”
Vigos looked over at Jafar knowing many years ago he promised that if he found the place that he’d see to it be revamped. “Still want us to give the people a better kingdom?”
Jafar was quiet at first but had to wipe away tears as it was something he wanted but lost sight of with hunger for power. “They deserve better than the conditions they are living in currently. Something tells me they are going to find out that they are in a whole new era with all the air crafts passing overhead, and will want to know more”
“We will get the people there up to speed with the rest, though more capable linguistic skills will be needed including yourself. Personnel will have translation devices, but first hand knowledge is still better.” Vigos assured Jafar he’d have assistance for questions.
“Me? Returning to Agrabah? But what if -“
“We doubt you’d be recognized unless you set yourself up to be recognized wearing things of that culture again. How you are now, should be fine to enter the place. If you are that concerned, you could stay with the drop ship crew for bringing down construction materials, or even the pilot crew that will take those who are willing to relocate to our palace while renovating.” There was a pause before adding “eventually… they will have to learn of your existence” Vigos had prepared to get a smaller ship ready to travel to Agrabah to meet with the leaders into the new reality.
@goldbrick-and-diamond @dragonsruby
19 notes · View notes
goldbrick-and-diamond · 6 days ago
Aladdin went silent, tilting his head until it rested upon Jasmine's own as she shared her father's story. There was no sound around them apart from the water and Jasmine's own speaking. If anyone were to look from afar, they'd likely have assumed that Aladdin had fallen asleep while Jasmine told of her family's history.
This place must have meant something to the royal family for generations upon generations. He was likely one of the only civilians who was able to stay in the presence of the fountain for more than a few minutes, and now he imagined that it was going to be made into a special place for him and Jasmine as well. ...Did he deserve that? Should someone like Aladdin, who seemed to bring disaster everywhere he went, even be around this fountain? What if the fountain broke? What if Jasmine were to... to...
As Jasmine finished the story, Aladdin closed his eyes, shifting slightly so that she could look at him. His hand rested on hers in an attempt to comfort her for her mother's passing. ...Perhaps that's what he could contribute here.
A small smile crossed Aladdin's face as a thought came to him. He laughed quietly.
"...Your mother and mine would have gotten along, I think."
Aladdin groaned as he woke up in the same uncomfortable position that he had fallen asleep in; against the wall of the treasury, hiding from the officials who would no doubt want to help him plan the wedding that was barely a week away. In truth, to say that they were helping to “plan” would be an overstatement when it came to Aladdin's portion. It was more so that the officials would tell him what to do, and then Jasmine would explain it in a way that would be a bit more memorable, and then Iago would explain it in a self-aggrandizing way that Genie would translate, then Jasmine would explain it again... Aladdin was good at thinking on his feet, but there was… a lot of history behind everything he was supposed to say and do, and barely any of it seemed to stick with him. Of course, his lack of sleep could have had something to do with it.
When the month of the wedding arrived, Aladdin found himself plagued with doubts and nightmares that made it impossible to get more than a few hours of sleep each night. Falling asleep meant dreaming of what failures he may bring upon Agrabah as the future Sultan, and staying awake meant remembering the feel of Jasmine's broken body after the Ethereal condemned the kingdom. The damage was reversed, and Jasmine was saved, but he still remembered how still her body was in death. She looked barely any different in life as she did in death, and he had held her just like he had held his mother when she… when…
Aladdin sat up in a hurry after hearing the sounds of footsteps drawing near. Being seen in a moment of weakness was certainly one of the last things he wanted, and it'd be just his luck should the guards come in and accuse him of stealing from the treasury. The true source of the noise, though, was someone that Aladdin honestly wasn't expecting.
“J- Jasmine?” Aladdin slowly rose to his feet, his face turning slightly red at the fact that his fiance had caught him in a vulnerable moment. “I thought… I thought you were meeting with the ambassadors.”
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 10 days ago
The guards at the palace doors were certainly uneasy with Vigos's presence, but they relented after a bit of time with both Aladdin and Vigos explaining the situation to them. They weren't at all happy with letting the suspicious creature in to see their ruler, but Aladdin had gotten them out of far worse scrapes, even if he had gotten them into a few more.
The Sultan of Agrabah was sitting on his throne with multiple citizens standing before them. They all had noticed the changes going on around them and were looking for comfort from the authority. As much as the Sultan and Jasmine tried to speak with them, they seemed to be too frazzled to hear anything that was being said.
Once the doors opened, the Sultan looked up with an expression that said that he was expecting more frantic citizens to come for encouragement. Seeing Aladdin returning with the guards and a strange near-human individual, the Sultan's eyes widened.
"Oh, well, I must say-" he began before cutting himself off. "Aladdin, my boy, you've come with a visitor! I'm sure they would love to talk!"
The citizens looked back at the prince as the Sultan spoke and they immediately began to part, murmuring among each other at the sight of the creature now in the room with them. They only really began to move away when Razoul started shoving his way through them and ordering them out.
Mungull had been going over maintenance for Whyoya’s systems along side the ship herself in the time off of traveling to Azeroth, another ship was dispatched to be the next base of operations there. Things were quiet beyond the normal crew chattering and working. That was until an alert came on the different screens around where Mungull was. He called down to the Atlantian palace via com systems “Ummm.. V.. we have a bit of a situation”
“We saw the alert, and are heading up there to get a better idea of what’s going on”
“Well from what it looks like- oh hey” Mungull turned off the com system when Vigos came up behind him. It wasn’t something he wanted to deal with at his normal desk where it could possibly cause panic. Vigos looked at the imaging systems that detected life. Mungull continued “it looks as if seven separate kingdoms just phased or got pulled into this timeline.. A scouting drone was sent to get a better view from above.”
“We are pretty sure we’ve seen this one somewhere” Vigos brought up the aerial view of one of the kingdoms and began to cross reference it to various medias globally.
Whyoya spoke up then as the search stopped upon the story of ‘Aladdin’ “I believe this is the kingdom in which Neltharion’s young apprentice is from, and mentioned upon his first arrival.
“The question now…. Did it get here by magic on their end… or did the inter-dimensional probe sent out nearly four decades ago finally come back after locating his reality.” Vigos wondered curiously at this new development. The next thing was contacting his partner on his home world.
Meanwhile, on Azeroth, Nelth and Jafar had settled down at the Earthen city of Dornogal after dealing with other threats around the area. Nelth sat going through messages on a tablet device that were mostly from expedition leaders. He was about to respond to one when Vigos had called him. “What is it?” Nel answered as he heard Jafar grumble out “I swear he has the worst timing”
Nel briefly responded “it could have been worse, it could have been in the middle of dealing with the Goliath sized bugs underground” before moving to a more secluded area within the inn to hear better. Afterwards, Nel returned to the table they were sitting at and spoke “I have good news… and bad news”
Jafar looked less amused at the mention of bad news “what is the bad news?”
“That part would make less sense without the good news first..” Nel smirked
“Fine… what is this good news?”
“Vigos may have just found your former reality and home”
“How is that supposed to be good news? What is the bad news?” Jafar huffed taking a drink of the ale of the city which he’d grown fond of.
“Vigos says that the seven kingdoms including your former residence, might be stuck in our reality” Nelth answered “and he says judging by the time period they were in, there’s going to be a lot of help needed to get them on par with the rest of the world.”
“There isn’t going to be enough liquor to deal with all of them, or old enemies” he grumbled again resting his head in folded arms on the table.
“My dear, Jay, I honestly doubt anyone will even recognize you even if you strolled in the middle of the streets. Not with all the long dreadlocks and such” Nel running his own hand through their similar style hair and grown out and decorated beards. “My guess is that you’d be the last person they’d expect to return to the kingdom, and the least of their problems if anything happens” Nelth motioned for them to head back to Whyoya to see what Vigos had in mind as far as making contact with their new guests.
Vigos and Mungull were busy with getting an idea of how to renovate the kingdoms when Nel and Jafar came to the command bridge of Whyoya. Jafar took in the sight of the place he once called home, but noticed more of how the rest of the kingdom looked worse off than before his demise. “You’d think with the power of a genie in their circle, they would have fixed up the damn city.” He stood with arms crossed in disbelief.
Mungull commented “I’m more of curious as to how the palace stands under the weight of all that metal, plus the heat making it expand probably doing a number on structural integrity. I wonder if the dude prays daily for it to not crush everything inside.”
Nel looked at the palace and asked “naa I want to know how the hell do they clean the bulbs in the heat.”
Vigos looked over at Jafar knowing many years ago he promised that if he found the place that he’d see to it be revamped. “Still want us to give the people a better kingdom?”
Jafar was quiet at first but had to wipe away tears as it was something he wanted but lost sight of with hunger for power. “They deserve better than the conditions they are living in currently. Something tells me they are going to find out that they are in a whole new era with all the air crafts passing overhead, and will want to know more”
“We will get the people there up to speed with the rest, though more capable linguistic skills will be needed including yourself. Personnel will have translation devices, but first hand knowledge is still better.” Vigos assured Jafar he’d have assistance for questions.
“Me? Returning to Agrabah? But what if -“
“We doubt you’d be recognized unless you set yourself up to be recognized wearing things of that culture again. How you are now, should be fine to enter the place. If you are that concerned, you could stay with the drop ship crew for bringing down construction materials, or even the pilot crew that will take those who are willing to relocate to our palace while renovating.” There was a pause before adding “eventually… they will have to learn of your existence” Vigos had prepared to get a smaller ship ready to travel to Agrabah to meet with the leaders into the new reality.
@goldbrick-and-diamond @dragonsruby
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 10 days ago
Aladdin felt his face flush as his fiancée pressed her lips to his cheeks. He chuckled awkwardly, looking down at the lily that she had snuck into his hand. She kept catching him off-guard, even if he should have been able to predict her at this point. Maybe he should have known that he couldn't press her into one thing. She would always be sweet and kind and unpredictable, and he would always be stunned by her.
"...I'll... I'll try," Aladdin stammered, looking back at the lily pad that the flower had been plucked from.
Seeing themselves together in the fountain was nice. It reminded him of their first time out together as “royals,” when they were looking at their reflections in the water off of the side of Carpet. Aladdin had thought at the time that Jasmine was only enjoying the ride, only seeing him as the prince that he pretended to be. …Still, he felt that was how the people saw him, or saw their relationship. Maybe Aladdin was just pretending. If he hadn't saved Jasmine from Jafar, or if the other suitors weren't such piles of… Well, would she still have wanted to marry him?
“Would… I…”
Aladdin hesitated, then decided to change the subject. His insecurities could come later. Now that he was alone with her and she already knew that he was struggling… Maybe he could use this oppurtunity to ask her about something that he had wondered about for awhile.
He looked down at the lily again, then looked out at the garden surrounding them.
“...Was this place around when your father… when he was… courting your mother?”
Aladdin groaned as he woke up in the same uncomfortable position that he had fallen asleep in; against the wall of the treasury, hiding from the officials who would no doubt want to help him plan the wedding that was barely a week away. In truth, to say that they were helping to “plan” would be an overstatement when it came to Aladdin's portion. It was more so that the officials would tell him what to do, and then Jasmine would explain it in a way that would be a bit more memorable, and then Iago would explain it in a self-aggrandizing way that Genie would translate, then Jasmine would explain it again... Aladdin was good at thinking on his feet, but there was… a lot of history behind everything he was supposed to say and do, and barely any of it seemed to stick with him. Of course, his lack of sleep could have had something to do with it.
When the month of the wedding arrived, Aladdin found himself plagued with doubts and nightmares that made it impossible to get more than a few hours of sleep each night. Falling asleep meant dreaming of what failures he may bring upon Agrabah as the future Sultan, and staying awake meant remembering the feel of Jasmine's broken body after the Ethereal condemned the kingdom. The damage was reversed, and Jasmine was saved, but he still remembered how still her body was in death. She looked barely any different in life as she did in death, and he had held her just like he had held his mother when she… when…
Aladdin sat up in a hurry after hearing the sounds of footsteps drawing near. Being seen in a moment of weakness was certainly one of the last things he wanted, and it'd be just his luck should the guards come in and accuse him of stealing from the treasury. The true source of the noise, though, was someone that Aladdin honestly wasn't expecting.
“J- Jasmine?” Aladdin slowly rose to his feet, his face turning slightly red at the fact that his fiance had caught him in a vulnerable moment. “I thought… I thought you were meeting with the ambassadors.”
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 15 days ago
Aladdin really should have been more careful, considering that the last time Jasmine asked to take a walk with him in the garden was when she was actually Mozenrath in disguise. He was already a bit on edge, but the thought didn't occur to him until they were already walking. Though he startled a few times in preparation for the worst, the worst didn't come, and he found himself set down on the edge of the fountain.
His eyes went wide for a few seconds as he stared at Rajah, trying to figure out what was wrong before he remembered that Rajah wasn't actually sick. Al hung his head. Maybe he really did need to relax.
“...Sure. I'll try.”
He could try, but it was hard when someone could sneak up on them while using the bubbling sound of the fountain as a cover. They could attack from behind and disrupt Jasmine's beautiful voice, and… No, what was he thinking? Things were… Things were okay. Jasmine was here with him, and she was alive and warm, unlike the body he remembered so vividly like he did with his… mother's body…
Aladdin raised his head up slightly, looking to Jasmine before looking back down and pulling her closer for him to embrace. There was something he wanted to discuss with her about… all of that, but now… now might not be the moment.
Aladdin groaned as he woke up in the same uncomfortable position that he had fallen asleep in; against the wall of the treasury, hiding from the officials who would no doubt want to help him plan the wedding that was barely a week away. In truth, to say that they were helping to “plan” would be an overstatement when it came to Aladdin's portion. It was more so that the officials would tell him what to do, and then Jasmine would explain it in a way that would be a bit more memorable, and then Iago would explain it in a self-aggrandizing way that Genie would translate, then Jasmine would explain it again... Aladdin was good at thinking on his feet, but there was… a lot of history behind everything he was supposed to say and do, and barely any of it seemed to stick with him. Of course, his lack of sleep could have had something to do with it.
When the month of the wedding arrived, Aladdin found himself plagued with doubts and nightmares that made it impossible to get more than a few hours of sleep each night. Falling asleep meant dreaming of what failures he may bring upon Agrabah as the future Sultan, and staying awake meant remembering the feel of Jasmine's broken body after the Ethereal condemned the kingdom. The damage was reversed, and Jasmine was saved, but he still remembered how still her body was in death. She looked barely any different in life as she did in death, and he had held her just like he had held his mother when she… when…
Aladdin sat up in a hurry after hearing the sounds of footsteps drawing near. Being seen in a moment of weakness was certainly one of the last things he wanted, and it'd be just his luck should the guards come in and accuse him of stealing from the treasury. The true source of the noise, though, was someone that Aladdin honestly wasn't expecting.
“J- Jasmine?” Aladdin slowly rose to his feet, his face turning slightly red at the fact that his fiance had caught him in a vulnerable moment. “I thought… I thought you were meeting with the ambassadors.”
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 15 days ago
Well, he certainly was right about that. Agrabah was no stranger to foreign threats, especially foreign threats that arrived with an abundance of magic. Vigos likely caused quite a stir when he first arrived, though he hadn't caused any trouble yet. Aladdin was just happy that Vigos seemed to have good intentions, even if the rest of his story was shrouded in information that he didn't fully understand.
The guards reluctantly led Aladdin and Vigos back in the direction of the palace where the Sultan awaited the report. Explaining to him that they were in another world was going to take some time, though maybe he was used to that sort of thing by now.
“Sorry about the guards,” Aladdin said as they walked, making Razoul grunt angrily in front of them. “They're used to facing some crazy stuff with magic. This place seems to be invaded every couple days, pretty much!”
Mungull had been going over maintenance for Whyoya’s systems along side the ship herself in the time off of traveling to Azeroth, another ship was dispatched to be the next base of operations there. Things were quiet beyond the normal crew chattering and working. That was until an alert came on the different screens around where Mungull was. He called down to the Atlantian palace via com systems “Ummm.. V.. we have a bit of a situation”
“We saw the alert, and are heading up there to get a better idea of what’s going on”
“Well from what it looks like- oh hey” Mungull turned off the com system when Vigos came up behind him. It wasn’t something he wanted to deal with at his normal desk where it could possibly cause panic. Vigos looked at the imaging systems that detected life. Mungull continued “it looks as if seven separate kingdoms just phased or got pulled into this timeline.. A scouting drone was sent to get a better view from above.”
“We are pretty sure we’ve seen this one somewhere” Vigos brought up the aerial view of one of the kingdoms and began to cross reference it to various medias globally.
Whyoya spoke up then as the search stopped upon the story of ‘Aladdin’ “I believe this is the kingdom in which Neltharion’s young apprentice is from, and mentioned upon his first arrival.
“The question now…. Did it get here by magic on their end… or did the inter-dimensional probe sent out nearly four decades ago finally come back after locating his reality.” Vigos wondered curiously at this new development. The next thing was contacting his partner on his home world.
Meanwhile, on Azeroth, Nelth and Jafar had settled down at the Earthen city of Dornogal after dealing with other threats around the area. Nelth sat going through messages on a tablet device that were mostly from expedition leaders. He was about to respond to one when Vigos had called him. “What is it?” Nel answered as he heard Jafar grumble out “I swear he has the worst timing”
Nel briefly responded “it could have been worse, it could have been in the middle of dealing with the Goliath sized bugs underground” before moving to a more secluded area within the inn to hear better. Afterwards, Nel returned to the table they were sitting at and spoke “I have good news… and bad news”
Jafar looked less amused at the mention of bad news “what is the bad news?”
“That part would make less sense without the good news first..” Nel smirked
“Fine… what is this good news?”
“Vigos may have just found your former reality and home”
“How is that supposed to be good news? What is the bad news?” Jafar huffed taking a drink of the ale of the city which he’d grown fond of.
“Vigos says that the seven kingdoms including your former residence, might be stuck in our reality” Nelth answered “and he says judging by the time period they were in, there’s going to be a lot of help needed to get them on par with the rest of the world.”
“There isn’t going to be enough liquor to deal with all of them, or old enemies” he grumbled again resting his head in folded arms on the table.
“My dear, Jay, I honestly doubt anyone will even recognize you even if you strolled in the middle of the streets. Not with all the long dreadlocks and such” Nel running his own hand through their similar style hair and grown out and decorated beards. “My guess is that you’d be the last person they’d expect to return to the kingdom, and the least of their problems if anything happens” Nelth motioned for them to head back to Whyoya to see what Vigos had in mind as far as making contact with their new guests.
Vigos and Mungull were busy with getting an idea of how to renovate the kingdoms when Nel and Jafar came to the command bridge of Whyoya. Jafar took in the sight of the place he once called home, but noticed more of how the rest of the kingdom looked worse off than before his demise. “You’d think with the power of a genie in their circle, they would have fixed up the damn city.” He stood with arms crossed in disbelief.
Mungull commented “I’m more of curious as to how the palace stands under the weight of all that metal, plus the heat making it expand probably doing a number on structural integrity. I wonder if the dude prays daily for it to not crush everything inside.”
Nel looked at the palace and asked “naa I want to know how the hell do they clean the bulbs in the heat.”
Vigos looked over at Jafar knowing many years ago he promised that if he found the place that he’d see to it be revamped. “Still want us to give the people a better kingdom?”
Jafar was quiet at first but had to wipe away tears as it was something he wanted but lost sight of with hunger for power. “They deserve better than the conditions they are living in currently. Something tells me they are going to find out that they are in a whole new era with all the air crafts passing overhead, and will want to know more”
“We will get the people there up to speed with the rest, though more capable linguistic skills will be needed including yourself. Personnel will have translation devices, but first hand knowledge is still better.” Vigos assured Jafar he’d have assistance for questions.
“Me? Returning to Agrabah? But what if -“
“We doubt you’d be recognized unless you set yourself up to be recognized wearing things of that culture again. How you are now, should be fine to enter the place. If you are that concerned, you could stay with the drop ship crew for bringing down construction materials, or even the pilot crew that will take those who are willing to relocate to our palace while renovating.” There was a pause before adding “eventually… they will have to learn of your existence” Vigos had prepared to get a smaller ship ready to travel to Agrabah to meet with the leaders into the new reality.
@goldbrick-and-diamond @dragonsruby
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 15 days ago
This wasn't about him! Jasmine needed to make a good impression on the ambassadors the week before the wedding! If things went wrong at this point, who knows how long Agrabah would last! They could cease trades, declare a war, send Chaos after them, make the people miserable and bring the Ethereal back…
Aladdin's thoughts faded as Jasmine lifted up his hands, squeezing them as though trying to get his attention. He almost wanted to snap for what he knew was no logical reason, but he couldn't do it when she had that look on her face. The anxious scowl on Al's face faded slightly. Even after all this time, his words to Genie still rang true. His fiancée really was funny.
“...Sure,” Aladdin replied in a slightly defeated tone. Maybe a walk would clear his head. If he did fall asleep anyway, at least it'd be by Jasmine's side.
Aladdin groaned as he woke up in the same uncomfortable position that he had fallen asleep in; against the wall of the treasury, hiding from the officials who would no doubt want to help him plan the wedding that was barely a week away. In truth, to say that they were helping to “plan” would be an overstatement when it came to Aladdin's portion. It was more so that the officials would tell him what to do, and then Jasmine would explain it in a way that would be a bit more memorable, and then Iago would explain it in a self-aggrandizing way that Genie would translate, then Jasmine would explain it again... Aladdin was good at thinking on his feet, but there was… a lot of history behind everything he was supposed to say and do, and barely any of it seemed to stick with him. Of course, his lack of sleep could have had something to do with it.
When the month of the wedding arrived, Aladdin found himself plagued with doubts and nightmares that made it impossible to get more than a few hours of sleep each night. Falling asleep meant dreaming of what failures he may bring upon Agrabah as the future Sultan, and staying awake meant remembering the feel of Jasmine's broken body after the Ethereal condemned the kingdom. The damage was reversed, and Jasmine was saved, but he still remembered how still her body was in death. She looked barely any different in life as she did in death, and he had held her just like he had held his mother when she… when…
Aladdin sat up in a hurry after hearing the sounds of footsteps drawing near. Being seen in a moment of weakness was certainly one of the last things he wanted, and it'd be just his luck should the guards come in and accuse him of stealing from the treasury. The true source of the noise, though, was someone that Aladdin honestly wasn't expecting.
“J- Jasmine?” Aladdin slowly rose to his feet, his face turning slightly red at the fact that his fiance had caught him in a vulnerable moment. “I thought… I thought you were meeting with the ambassadors.”
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 16 days ago
Aladdin felt quite lost as Vigos explained the details of their worlds colliding, but he felt that he got the general idea. While he wasn't entirely familiar with other worlds, he's witnessed reality change before his eyes because of a minor change in the past or because of some sort of spell. He himself had gone into the past a couple times. Perhaps this collision of worlds was because of something similar.
Vigos revealing his intent to help the citizens of Agrabah caught Aladdin's attention, though not for the best of reasons. He'd faced many a foe before who claimed to give gifts or make places better, after all. …But the gossip among the people right now was all about how this monstrous man came and healed the sick. It was almost too good to be true.
“...Okay, you can come with us back to the palace, but I'm going to be by your side the whole way. Got it?”
He tried to sound intimidating, but he couldn't hide the bit of hopeful excitement in his voice. This could be a breakthrough in a lot of ways!
Mungull had been going over maintenance for Whyoya’s systems along side the ship herself in the time off of traveling to Azeroth, another ship was dispatched to be the next base of operations there. Things were quiet beyond the normal crew chattering and working. That was until an alert came on the different screens around where Mungull was. He called down to the Atlantian palace via com systems “Ummm.. V.. we have a bit of a situation”
“We saw the alert, and are heading up there to get a better idea of what’s going on”
“Well from what it looks like- oh hey” Mungull turned off the com system when Vigos came up behind him. It wasn’t something he wanted to deal with at his normal desk where it could possibly cause panic. Vigos looked at the imaging systems that detected life. Mungull continued “it looks as if seven separate kingdoms just phased or got pulled into this timeline.. A scouting drone was sent to get a better view from above.”
“We are pretty sure we’ve seen this one somewhere” Vigos brought up the aerial view of one of the kingdoms and began to cross reference it to various medias globally.
Whyoya spoke up then as the search stopped upon the story of ‘Aladdin’ “I believe this is the kingdom in which Neltharion’s young apprentice is from, and mentioned upon his first arrival.
“The question now…. Did it get here by magic on their end… or did the inter-dimensional probe sent out nearly four decades ago finally come back after locating his reality.” Vigos wondered curiously at this new development. The next thing was contacting his partner on his home world.
Meanwhile, on Azeroth, Nelth and Jafar had settled down at the Earthen city of Dornogal after dealing with other threats around the area. Nelth sat going through messages on a tablet device that were mostly from expedition leaders. He was about to respond to one when Vigos had called him. “What is it?” Nel answered as he heard Jafar grumble out “I swear he has the worst timing”
Nel briefly responded “it could have been worse, it could have been in the middle of dealing with the Goliath sized bugs underground” before moving to a more secluded area within the inn to hear better. Afterwards, Nel returned to the table they were sitting at and spoke “I have good news… and bad news”
Jafar looked less amused at the mention of bad news “what is the bad news?”
“That part would make less sense without the good news first..” Nel smirked
“Fine… what is this good news?”
“Vigos may have just found your former reality and home”
“How is that supposed to be good news? What is the bad news?” Jafar huffed taking a drink of the ale of the city which he’d grown fond of.
“Vigos says that the seven kingdoms including your former residence, might be stuck in our reality” Nelth answered “and he says judging by the time period they were in, there’s going to be a lot of help needed to get them on par with the rest of the world.”
“There isn’t going to be enough liquor to deal with all of them, or old enemies” he grumbled again resting his head in folded arms on the table.
“My dear, Jay, I honestly doubt anyone will even recognize you even if you strolled in the middle of the streets. Not with all the long dreadlocks and such” Nel running his own hand through their similar style hair and grown out and decorated beards. “My guess is that you’d be the last person they’d expect to return to the kingdom, and the least of their problems if anything happens” Nelth motioned for them to head back to Whyoya to see what Vigos had in mind as far as making contact with their new guests.
Vigos and Mungull were busy with getting an idea of how to renovate the kingdoms when Nel and Jafar came to the command bridge of Whyoya. Jafar took in the sight of the place he once called home, but noticed more of how the rest of the kingdom looked worse off than before his demise. “You’d think with the power of a genie in their circle, they would have fixed up the damn city.” He stood with arms crossed in disbelief.
Mungull commented “I’m more of curious as to how the palace stands under the weight of all that metal, plus the heat making it expand probably doing a number on structural integrity. I wonder if the dude prays daily for it to not crush everything inside.”
Nel looked at the palace and asked “naa I want to know how the hell do they clean the bulbs in the heat.”
Vigos looked over at Jafar knowing many years ago he promised that if he found the place that he’d see to it be revamped. “Still want us to give the people a better kingdom?”
Jafar was quiet at first but had to wipe away tears as it was something he wanted but lost sight of with hunger for power. “They deserve better than the conditions they are living in currently. Something tells me they are going to find out that they are in a whole new era with all the air crafts passing overhead, and will want to know more”
“We will get the people there up to speed with the rest, though more capable linguistic skills will be needed including yourself. Personnel will have translation devices, but first hand knowledge is still better.” Vigos assured Jafar he’d have assistance for questions.
“Me? Returning to Agrabah? But what if -“
“We doubt you’d be recognized unless you set yourself up to be recognized wearing things of that culture again. How you are now, should be fine to enter the place. If you are that concerned, you could stay with the drop ship crew for bringing down construction materials, or even the pilot crew that will take those who are willing to relocate to our palace while renovating.” There was a pause before adding “eventually… they will have to learn of your existence” Vigos had prepared to get a smaller ship ready to travel to Agrabah to meet with the leaders into the new reality.
@goldbrick-and-diamond @dragonsruby
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 17 days ago
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ALADDIN (1992) Dir. Ron Clements & John Musker
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 17 days ago
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Both of them had really awful experiences with him, but they would probably still need to do official business with him. Talk about awkward!
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 17 days ago
Aladdin's eyes went wide in shock as he saw the screen appear between them, seeming to be assembled from nothing. It had to be magic! He had figured that these ‘Atlantians’ or so had access to magic after what Vigos had said about sharing a body, but this proved that the man was likely a sorcerer of some kind!
The guards yelped and gripped their swords in warning, expecting that the screen before them was just the precursor of some spell that the creature was about to cast. Aladdin, however, stepped forward to get a better look at the map that had appeared at Vigos's touch. Things were coming together slowly in his mind, and if things were true, that would mean something big.
“...You said that this area did not exist in this reality. Is that… Is that your area? Or ours?”
Mungull had been going over maintenance for Whyoya’s systems along side the ship herself in the time off of traveling to Azeroth, another ship was dispatched to be the next base of operations there. Things were quiet beyond the normal crew chattering and working. That was until an alert came on the different screens around where Mungull was. He called down to the Atlantian palace via com systems “Ummm.. V.. we have a bit of a situation”
“We saw the alert, and are heading up there to get a better idea of what’s going on”
“Well from what it looks like- oh hey” Mungull turned off the com system when Vigos came up behind him. It wasn’t something he wanted to deal with at his normal desk where it could possibly cause panic. Vigos looked at the imaging systems that detected life. Mungull continued “it looks as if seven separate kingdoms just phased or got pulled into this timeline.. A scouting drone was sent to get a better view from above.”
“We are pretty sure we’ve seen this one somewhere” Vigos brought up the aerial view of one of the kingdoms and began to cross reference it to various medias globally.
Whyoya spoke up then as the search stopped upon the story of ‘Aladdin’ “I believe this is the kingdom in which Neltharion’s young apprentice is from, and mentioned upon his first arrival.
“The question now…. Did it get here by magic on their end… or did the inter-dimensional probe sent out nearly four decades ago finally come back after locating his reality.” Vigos wondered curiously at this new development. The next thing was contacting his partner on his home world.
Meanwhile, on Azeroth, Nelth and Jafar had settled down at the Earthen city of Dornogal after dealing with other threats around the area. Nelth sat going through messages on a tablet device that were mostly from expedition leaders. He was about to respond to one when Vigos had called him. “What is it?” Nel answered as he heard Jafar grumble out “I swear he has the worst timing”
Nel briefly responded “it could have been worse, it could have been in the middle of dealing with the Goliath sized bugs underground” before moving to a more secluded area within the inn to hear better. Afterwards, Nel returned to the table they were sitting at and spoke “I have good news… and bad news”
Jafar looked less amused at the mention of bad news “what is the bad news?”
“That part would make less sense without the good news first..” Nel smirked
“Fine… what is this good news?”
“Vigos may have just found your former reality and home”
“How is that supposed to be good news? What is the bad news?” Jafar huffed taking a drink of the ale of the city which he’d grown fond of.
“Vigos says that the seven kingdoms including your former residence, might be stuck in our reality” Nelth answered “and he says judging by the time period they were in, there’s going to be a lot of help needed to get them on par with the rest of the world.”
“There isn’t going to be enough liquor to deal with all of them, or old enemies” he grumbled again resting his head in folded arms on the table.
“My dear, Jay, I honestly doubt anyone will even recognize you even if you strolled in the middle of the streets. Not with all the long dreadlocks and such” Nel running his own hand through their similar style hair and grown out and decorated beards. “My guess is that you’d be the last person they’d expect to return to the kingdom, and the least of their problems if anything happens” Nelth motioned for them to head back to Whyoya to see what Vigos had in mind as far as making contact with their new guests.
Vigos and Mungull were busy with getting an idea of how to renovate the kingdoms when Nel and Jafar came to the command bridge of Whyoya. Jafar took in the sight of the place he once called home, but noticed more of how the rest of the kingdom looked worse off than before his demise. “You’d think with the power of a genie in their circle, they would have fixed up the damn city.” He stood with arms crossed in disbelief.
Mungull commented “I’m more of curious as to how the palace stands under the weight of all that metal, plus the heat making it expand probably doing a number on structural integrity. I wonder if the dude prays daily for it to not crush everything inside.”
Nel looked at the palace and asked “naa I want to know how the hell do they clean the bulbs in the heat.”
Vigos looked over at Jafar knowing many years ago he promised that if he found the place that he’d see to it be revamped. “Still want us to give the people a better kingdom?”
Jafar was quiet at first but had to wipe away tears as it was something he wanted but lost sight of with hunger for power. “They deserve better than the conditions they are living in currently. Something tells me they are going to find out that they are in a whole new era with all the air crafts passing overhead, and will want to know more”
“We will get the people there up to speed with the rest, though more capable linguistic skills will be needed including yourself. Personnel will have translation devices, but first hand knowledge is still better.” Vigos assured Jafar he’d have assistance for questions.
“Me? Returning to Agrabah? But what if -“
“We doubt you’d be recognized unless you set yourself up to be recognized wearing things of that culture again. How you are now, should be fine to enter the place. If you are that concerned, you could stay with the drop ship crew for bringing down construction materials, or even the pilot crew that will take those who are willing to relocate to our palace while renovating.” There was a pause before adding “eventually… they will have to learn of your existence” Vigos had prepared to get a smaller ship ready to travel to Agrabah to meet with the leaders into the new reality.
@goldbrick-and-diamond @dragonsruby
19 notes · View notes
goldbrick-and-diamond · 17 days ago
She… left the ambassadors early? Well, it wasn't too uncommon for odd things to happen in Agrabah that would require the attention of the royals, but Aladdin imagined that Jasmine would want to make a better impression on them after everything that happened with the Riders of Ramond. Aladdin himself wasn't too popular with anyone, even after cleaning that whole mess up, so he tried to show himself in as good as light as possible.
“Is Rajah-” Aladdin began before shaking the thoughts from his head. The lack of sleep was definitely getting to him. “I'm fine, I'm just ti-”
Aladdin's words faded as Jasmine laid her hand on his shoulder. He reached up and silently laid his on top of hers, staring absently for several seconds before lifting up her hand, leaning over and pressing his lips to the back of her fingers.
“...I'm fine, really,” he said after a few seconds, bringing both of their hands down. “I just… need some… rest, I think. You should get back to your work.”
Aladdin groaned as he woke up in the same uncomfortable position that he had fallen asleep in; against the wall of the treasury, hiding from the officials who would no doubt want to help him plan the wedding that was barely a week away. In truth, to say that they were helping to “plan” would be an overstatement when it came to Aladdin's portion. It was more so that the officials would tell him what to do, and then Jasmine would explain it in a way that would be a bit more memorable, and then Iago would explain it in a self-aggrandizing way that Genie would translate, then Jasmine would explain it again... Aladdin was good at thinking on his feet, but there was… a lot of history behind everything he was supposed to say and do, and barely any of it seemed to stick with him. Of course, his lack of sleep could have had something to do with it.
When the month of the wedding arrived, Aladdin found himself plagued with doubts and nightmares that made it impossible to get more than a few hours of sleep each night. Falling asleep meant dreaming of what failures he may bring upon Agrabah as the future Sultan, and staying awake meant remembering the feel of Jasmine's broken body after the Ethereal condemned the kingdom. The damage was reversed, and Jasmine was saved, but he still remembered how still her body was in death. She looked barely any different in life as she did in death, and he had held her just like he had held his mother when she… when…
Aladdin sat up in a hurry after hearing the sounds of footsteps drawing near. Being seen in a moment of weakness was certainly one of the last things he wanted, and it'd be just his luck should the guards come in and accuse him of stealing from the treasury. The true source of the noise, though, was someone that Aladdin honestly wasn't expecting.
“J- Jasmine?” Aladdin slowly rose to his feet, his face turning slightly red at the fact that his fiance had caught him in a vulnerable moment. “I thought… I thought you were meeting with the ambassadors.”
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 18 days ago
Now that was interesting. Aladdin raised his brows slightly, ignoring the hissing from Razoul. It wasn't the first time that he had encountered two beings sharing the same body, but all of his experiences involved the two fighting for control over the respective body. He had never seen two beings share one body and have them both be okay with it. The mix may explain why the man had such an odd appearance. …Then again, that could just be what the man naturally looked like.
Crossing his arms, Aladdin responded by simply asking “...You are from Atlantis? The kingdom of Atlantis?” Even apart from Vigos being two individuals in one body, there was very little that Vigos spoke of that was familiar to Aladdin. Being from what was rumored to be a mythical kingdom could have something to do with that. This creature was either lying about everything, or he came from some different plane of existence where anything was possible.
…Including having the ability to give those on the streets a safe place to live.
Mungull had been going over maintenance for Whyoya’s systems along side the ship herself in the time off of traveling to Azeroth, another ship was dispatched to be the next base of operations there. Things were quiet beyond the normal crew chattering and working. That was until an alert came on the different screens around where Mungull was. He called down to the Atlantian palace via com systems “Ummm.. V.. we have a bit of a situation”
“We saw the alert, and are heading up there to get a better idea of what’s going on”
“Well from what it looks like- oh hey” Mungull turned off the com system when Vigos came up behind him. It wasn’t something he wanted to deal with at his normal desk where it could possibly cause panic. Vigos looked at the imaging systems that detected life. Mungull continued “it looks as if seven separate kingdoms just phased or got pulled into this timeline.. A scouting drone was sent to get a better view from above.”
“We are pretty sure we’ve seen this one somewhere” Vigos brought up the aerial view of one of the kingdoms and began to cross reference it to various medias globally.
Whyoya spoke up then as the search stopped upon the story of ‘Aladdin’ “I believe this is the kingdom in which Neltharion’s young apprentice is from, and mentioned upon his first arrival.
“The question now…. Did it get here by magic on their end… or did the inter-dimensional probe sent out nearly four decades ago finally come back after locating his reality.” Vigos wondered curiously at this new development. The next thing was contacting his partner on his home world.
Meanwhile, on Azeroth, Nelth and Jafar had settled down at the Earthen city of Dornogal after dealing with other threats around the area. Nelth sat going through messages on a tablet device that were mostly from expedition leaders. He was about to respond to one when Vigos had called him. “What is it?” Nel answered as he heard Jafar grumble out “I swear he has the worst timing”
Nel briefly responded “it could have been worse, it could have been in the middle of dealing with the Goliath sized bugs underground” before moving to a more secluded area within the inn to hear better. Afterwards, Nel returned to the table they were sitting at and spoke “I have good news… and bad news”
Jafar looked less amused at the mention of bad news “what is the bad news?”
“That part would make less sense without the good news first..” Nel smirked
“Fine… what is this good news?”
“Vigos may have just found your former reality and home”
“How is that supposed to be good news? What is the bad news?” Jafar huffed taking a drink of the ale of the city which he’d grown fond of.
“Vigos says that the seven kingdoms including your former residence, might be stuck in our reality” Nelth answered “and he says judging by the time period they were in, there’s going to be a lot of help needed to get them on par with the rest of the world.”
“There isn’t going to be enough liquor to deal with all of them, or old enemies” he grumbled again resting his head in folded arms on the table.
“My dear, Jay, I honestly doubt anyone will even recognize you even if you strolled in the middle of the streets. Not with all the long dreadlocks and such” Nel running his own hand through their similar style hair and grown out and decorated beards. “My guess is that you’d be the last person they’d expect to return to the kingdom, and the least of their problems if anything happens” Nelth motioned for them to head back to Whyoya to see what Vigos had in mind as far as making contact with their new guests.
Vigos and Mungull were busy with getting an idea of how to renovate the kingdoms when Nel and Jafar came to the command bridge of Whyoya. Jafar took in the sight of the place he once called home, but noticed more of how the rest of the kingdom looked worse off than before his demise. “You’d think with the power of a genie in their circle, they would have fixed up the damn city.” He stood with arms crossed in disbelief.
Mungull commented “I’m more of curious as to how the palace stands under the weight of all that metal, plus the heat making it expand probably doing a number on structural integrity. I wonder if the dude prays daily for it to not crush everything inside.”
Nel looked at the palace and asked “naa I want to know how the hell do they clean the bulbs in the heat.”
Vigos looked over at Jafar knowing many years ago he promised that if he found the place that he’d see to it be revamped. “Still want us to give the people a better kingdom?”
Jafar was quiet at first but had to wipe away tears as it was something he wanted but lost sight of with hunger for power. “They deserve better than the conditions they are living in currently. Something tells me they are going to find out that they are in a whole new era with all the air crafts passing overhead, and will want to know more”
“We will get the people there up to speed with the rest, though more capable linguistic skills will be needed including yourself. Personnel will have translation devices, but first hand knowledge is still better.” Vigos assured Jafar he’d have assistance for questions.
“Me? Returning to Agrabah? But what if -“
“We doubt you’d be recognized unless you set yourself up to be recognized wearing things of that culture again. How you are now, should be fine to enter the place. If you are that concerned, you could stay with the drop ship crew for bringing down construction materials, or even the pilot crew that will take those who are willing to relocate to our palace while renovating.” There was a pause before adding “eventually… they will have to learn of your existence” Vigos had prepared to get a smaller ship ready to travel to Agrabah to meet with the leaders into the new reality.
@goldbrick-and-diamond @dragonsruby
19 notes · View notes
goldbrick-and-diamond · 19 days ago
Aladdin groaned as he woke up in the same uncomfortable position that he had fallen asleep in; against the wall of the treasury, hiding from the officials who would no doubt want to help him plan the wedding that was barely a week away. In truth, to say that they were helping to “plan” would be an overstatement when it came to Aladdin's portion. It was more so that the officials would tell him what to do, and then Jasmine would explain it in a way that would be a bit more memorable, and then Iago would explain it in a self-aggrandizing way that Genie would translate, then Jasmine would explain it again... Aladdin was good at thinking on his feet, but there was… a lot of history behind everything he was supposed to say and do, and barely any of it seemed to stick with him. Of course, his lack of sleep could have had something to do with it.
When the month of the wedding arrived, Aladdin found himself plagued with doubts and nightmares that made it impossible to get more than a few hours of sleep each night. Falling asleep meant dreaming of what failures he may bring upon Agrabah as the future Sultan, and staying awake meant remembering the feel of Jasmine's broken body after the Ethereal condemned the kingdom. The damage was reversed, and Jasmine was saved, but he still remembered how still her body was in death. She looked barely any different in life as she did in death, and he had held her just like he had held his mother when she… when…
Aladdin sat up in a hurry after hearing the sounds of footsteps drawing near. Being seen in a moment of weakness was certainly one of the last things he wanted, and it'd be just his luck should the guards come in and accuse him of stealing from the treasury. The true source of the noise, though, was someone that Aladdin honestly wasn't expecting.
“J- Jasmine?” Aladdin slowly rose to his feet, his face turning slightly red at the fact that his fiance had caught him in a vulnerable moment. “I thought… I thought you were meeting with the ambassadors.”
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 22 days ago
Aladdin tilted his head in confusion as he tried to make sense of the creature- of Vigos's way of speaking. ‘We?’ Who is ‘we’ in this situation? Aladdin had spoken with quite a few individuals who spoke of themselves in the third person, as it seemed to be a trait of immortals such as Machina, but referring to oneself as multiple people was a bit odd for this specific scenario. Maybe he was speaking to an immortal after all.
At the same time, Aladdin wasn't completely sure about that. He could have sworn that he had heard the creature saying something in another voice, but perhaps it wasn't he who was speaking. …After all, the voice sounded… Aladdin didn’t want to say that he knew the voice, but it was familiar enough that it made his hair stand on end.
“Are there… um, others with you, Vigos Midrah?” Aladdin asked, trying to hide the uneasiness that came from hearing the other voice. Based on his interactions with royals and ambassadors in the past, he was likely failing at his cover. “We can, um, talk over your ideas for fixing all this real quick, and then we can head to the Sultan if it seems right!”
The guards looked at each other and grumbled something that was mostly unintelligible, though Aladdin could hear the word "beastly" coming from Razoul's direction. Aladdin grunted in an attempt to cover Razoul's voice.
"And, well, the people say that you're apt with medicine, so, uh, can you tell us what you're doing, exactly?"
Mungull had been going over maintenance for Whyoya’s systems along side the ship herself in the time off of traveling to Azeroth, another ship was dispatched to be the next base of operations there. Things were quiet beyond the normal crew chattering and working. That was until an alert came on the different screens around where Mungull was. He called down to the Atlantian palace via com systems “Ummm.. V.. we have a bit of a situation”
“We saw the alert, and are heading up there to get a better idea of what’s going on”
“Well from what it looks like- oh hey” Mungull turned off the com system when Vigos came up behind him. It wasn’t something he wanted to deal with at his normal desk where it could possibly cause panic. Vigos looked at the imaging systems that detected life. Mungull continued “it looks as if seven separate kingdoms just phased or got pulled into this timeline.. A scouting drone was sent to get a better view from above.”
“We are pretty sure we’ve seen this one somewhere” Vigos brought up the aerial view of one of the kingdoms and began to cross reference it to various medias globally.
Whyoya spoke up then as the search stopped upon the story of ‘Aladdin’ “I believe this is the kingdom in which Neltharion’s young apprentice is from, and mentioned upon his first arrival.
“The question now…. Did it get here by magic on their end… or did the inter-dimensional probe sent out nearly four decades ago finally come back after locating his reality.” Vigos wondered curiously at this new development. The next thing was contacting his partner on his home world.
Meanwhile, on Azeroth, Nelth and Jafar had settled down at the Earthen city of Dornogal after dealing with other threats around the area. Nelth sat going through messages on a tablet device that were mostly from expedition leaders. He was about to respond to one when Vigos had called him. “What is it?” Nel answered as he heard Jafar grumble out “I swear he has the worst timing”
Nel briefly responded “it could have been worse, it could have been in the middle of dealing with the Goliath sized bugs underground” before moving to a more secluded area within the inn to hear better. Afterwards, Nel returned to the table they were sitting at and spoke “I have good news… and bad news”
Jafar looked less amused at the mention of bad news “what is the bad news?”
“That part would make less sense without the good news first..” Nel smirked
“Fine… what is this good news?”
“Vigos may have just found your former reality and home”
“How is that supposed to be good news? What is the bad news?” Jafar huffed taking a drink of the ale of the city which he’d grown fond of.
“Vigos says that the seven kingdoms including your former residence, might be stuck in our reality” Nelth answered “and he says judging by the time period they were in, there’s going to be a lot of help needed to get them on par with the rest of the world.”
“There isn’t going to be enough liquor to deal with all of them, or old enemies” he grumbled again resting his head in folded arms on the table.
“My dear, Jay, I honestly doubt anyone will even recognize you even if you strolled in the middle of the streets. Not with all the long dreadlocks and such” Nel running his own hand through their similar style hair and grown out and decorated beards. “My guess is that you’d be the last person they’d expect to return to the kingdom, and the least of their problems if anything happens” Nelth motioned for them to head back to Whyoya to see what Vigos had in mind as far as making contact with their new guests.
Vigos and Mungull were busy with getting an idea of how to renovate the kingdoms when Nel and Jafar came to the command bridge of Whyoya. Jafar took in the sight of the place he once called home, but noticed more of how the rest of the kingdom looked worse off than before his demise. “You’d think with the power of a genie in their circle, they would have fixed up the damn city.” He stood with arms crossed in disbelief.
Mungull commented “I’m more of curious as to how the palace stands under the weight of all that metal, plus the heat making it expand probably doing a number on structural integrity. I wonder if the dude prays daily for it to not crush everything inside.”
Nel looked at the palace and asked “naa I want to know how the hell do they clean the bulbs in the heat.”
Vigos looked over at Jafar knowing many years ago he promised that if he found the place that he’d see to it be revamped. “Still want us to give the people a better kingdom?”
Jafar was quiet at first but had to wipe away tears as it was something he wanted but lost sight of with hunger for power. “They deserve better than the conditions they are living in currently. Something tells me they are going to find out that they are in a whole new era with all the air crafts passing overhead, and will want to know more”
“We will get the people there up to speed with the rest, though more capable linguistic skills will be needed including yourself. Personnel will have translation devices, but first hand knowledge is still better.” Vigos assured Jafar he’d have assistance for questions.
“Me? Returning to Agrabah? But what if -“
“We doubt you’d be recognized unless you set yourself up to be recognized wearing things of that culture again. How you are now, should be fine to enter the place. If you are that concerned, you could stay with the drop ship crew for bringing down construction materials, or even the pilot crew that will take those who are willing to relocate to our palace while renovating.” There was a pause before adding “eventually… they will have to learn of your existence” Vigos had prepared to get a smaller ship ready to travel to Agrabah to meet with the leaders into the new reality.
@goldbrick-and-diamond @dragonsruby
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 23 days ago
Fanart of the evil Aladdin from @inanelemon 's AU 🖤
It was very interesting and satisfying to draw, I didn't notice how fast the time flew by while I was working. I really like the character design that @inanelemon up with and the recent works of this artist have inspired me a lot✨ I'm looking forward to seeing more AU drawings☺️
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The version of the drawing without the background, which I like better:
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(Please click on the image to see in better quality)
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goldbrick-and-diamond · 27 days ago
I was really curious how you would describe an evil Aladdin? I certainly took inspiration from the show, when they showed us a cartoonishly evil clone of Aladdin. But I'm also interested in other visions.
Oh man, I am a sucker for evil/alternate doppelgangers or counterparts, in case that wasn't already obvious with my ranting. I could talk about them all day if anyone let me! Had to take a few days to think about this one. 
Like you said, we have a few more “official” examples of an evil Aladdin already. Chaos's Aladdin is an jerk who beats people up for fun, and Shadow Aladdin is just evil for the sake of it.
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And going off of non-Disney stuff, there's Aladdin from Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier, who... yeah, that guy has issues.
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As for my take on an evil Aladdin, it would obviously change depending on what kind of environment Aladdin was raised in. I love Aladdin as a character because he very clearly has flaws that make things difficult for both him and the people around him. He's athletic, intelligent and kind, but he's very insecure about how other people see him. A villainous Aladdin would probably be someone who ups the insecurities and acts out because of it, likely deciding that he was going to make people think better of him whether or not it's for a good reason. What would decide on the rest would be what influences he had growing up in his life.
While I can't remember it being made canon anywhere apart from the Broadway show and the original demos of the film, I personally headcanon that a lot of Aladdin's morality stems from his desire to make his mother happy. Whether she's alive or not, she seems to have been a major source of stability in Al's early life, so taking that away from him would have certainly twisted him in another direction.
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Even then, while we see that young Aladdin still argues against Amal stealing jewels, Al does temporarily turn to stealing money as a teen/young adult when he's hired as a pickpocket by the traveling circus. He immediately relents against this, though, once he sees the grief caused by leaving people in the same state that he's in.
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I think an Aladdin who grew up on the streets without a caring figure in his early life would probably be much more selfish and inconsiderate, taking without thinking to give anything in return. He may have be someone who wouldn't argue against stealing jewels and wouldn't care if his actions left people on the streets. ...Maybe it'd take a bit more to get him there, but I think it's a possibility for a villainous Aladdin.
And then there's concepts where he's had a very different upbringing, like if he were raised by his father and brought into the Forty Thieves. Cassim isn't an entirely villainous figure, but he's shown to not be the most considerate when it comes to the wellbeing of others. Perhaps a "Prince of Thieves" Aladdin would be more like his father, where he cares more his own wellbeing than for others but still heavily values the life of his family.
Your version and the version of @somethingstrangeisherehehe with the necromancer Aladdin could come out in a lot of ways, most likely from Aladdin being raised by Destane as Mozenrath was implied to have been. Considering how rough Destane was implied to have been and how Mozenrath turned out, that kind of Aladdin would not be anywhere near as kind as the Aladdin we know. That, and I imagine using the bodies of the dead as your tools probably takes a lot of compassion out of people.
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(I included the pictures because the links kept deleting themselves. Sorry about that.)
I love thinking about all of this stuff. It's fascinating! I'm excited to see what else you guys do with your versions, if you decide to keep going with it!
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