#tfc admin
bienmoreau · 3 months
Can you tell me abt sunshine court? I see a new book came recently and I've gathered it's a book series and I could just look it up but I have not. It's books? About foxes? I guess it's not about foxes. I like foxes tho. When I see it on your blog I think abt foxes which is nice.
Boy CAN I!!
The Sunshine Court is a spin-off of the All For The Game trilogy by Nora Sakavic! It follows my absolute favourite character from the trilogy the one and only Jean Moreau! (And my 2nd favourite Jeremy Knox)!! BUT! TSC is going to make next to no sense unless you've read AFTG!
So what is AFTG?
; A trilogy consisting of the books The Foxhole Court, The Raven King and The Kings Men.
Shortest answer is: a truly wild collegiate sport drama with an extra flavour of trying to escape from the mafia and shed loads of trauma!
Slightly longer answer is that the books are about Neil Josten a boy on the run for his life from his dad who's obsessed with a fictional sport called Exy. Against all better judgement he is convinced to sign with a college team. And against all odds doing so is probably long-term what saves his life. Tho not for many a close call when his past and his present collide with more fallout than even he could have anticipated. Thankfully he has the 'psychotic midget' Andrew Minyard at his back and maybe they can make a future together out of this mess.
Longer/other answers can be found in this tag here #wtf is tfc
And also please mind there are a heap of trigger warnings for these books if you do plan to read them! More info on each book here!
But yeh. These books mean a lot to me. A friend got me to read them in 2015 and a group of us spent a couple months building a fandom and promoting the heck out of them and that fandom is now bigger than I ever could have imagined back then and most of the old crowd aren't really in it anymore but the love from that time hasn't gone anywhere and then last year Nora messaged me to say she was writing TSC (incredibly exciting madness since she went offline YEARS ago!) so I've been dipping my toes back in a bit since then, mostly just for tsc & jerejean again, but the OG 3 books still mean so much to me and I'm rereading them rn and still absolutely adore Nora's writing and the story she is telling with these books!! So with all that (sorry got a little tangential there) if you are interested and wanna know more feel free to ask me anything abt them!
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palmettoshitposts · 2 years
I firmly believe andrew does nice things for people and then just lies about it.
it starts off low-key and the lies are believable or just by omission. like nicky suddenly finds the water bottle he’d been missing for months and it’s right in front of him (andrew spent a while searching all of the spots nicky usually puts things and found it pretty quickly). everyone, including nicky, presumes he was being a dumbass and it’s been there all the time.
like the time kevin finds a sports drink he really likes in the back of the maz after night practice and asks how it got there. andrew ignores him and neil just says that maybe aaron left it there?
like the time the girls want to make some cocktails with neil and educate him on “the delights of fruity alcohol” and they just happen to find most of the drinks they need already tucked in the back of the cupboard. some of them are half empty so they presume they had been there for a while (andrew had found some at the columbia house and just put them in the girls cupboard)
neil is very used to this but he doesn’t say anything or call andrew out. food that he likes appearing, new items of clothing that seemingly spawn at the back of the wardrobe, his bag making its way into the car before neil’s even realised he isn’t carrying it. it’s andrew’s low-key version of caring and neil thinks it’s sweet (not that he’d every day that aloud).
it moves on to bigger things.
andrew using a barely legal move against an opposing player after he’s been antagonising and irritating most of the team, but especially dan. the player ends up mildly injured and is taken off court. dan confronts andrew after, asking about it and andrew just claims he has no recollection of any of the events.
he’s moved beyond the silence to just straight up starts gaslight, gatekeep, girlbossing the foxes.
he literally buys nicky a pair of shoes he won’t shut up about and acts like nicky is the crazy one for thanking him, even though he literally just handed him the box.
he helps aaron book a tickets to a band katelyn likes because he’s in class when they go on sale and claims to never have heard of them later on.
he fully insists he was never in the lounge when matt needed some help moving some furniture around, despite it clearly being a two person job, andrew being the only one around at that moment and matt literally fucking carrying the other end of the furniture with him.
one of his biggest and frankly stupidest lies is when he hands david a bottle of really expensive whiskey the day he graduates and two seconds after handing it over, he asks david where he got it from.
david just rolls his eyes and tells him some asshole who he WILL be keeping in touch with gave it to him.
andrew just says “who?” like david is being super vague and confusing.
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no and it's especially funny that ppl refuse to draw diff body types for women bcos the tf2 comics are actually really good at that! like the female characters in there all have unique body types that actually like fit their character design and shit. and let me tell you it certainly did not detract from their simps cause we saw how classic fortress pyro almost destroyed medic in the hottest tf2 character polls. women are allowed and should exist outside of hour glass.
Noooo honestly like... as I said it's Really noticeable when someone who approaches art like that tries to draw Zhanna, bc even though she's a boobs woman, Zhanna is still like actually tall and actually buff and yknow the shape of her eyes and her nose and all that, and people just don't draw her right sometimes! There's soooo much distinction between her and Pauling both in body and in face so it's unfortunate when people just regulate them to basically the same face and basically the same body bc woman, ESPECIALLY when they don't do that for men
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mawofthemagnetar · 7 months
TFC’s Completely Normal Afternoon Where Nothing Goes Wrong And Nobody Dies Horribly
(shoutout to @lindentree for inspiring this silly fic!)
TFC sat in his little bachelor pad, coffee in hand, watching the steam rise out of his mug. 
It was a nice mug, all things considered. A gift from the other Hermits. A handmade blue thing, turned on a potter’s wheel, with an extra-large handle to give his old hands a break sometimes. Full of coffee from his ancient coffee machine, that gurgled and growled like a jackhammer being waterboarded.
TFC took a sip, and winced. Okay, so maybe it was time to leave the mine and get more coffee. He’d re-used the grounds for the fourth time, and now it was really starting to get properly bitter. 
He drummed his fingers on his glass-top table, listening to the echo against the cold stone walls of his little antechamber. Maybe he’d decorate the walls at some point soon. 
TFC shrugged, and opened his comm. Hopefully one of the other Hermits had some coffee beans. He wiped the stone dust off his screen, and held down the three buttons to switch it on. Yes, he kept his comm strapped to his arm like almost every other player with some semblance of sense. No, he refused to let the damn thing be awake for any longer than it needed to be. The Hermits were chatty folks, and when TFC was deep in his mines and deep in thought, the last thing he needed interrupting his musings was a million buzzing noises as Cleo and Jevin got into a slapfight in the general chat. 
TFC’s personal logo flashed across the screen (the three letters of his name in red, natch) and he took another slurp of his bitter coffee, wrinkling his nose. The comm beeped, and TFC opened the group chat and tapped out a quick message. 
<Tinfoilchef> anyone got any more coffee? I’m clean out. 
He put his comm down, and took another swig. 
And waited. 
And waited. 
And waited. 
TFC frowned. He was a patient man by nature. The same could not be said of the other Hermits, who were usually falling over themselves to help each other out. 
And he hadn’t gotten a reply yet. 
It had been a whole ninety seconds.
TFC scrolled up in chat, and he sighed, rubbing his face. He sank back in his chair in annoyance. 
Of course. 
He tabbed upwards, watching things spiral out of control… in reverse. 
<Renthedog was blanched to death> 
<Vintagebeef was portaged to death> 
TFC rubbed his temples with his free hand, sighing in exasperation. ‘
“Guys, I dug up five stacks of diamonds, don’t make me do this…I don’t want to re-dig those tunnels…” TFC groaned. 
And of course the nonsense kept coming as he scrolled farther and farther back. Gee, that last message from Ren was about four hours ago, now...
<Iskall85 became part of the weft> 
“Does anyone on this server besides me even know HOW to weave?!” TFC growled, averting his gaze from his pile of unfinished weaving in the corner of the room. It didn’t exist. He couldn’t see it. His WIP’s couldn’t hurt him.
And on and on it went.
<Xisumavoid was hooked to death>
<Grian was torqued to death>
<Tango was unraveled to death> 
<Zombiecleo was racqueted to death>
“Right, I’ve seen enough.” TFC sighed, “On the bright side, at least I’ll have all the coffee I had a week ago, so there’s that…” 
He carefully tabbed through his various screens and menus until he arrived at the one bit of his comm that was set aside for admin functions. Now, TFC wasn’t a server admin. That much was true. But he had slight admin privileges, for one thing and one thing only: server rollbacks. 
While, say, Hypno would have had an extensive wall of options, showing his permissions and all sorts of bells and whistles, TFC’s admin console had a text box to input a date and a big red “GO” button. 
He looked mournfully at his ender chest, and, with a sigh, keyed in a date one week prior. 
And TFC jabbed his thumb on the big red button. 
The world flashed white, utterly blinding him, and a second later TFC was deep in the branch mine in a half-finished tunnel, the same spot he’d been exactly a week prior. 
Unfortunately, he was still in a comfortable sitting position, resting all his weight on a chair that suddenly wasn’t there, so he immediately toppled to the ground, landing on his ass in an undignified heap. 
“Ow.” TFC muttered, sitting up slowly and tapping through his messages. 
<Xisuma> oh, we rolled back. Is everyone alright!?
<Tango> Mumbo you are BANNED FROM TIME TRAVEL
<MumboJumbo> It wasn’t me this time! I mean it was. But blame Zedaph! 
<Zedaph> ME?! No! Blame Cub! Cub gave me the doodad! 
TFC rolled his eyes and typed out a message. 
<Tinfoilchef> Does anyone have any fresh coffee beans?
No messages. No new complaining. As all the hermits re-read TFC’s words and soaked them in. 
Finally, Cleo broke the silence. 
<Zombiecleo> TFC. How many times did you re-use your last filter of grounds. 
<TinfoilChef> eh, six? Seven?
<Zombiecleo> are you telling me we’d all still be in shuttlecock hell if you hadn’t gotten sick of the taste of reused coffee grinds?!
<TinfoilChef> Pretty much, yeah 
<TinfoilChef> anyway 
<TinfoilChef> does anyone have some fresh coffee? 
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 8 months
Xisuma may be the admin of the server. But he is definitely not the strongest on it.
TFC, the god of mining. Half of everything. He knows his way throughout caves. Server hopping may be a difficult, intense process for anyone else, but he can simply mine through world borders if he choses to.
Pearl and Grian, omnipresent gods. The first watchers. They have access to a council full of others like them. They are worshiped by every watcher to know of their existences. Thousands of eyes, watching it all.
Joe Hills. An enigma, but a powerful one. He speaks of a world much, much larger than the confines of minecraft. He knows what the world truly is. He knows the others know that he knows, too. He doesn't dare share these secrets.
Cleo. A mortal, but an unspeakably powerful one. The first to crawl her way out of hell, back into her body, back to consciousness. All out of sheer force of will. There are many myths that speak of her greatness. Few have followed in her footsteps, and even fewer succeeded. But anyone who has tried knows her story.
Doc. A man who pushes the boundaries of life and death for fun. He cackles at the mere concept of rules, knowing how to break them all on his own. In divine quickness, too.
If Xisuma ever tried to rule with an iron fist, if he ever got too cocky, he'll be reminded real quick who he has as his server mates.
The reason why Xisuma's so-called rule works, is that he never tries to use fear or power to control them. He doesn't really control them at all. Hermitcraft is a council of equals, of friends, no matter how much personal power someone has. Xisuma is just the one who stepped up to take on admin duties.
-Mod Mleem
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nishnormp · 5 months
cheavy ramblings
Been thinking about the stinky BLU classic heavy from the comics lately. He's basically the villain of the final issues, and was practically built to be unlikeable from the start so his defeat could be more satisfying; buut since its been years since an update came out and I am slowly going insane, I think it would be funky to explore him more (bonus cmedic feature)
Few disclaimers: I'm not excusing his actions (I myself think hes a bitch) and I do NOT ship him with tf2 medic (also I dont think tf2 medic is unmasked cmedic bc 1)why would he sabotage himself in the issues by acting like That 2)uhh reasons later 3)this panel) also some of my takes aren't original, but I've expanded on em a bit
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P1: Medic hater activities
As we all know, cheavy's greatest sin was dunking on + killing tf2 medic
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Somehow he and tfc demo got sidetracked by medic's question, but the most hostile he gets towards tf2 medic here is jeering at the fact that they're going to hunt down his old team; which tf2 medic doesn't seem bothered by.
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( @number1yisuchongfan actually brought this up before me) This panel pretty much sums up why cheavy is pissed: medic was implied to have a record of being weird with parts (he lost his license bc he stole a man's skeleton), he blew ALL of his budget meant for healing on exotic parts (that he put in cheavy's teammates), AND he revived the enemy (said enemy slips away a few panels later just as cheavy gets informed that three of his mercs died).
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(also, the weird p3do tfc scout and soldier arent included in the 'three good men', since they died much later) Speaking of the 'good men' comment-
P2: Good leader at some point?? Not anymore tho
Hes gruff and an ass, but cheavy has a soft spot for his team; the tf2 mercs call each other strictly by their classes, but the tfc ones know each other names (also see cheavy's way of describing his dead teammates and his immediate reaction to go over there rather than curse/assume their incompetence)
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He gets curious about australium, and from here on out he gets fixated on it- enough to be more unreasonable than usual. Cheavy is pretty amicable with Bea, and the way he acts with her is probably more in-character for what he was like back in his prime rather than the hot-tempered man that the later panels show.
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I mean . He and his team were highly recommended and even took out ALL of the admin's elite teams, leaving the tf2 team for last. He may be a drill sergeant, but I don't think he was a genuine tyrant for most of his career; they aren't purely business-basis with each other (some of them formed close bonds, like fred and virgil), plus- any elite team would be able to capitalize on an overly prideful and control freaky leader (+a constantly demoralized team) sooner.
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With three of his mercs dead and his plans failing against a team that he saw as rejects, the mental strain is showing badly. Tfc mercs don't have much personality in their games (or their own comic about them during their prime) but one of the few dynamics mentioned is between the Heavy and the Engineer+Medic. Tfc engie is the one who stepped up to ask about cheavy's plans, and he also gets the brunt of his anger. Earlier, cheavy answered bea's question and encouraged her, but now he's yelling and mocking the capabilities of one of the men he coordinates with the most.
Tfc scout's line may just be him not understanding/underestimating australium (esp since apparently cheavy had to ask grey mann what it even did), but it also reads as him seeing cheavy having officially gone off his rocker; his shaky grasp over leadership might kill the team before being deprived of yellow rocks does. Both scout and engie are thrown off by his attitude, implying that cheavy isn't usually like this (I can't imagine them being coordinated if they all shrimp away like that).
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His line of thinking for both of these situations are pretty questionable. For the first one, he knows that the bots extract australium from the body, but he also knows that the mercs likely have nothing in them anyways (note the emphasis on his dead mercs, this is him taking revenge but also he is NAWT going to get any australium for those extra immortality machines which is still a pressing issue for his engie). In the second one, he first tells medic that they'll try figuring out how to stitch the machine on him, which leads to medic stabbing him and cheavy retaliating. Cheavy then goes all the way with attempting to kill him, stating that he'll just gets his answers from the administrator. Its soon revealed that he wants to fight tf2 heavy, but even that is ??? Like cheavy knows that he and his team are old as hell, but he's going to try having a fair fight with a guy in his prime anyways? He didn't even know that he could just slap on the machine at the time, and the unnecessary risk for what seems to be a quest to satisfy his ego is antithetical to his supposed goal of getting the rocks and making his team immortal. At this point, his hatred of medic has completely overridden his rationality; there were many ways for him to have killed both of them, yet he didn't take em.
P3: Cmedic
I saw some posts abt how cheavy is likely coded as homophobic due to how he treats medic (a presumably gay-coded character) bc of the "stay in the kitchen"-esque dialogue, and the way cheavy undermines him in verbal + physical ways. I do not have a very solid defense for this . aside from everything I listed before.
Just to clarify, I think its cheavy's fault for alienating medic from the start: loss of medical license aside, medic's inventions DO work splendidly for healing. Would it have been more concerning since medic is . meant to heal? Maybe. But mercs are literal murderers for hire, personality quirks should be the last of their priorities. The guy is passionate about showing off his stuff, and he was even enthusiastic about getting on the battlefield and healing cheavy. I'm not saying medic was going to be 100% loyal, but he's willing to do his job for the classics as long as he wasn't disrespected so damn much.
The tfc mercs with personalities are ones that oppose their tf2 counterpart; tfc sniper is a sadist rather than a swift professional, tfc pyro is...also a sadist rather than having tf2 pyro's misguided bubbliness, and cheavy does not respect his team's (current) medic. This in conjunction with the complete and utter lack of not just presence but also mention of tfc medic leads to the popular belief that the guy just up and left because of the disrespect.
(Writing inconsistencies be damned I like to cope) so what if it wasn't the case?
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These are one of the few lines in tfc that describe a cooperative nature between certain classes. Like I mentioned earlier, tfc has less media compared to tf2 so its easy to slot personalities onto them as villains (tfc sniper's gun blowing people into giblets kinda helps), but I don't think these can be ignored. Fred was the one who represented the rest of the team's opinions to cheavy, and the phrasing in the second pic is even stronger; the heavymedic duo was always a thing, even in tfc.
Sort of. Gameplay-wise, cmedic is more like a roided out scout armed with a medkit that can give enemies and disguised spies tuberculosis, grenades that can send him across the map, and a gun that can destroy sentries (situational). He doesn't need to cling to his more offensive teammates as much as tf2 medic, and while his kit can instantly heal a teammate to full no matter the percentage + give overheal- its strictly melee ranged and has no ubercharge. In a narrative sense, cmedic would most likely oppose tf2 medic as a more 'grounded' healer. He prevents damage to his team by erasing enemies himself, doesn't go too overboard with his biochemical arsenal (his brew is potent but hes stuck with the melee-ranged kit and no crazy mechanic like uber), and can typically run off by himself (provided he isn't jumped by two soldiers or smth). Its a matter of game design, but can translate to the comics in an interesting way.
Medic is the only one who speaks of cmedic, and while the mention itself has no violent reaction- no one else speaks of him. I can't imagine him being easily forgotten since the heavymedic duo is just too iconic, so what if smth exceptionally horrible just happened to him? If cmedic was close to cheavy than everyone else, his loss/disappearance could explain cheavy's immediate dislike for tf2 med; not only replacing his own med, but with the complete opposite in terms of personality as well.
(I could expand on cmedic more, but this post is already long enough as is so I'll probably just make a separate one gah)
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do you know your hermistory? hermitcraft debuts in order
Short ID: an infographic illustrating each current hermitcraft whitelist member's hermitcraft debut date by season. Each hermit is illustrated next to an abridged tfc quote that reads 'a great big dysfunctional family'
Long ID below cut
Image ID: a long single panelled infographic on a rainbow gradient background. Down the right hand side reads "a great big, dysfunctional family". The infographic has the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 down the left hand side, each with a corresponding colour on the gradient.
Section one: down the left hand side of this section are the following stats: 'April 2012: Hypno, Xisuma', 'May 2012: Keralis, Joe Hills' 'Jan 2013: Bdubs'. All of the above hermits are illustrated in the section. Keralis, Xisuma, and Hypno stand at the top as founding members of the server. There is an illustration of a leaf block on a two high fence next to Keralis labelled 'booshes' and an arrow points at Hypno reading 'website admin'. Below them, Joe Hills reclines in a Uno wildcard themed bubble reading a book called 'scam'. An arrow points to this bubble that reads 'the original new guy'. Bdubs' appears waving in a small white circle below Joe with the caption '2 eps in S1. Coming soon!'
Section two: a neon green arrow bridges this section to section one. It comes from Joe Hills and reads 'coup!'. Down the left of this section are the following stats: 'June 2013: Cleo, Mumbo', 'Oct 2013: TFC', 'Dec 2013: iJevin', 'June 2014: False', 'July 2014: Tango', and 'Sept 2014: xbcrafted'. Cleo and mumbo sit together with an arrow pointing at them reading 'both too shy to talk to people' - this text also has an arrow pointing at falsesymmetry. Tfc is depicted carrying a pair of binoculars and has an arrow pointing at him that reads 'branch mine advocate' of which the branch is underlined. Ijevin carries a stopwatch and False a diamond sword. Tango holds a minecraft oak door and has two bits of text pointing at him. The first reads 'early iron farm visitor' and the second reads 'redstone genius'. This second text has arrows that also descend down to impulse, doc, and etho in section three. The final hermit in section two is xb, who is lying on his stomach, kicking his legs and looking up at tango.
Section three: the stats down the left hand side of this section read 'Jan 2015: impulse', 'march 2015: etho, doc'. Impulse is depicted falling into a yellow pentagram with the caption 'summoned to help with quad witch hut'. Below this, doc and etho stand side by side (doc a head taller than etho). Doc has a pen and a clipboard and the pair are labelled 'mindcrack refugees'.
Section four: the stats down the left hand side of this section read: 'Feb 2016: Welsknight, Iskall, Scar, Ren, Cub', 'Sept 2016: Beef'. The five hermits for Feb 2016 are depicted in a line with a box grouping cub and scar with a note that reads 'do not separate'. Below them is the caption 'kingdomcraft'. Beef reclines alone below them, with a note beside him that reads 'mesa-ing around' (title of cub's first hermitcraft episode).
Section five: the stats down the left hand side of this section read: 'April 2017: Stress, Bdubs, Zed'. This section is relatively small. Stress is in a GG get gorgeous t-shirt, holding an allium. Bduds is asleep on Zed, wrapped up in his moss cloak. Above him reads 'NHO time!'
Section six: the stats down the left hand side of this section read: 'July 2018: grian'. This section depicts grian t-posing with white wings and orange goose feet. He has two captions, the first reads 'started a war' and has an arrow pointing up to stress as well. The other reads 'horrible goose t-posing to assert dominance'.
Section 8: the stats down the left hand side of this final section read: 'June 2021: Gem, Pearl'. Gem and pearl are depicted hugging with the captions 'moon big' and 'gem is great'. Pearl's face is depicted as a moon and her eyes are craters. She still has blonde hair to match her minecraft skin.
End ID
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writingpencil · 6 months
The Rift
From the forming rips in the earth’s beautiful skin glowed purple; brilliant rays of lavender and magenta combined, with beams of light matching the stars, created wounds that expanded across all of the horizons. Buildings were cracked in half, shattered like feeble glass, and others disappeared entirely, neverminding who or what was inside. Villagers and animals ran from the purple, many unable to escape, crying out for the guardians of the continent.
The Hermit of the mines, TFC, had felt the earthquakes long before they arrived. He noticed the way the monsters began to cower, even ran past him, and how the bats flocked to him for protection. The older man was the first to encounter a rip in the underneath. It had nearly swallowed him whole if not for his quick thinking. TFC gathered up everything he could as the earth rumbled - including the bats - and scrambled out of his mines. Thankfully, the miner sustained few injuries. It was TFC, accompanied by a bird, who reported the strange phenomenon that allowed the other Hermits - the supposed guardians - to act.
Several Hermits had spread out, saving who and what they could. False had led the recovery charge, commanding her fellow Hermits with the grace of a true warrior. However, even with her leadership on the surface, many were unable to be helped. For every shulker of valuables Etho gathered, Beef lost several cattle. For every villager Stress saved, Tango wasn’t able to save entire farms - losing pounds upon pounds of redstone. It was a game of balance, an ability to win but with cost, and no Hermit knew how long they had.
In the meanwhile, the Admin had the rest of the Hermits at the source - as close as they could be, housed in the Entity that seemed unaffected. The Rift had grown significantly bigger, swallowing Grian’s base whole without thought, creating a massive crater. As if it couldn’t get any worse; Xisuma had started looking through code hours ago, but what was dubbed the Rift left no error in the code. There was nothing he could trace, nothing he could find, and nothing he could do. Xisuma looked at the Hermits who were’t on recovery. Iskall and Mumbo were some of the best redstoners, Doc was immaculate at breaking the established universe, Grian caused the entire mess, and Scar was leaning out of the Entity, trying to touch the Rift.
“Scar, no!” Grian grabbed Scar and pulled him back. 
“Get a hold of yourself, Scar!” Doc yelled, pausing his pacing to do so.
Scar blinked. “But it reacts!-”
Xisuma shushed them. “We can’t lose a Hermit. Scar, stay away from any exits.”
“Why am I here then?!” Scar asked, confusion painted in his face.
“You’re-...” Xisuma stuttered. “You’re a terraformer! The Rift is terraforming the earth! We might- we might need you…”
“It reacts…?” Iskall mumbled, grabbing a piece of wood from a chest. The redstoner knelt by the entrance and threw the wood toward the edge of a deep chasm. He jumped back in surprise when a wave of purple snatched the piece of wood, pulling it into purple. “You guys saw that, right?”
Mumbo nodded, kneeling beside Iskall while Doc stood over them. “Why isn’t it doing that to the Entity?”
“It’s the Entity.” Grian answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“It could… be a safe space.” Doc said, moving the two redstoners aside to stick his hand out, only to pull it back when part of the Rift extended toward him. “It’s a safe space, oh dear malarky- Grian, how did you do this?!”
Grian scrambled. “I-I built it! It’s just colored glass and ender rods!”
“Ender rods…” Iskall tapped the side of his index to his lips. “Ender rods don’t have a history of teleporting items or people… but maybe there’s something in the glass its reacting to?”
“Glass is just sand-” Mumbo pointed out. 
Doc let out a frustrated hiss .”Sand heated at one thousand degrees celsius -  four thousand at fahrenheit… All of that done in furnace without us interfering. Nothing should’ve gotten into the glass-”
“Well, something did.” Mumbo said.
Xisuma checked the coding once more. “I still can’t find anything wrong with the code. We’re gonna have to go with the natural world explanation - as much as we hate it.”
“Or the unnatural.” 
The Admit and Hermits looked at Grian, who approached the entrance with hesitation. His eyes of lack coal stared at his creation, his wings and body tense. 
“Grian…?” It was Scar who called out his name. 
With a sigh, Grian rapped his knuckles against the stony walls of the Entity.
“Get us down there.” Grian commanded, a faint purple glow appearing on his forehead, under his mess of curled bangs.
The Entity slowly began to move, its heartbeat becoming more alive, surprising the Admin and other Hermits. While the others grabbed on for dear life, Grian stayed standing at the entrance. Once the Entity stretched its legs, it began to crawl toward the crater, walking on the Rift as if it was another floor. Several chests slide around, but never went far, unlike the panicked screaming of the others.
Finally, the Entity stood at the bottom of the rift crater, where the living galaxy’s stars were most intense and clear. 
Grian patted the Entity with a smile. “Good interdimensional being, good Entity.”
There was rumbling in the walls of the Entity, mimicking that of a purr.
“G-Grian… what the heck?!” Xisuma was panicking, more than he should. He witness the entire moon crashing onto a continent, yet a moving rock with legs is what scared him most.
“One problem at a time?” Grian looked down at the portal-esque galaxy. “This is as close to the source as we can get without getting absorbed.”
“As close, he says.” Iskall rubbed the stress away from his eyes.
“Yeah,” Mumbo followed. “As if we aren’t standing on it!”
Doc went by Grian’s side. “Wow… it’s kinda pretty…”
“Don’t get pulled in.” Grian warned, sending a glare Scar’s way. “This should help, right?”
“Grian…” Xisuma said, slowly, as if a warning. “Come here.”
Confused, the avian approached. “What is iiiiiiit- oh my Void-”
On the screen of code, the code had switched from the common tongue the hermits agreed on using, to one of ancient history. Grian’s eyes grew wide seeing it.
“Why would it…”
“And,” Xisuma added. “Yours and the Rift’s coding is the exact same.”
There was a moment of silence.
“What?” Mumbo was the first one to speak.
Xisuma nodded. “Furthermore… only a section of the Rift is present. The rest of the Rift - all the chasms and holes - are not showing up. Does this symbol look familiar?”
Grian tared at the screen, slowly nodding. “That was the original Rift…”
“As much I don’t want to say it… G, the Rift is connected to you-”
“I know.” Grian cut Xisuma off. “I know what I have to do.”
“What do you have to do?” Iskall asked. 
Grian went back to the entrance then tapped on the Entity’s walls. “Let me leave. Get them home.”
“G?” Scar took a hold of Grian’s arm, pulling him back. “What are you doing?”
Grian paused, avoiding looking Scar in the eyes. “S-... say hi to Jellie for me, okay?”
“Wh- Grian, what are you talking about? What are you planning?” Scar cupped both of Grian’s cheek, forcing the avian to look at him. “What are you doing…?”
“I-...” Grian closed his eyes, sighing out a deep breath. He took Scar’s hands and set a small, rectangle shaped device in them, not allowing Scar to see. “You and Mumbo take care of him, hear me?”
“Grian?-” Before Scar could utter another word, Grian jumped out of the Entity. “Grian!”
A chorus of Grian’s name could be heard following Scar, all in vain. At once, the Entity scrambled out of the crater. Xisuma and Doc held back Scar, not allowing the terraformer to join Grian. The sudden sound of infinite glass shattering echoed in the Admin and Hermits’ ears, mixing with the quickening thump thump thump of the Entity’s heart.
The entire world shook at its core, sending waves of pulsing energy, rattling the ground and knocking down all, even the birds and Hermits who were using elytras. Even the Entity lost its footing, causing the few inside to spiral. It seemed to last hours until, finally, everything stopped. The earthquakes ceased, the wounds had healed themselves, leaving no trace of the Rift. 
“Ow…” Scar shoved a dazzed Mumbo off of him. He attempted to stand, but a rush of nausea hit him like a bullet train. His head spun in the worst of ways, so Scar remained lying on the floor of the Entity.
“Is… everyone okay…?” Xisuma sat up, shutting his eyes tightly.
“I’m alive, if that counts…” Mumbo groaned. “I might need to go on another vacation…”
Iskall held up a thumb and Doc hissed lowly.
“Grian…” Scar tried once more to get up. “Where’s Grian…?”
“I don’t know-” Xisuma was the first to stand, stumbling toward the entrance. “... everything looks normal. I think we’re at Mumbo’s vault?”
“Impossible…” Mumbo was second to stand, peaking his head out of the entrance. “I don’t see Grian’s base.”
Doc pulled up Iskall, allowing the shorter man to lean on him. “Wasn’t it swallowed up?”
“I-... excuse me, Mx. Entity?” Mumbo wasn’t entirely sure who - or what - he was speaking to. Or if it would listen. “Can you move? We want to see the bridge.”
Slowly, the Entity hopped down from Mumbo’s vault and turned toward the bridge. The Admin and Hermits felt collective sorrow. Grian’s base wasn’t there, nor was the bridge. Any trace of it was left in the moon shaped portal, more damaged than it was previously.
Xisuma hopped out of the Entity, making sure it was safe before helping the others out. He pulled up the code, finding nothing. “No sign of Grian…”
“Nether?” Iskall asked.
“Where’s the nearest portal?” Xisuma glanced at the moon portal.
Even in the Nether there was no trace of Grian or his influence on the continent. Everything he has built, apart from the Entity, were erased, while every other building was repaired with subtle cracks - like scars. However, all the villagers and animals lost did not return. No amount of searching gave results.
“The only thing left to do is… rebuild.” Xisuma said, once every Hermit was in attendance for the gathering.
They were not about to abandon this continent. Not like the last one. 
This time they all could do something. 
“Hey, Scar?” Bdubs approached the unusually quiet terraformer. “Guess who I found!”
Scar looked at Bdubs, expecting nothing, but being filled with painful joy. “Jellie!”
“Yeah!” Bdubs handed the beautiful cat over, holding back giggles as Scar held her close. “I found her on a tiny island surrounded by the purple stuff before it poofed! She was totally unbothered! She has the luckiest nine lives ever!”
“Thanks, Bdubs…” Scar felt a lump swell in his throat. Cool tears rained down his heated cheeks, falling onto Jellie’s fur. “You… you didn’t see Grian anywhere, did you?”
Bdubs pouted his lips. “No… I didn’t… I’m sorry, Scar.”
“It’s fine.” With a small sniffle, a wipe of his eyes, Scar forced a smile. “He’ll show up, I’m sure of it. Hey, I’ll catch up with you later to help with rebuilding. I gotta do something.”
Bdubs didn’t look convinced, but he nodded anyways. “Okay, dude…”
Scar carried Jellie away, chewing on his lip and peeling the skin off. Jellie mewled in protest, shoving herself against Scar’s mouth to get him to stop. It worked, mostly. At least his hand her occupied. He never opened his other hand, where Grian’s strange rectangle was still waiting to be revealed. Scar wasn’t sure if he should look at it.
It was Grian’s. He said to take care of it- him. Take care of him.
Slowly, hesitantly, Scar unraveled his fist.
“A… tomogatchi?” Scar furrowed his brows in confusion, turning on the rectangular tomogatchi to see if there was anything else. The screen flickered blue, then three lighter blue dots appeared, doing the wave for a few seconds. “What in the Vex- OHMYELVENKISSES-”
Square eyes opened on the device, blinking at Scar as its mustache appeared. Scar nearly dropped the poor thing as text appeared.
“Oh my Vex, it talks-”
My name is Grumbot! Of course I talk! He/They please!
“Grumbot…?” Scar could physically feel the buffering circle in his brain. “Oh, from the mayoral campaign! That was a long time ago, oh my Vex-”
Hello, Mr. Scar! Hello, jelly kitty!
“Hi, Grumbot, how- why- I thought you were left in your box?”
No, sir! Not for long! Fathers brought me with them!
“Fathers- right, Mumbo and Gr…Grian…” Scar couldn’t help but frown.
Yes! Where are my fathers, sir? I want to see them!
Scar looked around at the remaining Hermits, seeing if Mumbo was around. It wasn’t hard finding the tall, lanky man of black and red, and Scar nearly sprinted over. “Mumbo! Mumbo, hi!”
“Hi, Scar, I was looking for you-” 
“What a coincidence! I was looking for you!” Scar held up Grumbot. “I think- I think Grian meant to give him to you.”
Mumbo took Grumbot-gatchi and gave the little device a gentle kiss. “Hi, buddy…”
Scar watched Mumbo talk to Grumbot, unable to see the text.
“I’m, uh, I’m alive, Grumbot… Yes, I’ve been eating- no, no projects have been keeping me up. Grumbot-...” Mumbo was silent for a long time. “Grian is gone, Grumbot… we don’t know where he is. And… Grumbot, don’t overheat, we are still looking… Of course I’m not going to abandon you- Scar is gonna help me take care of you, okay?”
“I am-?”
Mumbo looked at Scar with an unreadable look - a mix of glaring and desperation. “Yes. You are. Grian asked you to.”
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marivoid · 5 months
Another day in the G.U.I.D.E…
And I have some great news for once! Yesterday was my 17th birthday! Meaning I got to speak to our Admin about my job in the future. There are a lot of jobs to do in the G.U.I.D.E, I know, but I want to do something great! Something good for the people in the G.U.I.D.E! I’ll ask our Admin about becoming his apprentice! Maybe then I’ll be able to make our home even better for the future generations to come!
Yours Truly 
Another day in the G.U.I.D.E
Coming at you with another update! I got to speak with him the day after I last wrote here and would you believe it! He needs an apprentice to take over when his time passes. And who better than the kid who has been helping around the G.U.I.D.E ever since he was a baby! I start my training tomorrow- Heck! He will even tell me what G.U.I.D.E means! Its not something that is taught during schooling because we need to be at least Green Names, but with this apprenticeship? I’ll be even higher than a Green Name! A purple name! One of the best ranks a G.U.I.D.E member could ever get their hands on! Of course I only want to use this position for good! I want to make this G.U.I.D.E better for everyone! Increase production of food and water, maybe expand our farms to allow for more cattle and slaughter animals- Heck! I may be able to speak to the Watchers themselves! Ask them to help us out! That is what they are meant to do as the founders of the G.U.I.D.Es! 
I’ll update this as soon as I can. 
Yours Truly
Another day in the G.U.I.D.E… 
It has been one hell of a busy week! Our admin, TinFoilChef (TFC for short) showed me so many things that I had never thought possible! We have huge computers running the G.U.I.D.E and keeping up the production of our bare necessities- Oh! Right! G.U.I.D.Es! I know what the acronym stands for! It sounds a bit silly (And the way TFC explained it sounded even weirder) but it still is pretty cool!
In Case Of
It sounds silly, huh? Government Units? What, was there some sort of world outside of the G.U.I.D.Es before my time? Psh, please! They would have taught us those sorts of things! The Watchers would want us to know absolutely everything we possibly could to better the G.U.I.D.Es! I mean, what would be the point in hiding that kind of information? 
Anyways- Back to TFC! He’s absolutely amazing! He reminds me of my own grandfather. Kind heart, big beard, long white hair always pulled back in a bun or braid- He’s also really smart! He’s got this huge office filled to the brim with all these cool books and journals. When I asked him about it, he said I could read them in my free time when I was done with my daily training! 
I’ve also been officially promoted to a Purple Name! I get to go practically anywhere in the G.U.I.D.E! And my friend, Scott, he gets to stick around with me! I think he really likes that I’m including him on my exploration of the G.U.I.D.Es. I mean, why wouldn’t I? He’s been my best friend for years now! I’m not about to leave him behind just because I’m a Purple Name!
That’s enough for one night. I really got to rest up or else I’ll be exhausted tomorrow- Not a good look for TFC’s apprentice to have bags under his eyes!
Yours Truly 
Another day in the G.U.I.D.E.
Sorry it's been a month since I’ve last written here. I have been… Learning a lot of stuff. A lot more than what I thought was possible. 
There is a whole world outside of the G.U.I.D.Es. A destroyed, broken, contaminated world that just wants to kill everyone- But a world nonetheless. A world that had people! It had buildings and farms and transportation, things we all have down here, but on a huge scale! 
TFC is happy that I am willing to learn so much! He says he’s never seen a more eager student. But.. He said that I have to be careful with telling people this stuff. That it can overwhelm people in the G.U.I.D.Es and that we have to keep their faith in the Watchers- But surely he does not mean to hide it from Scott! There’s no way he could. I do not want to hide such knowledge from him. He is one of the only people I can truly trust! 
I will have to speak to TFC in the morning about it. I… I need to have my best friend by my side. I don’t know what I’d do without Scott. Hell I don’t think I would be alive without him- Let alone be sane! 
I’ll see what happens tomorrow. 
Yours Truly
Another day in the G.U.I.D.E
TFC said to not let Scott know. That I have to hide this from him. 
To lie to his face. 
I don’t know what to say. 
Another day in the G.U.I.D.E…
No. Fuck that. 
Log 1
It has been exactly three months and twelve days since I have wrote a log. Training to become an Admin is difficult. There are so many things to learn, things that I must keep hidden away and tell nobody. 
Scott noticed within the first week. And yet I cannot tell him the truth. I have to keep quiet. I cannot tell a single soul. 
But his face… He knows I am lying to him. He looks so hurt every time I have to tell him that he can’t visit my quarters. That we cannot hang out because of my training. I… I missed his 17th birthday. I missed him getting assigned his job. I missed everything. What the fuck kind of shit friend misses a 17th birthday? 
Me. I’m the shit friend. 
Tonight I need to get to him. I need to tell him I’m sorry. I need to let him know what is going on. I can’t keep hiding this from Scott. If I am allowed to know about these kinds of things, then he should be allowed to know. Scott’s my best friend. I can’t imagine a world without him by my side and keeping me sane. 
End Log - MLW
Log 2
He kissed me. 
I don’t know what to think right now. 
He’s sleeping in my bed right now as I write this. He seemed drunk off of something. We don’t have beer or alcohol down in the G.U.I.D.Es so it may just be his emotions? I don’t know.
At first Scott was so happy to see me! I managed to sit down with him, congratulate him on his new job and celebrate the way we were supposed to! We had the music blaring and even made a really shitty cake… And then the next thing I know he’s kissing me. I don’t think he meant it. Not with the way he jumped back and began to apologize over and over again. That was when he got really upset. Started crying and telling me how he missed us being together. Missed our late nights watching horrible G.U.I.D.E films and pretending to chart stars. How he hated seeing me turning my back to him and hiding everything from him.
I can’t say I don’t feel the same. I miss those dumb activities and laughing our asses off until five am… By the Watchers what am I getting myself into? Do I chase this? Let that little moment become more? I wouldn’t… I don’t think I would be entirely against that idea. He’s my best friend! Would allowing us to be more really be all that bad?
What would TFC think? Would he be proud of me? He said to keep this information close to my chest but Scott is close to my chest! He’s got a spot in my heart that I can’t ever get rid of. 
I just have to hope TFC will understand in the morning… But right now, I have a bed to get back to. And a friend I need to be with. 
Maybe something more than a friend. Who knows? 
I’ll update in the morning. 
End Log - MLW
Log 3
He’s gone.
Scott is missing.
He left. 
TFC won’t look me in the eye. 
What have I done?
End Log - MLW
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dinoburger · 2 months
Heya! Since the 7th comic has been confirmed, Id like to ask you 2 things. What do you want out of the finale? And since I've seen you have issues with the comics sometimes, what would you do differently?
mmm thank you for enabling my tf2 ramblings
I think I'll answer these in reverse order, it's been a weird path of at first finding them super funny if somewhat dated to being more... ehhh... on them.
I think the main problem is that they suffer from being mean-spirited. Like, looking at other TF2 media and the games, you get the feeling of these goofy characters inhabiting a somewhat serious world. These guys are losers, but you root for them, and it feels good to see them win.
In the comics Soldier is just stupid. Demoman is just sort of incompetent. Even Heavy's serious moments get sort of diluted by the absurdist humour rather than complemented I find. The TFCs are all sadists or pedophiles unless it's Fred being bumbling and hapless. Engie, Admin and Gray all sort of exist to make the plot go forwards and don't have much in the way of character arcs or shifts in dynamics.
Actually... idk if any of them have much in the way of character arcs. The world they inhabit not only doesnt take itself seriously but every potential development has to be lampshaded by having something ridiculous happen right after. It's cynical.
Like I think more and more the whole writing philosophy underpinning it just doesn't vibe with me, and it's not even like longing for it to be Everything or a super lore-heavy intellectual endeavour but looking at the whole even when I enjoyed some of the parts I don't feel like there's enough binding threads to be attached to the plot or feel that intrigued by the story being told and where it's heading. Or even just to be so in love with the character portrayals as to want to see where they end up.
it's hard to want anything at this point or even feel particularly excited. Part of it is like. I think the way people approach media and canon as an irrefutable lore that cannot be challenged is dumb and the fact that this thing is as hyped up as much as it is means whatever happens, folks are probably gonna love it, hate it and henceforth build their own ideas around it - even by subverting it. I dont think I like the overall story enough to be that thrilled with the ending, whatever happens.
I think I'd be ok with not liking it more if this wasnt like. The definitive TF2 Story now.
Also like not to be that guy but why did they never do anything with my man Silas like I woulda killed for more Mann family lore are you kidding-
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tf2heritageposts · 3 months
Most 18 year old blogger on this website lmao
so here’s what i’m thinking so far:
harry- demoman
kim- spy
i saw a comment suggest garte as merasmus bit i don’t really see it so not sure yet
i’m not sure if ms pauling should be joyce or elizabeth, or potentially admin could be joyce
i think it’s pretty obvious that the evart brothers are the mann brothers
i saw another comment saying that the tfc mercs should be the hardie boys, and while i agree, i think only titus should be classic heavy because i love titus and so he’s me now
also saw a comment saying the deserter should be one of the mercs, and i think tfc sniper(virgil) could potentially fit the bill
also cuno could be an aged down scout, not sure about cunoesse
that’s all i have got now on selections
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bienmoreau · 4 months
Hi!! :3
I'm asking you because I saw you got a physical copy of The sunshine court, and I literally just got mine and... the layout is quite off? Both on the cover (the last 't' of the title is not even a millimeter away from the edge of the book, and the s of sunshine is also way too close to the edge) and in the text itself (there's not enough space from the top edge and the first line, and on the bottom the page number is too close to the last line, and there's too much space from there to the edge). Is your copy the same way? I want to know if I need to return it and get a new one in the hope of getting the one with the right layout or if every copy is like that...
Hullo! I'm sorry abt that! I asked Nora and she said she forgot that people might want to write in the margins so yes they are narrower than 'normal' intentionally but it sounds like yours might be even more so?
She sent me this pic so if it looks like the left then that's technically correct but if it's the right then no and you should send it back!
Tumblr media
As for the fronts the length of the title does mean it's very close to the edges but again I think yours might be even closer? Mine looks like this
Tumblr media
But yeh the layout is definitely significantly different from the first 3 books and I think Nora plans to adjust this for the next one cause you're not the only person to comment/question it!
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palmettoshitposts · 1 year
andrew had only been at psu for a year before neil came which means he had to learn to trust renee very quickly (by andrew standards). therefore, i believe it was renee who introduced andrew to the truth for a truth game.
andrew’s there like right what’s the quickest way to make this woman fuck off? i don’t need friends, i don’t need anyone. right, let’s tell the truth, but you know, the ugly truth.
andrew, into the complete silence: i’ve killed someone and i’d do it again
renee, without missing a beat: get in line, we’re friends now 😁
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askhypnotizd · 3 months
Blog Information
Disclaimer: This is a ask blog for the Hermitcraft/Minecraft YouTuber Hypnotized. All asks will reflect Hypno as a Minecraft character, not a YouTube personality. This is a non-RPF blog (Real Person Fiction)- Hypno is a cubito, all asks will be cubito based. Asks can be anonymous but retain the same sort of rating that Hermitcraft has in general as of season 10 (Roughly Pg-15). Asks will be tagged appropriately- any shipping asks will be tagged under 'hermitshipping'.
Muse Information: Pertinent information only, I will make a separate post for a full bio. Full Bio Link. Hypnotized has been a Hermit since season 1, this blog will not reflect that as the Mod has only been watching since season 3. Side series such as Modded, UHC or Pre-Hermitcraft will be included so long as the Mod has rewatched them recently. Mod head-canons Hypno as a retired Watcher considering the length of his time on both HC and YT as well as his role as the recorder/admin for hermitcraft.com. His modded series also lends him to have 'seen worlds beyond the main hubs' adding to the lore of Watcher. He's retired and has not used his powers in a long while. Yes, he is blond, yes he has Max and yes, the mysterious line on the chest of his MC skin is a boob-window, I will no arguments against this.
Mod Information: I have been a Hermitcraft fan since season 3, though I did watch a small bit of TFC's Season 2. I personally do not play modded Minecraft, but I have been playing since 2012. If you have not read between the lines, I am well over the age of adulthood. We can easily round it up to ~40 years old. I have watched all of Hermitcraft, the Life-Series, the Hermit UHC series, Naked and Scared and even Moonlight. I have over twenty years of Roleplay experience, yes I started on Geo-Cities. Recently the RP Bug bit again and I started exploring Ask Blogs. I am new to Ask Blog rp- please do not hesitate to give me pointers or constructive critizisim. However anything that starts with "I would have done this-" will be heavily, heavily scrutinized. Oh and you may refer to me as Mod Metztli on this account.
Mod is: online / offline(vacation)
Ask Box is: open / closed
Current Anon Magic In effect: None
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 8 months
A list of hermits who will cry if they have to sub in for Xisuma and fix bugs in no particular order. Mumbo, Iskall, Stress, Gem, xB, I feel like Ren would make it worse, and Wels. None of them can begin to comprehend. Doc would understand completely but would cry at having to fix his lag problems. TFC wouldn't cry but he'd probably make someone else do it. Cleo would probably threaten Joe until he did it and we love her for it. Aside from the current admins, Grian would be the most helpful. Everyone else is just various states of hopeless, whether it be "never let them near a command panel" to "they would get nothing done".
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